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Ruins of Undermountain II

The Deep Levels

A Continuing Campaign Guide

to the Realms
Greatest Dungeon

Thanks to Ed Greenwood and Steven Schend

who brought the original Undermountain into the open
for all Dungeon Masters and players to enjoy.
Ruins of Undermountain II:
The Deep Levels
Campaign Guide
by Jean Rabe and Norm Ritchie

Introduction .................................................. 3 Trobriand’s Graveyard .................................... 46
About The Deep Levels ............................... 5 Core Rooms ............................................. 50
Expanding Undermountain .......................... 6 Areas of Interest ....................................... 62
The Truth About Undermountain ................ 6 Muiral’s Gauntlet .......................................... 64
Rumors of The Deep Levels .......................... 9 Core Rooms ............................................. 69
Gates ...................................................... 11 Areas of Interest ....................................... 98
Entering The Deep Levels........................... 14 New Spells ................................................. 100
Wyllowwood................................................ 15 Priest Spells ............................................ 100
The Hunt ................................................ 16 Wizard Spells .......................................... 103
Core Rooms ............................................. 16 New Magical Items ...................................... 105
Areas of Interest ....................................... 43 NPCs of the Deep Levels .............................. 114

Design: Jean Rabe, Norm Ritchie, Donald Bingle Cartography: Dennis Kauth
Editing: Steven Schend, Laura Craig, Linda Bingle Interior Illustration: Dan Frazier
Additional development, editing, and proofreading
by Karen S. Boomgarden Cover Art: Fred Fields
Typographical Design: Angelika Lokotz Production: Paul Hanchette

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ooking for adventure, are ye? also by other names, including Hilather the
Looking for a place brimming Mad Wizard.
with silver and gold, a place “What I will tell you of him is that at one
dripping with things magical? time he was filled with love and life. During
I know a place far and not far those years he created many and varied magical
from here where all of that-and more-can be items and spells, started annual Magefairs and
had. But mind me lads, there are other things Spellmoots and more across the Realms. Indeed,
there as well-danger and risk and uncertainty, he practiced the Art with considerable mastery
and creatures never before seen by the likes of and gained the respect of the populace. He drew
sell-swords and wizards who tread upon the sun- people and apprentices to him, and then. . . .”
lit lands of the Realms. Elminster inhaled the pipe smoke deeply, then
“This place is called Undermountain. And it released it in a single puff that seemed, for a
is far beneath the crust of this world, yet right moment, to take on the visage of an evilly-grin-
under fair Waterdeep. It is a dangerous labyrinth ning man. “And then Halaster Blackcloak let
nestled deep in the bowels of the earth. It is a his Art corrupt him. He ended all dealings with
dungeon, I, Elminster of Shadowdale, know men, save with his seven apprentices. He came
well. I shall tell you of these twisting corridors, to these very lands seeking solitude in the moun-
and of the man who made them his. Listen ye tain. Whether he came from the east or from
carefully-especially if ye are intent on delving Netheril, or whether he happened upon this
into its depths. Perhaps what I tell you could ground from the Cradlelands that lie dead and
save your life. buried under the Plains of Purple Dust, only the
“Perhaps.” gods know—or care.
With that the great mage stretched in the “Ye need know only that Halaster Blackcloak
ebon-carved chair, his back to the blazing fire in came here and called to him monsters from far
the Gold Dragon Inn. The licking flames caused planes and bound them to his will. These dark
his shadow to dance across the floor, mingling creatures built him a tower, a monument to his
with the shadows of the Waterdhavians intent blackening soul. Long after the tower was fin-
on his every word. He reached a wrinkled hand ished he kept the creatures with him. It was his
into the recesses of his robe and withdrew a pipe dealings with those monsters that changed him
that magically lit when he placed it to his lips. even more, the sages say. The more time he
He puffed on the curved stem a few times, the spent with them, the stronger and stranger he
curl of smoke spiraling upward to lose itself in became. Next, the creatures built more cham-
the shadows overhead. bers, perhaps at his bidding—perhaps not. But
“Aye, I’ll tell you of Undermountain. It is this time they constructed them beneath the
the eldest dungeon in all of these lands, a stone earth, forming tunnels and rooms that en-
and earth construction older than Waterdeep. croached on, then took over an ancient dwarven
Birthed from the mind and workings of the fell home called the Underhalls.
mage Halaster, the place was given life more “These caves and corridors were large and
than a thousand years ago. Halaster Black- grand and as pitch as the fell mage’s heart. The
cloak, they called him, though I know he went duergar and other dwarves who walked them fell

before Halaster’s spells, yielding the underground ally taking her place as Magister. It is from her
to the Mad Wizard. Halaster created tricks and that all knowledge comes of the fell mage and
traps and devious devices, things to protect his his underground home.”
treasure and magics. Guardians he set to watch Elminster rubbed his chin and plucked the
his scrolls and tomes, the things he wanted no pipe from his mouth. “It is getting late, so only a
other human eyes to see. little more will I tell you. Halaster Blackcloak
“While above ground, Halaster’s apprentices grew in power and age and played with arcane
wondered at his disappearance and journeyed to incantations to give him immortality. Whether
the deep ways in search of their master.” Elmin- he was successful . . . who is witness to say? His
ster closed his eyes in thought, a furrow crossing home still exists in the womb of the earth, and
his brow. “One by one they sought Halaster that is what ye be interested in. If he no longer
Blackcloak, but they found only grief. Their lives, he cannot consider you trespassers.
once-master so craved solitude that he sent his “How to get there, then? How to reach the
creatures against them, testing both his students wealth and magic? How to make a name for
and his protections. After two of his apprentices yourselves in the darkened halls far beneath
were slain, the Mad Wizard called off the attack Waterdeep? Well, friends, there are many paths
and drew his surviving pupils to his side, enlist- to the deep ways, magical gates and more to
ing them to help improve the security of his transport you to adventure. Ye must find the
Undermountain realm. Only one apprentice gates and paths on your own or from the lips of
would not agree. She broke away from Halaster others, for I shall not lead you to destruction.
and returned to the surface, finding comfort And where will these paths take you?
within the walls of Myth Drannor and eventu- “Indeed, where will they take you?”

About The creatures. These undeveloped areas on the maps do
not have numbers.

Deep Levels This is the fun of Undermountain—there is just

enough material to keep DMs and players busy for a

T his is a sequel to the Ruins of Undermountain

campaign setting by Ed Greenwood, released in
1991. It presents various levels in the massive
long while, yet there is just enough room for expan-
sion by DMs who like to create their own material
and add their own mark to the depths of the
dungeon and is intended for characters of sixth to dungeon.
ninth level; the higher the characters’ levels, the bet- This book contains basic information about gates,
ter their chances for survival. The first boxed set con- rumors, NPCs, new magical items and spells and
tains extensive background material on the dungeon detailed chambers within the deep dungeon. It should
and Waterdeep. Some of that information is para- be read only by the DUNGEON MASTER™. However,
phrased in the introductory material of this product. the DM™ might want to read Elminster’s introduc-
You do not need the first boxed set to use Ruins of tion to players to provide them with a little back-
Undermountain II: The Deep Levels. ground and make them curious about Under-
Nestled in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign set- mountain.
ting, Undermountain is contained entirely beneath Also included in this box is a 32-page booklet filled
Waterdeep, the greatest city in that land. Consult the with adventures. A small MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM®
Ruins of Undermountain boxed set, the FORGOTTEN booklet presents new creatures to vex even veteran
REALMS campaign setting, and the F ORGOTTEN players; all of these monsters lurk somewhere within
REALMS Adventures hardcover for more information Undermountain’s twisting corridors. And, finally,
on Waterdeep, its environs, and its inhabitants. eight DM aid cards present traps and magical effects
Ruins of Undermountain II: The Deep Levels (here- to intersperse throughout Undermountain.
inafter referred to as UMTII) works best within a
campaign set in the Forgotten Realms. However, it is
a dungeon, and with very little work it can be used in
practically any campaign setting. The DM™ will DMs should read all the introductory material in this
need to adjust the gates into and out of Undermoun- booklet before sending their players into the Deep
tain to fit his or her own campaign. Levels. However, it is not necessary to read the entire
The entire dungeon of Undermountain has nine product before starting play. DMs can focus on certain
known levels and at least 14 sub-levels. UMTII pre- sections of the dungeon, reading only the text that
sents two of those levels, detailed on the full-color pertains to those encounters, traps, and creatures,
map sheets included in this box. Another map sheet choosing the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM sheets and
presents a third sub-level and the map for the adven- tricks and traps cards that apply.
ture booklet in this box. The uppermost three levels Since there is material here for dozens upon dozens
of the dungeon were handled in the Ruins of Under- of playing sessions, DMs can pace themselves through
mountain boxed set. the material, making it less overwhelming. DMs
There are more than enough rooms, caverns, and should have copies of the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM
corridors in this set to keep players busy for hundreds volumes I and II (or a copy of the Monstrous Manual).
of hours. Many of the rooms, caverns and corridors All the creatures in this boxed set, save for the
are detailed and populated in this product. These are creatures described in the included MONSTROUS
noted by numbers on the maps that correspond to COMPENDIUM booklet, come from these volumes. Of
keyed descriptions in this book and the adventure course, DMs are free to add creatures from other
book. In addition, much of Undermountain is left for MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM volumes.
DMs to personalize with their own tricks, traps, and DMs will get ideas for their own encounters and

adventures as they read along. Jotting these down to
populate the empty caverns and corridors is a good
The Truth About
DMs should familiarize themselves with the
“Rumors” and “Gates” sections. The former will inter- alaster’s minions did indeed create much of the
est players in the massive dungeon and give them a massive dungeon, as Elminster explained in the
reason to take their characters there. The “Gates” introduction. However, a sizeable portion of the
section lists ways into the dungeon levels detailed in underground was developed by the Melairkyn, a clan
this booklet. “The Truth about Undermountain,” of dwarves who mined mithral.
below, provides more information about the dungeon. An even deeper section of the dungeon is a series
of natural caverns and corridors, created by under-

Expanding ground bodies of water that hammered away at the

rock. When the water receded, bands of duergar
Undermountain moved in and made it their home.
The Underdark lies far below the twisting corridors

T here simply isn’t room in this boxed set to detail

every room and corridor in the dungeon and
each branch of the underground river illustrated on
of Undermountain. However, some speculate tunnels
may link the dungeon and the Realms Below.
When Halaster’s creatures dug deeper and deeper
the large maps. into the earth to construct a home for their wizard-
Many of the rooms and caverns are left undetailed master, they discovered the dwarves’ abandoned
so DMs can tailor the dungeon to their own cam- mithral mines. Halaster, not wishing to share his
paigns and to suit the levels of their player characters. domain with others, slew the creatures calling the
DMs are free to incorporate creatures of their own chambers and tunnels home. The mad wizard claimed
design or from other MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® vol- the place as his own and expanded his domain even
umes. Furthermore, they are encouraged to populate deeper.
the unexplored regions with their own NPCs or with The people of Waterdeep, and many of the beings
creatures and characters from the original Ruins of in Undermountain, are uncertain whether the mage
Undermountain boxed set. still lives. He would be well over 1,100 years old if
Because Undermountain is so massive and has sub- that is the case. Rumors persist that he moves about
levels not detailed in either of the boxed sets, DMs through the cavern walls (or perhaps it’s his spirit),
can create dozens of their own adventures and areas watching hapless adventurers invade his home, and
that will keep their players busy for a virtually unlim- throwing creatures and traps at them for his own
ited number of playing sessions. In addition, as PCs enjoyment. Others believe he aids adventurers from
defeat creatures and characters detailed in this prod- time to time, keeping monsters at bay when a band is
uct, DMs should repopulate those areas with beings too injured to handle another fight. Whatever the
and things of their own devising. truth—Halaster does indeed have a presence in the
Undermountain can be ever-changing and ever- deep ways. Death is not a worry for someone so pow-
expanding. The corridors can be linked to DMs’ erful and so tied to the Art as Halaster.
favorite modules and adventures. In fact, DMs’ only Some of his original apprentices live in the dark
limits are the boundaries of their imaginations. and twisting tunnels, having survived the years by
magical means. High-level player characters are likely
to encounter one or more of these apprentices—and
the spirits of people who associated with the Mad
Wizard or who fell afoul of his magic. However, PCs
should not encounter Halaster in these levels of the

dungeon. The Mad Wizard should appear as an tailed in this boxed set is breathable, and most of it is
encounter in only the deepest levels of Undermoun- clean. However, certain conditions within various
tain, or remain a mystery. chambers cause the air to be stale or tainted. These
Except for the topmost chambers dug by Halaster’s are indicated in the text. The fresh air inside Under-
foul beasts, Undermountain existed long before mountain comes from many sources, such as through
Waterdeep. However, Halaster’s tower came into the gates and various magical means. The PCs are not
being when the city was just a trading port. He built in danger of asphyxiation within the deep ways.
it as far from the port as he could—while still being
afforded a distant view of the meager populace.
Architecture and Magic
As the city grew, portions of it came close to the
dungeon—the sewers and underground storage cham- Halaster has had centuries to make the underground
bers touched some of the ceilings of the dungeon his home. Because of this, many of the areas within
below. One of the first adventurers to return from these levels of Undermountain are smooth, worked
Undermountain built an inn atop the ruins of Hal- stone. Some chambers and caverns were carved out of
aster’s tower. This inn, the Yawning Portal, is detailed the earth, with time and the efforts of the Mad Wiz-
in the original Ruins of Undermountain boxed set, and ard’s creatures smoothing the rock. However, a few of
holds one of the most direct ways into the massive the areas sport columns and elaborate masonry; these
dungeon. are indicated within the text. Doorways and doors fit
Of course, others returned from the dungeon, car- tightly into the stonework, and the bulk of them keep
rying wealth and news of great beasts and awesome the moisture in the chambers from ruining the wood
treasures. Several shops in Waterdeep prosper because inside with help from enchantments. The doors make
of those adventurers. The shops carry rope, lanterns, airtight seals, keeping gasses inside—or out. Most of
weapons, and other items in demand by those foolish the doors are made of wood with metal reinforce-
enough to brave the dungeon’s depths. ments. The archways are stone and sometimes elabo-
The walls, floors, and ceilings are stable throughout
Undermountain. The PCs have nothing to fear from
Like a giant cellar or basement, much of Undermoun- a natural cave-in. Of course, magic can affect the sta-
tain, the Deep Levels, is damp and dank. A few areas bility of various areas, and illusions can make even
are positively wet—complete with running water, the bravest character believe the earth is folding in
ponds, and moisture-covered walls. on itself.
The temperature underground ranges from coolly The very rock that surrounds these levels of
temperate to near tropical. Generally, the deeper a Undermountain has been enchanted by Halaster and
character travels, the warmer it gets. Sages speculate his apprentices so that trespassers cannot cast the fol-
this is because of volcanic heat or because the center lowing spells to enter or leave the dungeon: passwall,
of the world is a fiery ball. The truth is, as Halaster teleport, teleport without error, word of recall, and
got older, he went deeper and deeper into Under- dimension door. The only way into or out of Under-
mountain. Preferring warmth to cold, he enscorceled mountain is via the gates. However, wish spells might
the very walls to provide heat. function and transport characters to the destination
The damp climate has caused many of the objects indicated by the wish, unless they’ve caught Hal-
within the Deep Levels to rot and decay. The ruined aster’s attention . . .
materials have made perfect homes for molds, spores, In addition, Halaster’s powerful enchantments pre-
and some of the creatures that have come to call vent adventurers from using ESP, locate object, X-ray
Undermountain home. vison, stone shape (except within the forest), move
The air in all of the chambers and corridors de- earth, and gate while they are within Undermountain.

Further, monster summoning spells call only creatures turing parties, potions will not work.
that are within Undermountain. Finally, detect magic This could pose a hazard to PCs who fall in battle;
spells will often show all of the floors, walls, and ceil- neither priestly spells, paladins’ laying-on-of-hands,
ings as magical—in addition to any magical items nor curative elixirs and balms will function.
present. PCs entering magic-dead areas with active spells
The enchantments do not prevent PCs from cast- find those spells negated. In these instances, the spells
ing the spells mentioned above; they simply prevent are considered “wasted.” Further, PC wizards, bards,
the spells’ functions. If these spells are cast, they are priests, and high-level rangers cannot regain spells
considered lost from the PC’s spell repertoire for the while in a magic-dead area.
day. (However, see “Magic-Dead Areas,” below.) Monsters and other creatures entering magic-dead
Casting dispel magic to rid Undermountain of Hal- areas are under many of the same constraints. Their
aster’s enchantments is futile. The process would take natural spell-like abilities do not work. However,
years and would draw the attention of the Mad Wiz- there are some exceptions with respect to creatures
ard, his apprentices, and all the creatures that are his with natural shape-changing abilities. Many monsters
to command. stay away from magic-dead areas, as they feel uneasy
Specific areas within the various levels prevent in such rooms. Some intelligent monsters with non-
other spells from functioning or from working cor- magical abilities, though, prefer to inhabit magic-
rectly. These are indicated within the keyed text. dead rooms. They realize that adventurers and
unsuspecting visitors who come to the chambers can-
not employ their magical devices, making them easier
Magic-Dead Areas
Despite all of the spells in place throughout Under-
mountain and the magical items that can be found in
the dungeon’s depths, there are areas where magic
does not work. These are called “magic-dead” areas, The inhabitants of the Deep Levels are many, and
and they are the result of experiments both failed and most of them are detailed in keyed caverns and corri-
successful. Magic-dead areas are listed in the keyed dors that correspond to areas on the maps. There is a
text. In addition, DMs might wish to add more never-ending supply of creatures, neutral, evil, and
magic-dead areas, or places where only specific spells good in nature. Halaster’s apprentices continually
or spells from certain schools work. bring beasts in through the gates to populate the
While in a magic-dead area, PCs can attempt to underground and to take the place of creatures killed
cast spells—but none of them will function. The by adventurers and those dying from natural causes.
spells are not lost from the PCs’ memories, and the It is rumored even the great mage Halaster journeys
components are not used up, so the spells are not outside of Undermountain to other planes to bring in
considered “wasted.” Further, magical items do not creatures never before seen in the Realms. Sages
lose charges if “fired;” the items simply do not work. believe he has also corrupted monsters into new and
In a magic-dead area, magical swords act as normal deadlier forms via his magical experiments.
weapons, regardless of the enchantment. Magic armor The creatures beneath Waterdeep have found
and shields are treated as if normal. Bracers, rings, Undermountain to their liking. The steady stream of
and cloaks do not provide magical protections to adventurers and fortune-seekers fills their bellies and
improve their wearers’ Armor Class. Therefore, DMs adds to their treasure piles. These creatures are largely
must keep track of the type of magical protections responsible for the true tales of adventurers who enter
and weapons PCs are using—the lack of magic will Undermountain and never return.
affect any combats occurring within a magic-dead In addition to monsters that populate specific
area. In addition, and much to the chagrin of adven- areas within the levels of UMTII, DMs might wish

to add other creatures, especially to corridors and “Of course, there be rumors abounding about
areas not detailed on the map. These wandering Halaster’s world. All ye have to do is open your
monster encounters can occur when the DM desires, ears when you enter a Waterdeep tavern or chat
or they can occur as determined by the following a few minutes with battered fighters in Virgins’
formula. Square. If ye listen carefully ye’ll be able to pick
For every three hours of game time, a DM should good knowledge from bad—unless greed gets the
roll 1d6. A “1” signals the presence of a monster. better part of ye. I’ve found that only some
Every time the PCs find themselves in a pitched rumors have a basis in fact. And one must always
battle where the sounds of clashing swords and flashy look at who is spreading the rumor. Enemies
spells reverberate through the corridors, the DM could use tales of treasure as a way to get ye into
should roll 1d6. A “1” means the noise attracted the Undermountain’s deepest levels. Friends could
attention of a wandering monster. use rumors of great evil and horrendous monsters
DMs can randomly select the creatures that appear, to keep you out. Me? I put stock in only the
or they can consult the following chart. All of the rumors I know to be true.”
creatures on this chart are from the Monstrous Man-
ual. The number of creatures encountered, and their The following are rumors the PCs can hear in Water-
Hit Dice, should be based on the strength of the deep and nearby cities. These are current tales and
adventuring party. Wandering monsters are not con- can be interspersed with the rumors presented in the
sidered to be in their lairs, and therefore should have original Ruins of Undermountain boxed set. The
little or no treasure. Roll 1d20. rumors can be learned in taverns, sold to the PCs by
thieves and low-level adventurers too afraid to enter
1 golem 11 orc the place themselves, and overheard in temples to
2 hobgoblin 12 drider the PCs’ gods (priests there are undoubtedly healing
3 phase spider 13 otyugh injured adventurers just back from Undermountain).
4 wererat 14 umber hulk Some of the rumors are outright falsehoods, others
5 margoyle 15 ogre pertain to creatures and objects that can be found in
6 ooze/slime 16 bugbear detailed rooms and have some semblance of truth,
7 minotaur lizard 17 werewolf and still others must be proven true (or not) by the
8 troll 18 firbolg DM.
9 verbeeg 19 cyclops DMs should make sure the PCs visit more than one
10 fire lizard 20 NPC place and talk to more than one individual before
passing out all the rumors.

Rumors of the • Halaster lives, in a sense, but he is no longer a

Deep Levels threat to anyone. He is a demilich whose power is

rooted to one spot. Avoid that spot, and avoid all

I t is rumors of treasure and excitement that

call sell-swords, thieves, and budding wiz-
ards to Undermountain. Ye’ll know that wizards
trouble with the Mad Wizard. Halaster’s appren-
tices—both living and dead—are another matter,
however. They are far more powerful than he ever
who have seen many years have learned to avoid was, and they go out of their way to capture and kill
the dank and dangerous place. There be plenty adventurers.
enough magic and excitement in other dun-
geons and above the ground.” Elminster adjusted • Far below Waterdeep a forest grows. It is more
his pipe and motioned to a serving girl for a glass beautiful and lush than anything found above
of wine. ground, except, perhaps, in the elven lands. The for-

est has trees, plants, and animals, and is fed by an orb • “Feed the lion enchantment and this gate will
as bright as the sun. It was put underground by Hal- take you out of the dungeon.”
aster, who had grown tired of nothing but darkness
and rock walls. • Trobriand has claimed a level of Undermountain
for his own, dark purposes. Those who walk his halls
• Undermountain has become home to legions of must watch carefully for the insect—if they wish to
undead led by vampires. The vampires have found survive.
the place to their liking, as in gaseous form they can
enter and exit the gates without fear of harm. Deep in • A rift inside a cavern has linked Undermountain
the bowels of the earth they are safe from those who to the Plane of Earth. Creatures far worse than those
would kill them a final time. They come out only to Halaster commands, including elementals, are poised
capture the living and increase their army of undead. to move into Undermountain—and perhaps to the
If something is not done to end their miserable un- surface beyond.
lives, they will grow in numbers until they have an
army large enough to wipe out Waterdeep and the • A magical device that will grant abilities,
cities beyond. though temporary and at a considerable price, rises
above the dungeon’s floor. A crown is said to grant
• The spirits of pirates who used to frequent the knowledge.
harbor have found their way into the crawlways and
tunnels far below Waterdeep. They walk the world • A sect of evil clerics has opened up a temple in
restless, knowing that their treasure is buried some- one of the levels near the middle of the dungeon. Per-
where and they cannot retrieve it on their own. Some haps they work for Halaster. Perhaps they have their
say they sail the River Sargauth. However, most agree own malign agendas. It will take people of good
that if one of these pirate spirits is laid to rest, it will hearts and pure thoughts to defeat them.
tell you where its treasure is.
• The corridors and chambers of Undermountain
• A powerful druidess lives below Waterdeep. Tales are warming. A volcano grows beneath the earth and
say the druidess was banished when she attempted to threatens the existence of Waterdeep. Not all of Hal-
kill the Great Druid and take his place. The Great aster’s guards and wards will be able to contain the
Druid ordered her from his realm, and she took up explosion. However, adventurers who have traveled
residence in Undermountain. However, a few sages the chambers say a magical item exists that will tame
say there was no challenge. The druidess elected to the earth and send the volcano back to the center of
come below ground; she was unhappy with the people the world.
of Waterdeep. Time and the lack of true sunlight
have driven the druidess mad. • Trapped woodland creatures abound in an under-
ground forest, imprisoned by one of Halaster’s appren-
• Some of the creatures that roam the corridors of tices. Good fortune awaits the individuals who can
Undermountain are beasts now, but they were Water- free the creatures and return them to their home
dhavians and adventurers who risked their lives for forests.
the chance for wealth under the earth. A magic spell
transformed them into simple animals—with simple • An enchanted emerald blade, a famed sword of
minds. Some say a golden-haired bear wanders the sharpness that sheds tears, is hidden somewhere below
underground forest. The bear wears a magical neck- Waterdeep. A one-of-a-kind weapon, it is sought after
lace that could be sold for a great price. by powerful fighters, rangers, and thieves who believe
the blade will make them stronger in battle. Unfortu-

nately, the blade is rumored to have a guardian that • Sages say dwarves used to populate Undermoun-
hides it well. tain and that Halaster did nothing more than steal it
from them. The dwarves, now all dead, mined
• The hoard of a dragon is there for the taking. The mithral. The mines still exist, haunted by the spirits
great beast died—unable to get out of the narrow of the slaughtered miners. If you can make it past
entrance to its cavern and unable to get enough food their ghosts, the riches of the mine are yours to
to support its bulk. All you have to do is find it—and claim.
find a way to carry it outside.
• The thieves’ guild known as the Fire Knives
• A fountain filled with magical waters lies hidden works in the chambers under the city. Halaster is
in darkness. Drinking from it will add years to your dead, his minions are no more. The thieves who have
life. The water may belong to someone or something, claimed the area kill all trespassers to keep their
however, as all those who have gone in search of it whereabouts secret, and to keep the Lords from
never returned. knowing they’re active again.

• The daughter of a wealthy Waterdhavian family,

the merchant house Diatre, is missing. Some say she
ran away with her beloved, a common thief. How-
ever, truth be told, she was kidnaped, taken below to
marry one of Halaster’s apprentices. Diatre has offered
T he only way into Undermountain (other than
using a wish spell) is to enter via one of the
many gates around Waterdeep and elsewhere in the
a 1,000-gp reward for her safe return. Realms. The gates that access the levels of Under-
mountain, as presented in the original Ruins of Under-
• A paladin of Lliira, Our Lady of Joy, who entered mountain boxed set, will not allow PCs to enter the
Undermountain to rid it of evil, is being held prisoner levels presented in this box (unless DMs create new
in the temple the evil god, Cyric. If the paladin is gates that permit it).
released, Our Lady of Joy will certainly reward those Halaster created Undermountain for the conve-
who freed him. nience of himself, not others. Restricting access to
various levels keeps Undermountain from being over-
• A powerful fighter has made a home in the tun- run by adventurers and glory-seekers and merchants
nels far beneath Waterdeep. A good-hearted man, hoping to fill their shops with trinkets from the
he gave up life in the city to aid those who braved dungeon. Therefore, adventurers must use different
the dangers of Undermountain. Now he devotes his gates to enter different portions of the massive
life to helping adventurers get out of the deep ways dungeon—and to leave. To complicate matters, not
alive. If you cannot find a way out of Undermoun- all of the gates send PCs to the same place all the
tain, find the fighter and he will help you. Look to time.
the forest. Sages believe that most of the gates were estab-
lished by Halaster. Others were perhaps constructed
• The carcasses of giant-sized elephants—beasts by enemies trying to get at the Mad Wizard. The
who were bigger than dragons—lie in a massive gates created by Halaster are enchanted to cancel
chamber far, far, beneath Waterdeep. The tusks from magical effects passing through them. In other words,
the creatures are the purest of ivory and are worth a a party of adventurers hoping to enter unseen via
king’s fortune. All you have to do is find this burial invisibility spells will find themselves visible on the
ground and bring the tusks to the surface. Merchants other side. Wizards trying to cast spells through the
are waiting to buy the ivory from you. gates will find their efforts unsuccessful and their
spells wasted. However, magical items will pass

through the gates (Halaster’s minions and apprentices could have a difficult time learning what they look
enjoy collecting magic from fallen adventurers). like.
Many of the gates have guardians—creatures and In addition, not all gates operate all the time.
constructs placed there by Halaster to limit access to Some function for only so many hours a day. Others
his realm. Further, monsters roaming the deep ways operate only at night or during what would be sun-
have learned places where humans and demihumans light above. Some require that those attempting to
enter the complex. These monsters attempt to catch use them know code words or specific actions that
the trespassers by surprise. Gates without designated will trigger the magic. And a few of the gates seem to
guardians may be assigned them by DMs, either by function at times not pinned to phases of the moon,
personal preference or by use of the wandering mon- seasons, time of day, or anything else that can be
ster chart. measured.
The gates to and from these levels of the dungeon
are made in part or totally of stone, a material that “Ahem!” interrupted Elminster between puffs of
sages believe is necessary to conduct and store the his pipe. “It seems ye really cannot be dissuaded
energy required to operate the gates’ teleporting abil- from entering the deep ways, can ye? If such be
ity. All of the gates created by Halaster are virtually your unswerving plans, then listen well. I’ll
indestructible. Only repeated disintegrate spells (com- impart a little wisdom about the gates—very lit-
bined with dispel magic and others) have had any tle, however, as wisdom is a thing to be gotten
effect on a gate, and this effect caused only a weaken- from experience. It is said, and I have great
ing in the magical field—it did not destroy it. Hal- cause to believe it, that most of the gates into
aster’s magics are so strong that it would take a wizard the foul depths of Undermountain have special
more powerful than he to bring down his enchant- safeguards upon them—fluctuating magics that
ments. cause most random effects. Perhaps these are
Gates vary in appearance. One might look like a keyed to phases of the moon or levels and feroc-
massive oaken door set in a stone frame. To pass ity of the tides. Perhaps they take effect solely at
through the door is to enter—or leave—Undermoun- the whim of the powers that live within the
tain. Another might be a ring of stones on the ground dank corridors. Yet, there is some evidence that
that one has simply to step into. They can appear as the randomness of yon magical effects are
stone columns that must be walked between. Exam- linked to numbers—the number of times a gate
ples of unusual gates include doors with two handles. is used. Therefore, mind ye pay attention now.
Using one handle simply allows an individual to enter If you be traveling to Undermountain in a
the room beyond. However, using the other handle group, stay together. Entering such a gate indi-
causes a teleporter gate to take effect, propelling the vidually could send ye all to different places. Of
individual to a level in Undermountain. Some are course, entering a gate individually might not do
closets; shutting oneself inside them activates the anything at all other than put you in front of
teleportation. Others are more complex, such as step- whatever danger waits inside the Mad Wizard’s
ping into a statue when the full moon is directly over- abode. Still, I’ll not tell you where these gates
head, or walking through an alleyway wall as the last are. I’ll not be responsible for putting you in
rays of the setting sun strike the cobblestones in front jeopardy. Ye’ll have to find others to impart that
of it. foolish knowledge.” The great mage leaned back
Sages have documented some gates so small that in the chair, eyeing the assembled Waterdha-
halflings would be hard-pressed to notice them, vians.
while others are large—the very walls of a corridor. “Just mind ye that if ye do enter Halaster’s
A few are nothing more than etched symbols on dark domain, ye go about searching for a gate
rocks. Therefore, characters attempting to find gates out—ye’ll be needing it.”

8 Every other individual walking through the gate is
Gate Conditions and Effects
transported somewhere else. Individuals who are in
The following presents magical effects connected to contact with each other, such as holding hands, being
gates. DMs can place these on existing gates detailed connected by ropes, etc., count as one person.
in this booklet—using them in addition to safeguards
already in place—or DMs can place them on gates 9 A musical tune must be played to activate the
they create. DMs wanting to create random effects on magic within the gate. The tune must continue to be
gates should roll 1d20 and consult the following con- played while individuals are walking through the por-
ditions and effects. In addition, DMs are encouraged tal.
to create conditions of their own.
10 An offering of food must be hurled through the
Random Gate Effects gate before individuals can pass. Usually this offering
is consumed by the energies of the gate. However,
1 This gate, which leads into but not out of Under- sometimes it is consumed by the creatures on the
mountain, does not function during daylight hours. other side.

2 The gate casts faerie fire on all creatures using it to 11 The gate is a bane to all metal items. Magical
enter or leave Undermountain. This spell effect lasts and non-magical metal objects must make a saving
for one turn. throw versus spells at -4 or rust.

3 Walking through the gate triggers a special dispel 12 Characters attempting to walk through a gate are
magic spell—all potions must make a successful saving greeted by an illusion of a monster on the other side.
throw versus spells or be rendered useless. Usually the illusion is of a creature that can be found
nearby, such as puddings, molds, or undead.
4 Characters who step through a gate are disori-
ented and dizzy. For the following two turns they will 13 The gate will not function for individuals who
be -1 on all combat and saving throw rolls. have active magical spells or who have magical items
5 The gate does not function unless coins or other
valuables are tossed through it before adventurers 14 The gate casts a hold person spell on each individ-
walk through. Tolls of less than 5 gp per individual ual passing through it. Characters who do not make a
are not accepted. successful saving throw versus spell are held on the
other side of the gate—victims of whatever monsters
6 The gate, serving only as an entrance to the lurk there.
dungeon, does not function between midnight and

7 The gate will not operate unless the magic is acti-

vated by feeding it a potion, powder, or similar magi-
cal item. For example, a potion of any value must be
poured on the gate for its magic to activate and allow
individuals to walk through it.

15 Each individual passing through a gate must 18 The gate will not permit individuals taller than
make a successful saving throw versus spells or be 3’ to enter. This limits entrance to short demihumans
polymorphed into an animal (roll 1d20) for the follow- and those who are willing to crawl.
ing seven rounds. These animals often end up as food
for the creatures on the other side of gate. 19 The gate siphons hit points. Fighters suffer 1d10
hit points of damage from walking through; priests,
1 Rabbit 11 Squirrel 1d8; thieves and bards, 1d6; and wizards, 1d4. The hit
2 Mole 12 Sheep points only can be regained through magical healing.
3 Pig 13 Duck
4 Otter 14 Lizard 2 0 The energy of the gate draws magical charges
5 Dog 15 Weasel from all items that pass through it. All items with
6 Toad 16 Fox charges, such as wands, staves, rings and others lose
7 Raccoon 17 Rat charges. Roll 1d6 and consult the following table to
8 Cat 18 Hedgehog determine how many charges are lost.
9 Chicken 19 Ferret
10 Frog 20 Calf 1 1d4 4 1d10
2 1d6 5 1d12
16 Each individual attempting to pass through a 3 1d8 6 1d20
gate is subject to the effects of a slow spell unless she
or he makes a successful saving throw versus spells.
The slow spell lasts for 1 turn.
Entering the
17 The air inside the gate is filled with a Type I poi-
Deep Levels
son. All those walking through the gate who are not
magically or naturally protected must make a saving
throw versus poison. Those who save suffer 15 points
T he sewers of the City of Waterdeep link with
Undermountain in several places—but only to
the levels in the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set.
of damage; those who fail suffer 30 points. The dam- Further, the Yawning Portal, the inn built atop the
age takes effect 2d6 minutes after the individuals ruins of Halaster’s tower, permits entrance only to the
have walked through the gate. topmost levels of the dungeon complex.
This section details ways into the Deep Levels of
Undermountain. DMs can alter the accesses as they
see fit. If player characters become too accustomed to
using certain gates for ingress and egress, DMs should
alter the gates or use the table of gate conditions and
effects to discourage the PCs from becoming too com-
Most of the entry points are detailed below; they
are intended as a handy reference for the DM. The
information begins with level four in “Wyllowwood,”
as the first three levels were contained in the original
Ruins of Undermountain boxed set.
The levels presented in this boxed set can be used
in any order.

• Three miles east of Waterdeep’s East Torch Tower yards south of the Field of Triumph, individuals walk-
stands a long-dead copse. The broadest of these now ing between a pair of worn stone arches find them-
rock-hard trunks is hollow. By stepping inside the selves transported—minus all potions—into the
trunk and standing on one’s left foot in a small circle waters at Room 16 in Wyllowwood. All beings trans-
of stones ringing the inside of the hollow, a creature ported have faerie fire cast on them. They are perfect
or individual is transported to Room 1 in Wyllow- bait for the creatures swimming in wait there. If the
wood, directly between a pair of massive stone pillars. moon goes behind a cloud while someone is being
Only one human-sized creature can be transported at transported, that individual ends up in a random
any one time via this gate. location within Undermountain.

• In the basement of Twice As Nice, a decrepit • At the intersection of the Street of the Singing
building housing a resale shop off the Street of Lances Dolphin and Ivory Street is the guildhall of the
in the Sea Ward in Waterdeep, a wooden door is set Stonecutters, Masons, Potters, and Tilemakers. In the
into a stone frame. The door is currently hidden basement stands a pair of elegant dancers, chiseled
behind a rack of wine bottles. Persons attempting to from fine marble. The statues, a gift of an old man
pass through this gate must save versus poison or be who hired the masons to construct a wine cellar for
struck by a debilitating disease that will sap 1 point him, are gates to transport individuals between a ran-
each of Strength and Constitution a day until the dom location in Trobriand’s Graveyard and the guild-
victim dies or is saved by a cure disease spell. Strength hall. The old man was one of Halaster’s apprentices
and Constitution points can be regained at a rate of 1 placing a gate that would allow easy access to Water-
point/day each by resting. This gate leads to Room 7 deep. The stonecutters are unaware of the magical
in Wyllowwood. PCs emerging into this room find no properties of the statues, which are only activated
trace of the door they went through. when an individual skips between them and concen-
trates on journeying to Undermountain.
• A massive stone urn in the far northeastern cor-
ner of Heroes’ Garden, near the walls of Waterdeep, • At the intersection of Carter’s Way and Coach
serves as a gate that will transport individuals to Lamp Lane near Waterdeep’s South Gate is the main
Room 20, inside a pool at the edge of the under- hall of the Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers,
ground forest. The gate functions only when the urn and Choristers. In the building’s parlor, a series of
is at least half-filled with water, requiring about 40 slender stone columns supports the roof. Etched in
gallons. Characters submerging themselves in the the woodwork where the ceiling meets the walls of
water emerge inside the magical pool, thoroughly the main room is an old elven tune. If this tune is
drenched and often suffering one of the random magi- played, it activates a gate between a pair of the
cal effects tied to the gates. The urn and pool act as a columns, the only two that are pale blue. Up to four
two-way gate, allowing people to return to Heroes’ man-sized individuals can walk through the gate at
Garden or Undermountain — but only if the urn is full any given time. The gate transports individuals into
of water. the river at Room 17. While the musicians are aware
of the tune etched into the woodwork, none know
• When the full moon casts its rays upon Seaeye’s about the columns (at least none still alive). A few of
March near the Gulf Leap of Waterdeep, exactly 100 the members of the Council of Musicians, Instru-

ment-Makers, and Choristers have noted visiting priest a special spell-casting ability for the following
musicians entering the main chamber, practicing month that allows all of his spells to function at max-
their instruments, and then disappearing from view. imum level. For example, a flame strike spell causes 30
The council members assumed the visitors left for points of damage, and a cure light wounds spell heals 8
other parts of Waterdeep without saying good-bye. hit points.
Often the priests will join forces in a hunt when
• North of Waterdeep is a circle of immovable the adventurers seem dangerous or numerous. Victo-
stones. Stepping inside the stones while clouds cast a ries are split evenly. Priests are allowed any weapons
shadow over them transports individuals to a random and spells at their command to aid in the hunt, thus
location within the underground forest in Wyllow- making it more likely that the most powerful priests
wood. will win.
It is rare for the entire complement of Malar priests

The Hunt to know when adventurers have found their way to

the Wyllowwood level. The priests do not wish to

M any of the residents in Wyllowwood are

priests of Malar the Beastlord. The priests
have found this level of Undermountain a perfect
share their victories with all of their brothers, and
therefore are careful who they alert about trespassers
to hunt.
home, as it is far away from the prying eyes of goodly On occasion adventurers will be told they are being
aligned Waterdhavian clerics and near a lush, hidden hunted. The priests involved in this hunt hope the
forest. knowledge will breed fear in their targets, sweetening
They live in a complex of rooms detailed in the the final kill.
section “Wyllowwood: Core Rooms,” near the forest.
Here, they serve Malar, embroil themselves in politics
and power plays, study various animals they capture
in the woods, and hatch vile schemes that could harm
the residents of Waterdeep far above.
Core Rooms
Although the presence of a druid in the forest
Room 1: Platform of Doom
bothers them, they find that she helps maintain the
woods, and so they accept her—guardedly. You emerge into a cavern and find yourself
They consider the presence of wandering adventur- standing in an alcove on a marble slab between
ers delightful and profitable, as it allows them to con- two massive stone pillars that are roughly in the
duct a great game they have established—the hunt. center of the slab. Lit torches protrude from the
The hunt takes place throughout the Wyllowwood pillars at odd angles, like branches from a tree. A
level and involves all members of the Malar cult. closer look at the pillars reveal they are carved
Most of the priests, however, prefer to hunt in the to resemble trunks, but the chiseled bark is worn
underground forest. with age. The floor of the chamber is made of a
Trespassing adventurers are hunted as if they were dark, colored stone and has fine, green veins
wild beasts, and their skulls and shields are taken as running through it; perhaps it is marble.
trophies. The Malar priests have discovered that The slab extends to touch the cavern’s rough-
hunting humans and demihumans is more challeng- hewn walls before and behind you. The soft light
ing and rewarding than chasing animals. from the torches plays across the floor and makes
The rules of the hunt are simple: The Malar priest the shadows dance along the rock walls. To your
who captures the most skulls and shields during the left and right the chamber narrows, and the slab
course of a month is declared the victor and is consid- you are standing on meets an underground river
ered blessed by Malar. The evil god bestows upon this that apparently flows under your feet.

This chamber is connected to the one-way gate in section at the back of this product), and assorted
the hollow tree described in the “Gates” section. It weapons and armor that are useless because of damage
serves only as one of the entry points into the from the scrags and the water.
Wyllowwood level, and stepping back between the Traveling west along the river leads to a cavern
pillars will accomplish nothing. The torches in the wall. The river flows through cracks in the wall that
pillar cannot be removed, as they are actually part of are too small for adventurers to fit through. PCs who
the pillar. However, each can be broken off by inflict- pass through the cracks by using magic to make them-
ing more than 20 points of damage to its base. Treat selves small or gaseous find themselves in the river
the torches as AC 5. The torches’ light is a magical near Room 2, transported there by spells Halaster has
fire, a variation of the continual light spell, that can be placed in the cavern.
extinguished only by a successful dispel magic or con- Traveling east along the river from Room 1 leads to
tinual darkness. The torches give off no heat and they the abandoned temple that comprises Room 2.
cannot burn combustibles.
PCs examining the base of the pillars find words Freshwater Scrags (5): Int Low; AL CE; AC 3; MV
scrawled in Duergar: “Built we these pillars for our 3, SW 15; HD 5+5; hp 30 each; THAC0 15; #AT 3;
own lands. Ours no longer, let them join our bones in Dmg 2-5/2-5/3-12; SA Nil; SD Regeneration; SZ L
our underground graveyard. Careful ye be, or ye shall (8’ tall); ML 14; XP 650 each.
soon join us.”
The underground river is 20’ deep and flows slug-
Room 2:
gishly to and under the slab. Characters watching the
Temple To The Destroyer
ripples in the water can tell by the current that the
water passes underneath them. Following the river, you enter an immense cav-
Adventurers will not be harmed as long as they ern, the walls of which emit a faint blue light.
remain on the slab. However, the moment they enter The air is colder here, unnaturally so. A rocky
the water, either by swimming or walking across it, island sits in the center of the river, which has
they will be attacked by the freshwater scrags living widened to fill the chamber. You can see smaller
there. Characters who are swimming do not receive a branches of the river flowing into passages to the
Dexterity bonus to their Armor Class. west and northwest. The major body of the river
The freshwater scrags have made this river their continues on to the north.
home, aware of the food that can be found on or near A stone structure stands upon the island, its
the marble slab. The scrags hide under the slab if they walls covered with moss. At one time the struc-
hear talking or other noises coming from it. They ture could have been a temple or a palace; the
attack the moment someone enters the water. If the building was certainly large enough. In places
PCs have a boat or have found a way to construct a you note that the foundation is crumbling. It is
raft, the scrags attempt to capsize it after the raft has obviously an ancient place, perhaps ruined by
moved several yards from the marble slab. time and the dampness of this chamber. You see
If the player characters defeat the scrag and spend no means of entering the building, however
two turns searching directly under the marble slab, there are crumbling stairs that lead to what is
they can find the creatures’ treasure: eight pieces of left of the roof. Statues of fighters and robed men
turquoise (worth 10 gp each), a piece of blue quartz are placed seemingly at random about the island.
(worth 60 gp), a piece of smoky quartz (worth 100 They are devoid of the moss that covers most of
gp), a chunk of sardonyx (worth 120) gp, a jade ele- the stone on the island.
phant the size of a man’s fist (worth 300 gp), a black The statues have withstood the elements and
opal stored in a decaying wooden box (worth 400 gp), time far better than the building. They are works of
an arrow of healing (detailed in the “Magical Items” art that belong where people can appreciate them.

The building is a temple that in ages past was dedi- warriors’ shields and weapons as symbolic of Talos the
cated to Talos the Destroyer. However, it was aban- Destroyer.
doned when Halaster’s apprentices brought their Much of the temple is crumbling, and no matter
magic to bear on the priests of Talos, who were how long the adventurers search they cannot find an
gaining in power and building an army of undead. entrance to it by wandering about the exterior of the
Spies informed Halaster’s apprentices that the place. However, if they climb the stairs they discover
priests had designs on taking over all of Under- an opening in the temple’s roof next to a darkened,
mountain. crumbling altar.
Now all that remains of the temple are some of the Player characters who touch the altar must make a
undead occupants, left by the apprentices to bother successful saving throw versus spell or succumb to the
trespassers in the dungeon. effects of a lost enchantment similar to a feign death
The statues radiate a faint aura of alteration magic spell. The affected individuals fall to the ground and
if such is detected for. At one time they served as appear dead—and their companions might think
extra pairs of eyes for the Talos priests, allowing them them so. The individuals do not appear to breathe,
to gaze out over the river and watch for signs of trou- and their skin grows pale and cold. The characters
ble. Now the statues stand only as a reminder of the will remain in this state for 3 full turns (one-half
craftsmen and priests who once lived here. hour). They can hear, smell, see, and realize what is
Characters examining the statues discover that the going on, but they cannot move or do anything about
workmanship is excellent. The statues seem lifelike. their condition. The enchantment was placed on the
PCs with the religion nonweapon proficiency who altar so sacrifices would pose no problem and would
examine the statues are allowed a proficiency check. be unable to escape their fate. The priests were pro-
Success means they recognize the markings on the tected from the spell.

Characters looking through the opening in the roof Skeletons, Monster (6): Int Non; AL N; AC 6; MV
see a darkened chamber below. There is not enough 12; HD 6; hp 30 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10
light to discern any details about the room. Lowering (halberds); SA Nil; SD Edged weapons inflict half
a light shows that the room is large and many piles of damage, immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells; SZ S
bones lay scattered about. The remnants of a ladder (3’ tall); ML Special; XP 650 each.
lie on the stone floor 20 feet below. An archway to
the east and another to the west lead off into dark- East Room: Once the sleeping quarters for the Talos
ness. No map is provided. However, DMs can draw priests, this 100-foot-long by 40-foot-wide room like-
one if they so desire. wise has been looted, and rubble is strewn throughout
the place. A continual darkness globe suspended from
Bone Room: Centuries ago this was a meeting place the ceiling keeps the place blanketed in darkness—a
for the Talos priests. It was filled with opulent furni- one-time aid to help the priests sleep. Decades ago
ture. Gold-covered braziers kept the room smelling of several chambers could be reached off of this room,
spice and covered up the scent of the priests’ undead however, age took its toll on the structure and those
charges. However, through the decades the temple rooms have collapsed. This chamber has become the
has been looted and damaged. This room and the two home to shadows who centuries past served the Talos
beyond it are the only chambers left standing. The priests. The shadows will not join the skeletons fight-
player characters will have to find a way to lower ing in the bone room; they prefer to deal with intrud-
themselves into this room if they want to explore the ers who were likely injured by the skeletons and are
temple further. The dimensions of the bone room are therefore easier prey. The shadows attack when one
100 feet long by 60 feet high, with a 20-foot-high or more individuals have entered the room. Only
ceiling. magical light sources will aid the PCs’ vision in this
The piles of bones are actually skeletons that will room.
animate when the PCs touch them. Only one pile
need be touched for all of them to spring to life. Shadows (16): Int Low; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; HD
Priests cannot turn the bones until after they are ani- 3+3; hp 18 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5+ spe-
mated. cial; SA Strength drain; SD +1 or better weapons to
PCs searching this room will find nothing of value. hit, immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, unaffected
The halberds are old and rusted and will command no by cold-based attacks; SZ M (6’ tall); ML Special; XP
more than 4 gp each on the market. 650 each.

Skeletons (30): Int Non; AL N; AC 7; MV 12; HD The room contains nothing of value. However, suc-
1; hp 5 each; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (bone cessfully searching the room for secret doors reveals a
club); SA Nil; SD Edged weapons inflict half damage, small niche in the wall. Inside is a clerical scroll with
immune to sleep, charm, fear and hold spells and cold- the spells remove fear, enthrall, hold person, hard water
based attacks; SZ M (6’ tall); ML Special; XP 65 (listed in the new spells section) and invisibility to
each. undead.

Skeletons, Animal (10): Int Non; AL N; AC 8; West Room: This 50-foot-long by 20-foot-wide room
MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 4 each; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg served as a meditation chamber for the Talos priests.
1-4; SA Nil; SD Edged weapons inflict half damage, Here, they would daily pray for their malicious spells
immune to sleep, charm, fear and hold spells and and consult with each other about plans for taking
cold-based attacks; SZ S (3’ tall); ML Special; XP 65 over Undermountain. At one time several passage-
each. ways led from this room. However, all of those have
collapsed with time.

The room is devoid of undead and furnishings. The The stream is 10 feet wide and 20 feet deep
walls are covered with intricate mosaics, which can- through most of the passageway. The rocky walls of
not be clearly viewed unless they are cleaned with a the cavern meet the edge of the water and prevent
cloth or water. The walls are coated with grime and travelers from finding a place to stand.
dust. PCs moving along this stream will encounter the
Characters cleaning off the mosaics are witness to occupants half-way down its course—a trio of lemon
artistically-rendered scenes of priests slaying people fish. The fish are too large to fit through the gate,
and commanding their undead forms to rise. The unless adventurers widen the opening between the
priests wear black robes shot through with jagged yel- bars.
low streaks resembling lightning bolts. PCs with the For more information on the lemon fish, consult
religion nonweapon proficiency who view the mosaics the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® booklet included in
and make a successful proficiency check recognize this boxed set.
these as priests of Talos. The scenes of violent death PCs searching the bottom of the stream here can
displayed on the wall are disturbing. Beneath the find bits of rusted armor and weapons—remnants of
scenes, yet still part of the mosaics, is written: “All adventurers who did not survive the lemon fish. They
bow before Talos the Destroyer, the Power of Pande- have a 5% chance of finding a ring of warmth hidden
monium, the god who holds sway over violent death. beneath a rusted shield.
Yield to him or suffer his wrath. With his power we This branch of the stream opens into a cavern left
will claim these caverns. With his strength we will for DMs to develop.
hold the surface in slavery. With his might we will
rule the Realms.” Subterranean Fish, Lemon (3): Int Non; AL Nil;
Nothing of value can be found in this chamber. AC 6; MV SW 24; HD 7; hp 35 each; THAC0 13;
And nothing in the temple complex can be used to #AT 2; Dmg 2-16/7; SA Poison; SD Special; SZ M
construct a raft. (5’ long); ML 11; XP 1,400 each.

Room 3: Stream of Death Room 4: Streamlined Danger

An iron grate running from close to the ceiling An iron grate, running from close to the ceiling
of this passage and into the river blocks the way. of this passage and into the river, blocks the way.
The grate looks similar to the one on the other
The grate runs 20 feet down to the bottom of the passage, though you can see a place where the
river. A two-foot-wide gap at the ceiling of the pas- bars are bent slightly.
sage would allow characters to pass over the grate and
continue on the other side. Large PCs in plate mail or The bars are bent because another band of adventur-
PCs weighted down with backpacks and other objects ers tried to find their way into this passage. Fortu-
will find it difficult to pass through the opening. A nately for them, they were not able to get through the
successful bend bars roll will move the bars of the grating.
grate enough to allow man-sized creatures to pass The stream here is 35’ deep, and like the other
through at any level. The grate is made of an unusual branch, the rock walls of the cavern enclose it and do
alloy and is not rusted. not afford a place for the PCs to stand. Roughly
The grate was installed decades ago to keep hungry halfway down the stream, travelers will encounter
river predators away from the island. At the time, this branch’s occupants, a dozen water beetles who
Halaster’s apprentice, Arcturia, considered making have not eaten in several days.
the Talos island her home. Although her plans for the Searching the bottom of the stream reveals more
island never materialized, the grate did. bits of armor, weapons, and useless adventuring gear.

However, the PCs can find one sword that has with-
Room 6: Passing Warning
stood years of resting underwater. This is a khopesh
sword +1. Ahead you see an arched passageway that rises
The stream empties into a chamber that is left to to the west away from the river. Steps lead from
the DM to develop and populate. the river into the passageway, and tied near the
steps is a long canoe. The passageway is not nat-
Beetle, Water (12): Int Non; AL Nil; AC 3; MV 3, ural, as it is smooth and tiled. Carved into the
SW 9; HD 4; hp 20 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg tile at the base of the archway near the canoe
3-18; SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ M (6’ long); ML 14; XP are elvish words.
120 each.
There are no paddles in the canoe. The owner of the
boat, Halaster’s apprentice Trobriand, keeps those
Room 5: Colorful River
with him or hidden elsewhere. The canoe is 12 feet
The walls of the cavern here are covered in long and will comfortably hold four individuals and a
places with a luminous lichen that cast enough reasonable amount of belongings. If more than 1,000
light let you see easily. Swirls of color—tur- pounds is placed in the canoe, it will sink. The carved
quoise, red, green—play beneath the surface of words read: “Beware what lies beyond. The peril of
the river. Deeper, below the display of color, you the river pales beside the evil and horrors that await
see a glint of metal. within. Halaster rules this domain.”
A few yards into the passage, scratches and deep
If the adventurers are on a raft, they will not gouges are easily noticed. They are about three feet
encounter the river’s residents: a school of wattley above the ground, Scrutiny reveals they were likely
fish, which is making the water appear colorful. How- made by claws. Indeed, this was the scene of a fight
ever, if they are in the water, there is a 30% chance between trespassing adventurers and a priest of Malar
the wattleys are hungry and will nibble on the PCs. using claws of Malar. If any PC casts a speak with stone
In any event, characters who swim toward the here, the walls recount the horrific battle in which a
sparkling colors on the bottom of the river will lone man wearing metal claws killed a group of eight.
encounter the fish. Wattleys are described in the sub- The man dumped the bodies in the river. The walls
terranean fish MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® booklet describe the man as muscular and powerful—fire
entry included in this boxed set. erupted from his hands. No further information can
The glint of metal below the wattleys is a nonmagi- be learned from the stone.
cal shield left behind recently by a priest of Malar
who fled while trying to avoid the hungry fish.
Room 7: Emptiness Place
If the PCs kill the wattleys and gut them, there is a
1-in-20 chance that each fish will have a 50 gp pearl The gray slate floors, walls, and ceiling of this
or gem in its stomach. room are immaculate. A wind blows unceasingly
through it. The room has no features and looks
Subterranean Fish, Wattley (30): Int Semi-; AL N; as if it was never occupied. There are two arch-
AC 8; MV SW 18; HD 1; hp 5 each; THAC0 19; #AT ways leading from this place, one to the north
1; Dmg 1-2; SA Paralysis; SD Nil; SZ T (6” long); and the other to the west. You see only darkness
ML 17; XP 35 each. beyond the arches.

This is the fringe of this level’s magic-dead area. In

fact, it is the only room wherein magic will function
in this complex of rooms. It is clean, simply because a

permanent gust of wind and a permanent cantrip keep There is nothing in or under the bed other than
it that way. The gust of wind will blow out all torches layers of dust. The wardrobe is empty save for one rot-
and lanterns. PCs tracking mud, water, or dirt into ting midnight blue robe that was made for someone at
this place will find that the offending substance is least nine feet tall. In the pockets of the garment are
quickly dissolved. three yellow glass beads the size of small apples. The
This room is also the receiving end of a gate to beads are worth 10 gp each. The desk has no drawers
Undermountain (see “Entering the Deep Levels”). and looks in a poor state. If anything is set upon the
The archways from this room lead to Room 8 and desk, or if a character places his hands upon the desk,
Room 12. If the player characters are carrying magical it will collapse. The tub is just what it seems and has
light sources, those light sources will extinguish when nothing in it but a layer of dust. The chest at the foot
they are taken beyond either archway. Consult the of the bed is empty. However, a successful secret doors
“Magic-Dead Areas” section for more information. roll reveals a hidden compartment set into the lid.
Inside the compartment is a giant-sized diary written
in the language of storm giants. PCs who are able to
Room 8: Not So Sweet Dreams
understand the language can read the following
A massive four-poster bed dominates this high- entries; all other entries are illegible because of the
ceilinged room. The bed must be nearly 20 feet rotting paper.
wide and more than 10 feet long. The dark,
carved wood posts attest that ages ago this was a “How I have come to this place is a mystery. A wrong
work of art, but now the wood is weathered, the misstep, perhaps, outside of the growing port settle-
bed sags of age, and the quilt that covers it is ment of Waterdeep. There are beasts here, and
moth-eaten. The rest of the furnishings—a desk, humans who worship a malign god. I must be careful
wardrobe, and chest—are likewise old and and guard my path until I find a way out . . .
weathered. The only object in the room that
seems to have withstood time is a massive “Today I saw the priests on the island gather an army
ceramic tub that is a yard wide and nearly three of undead. I am certain they plan to march against
yards long. Despite its size, the tub is dwarfed by the human wizards I have noted. Who will win, I can-
ornate marble pillars that stand in an “L” shape not guess . . .
behind it. There are two exits from this room,
both to the north. “I realize why this chamber is safe. My magic does not
work here—not one spell or arcane ability. Devoid of
The room is unoccupied—at least for the present. It is magic, this area seems a bane to the wizards and
not clean like the preceding room, as the effects of the priests nearby . . .
magic do not extend here. The creatures in Room 9
will wait for the PCs to explore the large room for a “I have acquired a taste for the colorful little fish that
while, separating to examine the furnishings. At the swim in the river. To net them is the only recourse, as
most opportune time, the creatures, a half-dozen mino- their bite is painful. Still, each is a mouthful, and
taurs, will strike, gaining a +2 on their surprise roll. sometimes I find pearls and gems inside . . .
Characters searching the room will find little of
interest. However, PCs with the nonweapon tracking “In my travels I encountered the ghost of a long-dead
proficiency can notice tracks in the dust in the floor. fighter. At first I was frightened, but then learned I
The tracks, which look like large hoofprints, lead to could converse with him, He told me I was in Hal-
the exits in the north. A successful tracking profi- aster’s home and gave me interesting bits of informa-
ciency with a -2 penalty reveals the tracks belong to tion that I shall pass on, ever I get out of here.
minotaurs. Among many topics we talked of the Mad Wizard.

And the ghost said that if I did not find a way out, I Trap #1: Just inside the door is a pressure plate,
would join his spirit . . .” which is difficult to spot because it is covered with
dirt. The plate looks like a section of flooring. Step-
ping on it releases a swinging blade in the ceiling.
Room 9:
The blade swings from left to right, its arc carrying it
Waiting in the Bullpen
to just three feet above the floor. Gnomes and crawl-
The creatures lairing in this room, a half-dozen mino- ing characters are relatively safe; others will be sliced!
taurs, will strike before the PCs enter this room. They Characters struck by the blade suffer 2-12 (2d6)
hope to catch the adventurers separated and en- points of damage. The trap can be avoided by jump-
trenched in exploring the giant bedroom. The mino- ing over the pressure plate.
taurs know the adventurers cannot use spells or Trap #2: Just beyond the pressure plate is a 10’ by
magical weapon bonuses against them. 10’ pit that is 20 feet deep. It is covered by a taut
The room is a shambles of broken furniture, worn canvas, that is in turn covered by a layer of dirt. PCs
blankets, and hole-riddled tapestries. Player charac- can end up in this pit either by stepping on the can-
ters spending one turn searching through the debris vas or by jumping over the pressure plate mentioned
can find the minotaur’s treasure: 2,000 silver pieces, above and landing in the pit. Those falling in the pit
four gems (a tourmaline worth 100 gp, a white jade suffer 2-12 (2d6) points of damage, save for half
stone worth 100 gp, an amber oval cut gem worth 200 damage.
gp, and a peridot worth 500 gp), a scarlet ribbon of Trap #3: In front of the chest is a 5’ by 5’ pit trap,
Talutah (detailed in the “New Magical Items of the similar in design to the one in the center of the room.
Deep Levels” section), and a staff of strength (also a The pit is 10 feet deep and is filled with rusted spikes.
new magical item). These items will not radiate as Those falling in the pit suffer 1-6 points of damage
magic in this magic-dead area. Because of that, it is from the fall. In addition, roll 1d12 to determine how
possible the PCs will overlook them. many spikes they landed on. Each spike inflicts 2
points of damage.
Minotaur (6): Int Low; AL CE; AC 8; MV 6; HD 6; Trap #4: The broken padlock is a ruse. The chest
hp 33 each; THAC0 13; #AT 2; Dmg 2-8/2-8; SA has another lock inside the face of the chest. This
Grapple, charge; SD +2 on surprise roll; SZ L (7½’ lock is trapped with a poison needle, which is set off
tall); ML 13; XP 1,400 each. when someone removes the broken padlock or
attempts to open the chest. Those struck by the nee-
dle suffer 3-12 points of damage, save for half dam-
Room 10:
Keep Your Trap Shut
Trap #5: There is a secret door in this room that
Designed by Halaster’s pet thief, Garrik, this room is leads to Room 11. The door is 3’ high and is located
filled with a variety of devices to test intruders. The midway up the wall. The door is locked and trapped
minotaurs learned the hard way about this place and with a poison needle, similar to the one on the chest.
stayed away. Those pricked by the needle suffer 3-12 points of
damage, save vs. poison for half damage.
The room ahead is dark. Dirt covers the floor, The only thing if value in this room is a copper
and it looks like no one has been inside it for piece sitting atop a crumpled note. The note reads:
quite some time. You do not notice any tracks in
the dirt. In the southwest corner of the room, an Fools you be for walking where only Halaster’s fiends
old chest sits. The padlock on it is broken and dare tread. The reach of the wizard is long, and his hands
hangs at an odd angle. hold many leashes . . . . Garrik.

panels of wood. A dozen wooden chairs, in vari-
Room 11: Reward
ous states of disrepair, sit about the floor. A door-
This room is dark, but a glint of metal catches way on the south wall leads deeper into the
your eye. Coins are spilled in the southwest cor- complex.
ner of the room.
There is nothing deadly about this room. It is empty,
Garrik left behind a little reward for those able to sur- and the chairs are worthless. The boards lay across
vive his traps. The coins total 100 gp and 300 sp. Sev- the stone floor, put there to cover up a gray mold that
eral of the Malar priests are aware of this trap and once inhabited this place. However, adventurers
periodically check it to see if any “hunt” victims have walking through the room will find it unnerving. The
accepted the thief’s meager treasure. When the coins boards creak terribly whenever any amount of weight
are gone, the priests know it is it time to start the is placed on them. PCs can do nothing to silence the
hunt. sounds, since they cannot cast spells in this magic
dead area. The creaks alert the heucuvas in Room 14.
Room 12: Stone Home
Room 14: Hungry Heucuvas
The room beyond is large and relatively clean.
There are no furnishings, though a round orna- The undead living here are usually left alone. The
mental rug, nearly six feet in diameter, covers a minotaurs let them pass freely, in fact they give them
section of the floor. The walls, ceiling and floor a wide berth and treasure to avoid being attacked.
are stone. A doorway leads off this room to the The pudding has no interest in them either.
south. The heucuvas were servants to Halaster and in life
were magically experimented on by Talosian priests
This is the home of a pair of stone puddings that are who had found their way into the underground. The
resting on the ceiling. If the PCs made a considerable heucuvas roam Undermountain from time to time in
amount of noise in Room 10, the puddings will be search of living creatures to slay. They especially hate
waiting for them, hoping to drop on them from clerics and seek out priests of Malar whenever possi-
above. The pudding is detailed in the MONSTROUS ble. They have chosen this room as their lair because
COMPENDIUM® booklet included with this boxed set. it is magic-dead; they know Halaster’s apprentices do
The treasure in this room is the ornamental rug. It not come here.
is in good condition and is worth 200 to 350 gp, If any characters stepped on the creaking floor
depending where it is sold. If a fight in this room boards in Room 13, the heucuvas will be alerted to
takes place over the rug, the rug is considered dam- their presence and will stand on either side of the
aged and worth one-third of its original value. doorway, waiting for their living targets to enter.
The heucuvas can be turned as wights, as a priest’s
Pudding, Stone (2): Int Low; AL NE; AC 4; MV 3; turn undead ability does function here. (The ability is
HD 5; hp 20 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 3-18; not magical in nature; it is granted by a deity.)
SA Special; SD Edged weapons inflict no damage, The heucuvas only can be hit by silver or +1 weap-
blunt weapons inflict ¼ damage; SZ L (7’ across); ML ons. Since magical weapons will not function in this
17; XP 1,400 each. area, PCs without silvered weapons will have to flee
or perish. The heucuvas will pursue fleeing characters
to the end of the magic-dead area.
Room 13: Creaking Boards
The room is a shambles, with rotting furniture,
The massive room beyond has stone walls and tapestries, and leather items strewn about. If the PCs
ceilings, but the floor is covered with weathered spend more than one turn searching the room, they

can find the heucuva’s treasure. It is stored in a rotted The river’s current is relatively swift, though
leather backpack covered by bits of broken chairs. you cannot tell its direction.
Their wealth consists of: two silvered short swords, The cavern is cloaked in shadows, though
a matched pair of ornate throwing daggers (daggers there is light coming from your forms, and you
+2), 100 sp, 400 cp, a pearl bracelet worth 230 gp, detect a faint light from somewhere upstream.
and a single onyx earring worth 20 gp.
Adventurers who step between the statues when the
Heucuva (5): Int Semi-; AL CE; AC 3; MV 9; HD 2; moon is full, as indicated in the “Gate” section, end
hp 10 each; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Dis- up floundering in the water here. All PCs have faerie
ease; SD +1 or silver weapons to hit; SZ M (5½’ tall); fire cast on them and their belongings, have been mag-
ML 11; XP 270 each. ically stripped of all potions, and are in 20’-deep water.
Those injured by a heucuva will lose one point of Characters in armor could be in danger of drowning—
Strength and Constitution a day until a cure disease especially considering the threat of the trio of sea hags
spell is cast. Victims reaching 0 in one or both statis- living in the water between Room 16 and Room 17.
tics die. The sea hags found their way here nearly four years
ago and were unable to get out. They have made this
stretch of underground river their home, preying on
Room 15:
adventurers who unwittingly find travel through the
Moldy Surroundings
dungeon. The hags have learned not to attack the
Passing beyond the room with the undead, you “regular” inhabitants of Undermountain—they still
see a smaller room filled with dirt and dust. bear scars from encounters with Halaster’s appren-
There are pieces of broken furniture and burned- tices, Trobriand and Arcturia, and the Malar priests.
out torches lying everywhere. A thin coat of Arcturia stripped these hags of their ability to cast
dust covers nearly everything. It is noticeably their deadly gaze. The apprentice did not want the
cooler in here. hags to kill outright those who are loyal to Halaster.
The sea hags will attack the PCs when they enter
The dust is actually a patch of brown mold, It will the area of water between Room 16 and Room 17 on
absorb the body heat from any character approaching the map. It does not matter whether the PCs are
within five feet of it, causing 4d8 points of damage per swimming, flying above the water, or using a boat.
round. The creature will double in size if a PC within They will likely surprise PCs who entered via the gate
that range is carrying a torch. linked to Room 16 that is described in the “Gate”
There is nothing of value in this room. section.
If the PCs entered Undermountain via another
Brown Mold (1 patch): Int Non-; AL Nil; AC 9; gate, they will not have a faerie fire spell on them and
MV 0; HD N/A; hp N/A; THAC0 19; #AT 0; Dmg will not have lost all their potions. Still, they are sub-
Special; SA Freezing; SD Absorb heat; SZ L; ML ject to the hags’ attack. In this case, the hags will
N/A; XP 15. likely use their change self ability to pose as adventur-
ers floundering in the water. The hags will try to con-
vince the PCs to help them, and they will attack at
Room 16: Ugly Waters
the most opportune moment.
You are engulfed in a magical blue light and These hags will not fight to the death. If it is evi-
plunged into cool, deep water. Cavern walls rise dent they will lose the battle, they swim to the bot-
to both sides of this river and join to form a tom of the river and attempt to escape.
rocky ceiling overhead. It seems you are in an The hags’ treasure is difficult, but not impossible to
underground river. find. It is stored in a canvas bag hidden among weeds

at the bottom of the river bed. It will take a few turns extends over part of the river. Four braziers, from
of searching to find it and a successful detect secret which come flames and the strong scent of
doors roll. In addition to the magic in the possession incense, are spaced evenly along the back of the
of the hags, the treasure consists of: 1,000 sp, a jade platform. Between the two center braziers,
carving of a dragon (13,000 gp), a coral snuff box (200 which are shaped to resemble lions, you see
gp), and a pewter goblet (120 gp), and four arrows of etchings on the cavern wall. However, you are
healing (detailed in the “New Magical Items” section). not close enough to make out any details.

