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[G.R. No. 179367. January 29, 2014.]


D. TAN , respondent.


BRION , J : p

Before us is a petition for review on certiorari 1 led by Unilever Philippines, Inc.

(petitioner), assailing the decision 2 dated June 18, 2007 and the resolution 3 dated August
16, 2007 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA G.R. SP No. 87000. These CA rulings
dismissed the petitioner's petition for certiorari and mandamus for lack of merit.
The Factual Antecedents
The records show that on January 17, 2002, agents of the National Bureau of Investigation
(NBI) applied for the issuance of search warrants for the search of a warehouse located on
Camia Street, Marikina City, and of an of ce located on the 3rd oor of Probest
International Trading Building, Katipunan Street, Concepcion, Marikina City, allegedly
owned by Michael Tan a.k.a. Paul D. Tan ( respondent). The application alleged that the
respondent had in his possession counterfeit shampoo products which were being sold,
retailed, distributed, dealt with or intended to be disposed of, in violation of Section 168, in
relation with Section 170, of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8293, otherwise known as the
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. cDCSET

On the same date, Judge Antonio M. Eugenio, Jr. of the Regional Trial Court of Manila,
Branch 1, granted the application and issued Search Warrant Nos. 02-2606 and 02-2607.
Armed with the search warrants, the NBI searched the premises and, in the course of the
search, seized the following items:
(A) From [the respondent's] office:

(a) 192 sachets of Creamsilk Hair Conditioner (White);

(b) 156 sachets of Creamsilk Hair Conditioner (Blue);

(c) 158 sachets of Creamsilk Hair Conditioner (Green);

(d) 204 sachets of Creamsilk Hair Conditioner (Black);

(e) 192 sachets of Vaseline Amino Collagen Shampoo;

(f) 192 sachets of Sunsilk Nutrient Shampoo (Pink);

(g) 144 sachets of Sunsilk Nutrient Shampoo (Blue);

(h) 136 sachets of Sunsilk Nutrient Shampoo (Orange);

(i) 144 sachets of Sunsilk Nutrient Shampoo (Green); and

(j) 1 box of assorted commercial documents.

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(B) From [the respondent's] warehouse[:] HDacIT

(a) 372 boxes each containing six (6) cases of Sunsilk Nutrient
Shampoo; and

(b) 481 boxes each containing six (6) cases Creamsilk Hair
Conditioner. 4

The NBI thereafter led with the Department of Justice ( DOJ) a complaint against the
respondent for violation of R.A. No. 8293, speci cally Section 168 (unfair competition), in
relation with Section 170, docketed as I.S. No. 2002-667.
In his counter-af davit, the respondent claimed that he is "Paul D. Tan," and not "Michael
Tan" as alluded in the complaint; he is engaged in the business of selling leather goods and
raw materials for making leather products, and he conducts his business under the name
"Probest International Trading," registered with the Department of Trade and Industry; he is
not engaged in the sale of counterfeit Unilever shampoo products; the sachets of Unilever
shampoos seized from his of ce in Probest International Trading Building are genuine
shampoo products which they use for personal consumption; he does not own and does
not operate the warehouse located on Camia Street, Marikina City, where a substantial
number of alleged counterfeit Unilever shampoo products were found; and he did not
violate R.A. No. 8293 because there is no prima facie evidence that he committed the
offense charged.
Rulings of the DOJ
On December 18, 2002, State Prosecutor Melvin J. Abad issued a resolution 5 dismissing
the criminal complaint on the ground of insufficiency of evidence. To quote: CacHES

After a thorough evaluation of the evidence, we nd no suf cient evidence so as

to warrant a nding of probable cause to indict respondent Paul D. Tan (not
Michael Tan) for violation of Section 168 (unfair competition) in relation to
Section 170 of R.A. No. 8293.

xxx xxx xxx

WHEREFORE, it is respectfully recommended that the instant complaint for

Violation of Section 168 (unfair competition) in relation to Section 170 of R.A. No.
8293 be DISMISSED for insufficiency of evidence. 6

The State Prosecutor found that the petitioner failed to show the respondent's actual and
direct participation in the offense charged. While the Certi cate of Registration of Probest
International Trading shows that a certain "Paul D. Tan" is the registered owner and
proprietor of the of ce, there is no showing that he is also the registered owner of the
warehouse where the alleged counterfeit Unilever shampoo products were found. There is
also no evidence to support the claim that the respondent was engaged in the sale of
counterfeit products other than the self-serving claim of the petitioner's representatives.
Lastly, the State Prosecutor found that the pieces of evidence adduced against the
respondent, e.g., alleged counterfeit Unilever shampoo products, by themselves, are not
sufficient to support a finding of probable cause that he is engaged in unfair competition.
The motion for reconsideration that followed was denied in a resolution 7 dated June 5,
2003. IcAaSD

