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FM3620 User Manual

*This version is suitable for device with firmware
v.01.05.06 and later versions
Table of contents
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 ATTENTION ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 INSTRUCTIONS OF SAFETY ......................................................................................................... 5
1.3 LEGAL NOTICE ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 ABOUT DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................. 6
2 BASIC DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1 PACKAGE CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 7
2.2 BASIC CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................... 7
2.3 TECHNICAL FEATURES............................................................................................................... 9
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................................. 11
2.4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ............................................................................................... 12
2.5 TECHNICAL INFORMATION ABOUT INTERNAL BATTERY................................................................... 12
3 CONNECTION, PINOUT, ACCESSORIES .................................................................................. 13
3.1 HOW TO INSERT SIM CARD AND ATTACH BATTERY INTO FM3620 DEVICE:....................................... 13
3.2 INSTALLING FM3620 DRIVERS ................................................................................................ 14
3.3 NAVIGATE LED..................................................................................................................... 16
3.4 MODEM LED ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.5 STATUS LED ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.6 FM3620_C2 SOCKET 23* .................................................................................................. 16
3.7 FM3620_C1 SOCKET 23*** .............................................................................................. 17
3.8 USB ................................................................................................................................... 18
3.9 ACCESSORIES........................................................................................................................ 18
4 FIRMWARE .......................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 UPDATING FIRMWARE USING USB CABLE .................................................................................. 22
5 OPERATIONAL BASICS .......................................................................................................... 23
5.1 OPERATIONAL PRINCIPALS....................................................................................................... 23
5.2 SLEEP MODES ....................................................................................................................... 24
5.2.1 Sleep mode ............................................................................................................. 24
5.2.2 Deep Sleep mode .................................................................................................... 24
5.3 VIRTUAL ODOMETER .............................................................................................................. 25
5.4 FEATURES ............................................................................................................................ 25
5.4.1 Scenarios ................................................................................................................ 25
5.4.2 Trip.......................................................................................................................... 26
5.4.3 Geofencing.............................................................................................................. 26
5.4.4 iButton list .............................................................................................................. 26
5.5 CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................................. 26
5.6 CONFIGURATOR .................................................................................................................... 26
5.7 READ RECORDS ..................................................................................................................... 29
5.8 SYSTEM SETTINGS.................................................................................................................. 30
5.9 RECORDS SETTINGS................................................................................................................ 32
5.10 GSM SETTINGS, GPRS PART ................................................................................................... 32
5.11 GSM SETTINGS, SMS PART .................................................................................................... 32
5.12 GSM SETTINGS, OPERATOR LIST .............................................................................................. 34
5.13 DATA ACQUISITION MODE SETTINGS ........................................................................................ 34
5.14 FEATURES SETTINGS............................................................................................................... 38
5.14.1 Scenarios settings ................................................................................................... 39
5.14.2 Trip settings ............................................................................................................ 40
5.14.3 Geofencing settings ................................................................................................ 41
5.14.4 SMS events ............................................................................................................. 43
5.15 I/O SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................... 49
5.15.1 Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 52

5.15.2 Event Generating .................................................................................................... 52
6 SMS COMMAND LIST ........................................................................................................... 53
6.1 SMS COMMAND LIST............................................................................................................. 53
6.1.1 getstatus ................................................................................................................. 54
6.1.2 getweektime ........................................................................................................... 55
6.1.3 getops ..................................................................................................................... 55
6.1.4 getcfgtime .............................................................................................................. 55
6.1.5 getgps ..................................................................................................................... 55
6.1.6 ggps ........................................................................................................................ 55
6.1.7 getver ..................................................................................................................... 56
6.1.8 getinfo .................................................................................................................... 56
6.1.9 getio........................................................................................................................ 57
6.1.10 readio #................................................................................................................... 57
6.1.11 setdigout ## Y1 Y2 .................................................................................................. 57
6.1.12 getparam #### ....................................................................................................... 57
6.1.13 setparam ####........................................................................................................ 57
6.1.13. getparam 1271 X/212 X ......................................................................................... 57
6.1.14. setparam 1271 X/212 X .......................................................................................... 57
6.1.15 readops # ................................................................................................................ 57
6.1.16 flush #,#,#,#,#,#,# ................................................................................................... 58
6.1.17 sn # ......................................................................................................................... 58
6.1.18 banlist ..................................................................................................................... 58
6.1.19 crashlog .................................................................................................................. 58
6.1.20 lvcangetprog........................................................................................................... 58
6.1.21 lvcansetprog # ........................................................................................................ 58
6.1.22 lvcangetinfo ............................................................................................................ 59
7 DEBUG MODE ...................................................................................................................... 59
8 PARAMETER LIST ................................................................................................................. 60
8.1 PARAMETERS VALUE TYPES...................................................................................................... 60
8.2 SYSTEM PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................ 60
8.2.1 Sleep Mode (ID=1000) ............................................................................................ 60
8.2.2 Sleep timeout (ID=200) ........................................................................................... 60
8.2.3 Analog Input value range (ID=1001) ...................................................................... 60
8.2.4 Stop Detection Source (ID=1002) ............................................................................ 60
8.2.5 Static Navigation (ID=1003) ................................................................................... 61
8.2.6 Ignition Source (ID=1004) ....................................................................................... 61
8.2.7 GNSS FIX Timeout for Time Synchronization via NTP (ID=1007)............................. 61
8.2.8 Saving/Sending without time synchronization (ID=201) ........................................ 61
8.2.9 GNSS System (ID=202) ............................................................................................ 61
8.3 RECORDS PARAMETERS .......................................................................................................... 62
8.3.1 Sorting (ID=1010) ................................................................................................... 62
8.3.2 Active Data Link Timeout (ID=1011) ....................................................................... 62
8.3.3 Server Response Timeout (ID=1012) ....................................................................... 62
8.4 GSM PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................... 62
8.4.1 GPRS content activation (ID=1240) ........................................................................ 62
8.4.2 APN Name (ID=1242).............................................................................................. 63
8.4.3 APN username (ID=1243) ....................................................................................... 63
8.4.4 APN Password (ID=1244) ........................................................................................ 63
8.4.5 Domain (ID=1245) .................................................................................................. 63
8.4.6 Target Server Port (ID=1246) .................................................................................. 63
8.4.7 Protocol (ID=1247).................................................................................................. 63
8.4.8 Use 2G only (ID=1248) ........................................................................................... 64
8.4.9 SMS Login (ID=1252) .............................................................................................. 64
8.4.10 SMS Password (ID=1253) ........................................................................................ 64
8.4.11 SMS Time Zone (ID=1254)....................................................................................... 64

8.4.12 SMS data sending settings (ID=1250) ..................................................................... 64
8.4.13 SMS Data send week time schedule (ID=1273) ...................................................... 64
8.4.14 Authorized phone numbers (ID=1260-1270) .......................................................... 65
8.4.15 SMS Event PreDefined Numbers (ID=150-159) ....................................................... 65
8.4.16 Operator List (ID=1271 X) ...................................................................................... 65
8.5 DATA ACQUISITION MODES PARAMETERS .................................................................................. 65
8.5.1 Home Network GSM operator code “Vehicle on STOP” parameters ...................... 65
8.5.2 Home Network GSM operator code “Vehicle MOVING” parameters ..................... 67
8.5.3 Roaming Network GSM operator code “Vehicle on STOP” parameters ................. 69
8.5.4 Roaming Network GSM operator code “Vehicle MOVING” parameters ................ 69
8.5.5 Unknown Network GSM operator code “Vehicle on STOP” parameters ................ 72
8.5.6 Unknown Network GSM operator code “Vehicle MOVING” parameters ............... 72
8.6 FEATURES PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................... 74
8.6.1 Green Driving scenario (ID=1600)........................................................................... 74
8.6.2 Max Acceleration Force (ID=1602) ......................................................................... 74
8.6.3 Max Braking Force (ID=1603) ................................................................................. 74
8.6.4 Max Cornering Force (ID=1604) ............................................................................. 75
8.6.5 Max allowed Speed (ID=1605) ................................................................................ 75
8.6.6 OverSpeeding scenario (ID=1601) .......................................................................... 75
8.6.7 Jamming detection scenario (ID=1606) .................................................................. 75
8.6.8 Immobilizer scenario (ID=1607) .............................................................................. 75
8.6.9 iButton list checking scenario (ID=1608) ................................................................ 75
8.6.10 Trip (ID=1280) ......................................................................................................... 76
8.6.11 Start Speed (ID=1281)............................................................................................. 76
8.6.12 Ignition Off Timeout (ID=1282) ............................................................................... 76
8.6.13 Trip Continuous distance counting (ID=1283) ........................................................ 76
8.6.14 Geofencing.............................................................................................................. 76
8.6.15 AutoGeofencing ...................................................................................................... 78
8.6.16 iButton List (ID=7000-7499).................................................................................... 79
8.7 I/O PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................. 79
8.7.1 I/O#1 Priority (ID=2000) ......................................................................................... 79
8.7.2 I/O#1 event generation type (ID=2001) .................................................................. 80
8.7.3 I/O#1 Low level (ID=2002) ...................................................................................... 80
8.7.4 I/O#1 High level (ID=2003) ..................................................................................... 80
8.7.5 I/O#1 averaging length (ID=2004) .......................................................................... 81
8.8 SMS EVENT CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................. 83
8.8.1 I/O#1 element SMS event configuration (ID=5100) ................................................ 83
9 FM3620 WITH LIGHT VEHICLES CAN ADAPTER LV-CAN200................................................... 85
9.1 PURPOSE OF LIGHT VEHICLES CAN ADAPTER LV-CAN200............................................................ 85
9.2 LV-CAN200 PROGRAM NUMBER SELECTION ............................................................................. 86
9.2.1 LV-CAN200 program number configuration via SMS command ............................ 86
9.2.2 Selecting LV-CAN200 program number manually .................................................. 86
9.3 CONNECTING FM3620 WITH LIGHT VEHICLES CAN ADAPTER ........................................................ 87
9.4 FM11 CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................... 88
9.5 PARAMETERS ID ................................................................................................................... 90
9.6 SMS CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................... 90
9.7 CAN PROGRAM NUMBER REQUEST BY SMS .............................................................................. 92
9.8 GET LV-CAN INFO BY SMS .................................................................................................... 92
9.9 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................... 92
9.10 CONNECTING WIRES.............................................................................................................. 93
9.11 CONNECTING POWER SOURCE ................................................................................................. 93
9.12 CONNECTING IGNITION WIRE .................................................................................................. 93
9.13 CONNECTING GROUND WIRE .................................................................................................. 93
9.14 CONNECTING ANTENNAS ........................................................................................................ 94
9.15 MODULE INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 94
10 CHANGE LOG ................................................................................................................... 95

1.1 Attention
Do not disassemble the device. If the device is
damaged, the power supply cables are not isolated or
the isolation is damaged, before unplugging the power
supply, do not touch the device.
All wireless data transferring devices produce
interference that may affect other devices which are
placed nearby.

The device must be connected only by qualified


The device must be firmly fastened in the predefined


The programming must be performed using a second

class PC (with autonomic power supply).

