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Strength Training for Sports

Professor Tudor Bompa, Ph.D

[email protected]
The early glory of ancient athletes

By Miron
Did they follow a periodized program?

4th Century
Yes! A novice form of periodization:
‫ء‬Relaxation / Massage
(Phylostratus, 170-245 A.D.)

Pentathlon (fourth
century B.C.)
The Micro-cycle
Flavius Phylostratus (A.D. 170-245) has proposed the Tetra system (four days

Day 1: short and energetic

Day 2: exercise intensely
Day 3: relax and revive the activity
Day 4: moderate exercise
• Since the ancient Olympic games

• Flavius Philostratus (A.D. 170-245)

– 10 books on training

– i.e. Handbook for the Athletics coach

– Gymnastics
Strength Training?
Scope of Strength Training

1. Performed in addition to T/TA training

- monitor fatigue from all elements used
in training
2. Must play a physiological role:
- there is no Str. Tr. For strength’s sake
- Str. Tr. Must consider the sport’s
physiological profile / ergogenesis
Strength Training for Sports
is Polluted by:

• Bodybuilding
• Olympic Weight Lifting
• Power Lifting
• Power Training Throughout the Year
Contractile Elements of the Muscle
Velocity of Movement
Twitch Response – tetanus
Percentage of ST/FT
Strength Training Principles:
1. Variety
2. Individualization
3. Specificity
Needs for specific adaptation:
• Methods must be specific to the speed
of contraction
• Exercises must increase contraction
force in the intended direction of athletic
• Power/speed sports rely on neural
adaptation – nervous system training
(Enoka, 2000, etc.)
• Exercises must increase activation of
prime movers

• Training methods must increase the

discharge rate of motor neurons
- power training

• F T recruitment = MxS

• Sequence of m. contraction : as in T
- multi-joint exercises
• Motor units recruitment and firing rate
increase with higher loads and faster
– MxS and P training are the only methods that increases
the firing rate and FT m. fiber recruitment (Enoka, 2003.;
De Luca, et al., 1982)

• Exercise action must be performed along

the neural pathway (Hakkinen, 1989, etc.)
– Contraction must be performed in the same direction as
nerve stimulation
– If negative = lower exercise efficiency
• The sequence in which m. are contracted =
essential for specific adaptation
– Multi-joint exercises (i.e. squats)

• Neural adaptation resulting from specificity

of strength training increases the number of
active motor units
– MxS and P activate more motor units
– Benefit: perform with higher speed and more power
Five basic laws of strength training:

Before you develop strength:

1. Develop joint flexibility

2. Develop ligaments and tendons

3. Develop core strength

4. Develop stabilizers

5. Train movements and not individual

Principle of Progressive Increase
of Load in Training
Program Design

Plan and Achieve

Planning a Training Program Must
Start From Understanding:

1. Energy systems (%)

2. Dominant motor abilities
3. Select exercises:
• Prime movers
• Line of pull
4. Planning - periodization
Training Volume
Number of sets
Duration of
and repetitions per
training hours
exercise or training


Number of kilograms, Number of

pounds, or tones exercises per
lifted per training training session

“ In training, nothing happens by accident…but rather by design!”

Intensity (Load) of Training
☛ Expressed as a percentage of load of one repetition maximum (1 RM)

☛ Determined by muscular effort and CNS energy expended

☛ A function of the strength of the nervous stimuli employed in training

☛ Stimulus strength depends on the load, speed of movement, and variation

of rest intervals between repetitions

Intensity Values and Load Used in Strength Training

Intensity value Load Percent of 1RM Type of contraction

1 Supermaximum 105 + Eccentric/isometric

2 Maximum 90-100 Concentric

3 Heavy 80-90 Concentric

4 Medium 50-80 Concentric

5 Low 30-50 Concentric

Number and Order of Exercises
Number and Type of exercises should be selected according to the
following factors:

☛ Age and performance level

☛ Needs of the sport
☛ Phase of training

Exercises should alternate between limbs and muscle groups to

ensure better recovery:
☛ Recommended order: legs, arms, abdomen; legs, arms, back, etc.



“ The key to an effective program is adequate exercise selection...”