On September 9, 2003, the petitioner led a petition for review with the DOJ, 8 which the
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Acting Secretary of Justice, Merceditas N. Gutierrez, dismissed in her March 16, 2004
resolution. In the resolution, the Acting Secretary of Justice af rmed the State
Prosecutor's finding of lack of probable cause.
The petitioner thereafter sought, but failed, to secure a reconsideration.
On October 19, 2004, the petitioner led with the CA a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
of the Rules of Court, imputing grave abuse of discretion on the Acting Secretary of
Justice, et al., in deciding the case in the respondent's favor.
The Rulings of the CA
The CA, in a decision dated June 18, 2007, dismissed the petition on the ground that the
petitioner failed to establish facts and circumstances that would constitute acts of unfair
competition under R.A. No. 8293. The CA took into account the insuf ciency of evidence
that would link the respondent to the offense charged. It also ruled that the Acting
Secretary of Justice did not gravely abuse her discretion when she af rmed the State
Prosecutor's resolution dismissing the petitioner's complaint for insuf ciency of evidence
to establish probable cause.
The petitioner sought reconsideration of the aforementioned decision rendered by the CA
but its motion was denied in a resolution dated August 16, 2007.
The present Rule 45 petition questions the CA's June 18, 2007 decision and August 16,
2007 resolution. HICEca

The Petition
The petitioner contends that the CA erred in dismissing its petition for certiorari and in
af rming the DOJ's rulings. It argues that while it may be possible that the respondent is
not the owner of the warehouse, the overwhelming pieces of evidence nonetheless prove
that he is the owner of the counterfeit shampoo products found therein. The petitioner
also maintains that the voluminous counterfeit shampoo products seized from the
respondent are more than sufficient evidence to indict him for unfair competition.
The Issue
The case presents to us the issue of whether the CA committed a reversible error in
upholding the Acting Secretary of Justice's decision dismissing the information against
the respondent. The resolution of this issue requires a determination of the existence of
probable cause in order to indict the respondent of unfair competition.
The Court's Ruling
We find merit in the petition.
Determination of Probable Cause
Lies Within the Competence of the
Public Prosecutor
The determination of probable cause for purposes of ling of information in court is
essentially an executive function that is lodged, at the rst instance, with the public
prosecutor and, ultimately, to the Secretary of Justice. 9 The prosecutor and the Secretary
of Justice have wide latitude of discretion in the conduct of preliminary investigation; 1 0
and their ndings with respect to the existence or non-existence of probable cause are
generally not subject to review by the Court. SCcHIE

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Consistent with this rule, the settled policy of non-interference in the prosecutor's exercise
of discretion requires the courts to leave to the prosecutor and to the DOJ the
determination of what constitutes suf cient evidence to establish probable cause. 1 1
Courts can neither override their determination nor substitute their own judgment for that
of the latter. They cannot likewise order the prosecution of the accused when the
prosecutor has not found a prima facie case. 1 2
Nevertheless, this policy of non-interference is not without exception. The Constitution
itself allows (and even directs) court action where executive discretion has been gravely
abused. 1 3 In other words, the court may intervene in the executive determination of
probable cause, review the ndings and conclusions, and ultimately resolve the existence
or non-existence of probable cause by examining the records of the preliminary
investigation when necessary for the orderly administration of justice. 1 4
Courts Cannot Reverse the Secretary
of Justice's Findings Except in
Clear Cases of Grave Abuse of
The term "grave abuse of discretion" means such capricious or whimsical exercise of
judgment which is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. To justify judicial intervention, the
abuse of discretion must be so patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive
duty or to a virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law or to act at all in
contemplation of law, as where the power is exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner
by reason of passion or hostility. 1 5 In Elma v. Jacobi, 1 6 we said that: IcCDAS

This error or abuse alone, however, does not render his act amenable
to correction and annulment by the extraordinary remedy of certiorari.
To justify judicial intrusion into what is fundamentally the domain of
the Executive, the petitioner must clearly show that the prosecutor
gravely abused his discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction in making his determination and in arriving at the
conclusion he reached. This requires the petitioner to establish that the
prosecutor exercised his power in an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of
passion or personal hostility; and it must be so patent and gross as to amount
to an evasion or to a unilateral refusal to perform the duty enjoined or to act in
contemplation of law, before judicial relief from a discretionary prosecutorial
action may be obtained. [emphasis supplied]