The device is susceptible to water and humidity.

Any installation and/or handling during a lightning

storm are prohibited.

FM3620 has USB interface;

Please use cables provided with FM3620 device.
Teltonika is not responsible for any harm caused by
using wrong cables for PC <-> FM3620 connection.

1.2 Instructions of safety

This chapter contains information on how to operate FM3620 safely. By following these
requirements and recommendations, you will avoid dangerous situations. You must read these
instructions carefully and follow them strictly before operating the device!
The device uses a 10 V...30 V DC power supply. The nominal voltage is 12 V DC. The
allowed range of voltage is 10 V...30 V DC.
To avoid mechanical damage, it is advised to transport the FM3620 device in an impact-
proof package. Before usage, the device should be placed so that its LED indicators are visible,
which show the status of operation the device is in.
When connecting the connection (2x3) cables to the vehicle, the appropriate jumpers of
the power supply of the vehicle should be disconnected.
Before dismounting the device from the vehicle, the 2x3 connection must be disconnected.

The device is designed to be mounted in a zone of limited access, which is inaccessible for
the operator. All related devices must meet the requirements of standard EN 60950-1.
The device FM3620 is not designed as a navigational device for boats.

1.3 Legal Notice

Copyright © 2013 Teltonika. All rights reserved. Reproduction, transfer, distribution or
storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written
permission of Teltonika is prohibited.
Other products and company names mentioned here may be trademarks or trade names
of their respective owners.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements at any time in
design, functionality, parameters and electrical characteristics without any prior notice and
without incurring obligations.

1.4 About document

This document contains information about the architecture, possibilities, mechanical
characteristics, and configuration of the FM3620 device.
Acronyms and terms used in document
PC – Personal Computer.
GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
GNSS – Global Positioning System
GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications
SMS – Short Message Service
AC/DC – Alternating Current/Direct Current
I/O – Input/Output
Record – AVL data stored in FM3620 memory. AVL data contains GNSS and I/O information
AVL packet – data packet that has been sent to server during data transmission. AVL packet
contains from 1 to 50 records.

NOTE: FM3620 device is designed to have 2different hardware

configurations so that clients could use the one which fulfills their needs
In this document the functionality of every hardware configuration is
described using denotations:

FM3620_C1 – device having PINOUT configuration 1 (refer. Chapter

FM3620_C2 – device having PINOUT configuration 2 (refer. Chapter 3.6;
FM3620 – is used to describe common functionality;

FM3620 is a terminal with GPS/GLONASS and GSM/3G connectivity with backup battery,
which is able to collect device coordinates and other useful data and transfer them via the
GSM/3G network. This device is perfectly suitable for applications where location acquirement of
remote objects is needed. It is important to mention that FM3620 has additional inputs and
outputs, which let you control and monitor other devices on remote objects. FM3620 also has a
USB port for device status log output and configuration.

2.1 Package contents1

The FM3620 device is supplied to the customer in a cardboard box containing all the
equipment that is necessary for operation. The package contains:
FM3620 device;
Input and output power supply cable with a 2x3 connection pins;
GNSS antenna;
GSM/3G antenna;
USB cable;
Li-Po battery 3.7, 1800mAh
A card, which contains URL to download FM3620 device drivers and Configurator software.

2.2 Basic characteristics

GSM / GPRS / 3G features:

 UMTS/HSPA+ bands depending on module:
o HE910-D 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz
o UE910-EUD 900/1800, 900/2100 MHZ
 HSUPA rate up to 5.76 Mbps, HSDPA rates up to 7.2 Mbps
 UMTS Uplink/Downlink up to 384 kbps
 EDGE uplink up to 236.8 kbps, downlink up to 296 kbps
 GPRS and EDGE class 33;
 SMS (text, data).

FM3620 Interface features:

 Power supply: 10 ÷ 30V;
 1 Universal Digital/Analog input;
 2 open collector Digital output*;
 1 Wire interface*:
o Temperature sensor
o iButton
 High capacity Internal backup battery;
 3 Status LEDs:
o Navigate
o Status
Package content depends on Order Code, and can be customized by customer needs.
Depends on FM3620 PINOUT configuration (chapters 3.6, 3.7)

o Modem
 Internal USB port;
 External GSM antenna (RP-SMA connector) for higher sensitivity;
 External GNSS antenna (SMA connector) for higher sensitivity;

Hardware features:
 Cortex®-M3 processor;
 1 MB internal Flash memory;
 Built-in accelerometer sensor.
GNSS features:
 G33 Multi-GNSS engine for GNSS, GLONASS, Galileo and QZSS;
 32channel GPS/GLONASS receiver;
 Protocol NMEA-0183: GGA, GGL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG;
 -162 dBm Tracking Sensitivity

Special features:
 Any element event triggers (external sensor, input, speed, temperature, etc.);
 Highly configurable data acquisition and sending;
 Multiple Geo-fence areas;
 Sleep mode;
 Deep sleep mode;
 Configurable scenarios available;
 Real-time process monitoring;
 Authorized number list for remote access;
 Firmware update over GPRS or USB port;
 Configuration update over GPRS, SMS or USB port;
 TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocol support;
 Up to 3584 records storing;
 Radio frequency jamming detection.
 Records exporting using USB;
 Offline working mode;

Overvoltage protection

Description Voltage Duration

Normal operation 10-30V Unlimited
Protection turns on, device turns off. 34V Unlimited
Maximum voltage <70V Unlimited
Maximum voltage impulse 90V 5 mili seconds

2.3 Technical features

Table 1 FM3620 specifications

Part name Physical specification Technical details
Modem LED LED Power supply 10...30 V DC
2W Max
System LED LED Energy consumption:
Navigation LED LED GPRS: 150 mA r.m.s Max.,
Nominal: average 65 mA r.m.s,
GNSS GNSS antenna connector SMA 2
GNSS Sleep : average 23 mA
GSM/3G antenna connector RP- Deep Sleep: average less than 4 mA3
GSM/3G SMA female outer shell, female Operation temperature:
inner pin -25⁰C ... +55⁰C
Storage temperature:
Tyco Micro MATE-N-LOK™
Socket 2x3 -40⁰C ... +70⁰C
4-794628-0 or similar Storage relative humidity 5 ... 95 % (no
USB Mini USB socket
Internal fuse: 3A, 125V

When in Sleep mode, FM unit turns OFF GNSS module.
When in Deep Sleep mode no data storing and sending is activated.

Figure 1 FM3620 view & dimensions (tolerance ±2mm)

Electrical characteristics
Min. Typ. Max. Unit

Supply Voltage:
Supply Voltage (Recommended Operating Conditions) 10 30 V
Digital Output (Open Drain grade):
Drain current (Digital Output OFF) 120 uA
Drain current (Digital Output ON,
300 mA
Recommended Operating Conditions)
Static Drain-Source resistance (Digital
300 mOhm
Output ON)
Power supply current
Deep sleep average on 12V - 1,33 15 mA
Deep sleep average on 24V - 0,51 10 mA
Sleep average on 12V - 23 - mA
Sleep average on 24V - 8,9 - mA
Ucc=12V, all modules fully working - - 700 mA
Ucc=24V, all modules fully working - - 330 mA
Digital Input:
Input resistance (DIN1, DIN2) 15 kOhm
Input Voltage (Recommended Operating Supply
0 V
Conditions) voltage
Input Voltage threshold (DIN1) 7,5 V
Input Voltage threshold (DIN2) 2,5 V
Analog Input:
Input Voltage (Recommended Operating
0 10 V
Conditions), Range1
Input resistance, Range1 120 kOhm
Input Voltage (Recommended Operating
0 30 V
Conditions) Range2
Input resistance, Range2 146,7 kOhm

Output Supply Voltage 1-Wire:
Supply Voltage 3,3 3,6 V
Output inner resistance 7 Ohm
Output current (Uout > 3.0V) 30 mA
Short circuit current (Uout = 0) 130 mA

2.4 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Supply Voltage (Absolute Maximum Ratings) -32 32 V
Drain-Source clamp threshold voltage (Absolute
36 V
Maximum Ratings), (Idrain = 2mA)
Digital Input Voltage (Absolute Maximum Ratings) -32 32 V
Analog Input Voltage (Absolute Maximum Ratings) -32 32 V

2.5 Technical Information about internal battery

FM3620 internal battery is used for detecting external voltage disconnection.



Battery Disposal instructions:

Battery should not be disposed of with general household waste.

Bring damaged or worn-out batteries to your local recycling center or dispose
them to battery recycle bin found in stores.

Nominal capacity
Device Internal back-up battery Battery voltage V Power (Wh) temperature
range (◦C)
1800 mAh Polymer Li-ion
Rechargeable Battery
3.75~3.9 ≥1800 6.75 - 7.02 0 - 45

1800 mAh Polymer Li-ion

Rechargeable Battery
3.75~3.9 ≥1800 6.75 - 7.02 0 - 45

3.1 How to insert SIM card and attach battery into FM3620 device:

Gently open FM3620 case using screwdriver

 
Remove FM3620 case Insert SIM card as shown

 
Attach battery  With screwdriver attach cover

 
Attach top housing cover Device is ready

3.2 Installing FM3620 drivers

Software requirements:
• Operating system 32-bit and 64-bit: Windows XP with SP3 or later, Windows Vista,
Windows 7.
• MS .NET Framework V3.5 or later ( or

Please download Virtual COM Port drivers from Teltonika website:
Installing drivers:
Extract and run VCPDriver_V1.3.1_Setup.exe. This driver is used to detect FM3620 device
connected to the computer. Click ‘Next’ in driver installation window (figures below):

Figure 2 Driver installation window

This will launch device driver installation wizard. In the following window click ‘Next’
button again:

Figure 3 Driver installation window

Setup will continue installing drivers and will display a window about successful process at
the end. Click ‘Finish’ to complete setup:

Figure 4 Driver installation window

You have now installed drivers for FM3620 device successfully.

3.3 Navigate LED
Behavior Meaning
Permanently switched on GNSS signal is not received
Blinking every second Normal mode, GNSS is working
Off GNSS is turned off because:
 Sleep mode
 Deep sleep mode
 GNSS antenna short circuited

3.4 Modem LED

Behavior Meaning
Blinking every second Normal mode
Blinking every 2 seconds Deep sleep mode
Blinking fast for a short time Modem activity
Blinking fast constantly Boot mode
Off  Device is not working
 Device firmware being flashed

3.5 Status LED

Behavior Meaning
Permanently off Device off
Blinking every 1 second Net search / Not registered/ turning off
Slow blinking every 3 seconds Registered: full service
Permanently on A call is active

3.6 FM3620_C2 Socket 23*

1W_Data 3 6 1W_PWR
DIN 1 / AIN 2 5 OUT 1
VCC (1030)V DC (+) 1 4 GND(VCC(1030)V DC)(-)
Figure 5 26 socket pinout

Table 2 Socket 2x3 pinout description. *- digital input status 0 … ~2 V – FALSE; ~2,5 V… 30 V– TRUE
Pin Name Description
Power supply for module. Power supply range
1 VCC (10÷30) V DC (+) (10÷30)V DC
Energy consumption: GPRS: 200 mA r.m.s Max.
2 DIN 1 / AIN Digital input, channel 1* / Analog input 0-30 V range
3 1W_Data Data channel for Dallas 1-Wire® devices
4 GND (-) Ground pin.
Digital output. Channel 1. Open collector output.
5 OUT 1
Max. 150mA.
6 1W_PWR + 3,8 V output for 1-Wire® devices. (max 20mA)

* The described PINOUT is used only for FM3620_C2 hardware configuration!!!