Hags, Sea (3): Int Average (8); AL CE; AC 7; MV Characters will have to climb onto the platform and
SW 15; HD 3; hp 15, 13, 21; THAC0 13 (16); #AT 1; get close to the wall to make out the etchings. The
Dmg 7-11 (1d6+5); SA Special; SD Special; MR words are in dwarvish, and are worn and difficult to
50%; SZ M (5’ tall); ML 11; XP 675 each. read in places. Read the following to those PCs able
Although these hags do not possess a death gaze, to make out the etchings:
characters looking at their true forms will grow weak
from fright, losing half of their Strength score for 1-6 “We will die here, we know. It is only a matter of
turns unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is time. Our treasure is the wizard’s. We paid for our
made. greed with our lives. If only we had something to feed
The hags fight with daggers. In addition, some use the lions. Alas, all of our magic is exhausted. We wish
magical items to their advantage. you well, those of good heart who follow us. Pray to
Hag #1: dagger +1 Moradin that you do not share our fate.”
Hag #2: dagger +1, +2 vs. tiny or small creatures
Hag #3: dagger +1 The words were etched by a party of dwarven adven-
turers who came to Undermountain to find riches.
They knew of the gate and how to feed the lions.
Room 17: Hag Haven
However, Trobriand caught up with them before they
With a splash you find yourselves sinking in the could escape. The apprentice wounded them, stole
cool waters of a river. It is difficult to see where their weapons and magic, and abandoned them here
you are, as the water smarts your eyes, and the for the Malar priests to hunt.
area all around you is cloaked in shadows. How- This platform is indeed a gate, one that will trans-
ever, you can make out cavern walls that rise to port adventurers to a spire north of Ravens Bluff, the
either side of the river. The walls join to make a Living City. The spire is used as a landing pad for aer-
ceiling above. It is obvious you are in an under- ial mounts. The lion braziers act as a one-way gate,
ground river. But where? and they are activated by putting a magical item in
each of the lions’ mouths. The magical item can be a
This is the receiving end of a gate located in the potion, scroll, or permanent item. Characters have 4
Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, and Cho- rounds after placing the items to walk between the
risters of Waterdeep. PCs who trigger the gate end up braziers and appear on the peak. The magical items
in the river at the numbered spot on the map. They are consumed in the process.
are subject to the attack of the sea hags, which are
detailed in Room 16.
Room 19: Rising Feelings of
Wonder and Woe
Room 18: Feed The Animals
A row of small marble platforms, resembling an
A marble platform, dusty pink streaked with ocean’s breakwater, stretch across the western
black, edges out from the cavern wall and side of this river. Beyond them is a larger mar-

ble slab that has five risers atop it. Beyond the Animals are everywhere, too. You can see the
risers the river continues, meandering into a tracks of small ground squirrels and the paths of
forest—a great underground forest with an snakes. Monkeys dance and swing from the
open sky. In the distance you can see birds fly- branches of trees, and bright-plumed birds fly
ing, and you smell the scent of fresh earth and over the tallest trees.
grass. The sun pours down over this idyllic (but
The forest has no logical place in this under- unsettling) place.
ground complex, yet there it is, lush and invit-
ing. The forest has at least two canopies—the There is nothing magical or special about the series of
tallest comprises the massive temperate and marble platforms. They are, in effect, marble columns
tropical trees that rise more than 80 feet above that extend from the river bottom 20 feet below to
the floor. The second canopy is more dense and two feet above the water. Each is large enough for a
is from mostly temperate trees, oaks, willows, few people to stand upon. In between the columns are
and more. The mix of trees, bushes, and grasses strips of marble that also can be walked upon. These
is incongruous. connect the columns and are only a foot thick. The
A haze rises above the ground, evidence that purpose of these columns is uncertain, although it is
the forest is warm and that it rained here obvious they afford some amount of safety from the
recently. The grasses are tinged with dew, and river and its inhabitants.
the ground is wet. The large marble platform with the risers on it is of
An abundance of insects scurries over the more interest. There are five risers, each enchanted
leaves and swarm in the lower branches of the with a magical effect, and each with foot- and hand-
trees. holds carved into the sides so they can be climbed.

Created by Arcturia and Trobriand as part of an only once per individual, and will work only three
arcane magical contest when the pair were attempt- times a day. When a character leaves Undermountain
ing to get along, they have beneficial and harmful or travels to another level, the magical ability is lost.
effects depending on the individuals who step upon If the crown is removed, the pillar’s magic will not
them. The risers are detailed below. Arcturia and Tro- function. The crown is worth 280 gp. Roll 1d20 and
briand never accepted each other, and they left the consult the table below.
risers in place to amuse and puzzle trespassers into
Wyllowwood. 1 Detect undead 11 Detect poison
A: This riser is 20’ tall, smooth and featureless like 2 Cure critical wounds 12 Spider climb
a column, except for the hand and footholds. Elves 3 Detect invisibility 13 Detect magic
and half-elves who stand atop the pillar and pose like 4 Know alignment 14 Tongues
a statue gain the use of an augury spell—so long as 5 Cure serious wounds 15 Infravision
they remain on the pillar. An individual only can use 6 Create food & water 16 Create water
this pillar once a day. The pillar’s magic does not 7 Cure light wounds 17 Slow poison
function on humans or other demihumans. 8 Neutralize poison 18 Feather fall
B: This riser is 10’ tall and is rough, as if someone 9 Speak with animals 19 Light
began to chisel it, but then walked away from the 10 Resist fire/cold 20 Dispel magic
project. Climbing this column is easy. Humans stand-
ing in a marble circle atop it are struck by a confusion E. The tallest of the risers, this one extends nearly 30
spell, no saving throw. The effects of the spell last for feet. Its stone is chiseled to look like the straight
14 rounds. Consult the spell on page 154 of the trunk of a tree. The top of this column is coated with
Player’s Handbook for the spell effects. Demihumans a permanent grease spell. Characters or creatures can
are not subject to the spell. easily climb this pillar. However, once they climb on
C. This riser, appearing as a polished column simi- the top of the column, they must make a successful
lar to A, save for the hand- and footholds, rises saving throw versus spell or fall off the riser and on to
nearly 15 feet above the marble slab. Any non- the marble slab below, suffering 4-24 points of dam-
winged creature or character standing atop it is trans- age because of the hardness of the marble. Those who
ported to Trobriand’s Graveyard in the dungeon. save successfully can receive the benefit of the col-
Trobriand created this as an easy way to travel from umn. Any creature who stands still on the top of the
his level to Wyllowwood. Arcturia, who has wings, column for 3 rounds gains a language proficiency. PCs
cannot use it. who already have the language gain an 18 in that
D. Similar to riser C, this column is only eight feet ability; if they already have the proficiency at that
tall and has a bronze crown on it. Any spellcaster ability level, they are unaffected by the magic of the
standing in the pink marble circle on the top of this column. Roll 1d8 and consult the following chart.
column and placing the crown on his head has a ran- This riser functions three times a day.
dom temporary magical item stripped from him, such
as a potion or scroll. This item is lost forever. In 1 Written language, Elf
exchange, the wizard, priest, or bard gains one of the 2 Spoken language, Elf
following spells that can be used while the character 3 Spoken language, Orc
is on this level of Undermountain. This spell can be 4 Written language, Ogre
cast twice a day, is not considered part of the caster’s 5 Written language, Gnome
daily repertoire, and does not need to be studied or 6 Spoken language, Bugbear
prayed for. The spell gain occurs regardless of charac- 7 Spoken language, Goblin
ter class or school or sphere limitations. The spell is 8 Spoken and written Halfling
cast at the level of the caster. The pillar will function

PCs attempting to climb off this column must make tic ability proficiency who make a successful profi-
another saving throw versus spell or fall to the marble ciency check are certain that this statue was not
slab below, suffering 4-24 points of damage. carved by human or demihuman hands—it is far too
Past the risers is the start of the great underground The statue is actually Sirane, an elven woman who
forest. The sky is real, hanging over the forest because accidentally found her way into Undermountain 40
of a massive teleporter set into the ceiling of this part years ago when she tried to get a drink from the urn
of the dungeon. This is the largest gate in all of in Heroes’ Garden and fell in. She found herself in
Undermountain. This gate is one way, and fluctuates, Undermountain—confronted by Arcturia, who was
linking the sky above Waterdeep, Myth Drannor, the jealous of Sirane’s beauty. Arcturia turned Sirane to
Moonshaes, and more to this chamber. Birds and ani- stone. Sirane can be released if the PCs cast stone to
mals finding their way through this gate by flying into flesh spell or a properly worded limited wish or wish
the teleporter’s effects or walking toward a horizon spell. The elf will be grateful and will relate her
touched by the teleporter end up in the underground encounter with the winged apprentice. She does not
forest. Because the gate is one-directional, the birds know 40 years have passed, and will discover this only
and animals cannot find their way out. if the PCs ask the date she entered this cavern or
The gate brings rain, lightning, wind, and all the relate the current date to her. She wants nothing
elements the forest needs. more than to return home, and will either dive
Characters attempting to fly out of this cavern through the pool to get back to Heroes’ Garden (pro-
draw the attention of the green dragon who lives in vided the urn is at least half-full of water), showing
the woods, the priests of Malar, and perhaps one of the PCs a gate that will take them out of Under-
Halaster’s apprentices. Further, the flying character mountain, or she will accompany the PCs until they
will discover that his body meets stone, not sky, and find a way out. The Heroes’ Garden urn is described
that he is trapped in the underground woods. He will in the “Gate” section.
have to find another way out.
PCs coming upon the underground forest from Sirane, elven female (1): Int Average (10); AL NG;
another area should be read the description of the AC 9; MV 12; HD 1+1; hp 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1;
forest. Dmg by weapon (she has none); SA Nil; SD Nil; MR
90% resistant to sleep and charm-related spells; SZ M
(5’ tall); ML 13; XP 220.
Room 20: Pool Transporter
Beyond the marble breakwater you see a statue Beyond these objects is the junglelike forest. PCs can
of a beautiful elven woman. It, too, appears to be see it, smell it, and feel a breeze that blows through it.
made out of marble, though the stone is nearly
pure white. The statue’s arms beckon to you. At
Room 21: Magic Chests
its feet is a crystal-clear pool, roughly five feet
across. Although the water is clear, you cannot Large wooden chests, banded with iron and set
see the bottom of this pool. with pieces of polished marble, sit on each of the
marble slabs that serve as an entrance to this
The pool is magical and will radiate strongly of narrower section of river. It looks like there is
enchantment magic if such is detected for. Creatures just enough room for a few people to stand on
stepping into the pool find themselves inside an urn the slab, next to either chest.
in Heroes’ Garden. However, this is provided the urn
is filled. Consult the “Gate” section in this booklet. The chest to the west is magical. It is 10 feet wide by
The statue is exquisite. Characters with the Artis- five feet deep by three feet high. It is a one-way gate

that will lead to a random location on Trobriand’s or better weapons; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 12; XP
level of the dungeon. The chest is not locked or 420.
trapped and appears empty when opened. Creatures There is a 1% chance per point of damage inflicted
stepping inside the chest and closing the lid are trans- on a target that the target will contract lycanthropy.
ported. See the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® entry on “lycan-
The chest to the east is not magical; however, thrope, general” for more information.
something within it is. The chest has the same • The werewolf is wearing a vest of health, which
dimensions as the one on the west slab and is on a cannot be noticed until after he is killed and his
slab twice as big. It is not locked or trapped. Anyone human form appears. The vest, a new item described
opening the chest is subject to the effects of the mir- in the “New Magical Items” section, allows the crea-
ror of opposition that is set inside the chest’s lid. There ture wearing it to ignore the first 24 points of damage
is only a 10% chance that those opening the chest per day inflicted on the creature. Any damage
will not see the mirror. Exact duplicates of the char- inflicted against the werewolf will first apply to the
acters looking into the mirror will be created, making vest. If the PCs defeat the werewolf and take the vest,
it a little crowded on the slab. The duplicates have all it will not function for them until the following day.
the magic and power of the originals, and they will
fight to the death. Upon the duplicates’ death, they
Room 22:
Challenging Cavern
Inside the chest is a red cloth that covers the entire
bottom. Under the cloth is a mirror of life trapping that Around a bend in the river you spot a cavern
covers the bottom of the chest. Determine a charac- that rises away from the river to the east. It is
ter’s chance of looking at the mirror, depending on filled with rocky columns, and in the meager
how he or she retrieved the cloth. If a character looks light coming from the luminescent lichen on the
at the mirror, he must save versus spell or become walls, you can see a few coins glinting.
trapped inside one of the mirror’s cells. Breaking the
mirror will retrieve the trapped individual—along This is the lair of a band of bi-nou. These new
with the other creatures trapped (an ogre and a were- rock creatures are detailed in the MONSTROUS
wolf). The trapped creatures fight to the death, believ- COMPENDIUM booklet inside this boxed set.
ing the PCs trapped them in the mirror. Because of The bi-nou will attack any creatures entering their
the limited room, the creatures attempt to push the cavern. They will make a contest of the killing. Their
PCs into the river. In addition, the merrows leap into initial ploy will be to cast one or more wall of stone
the river and attempt to fight from the water. spells to prevent their targets from escaping into the
Ogre (1): Int Low (5); AL CE; AC 5; MV 9; HD Once the bi-nou are dealt with, the PCs can find
4+1; hp 21; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SA Nil; the creatures’ “treasure.” This consists of one bi-nou
SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L (9’ tall); ML 11; XP 175. egg, three suits of chain mail (two human-sized, one
dwarven), two silvered long swords, and one silvered
Merrow (2): Int Average (8); AL CE; AC 4; MV 6, khopesh sword that is is poor condition. The dwarven
SW 12; HD 4+4; hp 24 each; THAC0 15; #AT 3; suit of chainmail is +2.
Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-8; SA Nil; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L (9’
tall); ML 12; XP 270 each. Bi-nou (4): Int Very (11); AL N; AC 1; MV 6; HD
5+5; hp 30, 30, 24, 33; THAC0 15; #AT 2; Dmg
Lycanthrope, Werewolf (1): Int Average (10); AL 1-8/1-8; SA Squeeze, spells; SD Immune to mind-
CE; AC 5; MV 15; HD 4+3; hp 23*; THAC0 15; affecting spells; MR 20%; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 13; XP
#AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA Nil; SD Hit only by silver or + 1 975 each.

Each bi-nou can cast the following spells once a priests in nearby rooms. PCs entering the room will
day at 10th level of effectiveness: dig, stone shape, wall quickly notice the effect, as they cannot hear their
of stone. own footfalls. (This also means that spells requiring
verbal components are rendered useless in this room.)
There is a 50% chance six initiates will be in this
Room 23: Malar Passage
room studying the cheetah in the cage. They commu-
Rising up from the river and to the west is a pas- nicate via gestures. Initiates will not immediately
sage that leads into a chamber beyond. Light attack trespassing characters. Via gestures, they
spills from the passage, making it impossible to attempt to learn if the PCs are loyal to Malar. PCs
determine anything about the chamber. Carv- who are not able to quickly convince the initiates
ings of animals cover the walls and ceilings of that they worship the Beastlord will be attacked.
the passage. A post rising from the river near the The initiates fight to the death. However, one or
passage entrance is likely intended for securing more will try to escape to alert more powerful priests
boats. about the trespassers.
If the PCs capture any of the initiates and question
The passage is enchanted, designed to impart knowl- them in another area, the initiates reveal that this
edge to Malar initiates. By touching a creature dis- area of Undermountain is sacred to Malar the Beast-
played on the wall or ceiling, the initiate learns the lord, and intruders who threaten this place will face
name of the creature, the type of terrain it can be the wrath of powerful priests and perhaps the god
found in, and some of the lands in the Realms where himself. Further questioning reveals that there is a
it lives. The majority of the creatures displayed are high priestess somewhere in Undermountain and a
great cats, herd animals, snakes, lizards, fish, wild pair of brothers who are rising in the ranks of the
dogs, birds, and other common animals. temple. The initiates tell the PCs they are doomed, as
There are no magical or fantastic creatures dis- now the rest of the priests will know there are tres-
played. passers, who will become the subjects of a great hunt.
Characters who go beyond the passage enter the DMs should pay attention to where the PCs take any
realm of the Malar priests. In addition to the priests captured initiates, as this could alert priests in other
detailed in each room, the player characters can rooms.
encounter the Malar priests listed in the Nonplayer The cages in the room are magical. Each cage
Character section of this booklet. weighs approximately 400 pounds and is made of
thick iron. They measure 12 feet deep by 12 feet wide
by 8 feet high. By stepping inside the empty cage and
Room 24: Room of Wisdom
concentrating on the animal in the other cage, the
As in the passage you just left, the walls and individual trades minds with the animal. For exam-
ceiling of this room are covered with carvings of ple, the cheetah’s mind would switch into the body of
animals. The stone floor is painted white and a PC, and the PC’s mind would be in the body of the
black, resembling the stripes of a zebra. In the cheetah. The mind transference lasts for one hour,
center of the room are two large cages. One con- unless a remove curse, limited wish, or wish is cast ear-
tains a sleeping cheetah, the other is empty. lier. Mind transfers only can occur with creatures of
Simple wooden chairs are spaced unevenly animal intelligence or less.
about the room, between the wall-mounted
torches. The room seems unusually quiet. Initiates (6): Int Exceptional (16); AL CE; AC 8
(leather robes); MV 12; HD 1 (Pl); hp 8 each;
A permanent silence spell has been placed on these THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (staff); SA Spells; SD
walls to keep the animal noises from disturbing the Spells; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 15; XP 65 each.

Each initiate has the following spells in memory: Each priest has the following spells in memory:
cause light wounds ×2. These spells cannot be cast in Animal friendship, invisibility to animals, cure light
the silenced room. wounds ×2, cause light wounds, charm person or mam-
mal, heat metal, speak with animals, slow poison.
Cheetah (1): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 5; MV 15, There is a 25% chance a priest will have one of the
Sprint 45; HD 3; hp 15; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg following potions: healing, animal control, plant control,
1-2/1-2/1-8; SA Rear claws 1-2 each; SD Surprised or sweet water.
only on a 1; MR Nil; SZ M (4’); ML 9; XP 175.
Room 26: Beastly Sleepers
Room 25: Clerical Studies
Eight rows of bunk beds tiered four high and
Tapestries woven with the images of fantastic small wooden tables fill this room. There are
and magical beasts line the walls of this room. eight clothes chests and three book cases at the
Thick rugs resembling grass cover the floor. far end of the room. All of the furnishings are
There are no other furnishings. plain, but appear functional. The room seems
unusually quiet.
In this chamber Malar priests meditate and pray for
their spells. There is a 60% chance four priests and a The initiates and priests of 1st-4th level sleep here.
70% chance four initiates will be here. If priests are There are places for 20 initiates and one dozen
present, they move to attack the PCs immediately, as 1st-4th level priests. There is a 50% chance three
they bear no symbol of Malar. The hunt is on, and priests and six initiates will be found here.
each priest hopes to score at least one skull or shield. This room is under a permanent silence spell so the
The priests begin their attacks with their charm per- priests can sleep and study without interruption.
son or mammal and heat metal spells. If only initiates The clothes chests contain leather robes, cloth
are present, they will not attack until they have robes, and cloaks—all embroidered with the symbols
determined the PCs are intruders. No matter who is of the Beastlord—of various colors, slippers, soft
present, one priest or initiate will attempt to escape leather boots, and small pouches stamped with initials
to warn the priests in Room 26 that there are intrud- and containing a total of 12 pp, 230 gp, 340 sp, and
ers. The hunt is on. 120 cp. In addition, each chest has 1d6 bleached
In addition, combat in this room will rouse any human skulls inside—trophies from the hunt.
priests in Room 27. It will take four rounds for these
priests to join the fray. Initiates (6): Int Exceptional (16); AL CE; AC 8
(leather robes); MV 12; HD 1 (P1); hp 8 each;
Initiates (4): Int Exceptional (16); AL CE; AC 8 THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (staff); SA Spells; SD
(leather robes); MV 12; HD 1 (P1); hp 8 each; Spells; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 15; XP 65 each.
THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (staff); SA Spells; SD Each initiate has memorized the following spells:
Spells; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 15; XP 65 each. cause light wounds, cure light wounds.
Each initiate has the following spells in memory:
cause light wounds, cure light wounds. Priests (3): Int Exceptional (16); AL CE; AC 8
(leather robes); MV 12; HD 4 (P4); hp 24 each;
Priests (4): Int Exceptional (16); AL CE; AC 8 THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6+1 (staff +1); SA
(leather robes); MV 12; HD 4 (P4); hp 24 each; Spells; SD Spells; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 16; XP
THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6+1 (staff +1); SA 270 each.
Spells; SD Spells; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 16; XP Each priest has the following spells in memory:
270 each. Animal friendship ×2, cure light wounds, cause light

wounds ×2, charm person or mammal, heat metal ×2, Each priest has memorized the following spells:
speak with animals. Animal friendship, invisibility to animals, cure light
There is a 25% chance a priest will have one of the wounds ×2, cause light wounds, charm person or mam-
following potions or scrolls: extra-healing, sweet water, mal, heat metal, speak with animals, slow poison.
poison, vitality, scroll of protection from plants, scroll of There is a 40% chance a priest will have one of the
protection from lycanthropes, scroll of protection from following potions: healing, extra-healing, elixir of health.
Takund, Wert, priests (2): Int Exceptional (16); AL
CE; AC 5 (bracers of defense AC 6 + DEX); MV 12;
Room 27:
HD 5 (P5); hp 32 each; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg
Strengthening The Body
1-6+2 (staff+2); SA Spells; SD Spells; MR Nil; SZ M
The stone walls and ceiling of this room are (6’ tall); ML 16; XP 420 each.
bare. A large, black, woven cloth mat dominates Each priest has memorized the following spells: pro-
this place, nearly filling the room. Two cots cov- tection from good, animal friendship, invisibility to ani-
ered with heavy blankets and two chests occupy mals, cure light wound, cause light wounds, chant,
the southeast corner. Dented shields ring the spiritual hammer, resist fire/resist cold, speak with ani-
room, leaning against the walls. mals, slow poison, curse.
There is a 40% chance a priest will have one of the
Brynd and Mirko, two fighters loyal to Malar, train following potions or scrolls: potion of extra-healing,
priests to be better fighters. There is a 50% chance potion of vitality, scroll of protection from magic, scroll
that at any given time the fighters will be instructing of protection from cold.
two priests of 4th level and two priests of 5th level.
Otherwise, there is a 25% chance the fighters will be Brynd, Mirko, fighters (2): Int Average (10); AL
here alone, resting or sleeping. CE; AC 3 (chain mail, shield +1); MV 9; HD 7 (F7);
Unless the PCs have taken precautions to dress hp 40 each; THAC0 14; #AT 2/3; Dmg 1-8+2 (long
themselves in the priests’ leather robes, the occupants sword +2); SA Nil; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall);
of this room recognize them as trespassing adventurers ML 17; XP 420 each.
and start a fight. These NPCs fight to the death. The
fighters engage the closest PCs in melee, attempting
Room 28: Worship Room
to give any priests time to cast spells.
If the PCs were involved in a fight in Room 25, it The beauty of this narrow room is intoxicating.
is likely any occupants of this room joined the battle. The floor is covered with polished green marble,
In this event, the room will be empty. the ceiling is aglow from what is obviously a light
The massive chests contain the belongings of the spell, and the walls are painted with forest
fighters—assorted clothes, dice, two daggers, slippers, scenes. It looks almost as if you are stepping into
38 pp, 120 gp, and four black pearls (each worth 60 a clearing in the woods, so lifelike are the paint-
gp). In addition, each chest contains eight bleached ings. In the center of a room is a raised slab of
human skulls—the fighters occasionally participate in polished white stone.
the hunt. The shields are also hunt trophies.
This is where the priests and initiates conduct wor-
Eul, Dormit, priests (2): Int Exceptional (16); AL ship services to Malar when the weather in the forest
CE; AC 8 (leather robes); MV 12; HD 4 (P4); hp 24 outside is stormy. The altar is magical, and each priest
each; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6+1 (staff +1); SA praying at it gives a gift of water, earth, or food. The
Spells; SD Spells; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 16; XP altar absorbs the material and bestows the priest a +1
270 each. saving throw bonus that will last for the next four

hours. Any adventurer leaving a similar gift also will of this booklet. The high priestess lives simply, devot-
enjoy the saving throw bonus. However, the adven- ing all of her energy and resources to spreading
turer will feel tainted in some way. Malar’s evil faith.
There is a 50% chance 1-4 priests of 1st to 4th Although the priestess knows none of the other
level are here. Use the priest statistics from a previous priests or initiates would dare trespass in this place,
encounter. she is not so sure about the other inhabitants of
Undermountain. Therefore, she has placed guardians
in this room: a pair of spitting snakes that lie in wait
Rooms 29-31:
under the bed. The charmed snakes have been trained
Priest Quarters
to attack all those, other than their mistress, who
Though spartan in furnishings, this room seems search the room. If the intruders do not come near
elegant. The beds are covered with thick quilts, the bed, the spitting snakes will come out to get
and the huge chests at the end of each bed are them.
made of polished wood. A small continual light Under the bed is a small bronze chest filled with
globe hangs just inside the doorway. The walls clerical scrolls. The spells on the scrolls are: Find
are natural stone, as if this room were chiseled familiar, hold metal ×2, speak with animals ×3, familiar
out of rock. The light makes interesting patterns sight, float ×2. Also in the chest are a half-dozen silver
as it plays over the cracks and crevices in the Harper pins. Lying loose under the bed are 22
walls. bleached human skulls.

The brother priests mentioned in the NPC section Snakes, spitting (2): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 5;
live here. There is a 20% chance trespassing adventur- MV 12; HD 4+2; hp 22 each; THAC0 17; #AT 2;
ers will encounter the brothers here. The chests are Dmg 1-3; SA Spits poison; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M (8’
locked and fire trapped. They contain changes of long); ML 16; XP 650 each.
clothes, slippers, a potion of extra-healing, and 300 gp. The snakes can shoot their potent venom up to 30
One chest contains 12 bleached human skulls and two feet. The venom has an onset of 1 round. Those who
dented buckler shields. The other chest contains 11 are struck by the spittle and who fail a saving throw
bleached human skulls and a medium-sized shield +1. vs. poison at a -3 penalty. Those who make a success-
The priests will attempt to summon other priests to ful saving throw suffer 25 points of damage.
aid them.
Benita, high priestess (1): Int Highly (17); AL CE;
AC -2; MV 12; HD 17 (P17); hp 79; THAC0 10;
Room 32:
#AT 2 or 1; Dmg 1-6+1/1-6+1 (claws of Malar) or
High Priestess’s Quarters
1-6+4 (mace +3); SA Spells; SD Spells; MR Nil; SZ
This room is simply decorated. A white quilt M (5’6”); STR 17, INT 17, WIS 17, DEX 19, CON
covers a narrow bed. Near it is a small night- 18, CHR 15; ML 17.
stand filled with thick, white candles. Rugs Spells: Bless, animal friendship ×2, invisibility, to ani-
woven with the images of fantastic creatures mals, cure light wounds ×4, create water, augury, find
cover most of the floor. The most striking feature traps, speak with animals ×3, messenger, chant, spiritual
of this room is an altar decorated in silver and hammer, slow poison, hold animal, hold metal ×2, sum-
bronze designs: claws, fangs, beaks, and eyes. mon insects ×2, prayer, speak with dead ×2, repel insects,
Beyond the altar is a massive upright chest. produce fire, cure serious wounds ×3, cause serious
wounds ×2, animal growth ×3, cure critical wounds ×2,
This room and its contents belong to the high priest- break limb, heal, harm, stone tell, animate rock.
ess of Malar, Benita. She is listed in the NPC section

enough to release its victim. One-half of all damage
Room 33: Guest Lodging
dealt the rug will also be suffered by any victim inside.
This room is furnished plainly, yet comfortably.
Four well-padded beds dominate the room. Next
Room 35: Priest’s Watch
to each is a small nightstand filled with unlit
tapers. A square stone building sits atop a marble slab at
the shore of the river and the edge of the under-
This room is for visiting Malar worshippers. Some- ground forest. A wooden door seems to be the
times priests and other supporters from Waterdeep are only way into the structure.
hidden here if they are being sought on the streets
above. There is a 20% chance 1-4 visitors of any The high priestess orders four 4th-level priests to stay
level and class will be present. It is up to the DM to here so they can keep an eye on activities in the for-
detail the visitors. est and along the river.
If they notice anything too unusual, especially
something that might jeopardize the Malar cult, one
Room 34: Priest’s Home
or more of the priests will summon other priests from
Though the furnishings are simple and are made Rooms 24-34 to deal with the matter.
out of wood, this room belongs to someone of Inside the stone building are their living quarters.
wealth. The woven rug on the floor must be One or two priests always will be on guard outside the
worth hundreds of gold pieces. A thick black building, with the remainder resting inside. The
quilt covers the bed, and the chest at its foot priests’ wealth (10-100 gp each) is kept in small cof-
appears to be of hand-carved ebony. A small fers under their beds.
continual light globe hangs just inside the door-
way. On a high shelf next to it is a dark cloth Another dozen 4th-level priests are assigned to
that is likely used to dim the light. On a longer patrol the woods in groups of three for days at a time,
shelf nearby rest 18 polished skulls. The light searching for adventurers to hunt.
reflects eerily off the bones. The walls are nat-
ural stone, as if this room was chiseled out of Priests (4): Int Exceptional (16); AL CE; AC 8
rock. The light plays over the cracks and (leather robes); MV 12; HD 4 (P4); hp 24 each;
crevices of the walls. THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6+1 (staff+1); SA Spells;
SD Spells; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML 16; XP 270
This room belongs to Mal. He is detailed in the NPC each.
section in this booklet. There is a 20% chance he will Each priest has memorized the following spells:
be present. Mal’s only defense of this room is the Animal friendship, invisibility to animals, cure light
ornamental rug, which is actually a rug of smothering. wounds ×2, cause light wounds, charm person or mam-
The other priests in this area know the rug is danger- mal, heat metal, speak with animals, slow poison.
ous and stay out of Mal’s room. Unlike other similar There is a 25% chance a priest will have one of the
rugs, this magical item needs no command. Anyone following potions: healing, extra-healing, elixir of health.
touching the rug, as if to examine it, or anyone step-
ping upon it will be automatically surprised. The rug Patrol priests (12, encountered in groups of 3): Int
animates and tightly wraps around the individual, suf- Exceptional (16); AL CE; AC 8 (leather robes); MV
focating him in 1d4+2 rounds. The only spells that 12; HD 4 (P4); hp 24 each; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg
can prevent the smothering are animate object, hold 1-6+1 (staff +1); SA Spells; SD Spells; MR Nil; SZ
plant and wish. The rug has an Armor Class of 7 and M (6’ tall); ML 16; XP 270 each.
must be dealt 40 points of damage before it is harmed Each priest has memorized the following spells:

Animal friendship, invisibility to animals, cure light Roll Creature Roll Creature
wounds ×3, charm person or mammal, heat metal, speak 1 Giant skunks 11 Constrictors
with animals, slow poison. 2 Owlbears 12 Giant scorpions
Each of these priests has one of the following 3 Weretigers 13 Lizard men
potions: healing, extra-healing, elixir of health, invisibil- 4 Korred 14 Giant wasps
ity, fly, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or ESP. 5 Giant hornets 15 Flinds
6 Cockatrice 16 Chimera
7 Great cats 17 Tenebrous worms
Room 36: Wyllow’s Wood
8 Firbolg 18 Shambling mound
As lush as any jungle or forest on the land 9 Ettercaps 19 Dangerous plant
above, this massive area of life and vegetation 10 Dryads 20 Apes
spreads out before you. The trees are healthy,
thick-leaved, and tall; some tower more than 80
Room 37: Marble Columns
feet, their leafy canopies stretching to the glow-
ing sun above. The roof of the cavern, or per- Similar to the marble structures you saw in the
haps the sky, is somewhere beyond—you cannot river and along its bank, these off-white pillars
tell how high it is. The sun, or something rise from 20 to 30 feet at various points and seem
approximating the sun, shines down on the to be connected along their tops by a narrow
entire forest. Steam rises from the ground in marble bridge. Hand- and footholds can be seen
places, and you can see pools of water here and in several of the columns. One of the columns is
there. It appears to have rained recently. green, perhaps covered by moss.

This place is just as it seems: a forest thriving inside a The marble columns and walkways were created as a
dungeon. The sun, rain, wind, and animals are means of transportation decades ago so the druidess’s
brought to the woods by the massive teleporter set husband could travel throughout the forest without
into the ceiling of the woods. encountering the many plants and animals there. He
There are several areas within the forest that are enchanted one of the columns, the only jade-green
detailed below by numbers. In addition, DMs are one, so he could learn more about the woods in hopes
encouraged to add their own unique touch of encoun- of pleasing his wife. Of course, as the forest grew, the
ters and obstacles to this place. Several NPCs, includ- marble walkways no longer went over the top of it,
ing the insane druidess and the green dragon, can be but through the leafy canopy.
found inside the jungle. Decades ago the green pillar was guarded by wards
Furthermore, below is a random encounter table and fire trap spells. However, that magic faded with
detailing creatures that can be found within the jun- time, allowing anyone in the forest to benefit from
glelike forest. This does not include common animals the pillar’s magic.
and plants. Roll 1d6 for every hour of daytime the By standing or sitting on the raised disk on the
PCs spend in the woods. A “1” indicates an en- jade-green column, and clearing all thoughts, the user
counter. Roll 1d20 and consult the chart. Roll for a is stripped of one random proficiency. However, two
random encounter every half-hour the PCs spend in more take its place. Roll 1d20 and consult the follow-
the woods at night. All of these creatures can be ing chart.
found in the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® Volumes
One and Two and in the Monstrous Manual. Roll Proficiency
1 Agriculture
2 Animal handling
3 Animal lore

4 Animal training, dogs 9 Random, Trobriand’s Graveyard
5 Animal training, cats 10 Yawning Portal booth
6 Animal training, elephants
7 Animal training, falcons At one time these teleport pillars were magically
8 Animal training, monkeys guarded. However, that magic has long since weath-
9 Animal training, weasels ered away.
10 Animal training, parrots
11 Animal training, lizards Room 38:
12 Hunting Pool of Death and Reward
13 Fishing, rivers A pond, roughly 30 feet across, fills the center of
14 Survival, forests/jungles a small clearing. Moss grows on the edges of the
15 Tracking pond and over a huge rock that sits at the pond’s
16 Herbalism edge. Birds flit overhead, and small animals
17 Direction sense scamper about. They all seem to give the pond a
18 Animal noise, wolves wide berth. Staring at the scene, you notice
19 Animal noise, birds pieces of broken bones lying in the grass.
20 Weather sense
The pond can present a deadly encounter to adven-
The pillar will function up to 10 times a day, but only turers, but the potential for reward is great.
once per day on any given person. Therefore, an indi- A pair of death molds, detailed in the MONSTROUS
vidual could come to this pillar each day, losing one COMPENDIUM® booklet included in this boxed set,
random proficiency and gaining two. It is possible to have found their way from the dark caverns of the
lose one of those gained from this pillar on a previous dungeon into the forest. Although the living plants
occasion. prefer the damp darkness, this pair has found ample
The pillar to the right of the jade pillar has a food in the forest by this pond and have no intention
raised, black marble surface in the center of it. This is of leaving. The mold is difficult to notice (10%
a teleporter that will transport anyone standing on it chance) because it is dark green and is among the
to the Examination Room (Room 4) in Trobriand’s moss rimming the pool and covering the rock.
Graveyard. The bones are all that remains of the molds’ vic-
The pillar to the left of the jade one, also a tele- tims. Although many more creatures have been killed
porter, has a random effect. Roll 1d10 and consult the than what is evidenced by the remains, animals
table below to determine where individuals are trans- dragged many of the bodies off.
ported. Up to four characters can fit on this disk at
any given time. It is likely adventuring parties using Mold, Death (2): Int Animal (1); AL Nil; AC 9;
this disk become separated. MV 3; HD N/A; hp N/A; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg
2-16; SA Poison spores; SD Immune to non-clerical
Roll Destination magic; MR Special; SZ H; ML 16; XP 3,000 each.
1 Room 7 on this level When a victim touches the mold, or the mold
2 Daggerdale attacks the victim, it releases a cloud of spores 60’ by
3 Malar temple, Thay 60’ and 40’ deep. Those in the cloud suffer 2-16
4 A forest in the Moonshaes points of damage and must make a successful saving
5 The rocky island, Room 2 throw versus poison or fall into the mold, coughing
6 Empty cavern, this level and wheezing for the subsequent 1d4 rounds. These
7 Desolate Kara-Tur hill creatures also suffer 1-8 points of damage for each
8 The PC’s home round they are in contact with the mold.

After the mold has been dealt with, the PCs are Halaster he hid it,
free to examine the pond and the rock or to go about the sword Tearulai.
their business elsewhere. Hid it, he feared it.
The rock is about four feet high and five feet in The wizard might die.
diameter. Moss covers much of it. If the moss is
scraped away, words can be seen on top of the rock. The words were stone shaped into the rock decades
The words have been neither chiseled nor etched; it ago by the insane druidess, Wyllow. Wyllow’s hus-
is as if they were pressed (stone shaped) into the rock. band, Yinark, one of Halaster’s later apprentices, slew
The elvish text reads: a small adventuring party wandering in the forest.
Yinark used surprise and all the magic he could
Placed by a wizard in a young forest glade muster to slay the party. Although he was successful
lies a weapon of might, a long emerald blade. in killing the fighters, including one who wielded an
emerald blade, two escaped. Halaster’s apprentice was
The wizard he hid it, nearly killed in the battle, and was unable to chase
the blade would not die. the fleeing pair. It is from these escaped adventurers
Hid it, he feared it, that the legends of Halaster and the green blade were
beneath this false sky. spread.
The druidess, who could no longer put up with her
I watched him hide it, impartial I stood. husband’s evil acts, killed him and then went insane.
Bound by my honor, evil must live with good. Refer to Wyllow in the NPC section for more infor-
The wizard he hid it. The slain apprentice joined Halaster’s undead
I heard the blade cry. army, and the mad Wyllow went about her life in the
Hid it, he feared it, woods. Halaster could not destroy the enchanted
the sword Tearulai. blade, nor could he or his associates wield it. Suffering
damage by merely touching it, the wizard hid the
Wielded by he who sought the mad mage’s head, sword in this pond and protected it. Halaster, uncon-
wielded by he who now lies still and dead. cerned about the druidess, never knew that she wrote
a clue about the enchanted weapon.
Halaster he hid it, If the PCs attempt to enter the pond, they will be
the blade would not die. attacked by the powerful, full-strength water elemen-
Hid it, he feared it, tal placed there.
but I know not why.
Elemental, Water (1): Int Low (7); AL N; AC 2;
Tearulai’s owner by my love was slain. MV 6, SW 18; HD 16; hp 128; THAC0 7; #AT 1;
Then I killed my love, my mind reeling in pain. Dmg 5-30 (5d6); SA Nil; SD +2 or better weapon to
hit; MR Nil; SZ H (16’ tall wave); ML 17; XP 10,000.
The Mad Wizard hid it, The elemental will not venture more than 10 feet
the blade could not die. from the pond. Its watery fist can extend up to 16’
Hid it, he feared it, away from its body.
beneath this false sky.
After the elemental has been dealt with, the PCs can
Tearulai’s heart is trapped ‘neath a wave. enter the pond and face the final menace. The pond
Would that I had such a comforting grave. is 30 feet deep, and at its bottom is a stone golem that
is immune to the attack of the water elemental. The

golem has been instructed to fight to the death to better gems imbedded in its scabbard. The blade is
protect the blade, which lies covered by the silt at the very vain and will always seek to improve its appear-
bottom of the pond. The golem was specifically engi- ance—at its owner’s expense. The sword is also fond
neered to work in water and is not slowed by it, nor of the forests around Myth Drannor and would like
are its attacks lessened. nothing more than to return there.
Creatures of Neutral and Evil alignments who
Golem, Stone (1): Int Non- (0); AL Neutral; AC 5; attempt to pick up the sword suffer 20 points of dam-
MV 6; HD 14; hp 60; THAC0 7; #AT 1; Dmg 3-24; age a round.
SA Can cast a slow spell every other round; SD +2 or A goodly-aligned character’s level, Charisma score
better weapons to hit; MR Nil; SZ L (9½’ tall); ML and Intelligence score must equal 37 or the sword
20; XP 10,000. will dominate him or her. Consult the “Weapon Vs.
Characters” section on page 188 of the DUNGEON
If the PCs defeat the golem, they are free to search MASTER™ Guide for more information.
the pond. The PCs must state they are searching
through the silt and weeds at the bottom of the pond
Room 39: Haunted Tower
or must cast a detect magic to find the sword. Read the
following when the PCs unearth the weapon: A stone building is nestled amid the trees at the
edge of the woods. Almost castlelike, it appears
The blade glints like a gem, and in fact appears to be constructed by the same individuals who
to be made out of an emerald. The faceted sur- made the marble pillars. A single door, oak
face of the weapon glimmers in the water and banded by iron, appears to be the only entrance.
casts a faint green glow. The hilt is platinum
with three emeralds set into the pommel. The The door is the only entrance to this structure, the
long sword is beautiful, and it is undoubtedly abandoned home of the druidess’s long-dead husband.
worth a fortune. This place served as a refuge for forest travelers over
the years and is currently home to an undead band of
Tearulai, emerald long sword of sharpness +3: pirates who unwittingly found their way into Halas-
Tearulai is a one-of-a-kind weapon, created centuries ter’s domain 50 years ago and were slain in this build-
ago by a powerful elven fighter-wizard to help him ing by Malar priests. The undead band are now
protect his clan who lived deep in Myth Drannor. haunts—trapped in this state by their desire to leave
The sword has an Int of 17 and an Ego of 20. Undermountain. They attempt to possess any people
The blade was carved from an emerald, and entering this place, hoping fervently the living forms
enchanted to be a sword of sharpness. Tearulai is Neu- will take them out of Undermountain.
tral Good, and any goodly-aligned creature can use it. The furnishings inside this keep have all been
It can read and telepathically speak the following lan- destroyed by battles and time. A diligent search
guages: elvish, common, silver dragon, pixie, and through the ruins, however, yields a pearl necklace
green dragon. Tearulai detects gems, kind and number in (800 gp), a pair of sapphire earrings (500 gp), a gold
a 5’ radius; detects invisible objects in a 10’ radius; can armband (300 gp), a wand of woodland wonder and
cast fly, 12” per round, one hour per day; allows its three ribbons of Talutah: bright blue, tan, and peach
wielder to cast polymorph self once a day; and can cast (see “New Magical Items” section).
pass plant twice a day.
Tearulai’s emerald blade is impervious to all known Haunts (6): Int Non- (0); AL NE; AC 0/victim’s
forms of attacks. Further, the blade cannot be tele- AC; MV 6/as victim; HD 5/victim’s hp; THAC0 15;
ported alone. However, it can teleport with its #AT 1/1 as 5 HD monster; Dmg Special/by weapon;
wielder. The sword likes gems and wants more and SA Special; SD Special; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ tall); ML

15; XP 2,000 each. +2 to damage; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L (9’ tall); ML 12;
One of the undead pirates retains some knowledge XP 175 each.
of his former life. He can communicate that he and
his band came here by accident shortly after landing
Rooms 41 and 42:
in Waterdeep. He recalls stepping between a pair of
Domain of the Druidess
pillars and ending up down here. The pirate is aware
of the priests of Malar, who slew him and his band. The forest here seems more lush, the trees and
bushes are closer together, and the leaves, flow-
ers and vines are vibrant. It is only possible to
Room 40: Treehouse Home
walk single-file here, as the plant growth is so
Nestled high in the branches of a great willow thick.
tree, you see a thatched hut, complete with win-
dows and a small porch. Although the druidess considers the entire under-
ground forest her domain, the land between #41 and
This is the home of Crissann, the evil wizardress #42 is her home. All the creatures encountered here
befriended by Wyllow. There is a 35% chance will have the maximum amount of hit points possible,
Crissann will be home in the company of her ogre as she takes good care of them. Refer to the NPC sec-
bodyguards. Otherwise, she is out wandering in the tion for information about Wyllow.
woods or conversing with Garrik or Wyllow. There is a 60% chance the druidess will be
If Wyllow is not present, eight ogre guards are. encountered here. Regardless of whether she is pre-
These are stationed in the underbrush around the sent, however, her “friends” will be here. These
trunk of her tree. They fight to the death to defend friends are in addition to any other animals in the
Crissann’s home and property. They know better than area. They will attempt to prevent the PCs from
to climb the tree and test her defenses. Although they injuring the woods, the druidess’s favorite tree, or
are uncertain what type of magic guards her home, the inhabitants. If the druidess is not present, but
they witnessed some of their brothers fall to their discovers that the PCs have injured or killed her
deaths when they tried to rob Crissann. friends, she will track down the characters and pun-
Those who live in Undermountain leave the home ish them.
and ogres alone, for they fear the wrath of the The druidess’s friends will not strike out against
druidess and Crissann. characters who simply explore the forest.
To reach the treehouse home, creatures must climb
or fly. The door and windows of the hut are trapped Warthog (5): Int Animal (1); AL Nil; AC 7; MV 12;
with a permanent, specially researched spell. All HD 3; hp 24 each; THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 2-8/2-8
those other than Crissann who touch the door, which (2d4); SA Nil; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ S (3’ at shoulder);
is locked, or attempt to open a window are subject to ML 10; XP 120 each.
a hold person or mammal spell with a -4 saving throw
penalty. The save is required each time someone Elephant (1): Int Semi (2); AL N; AC 6; MV 15;
touches the door or window. A knock spell will HD 11; hp 88; THAC0 10; #AT 5; Dmg 2-16/2-16/
unlatch the door, but will not open it. However, suc- 2-12/2-12/2-12; SA Nil; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L (11’
cessive knock spells will work. tall at shoulder); ML 7; XP 4,000.
Inside are simple furnishings and containers filled
with potted plants and flowers. Skunk, Giant (2): Int Animal (1); AL N; AC 7; MV
9; HD 5; hp 40 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6;
Ogres (8): Int Low (7); AL CE; AC 5; MV 9; HD SA Squirt musk; SD Squirt musk; MR Nil; SZ M (6’
4+1; hp 21 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SA long); ML 9; XP 270 each.

Porcupine, Giant (2): Int Animal (1); AL Nil; AC 5; worgs learn about trespassers in the woods and about
MV 6; HD 6; hp 48 each; THAC0 13; #AT 2-8; Dmg any potential threats to the dragon.
Shoot quills; SA Quills; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L (7’
long); ML 6; XP 650 each. Worgs (12): Int Low (6); AL N(E); AC 6; MV 18;
HD 3+3; hp 27 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8
Weasel, Giant (8): Int Animal (1); AL Nil; AC 6; (2d4); SA Nil; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M (5’ at shoul-
MV 15; HD 3+3; 27 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg der); ML 11; XP 120 each.
2-12; SA Blood drain; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M (7’
long); ML 10; XP 175 each. Rats, Giant (30): Int Semi, (2); AL N(E); AC 7;
MV 12, SW 6; HD 4 hp; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg
Wyllow, druidess (1): Int Average (12); AL N; AC 1-3; SA Disease; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ T (2’ long); ML
-1; MV 12; HD 14 (D14); hp 83; THAC0 10; #AT 1; 7; XP 15 each.
Dmg 1-6+3 (spear +3); SA Spells; SD Spells; MR
Nil; SZ M; STR 14, INT 12, WIS 17, DEX 18, CON
Room 43a: Thirst For Youth
18, CHR 19 (21); ML 19.
Spells: Cure light wounds ×5, entangle ×2, faerie fire, Roughly in the center of Valdemar’s part of the woods
slow poison, charm person or mammal, speak with ani- is a marble fountain. It appears quite out of place.
mals ×5, goodberry, summon insects ×2, protection from The water has a blue cast to it and radiates magic.
fire, water breathing, snare, spike growth, tree, giant However, three rounds after it is removed from the
insect, cure serious wounds ×2, speak with plants ×2, ani- fountain, the magic of the water fades.
mal growth, cure critical wounds, air walk, heal, wall of Any creature drinking the water sheds 1-4 years
thorns, conjure earth elemental. from its life and cures 3-12 (3d4) points of damage.
Creatures younger than four years old are reduced to
one year. Adventurers who have found this fountain
Room 43: Land of Valdemar
and lived to tell of its existence believe this is one of
The forest here is filled with a riot of plant the magics that keeps the many wizards of Under-
growth, though it is not so thick as the woods to mountain young.
the southwest. The animals and birds do not There are no creatures guarding this fountain.
seem quite as plentiful as in other areas of the However, DMs should double the opportunity for a
forest. wandering monster encounter here.

Valdemar, a green dragon, lives in this area. There is a If the PCs slay Valdemar, his worgs, and his rats—and
70% chance he can be encountered here. However, if diligently search the woods—they can find his trea-
the PCs look formidable and do not appear to be sure: 4,000 cp, 6,000 sp, 3,000 gp, 1,000 pp, three
hurting the woods, Valdemar will go against his gems (each worth 250 gp), a ring of the rat, a full jar of
nature and leave them alone. He has been wounded Keoghtom’s ointment, a vial of oil of fiery burning, and a
seriously in the past and has grown more cautious. suit of plate mail of missile attraction.
However, if the PCs near his treasure, damage the for-
est, or threaten the druidess, Valdemar will bring all
Room 44: Halaster’s Pet
his abilities to bear. Consult the NPC section for
more information on Valdemar. To the northwest is a small chamber, obviously
The dragon has a spy network in this part of the someone’s living quarters. Though simply fur-
woods. In exchange for their lives, a pack of worgs nished, you can tell the individual takes care of
and a pack of giant rats, all at maximum hit points his meager possessions. Everything is clean,
because of the druidess’s care, works for him. The orderly, and carefully arranged. The walls are

filled with sketches—apparently all of the same suggestion spell: “leave.” If they are unaffected, they
woman. can explore the rooms within. There is only one
level. All of the corridors are misty, with visibility at
This is where Garrik Oakspear lives when he is not in 10 feet; the entire complex radiates magic, and a gust
the forest with the druidess or spying for his evil of wind is in effect in the corridors between the rooms.
master. For more information on the thief, consult Room 1: Spite’s laboratory. This place is a jumble
the NPC section in this booklet. There is only a 20% of bowls, vials, beakers, sacks, and boxes—filled with
chance he will be encountered here. powders, dusts, dried leaves, assorted liquids, ground
bones, animal parts, and more. When the PCs enter
this room a magic mouth goes off, warning: “Tres-
Room 45:
House of the Child Wizard passers will die, leave now while you can.” This room
is filled with beakers, vials, and bowls of noxious
An old ruins straddles an island in the middle of smelling stuff. There are dozens of books detailing vile
the river. Its crumbling walls attest to its age and experiments and how to find unusual spell compo-
the toll the moisture in this cavern has taken on nents. A secret compartment in a shelf holds: a potion
it. No entrance to the ruins is visible. Twelve of rainbow hues, dust of appearance, a ring of might (see
pedestals, nine of which support statues of war- the “New Magical Items” section), and a decanter of
riors, stand in a row on the southwest side of the endless water.
ruins. The three empty pedestals occupy the There is a 20% chance Spite will be here, and a
middle of the row (four statues, three pedestals, 10% chance his ogre mage friend is with him.
and five statues). Room 2: Spite’s bedroom. A contrast to the labo-
ratory, this room is clean. The massive four-poster bed
The three empty pedestals radiate magic if such is is made, there are no wrinkles in the ornamental rug
detected for. Stepping on the first pedestal triggers a on the floor, and the portraits on the wall are all
gate that transports an individual to an undetailed straight and dusted.
room in Trobriand’s Graveyard. Stepping on the mid- When the PCs enter this room, a magic mouth
dle pedestal sends an individual to #43A, near the intones: “Fools be you who enter the sacred place of
magical fountain in the forest, automatically casting Spite the Mighty.” Further, a stinking cloud is released,
faerie fire on him or her. Stepping on the final filling the dimensions of the room. The bedroom con-
pedestal transports an individual to a random destina- tains tomes on disgusting magical experiments.
tion along the edge of the Great Glacier. There is a 10% chance Spite will be here, unless he
There does not appear to be a door to the ruins was encountered in the laboratory.
because Spite has a permanent guards and wards spell Room 3: Guest bedroom. This is similar to Spite’s
upon the place. All of the doors are covered by an bedroom, but the furnishings are not as elaborate.
illusion, and all doors are wizard locked. There is a This is where Spite’s ogre mage friend stays when he
40% chance Spite will be encountered here, and a is not in the forest. A stinking cloud spell likewise goes
30% chance Kumar will be here. off here, if the individuals entering the room are not
There are four rooms left standing in this structure. Spite or Kumar.
Three are occupied by Spite and occasionally his ogre There is a 20% chance Kumar, the ogre mage, will
mage associate. The fourth is where he contains the be here.
current subject of his experiment: a flareater. No map Room 4: This is where Spite houses the subjects of
is provided for this. However, DMs can create a map current experiments. It is blocked by a stone door
if they so desire. that requires a combined Strength of 40 (or a knock
If the PCs discover the only door into the complex, spell) to open, after the wizard lock is dealt with.
and can open it, they are immediately subjected to a Inside is a flareater, which is powerless against its

stone surroundings. However, once the door is Rafiqa, marid (1): Int High; Al CE; AC 0; MV 9, FL
opened, particularly by someone unaware of what is 15 (B), SW 24; HD 13; hps 79; THAC0 9; #AT 1;
inside, the flareater is free to wreak havoc. Dmg 8-32; SA Spells; SD Spells; MR 25%; SZ H (18’
tall); ML 18; XP Value 15,000.
Flareater (1): Int Average (10); AL N; AC 0; MV Rafiqa can use any of his spell-like powers, one at a
15; HD 6 (currently); hp 30; THAC0 12; #AT 1; time, twice each per day: detect evil/good, detect
Dmg 3-12 (3d4); SA Surprise, spells; SD Nil; MR invisible, detect magic, invisibility, assume liquid
Special; SZ M (6’ wide); ML 14; XP 1,400 (cur- form (similar to assume gaseous form), polymorph
rently). self, purify water. Further, he can perform any of the
The flareater is tired of confinement and will fight following up to seven times a day: assume gaseous
to the death to escape. form, lower water, part water, wall of fog. He can create
The flareater is described in the M ONSTROUS a jet of water, which he can direct in a powerful force
COMPENDIUM® booklet in this boxed set. up to 60 yards long. Those struck suffer a blinding
effect (unless they make a successful saving throw vs.
petrification) and suffer 1d6 points of damage.
Room 45: Caverns of Doom
Rafiqa can water walk, is not harmed by water-
A massive water-filled cavern opens before you. based spells, and enjoys a +2 saving throw bonus
It is dark, yet there is enough luminous lichen against cold-based spells. Fire-based spells cause +1
on the walls that you can make out a rocky per die of damage, with saving throws at a -1
island in the center of it. The place is strangely penalty.
Rafiqa favors using a wand of wonder in combat
This is the home of Rafiqa, a marid who has found against wizards. His wand has 56 charges. Other magi-
Undermountain to his liking. There is a 75% chance cal items he uses include a wand of magic missiles (32
the marid will be here. The regular inhabitants of charges) and a brooch of shielding (29 charges).
Undermountain leave the marid alone, and he, in
turn, does not bother them. Trespassers into the deep Subterranean Lizards (2): Int Non-; Al N; AC 5;
ways are another issue, however. The marid considers MV 12; HD 6; hps 48 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg
them fair game. In fact, he considers himself a much 2-12; SA On a roll of 20, a lizard has clamped down
better hunter than the priests of Malar. and does double the normal damage with its bite
The entrance to Rafiqa’s lair is a cave on the west (4-24); SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ H (20’ long); ML 10; XP
side of the island. 1,400 each.
If the marid is home, he will easily be alerted to the
PCs’ presence—Rafiqa cannot stand trespassers. If
PCs enter his lair while he is at home, he will fight
them. The marid is not stupid, however. If it appears
he will lose the battle, he attempts to escape to fight
Areas of Interest
again another day. A. When PCs pass by this spot, they are subject to
If the PCs successfully deal with the marid and his the attack of a stone pudding. The pudding will drop
lizard guards, they can find his treasure: 8,000 cp, from the ceiling upon them. Stone puddings are
1,000 pp, 6 gems (each worth 600 gp), a shield +1, detailed in the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM booklet in
chain mail +2, staff +2, and potions of diminution, this box.
gaseous form, healing, sweet water, and ventriloquism.
The marid takes no precaution to guard his treasure, Pudding, Stone (1): Int Low (5); AL NE; AC 4; MV
as he likes to look at it often. 3; HD 5; hp 26; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 3-18; SA

Toxin; SD Immune to edged weapons, blunt weapons geon. The Drow can point the PCs to one of the
inflict ¼ damage; MR 30%; SZ L; ML 18; XP 1,400. gates that will lead them out of Undermountain
(DM’s choice).
B. Here lie the remains of previous adventurers. Aliases he uses include: Jonder, a subterranean
These fellows have been killed within the past 1-4 lizard trapper; Rent, an explorer seeking to map the
days, and their possessions have been looted. How- great underground; Durmee, a plant specialist looking
ever, PCs who have speak with dead spells can commu- for various fungus and molds that might make healing
nicate with them. The dead adventurers relate: balms; Huqort, an animal trainer hoping to find the
“We traveled here in search of wealth. We found intellegent brown spiders of Yen (there’s no such
death instead. We do not know if Halaster lives, but thing); and Clerdominar, a scout for a band of human
we are certain his spirit or consciousness must be in and half-elven adventurers who were caught by the
these walls. This place is evil. There are horrible pud- priests of Malar.
dings the like of which you have never seen. And
there is a dragon, dark and fearsome (too dark for us Drow Spy (1): Int High (14); AL CE; AC 4; MV 12;
to see what color). We escaped it, but we fell to the HD 2; hp 16; THAC0 19; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6+1/1-6+1
priests of The Beastlord. (Drow short swords +1); SA Spells; SD Spells; MR
“The hunt, they called it. We were subjects in the 50%; SZ M (5’ tall); ML 14; XP 650.
hunt. They stalked us as if we were animals. They He has the following spells, useable once per day:
hunted us down and slayed us here, using metal claws dancing lights, faerie fire, and darkness.
and maces. The pain was intense. Be careful that you
are not hunted. Stay away from the priests. Find E. This small section of Wyllowwood has a perma-
safety with the mad druidess.” nent reverse gravity spell cast upon it. PCs who walk
into the area of effect are catapulted up to the ceiling
C. More remains of adventurers are here. However, and suffer 3-18 points of damage when they impact
these are little more than bones. They died too long with the rock. They must make a successful Dexterity
ago for a speak with dead spell to be effective. How- check at the end of the area or suffer an additional
ever, they should serve to unnerve the player charac- 1d6 points of damage when landing. The spell pri-
ters. Halaster’s associates have left the bones here for marily serves to annoy trespassers.
F. When PCs walk through this location, they are
D. Only at night, a Drow spy skulks through this subject to the attack of a dense pudding. The pud-
section of Undermountain. He is gaining informa- ding is hungry and will consider the intruders a tasty
tion about the place so he can report back to his meal. The pudding is detailed in the MONSTROUS
people. The spy will not immediately be hostile to COMPENDIUM® booklet in this box.
the PCs, as he recognizes that they are trespassers,
like himself. Depending on the PCs’ reaction to Pudding, Dense (1): Int Average (9); AL NE; AC 6;
him, the Drow might temporarily ally himself with MV 6; HD 7; hp 56; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 2-20
the PCs for safety. (2d10); SA Surprise bonus, disease; SD Immune to
If the PCs are hostile, the Drow will attempt to edged weapons, blunt weapons inflict ¼ damage; MR
escape. He is here to gather information, not to risk 20%; SZ L; ML 15; XP 2,000.
his life in a foolish combat. If captured and ques-
tioned, the Drow divulges part of his assignment— G. This is where a dwarven miner was struck down by
he is here to determine just what Undermountain one of Halaster’s minions. The miner was trying to
holds and who rules it. He will not mention that his defend his home from the invaders, and his drive was
Drow clan would like to take over the great dun- so strong that his spirit stayed behind as a haunt.