Number of Repetitions & Speed of Lifting

Fewer Slower
Higher Load
Repetitions Performance




70 Curve of load vs. number of repetitions % of IRM # of reps

Load 60 100 1
percent 50 95 2-3
90 4
of IRM 85 6
40 80 8-10
75 10-12
30 70 15
65 20-25
20 60 25
50 40-50
10 40 80-100
30 100-150
1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 100 150 200

Number of repetitions
Number of Sets
☛ Number of repetitions per exercise followed by a rest interval
☛ Depends on the number of exercises and the strength combination
☛ Number of sets decreases as the number of exercises increases


Athlete’s # of sets Training

training depends phase

Number of
muscle groups
to be trained
Rest Interval
Suggested Guidelines for R.I. Between Sets for Various
Loads and Their Applicable Circumstances
Load % Speed of performance RI (minutes) Applicability

105+ (eccentric) Slow 4-5 MxS, muscle tone

80-100 Slow to medium 3-5 MxS, muscle tone

60-80 Slow to medium 2 Muscle hypertrophy

50-80 Fast 4-5 Power

30-50 Slow to medium 1-2 M-E

Consequences of an inadequate RI between sets:

☛ Increased reliance on the Lactic Acid system for energy

Rest intervals between strength training sessions:

☛ Depends on the conditioning level and recovery ability of individual, training
phase, and the energy source used in training
☛ Well-conditioned athletes recover faster, especially when reaching highest
physical potential approaching competitive phase
Training Program Design
5 steps to follow when designing a strength training program

1. Select the Type of Strength

☛ The sport specific combination of strength is selected based on the concept of

Periodization and is phase specific

2. Select the Exercises

☛ Select training exercises according to the specifics of the sport, the athletes’
needs, and the phase of training

3. Test Maximum Strength

☛ Maximum strength is the highest load an athlete can lift in one attempt and is
used by coaches to calculate their athlete’s 1RM
Training Program Design (cont’d)
4. Develop the Actual Training Program

☛ The notation of load, number of reps, and number of sets is expressed as follows:
80% Load
4 Sets
10 # Reps

☛ Chart used to design strength training program:

Ex. Exercise Load, # Reps, RI (min.)

No. # Sets
1 80 4 3
Leg Press 6
2 Bench Press 75 4 3 -elem. of program
8 - Load
3 60 3 - # sets
Leg Curls 10 2
Half Squats 80 -ex. : specific to
4 4 3
8 that phase
5 Abd. Curls 15 X 4 2

6 60 3
Dead Lift 2

5. Test to Recalculate 1RM

☛ This test is required before beginning a new macrocycle to ensure that progress
in MxS is achieved and the new load is related to the gains made in strength
Loading Patterns
• Pyramid
• Double-pyramid
• Skewed pyramid
• Flat pyramid

Flat Pyramid

90% 90% 90% 90% 90%

80% 80%

up 60%

“ The flat pyramid represents the best loading pattern for the MxS”
Exercise Prescription

• Analyze how the skill is performed

• Determine prime movers

• Select exercises that stimulate prime

Suggested Exercises
Maximum Muscle Efficiency in Relation
to Limb Position

iEMG Maximum Motor Unit Activation

Exercise iEMG
Rectus Femoris (Quadriceps)
Safety squats (90-degree angle, shoulder-width
stance) 88
Seated leg extensions (toes straight) 86
Half squats (90-degree angle, shoulder-width stance 78
Leg presses ( 110-degree angle) 76
Smith machine squats (90-degree angle, shoulder-
Width stance) 60
Training Session Plan


• Athletes classification

• Importance of strength training in the chosen


• Phase of training

“In sports SPLIT ROUTINE is not acceptable”

The Training Session Plan

Suggested Options for Training Sessions

Training Options 1 2 3 4
Sequence of Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up Warm-up
types of training *T *TA *TA *END
*Sp *P-E *M-E *M-E
*MxS/P *M-E

T + SP + MxS/P
Modeling the Training Plan

Training model for skill acquisition:

1. warm-up: 20 minutes
2. T / TA skills:
- learning
- refining
- train accuracy of passing / shooting
3. Physical training: Power/MxS
4. Warm-down
Training Model to Enhance T/TA
Skills/Accuracy of Passing/Shooting
Under Fatiguing Conditions:

1. Warm-up: 20 minutes
2. Fatigue the players:
- T/TA drills tapping L.A. and O2 conditions
- speed/power training specific/non-specific
3. T/TA drills to improve accuracy of passing/
4. Warm-down
Training Model for the Development
of Speed and Power