3.7 FM3620_C1 Socket 23***

DIN 2 3 6 OUT 2
DIN 1 / AIN 2 5 OUT 1
VCC (1030)V DC (+) 1 4 GND(VCC(1030)V DC)(-)
Figure 6 23 socket pinout

Table 3 Socket 2x3 pinout description. *- digital input status 0 … ~2 V – FALSE; ~2,5 V… 30 V– TRUE
Pin Name Description
Power supply for module. Power supply range
1 VCC (10÷30) V DC (+) (10÷30)V DC
Energy consumption: GPRS: 200 mA r.m.s Max.
2 DIN 1 / AIN Digital input, channel 1* / Analog input 0-30 V range
3 DIN 2 Digital input, channel 1*
4 GND (-) Ground pin.
Digital output. Channel 1. Open collector output.
5 OUT 1
Max. 150mA.
Digital output. Channel 2. Open collector output.
6 OUT 2
Max. 150mA.

*** The described PINOUT is used only for FM3620_C1 hardware configuration!!!

3.8 USB
Mini USB connector

Figure 7 Mini USB type B connector

FM3620 connected to PC creates an STM Virtual COM Port, which can be used as a system
port (to flash firmware and configure the device):

Figure 8 COM-Ports

3.9 Accessories

1 – Wire devices for FM3620_C2

One of the realized features is 1-Wire® data protocol, which enables connection of
thermometer (DS1820, DS18S20 and DS18B20) and I-Button type: DS1990A (Figure 9 and Figure
10 show FM3620_C2 and 1-wire® device connection schemes).

Left row of pins 2
1W.PWR Right row of pins
1 3
(FM3620 – pin6) J3

Vpp (+5 Volts DC) –

1W. Data
2 J2 power source for
(FM3620 – pin3) 1 1
external digital
2 sensor
3 Output from external
(FM3620 – pin4) 2
digital sensor
Digital Input 4
Figure 9 Digital thermometer DS1820 and TTJ100 connection scheme

Figure 10 I-Button DS1990A connection scheme

Note: Teltonika does not provide any additional equipment like panic
buttons, door sensors or others.

Fuel Tank sensors for FM3620_C1 or FM3620_C2

A fuel tank level sensor exists in most cars, which shows the approximate fuel level in the
driver’s indicator panel. It is possible to connect Analog input to FM3620_C1 or FM3620_C2 (if
sensor returns analogue signal proportional to fuel level). As input shares the same PIN with
Digital input 2, FM3620_C1 or FM3620_C2 must be configured to use only one of them. Figure
11shows the connection scheme to the FM3620 and fuel tank sensor through Analog input 1.
After the connection to the tank fuel level sensor, calibration is needed. Calibration is needed
because most fuel tank sensors are not linear. Calibration is performed by measuring voltage
dependence on volume of fuel in tank.

Figure 11 Fuel Tank sensor connection

Alarm buttons, door sensors, etc.

Alarm buttons, door sensors, ignition, etc. return two states: high or low voltage. Digital
inputs are used to read this information. Figure below shows how to connect alarm button, door
sensor, etc.

Figure 12 Panic button connection

In cases when sensor output signal is negative, an additional relay has to be installed to
convert negative signal to positive.

Figure 13 Inverting relay connection
Immobilizer relay
When connected as shown below, FM3620 disables engine starter when output is OFF.
More details about relays can be found below.

Figure 14 Immobilizer relay connection

An ordinary automotive relay is used to invert input signal or to immobilize engine starter.
Note, that they are available as 12 V or 24 V.

Figure 15 Automotive relay pinout

4.1 Updating firmware using USB cable

FM3620 functionality is always improving, new firmware versions are developed. Current
module firmware version can be retrieved from Configurator.

Connect FM3620 to PC with the USB cable. Launch “Firmware Updater”, select COM port
to which device is connected, click connect, and when IMEI and Firmware version fields are filled,
start the update. Device needs some time to send IMEI and Firmware version, so do not be afraid
if IMEI will not show up immediately, disconnect and after 1-2 minutes try to connect again.
When starting update device will open link with updater. With link open device downloads
firmware and starts installing. Wait thru all these screens as in Figure 17 for firmware to update.
Update process may take up to several minutes.

Figure 16 FM3620 firmware updater screen

FM3620 firmware is adapted to all hardware configurations. It

automatically recognizes the hardware configuration and can be
updated on every version without consequences

Figure 17 FM3620 firmware updating process
When you see a green table like in Figure 17, it means that the firmware is flashed to
FM3620 successfully. You may now close the update window and start using your FM3620

5.1 Operational principals
FM3620 module is designed to acquire records and send them to server. Records contain
GNSS data and I/O information. Module uses GNSS receiver to acquire GNSS data and is powered
with four data acquire methods: time-based, distance-based, angle-based and speed-based
method. Note, that if FM3620 loses connection to GNSS satellites, it continues to make records,
however coordinate in these records remains the same (last known coordinate). Method’s
details are described in section 5.13. All data is stored in flash memory and later can be sent via
3G, GPRS or SMS. 3G mode is the most preferred data sending mode. If 3G coverage is not
available the device sends data through GPRS network. FM3620 can also be configured to send
data over GPRS and SMS only. This mode can be used to save bills or in the areas where 3G is not
available. The least preferred data sending mode is SMS, which is mostly used in areas without
GPRS coverage or GPRS usage is too expensive.
3G, GPRS and SMS settings are described in further sections. FM3620 communicates with
server using special data protocol. Data protocol is described in “FMXXXX Protocols” document.

FM3620 can be managed by SMS commands. SMS Command list is described in SMS
COMMAND LIST section. Module configuration can be performed over TCP or via SMS.
Configuration parameters and modes are described in “FMXXXX Protocols” document.

5.2 Sleep modes

5.2.1 Sleep mode
FM3620 is able to go to Sleep mode after configured interval of time. While in sleep mode,
FM3620 sets GNSS receiver to sleep mode and it isn’t making periodic records (only event
records is being recorded with last known coordinate and sent to AVL server). As a result power
usage decreases allowing saving vehicle battery.

FM3620 can enter sleep mode if ALL of these conditions are met:
 FM3620 has to be configured to work in Sleep mode and Sleep timeout set;
 Device must be synchronized time with GNSS satellites or via NTP;
 No movement by motion sensor is detected;
 Ignition (DIN1) is off;

FM3620 exits sleep mode when if ONE of following conditions are true:
 Movement by motion sensor is detected;
 Ignition (DIN1) is turned on;

5.2.2 Deep Sleep mode

While in deep sleep mode, FM3620 sets GNSS receiver to sleep mode and turns off
GSM/GPRS/3G module (it is not possible to wake up device via SMS). Despite records with last
known coordinate are being saved and send to AVL server (GSM/GPRS/3G module is turned on
to send data and after that it is turned off again), power usage is decreased to save vehicle’s
battery. Note, that power saving depends on two configurable parameters: send period and min.
record saving period.

FM3620 can enter deep sleep mode if ALL of these conditions are met:
 FM3620 has to be configured to work in Deep Sleep mode and Sleep timeout set;
 Device must be synchronized time with GNSS satellites or via NTP;
 No movement by motion sensor is detected;
 Ignition (DIN1) is off;
 Min. Record Saving Period (Data Acquisition Mode settings) must be bigger than
Active Data Link Timeout parameter, that FM3620 could close GPRS/3G link.
 Send period (Data Acquisition Mode settings) minus Active Data Link Timeout must
be more than 90 sec., that FM3620 could close GPRS/3G link for at least 90 sec.
 USB cable is not connected.

FM3620 exits deep sleep mode when if ONE of following conditions are true:
 Movement by motion sensor is detected;
 Ignition (DIN1) is turned on;
 USB cable is connected;

Note: In order to save 3G/GPRS traffic records saved in deep sleep mode do
not contain below listed I/O elements information:
PDOP, HDOP, Odometer, Speedometer, iButton ID, Cell ID, Area Code,
Temperature and GNSS power

5.3 Virtual odometer

Virtual odometer is used to calculate traveled distance in FM3620 as a separate I/O
element. When FM3620 detects movement, it starts counting distance using GNSS signal: every
second it checks current location and calculates distance between current and previous point. It
keeps adding these intervals until it is time to make a record, then FM3620 records its location
and adds odometer value, which is equal to the sum of all distances, measured every second.
When record is made, odometer resets to zero and distance calculation starts all over again.
Virtual odometer as an I/O element can be also used with Trip feature, read chapters 5.4.2
and 5.14.2 for more details.

5.4 Features
Using available features can greatly increase FM3620 usability options.
5.4.1 Scenarios

Green Driving Scenario. Helps to prevent and inspect driver about harsh driving. Scenario
continuously monitors: accelerating force, braking force and cornering angles. Warns driver if
needed. DOUT1 or DOUT2 is controlled by scenario for user needs, for example buzzer or LED.
To save 3G/GPRS traffic Green Driving event will be generated (included into sent records)
only when measured values are higher than those set in configuration, without additional I/O
To prevent generating false events, harsh acceleration and harsh braking is monitored only
when following conditions are fulfilled:
 Ignition is ON (DIN1 = 1)
 Vehicle speed is equal or higher than 10km/h
Harsh cornering is monitored only when following conditions are fulfilled:
 Ignition is ON (DIN1 = 1)
 Vehicle speed is equal or higher than 30km/h

Note: Green Driving Scenario is a factor on various cars and various drivers
testing phase and can be subject to changes. Teltonika is constantly working
on improvement of the functionality of the devices, and strongly
recommends using the latest version of the firmware.

Over Speeding Scenario. Helps to prevent from exceeding fixed speed and inspects driver if
needed. DOUT1 or DOUT2 is controlled by scenario for user needs, to manage buzzer, LED, etc.

Authorized Driving Scenario. Gives ability to use vehicle for 500 specific iButton owners
(specified in iButton list). DOUT2 or DOUT1 is controlled by scenario for user needs, to manage
buzzer, LED, etc.

Note: In order for Authorized driving to work properly, at least 1 iButton ID

must be written to the iButton list.

Immobilizer Scenario. Vehicle can be used only if iButton is connected. In this scenario
iButton list is not used; connect any iButton to pass Immobilizer security. DOUT2 or DOUT1 is
controlled by scenario for user needs, to manage buzzer, LED, etc.

5.4.2 Trip
Trip customizable feature enables user extended monitoring of performed trips (from
engine start at present location to engine stop at arrived location), log their start and stop points,
view driven total distance4. Event will be generated (included into send records) only when trip
starts and finishes. This feature is available on all FM3620 hardware versions without limitations.