Each haunt encountered at one of these letters can cause enough damage that the river is stopped-up.
have a different purpose. Consult the chart below. The river is the life of this level. Stopping it will force
The dwarven haunt will attempt to possess the body Halaster’s creatures to leave or die.
of a PC so it can carry out its mission.
Haunt (1): Int Non-(0); AL NG; AC 0/victim’s AC;
1. Storm through Undermountain in search of any MV 6/as victim; HD 5/victim’s hp; THAC0 15; #AT
evil spellcasters. It was they who tore the caverns 1/1 as 5 HD creature; Dmg Special/by weapon; SA
from the dwarves. Special; SD Special; MR Nil; SZ S (3’ tall); ML 16;
2. Flee Undermountain so dwarves elsewhere, par- XP 2,000.
ticularly those above in Waterdeep, can be warned
about the evil creatures that live below. H. When PCs walk through this location, they are
3. Find Halaster or his spirit and exact a swift subject to the attack of a gray pudding. The pudding
vengeance. is hungry and will consider the intruders a tasty
4. Conduct a painstaking search through every cor- meal. The pudding is detailed in the MONSTROUS
ridor of the deep ways to make certain no dwarves are COMPENDIUM® booklet in this box.
being held captive. Any captives must be freed and
assisted to the surface. Pudding, Gray (1): Int Low (5); AL NE; AC 9; MV
5. Slay the priests of Malar. It is with their curing 9; HD 10; hp 50; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg 4-32
powers that Halaster’s minions continue to thrive. (4d8); SA Acid; SD Immune to edged weapons, blunt
With the priests gone, Halaster’s forces might have to weapons inflict ¼ damage; MR 20%; S L; ML 15; XP
go elsewhere. 4,000.
6. Find a way to either bring down the caverns or to

Trobriand’s Graveyard
robriand is a dangerous and power-
Ways In
ful mage. A master of metal and its
enchantments, he delights in the The gate that brings creatures in from the outside
creation of magical constructs and looks in all respects like a will o’wisp. It wanders at
creatures of metal, and considers random throughout the Forgotten Realms, attacking
his “offspring” superior in many ways to living crea- those it meets. Upon a successful attack roll (the
tures. Years ago, he set up several laboratory facilities gate’s THAC0 is 11), it teleports the unfortunate vic-
in Undermountain where he could continue to work tims to the entry gate of Trobriand’s graveyard (Room
on his beloved mechanisms, but eventually he found 1). The wandering gate generally attacks groups of
the need to dispose of the failures that inevitably creatures numbering between 4 and 12 individuals,
accompany any research. He recycled most of the and continues to attack until it has teleported all
outright failures for spare parts; however, some of the members of a particular group. Large accumulations of
botched experiments had some interesting properties magical items seem to attract it, as do areas where a
of their own. By means of a magical item he created great deal of spellcasting has recently taken place.
(Trobriand’s wand of rejecting— see the “New Magical However, it can appear wherever the DM wishes it to.
Items” section in this booklet), Trobriand began to Plane shifting, outrunning the gate for 1-4 days (it
send these intriguing rejects to a region he claimed moves at 18, as a will o’wisp), and hiding in an area
deep within Undermountain. He showed this realm protected by an anti-magic shell or similar spell have
to his old mentor Halaster, who promptly dubbed it proven effective ways of escaping Trobriand’s gate.
“Trobriand’s graveyard,” by which name people have The latter seems to confuse it, causing it to wander off
known it ever since. after 2-5 rounds. PCs may safely leave the anti-magic
After years of dumping his rejected experiments, shell after another turn. A successful dispel magic cast
Trobriand decided to scry into his graveyard. It was against Trobriand’s level of 18 confounds the gate’s
then he noticed that not all of his outcasts were tracking abilities for 1-10 rounds, giving a fleeing
inactive. Some of them had begun to repair them- party a head start.
selves, and to build other units out of the scrap parts The attacks of the gate cause no damage other than
Trobriand had discarded. When he saw their activ- the teleportation. The gate is immune to all attacks and
ity, Trobriand at first meant to deactivate the whole spells other than those previously mentioned. How-
collection. However, when he saw the orphaned ever, striking the gate with a hand-held metallic
machines beginning to set up a hierarchy among weapon of +3 enchantment or better results in a huge
themselves, he became amused, and decided to let his explosion. This explosion does no damage, but tele-
precocious toys develop on their own for a while. He ports everyone within a 30’ radius to Trobriand’s
gave them minimal resources and the occasional non- graveyard. It blinds all creatures within its area of
working mechanism for spare parts, and took pleasure effect for 1d10 rounds (save for half). No saving
in their beginning to form their own society. throw applies against the teleportation effect.
Curious, he then set up a one-way, mobile gate to Involve a party of adventures easily in Trobriand’s
send random creatures, including luckless adventur- graveyard by having the gate attack them some night
ers, to his discarded playthings to see how his “chil- when they have camped on the way home from
dren” would deal with these intrusions from the another adventure. Or, perhaps the gate shows up
outside world. when the party’s luck has run out—mages have run

low on spells and components, repeated volleys have Undermountain, he rarely appears outside his heavily
depeleted rangers’ quivers, and so on. (Imagine their guarded laboratories, and the PCs will not see him
relief at the sudden transportation away from the dan- during their stay in his graveyard.
ger at the last minute! Of course, they may yet prefer “The Metal Mage” rates second to none as a master
the doom they know to the uncertainties of this of metal and its enchantment. Several of his metal
place, and any characters not yet teleported will not constructs always surround him, ready to obey his
know their friends’ fate: captured, or disintegrated?) every command and defend him or fight for him until
Other suitable sites for the other end of the gate destroyed. Trobriand therefore seldom engages in
include the ruins of Myth Drannor, Zhentil Keep, and direct combat, even with those few parties who
various areas in the upper levels of Undermountain. encounter him or seek him out. He uses his knowl-
An NPC could also hire the party to investigate edge of magic and the gates of Undermountain to tele-
mysterious disappearances in a specific area of the port away with his spellbooks before encountering any
kingdom in which they live, or to retrieve a family real danger.
heirloom. (Perhaps the family heirloom presently Trobriand feels little or no kinship with the rest of
serves as a spare part in a metal monster, mining one humanity; he considers insects a much superior class
of the L areas of Trobriand’s graveyard.) Early reports of creatures. He prefers the company of his creations
could describe a “creature” that kills its victims, to any living person that he has had the dubious plea-
destroying them completely. However, judicious use sure of meeting, and he delights in every victory of his
of divination spells could reveal that the victims still mechanisms over living creatures, believing them
live (without revealing much else). “proof” of his constructs’ superiority. The few meet-
ings with adventurers in Undermountain over the

The Master years have served to make him suspicious of people

and more than a little paranoid. He might admit to

T hose who have seen the earlier Ruins of Under- trusting Halaster—but the depth of that trust is ques-
mountain boxed set already have passing famil- tionable.
iarity with Trobriand from that work. In the time Trobriand constantly monitors his gate’s activities,
intervening, Trobriand has progressed even farther in and often watches its rambling retrievals through a
his career. His statistics follow: crystal ball to see what his discarded mechanisms will
meet up with next. He can also view any section of
Trobriand: NE hm W 18; AC -2; MV 12; HP 38; his graveyard at will, and often does so to observe the
THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type (see activities of his discarded toys. He does this by the
below); INT 18. Spells: N/A use of small spy constructs that he can control from a
distance. He can see through their eyes, and has
A secretive mage of great power, Trobriand poses enchanted them to cause any metal monster ap-
no threat to his ex-master Halaster. However, he proaching one intending to scavenge for spare parts
more than matches most adventuring parties in the to completely forget its purpose and wander off, leav-
Forgotten Realms. Since he has made peace with his ing the spy unit unharmed.
former master, little or nothing in the vast realm of Trobriand observes the characters while they are in
Undermountain can threaten him. his graveyard, hoping to find some evidence of true
Trobriand appears as a very tall, lean man, stooped sentience on the part of his creations. He will not see
from the weight of his advanced years; however, his his experiments wasted. He does not interfere or enter
age has done nothing to lessen the aura of controlled the graveyard while the PCs are there, but if they
power surrounding him. Trobriand is clean shaven, cause a great deal of mayhem and destruction, he
his thick, steel-gray hair reaching past his shoulders. takes action to stop them. After all, he may have dis-
Though he occasionally roams the corridors of carded the constructs, but he still feels a certain fond-

ness for them that he cannot feel for the organic crea- way, and the shape may have inspired him to con-
tures populating the rest of the world. DMs may struct his favorite creation, the scaladar. The caverns
choose from the following list of Trobriand’s actions, themselves seem to have been of ancient dwarven
depending on the severity of the PCs’ mayhem: construction, and the tiny veins of mithral that can
still be seen in some areas clearly explain the dwarven
1. All of the metal monsters in the graveyard coop- interest in mining this place.
erate to immobilize the party. The entry gate is positioned at the end of the “tail,”
2. All of the metal monsters in the complex physi- and the exit to the outside world is in a pillar of fire at
cally attack the PCs at Trobriand’s command. the end of the left “claw.” The right claw also con
3. Trobriand sends a necklace of missiles to Squch tains a gate; however, this merely leads to another
and orders him to use it against the party. area of Undermountain. In between are a series of
4. Trobriand sends a staff of thunder and lightning to rooms shaped like the plates of a scorpion’s armor.
Squch—with instructions to use it against the party. These rooms connect in a seemingly random pattern,
5. Trobriand causes the equivalent of a retributive with as many as five corridors leading out of each
strike against the PCs, causing each of the adventur- interior “scale.” This is designed to confuse a party of
ers to take 100 points of damage (save for half). adventurers and thus lead them in circles throughout
6. Trobriand sends the entire party to the entrance the complex.
gate to “Muiral’s Gauntlet.” Here Trobriand teleports his rejected experimental
models and discards, as well as his enemies. (Many of
Trobriand has recently placed a small force of his the “guests” who have visited his graveyard included
new thanatars in his graveyard for testing, and now adventuring parties caught ransacking one of his
waits with interest to see how they fare against the many laboratories, and dispatched to this place by
various creatures and adventurers transported to this means of his wand of rejecting.) The gates in and out of
level. this area do not transport any inanimate material
If the PCs should manage to escape and live to except for that worn or carried by a living creature.
boast of their deeds, Trobriand may target them for As in all portions of the Undermountain, Halaster’s
elimination or at least harassment. (In particular, Tro- various barrier spells prevent magical entry to or exit
briand does not wish the rest of the Forgotten Realms from this level. Even the stone has been magically
made aware of his thanatars’ existence. His aspira- hardened to prevent the inhabitants from digging
tions for them are unknown, but he still wishes to their way out.
keep word their existence from the public for a Various types of Trobriand’s “pets” have taken over
while.) Adventurers who escape from the graveyard different parts of the complex. These small communi-
may find their troubles just beginning. Trobriand has ties constantly compete with each other for the
a great many creations to send after those who have extremely limited resources provided by Trobriand
troubled him, from things as mundane as iron golems and the occasional addition of adventurers’ equip-
and helmed horrors to creations that he has not even ment. Some of the more intelligent mechanisms have
named yet. Trobriand probably would not come after also begun to realize that living creatures can pass
escapees personally, but he could definitely keep their into and out of their realm in some manner closed to
lives interesting for a good long while, as well as make them. Knowing that these creatures often carry useful
them very unwelcome guests. objects, and spurred on by their ambitious leader, the
metallic inhabitants of this complex wish to devise a

The Complex method for traveling to whatever areas these choice

items come from. Thus, they attempt to capture liv-

T he overall shape of this huge cavern complex is

that of a giant scorpion. Trobriand found it this
ing creatures and question them about their methods
of travel. Several of the more intelligent constructs

have learned a halting form of the common tongue, holding cells). The mechanisms display little in the
and clumsily attempt to communicate with prisoners way of emotional behavior, although the silversann
in an attempt to discover their secrets. units sometimes show excitement or frustration over
In the past, when prisoners could not aid them in their research.
their quest, the machines resorted to dissection to try Since each of the inhabitants of the graveyard has
to gather information. From this procedure, they its own function, they require few rules. The separate
ascertained only that their captives comprised an groups take care of themselves, and everything that
incredibly messy array of non-standard parts. Fortu- needs to get done, does. The ferragans take care of
nately for the PCs, this seldom if ever happens now. refining raw materials, repairing and dismantling
The silversanns have come to realize that dissection other machines, and forging new parts as needed.
makes for poor research, and while they may mention The thanatars handle any problematic visitors, sub-
the subject if the flow of information slows, they due berserk metal monsters, and work to improve
probably have little real interest in trying it. (They themselves. The silversanns spend their time re-
may, however, express confusion over the party’s searching better ways to do whatever needs doing,
objection to it; after all, metal monsters report for dis- and trying to find a way out. Unspecialized metal
mantling all the time and they don’t make a fuss.) monsters perform all menial chores, dig for ore, and
Trobriand’s Graveyard presently contains ten sil- in general do whatever else needs doing, requiring
versann units, twelve thanatars (a formidable force), only minimal supervision.
and 25-30 ferragans. It also holds many unspecialized In Squch’s absence, the silversanns give the orders,
metal monsters; their number constantly changes as possessing as they do the highest intelligence and great-
old units wear out and new ones arise from their com- est versatility of the specialized machines. The thana-
ponents, or as Trobriand adds new inhabitants. There tars come next, followed by the ferragans. The unspe-
are likely to be over 100 at any given time. An cialized units rarely contribute anything worth listening
adventuring party may meet some of these units to, and the specialized units rarely if ever consult them.
nearly anywhere in Trobriand’s graveyard. Differences of opinion generally call for a consensus.
The supreme construct in Trobriand’s grave- Each stubborn and independently-minded silversann
yard, an enhanced scaladar (see the MONSTROUS tends to feel that its particular area of research, and only
COMPENDIUM® booklet with this product), has that area, merits all the attention. This leads to some
named itself Squch. As the most intelligent and confusion at times, which clever adventurers who man-
ambitious of Trobriand’s constructs, Squch is the age to set the silversanns against each other could
reason the other metal monsters frantically search exploit. This ploy requires care, however. The silver-
for a way out of the graveyard: Squch is power-hun- sanns may be a bit naive at times but they are definitely
gry, with delusions of grandeur. Becoming the ruler not stupid. This tactic will likely work only once, since
of Waterdeep takes first place among the enhanced failure will make the other units suspicious of any dou-
scaladar’s many ambitions. To this end, Squch has ble dealing thereafter.
instructed the other inhabitants of the graveyard to
spare no effort in finding a means for escaping
Undermountain and making this ambition a reality.
DM™ Tips
The metal inhabitants greet new arrivals with
interest. They will return hostility from the party in
kind, fully capable of defending themselves, but pre-
P layer characters need not die in this area. They
easily can, as the metal monsters (and the than-
atars in particular) present difficult foes to overcome.
ferring to further their quest for knowledge. They However, PCs who decide to play along with things to
sometimes express puzzlement at the tendency of liv- “get the lay of the land” may escape relatively intact.
ing creatures to behave irrationally about little things If the PCs cooperate with the silversanns, or at least
(like removing their possessions or confining them to pretend convincingly to help, they can eventually

learn the locations of the exit gates and their magical as intensely as the silversanns want them to stay.
items, and engineer an opportunity for escape. The However, a clever or cooperative party still will not
creatures subdue belligerent or combative groups, find this level a romp in the park. Aside from the
leaving them in the holding cells to rot. obvious dangers, the uncomprehending machines
The silversanns present the obvious way out for a tend to behave unpredictably, perhaps trying to
party that does not merely try to strongarm its way “repair” the prisoners, or gleefully tossing a character’s
through. Except for the thanatars, the other units lack spellbook into the furnace if she or he convinces
sufficient intelligence to actively help the party, and them it holds no value. Squch always lurks about,
the thanatars’ inflexibility prevents any negotiation. As ready to order the troops to greater conquests. Even if
a general principle, the silversanns and the thanatars your players show unbelievable ingenuity, they
have agreed that the security and safety of the complex shouldn’t get away too easily.
come before questions of research. However, if the
party presents no obvious threat, a silversann may
argue for leniency in the interest of education.
The silversanns consider themselves scholars, and
often willingly make deals for the exchange of knowl-
edge. They gradually come to trust characters who
convince them that they share a common love of
Core Rooms
knowledge, and may allow these types the run of the
Room 1: The Stinging Portal
complex in the hope that a fresh point of view will
help them solve their problems. In their naive manner You appear on a stone dais roughly 30 feet in
they believe that the characters want to stay and learn diameter in the middle of a large pool of stag-

nant, slightly acidic-smelling water. A huge, weaken and deteriorate, until in a few days such
round cavern surrounds the pool, dimly lit by articles become useless.
flames that seem to project directly from the dis- The flames along the walls result from natural gas
tant walls, as if burning the very stone. Strange erupting through fissures in the stone. Anyone staying
glyphs mark the stone platform on which you in this room for more than an hour feels slightly ill for
stand, glyphs that none of you has ever seen 1-2 days afterward (-1 on all ability checks and com-
before. The language is one unfamiliar to any of bat rolls) from inhaling the slightly toxic gas. (The
you. An extremely wide corridor curves off to flames lighting the other areas of the graveyard also
the southwest. It quickly angles out of sight; come from jets like these, but those areas generally
even if there were better light, you could not see have more exit passages and better air circulation.
more than a few yards along it from where you Characters suffer no ill effects unless they choose to
stand. [or are forced to] breathe the fumes at close quarters
for a prolonged period of time.)
The circular pool lies against the southeast wall of New arrivals should check their belongings. The
this 1000 foot-diameter room. A metal monster sentry gate only transports living creatures and those inani-
guards the entrance to the “tail” pathway into the mate objects carried on or worn within a foot or so of
main cavern complex (at S on the map). Persons on their bodies. Clothing and armor transport safely, as
the stone platform cannot see it easily (15% chance if do most weapons. However, long weapons such as
scanning the room); it has instructions to leave pikes or some pole-arms may grow suddenly shorter
immediately whenever anyone or anything appears (and, conceivably, may lose their “business ends”) on
on the platform, and report back to the ferragans in coming through the gate.
Area 3, so they can form a scavenging party to collect
any metal brought in with the new arrivals. If seen,
Room 2: The Scorpion’s Whip
the metal monster does not attack or speak to the
party, but instead leaves to report. The uncertain This 40-foot wide corridor curves for several hundred
lighting reveals very few details to the viewer. feet before connecting with the ferragan area of the
Describe it as a “large, fast-moving, indistinct shiny main cave complex. Piles of stone and large boulders
object.” The form and capabilities of the sentry vary, lie scattered along its length. The corridor slopes
but it always has a movement rate of 15 or more and downward as it curves around, making almost a 20-
at least a 5 Intelligence; thus it moves fast enough to degree slope. The walls look rough and natural, but
escape pursuing adventurers, and can report with the floor appears polished and smooth. This glassy
basic accuracy on what it has seen. (“Five humans surface and the marble-sized gravel in the rubble
with weapons came to the stone circle. One wore areas make for somewhat unsteady footing, and PCs
robes and carried a wand-thing.”) running or performing combat maneuvers should
The platform lies in the middle of a pool 60 feet make Dexterity checks to see whether they stay on
in diameter and 15-20 feet deep. (The meaning of their feet.
the strange markings on the platform has been lost At some point along the corridor, new arrivals
to time, although they appear vaguely dwarven.) meet a welcoming committee of ferragans. This takes
The first challenge: find a way across the weakly place from one to two thirds of the way down the cor-
acidic water. The water cannot cause serious burns, ridor, depending on how long the party took to make
but if it somehow contacts the eyes of a living being, its way across the pool and out of the entry chamber.
the victim must flush his or her eyes with clean The ferragans hide some of their number in the rub-
water in order to restore vision. Also, non-magical ble along the corridor (some of which they placed
clothing or leather allowed to remain dampened there for this purpose), and allow the party to
from the pool for a prolonged period begins to advance until surrounded. (The ferragans did not

think of this tactic on their own, but Squch gave
them detailed instructions to ambush invaders in this
Ferragans’ Areas
manner.) One of the ferragans steps forward and says,
Room 3: The Whatzit Room
in halting common, “You will leave all metal on the
ground and follow me.” It does not answer any ques- Bins containing metal pieces, neatly sorted by
tions or negotiate on any points; just saying this much type, line the walls in this smoky, dimly-lit room.
has taxed its abilities almost to the breaking point. At The contents represent nearly every metallic
most, it will repeat the phrase Squch taught it, and substance, including some alloys that you may
wait one or two minutes before ordering the rest of well not recognize. A bin slightly separated from
the group of ferragans to collect the metal. They the others holds gemstones, which the con-
move forward to do this whether the party has put its structs use for lenses and the like.
metal down or not. If the party complies and lays Three to seven ferragans work here at any one
down its metal possessions, the machines gather them time, going through piles of scrap parts and
up. Eventually all of the party’s metal possessions, cleaning them before placing them in the proper
magical and otherwise, end up in the whatzit room bins. Against the north wall rests a large tub
(Room 3) for proper distribution, and the ferragan containing a mild acid for cleaning metal parts.
that spoke takes them to Area 17 to meet with the Workers dip the parts to remove paint, dirt,
silversanns, a very long walk indeed through the grease, or organic compounds. Tunnels exit this
length of the graveyard. room to the east, west, and south.
If necessary, the ferragans take the characters’
metal by force. If the 12-15 ferragans in the group are The bins contain many once-valuable items of
forced to engage in melee, they concentrate on indi- treasure, mostly useless in their present state. Ferra-
viduals carrying or wearing a great deal of metal. If gans remove the hafts and guards from weapons, and
one of the ferragans manages to grab a piece of metal, place them in bins separate from their blades. They
it leaves the battle, scurrying away with its prize to disassemble armor and remove all nonmetallic parts
the whatzit room. (straps and the like). In fact, a large bin of separate
If a group of new arrivals defeats the ferragans and links from suits of chain and ring mail stands in the
continues on, six thanatars attack them on their way southwest corner. The bins hold perhaps 10 or 20
to Room 3 or Room 4. These thanatars stand guard at pounds of gold, silver, or platinum, and 10 to 20 gems
the “Y” intersection at the base of the tail, three in of various types, but the ferragans would object stren-
each corridor, where they wait until the characters uously to any in the party who wish to help them-
choose a direction. They then attack the party from selves. This room holds no magical items of any type.
both directions at once. The thanatars attack with
their pincers to hold their opponents, and then attack
Room 4: Examination Room
with their bludgeoning tails to subdue.
If the characters are getting the better of the thana- This large, well-lighted room contains strange
tars, more arrive at the rate of two every other round, metal items of all sorts. Tunnels exit this room to
until the melee includes all 12 thanatars in the com- the north, northwest, east, and south.
plex. If the PCs defeat all of the thanatars, all of the
metal monsters of the complex mobilize to defeat the The ferragans bring any items not immediately rec-
party. Once they subdue the entire party, they take ognized as common or mundane to this room, for a
any survivors to Area 17, and their possessions to the preliminary examination by one of the silversanns. A
whatzit room. silversann unit rests in the center of the room,
inspecting each item carefully with a wand of magic
detection (kept well-charged by Trobriand) before

sending it on its way. The silversann tosses ordinary Here the ferragans melt down metal objects too
items aside carelessly for return to the whatzit room worn to use or deemed unsuitable for use as spare
for storage, and hands unusual or magical items to a parts. They also do some repair work in here, and
metal monster in the comer for gentle packing and refine the small amounts of raw ore found by the
transfer to the silversanns in Area 13 for careful study. metal monsters digging to enlarge the living areas.
The 10 silversanns currently in the graveyard Most of the precious metals (coins, jewelry, etc.)
rotate on duty in this room, and despite the hours it recovered from visitors to this level undergo smelting
takes away from research, the silversanns relish the here as well. The ingot forms have less bulk, and can
time spent here. New magical items rarely come to be used more efficiently. Unknown items remain in
the graveyard, and the arrival of such an item on a sil- their original state in case a silversann deems them
versann’s duty shift presents a valuable situation. suitable for later use, or until such time as a silversann
When the other constructs bring the party in, the sil- directs the ferragans to melt them down. This room
versann unit happily uses its wand of magic detection contains no magical items.
on them as well, and directs the other units to confis- Living creatures remaining in here for more than
cate any magical items for sorting and investigation. five rounds take 1 point of damage every other round
One of the party’s escorts carefully takes any potions (beginning with the second round in the room) from
or scrolls to the smelting room for consumption. the heat and fumes. Spending 1 turn in a cooler area
If adventurers wander in here on the loose (with- with fresh air restores half these hit points.
out a proper escort), the silversann unit on duty is at A trapped and very angry salamander provides par-
first wary of them. If they act peacefully, it floods tial power for the furnace. The powerful magics hold-
them with questions at an alarming rate. It willingly ing it require frequent consumption of other magical
trades information with them; the only thing it energies to remain effective. The metal monsters
refuses to let them do is examine the items in this demand donations of magical items from any person
room. If they express interest in any specific items, it who enters this room unescorted; if the units have
begins questioning them about their knowledge of already confiscated the party’s magical items, they
these objects. attempt to throw any useless (to them) non-metallic
If the adventurers threaten the silversann in any items such as potions, ointments, or scrolls into the
way, or attempt to remove items from the room, it furnace. If PCs prevent the constructs from renewing
immediately summons 1-3 thanatars from their living the magical field surrounding the salamander, it
areas. These thanatars arrive in 2-5 rounds. Other- escapes and attempts to kill every living thing in sight
wise, the construct engages the PCs in curious and in retribution for its forced captivity.
friendly conversation, attempting to learn all it can of
these new arrivals before it has to share them with Elemental, Fire-Kin (Salamander) (1): Int High; AL
the others. CE; AC 5/3; MV 9; HD 7 + 7; THAC0 13; #AT 2;
Dmg 2-12; SA Heat 1-6; SD + 1 or better weapon to
hit; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 13; XP 2,000.
Room 5: The Smelting Room
This room is like a vision of Tartarus. The only
Room 6: The Village Smithy
light comes from a huge furnace along the wall
and from small metal monsters breathing out This room looks like a blacksmith’s shop gone
blasts of white flame too bright to look on wild. Strange machines crawl all over each other
directly. Clouds of smoke and fumes fill the air, and attach pieces of metal to seemingly random
and you can barely breathe. The heat is nearly spots on other, larger machines. Occasionally
unbearable, and the din from the pounding one of the smaller machines carries an uncoop-
metal makes your head ring. erative piece of metal to a large flat stone,

breathes flames on it, and pounds it into submis- units needing repair receive “house calls” in their per-
sion before trying to reattach it. The heat and sonal areas. (Time spent waiting in the repair shop is
noise are still at an uncomfortable level, but the research time wasted.)
relative cool and quiet is welcome. If a battle breaks out here, a 20% chance exists that
a blow removes a piece of outer plate from a damaged
Here the majority of the complex’s repair work unit. Treat this as an Armor Missing result on the ran-
takes place. Metal monsters with malfunctioning or dom disadvantage table in the Trobriand’s Automa-
worn parts come here to have repairs done while they tons MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® entry included in
wait. Several large flat stones serve as anvils in this this product.
area (the constructs find metal too valuable to use for
a work surface). The ferragans’ built-in torches heat
Room 7: Parts is Parts
pieces needing shaping or molding. This room holds Chaos holds sway in this cavern. Ferragans crawl
no true forges. If a ferragan must make a piece from over other machines like metal locusts, disman-
scratch, or must perform more extensive forging, it tling them into their component parts. Oddly,
takes the metal to the smelting room and works there. many of the creatures being dismantled actually
Occasionally, a metal monster beyond repair from help the ferragans at their work, holding parts as
damage or overuse comes in. When this happens, it the ferragans remove them, or even helping to
goes to Room 7 for dismantling. stack them neatly to the side, as long as they
At any one time 4-7 ferragans work here and 8-10 remain functional.
other machines wait for repairs. There is a 20%
chance that 1 or 2 of these are other ferragans, and a Old metal monsters go here to die. As time goes by,
10% chance of a single thanatar unit. Silversann more and more of the menial units are relegated to

spare parts. However, most of these contain salvagable
parts for new units (and require very little trouble on
the ferragans’ parts), so the total number of units goes
down only slowly. At any one time, the room contains
2-5 ferragans dismantling 1-4 metal monsters. They
waste no parts. Pieces too badly worn to use in new
creatures are melted down in the smelting room and
cast into new and useful pieces. The thanatars are
designed to stand up to rough handling, and the silver-
sanns seldom if ever do anything that causes much
wear and tear. However, there is a 15% chance that a
ferragan is being dismantled, since the strenuous
nature of their work causes occasional serious damage.
Characters may possibly witness a berserk unit.
Thanatars usually partially dismantle any rogue unit
they bring in, but sometimes a damaged unit goes
berserk while undergoing the process. In this case, the
ferragans summon 1-3 thanatars, which arrive in 2-4
rounds. They immediately immobilize and destroy the
demented unit. All parts of a berserk unit are melted
down and recast into new parts. The silversanns have
no hard proof of these parts’ faultiness, but often a unit
repaired with parts from a deranged unit subsequently
goes berserk, so they prefer to take no chances. incidents) while precluding escape. The rough-hewn
If the machines have offered to “repair” or “dis- cell walls lend themselves to climbing, but the stone
mantle” the PCs, ferragans or other escorts bring lids weigh several hundred pounds and gaining any
them here for such work. leverage from the side wall of a pit presents quite a
dilemma. Characters able to become small or assume

Thanatars’ Areas gaseous form find it easy to escape from the pits (and
are questioned at length about this if recaptured).
The thanatars in particular express curiosity as to how
Room 8: The Holding Pens
the escapees circumvented their vigilance, since they
This area is honeycombed with holes dug into the have to answer to Squch.
floor, and large flat stones slightly larger than the Imprisonment here is usually of a temporary nature,
holes. Tunnels exit this room to the north, east, as the prisoners have only the food they bring with
south, southwest, and west. Creatures from the gate them; water, however, is plentiful. Meals for monsters
that the silversanns wish to keep for further study, and animals in the cells consist of captives that have
extremely troublesome individuals, and adventurers died or have outlived their usefulness for research.
who have demonstrated an ability to wield magic A single thanatar for every five prisoners is sta-
spend their time here, especially if they have caused tioned here at all times to prevent escape. The thana-
damage to the inhabitants. The holes are 7-12 feet tar does not reply to requests for aid, but records all
across and 15-20 feet deep. The guards lower prison- sounds made by prisoners and reports them to the sil-
ers into the holes and drag a loose-fitting boulder over versanns later. Since the barracks area is adjacent to
the top. This allows the prisoner to breathe (a refine- this area, help is immediately available in the unlikely
ment added by the jailers after several unfortunate event that the thanatar on duty cannot handle the

prisoners or their antics alone. If needed, all available you can only guess about their intended purpose.
thanatars hurry to this area, closely followed by all of As far as you can tell, each object is unique, and
the nearest silversanns, who eagerly record the battle all are intriguing.
from the sidelines. They study all aspects of the battle
and/or the escape later, and then adjust the prison The thanatars do their research here. Whenever
area and the thanatars’ tactics accordingly. an intruder demonstrates a new weapon or device
Silversann units visit sentient prisoners once or that damages or defeats a thanatar in combat, the
twice daily for questioning. If the situation warrants thanatars bring the item here for analysis so that the
more extensive probing, guards remove the prisoner constructs can learn how to neutralize it. Once the
from the holding cell and take him or her to Area 17 thanatars finish with the troublesome item, the sil-
for further interrogation. versanns get their chance to look it over. The thana-
tars also store devices here that they have built to
make themselves more efficient in combat. The
Room 9: What Do
thanatars exist only to function as protectors of the
Thanatars Dream About?
graveyard society, and anything they discover to
By the light seeping into this darkened area, you help them in this task brings them a certain form of
can see several large shapes in the darkness. pleasure.
Without another source of light, you cannot Thanatars thoroughly question any characters
positively identify them. They could be just who have managed to damage a thanatar unit in
strange rock formations—or immobile metal battle. The questioning continues until the thana-
monsters. tars feel they know everything they need to fashion
a way to counter any future attacks of this nature,
The thanatar units stay here when not needed. The whether that means designing a new weapon or
units are not inactivated; they just choose not to learning a new tactical maneuver. Thanatars make
engage in unnecessary motion. Trobriand designed the dangerous foes, and adventurers should find it very
thanatars with this trait to make them less noticeable if difficult (if not impossible) to fool them with the
stumbled upon by an enemy, or when lying in wait for same trick twice.
an ambush. One to eight units lie motionless in this The thanatars deemed most of the objects in this
area whenever no alerts require their presence in some room of limited use to themselves, but still keep them
other part of the complex. Only invisible and silent here “just in case.” DMs should feel free to fill this
characters (not just invisible, or just silent, but both at room with exotic weapons of all types, as well as
once) can possibly sneak up on these units. The thana- interesting-looking items that have no purpose (other
tar units activate immediately upon the entry of any than to keep the players on their toes.)
visible or non-silent intruder and take all intruders
prisoner if possible. All other units in the room imme-
Room 11: The Arena
diately come to the aid of any unit under attack.
Under an active alert, this area empties, as all A heavy layer of gravel covers the floor of this
thanatars either answer the alarm or travel around huge, brightly-lit cavern. Tattered pennants line
the complex looking for other signs of trouble. the walls, apparent remnants of past adventuring
parties, and the air of festivity they impart seems
jarring. In some demented fashion the atmos-
Room 10: Havoc Research
phere reminds you of a coliseum, but you don’t
An amazing array of weapons and equipment, want to think too much about what type of com-
stored on wall racks, fills this room. You have bats might take place here, or what the typical
never seen many of the items here before, and audience might comprise . . .

This room is exactly what it appears to be: a com- create the same effects by speaking the same words
bat and training arena. While thanatars do not have and making the same gestures. The silversanns in this
to keep in shape like living warriors, they do like to area question any captured spellcasters of any type.
refine their combat techniques. Thanatars work here They have not quite worked out the fundamental dif-
with objects stored in the previous area in order to ference between priests and wizards except that
find better ways to attack with or defend against priests don’t seem to have books, and tend to babble
them, and sometimes bring to this place any prisoners about something called “faith,” which the constructs
who gave them trouble in combat and have them don’t understand.
repeat their tactics in battle until the thanatars devise This room holds over a hundred spell books con-
a suitable defense. The thanatars take every possible taining nearly every wizard spell available from first
care to leave prisoners undamaged for further through fifth level. Some contain spells of greater
research—unless, of course, they endanger the safety level, but these are scarcer and more difficult to find.
of the graveyard. At any one time it is 35% likely that This affords an excellent opportunity to introduce a
one or two thanatars are here honing their skills in new spell to your campaign from one of the supple-
one manner or another. They do not damage each ments or from a different campaign world, since
other in the sparring, except for an occasional dent or arcane knowledge from many different lands and
scratch that the ferragans can easily fix. Two addi- worlds resides here.
tional thanatars guard each entrance to this area Innumerable books on spell theory and even on the
when prisoners take part in combat tests, in hopes of worship of several gods also line the shelves, many
preventing escape if the prisoners have any new tricks extremely old and rare, and worth a great deal to a
up their collective sleeve. collector. Stealing them presents a sticky situation,
however, as the silversanns have memorized the con-

Silversanns’ tents of their library and have a computer’s uncanny

knack for noticing out-of-place items. A successful

Areas removal likely calls for the inelegant “snatch-and-

run” ploy, grabbing something and dashing for one of
the gates. Even then the party would have to fight the
Room 12: Heavy Metal Magic
silversanns for possession, since they certainly would
Stacks of books fill this huge cavern. Many of not give up any of their research materials willingly.
the covers have titles on them in languages you A better ploy involves convincing the constructs to
can’t read, but even a quick glance reveals sev- trade for something else valuable, like metal, knowl-
eral spell books. The sheer volume of printed edge, or magic.
matter here boggles the mind; you don’t even The silversanns have pored diligently over their
want to guess at the total number of volumes in library of books, but so far the only magical effect
this room. Two small metal creatures sit in the they have successfully reproduced from reading their
center of this room, reading through the vol- captured spellbooks destroyed several volumes (pre-
umes and occasionally making an arcane gesture viously trapped with explosive runes, unbeknownst to
or pronouncing a string of strange syllables, to the researchers). The silversanns are uncertain as to
no apparent effect. what caused this destructive spell to work for them,
but they have taken encouragement from it. After
Silversanns devoted to the study of spellcasting all, if they can get one magical effect to work, per-
spend much of their time here. The silversanns haps they may one day learn the secret of magic. (Of
understand that organic creatures often have the abil- course, they never will—only living or once-living
ity to create bizarre circumstances through the use of creatures can manipulate the energies necessary to
spells. However, they cannot fathom why they cannot cast spells.)

The silversanns eagerly allow any spellcasters to to explain every step of the way. The two silversanns
help them in their research, and ask them to cast low from this area and the ones from the spell research
level spells from their large collection of books. They area discuss the process, and any possible applications
intently watch anyone willing to cast a spell for them. for their own research, for hours. The conversation
One of them observes every word and gesture closely, absorbs them totally—but not to the extent that they
while another records it for future research. The lose track of their new prize (the spellcaster). Party
hopeful constructs then try to duplicate the process, spellcasters who cooperate with the two research
to no avail. teams find themselves very much in demand. They
may find the opportunity to gain much information
about the cavern complex, albeit at the cost of a great
Room 13: Staff Inspection
deal of work and a lot of lost sleep, since the silver-
Sticks and rods of various shapes and sizes lie in sanns hesitate to let this treasure out of their sight.
piles and stand in racks inside this large cham-
ber. Scorch marks and other remnants of a great
Room 14:
magical battle mar the center of the room. Two
Magical Weapons and Armor
silversann units crouch before the racks, com-
municating in their strange mechanical lan- This area reminds you of the spare parts room.
guage. Metal objects lie scattered everywhere. Most of
them look like pieces of armor and weapons, but
All manner of rods, staves, and wands fill this in the confusion you can’t easily tell. Certainly
room. Most of the devices here have no more charges, the number of parts here would make several
and crumble at a touch. Only a few of the items still complete sets of armor, but it would take days to
work, and even they have few charges remaining. The sort them, even for the metal monsters living
two silversanns here want to ascertain why, although here. A lone silversann here arranges and
they themselves cannot manipulate magical energies, rearranges piles of random objects. A small tub
other, inanimate, less intelligent objects apparently of acid sits next to a large forge in one corner of
can. The signs of apparent battle merely show the the room, and in the center of the area rests a
results of years of research with the devices for which huge rock that seems to be set with ropes and
the silversanns know the command words. winches attached to the ceiling.
The two silversanns wish to question any spell cast-
ers of sufficient level to create magical items (should The silversann in this room is attempting to find a
they admit to having done so). The silversanns wish way to physically or magically alter metal to make it
to determine if they inadvertently left a step out of harder and more resistant to damage. It believes that
the creation of magical items of their own construc- digging presents the only way to escape the cavern
tion—a step that might allow them to cast spells, like complex, and that if they can alter the bodies of the
these other, unintelligent objects apparently can. metal monsters assigned to mining, they may someday
This research relates closely to the work in the previ- accomplish this. This silversann willingly discusses
ous room, and those silversanns often work closely mining procedures with any of the characters who
with the ones in this room. have some expertise in that area.
The silversanns become especially excited if one of The unit is presently studying what circumstances
the party spellcasters offers to recharge one of the cause magical weapons and armor to lose their magi-
still-functioning magical items. (PCs in this situation cal qualities. To this end, it spends its time testing
may regain use of their spellbooks for a time.) The objects by bathing them in acid, melting them at the
process of putting spell energy back into an object fas- forge, or dropping the rock on them from ceiling
cinates the silversanns, and they want the spellcaster height. (If an item fails its save, it’s history.) Squch

has told it that magically hardening the bodies of the
miners is not of great use if the metal can lose its
dweomer when subjected to great stress.
It is also trying to ascertain why objects such as
suits of magical armor seem to provide extra protec-
tion from hardship only when intact. Early efforts to
use magical weapons and armor in the construction of
miners focused on melting down the magical items
and using the metal to repair constructs that had
become damaged. The creatures soon realized that
when reformed, the metal exhibited no special prop-
erties. The constructs find such little irregularities
quite confusing.

Room 15: Shredded What?

This area is a mess. Shreds and tatters of cloth
hang from protrusions on the walls, and lie in
piles everywhere. Random bits of pottery, glass,
and small gems lie strewn about like playthings
in a nursery for an exceedingly large and messy
child. As you look in, you can see one of the sil-
versann units happily shredding what appears to
have been an exceptionally well-made, silvery-
gray cloak. The silversann must have started
shredding this cloak quite some time ago, since
the cloak is half gone and the floor around the
unit is covered with tiny strips of cloth.

All the magical items that do not fit any of the other
categories end up here. Most of the silversanns feel
that these items cannot aid them in their search for an
escape from the cavern, and do not care what the cus-
todian of this area does with them, as long as a few
items always remain available for feeding to the sala-
mander in the smelting room furnace. This is just as
well, since this silversann has formed a rather interest-
ing theory about the nature of magical energy. It has
decided that since most magical items lose their powers
if torn or broken, the magical energy that they formerly
carried must escape into the air upon their destruction.
Therefore, if a creature created by magic (like a silver-
sann unit) surrounds itself with enough of this free-
floating magical energy, it should eventually absorb
enough energy to gain the ability to manipulate spells.

The unit spends at least half of each day completely learn and store spells in its memory. The silversanns
buried in a huge pile of shredded and dismantled magi- have plenty of time to try just about anything. The
cal items. It hasn’t noticed any changes in its abilities whole of the silversann’s present research program
so far, but that has not discouraged it in the least. The focuses on this, and these two units can call upon any
silversann is friendly and pleasant, and perfectly willing resources available in the graveyard.
to talk for hours to any interested parties about its A ferragan whose only job is to follow their instruc-
hypothesis. It has grown used to the other silversanns tions aids them in their research. They listen politely
discrediting its ideas, so it politely listens to any contra- to any character who has a constructive opinion, and
dictory arguments and then merrily ignores them. willingly give any reasonable-sounding options a try,
This should be enough to make any red-blooded, but by no means can PCs convince them that their
treasure-hungry adventurer cry. The remains of hun- hypotheses are totally wrong.
dreds of items lie in heaps in this cavern. Of course,
the other silversanns do not let this one have any
Room 17: The Unexamined
item until it has been thoroughly tested for use in
Life Is Not Worth Living
their research, so the PCs probably won’t see any of
their objects here . . . A stone dais rests against the east wall of this
brightly-lit room. A silversann sits in one of 10
hollow depressions in the dais. A platform at the
Room 16: The Workshop
back of the dais looks just about the right height to
This brightly lit area is the most orderly and comfortably support a human sitting on the edge.
controlled section of the complex you have seen
so far. Across the cavern you can see two silver- Here the silversanns meet to discuss recent develop-
sann units and a ferragan clustered around an ments in their research. Their taking the same posi-
apparently broken silversann. Its outer coverings tions at each daily meeting for many years has worn
have been removed; the trio of workers has the depressions into the dais. The meetings seldom last
neatly lined up the various parts on the floor, long, since the silversanns make very little progress in
within easy reach. They appear to be modifying their research from day to day. However, this gives the
a piece in an attempt to attach it to the inside of silversanns a chance to trade ideas back and forth
the dismantled unit. The two silversanns try the between themselves on a regular basis, and for Squch
piece and, seemingly dissatisfied with the fit, to announce any changes in their functions.
hand it to the ferragan for modifications. More importantly to the party, interrogation of
people who arrive through the gate takes place here.
The silversanns’ current project, the creation of a The silversanns ask seemingly meaningless questions
magic-using metal monster, takes place in this room. at a furious rate, often barely giving a person time to
Several months ago, Trobriand carelessly discarded a answer one before firing off another. They often
non-working but repairable silversann unit. The units change the subject in the middle of the interrogation
decided to put some of the research they have all as something new occurs to them. Since they have
been working on for the past several years to the test some rather strange ideas about the nature of magic,
to try to give this unit the ability to wield magical they assign great import to the most mundane of
energy. They have modified and reactivated the unit answers. This can go on for hours at a time, and prob-
several times but have so far not seen any magical ably will, unless the subjects finally remind the silver-
capability in it. Pieces of various magical items have sanns that unlike metal monsters, living creatures
gone into its reconstruction (some sections of wands, need to eat and sleep. The silversanns are not insensi-
an intact ring of spell storing, some magical plate mail, tive to the needs of their prisoners, they just forget
etc.) in the hope that this will give it the ability to the organics’ limitations.

The enhanced scaladar known as Squch might also tions as the entry gates regarding the transport of non-
be found in this room, particularly if the party has living matter. The magic dampener has the added
done something to warrant the personal attention of effect of immobilizing any metal monster that enters
the complex’s leader. If the PCs hope to escape the the area. This effectively traps the creation until a
graveyard, they either have to avoid Squch’s notice, harness can be rigged to pull it out. This resulted in
persuade Squch to release them (not an easy task), or large pileups of metal monsters the first few times that
defeat Squch in battle. If the characters try to escape they tried entering the gates to escape.
by sheer brute force, Squch forms the last line of The only difference in the two gates is that the one
defense against them. If the party actually destroys in the north passage leads out of the realm of Under-
Squch, that apparent victory triggers Trobriand’s mountain, to a place of the DM’s choosing, while the
wrath, and he will take action against them as out- one to the south merely transports those who enter it
lined in the section entitled “The Master.” to random areas of the vast underground realm (again,
This room has two secret doors, one on each side of your choice). The southern gate also changes its desti-
the dais. They lead to narrow corridors leading to the nation every turn. The flame flickers rapidly during the
“claws” of the complex: the locations of the exit gates. change, and returns to a steady burn after the switch is
The metal monsters concealed, these areas to keep complete. If a party of adventurers enters the flames
their test subjects from leaving before they have one at a time, roll a d10 to see how many rounds
divulged all their secrets. The doors are not particu- remain before the gate changes destinations. The result
larly well hidden, and anyone actively searching for indicates how many party members go to the first desti-
them has double the normal chances to find the exits. nation. The remainder teleport somewhere different,
The tunnels themselves are long and cramped— perhaps miles removed from their companions.
five feet tall and five feet wide—and quite dark. The Note that nearly all of the inhabitants of this com-
air coming from these tunnels smells different from plex know the locations of the two gates, but not the
that in the rest of the complex, almost like fresh air— difference between them, and the less intelligent ones
a way out. usually reveal the locations to anyone who asks them
straight out. A lone silversann might be persuaded to
trade this knowledge for the right bit of information.
Rooms 18 & 19:
Only the thanatars and Squch refuse to give this
The Dead Zones
Magic-dead caverns lead to the exit gates. Upon
entering them, any magical spell effects currently run-
L1-L6: Mining Areas
ning terminate, and magical items cease to function.
Metal monsters trying to expand the area of the com-
plex crowd into these dimly lit, noisy areas, making it
Rooms 20 & 21:
difficult to tell one from another. Each mining area
The Fire Escapes
contains encounters for the party (see the section
These areas, virtually identical in appearance, curve entitled “Areas of Interest”). Many metal monsters
out to form the “claws” of the scorpion that the cav- work in these rooms, up to 10 in each section,
ern complex resembles. Large, round pits containing attempting to dig their way out of the complex at
pillars of flickering, multi-colored flames await at the Squch’s command. If PCs stood in one spot and
ends of the claws. While these flames feel hot when watched the digging monsters’ progress, they would
approached, they do no damage to those who enter note that the creatures make little or no headway in
them. They do have the property of dampening magic a week, let alone over the course of a day. The crea-
inside their areas, so spells to determine their func- tures abrade more than they mine, and once a day a
tion have no effect. They also share the same restric- small unit comes by and gathers up the rock dust to

take to the ferragans so that they can extract any B. This entire area off the Holding Pens is magic-
useful material. These areas contain small veins of dead. No constructs dig in this area, and only one
mithral, as well. metal monster—a lone, unspecialized, completely
The less intelligent metal monsters in the complex deactivated unit—leans against the wall.
carry out the digging. Smart players can worm a lot of A subterranean lizard lairs here. The metal mon-
information out of them (if they can understand the sters have spotted it a few times, but have not yet
creatures) as long as they don’t interfere with the developed a method for chasing it across ceilings, and
units’ assigned tasks. This can work against the char- so it has remained here, feeding off the unwary crea-
acters, as well. If they want any information, they tures drawn in by Trobriand’s gate. The lizard attempts
have to be very explicit in their questioning. These to make lunch out of the adventurers, as it has not fed
literal-minded machines tend to answer the wording for several days.
of questions, rather than the meaning.
Lizard, Subterranean (1): Int Non; AL N; AC5; MV

Areas of Interest 12; HD 6; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; SA Sp; SD

Nil; MR Nil; SZ H; ML 9; XP 650.
A. The pool at the end of this cavern contains a giant
bloodworm. It hungrily attacks anyone who comes C. Any living creature passing within 15 feet of these
within five feet of the pool. areas sets off a flashing red light in the center of the
room that alerts any constructs here of their presence.
Bloodworm, Giant (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 4; MV
6, Br 1; HD 6; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA D. A slithering tracker in this area finds and attacks
Blood Drain; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ H; ML 17; XP 420. the party.

Ooze, Slithering Tracker (1): Int Av; AL N; AC 5;
MV 12; HD 5; THAC0 15; #AT 0; Dmg Nil; SA Par-
alyzation; SD Transparency; MR Nil; SZ S; ML 15;
XP 975.

E. These areas contain the skeletal remains of previ-

ous adventurers. The bodies found in the Holding
Pens are freshly dead, and any character attempting to
communicate with them by means of a speak with dead
spell discovers that they died of starvation after many
days of questioning and escape attempts. They had
seen most of the complex, and had heard of the gates
that are the only way out. They know only that these
exits lie somewhere “beyond the silversanns.”

F. Three cave fishers, angry at the invasion of their

territory, ambush the PCs on their way to the exits.
Unfortunately for the PCs, this is also a magic-dead
area, and the cave fishers have learned that their fila-
ments cannot be severed here, since magical bonuses
on weapons do not work.

Cave Fishers (3): Int Semi; AL N; AC 4; MV 1; HD

3; THAC0 17 or 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2-8/2-8; SA Adhe-
sive trapline; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 11; XP 175

G. The PCs notice a small mass of pebble-like spheres

here, actually the eggs of a trapper. The adult trapper
guards its eggs from very nearby; in fact, the PCs are
standing on it!

Trapper (1): Int High; AL N; AC 3; MV 3; HD 12;

THAC0 9; #AT 4+; Dmg Sp; SA Sp; SD Nil; MR
Nil; SZ H; ML 11; XP 3,000.

Once the PCs deal with the trapper, they can find
its treasure: 15 gp, 32 sp, a diamond worth 100 gp,
and a potion of extra-healing.

H. Minute traces of mithral still glitter in these veins.

Recovering any of this precious metal proves long,
slow, and difficult, as the metal monsters have found:
Trobriand magically hardened the stone to prevent
attempts to dig an escape route.

Muiral’s Gauntlet
he strange and twisted being who is this enchantment, effects six and seven of the guards
Muiral discovered a great complex and wards spell occur at random in the gauntlet, and
that had evidently been abandoned DMs may place these as they see fit. DMs should read
by the Drow in ages past. The area up on this spell before running a party through this
had been excavated to serve as liv- area, and keep it in mind at all times; describe the
ing quarters and a learning academy, and was now mist in the hallways, the confusing passages, the wiz-
home to an odd collection of monsters. Feeling a cer- ard locked doors, to add atmosphere to the dungeon.
tain irony in using the past dwellings of these hated Dispel magic dispels one effect of the spell within the
dwellers of the dark places, he appropriated them for range of the caster for 1-4 turns; after that, the per-
his own, and even added to them. Some of the crea- manency reinstates the effect.
tures inhabiting the area he slew or drove away; The Gauntlet itself is a strange area decorated in a
others he kept or modified to create suitable chal- style that even in its decay mirrors the taste of the
lenges for the opponents he brings here to test his ancient Drow. This area has obviously been aban-
powers. doned by the dark elves for centuries and little evi-
Over the many years, he has filled these vast halls dence remains to tell which of the great families
with the creatures whose company his twisted mind dwelt here. It may have been a family that escaped
enjoys. There are nests of giant spiders (including massacre by others of their kind, buying survival at
some varieties seen nowhere else in the planes), pits the cost of exile, or it may have been a remnant of
of foul undead, and even a group of driders trapped the separation of the elves into the light and dark
from the caverns where they dwelt. In his tormented many millennia ago. Everything of value that they
mental state, he considers these things sources of left when this area was vacated may well be gone
beauty, and cultivates them as others might nurture a now, but who knows? The Drow are masters of misdi-
flower garden. rection, and the most ordinary-appearing items may
He has trained these creatures to stay in their own be treasures from their ancient days.
territories and interact with each other as little as Little is left of the furnishings, of course. What
possible. However, occasionally he initiates conflicts fragments survived the years before Muiral’s arrival
to strengthen the groups, or to weed out the popula- have been roughly handled by the new inhabitants of
tion of monsters. The creatures in his gauntlet have this realm. However, the walls still hold fragments of
learned the hard way not to attack Muiral in his wan- the carvings and mosaics that the original owners
derings, and some of the less intelligent of them have used to enliven their surroundings. The artificial halls
even begun to view him as a leader. and rooms are carved and decorated over most of
Muiral constructed his “Gauntlet” on a rather their surfaces (including ceilings) with elaborate bas-
grand scale, with 20’ ceilings and 20’ wide corridors relief sculptures showing various scenes pleasing to
(unless otherwise stated). The halls wind in the con- the Drow. These scenes are well-crafted but visually
voluted style that the Drow find so amusing, and unexceptional. Many of the carvings are meant to be
Muiral has deliberately enhanced this maze-like effect touched to reveal their true artistry. Indeed, some of
to keep his subjects off balance until they reach that the sections have been so well carved as to give the
portion of the complex where Muiral awaits them. He impression of living flesh under the fingers. The irreg-
has also enchanted the whole area with several per- ularity of the stone surface gives a +15% to the
manent guards and wards. Due to the methods used in chance to climb walls, but a climber who comes into

contact with one of these specially carved areas (one
chance in ten per 10 feet climbed) must make a save
The Way In
versus paralysis, or be so surprised that he or she lets The gate that brings the party into Muiral’s gauntlet is
go of the wall and falls to the ground. Climbers get a projected by Muiral onto any reflective surface, such
+1 bonus to this save for each successful saving throw. as calm water, ice, polished stone, bright metal, and,
This elaborate carving also creates a plethora of of course, mirrors. The gate works through any surface
hiding places for secret doors and their triggers. shiny and smooth enough in which to see an image of
Therefore, characters are at -1 to find secret doors oneself. Muiral often sends a gate out at random when
while in these areas. he is bored, trolling for challenges. When he is lucid
All of these tunnels and rooms, except for the nat- enough, he sometimes brings a party of adventurers to
ural caverns housing the fungus farms and the old him so that he may acquire an item of theirs that he
animal pens, are still dimly lit by the permanent faerie finds interesting, or because they are luckless enough
fire used by the Drow to decorate their areas so long to possess the beauty that is lost to him forever.
ago. The illumination has weakened with time, but There are several methods of involving your play-
still provides barely enough light to navigate by. If ers with Muiral and his gauntlet. The easiest, as in
this is the only light source, surface dwellers suffer a the previous section, is to have them drawn in by ran-
-1 penalty on attack rolls and a penalty of 1 level in dom chance. Perversely, this can add a bit of realism
their combat Armor Class. Members of subterranean to your campaign background. The history of your
races (dwarves, deep gnomes, etc.) and those skilled gaming world seldom revolves around a group of nor-
in the nonweapon proficiency of blind fighting suffer mal adventurers, and sometimes random events sweep
no penalties. them into circumstances they had not anticipated.
Undead within these halls are turned as if they The party could be summoned by a powerful per-
were three categories higher on the chart. Any sonage to lead a rescue mission. (For example, when
undead destroyed reform 1-3 days later unless a the gate opened to take someone away, a mage was
remove curse is cast upon the remains; therefore, they able to hold it open long enough to summon help.
know they have little to fear from the adventurers. The twist is that the characters would have to go with
Muiral uses this area and the gates leading to it to whatever equipment they brought along to answer
bring adventurers to face him from all over the the summons. The gate could close any minute, and
Forgotten Realms, ensuring himself a steady supply of the opportunity to mount a rescue would be lost.)
opponents to occupy his time. Once inside, the adventurers would now have two
There are certain safe areas where wandering goals. They would have to find the people who were
adventurers might be allowed to rest, though this rest already drawn into the gate and also find their way out
may be disrupted if Muiral has decided that the party alive.
is too strong and may pose a threat to him. In this Perhaps the characters could be hired by someone
case, he sends creatures to disturb the adventurers and whose establishment has been afflicted with one of
rob them of sleep. Sufficiently strong magical protec- Muiral’s gates, such as a Temple of Sune (Muiral
tion might prevent this. would probably enjoy tormenting the adherents of
Muiral has the ability to command undead, and the goddess of beauty), a conclave of mages (he likes
enjoys their company (at least as much as he enjoys to collect new spells and magical items), or most
anything). A group of trapped adventurers might especially an adventurers’ guild (where there would
therefore catch a glimpse of him here or hear him be experienced opponents as well as new items and
howling his rage and frustration during the night. spells).
However, he never confronts a party in this area, pre- Once Muiral (or the DM) chooses his gate’s latest
ferring to let them be worn down a bit more before location, the magic lies dormant until a creature of
the final confrontation at the Gauntlet’s end. low Intelligence or better looks into the reflecting

surface, or even glances at it in passing. (If you can’t throughout the complex. If your adventuring party
decide if a character looks or not, have them roll ver- should require more than these ten, place more
sus Wisdom -3). The victim must save versus death amulets in appropriate places so that there are enough
magic or be enthralled by the reflection. Over the for each party member.
course of several rounds, the victim’s reflection gradu-
ally changes to that of a hideous monster that even in
its ugliness is still recognizably his or her own form.
Murial Himself
At this point, when the victim screams in terror at CE hm F9/W13 ( see below); AC 3; Mv 15; HP 89;
the vision, everyone within a 20’ radius of the reflect- THAC0 12 (9 w/sword); #AT 2 + special; Dmg 1-6 +
ing surface is drawn into it. There is no save for the poison (tail sting)/spell or weapon type: 1-10+3/
original victim. Anyone else in the area of effect can 3-18+3 (vorpal sword +3); SA: control undead to 300’,
save versus death magic to escape. The surface works ESP (permanent and automatic), mind blank; CON
as a gate for three more rounds, providing access in 16; INT 18. Spells: see below.
case anyone else wants to enter voluntarily; then it
ceases to function for 24 hours. Muiral was formerly a bodyguard to Halaster. He
A victim who makes the original save versus death followed his former master to Undermountain and
magic sees nothing out of the ordinary, but feels a abandoned the way of the warrior to learn magic. He
momentary sense of uneasiness, as if someone were specialized in the ways of transformation and alter-
watching. During the next 3-6 nights, the victim ation magic and soon surpassed all other pupils. He
experiences nightmares in which she or he is changed loved magical research and was always looking for
into a hideous creature. After the nightmares run ways to transform creatures into “more efficient”
their course, the victim loses one point of Wisdom forms — until the day an experiment gone awry
from the experience. This loss can be prevented by a resulted in his present form. Now, he is a hideous
remove curse cast before the term of the nightmares creature who appears human from the waist up, but
ends. Afterwards, the loss is permanent, unless coun- has the body and eight legs of a giant spider below
tered by a wish, heal, or restoration. and a tail with a scorpion’s sting, which can extend to
There are other mirrored surfaces scattered around 6’ away in any direction. Any creature that feels the
the school complex by Muiral. Once each person in sting of his tail takes 1d6 points of damage and must
the party is wearing one of the amulets of free passage save versus paralyzation at -2 or be paralyzed for 1
(see the “New Magical Items” section), Muiral acti- turn + 1d10 rounds.
vates the magic of the gates. The first mirrored surface The magical accident that left Muiral with this
the party passes thereafter functions in the same man- hideous form left him understandably embittered and
ner as the entry gate, drawing the party into itself and somewhat unbalanced. His permanent abilities of
teleporting them to a random location in the second ESP, mind blank, and control undead have made him
half of the dungeon, where they eventually encounter quite powerful but also quite mad. Through the years
their host. If the party makes their save against death this condition has worsened to the point where he is
magic as above, then the next gate they pass has the hopelessly insane, and is seldom (perhaps once a
same chance to work its magic, until the characters year) lucid enough to continue his magical research.
have at last gone to meet Muiral. Muiral hates the world and everyone in it for his con-
Until the gates are activated, any character looking dition. He perhaps hates himself most of all, and
or glancing into a mirrored surface (except for those hates that he has been unable to reverse his own mag-
in the Hall of Mirrors) sees words in faintly glowing ical transformation. He feels a kindred with undead,
letters: “I am waiting,” “Muiral awaits,” “You are as they are perhaps the only creatures that hate
mine,” and the like. humanity as much as he does. His twisted body causes
There are ten amulets of free passage to be found him to suffer constant pain, and the only way he has

found to lessen that pain is by lashing out at all others will never feel safe as long as they are alive. He may
who are not as twisted as himself. He could perhaps not always attack them himself, but he often settles
be cured of his insanity and his malformation, but the for sending some horrible creatures to visit them
only one in Undermountain with that ability is Hal- when they least expect it. This should make them
aster, and he rather enjoys his former student’s misfor- very unpopular as house guests wherever they travel.
tune. Halaster found Muiral somewhat stolid and The only way the characters would ever truly be rid of
boring before his transformation, and now he is at him is to kill him, unless they could somehow heal
least interesting. him. But between his own considerable abilities and
If encountered, Muiral is carrying a two-handed the magical items he has collected over the years, a
vorpal sword +3 and wearing his ring of fire resistance party would have to deal him truly massive damage to
and the horned ring (see “New Magical Items” section) kill him before he could escape to lick his wounds and
given to him by Halaster. Muiral knows the gates of plan a return engagement. Muiral maintains other
Undermountain well, and uses them to escape power- refuges where he keeps items for healing or the para-
ful or persistent foes. phernalia of spell research, and has magic readied to
He also has a powerful roster of spells (5,5,5,4,4,2) pull him away to a place of healing in the event of his
that he does not hesitate to use. He usually carries: death. If Muiral is killed, Halaster might just decide
chill touch, color spray, magic missile ×3; alter self, create that the group that slew Muiral needs a visit from
water, flaming sphere, web, infratorch; dispel magic, fire- some of his own servants, particularly if they took
ball, fly, haste, lightning bolt; charm monster, dig, enerva- possession of the horned ring.
tion, polymorph other; animate dead, hold monster, The gauntlet is where Muiral goes to court death.
monster summoning III, wall of force; chain lightning ×2. He tells himself that by bringing those who are not
Muiral finds little pleasure in life except in testing as twisted as himself here and killing them, he
his power against mighty monsters and adventurers proves that he has merely traded physical beauty for
who venture into Undermountain. He enjoys en- strength, but in his heart he knows the truth.
countering opponents to see if they are worthy, and is Muiral also knows that the intelligent inhabitants
usually disappointed. He used to roam the halls of of his gauntlet hate him and would like to see him
Undermountain looking for something challenging to slain, but their fear for him is stronger than their
battle and destroy. Finally, he decided to bring these hatred, and they would never oppose him themselves.
challenges to him. He created his gauntlet to assure Muiral does not know whether his present form
himself a steady supply of opponents with which to will ever wear out or grow old. He has not been able
challenge himself. to see the signs of aging since his accident, and that
Gradually, Muiral has withdrawn into his gauntlet. was many years ago. The truth is that in transforming
He is like a wounded animal, crawling off to a dark himself, he may have given himself the chance to live
place where he can surround himself with creatures as forever. The irony is that although he may have
ugly and vile as himself. In truth, Muiral craves death found what so many have searched for since the
and fears it as well. He brings adventurers here hop- beginning of time, he doesn’t really want it.
ing inwardly that some intrepid group is strong, or Although Muiral is wildly irrational, he is not stu-
skilled, or lucky enough to put an end to his pain. pid. Muiral is a deadly and cunning opponent and
However, the few times he was close to death, he fled should be played as such. In order to defeat him or
in terror using his horned ring to take him to a place of even to escape him, characters must be careful and
safety. Later he hunted down the groups who threat- smart as well as skilled. Sheer brute force does not
ened him and killed them by stealth, out of fear that guarantee survival. A battle with Muiral should be
they might come back and finish him off. Thus even something that experienced adventurers will remem-
if the party is strong enough to survive Muiral’s gaunt- ber (and have nightmares of) for the rest of their
let and escape, Muiral continues to plague them. He lives.

Random Encounters Skeleton (3-30): Int Non; AL N; AC 7; MV 12; HD
1; hp 7 ea.; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA Nil;
While in the training areas, roll for random encoun- SD Half damage from edged weapons; MR Sp; SZ M;
ters once every three hours. Encounters occur on a 1 ML Sp; XP 65 each.
on a d6, and will consist of a group from the following
table. Roll 2d6 to see what is encountered: Skeleton, Animal (2-20): Int Non; AL N; AC 8;
MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 5 ea.; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg
Roll Creatures Encountered 1-4; SA Nil; SD Half damage from edged weapons;
2 Wraiths (2-12) MR Sp; SZ S-M; ML Sp; XP 65 each.
3 Spectres (1-6)
4 Shadows (2-12) Spectres (1-6): Int High; AL LE; AC 2; MV 15, Fl
5 Skeletons (3-30) 30 (B); HD 7+3; hp 55 ea.; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg
6 Zombies, Ju-Ju (1-4) 1-8; SA Drain; SD + 1 or better to hit; MR Sp; SZ M;
7 Zombies, Monster (1-6) ML 15; XP 3,000 each.
8 Skeletons, Animal (2-20)
9 Banshee (1) Wraiths (2-12): Int Very; AL LE; AC 4; MV 12 Fl
10 Ghost (1) 24 (B); HD 5+3; hp 42 ea.; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg
11 Wraith-Spiders (2-5) 1-6; SA Drain; SD Silver or +1 or better to hit; MR
12 Shadow Lurker (1) Nil; SZ M; ML 15; XP 2,000 each.

All of the above monsters (except for the wraith-spi- Wraith-Spiders (2-5): Int Very; AL LE; AC 5; MV
ders and the shadow lurker, which are included in this 15 Web 18; HD 3+2; hp 22 ea.; THAC0 17; #AT 1;
set) are detailed in the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM®, Dmg 1-4; SA Drain + Poison; SD Silver or +1 or bet-
Volumes 1 and 2, or in the Monstrous Manual. Basic ter to hit; MR 15%; SZ M; ML 15; XP 2,000 each.
statistics are included below for convenience.
Zombies, Ju-Ju (1-4): Int Low; AL NE; AC 6; MV
Banshee (1): Int Exc; AL CE; AC 0; MV 15; HD 7; 9; HD 3+12; hp 35 ea.; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg
hp 52; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA Death wail; 3-12; SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Sp; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 975
SD +1 or better weapon to hit; MR 50%; SZ M; ML each.
13; XP 4,000 each.
Zombies, Monster (1-6): Int Non; AL N; AC 6;
Ghost (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 0 or 8; MV 9; HD MV 9; HD 6; hp 45 ea.; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg
10; hp 73; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg Age 10-40 yrs; 4-16; SA Nil; SD Sp; MR Sp; SZ L; ML Sp; XP 650
SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 7,000 each.
On a 25% chance, encounters with skeletons or ju-
Shadows (2-12): Int Low; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; ju zombies are with the remains of prior victims of
HD 3+3; hp 22 ea.; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5 + Muiral. They may (50%) have one item each of +1
Sp; SA Str drain; SD +1 or better to hit; MR Sp; SZ enchantment, giving them either a higher Armor
M; ML Sp; XP 420 each. Class or better damage on attacks.

Shadow Lurker (1): Int Low; AL CE; AC 4; MV 3;

HD 5+3; hp 40; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA
Str drain; SD +1 or better to hit; MR Nil; SZ L; ML
15; XP 1,400 each.

Muiral’s Gauntlet: Every turn that PCs spend in here, they each must
make a saving throw versus death magic or suffer the

The Core Rooms same horrifying vision that is caused by the mirrored
gate (see above).
If any mirrors are broken, the person doing so will
Room 1: The Hall of Mirrors
be the victim of a cause serious wounds spell. The vic-
You suddenly find yourself in a brightly lit room tim may attempt to save for half damage. Broken mir-
surrounded by hundreds of people. You feel dizzy rors reform in 2-5 rounds.
and disoriented, and the last thing you remem-
ber is the feeling of being somehow pulled into The light in this room (continual lights on floor and
that hideous reflection. As your eyes adjust to ceiling) is essentially sourceless and casts no shadows,
the brightness, you realize that you are actually making it difficult to maintain orientation while
in a room filled with mirrors, and the other fig- moving around. Keeping track of position is further
ures you thought you saw are only reflections. complicated by the fact that any objects left on the
floor to mark positions disappear. Any objects lost in
This room used to be the entry hall for the train- this manner are found outside the door to the north.
ing schools in this area. Anyone teleported here The secret door to the north can be found with
arrives at the spot marked X in a mirrored alcove. normal chances. However, to pass through it, a char-
They arrive facing to the north. The room is laid out acter must either successfully disbelieve the illusion or
as a maze for the amusement of visitors (and the con- be dragged through by someone else who has.
fusion of attackers) and the exit to the north is dis- Other than the above-mentioned spell effects,
guised by an illusion to appear as just another mirror. there are no encounters in this room.

tom of the walls all around the room. Any PCs who
Room 2:
look closely at the walls notice that there is a line of
The Pause That Refreshes
holes spaced 6-8 inches apart encircling the whole
In contrast to the hall of mirrors, this room is room. This was where visitors left their cloaks and
gloomy and dark. As your eyes adjust to the dim weapons upon entering the school complex. The
and misty light radiating from the walls, you see holes spaced around the room used to hold pegs on
a very large room. Your attempts to orient your- which to hang items. These pegs have long since
selves to your surroundings are cut short by the decayed.
sight of movement in the far corner. If the party remains in the room for more than five
rounds, a figure appears from the middle of the back
This large room was once where visitors to the wall. This translucent figure stops in front of the clos-
school complex stopped for refreshment after their est party member, holds out its hand, and waits. It
recreation in the hall of mirrors. It is now home to a does not attack, and physical attacks have no effect
banshee that has been trapped here since murdering on it. It can only be sent away by a remove curse or a
her fellow adventurers several decades ago for some wish. If it is successfully dislodged, it reforms and
gems that they had been carrying. returns 1-3 days later.
The figure waits until a garment of some kind is
Banshee (1): Int Exc; AL CE; AC 0; MV 15; HD 7; placed in its hand, whereupon it smiles, carries the
hp 52; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA Death wail; garment over to the wall, and places it there as if
SD +1 or better weapon to hit; MR 50%; SZ M; ML hanging it on a peg. It then bows and disappears (as
13; XP 4,000 each. the garment falls to the ground).
If this area is searched, a small brass key is found in
The banshee remains still, moving just enough to the pile of decayed cloth. It fits the lock on the box
get their attention, making no threatening move- found in Room 10 (the men’s changing area), which
ments until the party is within range of her wailing contains one amulet of free passage.
attack. She then immediately rises up, hoping to
incapacitate the party with her fear effect, then uses
Room 4:
her wailing attack to try to kill as many party mem-
Entry and Registration
bers as possible. Only characters who save versus both
of these attacks are attacked physically. This huge rectangular room is hung with pic-
The banshee craves gemstones, as her history tures of Drow, lined up along all the walls. All of
shows. If adventurers throw gems around the room, the dark elves appear to be wearing the same
there is a 35% chance that she ignores them to gather clothing: a plain, unadorned tunic. There is a
the treasure, giving the group 2-5 rounds to escape. If door in the west wall directly opposite your posi-
attacked during this time, she naturally defends her- tion, and there seems to be something written
self. on the wall.
If slain, her treasure consists of 1d100 gems of vary-
ing values. She also has a dusty rose prism-shaped The pictures are of distinguished graduates of the
ioun stone (+1 protection). There is no other treasure, school, and they are all wearing the school uniform.
as she discards all objects besides the gems she covets. The words around the door are in Drow and are 75%
likely to be legible to any character who reads and
writes Elf. The inscription says “State your business
Room 3: At Your Service
and enter,” Long ago, visitors would announce who
This large rectangular room appears empty except for they had come to see, and the door would inform
the tatters of decayed cloth scattered along the bot- them of that person’s availability and whereabouts.

The magic has faded over the years, and now all This room is now home to a pack of wraith-spiders
someone has to do is speak someone’s name within (see MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® booklet in this prod-
ten feet of the door to cause it to open wordlessly. uct). They have built their webs throughout the area
Please note that the door is a one-way passage. Once and must be dealt with before the room can be
the characters have passed through it, it does not crossed. Webs can be cut or pushed aside, but notice
open from the other side by any means. the dangers if they are touched. The 15 wraith-spiders
If a name is not spoken, and someone tries to open in this room attack immediately.
the door anyway, that person is shocked for 1-4 points
of damage. This damage doubles each time the same Wraith-Spiders (15): Int Very; AL LE; AC 5; MV 15
person tries to open the door without speaking a per- Web 18; HD 3+2; hp 22 ea.; THAC0 17; #AT 1;
son’s name. After dealing 75 total points of damage to Dmg 1-4; SA Drain + Poison; SD Silver or +1 or bet-
a character or group of characters, the mechanism ter to hit; MR 15%; SZ M; ML 15; XP 2,000 each.
burns out and the door opens.
The spiders attack in a group and target anyone who
casts spells first. They are intelligent and ignore any-
Room 5:
one who doesn’t seem to be a threat (i.e. no offensive
Stick Around For A Spell
spells or magic weapons). One spider initially attacks
There seems to be a strange black mist obscuring each character; they double team as many as they can
this area, but through the mist you can see that after that.
the room is filled with glowing green webs. You They have not fed in a long time and do not break
have no time to ponder the significance of these off combat for any reason. If turned, they retreat to
observations, as you are suddenly attacked! the ceiling near the south wall.

