Assignment 2 Essay (ERD)

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Assignment 2:Essay

Topic: In the modern world of business all functions including HR,Training,Learning and
Development Functions have to earn their keep and demonstrate a ‘ Value Added’ business
focus to all their operations.How can a Learning & Development Department demonstrate
Value Added / value for money within an organization?

Learning and Development is a process to help a company's employees to enhance their personal
and organizational skills, and their ability to apply knowledge. This includes helping them to
take their education, learning, career development programs, organization and operation.
According to Joey - Matthews, Megginson, Surtees (2004), the main purpose of learning and
development sector is to develop an advanced workforce, enabling organizations to achieve their
objectives, and provide the best to their customers . Learning and Development departments can
form inside or outside the organizations. It can also make a formal restructuring plan, provide
classroom training or learning employees or take them through a particular academic course or
informal, when a manager coaching staff may decide a particular issue. Learning and
Development departments in the organization,is human resource management role. This is a
problem for all employees. Therefore, this essay focuses on the strategic role of human resource
management, learning and development department role where a strategic way can play a
strategic role in the organization. Challenges and obstacles to effective human resource
management faces were also discussed.

Strategic human resource management is how the organization and management of human
resources, there are plans to move. Human resources employed in the organization. Human
Resource Management, International Journal of Wright and Dyer (2003), explained that, in
addition to strategic human resource management is also technically. However, the definition of
the strategy is the basic function of human resource management, which means to develop and
implement the organization's policy is consistent with its structure, aimed at ensuring that the
organization's human capital is trying to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. It
is strategic, because it believes that the nature of the internal structure of the organization's
resources organization and its human capital.

Human Resources Management in the art, including human resource management, such as
recruitment, selection, training, and other basic roles. The combination of these strategic human
resource management an important role to adapt business strategy, thus creating a strategic
human resource management. This assumes that human resources management, and use them in
order to achieve the organization's goals for maximum flexibility. In the same way, it helps to
organize a competitive situation. New York (2004) noted that the greatest success for the
enterprise, it is very important to ensure that the policies adopted are consistent with the
objectives of the organization. Essentially, strategic human resource management, the
establishment of the organization, so that it can resist the change, the capacity of the external
market. Human resources who are equipped with knowledge and skills in line with the business
strategy pool by encouraging employee behavior to achieve the target vehicle efficiency

Human resource management strategy is for funding to implement strategies consistent with the
organization's human resource management functions. A variety of factors must be considered in
human resources management strategy that includes "best and best practices," close cooperation,
continuous monitoring. Best match and best practices, means that human resource management
strategies should be concerned with the overall business strategy. General purpose of human
resource management is the management staff, enabling them to achieve organizational goals,
but the purpose of human resource strategy is through the use of its staff needs and goals of the
organization to manage human resources. For example, an organization's strategic goals is 20%,
in order to increase sales. Methods by human resources, and therefore should be the best for this
purpose (Armstrong 2006).

Close cooperation implies coordination between the organization's strategic efforts to develop
human resources and organizational management. Organization and management should be
involved in the implementation of the strategy, because it is they who need to be responsible in
the process of goods and services. Therefore, the human resources department is organized is
very important.

Continuous monitoring is also very important because it helps determine the difficulty of the
process as well as the top management of areas of intervention may be required. According
Voorde, Paauwe & verdhoven(2010) Continuous monitoring also helps to get, in order to
evaluate its success feedback route taken on the process.
Other components of strategic human resource management, including strategic planning,
training and implementation increasingly focused on the aims and objectives of the organization.

Strategic planning is an exercise that can help companies determine their current location, where
they want to go and how they will get there. Strategic planning is based on the business in
different ways. In some organizations, it is done starting with the top management, departments,
different sectors and stakeholders, employees and supervisors. In other organizations, strategic
planning, only senior officials. According to Yang, (2007), a successful strategic planning
process, senior managers have a clear organizational vision statement is very important. This is
the image of each organization will ultimately in the long run. Management must also appoint a
leader to guide the implementation process.

Education efforts aimed at improving the process skills, knowledge and ability in the
organization's employees. In determining what training is important to management, training
needs assessment, design and implementation of the training and implementation process,
procedures, and finally how to evaluate training. Lewis, Roswell, Miller and Osman - Ghani,
training needs (2009) will help to reveal the objective assessment of the needs of employees and
the organization is consistent. This is due to the strategic goal of education should be to equip
staff with the organization's problems. Training should also include determining the design
objectives of the organization, so that the training topics covered also with the organization's
goals. After the training has been conducted, it is measured in order to assess its success it is very
important. This will help determine what has been invested back training.

According to a predetermined target has been achieved varying degrees to measure the
effectiveness of education. You can get feedback from students, which is a measure of the
effectiveness of the training program. Another measure the effectiveness of training, including
behavioral change and its impact on the organization's assessment. This means that, after
checking to acquire new knowledge and skills training end whether the impact on staff behavior.
Change behavior, when employees complete their task is to observe the use of new knowledge.
Training in corporate influence is the measure of its impact special unit where staff work.

This, it should also be reflected in the organization. Productivity, the level of sales of all aspects,
results and customer satisfaction levels obtained may also reflect the role of training institutions
(Pineda 2006).
One of the many features of learning and development sector human resource management.
Strategic Learning and Development Department, aims to provide a new knowledge-based one
between employees. At current changes in technology, learning and development sector that can
be used to support various activities of the organization in their expertise is required. According
to McLean, Osman - Ghani, and Cho (2004), the world needs to learn and develop sector plays
an important role in promoting organizational strategy. Learning and Development Agency
continues to play a crucial role in shaping corporate strategy. This is because the quality of the
staff who are able to achieve the level of organizational skills have a better chance to stop in
today's competitive business environment.