Note: Scenarios and Trip features are activated (DOUTs are activated) only if
DIN1=1 (ignition is on).

5.4.3 Geofencing
Geofencing is another feature which is highly customizable and can detect wherever car
enters or leaves customized areas. More about Geofencing can be read in 5.14.3 chapter.
Auto Geofencing feature if enabled is activated automatically by turning off car ignition.
Next time before driving user has to disable Auto Geofencing with iButton or by turning on car
ignition. In case of theft car leaves Auto Geofencing zone without authorization high priority
record to AVL application is sent automatically.
5.4.4 iButton list
iButton list is used to enter authorized iButton ID codes, which are used to authenticate
driver in Authorized driving and Auto Geofencing options.


5.6 Configurator
New FM3620 module has default factory settings. Settings should be changed according to
your application and your GSM operator information.
FM3620 configuration is performed via FM3620 Configurator program. FM3620
Configurator version can be downloaded from
Contact sales manager to get the latest FM3620 Configurator version. FM3620 configurator

Continuous odometer – total driven distance, works only in TRIP mode. Continues distance is counted only
for ONE trip. If trip is finnished (stop point is detected), odometer resets to 0 (zero). Next trip will start counting
from the begining.

operates on Microsoft Windows OS and uses MS .Net Framework 3.5 or higher. Please ensure
that MS .Net Framework 3.5 or later is installed on your PC before starting configurator. Latest
MS .Net Framework version can be downloaded from official Microsoft web page.
Module configuration is performed over USB cable. Configuration process starts from
starting FM3620 Configurator program and then connecting to FM3620 device via Connect
button located on the top left corner of configurator. If connected successfully IMEI, Version
fields which were empty, now are filled with certain numbers depending on Modem IMEI and
firmware version of your device (figure below).
FM3620 has one user editable profile, which can be loaded from device, and saved. User
can also revert to default settings, by pressing Load Defaults button. After any modification of
configuration settings it has to be saved to FM3620 device, otherwise it will not be written to
FM3620 has 2 configuration modes: Recommended Configuration (Figure 18) and
Advanced Configuration (Figure 19).

Figure 18 Recommended Configuration window

Recommended Configuration mode uses predefined data acquisition values. In this

configuration mode it is only required to enter network parameters. In Advanced Configuration
mode FM3620 is more configurable.

Figure 19 Configurator window

FM3620 Configurator is divided into main areas: 1 – main button area, 2 – information
area, 3 –settings menu, 4 – parameters and values menu, 5 – recommended configuration
Button 6 is used to change between configuration modes.

Main Buttons description:

‘Connect’ – connects device
‘Load’ – reads configuration parameters from FM3620 Flash memory.
‘Save’ – saves configuration parameters to FM3620 Flash memory.
‘Load Defaults’ – loads default FM3620 settings that later can be modified. This procedure
must be performed before entering new parameters.
‘Save to File…’ – allows user to save currently entered settings to .XML file, for later usage.
‘Load from File…’ – allows user to load configuration saved in .XML extension file.
‘Reset device’ – reboots FM3620 and displays processor firmware version.

Additional Buttons description:

‘Add Keyword’ / ‘Change Keyword’ / ‘Switch Security Off’– buttons are used to protect
configurator from unauthorized access to configuration.
Keyword is 4 – 10 symbol length. If keyword is set, every time user reconnects FM3620 to
USB port, user will be asked to provide valid keyword when connecting FM3620 to configurator.
User is given 5 attempts to enter keyword. After entering valid keyword, counter resets to 5.
If user disconnects FM3620 using ‘Disconnect’ button and does not disconnect from USB
port, after reconnecting using ‘Connect’ button, configurator does not ask for keyword.

ATTENTION! If you have entered a keyword, disconnected from the
configurator and then later connected again, you will need to enter the
keyword that you have entered previously. If you have forgotten it, please
contact your local sales manager.

5.7 Read records

When the FM3620 is working in offline mode, it can save up to 3854 records. Since these
records are not sent to the server, they can be downloaded directly to connected computer using
USB connection. When you connect FM3620 device, FM3620 Configurator appears with
additional option "Read Records”

Figure 20 FM11YX Configurator window with FM3620M connected

After device is switched on, you have to wait 3 minutes for device to startup. Only then it is
possible to download records. If the memory is fully filled, the records reading may take several
minutes. After reading records, all records are deleted from the device memory. Data records are
stored in a binary file on your PC. You can upload these records from file to TAVL server and
access all the data from TAVL.
TAVL client application lets user to use the following features:
• Import data file saved from the device to the TAVL;
• Preview track of the imported data;

• Generate reports of the imported data.
More details on how to use TAVL application please refer to “TAVL4 application user
manual v1.4” documentation or its later versions.
FM3620 version can be still used as a standard
FM3620. It can be configured to acquire and send data to
server. It will be possible to store up to 3854 data records
if GSM is not available at the moment. It will send data
later when GPRS is available again. Note that FM3620 can
have memory full of records. In such a case it will start
deleting oldest records in order to save new ones.
Sending all the data records to server may take some
time. Sending 3854 records for FM3620 may take for
about 5 hour (exact time may differ depending on
GPRS/server load).
Figure 21 FM3620_ sticker

5.8 System settings

System settings have 7 configurable parameters:

 Deep sleep settings, where user can turn deep sleep on or off;
 Analog Input Settings, where user can choose analog input range 10 V or 30 V,
depending on needed accuracy (lower range gives higher accuracy of
measurements), and input voltage;
 Object Motion Detection Settings, where user can configure 3 ways how FM3620
will detect stopped movement, and change its working mode (for working modes,
read section 5.13)
 Static navigation settings, where user can turn static navigation on or off;
 Records Settings, where user can enable or disable records when GPS is not
available (no time synchronization);
 GNSS Settings, where user can choose satellite system and GNSS FIX Timeout Time
(if after timeout there will not be synchronized time, it will be synchronized via NTP
 Ignition Source sets ignition triggered functionalities to be triggered by:
o Power Voltage (if voltage is between High Voltage Level and Low Voltage
Level the ignition is considered to be turned on);
o Digital Input (DIN1 ON – ignition on, DIN1 OFF – ignition off);
o Movement (if accelerometer/movement sensor detects movement then
ignition is on, if movement stops – ignition is off).

Stop Detection Vehicle on Stop mode Vehicle Moving mode
Ignition If ignition (configured Ignition If ignition (configured Ignition
(recommended) Source) is logic low Source) is logic high
Msensor (movement Internal movement sensor does Internal movement sensor detects
sensor) not detect movement movement
GPS GNSS fix is available and vehicle GNSS fix is available and vehicle
speed is lower than 5 km/h speed is higher than 5 km/h
While GNSS fix is unavailable, Object Motion Detection Settings are
working like in Msensor mode

Static Navigation Mode is a filter, which filters out track jumps when the object is
stationary. If Static navigation filter is disabled, it will apply no changes on GNSS data. If Static
navigation filter is enabled, it will filter changes in GNSS position if no movement is detected
(depends on Object Motion Detection Settings). It allows filtering GNSS jumps when object is
parked (is not moving) and GNSS position is still traced.

Figure 22 System settings configuration

5.9 Records settings
Here user can modify if FM3620 device will send newest records first, meaning, that the
most important thing is to know recent position of car, older records are being sent right after
newest records arrive to AVL application.
Activate Data Link Timeout is used to set timeout of link between FM3620 and AVL
application termination. If FM3620 has already sent all records it waits for new records before
closing link. If new records are generated in the period of this timeout, and minimum count to
send is reached, they are sent to AVL application. This option is useful when GSM operator
charge for link activation.
Server Response Timeout is used to set time period waiting for response from server side.

Figure 23 Records settings configuration

5.10 GSM settings, GPRS part

‘GPRS’ defines main parameters for FM3620: GSM operator APN and GPRS username and
password (optional – depending on operator), destination server IP and port, and allows to set
protocol used for data transfers – TCP or UDP.
Yet user can choose if device will work only in GSM network, or it will prefer 3G network
and switch to GSM only then 3G is absent.
Some operators use specific authentication for GPRS session – CHAP or PAP. If any of these
is used, APN should be entered as ‘chap:<APN>’ or ‘pap:<APN>’. I.e. if operator is using APN
‘internet’ with CHAP authentication, it should be entered as ‘chap:internet’. Information
about APN and authentication type should be provided by your GSM operator.

Figure 24 GPRS configuration

5.11 GSM settings, SMS part

Essential fields in ‘SMS’ part are ‘Login’ and ‘Password’. The login and password are used
with every SMS sent to FM3620. If login and password are not set, in every SMS sent to FM3620
device two spaces before command have to be used (<space><space><command>).
Command structure with set login and password:

<login><space><password><space><command>, example: “opa opa getgps”
Phone numbers have to be written in international standard, without using “+” or “00”
signs in prefix. If no numbers are entered, configuration and sending commands over SMS are
allowed from all GSM numbers.
SMS data sending settings – enable or disable periodic data and event SMS usage. This
setting does not affect replies to SMS request messages – answers are always sent back to
sender telephone number.
FM3620 can send binary SMS with 24-coordinates-in-one-SMS. It is used in areas where no
GPRS coverage is available. Module collects data and sends to server binary SMS containing
information about last 24 collected points. SMS sending schedule is set in SMS Week Time tab
and used Time zone is set in SMS Time Zone. 24-Coordinates SMS decoding is described in device
protocols documentation. Please contact Teltonika sale manager to find out more about
protocols documentation purchase

Figure 25 SMS configuration

Note: A mobile phone will not understand SMS with binary code, so sending it
to a mobile phone is useless. When sending a binary SMS to a phone number,
which is a server phone number, the server can interpret and understand binary
code, so the data can be read and you can view it on the server.

SMS login and password and authorized number list are used to protect FM3620
module from unauthorized access. Module accepts messages only from a list of
authorized numbers and with proper module login and password. Numbers
must be without “+” or “00” prefix. If no authorized numbers are entered,
module accepts messages from all numbers.

5.12 GSM settings, Operator list
Operators list – FM3620 can work in different modes (use different settings) according to
the operator list defined. Operator list is used for Data Acquisition Mode switching (see chapter
5.13 Data Acquisition Mode settings for more details). Modes are changed based on 3G/GSM
operator FM3620 is connected to.

Figure 26 Operator list configuration

If operator list is left empty, it will allow using GPRS to any GSM operator. Please note that
FM3620 will work in Unknown mode only (make sure it is configured to allow data sending –
GPRS context is enabled).

5.13 Data Acquisition Mode settings

Data Acquisition Modes are an essential part of FM3620 device, it is also highly
By configuration user defines how records will be saved and sent. There are three different
modes: Home, Roaming and Unknown. All these modes with configured data acquisition and
send frequencies depend on current GSM Operator defined in Operator list (see section 5.12)
and are switched when GSM operator changes (e.g. vehicle passes through country boarder).
If current GSM operator is defined as Home Operator, device will work in Home Data
Acquisition mode, if current operator is defined as Roaming Operator, device will work in
Roaming Data Acquisition mode, and if current operator code is not written in Operator list (but
there is at least one operator code in the operator list), device will work in Unknown Acquisition
This functionality allows having different AVL records acquire and send parameters values
when object is moving or stands still. Vehicle moving or stop state is defined by Stop Detection
Source parameter. There are 3 ways for FM3620 to switch between Vehicle on Stop and Vehicle
Moving modes see section 0.