There is no treasure in this room. The north door cent, and an object can be seen within. It is a ceremo-
leads to a maze of hallways leading deeper into the nial dagger, worth 1,000 gp for the gems and material
complex. alone; it would be worth an additional 500 gp to a
sage who is interested in religion or the Drow. How-
ever, any non-evil character touching the altar must
Room 6: A Ghost of a Prayer
save versus paralyzation or be the recipient of an elec-
This area was obviously a temple, and there is trical shock that causes 4d8 points of damage. A suc-
still a massive altar against the center of the cessful saving throw still causes 2d8 points of damage.
north wall. Midway between the altar and the This is a magical effect and the wearing of gloves,
other three walls, the room is divided on three gauntlets, etc. does not help.
sides by massive floor to ceiling columns. It is lit If the altar is searched or touched without destroy-
by two huge braziers, which burn with a flicker- ing the ghost, she immediately appears and attacks all
ing purple flame, even though no fuel is visible, in the room.
and appear to give off no heat. In fact, this room
is noticeably colder than the hallway from
Room 7: Secret Door
which you just entered. The room is huge, and
there appear to be no exits other than the door- This secret door leads to the communal baths and the
way behind you. schools. The door was not originally meant to be
secret. It was just constructed so as not to mar the
This temple was for the use of the faculty, students, carvings on the corridor walls. Originally, there was a
and their families. The main services were of course sign which could be read in infravision that pointed
to Lolth, but some measure of worship was given to out the door. Over the years, the sign has faded until
the lesser deities of the dark elves also. The temple is it is no longer visible; however, a detect magic causes
now home to the ghost of the High Priestess, which the area above the door to glow faintly with the resid-
appears to conduct services as soon as anyone steps ual magic, doubling the usual chances to find a secret
between the two pillars flanking the door. door.

Ghost (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 0 or 8; MV 9; HD

10; hp 73; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg Age 10-40 yrs;
Communal Baths
SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 7,000
Room 8: Entry to the Baths
This large room is decorated with carvings of
Characters in the room when the ghost appears young elves playing in pools of steaming water.
must make a save versus the aging and fear as per the It seems strangely pleasant and quiet here. Two
monster description. The ghost does not attack as stairways exit through the north wall, one to the
long as any characters in the room are willing to east, and one to the west. On the floor before
kneel respectfully and sit through a service to Lolth. each of the staircases is a strange marking.
She glares at any who do not make the proper
responses during the service but makes the responses This hall is the entry to a communal bath main-
herself and continues. After the services are finished, tained for the faculty and their visitors. Occasionally,
she gradually fades away. gifted students were also rewarded with an invitation
Any who interrupt or try to leave the service while here. The western staircase is for women and the east-
it is in progress are attacked. If anyone should attack em is for men. The markings on the floor signify this
the ghost, she of course defends herself fully. to any character able to read Drow. PCs who try to
If the ghost is defeated, the altar becomes translu- take the wrong stairs find that the stairs become

insubstantial for them, making it impossible to con- glass, with a glass stopper. These bottles used to
tinue. The stairs lead to the changing rooms for the contain pleasant colognes, but anyone opening
baths. them now finds a dark, foul-smelling sticky mass
A side effect of the enchantments that set the clinging to the bottoms of the bottles, the dried
pleasant mood in the communal bathing area is that residue of stale perfume.
undead creatures can not stand to enter here. They
might inadvertently pursue someone into here, in Any clothing or equipment left on the shelves in
which case they would attempt to leave immediately these rooms is magically cleaned and folded while the
as if turned, but they would never enter on their own. owners are gone. There is another door in each north
Once the crystal ooze lurking in the baths beyond is wall, and shelves next to these doors contain soft
killed (see below), this whole area is safe to rest in. robes and sashes to close them with. The robes magi-
cally alter to fit anyone who dons them, and remain
dry even if worn while bathing.
Rooms 9 & 10:
If any characters try to leave to the north while
Dressing Rooms
carrying weapons, their weapons teleport to the
These large square rooms are softly lit, albeit shelves as the person steps through the door, and are
from no discernable direction. These two rooms cleaned and sharpened upon their return. The magic
are very similar, with comfortable benches along in these rooms only functions for living beings and so
the walls and shelves for clothing and posses- has not been unduly strained over the centuries. Still,
sions. The mirrors in the women’s dressing room it is an impressive feat of magical engineering, the
are larger, but all of the mirrors are clouded with more so in that it still works.
age. In each room is a large bottle of colored The rooms’ magic does not prevent anyone from

departing to the south with their gear. The steam in this room is thick and comforting, but
In Room 10, the men’s area, there is a small locked visibility at close range is adequate, and the party suf-
metal box on the counter. It contains an amulet of free fers no penalties in combat from the fog. The air is
passage. The key is under a pile of decayed cloth in pleasantly warm, and the floor is textured to provide
Room 3. sure footing even when wet.
There are two pools in the middle of the room.
The large pool on the right is filled with hot water
Room 11: A Pleasant Refuge
that is magically kept to the proper temperature for a
This area is immense and looks like a park. The good long soak. The left pool is filled with icy water,
lighting is warm and subdued, like a spring just right for a refreshing plunge. The steam is caused
evening. The ground is covered with a green by the proximity of the two pools, and is meant to
mossy growth that seems soft enough to fall add to the ambiance of the baths.
asleep on, and there is even a fountain with a There are benches around the pools for lounging,
statue of a centaur. The pillars supporting the and the floor is covered with tiles depicting fish and
roof have been carved into the shapes of nymphs other aquatic creatures. The mood is pleasant and
and dryads, and the entire area looks completely relaxing. However, one thing that the designers of
inviting. this area didn’t place here for ambiance is the crystal
ooze living in the cold water pool. The creature has
This area was intended for relaxing before and after subsisted here by eating the moss outside and occa-
bathing. In the days when this area was inhabited, sionally scouring the walls here for the mold and
there would have been servants passing around trays mildew that grows in this wet environment, but it is
with drinks and refreshments on them. There would very hungry.
have been music and dancing in the central area and
exhibits of artistic works. For now, however, it must Crystal Ooze (1): Int Animal; AL N; AC 8; MV 1,
suffice that the air is fresh and warm, and the moss on SW 3; HD 4; hp 32; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 4-16;
the ground is as comfortable as any bed that the char- SA Poison; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 10; XP 420.
acters entering here have ever slept in. But there is
trouble even in paradise: if a party rests here before Because of the steam, the chance for the creature
entering the bath area, the crystal ooze from the pool to remain undetected in this pool is 95% instead of
gradually crawls out here to investigate. 75%. It can only be detected if someone specifically
This area is so conducive to rest, that if the party states that they are looking into the pool, and then
rests here any victims of the illusion in the gate have they are within range of its attack. It strikes quickly
no nightmares while asleep here, and if the victims and attempts to paralyze a victim and drag him or her
sleep here nightly until the time for the dreams has to the bottom where it can devour the unfortunate
expired, they lose no Wisdom. soul in a leisurely manner. Except to defend itself, it
does not attack anyone else until it has devoured the
previous victim. The creature does not leave the pool
Room 12: The Baths
unless there is no one within striking range for a turn,
You can see very little in this room but clouds of whereupon its hunger drives it to seek its prey. It is
fog, far denser than the mist which seems to per- extremely hungry, and only retreats to the bottom if
meate every inch of these corridors. The room is brought to fewer than 10 hit points.
pleasantly warm and steamy, and you can smell The pools are 5’ deep at the sides and gradually
water. Judging by the echoes of your footsteps, slope to 8’ deep in the middle. The warm pool con-
the room is quite large. tains mineral salts that promote healing. If anyone
soaks in the warm pool for a turn or more and then

sleeps out in the lounge area, they are healed of 4-16 If the shadows are defeated, searching the alcove
points of damage during the night. This benefit can yields 3 gems worth 500gp each, an amulet of free pas-
only be gained once per week for any particular char- sage, and a dagger that glows with the brilliance of a
acter. continual light whenever a desire for light is expressed
in its presence—every time. The dagger is dark when
Clerical Training found, and again becomes dark if ordered to.

Areas Room 15: Food For The Soul

This large room was obviously a kitchen, the
Room 13: This Way In
place where meals were prepared for the clerics
This door leads to the training areas proper. Like the and their students. There are two large cooking
door in Area 7, this door was not intended to be a hearths, one each on the north and south wall.
secret door, but it is nevertheless well-hidden by the There are two doors out of this room, one to the
carvings along the walls, and a character must actively west and one to the north.
search for it to find it. There is no residual magic at
this door. Anyone searching the hearths notices something
strange: the fireplaces have no chimneys! The flames
that burned here were magical, giving off heat but no
Room 14:
Shadowy Dining hall smoke. The fireplaces were only built to contain the
flames and provide somewhere to place pots and ket-
This 60’ × 140’ room is lined with long stone tles for cooking.
tables and attached benches. The center of the There are some knives left on the floor in the
north wall contains a shallow alcove that is southwest comer; unhappily, they are cursed. Anyone
about 4’ above the floor, and 20’ wide by 3’ high taking them out of the kitchen begins to experience
and 3’ deep. an itching in the center of her back, and a rash
appears in one or two hours. The only way to get rid
The alcove is for the dishes of the students when they of the itching is to cast a remove curse spell on the
are done eating. Servants would remove the dishes knives, or to bring the knives back to this room and
from here after mealtimes and take them to the spend an hour cleaning the kitchen. (The old cook
kitchen to be cleaned. The apparent emptiness of the was forever having her knives stolen by the students,
room is misleading, however; this room is the lair of a and asked one of the instructors with whom she was
pack of shadows. friendly to cast the spell on them, which she hoped
would teach the erring students a lesson.) The knives
Shadow (17): Int Low; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; HD radiate magic, but they are only ensorcelled to remain
3+3; hp 25 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5 + spe- sharp and rust-free. They confer no pluses in combat.
cial; SA Strength drain; SD +1 or better weapon to The enchantments on them make the knives worth
hit; MR Sp; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 650 each. perhaps 25 gp each. There are 3 knives in the corner.

The shadows attack the party from all sides, with

Room 16: Cold Storage
+1 to surprise. (If the party is surprised, the shadows
can attack before any clerical turning can be at- This dimly lit room is lined with shelves, and is
tempted.) They attack until destroyed. They have strangely cold. The shelves seem to be laden
learned that they reform here if killed and they have with many small, unidentifiable masses. You can-
no fear of the party. not tell from here if any of them are moving.

This area used to be a cold storage pantry. The
Rooms 18 & 19:
masses on the shelves are merely the remains of the
Student’s Quarters
items stored here long ago. The cold here is from a
small mass of brown mold in a sealed metal container These rooms are virtually empty. Four piles of rotted
under one of the shelves to the north. It can be easily wood and cloth scattered in each room may have
found if searched for. The brown mold is completely once been beds, but that appears to be all. These are
contained within the box, and can do no harm as just what they seem, small dorm rooms for clerical
long as the box is not broken open. Of course, if the students. If the rotten beds in Room 18 are searched,
container should ever get wet and start to rust, there a potion of healing can be found in the third one. In
will be a rusted opening large enough to allow the Room 19, the first bed contains an amulet of free pas-
mold or its spores to escape within three days unless sage, and the fourth bed yields a nest of rot grubs.
precautions are taken to prevent the box from rusting
further. Rot Grubs (16): Int Non; AL Nil; AC 9; MV 1; HD
1 hp; THAC0 Nil; #AT 0; Dmg Nil; SA Sp; SD Nil;
MR Nil; SZ T; ML 5; XP 15 each.
Room 17: Deadly Disposal
This room is dark and quiet and the air in here is The rot grubs burrow into the first person who
damp and somewhat fetid. You can just see the touches the debris of the fourth bed. If treatment is
outline of a deep pit in the center of the floor, not effected in time, the victim dies in 1-3 turns.
which appears to be empty.
Room 20: Better Quarters
This room was used by the kitchen staff to dispose
of garbage from food preparation and meals. The pit This room is similar to the others, except that it
contains green slime. When the green slime in the appears that someone or something has been
pit became too large fire was judiciously applied to cleaning up in here. The furnishings are still
burn it back to a manageable level. The pit only decayed, but the rotting piles have been neatly
looks empty because the slime has not been fed in a arranged. It appears as though someone or some-
long time and the top layer has dried and turned thing has been doing some housekeeping in
black. here. Your puzzlement is quite suddenly cut short
The green slime cannot reach to the top of the pit. as you are attacked!
However, if someone is lowered into the pit to search
for secret compartments or treasure, she or he imme- The spectre who resides in this room has been
diately breaks through the crust on the top of the arranging and rearranging the objects in here to pass
slime and is immersed in three feet of the awful stuff. the time. Unless the characters specifically state that
Unless lifted out of the pit and helped immediately, they are taking precautions against being surprised,
the victim is turned to green slime within 1-4 rounds the spectre attacks with surprise, getting 1 round of
and lost forever. attacks before party actions.

Green Slime (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 9; MV 0; HD Spectre (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 2; MV 15, FL
2; hp 15; THAC0 19; #AT 0; Dmg Nil; SA Sp; SD 30(B); HD 7+3; hp 55; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8;
Sp; MR Nil; SZ S; ML 10; XP 65. SA Energy drain; SD +1 or better weapon to hit; MR
Special; SZ M; ML 15; XP 3,000.
Other than some silverware which was dropped
into the pit over the years (worth maybe 5 gold pieces The spectre first attacks anyone in the party who is
in all), there is nothing of value in the pit. obviously a cleric. It knows that each successful attack

lessens the cleric’s chance to turn it and spoil its fun.
Room 22: A Calming Influence
Except for some rotten furniture (of which it has
grown rather fond over the years), the spectre has no This huge room is full of corroded metal bed-
treasure. frames, and there is a decaying cabinet in the
northeast comer. A strange-looking glyph deco-
rates the floor just inside the doorway.
Room 21:
Stone Light, Stone Bright
The glyph in the doorway does not harm the party.
This room appears to be like the others, misty and It is a symbol intended to keep unhealthy influence
filled with crumbling furniture, but it seems much from the room. If characters rest here, none of the
brighter. You can easily see the room and its rot- wandering undead found in this area are able to
ting furnishings—as well as a small glint, as from enter the room unless invited. (Of course, they
something bright, under some of the rotten wood. might still congregate around the door and beg for
The light is coming from a continual light stone left Here the clerical students took care of any who
there by some unfortunate adventurers long ago. were injured or ill. The PCs experience a feeling of
There is also a potion bottle containing a liquid iden- calm if they come into the room. This sense comes
tical in appearance and smell to the potion of healing from spells cast in here long ago to help the patients
found in room 18. However, this potion has spoiled, rest. In fact, if the PCs rest here, they heal twice as
and makes anyone who drinks it ill. The imbiber suf- fast as normal, as if they were under the care of some-
fers a -1 penalty to all physical endeavors for one day one with the nonweapon proficiency Healing.
unless a neutralize poison is cast. If the cabinet in the northeast corner is checked,

The pile of rotten paper and leather in the corner
was once the texts and lesson plans for the instructor’s
classes. It is sufficiently decayed that the party is not
able to recover any information from the remains. If
the PCs search the decomposed bed in the northeast
comer, they find a gold spider medallion with eyes of
two ruby chips. This is a holy symbol for Lolth, and if
melted down could be worth 120gp. The medallion
could be sold to a collector for as much as 500 gp, but
any cleric of good alignment should have objections
to selling off an intact holy symbol from an evil reli-
gion. There is nothing else of value in this room.

Room 24: Act in Haste,

Repent at Leisure
This room contains what appears to be a de-
cayed bedframe and some decomposed books. A
strange design on the east wall appears to have
been drawn in some type of thick paint, but you
cannot make it out from here.

This was also the room of a junior instructor of

the party finds healing salves and supplies. Most are clerics. However, she engaged in some private
too old to be of much use, but one jar is of interest: a research in here after hours. The design on the east
jar of salve to neutralize spider venom. If this salve is wall radiates faintly if anyone in the party detects for
rubbed into a spider bite, it completely neutralizes magic. It is a new glyph of warding that she was work-
the venom, and 1-4 hit points of damage caused by ing on in her spare time, designed to paralyze victims
the poison are regained. It is even effective on the for 2 rounds per level of the casting cleric. Over time,
venom of the wraith-spiders. There is enough salve its power has faded; the first person who touches it is
in the jar for 5 uses. If at least one use is left in the slowed for 12 rounds (save for half duration).
container, an alchemist might be able to duplicate The glyph could be copied, but its name is not
the formula (35% chance. Of course, the ingredients known.
might be difficult or dangerous to locate at the DM’s If the room is searched, the party finds an amulet of
discretion.). free passage inside a wooden box under the remains of
the bed.

Room 23:
Lair of the Golden Spider Room 25: Easy Housekeeping
This was the room of one of the junior instruc- This room looks to be in a remarkable state of
tors. It contains some decomposed furnishings preservation. It contains a perfectly made bed
and a pile of material in the corner that may and some clerical robes hung neatly on hooks in
have been books at one time. The light in here the southeast corner, This is the only room you
is very dim, There are no exits other than the have seen so far that truly looks recently lived
door. in.

This room is actually in the same condition as the bed. If examined, they are found to allow true seeing
others; in fact, it may be a little worse. However, the for any cleric who wears them. The glasses can only
instructor who lived here hated to clean up her room, be worn for 1-4 turns a day, or blinding headaches
and she hated even worse for anyone else to come in result for the next 2 hours.
and do it for her. Therefore, she bribed one of the
instructors from the mage school to cast a permanent
Room 27:
phantasmal force in the doorway so that it would look
Headmistress’s Parlor
like her room was neat and tidy from the hallway.
Her superiors knew about the spell but they were This room appears to have been a sitting room
not concerned as long as the room appeared neat for of some kind. There are the remains of a sofa
visitors. There is nothing of value in this room and if and two chairs near the north wall. A decayed
the party passes through the doorway, the illusion table is in the northeast corner with a crystal
becomes obvious. decanter lying amongst the bits and pieces.

This was where the headmistress of the college

Room 26:
received visitors. The decanter in the corner is magi-
Me And My Shadow Lurker
cal. Any liquid placed in it stays fresh and at the per-
This room is larger than the others but similarly fect serving temperature. The decanter also turns
appointed. What remains of the furniture seems blood red when any poisonous liquid is placed in it. If
of better quality, but is still badly decayed. The filled, it serves guests of its own volition, having been
room is uniformly dark. endowed with a limited form of unseen servant. Sold
to the proper customer it could fetch as much as
This room was inhabited by the senior instructor 1,500 gp, if the seller has discovered all of its abilities.
of the clerical college. The only thing of note in this If sold as merely a fine crystal decanter, its worth is
room is the shadow lurker that inhabits the area just perhaps 100 gold pieces. Although formed of heavy
inside the door. If the characters state specifically crystal, the decanter is somewhat fragile, and care
that they are looking at the floor, they may notice must be taken while transporting it.
on a successful Intelligence check that they are not
casting any shadows. This is because the shadow
Room 28: Cherchez La Femme
lurker is absorbing all light that strikes it. It waits
until the majority of the party is in the room before This chamber was at one time lushly decorated.
striking. The shadow lurker is fully described in the Glowing orbs of various colors float near the
MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® booklet contained in ceiling, illuminating the metal frame of what
this product, but a brief synopsis is given below. was once a huge bed. There is a large hearth
against the south wall and a huge moth-eaten fur
Shadow Lurker (1): Int Low; AL CE; AC 4; MV 3; rug in front of it. There is a door in the north
HD 5+3; hp 40; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA end of the west wall. The air in this chamber is
Str drain; SD +1 or better to hit; MR Nil; SZ L; ML scented with a strangely pleasant, musky odor.
15; XP 1,400.
The headmistress used this room as much for enter-
If the shadow lurker is killed, it dissipates into a taining as for sleeping. She had several spells cast in
foul-smelling black mist, which vanishes after 1 this room over the years to enhance her pleasure. The
round. Breathing this mist causes no harm, but it is pastel lights and the perfumed air are the only
unpleasant. enchantments remaining, but the headmistress also
There are some reading glasses in the debris of the lingers on as a ghost, haunting her former home.

Ghost (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 0 or 8; MV 9; HD
10; hp 64; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg Age 10-40 Years;
The Warrior
SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 7,000.
The ghost of the headmistress is first seen 1-3 rounds
Room 30: Entry HalL
after at least two male characters enter the room. She
appears as a young female Drow lying asleep on the This room is filled with decaying trophies. The
bed. She rises as if aroused from a sound sleep and walls are covered with rusted and unusable
smiles invitingly at the male characters. If any weapons and the moldering heads of all manner
approaches, she suddenly transforms into a hideously of beasts. It appears as if someone had spent a
decomposed corpse and attacks. When she trans- lifetime in the pursuit of killing.
forms, everyone in the room must make a save versus
her aging and fear effects; thereafter combat is nor- This is where visitors to the warrior school were
mal. She attacks male victims in preference to all greeted. The weapons and other trophies on the walls
others, hoping that if she slays one he will be impris- were souvenirs of past victories by instructors and
oned here with her. If she is destroyed, a mace +4 is graduates of the academy. None of the items on the
found in the remains of her bed. walls are any longer of any possible use.
Note that the corridor leading to the Entry Hall
contains a secret door leading to Area 47.
Room 29: A Little Knowledge
Is A Dangerous Thing
Room 31:
This room is well lit, and filled with books in
Night of the Living Gladiators
what appear to be a perfect state of preservation.
The tomes are bound in expensive leather and The floor of this huge room is covered with a
written in an unfamiliar language. layer of fine sand. Perhaps warriors trained here
long ago; it appears to have been a practice
The books, which are written in Drow, are all trea- arena at one time. The light in here is especially
tises on the worship of Lolth in all its forms. There intense, and the temperature is noticeably
are over 100 volumes in this room averaging 3-4 warmer than in the other rooms. There is a door
pounds apiece; if the group has a means of retrieving to the south directly across from where you
them all, they could be a valuable treasure. The sale entered.
of these books to the proper buyer could net in excess
of 2,000 gold pieces for the lot. This is the training arena for the warrior academy.
Anyone spending the time to study these books It is also where combat took place to settle disputes
gains a nonweapon proficiency in Religion for the between the students or instructors of the school.
worship of Lolth. The reader would also have a 25% Slaves and criminals were often used here to train the
chance to develop a morbid fear of spiders. young Drow warriors.
The danger in reading these tomes is the toxic ink The arena now houses a band of ju-ju zombies and
in which they are written. Readers who do not wear some monster zombies, who rush in from the south
gloves while handling the pages lose 1 point of Con- door as soon as all of the characters are in the arena.
stitution for every week of time spent perusing them.
Death occurs when Constitution reaches 0. A restora- Zombie, Ju-ju (6): Int Low; AL NE; AC 4 (see
tion spell restores 2-8 points of Constitution. below); MV 9; HD 3+12; hp 35 each; THAC0 15;
#AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Sp; SZ M; ML
Sp; XP 975 each.

Zombie, Monster (3): Int Non; AL N; AC 6; MV 9; This is a special sword of dancing. It is of low Intel-
HD 6; hp 32 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 4-16; ligence and Neutral alignment. It cannot communi-
SA Nil; SD Sp; MR Sp; SZ L; ML Sp; XP 650 each. cate, but will not accept anyone as master who it
believes to be unworthy. When any person ap-
The ju-ju zombies are dressed as if for arena combat proaches to examine it, the sword detaches itself
(thus the slightly better than normal Armor Class). The from the wall, salute the first person to approach, and
monsters all attack immediately and fight until slain. If float into what appears to be an “en garde” position.
given the opportunity, the ju-ju zombies attack any rec- It fights the person it challenged, only to subdue.
ognizable mages in preference to any other opponents. Treat the sword as AC 0 with 57 hit points. If the
If the bodies are searched, one of the monster zombies sword is successfully hit, keep track of damage nor-
has a dagger +2 embedded in its back. Another, a ju-ju mally. When it reaches 0 hit points, the sword falls
zombie, is wearing an amulet of free passage. to the floor undamaged and allows only the person
who defeated it to pick it up.
As well as acting as a normal sword of dancing, it
Room 32:
guards its master’s sleep, and if its master is attacked it
Instructor’s Quarters
rises up and fights the attacker for 3 rounds, giving its
This room is also decorated with a few decaying master time to awaken. If the person who owns it
trophies. There are also many weapons on the ever shows cowardice in battle, it turns on him or her
walls, which are, disappointingly, unusable— the next time it is released to dance. It attacks (to
except for the sword hanging on the west wall, kill, not to subdue) until its soon-to-be-ex-master is
over the remains of the bed. That one appears slain, or until the sword takes 25 hit points of magical
intact. damage. If its former master is slain, it falls to the

ground and waits for a new master to come along, The instructor who lived in this room had rather
challenging any who examine it for the right of own- expensive taste in bed clothes. The sheets and pillow-
ership as before. If the sword loses the battle to the case were of an exceptionally rare and durable silk
death with its former master, it loses all enchant- that lasted a bit longer than some of the other materi-
ments, becoming a normal long sword. als used. He also had a finely honed sense of caution,
considering the company he lived in: he kept a
loaded hand crossbow under his pillow. The string has
Room 33:
long since rotted away, but the crossbow itself is still
Cast Your Cares Away
intact. It can be fitted with a new string at any good
This room is nearly empty. Even the scraps of bowyer’s shop and is perfectly serviceable.
decayed furnishings that have decorated the
other rooms of this complex are missing. It looks
Room 35: Rat Race
as if someone or something has swept this area
clean, although it is obvious that the room has This room looks like familiar, except that there
not been aired out for years. There is a strangely is a formidable pile of bones in the middle of the
familiar, unpleasant odor. floor. The bones themselves seem fairly small;
they are obviously too fine to be from a person,
This room was also an instructor’s quarters. It has even from a halfling, but there are so many! The
been emptied by the zombies encountered in the pile is 3 or 4 feet across and at least 4 feet high
arena, which have been using this room as a waiting in the middle.
area while watching the arena for someone or some-
thing to attack. Hence the smell: the odor of rotting This pile of bones is all that remains of a pack of
flesh. giant rats. They are now animated as animal skele-
The room is not completely without interest how- tons and rise up to attack as soon as anyone enters the
ever. The former occupant was peculiarly suspicious room.
of spellcasters. He contracted to have his room
trapped in case a spellcaster of some type came snoop- Skeleton, Animal (20): Int Non; AL N; AC 8; MV
ing around to steal from him or to attack him in his 6; HD 1-1; hp 6 each; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4;
sleep. The trap was never set off and is still active. If a SA Nil; SD Sp; MR Sp; SZ S; ML Sp; XP 65 each.
spellcaster of any type (including classes such as
rangers or paladins of sufficient level to have spells) The skeletons swarm over the first people to enter
crosses the threshold, he or she is subject to a feeble- the room. No more than six can attack any one per-
mind spell. (All appropriate saving throws apply.) The son, so the first three characters in the room bear the
trap only works against the first spellcaster to enter brunt of the assault. The skeletons attack until
the room; after that the room is safe for anyone to destroyed or turned.
enter. Under the pile of bones is a set of pipes of the sewers.
This can be discovered by anyone willing to sift
through the bones after the skeletons are dealt with.
Room 34:
The proper tune must be known to use these to their
Keep Your Crossbow Handy
full potential, and discovering the tune to use (and
In this room, the linens seem to have fared bet- learning to play the pipes if no characters are profi-
ter than the furniture. The bedframe appears to cient). could well take some time. Note that pipes of
have completely rotted away but some remnants the sewers have no effect on undead rats.
of the sheets and a lump that may be the
remains of a pillow still survive.

Room 36: Dorm Party Room 37:
The Hall of Heroes
This spacious room is full of the remains of beds.
It looks like a dormitory or barracks room. The This large room is filled with rows of stone tables
lighting in here is subdued, and your footsteps and benches running down both sides. There is a
echo strangely in the empty room. There are door exiting from the south wall. The lighting
three doors along the west wall, all leading back here, although still rather dim, is better than in
out into the hallway. The east wall is lined with the rest of the complex. Strangely, the room
numbered pegs, above which are some words in does not feel empty. If you are quiet, you can
the Drow tongue. almost hear the murmuring of many voices in
the misty gloom.
This room functioned as student quarters. The pegs
were numbered to correspond to the beds across from The room is completely empty. The murmuring is
them. The young warriors were not allowed to have an acoustical effect caused by the decorative carv-
much in the way of belongings in the school, and ings on the walls. The effect was meant to make the
everything they had would hang from a couple of pegs new students feel as if they were part of a multitude,
on the wall. even when there were few people in the room.
If the characters successfully attempt to read the When the new students felt lonely or isolated, they
phrases written on the wall, they discover that they would come here to sit. They could close their eyes
are motivational slogans for the competitive young and feel as if they were surrounded by their fellow
warrior students: warriors.
“Winning isn’t everything, but losing is death.” The sound can have a rather hypnotic effect. If a
“Winners never quit, quitters end up on the altar.” character spends more than 5 rounds in this hall and
“Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a sacrifice.” remains perfectly still, she or he begins to drift, and
“One for all and all for Lolth.” when roused has vague memories of dreams in which
This former dormitory for the young warriors has great warriors told them the secrets of certain victory
unfortunately become the home to another group. A in battle. This is just a side effect of the sounds and
pack of shadows has taken up residence where the has no lasting effect. The original intent of this was to
trainees once lived. make the new warriors feel that they were part of an
eternal tradition.
Shadow (15): Int Low; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; HD
3+3; hp 22 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5 + spe-
Room 38: The Kitchen
cial; SA Strength drain; SD +1 or better weapon to
hit; MR Sp; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 650 each. This large room was obviously designed to pre-
pare food for a mob of growing boys. There are
The shadows are hidden along the west wall until two immense cooking hearths in this room, with
the party is completely in the room. They spread out kettles on them that would each hold enough
and attack to keep any characters from reaching the food to feed a small army. The most notable
doors out. After the shadows are defeated, the beds thing about this kitchen, however, is the group
can be searched to reveal 17 gold pieces and 15 silver of people working at the hearths and tables. If
pieces. they weren’t partially transparent, you would
almost think they were alive—but they are, of
course, merely not dead.

The kitchen is home to four spectres. They are Underneath a broken jar of what used to be pre-
going through the motions of preparing food just like serves is an amulet of free passage.
they do every day, but they are happy to take a break
in their routine to deal with unwanted visitors.
Room 40: Garbage Disposal
Spectre (4): Int High; AL LE; AC 2; MV 15, FL This room looks somehow familiar. It is dark and
30(B); HD 7+3; hp 52 each; THAC0 13; #AT 1; damp, about 20’ square, and has a deep pit in the
Dmg 1-8; SA Energy drain; SD +1 or better weapon center. Remembering the surprise awaiting you
to hit; MR Sp; SZ M; ML 15; XP 3,000 each. at the bottom of the last well like this, you
decide to be more careful with this one.
The spectres attack the characters randomly, since
they exist only to slay the living. Any character slain This room is identical to Area 17. The only differ-
by the spectres here becomes a spectre and remain in ence is that the green slime at the bottom of the well
the kitchen, under the control of his or her murderer has died. The danger is that spores of green slime are
if it is still “alive.” If the spectres are slain, the charac- still present in the well. They are dormant, but still
ters can recover the treasure the creatures have col- viable. PCs who climb down to investigate the bot-
lected. The spectres have amassed quite a selection of tom pick up spores from the slime on their skin and
weapons and armor, including a scimitar of speed as clothes. The spores on their skin wash off the next
well as several more ordinary weapons, and a ring of time they bathe, but if they get their clothing damp
the rat (see “New Magical Items” in this product). and leave it somewhere for a day or so, they could
There are two other exits from this room, both in have quite a surprise waiting for them when they get
the south wall. back. The spores can also begin to sprout if the indi-
vidual is perspiring heavily (i.e. a full day’s work in
the hot sun). This would cause an irritation of the
Room 39: The Pantry
skin. If not washed off, by the second day the green
This room appears to have been used to store slime would be evidenced by a greenish tint to the
food and supplies for the kitchen, and the skin. At this point, if the green slime is not eradicated
crusted remains of the supplies and old cloths are by a cure disease spell the victim is converted to green
still clearly visible. Aside from the fact that it is slime and dies in 24 hours.
strangely cool in here, it seems of little interest.

Room 41: Supply Room

This was indeed the pantry. It is kept cold by the
same mechanism as area 16, a small amount of brown A counter runs down the center of this room.
mold kept sealed in an airtight metal box. This can The area is well lighted and the counter has
be easily found if anyone looks under the shelves on small holes, almost like inkwells, at intervals
the back wall. along it.
Unfortunately for the party, there is something else
of interest in here: the pile of cloth in the corner is This is where weapons and armor were stored when
actually a cloaker. not needed and recovered when necessary. The doors
to the east, north and south lead to various store-
Cloaker (1): Int High; AL CN; AC 3 (1); MV 1, Fl rooms. Since students were only allowed to have
15 (D); HD 6; THAC0 15; #AT 2 + special; Dmg weapons and armor when they were training with it
1-6/1-6/+ special; SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ L; ML (it seems all schoolchildren are rowdy, no matter
13; XP 1,400. what the race), clerks stayed in this room and
checked supplies in and out as required. They also

made a note of any equipment that was in need of party and a trapped air elemental. Nothing remains of
repair, and made sure that it was taken care of. The that great battle but the debris and, of course, the
depressions in the counter are indeed designed to skeletal remains of five humanoids flung to the far
hold bottles of ink. A search of the area behind the edges of the room. These remains are too long dead to
counter reveals a rotting and only partially legible be of any value to the party. However, if the time is
ledger book, written in a fine spidery hand, which taken to do a thorough search of this room (at least
records deposits and withdrawals of weapons and three turns), the following items can be found which
armor, noting the condition in which they were are still usable: enough pieces to fashion a suit of field
received or given. plate (sized to fit an adult male elf), a small wooden
box containing a carefully wrapped potion of gaseous
form, and a spiked buckler +2. The suit of armor can be
Room 42: Take a Closer Look
worn as is, but is only Armor Class 3 until fitted by an
This room is filled with the debris of what appar- expert armorer. This can be done at a cost of from
ently used to be racks of weapons. At first glance 150 to 200 gp, and takes 1-3 weeks to customize, with
it seems obvious that any weapons that remain- fittings every 1-3 days.
have long ago deteriorated into uselessness.
Room 44: It’s Heee-ee-ere!
The odds and ends left in this room are mostly use-
less. However, if the room is thoroughly searched (for The contents of this room are even more de-
two or more turns), the following items can be found: crepit and deteriorated than what you have
one long sword, which needs to have the leather already seen. This room is full of rotted racks
wrapping around the hilt replaced; the blade from a holding the decayed remnants of missile weap-
battle axe +2, which can be repaired by having it set ons. Obviously the components of bows and
on a new haft; and a special dagger +2 which appears slings are more perishable than those of swords
in its owner’s hand when desired without needing to and armor. As you stand surveying the residue,
be drawn (+2 to initiative for the first round of com- an old rusted dagger flies by, narrowly missing
bat only). The dagger can thus be kept completely your companions.
concealed without worrying about its availability for
combat. This room is where missile weapons were stored for
There is a door that exits the room to the north. the use of the students and staff of the academy. It has
also become the home of a poltergeist.
Room 43: Armor Storage
Poltergeist (1): Int Low; AL LE; AC 10; MV 6; HD
This room has falling racks containing pieces of ½; hp 3; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg Nil; SA Fear; SD
nearly every sort of armor, from rotting leather Invisible, silver or +1 or better weapons to hit; MR
to corroded pieces of plate. There is even a heap Nil; SZ M; ML 10; XP 120 each.
of debris to the north that looks as if it were
once a rack of shields. The remnants of armor The poltergeist throws things at the characters,
may have once been neat and orderly. Now they attempting to force them all to flee the area. It hopes
are scattered as if a great wind had struck this to cause the characters to drop their weapons, and
area. leave the party scattered and unarmed, at the mercy
of wandering monsters in the area. If slain, the polter-
As above, the equipment in this area has been ren- geist will have reformed if the characters pass this way
dered mostly useless by the ravages of time and the again. Consider the poltergeist to be a bonded spirit
battle fought here long ago between an adventuring for the purposes of turning.

The items in this area are generally in even worse
Room 46: The Missile Range
shape than in the other storage facilities but if the
party takes the time to search for 2 turns they can dis- This immense room is laid out in lanes for cross-
cover 5 crossbow bolts +3 and a set of three daggers of bow and hurled weapon practice. There are tar-
throwing +1. These items are perfectly functional, gets at the far north wall, and the east and west
although the daggers could use some cleaning. walls are marked with distances along their
entire lengths. The targets are attached to the
ceiling and could be adjusted with pulleys from
Room 45:
the south, if the ropes that went around the pul-
Heat Without Fire
leys were not rotted away. The targets could be
This area is recognizable as a weaponsmith shop set up at suitable ranges for any type of practice,
to anyone who has ever seen one. From the from thrown daggers to long bow.
forges along the east wall to the hammers and There are doors leading out of this room to
tongs racked next to them everything looks to the south and west.
be in its place. There are doors leading here from
the north south and west. Both doors open into the south end as a precaution
against bystanders being hit with stray shots.
This is a complete smithy. There is everything here There is little of interest in this room, but if it is
that a character with the Blacksmithing, Weapon- searched, a pair of quarrels +2 can be found behind a
smithing, or Armorer nonweapon proficiencies needs target at the north end of the room. Behind another
to ply his trade. of the targets is an amulet of free passage.
The forges may give a character pause for a bit as
they look like regular forges but have no bellows or
Room 47:
chimneys. They also seem to be filled with stones
Gate to the Mages’ School
instead of coal or charcoal. These forges are en-
chanted to heat any metal item placed in them. The You are in an alcove with a strange marble statue
item merely needs to be placed in among the stones in it, the likeness of an elf in long flowing robes.
for it to become hot. The longer the item is left in the He is holding out his hands with the palms up as
forge stones, the more it is heated. If an item is if to offer you something. There is an inscription
allowed to remain in the forge long enough, it melts around the bottom of the statue in Drow.
down and is destroyed. A metal worker used to a nor-
mal forge must pay constant attention to his work to This area can be reached by going through the
prevent this from happening. The unlimited heating secret door located in the corridor outside Area 30.
capacity of these forges means that very pure metals This is the way to the Academy of Magic. The
could be produced. This allows the production of inscription says “Speak the words of power and be
exceptional quality weapons and armor at a +2 to the free.” To pass, a character able to cast mage spells
normal chance. Unfortunately, the secret of the magi- (including bards or high-level rangers) must simply
cal process is in the forges, not in the stones. The place his or her hands palms down on the hands of
forges are not portable and cannot be moved without the statue and repeat the words to any spell. The spell
destroying them. is not lost to memory nor does it take effect. The
With the ease of heating items, repairs can be per- statue then teleports everyone in the alcove to area 48.
formed in one half the usual time. If the PC places his or her hands on the hands of the
statue but does not recite a spell, the statue holds that
person fast until the words of power are recited. Any
characters not able to cast mage spells who place their

hands onto the hands of the statue have a fear spell by a mage. The mages academy engaged in more
cast upon them, and are not willing to touch the research and experimentation than the other schools;
statue again in any way. therefore, wandering around unescorted was more
dangerous than in other areas of the school complex.

The Academy of That is why such care was taken to ensure that an
unknowing person would not stumble in and disrupt

Magic proceedings. That is also why the mages academy was

set off by a gate. Since a mage was needed to gain
entry most laymen were escorted from the moment
Room 48: Entry Gate
they arrived. The classes here took longer than in any
to the Hall of Magic
of the other academies, but this school of magic
This alcove is identical to Room 47, with a marble turned out some of the most powerful sorcerers ever
statue of the same elf, an identical inscription, etc. known among the Drow.
The PCs may very well believe that they blinked or
felt momentarily dizzy, rather than understanding that
Room 50: No Tipping Please
they have been teleported. Any character who makes a
successful Intelligence check, however, notices that This room is filled with tables and benches
the statue is now standing palms down, and that the formed from the stone of the floor itself. They
person who activated the teleport is now standing seem to have grown from the floor like some
palms up. This statue is activated in the same manner kind of stone fungus. It is clean and orderly and
as the one in area 47 and teleports everyone in the even appears to be free of dust.
alcove back there. The statue also affects those who
are not authorized to touch it and those trying to acti- The furniture in this room was indeed formed from
vate it incorrectly in the same manner as the previous the stone of the floor itself. The staff of the school
statue. used stone shape spells to create a great many of the
features in this area.
This was the only dining area that did not use
Room 49:
slaves to serve the food or to clean up afterwards. All
The Moving Picture Show
of the menial chores in the magic academy were per-
This room has pictures on the walls which seem formed by permanent unseen servants. In fact, if the
to move of their own volition. They are pictures characters sit on any of the benches in the dining
of Drow mages, each in the act of casting a spell. hall, place settings are provided by the few spells still
Some of the spells you recognize, (lightning bolt, active. There is no meal to serve, but the unseen ser-
fireball) but some are completely outside your vants perform what duties they still can, no matter
experience. The pictures seem to run through a how pointless. The staff of the school felt it was a
sequence in 2 or 3 rounds and then begin again. matter of pride to perform as many functions of their
area with magic as possible.
These pictures are merely permanent programmed
illusions displaying different splashy spells designed to
Room 51:
impress the uninitiated. A successful Intelligence
You Kill it, They’ll Cook It
check enables a character to notice that each time a
sequence begins again, the scene is slightly different: This area looks like a normal kitchen, with a
a variation in the background, a different mage cast- hearth at the north end with a cheery fire blaz-
ing the spell, etc. ing away in it—a bright green fire, that is. A
The doors leading out of this room must be opened bright green fire with streaks of blue. The effect

would really be quite attractive, if it were not so
Room 53: Whoops!
This room is completely bare, and the floor is
Upon examination of the fire, the PCs can deter- level and unbroken. You had come to expect a
mine that there is no fuel in the hearth, and that the little room with a pit in the center adjoining the
fire gives off no smoke, even though it produces heat kitchen areas, but there is no pit.
as a normal fire should. The fire is of course magical.
The meals for the magic academy were prepared This is a disposal area, but true to form, the
here by unseen servants under the supervision of two mages decided to not use a pit of green slime like
chefs. The food was gathered and brought in by nor- the other kitchens did. This room radiates a field
mal means, but all the other chores were handled which destroys all nonliving organic matter (the
magically. In fact, the unseen servants are still active undead learned quite early to avoid it). The chefs
and if given the necessary supervision and supplies, here merely had the unseen servants carry any dirty
could have a meal whipped up in no time. plates or utensils into the room and they came out
If the room is searched, the PCs find a drawer in sparkling clean.
one of the cabinets that yields an amulet of free If the characters enter the room, their metal armor
passage. and weapons should be all right, but any items of
organic materials are destroyed. This includes cloth,
leather, and paper, as well as all supplies of food. Mag-
Room 52:
ical items of the above materials, including scrolls and
You Light Up My Life
spellbooks, that save versus disintegration remain
This room is lined with shelves and filled with intact; there is no save for non-magical items. Also,
old rotten barrels which obviously once held the the characters’ hair, fingernails, toenails, and outer
food for the kitchen. It is surprisingly bright in layer of skin simply disappear.
here, considering that you saw no hint of a light Since this effect is nearly instantaneous, the DM
until you stepped into the room. You notice as should try to be somewhat charitable. Unless several
you enter and exit the room that the light dims PCs specifically choose to enter at the same time,
and brightens with your presence. Like the other probably only one person will be affected before the
pantry areas you have seen down here, this area others notice what has happened.
is extremely cold. Should the party manage to lure any undead into
this room, they are of course destroyed—permanently.
The magical light is automatic and reacts to the
presence of a living being in the pantry area. Unlike
Room 54:
the other pantries, this room is not chilled by a box of
Student’s Quarters
brown mold. The temperature in this room is main-
tained by a permanent control temperature spell cast by This room looks as if it was once a remarkably
the headmaster of the school. comfortable area. The remains of four beds and
There are several glass jars on the shelves that look four large armchairs still survive. The area seems
as though they might contain various oozes, slimes, to be much cleaner than those you’ve seen in
jellies, or molds. Indeed they do, but of the mundane, other areas of the complex. Perhaps some of the
non-harmful variety caused by rotting preserves. One unseen servants like those in the kitchen still
of the jars obviously exploded some time ago, and take care of the household chores.
particles of moldy jam and bits of glass still cling to
the walls. It is obvious that this area was not a part of This was a dorm room for four of the aspiring
the cleaning schedule for the unseen servants. mages of the academy. This was where the students

retired in the evening to study their texts for the next
Room 56: Worth The Search
day’s lessons and to discuss what they had learned in
the previous day. This 60’ × 60’ room is much like the previous
The unseen servants do indeed keep these areas ones, in that it is tidy with similarly decayed fur-
tidy, readying them for occupants who will never nishings. The debris is neatly arranged. There is
return. a bright light in one comer and a small pot sits
There are no longer any objects of value in this within the area of the light.
The pot used to contain an ornamental plant,
which was the property of one of the students in this
Room 55: Hands Off
room. He cast a continual light altered to only shine
This room looks just as comfortable and tidy as directly on the plant and directed the unseen servants
the last, and is virtually identical except for the to care for it. The soil in the pot is moist, but the
book that is lying on one of the chairs to the plant, which was a gift from the student’s family, has
north. The book is a journal that one of the stu- long since died.
dents in this room kept of his studies. It is writ- If the room is searched further, the third bed
ten in Drow but if translated could be of interest searched contains a wand of magic missiles with 17
to scholars. charges remaining.

At the DM’s option, the journal could contain suf-

Room 57:
ficient clues about a previously unknown spell to
It Used To Be Magical...
allow research into its casting. This would be a good
place to introduce a spell into your campaign from This room is a mess. Obviously no one has been
Drow of the Underdark or one of the other rules sup- tidying up in here, as things are strewn about the
plements. Alternatively, you could insert a spell of area and covered with a thick layer of dust.
your own devising here.
Unfortunately, before any clues can be gained from Due to an experiment gone wrong, this room has a
this book, it must be taken from its present owners: a dispel magic effect in the doorway, which is perma-
pack of wraiths. nent. Any creature or magical construct passing
through the door triggers a dispel magic at 12th level
Wraiths (11): Int Very; AL LE; AC 4; MV 12, Fl centered in the room. Needless to say, the unseen ser-
24(B); HD 5+3; hp 41 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; wants assigned to this room were soon destroyed.
Dmg 1-6; SA Energy Drain; SD Silver or +1 or better Any characters passing through the doorway must
weapons to hit; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 15; XP 2,000 check for each of their magical items or currently
each. operating spell effects as per the dispel magic spell in
the Players’ Handbook. Any visible or noticeable
If the book is touched, the wraiths attack immedi- effects should be reported to the PCs immediately.
ately. They rise up from beneath the beds and attempt
to surround the characters. They gang up on any cler-
Room 58:
ics or mages first, attempting to weaken them as much
Beware The Darkness
as possible. The wraiths attempt to get between the
characters and the door and block their escape. The room beyond the doorway is not visible.
Except for the journal there is no treasure in this There is an area of impenetrable darkness just
room. The wraiths live here and use the book as bait inside the door.
when they sense the presence of living creatures.

This room has had a continual darkness cast within Shadow (13): Int Low; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; HD
it. Inside the room is a spectre, which waits here for 3+3; hp 21 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5 + spe-
wanderers to venture inside. It doesn’t need to see to cial; SA Strength drain; SD +1 or better weapon to
find its victims, and the magical darkness prevents hit; MR Sp; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 420 each.
clerical turning from working on it. It does not come
out of the room unless the darkness is nullified in The ghost does not cause fear or aging until it turns
some manner. Even then, it attempts to flee rather toward the characters and they see its face. The shad-
than remain to face a group of adventurers on even ows do not attack until the ghost has turned and
terms. (Note that Blind Fighting is not helpful hopefully weakened the party.
against this opponent. The subtle clues of motion The ghost stands back and directs the attacks of
and sound that the proficiency of Blind Fighting the shadows. It does not attack until half of the shad-
depends on are not present when fighting a non-cor- ows are destroyed. Only then does it engage in melee.
poreal creature.) There is no treasure in this room, but there are
texts which, if read carefully by a character able to use
Spectre (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 2; MV 15, FL conjuration/summoning spells, may allow him to
30(B); HD 7+3; hp 57; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; research another spell of that type for his spellbook.
SA Energy drain; SD +1 or better weapon to hit; MR
Sp; SZ M; ML 15; XP 3,000 each.
Room 60: Rainbow Room
If the spectre is dispatched, a search of the room This room seems empty, except for the debris of
turns up an amulet that allows the wearer to cast one desks and chairs. But the walls seem to be of
continual darkness per day. It also enables the owner of many different colors that shift and sway and
the amulet to see normally while inside the darkness sparkle. The effect is almost hypnotic.
as long as she or he is wearing the amulet.
This was the room where illusion and the art of
deception were studied. As soon as the whole group
Room 59:
of characters is in the room, the door seems to disap-
Conjuration Class
pear. In fact, all of the features of the room start to
There are tables arranged throughout the room with move around, until it is nearly impossible to tell
benches on one side of them so that those seated where the door was.
would face the west wall. On the west wall is a raised The characters must make a roll against half their
dais with a flat black space behind it for drawing vari- Intelligence to find their way out of the room. A
ous diagrams. This appears to have been a classroom character who makes this roll can lead out others who
for young mages. In fact, there appears to be a class in fail. Also any character who believes the illusion must
session at this moment. There is a robed form at the make a save versus half his or her Constitution or
back at the class facing the wall, and a group of vague become dizzy and nauseated for a turn (-1 on all com-
dark forms sitting at the tables. bat rolls.)
This room was used to teach the arts of conjuration
and summoning. The class that appears to be in the
Room 61:
room is in reality a ghost giving a lecture to a class of
Necromancy Class
This classroom is decorated in somber shades of
Ghost (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 0 or 8; MV 9; HD gray and black and wine red. The shelves which
10; hp 62; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg Age 10-40 Years; line the walls contain skulls—dozens of skulls of
SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ M; ML Sp; XP 7,000. many sizes.

This is the room where they taught the spells that Other than this there are no other items of interest in
deal with the realm of death. The skulls on the the room.
shelves were used to practice summoning the spirits of
the dead. There are skulls from dwarves, humans,
Room 63: The Mad Instructor
elves, gnomes, and several humanoid creatures the
PCs won’t recognize at all. If any character starts to This room is decorated much like the last room but in
move the skulls around and examine them, the third a somewhat more individualistic style. The senior
one moved is trapped to release a spectre. instructor used this room, and he was the master of
necromancy for the school. He used spells to subtly
Spectre (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 2; MV 15, FL modify the decorations in this area, enhancing the
30(B); HD 7+3; hp 55; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; walls to create the effect of a suggestion spell.
SA Energy drain; SD +1 or better weapon to hit; MR PCs who remain in this room for more than three
Sp; SZ M; ML 15; XP 3,000. rounds must make a save versus spell or believe that
one of their party members (choose at random) is in
The spectre immediately attacks the character fact a doppleganger. If others try to convince the vic-
holding the skull, attacking that person exclusively tims that they are wrong, the affected characters
until one or the other of them is destroyed. Because of believe that the entire party is made up of monsters
the residual magic in this room the spectre cannot be that are trying to kill them. This was the instructor’s
turned while in this classroom. idea of a joke on any who would snoop in his room.
After the spectre is dealt with, the next character One good night’s sleep serves to clear the delusion
to disturb a skull finds an amulet of free passage and a from the PCs’ minds.
500-gold-piece emerald hidden inside it. That is the
only treasure found in this room.
Room 64:
Instructors’ Quarters
Room 62:
This room was once a comfortable room for two
The Singing Harp
people. The remains of rather luxurious furniture
This room was once rather comfortably ap- are scattered around the area as if it had been
pointed with two beds and two chairs. The carv- previously searched.
ings on the walls are tasteful and soothing to the
eye. There is a fireplace on the west wall, and a There is nothing of interest in this room; anything
muted yellow flame burns in the hearth. Al- of value has long since been looted.
though you sense no fuel or smoke, the fire
seems to give off a pleasant warmth that is wel-
Room 65:
come in these stone halls.
The Headmaster’s Parlor
This is one of the rooms shared by two of the This room was obviously once a very luxurious
junior instructors of the Academy of Magic. The receiving area. It is easy to imagine that impor-
flames in the fireplace are of the same type as those in tant visitors were once received in this ruin. It is
Room 51, although they are a different color. They sad somehow to see it in its present condition.
burn indefinitely, giving off light and heat, but giving
off no smoke and needing no fuel. This area is a shambles. It appears as if a pitched
If searched, under the remains of the bed to the battle had taken place here, and everything in the
south lies a harp that, if politely requested to in room is completely destroyed. There is no chance
elvish, plays soothing music for up to two hours a day. that anything of value remains intact in this room.

even after death. As well as the abilities of a normal
Room 66:
spectre, he has the abilities of a 9th-level wizard, with
The Headmaster’s Bedroom
the ability to cast spells (4,3,3,2,1) His spells are: chill
This area is a calm and quiet place, much at touch, color spray, grease, wall of fog; darkness 15’
odds with the chaos of the previous area. There radius, levitate, web; feign death, vampiric touch, wind
is a bed, a desk, and two chairs grouped around wall; contagion, enervation; summon shadow. Treat him
the empty fireplace, all of which seem to have as a specialty mage of the school of necromancy.
once been made of fine materials. Whoever He fights ruthlessly, preferring to cast spells rather
lived here had very rich taste. In fact, he may than attack directly. He casts no spells that would
still be here—there is a long decayed body on damage his books. This is rather ironic, since the
the bed, in the remnants of rich robes. tomes have long since decomposed to illegibility;
only the spines remain intact, giving the illusion of
The body on the bed is not the former headmaster. wholeness.
It is one of his assistants who wanted to be headmas-
ter one day. The headmaster, in his last act as a living
Room 68:
being, paralyzed the poor wretch and left him here to
Someone Summoned?
gradually waste away. But the unfortunate victim had
the last laugh. If the remains are searched, the party This room is huge, as well it might be; there are
finds, under the decaying robes, a girdle of many three protective circles here of differing types.
pouches still containing several ordinary (nonorganic) This room was obviously used for summoning
spell components, a small mirror, some powdered sil- creatures from other planes.
ver, and a crystal bead. (The latter two items are
material components for protection from good, 10’ This room is now trapped. Muiral has rigged the
radius and minor globe of invulnerability, respectively.) two circles to the south so that they fail to provide
any protection from any creatures that are summoned
here. The northernmost circle also has a deadly trap:
Room 67:
it contains a crazed air elemental that is waiting
The Headmaster’s Library
motionless in the center. If anyone or anything breaks
This area is filled with bookshelves. They are the circle, it is freed to attack all in the room.
loaded with what appear to be spellbooks and
tomes on the arts of magic, which seem rela- Elemental, Air (1): Int Low; AL N; AC 2; MV Fl
tively intact. Unfortunately, that doesn’t look 36(A); HD 16; hp 108; THAC0 5; #AT 1; Dmg
like the librarian heading this way. 2-20; SA Sp; SD +2 or better weapon to hit; MR Nil;
SZ L; ML 17; XP 11,000.
The headmaster is here with his beloved books. He
is now a spectre and takes great offense at the fact The elemental does not even try to flee back to its
that anyone has entered his library. home; it merely attacks all in the room until slain.

Spectre (1): Int High; AL LE; AC 2; MV 15, FL

Room 69: The Alchemy Lab
30(B); HD 7+3; hp 59; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8;
SA Energy drain; SD + 1 or better weapon to hit; MR This room has two long, wide tables against the
Sp; SZ M; ML 15; XP 3,000. north wall. They are covered with glassware and
instruments of a mysterious nature. The room is
The headmaster is somewhat special, as he has brightly lit by two huge braziers filled with bright
somehow managed to retain some of his magical skills blue flames.

This room was the alchemy laboratory, where all in here of what can only be spellbooks, and a
potions and the like for the complex were produced. table with four chairs. A small sign still glows
If searched, the cabinets under the tables yield three faintly above the door.
large jars of a dried caky substance, which if ground
and mixed with fat or lard, yield an ointment that This is where the collections of spell books for the
renders a character both invisible and scentless. The students and faculty were kept. Again, they are in
ointment must be rubbed on the skin and clothing, remarkably good condition. There is a 50% chance to
and each jar contains enough to cover three man- find any mage spell sought of fourth level or below;
sized creatures. It is 75% likely that an alchemist 25% for any others. If they want, the party can rest
could duplicate the formula if given one jar of the here while their mages study from the books in this
ointment to use as a sample. room, but removing any books from this room could
The flames in the braziers are of the same type as well be a fatal mistake. The writing above the door,
those in Rooms 51 and 62. Anyone peering into the glowing faintly in red, is in the Drow language, and
base of one of the braziers finds a small box in the reads: “Theft of the Books of Power will be your final
bottom of it. If fished out (with tongs that can be deed. Read you this and believe.” Any character fool-
found among the alchemy equipment) it contains an ish enough to ignore the warning and attempt to
amulet of free passage. remove a book from this room triggers an effect simi-
lar to a retributive strike. All creatures within 10 feet
of the door take 80 hit points of damage, those
Room 70: The Library
between 10 and 20 feet take 60, and those between
This room is filled with a huge collection of 20 and 30 feet take 40 hit points. A successful saving
books. There must be thousands of volumes throw versus spells means that only one-half the indi-
here, all in a remarkable state of preservation. cated damage is sustained. The book is completely
There is a large table and three chairs, also well destroyed.

The books in this room are all of relatively mun-

The Drow
dane magic-related subjects: texts on magical theory,
history of magic, famous wizards, etc. (The magic
Living Areas
books are all kept in the room behind the secret door
on the north wall in Room 71.) The books in here are
very well preserved and still readable. If handled care-
T hese are the areas where the majority of the
Drow lived out their daily lives back when this
was a thriving community. The areas in this region
fully, they may be removed from the shelves and stud- are not as extensively detailed as the school complex;
ied. However, anyone attempting to take a book out many rooms in this area are left for you to fill with
of this room by either door triggers an effect similar to your own traps, treasures and monsters.
a wall of force, which blocks the path. Only if the The final confrontation with Muiral takes place in
book is again placed on the shelf or left on the table this region; it will be a deadly battle for all but the
may the party exit the room. most powerful of parties.

Room 71: Magical Library Room 72: The Jester’s Stage

You can tell immediately upon opening the This area is a stage off of what would be an
secret door that you have stumbled upon some- open-air market— if it were open to the sky
thing special. You can almost feel the mystical instead of in a cave.
energy in the air. There are several bookshelves

This was the stage for entertainers on market days. SD Absorb heat; MR Nil; SZ S; ML N/A; XP 15
The tattered remnants of a curtained backdrop are each.
still here, and several ancient but still serviceable
torches. Fungus, Violet (1-4): Int Non; AL N; AC 7; MV 1;
If the characters peer behind the curtain, they find, HD 3; THAC0 17; #AT 1-4; Dmg Sp; SA Sp; SD
scrawled clumsily in Drow, “Folon was here.” Folon Nil; SZ M; ML 12; XP 175 each.
was a lackluster entertainer who aspired to fame. It is
quite certain that no one in the party has ever heard Fungus, Shrieker (2-8): Int Non; AL N; AC 7; MV
of him. 1; HD 3; THAC0 17; #AT 0; Dmg Nil; SA Nil; SD
Noise; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 12; XP 120 each.
Room 73: The Market
Green Slime (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 9; MV 0; HD
This was once a thriving marketplace for the 2; THAC0 19; #AT 0; Dmg Nil; SA Sp; SD Sp; SZ S;
Drow community, where goods, food and ser- ML 10; XP 65 each.
vices were peddled to the general populace of
this level. There are remnants of a few of the Mold, Russet (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 9; MV 0; HD
vendors’ booths, but in general it is empty. This N/A; THAC0 N/A; #AT 0; Dmg N/A; SA Spores;
area is deathly still now, and an echo can be SD Immune to weapons, cold, fire; MR Nil; SZ S; ML
heard whenever you make a sound. N/A; XP 35 each.

There is a large fountain in the center of the mar- Roper (1-3): Int Exceptional; AL CE; AC 0; MV 3;
ket square, which once was beautiful but now is HD 10-12; THAC0 10 HD: 11, 11-12 HD: 9; #AT 1;
cracked and dry. There are a few ancient coins scat- Dmg 5-20 (5d4); SA Strands, Strength drain; SD Sp;
tered on the bottom, glinting faintly under ‘the coat- MR 80%; SZ L; ML 15; XP 10 HD: 10,000, 11 HD:
ing of powdery dust left behind when the water 11,000, 12 HD: 12,000 each.
evaporated. There are three gold coins, and six silver,
all bearing the likeness of a Drow ruler of long ago. A band of 25 driders lives on the ledge at the
They might perhaps be worth ten times their face northwest area of the cavern. They attack at the
value to a collector. slightest provocation.

Driders (25): Int High; AL CE; AC 3; MV 12; HD

Room 74:
6+6; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon; SA
The Farmer’s Fields
Poison Bite; SD Nil; MR 15%; SZ L; ML 14; XP
This area was used as a huge communal farm to grow Transformed mages (9): 3,000 each, transformed
all manner of edible fungi and plants which could priests (16): 5,000 each.
thrive here away from the light. Over the years, the
plants here became wild, and some of them now pose Each drider is able to use the following spells once
a threat to the unwary wanderer. These are encoun- per day: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, levitate,
tered on a 1 on a d6. Roll for encounters twice for know alignment, detect magic. The transformed priests
every hour spent in this area. can also use the following spells once per day: detect
The following plants and fungi may be encoun- lie, clairvoyance, suggestion, and dispel magic.
tered when wandering this area:

Mold, Brown (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 9; MV 0; HD

N/A; THAC0 N/A; #AT 0; Dmg N/A; SA Freezing;

Piercer (3-18): Int Non; AL N; AC 3; MV 1; HD 4;
Room 75: The Animal Farms
hp 30 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 4-24; SA Sur-
This area was used to raise the lizards and other crea- prise; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 10; XP 420 each.
tures used as food and beasts of burden by the Drow.
It has gone feral in much the same way as the fungus Spider, Huge (5): Int Animal; AL N; AC 6; MV 18;
gardens. Roll for encounters (1 on a d6) twice per HD 2+2; hp 12 each; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6;
hour in this area and choose from the following list: SA Sp; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 8; XP 270 each.

Bat, Huge (mobat) (10): Int Low; AL NE; AC Sp/7; Spider, Phase (4): Int Low; AL N; AC 7; MV 6,
MV 3, Fl 15 (C); HD 6; hp 40 each; THAC0 15; #AT Web 15; HD 5+5; hp 42 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1;
1; Dmg 2-8; SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ H; ML 11; Dmg 1-6; SA Sp; SD Phasing; MR Nil; SZ H; ML 15;
XP 975 each. XP 1,400 each.

Beetle, Rhinoceros (3): Int Non; AL N; AC 2; MV Will o’wisp (1): Int Exceptional; AL CE; AC -8;
6; HD 12; hp 90 each; THAC0 9; #AT 2; Dmg MV Fl 18 (A); HD 9; hp 68; THAC0 11; #AT 1;
3-18/2-16; SA Nil; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L; ML 14; Dmg 2-16; SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Sp; SZ S; ML 17; XP
XP 4,000 each. 3,000 each.

Bulette (2): Int Animal; AL N; AC -2/4/6; MV 14

Rooms 76-78:
(3); HD 9; hp 70; THAC0 11; #AT 3; Dmg 4-48/
The Slave Compound
3-18/3-18; SA 8’ jump; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L; ML
11; XP 4,000 each. This area was home to the multitude of slaves who
worked in the farm and garden areas and as servants
Centipede, Giant (20): Int Non; AL N; AC 9; MV to the Drow.
15; HD 2 hp; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg Nil; SA Poi- 76 was a central courtyard where the slaves
son; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ T; ML 6; XP 35 each. received their instructions and reprimands for the
Lizard, Fire (2): Int Animal; AL N; AC 3; MV 9; 77 was the area devoted to the Slavemasters’ Quar-
HD 10; hp 75 each; THAC0 11; #AT 3; Dmg 1-8/ ters.
1-8/2-16; SA Sp; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ G; ML 12; XP 78, 79, 80 were the sleeping quarters for the
3,000 each. slaves. They are filled with the remains of rotting
mattresses and bedclothes, crammed closely together.
Lizard, Giant (5): Int Non; AL N; AC 5; MV 15; Room 79 also is infested with a horde of incredibly
HD 3+1; hp 22 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; hungry fleas.
SA Sp; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ H; ML 8; XP 175 each. 81, 82, 83 are communal dining areas, with rows
of tables and benches.
Lizard, Subterranean (6): Int Non; AL N; AC 5; 84 was the kitchen for the slave compound. There
MV 12; HD 6; hp 45 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg are two massive hearths and several rusted cooking
2-12; SA Sp; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ H; ML 10; XP 650 pots of exceptionally poor quality.
Room 85:
Gray Ooze (1): Int Animal; AL N; AC 8; MV 1; HD
The Counting House
3+3; hp 25; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-16; SA Cor-
rodes metal; SD Sp; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 10; XP 270 This room contains several chests and boxes. It
each. appears to have been a storeroom of some kind. There

was once a strong door protecting this area, but it has
Room 87: The Storeroom
rotted away. One of the boxes in the back seems to be
split along the top, and the glint of golden metal can This is where the liquid refreshments and nonperish-
be seen shining through. Just inside the door is a able foodstuffs for the establishment were stored.
small gem. Most of the barrels have split open, spilling their con-
tents in a now dried and sticky puddle on the floor,
This is not at all what it appears. This innocent- and the place reeks strongly of long-soured ale. If the
appearing room is in reality the lair of a greater mimic PCs can stand to remain in here long enough to
(see MC cards in this product) using its illusion pow- search the room, they find six bottles of wine that are
ers to lure someone inside for a look. The greater still intact. The liquid inside has, of course, turned to
mimic covers most of the floor in this room and has wine vinegar.
disguised itself to look like a storeroom filled with
boxes of coins and valuables. The gem inside the door
is real, placed there by the greater mimic to lend cre-
The Arena
dence to the illusion. It is a ruby worth 150 gp.
Room 88: Confrontation
The greater mimic waits patiently until the party
has entered the room, then folds itself around them to This area is a vast cavern, perhaps 50 feet high
attack. If it appears to be losing the ensuing fight, the and so large you cannot see its size in the dark-
greater mimic gladly negotiates with the party, trad- ness. Near you, you can make out tiers of seats
ing any information the DM wants them to have stretching up and around the walls.
about this region for its life.
This is where Muiral meets the characters for their
final battle. This immense arena was used for gladia-
Room 86: The Inn
torial combats between slaves and wild beasts cap-
This appears to have once been a tavern or tured in Undermountain. Today it will be the scene of
music hall. Strangely, you had never thought of yet another contest to the death.
the Drow of having such entertainments in their When the party enters this arena, a wall of force
cities. appears across the opening to the outer halls. A voice
rings out and a dim but serviceable illumination
This is just what it appears to be. This was once the springs into place, enabling the party to see the full
best bar in town, as well as the only one. Only drinks size of the room. The voice is that of Muiral calling
and foods not requiring extensive preparation, such as out a challenge to the characters.
breads, cheeses, and fruits, were served here, as the
proprietor, a former entertainer himself, wanted the “So you think you are strong enough to best
focus to be on the amusements and the drink. me? I know that is why you have come to this
If the room is searched, a loose board behind the place. And that is why I have been waiting here
bar yields a strongbox with over 200 platinum pieces for you. For I am Muiral. Muiral, do you hear?
in it. These ancient Drow coins fetch up to ten times The very name should make you tremble with
their face value if sold to a collector. fear. You silly little wretches will soon feel the
The party also finds, on a corner wall behind the power that is mine to command! For mine is the
stage area, the clumsily scribbled words “Folon was only way. If you seek to leave this place you must
here.” go through me. Kill me if you dare!”