1. Warm-up: 20 minutes
2. Specific/on-specific drills for the dev. of speed/
3. T/TA drills for skill automation (repetitions of
known skills
4. Warm-down
Training Model for the Development
of Speed/Power Under Fatiguing

1. Warm-up: 20 minutes
2. Fatigue the players: T/TA drills of longer
duration (O2 system)
3. Speed / power drills (under fatigued conditions)
4. Warm-down
Training Model for the Pre-Game
A.M. training

1. Short-light warm-up: 10min.

2. Short/explosive/fast T/TA drills: 10min.
(increase contractibility of m. and arouse power
production before the game)
3. Warm-down: 10min (good stretching)
Training Cycles
Short term training programs:
• Micro-cycle
• Macro-cycle

Terminology: macro vs. messo

•Competition, and

Needs of Simplification
Micro-cycle Plan

70-80% High

60-70% Medium

60-65% Low

60% Regeneration


The dynamics of increasing the training load over four micro-cycles (a

Variations of Load Increments

60/10x1 60/10x2
Training Load 60/10x2 65/9x2 70/8x3
65/9x3 70/8x2 75/7x2 65/10x4

Step 1 2 3 4

A practical example of load increments in training (a macro-cycle).

The Micro-cycle Plan


Alternation of energy systems and types of strength for sports

where speed and power are the dominant abilities (Pre-
competitive/Early Competitive Phases)
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
*T *SP *Tempo *T *SP *Tempo
MxS *P/P-E *TA *MxS *P/P-E *TA
Alternating energy systems and types of strength training for a sport in which aerobic endurance
dominates (M-E = muscle endurance, or strength training with many repetitions; AN END =
anaerobic endurance; O2 END COMP = aerobic endurance light to facilitate
Alternation of Energy Systems and Types of Strength for
Sports Where Aerobic Endurance is Dominant
(Pre-competitive and Competitive Phases)
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

*Aerobic *Anaerobic *Aerobic *Mixed *Aerobic *Aerobic

End. End. End. Training End. End.
*M-E *P-E *Compensation *P-E *M-E *Compensation
Alternation of Energy Systems and Types of Strength for
Team Sports (Preparatory and Pre-competitive Phases)

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

*T *TA *T *T/TA *T/TA *T/TA

*SP *SP-END *TA *Anaerobic *SP *Aerobic
*MxS/P *P-E *MxS/P *P-E
Modeling a Micro-cycle

Day # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Energy Alactic/ Alactic/

/ Aerobic Aerobic Aerobic All
system lactic lactic

/ M H M H M H

Training Recovery / -T/TA -T/TA -T/TA -T/TA -TA Exhibition

objectives regeneration -S Longer -S Model Game
techniques -P/A/MxS duration -P/A/MxS training
(30 min) drills (30 min)

M-C with an Exhibition Game

Modeling a Micro-cycle

Day # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Energy Alactic/ Alactic/

/ Aerobic Aerobic Aerobic All
system lactic lactic

/ L/M H M H L H

Training Off: -T/TA -T/TA -T/TA -T/TA Model Game

objectives Recovery / -Longer -S -S training
regeneration duration -P/A/MxS -P/A/MxS (45min)
techniques drills (30 min) (30 min)

M-C for 1 Game a Week

Modeling a Micro-cycle

Day # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Energy Alactic/ Alactic/

/ All Aerobic Aerobic All
system lactic lactic

/ M H L H L H

Training Off/ -T/TA Game -AM: -T/TA -TA Model Game

objectives Recovery / -S Recovery/ -S training
regeneration -P/A regeneration -P/A/MxS (30-45min)
techniques -PM:
-(20min) (30 min)

M-C for 2 Games a Week

Modeling a Micro-cycle

Day # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Activity MT MT G MT G MT G MT G
O2 O2 O2

Major Tournament (2-3 weeks long)

The Yearly Training Plan

Periodization of Strength for a Mono-Cycle

(C=Cessation of Strength Training)