FM3620 allows having 6 different modes. Operational logic is shown in Figure 27.

If there are no operator codes entered into operator list, FM3620 will work in
Unknown network mode ONLY.

Figure 27 Data Acquisition Mode configuration

Operator search is performed every 15 minutes. Depending on current GSM operator,

Home, Roaming or Unknown mode can be changed faster than every 15 minutes. This process is
separate from operator search. Movement criteria are checked every second.

Figure 28 Data Acquisition Mode configuration

‘Min Saved Records’ defines minimum number of coordinates and I/O data that should be
transferred with one connection to server. If FM3620 does not have enough coordinates to send
to server, it will check again after time interval defined in ‘Sending Period’

Send period – GPRS data sending to server period. Module makes attempts to send
collected data to server every defined period. If it does not have enough records (depends on
parameter Min. Saved Records described above), it tries again after defined time interval.

GPRS Week Time tab – most GSM billing systems charge number of bytes (kilobytes)
transmitted per session. During the session, FM3620 makes connection and transmits data to a

server. FM3620 tries to handle the session as much as possible; it never closes session by itself.
Session can last for hours, days, weeks or session can be closed after every connection in certain
GSM networks – this depends on GSM network provider. GPRS Context Week Time defines
session re-establish schedule if session was closed by network. New GPRS context is opened if
time is 10 minutes till time checked in table. Therefore if all boxes are checked, FM3620 is able to
open new connection anytime. At scheduled time match FM3620 checks for GPRS session
activity. If GPRS session is alive, FM3620 sends data to server according to Send period
parameter. If it is not, FM3620 checks if it is able to re-establish the session.

Figure 29 GPRS Week Time configuration

Device checks if the time between last saved record and current time is equal or higher
than Time based acquire interval. If so, FM3620 saves record to memory. If not, FM3620 checks
if the distance from last record to current record is equal or higher than Distance based acquire
interval. If so, saves the record to memory. If not and speed is higher than 10km/h, then FM3620
checks if angle difference between last record and current record is equal or higher than Angle
based acquire value. If so, saves the record to memory. These checks are performed every

Note: Keep in mind that FM3620 operates in GMT:0 time zone, without
daylight saving.

FM3620 is able to collect records using four methods at the same time: time, distance, angle and
speed based data acquisition:

Time based data acquiring (Min. period) – records are being acquired every time when defined
interval of time passes. Entering zero disables data acquisition depending on time.
Min. time period

Distance based data acquiring (Min. distance) – records are being acquired when the distance
between previous coordinate and current position is greater than defined parameter value.
Entering zero disables data acquisition depending on distance.
Min. distance

Angle based data acquiring (Min. angle) – records are being acquired when angle difference
between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value. Entering
zero disables data acquisition depending on angle.

Min. angle

Speed based data acquiring (Min. speed delta) – records are being acquired when speed
difference between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value.
Entering zero disables data acquisition depending on speed.

5.14 Features settings

For more information about available Scenarios, Trip, Geofencing and iButton list, refer to
5.4 chapter.

5.14.1 Scenarios settings
In Scenarios window five different scenarios are available: Green driving, Over Speeding,
Immobilizer, iButton List checking and Jamming . All scenarios can use DOUT together, but if
DOUT1 is assigned to Immobilizer, other scenarios can’t control it.

Figure 30 Scenarios configuration

Digital Output (open drain grade) usage in scenarios:

 Green Driving
DOUT1 is ON (if selected DOUT1) for:
 3sec. if detected value is over (0; 30] % from preconfigured allowed value
 5sec. if detected value is over (30; 50] % from preconfigured allowed value
 7sec. if detected value is over (50; -] % from preconfigured allowed value
After period of time DOUT1 is turned OFF.

 Over Speeding
DOUT1 is ON(if selected DOUT1), while vehicle speed exceeds parameter value. DOUT1 is
activated until current speed decreases below parameter value.

 Jamming detection (if selected DOUT1)

DOUT1 is ON, while modem is fixing radio frequency jamming. After jamming is over,
DOUT1 is deactivated.

 Authorized driving (if selected DOUT2)

DOUT2 is continuously OFF. Dout2 turns ON if Ignition turns ON (configured Ignition Source
=1). After authorizing iButton (iButton ID is read and it matches the ID from the iButton list),
DOUT2 turns OFF. After successful authorization ignition can be turned OFF (configured Ignition
Source =0) for no longer than 30 seconds, otherwise authorization must be repeated.

 Immobilizer (if selected DOUT2)

DOUT2 is continuously OFF. Dout2 turns ON if Ignition turns ON (configured Ignition Source
=1). After iButton ID is read (any iButton is attached), DOUT2 turns OFF. After iButton

identification, ignition can be turned OFF (configured Ignition Source =0) for no longer than 30
seconds, otherwise immobilizer must be repeated.

5.14.2 Trip settings

Trip window offers user to configure Trip feature. If Trip is enabled configuration of
parameters are enabled.
Start Speed – GNSS speed has to be greater than the specified Start Speed in order to
detect Trip Start.
Ignition Off Timeout – timeout to wait if ignition was off, to detect Trip stop.
Continuous distance counting – Not or Continuous can be chosen. For this feature I/O
Odometer must be enabled (see Figure 31).
If I/O Odometer is enabled and Continuous distance counting variable is set to Continuous,
Trip distance is going to be counted continuously (from Trip start to Trip stop). This value is
written to I/O Odometer value field. When Trip is over and next Trip begins, Odometer value is
reset to zero. When the next trip starts counting continuously starts from the beginning again.
If I/O Odometer is enabled and Continuous Distance Counting variable is set “Not”, then
the distance is going to be counted only between every record made. This value is written to I/O
Odometer value field and reset to zero every new record until Trip stops. If later all Odometer
values are summed up manually, the user gets the distance driven during the whole period of the

Figure 31 Trip configuration

Figure 32 Trip continuous distance counting parameter example
5.14.3 Geofencing settings

FM3620 has 5 configurable Geofence zones and it can generate an event when defined
Geofence zone border is crossed.
Frame border – frame border is an additional border around Geofence zone. It is additional
area around defined zone used to prevent false event recording when object stops on the border
of the area and because of GNSS errors some records are made inside area and some – outside.
Event is generated only when both borders are crossed. See Figure 33 for details: track 1 is
considered to have entered the area while track 2 is not.

Track Nr. 2

Track Nr. 1

Figure 33 Geofence border

Shape – can be rectangle or circle

Priority – priority of Geofence event: low, high or panic. These levels define priority of
event information sending to server. See I/O element description for more details about
Generate event (On entrance, On exit, On Both) – choose when record will be generated;
X1 – geofence zone left bottom corner X coordinate (longitude);

Y1 – geofence zone left bottom corner Y coordinate (latitude);
X2 or R – geofence zone upper right corner X coordinate (longitude) or radius of circle
when Circular zone is used (radius in meters);
Y2 – geofence zone upper right corner Y coordinate (latitude);

Figure 34 Geofence configuration

AutoGeofencing settings
AutoGeofence – the last known position after movement = off. If your car’s being
taken away – you can be notified. The shape and size of the geofence zones are
parameters. When object will leave geofence zone device will trigger an asynchronous
AutoGeofencing option can be configured by following parameters visible in Figure 35
Activation TMO – Time period before Geofence is activated after vehicle stops.
Deactivate By:
Ignition – If ignition (configured Ignition Source) becomes high it will disable
AutoGeofenze Zone.
iButton – if iButton is attached it will disable AutoGeofence Zone.
Edit iButton List – if list is not empty, attached iButton is tested against an iButton list, if
match is found AutoGeofence zone is disabled.
Priority – Priority of generated event, which will be applied to saved record.
Exit Event – Event generation on Geofence exit.
On Both – Event generation on Geofence exit.

Note that AutoGeofencing does not require entering coordinates, instead it requires GNSS
visibility. If vehicle stopped and activation timeout has passed, an AutoGeofence will be created
around vehicle’s last position with set Radius value. AutoGeofence event generation works the
same as Geofencing mentioned above.

Figure 35 Geofence configuration

Note: FM3620 operates GMT:0 time without daylight saving.

5.14.4 SMS events

SMS events functionality allows FM3620 to send a configured SMS when an event is
triggered. This event can be triggered by:
 Green Driving
 OverSpeeding
 Authorized Driving
 Immobilizer
 Trip start/stop
 Geofence
 AutoGeofence
 I/O event

When any of the above events is triggered, FM3620 sends a configured SMS message to a
defined phone number. If SMS events is activated, but there are no numbers defined in SMS
events PreDefined Numbers list (Figure 36), then the device will not send any messages.

Figure 36 SMS Events PreDefined Numbers list

The sent SMS messages format is according to:

“Date Time EventText”

For example, if FM3620 is configured to send an SMS (Figure 37), when Digital Input 1 reaches
High level, with priority High and configured to generate event on both range enter and exit
(Figure 38), then the sent SMS is:

“2012/6/7 12:00:00 Digital Input 1”

Figure 37 Configured Digital Input 1 SMS Event

Figure 38 Configured Digital Input 1 to generate event on both range enter and exit

The SMS Text field can be altered and any text can be entered. Maximum message length is 90
symbols (numbers, letters and symbols in ASCII, except for comma “,”).

If FM3620 is in Deep Sleep mode and SMS event occurs with LOW priority
(which does not wake up FM3620), then the device does not send the
message. It is saved in device memory until it wakes up from Deep Sleep
mode and GSM modem starts working normally. After it wakes up, all the
messages that are saved in memory will be sent, but keep in mind that only
10 messages can be saved in memory – all other messages will not be saved,
until there is room in device memory. SMS events configuration


To configure SMS events for scenarios, open Scenarios window and Enable desired scenario.
Then go to GSM ->SMS -> SMS events window and activate SMS event for Enabled scenario.
Figure 39 shows how to enable Green Driving and Immobilizer SMS Events.

Figure 39 Scenarios SMS event configuration

Figure 40 Scenarios SMS event configuration

When any of the scenarios events occurs, a text message will be sent to the predefined number.


In order to configure Trip SMS events click on Trip window and Enable Trip feature (Figure 41).
Then go to GSM -> SMS -> SMS Events settings and Enable Trip SMS event. After enabling SMS
Events (Figure 42), trip event will be triggered and message sent, when Trip starts (GNSS speed
exceeds the speed in Start Speed (ex. 5 km/h) and when Trip stops, that is ignition is turned off
longer then the time written in Ignition Off Timeout (ex. 60 seconds).

Figure 41 Trip Start/Stop SMS event configuration

Figure 42 Trip Start/Stop SMS event configuration


Geofence SMS event is triggered and message sent when the device exits and/or enters a
configured Geofence zone. The Geofence zone must be configured to generate an event On Exit,
On Enter or On Both (Figure 43). If No Event is selected, then it is not possible to turn on SMS
events. If several zones are created then SMS events can be turned on separately for each zone
entering different text message.