Muiral then appears, in all his hideous glory, in a

flash of light and smoke, accompanied by six wraith-

spiders and up to 10 undead minions if the strength of well as his regular action for the round. He must roll
the party warrants it. He uses all of his resources to an attack for the lightning, and the bolt strikes only
fight the characters and gives no quarter. The crea- one person.
tures accompanying him also fight to the death. He is If Muiral is reduced to 20 or fewer hit points, he
quite prepared, even in his madness. He has been immediately teleports to safety. He then heals and
watching the party all along, and is ready for any spe- reequips himself, and waits for a chance to work his
cial tactics that they have been using. Remember, revenge on the party at a later date. If he is killed
too, that his horned ring absorbs any magic missiles or before he has the chance to do this, his body is imme-
electrical attacks to power its own magics. diately teleported to a place deep within Undermoun-
The statues at the four corners of the arena, visible tain where he has set up healing and restorative
once Muiral has illuminated the cavern, are of mages magics for just such an emergency. The party does not
pointing wands toward the center of the arena and encounter him again within the Gauntlet, but may
are saved by Muiral as his ace in the hole. well live to regret having made such a powerful
Muiral begins his assault with a massive damage enemy should they escape.
spell such as chain lightning. He continues to use area
effect spells as long as he can, trying to keep enemy Muiral: CE Hm F9/W13; AC 3; MV 15; HP 89;
spellcasters off-balance. If forced to enter into melee, THAC0 12 (9 w/ sword); #AT 2 + special; Dmg 1-6
he uses his two-handed vorpal sword +3. If truly hard + poison (tail sting)/spell or weapon type: 1-10 +
pressed, Muiral uses his control of the statues in the 3/3-18 + 3 (vorpal sword +3); SA: control undead to
comers to project a 6-die lightning bolt at one oppo- 300’, ESP (permanent and automatic), mind blank; SD
nent in the arena once every other round. He can do Ring of fire resistance; CON 16; INT 18. Spells
this from any statue he chooses, and can do this as (5,5,5,4,4,2): chill touch, color spray, magic missile ×3;

alter self, create water, flaming sphere, web, infratorch;
dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, lightning bolt; charm
Muiral’s Gauntlet:
monster, dig, enervation, polymorph other; animate dead,
hold monster, monster summoning III, wall of force;
Areas of Interest
chain lightning ×2. A. There is a mirrored surface of some sort here that
can function as a gate once Muiral has activated it.

The Way Home This might be a mirror on the wall, a shiny piece of
metal, a pool of still water, and the like. Anyone

T he inner walls of the arena are covered with

murals of different terrains common to the
breaking a mirror or destroying a mirrored surface
anywhere in the complex is the victim of a cause seri-
Forgotten Realms. If Muiral is slain or driven away, ous wounds spell.
the party is free to examine the pictures.
Eventually, they discover one that looks like a B. These are magic-dead areas. Spells cannot be cast
familiar area, perhaps near the place from which the (but are not wasted), currently running spell effects
gate originally brought them here. All of the paintings are negated; magical weapons and armor are regained
react to a detect magic spell. If a character places both while in these areas, and magical items do not func-
hands flat against the picture, she or he appears to be tion.
transported into the mural. (Take the player aside
until the situation is resolved—no sense spoiling the C. There is a large pile of bones here, picked quite
surprise for everybody.) When all in the party have clean, which if carefully examined by anyone familiar
been drawn into the picture, they all are released in with this creature, prove to be the skeleton of a small
the area depicted. dragon (about 30’ long).
There is, of course, no predicting which picture
they want to try (or may accidentally activate), and if D. This is where a pack of mites has set up a trip wire
they enter another mural they could be transported to to surprise unwary opponents. Once someone in the
a completely unknown destination, perhaps leading party has sprung any of these traps, the PCs find
to another adventure. themselves infested with mites on a regular basis. The
pack follows the PCs, staying out of sight, until the
party trips another wire trap or is otherwise distracted
but not in combat. Then the pack reappears and tries
to harass the characters and steal their bright shiny

Gremlin, Mite (24): Int Low; AL LE; AC 8; MV 3;

HD 1-1; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA Nil; SD
Nil; MR Nil; SZ T; ML 8-10; XP 35 each.

The mites are constantly twittering and chattering

amongst themselves but are quite adept at staying out
of sight, since they are small and cowardly.

E. This is the lair of the mite pack. There are many

sparkly gems here. The mites have accumulated many
coins (15 sp, 23 gp and 13 pp), which are scattered
around the floor. The gems are in a neat pile in the

corner: 3 gems worth 400 gp each, 8 worth 250 gp, 10
worth 75 gp, and 32 worth 10 gp. The mites make
every attempt to lead the party away from here or
otherwise defend their treasure. There are trip wires
every three feet, and 25% of them are connected to
nets which drop on the party, allowing the mites to
swarm over them. Just before the party reaches the
gems, they must avoid the deep pit trap in the floor
(10’ deep and 6’ square. The pit is covered with a
loosely secured net which is camouflaged with debris
and rubble.

F. There is a nest of giant spiders here, and many


Spider, Giant (3): Int Low; AL CE; AC 4; MV 3,

Wb 12; HD 3+3; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA
Poison; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ L; ML 13; XP 420 each.

G. This corridor is filled with webs. Behind them are

the spinners of these webs: huge watch spiders.

Spider, Huge (Watch) (7): Int Low; AL N; AC 6;

MV 18; HD 2+2; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA
Poison; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M; ML 8; XP 270 each.

H. Entering this area subjects the party to a buildup

of toxic gases. The characters must save versus breath
weapon or spend 2d4 rounds choking and retching.
All combat rolls are made at -1 for another turn.

J. The stone carvings in these areas are a perfect hid-

ing place for gargoyles.

Gargoyle (2-5): Int Low; AL CE; AC 5; MV 9, Fl 15

(C); HD 4+4; THAC0 15; #AT 4; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6/
1-4; SA Nil; SD +1 or better weapon to hit; MR Nil;
SZ M; ML 11; XP 420 each.

K. The mirrored surface in this room is a framed mir-

ror, propped up in the corner of the room. Anyone
looking behind it finds a gauntlet of evertorch. (See
“New Magical Items.”)

New Spells
he following section includes spells ing, and other objects stop in mid-motion. Although
for both priests and wizards. Many these metal objects can be touched, they cannot be
are possessed by NPCs within the moved for the duration of the spell. It is as if the
Deep Levels, and PCs are likely to metal weighed tons or was held fast by sovereign glue.
encounter them in this fashion. This spell can prevent individuals in the area of effect
Scrolls containing the spells should be few and far from drawing weapons or from removing metal (or
between; make magic-wielding PCs work for these part-metal) objects in the area of effect. The spell is
rare rewards. especially useful against individuals clad in chain mail
or plate mail. An individual wearing metal armor will

Priests’ Spells find he cannot move until the spell wears off.
Further, anyone wearing metal who enters the area

H igh level priests nestled in the catacombs of

Undermountain have spent years researching
new magics. Many of these, priests of Malar the
of effect finds the metal in his or her possession is also
affected by the spell.

Beastlord, have added spells to the Animal sphere. It

Fourth-Level Spells
is up the DM whether PC priests can gain these spells
through research. Find Companion (Conjuration/Summoning)
The following spells present these new clerical
enchantments that can be discovered on scrolls hid- Sphere: Animal
den within the deep ways. Priests with these spells Range: 1 mile/per two levels
are more formidable foes. Some of the characters Components: V, S, M
detailed in the NPC section have these spells in their Duration: Special
repertoire. Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: 1 familiar
Saving Throw: Special
Third-Level Spell
Hold Metal (Enchantment/Charm) This spell is similar to the first-level wizard spell,
find familiar, but is in some respects more powerful.
Sphere: Charm Priests casting this spell are attempting to summon
Range: 30 yards an animal for aid and companionship. Like wizards,
Components: V, S priests can have only one companion at a time, and
Duration: 1 round/level they have no control over what creature answers the
Casting Time: 6 call unless they couple the spell with animal sum-
Area of Effect: 5 sq. feet/level moning.
Saving Throw: None No matter the creature summoned, it will have
greater intelligence and a longer life span than
By casting this spell, the priest causes all ferrous others of its kind. Priest companions have an intelli-
metal (iron, iron alloys, steel) within his area of effect gence of 4 or 5. Priests gain the heightened senses of
to be held fast, just as a character would in a hold per- their companion, granting them a +1 bonus to all
son spell. Swords being swung, pendulum blades arc- surprise rolls.

Priests are linked to the animal companion tele- Animal Sight (Alteration)
pathically, and can give it directions telepathically or
verbally. In return, the priests can understand the Sphere: Animal
thoughts and sounds of their animal companion, as if Range: Touch
they were using a speak with animals spell. Components: S
If the companion is separated from its priest by Duration: 1 turn/level
more than a mile for more than one day, it loses 1 hit Casting Time: 1 turn
point a day until it dies. Area of Effect: Creature touched
Unlike a wizard’s familiar, a priest’s companion Saving Throw: None
does not gain the priest’s saving throws. Further, the
priest does not suffer physical damage if the compan- This spell is often employed by priests who have
ion dies. companions. By casting this spell upon an animal, the
Priests can attempt to find a companion once a priest literally sees through that creature’s eyes.
month until they are successful. The process involves Wherever the animal travels for the duration of the
an hour-long prayer session in which priests must ask spell, the priest will see whatever it sees.
their deity for a companion and burn 100 gp worth of During this time, the priest must be stationary and
incense during the process. Immediately after the concentrate on the animal. Damage caused to the
spell is complete, priests know if they were successful. priest interrupts the spell.
The companion will arrive at the spot the spell was This spell is especially useful when the priest
cast within 1-4 hours. wishes to spy on other individuals or discover the lay
Striking the companion or withholding its food of a territory before entering it personally.
causes the spell to fail, at which time the companion
is no longer held and can freely depart. That kind of
Fifth-Level Spells
animal will no longer become a companion to priests
who lose their companion in this manner. Hard Water (Alteration)
A priest’s familiar typically has 4-12 hit points,
plus 1 hit point per level of the priest, and an Armor Sphere: Elemental
Class of 7. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
D20 Duration: 1 turn/+ 1 round per level
Roll Familiar Sensory Powers Casting Time: 1 turn
1-3 Wild dog Smell, hearing Area of Effect: 10 cubic feet/level
4-6 Eagle Distance vision Saving Throw: None
7-9 Wild boar Smell, hearing
10-12 Fox Smell, hearing This spell turns water into a rock-hard substance.
13-15 Giant rat Night vision Magical or enchanted water is not affected by this
16-18 Badger Smell spell. The hard water retains its color and its content;
19-20 No familiar available in range however, it is solid for the duration of the spell. The
amount of water affected cannot exceed 10 cubic feet
(approximately 75 gallons) per the priest’s level.
Creatures, such as fish, insects, and humans,
imbedded in the hard water are not injured or killed,
and they do not suffocate. They are simply held until
the spell has run its course. The spell can be negated
before its duration expires by casting a successful dis-

pel magic on the hard water. The priest can cancel the 18 (19 if the individual already has an 18 Strength),
spell at will. regardless of racial maximums. The individual gains an
Priests casting the spell can designate the depth to additional attack per round and enjoys a lo-hit-point
which the water becomes hard. For example, a priest bonus for the duration of the spell. Further, the indi-
casting hard water on a river can specify that only the vidual gains a +1 bonus on initiative and a +2 bonus
surface of the water becomes hard, thereby making it on saving throws made while the spell is in effect.
possible to walk on. Despite the battle fervor, the enraged creature can
The material components for the spell are a flask of tell friend from foe with a successful Intelligence
water and a stone. check at -2. However, enraged creatures are so intent
on combat that they cannot cast spells.
Float (Alteration) After the spell elapses, the individual is exhausted
and must rest 1 turn before engaging in combat or
Sphere: Creation other stressful activities again.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Sixth-Level Spells
Duration: 2 turns + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn Animal Transfer (Alteration)
Area of Effect: Object touched
Saving Throw: None Sphere: Animal
Range: 60 yards
This spell allows the priest to bestow a form of Components: V, S
magical flight upon an object weighing 500 pounds or Duration: 3 turns + 1 turn per level
less. The priest moves the object through concentra- Casting Time: 1 turn
tion, causing it to move either vertically or horizon- Area of Effect: 1 creature
tally at a movement rate of 6-half that if ascending Saving Throw: Special
or descending. The maneuverability class of the
object is C. Further, the caster can cause the object to Casting this spell transfers the priest’s mind into
hover motionless, suspended in the air. Disrupting the the body of a designated animal. The priest gains all
caster’s concentration ends the spell. the senses and abilities of the animal, including its hit
The material component for the spell is a bit of points, Armor Class, and movement rate, and is in
down from a duck. full command of the animal form. For example, a
priest could elect to transfer his mind into the body of
Rage (Alteration) a hawk and fly over an area to determine the terrain,
occupants, and other conditions.
Sphere: Combat While the spell is in effect, the priest’s body is
Range: Touch motionless and vulnerable. The priest is unaware of
Components: V his body or anything that might be happening to it.
Duration: 1 turn/+ 1 round per level The animal’s mind is suppressed throughout the dura-
Casting Time: 5 tion of the spell.
Area of Effect: One creature If the priest’s body is killed, the priest’s mind is
Saving Throw: None stuck in the animal’s body until the animal dies or a
wish is cast to alter the priest’s situation. If the animal
Casting this spell invokes a battle rage that tem- dies while the spell is in effect, the priest suffers 1-12
porarily raises Strength, combat abilities, and hit points of damage and must make a successful Wisdom
points. The affected individual’s Strength is raised to check or suffer a mild form of insanity for a number of

rounds equal to the elapsed time of the spell. The
Seventh-Level Spell
priest’s mind returns to his body.
The spell can be cast on warm-blooded creatures of Faithful Mount (Enchantment/Charm)
animal intelligence or less; the creatures do not
receive a saving throw. Animals of greater intelli- Sphere: Animal/Charm
gence, such as blink dogs, displacer beasts, familiars, Range: Touch
and other such creatures receive a saving throw versus Components: V, S, M
spells. A successful save means the spell was wasted Duration: Permanent
and the animal was unaffected. Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Break Limb (Alteration) (Reversible) Saving Throw: Negates

Sphere: Necromantic/Healing Casting this spell places a mount under a powerful

Range: Touch magic that combines the effects of charm mammal and
Components: V, S, M speak with animals. The mount remains loyal to the
Duration: Special priest who cast the spell, and the two can converse as
Casting Time: 6 if under a permanent speak with animals spell.
Area of Effect: Limb touched Further, the mount receives a +3 bonus to fear
Saving Throw: Negates spells and additional charm mammal spells.
Mounts that can be affected include horses, ponies,
This devastating spell enables the priest to break mules, donkeys, rhinoceri, elephants, griffons, hip-
an opponent’s arm or leg by touching it. In addition pogriffs, pegasi, unicorns, and other animals that can
to snapping the limb, the spell inflicts 1-10 points of be ridden. The mount is allowed a saving throw ver-
damage. If the target makes a successful saving throw sus spell. Success means the animal is not affected by
versus spells, the break does not occur, but the indi- the spell, nor can it be affected by subsequent castings
vidual still suffers 1-10 points of damage from the of the spell by the same priest.
powerful enchantment. The material component for the spell is a lump of
The effects of the spell vary based on the limb sugar.
touched. For example, if the priest breaks an individ-
ual’s weapon arm, that individual cannot wield a
weapon. If the priest breaks an individual’s shield
Wizard Spells
arm, the victim cannot use a shield with that limb. If
Second-Level Spells
the priest breaks a target’s leg, the individual cannot
stand without aid and is reduced to a 3 movement Create Water (Conjuration) (Reversible)
rate-crawling or hobbling about on one leg. Break-
ing both legs (two castings) incapacitates the victim. School: Conjuration
The reverse of this spell, mend limb, causes broken Range: Touch
bones to fuse correctly together. Components: V, S
A limb broken by this spell only can mended by a Duration: Permanent
month of bedrest, a mend limb spell, or a heal spell. Casting Time: 2
The material component of this spell is a broken Area of Effect: 1 gallon per level of caster
bone from any animal. Saving Throw: None

This spell allows a wizard to create pure, cool water.

The water is crystal clear and sparkling; those who

drink it are certain it is the best water they have
Third-LeveL Spell
This enchantment is favored by adventuring wiz- Grease Slick (Alteration)
ards who memorize the spell to ensure that they will
have drinking water during their journeys. School: Alteration
The reverse of this spell, destroy water, allows a wiz- Range: 10 yards
ard to instantly evaporate one gallon of water per Components: S, M
level of experience. Duration: 2 rounds per level of caster
Casting Time: 3
Infratorch (Alteration) Area of Effect: 15’ by 15’ area
Saving Throw: Special
School: Alteration
Range: Touch This variation of the grease spell allows a wizard to
Components: V, M create a spray of grease that erupts from his fingertips
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster and can extend up to 10 yards away from his body.
Casting Time: 2 The grease coats all objects within a 15’ by 15’ target
Area of Effect: 1 wooden object area.
Saving Throw: None Objects coated by the grease become slippery,
slimy, and subject to the effects of a grease spell. Fur-
A wizard casting this spell creates a special torch ther, characters in the area of effect who are carrying
that allows all those within a 15’ radius to see as if weapons and other objects must make a successful
they had infravision. The infravision extends 60 feet saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty for each object.
from the torch. Failure means the object slips from the character’s
The torch does not give off light or heat, and looks grasp. Characters attempting to pick up greased items
like nothing more than a burnt-out torch or piece of must make a successful saving throw vs. spell at a -3
wood. penalty to grasp any one object.
Infratorch can be cast only on wooden objects, such The material component of this spell is a pinch of
as staves, torches, sticks, etc. lard.
The material component for this spell is a piece of

ome of the magical items found in
the depths of Undermountain are
new, appearing nowhere else in
AD&D® 2nd Edition material. These
are detailed below for the DUNGEON
MASTER™ who wants to augment the magic found in
the DUNGEON MASTER Guide and Tome of Magic.
The “XP value” listed for each item is the suggested
experience points gained by a character who success-
fully creates the item. It is not awarded to individuals
who simply find or use the item. The “gp value” is a
recommended guide for DMs who want to establish a
market value for a particular item. Of course, as with
any magical item, the price depends on the rarity of
the item and on finding a buyer. These values should
be kept secret from characters who are not familiar
with the items.

Amulet of Free Passage

XP value: 300
gp value: 200

These amulets were fashioned by Muiral, in one of his

few lucid moments, to transport opponents to the end
of his Gauntlet for the final confrontation with him-
self. The rectangular silver amulets are strung on sil-
ver chains, and each bears the inscription “I am the
only way out” in Drow (so that they appear to have
been left here by the former inhabitants). They radi-
ate faintly of magic if same is detected for.
When an amulet of free passage is placed around a
person’s neck, Muiral becomes aware of that individ-
ual’s presence in his Gauntlet, and begins to observe
the individual’s movements and activities through

his crystal ball. Once Muiral has determined that all Arrow of Pain
of the adventurers in a particular party are wearing
his amulets, he activates his mirrored gates, which XP value: 60 (each)
are scattered throughout the complex. The first gate gp value: 180 (each)
the party passes after that point draws them in and
teleports them all to the second portion of the These arrows look much like arrows of healing.
Gauntlet (rooms 72-88). Roll 1d6 and consult the However, close scrutiny reveals razor-sharp, toothy-
table below to see where the party appears. edged arrowheads. A creature struck by an arrow of
pain suffers 1d6 points of damage, making it appear
Roll Location no different from other arrows. However, if the
1 Room 72*a arrow remains imbedded in the creature, that crea-
2 Room 74*b ture suffers 1-4 points of additional damage for the
3 Room 75*c subsequent 3 rounds.
4 Room 75*d A typical treasure holds 2-16 (2d8) arrows of pain.
5 Room 75*e
6 Room 88*f Belt of the Beast

The teleportation is a terrifying experience for the XP value: 3,000

adventurers, beginning with a hideous transforma- gp value: 30,000
tion of their reflected forms into monsters, and end-
ing with a blinding and disorienting flash. Created by high-ranking priests of Malar and
bestowed upon their favored followers, belts of the
Arrow of Healing beast allow their wearers to gain one animal at-
tribute. These belts are made of preserved animal
XP value: 60 (each) skin, the kind of skin dictating the belt’s powers.
gp value: 120 (each) Further, the belts are embossed with the images of
animals. Usually, the image portrayed gives some
These finely-made arrows are rare and believed to hint of the belt’s purpose. A dozen different belts
have been crafted by a sect of priests long dead. The have been found, and more are believed to exist.
shaft of an arrow of healing is a simple smooth piece Roll 1d12 and consult the following table to deter-
of wood. The fletching is usually very colorful— mine the function of the belt of the beast discovered.
bright greens, blues, and reds-possibly the feathers
of parrots. The arrowhead is chipped slate en- 1. (Monkey skin) Climbing. The wearer can climb
chanted with a powerful healing spell. like a monkey, gaining a thief’s climb walls ability at
When the arrowhead is imbedded into a target, 75% and climb trees at 90%.
whether by firing the arrow at the target or thrusting 2. (Shark skin) Swimming. The wearer gains the
it as a spear or dagger, the arrow causes 1 point of nonweapon Swimming proficiency at a score of 18,
damage. However, once imbedded, the arrowhead and swims as well as a shark. If the wearer already
releases a curative spell that heals 2-20 (2d10) has the Swimming proficiency, the score increases to
points of damage. The arrowhead is consumed by 20.
the spell, and the shaft can be easily removed. 3. (Lynx skin) Cat’s feet. The wearer will land on
Sages speculate these arrows were fired at fighters his feet whenever he falls and will suffer the mini-
who were wounded in battle, helping them to stay in mum amount of damage possible.
the front ranks longer. 4 . (Owl skin and feathers) Night vision. The
A typical treasure holds 1-6 arrows of healing. wearer gains the vision of an owl, seeing in darkness

up to 120’. This does not confer infravision. Bowstring of Accuracy
5. (Wolf skin) Tracking. The wearer gains the
nonweapon Tracking proficiency at a score of 18. If XP value: 250
the wearer already has the Tracking proficiency, the gp value: 2,000
score increases to 20.
6. (Monkey skin) Monkey agility. The wearer adds By attaching this magical string to either a magi-
1 point to his Dexterity while wearing the belt. cal or nonmagical longbow or short bow, the wielder
7. (Chameleon skin) The wearer can change his is able to transform normal arrows fired from the
coloration at will to match the background, render- bow into arrows +1. Bowstrings of accuracy are
ing him nearly invisible. Observers have only a 20% found with 10-100 charges (10d10). Each time an
chance to notice him while he is stationary, a 50% arrow is fired, a charge is expended, and the arrow
chance if he is moving. becomes +1. Arrows that are already magical gain
8. (Hawk skin and feathers) Flight. The wearer an additional plus when fired from the bow.
can fly like a hawk, with feathery brown wings
extending from his back. The belt grants the wearer Bracers of Revelation
flight, MV 24 (C), for up to three hours a day (con-
secutive or otherwise). XP value: 350
9 . (Crab shell plates) Crustacean armor. The gp value: 9,000
wearer of this belt has a red tint to his skin. While
the belt is worn, his skin remains hard like the shell An individual wearing these highly-polished
of a crab, although it is pliable so he can walk and bands can tell much about those he meets. By shak-
move normally. This grants him a natural AC of 5. ing the hand of another person and expending a
10. (Porcupine skin and quills) Once each day, a charge by force of will, the wearer can determine the
bevy of quills sprouts from the wearer’s arms— class or occupation of the person. By expending two
regardless of what he is wearing. The quills magi- charges, the wearer can determine the individual’s
cally appear through cloth, armor, or enchanted alignment. The bracers will reveal no information if
garments. The wearer can fire these quills in up to the target is wearing an amulet of proof against detec-
six bursts, one a round, with each burst having 20 tion or is cloaked by similar magic. The bracers are
quills. The wearer must make an attack roll; a suc- usually found with 4-40 (4d10) charges and can be
cessful hit causes the quills to become imbedded in a recharged.
target. The target suffers 20 points of damage, save The bracers glow the following colors based upon
vs. paralyzation for half damage. A successful save the target’s alignment:
assumes the target was able to dodge some of the
quills. Green Lawful Good
11. (Bat skin) Bat radar. The wearer gains an abil- Blue Lawful Evil
ity that allows him to move about in darkness by Red Chaotic Good
detecting where walls and other objects are. Pink Chaotic Evil
12. (Bear skin) Bear existence. The wearer is able White Neutral Good
to fish and forage as well as a bear. This belt grants Gray Neutral Evil
the wearer the nonweapon proficiencies of Fishing Black Chaotic Neutral
and Foraging, each at a score of 17. Orange Neutral

Cloak of Malar cream over a patch of exposed living or dead flesh
releases the magic. Individuals using the cream shed
XP value: 4,500 the effects of one year of aging per application. Only
gp value: 45,000 one application of cream can be used per day.
The cream, derived from potions of longevity, is
These rare and powerful cloaks are prized by sought by wealthy women, adventurers who have
priests of Malar. They often are made of animal skin, succumbed to unnatural aging, and powerful undead.
such as tiger, lion, or jaguar. All of the cloaks are When applied to undead flesh, the cream magically
enchanted with a variation of a polymorph self spell. keeps the skin from deteriorating, thus allowing
The individual wearing a cloak of Malar is able to liches and other creatures to frequently pass for liv-
transform into the animal whose skin is represented ing beings. One such application of cream on
by the cloak. For example, a cloak which looks like undead will preserve the skin for three months.
it was made from the pelt of a black panther would Powerful undead have been rumored to keep dozens
allow its wearer to transform into a black panther. of jars of the cream so they can remain as lifelike as
The cloak permits three transformations per day, they were before they died.
with each transformation lasting up to one hour.
The wearer can end the transformation earlier by Decanter of Salt Water
willing it. All items carried by the wearer meld into
the animal form. The wearer gains the abilities of XP value: 250
the animal, but retains his or her Intelligence and gp value: 4,000
Wisdom. Further, the wearer retains his or her
Armor Class, but gains no other benefits of magical This magical one-quart skin turns any liquid
items in his or her possession. placed inside it into salt water. This includes
potions, which lose all magical properties, poisons,
Comb of Beauty tainted or fetid water, wines, ales, etc. The waterskin
functions up to eight times a day.
XP value: 300
gp value: 3,000 Earring of Deception

Typically worn only by women, a comb of beauty XP value: 500

appears as an ornate hair ornament, often decorated gp value: 35,000
with pearls or small gems. Fastening the comb to the
hair releases the magic. The wearer’s hair is trans- Appearing as nothing more than a simple gold
formed into a flowing, curly mass that extends to his ring, an earring of deception is a powerful magical
or her waist. The hair is perfectly styled, will never item that prevents others from knowing if its wearer
tangle, and is always clean. Further, the comb is telling a lie. The earring functions when it is
increases the wearer’s Charisma by 2. looped through an earlobe. Even characters who cast
detect lie spells, ESP, and other enchantments are
Cream of Long Years convinced that whatever the wearer of the earring
says is truthful. The earring functions continuously
XP value: 400 (per full jar) and only faintly radiates magic if a detect magic spell
gp value: 40,000 (per full jar) is cast.

Found in jars with six applications, this cream is a

thick mixture that is pasty and lumpy. Rubbing the

Gauntlet of Evertorch jump, rising four feet in the air while doing so. The
wearer can attack in mid-leap or at the end of his
XP value: 700 leap.
gp value: 2500
Horned Ring
This looks like an ordinary leather gauntlet, well
made. The wearer can keep any torch or fire source XP value: 3000
burning for as long as the torch is held by the gp value: 35,000
gauntleted hand. This magic will work on anything
from as small as a match or candle to as large as a These iron rings, virtually unique to Undermoun-
burning pole. It will not work on enclosed flames, tain, were created by Halaster to enable the wearers
such as lanterns or lamps. Note that it will in no to teleport at will within the dungeons of Under-
way increase the size of the fire or the volume of mountain. The wearers can choose the location to
light shed by the flame, simply the duration of the which they are transported, and can thus take
fire. advantage of the many levels and gates of the
The gauntlet will also prevent the wearer from region. The rings also break all wizard locks, walls of
being burned by the fire source held in the gauntlet. force, holds, webs, and similar magical barriers
It offers no protection against any other fire, or any (excluding prismatic wall and prismatic sphere) on
fire- or heat-based attack. contact, without harm to the wearer. A horned ring
absorbs magic missiles and all electrically-based spells
Ghost Bane and natural effects, and uses this energy to renew its
power (again without harm to the wearer).
XP value: 250 (each use) These rings, of which only eight are known to
gp value: 8,000 (each use) exist, are recognized by the pair of tiny horns that
curve back toward the wearer’s hand.
Usually found in small jars or vials, ghost bane is a
rare magical powder valued highly by adventurers Lion’s Tooth
and necromancers. When mixed with water and
consumed, it protects the imbiber for 24 hours from XP value: 600
being aged by a ghost. It is sought after by those who gp value: 14,000
specialize in fighting undead.
This rare weapon looks like the fang from a saber-
Girdle of the Frog toothed lion or tiger fixed onto a hilt. Although the
weapon does not appear sharp, it is treated as a knife
XP value: 400 +3.
gp value: 7,000 The most useful property of the dagger comes into
play when its wielder pulls one of his or her teeth
Although this item has a rather comical name, it and touches the dagger to the hole. The weapon
is a much valued magical belt useable by any class. transforms into a tooth and takes the place of the
The wearer of a girdle of the frog gains the Swimming one that was pulled, making it a concealed weapon
nonweapon proficiency (16). In addition, the wearer that is almost impossible to find. When the tooth is
can hop up to his movement rate across in feet, touched, it comes loose and turns into the knife.
clearing any object up to one-third their movement
rate high per round. For example, if the wearer has a
movement rate of 12, he can hop 12 feet in a single

Mace of Faith Ribbons of Talutah

XP value: 1,000 XP value: 100 each

gp value: 18,000 gp value: 700 each

These +2 weapons are finely crafted, and their Created by the eccentric wood elf sorceress/priest
hafts are usually made of carved and polished wood. Talutah, these colorful, magical hair ribbons are
However, in the hands of someone with an align- one-half inch wide and two feet long and are usually
ment that matches the mace, the weapon is +3. Fur- made of silk or satin. The ribbons must be worn, and
ther, if the wielder of the mace of faith is a priest, the a bow or knot tied in each one, for their magic to be
mace can cast the following spells upon its wielder effective. Each color symbolizes a different function,
once a day, provided the priest is of the same align- and more than one ribbon can be worn. When a rib-
ment: bless, cure serious wounds, cure disease and neu- bon’s magic has been used, the ribbon unties itself,
tralize poison. The spells cannot be cast on other flutters to the ground, and disappears.
individuals. Roll 1d8 and consult the following Pale green: Casts a cure serious wounds spell on its
chart to determine the alignment of the mace dis- wearer if the wearer falls to 0 or fewer hit points.
covered. True neutral maces are not believed to Bright blue: Casts a neutralize poison spell if its
exist. The maces can be used by any class. wearer succumbs to the effects of poison.
1 Lawful Good 2 Lawful Neutral Scarlet: Absorbs 15 points of magic missile damage.
3 Lawful Evil 4 Neutral Good Tan: At the wearer’s request, the ribbon recalls
5 Chaotic Evil 6 Neutral Evil into its wearer’s memory any single spell of 3rd level
7 Chaotic Good 8 Chaotic Neutral or lower.
Lemon yellow: Casts a cure disease spell if its
Phylactery of Priesthood wearer succumbs to a disease.
Violet: Grants its wearer a saving throw versus a
XP value: 2,000 spell that would not otherwise allow a saving throw.
gp value: 22,000 White: Negates a silence spell that is cast on or
within 15’ of the wearer.
This cloth armband is embroidered with symbols Peach: Absorbs 15 points of magical or nonmagi-
and runes and does not radiate magic. Useable only cal fire damage.
by priests, the armband allows its wearer to select Black: Releases a feather fall spell if the wearer
three spells a day that will have maximum effect. For falls more than 10’.
example, a curative spell would heal the maximum Pink: Protects the wearer from one level drain.
amount possible, or a flame strike would cause 48 Forest green: The ribbon causes the first saving
points of damage. The color of the cloth determines throw vs. spells its wearer must make to be success-
the spheres the priest can call upon for maximum ful.
effect. Multiple phylacteries can be worn. Gray: Protects the wearer from 15 points of magi-
cal cold damage.
Blue: Animal, Plant, Weather
Red: Sun, Astral, Summoning
Green: Healing, All, Combat
Orange: Charm, Guardian
Gold: Divination, Elemental
Silver: Necromancy, Protection

Ring of Might Scabbard of Enchantment

XP value: 250 XP value: 800

gp value: 10,000 gp value: 7,000

Created ages ago by powerful specialty priests of These magical scabbards, believed to be created
Tyr, these simple-looking magical bands engraved by an order of wizard-fighters devoted to Torm, are
with the symbol of Tyr’s hammer are useable only by tooled leather embossed with gold leaf. When a
priests. A priest who successfully strikes a target with nonmagical sword is sheathed in the scabbard and
his fist causes 1-8 points of damage and magically resides inside the magical leather, it temporarily
marks the target with the small imprint of a ham- gains a +1 enchantment based on the number of
mer. The ring must be on the hand that does the rounds it was sheathed. For example, a sword
striking. Strength bonuses can be added to the dam- sheathed for 3 rounds will act as a +1 sword for 3
age inflicted by the ring. rounds. The maximum amount of time a sword will
remain magical is 2 turns.
Ring of the Rat After unsheathing the blade, it will function as a
sword +1 —and will detect as magical—for the indi-
XP value: 600 cated time. The sheath will magically adjust to fit
gp value: 3,000 practically any blade, from a short sword to a two-
handed sword. Normal swords temporarily en-
Rings of the rat are simple iron bands, sometimes chanted by the scabbard can be effectively used
adorned with chipped stones, such as turquoise, against creatures that only can be struck by magical
jade, or quartz. Individuals who place the ring on a weapons.
finger instantly become aware of the ring’s powers. The scabbard also can be used on magical swords.
Their teeth become sharp and pointed, and their Such a sword sheathed for 3 rounds gains an addi-
fingernails long and edged, lowering their Charisma tional +1 for the following turn.
by 3. The wearer can attack with each clawed hand, A scabbard of enchantment will function three
once a round, causing 1-4 points of damage per suc- times a day.
cessful hit. Or, the wearer can bite, causing 1-4.
points of damage. Creatures bitten must save versus Staff of Strength
poison or contract a debilitating disease.
In addition, once each day the wearer can sum- XP value: 1,000
mon 2-20 (2d10) common rats or 1-6 giant rats. gp value: 9,000
The rats have full hit points and obey the com-
mands of the ring’s wearer for three turns. Then they Useable only by wizards, priests, and bards, a staff
disappear. of strength increases its wielder’s Strength by 1 while
A ring of the rat cannot be removed unless a it is held. It is rumored some staffs increase their
remove curse, limited wish, or wish is cast on the wielder’s Strength by 2. All staves of strength also
wearer, or the wearer dies. function as a +2 weapon.

Vest of Health

XP value: 700
gp value: 12,000

A finely sewn garment of colorful cloth, this vest

functions only for unarmored individuals. Each day
the vest absorbs 24 points of damage directed at the
wearer. This includes damage from physical and
magical attacks. However, it does not protect the
wearer from poisons or gasses. These vests are highly
prized by thieves and wizards.
If the wearer suffers more than 30 points of dam-
age while he or she has the vest on, the vest must
make a successful saving throw vs. spells or be

Trobriand’s Wand of Rejecting

XP value: 1,000
gp value: 8,000

A finely carved stick of ivory decorated with tiny

inset pearls, this wand is valued as a magical item as
well as a bauble.
A wand of rejecting begins with 100 charges, and
the item is keyed to a specific location. The majority
of these wands are keyed to Trobriand’s Graveyard;
however, others are believed to be keyed to places in
Waterdeep and elsewhere.
By expending a charge, speaking the wand’s com-
mand word, and touching the target creature or
individual, the target is transported to the keyed
area. The wand will not transport victims into solid

Wand of Woodland Wonder than a twig or sprig of mistletoe. By expending a
charge and speaking the command word, the wielder
XP value: 500 rolls percentile dice and consults the chart below for
gp value: 12,000 the wand’s effect. Although useable by any class,
such a wand is most effective in the hands of a
A variation on the wand of wonder, the wand of druid. A druid can call for a specific effect from the
woodland wonder is closely tied to nature. Often wand. A wand of woodland wonder is typically found
overlooked, the wand appears to be nothing more with l0-100 (10d10) charges.

Roll Effect
10-10 Wand transforms into a staff +1 for the following 5 rounds.
11-18 Target is healed for 1-8 hit points.
19-25 Target is polymorphed into a rabbit for the following 2 turns. A successful saving throw ver-
sus spells negates the effect.
26-30 Target is polymorphed into a tree for the following 2 turns. A successful saving throw versus
spells negates the effect.
31-33 Charm person or mammal spell is cast on target.
34-36 Entangle is cast on target.
37-46 Faerie fire is cast on target.
47-49 Heat metal is cast on target.
50-53 Rain falls on target for 1 turn.
54-58 Heat metal is cast on wielder.
59-62 A blueberry bush, three feet high, three feet wide, and three feet deep grows in front of tar-
get. The bush is filled with lucious, ripe blueberries.
63-65 Barkskin spell is cast on target.
66-69 Target sprouts leaves from all exposed skin. Leaves remain for 1 turn, worsening target’s
attack rolls and initiative rolls by 1.
70-79 Lightning strikes target, causing 6d6 points of damage, save for half damage.
80-84 Lightning strikes wielder, causing 6d6 points of damage, save for half damage.
85-87 Invisibility to animals is cast on the wand’s wielder. The spell’s duration is 1 turn, 4 rounds.
88-90 Target is covered by hundreds of crawling, biting ants. Target suffers 1d4 points of damage
for 4 rounds and is -1 on all attack and damage rolls.
91-97 A dig spell is cast on the ground under the wielder’s feet, creating a 10-cubic-foot hole. The
wielder and those standing near him fall into the hole and suffer 1d6 points of damage.
98-100 A dig spell is cast on the ground under the target’s feet, creating a 10-cubic-foot hole. The
wielder and those standing near him fall into the hole and suffer 1d6 points of damage.

NPCs of the
Deep Levels
his section details many of the that he is no longer being actively hunted and that
important and/or dangerous indi- the wanted posters bearing his face are only a mem-
viduals player characters can meet ory.
while traveling in Halaster’s home. The vagabond elf, who considers himself a jack-of-
Halaster, himself, is presented in all-trades, thrives in the Deep Levels of Undermoun-
the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set. He is not tain. Living in Skullport, he spends hours upon hours
included in this section of the massive dungeon, as hatching elaborate scams to ply against the nobles,
player characters should not encounter him on these merchants, and officials of Waterdeep. A consum-
levels. mate con artist, Arlen enjoys the thrill of a successful
Player characters can encounter these NPCs in con more than the financial gain it nets him—
various areas within the four levels of Undermountain. although the gain is usually considerable. It matters
II and within the other levels if you have access to little to him whether the con is perpetrated against
the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set. The NPC those in Waterdeep or adventurers traveling in Hal-
backgrounds list some of the places these characters aster’s dungeon.
often can be found. In addition, if player characters He has romanced wealthy women, passed himself
perform noisy acts or raise a ruckus that attracts off as a traveling jeweler, convinced crowds that he
undue attention to themselves, one or more of these has a magical cure-all for sale, and has concocted a
NPCs is likely to search them out and either help variety of guises and stories that have bilked money
them, do them in, or chase them from Undermoun- from unsuspecting Waterdhavians; Of course, Arlen
tain. has been known to spend several weeks at a time
underground, especially when he fears conditions are
Arlen of the Swiftstrike: CN em F9/W10/P9/T11: too “hot” above ground or if he spotted a familiar
AC -1; MV 12; hps 81; THAC0 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg Guardsman’s face. During this time, the master of
by spell or weapon type; 1-3 (quarrel from hand disguise works at creating more disguises and magical
crossbow), 1-8 + variable (long sword of dancing), potions to aid in pulling off his assorted “jobs.”
1-6+3 (flail +3); STR 18/20, INT 16, WIS 15, DEX Player characters are likely to encounter Arlen
18, CON 16, CHR 14. Spells: see below. anywhere in Undermountain. He will not fight
them, unless seriously threatened. Rather, he will try
A relative newcomer to Undermountain, Arlen to scam them, acting the part of an escaped slave or
moved in four years ago to avoid prosecution by the lost adventurer. When he has convinced the PCs of
Waterdeep authorities. He was spotted assassinating his “role,” he will pick a few choice pockets and
a local baron and knew if he did not make good his vanish into the shadows of Undermountain—to cre-
escape he would swiftly dangle from a rope. He ate a new disguise and attempt to scam them again
feared they could use spells to see through any of his later.
disguises. He has recently begun making occasional Arlen has the nonweapon proficiencies Disguise
trips to the city—for profit and to keep his skills in (19), Ventriloquism (18) Appraising (19), Tumbling
peak condition. He hopes enough time has gone by (19), and Jumping (20).

Much of Arlen’s wealth is scattered in little niches spreading Malar’s influence in the Realms, or hunt-
about Undermountain. However, he keeps 2,500 gp, ing adventurers. The latter is the priestess’ favorite
1,200 sp, 300 cp and 100 pp in a hidden niche near activity, and she allows no lesser priests to accom-
Spike’s home. Several packets of dust of disappearance pany her. The kill must be hers alone. Benita is
and dust of tracelessness also are stored there. His accepted and respected by nearly all of the other
room at Skullport is filled with an assortment of male Malar priests in Undermountain. She senses that
and female clothes, make-up, wigs, costume jewelry, Mal is jealous of her position, and she flaunts her
walking sticks, boots, and other objects to help him power in front of him at every opportunity. She is
pull of his disguise acts. Arlen always wears and car- oblivious to his plans to dispose of her.
ries his: cloak of protection +3, worn leather armor +2, Benita rose in power in the Malar cult from the
boots of elvenkind, long sword of dancing, bag of holding areas around Waterdeep. However, pressure from the
(30 cubic feet), and three packets of dust of disappear- rural goodly-aligned clerics, who she suspects killed
ance. the high Malar priest, and city officials who did not
Arlen has the following wizard spells: 4, 4, 3, 2, 2. like the obvious presence of an evil cult, drove her
He usually memorizes change self, chill touch, grease, from the city. Little do the officials know that she
spider climb, Melf’s acid arrow, mirror image, Tasha’s and her cult are right below their feet, gaining in
uncontrollable hideous laughter, web, suggestion, vam- power and spell-casting ability.
piric touch, wind wall, phantasmal killer, polymorph self, It was by accident that the priestess discovered
chaos, feeblemind. Undermountain. Unknowingly stepping through one
He has the following priest spells: 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, of the magical gates, she found herself swimming in
with major access to the spheres of All, Charm, the middle of the underground river. It took her days
Combat, Divination, Protection, and minor access to of exploring before she realized where she was, and
the spheres of Healing and Guardian. He usually car- days more before she found a way out. She goes
ries: cure light wounds ×3, detect magic, curse, hold per- above ground now only rarely, as she believes she
son, chant, spiritual hammer, silence 15’ radius, better serves Malar by working with priests under-
withdraw, prayer, speak with dead, dispel magic, detect ground. Her favorite gate is the pool near Wyllow-
lie, spell immunity, flamestrike. wood, which leads to Heroes’ Garden in Waterdeep.
The high priestess can be encountered in the
Benita Darkwind: CE hf P17: AC -2; MV 12; hps Malar temple and nearby chambers, and in the
79; THAC0 10; #AT 2 or 1; Dmg by spell or weapon underground forest. Benita is careful not to anger the
type; 1-6+1/1-6+1 (claws of Malar) or 1-6+4 (foot- druidess there, who she believes could turn the
man’s mace +3); STR 17, INT 17, WIS 17, DEX 19, woods against her. Traditionally, druids have gone
CON 18, CHR 15. Spells: see below. out of their way to destroy Malar strongholds. Benita
grudgingly accords her a small part of the forest in
A graceful young woman who hides her years behind respect for her nature powers. However, the high
potions of longevity, Benita is the head priestess of priestess considers the druidess fair game if she goes
Malar in Undermountain. A specialty priestess, she beyond the forest into other areas of the dungeon.
carries herself like royalty, but wears only simple Still, Benita makes it a point to visit weekly with
robes and jewelry. Benita believes there are far more the druidess and discuss the animals and plants of the
important things to attend to than one’s personal underground. The priestess occasionally charms a
appearance. Still, she is always cleaned and groomed, forest creature so she can use it to relay information
and turns many male heads in the dungeon. about happenings in the forest and the druidess’s
The priestess is thoroughly devoted to her deity activities. Benita has decided if the druidess ever
and spends every waking hour either praying, study- regains her sanity, the cult must kill her before she
ing animals, working with the lesser priests on can gather her animal forces and destroy the cult’s

underground stronghold. 3-18; SA Nil; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M (5’ tall at
Benita has few valuables, as she devotes all of her shoulder); ML 11; XP 650 each.
wealth to funding her priests’ expeditions to outlying
aboveground communities. What wealth she has, Crissann: LE hf W7: AC 3; MV 12; hps 35; THAC0
about 400 gp, is stored in her private chamber near 18; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; 1-6+2 (staff
the temple. She wears and carries all her magical +2), 1-4+1 (dagger +1); STR 11 (12), INT 18, WIS
items when she travels about Undermountain: elven 13, DEX 18, CON 18, CHR 16 (19). Spells: see
chainmail+2, footman’s mace +3, phylactery of faithful- below.
ness, and a belt of the monkey (Climbing). Her prized
possessions are her claws of Malar. Crissann is the sole survivor of an evil adventuring
A trio of giant boars, magically altered to be espe- band that was ordered by Zulkir Szass Tam, a power-
cially tough and strong, accompanies Benita at all ful Red Wizard of Thay, to journey into the under-
times. One of Benita’s favorite combat tactics is to ground forest in search of Halaster’s treasure. All but
cast animal growth on her boars and direct them to Crissann died at the hands of Wyllow and the green
fight. dragon. The deranged druidess charmed Crissann,
PCs who encounter Benita will not find her ini- and the wizard served the druidess for several months
tially hostile. The priestess is always open-minded before the effects of the charm spell wore off.
about attracting new followers to Malar. Potential Crissann elected to stay in Undermountain, which
converts are not “game,” as the high priestess holds she had grown accustomed to. She fears returning to
spreading her religion more important than the joys the surface and encountering the Red Wizard who
of the hunt. However, those who do not seem sympa- hired her. A she has learned there is profit to be
thetic become her targets, and she will personally made from the foolish adventurers who travel the
hunt them down relentlessly—or notify lesser priests deep ways.
of their presence if the trespassers seem too weak to Crissann is only encountered in Wyllowwood. Her
pose a challenge. home is in the forest, in a small hut high in a willow
Benita has the following spells: 9, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, tree that the druidess helped her construct. She
with major access to the spheres of All, Animal, spends her days wandering about the forest and the
Healing, Plant, Summoning, Sun, and Weather, and other chambers in this level in the company of a
minor access to the spheres of Divination, Elemental, quartet of massive ogres. They prey upon adventurers
and Protection. She usually carries these spells: bless, who have been injured by other denizens of Under-
animal friendship ×2, invisibility to animals, cure light mountain.
wounds ×4, create water, augury, find traps, speak with Crissann desires to gain enough power and magic
animals ×3, messenger, chant, spiritual hammer, slow to get the attention of Halaster. She hopes to be
poison, hold animal, hold metal ×2, summon insects ×2, taken on as an apprentice and become powerful
prayer, speak with dead ×2, repel insects, produce fire, enough to return to the surface without fear of the
cure serious wounds ×3, cause serious wounds ×2, ani- Red Wizard. Her spellbooks are kept in her treehouse
mal growth ×3, cure critical wounds ×2, break limb, home, as are a variety of potions and other personal
heal, harm, stone tell, animate rock. possessions. When traveling about Undermountain,
As a specialty priest of Malar, she has a 98% she always has her ring of protection +1, comb of
chance to accurately identify plants, animals, and beauty (adds +3 to Charisma), cloak of protection +2,
pure water. In addition, she is immune to the effects staff +2 (staff of strength), dagger +1, collar of ogre con-
of charm spells cast by woodland creatures. trol, potion of rainbow hues, potion of invisibility, potion
of flying, potion of extra-healing, and potion of fire resis-
Giant Boars (3): Int Animal; AL Nil; AC 3; MV tance. Nearly all of Crissann’s potions were taken
12; HD 8; hps 64 each; THAC0 12; #AT 1; Dmg from defeated adventurers.

Crissann’s spells are 5, 4, 3, 2. When traveling to chat with priests of various religions. The priests
about Undermountain, she usually memorizes magic of Malar gave him the most attention and encour-
missile, wall of fog, chill touch, color spray, detect magic, aged him to join their ranks. Dulic soon found him-
spectral hand, continual light, darkness 1.5’ radius, fog self entrenched in the evil religion, and he coaxed
cloud, feign death, vampirc touch, protection from nor- his younger half-brother, Wachiru, to follow his path
mal missiles, contagion, polymorph self. as well.
The brothers admire Benita and work to please
Ogres (4): Int Low; AL CE; AC 5; MV 9; HD her. Dulic believes serving the high priestess is the
4+1; hps 33 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; best way to gain influence in the cult. Further, he
SA Nil; SD Nil MR Nil; SZ L (10’ tall); ML 12; XP believes she will show him more and more spells of
175 each. increasing difficulty and power and thus bring him
closer to understanding all the intricacies of the
Dulic: CE hm P8: AC 0; MV 12; hps 43; THAC0 Malar religion.
16; #AT 2; Dmg by spell or weapon type; 1-4+1/ Dulic is patient, thorough, and a steadfast believer
2-4+1 (claws of Malar); STR 17, INT 17, WIS 13, in Malar the Beastlord and the practices of his
DEX 18, CON 15, CHR 14. Spells: see below. priests. The brawny priest is confident Malar will one
day become the dominant deity in the Realms,
Dulic is the eldest son of one of Waterdeep’s famed though likely not in his lifetime.
law enforcers, Sir Henryck Vedar. However, Dulic He has not been above ground in more than two
was never much for following laws or for following in years. He is satisfied with life in Undermountain and
his father’s footsteps. From an early age he was fasci- devotes his time to strengthening the cult, hunting
nated by clerical magic and took every opportunity trespassers, and learning from Benita. Dulic and his

brother can be found on any level of Undermoun- constructing an elaborate underground tunnel sys-
tain, traveling about in search of new and unusual tem. By this time Ezzat was aged and had no hope of
beasts and potential new followers of Malar. Dulic defeating a human who was rumored to have gained
and his brother spend only one week a month in the immortality. The frail wizard used all the magic left
underground forest. Dulic knows full well that druids at his command to turn himself into a lich, an act he
are enemies of Malar priests. He is uncertain why was certain would buy him time to wear away at Hal-
Benita allows the mad druidess to live. However, he aster’s defenses.
respects the high priestess’s orders that the druidess Moving underground, Ezzat eventually found the
be left alone. Like Benita, Dulic has little personal deep ways, the underground forest, and the caverns
wealth, only 300 gp, which he keeps in the priests’ and chambers that made up Halaster’s domain. Still,
quarters. the lich could not locate the Mad Wizard. From time
While wandering in Undermountain he wears and to time Halaster sends magical messages to the lich,
carries all of his magical items: chainmail +1, phylac- taunting him. The Mad Wizard has yet to confront
tery of long years, cloak of Malar (lion), and a stone of Ezzat.
good luck. Ezzat calls no chamber home beneath Waterdeep;
Dulic has the following spells: 3, 3, 3, 2, with however, he has been known to reside in unoccupied
major access to the spheres of All, Animal, Healing, caverns for up to a month at a time. During these
Plant, Summoning, Sun, Weather, and minor access sojourns he works on magical mixtures and devices
to the spheres of Divination, Elemental, and Protec- he hopes to use against Halaster. He recently discov-
tion. He usually carries the following spells: bless, ered a magical cream (detailed in the “New Magical
cure light wounds ×2, spiritual hammer, heat metal ×2, Items” section) that keeps his skin from deteriorat-
protection from fire, hold metal, water walk, cause seri- ing. He uses this to look less frightening.
ous wounds, cure serious wounds. Adventurers wandering in Undermountain could
Dulic and Wachiru typically have 5-8 (1d4+4) find an ally in the lich—provided they do not attack
fighters of 4th-6th levels with them. These fighters him because of his undead state. Ezzat will aid no
are loyal to Malar and protect the priests. individuals who menace or attack him. However, he
is willing to assist all those who are able to look past
Ezzat, Lich: Int Supra-genius; AL NG; AC 0; MV 6; appearances and talk before drawing their swords.
HD 15; hps 75; THAC0 10; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SA If a band of player characters encounters Ezzat—
spells; SD + 1 or better weapon to hit; MR Nil; SZ M and do not attack him, he will be cordial. He warns
(6’ tall); ML 17; XP 9,000. them to be careful where they travel in the deep
ways. Ezzat knows of the two dragons, the Malar
Many hundreds of years ago, Ezzat, a Netherese priests, and of the insane druidess (who he has been
mage, had the opportunity to become an apprentice unable to cure). He is uncertain where the temple to
to Halaster. At the time, the elven Ezzat was corrupt Malar is, though he is certain it is hidden and cannot
and self-serving. However, a relationship with a be far from the forest.
human priestess of Lliira lightened his soul, and the If the adventurers are injured, he will use his
wizard cut off all dealings with Halaster. However, spells to help protect them and get them to a safe
through the years, Ezzat followed the tales of Hal- place to rest and heal. Although the lich is willing
aster’s exploits and became more and more con- to discuss all the rumors of Halaster and the dun-
vinced he must do something to stop his former geon, he will not tarry too long with outsiders. His
associate. When the priestess died of old age, Ezzat mission is to find Halaster, and he believes he must
directed all of his energies to finding Halaster. do this alone.
Eventually, those efforts paid off and the elf A group of adventurers which attacks the lich
learned the Mad Wizard was beneath Waterdeep, could find themselves in serious danger. The lich will

bring all of his spells to bear against such a group. charm spell after charm spell until one of them got
Ezzat, however, will not fight to the death. He will past the elf’s natural resistance to such magic and
escape if he is threatened so he can see to his wounds made Garrik Halaster’s puppet.
and continue with his quest for finding Halaster. Halaster demanded to know all about the current
The lich has few magical items, as nearly every- political situation in Waterdeep and every intricate
thing he had went toward making him an undead. In detail about the thieves’ guild operating there. Gar-
addition, magical items he gains from fallen adven- rik revealed all he knew. The thief, who was taught
turers are often given over to other adventurers who many derails about Halaster’s gates, now returns to
are in need. Waterdeep each week at Halaster’s orders to gain
Ezzat usually wears his cloak of arachnida and his more information for his Mad Wizard master. While
amulet of proof against detection and location, and car- inside Undermountain, Garrik can be found on any
ries with him 1-4 potions of healing, a decanter of end- level. Halaster’s apprentices and creatures loyal to
less water, and a periapt of proof against poison. the Mad Wizard do not threaten the thief, although
Ezzat has the following spells: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, some do not like him.
1. He usually memorizes burning hands, charm person, Garrik is charged with being Halaster’s chief sur-
chill touch, comprehend languages, unseen servant, bind, face spy. He uses his thieving abilities to scamper
detect evil, glitterdust, know alignment, web, clairaudi- about Undermountain to learn about adventurer
ence, clairvoyance, fireball, hold person, invisibility 10’ trespassers and powerful creatures which accidently
radius, charm monster, Evard’s black tentacles, fear, ice pass through Halaster’s gates and could threaten life
storm, remove curse, animate dead, cone of cold, feeble, in Undermountain. Garrik’s favorite ploy is to use
mind, telekinesis, wall of force, mislead, reincarnation, his ring of invisibility and follow adventuring par-
flesh to stone, delayed blast fireball, forcecage, mass ties for hours, noting their strengths, weaknesses,
invisibility, maze, prismatic wall, meteor storm. and any magical items they display. When he is sat-
isfied with the knowledge, he scampers away and
Garrik Oakspear: N em T20: AC 0; MV 12; hps 64; finds one of Halaster’s apprentices, to whom he
THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; 1-6+2 quickly reveals the information. The apprentice
(short sword of quickness +2), 1d4+5 (dagger +5); STR mounts a parry and pursues the adventurers—if the
13, INT 15, WIS 14, DEX 18, CON 14, CHR 8. All adventurers seem powerful enough to pose a threat
thieving abilities are at 95%. to the dungeon.
If Garrik is spotted by the adventurers, he attempts
Garrik is magically loyal to Halaster, kept under a to flee, rather than fight. Halaster has instructed him
powerful charm that is renewed each month to make to protect himself; the mage has no desire to go to
sure he does not escape. The thief came to Under- the bother of charming a new chief spy.
mountain more than a year ago, fleeing the wrath of However, Garrik is not above attacking lone
Xanathar, the beholder-leader of Waterdeep’s adventurers who get separated from their parties. He
thieves’ guild. The elf believed his skills and magical collects any wealth they have and adds it to his per-
items would keep him safe and would let him into sonal allowance. The thief yields all collected magi-
the deepest chambers of the dungeon where the cal items to Halaster or his apprentices.
greatest wealth was rumored to be had. Garrik When Garrik is not skulking about, he can be
descended more than halfway into the complex found in Skullport. Occasionally he travels in the
when he was apprehended by Muiral, one of Halas- underground forest, trying to gain the attention of
ter’s apprentices. Muiral wanted to watch the elven the druidess. He is transfixed with her beauty and is
thief suffer, so she brought him before Halaster and overjoyed when she pays him the least bit of atten-
was surprised when the mage did not kill him. tion. Halaster has not prohibited the thief from
Instead, Halaster bent the thief to his will by casting attempting to romance the druidess. The Mad Wiz-

ard is amused at the thief’s impossible goal. He is quick to attack adventurers, after he has
Garrik lives in chamber #44, near the forest. accessed their strengths and weaknesses. If the
When traveling about the dungeon, Garrik wears adventurers seem too formidable, he waits until the
and carries all of his magical items: boots of striding other creatures of Undermountain wear them down
and springing, bracers of defense AC 4, dagger +5, short or until Spite is available to help him.
sword of quickness +2, wand of flame extinguishing (32 Kumar lives in the ruins numbered 45 on the map
charges), brooch of fire resistance, ring of invisibility, of the Wyllowwood level. He is found there primarily
horned ring, and a brooch of shielding (which can when he rests. During this rime he is guarded by the
absorb 58 points of magic missile damage). eight ogres who often accompany him. He keeps all
of his wealth on him, in a large bag of holding that is
Kumar, Ogre Mage: Int Exceptional; AL LE; AC -1; strapped to his waist. The ogre mage’s wealth
MV 9, FL 15 (B); HD 10; hps 71; THAC0 11; #AT includes 2,400 gp worth of pearls and small gems, 20
1; Dmg 1-12 or 1-6+4 (spear +2 and STR bonus); gp, 10 pp, 30 sp, 1-4 potions, and a wand of magic
SA spells; SD spells; MR Nil; SZ L (11’ tall); ML 13; detection (with 22 charges remaining). The remainder
XP 650. of his wealth is stored in three accounts in a Water-
deep savings institution—each account for a different
Kumar came to Undermountain pursuing a pair of human guise. Kumar wears an emerald earring of pro-
adventurers who inadvertently stepped through a tection +5, an earring of deception (derailed in the
gate and found themselves in Trobriand’s Graveyard. “New Magical Items” section), and carries a spear +2.
Once in the dungeon, the ogre mage lost all interest Kumar can fly for 12 turns, become invisible, cause
in the adventurers and spent the next several days darkness in a 10’ radius, polymorph to a human or
examining his surroundings and trying to escape. By humanoid form and regenerate 1 point of damage a
using his ability to look like humans and humanoids, rum. In addition, once a day, he can cast the follow-
Kumar attracted the attention of the young wizard ing wizard spells: charm person, sleep, gaseous form,
Spite. Spite saw through the guises to Kumar’s true and cone of cold (60’ long with a terminal diameter of
self, and the pair became as close to allies as is possi- 20 feet, inflicts 8d8 points of damage, save vs. spell
ble for their kind. for one-half).
Relying on each others’ abilities, Kumar and Spite In addition, because Kumar is a 7th-level priest, he
engineered various magical traps and devices to can have the following spells: 5,5,3,2. The spells he
catch trespassers. They split the wealth equally. typically carries are: command, entangle, pass without
Kumar often rakes some of the wealth, polymorphs truce, cure light wounds ×2, hold person, spiritual ham-
into a suitable human form, and purchases delicacies, mer, heat metal, silence 15’ radius, warp wood, speak
spell components, and assorted items to further their with dead, snare, curse, cause serious wounds, and cure
research. The ogre mage enjoys returning to the sur- serious wounds.
face and mingling with unsuspecting humans. Most
of those who live in the deep ways have learned that Ogres (8): Int Low; AL CE; AC 5; MV 9; HD
he is an ogre mage and regard him with caution. 4+1; hps 25 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10;
Kumar can be found practically anywhere in SA Nil; SD Nil MR Nil; SZ L (10’ tall); ML 12; XP
Undermountain— but always in the guise of a 175 each.
human, demihuman or ogre. A distinctive emerald
earring tells the regular inhabitants of Undermoun- Mal: NE h-em F14/P14: AC -3; MV 9; hps 84;
rain that the form belongs to Kumar the ogre mage. THAC0 6; #AT 2; Dmg by spell or weapon type;
He will be encountered either alone, with a band of 1-6+6 (footman’s flail +2), 2-8+5 (khopesh +2); STR
ogres, or with Spite. The only thing that distin- 18/53, INT 13, WIS 18, DEX 13, CON 16, CHR 14.
guishes him from a normal ogre is his earring. Spells: see below.

A former student of Benita, Mal has remained loyal four levels of Undermountain presented in this box.
to Malar the Beastlord. However, the muscular In addition, he can be found in the marketplace and
fighter-priest has no loyalry to Benita. Mal hides his along the docks in Waterdeep, making purchases for
animosity toward the high priestess well, following the temple and the other priests in the dungeon.
her directions and concentrating his efforts on When not sleeping in his quarters, Mal carries and
spreading the influence of the Beastlord. But behind wears all of his magical items: footman’s flail +2,
her back he spreads dissension among the lesser khopesh sword +2, banded mail +3, shield +3, ring of
priests, encouraging them to question her judgment feather falling.
and to look to him for guidance. Most have remained The fighter priest has these spells: 8, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2,
loyal to her. However, Mal has gained enough secret 1, with major access to the spheres of All, Animal,
followers to give him hope. He believes that within Healing, Plant, Summoning, Sun, Weather, and
the next few years he will have eroded Benita’s power minor access to the spheres of Divination, Elemental,
and she will be ripe for a fall. and Protection. He usually carries the following
Mal envisions himself as head priest to this cult of spells: bless, detect good, animal friendship, invisibility to
Malar. Since the Beastlord is male, he believes it is animals, cure light wounds, entangle, pass without trace,
only fitting a man such as himself act as a high priest. detect magic, charm person or mammal, messenger,
Mal does not believe it is a woman’s place to lead a snake charm, speak with animals, find traps, know align-
temple. ment, heat metal, produce flame, hold animal, speak
He is patient, manipulative, and confident that he with dead, protections from fire, hold metal, water
will one day reach his goal. When he encounters breathing, water walk, plant growth, giant insect, cure
adventurers wandering about Undermountain, he serious wounds ×2, cause serious wounds ×2, speak with
poses as a fellow adventurer who lost his way from plants, rainbow, cure critical wounds, cause critical
his companions. Mal acts the part of a fighter only, wounds, heal, harm, exaction.
not giving the adventurers cause to realize he also
has priestly skills. When Mal believes the adventur- Nandel Greenward: CE hf W 13: AC 0; MV 12; hps
ers have accepted him, he reveals that there is a cult 39; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon
of an evil god somewhere in the dungeon, headed by type; 1-6+3 (staff +3), 1-4+3 (dagger +3); STR 15,
a beautiful woman. Eventually he excuses himself INT 18, WIS 16, DEX 12, CON 10, CHR 18. Spells:
from the adventurers and loses himself in the see below.
dungeon. Mal is hopeful someday soon a band of
adventurers strong enough to defeat Benita will do Nandel, one of Halaster’s apprentices, is looked upon
her in, leaving him ready to step in as head priest. with much favor by the Mad Wizard because of her
Mal will fight adventurers only if they pose a dan- cunning, maliciousness, and great beauty. Despite the
ger to himself or discover his ties to the Malar cult. power that is hers to command, she acts the part of a
Despite his dislike of Benita, he does not want to see willing student, eager to learn more from the “great
harm fall to the cult. master.”
The fighter-priest spends little time in the priest When Nandel came to Undermountain 125 years
quarters. However, he stores most of his wealth there, ago she planned to learn from Halaster, then kill him
hidden behind a rocky outcropping. To get at his and take his place. However, she has grown to care
wealth, approximately 13,000 gp worth of coins and for him, respect him despite his madness, and fancies
gems, he casts animate rock to open the hollow to his herself as one day marrying him—a goal other female
treasure. Characters in the priest’s quarters on the apprentices have not been able to accomplish. She is
map can find Mal’s wealth only by using animate rock, certain the Mad Wizard will share with her the
other powerful spells, or lots of hammers and chisels. secrets of his longevity magics so they can spend
Mal can be encountered nearly anywhere in the eternity together.