Preparatory Competitive Transition

AA MxS Conversion to Maintenance of C Compensation

P/M-E *P Training

Periodization of Bio-motor Abilities
Preparatory Competitive Transition

General Pre-
Specific preparatory Main competition Transition
preparatory comp
Anatomical Maximum
Strength -Muscle Maintenance C Compensation
adaptation strength
Aerobic Specific endurance Aerobic
Endurance -Specific
endurance (ergogenesis) endurance
Aerobic speed -Specific speed
& *Alactic -Agility
Speed -Anaerobic
anaerobic * Lactic -Reaction time
endurance *Speed -Speed endurance

Periodization of main biomotor abilities

Variations of Periodization of Strength

Periodization Model for Athletes Requiring Hypertrophy

Preparatory Competitive Transition

AA Hyp. MxS *Power Compen.
to P
Variation of Periodization for Development of
Hypertrophy and MxS

Preparatory Competitive Transition

3 7 6 3 3 3 3 3
AA Hyp. MxS H MxS H MxS Conv. Maintenance: Compen.
to P P/MxS
Hypothetical Periodization for Athletes Who Might Require
More Frequent Alternations of Training Phases

Preparatory Competitive Transition

7 6 3 3 3 3 4 16 6

AA MxS P MxS P MxS Conv. Maintenance: P Compen.

to P
Periodization of Strength for a Bi-Cycle

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept

Prep. I Comp. I T Prep. II Comp. II T

Conv. Conv.
AA MxS Maint. AA MxS Maint. Compen.
To P to P
Hypothetical Periodization of Strength for a Tri-Cycle

Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Prep. I Comp. I T Prep. II Comp. II T Prep. III T

AA MxS P/M-E AA MxS P/M-E AA MxS P/M-E Compen

Periodization Models for Sports
Athletics (Track and field)
A sprinter requires explosive speed
and long, powerful strides. Endurance
is not as important a consideration as
acceleration since the sprinter needs
to move quickly over a short distance.
• Dominant energy systems:
anaerobic alactic and lactic
• Limiting factors: reactive power,
starting power, acceleration
power, P-E
• Training objectives: MxS,
reactive power, starting power,
acceleration power, P-E
• High bursts of energy for: 1-12 sec.
• Longer periods of recovery
• Playing time:
• Dominant energy system: anaerobic
• Limiting factors: throwing power,
acceleration power
• Training objectives: MxS, throwing
power, acceleration power
Basketball (elite and college)
• 6 – 7 Km run during an entire game
• 40 various jumps
• 28 direction changes
• HR = X = 167 b/min 25% of time is >180
• Dominant energy systems: anaerobic
lactic and aerobic
• Limiting factors: takeoff power, acceleration
power, P-E
• Training objectives: MxS, takeoff power
acceleration power, P-E
Football (elite and college)
Linemen must be able to react explosively
when the ball is put into play and withstand
the opponent’s strength. A hypertrophy
phase is included to build bulk.
• Dominant energy system: anaerobic
alactic and lactic.
• Limiting factors: starting power, reactive
• Training objectives: MxS, hypertrophy,
starting power, ractive power
Wide Receivers, Defensive
Backs, Tailbacks
Unlike linemen, wide receivers, defensive
backs, and tailbacks require speed and
agility rather than muscular bulk.
• Dominant energy system: anaerobic
alactic and lactic
• Limiting factors: acceleration power,
reactive power, starting power
• Training objectives: acceleration power,
reactive power, starting power, MxS

Model for Wide Receivers, Defensive Backs, and Tailbacks in Elite

Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
Preparatory Competitive Transition
4 3 22 3 22 3 4 6
AA MxS P MxS P MxS Conv. Maintenance: P Compen.
to P
Martial Arts
Both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems
must be developed over the long preparatory
phase. Reactive strength and agility are
necessary to respond to a opponent’s
• Dominant energy systems: anaerobic
alactic and lactic, aerobic
• Limiting factors: starting power, P-E,
reactive power, M-E
• Training objectives: starting power,
reactive power, P-E, M-E
Long distance swimmers must train for
Muscle enduraance. A long race taxes the
Aerobic energy system, but proper training
Will give the swimmer an edurance edge.
The model below assumes two competitive
Phases, one beginning in January and the
Other beginning in the late spring.