Figure 43 Geofence SMS event configuration

Figure 44 Geofence SMS event configuration


SMS events for AutoGeofence are configured the same as in Geofence. AutoGeofence is in
Features -> Auto geofencing (Figure 45), for SMS events configuration, go to GSM -> SMS -> SMS
Events (Figure 46).

Figure 45 AutoGeofence configuration

Figure 46 AutoGeofence SMS event configuration

I/O events

FM3620 sends SMS event message when a configured I/O property enters and/or exits its
configured High/Low boundaries or Hysteresis event generation is chosen (Monitoring does not
generate event, so SMS event could not be configured). Every IO element SMS event can be
configured to send individual message to different numbers.

Figure 47 I/O event configuration

Figure 48 I/O SMS event configuration

5.15 I/O settings

When no I/O element is enabled, AVL packet comes with GNSS information only. After
enabling I/O element(s) AVL packet along with GNSS information contains current value(s) of
enabled I/O element.

Permanent I/O elements

(are always sent to server if enabled)
Nr. Property Name Description
0 Digital Input Status 1 Logic: 0 / 1
1 Digital Input Status 2 Logic: 0 / 1
2 Analog Input 1 Voltage: mV, 0 – 30 V
3 Digital Output 1 Logic: 0 / 1
4 Digital Output 2 Logic: 0 / 1
5 GNSS PDOP Probability * 10; 0-500
6 GNSS HDOP Probability * 10; 0-500
7 External Voltage Voltage: mV, 0 – 30 V
8 GNSS Power States: 0 – short circ., 1 – connected.
Parameter defines if GNSS antenna is short circuit.
All the time value will be sent 1. The only condition
to get value 0, then antenna is damaged and short
circuit. Note if you disconnect GNSS antenna it still
will be sent 1. Do not try to use this parameter to see
if antenna is disconnected.
9 Movement Sensor 0 – not moving, 1 – moving.

10 Odometer Value Distance between two records: m

11 GSM Operator Currently used GSM Operator code

Permanent I/O elements
(are always sent to server if enabled)
12 Speed (Km/h) Value in km/h, 0 – xxx km/h
13 iButton ID iButton ID number
Mode 0 – home on stop, 1 – home on move, 2 – roaming
14 on stop, 3 – roaming on move, 4 – unknown on stop,
5 – unknown on move
15 GSM Signal GSM signal level value in scale 1 – 5

16 Deep Sleep 0 – not deep sleep mode, 1 – deep sleep mode

17 Cell ID GSM base station ID
Area Code Location Area code (LAC), it depends on GSM
18 operator. It provides unique number which assigned
to a set of base GSM stations. Max value: 65536
19 Dallas Temperature 1 10 * Degrees ( °C ), -55 - +115, if 3000 – Dallas error
20 Dallas Temperature 2 10 * Degrees ( °C ), -55 - +115, if 3000 – Dallas error
21 Dallas Temperature 3 10 * Degrees ( °C ), -55 - +115, if 3000 – Dallas error
22 Battery Voltage Voltage: mV
23 Battery Charging Current Current: mA
24 Ignition Ignition status indication. Logic: 0 / 1
25 Network Type 0 – 3G network, 1 – 2G network
Eventual I/O elements
(generate and send record to server only if appropriate conditions are met)
Nr. Property Name Description
26 Geofence zone 01 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
27 Geofence zone 02 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
28 Geofence zone 03 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
29 Geofence zone 04 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
30 Geofence zone 05 Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
31 Auto Geofence Event: 0 – target left zone, 1 – target entered zone
32 Trip 1 – trip start, 0 – trip stop
33 Immobilizer 1 – iButton connected
34 Authorized driving 1 – authorized iButton connected
1 – harsh acceleration, 2 – harsh braking, 3 – harsh
35 Green driving type
Depending on green driving type: if harsh
36 Green driving value acceleration or braking – g*100 (value 123 -> 1.23g),
if harsh cornering – degrees (value in radians)
At over speeding start km/h, at over speeding end
37 Over Speeding
38 LVCAN Speed Value in km/h, 0 – 250 km/h

Eventual I/O elements
(generate and send record to server only if appropriate conditions are met)
LVCAN Accelerator pedal
39 Value range: 0-100 %
LVCAN Total fuel used Value range: 0- 99999999 liters*
„Total Fuel Used“ is sent to server multiplied by 10.
Example: if value was 150.5 liters, „1505“ will be
sent to server.
41 LVCAN Fuel level (liters) Value range: 0-100 liters
42 LVCAN Engine RPM Value range: 0-8200 rpm
43 LVCAN Vehicle distance Value range: 0-2145000000 meters
44 LVCAN Fuel level (proc.) Value range: 0-100 %
45 LVCAN Program number Value range: 0-999
There are two types of operations with Permanent I/O elements: simple
monitoring and event generating. Monitoring method is used when current I/O
information needed with regular GNSS coordinates. Event generating method is
used when additional AVL packet is needed when current value of I/O exceeds
predefined High and Low levels. I/O settings allow defining I/O event criteria.

Figure 49 I/O settings

Enabled or disabled field – allows enabling I/O element so it is added to the data packet
and is sent to the server. By default all I/O element are disabled and FM3620 records only GNSS
Priority (AVL packet priority) can be low, high or panic. Regular packets are sent as Low
priority records. When low priority event is triggered, FM3620 makes additional record with
indication that the reason for that was I/O element change. When High priority is selected,
module makes additional record with high priority flag and sends event packet immediately to
the server by GPRS. Panic priority triggers same actions as high priority, but if GPRS fails, it sends
AVL packet using SMS mode if SMS is enabled in SMS settings.
High and Low levels – define I/O value range. If I/O value enters or exits this range, FM3620
generates event. “Generate event” parameter defines when to generate event – when value
enters defined range, exits it or both.
Averaging constant – it is an I/O event delay parameter. In some applications there is no
need to generate events on every I/O range enter/exit immediately. Sometimes it is necessary to
wait some time interval before event generating. Averaging constant allows setting I/O event
delay (averaging). If I/O value is entering or leaving predefined range, it must have same value

for Averaging constant time. 1 Averaging constant value equals about 30 miliseconds. In Deep
Sleep mode there is no Averaging.

Note: I/O element’s “Movement sensor” Averaging constant is interpreted as

Start Move Timeout in seconds (from 1 to 59).
Start Move Timeout – is a time interval required for movement sensor to be in
the moving state, to consider vehicle as moving.

I/O monitoring starts after enabling I/O element and setting up I/O parameters as it is
shown below:

Figure 50 I/O settings

5.15.2 Event Generating
Events happen when the value of enabled I/O intersects thresholds (enter, exit or on both)
predefined by High and Low level thresholds. Table below defines all available values of I/O

Setting Value
Priority low, high
High level maximum threshold
Low level minimum threshold
Generate event on interval enter, on interval exit, on both enter and exit
Average constant 1 – 232 (4 Bytes)

Figure 51 Digital Input event generation example

5.15.3 Hysteresis

Figure 52 Hysteresis parameter configuration

I/O elements can generate events according to hysteresis algorithm. If I/O event operand
“Hysteresis” is selected, events will be generated as it is shown in the illustration below (I/O
speed is taken as I/O value example):

Figure 53 Event generation according hysteresis algorithm


Read chapter 5.11 to know how to construct a proper SMS message and send it to FM3620
device. All commands are case sensitive. While FM3620 operates in Deep Sleep mode and user
tries to send SMS message it cannot arrive to FM3620 device, because GSM/GPRS module is
disabled most of the time (wake up depends on Send Period parameter). FM3620 will receive
the SMS when it wakes up (exits deep sleep mode).

6.1 SMS command list

Command Description Response
getstatus Modem Status information Yes
getweektime Current device time, Day of Week and amount of minutes Yes
passed since start of week
getops List of currently available GSM operator Yes
getcfgtime Date and Time of last successful configuration Yes
ggps Google Map Link information Yes
getgps Current GPS data and time Yes
cpureset Reset CPU No
resetprof Reset all FLASH1 profile configuration to default profile No
getver Device / Modem / Code version information Yes
getinfo Device runtime system information Yes
deleterecords Delete all records saved on FLASH No
getio Readout digital inputs and outputs Yes
readio # Readout digital input value according entered ID, # - ID Yes

Command Description Response
setdigout ## Y1 Y2 set digital outputs Yes
0 – OFF, 1 – ON
Y1 – timeout for DO1
Y2 – timeout for DO2
getparam # Readout parameter value according entered ID. Yes
# - ID value.
setparam # # Set parameter value according entered ID and Value. Yes
1.# - ID value.
2.# - New Parameter Value
getparam 1271 X X values can be 1,2,3. Yes
flush #,#,#,#,#,#,# Initiates all data sending to specified target server No
1.# - IMEI
2.# - APN
3.# - LOGIN
4.# - PASS
5.# - IP
6.# - PORT
7.# - MODE (0-TCP/1-UDP)
readops # 1 – send first 20 operator codes, 2 – send from 21st to 40th
operator codes, 3 – send all other operator codes
sn # Static navigation, 1 – enable, 0 – disable Yes
banlist Banned operators information Yes
crashlog Device last information before unexpected reset Yes
delete_all_sms Deletes all SMS No
lvcangetprog CAN Program Number request by SMS Yes
lvcansetprog # Set LVCAN program number Yes
lvcangetinfo Get LV-CAN info by SMS Yes
6.1.1 getstatus
Response details Description
Data Link Indicate module connection to server at the moment: 0 – Not
connected, 1 – connected
GPRS Indicate if GPRS is available at the moment
Phone Voice Call status: 0 – ready, 1 – unavailable, 2 – unknown, 3 –
ringing, 4 – call in progress, 5 – asleep
SIM SIM Status: 0-ready, 1-pin, 2-puk, 3-pin2, 4-puk2
OP Connected to GSM Operator: numerical id of operator
Signal GSM Signal Quality [0-5]
NewSMS Indicate if new message received
Roaming 0 – Home Network, 1 – roaming
SMSFull SMS storage is full? 0 – ok, 1 – SMS storage full
LAC GSM Tower Location Area Code
Cell ID GSM Tower Cell ID Code

Example: Data Link: 0 GPRS: 1 Phone: 0 SIM: 0 OP: 24602 Signal: 5 NewSMS: 0 Roaming: 0
SMSFull: 0 LAC: 1 Cell ID: 864

6.1.2 getweektime
Response details Description
Clock Sync Indicates system clock synchronization status. 0 – System is not
synchronized, 1 – System synchronized
DOW Day Of Week – indicates current day of week starting from 1 –
Monday, 2 – Tuesday, etc.
Time Indicates current GMT time
WeekTime Indicates time in minutes starting from Monday 00:00 GMT

Example: Clock Sync: 1 DOW: 4 Time 12:58 Weektime: 6538

6.1.3 getops
Response details Description
LIST Returns list of current available allowed operators.