Nandel is haughty, arrogant, and efficient with her dispel magic, fireball, fly, hold person, lightning bolt,
use of spells and magical items. She knows she is only charm monster, confusion, ice storm, wall of fire, ani-
guardedly accepted by Halaster’s “associates” and mate dead, cone of cold, hold monster, telekinesis, mass
other apprentices, as they do not wholly trust suggestion, flesh to stone.
her—and she has given them no reason to. Further,
she knows Arcturia, Halaster’s winged apprentice, Shadow, quasit: Int Low; AL CE; AC 2; MV 15;
loathes her. (Arcturia, presented in the Ruins of HD 3; hps 17; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1-2/1-2/
Undermountain boxed set, had wanted to marry Hal- 1-4; SA spells; SD Special; MR 25%; SZ T (2’ tall);
aster.) ML 10; XP 650.
Ever on the lookout for new magical spells and
items, Nandel frequently can be found wandering Shadow’s claws are coated with a toxin. Any crea-
throughout Undermountain, attracted by the sounds ture struck by his claws must make a successful saving
of battle. Her desire to gain magic has been the throw versus poison or lose 1 point of Dexterity for
downfall of many adventuring parties that acciden- the following 2-12 rounds. Dexterity losses are
rally crossed her path. cumulative. In addition, Shadow can turn invisible,
Her private chambers are deeper within Under- detect good, and detect magic at will. He regenerates 1
mountain, on a level not detailed in this box. There, point of damage a round and can release a fear blast
she keeps her spell books, scrolls, and various elixirs once a day that has a 30’ radius. Once each week,
she is experimenting with. However, she is never Shadow can commune with the lower planes and ask
without the following magical items: bracers of six questions—these queries are usually directed by
defense AC 3, ring of protection +3, boots of levitation, Nandel. The quasit only can be harmed by cold iron
dagger +3, staff +3, wand of magic detection (18 or magical weapons. He is immune to cold, fire, and
charges), wand of magic missiles (49 charges), ring of lightning and saves as a 7-HD monster. In addition,
warmth, and a pouch filled with dust of disappearance he can assume two other forms—those of a bat and a
(which contains 12 uses when full). Nandel makes wolf. He can use all of his abilities in these forms.
sure she always has at least a dozen pouches available Often Shadow appears as a jet black wolf at Nandel’s
filled with the dust. side.
When Nandel hears a battle, she often applies her Nandel and Shadow can be encountered anywhere
dust of disappearance so she can watch the fight in the levels presented in Undermountain II or in the
unseen. If the participants include a band of adven- Ruins of Undermountain. However, the pair shy away
turers, she stays to the fight’s conclusion. If the from the underground forest. The green dragon who
adventurers lose, she uses her spells to chase away lives there dislikes Nandel; she successfully stole
the monsters so she can steal whatever magic lies on magic from the bodies of adventurers the dragon had
the bodies. If the adventurers win, she gauges their slain.
strengths and attacks before they can heal them-
selves. Nandel is usually accompanied by her quasit Sher Redmane: LN hm P15: AC 2; MV 12; hps 77;
familiar, Shadow. If Nandel finds herself in danger, THAC0 12; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type;
she uses her dust of disappearance or spells to aid her 1-6+2 (staff +2); STR 14, INT 12, WIS 16, DEX 9,
escape. She is not likely to tell others of her failed CON 12, CHR 17. Spells: see below.
encounter with a band of adventurers, as this would
make her appear weak. Sher has been wandering about Undermountain for
Nandel’s spells are 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 2. She usually the past several months, cataloging the creatures,
memorizes the following spells: affect normal fires, studying the people who live there, and hoping to
hold portal, jump, magic missile, ventriloquism, blind- catch a glimpse of the spirit of Halaster. The priest is
ness, darkness, 15’ radius, detect good, glitterdust, web, certain the old wizard is dead, but auguries have

revealed Halaster has a “presence” in Undermountain. Exiled from Waterdeep because he killed a young
Sher views good and evil as necessary in the world, noble companion in a supposedly mock combat,
and has tried to not judge those living under Water- Sigafyse discovered the bowels of Undermountain to
deep. Still, the priest has witnessed things that be a more to his liking than the city’s streets.
appalled him, and he has—on occasion—assisted Sigafyse, who claims no alliance with Halaster and
bands of adventurers who were too weak and injured his apprentices, has been allowed to operate in
to make it out of the dungeon on their own. Undermountain because he and his band deal with
The priest of Lliira realizes he could be jeopardiz- trespassers. Sigafyse has encountered some of Hal-
ing his life by traveling in Halaster’s domain. Still, he aster’s apprentices, and nearly come to blows with
is driven by a curiosity to discover and catalog every- them. However, he decided it would not do well to
thing down here and to learn about a cult of Malar anger the wizard who owns the dungeon, so he made
the Beastlord he believes to be gaining in power and his peace with them and moved on.
numbers. Sigafyse was trained first by the famed wizard
He will not fight a group of adventurers unless he Malika of the Sword Coast: because he was obsessed
is threatened or provoked. The priest will cure them with magic and believed it would make him rich and
if they appear badly injured. In exchange, he asks powerful. However, by the time he had achieved
they report to him any evidence of Malar worshipers. some stature as a practitioner of the Art, he did not
Sher will question adventurers about their home, have as much wealth as planned. Therefore, the
current happenings in Waterdeep, and the political greedy Sigafyse switched professions to a fighter,
climate of the surrounding area. learning combat skills from various guild members.
Sher has little wealth, only a handful of gold and He believed brute force would net him the gold and
silver coins. He has no need for money in the under- recognition he demanded.
ground. He carries and wears these magical items: Sigafyse tries to avoid Halaster’s apprentices. How-
bracers of defense AC 2, staff +2, boots of speed, ring of ever, he has been known to follow Nandel at a dis-
water walking, three potions of sweet water. creet distance. He considers the evil wizard beautiful
Sher has the following spells: 8, 8, 6, 6, 4, 2, 1, and deadly—a perfect match for himself. Still, he
with major access to the spheres of Astral, Charm, knows she has designs on Halaster. Sigafyse has
Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necro- decided to wait until Halaster refuses her affections;
mantic, Protection, Weather, and minor access to then the beauteous wizard will need comforting.
the spheres of All, Elemental, Summoning, and Sun. Sigafyse is greedy, impulsive, and domineering.
He usually carries the following spells: bless, detect He rarely acts from caution and almost never studies
evil, detect good, purify food & drink, cure light wounds a target before attacking. He believes his skills as a
×4, enthrall, hold person, wyvern watch, silence 15’ fighter and a wizard, coupled with the strength of his
radius, aid, slow poison, heat metal, produce flame, band of flinds, are more than a match for any tres-
prayer, create food 6’ water ×2, protection from fire, passers. The flinds remain loyal to him because he
pyrotechnics, cure disease, produce fire, cure serious pays them well and keeps them safe from Halaster’s
wounds x3, protection from evil 10’ radius, repel insects, apprentices. He and his band make their home in
flame strike, wall of fire, cure critical wounds ×2, blade the far northwest corner of the forest. In a spell-
barrier, break limb, animate rock. guarded tree trunk he keeps his spell books, his
wealth firetrapped in a concealed chest, and an
Sigafyse Wimbly: NE hm W10/F14: AC -2; MV 12; assortment of weapons taken as prizes from defeated
hps 78; THAC0 7; #AT 2; Dmg by spell or weapon adventurers.
type; 1-10+6/1-10+6 (two-handed sword +4); STR Although Sigafyse covets magical items, especially
18, INT 18, WIS 14, DEX 10, CON 16, CHR 17. scrolls containing new spells, he much more values
Spells: see below. gems and jewelry—items he believes will help him

win the corrupt heart of Nandel. His stock of gems Spite’s closest ally, if it is possible for the evil mage
and jewelry is currently valued at 61,400 gp. to have such, is Kumar, an ogre mage. The pair
While Sigafyse is moving about the Undermoun- spends hours devising plots and creating magical
tain complex, he carries and wears: full plate armor devices to bedevil trespassers.
+3, two-handed sword +4, ring of sustenance, helm of The youthful wizard considers Undermountain a
comprehending languages and reading magic, and a half- grand adventure. It is a place where he and Kumar
full jar of Keoghtom’s ointment. can conduct all manner of magical experiments and
Sigafyse’s spells are 4, 4, 3, 2, 2. He usually memo- taunt trespassing explorers.
rizes burning hands, charm person, enlarge, protection The underground is a place Spite can call home, a
from good, continual light, detect invisibility, irritation, hidden community with all the benefits of a city and
stinking cloud, fly, invisibility 10’ radius, slow, poly- none of what he perceives as drawbacks, such as
morph other, wall of ice, airy water, cloudkill. taxes and meddling city guards. In past years Spite
found himself moving around from town to town
Flinds (8-12): Int Average; AL LE; AC 5; MV because law-enforcement officials considered his
12; HD 2+3; hps 15 each; THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg magical experiments “unlawful acts.” Spite always
1-4/1-4; SA Flindbar; SD Nil; MR Nil; SZ M (6’ fled to avoid the loss of time and possible ramifica-
tall); ML 11; XP 65 each. tions of a trial.
Spite spends most of his time in the ruins num-
Sigafyse’s band employs flindbars, allowing them bered #45 near Wyllowwood. PCs can encounter
two attacks a round. If a flind successfully hits a vic- him there, where he enjoys slaving for hours over
rim with a flindbar, the victim must save versus complex magical experiments. His current endeav-
wands or his weapon is considered entangled in the ors include animating rocks and plants and giving
flindbar’s chain and is torn away. them rudimentary intelligence. Although he has not
been very successful, he is confident that with his
Spite Harrowdale: NE hm W 17: AC 2; MV 12; hps younger body he has all the years he needs to create
57; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon new rock and plant life. Spite is careful not to steal
type; 1-6+2 (staff +2), 1-4+3 (dagger of venom +3); plants from the underground forest when the
STR 10, INT 18, WIS 15, DEX 17, CON 18, CHR druidess is around.
16. Spells: see below. Player characters also can encounter Spite in the
forest and at numbers 2, 18, and 19 of Wyllowwood
Appearing to be physically only 12 years old, Spite is and at various locations in Trobriand’s graveyard.
one of the oldest wizards in Undermountain: nearly The youthful-looking wizard occasionally makes
900 years of age. The rogue mage from Rashemen has trips to the surface where he wanders about the
imbibed several dozen longevity elixirs. Spite is wiry, Waterdeep marketplaces picking up juicy bits of gos-
freckle-faced, and has a shock of tousled brown hair sip about the city. Spite considers himself a student
that he rarely combs. The wizard enjoys looking like of human behavior. He devotes time each week to
an unassuming youth who couldn’t possibly be pow- studying people—whether it be merchants on a
erful enough to threaten trespassing adventurers. Waterdeep street or a group of adventurers wander-
Spite has lived in Undermountain for the past ing about in Undermountain. While Spite is not
three years. He wandered in one day through one of above attacking trespassers into the Deep Levels, he
the gates and found the underground complex to his would much rather observe the explorers and see
liking. He hopes to one day come across Halaster, as how Halaster’s creatures deal with invaders.
he believes there is much the ancient wizard could Spite keeps two copies of his spell books in his lab-
teach him. He recognizes Halaster as a superior magi- oratory: one set concealed under a false rock and the
cal force. other locked in a firetrapped chest. Much of his

wealth (about 4,500 gp) and spare potions and scrolls Trobriand. They bring him choice creatures to feed
are in the chest, too. The wizard has accumulated upon and he tells each of them about activities and
much more wealth, however, that is stored in a newcomers to Wyllowwood.
Waterdeep savings institution. Valdemar loathes the Malar high priestess, as he
Spite carries and wears the following magical fears she will one day hunt him. However, he is wise
items: ring of protection +4, ring of blinking, staff +2, enough to avoid her and the priests.
dagger of venom +3, pouch of accessibility, Keoghtom’s The green dragon is quick to join a fight if he per-
ointment. ceives a band of adventurers weak enough or laden
Spite has the following spells: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2. with enough wealth to tempt him. Still, he is not
While traveling in Undermountain, he usually mem- foolish. He will not fight—or he will run away from a
orizes audible glamer, color spray, comprehend lan- fight—if he believes the odds are too poor. Valdemar
guages, detect magic, phantasmal force, alter self, values his scaled hide and knows he has decades to
flaming sphere, hypnotic pattern, improved phantasmal wait to grow larger and more powerful.
force, spectral hand, feign death, infravision, Melf’s If the green dragon is cornered and his life hangs
minute meteors, protection from normal missiles, spectral in the balance, he will bargain information and his
force, Evard’s black tentacles, fear, hallucinatory terrain, treasure in exchange for freedom. In this instance,
illusionary wall, improved invisibility, advanced illusion, the green dragon will reveal the names and strengths
distance distortion, wall of force, wall of iron, wall of of the Malar priests and his belief there is a temple
stone, anti-magic shell, mirage arcana, veil, mass invisi- on this level of the dungeon dedicated to the evil
bility, reverse gravity, spell turning, Otto’s irresistible god. Further, he cautions his betters that the high
dance, prismatic wall. priestess is cunning and always in the company of
dangerous animals.
Valdemar, Adult Green Dragon: Int Very; AL LE; Valdemar is never without his scarab of protection,
AC -4; MV 9, FL 30 (C), SW 9; HD 17; hps 102; which he wears imbedded in the scales on his belly.
THAC0 5; #AT 3 + special; Dmg 1-8+8/1-8+8/2-20 Close to it is a brooch of shielding with 80 charges.
+8 (breath weapon 16d6+8); SA spells, fear aura; SD He has the following spells: 4, 1. He typically car-
spells; MR 30%; SZ G (145’ long); ML 16; XP ries charm person, dancing lights, phantasmal force, wall
11,000. of fog, and web. Valdemar has the dragon fear aura, is
immune to gasses, can water breathe at will, can cast
Malicious and vengeful, Valdemar claims the section suggestion once a day, and can cast warp wood three
of the great underground forest that is #43 on the times a day.
map. The corrupt dragon cares only for his woods
and his treasure. He spends his days counting his Wachiru: CE hm P8: AC 2; MV 12; hps 54; THAC0
coins and gems and devising new ways to hide it 16; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; 1-4+2
amid the roots of his favorite tree. When evening (scourge +1); STR 18, INT 14, WIS 14, DEX 12,
falls in the woods, he journeys out into the other CON 18, CHR 14. Spells: see below.
chambers of the forest and forages for food, namely
animal’s and the occasional adventurer who crosses Wachiru joined the cult of Malar shortly after his
his path. half-brother, Dulic, entered into the priesthood. Ever
The green dragon cares little about Halaster’s following in his older brother’s footsteps, Wachiru
apprentices, his associates, and the powerful Malar took quickly to clerical magic and found acceptance
priests who move throughout the deep ways. He in the Cult of the Beastlord—much to the chagrin of
believes he is more powerful than any few of them his father. The boys’ father, a famed Waterdeep law
combined. Still, rather than test his might, he struck enforcer, threw the boys out of his house when he
a deal with a few of them, including Arcturia and discovered their ties to Malar. By the time their

father realized he should try instead to help the boys, was evil; her much-vaunted wisdom was overshad-
they were already gone from Waterdeep—nestled in owed by her heart. She saw the good in him—his
the deep ways beneath the city. desire to protect the wilderness, his love of animals,
Wachiru admires Dulic and respects the high and his seemingly gentle manner. The two were wed,
priestess. Still, he hopes to one day rise in power to and for several months she was happy, until she
be a high priest of Malar. He realizes this could be a started to miss her forests above ground and began to
few decades away, but he is patient. Wachiru never notice evil traits in her husband.
questions the orders of Benita, the high priestess, and The wizard refused to let her leave, and with Hal-
he is quick to accept the older brother’s advice. aster’s assistance and several wish rings he created a
Wachiru is often found in his brother’s company. great underground forest complete with a massive
The pair wander the levels and chambers of Under- gate to teleport in animals, the weather, and the rays
mountain looking for creatures and converts. of the sun. He named the forest Wyllowwood, and he
Wachiru is more prone to picking fights with adven- hoped the place would satisfy the druidess. And for a
turers than Dulic. The younger brother believes peo- time, it did. However, Wyllow witnessed her husband
ple should accept Malar or die and meet him in the ruthlessly kill bands of adventurers who wandered
afterlife. into the Undermountain forest. She did not accept
Wachiru is quick-tempered, aggressive, and fervent his claims that they were evil defilers and again tried
in his religion. Like his brother, he has little wealth, to leave for the surface.
roughly 300 gp stored in the priests’ quarters. He A fierce magical battle ensued between she and
wears and carries his magical items when walking the her husband, in which she called on the power of her
tunnels and chambers underground: chainmail +3, underground forest and its inhabitants to aid her. In
boots of elvenkind, and a Myrlund’s spoon. the end, Wyllow won. Her husband lay dead at her
He has the following spells: 3, 3, 3, 2, with major feet. Halaster, angered at his apprentice, did not raise
access to the spheres of All, Animal, Healing, Plant, him. Instead, the mage added him to Undermoun-
Summoning, Sun, Weather, and minor access to the tain’s undead guardians.
spheres of Divination, Elemental, and Protection. He Wyllow was so stricken with grief over her act—
usually carries the following spells: bless, cure light she had never taken another life—that she was dri-
wounds ×2, spiritual hammer, heat metal ×2, hold metal, ven mildly insane. The wandering corpse of her
pyrotechnics, water walk, cause serious wounds, cure husband ever reminds her of the evil act she com-
serious wounds. mitted.
Dulic and Wachiru typically have 5-8 (1d4+4) Wyllow, who is in effect the great druid of her
fighters of 4th-6th levels with them. These fighters region, has convinced herself that this underground
are loyal to Malar and protect the priests. forest is her world and that she does not deserve to
return to the surface. Nearby druids of similar rank
Wyllow: N ef D14: AC -1; MV 12; hps 83; THAC0 are aware of the woods and, too, consider the place
10; #AT 1 or 3/2; Dmg by spell or weapon type; its own region. The druidess lives in the section of
1-6+3 (spear +3); STR 14, INT 12, WIS 17, DEX the woods, numbered #41 and #42, sharing the rest
18, CON 18, CHR 19 (21). Spells: See below. of the forest with the Malar priests who seem so
interested in animals.
Wyllow came to Undermountain more than 100 She believes nature would not accept her cor-
years ago when she fell in love with a handsome wiz- rupted soul above the earth. The elf has resolved to
ard—who happened to be one of Halaster’s appren- live out her long days in the Undermountain forest,
tices. The young elf was so infatuated with the wizard protecting the creatures that live there. She does not
that she blindly married him and followed him into realize that the pool she drinks from near area #43 is
his underground home. She had little clue that he magically extending her life.

Wyllow is quick to defend her forest and charges Wyllow is the only true safe haven for the player
with the druidical magic at her command. She is characters on her level of Halaster’s dungeon.
responsible for routing several bands of adventurers Wyllow has no loyalty to Halaster and is not cer-
from the Undermountain forest, either because they tain whether he is alive or undead. The druidess
injured some of the creatures there or because she knows she is too inconsequential for him to bother
feared for their lives and sought to protect them. about her. She has avoided all dealings with the wiz-
And she has ended the lives of a few bands of evil ard and his apprentices since she slew her husband.
adventurers. Crissann was the sole survivor of one She is aware a cult of priests frequents her forests.
such onslaught. They worship The Beastlord. The priests have done
Wyllow frequently will be found in the under- no ill to her forest. If anything, they have helped
ground forest, especially in the section she considers nurture the plants and animals. She accepts them
home. However, she travels through the entire and converses with them if they cross her path.
woods, checking on the plants and animals there. Wyllow lives in a small clearing near a massive oak
The forest is large, and it is possible adventurers can tree in the underground woods. She sleeps in the
enter portions of it without her knowledge. She also hollow of the oak. Inside the trunk she keeps her
can be encountered practically anywhere else on valuables, which include: a brass inlaid wooden chest
these three levels of Undermountain as she searches containing a pearl necklace (worth 1,900 gp), an
out her undead husband in a week, futile effort to emerald ring (worth 3,000 gp), a pair of silver ear-
apologize for killing him. Wyllow does not compre- rings (worth 90 gp), a gold necklace (worth 400 gp),
hend he cannot understand her. and a small silver cup (worth 350 gp); a silk shawl
She converses daily with the creatures in her for- (worth 60 gp); a silver-edged mirror (worth 50 gp);
est, including the green dragon, who she has be- and a jeweled dagger (worth 2,300 gp).
friended. She is confident her association with the To steal from Wyllow’s tree would be folly. The
creature is keeping it from following the evil path of druidess daily inventories her valuables, all gifts from
traditional green dragons. The elf’s only “human” her husband. If something were missing she would
friends include Crissann, who lives in the forest, and simply ask the tree who took it. She wears and carries
Garrik, who she realizes is in love with her. Wyllow her magical items, which include: a comb of beauty,
also sometimes speaks with Benita, a priest of Malar. bracelet of defense AC 3, staff of the woodlands, spear
Player characters encountering Wyllow will ini- +3, ring of regeneration.
tially find her enchanting and likeable, provided they Wyllow’s spells are: 8, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1. She typically
do nothing to harm the creatures or plants in the for- carries cure light wounds ×5, entangle _2, faerie fire,
est. It could be difficult, however, for the PCs to slow poison, charm person or mammal, speak with ani-
leave the forest unharmed depending on what sec- mals ×5, goodberry, summon insects ×2, protection from
tions of the woods they travel. PCs who damage the fire, water breathing, snare, spike growth, tree, giant
forest or its creatures while Wyllow is present will insect, cure serious wounds ×2, speak with plants ×2,
face a barrage of druidical spells or forced expulsion animal growth, cure critical wounds, air walk, heal, wall
from the woods. No matter how characters deal with of thorns, conjure earth elemental.
the elven druid, they will eventually realize she is
quite mad. Player characters who are injured, and
who have not damaged the forest or its inhabitants
in front of Wyllow, can be healed by her. In ex-
change, she asks that they go the surface, carefully
collect a few rose bushes, and bring them to her for-
est. There are no roses growing in the underground
woods, and the druidess misses the beautiful blooms.

Ruins of Undermountain II:
The Deep Levels
Undermountain II: Adventures
by Donald J. Bingle
Table of Contents
Troglodyte Warren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Troglodyte Raid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Keyed Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.
Survival of the Fittest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Regrets Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Keyed Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0
The Well of Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Hiding in Shadows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Keyed Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Design: Donald J. Bingle Cartography: Dennis Kauth
Editing: Steven E. Schend Production: Paul Hanchette
Cover Art: Fred Fields Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Interior Art: Dan Frazier

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1104 1-56076-821-5
Troglodyte Warrens
Terrain: Caverns PCs can use it both to enter and escape the
Party Levels: 42-56 (6-8 characters of 7th-level clan’s caverns.
average) The troglodytes of the Urggroth-Kyan clan
have battled long and hard against the Skrin-
Hopthra clan to secure this portal. Controlling
Introduction access to the portal not only shows the power of
the Urggroth-Kyan, but it also provides them

A dventurers in Undermountain face many

dangers—dangers that often appear out of
thin air, as Undermountain is a place heavy with
with a food source not readily available to the
other clans. This, in turn, gives the Urggroth-
Kyan a precious commodity to sell at the market,
gate magic. No amount of careful checking, sense where all clans interact under an uneasy truce
of depth, or mapping prowess can protect the enforced by the chieftain, Szygmog-Thurgin, and
party from encountering a magical portal (often his elite, interclan troops.
invisible and undetectable until activated) that The periodic gate flickers into reality at its
takes them farther within the unknown depths of appointed time, and the troglodytes of Urggroth-
Undermountain. Magic is of little assistance, Kyan venture out on their first hunting party
thanks to Halaster Blackcloak’s barriers and the through the portal. The other end of the gate can
many magic-dead areas and places of wild magic be set anywhere in Undermountain by the DM;
peppering the hallways and chambers of these it’s convenient to place it near the PCs’ camp to
caverns. start this adventure.
A number of the gates of Undermountain are
permanent and known, though only to a select
few (such as Halaster, his apprentices, and a few Troglodyte Raid
choice associates within Skullport); while a por-
tal’s destination may not be known, its existence
and instantaneous nature are understood. Many
gates are uncharted and many more are periodic
T he troglodyte raiding party finds the PCs at
their campsite late at night (near the end of
second watch). Using their chameleonlike abili-
or one-way in nature. A quick trip through such a ties to cover their approach and their 90’ infravi-
portal can turn into a long stay within Under- sion to locate party members, the troglodytes
mountain indeed. prepare for a quick raid. Their objectives are lim-
This adventure is accessed by such a periodic ited: grab something of value (be it human, other
gate. Although intermittent, the portal’s appear- food, or steel) and get back to the portal as
ance and disappearance occur at regular inter- quickly as possible to display their prizes to their
vals known to a tribe of troglodytes; their realm cheering clan. The troglodytes have no desire to
connects to a section of Undermountain for one engage in a pitched battle with magic wielders
hour every eight days. Through this portal they and better-armed humanoids.
mount hunting forays in search of their favorite The raiding party comprises 10 troglodytes,
food: human flesh. The portal is two-way, so the including a leader armed with a long sword +1

captured in a raid years ago. Two have short The portal shimmers, flickers, and fades to
swords, three have two troglodyte javelins each nothingness, and you realize you know not
(+3 to hit, 2d4 points of damage), one has a where you are, or when—if ever—the portal
stone morning star, and three are unarmed, hav- might return. You must find an exit.
ing only their natural bite and claw attacks.
After approaching within 50’, the troglodytes If the PCs steadfastly refuse to follow the trog-
hurl missile weapons for 2 rounds, concentrating lodytes, they come under attack either by larger
their fire on the characters on watch, then rush trog forces or by wandering monsters attracted by
forward to grab what they can, attacking and the noise. The PCs are attacked until they can
defending as necessary. They prefer a quick prize quiet the noise or until they enter the gate.
of flesh or steel and will hastily seize an uncon-
scious or sleeping human as booty if available. If Troglodytes (9, 1 leader): Int Low; AL CE; AC
not, they grab for whatever steel (swords, shields, 5; MV 12; HD 2; hp 12 (18 leader); THAC0 19;
boxes, etc.) is handy and begin a fast, fighting #AT 3 or 1; Dmg 1-2/1-2/2-5 or 2-8 (weapon);
retreat in which the unarmed troglodytes disen- SA +3 with javelin; SD Stench causes opponents
gage last to cover the retreat of the armed to lose 1d6 points of Strength for 10 rounds; SZ
raiders. M; ML 11; XP 120, leader 175.
The troglodytes should grab something impor-
tant to the PCs, ensuring pursuit: a fallen com-
rade or NPC associate, a metal scroll case with an
important map, a magical item. Alternatively, the
Keyed Encounters
troglodytes can try to enrage the PCs so they rush T1: Turf War
after them, heedless of the danger in turning a
blind corner and going through a waiting gate. If The troglodytes scamper away in nigh-complete
the raid goes well for the troglodytes, they taunt darkness. There are traps in the corridor leading
pursuing PCs with gestures and a sneering “Ga- to the next room—several concealed pits (see
rumph urgh, thog!” map), known and easily avoided by them, but
potentially lethal to any party running after the
As you make a quick, sharp turn in pursuit of troglodytes. The pit traps are covered by pivoting
the loathsome troglodytes, you notice a stone slabs, and can be avoided merely by step-
shimmering on either side of you. Suddenly, ping on the pivot point, rather than an end or
the passageway is somehow different. Dark, side of the slab, when passing by (the DM deter-
to be sure, but stuffier and much smellier. mines whether the slab pivots left-right or front-
back); PCs can avoid this trap on a successful
The PCs all pass through the troglodytes’ gate Dexterity check at a -4 penalty. The pivoting
before noticing it. As soon as the last PC passes stone slab drops a victim 30’ onto sharp stone
through, the portal flickers and fades. Those who spikes (3d6 points of falling damage, plus 1d8
attempt to return before it fully fades take 1d4 points of damage from the spikes).
points of electrical shock damage and are re- Pursuing PCs eventually catch up with their
pulsed from entering the fading portal. Give all quarry in a larger cavern ahead.
the PCs a chance to get through before the portal
fades. The troglodytes you were chasing lie on the
ground, dead from dart, sword, bite, and claw

wounds on their bodies. Unfortunately, the
object of your quest is not here to be found.
Obviously, it has been taken by a larger, bet-
ter armed party of troglodytes or some other
creatures. . . .

In fact, a party of 20 Skrin-Hopthra clan mem-

bers ambushed the rival clan’s raiders and seized
their booty. They are taking it to the main troglo-
dyte community area (T9) to show off. The PCs
must go there, regain their stolen property, and
find an exit gate behind the throne of Szygmog-
Thurgin, chieftain of the troglodyte clans.
The troglodyte warren is a labyrinth of tunnels,
caverns, and passages, extensively guarded
because of the inter-clan battles of the troglo-
dytes. Consult the map and the location designa-
tions below for encounters the PCs come across.
Remember that clan markings of the troglo-
dytes—color configurations, bumps on the head
and neck, mottled blemishes—are subtle and
unknown to the PCs. Should any PCs polymorph
or otherwise disguise themselves as troglodytes,
rival clans quickly and easily notice errors in
clan markings and promptly attack the party
when passing through any disputed territory.
(Troglodytes pass through the domains of rival
clans only during an alarm, as part of an inter-
clan patrol of the chieftain, or under market or
throne room business the latter denoted by a
red-stained cloth tied around the wrist.) Finally,
the troglodytes speak only their own tongue and
are thus useless under interrogation (or for just
asking directions).

Troglodyte: Int Low; AL CE; AC 5; MV 12; HD

2; THAC0 19; #AT 3 or 1; Dmg 1-2/1-2/2-5 or
2-8 (weapon); SA +3 with javelin; SD Stench
which causes foes to lose 1d6 points of Strength
for 10 rounds; SZ M; ML 11; XP 120, leader/
guard 175, subchieftain 270, chieftain 650.
Troglodyte Female: HD 1 + 1; THAC0 20; all
other info as above.

Troglodyte Leader/Guard: HD 3; THAC0 18; The border at the entrances to Room T9 is
all other info as above. guarded by only the two initial guards, keeping
Troglodyte Subchieftain: HD 4; THAC0 17; other clans out of their areas.
all other info as above.
Troglodyte Chieftain: HD 6; THAC0 16; all T3: TrogLodyte Chopping Molls
other info as above.
A cool breeze and a foul stench flow out of this
room, noticeable from about 20’ off. It is a large,
T2: Run for the Border
humid cavern filled with mineral deposits from a
Areas marked T2 represent invisible borders bubbling mineral spring.
between the areas of two rival clans (marked for
trogs by a very low-level scent, and for DMs by a A constant thudding sound and a horrible,
background color change on the map). When a malodorous stench accompany the cool
T2 area is first approached, it’s guarded by two breeze wafting from the cavern opening
troglodytes with stone morning stars. The guards ahead. Dim, flickering torchlight casts a
attempt to grapple and throw PCs onto a tripwire pinkish glow over it all, and a bubbling
at the border during the battle; this releases an sound can be heard, perhaps a hidden
avalanche of rocks (Dexterity check to avoid, at a spring. Entering the large cavern, you find
-6 penalty if thrown down and prone). The rocks two female troglodytes with metal cleavers,
inflict 2d8 points of crushing damage but do not working dispassionately over slabs of some
completely block the passage. sort of flesh. Fresh red meat of unknown
Unfortunately, if characters flee the avalanche and unthinkable origin hangs from hooks
by crossing the border to progress farther down and natural stone projections around the
the passageway, they encounter another tripwire room.
for a trap on the other side of the invisible clan
border. When tripped, this wire thrusts spring- If given the chance, the female troglodytes flee
loaded steel javelins from both sides of the pas- through an exit on the opposite side of the cav-
sage, each striking with a THAC0 of 15 for 2d4 ern rather than fight. However, if allowed to
points of damage (automatically reloading into escape, their alarm summons 20 troglodytes,
the holes after striking). including a leader and subchieftain. If they do
The noises of the battle, avalanche, or javelin not escape, there is a 20% chance the noise of
thrusts are sure to attract the attention of the any melee alerts six troglodyte fighters, who
clan guards of the area being entered. Three clan respond. Even without commotion, any dead
guards on the same side of the border as the PCs troglodytes are discovered within 1d4 turns and
approach them, unarmed save for steel spikes two search parties containing six troglodytes each
(ceremonial food utensils) tucked into their are sent out to find the murderers.
leather belts. They attack with claws and teeth.
The attack is fierce, as the troglodytes are uncon- T4: Garbage Disposal
cerned about capturing or killing the humanoids.
If troglodytes of another clan cross over the bor- This room is a cross between a treasure hoard and
der, the rival clans attack one another, disregard- a garbage dump, as troglodytes consider gems and
ing the adventurers until their own battle is nonmetallic items to be only so much garbage.
finished. They toss them away with old bones, gristle, bro-

ken stone bowls, and sundry other offensive leav- incorporated into the troglodyte warren are
ings of a normal troglodyte settlement. known and simply avoided by the residents, but
prove irksome to intruders. For each of the sev-
This natural stone cavern with its stalag- eral locations on the included map marked T5,
mites and stalactites appears to be used as a roll 1d4 to determine which of the following
garbage dump, from the heaps of bones, rot- traps is present:
ting food, broken stone bowls, moss, and
other unknown refuse piled about the room. 1 Pit Trap: This simple 10’ deep pit with a piv-
Amidst the garbage, you also see the glitter oting lid is coated with grease, preventing
of gems and an occasional leather scroll case anyone from easily climbing out of it. Charac-
or piece of parchment. ters who fall in take 1d6 points of falling dam-
age unless they make a successful Dexterity
On a quick grab, the PCs can get eight gems check.
(two sapphires, five rubies, and an amethyst)
worth a total of 640 gp, and a scroll case contain- 2 Magic Mouth: This magic mouth was cast under
ing a scroll of invisibility. If they spend at least 2 duress by Raoul, an abducted mage of Never-
rounds searching, PCs can find five more gems winter; he was later eaten by his captors. The
(three rubies worth 100 gp each, an emerald worth spell is instructed to yell loudly if anyone
275 gp, and a pearl worth 1,200 gp), and a parch- other than a troglodyte passes by it, unless an
ment with a rough sketch of the throne room (see accompanying troglodyte gives the password
T9, below), showing the pools, training grounds, “Nikto.” It performs as required, except that
market stalls, throne, and gate. Anything but the Raoul did not know troglodyte and the troglo-
briefest look into the room, however, results in an dytes do not speak Common, so the alarm
attack by a piercer lurking just inside the entry- consists of the following warning:
way. Any presence in the room for 2 rounds or
You’ve been detected! Flee from here or kill
more results in an attack by a green slime located
these leathery fiends for the sake of the gener-
on the ceiling in the center of the room.
ations to come! The exit is a gate in the
throne room! Hurry!
Piercer (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 3; MV 1; HD 3;
hp 15; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 3-18; SA sur- The DUNGEON MASTER™ is advised to use this trap
prise; SZ M; ML 10; XP 120. only once, rerolling if it appears randomly again.

Green Slime (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 9; MV 0: 3 Open Barrel of Water: This is just a simple,
HD 2; hp 11; THAC0 19; #AT 0; Dmg 0; SA wooden barrel filled with what appears to be
senses vibrations and drops, turning victim to fresh water. In fact, the water is poisoned, and
green slime in 1-4 melee rounds if not scraped, causes severe stomach cramps 1d4 rounds after
cut, frozen, or burned off, and dissolves metal in drinking and 12 hit points of damage (saving
1-3 melee rounds; SZ S; ML 10; XP 120. throw versus poison for half damage). This
water can be cleansed with a purify food and
T5: Trappings of Power drink spell. The troglodytes simply know bet-
ter than to drink from it, though any passing
As in any community constructed with a con- troglodyte of subchieftain rank or higher will
cern for military defenses, a number of traps stop and pretend to drink.

4 Stench Barrier: The troglodytes are quite T8: Generations to Come
aware that the oil they exude is offensive and
somewhat disabling to humans. Thus, they The grunts and snorts coming from this room are
collect this oil and spread it over strategic short and high-pitched, for this is the hatchling
tunnelways in their warren. Any human or center where female troglodytes care for their
demihuman passing by one of these stench young. The little hatchlings and younger troglo-
barriers must make a successful saving throw dytes are cute (in a lizardly sort of way) noncom-
versus poison or lose 1d6 points of Strength for batants. The mother troglodytes are not as skilled.
10 rounds. Troglodytes are, of course, unaf- or fearsome as the male fighters, but protect the
fected by the stench. hatchlings to the death. In addition, at the first
sign of danger, one of the adults pulls a large
T6: Homebodies lever, sounding a thunderous gong that reverber-
ates throughout the troglodyte warren. Every—
Each of these rooms is home to one or more trog- yes every— troglodyte in the warren immediately
lodytes. The rooms contain piles of dead moss for drops his or her tasks and any clan quarrels to run
sleeping in; a few prized pieces of steel (belt buck- to the defense of the hatchlings. Given the 220
les, spikes, an occasional dagger or short sword); a troglodytes present, the PCs could have a consid-
small pile of half-eaten raw meat and discarded erable battle on their hands! The troglodytes
bones; and, perhaps, a leather belt. Roll 1d6 to pour through both entrances and overwhelm the
determine if the room is occupied when entered PCs if the gong sounds.
(unless all of the troglodytes have been called to
the defense of the hatchery or such). On a roll of T9: Guardians of the Throne
1-2, the room is empty; on a 3, it is occupied by a
sleeping troglodyte couple; on a 4, it is occupied The throne of the troglodyte chieftain, Szyg-
by a troglodyte family (male, female, and juve- mog-Thurgin, is located at one end of this huge
nile) in the midst of a meal; on a 5, it is occupied cavern. Unless drawn away by the sounding of
by a single male troglodyte fighter; and on a 6, it the hatchery gong, there are more than 60 trog-
is occupied by two male troglodyte guards. lodytes present, 50 of which are male. Half of
the males are engaged in drills in a quadrangular
T7: Oops, Wrong Door practice field northwest of the pools of water in
this room. The rest are either on active guard
This is a large, partially darkened room, in which duty near the throne and gate (see below) or are
20 troglodytes, their leader, and a sub-chieftain buying, selling, or browsing in the area of the
are drinking and throwing knives. If the PCs lis- market stalls.
ten at the sliding stone door before entering, they
hear the grunts and snorts of troglodyte revelry. If You see a huge cavern, complete with pools
they open the door, however, the troglodytes, of water, what appear to be penned-in war-
ever alert for clan battles, will notice and imme- rior training facilities, and a meat market
diately rise to attack. They will pursue only to the (where meat is traded for bits of steel and
limits of their clan boundaries, but will notify the other trade goods). There are about 50 or so
troglodyte chieftain of the attack; the only result troglodytes, mostly males, milling about per-
of this is that the chieftain’s personal guard will forming their tasks. Several adjoining al-
be doubled if later encountered. coves seem to house subchieftain families.

At one end of the large cavern is a throne mog-Thurgin have access to a lever that opens a
on which sits the troglodyte chieftain, 10’ square trapdoor in front of the throne, drop-
accompanied by a retinue of 12 guards (four ping characters 60’ onto 10’-tall sharpened spikes
to either side, and four behind) armed with (6d6 points of falling damage, plus 3d6 points of
javelins and swords. Off to the side of the impaling damage). The circle of guards around
chieftain’s bone throne, you see a shimmer- the portal will not break ranks unless the chief-
ing blue-green oval floating in the air; you tain’s life is directly threatened. The chieftain’s
know it to be a gate. Twelve more armed presence adds a +2 bonus to all morale checks
guards encircle it, all facing outward. On the made by the troglodytes in this room.
other side of the throne is a small pile of If the PCs make it to the portal and go through,
steel and other valuables, including anything they will have made a successful escape from this
of value taken from you. adventure. At the choice of the D U N G E O N
M ASTER ™ , the portal can transport them to
Without the careful use of stealth or distrac- another adventure, the surface realms, an inn at
tion, getting through the portal (with or without Skullport, or another area of Undermountain
recovering their stolen goods) will be tricky and leading to another adventure. Of course, it can
possibly suicidal for the PCs. In addition to their also lead circuitously back to the party’s campsite,
standard capabilities, the guards in back of Szyg- at the DM’s discretion.

Survival of the
Terrain: Subterranean dungeon gods. Thus, while clerical spells are effective as
Party Levels: 42-56 (6-8 characters of 7th-level normal, additional spells cannot be regained
average) through prayer. Magical spells, however, are
regained normally, although spell components
may be difficult to come by in this isolated area
Introduction of Undermountain.
Every time a PC in the dungeon makes grand

T he Obstacle Course is Undermountain’s

(and a god’s) punishment for foolhardy
boasts about his or her abilities or sneers conde-
scendingly at able and dangerous opponents, the
heroes who respect neither their opponents nor PC runs a 5% chance of being overheard by the
the inherent and considerable dangers of adven- ever-wandering shade of Fidelio. He instantly
turing, instead bragging overmuch of their own transports the conceited PC and his or her com-
skills and prowess. Located in an isolated recess of panions to the starting chamber of the Obstacle
Undermountain, the Obstacle Course is accessi- Course, a particularly lethal collection of traps
ble only by a summons from its master, Fidelio and dangers that must be endured or defeated in
Santablo of the One Way. order to access the gate exit that returns them
Once a paladin, Fidelio was conceited and whence they came. No treasures, trophies, or
cocky—he was one of those obnoxious paladins prizes await their success, as survival (and realiz-
who irritate all about them with sanctimonious ing the truth of one’s boasts) is the only reward
sermons, bristling bravado, and snobbish belit- the Obstacle Course offers.
tling of friends and foes alike. Fidelio fought a
great battle ages ago in Undermountain, finally
defeating a great, evil beast by successfully calling Regrets Only
for the direct intervention of his deity, Tyr. The
echoes from the evil behemoth’s fall were hardly
still before Fidelio took to bragging of his great I f a PC attracts Fidelio’s attentions, read the
following to the players:
feat, deprecating the abilities of the fallen behe-
moth he had fought so hard against. The God of The luminescent outline of what must be a
Justice was, needless to say, displeased with his paladin appears before you, but he is unlike
servant, and cursed Fidelio to wander Under- any paladin you have encountered before.
mountain as a phantom, forever seeking out brag- His armor is pitted and scarred, his shield
garts of similar natures and teleporting them to a dented, and his tunic is stained and rotting.
testing ground to prove their true mettle. His face is thin, his cheeks sunken and cov-
Due to Tyr’s curse and the nature of this test, ered with ragged stubble. No holy symbol is
this part of the dungeon prevents any clerical visible, but a hole torn in his tunic marks
prayers or entreaties from being heard by the where one was once sewn.

The shimmering spectre coughs violently
—a hacking, rasping sound of one too long
in cold, damp quarters—then speaks: “Fine,
Keyed Encounters
brave words, but only if you pass the test of C1: X Marks the Spot
the Obstacle Course will you truly know the
truth of such reckless self-praise. Your The group of PCs is simultaneously transported
tongue’s wagging betrays you!” he rasps, into C1, which is shrouded in total darkness.
pointing a broken sword at the braggart, Read the following:
then continues. “Your choice of companions
dooms them also to face this test. Succeed, After the swirling eddies of the gate subside,
and you will be returned here with your pos- you find yourselves completely surrounded
sessions intact and tales and experiences by cool, moist, darkness. No torch burns, no
aplenty to share with the unwary. Fail, and magic shines through the shroud of black-
your boasts shall prove your certain annihi- ness that extends round about you. Beneath
lation. you is a stone floor, smooth but slightly
“However, should any of you exhibit an sticky. No walls are within arm’s length. A
understanding of the errors of your ways and slight, steady, rumble comes from overhead.
beseech Tyr to release you, you will also be
returned to this place, albeit bereft of your The rumbling overhead is caused by the gradu-
magic, weapons, and items (save a simple ally lowering stone ceiling, which begins 20’
tunic and a dagger). Your items will go to above the floor of the room and progresses down-
worthier heroes in the cause of Tyr, and you ward 2’ per round. The special magics of the gate
shall be set on the path of humility for your extinguished any torches or lamps being carried,
arrogance. The Obstacle Course can be run as well as any magical lights, although PCs can
but once. This is your time, and you have relight these devices easily. The PCs can dis-
brought this judgment upon yourself. I pray cover, either through stumbling about in the
you are up to the task of proving your darkness or lighting a torch or other light source,
boasts.” that the room is roughly 30’ square with no
apparent exit. In fact, there is a secret door on
The luminescent figure expands and rushes the eastern section of the north wall and an “X”
toward the group, enveloping the PCs in a gate in the middle of the south wall. If the PCs use a
spell. Attacks have no effect on the spectral light source, read the following:
image of Fidelio, nor can he be turned. Fidelio
spoke truly about the various ways to end the Your eyes involuntarily squint in the light,
test. Should any PC come to a sincere under- but adjust quickly. You are in a large square
standing of humility and beseech Tyr to let him room carved from solid rock. A large “X” is
or her leave the test, Fidelio appears and em- marked on the south wall, apparently in
braces the PC, and the PC is returned to the dried blood. There are words above and
place in Undermountain where Fidelio was first below the “X” in elvish and dwarvish. A few
encountered. However, the PC will be stripped of seconds after the light appears, a voice
all magic, weapons, and items save a tunic and a begins to speak in orcish from the area of
dagger. the eastern edge of the north wall. Most
importantly, however, you notice that the

red-stained rock ceiling is descending steadily The acid quickly washes off the elvish and
toward the floor. No exits larger than an dwarvish writing, revealing a hidden message in
occasional mousehole along the edge of the common, which reads: “Even an orc understands
floor are apparent. orcish.”
The secret door can be located by the usual
The speaking from the north wall comes from means, although any attempt made after the acid
a magic mouth immediately above the secret door, flow begins is at half of one’s normal ability to
repeating over and over in orcish, “This way to succeed, due to the intervening acid flow. Any
the egress.” The elvish and dwarvish words on attempt to open it involves putting one’s hands
the south wall read “X marks the spot.” In fact, in the flowing acid for at least 1 round. Unless
close inspection will reveal that the “X” has been blocked or redirected in some manner, the acid
scarred by hammer or axe blows of some sort. also falls over the opening of the open secret
Hitting the wall or touching the “X” will cause a door, causing those exiting the room to dash
large splash to be heard above the descending through the falling acid for normal damage. The
ceiling as liquid begins to stream from the cracks exit leads slightly uphill to another room.
between ceiling and walls on all four sides, run- The acid eventually drains through the small
ning onto the floor. holes in the floor of C1. The ceiling will reset one
The liquid is a mild acid that collects at turn after hitting the floor, rising to its 20’ height.
approximately two inches per round on the floor Entering the room again after the trap resets trig-
after 2 rounds, doing 1-3 points of damage per gers the sequence as before; the acid dissolves all
round to any PCs and gear immersed in the acid. evidence of any previously fallen comrades.

C2: Importance is in the after losing more than four eyestalks or more than
Eye of the Beholder 60% of its total hit points.
The beholder doesn’t appear if the inkwell trap
A passage about 40’ long leads up a sloping is not sprung; if the trap is triggered again, the
chiseled rock corridor into the southwest alcove closes, confining the beholder. If the PCs
corner of a 20’ by 40’ room. There is a 3’ find and open the secret door to the alcove, the
high table near the southwest entrance; on it beholder surprises the PC opening the door,
sit a large, closed, leather-bound book, an attacks, and moves out unless the PCs immedi-
ink stand, and a quill pen. A small placard ately shut the alcove door. If the PCs rush past
on the table reads: “Please Sign In.” the beholder and exit the room, it continues
attacking them until dealt with in some manner.
The book itself is labeled “Guests of Importance”
in common. The table is a sturdy and somewhat Beholder (1): Int Exceptional; AL LE; AC 0/2/7;
decorative wooden construct; the book is old and MV Fl 3(B); hp 61; THAC0 7; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8;
filled with names of many individuals (even some SA magic; SD anti-magic ray; MR Special; SZ M;
recognizable heroes of ages well past). Neither ML 18; XP 14,000.
the table nor the book is trapped.
The bottom of the inkwell is trapped, however. C3: When First We Practice
This trap is very difficult to detect, as the pressure to Deceive
plate is inside the inkwell, although attempts to
pick up the inkwell prove it affixed to the table. If After 20 feet, the corridor from Room C2 ends at
the quill or another object inserted into the a stone door. It easily slides aside to reveal a 20’-
inkwell touches the bottom, a panel in the north- square room with an exit corridor in the north-
east corner of the room slides open 1 round later west corner. The door is not trapped, although
to reveal a recessed alcove. A beholder, exiled to opening it resets an hourglass on a small marble
this place by Tyr, hovers in the alcove. It immedi- pedestal just inside the entrance. Unless spiked or
ately attacks the PCs from there (50% chance per held open in some manner, the panel slides shut
round that it floats out from the open alcove and behind the PCs entering the room, locking
places itself in front of the northeast exit during securely with an audible click. There is no access
the fight). to the lock mechanism from inside, although
The beholder attacks the PCs using its eye anyone outside the room can easily open the
stalks: 1- charm person; 2- charm monster; 3- sleep door.
(one target); 4- telekinesis (250 pounds); 5- flesh to In the northwest corner, a 10’-wide corridor
stone (300yard range); 6- disintegrate (20-yard begins. Even casual inspection reveals several
range); 7- fear (as a wand); 8- slow; 9- cause serious traps; find traps rolls or similar investigations
wounds (50-yard range); 10- death ray (one target, reveal it to be liberally littered with mechanical
40-yard range). Roll 4d10 to determine which and magical tripwires, traps, and pitfalls of all
stalks are in useful positions when the central eye kinds, as well as more obvious impediments to
(anti-magic ray [140-yard range]) is facing the quick passage, such as spikes, barbed wires, swing-
PCs; it can utilize other eye stalk abilities only if ing spiked balls, greased ramps, etc.
it turns or if PCs attack from in front of it in a Unless handled witlessly or without skill, none
greater-than-90-degree arc. The beholder retreats of these items is especially dangerous or lethal.
to its alcove and shuts the secret door behind it They do, however, serve three distinct purposes

for the Obstacle Course: first, to prevent rapid 25’: Magically invisible tripwire 5’ off floor
escape from the beholder or rapid retreat from level, which releases nine heavy crossbow
the area that lies ahead; second, to slow the PCs’ bolts (THAC0 14, 1d4+1 points of dam-
progress; and third, to give the PCs a false impres- age) from holes in south wall spread out to
sion that the traps in the Obstacle Course are hit 1d6+3 targets; detectable by find traps,
easily dealt with. detect invisibility, or detect magic; can be
Following is a listing of the traps, set in order avoided or safely sprung.
of occurrence and showing distance in feet from 35’: Spiked ball on chain swings down from
the entrance in Room C3. The listing gives their ceiling to 2’ above floor level, inflicting 1d6
placement, their detection and avoidance, and hit points of damage on contact, as well as
their effects. The hourglass is itself not a trap, but releasing a yellow gas cloud (when trig-
the PCs may give it a significance it does not gered, regardless of attack roll) that smells
have, by hurrying their progress unnecessarily or like sulphur and fogs vision for 1d6 turns;
by returning repeatedly to restart it on the easily noticeable; can be avoided by simple
assumption that the time indicated by the hour Dexterity roll when passing.
glass is somehow important. It has no effect on 55’: Two tripwires 1’ and 5’ off floor level, with
the traps or the corridor whatsoever, save to make an invisible wire between them at 3’ off the
the PCs (and players) even more nervous. floor, each of which causes two razor wheels
to swing across the corridor between the
5’: Tripwire 2’ off floor; causes four darts to tripwires, doing 3d6 points of damage
shoot from holes 3’ up on the north wall (THAC0 12 to all within 3’ of wires); visi-
(THAC0 18), doing 1d4 points of damage ble tripwires detectable by sight, other trip-
each; can be avoided or sprung safely. wire by find traps, detect invisibility, or detect
10’: Stabbing spikes from both side walls magic; can be avoided or sprung from dis-
(THAC0 17 vs. two targets, 1d6 points of tance.
damage if hit) and magical glyphs 1’ on 65’: 60’-long downward slope covered with
either side of center of floor, each of which grease (Dexterity check at -6 or fall and
explodes, doing 2d4 points of damage to slide); visible sheen to grease and obvious
PCs within 2’ and throwing affected PCs slope to floor.
10’ in a randomly determined direction; 85’: Continuation of sloped floor (unmodified
can be detected by a detect magic or find Dexterity check), with imbedded barbs and
traps and safely avoided or sprung by sliding razors in floor, doing 1d6 points of damage
a 10 lb. (or heavier) weight across the trig- if trod upon with anything but heavy boots,
ger area from at least 10’ distant. 3d6 hit points of damage if a PC slides
15’: Crisscrossed web of barbed wire (1d6 hit across them during fall on slope; visible, but
points of damage) blocking the passage, all not obvious from distance.
coated with poison (save vs. poison at -4 or 95’: Spiked pit trap (full width of passage, 20’
fall unconscious for 2d4 hours); wires can long) beneath illusory floor, 20 foot deep
be cut, broken, or melted with normal (2d6 points of falling damage + 1d6 points
(non-magical) fire, although a PC severing of spike damage); detectable by detect magic
a strand without holding the severed ends and Wisdom checks.
runs a 20% chance of being hit by a back- 115’: Razor edge to pit trap which severs ropes
lash as the tension on the strand is released. once weight is put on it (1d8 points of

damage if edge grabbed); noticeable only Dmg 2-8; SA Paralyzation for 5-20 rounds,
with find traps within 5’ of edge. surprise at -3; SD Immune to electricity,
145’: Giant spider web blocks corridor; readily fear, holds, paralyzation, polymorph, and
apparent; no spider or trap present. sleep-based attacks; SZ L; ML 10; XP 975.
160’: Meadow of metallic reeds and cattails about 290’: Greased upward slope for 67’. Roll under
4’ high filling the entire corridor for about Dexterity (-2 penalty) each round to avoid
30’; easily swayed into striking one another, sliding back down, unless precautions are
they tone musically and strike sparks; pas- taken (e.g., climbing skills or use of spikes
sage through them at a normal pace will do and ropes).
1d4 hit points of sonic damage if ears are 300’: Obvious tripwire three inches above sloped
not protected; easily seen; may be held floor level releases 20 rot grubs at the top of
motionless or moved through slowly. the sloped floor to slide down onto the PCs;
190’: Tripwire 1’ from floor will be tripped by roll under Dexterity at -6 penalty to avoid
swaying reeds and cattails of previous trap contact.
unless reeds are kept from swaying while Rot Grub (20): Int Non; AL Nil; AC
PCs pass through them; trap releases odor- 9; MV 1; HD 1 hp; 1 hp; THAC0 Nil; #AT
less gas from floor which explodes two 0; Dmg Nil; SA if touch bare skin (percent-
rounds later if open flame (or sparks from age chance equal to 10 times victim’s AC),
colliding metallic reeds) are present at that automatically burrow in to heart and cause
time for 1d12 hit points of damage to all death in 1d3 turns unless burned out (flame
within 20’. kills 1d6 rot grubs and causes 1d6 damage
200’: Pressure plate not tripped unless 100 per application); SD Nil.
pounds of weight (or more) is placed on it, 358’: Invisible tripwire three inches above the
triggering a spray of oil (if set aflame by top edge of the sloped floor releases a brief
open fire or other spark, causes 2d6 points flow of boiling water down the slope, deal-
of damage the first round and 1d6 points of ing 1d4 points of damage to exposed or
damage the second round); detectable by cloth-covered flesh. In addition, PCs who
find traps and avoidable by stepping over suffer more than 1 point of damage must
the 2’-wide pressure plate. roll under half their Dexterity or slide back
215’: Pressure plate on side walls, triggering an down sloped floor.
electric shock from wall (1d6 points of 360’: An hourglass sits in a marble niche in the
damage) and generating visible sparks; wall at the top of the sloped floor, its sands
detectable by find traps and avoidable. about to run out. If hourglass is turned over,
225’: Broken glass litters the floor to a depth of a large stone slab drops into place to its left,
two inches along entire width and 40’ in blocking further passage to the narrowing
length (damage of 1 point/5’ traveled on corridor beyond the hourglass. The slab
floor unless boots are magical or metal, nor- wall rises automatically when the hourglass
mal boots must make save vs. acid or be cut is allowed to run out. If the PCs do not let
to useless leather); easily visible; a single the hourglass run out, it could be quite a
1,000-gp-value diamond is hidden (at 245’) wait. If the wait is long, be sure to see if the
within the broken glass. PCs can remain perched on the narrow, 2’-
270’: Gelatinous Cube (1): Int Non; AL N; AC wide ledge above the sloped floor without
8; MV 6; HD 4; hp 24; THAC0 17; #AT 1; falling off while asleep. (Unmodified Dex-

terity check each hour unless special pre- The wall is mechanically trapped with a simple
cautions [e.g., roping themselves in] are pressure plate. Touching the wall causes a small
taken.) Also, remember that clerical spells piece of parchment to drop to the floor from a
cannot be regained while the PCs are in small hole in the ceiling above. The note reads:
the Obstacle Course.
This could have been another exploding
C4: Mathematics Exam device. Thank Tyr for your many blessings.

The 5’-wide by 10’-high corridor runs straight for Five segments after first being touched, the
some distance (170 feet) and is featureless and note (written on the magical equivalent of flash
unremarkable, save for the fact that it has been paper) disappears in a brief flash of flame. The
freshly painted a bright white and glows uni- flame causes no harm, but it could precipitate
formly (due to the magical paint) should a detect another headlong rush down the corridor if PCs
magic be cast on it. Due to its dimensions, PCs are getting panicky. In the event any PCs do ven-
must travel in single file within this area. ture east back down the corridor, remember that
A detect traps roll reveals a magical trap 80 feet the magical trap at the 80’ point of the corridor
down the corridor. The trap, removable only by causes another delayed blast fireball to drop for
casting dispel magic, drops a delayed blast fireball from every six individuals to pass it in a westerly direc-
the ceiling when the first PC passes by the spot tion, restarting this scenario yet again. The blasts
heading west; it drops additional delayed blast fire- of flame leave no discernable scorch marks on the
balls for every six people passing that spot (i.e. 7 PCs magical white paint.
= 2 fireballs, 13 = 3, etc.) in a northerly direction. Once the PCs are safely standing at the west-
Each delayed blast fireball explodes exactly 3 rounds ern end of the corridor, they can search for the
after dropping, meting out 10d6+10 points of dam- secret door on the north wall to the next room.
age to anyone in this corridor (save vs. spell for half Unless spiked or held open in some manner, this
damage). secret door shuts and locks behind the PCs.
PCs running back to the east are caught in the
blast unless they pass the hourglass alcove (at C5: Dungeons of Deja Vu
mark 360’ of C3, above). The blast also causes
the stone slab to again slide abruptly shut. The After about 30’ of curving corridor, the passage
slab rises only once the hourglass is flipped and opens into an extended area of continual darkness.
allowed to run out a second time. Dispelling or negating the continual darkness
PCs who run forward (west) can reach the far reveals a small marble table with an apparently
end of the corridor, just out of reach of the blast, empty hourglass on it. Investigation of the hour-
if they immediately move at maximum speed and glass (shaking it, etc.) reveals that it is actually
make two Dexterity checks for the greased areas filled with invisible sand.
of the floor at the 100’ and 120’ points along this Past the hourglass, a 10’-wide corridor begins,
corridor. All PCs behind one who falls must save the length of which is affected by multiple contin-
at -2 for each obstacle in their path to safety. ual darkness spells; if characters use dispel magic,
When the PCs arrive at the wall at the 170’ they can cancel the darkness for a distance of 1d4.
point of the corridor, ask their players to roll × 10’. If the darkness is dispelled, PCs find that
Dexterity checks to see if their characters can the corridor is also coated with the magical white
stop their headlong rush without hitting the wall. paint encountered earlier (C4). This paint

negates detect magic spells for locating magical The taller mushrooms are actually myconids
traps, as everything glows with a magical hue. (fungus men) in a communal melding. They are
The corridor, however, is actually an exact peaceful creatures who will not attack the PCs
duplicate of Room C3, save that all tripwires, unless they or their crops are attacked or seized by
spikes, grease, and other traps are hidden by con- the party. If this occurs, read the following out
tinual darkness and, thus, avoidable only with loud:
find traps abilities or a good memory (or map) of
what was encountered in Room C3. Thus, PCs Suddenly, the tall mushrooms move slowly
who dealt carefully with the prior traps (even toward you, and you realize that these are
the most obvious and relatively harmless), or more than fungi—they are fungus men!
who carefully mapped, will realize after the first Although they carry no weapons, they drum
trap or two what their situation is, and more their arms along their stalks rhythmically as
easily avoid the dangerous traps. Without good they walk toward you.
memories, good maps, and visual clues, the traps
of Room C3 are a much more lethal (and hum- At this point, the myconids can still be dealt
bling) series of encounters. with peacefully, although they generally regard
Though the traps are not redescribed here (ref- humanoids as violent, to be viewed with suspi-
erence Room C3 above), the DM should only cion and treated warily. Obvious apologies and
narrate those portions of the trap that are physi- offers of food or other bribes result in the myco-
cally encountered or detected by nonvisual nids allowing the PCs to exit without violence.
means (unless the darkness is negated). Use Any hostile moves by the PCs, however, cause
descriptions based on sounds or effects in dark- the myconids to engage the PCs, spewing clouds
ness to relay the situation to the PCs without of specialized spores and attacking with their
revealing that they’re encountering an identical clublike hands. They fight to the death to defend
series of traps as before, but blindly. their home. If they defeat the PCs, the myconids
strip them of useful items and put them through
C6: A Fungus Among Us the exit to this cavern, locking it behind them.

Unlike the entrance into Room C4, the ramp at Myconid (20, plus Myconid King): Int Avg; AL
the end of Room C5 leads into a cavern. Com- LN; AC 10; MV 9; HD 1-5, King 6; hp 5, 6, 6, 6,
pared to the tunnels, Room C6 is spacious. Read 7 (5×1HD), 11, 11, 12 (3×2HD), 14, 14, 16, 17
the following: (4×3HD), 20, 21, 21, 24, 27 (5×4HD), 31, 32, 38
(3×5HD), 41 (King, 6HD); THAC0 19 (1-2
As you come up the ramp, you enter a spa- HD), 17 (3-4 HD), 15 (5-6 HD); #AT 1; Dmg
cious natural cavern almost 50’ in diameter, 1-4 × HD; SA Spore clouds, with 4 HD myco-
with soft, luminescent lighting of its own. A nids using pacifier spares—40’ range, single crea-
clear path crosses the cavern to a 10’-by-10’ ture effect (save vs. poison or be totally passive
exit out the opposite side. Much of the cav- and inactive for 4 rounds) and 5-6 HD myconids
em is covered with what appears to be a field using hallucinator spores—40’ range, single crea-
of tall mushrooms of some kind amid smaller ture effect (save vs. poison or endure following
and shorter fields of various other fungi. hallucinatory effects for HD turns [roll d20 to
Some of the fungi and mushrooms are recog- determine effect]: 1-10 cower and whimper;
nizably edible. 11-15 stare into nothingness; 16-18 flee shriek-

ing in random direction; 19-20 try to kill closest Read the following for those PCs who do not
creature); SD Poisonous skin (save versus poison make their saves:
or suffer hallucinations as above); SZ T-L (2’/
HD); ML 13; XP 1HD, 65; 2 HD, 120; 3 HD, A huge natural cavern is beyond the door, lit
175; 4 HD, 270; 5 HD, 420; 6 HD, 650. by numerous torches and fires of an orc
encampment. Almost 50 orcs in leather
C7: The Rust of the armor are grabbing up arms and charging
Weaponry toward you, a guttural war cry ringing down
the corridor. An orc shaman stands on a
If the PCs leave Room C6 under their own large boulder 20’ away gesticulating rapidly,
power, they can move through the twists and while an orc with a long sword (the door
turns of this 20’-by-20’ corridor and occasional guard) charges toward you!
alcoves for 1d4 rounds before encountering a rust
monster, moving toward them from ahead. If, Determine what each character is doing and
however, they were defeated and dumped out of play in the order of the DM-rolled initiatives to
Room C6 by the myconids, they eventually determine when any PCs who made their saves
awaken from any spore-induced effects to find a can inform their friends of the true nature of this
rust monster munching contentedly on any danger (future saves at a +4 bonus once informed
exposed metal weapons or other items; it begins of the illusion). The orc, captured and placed in
with the large ferrous metal things, such as armor. this room to add credibility to the illusion, is both
hungry and angry. Thinking the party is allied
Rust Monster (1): Int Animal; AL Nil; AC 2; with his captor, he fights to the death. He is
MV 18; HD 5; hp 29; THAC0 15; #AT 2; Dmg wearing leather armor.
Nil; SA Rusts metal on contact; SD Nil; SZ M;
ML 9; XP 270. Orc (1): Int Avg; AL LE; AC 6( 10); MV 9( 12);
HD 1; hp 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8
C8: Empty Threats (sword); SA Nil; SD Nil; SZ M; ML 11; XP 15.

The corridor from Room C7 dead-ends abruptly C9: Falling for One Another
at a reinforced wooden door. It is locked, though
it has no traps. Opening it reveals a vast cavern The PCs find a labyrinthine area of many corri-
filled with orcs, with an orc shaman in a casting dors and intersections, including blind alleys and
position near the door! In reality, this is an illu- loops that rejoin their original paths. Included in
sion and the door opens onto a 10’-square room this maze are several secret doors that make the
holding a single orc brandishing a club. Secretly path somewhat more direct, as well as a number
roll a save versus spell for each PC, and (also of wooden doors that open onto solid rock walls,
secretly) make individual initiative rolls. Read just to keep the PCs busy and a little irritated.
the following to those who successfully make the This exasperation can grow somewhat frantic for
saving throw: parties who map their paths thoroughly, as they
realize that the maze has no apparent exit.
An orc, brandishing a long sword, and look- Also included is a fairly obvious pit trap con-
ing rather crazed, is rushing out of the square sisting of a 10’ section of the stone floor bal-
room at you! anced on a weighted pivot. When two PCs or

more are on one portion of the slab (like the first After a bit, the corridor opens up into a
five feet) and none are on the other half (or straight segment that ends after roughly 80’. Near
more PCs are on the front ‘portion than are on the middle of this straight-away is a curtained
the rear portion), the slab tilts and drops the alcove. Secret doors on the opposite sides of the
unsuspecting PCs into a 30-foot pit. Normal corridor on either end hide basilisks. Unless dis-
falling damage applies (3d6 points of damage per covered through the usual means and opened by
10 feet fallen). The pit is detectable through the the PCs, the southern door opens 2 rounds after
usual skill rolls or magical means, which allow the last party member passes it. The northern
the PCs to notice the crack in the floor for the secret door automatically opens 2 rounds later.
pivoting stone slab. Given the petrifying effect of the basilisk’s gaze
In fact, the pit is the only exit to the maze. (only within a 50’ range, or course), the PCs are
One round after the trap is triggered, a secret likely to flee down the corridor or fight with
door opens in one wall of the pit, revealing a averted gaze or closed eyes (normal penalties
torchlit corridor. Of course, anyone in the pit apply as if fighting in complete darkness, unless
notices the exit. PCs who avoid the pit could the blindfighting skill is successfully employed), a
spend too much time roaming the maze, deplet- strategy complicated when the second basilisk
ing food and water supplies. comes lumbering toward them from the opposite
The exit was intentionally placed in the pit, direction.
both to humble the PCs—despite “superior” Eventually, PCs will investigate or flee into the
skills, they may have trouble finding it—and to curtained alcove. Doing this blindly (with
make them realize that superior skills should be averted or shut eyes) to avoid the basilisks’ gazes
properly utilized for the good of all. If the PCs will prove to be extremely dangerous, as the cur-
notice the trap and don’t trigger it, nothing hap- tain hides the shimmering curved surface of a
pens. If, however, the PCs notice and avoid the prismatic sphere 10’ behind it! The prismatic sphere
trap, but trip it or somehow mark the trap to aid completely blocks the corridor beyond.
any who may follow at a later time, Fidelio causes The prismatic sphere is of standard properties,
the secret door below to open. The light will be blinding creatures of fewer than 8 Hit Dice that
visible even through the cracks of the pivot gaze upon it for 2d4 turns, and having the follow-
stone. ing effects on those passing through its spectrum
of colors, unless the colors are negated in order by
C10: None So Blind use of the spells indicated below.
As They That Won’t See
After the party passes through the secret door 20 hp damage; save versus spell for half;
into the torch-lit corridor, there is ominous Negated by cone of cold
rumbling near the pit, presaging a cave-in of
large stone blocks that seals the corridor behind Orange
the PCs. Unless the PCs stay in or move into 40 hp damage; save versus spell for half;
the area of sifting dirt and pebbles, the only Negated by gust of wind
effect is a minor dust cloud, which settles within
2 rounds of the collapse. Those in the pit Yellow
receive 2d6 points of damage from falling stone 80 hp damage; save versus spell for half;
slabs. Negated by disintegrate

Green has a 10’ radius) before the new prismatic sphere is
Save versus poison or die; successful save takes cast. If the PCs are not surprised, they also have
20 hp poison damage; Negated by passwall the round when the prismatic sphere dissipates to
act or not, as the case may be.
Blue The prismatic spheres are cast by Elmontius
Save versus petrification or turn to stone; Menditis, a 20th-level mage who was captured
Negated by magic missile and tested by Fidelio a number of months earlier.
A thoroughly obnoxious braggart and skilled
Indigo practitioner before being tested, Elmontius fool-
Save versus wand or go insane; Negated by ishly braved the perils of Undermountain alone,
continual light scoffing at all foes and obstacles he met in the
early going. His boastful bragging (to himself, as
Violet no one else was with him) attracted the attention
Save versus spell or be sent to another plane; of Fidelio, who teleported Elmontius into the
Negated by dispel magic Obstacle Course. His failures here have pushed
him to the brink of insanity. If the PCs reach
If they are able to deal effectively with the Elmontius inside his prismatic sphere or before he
basilisks, the PCs may be quite reluctant to deal can cast a new one, read the following:
with the prismatic sphere until they have investi-
gated and determined that it apparently blocks A gaunt and bedraggled-looking man stares
their further progress through the gauntlet. Even at you vacantly, his head twitching involun-
then, the PCs might choose to wait to see if they tarily in a regular pattern. His once-fine
can avoid the magic by mere patience. The total magician’s robes are in filthy shreds. Rotting
duration of the prismatic sphere is 3 hours and 20 crumbs of bread and cheese are scattered
minutes (20 turns); roll 1d20 to determine how about him, along with a rusty iron pitcher
many turns remain on its duration when encoun- filled with water. He reaches into a torn
tered by the PCs. If the PCs do wait for the pris- pocket and pulls out a lint-covered hunk of
matic sphere to expire, however, they must react overripe cheese to nibble intermittently as
quickly to its expiration, as the magic has been he speaks to you in a high-pitched drone.
cast by a mage hiding inside who immediately “You’ll not get me, no you won’t. All die,
begins to recast the same spell, once the first all die, but I survive, survive in my pretty
expires. While the level of experience required to bubble with the colors. All the colors swirl
repeatedly cast such high-level magic may give for me and they speak to me, too. Let me
the PCs pause, they do have the time to formu- show you the colors.”
late plans, such as a quick rush beyond once the
prismatic sphere dissipates, which is their best Elmontius has indeed lived through the
hope of survival. Obstacle Course, if you can call his present exis-
Make a surprise roll to determine if the PCs tence living. His sanity is gone and his magical
react to the dissipation before the caster does. If abilities have waned during his sojourn here. As
the PCs are surprised, roll for individual initia- his spell components were used up, Elmontius
tives and add the casting time modifier of 7 of the was reduced to spells with only verbal and
spell to determine if any of the PCs move quickly somatic components or spells with material com-
enough to reach the mage (the prismatic sphere ponents to which he still had access. The tat-

tered remains of his spellbook contain only the
spells prismatic sphere (verbal components) and
ventriloquism (verbal and material components;
material component is a small cone of parch-
ment, explaining what happened to his spell-
book). He studies these spells endlessly and casts
them as frequently as possible. A wand of create
food and water (18 charges left) is his only other
significant possession.
Elmontius now spends his time conjuring up
prismatic spheres, which he then sits within, talk-
ing to the swirling colors with his ventriloquism.
He is quite mad and will not willingly aid or
accompany the PCs, who he treats as both friends
and enemies (in alternating rounds) for no appar-
ent reasons. He happily casts prismatic sphere if
given the chance, both unmindful of and pleased
about the harmful effects it has on the PCs. The
spell is his only weapon in his bemused insanity.
If forced to by adverse circumstances, the PCs
can easily dispatch the crazy old mage. In this
case, they can recover the two spellbook frag-
ments, the wand of create food and water (com-
mand word “More”), and some filthy robes. If
they attack him needlessly, however, Fidelio tele-
ports the PC who landed the killing blow to the
slave quarters of a colony of mind flayers else-
where in Undermountain.