• Dominant energy system: aerobic

• Limiting factor: M-E long
• Training objectives: M-E long, P-E
A volleyball player must be able to react quickly
and explosively off the ground to spike, block or
dive. Maximum strenght, power, and specific
endurance are needed to carry a player through
the long competitive phase with power and

• Dominant energy systems: anaerobic alactic

and lactic, aerobic
• Limiting factors: reactive power, P-E, M-E
• Trainng objectives: P, M-E, MxS
Periodization of Loading Pattern
Per Training Phase
Periodization of Strength and its Effects
on the Force-Time Curve
Variations in loading patterns
Individual Sports



Days S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S

Micro-cycle 1 2 3

Suggested plan for strength training (and its loading) for a speed-power-
dominant sport where competitions (C) are planned 3 weeks apart.
Note: Load could also mean training intensity/overall demand
Variations in loading patterns


Days S M T W T F S S M T W T F S

Week 1 2

Proposed strength training days (and their loading magnitude) for a situation
where competitions are planned 2 weeks apart.
Variations in loading patterns for
sports with weekly competitions


Days S S M T W T F S

Possible scenario for planning strength training for a situation where weekly
competitions are the norm. In case of high-level fatigue; the plan can be
altered to either reduce Tuesday’s load to low intensity or schedule only one
workout on Wednesday.
Variations of Loading
Team Sports



Days S S M T W T F S

Suggested schedule for strength training for a team sport with a game every
Variations of Loading – 2 games/week




Days S M T W T F S

Suggested maintenance program for strength training for a team sport playing
two games per week. The main workout is on Thursday, with fatigue and the
importance of the Tuesday game dictating the fate of Monday’s strength
Anatomical Adaptation Phase

Training Objective:
Adaptation to Strength Training
Example of a 3 week program:

Ex / Wk# 1 2 3

40 2
40 3
50 3
Leg press
15 15 15
Anatomical Adaptation
Strength training program for the AA phase for a team sport
(basketball, ice hockey, volleyball, lacrosse, baseball,etc).
Strategy Avoid M. Soreness


Week 1 : -100% Concentric

- 0% Eccentric

Week 2 : -100% Concentric

- 25% Eccentric

Week 3 : -100% Concentric

- 50% Eccentric

Week 4 : -normal ratio

Suggested strength training programs:
•A A phase (circuit training)
No. Exercise Week 1 2 3
1 Aerobic 10’ 10’ 10’
2 Arm pulls 2 x 2’ 2 x 3’ 3 x 3’
3 Bench press 2 x 2’ 2 x 3’ 3 x 3’
4 Leg curls 1 x 2’ 2 x 2’ 3 x 2’
5 Squats / leg press 2 x 2’ 2 x 3’ 3 x 3’
6 Aerobic 10’ 10’ 10’
7 Abd curls 2 x 1’ 3 x 1’ 3 x 2’
8 Finger flexors 2 x 1’ 2 x 2’ 3 x 2’
9 Trunk extensions 2 x 1’ 3 x 1’ 3 x 1’
10 Abd rotations 2 x 1’ 3 x 1’ 3 x 1’
11 Aerobic 10’ 10’ 10’
Total durations 52’ 65’ 72’

NOTE: - Load: 50-60 of 1 RM

- exercises may be replaced with others
- the aerobic training could be done by running/bicycle
ergometor, etc., at a heart rate of 140-160 beats\minute
- perform all exercises non-stop
- organize stations prior to training for
least time loss
CT program example in Gym
(own body weight / MB)
Duration of activity Rest Interval between
# Exercise
/ station stations / sec.
Lunges: 5kg dumbbell in each hand.
1 30-46 sec 30
Perform them: forward, diagonal, side.
2 An abdomen exercise 8-15 reps 30

3 Between legs MB forward throws 10-20 throws 30

4 Push ups 8-20 reps 30

5 2 legs slalom jumps 20-45 sec 60

6 MB chest / overhead throw 10-20 throws 30

Trunk twists on an oblique bench,
7 8-12 each direction 60
20kg disc held above chest
8 Chin-ups 8-15 30

9 Step-ups 1-3 minutes 60

CT program example in Gym
CT B: combine weights with cardio:

# Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 RI min.

