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CITY OF DEWITT Page 1 Regular City Council Meeting ‘Tuesday, March 13,2018 Fire Station CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Leeming called the Regular City Couneil Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Girl Scout Troop 30226 led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Council Members Present: Matt Cooper, Dave Hunsaker, Sheryl Landgraf, Frank Waters, Jennifer Whitman and Trevor VaaDyke Excused: None STAFI Daniel Coss, Lisa Grysen, Police Chief Bruce Ferguson, and Ann Seurynck, representative from Foster Swift AUDIENCE: Heather Riven, Scott Schmidt, John Starkey, Meghan Anderson, Tyler Seezak, Gabriel Fields and Girt Scout Troop 30226. AGENDA: “Motion by Hunsaker, seconded by Landgraf and carted by unanimous vote of the Couneil that the agenda be approved as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: “Motion by Hunsaker, seconded by Whitman and carried by unanimous vote ofthe Council to approve the minutes from the February 27, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting as presented, The Girl Scout Troop 30226 gave # presentation on the dangers of smoking and why tobaceo should be bansed from the ety packs SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS: ‘None PUBLIC COMMENT: Kelly Rossman-MeKinney, candidate for State Senate, 24" District ntroducee herself to City Council ‘Meghan Andesson, candidate for Stte Representative, 93" District, introduced herself o City REDEVELOPMENT READY COMMUNITIES. nN ‘A representative of MEDC will be attending the Match 27 City Couneil mecting to go over the Self Evaluation scoring. They will be giving Council an update on the areas the City needs to facus on to bring our procedures in line with the Best Practices thatthe MEDC has developed. ‘There are five categories (red) out of 42 that were evaluated to be deficient that will need to be CITY OF DEW. Page 2 Regular City Couneil Meeting Tuesday, March 13, 2018 Fire Station ‘comected._ In addition, there are 19 categories (yellow) that require some minor adjustments to meet the Best Practice Standard, for exemple, including an agenda item on the Planning Commission meetings identifying Upcoming Training Opportunities. The minor modi‘cations will be simple to implement and will meot the Best Practice. Attached in your General Information Packet is the Category Scoring Matrix showing all the categories. LOOKING GLASS BREWERY ‘The Brewery will be officially opening their doors on Monday, March 12. They wil be having “soft open” events for the frst few days and then will open to the Public the week of March 19, HERBISON RD BIKE PATH PHASE IL The bids have been received by the Clinton County Road Commission and they are working on setting a breakdown of the costs forthe Bike Path. I hope to have the information available by the Council meeting to report what the City portion wil be, OLD BUSINESS: ‘None NEW BUSINES’ T. City Parks Ordinance Amendment — First Reading: At the regular meeting ofthe Parks, Recreation, Cemetery and Tree Commission on Fetruary 7, 2018 Gil Scout Troop 30226 gave a presentation on the benefits of ereating smoke free City Parks. Upon the completion of the presentation the Parks Commission discussed the benefits and challenges, in particular enforcement, of ereating “Smoke Free" City Parks. The Commission ultimately, by @ unanimous vote, made a favorable recommendation to the City Councilto move ‘Forward withan ordinance amendment that would ereate a Smoke Free City Park system Representatives of Gitl Scout Troop 30226 were in attendance to give City Council a presentation atthe meeting and answer any questions City Couneil may have. (City Council was provided with an ordinance amendment that would create a “Tubueve Pree” City Park System as drafted by Brian Goodenough, City Atorney. In addition to adding the "Tobacco Free” language the City Attomey cleaned up some antiquated language that existed inthe Ordinance. Motion by Landgra, seconded by Hunsaker and carried by unanimous vote of the Council to approve a Resolution to introduce Ordinance Amendment Number 2018-01 to amend Chapter 23 of the City Code to regulate the use of Public Parks. 2, Planning Commission Annual Repost 20]7- Vigg Chairman Trevor VanDyke: Vice Chairman Trevor VanDyke was present to highlight the activities listed inthe 2017 Planning, (Commission Annual Report and answer any questions. Section 2-122 of the City Code requires the Planning Commission to fle an annual report ofthe activites with the City Council outlining projects, proposals and requests that the Planning, Commission considered throughout the calendar year. crry of DEWITT Page 3 Regular City Council Meeting ‘Tuesday, March 13,2018 Fire Station Motion by VanDyke, seconded by Waters and carried by unanimous vote of the Council to receive and place on file the 2017 Planning Commission Annual Report, 3. Water between the City of DeWitt and the Lansing Board of Water and Light ‘The ameadment permits the SYSTEM EXTENSION for the West Mais Stet watermain extensior. The amendment allows the City to install the watermain as part of the Main Street Reconstruction project and umn the system over to LBWL for operation and maintenance upon completion of the projet agreement is identical tothe agreements that the City approved forthe Oaks and Wildflower extensions in 2016, Motion by Hunsaker, seconded by Landgraf and carried by unanimous vote of the Council to ‘approve Supplement Agreement No. 14 to the Water Service Agreement between the City of DeWitt and the Lansing Board of Water and Light and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign on behalf of the City of De\ 4, Presentation of Concept Plan for 110 South Bridge Street Development Scott Schmidt, Vesta Build, and Corey Rees, ASL Architecture, were in attendance to present a conceptual plan for the proposed building at 110 South Bridge Street (Hovey Site). The developer brought materials for review to the meeting, ‘The purchase agreement between the City of DeWitt and Vesta Build establishes City Council as the Build Review Board and gives City Council the authority to review the build style and proposed external material composition, Discussion Only Police Chief Bruce Ferguson reported that he andthe School Administration are reviewing the policy on lock down for the high school and that the schools have a thee years plan in place to redesign the entrances of the schools. He and the School Administration will meet again in ‘August to discuss bomb threat policies and fire alarm policies. He als> toured Lowell Police Departrent, Planning Commission is working onthe sign ordinance, DA is reviewing the budget for fiscal year 2018-2019. DARA js financially on trac, the contract to take over the Miracle League is complete and ety resident participation in the programs has increased again. cry OF DEWITT Page 4 Regular City Council Meeting ‘Tuesday, March 13, 2018 Flee Station ADJOURNMEN “Motion by VanDyke, seconded by Waters and carried by unanimous vole of the Council that the meeting be adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Respectfully submited, Lisa M. Grysen Susan J. Leeming City Clerk-Treasurer Mayor

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