Basilisks (2): Int Animal; AL Nil; AC 4; MV 6;

HD 6 + 1; hp 43, 39; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg l-
10; SA Gaze turns to stone (50’ range), poison
claws (+4 on save, save versus poison or die), poi-
sonous spit (5’ range, +2 on save, save versus poi-
son or die); SZ M; ML 12; XP 975.

Elmontius Menditis: LN hm W20; Int Very (but

insane); AC 10; MV 9; hp 34; THAC0 14; Dmg
by weapon; SA Spells memorized: 2 prismatic
sphere and 4 ventriloquism.; SZ M; ML 11.

Mind Flayers (80): Int Genius; AL LE; AC 5;

MV 12; HD 8 + 4; THAC0 11; #AT 4; Dmg 2 +

Stun; SA Mind Blast; ML 15 + Special; XP Eight ropes are staked to the ledge’s edge,
9,000. ranging from one to five feet apart from each
other and sometimes crossing above or
C11: Out of the Frying Pan below each other. The ropes span the chasm
to a ledge slightly above you on the other
Once Elmontius’ prismatic sphere is conquered side. Several broken cords on either side give
and passed, the curtained alcove reveals an exit mute testimony to the ropes’ dangers, and
tunnel, which leads to a shifting stone slab (bend many look old, though most of them seem
bars/lift gates roll to move). When the slab is newer. All are very dried out due to the con-
pushed out of the way, the PCs find this tunnel stant heat of this volcanic inferno.
intersects with a black, glassy, rock tube (actually Three lava tubes seem to exit the opposite
a lava tube) that slopes down to the north (the cliff-face: one on the far right is at the edge
PCs’ left). After only a short distance in the of the lava; one is on the opposite ledge
uphill direction, the tube is blocked by an im- across from you where the ropes lead; and
passable cave-in. The tube continues unblocked one below and to the left is about halfway
in the opposite direction, however. Read the fol- above the white-hot liquid rock. Peering
lowing: about, you see no other openings on your
side of the cliff, aside from the one at which
The air warms perceptibly as you make your you stand.
way carefully along the tunnel; warm, sulfu-
ric mists waft past you unpleasantly. The Several dangers face the PCs here. The center
mists condense on the glassy rocks, making exit on the opposite ledge is a dead-end (and a
the way even more treacherous, as the rock roper’s lair). Many ropes leading across the chasm
edges are all sharp angles uneroded by flow- are death-traps. The ledge where the PCs are
ing water. standing (and 20’ beyond it) is a magic-dead area,
which cancels any active spells and prevents the
The PCs need to make Dexterity checks to keep casting of others. The far right opening at the
their tenuous footing, taking 1d4 points of dam- lava’s edge is guarded by three salamanders.
age if they slip and fall. The lava tube ends The leftmost opening is the only true exit. The
abruptly at a wide ledge in a huge, deep cavern rope running from the right of the ledge to the far
over a pool of molten, bubbling lava. PCs can left of the opposite ledge is long enough that, if
notice a dull reddish glow coming from Room PCs hang onto it and cut the near end, they can
C11 as far as 40’ away from the entrance to the swing across the chasm directly into the left-hand
area. When the PCs arrive, read the following: cavern on the opposite side. Other methods can
also work (the successful crossing of other ropes
The tube ends at a ledge on a sheer cliff-face to the far ledge and climbing down the cliff-face
of glassy black rock, opening out onto a from there, levitation, flight, etc.), but most of
ledge. The ledge is about 200 feet above a these involve a) danger or b) abilities or spells
massive pool of molten lava. The stench of the PCs might not have. Remember, too, that
sulphur is overpowering and the heat is spells and magic cannot be used until PCs are
intense— not enough to prevent you from more than 20’ from the ledge with the magic-
passing through, but sufficient to keep you dead area around it.
from tarrying here long. In the event the PCs examine or use the ropes,

here are the details about them. The ropes are Strength check and holds on, takes 2d6 points of
numbered from left to right. Each rope requires damage upon impact).
three breakage checks (every 20’; check with ini-
tial contact, one-third of the way across, and two- Rope
thirds of the way across) if climbed by a PC. The Description; Direction/span of rope; Break %age
percentages listed are for one PC per rope, and at each interval; Effects of rope breakage.
are cumulative for each additional PC on that
rope at the same time. 1 Old, somewhat worn rope; crosses from the
Strength checks are needed whenever a rope left of the near ledge to the center of far ledge;
breaks, to see whether the PC has maintained a 15%, 40%, 15%; breaks between PC and near-
hold on the rope. If the Strength check fails, a est ledge, swinging PC who hangs on into far
secondary check gives the character one last ledge for 2d6 points of damage and 50%
chance; if the second is successful, the PC’s grip chance of losing consciousness.
finally catches at the end of that part of the rope! 2 Old, but not worn; crosses straight across;
Strength checks are also forced if other characters 10%, 30%, 10%; breaks in middle, swinging
or things collide with PCs while holding onto the PC back toward the near cliff but tangling in
rope (like other PCs, cliff walls, missile weapons, other ropes— P C is left hanging in middle of
etc.). If PCs collide with cliff walls after rope chasm 10’ below other ropes.
breakage, treat this as falling damage and roll 1d6 3 New and unworn (partial cut near far side, not
for every 10’ the PC had to go before reaching detectable from near ledge); crosses two ropes
the cliff (e.g. rope breaks 20’ from cliff, PC makes on track across; 35%, 75%, 35%; if breaks,

does so at cut, swinging PC into near cliff for 3000gp diamond, two 30-gp topazes, and a 400-gp
1d6 points of damage/10’ fallen and 20% emerald) in its gizzard.
chance of losing consciousness. If the low opening on the far right is ap-
4 Old, but not worn; crosses almost straight, but proached, the PC or PCs are attacked by three
has more slack than other ropes; 10%, 15%, salamanders, which rise from the lava at the edge
10%; PC also must make 3 Dexterity checks of the opening (actually a 60’-long dead-end) and
to make sure swinging of rope does not cause attack; one uses its metal spear and the others
PC to fall into lava pit. attempt to grab and throw PCs into the lava.
5 New and unworn, but dirty; crosses from left
of center to right-hand opening; no chance of Roper (1): Int Exceptional; AL CE; AC 0; MV
rope failure, but rope greased at central 20’ 3; HD 12; hp 81; THAC0 9; #AT 1; Dmg 5-20
(20’ to 40’), requiring two Strength checks (bite); SA 1-6 Strands (1/rd) grapple and cause
(-4 penalty) to hold on at the start and end of Strength drain (save vs poison each hit or lose ½
the greased section; failed Strength check Strength for 2d4 turns); SD unaffected by light-
results in fall into the lava unless precautions ning, ½ damage from cold-based attacks, saves
are taken. versus all fire-based attacks at a -4 penalty; SZ L;
6 Old and rotted; crosses from right of center to ML 15; XP 12,000.
middle opening; 60%, 90%, 65%; if rope
breaks, it disintegrates in PC’s hands, drop- Salamanders (3): Int High; AL CE; AC 5/3; MV
ping him or her to lava pit below. 9; HD 7 + 7; hp 49, 41, and 32; THAC0 13; #AT
7 Old and thicker than other ropes, with de- 2; Dmg 2-12, 1-6(weapon), SA Heat 1-6; SD +1
cided slack at the center; runs straight and is or better to hit; SZ M; ML 13; XP 2,000.
attached to a boulder on the right of the far
ledge under most of the other ropes; no C12: A Wild Test
chance of rope failure, but far end is actually
secured to a roper. The roper will drop the The opening at the center of the cliff-face tun-
rope and snare the first PC who reaches the nels upward, curving on occasion, until it opens
far ledge. into some small caverns connected by obvious
8 New, not worn, but cut most of way through paths. The PCs soon enter a large cavern con-
at near edge; crosses right to left under all taining a temple.
other ropes with some slack; 100% chance of
breakage, swinging PC or PCs into left-hand You enter a large, oval cavern with a high
opening on far side; slack allows it to be cut ceiling. At the center of the cleared cavern
and grabbed by all PCs on ledge before jump- is a large temple of gleaming white marble
ing to swing across. columns and polished benches. On the floor
at the core of the temple, a rune is inlaid in
If PCs reach the central ledge on the opposite fine silver.
side, they discover the opening is only a 10’-deep
alcove. If the PCs linger on the upper ledge or The rune is the warning for “Magic Here.” As
venture close to the boulder near rope 7, the the PCs enter the room, a magic mouth in the
boulder is revealed as a roper that immediately floor immediately above the rune begins to
attacks the PCs. If the PCs defeat the roper, they speak:
can find nine platinum coins and four gems (a

“You have been sorely tested and yet you “Waste not your weaponry or your strength,
have prevailed. Now the testing turns to for my affliction can be neither ended nor
those among you who wield magic. Your cured by those things. You were brought
audience is the god Tyr. You mages can now here by your own heady boasts to be shown
offer up your power to Tyr in gratitude for his the limits of your abilities and the depen-
wisdom and in testament to your skill. If dence that you have upon one another and
penitent souls cast magic thus in concert, those who grant you magic, skills, or weap-
the travails shall soon cease.” onry. Many have aspired to prove themselves
herein; many souls—some with power,
Unfortunately, no one is watching except Fidelio; magic, and legends far greater than your
this is simply another test to see how gullible and own—now rest here with me as testimony to
conceited the PCs remain after their suffering their own conceit. You have proven your
thus far. There is no actual trap here, save that selves worthy in mine and Tyr’s eyes; you
the entire cavern and temple area is an area of were not spared at the god’s whim, but by
wild magic. The spellcasting PCs should declare your own ability. Would that I had been able
their spells and intentions and obtain the inten- to do the same . . .
tions and locations of the remainder of the party. “In one hour, a portal will appear on this
See the chart on Effects of Wild Magic on the inside dais to return you whence you came. You
front cover of this booklet, roll normally for such would do well to think on the consequences
effects, and apply the results. of a boastful nature during the interval,
Regardless of whether or not the PCs cast though you have proven yourselves worthy
spells, a secret door opens at the opposite side of of some measure of pride. Take pride in your
the cavern 10 rounds after anyone approaches abilities and skills, but take care to not over-
within 10’ of the sigil. burden yourselves with hubris and conceit,
for they befit none and sully the worthy in
C13: Consequential Damages Tyr’s eyes.”

After passage through tunnels with doors to With that, Fidelio’s image disappears. Should
nowhere, tripwires unconnected to any traps, and the PCs attack him, he is unaffected by any of
occasional magic mouths that laugh mockingly at their weapons or magic. The only way to free him
them, the PCs enter into a long, low cavern with from his special spectral curse is self-sacrifice. If a
a stone dais at one end and a double row of graves PC, without prompting, volunteers to atone for
stretching out into the dim reaches of the far end his own boastfulness by taking Fidelio’s place as
of the room. The graves have simple headstones the wandering soul of Undermountain, Fidelio is
inscribed with the names of the dead. Those set free to his former life, at a place far from the
names include some of power or notability, dank terror of Undermountain; the PC is trans-
including a few names the players can recognize formed into a spectral NPC who continues Fide-
as heroic figures whose fates were unknown lio’s tasks until similarly released.
(repeat names from the book in Room C1). Though curiosity has killed many fewer cats
As soon as the PCs enter, Fidelio’s spectral fig- than adventurers, some PCs may spend the hour
ure appears floating slightly above the stone dais investigating the cavern (there is nothing here
and speaks. other than rocks and the gravesites) and, per-
haps, attempting to loot the bodies of the dead

heroes put to rest here. Any items or weapons hit point causes 2 points of damage to the per-
buried with the dead heroes here are cursed. son most beloved by the wearer (be it wife,
Thus, if the PCs loot the graves, they soon find child, or king).
that their pilfered items have less-than-beneficial • Apparently a holy weapon for a cleric, this
aspects to them. Suggested curses and other magical mace shatters all holy symbols within
harmful properties are below for the DUNGEON 100’ when its use causes someone’s (or some-
M ASTER ™ to use. thing’s) death.
• This impressive magical holy symbol adds 4
• The weapon deals double damage with suc- levels to a cleric’s turning abilities, but attracts
cessful hits but steals the extra damage points (and is totally useless against) vampires and
from the hit point total of its wielder’s nearest liches.
al l y.
• For each foe slain by this weapon, the wielder The portal appears as a shimmering glow upon
loses 1 point of Strength. the stone dais exactly one hour after the PCs first
• This ring of invisibility appears to work but enter this room. The surviving PCs are returned
allows foes of opposed alignments to see the to where Fidelio first found them. If any charac-
wearer (that is, creatures of evil alignments ters showed exceptional heroism, ability, and
can see a good ring-wearer and vice-versa). humility within the Obstacle Course, the DM™
• This ring of regeneration acts like a normal can reward them with appropriate magical items
item of the same name, but each regenerated as signs of Tyr’s satisfaction in them.

The Well of Shadows
Terrain: Subterranean, semi-aquatic flickering or fairly dim light source, such as a low
Party Levels: 42-56 (6-8 characters of 7th-level fire or a few torches. Shadows can be clearly seen
average) in bright light (such as a continual light or simi-
larly bright sources), and avoid attacking at such
times. They also prefer attacking when at least
Introduction some party members are asleep, meditating, pray-
ing, or otherwise distracted.

S ome creatures have no concept of treasure. The roving band of shadows in this section
They have neither care nor use for magic, of Undermountain numbers nine strong. They
baubles, or coins. Such monsters are rarely targets are 90% undetectable as long as they attack in
of treasure seekers. Other monsters and creatures dim light. If seen, their appearance is either
hoard treasure, guarding it from thieves and jeal- that of a simple shadow or a hideous, bipedal
ous rivals, Such beasts are often fearsome foes and monster somewhat larger than man-sized, with
are targets of only the most skilled (or foolhardy) muscular limbs and a tentacled and horned vis-
adventurers. age with a massive, protruding jaw. The band
At least one monster, however, knows the will attack as many party members simultane-
meaning of treasure, collects it, and actively puts ously as possible.
it away unguarded due to the painful memories of
past lives the treasure represents. That monster is The dim and flickering light makes for hyp-
the shadow, who often disposes of treasure down notic, dancing shadows on the rock wall
a well in its lair. If adventurers can withstand the nearby, occasionally dulling your concentra-
furious attacks of the shadow band living by their tion when on watch. The light dance can be
camp and use their heads, they could stand to easily broken by a few abrupt motions from
collect a king’s ransom! you, sending large, deep shadows skittering
This adventure begins with an attack on the across the face of the rock to overwhelm the
PCs’ party by a roving band of shadows, some- flickering variations of your light source.
where in the foreboding confines of Undermoun- Suddenly, the dark shadows move in a man-
tain, and leads to the “treasure well.” It could be ner in concert with neither your movements
an easy retrieval, were all as it seems. Unfortu- nor the gentle dance of the flame. You feel a
nately, this is Undermountain, and everything is chilling touch and realize that monstrous,
more complex, more sinister, and more dangerous shadowy creatures are attacking!
than initially meets the eye.
The shadows seek to create more of their kind
by attacking party members and reducing their
Hiding in Shadows victims’ hit points or Strength to 0 through
their chilling attacks. They will also seize any

T his battle occurs at any time a group of PCs

are camped in the dungeon with only a
treasure from their victim or the party and furi-
ously cast it away into a well nearby. The shad-

ows retreat once they claim a victim or two, or if
they suffer more than two losses among their
own ranks. If pursued into their lair, they fight
until dead (banished to the Negative Material

Shadow (9): Int Low; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; HD

3 + 3; hp 22 (×2), 21, 19 (×2), 16, 14, 12, 9;
THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5, plus 1 point of
Strength; SA Strength drain (2-8 turns duration);
SD +1 or better weapon to hit; MR Immune to
sleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spell attacks,
but can be turned by clerics; SZ M; ML Special;
XP 420.

Keyed Encounters
S1: Wellspring of Disaster
Whether the PCs defeat the shadows or simply
allow them to retreat to their lair, it is important
that the PCs come across the shadows’ well,
located just outside the entrance to the lair.
Preferably, the PCs also witness the shadows
flinging treasure furiously down the well, but, if
that does not happen within the melee as it
develops, simply have the PCs each make an
Intelligence check to see if any have heard the
legends of shadows’ treasure hoards being kept at
the bottom of wells.

A 3’-high, 5’-diameter circle of flat stones

clearly marks the confines of a pit in the
floor, which on closer examination turns out
to be a fresh-water well. There is a leaky
wooden bucket tied to an old and frayed
rope to one side of the well, but no winch
with which to draw the water bucket up.
There is about a 40’ drop to the level of the
water, all of that length being enclosed by
uneven, piled flagstones.

It is not easy to tell the depth of the water in Any PC passing through this portal exits into a
the well, although it appears clear rather than large submerged cave. The PC is still about 20’
polluted. Dropping a magical light source into underwater, and the rock-face ceiling of the cave
the water or performing any similar test reveals a em has no air-pockets in which to surface other
silvery shimmering perhaps 20 feet below the sur- than the tiny pockets caused by the PC’s own
face of the water before the light fades from sight. exhaled breath (50% chance to access without
The effect is actually caused by a gate filling the taking in water). If light permits, a pile of gold
well’s entire diameter, but let PCs believe they and silver coins—along with weapons and magi-
see the shimmering of silver, gold, and gems piled cal items—is visible on the cavern floor some 60’
at the bottom of the well. below. Treasure consists of 54 platinum pieces,
Attempts to scoop up treasure with the rope 323 gold pieces, 453 silver pieces, six silver dag-
and bucket prove unsuccessful, as both are rotted gers, a short sword +1, 3 rubies (120 gp each), a
and disintegrate if touched. If a PC enters the potion of giant strength in a silver bottle, and a ring
water to look down, the PC can discern the sil- of jumping.
very shimmering, but there is increased cloudiness A hole in the side wall of the cavern appears
in the water, apparently some sediment and debris approximately 20’ below and 20’ to one side of
kicked up by the PC’s descent into the well. the PC’s initial location, from which a barely dis-
Keep track of the time spent underwater, should cernable light emanates. This hole is the only
anyone descend into the well to recover the exit to this natural spring. The 5’-diameter, 20’-
shadows’ treasure. Unless they use some special or long hole is magically trapped, however, about
magical breathing devices, PCs can only hold 10’ in from its opening to the pool. The trap
their breath the number of rounds equal to one- automatically casts a slow spell on anyone passing
sixth of their Constitution, rounded up. After the midpoint of the tunnel who does not make a
that, they must make Constitution checks each successful saving throw versus spell (at a -4
round (-2 cumulative penalty for each ensuing penalty). The spell) is cast at the 6th level of spell
round) or try to breathe, losing one-half their use, giving it a duration of 9 rounds.
Strength and starting to drown in 1 round if air is
not found. In the uncertain light and narrow confines of
the tunnel, your progress seems to slow as
The water is cold and quickly becomes you become more and more desperate for a
murky as your descent dislodges mud and breath of air. Your arms feel weighted down
debris from the flagstones making up the with lead, and the tunnel seems inter-
sides of the well. As you dive deeper, the minably long.
water cools even more. When you are about
20’ down, you suddenly feel a brief tingling, S2: Color Coordinated
then the water warms a bit.
The hole continues for approximately 10’ past
Unless carrying a light source, the submerged the slow trap, angling sharply upward before it
PC is also completely in the dark. If formerly opens up into a 10’-deep pool in a natural cavern
connected to other PCs or the top of the well by filled with stalactites and stalagmites.
a rope, it is suddenly slack, the other end abruptly
severed. The PC has passed through a one-way The 10’-deep pool in which you surface is
gate. almost 20’ in diameter, surrounded on two

sides by steep, rock walls with the glossy Green: Green Slime (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 9;
sheen of mineral deposits from dripping MV 0; HD 2; hp 12; THAC0 19; #AT 0; Dmg
water. The roof is covered with stalactites; Nil; SA Turns everything that comes to it into
numerous caramel-colored stalagmites form green slime in 1-4 rounds, eats through 1’ of
a “beach” on the remaining sides of the wood/hour, dissolves metal quickly (plate armor
pool. A natural light seems to emanate from in 3 rounds); SD Only affected by cure disease
algae growing on the cavern ceiling and spells, though it can be scraped off or cut away
walls. The beach is gently sloped and color- quickly; SZ S; ML 10; XP 120.
ful, ranging from dark yellow, to bright
green, to grey and tannish-brown. Behind Gray: Gray Ooze (1): Int Animal; AL N; AC 8;
the beach is a natural tunnel opening to MV 1; HD 3 + 3; hp 22; THAC0 17; #AT 1;
realms beyond. Dmg 2-16; SA Corrodes metal (chain mail in 1
round, plate mail in 2 rounds, and magical armor
One round after the PCs have surfaced and in 1 round/each + to AC); SD Spells, and cold-
viewed their surroundings, one of any of the PCs and fire-based attacks have no effect, but light-
in the water is attacked by a crystal ooze living in ning and weapons cause full damage (metal
the spring. It lurks exactly 5’ to the right of the weapons are affected by corrosion); SZ M; ML 10;
tunnel exit. XP 270.

Crystal Ooze (1): Int Animal; AL N; AC 8; MV Yellow: Ochre Jelly (1): Int Non; AL N; AC 8;
1, SW 3; HD 4; hp 16; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg MV 3; HD 6; hp 41; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg
4-16; SA Poison (save versus poison or become 3-12; SD lightning bolt divides creature in half,
paralyzed); SD Immune to acid, cold, heat, or fire each half doing half damage thereafter; SZ M;
attacks, while blows from weapons do only 1 ML 10; XP 420.
point of damage per hit; wooden weapons must
save versus acid or be destroyed; SZ M; ML 10; S4: Osquipping Equipping
XP 420.
The exit tunnel behind the beach is magically
S3: On the Beach trapped, automatically casting a slow spell each
round on each passing PC who fails a saving
PCs exiting the water are not free from danger. throw versus spell. The tunnel is 30’ long, and
While the brown areas of the beach (calcified given the wounded and possibly slowed state of
deposits from dripping water) are safe, albeit slip- some or all of the party of PCs, the PCs could be
pery, the rest of the beach is covered by various affected multiple times before exiting the oppo-
slimes, molds, and oozes as described below. If site end of the tunnel. Again, the duration of any
PCs attempt to cross over them or pass within 2’, successful slow spell is nine rounds.
they attack (Dexterity checks are needed to avoid The tunnel opens into a natural cavern with
slipping and falling in areas of green slime). In two 8’-high exits, as well as numerous smaller
fact, PCs attempting to exit the beach at the bor- tunnels about 2’ in diameter each. Once the party
der of two different colors (i.e., different crea- moves more than 20’ into the cavern, a pack of
tures) may find themselves the target of two oozes 12 osquips rushes out of the 2’ tunnels. Natural
in a tug-of-war for a victim. See map, p. 25. packrats interested only in bright, shiny objects,
the osquips’ goal is to strip the party of items of

interest (to them), not to disable or harm. They Die
defend themselves if attacked, fighting to keep Roll R e s u l t
“their” loot should anyone try to interfere with 1 Partial collapse of tunnel ahead of PCs. Forward
their liberation of available treasure. progress may be made, but chance of further cave-
Although of only animal intelligence, the in increases to 20% during next two rounds.
osquips have been here for some time and know 2 Partial cave-in behind PCs. Passage back through
of the slow effect of the nearby tunnel. Conse- still possible, with chance of cave-in increased to
quently, the osquips avoid the tunnel and know 10% for 1 round if PCs pass back that way now
that the adversaries who venture into this cavern or later.
are often incapable of protecting their treasure 3 Complete cave-in behind PCs. Impassable unless
from the marauding osquip pack. Their goal is to PCs dig for 12 rounds, with standard chance of
strip the party of treasure and retreat into their additional cave-ins while digging.
small tunnelways before the effects of the slow 4 Complete cave-in front of PCs. Impassable, even
spells wear off. if PCs attempt to dig.
5 5’ section of tunnel collapses completely on PCs.
Osquip (12): Int Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 12, Victims unable to dig (those without Strength
burrow ½; HD 3 + 1; hp 22, 22, 20, 19, 19, 17, 16, scores of 16 or more, who can dig out in 1d6
14, 13, 13, 13, 11; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12 rounds), but can be saved by others digging them
(bite); SZ S; ML 7; XP 120. out before suffocation occurs. Use rules, above,
for holding breath underwater to determine how
S5: Cache of the Day many rounds buried PCs can survive.
6 Light sifting of dirt and rocks has no ill effect on
The osquip tunnels are too small to traverse eas- PCs, but coincides with complete collapse of
ily (about 2’ to 3’ in diameter, with occasional tunnel 70’ ahead.
wider spots) and are extensively interconnected 7 Tunnel collapses into rat den containing 24 rats.
both with various other rooms in this area of PCs fall 5’ onto mass of swarming rats (killing
Undermountain and with places of interest to an 1d6 of them); they attack the PCs, but will not
osquip (for example, a water source not sur- follow them back into the tunnels.
rounded by dangerous oozes, access to even 8 20’ section of tunnel collapses completely on
smaller osquip tunnels, and the osquip hatchery). PCs. Victims suffer 1d6 points of crushing dam-
PCs who are, or become, small enough to pass age and are unable to dig (without Strength of
through the tunnels can eventually locate the 16 or more, see above), but can be saved by
cache of stolen items gathered by the osquips others digging them out before suffocation
and return with some or all of it, depending on occurs. Use rules, above, for holding breath
the means used to transport it and the survival of underwater to determine how many rounds
the PCs looting the hoard. buried PCs can survive.
If the PC or PCs traveling through the tunnels 9 Tunnel collapses into rocky crevice 10’ deep.
are barely small enough to fit, there is a 5% Victims suffer 1d6 points of falling damage and
chance each round that they disrupt the ceiling 1d4 points of cutting damage from sharp rocks at
or walls of the tunnel sufficiently to cause a cave- bottom of crevice.
in. If this occurs, roll 1d10 and apply the appro- 1 0 Cloud of sifting dirt and dust covers ambush by
priate result. six osquips from front of party, giving them auto-
matic surprise.

PCs traveling the osquip tunnels also have a Continuing down the previously debris-
40% chance of encountering six osquips in the blocked tunnel leads to a shimmering gate that
tunnels (rolling 4 or less on a d10). If the osquip will take the PCs back to an alcove near where
stash is located, it is guarded by half the osquips they were first attacked by the shadows.
that survived the raid on the PCs, plus a half-
dozen additional osquips. S7: You Dirty Ratter
Should the PCs locate the osquip stash (see
map for its location in the extensive osquip tunnel As the PCs move through various corridors and
complex), they find the following items piled in a rooms, they eventually enter a large cavern with
large, dug-out room with a small pool of water and a ledge overhanging the entrance. As the party
natural algae luminescence: 112 pp, 1,046 gp, enters the room (and before all members are
3,012 sp, 108 shiny cp, 11 gems (three 450-gp dia- inside), read the following:
monds, five 225gp sapphires, two 80-gp pearls,
A humanoid figure wearing filthy, ragged gray
and one 20-gp amethyst), seven marbles, three
furs of some sort suddenly drops down from
ivory scroll cases (one contains a protection from
the ledge over the entryway, wildly announc-
evil scroll, the others hold dust from crumbled
ing his presence with a loud “Whooop!” that
parchment or maybe a map to another dungeon of
reverberates in the cavern.
the DUNGEON MASTER™’s devising), 16 shiny belt
buckles with attached leather belts of various If the PCs do not kill the the figure outright,
sizes, 19 daggers, two silver throwing daggers +1, six they can learn his story, addled though he is from
short swords, one silver wand (actually a wand of his long confinement in this part of the dungeon.
wonder with 18 charges), 54 tinder boxes, and His name is Kearn, originally from Highmoon,
three gold rings (including a ring of swimming). and he is the half-elven former squire of Vicnar, a
paladin who ventured into Undermountain with
Rats (24): Int Animal; AL N; AC 7; MV 15; his small party of adventurers. They were attacked
HD g; hp 2; THAC0 20; #AT 1; SA 5% chance by the shadows, investigated the well for treasure,
of disease; SA T; ML 4; XP 7. and eventually found themselves in the same
predicament the PCs are currently in. Vicnar fell
S6: Show Me a Way to Go Home victim to the green slime as he exited the water
and the rest of the party died fighting the other
After traversing additional tunnels and several oozes, save Kearn, who decided to explore the
rooms with nothing of interest save more osquip osquip tunnels and never returned. Kearn has
holes, the PCs will come to a large cavern filled been living here since, catching rats for food, and
with the debris of a recent cave-in at one end. If waiting for someone he could join in attempting
the PCs investigate the debris carefully or climb to find an exit.
the pile to move some of the debris away, they find Kearn is unarmed and should be treated as a 0-
that the cave-in blocks a large, natural passageway. level fighter with 6 hit points and a Dexterity of
No fewer than 8 rounds of digging can clear 18. If he is not killed by the PCs and is treated
enough debris to allow PCs to crawl past the cave- well (with apologies and/or healing for any dam-
in. In addition, the PCs can use the osquip tunnels age done him), he readily travels with the party
to circumvent the cave-in. There are no special and tells them what he knows of the tunnels,
dangers here, although any remaining osquips including the cave-in in S6 and the stone door,
attack the PCs if the PCs raided their tunnels. the salt, and the silence in Room S8. His rescue

may allow an appropriate PC to garner him as a spells can only occur if the silence is eliminated.
henchman or aide. Fortunately, the writing on the stone door
gives a clue as to how to eliminate the silence, as
S8: Stony Silence it reads, in Gnome:

The tunnel you travel in is obviously worked The secrets of a black heart are kept in
stone, and it soon opens into a room carved sealed silence, to be spoken only when
out of solid rock. In the middle of the cham- washed with the salty tears of forgiveness,
ber sits a circular black onyx dais or altar of allowing all to be dispelled and forgotten,
some sort. A large mound of white powder and making the center of being again pure
and rock looms at one side of the dais. At the and white.
far end stands a sliding stone door of im-
In addition, careful examination of the dais
mense proportions with writing on it. As
reveals grains of salt in the crack where it joins
soon as you enter the room, there is complete
the stone floor. This should suggest to PCs that
and utter silence.
salt has previously been spread over the dais.
The silence is magical in nature, and extends Once the silence is gone and the magical seal of
throughout the room; this continues as long as any the stone door is broken, the door easily slides
portion of the onyx dais remains uncovered by salt aside, revealing a gate. This is a permanent two-
(the rock and pile of white powder). The sliding way portal that takes the party somewhere in
stone door is magically sealed and can be opened Undermountain determined by the DM (not back
only with a dispel magic or knock spell; both of these to where the PCs encountered the shadows).

Bi-Nou 1104
™ & © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Bi-nou Rockworms Rocklords

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean Subterranean Subterranean
FREQUENCY: Rare Very Rare Very Rare
ORGANIZATION: Solitary or clan Solitary Solitary
DIET: Carnivorous Carnivorous Omnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12) Low (5-7) Semi (2-4)
TREASURE TYPE: Special Special Special
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Neutral

NO. APPEARING: 1 or 2-8 1 or 2 1

ARMOR CLASS: 1 -2 -4
HIT DICE: 5+5 7 10
THAC0: 15 13 11
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1-8/1-8 1-12/1-12 3-18/3-18
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Squeeze, spells Spells Spells
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Special Special Special
SIZE: M (5’-7’ tall) M (5’-7’ long) L (S’-15’ long)
MORALE: Elite (13-14) Champion (15) Champion (15)
XP VALUE: 975 2,000 5,000

No one knows exactly what the bi-nou are or how they came relatively recent, none older than 50 years. There has been
to be. Most sages believe bi-nou are living rocks created by only one reported sighting of a bi-nou or a similar creature
some dark experiments of the Drow. There are some visitors to outside Undermountain, though this is unconfirmed. Sages
Undermountain, however, who swear the rock creatures were speculate that the creatures can only be found in Halaster’s
spawned by Halaster to act as guardians; they say that, while domain, and perhaps would die if removed from the dungeon;
malign, Drow are not known to create living things out of such whether this is an aspect of the creatures’ construction, or per-
crude matter. A more recent theory gaining popular support is haps of the extensive magics that permeate Undermountain, is
that the bi-nou found beneath Waterdeep are the handiwork inconclusive due to the limited information at hand.
of one man—a wizard named Spite who lives deep within
Undermountain. The sorcerer, considered one of Halaster’s Combat: Bi-nou do not work together to attack their foes.
newest associates, spends much of his time on his experi- They act independently, using their natural spells and claw-
ments—coaxing inanimate objects to life. like appendages to kill all living creatures entering their cav-
Appearing as craggy columns with two short, jagged arms
ending in spiky claws, bi-nou are often difficult to spot in dark
caverns. They look like stalagmites, their shapes rendering
them practically invisible in a cavern with rocky outcroppings,
natural stalactites, and stalagmites (70% chance not to be
noticed). Standard bi-nou range from five to seven feet tall and
weigh from 600 to 1,000 pounds. Their rocky skin varies in
color from off-white to dark gray, and they prefer to live in
underground chambers where the natural rock color mimicks
their own.
Bi-nou do not see or hear by conventional means, and are
effectively deaf and blind. However, they sense heat and
vibrations, having a form of batlike sonar. Their unique senses
give them clear mental images of the size and shape of victims
within a range of 80’ and can distinguish between living and
non-living matter. Humans and demihumans using invisibility,
darkness, or light spells gain no advantage against bi-nou due
to the creatures’ blindness. The bi-nou communicate telepathi-
cally in their own language and in Drow, as they possess nei-
ther mouths nor vocal cords. Further, bi-nou’s minds are
different from other creatures’ and thus immune to mind-
affecting spells and psionic attacks.
They hate all warm-blooded life—especially humans and
humanoids, who hunt and steal their gem-like eggs. Bi-nou do
not hesitate to attack groups of humanoids, even if the odds
are against the rock creatures. Only sick bi-nou or the very
young fail to attack trespassers in their domain.
Several types of bi-nou have been documented in deep sub-
terranean caverns, the most noted of these being standard bi-
nou, rockworms, and rocklords. These documentations are all
Bi-Nou 1104

erns. Sages believe that when multiple bi-nou are present, they armor and weapons can be found in some lairs. The eggs are
make contests of the killings, though all slain creatures are prevented from hatching by keeping them cold for many
consumed as food. If the creatures were tampering with bi- hours, killing the young inside. This ensures the eggs retain
nou eggs, there seems to be even a bit of malicious enjoyment their gemlike appearance and value. Bi-nou eggs vary in size
in the kill. and color, the younger eggs being smaller but of brighter hue
Despite their chaotic natures, some bi-nou have learned to while the older eggs are larger but lose much of their sheen.
hold their attacks until creatures move within 40 feet; this
gives the monsters time to examine their targets. Bi-nou often Rockworms
begin their assault with their innate spell abilities. Each of the Closely related to standard bi-nou, rockworms appear as stone
following spells is useable once a day as if cast by a 10th-level snakes with arms, rather than stalagmites, moving along the
wizard: slow, dig, stone shape, and wall of stone. Although bi-nou ground like reptiles. Rockworms are not capable of upright
have natural magic resistance, certain spells can be deadly to stance. They travel like ungainly snakes along cavern floors,
the rock creatures if they take effect. Passwall stuns them for 1- using their jagged arms to help propel them. Sages speculate
4 rounds but cancels its normal effects, and rock to mud slays that rockworms are the predecessors of standard bi-nou, mag-
them instantly. Stone shape operates as a heal spell, restoring all ically-created beings with which their maker or makers were
but 1-4 of the bi-nou’s hit points. not satisfied. This is not true, however. Rockworms and bi-nou
When foes are within striking range of a bi-nou, the rock were created simultaneously from different experiments.
creature fights with its jagged limbs. If both limbs strike the Rockworms are malicious, seeming to hate all creatures that
same target, the bi-nou snares its opponent and hugs it against walk rather than crawl. Their attacking small groups of stan-
its rocky body, squeezing the air out of it. Victims suffer an dard bi-nou to vie for cavern territory or to claim food killed
additional 1-8 hit points of damage per round until they free by their upright kin is not unheard of. Like bi-nou, the rock-
themselves with a successful bend bars/lift gates roll, the bi- worms particularly hunt out humans and demihumans as
nou is killed, or they suffocate. thieves of their eggs. Unlike the bi-nou, rockworms do not
attempt to hide in their surroundings—they lumber to the
Habitat/Society: Bi-nou are found either individually or in attack as soon as they see a potential meal. Rockworms do not
small family groups. Individuals tend to be rogue young or fear alerting their prey to their presence. The segmented crea-
outcast adult bi-nou. Groups are ruled by the largest bi-nou, tures know their thick skin is impervious to most attacks and
and the leader’s clan follows orders without question (save believe they can eventually overtake most quarries.
those pertaining to combat). The leader selects the cavern lair, Like standard bi-nou, rockworms lay valuable eggs. How-
determines which of his charges warm the eggs, and metes out ever, unlike their kin, they warm their own eggs, leaving them
punishment if eggs are harmed or stolen. Any bi-nou clan will only for short times to catch nearby food. In this respect they
have 2-8 eggs, each valued at 100-1,000 gp. The eggs are hard act as parents, while standard bi-nou are assigned to egg-
and faceted like gems, and are prized by dwarves, who have warming duty and never know which young are their own.
come to recognize their value and rareness. Dwarves are more careful when hunting rockworms.
Bi-nou prefer damp, drafty caverns, where it is easier to Although the stone snakes are less intelligent, they can be
sense their prey. Such a cavern is likely to hold remnants of more deadly.
weapons and armor, as the bi-nou consume humans and other
beings and animals by absorbing them, but can’t eat their Rocklords
metal coverings and weapons. The rock creatures don’t value More massive than rockworms, the “lords of stone” (as many
these discarded “unlife things,” though they have learned that call them) are deadly foes because of the massive amount of
other living beings—especially humans and demihumans— damage the stony appendages can deliver. Appearing as a sta-
are attracted to the objects. Bi-nou have been known to use lagmite with larger limbs than a standard bi-nou, these crea-
their stone shape ability to put the metallic leftovers on rocky tures can move upright or slither across the floor. In addition,
pedestals to attract the attention of passing adventurers. their thick hides make them very difficult to injure.
Bi-nou also have been known to ally with Drow—when the Sages believe rocklords are simply very old rockworms.
number of dark elves is sufficient to pose a serious threat to They do not lay eggs and they refuse to associate with others
their clan. The bi-nou act as sentries for Drow communities of their kind. However, unlike rockworms, the lords will not
and outposts, attacking and devouring trespassers, including battle over possession of a cavern.
Drow who do not belong to the community they guard. A few These great, craggy creatures are especially prized by
bi-nou even act as guards for the dark elves, moving through underground races who mount war bands to destroy the
the underground caverns and battling creatures that threaten beasts. These bands are careful how they attack the lords, as
the Drow. Many suspect the bi-nou’s ties to the Drow were they do not want to overly damage the hide. The bodies of the
established by their creator, Spite, who spent his youth in the lords are used to construct special buildings meant to keep
Underdark in the company of the dark elves. others out. These bodies are stronger and can withstand more
weight and damage than those of rockworms or standard bi-
Ecology: Bi-nou are carnivorous, savoring the taste of animal, nou.
human, and demihuman flesh. They devour their victims by It is rumored that certain proficient dwarven weaponsmiths
moving their forms over the bodies and absorbing all flesh. can create special maces from the skin of rocklords. The smiths
Metal and other nonliving substances are left behind. Thus, a claim these weapons are naturally +1 to hit and +3 to damage
bi-nou’s treasure consists of unfortunate adventurers’ gear because of the density of the weapon and the magical proper-
and the rock creatures’ eggs. Most equipment is worthless, ties of the rocklord. However, it takes three times as long to
since it is damaged when the rock creatures absorb their prey. craft one of these weapons as a normal weapon.
However, magical equipment tends to stay in reasonable
shape. Many bi-nou corpses are used by dwarven builders
(especially duergar) as solid stone building materials.
Bi-nou are hunted by dwarves, particularly duergar, who
have discovered the rock creatures’ eggs are valuable and that
Fish, Subterranean 1104
TM & © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Wattley Lemon Iridescent Plecos

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Underground pools, streams, and rivers
FREQUENCY: Rare Uncommon Very Rare
ORGANIZATION: School Solitary School
DIET: Omnivorous Carnivorous Omnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: Semi- (2-4) Non- (0) Animal (1)
TREASURE TYPE: Special Nil Special
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Nil Neutral

NO. APPEARING: 10-40 1-3 10-100

HIT DICE: 1 4-9 1-1
THAC0: 19 4 HD: 17 20
5-6 HD: 15
7-8 HD: 13
9 HD: 11
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: l-2 4-6 HD: 2-8 1 /Nil
7-8 HD: 2-12
9 HD: 2-16
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Paralysis Poison Disease
SIZE: T (6”-1’) S-M (2’-6’) T (6”-2’)
MORALE: Steady (11) Steady (11) Elite (13)
XP VALUE: 35 4 HD: 270 35
5-6 HD: 420
7-8 HD: 975
9 HD: 1,400

Although many fish species are unique to subterranean fresh Wattley

waters, three varieties in particular pose problems to creatures Perhaps the most beautiful of the subterranean fish, wattleys
that pass through Undermountain’s waterways: they are the are oval-shaped, looking like near-circles with sharp, tiny
wattley, the lemon fish, and the iridescent plecos. These fish teeth and lacy fins. The fish are from one to three inches thick.
are found in bodies of water where luminous lichen or other Brilliant stripes cover their bodies, and have caused sages to
sources provide a setting that approximates natural lighting. believe there are several varieties of wattleys. Green, blue, and
They particularly thrive in the underground caverns of Under- brown striped fish have been caught, and rare solid blue and
mountain where the forest streams of Wyllowwood and the green wattleys have been seen.
River Sargauth flow. These are clearly the most intelligent of the subterranean
While not as vicious as barracuda or piranha, these fish are fish. Led by a single fish, usually the largest and oldest (deliv-
carnivorous and enjoy the taste of flesh, attacking creatures of ering 1-4 points of biting damage because of its size), they con-
rat size and larger (even larger than themselves) when they gregate in groups of 10 to 40 where they will be safer from
are hungry. They can subside on creatures smaller than that predators. At night, schools come together in larger groups for
but they must eat a large amount to provide a good meal. The even greater protection, numbering as many as 300 fish alto-
fish are docile and nearly harmless if they have fed recently. gether.
Fish, Subterranean 1104

Wattleys are voracious eaters, consuming at least their Lemons also possess a defense that comes into play when
weight in food every three days. The bite of a wattley contains the fish’s body is punctured. The injured fish instinctively
a paralytic venom. All creatures of 2 Hit Dice or fewer are releases a filmy liquid that expands into a sphere twice the
automatically paralyzed if bitten by one of these fish. Crea- diameter of the fish’s length (e.g. a 2’ fish creates a 4’ spherical
tures of greater Hit Dice must make a successful saving throw area of effect). Those caught in the sphere must save vs. poison
versus poison or fall unconscious in the water for 3-18 (3d6) at -4 or be stunned for 1d4 rounds, often allowing the bleed-
rounds, minus a number of rounds equal to their Hit Dice. A ing fish to flee. If other lemons are swimming with the injured
save must be made for each bite inflicted by the fish. An entire fish, they usually attack the stunned creature, since they are
school hunts for prey, using their paralytic bites to bring down immune to their own poisons.
large targets so all members can feed. Lemon fish are usually solitary, and never more than three
Unsuspecting adventurers wading through underground are found together. Generally, these fish are of 7 HD or fewer.
rivers and streams have found themselves floating helpless in The largest of the fish always hunts alone.
the water after a single bite from these fish. Creatures not able The flesh of a lemon fish is tough and generally inedible,
to breathe water often drown before the paralysis wears off. though the organs of the fish are tasty and prized by duergar
Wattleys mate for life, and each pair produces 10-100 eggs and Drow. The fish’s toxicity is lost after its death, so consum-
every three months, with 10d4 surviving to reach maturity. ing the animal poses no threat. Lemons lay eggs up to four
Despite the danger, wattleys are hunted by humans and times a year, with each instance yielding 100-600 eggs. Only
demihumans traveling underground. These hunters throw ten out of 100 young survive to reach adulthood. The eggs of
small animals and fresh meat into water inhabited by the fish. the lemon are edible and command up to 400 gp a pound,
When the fish eat and become sated, the fishermen wade into which is roughly 600 eggs.
the water and net as many fish as possible before they flee.
The flesh of wattleys is delicious, and their organs are used in Iridescent Plecos
the creation of paralytic poisons and salves. In addition, their These beautiful fish are shaped similar to barracudas, their
scales are used to decorate clothing and jewelry. Live wattleys long, tapered bodies covered in shimmering scales; their
can be sold for 2-12 gp apiece (depending on size and col- graceful movements along the bottoms of shallow streams and
oration) to wealthy surface dwellers who stock the fish in ponds remind onlookers of a long stream of sparkling dia-
ponds and indoor tanks. In captivity, wattleys live 2-8 years, monds. They are often found in schools of 10 to 100, though
opposed to 15 years in their normal habitat. Wattley eggs are some fishermen claim to have spotted larger schools. Most
delicacies, commanding as much as 1,600 gp per pound often, it is their diamondlike scales that lure many humans
(roughly 800 eggs). and demihumans into the water to catch the fish, though few
Wattleys’ major predators include Drow and duergar (who of them return.
use the fish as a source of food and poison), and lemon fish, Iridescent plecos range from 6” to 2’ long and can be quite
which prey upon the smaller schools. The fish are also prized deadly The fishes’ teeth are little more than a dull bony ridge;
because of the treasure sometimes found inside. The wattleys the bite of a pleco inflicts no damage, regardless of its size, as
are drawn to shiny objects, and larger specimens can swallow it uses its mouth to hold its prey. However, under each pleco’s
pearls, small gems, and other tiny valuables. The objects chin are spiked barbels: whiskerlike tendrils. On a successful
become lodged inside the fish, and the fish must be gutted to bite, the barbels pierce the victim’s skin around the bite and
retrieve any valuables. Only one in 20 fish (1 on 1d20 roll) has inject a violent venom. Creatures injected with pleco venom
swallowed something of value (DM’s choice of items). must make a saving throw versus poison with a -4 penalty.
Those who are successful suffer no ill effects. However, crea-
Lemon Fish tures failing the save suffer a debilitating disease that sets in
Named for the bright yellow scales that cover much of their two hours after injection. An affected character loses 1 point of
bodies, lemon fish are among the most vicious predators in Strength and Constitution each per day until death (when one
subterranean fresh waters. They vary widely in size, with of the scores reaches 0). The disease can be cured up to 72
adults ranging anywhere from 2’ to 6’ long. Unlike other fish, hours after injection; after that time, the damage is considered
the size of a lemon fish is not indicative of its age. The irreversible and fatal. Victims with the venom in their system
strongest of the fish feed more often, and therefore grow to for more than three days literally wither away
become stronger still and vastly more dangerous. Iridescent plecos are non-aggressive. They attack primarily
Lemon fish are pleasing to the eye. Those looking through in self-defense, such as if they are stepped on or if a creature is
the water at them have said they resemble living gold pieces. trying to catch them. Bottom feeders, the fish scavenge rotting
The dorsal fin, tipped with black like all the others, resembles flesh and plants and other objects thrown into the water; they
that of a shark when it breaks the surface of the water. The tail do not go after live prey Ofttimes their food is tainted or rot-
of a lemon fish is covered with yellow and black barbs, with a ten, making their flesh inedible. Some believe this is also what
thin spike up to two feet long extending beyond the tail. Its causes their venom to be so potent and virulent.
eyes are black saucers that close when the fish moves forward Thanks to this inedible quality, iridescent plecos have few
for a kill. The damage of a lemon’s bite is proportionate to its predators. Humans and demihumans have tried to preserve
size, the largest of the lemons inflicting 2-16 (2d8) points of their glistening, gemlike skins to no avail; the lustre leaves the
damage from their double rows of teeth. skins upon death, and the fish itself is malodorous. The only
Regardless of its size, the lemon is able to inflict two attacks profit gained from encountering this fish is its eggs, which
per round—its vicious bite and a tail slap that causes points of many assassins use as a debilitating poison. There are also
damage equal to the fish’s Hit Dice. For example, a 7 HD rumors of a mage loose in Undermountain (and perhaps
lemon has a tail slap that inflicts 7 points of damage each time Waterdeep) who uses the eggs as material components for a
it hits. The damage is caused by the needlelike spike and the very advanced ray of enfeeblement spell; these rumors are cur-
barbs. Victims struck must also save versus poison or suffer rently unsubstantiated.
1d6 points of damage for as many subsequent rounds as the
fish has Hit Dice (i.e. 7 HD attack causes 7 points of tail slap
damage plus 7d6 points of poison damage).
Flareater 1104
& © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Omnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)


HIT DICE: 6 (see below)
THAC0: 12
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise, spells
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to heat & flame
SIZE: M (6’ wide)
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: 1,400-2,400

Flareaters, some of the most deadly underground denizens,

appear to be related to green slime—they may be slime altered
into new forms and given intelligence by magical experi-
ments. Though actually deep emerald green, flareaters’ glossy
hides seem almost black in the dark dungeons. A single
flareater rarely exceeds 6’ across, and they are no more than
three inches thick. They are unnaturally warm to the touch.
Flareaters thrive in damp, subterranean places, where they If a flareater’s target is carrying a light source, the creature
ooze freely over all surfaces, searching for sources of light. takes a different combat tactic. The creature moves over a light
Their bodies’ fluid nature allows the creatures to move at a and drops down on it, smothering the torch or lantern; it is not
surprisingly quick rate compared to other slimes and jellies. harmed by flames. For each nonmagical light source a flareater
Like running water, they can overtake their quarry. Those who engulfs, it gains 1 Hit Die. Flareaters also devour magical light
witness flareaters say their movement is unnerving, like by moving into the area of effect, absorbing the magical light,
watching dark, evil water flowing over stone walls. and cancelling its effects. Flareaters are immune to damage
Flareaters have no verbal language. It is believed they com- from all light and heat related spells, including fireballs, Melf’s
municate with each other by sending pulsating ripples minute meteors, frame strike, and others. Cold-based spells para-
through their forms. Intelligent, they are organized, methodi- lyze the creatures for 2-8 rounds. The following spells aid the
cal, and eternally hungry, ever searching for their favorite food creature’s growth by 1 Hit Die per spell absorbed or cast at it:
source—light. dancing lights, glitterdust, faerie fire, and moonbeam. Light, contin-
All flareaters are asexual. They produce by division, like an ual light, and sunray cause it to grow by 2 Hit Dice. THAC0
amoeba, when special conditions are met. This is explained in adjusts to the creature’s current Hit Dice totals.
the Combat section. When the monster reaches 12 Hit Dice, it splits in two, creat-
ing two 6-HD creatures. The division process takes 4 full
Combat: Like green slime, flareaters can drop onto their vic- rounds; once the process begins, it cannot be halted. If the
tims; those victims receive a -3 to surprise rolls. However, original flareater is damaged during this time, simply divide
flareaters can also follow their intended targets, running like its total hit points between its two offspring.
water along a cavern floor or ceiling while gauging their foes’
strengths and determining the best initial targets. Habitat/Society: Flareaters exist solely to eat and increase
Flareaters adhere to flesh, and dissolve that flesh into their their numbers, so they are always in search of prey. They live
own systems in 2-16 melee rounds (no saving throw). in damp, underground caverns, though drawn to light for
Flareaters can eat through one inch of metal in 4 melee food. Some sages suspect flareaters could evaporate with long
rounds; magical bonuses delay this process, adding 1 round exposure to full sunlight, their fluid bodies being better suited
per magical plus of the metal. They also dissolve one inch of for the damp atmosphere and darkness of the caverns.
wood in 6 melee rounds, and one inch of leather or leather- A maximum of four flareaters can be encountered living
like substances in 8 melee rounds, again adding 1 round per together. Flareaters tend to limit their numbers in one area to
magical plus of the material. Unlike green slime, flareaters ensure proper amounts of food for each individual creature.
cannot easily be removed by scraping with metal, wood, or However, it is rumored that large colonies of flareaters exist
leather scrapers; the creature will attempt to dissolve any deep underground, in the lowest levels of Undermountain.
such item. Flareaters will flow over a victim, probing weak
spots in armor or clothing; they are smart enough to attack Ecology: Wizards have been known to hunt flareaters in the
bare flesh first, ensuring that other items remain for later con- hopes that the creatures’ remains (or a live specimen) can be
sumption. used as components in spells like create darkness and
shapechange, and potions that grant immunity to fire.
Mimic, Greater TM
& © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (12-14)
TREASURE: Incidental

HIT DICE: 15-16
THAC0: 5
MORALE: Fanatic (17)
XP VALUE: 7,000-8,000

Given the magical origins of the mimic, finding mutations of it

comes as no surprise within the Realms’ greatest dungeon.
Found exclusively in Undermountain (as of now), greater
mimics are presumed to be either common mimics that have
survived for a century or more and grown to great size, or
mimics altered by the strange magics of the dungeon and its
wizardly denizens. Like their more common cousins, greater
mimics have a hard, rock-like outer shell surrounding a mass Habitat/Society: Greater mimics live in the subterranean cav-
of soft inner organs; however, greater mimics have a higher erns and ancient halls of Undermountain. They are almost
Intelligence and a limited magic resistance. Greater mimics are immobile due to their great size and seldom move at all once
also vastly larger, occupying 1000 cubic feet (or more!), and they have chosen a living place. They are intelligent enough to
can cover whole rooms or small buildings like tombs. The make pacts with any groups of creatures within the same area,
largest known specimen (allegedly found in the dungeon’s and often exchange treasure (which they cannot digest) for
lowest levels) can cover as much as a 30’ x 30’ x 30’ area. food; however, they are solitary creatures, simply to ensure a
While common and killer mimics alter their pigmentation to ready food supply It is often worthwhile for a group of adven-
resemble stone, wood, or metals, the greater mimic can alter turers to bribe a greater mimic rather than slay it, as it has likely
its coloring and shape to imitate a vast number of textures, col- gathered a great deal of information about the surrounding area
ors, and shapes at once. Common mimics imitate chests and over the years. These creatures can often be persuaded to sell
doors; with its Intelligence and augmented abilities, the their incidental treasures for food and information.
greater mimic can create entire rooms of furniture, treasure,
and tapestries. A greater mimic rarely disguises itself as only a Ecology: Greater mimics have a profound impact on the local
mound of treasure, as that still offers adventurers and other ecology wherever they reside. They have prodigious appetites,
food the chance to escape; by blocking a corridor and altering but can sustain themselves on little or no food for long periods
its shape to become a room with entrance doors on either side, of time. This is not a preferred choice, however, and they do
its prey walks directly into it and guarantees easy capture. In not practice conservation if a steady food supply is at hand.
larger caverns or halls, the greater mimic shapes itself into a They are intelligent, efficient predators.
burial alcove or a cave against a rocky wall. Regardless of its Though common mimics were created by wizards as
exterior, the “interior” disguise always has simulated treasure, guardians, the greater mimic is rarely used as such. This, quite
furniture, and other enticements to lure in prey simply, is due to the fact that few wizards can get these crea-
tures to obey them. Only Halaster himself uses them as guards,
Combat: Greater mimics surprise their victims easily (-6 to set up as barriers against adventurers in the lower levels;
victims’ surprise rolls). Intelligent and patient, they wait until rumor has it he has even befriended a greater mimic and tele-
an entire group is inside the “room” before attacking. When ports unwary adventurers to it as gifts. The oddest legend told
ready to attack, they release natural adhesives across all the of these mimics has yet to be proved; allegedly, one of the
surfaces, holding their victims fast while they attack by slam- smaller hovels in Skullport is actually a greater mimic that con-
ming the “walls” of their structure together, causing 6-24 sumes some of the more unsavory visitors lured there by the
points of damage to all creatures trapped inside (to unknow- Lady Charam, its comely ally
ing adventurers, it seems like the room implodes on them!). One in five greater mimics can develop a limited illusory abil-
Like that of the common mimic, the greater mimic’s adhesive ity allowing it to display creatures inside the “rooms” it simu-
can be weakened by alcohol in 3 rounds. If any creatures lates. These talented monsters can even portray intelligent
remain outside the structure, they close all their “openings” creatures and pretend to speak through their mouths. Observers
and seal their dense outer hide (AC 2 vs. external attacks). need to roll under half their Intelligence to realize that the
Their internal armor class is 5. words are actually coming from the walls around them.
Mold 1104
™ & © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Deep Mold Gray Mold Death Mold

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean Subterranean Subterranean
FREQUENCY: Uncommon Rare Very Rare
ORGANIZATION: Patch Patch Patch
DIET: Carnivorous Carnivorous Carnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: Non- (0) Non- (0) Animal (1)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral
NO. APPEARING: 1 patch 1 patch 1-3 patches
THAC0: N/A N/A 11
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1-10 1-6 2-16
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spores Spores Spores
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below See below See below
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 20% 35% Special
XP VALUE: 35 65 175

These strains of molds, indigenous to Undermountain, are ease is cast on him. Victims consumed by gray mold spores
spore-producing fungi that grow in decaying organic materi- become part of the mold, increasing the size of the patch by
als. Like all molds, these have a fuzzy, harmless appearance. 25%. The spores do not harm non-living matter.
However, these molds are very deadly and have been the Gray mold is immune to all weapons and all non-magical
downfall of more than one adventuring band. and magical fire-based attacks. In addition, it has a natural
A typical patch of mold covers from 30 to 60 square feet. magic resistance. If they can pierce the resistance, chill touch
and cone of cold spells make the mold dormant for 1d8 turns,
Deep Mold while ice storm and wall of ice spells instantly kill the mold.
More plentiful than gray mold and death mold, deep mold
appears in many shades of green and blue. Its pleasing Death Mold
appearance, coupled with the inviting fragrance it produces, Death mold appears as a large mold patch colored in swirls
often lures subterranean animals in for the kill. Humans and and spots of green, gray, and brown, causing those who see it
demihumans who are unfamiliar with the mold also have to confuse it with other types of mold. The most dangerous of
been known to come close for a look. Undermountain’s molds, death mold can move, slowly inch-
If anything touches the mold, whether a curious finger or a ing its way along cavern floors and walls in search of food. It
weapon, it releases a cloud of spores 20’ wide, 20’ high, and 30’ often lurks on ceilings, waiting to release its cloud of spores on
deep, centered on the point of contact. Anyone caught within victims below.
the cloud must make a successful saving throw versus para- When death mold touches a victim, it releases a cloud of
lyzation or suffer 1d10 points of damage and lose 1 point of spores that is 40’ deep by 60’ long and 60’ wide, centered on
Strength for 1-10 rounds; those who are successful suffer only the point of contact. Being semi-intelligent, the mold can emit
half damage and are not subject to the Strength loss. Each the cloud of its own volition. It can release these clouds once a
patch of deep mold can release three spore clouds a day. turn, up to six times a day. All those within the cloud suffer
Deep mold is immune to all weapon attacks and has a nat- 2-16 points of damage. In addition, all within the cloud must
ural magic resistance. However, magical spells that success- make a successful saving throw versus poison or fall down
fully pass through the mold’s resistance have several effects. paralyzed, coughing and wheezing for the next 1d4 rounds.
All cold-based spells stun the mold for 3d6 rounds; during this Once victims are down, the death mold moves toward them or
time, no spores can be released. Heat-based spells stun the drops onto them from its ceiling perch. Victims who have
mold for 4d4 rounds. Melf’s acid arrow, cause light wounds, and fallen onto the mold (or have been engulfed by it) have
cause critical wounds inflict double damage due to the nature of touched the poison spores, which lie along the creature’s body
the mold: These spores cause 1d8 points of poison damage for each
round the victim remains in contact with the mold’s surface.
Gray Mold Death mold is immune to all wizard spells, though clerical
This mold, which grows primarily on floors, has a fuzzy light healing spells (cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, cure criti-
to dark gray appearance. Often overlooked in subterranean cal wounds) stun the mold for the number of rounds equal to
caverns, this mold releases its spores when it is stepped on or the normal number of hit points healed. Slow poison causes the
attacked. It can create a cloud of spores every 6 rounds. mold to lay dormant for 1 full turn. Neutralize poison and heal
A cloud of gray spores is 30’ deep by 15’ wide and 15’ high. spells instantly kill the mold.
All those caught within the cloud automatically suffer 1d6
points of damage. In addition, all those in the cloud must
make a saving throw vs. poison. Those who do not save have
inhaled 1d6 spores—each of those spores causes 1 point of
damage per round until either the victim is dead or a cure dis-
Pudding, Subterranean TM
& © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Stone Gray Dense

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean Subterranean Subterranean
FREQUENCY: Rare Uncommon Rare
ORGANIZATION: Solitary Solitary Solitary
DIET: Any Any Any
INTELLIGENCE: Low (5) Low (5) Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil Neutral evil Neutral evil

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-3) 1 1 (1-4)

HIT DICE: 5 10 10
THAC0: 15 11 11
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 3-18 4-32 2-20
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below See below See below
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below See below See below
MORALE: Steady (11) Steady (11) Champion (15-16)
XP VALUE: 1,400 3,000 4,000

Subterranean puddings are viscous, slimy creatures that Gray Pudding

resemble massive lumps of oatmeal more than living things. Often mistaken for stone pudding at a distance, this is perhaps
Some believe they were created by mad Halaster Blackcloak, the deadliest of the subterranean puddings. Gray pudding
whose experiments gave them intelligence and resistance to uses its deep gray coloration to blend in with shadows and the
magic. A subterranean pudding is, in fact, a colony of hun- natural gray hue of stone. This gives its opponents a -4 sur-
dreds of living organisms in a single pudding. They have no prise roll penalty. More corrosive than black pudding, the gray
visible eyes, ears, or mouths; the colony creature’s sensory variety emits a powerful acid, delivering 4-32 (4d8) points of
organs are located on its underside. Subterranean puddings damage. This acid eats through wood, leather, and chain mail
range from gray to deep blue in color and are usually 8’ in in 1 round, and plate mail in 2. Each magical plus of the item
diameter; larger masses indicate multiple puddings, though adds 1 round to its survival time. In addition, the creature
no more than four puddings are found in any one mass. They automatically delivers 4-32 points of damage each round it is
always search for food, moving along floors, ceilings, and encasing a victim. When the victim reaches -10 hit points, it is
walls to find prey. considered dissolved, with not even a scrap of bone left
Sages believe all subterranean puddings are magically behind.
altered black puddings. Indeed, they share some standard Gray puddings are unusually susceptible to certain spells,
pudding characteristics. The puddings take no damage from provided those enchantments get past its magic resistance.
edged weapons, and blunt weapons cause one-quarter normal These spells include flesh to stone, which acts as a slow spell on
damage, regardless of any magical bonuses. They are immune the pudding, and airy water, which alters the pudding’s form
to acid, cold, and poison attacks. However, these puddings do enough to drown it in its own fluid mass in 2-8 rounds.
not divide when attacked. Rather, they divide into two half-
sized sections, each with full hit points, when any of the fol- Dense Pudding
lowing spells are cast at them: fireball, lightning bolt, flamestrike, This variety of subterranean pudding has 10 Hit Dice and is
flaming sphere, wall of fire, chain lightning, and incendiary cloud. always found at its maximum hit point total (80 hp). Slower
than gray pudding, the dense variety has learned from its “rel-
Stone Pudding atives” to cling to the shadows and use surprise to its advan-
Though malleable, this pudding appears rather solid and very tage by dropping on potential meals. Targets suffer a -2 to
sluggish. It is a thick lump that oozes slowly along any sur- their surprise rolls. Dense pudding is easy to spot in the open
face, preferring to hide on ceilings (from whence it can drop because of its dark blue coloration and large size.
onto its food). It ranges in color from light gray to dark gray- The secretions of a dense pudding are corrosive only to liv-
the darker the color, the more recently it has fed. A stone pud- ing flesh and cause 2-20 (2d10) hit points of damage. In addi-
ding’s secretions are poisonous, and each attack causes 3-18 tion, the secretions are tainted. All those who are damaged by
(3d6) points of damage. When a pudding kills a victim, it rests a dense pudding must make a successful saving throw vs. poi-
upon the dead creature until its body absorbs the flesh. This son or succumb to a debilitating disease. Cure disease will
takes 1-10 rounds. Stone puddings cannot eat metal, wood, negate these effects if cast within 48 hours of the infection.
leather, and other such objects, which are left behind after they
consume their victims.
These puddings, their remains, and their surface secretions
are used by wizards as poisons and as ingredients in oil of acid
Scaladar, Enhanced TM
& © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Undermountain Like all of Trobriand’s constructs, the enhanced scaladar is

