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BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC) – MUSIC

Assignment title/reference: T2.3 World Music
Unit: 55 World Music Studies
Assessor: David MacKinnon I.V: Matt Power
Date issued: 05/03/18
Formative assessment: 30/04/18 Submission date: 14/05/18

The This project is designed to give you an in-depth knowledge and appreciation of the development
project of a musical style outside of western pop culture. After researching the key practitioners of a
brief chosen genre, you will analyse the musical characteristics, and discuss how the music was
influenced by social factors. You must present your findings with reference to the different
musical styles and are encouraged to perform or record music your chosen specific genre.
Scenario As a musician or music technologist you have been asked to research an area of world music for
a music website. You have been asked to make the article or presentation educational and
informative, and give a personal opinion on the musical characteristics.

Learning Outcomes

LO 1 Understand the musical

1.1 analyse the musical content of the negotiated musical genre
elements of the selected
1.2 analyse musical elements using language appropriate to the analysis
genre using correct
of music
LO 2 Understand how
instrumentation, 2.1 explain instruments employed within selected genre
arrangement and 2.2 analyse the composition of typical ensembles within the genre
performance 2.3 explain how arrangements are used in the selected study area
characteristics are used 2.4 analyse the performance techniques employed within the selected
within the selected music
LO 3 Understand how
3.1 justify the contextual elements which have had an influence in
contextual factors have
shaping the music of the selected region
influenced the
3.2 analyse the indigenous music of the study area
development of the
3.3 explain the musical changes brought about by contextual influences
selected genre
LO 4
Be able to present
4.1 propose a suitable format in which to present work
findings in a negotiated
4.2 use examples to support evidence
format using selected
4.3 present work in selected format.

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Student signature: Date:

Qualification: BTEC HNC in MUSIC 2017/18


This assignment gives you the opportunity to

achieve the following MERIT grades:

Grade Descriptor Indicative Contextualisation

M1 An effective approach to Identify where you may find information on the
Identify and apply study and research has developments of music, and determine which are
strategies to find been applied credible. Decide how you will manage, unravel and
appropriate solutions eventually use this information.
M2 A range of source Ensure the research material you use is vast, credible
Select / design and information has been and from a range of places. Do not rely solely on the
apply appropriate used internet.
methods and
M3 An appropriate structure You must decide if you wish to present this as a
Present and and approach has been magazine article, podcast or by using any other
communicate used in the presentation medium. You must then ensure that presentation is
appropriate findings and communication of appropriate to the chosen medium.
your findings

This assignment gives you the opportunity to

achieve the following DISTINCTION grades:

Grade Descriptor Indicative Contextualisation

D1 Conclusions have been Where you make conclusions you must justify how and
Use critical reflection arrived at through the why you have synthesized your resources. Use critical
to evaluate own work synthesis of ideas and reflection to consider the appropriateness of these.
and justify valid have been justified
D2 Activities have been Use your own initiative to source credible evidence as
Take responsibility for managed part of this research. Demonstrate how you have used
managing and a schedule or format to arrange and use these
organizing activities resources for the purposes of your report.
D3 Convergent and lateral Assess the cultural contexts of a number of different
Demonstrate thinking has been applied artists and their approach. Use convergent and lateral
convergent / lateral / thinking when devising your opinions or concluding.
creative thinking

You are encouraged to gather your research from credible and wide ranging sources, that includes
materials outside of internet searches.

Library resources; podcasts and radio and TV broadcasts on this subject are widely available.

Qualification: BTEC HNC in MUSIC 2017/18



BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC) – MUSIC

Assignment title/reference: T3.2 World Music
Unit: 55 World Music Studies
Assessor: David MacKinnon I.V: Matt Power
Date issued:
Formative assessment: Submission date: 14/05/18

The This project is designed to give you an in-depth knowledge and appreciation of the development
project of a musical style outside of western pop culture. After researching the key practitioners of a
brief chosen genre, you will analyse the musical characteristics, and discuss how the music was
influenced by social factors. You must present your findings with reference to the different
musical styles and are encouraged to perform or record music your chosen specific genre.
Scenario As a musician or music technologist you have been asked to research an area of world music for
a music website. You have been asked to make the article or presentation educational and
informative, and give a personal opinion on the musical characteristics.

Task 1 Proposal: Written
1.1, proposal
1.2, 4.1 Submit a proposal to the website, highlighting the chosen area of world music.
Within this proposal ensure you: analyse the musical content of the negotiated
musical genre; analyse musical elements using language appropriate to the
analysis of music.

Task 2 Presentation: Presentation

Lo2 (powerpoint/
and Lo Present work in selected format, using examples to support the evidence (this can blog/ audio
3 include your musical performances and/or recordings). recordings)

4.2, 4.3
The presentation must include two main sections: the musical characteristics of the
music; and the contextual factors that have impacted its production.
The musical factors should include: an explanation of the instruments employed
within selected genre; an analysis of the composition of typical ensembles within the
genre; an explanation as to how arrangements are used in the selected study area;
and an analysis of the performance techniques employed within the selected music.

Within the next section your must: justify the contextual elements which have had
an influence in shaping the music of the selected region; analyse the indigenous
music of the study area; explain the musical changes brought about by contextual

Qualification: BTEC HNC in MUSIC 2017/18



BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC) – MUSIC

Assignment title/reference: T3.2 World Music Studies
Unit: 55 World Music Studies
Assessor: David MacKinnon I.V:
Learner: Date Submitted:

Criteria The evidence shows you are able to: Achieved (tick)
1.1 analyse the musical content of the negotiated musical genre
1.2 analyse musical elements using language appropriate to the analysis of
2.1 explain instruments employed within selected genre
2.2 analyse the composition of typical ensembles within the genre
2.3 explain how arrangements are used in the selected study area
2.4 analyse the performance techniques employed within the selected music
3.1 justify the contextual elements which have had an influence in shaping the
music of the selected region
3.2 analyse the indigenous music of the study area
3.3 explain the musical changes brought about by contextual influences
4.1 propose a suitable format in which to present work
4.2 use examples to support evidence
4.3 present work in selected format.

Merit Distinction

Grade Descriptor Achieved (tick) Grade Descriptor Achieved (tick)

M1 D1
Identify and apply Use critical reflection to
strategies to find evaluate own work and
appropriate solutions justify valid conclusions
M2 D2
Select / design and apply Take responsibility for
appropriate methods and managing and organizing
techniques activities
M3 D3
Present and Demonstrate convergent
communicate appropriate / lateral / creative thinking

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Qualification: BTEC HNC in MUSIC 2017/18


Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Date

Qualification: BTEC HNC in MUSIC 2017/18

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