Example: (2,”LT BITE GSM”,”BITE”,”24602”),(3,”TELE2”,”TELE2”,”24603”)

6.1.4 getcfgtime
Response details Description
Date/Time Returns last performed configuration date and time.

Example: Last Configuration was performed on: 2010.4.15 5:45:19

6.1.5 getgps
Response details Description
Gps Indicates valid (1) or invalid (0) Gps data
Sat Count of currently available satellites
Lat Latitude (Last good Latitude)
Long Longitude (Last good Longitude)
Alt Altitude
Speed Ground speed, km/h
Dir Ground direction, degrees
Date Current date
Time Current GMT time

Example: GPS:1 Sat:7 Lat:54.71473 Long:25.30304 Alt:147 Speed:0 Dir:77 Date: 2007/8/24
Time: 13:4:36
6.1.6 ggps
Response details Description
D Date
T Time
S Actual Speed
C Latitude (Last good Latitude), Longitude (Last good Longitude)
Url Google Maps Link

Example: D:2013/7/4 T:0:0:0 S:0 C:0, 0 Url:,0&om=1speed:0

6.1.7 getver
Response details Description
Code Ver Firmware version
Device ID Device ID is used to detect by server which type of configuration
to load
Bootloader Ver Bootloader Version
Modem App Ver Version of modem application (veiks: nuo 00.05.14)
Revision Firmware revision

Example: Code Ver:01.06.15 Rev:1 Device IMEI:353976010139156 Device ID:000001

Bootloader Ver: 01.09 Modem APP Ver:TM11Q_R_01.00.03.03_002

6.1.8 getinfo
Response details Description
INI Device Initialization Time
RST Restart Counter
ERR Error Counter
SR Number of Sent Records
BR Number of broken records
CF Profile CRC Fail counter
FG Failed GPRS counter
FL Failed link counter
UT UPD Timeout counter
SMS Sent SMS Counter
GPS GPS receiver state. 0 – OFF, 1 – restarting, 2 – ON but no fix, 3 –
ON and operational, 4 – sleep mode
SAT Average satellites
RS Reset Source Identification
1 – Low Power, 2 – W Watchdog, 3 – I Watchdog, 4 – Software
reset, 5 – Power On, 6 – Pin Reset
MD Data Mode state. 0 – Home and Stop, 1 – Home and Moving, 2 –
Roaming and Stop, 3 – Roaming and Moving, 4 – Unknown and
Stop, 5 – Unknown and Moving
RF Records Found – number of records in the memory.

Example: INI:2013/10/11 8:44 RTC:2013/10/11 8:59 RST:1 ERR:0 SR:0 BR:0 CF:0 FG:0 FL:0
UT:0 SMS:1 NOGPS:0:14 GPS:2 SAT:0 RS:3 MD:4 RF:0

6.1.9 getio
Response details Description
DI# Digital Input state
AIN# Analog Input state
DO# Digital Output state

Example: DI1:0 DI2:0 DI3:0 AIN:0.0611 DO1:0 DO2:0

6.1.10 readio #
Response details Description
ID I/O element ID
Value I/O Element value

Example: I/O ID:3 Value:0

6.1.11 setdigout ## Y1 Y2
Sets digital outputs to ON or OFF state (for some time if needed). Value is written as a
row for OUT1 and OUT2 values.
Example: ‘setdigout 01 0 5’ will set OUT2 to high level for 5 seconds, while OUT1 to low
To ignore one digital output value and make ON/OFF state only to another digital output in place
of 0 or 1 values, “?” must be used.
Example: ‘setdigout ?1’ will set OUT2 to high level for indefinite period of time while
OUT1 remains as it was set before.
6.1.12 getparam ####
Read parameter value. ID consists of 3 or 4 digits. Detailed list of parameters and IDs can
be found in chapter number 8 “Parameter List”
Example: ‘getparam 1245’ command will request server IP address.
6.1.13 setparam ####
Sets new value for parameter. ID consists of 3 or 4 digits. Detailed list of parameters and
IDs can be found in chapter number 8 “Parameter List”
Example: ‘setparam 1245’ will change configured IP address.
6.1.13. getparam 1271 X/212 X
X values can be 1,2,3.
If X = 1, Operator codes from 0-19 are read from configuration and sent via SMS.
If X = 2, Operator codes from 20-39 are read from configuration and sent via SMS.
If X = 3, Operator codes from 40-49 are read from configuration and sent via SMS.
If X = any other, Operator codes from 0-19 are read from configuration and sent via SMS.
6.1.14. setparam 1271 X/212 X
If X is from 0 to 49, X means index of operator code which has to be configured. Up to 20
operator codes may be configured in 1 SMS. Example: Setparam 1271 16 24602,24603,24605
,here 16th, 17th and 18th operator codes are set. Note! Other operator codes are left unchanged
in the configuration.
6.1.15 readops #
Send from device Operator List.
1 – send first 20 operator codes, 2 – send from 21st to 40th operator codes, 3 – send all
other operator codes.

6.1.16 flush #,#,#,#,#,#,#
Initiates all data sending by GPRS to specified target server. Comma separated parameters
go as numbered:
1.# - IMEI
2.# - APN
5.# - IP
6.# - PORT
7.# - MODE (0-TCP/1-UDP)
Parameters are separated by comma (no spaces needed). In case you don’t need to enter
parameter (Login/Pass) – do not put space, simply put comma and write next parameter.

Example: opa opa flush 353976012555151,banga,,,,12050,0

Response details Description

FLUSH SMS Accepted FLUSH SMS Accepted
# records found on FLASH Number of records found on FLASH
Minimum Records to Send: # Number of minimum saved records to send
GPRS Enabled: # State of the GPRS connection, 0 – disabled; 1 – enabled
Time Sync: # Indicates time synchronization on the device, 0 – not
synchronized; 1 – synchronized

Example: FLUSH SMS Accepted. 11 records found on FLASH. Minimum Records to Send: 1.
GPRS Enabled: 1. Time Sync: 1.
6.1.17 sn #
Enables or disables Static navigation. 1 – enable, 0 – disable.
6.1.18 banlist
Gives a list of all banned operators.
Example when no operators are banned: 0000.00s.0.000
6.1.19 crashlog
Gives the last information before the device has crashed for unexpected reasons. It is
useful when the device acts unexpectedly or restars for unexplained reasons.
Example if no unexpected reset: “Crash: “
Example if unexpected reset was detected: “Crash: 3051,3052,3053”.
6.1.20 lvcangetprog
CAN program number can be obtained via SMS:
SMS Text: “lvcangetprog”
Response: “CAN Program Nr: XXXX”
6.1.21 lvcansetprog #
Set LV-CAN program number via SMS:
SMS Text: “lvcansetprog 139”
Response: “CAN program Nr:139”

6.1.22 lvcangetinfo
Get LV-CAN info by SMS

Full LV-CAN information via SMS:

SMS Text: “ lvcangetinfo”
Response: “
Prog: 139
SWRevison: 6
KernVer: 10
KernVar: 49
MdlID: 8884443332221110”

7 Debug mode

FM3620 is able to transmit its current state when connected to PC using USB cable. It is
used to detect errors and provide information to possible solutions when operating as
unexpected. Download Terminal from:

After launching terminal choose baud rate 115200 and hardware control – none. Select
COM port which is assigned to “Virtual COM Port”. Click on ‘Start Log’ button and save a new file.
Then click ‘Connect’ to start receiving messages from FM3620.

Also you can log NMEA data directly. To get NMEA data, simply enter the following
command into the command field: .log_nmea:1$0a.

Figure 54 Terminal window for logging

8 Parameter List
8.1 Parameters value types
S8 – Signed Char
S8[n] – String of n Char
U8 – Unsigned Char
U16 – Unsigned Short
S32 – Signed Integer
U32 – Unsigned Integer
U64 – Unsigned Long Long Integer

8.2 System parameters

8.2.1 Sleep Mode (ID=1000)
Device has two sleep modes: sleep and deep sleep mode. While sleep is disabled (value 0)
module will never enter sleep mode, in sleep mode (value 1) module reduces level of power
usage by turning GNSS module to sleep, in deep sleep mode (value 2) module turns GNSS
module to sleep and switch GSM module off (note, that FM3620 do not receive SMS while in
deep sleep).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 2 - U8
8.2.2 Sleep timeout (ID=200)
Sleep timeout is time after which FM3620 goes to sleep or deep sleep if other
requirements are met. It is measured in minutes.

Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value

value value value parameters type
1 3000 - U8
8.2.3 Analog Input value range (ID=1001)
Analog input measuring resolution and range can be defined as 0…10V (value 0) or 1…30V
(value 1).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 - U8
8.2.4 Stop Detection Source (ID=1002)
Device can operate and change its working mode according to motion detection source:
ignition (value 0), movement sensor (value 1), GPS (value 2).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 2 - U8

8.2.5 Static Navigation (ID=1003)
When static navigation is enabled, FM3620 filters out GPS jumps, when it is not moving.
When it is disabled, it does not make any changes to collected GPS data.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 1 U8
8.2.6 Ignition Source (ID=1004)
Ignition Source sets ignition triggered functionalities.
Parameter ID Value
0 (By Power Voltage – default)
Ignition Source 1004 1 (By Ignition Din1)
2 (By Movement sensor)
High Voltage Level* 1005 Min: 0, Max: 30000 (mV)
Low Voltage Level* 1006 Min: 0, Max: 30000 (mV)
* - used when External voltage selected as ignition source.

8.2.7 GNSS FIX Timeout for Time Synchronization via NTP (ID=1007)
If “GNSS FIX Timeout” is set too 60s (default value) and during this time GPS FIX is received
– use default (GNSS) time synchronization method. However if the GPS time FIX is not received:
a. FM is going to get time using NTP server. Device will activate GPRS context and create UDP
connection to destination port 123 using SNTP protocol.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 65535 60 U8

8.2.8 Saving/Sending without time synchronization (ID=201)

When this feature is enabled (value = 1), then records can be saved and sent to server
without time synchronization.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 1 U8
8.2.9 GNSS System (ID=202)
This parameter sets Satellite System, available values: 0 – GNSS (all available); 1 – GPS only;
2 – GLONASS only.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 2 0 U8

8.3 Records parameters
8.3.1 Sorting (ID=1010)
Record sorting parameter is responsible for record sorting order. Value of 0 arranging data
starting from newest, while value of 1 arranging data starting from oldest.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 - U8
8.3.2 Active Data Link Timeout (ID=1011)
Defines for how many seconds device will keep connection to the server after successful
data transfer while waiting for a new record.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 259200 - U32

8.3.3 Server Response Timeout (ID=1012)

Defines time period (in seconds) for server response to sent records.

Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value

value value value parameters type
1 300 - U8

ATTENTION! Some GSM operators may disconnect the device from an

active data link if the device doesn’t send any data for a very long time, even if
active data link timeout is set to maximum value. The amount of time that an
operator keeps the link open depends solely on the operator. For example, if
active data link timeout is set to maximum, 259200 seconds (72 hours), and the
device sends data to server every 86400 seconds (24 hours), the operator might
disconnect the link earlier and the device will have to connect to the server anew.
This may cost extra, depending on the operator GPRS data charge. It is strongly
recommended, when using active data link timeout, that data sending to the
server should not be very rare (24 hours or more). If data sending is more
frequent, then the operator will not disconnect the device form the server.