1 Cardio in min. 8 10 12 1
2 Leg press/squats 50/15/3 60/12/3 70/10/3 2
3 Bent-knee sit-ups To discom. > > 1
4 MB chest throws 20x3 > 25x3 2
5 Shoulder press 50/12/2 60/10/2 60/12/2 1
6 Cardio in min. 8 10 10 1
7 Arm pulls/rows 60/10/3 60/12/3 70/10/3 1
8 Bench press As above
9 Leg curls 50/10/2 50/12/2 60/12/2 2
10 Cardio in min. 10 10 10 1
CT program example in
Suggested Training Program
For MxS and P
AA Phase:
Station 1 Station 2 Station 3

Station 4 Station 5 Station 6

Station 7 Station 8 Station 9

Station 10 Station 11 Station 12

Hypertrophy Phase
(if needed)

Training Objective: m. size

Example of a 3 week program:

Ex / Wk# 1 2 3

60 3
70 3
70 4
Elbow curls
10 10 12
Maximum Strength Phase

Training Objective: Dev. MxS

↑ recruitment of FT
Example of a 3 week program:

Ex / Wk# 1 2 3

80 3
90 3
95 4
8 3 2
Six – Weeks Maximum Strength Phase
Jan Jan Jan Jan. 28 Feb Feb
# Exercise\Dates 7 - 13 14-20 21-27 Feb. 3 4 -10 11-17
80 3 85 4 90 5 80 3 90 5 95 5
1 Squats 6 5 3 8 3 2 4
80 2 85 3 90 3 80 3 90 3 95 3
2 Arm Pulls 8 5 3 8 3 2
60 60 70 2 60 2 70 70
3 Leg curls 10
10 12 10
3 2

4 Abds curls 2
60 60 70 3 60 70 70 3
5 1/2 Deadlifts 10
12 10 10
70 3 70 3 80 80 3 90 4 95 4
6 Reverse Leg Press 10 12 8
8 3 2
80 3 85 3 90 4 80 3 90 4 95 4
7 Bench Press 6 5 3 8 3 2

8 Heavy bag side 2-3

Throws (each side) 3 X 12 4 X 15 4 X 20 4 X 20 4 X 25 4 X 30

Loading Pattern L M H L M/H H

Maximum Strength MxS
Training Methods for maximum Strength Phase

degreeon: on:

1. The diameter of the muscle, more specifically the diameter of

myosin filaments and their cross bridges.

2. The capacity to recruit fast twitch (FT) muscle fibers.

3. The ability to synchronize together all the muscles involved

in action (which is a learning component and increases with
the practice of lifting heavy loads.
The Maximum Load Method (MLM)


1. An increase in the number and the diameter of the contracting

elements of the muscle, the myosins of the FT Fibers

2. The recruitment in greater number of FT Fibers.

3. MLM also increases the Testosterone level, representing,

therefore another explanation why it improves MxS.
Maxex Training
Possible Combination of MxS With Maxex Training
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


*15 minutes *15 minutes *15 minutes
Maxex Maxex Maxex
*45 minutes *60 minutes *45-60 minutes
The Importance Maximum Strength


Speed, Pitching/Throwing
Power, and Reaction/Agility
Power Phase

Neuromuscular Strategy:

1. Increase the recruitment of FT m. fibers

- MxS training

2. Increase the discharge rate FT m. fibers

- Power training
Training Objectives:
↑ the discharge rate of FT

Preparatory Competitive: league games Transition

Increase Balance
Neuro- the develop-
Adapt- the Maintain the ability to recruit
muscular recruit- ment of all
ation discharge and discharge FT
strategy ment of muscles/
rate of FT
FT stabilizers

Maintenance of MxS and
of strength/ AA MxS Power AA
Conversion to Power

Example of the Ballistic Method Combined With

Maximum Acceleration
Exercise Week1 Week2 Week3
Medicine ball chest throws 2 x10 3 x 12 3 x 15

Jump squats and medicine ball chest throws 2x8 3 x 10 3 x 15

Medicine ball overhead backward throws 2 x 10 3 x 12 3 x 15

Medicine ball side throws (for each side) 2 x 12 3 x 15 3 x 20

Medicine ball forward overhead throws 2 x 10 3 x 10 3 x 12

Two-handed shot throws from chest 4x 6x 6x

followed by 15-meter/yard sprint

Push-ups followed by 15-meter/yard sprint 4x 6x 6x

Five Levels of Intensity of Plyometric Exercises
No. of
reps per
Intensity Intensity of No. of reps training RI between
Level Type of exercises exercises and sets session sets