An examination of the decisions of the State Prosecutor and of the DOJ shows that the
complaint's dismissal was anchored on the insuf ciency of evidence to establish the
respondent's direct, personal or actual participation in the offense charged. As the State
Prosecutor found (and affirmed by the DOJ), the petitioner failed to prove the ownership of
the warehouse where counterfeit shampoo products were found. This nding led to the
conclusion that there was insuf cient basis for an indictment for unfair competition as the
petitioner failed to suf ciently prove that the respondent was the owner or manufacturer
of the counterfeit shampoo products found in the warehouse. ESAHca

A careful analysis of the lower courts' rulings and the records, however, reveals that
substantial facts and circumstances that could affect the result of the case have been
overlooked. While the ownership of the warehouse on Camia Street, Marikina City, was not
proven, suf cient evidence to prove the existence of probable cause nevertheless exists.
These pieces of evidence consist of: (1) the result of the NBI agents' search of the of ce
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and of the warehouse; (2) Elmer Cadano's complaint-af davit; (3) Rene Baltazar's af davit;
(4) Unilever's representatives' claim that all the laborers present at the warehouse
con rmed that it was operated by Probest International Trading; (5) other object evidence
found and seized at the respondent's of ce and warehouse; (6) the NBI operatives' Joint
Af davit; (7) the subsequent seizure of counterfeit Unilever products from the
respondent's warehouse in Antipolo City; and (8) other photographs and documents
relative to the counterfeit products.
These pieces of evidence, to our mind, are suf cient to form a reasonable
ground to believe that the crime of unfair competition was committed and that
the respondent was its author.
First , a total of 1,238 assorted counterfeit Unilever products were found at, and seized
from, the respondent's of ce located on the 3rd oor of Probest International Trading
Building, Katipunan Street, Concepcion, Marikina City. The huge volume and the location
where these shampoos were found (inside a box under a pile of other boxes located inside
the respondent's of ce) belie the respondent's claim of personal consumption. Human
experience and common sense dictate that shampoo products (intended for personal
consumption) will ordinarily and logically be found inside the house, speci cally, inside the
bathroom or in a private room, not in the consumer's office. ADEHTS

Second, the failure to prove that the respondent is the owner of the warehouse located on
Camia St., Marikina City, does not automatically free him from liability. Proof of the
warehouse's ownership is not crucial to the nding of probable cause . In fact, ownership
of the establishment where the counterfeit products were found is not even an element of
unfair competition. While the respondent may not be its owner, this does not foreclose the
possibility that he was the manufacturer or distributor of the counterfeit shampoo
products. Needless to say, what is material to a nding of probable cause is the
commission of acts constituting unfair competition, the presence of all its
elements and the reasonable belief, based on evidence, that the respondent had
committed it.
Third, the result of the NBI's search conducted on January 17, 2002 (yielding to several
boxes of counterfeit shampoo sachets) and the NBI's Joint Af davits in support of the
application for search warrants serve as corroborating evidence. The striking similarities
1 7 between the genuine Unilever shampoo sachets and the counterfeit sachets seized by
the NBI support the belief that the respondent had been engaged in dealing,
manufacturing, selling and distributing counterfeit Unilever shampoo products.
Fourth, there were also allegations that the respondent's laborers and warehousemen
who were present during the search had con rmed that the warehouse was being
maintained and operated by Probest International Trading. The NBI investigators who
served the search warrant also claimed that several persons, introducing themselves as
the respondent's relatives and friends, had requested them to seize only a portion of the
counterfeit shampoo products. Whether these claims are admissible in evidence or
whether they should be excluded as hearsay are matters that should be determined not in
a preliminary investigation, but in a full-blown trial. DETACa

In Lee v. KBC Bank N.V., 1 8 citing Andres v. Justice Secretary Cuevas, 1 9 we held that:
[A preliminary investigation] is not the occasion for the full and exhaustive
display of [the prosecution's] evidence. The presence or absence of the
elements of the crime is evidentiary in nature and is a matter of
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defense that may be passed upon after a full-blown trial on the

We also emphasized in that case that:

In ne, the validity and merits of a party's defense or accusation, as well as the
admissibility of testimonies and evidence, are better ventilated during trial
proper than at the preliminary investigation level. 2 0