Strategic Learning and Development Department functions, including training and development,
organizational development and career development. Training and development is to convey
specific knowledge, skills and behavior of staff capacity. It is trying to improve the results of its
current and future learning process. Lack of performance of employees to decide whether to
require training and development (Melo 2010). This is calculated as follows:

The following criteria - the actual performance = education and development.

Development is creating opportunities to promote staff development aspect. It does not focus on
improving skills, but rather to provide general knowledge and change employee attitudes, so that
they can deal with higher positions. Most development activities is not a mandatory provided by
management, but in most cases, on a voluntary basis. The main objective of the training and
development is to improve the value of its human resources, enabling organizations to achieve its
purpose. In other words, it has invested in employee representative organization, so that
employees can feel actively use their natural abilities. Investment in education and research,
including the skills, education and professional ethics (brome 2010).

We need skills in areas such as machines and other equipment without causing damage to the
operation. These are the basic skills that you cannot operate the equipment in the organization
Without them. Elwood Holton, James Trott (2006) explains that education is to provide a
theoretical point of view and instill employees logic. This helps them to make rational decisions.
It is competent and management is mainly important because it can help them decided to
organize related issues. The Organization accepted method involves ethics. It's human resources
manager, to inform employees about the organization in ethical practice of marketing, finance
and other departments are very important. This is due to what is acceptable for one compartment
may differ from the acceptable in another. Education, learning and development to help
companies gain a competitive advantage. This is because they eliminate the performance of the
employee's defects, who can be either because of lack of skills or behaviors that can prevent
employees from adequate performance. Education contributes to learning and development in
order to improve the stability of the organization, so that it can resist the market forces (Green

Organization defined by the Nice (1999) efforts to embrace change is the result of learning and
development. It is through the application of concepts learned to improve the process of
organizing and happy staff situation. Basically, learning and development department to promote
organizational change. This is a response to changes, in other words, you can change the
corporate beliefs, values and structures, employees and other stakeholders in the new technology
may be able to work the new structure is also facing the challenge of arrival method. This is an
ongoing process, along with the organization (Reid, Barrington, Brown, 2004) .

Career development is a continuous process, in which all employees in an organization, went

through different changes, the highest level of performance until they get. According to Jackson
(2000), to help employees improve their careers to prepare them to achieve the ultimate goal of
the organization. An organization should develop professional development programs to help
employees achieve their maximum potential. Career development can identify talent through the
organization, employees have a swimming pool and can be used to achieve organizational goals.

Implementation plan, focusing on strategic learning and development sector in the process faced
many challenges and obstacles. Faced with the biggest challenge of this process is constantly
changing work environment. Changing work environment, including a diverse workforce,
technological change, globalization and the changing nature of work.

Workforce diversity is a challenge to teach and development department, because employees

differ in their age, race, gender, education, skills and knowledge levels. Under similar conditions
to manage all these differences, so they can all point to a common goal of human resources
management a real challenge. Success in any organization, human resource managers must strive
innovative work of staff at all of these factors produced. Some employees may face problems
with other aspects, some people may be slow to learn and work, while others may be resistant to
change. Thus, human resources should be trying to help such characters, for example, by creating
a work culture that would force all employees to work needs, regardless of their differences
(Salaman, Storey and Bill Berry, 2005) .

Technological change also represents a major challenge for learning and development sector. In
today's world, technology is constantly changing, and new production. In doing some work using
mechanical equipment is constantly changing new inventions. This means that the learning and
development department has the main function to support this. Training of staff must follow the
new invention, so that the organization may also have the latest skills. This must be done to
enable the organization to withstand competitive enterprises. This is the economic challenges of
the organization, because it also has to continue to buy new equipment and mobile technology
invention (grief 2003).

Globalization is a challenge to learn and development sectors. Globalization brings together

business organizations, because competition is becoming increasingly fierce from all over the
world. Armstrong (2000), which means an organization to meet the challenges of the global
market, it must have a swimming pool, the most experienced and efficient human resources.
Secondly, labor, and there, because they are in high demand. Therefore, each organization must
maintain the quality standards of its employees to keep them. This means that they must give
incentives to retain and motivate the best employees. Globalization also incorporated light
aspects of labor law must be observed by the employer. Globalization has led to changes in the
working environment is a major challenge for HR managers.

With all the changes in the economy, such as the nature of globalization and technology, work is
changing. It depends on the client's wishes are changing under a global trend, therefore, the
organization's goals, must change in that direction. Therefore, the personnel manager must
follow the world trend of the development of its policies.

A very important strategic role in the learning and development sector strategic learning and
development function in ensuring the success of the organization. For the purposes and
objectives of the organization are met, all employees must have their actions point to the same
point. Strategic human resource management must be designed so that all functions are
consistent with the organization's goals. Planning and training must be done in a strategic, so that
they do not deviate from the organization's objectives. But there are also in the process of
challenges and obstacles. All aspects of human resource management should be strategic, so that
the organization's goal remains unchanged. The staff must also be responsible for how to deal
with these challenges, so that they cannot stop learning and development sector strategy.

1.Beardwell, I. et al. (2004) (4th Ed) Human Resource Management a Contemporary Approach
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2.Harrison, R (2002) (3rd Edition) Learning and Development:

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