Shock tension, high reactive jumps

1 Maximum 8-5 x 10-20 120-150 8-10 minutes
>60 cm (>24 inches)/(200)

Drop jumps 80-120 cm 5-7 minutes

2 Very high 5-15 x 5-15 75-150
(32-48 inches)

Bounding exercises
3 *Two legs Submaximum 3-25 x 5-15 50-250
*One leg

Low reactive jumps 20-50 cm 3-5 minutes

4 Moderate 10-25 x 10-25 150-250
(8-20 inches)

Low-impact jumps/throws
2-3 minutes
5 *On spot Low 10-30 x 10-15 50-300
No. Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

40 4 50 5 60 5 50 5 60 5
1 Jumping half squats
6 5 5 6 5
2 Medicine ball side throws 4 x 10 5 x 10 5 x 12 5 x 10 5 x 12
Between-the-legs, two-
3 handed overhead throws
4x6 4x8 5 x 10 5x8 5 x 10

4 Reactive jump plyometrics 4x6 5x6 5x8 4x6 5x8

High High
Loading pattern Medium Medium
RI = 3 to 4 minutes
Five-week power training program (combining isotonic and ballistic methods)
Scope: Develop Power Under Fatiguing

Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

3 3
M – EL M – EL
- weights - weights
Power Endurance Training

# Exercise Week # 1 2 3 4 RI Min

Drop jump followed by

1 12-15 x 15-18 x 18-20 x 20 x 2-3
10 bounding steps

2 MB side throws 10 x 15 10 x 15 10 x 20 12 x 25 3

10 cone / low hurdles

3 12 x 15-18 x 20-22 x 25 x 3
Between legs power ball
4 5 x 15 5 x 20 7 x 20 8 x 25 3
forward throws

5 Training Demand L M H H

A suggested workout for power-endurance for advanced players

Application of Power Training to the
Specifics of Sports
Exercises for Landing Power / Exercises for Reactive Power


Drop jump from a lower height Standard reactive jump in which

using a 10 – 15 Kilogram (20-30 The athlete lands on the balls of
pound) heavy vest, dumbbell, or The feet, then instantly jumps up-
even a barbell Ward in a springlike takeoff.


Incline bench press followed by a two-arm chest shot throw.


One-legged reactive jump stressing the takeoff part of the exercise


Reverse leg press followed by a quick acceleration of 20 to 25 meters/yards


Series of five to six reactive box or bench jumps followed by 15 to 20 meters/yards

of bounding, ending in a 20 meter/yard acceleration

Drop jump from a high box followed by several short jumps, emphasizing the landing
(land on balls of feet, knees bent, and hold).
Muscle Endurance – Medium Duration

No. Exercise Week 1 2 3 4 5–6

1 Squats 2 x 50
1 x 100
2 Leg curls ? 2 x 50 1 x 150

3 Swim bench 2 x 50
1 x 100 1-2 x 300 2-3 x 300
4 Calf Raise 2 x 50

5 Abds curls 2 x 50 1 x 150

1 x 100
6 Supinated MB throws 2 x 50

Note: Load: 40% 1RM

Number of weeks: 12-14
2 2 2-3 2 2 2-3

Leg press Take a load of Perform the Perform 10 Perform two Perform three Perform all
< 30 percent same work minutes of exercises exercises six exercises
Arm pulls and for 7 minutes nonstop work nonstop, or nonstop, or nonstop, or
progressively nonstop for for each 20 minutes of 30 minutes of 60 minutes of
perform 4 each exercise exercise work. work. work
minutes of Repeat for Repeat for
nonstop work exercises 3 the other
for each and 4, and three
Supine arm exercise again for exercises
pulls exercises 5
and 6
calf raise

RI between
1-2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes --- --- ---

RI between
--- --- --- 2-4 minutes 3-4 minutes 5 minutes
Maintenance Phase
• The benefits of strength to a player is felt for as long as the
neuro-muscular system maintains the cellular adaptations
induced by strength training.

• When strength training is ceased the contractile properties

of a muscles diminished and as a direct result, lessens its
positive role.

• The consequence is detraining, or a visible decrease in the

contribution of strength to athletic performance.

• The longer the competitive phase, the more important it is to

maintain some elements of MxS.

• Overlooking that means that a MxS is detrained the level of

power will be affected.

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