Finally, the subsequent events that occurred — after the ling of the petitioner's complaint
and the institution of its appeal to the CA — are too significant to be ignored.
In its motion to reconsider the CA's decision, 2 1 the petitioner pointed to the reports it
received sometime in October 2005 that the respondent had resumed its operations
involving counterfeit Unilever products. Notably, these signi cant reports, albeit supported
by the subsequent seizure of large quantity of counterfeit Unilever shampoos 2 2 in the
respondent's warehouse 2 3 (located at No. 13 First Street Corner Sevilla Avenue, Virginia
Summerville Subdivision, Barangay Mambugan, Antipolo City), were ignored by the CA. We,
however, nd that this development is signi cant, although they were not part of the mass
of evidence considered below. Even without them and based solely on the evidentiary
materials available below, we conclude that suf cient grounds exist to indict the
respondent for unfair competition. ITcCaS

Determination of Probable Cause

Merely Requires Probability of Guilt
or Reasonable Ground for Belief
The determination of probable cause needs only to rest on evidence showing that more
likely than not, a crime has been committed and there is enough reason to believe that it
was committed by the accused. 2 4 It need not be based on clear and convincing evidence
of guilt, neither on evidence establishing absolute certainty of guilt. 2 5 What is merely
required is "probability of guilt." Its determination, too, does not call for the application of
rules or standards of proof that a judgment of conviction requires after trial on the merits.
2 6 Thus, in concluding that there is probable cause, it suf ces that it is believed that the act
or omission complained of constitutes the very offense charged.
It is also important to stress that the determination of probable cause does not depend on
the validity or merits of a party's accusation or defense, or on the admissibility or veracity
of testimonies presented. As previously discussed, these matters are better ventilated
during the trial proper of the case. 2 7 As held in Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company v.
Gonzales: 2 8 TECIHD

Probable cause has been de ned as the existence of such facts and
circumstances as would excite the belief in a reasonable mind, acting on the facts
within the knowledge of the prosecutor, that the person charged was guilty of the
crime for which he was prosecuted. . . . The term does not mean "actual or
positive cause" nor does it import absolute certainty. It is merely based on opinion
and reasonable belief. Thus, a nding of probable cause does not require
an inquiry into whether there is suf cient evidence to procure a
conviction. It is enough that it is believed that the act or omission
complained of constitutes the offense charged. Precisely, there is a trial
for the reception of evidence of the prosecution in support of the

Guided by this ruling, we nd that the CA gravely erred in sustaining the Acting Secretary of
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Justice's nding that there was no probable cause to indict the respondent for unfair
competition. The dismissal of the complaint, despite ample evidence to support a nding
of probable cause, clearly constitutes grave error that warrants judicial intervention and
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered GRANTING the
petition led by Unilever Philippines, Inc. The appealed decision dated June 18, 2007 and
the resolution dated August 16, 2007 of the Court of Appeals are ANNULLED AND SET
The State Prosecutor is hereby ORDERED to le the appropriate Information against
Michael Tan a.k.a. Paul D. Tan.

Carpio, Del Castillo, Perez and Perlas-Bernabe, JJ., concur.


1.Under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court; rollo, pp. 3-44.

2.Id. at 49-58; penned by Associate Justice Sesinando E. Villon, and concurred in by Associate
Justices Renato C. Dacudao and Noel G. Tijam.
3.Id. at 59.
4.Id. at 50-51.

5.Id. at 174-179.
6.Id. at 176-178.
7.Id. at 180-181.
8.Id. at 140-173.

9.Baron A. Villanueva, et al. v. Edna R. Caparas, G.R. No. 190969, January 30, 2013, 689 SCRA
679, 685.
10.Callo-Claridad v. Esteban, G.R. No. 191567, March 20, 2013, 694 SCRA 185, 199.

12.Elma v. Jacobi, G.R. No. 155996, June 27, 2012, 675 SCRA 20, 56-57.
13.Section 1, Article VIII of the Constitution states:
"Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower courts
as may be established by law.
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government."

14.Callo-Claridad v. Esteban, supra note 10, at 200.

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15.First Women's Credit Corp. v. Hon. Perez, 524 Phil. 305, 309 (2006).
16.Supra note 12, at 57.

17.Rollo, pp. 76-78.

18.G.R. No. 164673, January 15, 2010, 610 SCRA 117, 129; emphasis supplied.
19.499 Phil. 36 (2005).
20.Ibid; emphasis ours.
21.CA rollo, pp. 439-458.

22.Id. at 466-467.
23.Rollo, p. 280.
24.Galario v. Office of the Ombudsman (Mindanao), 554 Phil. 86, 101 (2007).
25.Casing v. Ombudsman, G.R. No. 192334, June 13, 2012, 672 SCRA 500, 509.

26.Ricaforte v. Jurado, 559 Phil. 97, 109 (2007).

27.Lee v. KBC Bank N.V., supra note 18, at 129.
28.G.R. No. 180165, April 7, 2009, 584 SCRA 631, 640-641; emphasis ours.

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