FREQUENCY: Unique immune to disintegrate, maze, crystalbrittle, and any acid- or
ORGANIZATION: Special cold-based spells. It takes only half damage from fire- and
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any heat-based attacks, and half damage from any attacks with
DIET: Nil edged or piercing weapons. All attempts to mentally control
INTELLIGENCE: Highly (16) Squch will fail unless they specifically use Trobriand’s Master
TREASURE: See below Ring (See Trobriand’s Automatons).
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
Habitat/Society: The scaladar were created over a number of
NO. APPEARING: 1 decades, and Trobriand created many other metal creatures
ARMOR CLASS: 1 that were deemed failures and teleported to empty caverns
MOVEMENT: 9 deep within the dungeon. Early on, Trobriand stopped instill-
HIT DICE: 7+7 ing artificial intelligence within his constructs, as his experi-
THAC0: 13 ments always seemed to go awry. Years later, after the
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 successful creation of the nonintelligent and easily controlled
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12/1-12/2-8 + special scaladar, Trobriand ventured into the area where he dumped
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Electrical “sting” his “failures,” looking for spare parts, and found a group of
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below artificially sentient constructs that not only functioned, but
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50%; see below were creating more of their own constructs.
SIZE: H (12’+ long) Inspired by the unintentional success of his intelligent metal
MORALE: Special monsters, Trobriand wanted to create a construct that was
X.P. VALUE: 7,000 intelligent and able to control the others, all “in the interest of
magical curiosity.” He created a unique, more heavily armored
Scaladar are scorpion-like automatons created by the arch- scaladar with some magic resistance and a new artificial intelli-
mage Trobriand, and are the most successful and useful of his gence based on the silversanns’ internal components, allowing
artificial creations. The scaladar are generally used to guard it to directly control its fellow constructs. Its primary magical
strongholds or treasure in the many levels of Undermountain. “programming” instill in it a directive for control. Trobriand
The enhanced scaladar, which calls itself Squch, is an automa- then placed it in his graveyard to watch its interaction with the
ton especially created by Trobriand as one of his “most intel- other inhabitants. Squch named itself soon after its activation
lectually stimulating experiments in this century.” With its (after a squeak from its right claw) and its experimental intel-
magical metal construction, Squch is physically identical to a lect and ego soon went to work. It quickly proclaimed itself the
normal scaladar, aside from its intelligence, magic resistance, commander of the constructs in Trobriand’s Graveyard and
independent will, and a magical voicebox that allows it to formed its plans to conquer the Underhalls and all the Realms
speak Common and Drow. Created as a curiosity to interact above and below. It does realize, however, that it and the other
with some of Trobriand’s older “failures” (see Trobriand’s metal monsters are unquestioningly under the control of the
Automatons), the enhanced scaladar is proving to be a singu- “Metal Mage” himself (though Squch thinks it might have
lar menace that could lead to much trouble soon. ways around that, provided enough magic . . . ).
Squch is intelligent and ambitious and is following its direc-
Combat: The enhanced scaladar can attack with both of its tive of control quite well. It has control of the Graveyard and it
huge, pincerlike claws as well as with its sting-tipped tail, and has now directed the other automatons to find a way out of the
can thus fight up to three opponents at a time. Each claw does Graveyard. Squch has delusions of grandeur along with its
1d12 points of damage when it closes on a victim and contin- control directive, and is intent upon finding a way to control
ues that damage each round thereafter until the victim can Undermountain in preparation for taking over the Realms.
break free. A victim can try to escape once with a successful Squch is ruthless and totally lacking in qualities such as com-
bend bars/lift gates roll; failure means that the victim is trapped passion or curiosity. It wants only one thing: to further its
in the creature’s grip until dropped. Moreover, Squch holds ambitions and obey its “need” for control. It is driven by a
the victim in its vise-like grip and bludgeons the enemy with mechanical logic and is too intelligent to fall for spurious argu-
the unfortunate, dealing 1d4 points of damage to the blud- ments or unsupported threats. Unlike others of its kind, Squch
geoned foe, and an additional 1d6 points of damage to the does not kill blindly and automatically; each opponent is eval-
tightly-held victim/weapon. uated in terms of what Squch might gain from him or her.
The enhanced scaladar’s sting does 2d4 points of damage, Squch moves smoothly on level ground, but can climb rock-
and each successful “sting” adds an additional 1d12 points of piles in a clumsy fashion. It knows that it cannot swim or float,
electrical damage to the victim. Note that anyone trapped in and that its metallic body would eventually rust if exposed to
one of the enhanced scaladar’s claws can be automatically water for extended periods of time, and so it remains on dry
struck by the sting, with no attack roll required. Squch can ground at all times.
generate this electrical attack only once per turn, unless it can
be enhanced by any electrical or magical attacks cast against it. Ecology: Squch eats nothing, and requires no fuel. Trobriand
Like its less-intelligent cousins, Squch can absorb all magic knows of its ambitions, but only finds them “amusing from
missiles and all electrical attacks. Each point of damage from an an anthropological point of view.” He also knows that the
electrical attack is stored as 1 point of energy that can be dis- monster will obey him without question, due to his Master
charged when the construct makes a “sting” attack. This Ring. With matters at an apparent impasse, Trobriand contin-
energy cannot be discharged by the sting until a minimum of ues to observe Squch and the society it has built in the Grave-
12 points have been absorbed or generated. The magical yard with much amusement and interest. Squch, on the other
energy released by magic missiles can be absorbed on the same hand, works incessantly to gain control of the dungeon and
round they hit to heal the scaladar rather than harm it. If Squch itself (it wants to find magic that allows it to defy Trobriand’s
is unharmed, the magic missiles are absorbed with no effect. control).
Serpent Vines TM
& © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

DIET: Carnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)

THAC0: 11
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Constriction, spells
SIZE: H (40’ long)
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: 2,000

Believed to be a creation of one of Halaster’s apprentices, ser-

pent vines are a cross between a giant constrictor snake and a
plant. The creature looks like a vine, and only can be distin-
guished as a living animal 25% of the time by those who have
seen them before and are specifically looking for the snakes.
Those unfamiliar with the snakes have only a 5% chance to
detect anything other than an actual vine. To date, serpent
vines have only been found in the subterranean forest within are negated after the initial attack.
Undermountain. However, sages believe some of the creatures The snakes are cunning and will first attack creatures which
may exist within the jungles of Chult, where reports of living are under suggestion spells. When finished with those targets,
vines surface from time to time. it moves on to the held and charmed victims.
The long, thin body of a serpent vine is covered with heart- If a party of individuals encounter a snake, and the snake’s
shaped green leaves and smaller vines that curve around the spells do not effect any of its intended targets, the snake uses
entire length of the snake. The leaves actually aid in the crea- its camouflage ability and quick movement to disappear into
ture’s movement, acting like small feet that help propel the the undergrowth. Serpent vines are not foolish enough to
snake quickly through the underbrush. All serpent vines are attack when the odds are against them. Further, the snakes
green and are able to adjust the shading of their bodies to will not attack groups comprised solely of dark elves, which
match that of the trees they hang from or foliage they lie have proven resistant to its charms. However, the snakes have
among. Serpent vines are very rarely encountered on bare been known to attack up to 3 individuals unaffected by their
ground, and only then when the snakes are passing over it. magic, constricting first and then biting immobilized foes.
The serpents cling to the green foliage of the underground
forests for protection. The snakes are most often discovered Habitat/Society: Serpent vines are solitary creatures which do
hanging amid normal vines on tall trees, where they have the not even associate with others of their kind. They live high in
best vantage point to use their spells on unsuspecting prey underground trees, laying their eggs in hollowed sections of
thick branches or trunks. Each snake will lay 1d6 eggs every
Combat: Serpent vines will go out of their way to attack four months, and will warm the eggs with its body until they
humans and demihumans because the snakes consider these hatch (usually three to four weeks). The snakes are less active
creatures delicacies. A serpent vine’s favorite combat tactic is during this time, attacking prey only to eat and not for enjoy-
to hang from a branch that overlooks a forest trail and to use ment. The baby serpent vines are roughly one foot long upon
its spells to lure in its prey. Three times a day, a serpent vine hatching, and are quickly sent down the tree to survive on
can cast spectral force. A vine often uses this spell to add lus- their own or to fall prey to other subterranean carnivores.
cious-looking, ripe fruit to its body—especially around its
mouth. Ecology: Serpent vines are important to the ecosystem of the
Once a day, a serpent vine can use the following innate spell Wyllowwood, Undermountain’s subterranean forest, as they
abilities: charm person, hold person, suggestion, and mass sugges- often kill more than they can eat. The kills left behind serve as
tion (up to 5 creatures). It uses suggestions and charms to hint food for lesser carnivores and help nourish the natural and
that the affected individuals should relax, come closer, and sentient plant life. As a natural part of this insular food chain,
touch the vine. If a serpent vine has dominated its victim or adult vines prey upon all warm-blooded creatures within the
victims by its spells, it eases its body from the tree, wraps itself forest, but favor humans and demihumans, particularly
about a target, then bites and constricts in the same round. A gnomes and halflings, which they consider sweet flesh. In
constriction attack causes 4-16 (4d4) points of damage. These exchange, the serpent vines are hunted by rangers and druids
attacks are automatically successful the first round if the vic- who do not consider the creatures a natural part of the envi-
tim fell for the snake’s magic. However, the effects of the spells ronment and view them as a serious threat.
Shadow Lurkers TM
& © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night or Darkness
DIET: Special
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil

MOVEMENT: 3, Fl9 (B)
THAC0: 15
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapons to hit
SIZE: L (20’ square)
MORALE: Champion (15)
XP VALUE: 1,400

Shadow lurkers appear similar in shape to normal lurkers, a

large manta-ray that skulks along ceilings and walls, though it
is less distinct or material—it is, as its name suggests, a dark
shadow in the shape of a lurker. Though its silhouette would
normally be quite effectively hidden in a shadowy dungeon,
they can be detected easily since any shadows cast by light
sources (including those of the PCs) are pulled toward the
shadow lurker, pointing out its presence by directional move- spells. They are also immune to damage from cold-based
ment. If you enter a crypt and shadows move in the light of attacks. While faerie fire and light do not bother the shadow
your torch without you moving too, follow them to the only lurker beyond their normal effects, continual light spells para-
nonmoving shadow in the room and you’ll find the monster. lyze shadow lurkers for a number of rounds equal to the spell-
caster’s level. Color spray does not affect this creature normally;
Combat: The shadow lurker is a slow creature that waits for it unexpectedly does 2-12 points of damage to the shadow
its prey to come to it. When creatures are underneath or beside lurker with no effect on its trapped victims. Despite its name
it, it then attacks 1-3 man-sized opponents within 20’. During and abilities, the shadow lurker cannot be turned by clerics.
its initial attack, the area appears to be filled with a thick dark
mist for 1 round. When it envelops its victims, their skin and Habitat/Society: Aside from brief contact after creating
clothing turn jet black; sages describe it like a thin coating of another shadow lurker, these monsters shun all contact with
black ink. The shadow lurker is only paper-thin, and wraps others of their kind. They can detect the presence of other
tightly around its victims. shadow lurkers from hundreds of yards away and will imme-
Those within its body take 2-8 points of damage from the diately leave if they wander into the area controlled by another
numbing cold and also lose 1-2 points of Strength per round; of their kind. They also can sense the presence of shadows as
victims are killed when either their Strength scores or hit point well, and the two hate each other fiercely, always attacking if
totals reach 0. Enwrapped victims can attack the shadow lurker they are within 50’. They have no apparent goals or purpose
from within if they had a weapon in hand and they can make a other than to feed and multiply It is unsure how or even if they
successful bend bars/lift gates roll to move against the mon- communicate. Given their solitary nature, it seems unlikely
ster’s constricting attack. Any attacks against the shadow lurker
from without have a chance of also damaging its engulfed vic- Ecology: Shadow lurkers gladly attack and slay any living
tims. Weapons attacks do full damage to one victim on a 75% creatures and even some undead (like shadows). However,
chance (roll at random if more than one character is enveloped) their slow movement rate and the ease with which they are
as the shadow lurker can pull its own prey into the area of detected makes them a risk only to the unwary.
attack. Area effect attacks do half damage (or quarter damage Shadow lurkers completely destroy the physical remains of
with successful saving throws) to all enveloped victims. their prey, their victims dissolved into insubstantial shadows
A shadow lurker moves very slowly, but it can manipulate and absorbed into the lurker’s body. Only the victims them-
its body to fit through any crevice. It flees by flying to the selves are absorbed into the shadow lurker; all possessions of
nearest crack (like a doorway or crack in the stone), retreating the victims are left behind. Using a wish to restore a person’s
in this manner if reduced to 30% or fewer hit points. Shadow body after its absorption into a shadow lurker merely creates a
lurkers store the Strength points absorbed from victims; when shadow in the form of the departed person, and it immedi-
they absorb and store 50 or more Strength points, they split to ately attacks.
become two creatures. As a solitary creature, the new shadow Save for the fallen equipment of their latest victims, shadow
lurker immediately leaves the vicinity to find its own hunting lurkers gather no treasure. When an area becomes too filled
grounds apart from its parent. with equipment from past victims, the monster leaves to find a
Shadow lurkers are immune to all sleep, charm, or hold new location lest the remains make new prey wary.
Wraith-Spiders TM
& © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

DIET: Special
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
TREASURE: Incidental
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil


MOVEMENT: 15, Web 18
THAC0: 17
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Energy Drain + Poison
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Silver and +1 or better weapons
SIZE: M (4’ diameter)
MORALE: Champion (15)
XP VALUE: 1,400

Wraith-spiders appear as vaguely formed dark spider shapes

whose eight legs trail off into dark mist. They have no physical
substance anymore, more shadow and mist than spider. They
attack with mandibles that, though appearing insubstantial,
leave visible wounds. Their bodies are circled with glowing
red pinprick-eyes that look in all directions simultaneously.
By his own admission, Muiral—an ex-apprentice of Halaster
—created the wraith-spiders. However, it is unlikely Muiral only by silver weapons or magical weapons. Holy water vials
created them on his own, given his web-strand of sanity. It is thrown at these creatures does 2-8 points of damage (as acid)
possible that he created them with his former master, with the against their undead form. For unknown reasons, raise dead
aid of texts found in an ancient Drow stronghold, though it is spells do not affect these creatures as they do other wraiths.
more likely that the wraith-spiders were created years before Wraith-spiders create webs which glow with an eerie dim
by the Drow for their war against the duergar and the Clan green light. Anyone touching a web will sustain 14 points of
Melairkyn of Undermountain. Nevertheless, Muiral now is damage from the numbing cold of the strands. Characters in
known to command several of the creatures in the areas fre- contact with the webs must also make a saving throw vs. para-
quented by him in Undermountain, thanks to his permanent lyzation to prevent being immobilized by the web for 1-6
magical power to control undead. rounds, sustaining cold damage for each round in the web.
Like the wraith-spiders themselves, the webs cannot be cut by
Combat: Wraith-spiders cause damage by several methods. normal weapons; they can only be cut by silver or magical
Their bite causes 14 points of damage from chilling cold; each edged weapons (or a successful bend bars/lift gates roll).
bite also drains 1 level of experience from an opponent. This
affects hit points and all abilities connected with that level, Habitat/Society: Wraith-spiders were originally created as
such as combat ability or spell-casting. Lost experience levels guardians of treasure or as guards for a particular area of a
can only be regained by the victim’s earning new experience Drow stronghold. Even under someone else’s control, they
or being the recipient of a restoration spell. tend to guard treasure well, any treasure left by their victims
A wraith-spider also injects a poison into its victims with its being added to their original cache. Wraith-spiders are usually
bite. This poison remains active for 2-5 rounds and drains 1 encountered in packs since they are created in groups. How-
point of Constitution each round it is active. The victim must ever, since they do not turn victims into more wraith-spiders
roll a successful saving throw versus poison each round to (though there is speculation on what happens if a normal or
escape the poison’s effects for that round. A neutralize poison giant spider is killed by them), they are sometimes encoun-
spell alleviates the effects of the poison entirely, removing it tered alone as attrition takes its toll.
from the victim’s system and restoring any lost Constitution Wraith-spiders have no goals or purposes other than to per-
points. A slow poison delays the effects of the poison for the form their guard tasks and slay the living. They seem to com-
duration of the spell but will not restore any Constitution municate with each other on some instinctive level to
points already lost. Constitution points can be regained at the coordinate attacks in pack formations, though this is non-ver-
rate of 1 per week; a heal spell restores 1-4 points per spell. bal in nature. They understand orders given in Common or
Victims drained of all Constitution points die and have a 25% Drow if someone with undead control has the power to com-
chance of becoming wraiths themselves. Characters slain by mand them. They speak no language of their own and do not
wraith-spiders can be returned to life with a heal and a resur- respond in any way to a speak with dead spell. They are always
rection spell cast in that sequence. encountered as the servants of some more powerful creature.
Wraith-spiders are turned by priests as shadows. They are
immune to cold-based attacks and sleep, charm, and hold spells. Ecology: Since they are not free to roam at will, wraith-spiders
Normal weapons do no damage; wraith-spiders are affected have little effect on the natural order.
Trobriand’s Automatons 1104
™ & © 1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ferragan Silversann Thanatar

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean Subterranean Subterranean
FREQUENCY: Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare
ORGANIZATION: Special Special Special
DIET: Nil Nil Nil
INTELLIGENCE: Semi-(2-3) Very (11-12) Non-(0)
TREASURE: Incidental Special Incidental
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral

NO. APPEARING: 1-6 1 (10 in Umt.) 2-5

MOVEMENT: 6 18 12
HIT DICE: 5 3 10
THAC0: 15 17 11
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 + special 1 3 + Special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/2-5 1-4 1-20/1-20/1-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to Heat Nil Special
SIZE: M (5’7’ long) S (2’ long) H (15’ long)
MORALE: 18 19 15
XP VALUE: 1,400 650 9,000

In aspiring to make reliable and powerful artificial guardians, literally the war machine. These three are the primary crea-
the mage Trobriand created a number of different prototypes tures that saved themselves from the obsolesence imposed on
and models over a number of years, all of which he aban- them by their creator. There are other automatons created by
doned with the creation of his scaladar (see The Ruins of Trobriand, but these tend to be little more than randomly con-
Undermountain boxed set). “Trobriand’s automatons” generi- structed mobile scrap heaps used by others for spare parts.
cally refers to the multitude of mechanical creatures origi-
nally designed and created by the mage, but discarded and Ferragan
sentenced to an isolated sub-level of Undermountain. Three Ferragans appear to be large, crablike creatures with six legs
major types of Trobriand’s automatons are currently func- and two manipulative appendages. One of the appendages is
tional within this realm: the ferragan, a workhorse and a grasping arm with three large, strong fingers that look like a
mechanic for other automatons; the silversann, the “brains” crab’s claws. The other is a shaping arm similar to a large
of the automatons and ersatz wizard; and the thanatar, quite hammer or mallet with a large, rounded head for pounding.
Trobriand’s Automatons 1104

The small, flat head of this creature contains three eyes set Silversann
forward in a triangular pattern, and a thin nozzle where the Silversanns look like mechanical silverfish with several fine
mouth would be on a living creature. manipulators attached to their bodies at the base of their
Ferragans are the workhorses of Trobriand’s Graveyard, heads, looking like elongated antennae. They are a flat black
their jobs being to repair other metal creatures and to make color rather than silver, and their black armor does not reflect
simple spare parts for them. They also seek out and store any light. While appearing delicate, the silversann are stronger
and all raw materials that can be used for automaton assem- than they look and can carry 100 to 150 pounds, or drag per-
bly. When they find a source of metal (raw ore, a sword, or a haps two to three times as much.
suit of plate armor, for example), they always attempt to col- Silversanns were invented by Trobriand to seek out magic
lect it and bring it home for sorting and storage. They are and machinery in the vast depths of Undermountain, ascer-
intelligent enough to follow simple directions and to learn tain items’ functions, and return useful items to him. Despite
that certain creatures or objects are not raw materials. their simple tasks and bodies suited for said tasks, the silver-
sanns were one of Trobriand’s most disappointing failures.
Combat: These constructs attack by grabbing victims with the While they possessed the intelligence he had hoped for and
pincer arm (for 1-3 points of damage) and battering them the curiosity needed to seek out new items, they also retained
with the shaping arm (for 2-5 points of damage). An oppo- quite a bit of free-will and stubbornness within their artificial
nent can attempt a bend bars/lift gates roll every round to intellects. This created disturbing tendencies in them to keep
escape the pincer arm. If a target is grasped and successfully objects they found for study and use rather than giving them
held by the pincer, the ferragan attacks with a +2 bonus with to Trobriand after discerning their function. They also could
the shaping arm in subsequent rounds. Every other round, it lose track of their missions when something piqued their
can attack with a fire jet from the nozzle on its head. This is a wide-ranging curiosities. While several are still in his service
narrow flame similar to a cutting torch, and can be used only in various portions of Undermountain, most of the silver-
against held targets for 2-12 points of damage. This can be sanns were relegated to the discard heap (the Graveyard)
used no more than six times a day. after failing to respond to Trobriand in an appropriate man-
Due to their function, all ferragans are immune to heat ner.
damage. Their metal construction results in half damage from
edged or piercing weapons. They are immune to all mind Combat: Silversanns are not suited for combat and often flee
controlling attacks as they don’t have living minds. such situations if given the opportunity to do so. They seldom
confront anyone not known to them except when surrounded
Habitat/Society: When he originally created the ferragans, by thanatar units in the graveyard complex. If forced into
Trobriand felt that they could take over the manufacture of combat, they strike with their manipulator-tentacles, using
simple parts for him, freeing him to devote himself to more them like whips (1-2 points of damage). They are intelligent
creative work. However, they were more trouble than they enough to strike at vulnerable areas, such as eyes, and have a
were worth, as they constantly took valuable metal objects 20% chance with each successful hit to blind an opponent’s
(like iron bands of Bilarro) to use for spare material. Rather eyes. This is only possible if their opponent’s eyes are within
than improve their intelligence and repeat an earlier failure their limited reach.
with the silversann (see below), Trobriand banished all of his If physically threatened or pressured by characters, the sil-
ferragans, both working and broken-down models, to the versanns can “mentally” command any of Trobriand’s
dumping ground that is now known as Trobriand’s Grave- automatons within 100’. This is their primary form of defense,
yard. using the ferragans and the thanatars as their enforcers.
Ferragans are the workhorses and the mechanics of the Under their control, any of Trobriand’s automatons will sacri-
Graveyard. They create spare parts for any automatons that fice itself to protect the silversanns. If any are somehow made
have been damaged in accidents or battles, and gather raw to attack the silversanns themselves, they immediately deacti-
materials from new arrivals on the level. They do not attack vate for 1-12 rounds upon contact with their commanding sil-
new arrivals to take metal from them, but they defend them- versanns. The only mechanical automaton that is immune to
selves to the best of their abilities from persons who physi- their control is Squch, the enhanced scaladar (see Scaladar,
cally object to having their armor or weapons stolen by these Enhanced).
giant metal crabs. They stop fighting when they get the metal
they seek, and scurry away to sort and store it for later use. Habitat/Society: Outside of Trobriand’s Graveyard, silver-
Ferragans do obey the silversanns and carry out any com- sanns are solitary creatures at the mage’s beck and call. Silver-
mands to the best of their understanding (admittedly not sanns have the ability to detect magic, as befits their task of
very great, but they do their best). They can also send out finding and discerning magical items. They can also duplicate
alarm signals to the thanatars for aid in obtaining metal, the abilities of a wand of metal and mineral detection, allowing
though the thanatars respond to the ferragans’ signals only them to detect concentrations of metals and use their intelli-
50% of the time. gence to determine whether it is useful for their master or not.
Both of these abilities operate at all times.
Ecology: Ferragans do not eat or drink, though their internal Silversanns exist only for the acquisition of knowledge and
manufacturing processes leave many by-products in their will go to great lengths to investigate a new fact. Whenever
habitats. Smoke and welding fumes are thick in the air two or more silversanns meet, they spend 1 turn exchanging
around them, and living creatures engaging in strenuous any new discoveries they have made. After this exchange of
activity (i.e. combat) around them must roll Constitution information, they go their separate ways. Under normal cir-
checks each round or suffer a penalty of -2 on all combat rolls cumstances, this is the only “social” contact they have.
and proficiency checks until they rest for 1-8 rounds. This The silversanns were the only creatures sent to Trobriand’s
effect ceases after leaving the ferragans’ area. Like all of his Graveyard with full working capabilities, and they rebuilt the
automatons, ferragans must obey commands from Tro- ferragans and the thanatars to fulfill their impulse for investi-
briand’s Master Ring. gating and fixing mechanisms. In the Graveyard, the silver-
sanns are “frustrated” at their inability to explore and have
Trobriand’s Automatons 1104

turned to independent research as a way to maintain their built and programmed by Trobriand with a basic knowledge
function of “seeking magic.” Presently, they are trying to of tactics and strategy. They will coordinate their attacks to
recreate themselves with more intelligence in the hopes of the best effect and will often cooperate to eliminate the most
creating a magic-using silversann. They hope that a “wizard” dangerous opponents before pursuing or attacking less pow-
machine can manipulate the gates, allowing them to escape erful ones. They are also cognizant enough to recognize when
their prison and once again be free to explore. they are outmatched and to retreat for new instructions from
To this end, they question all adventurers who enter the their commander, or to regroup and attack under more
complex and try to find out what quality controls the ability advantageous circumstances. They are not afraid to sacrifice
to manipulate magic. They have been unsuccessful so far and themselves to carry out their orders, but they will not destroy
have resorted to dissection of magical items (and mages!) on themselves foolishly unless actively under orders from Tro-
several occasions to see if there is some internal mechanism briand’s Master Ring.
or organ that governs this ability. They hope that, if such a
thing is discovered, they can duplicate it within their own Habitat/Society: Thanatars form no “natural” social group-
structures. ings, being little more than automated war machines, but
Silversanns have the ability to control other types of Tro- they will naturally cooperate when several of them are work-
briand’s automatons similar to that granted by a ring of Tro- ing together. They do not operate with any one thanatar in
briand. Mechanisms similar to said rings are embedded within “command” unless commanded to do so, but tend to respond
their heads, though it would take a character with an Intelli- to their orders with a group mentality, all thanatars within a
gence of 18 and a full knowledge of clockworks to find one. group acting on one impulse and one objective. Thanatars do
They are unique among Trobriand’s creations in that they can not fight each other unless actively given conflicting orders,
sometimes resist such rings themselves. This chance is 50% for like “Protect the mage at all costs!” and “Kill that mage!” If
the normal rings and 15% for Trobriand’s Master Ring. So far, two or more thanatars within a group are given conflicting
the only silversanns that have resisted the Master Ring have orders, they will always see the other thanatars as the greatest
been discarded to the Graveyard. threat and they will attack each other until one is left func-
Ecology: Silversanns have little or no effect on their immedi- In the Graveyard, the thanatars act as the guards and re-
ate environment. They are not inherently destructive like spond to commands from the silversanns and the ferragans,
thanatars or ferragans, and are interested only in seeking new though their responses to the ferragans are limited. They are
knowledge of a mechanical or magical nature. Any encoun- called upon when any other units encounter intruders that
tered silversann is 35% likely to be carrying a random magical they cannot handle alone. Most often, this entails confronting
item that it is experimenting with or studying (or returning to parties of adventurers who are reluctant to give up their
Trobriand). Silversanns can function in any normal environ- metal and magical items. More rarely, they are also called
ment and are small and agile enough to climb stairs and rock upon to control or subdue new rejected experimental automa-
piles, as well as being able to function underwater for limited tons from Trobriand’s labs until they can be assimilated into
periods of time. the community. These discards show up anywhere, as Tro-
briand’s personal gate has no precise exit point within the
Thanatar Graveyard (unlike the gate that sent the player characters
The thanatar was one of Trobriand’s attempts at improving its there).
mechanical guardian, the scaladar. Resembling scaladars in Thanatars are subject to orders from the enhanced scaladar
shape (large metallic scorpions), thanatars are not meant to be and the silversanns, actively pursuing their tasks as assigned,
used as security forces, but as powerful weapons of war. except when imperative distress calls from other units inter-
Thanatars resemble heavily armored scorpions with two rupt them. If they are currently performing a noncombat task,
huge front pincers and a heavy bludgeon on the tail in place they are 20% more likely to respond to an alarm for combat
of the stinger. They also have a large, wide nozzle for emitting (boosting the response to ferragan alarms to 70%). The
gas at the front of their heads between decorative metal thanatars are, of course, subject to control by Trobriand’s
mandibles. Trobriand is testing them in the graveyard to see Master Ring.
how they stand up against adventurers who stumble there.
However, no one knows what his ultimate plans are for them. Ecology: Since thanatars have as yet not been let loose on the
outside world, there is no data available on their effect on a
Combat: Thanatars, like the scaladars, have no intelligence natural ecology. However, it is certain that a large force of
but are aware enough to carry out fairly complex orders in thanatars on the move could have a devastating effect on
combat. They can also improvise if necessary. They attack their surroundings if not ordered to restrict the damage to a
with the large tail bludgeon (1-12 points of damage) and two particular area.
large pincers (1-20 points of crushing damage). If opponents
are hit with a pincer, they can try to escape with a bend Trobriand’s Other Automatons
bars/lift gates roll. If they fail, they are subject to automatic These are the multitude of unique rejects and failures that
damage each round and cannot escape until they are other- Trobriand discarded to his Graveyard over the decades since
wise freed. If both pincers hit, the ferragans can hold an oppo- its formation. Unlike the other specialized types of creations
nent and project a sleep gas from the nozzle on their heads here, few of these automatons were functional when dumped
(save versus poison or fall unconscious for 2-8 hours). here. Most abandoned automatons are scavenged by the fer-
Thanatars are immune to nonmagical edged weapons, and ragans as scrap metal, though some maintained minimal
they suffer only half damage from nonmagical blunt and mobility and function. These creatures were then “fixed” by
magical edged weapons. They are immune to acid damage the ferragans (or by the silversanns’ experiments) and now
and take half damage from fire or heat based attacks. They are are significantly altered from any one particular form.
immune to mind controlling attacks, being of artificial con- These automatons are a multitude of differing shapes,
struction, and are likewise immune to illusions. sizes, and capabilities. Given Trobriand’s affectations for scor-
Though they have no innate intelligence, thanatars were pions and other creatures of that type, that is the primary
Trobriand’s Automatons 1104

shape found here, though it is often altered and mixed (a silversanns can learn anything of real value, these altered
metal scorpion with a claw on its tail, a lobster-like automa- creatures are teleported to Trobriand so he can see what his
ton with tentacles instead of claws, etc.). Despite the prepon- machines are doing.
derance of this phenotype, Trobriand’s automatons span the Automatons can be a source of information for unfortunate
range of animalia and beyond, producing remarkable metallic adventurers trapped in the Graveyard. Since they usually
representations of nearly any monster or animal of the have no orders concerning prisoners, they will speak with
Realms. them if it does not interfere with their job. Strangely enough,
Automatons can have a wide number of variations across the minor automatons are close to forming a real society in
a wide number of characteristics. When a DUNGEON the Graveyard. They help each other whenever doing so does
MASTER™ wishes to create a new automaton, always keep in not interfere with their individual tasks at hand. They also
mind that these automatons were rejected, abandoned, or exchange information on a regular basis and know more
damaged and their quirky construction should reflect that. about what is going on with the various parts of the complex
The checklist below can help DMs determine the general than any of the other units. This is the only advantage they
physical characteristics of a lost automaton: have in their struggle to avoid the scrap heap.

• SIZE: 1-20’ in overall length or diameter Ecology: Automatons do not eat and drink. They have little
• INTELLIGENCE: Non- (0) to Semi- (2-4) or no direct effect on their environment other than such tasks
• HIT DICE: 1-8 as mining. They do remove raw materials from the surround-
• BODY TYPE: Scorpion, crab, silverfish, spider, lobster; ing stone, but not in a random or destructive manner.
any other legged monster or animal
• APPENDAGES/LIMBS: 2-8; FORMS: pincers, claws, Rings of Trobriand
hooks, tentacles, clubs, whips, blades, etc. These magical rings are the creation of Trobriand, creator of
• RESISTANCES: All are immune to mental control spells various mechanical monsters that infest the Underhalls. The
and illusions due to their artificial construction (unless rings allow mental contact and command of any of Tro-
• DMs wish to create a new artificial sentient!). Standards briand’s automatons, including ferragans, scaladars, silver-
are ½ damage from fire, acid, edged weapons, and cold. sanns, and thanatars, within 100’. The rings of Trobriand also
Specials include magic missile or electrical absorption protect the wearer from attacks; the ring shuts down any
and healing or magic resistance of 5-75% effectiveness. automaton for 1d12 turns upon contact with the wearer.
• DISADVANTAGES: Double damage from specific The only exceptions to these effects are those automatons
attacks (like acid), limited sensors (infravision only, under the command of Trobriand’s Master Ring. Trobriand’s
sonar only, malfunctioning eyes), cracked or missing ring can override any other ring-wearer’s orders and issue
armor, or mobility problems (broken limbs, rusting, new commands to automatons from a distance of 500’. The
etc.). Master Ring temporarily locks out all other orders as the
automatons pursue the objectives given by Trobriand and
Automatons are assigned duties usually having nothing to also cancels out the shut-down effects of the other minor
do with player character interaction and, as such, will only rings. Trobriand has eliminated many hated ex-apprentices
attack if prevented from performing their function or in self- and rivals in this manner, lulling them into overconfidence
defense. The primary automatons encountered, other than the and then attacking them with their own automaton forces.
ferragans, scaladar, silversanns, and thanatars, are the miner
automatons within Trobriand’s Graveyard, which are all
assigned the task of drilling escape routes for the silversanns.

Habitat/Society: These creatures are not found outside of

Undermountain; more specifically, they are only found within
one of Trobriand’s workshops or in his dumping ground for
failed machines (the Graveyard).
Though automatons comprise the bulk of the population of
Trobriand’s Graveyard, they are at the bottom of the social
ladder. They are given tasks such as hauling waste from the
ferragan areas or mining to expand the dwelling areas and to
search for raw materials. Digging through this magically
hardened stone around the Graveyard causes a great deal of
wear and tear on the machines and this causes the ferragans
to frequently have to replace limbs on the automatons. The
strain of trying to operate with a body that no longer meets its
original specifications causes many an automaton to go
berserk. When this happens, the thanatars destroy the offend-
ing machine and its components are melted down by the fer-
ragans and completely reworked into new parts.
Silversanns often commandeer the automatons for their
experiments into expanded intelligence. As most of the inter-
nal mechanisms for their artificial intelligences are in the
head, early subjects were simply decapitated and their heads
were replaced with other, larger heads. The subjects of these
experiments are seldom good for anything but spare parts
after this. A rare few, however, do survive the experiments
and show some improvements in mental capacity; before the
Mechanical Traps: Card 1 of V
This card and its companion cards present basic guidelines for various mechanical
and nonmagical traps found in Undermountain, though they can easily be used in
any dungeons. The traps are designed to keep players nervous and on their toes as
well as make their characters fear every turn of the corridor. Because all these traps
are mechanical, detect magic spells will not reveal their presence. Only careful
thieves and cautious adventuring parties can hope to avoid these deadly devices.

Trap Determination
It is recommended that DMs carefully place these traps within the dungeons. For
random placement of traps, roll 1d6; 1-2 indicates the presence of a trap. To deter-
mine the type of trap, roll 1d20 and consult the charts below.

Random Trap Generator

1. Door Darts 8. Falling Door 14. Deadly Treasure
2. Falling Blocks 9. Trip Wire 15. Swinging Blades
3. Levers 10. Weighted Net 16. Contact Poison
4. Pressure Plates 11. Tilting Floor 17. Gas
5. Ejector Plates 12. Sound Emitter 18. Falling Floor
6. Ankle Blades 13. Thrusting Blade 19. Closing Walls
7. Wall Darts 20. Furniture Spikes

1. Door Darts
Often placed on the locks of doors or large chests, darts fire upon anyone tampering
with the lock or door. When the trap is sprung, a dart is ejected from the keyhole
toward the person closest to the lock. Darts have a THAC0 of 15. When a dart
strikes, it causes 1-4 points of damage. Poisons are often used to coat the dart for fur-
ther damage or long-term effects. The DM can determine the type of poison, or ran-
domize the effects (roll 1d8) using the chart below; “Save” stands for “saving throw
vs. poison”.
1. 1d 12 points of damage (Save for ½ damage).
2. 1d6 points of damage/round for 4 rounds (Save for ½ damage).
3. 2d6 points of damage after 1 hour (Save for ½ damage).
4. 3d10 points of damage after 2 hours (Save for ½ damage).
5. 1d8 points of damage/round for 8 rounds after 24 hours (Save for ½ damage).
6. Disease: -1 point of Strength/hour; death at 0 Strength.
7. Disease: -1 point of Constitution/day; death at 0 Constitution.
8. Death Poison (Save for 2d10 points of damage).

1104 ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

2. Falling Blocks
Triggers for these traps usually involve stepping on pressure plates or a trap on a
door; the area of effect is usually a 10’ by 10’ or 20’ by 20’ area. The falling ceiling
blocks strike with a THAC0 of 8. All within the area of effect suffer 5d10 points of
damage; PCs can make Dexterity checks to dodge the stone but still take damage
from glancing blows (1d12 points of damage).

3. Levers
These traps are designed to tempt (and punish) the curious. Lever traps are placed
on corridor walls by themselves or alongside doors and usually consist of three
wooden levers affixed to a metal plate. Moving the levers sets off the traps—PCs are
often safer to simply leave the levers alone. Though DMs can create their own lever
effects, those below are presented as examples. Unless stated otherwise, the effects
occur within a 20’ radius of the lever itself.

Lever Position Effect

One Up 30’x30’x30’ gas cloud; 4d4 points of damage.
One Down Mild acid dumped on 1d4 PCs; 2d6 points of damage to flesh, no
effect on equipment.
Two Up 20’ deep pit opens in floor; Dexterity check to avoid or take 2d6
points of fall damage.
Two Down Glow-in-the-dark powder falls on targets; effects are the same as
a faerie fire spell.
Three Up 2 gallons of oil pour on targets.
Three Down Torch drops within area of effect; if coated in oil, roll 3d6 points
of burning oil damage.
All Up Grease is released on the floor; effects same as a grease spell.
All Down 2d6 venomous snakes are released.

4. Pressure Plates
Stepping on a pressure plate causes it to swing open, dropping the victim into a pit
below (Dexterity check to avoid). The plate resets itself (on a spring hinge) unless
the victim doesn’t fit through the 10’ square area. The effects of the plate trap
depend on how far the victim falls and what is in the area beneath him. DMs can
create their own effects based on the following examples.
l Standard 10’ deep pit (1d6 pts. of damage)

l Snake-filled pit (1d6 pts. of damage + 1d12 venomous snakes)

l Contact poison walls (1d6 pts. of damage + DM’s poison choice)

l 3’ deep acid-filled pit (2dl2 pts. of damage; destroys all metal)

l Chute to deeper level or to a teleport, dumping character outside

Pressure plates are also used simply to trigger other mechanical traps.
Mechanical Traps: Card II of V
This card and its companions present basic guidelines for various mechanical traps
in Undermountain. For random trap setup and traps of types 1-4, see Card I. For trap
types 11-20, see Cards III-V.

5. Ejector Plates
These sections of floor, usually in 5’ or 10’ square sections. They are triggered by
weights in excess of 150 pounds, thus saving rats and small dungeon creatures from
falling prey to them. When a victim steps on a plate, the floor section springs upward
on a strong spring or column, smashing the victim against the ceiling. The force of
the strike inflicts 4d6 points of blunt damage. These traps reset themselves within a
few rounds if not spiked open. Variations on these traps hurl victims toward walls or
up into “pit traps” in the ceiling.

6. Ankle Blades
Ankle blades are sharp, round blades that whir out from a door or chest, roughly four
inches above ground level. These blades cut through even the thickest of leather
boots and cause 2d4 points of damage on a THAC0 of 10; plate mail and plate armor
comes with metal shin guards, negating the attack. In addition, the target creature’s
movement rate is cut to half normal until the damage to the legs is healed. These
blades can be coated with contact poison, increasing the peril to the victims.

7. Wall Darts
Wall darts can be connected to floor plates, door traps, trip wires, and other triggers.
Careful adventurers can detect these traps by noticing small holes in dungeon walls
(or in the floor or ceiling). The darts fly out of these holes toward the creatures
standing in a specific 10’ by 10’ (or larger) square area. Most wall dart traps contain
from 10 to 80 darts (1d8x10). They are treated in groups of 10, and each group
attacks as a 4HD monster. Targets gain no Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class due to
the large number of darts. 1d10 darts strike the target with each successful hit,
inflicting 1 point of damage per dart (or more if coated with poison).

8. Falling Door
This is a simple but dangerous trap with a sense of humor. The door is usually made
of stone or heavy wood banded by metal. The door has hinges on one side, but they
are only for decoration. When someone pulls on the door handle, the door falls on
its opener with great force, like a drawbridge. Individuals within an area as wide and
tall as the door suffer 2d10 points of blunt damage and are held in place until the
door is lifted off them (Successful Dexterity check to avoid). This trap cannot be dis-
armed. However, a successful Remove Traps roll reveals the nature of how the door

1104 ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

9. Trip Wire
Carefully placed across corridors and chambers, these hard-to-spot wires are the
downfall of many adventurers. Characters can spot trip wires with an Intelligence
check. Those who come into contact with the wires must roll their Dexterity or less
or fall forward, suffering 2 points of damage from the impact. In addition, the victims
usually fall into or trigger a more hazardous trap. DMs are encouraged to devise their
own trip wire menaces. The following chart lists some possibilities; roll 1d8 for ran-
dom use as traps.

1. Victim falls directly into a pudding or ooze. The creature receives a free round of
attacks on the victim.
2. Victim falls head first into a pit trap.
3. Victim falls onto a floor section with contact poison which causes 1d12 points of
damage (saving throw vs. poison for ½ damage).
4. The victim suffers 1d6 points of damage from the razor-sharp trip wire (unless
wearing high boots or metal shin guards).
5. Triggering the trip wire causes spikes to rise from the floor. The spikes hit random
victims within the room or corridor (THAC0 12) for 2d6 points of damage (roll
Dexterity or less for ½ damage).
6. Triggering the trip wire causes a section of wall to slide down behind the trip
wire, isolating the victim from his or her friends.
7. The victim falls forward into a pile of broken glass, suffering 2d6 points of dam-
age. The trip wire pulls back the floor covering the 1’ deep pit filled with glass.
8. Triggering the trip wire prevents a Falling Blocks trap (see Trap #2 above) from
being set off. Those who step over this wire activate a pressure plate on the other
side. Moving the wire locks the plate in place and keeps the block from falling.

10. Weighted Net

This simple trap is intended merely to hold intruders and thieves for a brief time and
are often placed in front of doors to private chambers and laboratories. Weighted
nets are released when adventurers fail to detect a trap on a door or fail to neutralize
the trap.
A weighted net falls on a 10’ by 10’ square, making a loud thud because of the
weights attacked to it. This noise alerts the individuals or creatures on the other side
of the door, giving them at least 1 round to prepare for the intruders. Those caught
in the net (characters must make a successful Dexterity check to dodge the net) are
automatically immobile for one round. During the next round, they are allowed a
save vs. Dexterity at a -2 penalty. Successful PCs can spend the round climbing out
of the net. Those who fail are hopelessly tangled and need 1d4 additional rounds to
free themselves. The net causes no damage. Variations on this trap place creatures
nearby, such as spiders and stirges that are released when the net is dropped, or cre-
ating a heavy net of cloth-wrapped chains to prevent cutting.
Mechanical Traps: Card III of V
This card and its companions present basic guidelines for various mechanical traps
in Undermountain. For random trap setup and traps of types 1-10, see Cards I-II.
For trap types 15-20, see Cards IV-V.

11. Tilting Floor

This device is often placed in long corridors that end in open doors. Stepping on a
pressure plate somewhere in the hall causes the back end of the corridor to rise (or
one end to lower to another door!), sending PCs sliding through the door. Of course,
dangers usually await with the benefit of surprise on all victims. DMs can choose
monsters and traps or roll 1d20 on the chart below.

1. Gelatinous cube. The first two victims slide into contact with it.
2. Green slime.
3. Pudding (black, brown, dense, dun, gray, or stone).
4. Mold, (brown, death, deep, gray, russet, or yellow).
5. Ochre jelly or gray ooze.
6. The room is a 30’ deep pool with a crystal ooze at the bottom.
7. The room is a 30’ deep pool with a giant pike in the water.
8. The room is a 30’ deep pool with a scrag living in the water.
9. The room beyond is a 30’ deep pit (3d6 falling damage).
10. The room beyond is covered with angled spikes (4d6 damage).
11. Falling into the room beyond triggers a Gas trap (see Trap 17).
12. Moving into the room triggers a Falling Block trap (see Trap 2).
13. The room is filled with loose sand-victims sink into it in 2 rounds and suffo-
cate in 3d4 rounds.
14. Tar. Victims with less than a 14 Strength are held fast.
15. The room’s floor is coated with dust of sneezing and choking.
16. Trapper.
17. 1d6 mudmen.
18. 1d12 skeletons.
19. 1d4 random monsters.
20. Shrieker or 3 gas spores.

12. Sound Emitters

Designed to attract or alert monsters, these traps are affixed to pressure plates, locks,
trip wires, and other triggers. By setting off a trigger, mechanisms cause mallets to
strike gongs, pulleys to ring bells, etc. The noises are loud and often amplified by the
surroundings. The noises continue until the trap is disarmed; check for wandering
monsters during each round of noise. Silence spells negate these traps only if the
noise-making mechanism is in the spell’s area of effect; many are placed away from
the trap, where many don’t think to cast a silence spell.

1104 ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

13. Thrusting Blade
This trap is often disguised as an ornate design with a thin opening or an animal’s
head with its mouth open; it is affixed to a door or wall—anything that has a lock
within 6 inches of it. If the trap is not successfully disabled twice (once at the trigger
like the lock or a trip wire, once at the opening), it will be activated upon the one
attempting to disable it.
When the trap is triggered, either by failing to notice it or by unsuccessfully
removing it, a blade thrusts out of the thin opening, focusing on the target tamper-
ing with the lock. The blade attacks with a THAC0 of 15, and the double-edged
blade delivers 2d4 points of damage. The blades are occasionally coated with poison.
Most thrusting blade traps are set at a human’s waist level so the blade can catch
short demihumans, too. However, variations place the blades at knee- or shoulder-
level, or multiple blades out at different levels. Rarer variations place the openings
behind the targets, facing the door, with a spear firing into the back of the offending

14. Deadly Treasure

What looks like treasure is actually an insidious trap. Attempts to use or handle the
item set the trap off. In most cases, disarming the trap ruins the item. The list below
details several examples of trapped treasures that are likely to catch PCs unaware, as
they don’t detect as magical or cursed items (though trap detection works as always).
DMs are encouraged to add to the list.

1. Deadly spyglass. Putting this to an eye releases a spike that stabs the victim’s eye,
causing 1d4 points of damage; the character is blinded in that eye if a saving
throw vs. paralysis fails.
2. Barbed bracelet/armband. When this object is affixed to a wrist or arm and clasped
shut, it locks and immediately releases six small barbed blades into the wearer for
1d8 points of damage. If the jewelry is removed or twisted, its barbs cause 1d4
points of damage to the wearer.
3. Sharp goblet. Always ornamental and made of precious metals, these nasty goblets
have a razor-sharp rim. Drinking from the goblet cuts the user’s lips, inflicting
1d4 points of damage.
4. Poisoned baubles. Looking much like gold dust, this contact poison is deadly to
greedy adventurers. With an onset time of 4 rounds, adventurers can expose
themselves to it numerous times before they notice any effects. Merely picking up
a piece of treasure forces the victim to save vs. poison (success negates the poi-
son) or suffer 1d8 points of damage later. Picking up multiple poisoned treasures
requires separate saving throws (at cumulative penalties of -1 per contact) and
inflicts cumulative damage.
Mechanical Traps: Card IV of V
This card and its companions present basic guidelines for various mechanical traps
in Undermountain. For random trap setup and traps of types 1-14, see Cards I-III.
For trap types 18-20, see Card V.

15. Swinging Blades

These pendulum-like blades are affixed to stonework above trapped doors or corridors,
hidden by spiders’ webs or shadows. Victims who do not notice the trap or who fail to
disarm it set the swinging blades in motion. The blades have a path usually 1-5’ wide
directly in front of the door they were guarding, hitting the creature that triggers the
trap with a THAC0 of 14. When triggered, the blades sweep down on those within the
arc, striking victims for 2d6 points of damage. On subsequent rounds, if the victims
win initiative, they are allowed to jump out of the blades’ path. Failure means the
blades swing on their return path, possibly striking for another 2d6 points of damage.
The blades swing for a total of 10 rounds until they lose momentum and come to rest.
One variation on the blade traps is to send two pendulum-like blades swinging
from both directions, giving the trap two attacks each round that can cause 2d6
points of damage each.

16. Contact Poison

One of the deadliest traps in any dungeon, contact poison can injure or kill adven-
turers no matter what their level or how much armor they wear. Contact poison
traps are built into chamber ceilings or door frames and are affixed to trip wires and
pressure plates. Those triggering the trap cause a section of dungeon ceiling to
release the poison, spraying the poison in a fine mist that falls or sprays onto all
within the area of effect. Those within the dimensions of the trap are automatically
hit by the poison. The strength of the poison can vary widely but usually depends on
the area of effect. Consult the table below to determine the area covered and the
type or strength of the poison.
1. 5’ by 5’. Victims need a saving throw vs. poison or die, with a successful saving
throw suffering only 3-24 (3d8) points of damage.
2. 10’ by 10’. All those in the area of effect suffer 2d12 points of damage and must
make a successful saving throw vs. poison or suffer an additional 2d12 points of
3. 20’ by 20’. All those in the area of effect suffer 1d8 points of damage and must
make a successful saving throw vs. poison or suffer 1d8 points of damage for each
of the next 3 rounds.
4. 30’ by 30’. All those in the area of effect must save versus poison or suffer 2d6
points of damage.

Variations on this trap include spraying the victims with dust of sneezing and choking,
dust of apperance (useful vs. invisible thieves), or troglodyte oil (same effect as nor-
mal troglodyte).

1104 ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

17. Gas
A gas trap can be triggered by pressure plates, trip wires, or—most often—by failing
to detect the trap and unlock a door or chest. When triggered, a fragile glass globe
drops onto a section of floor (or even within the chest). The glass shatters, releasing
a quickly-evaporating liquid that turns to gas upon contact with air. The gas gener-
ates a cloud 60’ long by 60’ wide by 30’ deep; the gas remains viable and active for
1d6 rounds. All those caught within the cloud are subject to the effects of the gas.
Some potential gas traps include:
1. Chlorine gas: Those in the cloud suffer 6d6 points of damage, save versus poi-
son for half damage.
2 . Sleep gas: Victims, regardless of racial benefits, must save versus paralyzation
or fall unconscious for 2d4 rounds.
3 . Tear gas: Victims automatically suffer 1d8 points of damage. In addition, they
must make a saving throw versus paralyzation or be blinded for 1d6 turns.
4 . Paralyzation gas: Those caught in this potent cloud suffer no damage but must
save versus paralyzation or become paralyzed, falling to the ground but con-
scious, for 3d4 rounds.
5 . Poison gas: Victims automatically suffer 2d4 points of damage and must save
versus poison or suffer an additional 2d4 points for each round within the gas
6 . Noxious gas: This gas causes no physical damage. Those caught within the
gas cloud must save versus poison or be incapacitated for 2d4 rounds. Those
who save can leave the cloud. Characters need additional saving throws as
long as they remain in the cloud.
7. Opaque gas: This gas cloud has no harmful effect on anyone within it, though
it is a jet-black opaque cloud that obscures all normal and magical vision,
including infravision.
8 . Magic-Dampening gas: This gas temporarily negates magical items, causing
all their magics to be deadened for 1d12 rounds. (Only artifacts get saving
throws against this effect.)
9 . Corrosive gas: This gas coats the characters within the area of effect, affecting
all metal items carried like a rust monster’s touch. Items do gain a saving
throw vs. acid to prevent rusting and disintegration; magical metal items add
+2 to the save with each plus (a +2 weapon gains +4 for the saving throw).
1 0 . Rotting gas: This gas coats all within the area of effect and interacts with the
curing agents in leather, working for 1d8 rounds before its effects are noticed.
The gas rots and dissolves all leather (save vs. acid to resist, though magical
items only gain + 1 per plus to their saves). This affects leather straps, armor,
gloves, boots, belts, quivers, shield straps, etc.
Mechanical Traps: Card V of V
This card and its companions present basic guidelines for various mechanical traps
in Undermountain. For random trap setup and traps of types 1-17, see Cards I-IV.

18. Falling Floor

These traps are often set on tile floors in corridors or rooms. Each section of tile must
be at least three feet square, large enough to handle even the largest fighter and his
or her gear. Specific sections of tile are always safe. This allows those who know the
pattern of which tiles are trapped to travel the area without risk. However, the
remainder of the tiles will drop out from under those walking on them, hurling the
individual into:
1. a 40’ deep pit with greased walls (4d6 points of falling damage). The victim
cannot climb the walls to get out of the pit.
2 . a 60’ high cavern (6d6 points of falling damage) that is often filled with mon-
sters or other menaces (1d4 random monsters).
3 . an oiled chute that transports the victim to another place in the dungeon.
The victim suffers only 1d6 points of damage from the fall and ride and must
deal with whatever is at the end of it. Because of the slippery oil, the victim
cannot climb back up the chute.
4 . a 30’ long chute that quickly narrows to 6’ by 6’ in its final ten feet, wedging
the victim in tight due to momentum. The victim suffers 1d6 points of dam-
age and must be extracted by strong associates (combined Strength of 30
needed to free stuck PCs).
For variety, the falling floor tiles can be increased to encompass slabs of rock flooring
as well, if not the entire floor of a room!

19. Closing Walls

These massive mechanical death traps are engineered for entire sections of corridors
or rooms. They are usually triggered by pressure plates or the movement of certain
doors; they can also used in conjunction with other traps, such as false floor traps
that send victims into a closing wall trap room. Once in the room or corridor, the
doors lock (or blocks fall into place), trapping victims in the rooms or corridors.
Once triggered, the walls begin to close in on the victims, moving 6” to 1’ a round
(depending on the trap) until the walls touch in the middle. Once the walls close
within four feet of each other, victims between the walls take 2d10 points of crush-
ing damage. Victims who are not able to exit the trap, either by physical or magical
means, are crushed and killed when the walls come together.
It takes a combined Strength score of 80 points to keep the walls from closing.
Spells such as passwall and stone shape can be used to stop the moving walls—unless
the traps lie in magic-dead areas. . . .
Variations on this trap cause the ceiling and floor to close in on trapped victims or
the ceiling, floor, and the walls to move in.

1104 ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

20. Furniture Spikes
As deadly as they are unexpected, furniture spikes have wounded or slain many an
exhausted or curious adventurer. Complex mechanical traps, furniture spikes are
released when weight is placed on them or when the furniture is warmed by body
heat. The spikes are primarily found in chairs and beds, though they also can be
placed in footstools, tubs, couches and other items.
Spikes are most often placed in elaborate pieces of furniture, items too enticing to
be left untouched or untried; for example, thrones in treasure rooms or opulent halls
are perfect to be trapped with spikes. The spikes are also difficult to detect in ornate
furniture, as swirls, designs, and decorations in the wood or metal easily hide the
release mechanisms. Thieves attempting to detect these traps within the ornate fur-
niture suffer a -20% penalty on finding the trap.
When the triggering mechanism is activated (whether by heat or weight), spikes
shoot forth from the furniture, impaling those resting upon them. Most spikes are
sharp pieces of metal four to six inches in length. Spikes are usually found in armrests
and the backs of chairs. Longer spikes, 24’ to 36’ inches long, are found in beds and
sofas. A hero sitting in a chair could find his arms pierced by the spikes or his back
stabbed. A piece of furniture usually has 4-16 spikes. Each spike delivers 1d4 points
of damage and strikes with a THAC0 of 8.
Some variations of this “furniture trap” alter the damaging weapon and its work-
l Arm rests suddenly clamp down on the seated person’s wrists, two blades jut-
ting from the sides of the arm rests dealing 1d8 damage each;
l Clamps wrap around the character’s arms and chest, preventing escape
(Strength 20 to break), while the chair or seat begins to roll toward a mon-
ster-infested pit; or
l The chair back falls backward, sending a large scythe up and into the seated

Combining Traps
Obviously, any number of these traps can be combined with some of the others, cre-
ating a deadly gauntlet trap with numerous dangers threatening simultaneously. To
make things easier on the adventurers, link all the combined traps to one or two
triggers to allow thieves to detect the traps with some amount of fairness. Examples
of combination traps include:
l A closing walls trap that causes the floor to rise toward the multiple swinging
pendulum blades closer to the ceiling;
l A tilting floor trap that combines a few trip wires along its length to prepare a

dangerous room at the bottom; or

l A falling door trap, combined with a false floor trap, that causes characters to

disappear beneath its weight and be dropped somewhere else within the
Magical Traps: Card VI
Magical traps, by and large, are placed in doorways and in places where protection is
needed (like vaults and laboratories). Most magical traps within Undermountain
can be bypassed by uttering a password or phrase that prevents a spell from being
activated. However, adventurers rarely learn these words, and are most often the rea-
son for the placing of such magics. Once activated, magical traps are disarmed until
reset by their creator (unless noted otherwise below).

1. Evard’s black tentacles. Often placed on a chest or door, this magical trap has a
delayed Evard’s black tentacles spell within it. When the trap is set off, 12
10’ long tentacles spring forth from the trapped object. Each tentacle is AC 4
and has 10 hit points. Creatures within range of the tentacles must roll a suc-
cessful saving throw vs. spell or suffer 2d4 points of damage and be encircled
by a tentacle. Such individuals suffer 3d4 points of damage for each round
held. Victims who make their saving throws suffer only 1d4 points of damage,
and the tentacle they touched disappears. The tentacles remain for one hour
if they contacted any targets.

2 . Polymorph. Although this trap catches only one individual, it is extremely

potent. The individual triggering the trap must make a saving throw versus
spell or be transformed into a creature that poses no threat to the dungeon
owner. Typical creatures include garden snakes, goldfish, turtles, hamsters,
squirrels, and rabbits. The trap effects are the same as a normal polymorph
other spell.

3 . Faerie Fire. This is always an area-of-effect spell, and usually targets creatures
within a 10’ by 10’ section of a corridor or room. When this trap is triggered,
a faerie fire spell is released and all creatures within the area of effect glow for
the following four turns, making them easier targets for their opponents and
tagging them as trespassers in the Underhalls.

4 . Confusion. Also an area-of-effect spell, a confusion spell engulfs all creatures

within a designated 10’ by 10’ area when triggered. Each creature or character
must save versus spell or be affected by the spell as if it were cast by a 12th-
level wizard.

5 . Laughter. Those who employ these traps have a morbid sense of humor. Trig-
gering these traps releases an extended version of the Tasha’s uncontrollable
hideous laughter spell. All those in a 60’ cube are must save versus spell or fall
into fits of giggling and chuckling, finding all around them hilariously funny
for 5 rounds (as per the spell). This raucous noise attracts wandering monsters
(rolls of 1 on 1d6 each round while spell effects are in play).

1104 & ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 . Triple Image. The person who triggers this trap releases a spell with effects
similar to a mirror of opposition; the spell is usually placed on mirrors and other
reflective surfaces, or even nonreflective doors. Two duplicates of the individ-
ual appear and begin to fight him or her. The duplicates cannot be distin-
guished from the original, and they fight with all the magical items and
abilities of the original. They do not, however, possess any magic spells.
Unlike a mirror of opposition, these duplicates survive for a limited duration.
They can fight for only 6 rounds before disappearing. Duplicates that are
defeated vanish immediately.

7. Trap of Wonder. This perplexing magical trap is always embedded in a chest or

door. Opening the door or chest releases the effects of a wand of wonder. In
fact, a wand is used in the construction of the trap, and a charge is expended
from the wand when the door or chest is opened. Consult the wand of wonder
in the DUNGEON MASTER™ Guide. Treat all references to target and
wielder as the individual who triggered the trap. Each time the door or chest
is closed, the trap is reset and ready to be triggered again.

8. Sticky situation. This is a simple magical trap and can be used on doors, chests,
treasure, furniture, etc. It consists of one or more vials of sovereign glue poured
over the object. This glue is then specially treated so it will not harden until
it bonds with another object—i.e. an adventurer’s hand or weapon or even a
cloak. Refer to sovereign glue in the DUNGEON MASTER Guide for more

9. Tongue-tied. When this trap is triggered, all those within a 10’ by 10’ area are
subject to the effects of a philter of stammering and stuttering. Victims do not
receive a saving throw, and this condition lasts for exactly 1 turn.

10. Blindness. An area-of-effect magical trap, all those within a 15’ square area are
subject to blindness, as per the wizard spell. Those who do not successfully
save versus spells are struck blind (-4 penalty to attack rolls, +4 bonus to
opponents) until a dispel magic is cast. Each affected individual requires one
dispel magic.
Dungeon Illusions: Card VII
Many corridors and chambers within Undermountain are filled with a series of “pro-
grammed” illusions to bedevil and frighten intruders. These spells can harm creatures
who believe the illusions are real; consult the section on illusions in the
DUNGEON MASTER™ Guide for more information. These spells are activated
when a predetermined action takes place, such as opening a door, entering a corri-
dor, picking up a piece of treasure, etc. These illusions are rarely, if ever, linked to
obvious triggers like trip wires and pressure plates. PCs who wish to or have reason to
disbelieve the illusions are allowed a Wisdom check; success lets them see through
the illusion.

1. Ghostly vision. The ghost of a beautiful human woman drifts toward the
adventurers. Clad in a wispy white robe, her hair curls like smoke about her
head. Her arms are outstretched, as if to embrace someone. As she nears the
group, she turns into a grotesque, ghostly creature resembling a wight, and
then she fades from view. Those who witness this entire illusion without
looking away or disbelieving age one year from their own shock and fear as
well as the magic of the trap. Other visions represent handsome men, playful
children, toiling dwarves, etc.
2. Howling horde. A horde of screaming orcs thunder down a corridor, threat-
ening to trample all who stand in their path. Victims who believe the illusion
suffer 2d4 points of damage as they try to fight the non-existent creatures or
get out of their way.
3. Helpful fiend. Coming around a bend, the characters see a rugged fighter,
scarred from a battle but still pursuing his attackers down the hall. He waves
to the adventurers and encourages them to follow him, ducking around a cor-
ner. This illusion leads adventurers into a trap or a room filled with monsters.
Variations on this illusion are frightened females running in terror or kobolds
trying to escape the adventurers.
4 . Change in weather. This section of the dungeon grows instantly colder. Ice
covers everything and the adventurers can see their breath. This is illusion
often augmented with control weather spells. PCs believing the illusion are
slowed by the temperature (as per the spell) as long as they stay in these “cold,’
surroundings. Variations on this illusion place the PCs in steaming corridors
where fire laps at their feet.
5. Spooky footfalls. Though no physical harm comes from this illusion, it
should put the PCs (and players) on the edge. Footfalls come from behind
them, followed by raspy breathing and the sounds of chains. Spiderwebs flut-
ter in an unseen breeze and candles flicker and threaten to go out. This illu-
sion culminates with maniacal laughter. Those fully believing the illusion are
subject to the effects of a fear spell.

1104 ™ & ©1994 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved

6 . False treasure. A room or corridor appears to contain a meager amount of
treasure—coins, a few pieces of jewelry, a weapon. The treasure is small
enough to be believable. The intent of this programmed illusion is to get the
PCs to pause and look over the false loot, giving nearby predators a chance to
sneak up behind them.
7 . Toothy horror. Upon opening this magically-trapped door, the doorway and
room beyond suddenly look like a large mouth. The floor becomes a tongue,
writhing like a snake, and the teeth-filled walls appear to be closing in. Varia-
tions of this illusion make the room appear to be filled with a giant green
slime, gelatinous cube, pudding, etc. Though no immediate damage occurs
from the illusion, it masks the actual threats posed by real slimes or puddings
within the room or later in the dungeon.
8 . Random monster. Creatures that populate this dungeon area are found in
this room. The creatures usually appear numerous and large and are used to
dissuade adventurers from entering.
9 . Dead adventurers. Also used to discourage trespassers from entering deeper
into the dungeon, these illusions depict explorers in various states of decay.
Claw and burn marks cover the bodies, and all possessions appear to be
looted. The closer adventurers get to “restricted” areas of the dungeon, the
more disgusting these illusions seem.
1 0 . Moving shadows. Used more to evoke horror than anything else, these illu-
sions make it appear that the player characters’ shadows have taken on lives
of their own. The shadows move independently from the characters and seem
to threaten and taunt the PCs. In variations, the adventurers’ shadows fight
and kill each other.
11. Heartbeats. Audible illusions within a certain hall or room make the PCs
believe they are hearing their own heartbeats increase in volume. The noise
swells until it becomes near deafening. PCs who fail Wisdom checks believe
the illusion and fall unconscious from the noise for 1d6 rounds. If a character
makes a successful Wisdom check, he or she has “seen” through the illusion
and the noise abates (though not for others). After two or more PCs succumb
to the illusion, it tapers off, with the heartbeat sounds returning to normal.
Variations of this auditory illusion allow the PCs to hear the sounds of foot-
steps, clothes rustling, or their own breathing all increased to deafening pro-
1 2 . Screams. PCs hearing this audible illusion might believe someone is in pain
nearby. When the PCs reach the area where the sound seems to originate,
they see nothing and the screaming stops—only to start behind them a
moment later. Variations on this illusion create growls, snarls or laughter.
This type of auditory illusion does not have any immediate effect on the char-
acters (beyond some role-playing touches), though it can easily be used to
lure hurried PCs into a trap or away from something important.
Undermountain II
Treasure Tables: Card VIII
Dungeon adventurers are always looking for treasure, whether it’s in the lair of a
vanquished creature, in the nooks and crannies of a shadow-filled chamber, or in the
belt pouches of deceased thieves. The Tables below will help you add items to tease
and please the player characters. These tables are, of course, just additions to the
Treasure tables within the FORGOTTEN REALMS® Adventures sourcebook and
other ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game sources.

Table 1: Baubles and Decorations

Roll 1d20 for treasures.
1. Glass beads (20 gp) 11. Ornate comb (30 gp)
2. One gold earring (40 gp) 12. Ring w/ stone missing (25 gp)
3. Broken gems (10 gp ea.) 13. Chipped brooch (35 gp)
4. Glass box (20 gp) 14. Ornate plate (18 gp)
5. Pewter goblet (30 gp) 15. Small vase (10 gp)
6. Ornate quill (15 gp) 16. Copper inkwell (15 gp)
7. Iron cloak clasp (20 gp) 17. Bottle of perfume (25 gp)
8. Silver spoon (18 gp) 18. Brass cup (30 gp)
9. Tiny mirror (12 gp) 19. Silver nose ring (40 gp)
10. Coral figurine (35 gp) 20. Polished stone (12 gp)

Table 2: Valuable Clothing

Roll 1d20 for treasures.
1. Fine leather belt (15 gp) 11. Embroidered cloak (45 gp)
2. Silk scarf (24 gp) 12. Silk stockings (24 gp)
3. Leather gloves (12 gp) 13. Leather shirt (35 gp)
4. Embroidered gown (50 gp) 14. Velvet cape (80 gp)
5. Heavy wool tunic (10 gp) 15. Tooled leather boots (90 gp)
6. Satin nightshirt (7 gp) 16. Satin gown (65 gp)
7. Leather breeches (40 gp) 17. Tooled leather hat (15 gp)
8. Heavy wool cloak (25 gp) 18. Silk-lined cape (75 gp)
9. Embroidered cape (40 gp) 19. Long leather skirt (55 gp)
10. Woven tunic (28 gp) 20. Satin wizard robes (75 gp)

Table 3: Bits of Armor and Weapons

Roll 1d20 for treasures.
1. One mailed glove 11. Dented large shield
2. One silvered dagger 12. Bronze chest plate
3. Broken short sword 13. Chainmail shirt
4. Studded leather tunic 14. Small shield
5. Mace head 15. Ornate sword pommel
6. Dented helmet 16. Strap for throwing daggers
7. Tooled leather scabbard 17. Worn suit of leather armor
8. Ornate helmet 18. Silvered spear tip
9. Leather quiver 19. Crossbow
10. Flail 20. Battered long sword

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Table 4: Clues and Puzzles
Roll 1d10 for treasures.
1. One-half of a treasure map for another dungeon
2. A scrawled note warning of what lies in the room beyond
3. A riddle about a powerful foe in the dungeon
4. A shield engraved with the name of a famous adventurer
5. Broken bones arranged in a circle
6. Arrows arranged in a pattern
7. A bag filled with spell components dangling on a long cord
8. A broken contraption resembling a mouse trap
9. Words etched in the floor indicating a way out of the dungeon
10. Runes drawn in the dust on the floor

Table 5: Pouch Contents

Roll 1d20 for treasures.
1 . 5 gp, 5 sp, 4 cp 11. Assorted spell components
2. Glass beads 12. Tobacco
3. Colored sand 13. Pepper
4. Crushed spices 14. Two coins snapped in half
5. Gold ring (50 gp) 15. Small stones
6. Dried fruit 16. Moldy cheese
7. Unidentified powder 17. 10 cp
8. 40 gp, 25 sp 18. Signet ring (35 gp)
9. Sealing wax and taper 19. Sea shells
10. Ancient coins (50 gp) 20. Three pearls (40 gp each)

Table 6: Odds and Ends

Roll 1d12 for items.
1. Woven tapestry, various scenes (120 gp each)
2. Ornamental rug, value varies between 10-200 gp (1d20 x10)
3. Pewter candleholders (60 gp per holder)
4. Down quilt of various designs and materials (80 gp)
5. Thick curtains, assorted colors (40 gp a pair)
6. Full-sized marble statue (300 gp, 600 pounds)
7. Carved wooden chair (150 gp, 100 pounds)
8. Brass torch holders (30 gp each)
9. Assorted books and manuscripts (20 gp per book)
10. Chandelier made of crystal and stones (300 gp, 150 pounds)
11. Small table with marble top (120 gp, 100 pounds)
12. Large ceramic or crystal bowl (90 gp)

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