8.4 GSM parameters

8.4.1 GPRS content activation (ID=1240)
Parameter allows or does not allow GPRS usage. If GPRS is not allowed value is 0, if GPRS is
allowed value is 1.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
APN Name (ID=1242)
0 1 - APN username (ID=1243) S8
APN Password (ID=1244)

8.4.2 APN Name (ID=1242)
Parameter defines GPRS Access Point Name.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
GPRS content activation (ID=1240)
32 char
Empty - APN username (ID=1243) S8[32]
string APN Password (ID=1244)
8.4.3 APN username (ID=1243)
Parameter defines APN username. In case operator does not use username for login,
value should be empty.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
GPRS content activation (ID=1240)
30 char
Empty - APN Name (ID=1242) S8[30]
string APN Password (ID=1244)
8.4.4 APN Password (ID=1244)
Parameter defines APN password. In case operator does not use password for login, value
should be empty.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
GPRS content activation (ID=1240)
30 char
Empty - APN Name (ID=1242) S8[30]
string APN username (ID=1243)
8.4.5 Domain (ID=1245)
Parameter defines AVL data destination server IP address. Example:
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
31 char GPRS content activation (ID=1240)
0 - S8[16]
string Target Server Port (ID=1246)
8.4.6 Target Server Port (ID=1246)
Parameter defines AVL data destination server port number. Example: 12050
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
GPRS content activation (ID=1240)
Empty 65535 - U16
Domain (ID=1245)
8.4.7 Protocol (ID=1247)
Parameter defines GPRS data transport protocol. Module can use TCP or UDP transport
protocol to send data to server. For TCP protocol value is 0, for UDP protocol value is 1.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 - GPRS content activation (ID=1240) U8

8.4.8 Use 2G only (ID=1248)
User can choose if device will work only in GSM network, or it will prefer 3G network and
switch to GSM only then 3G is absent. To work only with 2G network value is 1, to work with
both networks value is 0.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 0 GPRS content activation (ID=1240) U8

8.4.9 SMS Login (ID=1252)

User login is used to ensure module security. Used in every SMS that is sent to device.
Example: ba321
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Empty 5 char - S8[5]
SMS Password (ID=1253)

8.4.10 SMS Password (ID=1253)

User password is used to ensure module security. Used in every SMS that is sent to device.
Example: ab123
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Empty 5 char - S8[5]

8.4.11 SMS Time Zone (ID=1254)

Parameter allows to choose from all UTC Time lines for SMS data sending. This parameter
unit is minutes and value increment/decrement step is 15 min. (0, 15, 30…).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type

-720 +840 0 SMS Data send week time U8

schedule (ID=1273)

8.4.12 SMS data sending settings (ID=1250)

Parameter allows or does not allow sending AVL data using binary SMS. If SMS use is not
allowed value is 0 and 1 if SMS use is allowed.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type

0 1 - SMS Data send week time S8

schedule (ID=1273)

8.4.13 SMS Data send week time schedule (ID=1273)

Parameter defines SMS data sending according to week time schedule. This parameter is
used to set data sending on selected week days and hours. Minimum time step is 10 minutes.

For more information read 0 “Schedule parameter format”.
8.4.14 Authorized phone numbers (ID=1260-1270)
If at least one number is entered then only those number can send messages to device.
Number must be entered without “+” or “00”.
Example: 37060012346
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
1 digit 16 digits - S8[17]
If SMS data sending is enabled (ID=1250) first value in a list is server GSM number. The SMS with
24 coordinates is sent to this number.
Deleting Authorized phone numbers: do no write any value is configuration SMS command.
Example: setparam 1260
8.4.15 SMS Event PreDefined Numbers (ID=150-159)
In this field are written GSM numbers, to which will be sent “Event SMS” text message.
Number must be entered without “+” or “00”.
Example: 37060012346
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
1 digit 16 digits - S8[17]

8.4.16 Operator List (ID=1271 X)

Parameter defines operator list. According to this list module selects operating profile.
GSM operator codes are comma separated. First in a list is Home Operator Code, then Preferred
Roaming Operator Codes are written.
X defines starting position that is changed: If X is from 0 to 49, X means index of operator
code which has to be configured. Up to 20 operator codes may be configured in 1 SMS. Example:
setparam 1271 16 24602,24603,24605
Here 16th, 17th and 18th operator codes are set. Note! Other operator codes are left
unchanged in the configuration.

Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value

value value value parameters type
Empty 7 digits - U32

8.5 Data Acquisition Modes parameters

8.5.1 Home Network GSM operator code “Vehicle on STOP” parameters Min Period (ID=1540)
This parameter indicates time interval in seconds in order to acquire new record. If value is
0 it means no records by min period will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 2592000 - U32

65 Min Saved Records (ID=1543)
This parameter defines minimum number of records in one data packet that can be sent to
server. It has higher priority than Data Send Period (ID=1544).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
1 255 1 U8
GPRS Week Time (ID=1545) Send Period (ID=1544)

This parameter indicates frequency (time interval in seconds) of sending data to server.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Saved Records (ID=1543)
0 2592000 - U32
GPRS Week Time (ID=1545) GPRS Week Time (ID=1545)

This parameter manages when it is allowed to open GPRS context. When module starts it is
prohibited to open the context. When modem’s GPRS context is closing (for example changing
network) it is allowed to open it only at a defined time. It is possible to allow connections every
10 minutes up to once per day.
Schedule parameter format:
Time is defined as 19 byte array (‘getparam’ 1545 returns 20 bytes). First byte of array
defines week days; the rest 18 bytes define timestamps with 10 minute interval. In first byte, first
bit (LSB) defines if module should connect to GPRS (send SMS) on Monday, second bit – on
Tuesday and so on up to seventh bit – which means Sunday. Eighth bit (MSB) is not used. If bits
value is 0 then device is not allowed to open GPRS context, but if it is already open – does not
close it. If value is 1 it will work as day minutes are defined in rest of the bytes. Day’s minutes are
defined by 18 bytes (144 bits). Every nth bit (beginning from the first bit (LSB) and ending 18 bytes
8th bit (MSB)) indicates every 10th minute of the day (day has 1440 minutes).
Sample: GPRS will be allowed on Monday to Friday at 8:00 and 16:00 GMT. The following
value should be configured:
00011111 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 000000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Red bits indicate that GPRS will be allowed every day except Saturdays and Sundays. Blue
bits indicate 480 and 720 minutes (480min = 8h and 720min = 16h). So the parameter value
should be: 1F,00,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,00
It should be sent as UTF8 encoded string.

8.5.2 Home Network GSM operator code “Vehicle MOVING” parameters Min Period (ID=1550)
This parameter indicates time interval in seconds in order to acquire new record. If value is
0 it means no records by min period will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type

Min Distance (ID=1551)

Min Angle (ID=1552)

0 2592000 - U32
Min Speed (ID=1556)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1555) Min Distance (ID=1551)

This parameter indicates distance in meters in order to acquire new record. Record is
stored when the distance between previous records is greater than parameters value. If value is
0 it means no records by min distance will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1550)

Min Angle (ID=1552)

0 65535 - U32
Min Speed (ID=1556)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1555) Min Angle (ID=1552)

This parameter indicates angle in degrees in order to acquire new record. If angle
difference between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value,
new record is stored. This parameter is operational, when speed is higher than 10km/h. If value
is 0 it means no records by min angle will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1550)

Min Distance (ID=1551)

0 180 - U16
Min Speed (ID=1556)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1555)

67 Min Speed (ID=1556)
This parameter indicaes speed difference in order to acquire new record. If speed
difference between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value,
new record is stored. If value is 0 it means no records by min distance will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1550)

Min Distance (ID=1551)

0 255 10 Min Angle (ID=1552) U16

Min Speed Source (ID=1557)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1555)

Min Speed Source (ID=1557)

This parameter defines Source for speed difference calculation: 0 – GPS, 1 – LVCAN
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1550)

Min Distance (ID=1551)

0 1 0 Min Angle (ID=1552) U8

Min Speed (ID=1556)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1555) Min Saved Records (ID=1553)

This parameter defines minimum number of records in one data packet that can be sent to
server. It has higher priority than Data Send Period (ID=1554).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1550)

Min Distance (ID=1551)

1 255 1 Min Angle (ID=1552) U8

Min Speed (ID=1556)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1555)

68 Send Period (ID=1554)
This parameter indicates frequency (time interval in seconds) of sending data to server.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 2592000 - U32
GPRS Week Time (ID=1555) GPRS Week Time (ID=1555)

Read 0.

8.5.3 Roaming Network GSM operator code “Vehicle on STOP” parameters Min Period (ID=1560)
This parameter indicates time interval in seconds in order to acquire new record. If value is
0 it means no records by min period will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 2592000 - U32 Min Saved Records (ID=1563)
This parameter defines minimum number of records in one data packet that can be sent to
server. It has higher priority than Data Send Period (ID=1564).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
1 255 1 GPRS Week Time (ID=1565) U8 Send Period (ID=1564)

This parameter indicates frequency (time interval in seconds) of sending data to server.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Saved Records (ID=1563)
0 2592000 - U32
GPRS Week Time (ID=1565) GPRS Week Time (ID=1565)

Read chapter 0.
8.5.4 Roaming Network GSM operator code “Vehicle MOVING” parameters Min Period (ID=1570)
This parameter indicates time interval in seconds in order to acquire new record. If value is
0 it means no records by min period will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Distance (ID=1571)
Min Angle (ID=1572)
0 2592000 - Min Speed (ID=1576) U32

GPRS Week Time (ID=1575)

69 Min Distance (ID=1571)
This parameter indicates distance in meters in order to acquire new record. Record is
stored when the distance between previous records is greater than parameter’s value. If value is
0 it means no records by min distance will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1570)
Min Angle (ID=1572)
0 65535 - Min Speed (ID=1576) U32

GPRS Week Time (ID=1575) Min Angle (ID=1572)

This parameter indicates angle in degrees in order to acquire new record. If angle
difference between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value,
new record is stored. This parameter is operational, when speed is higher than 10km/h. If value
is 0 it means no records by min angle will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1570)
Min Angle (ID=1572)
0 180 - Min Speed (ID=1576) U16

GPRS Week Time (ID=1575) Min Speed (ID=1576)

This parameter indicaes speed difference in order to acquire new record. If speed
difference between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value,
new record is stored. If value is 0 it means no records by min distance will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1570)
Min Distance (ID=1571)
Min Angle (ID=1572)
0 255 10 Min Speed Source (ID=1577)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1575)

70 Min Speed Source (ID=1577)
This parameter defines Source for speed difference calculation: 0 – GPS, 1 – LVCAN
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1570)
Min Distance (ID=1571)
Min Angle (ID=1572)
0 1 0 Min Speed (ID=1576)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1575) Min Saved Records (ID=1573)

This parameter defines minimum number of records in one data packet that can be sent to
server. It has higher priority than Data Send Period (ID=1574).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1570)
Min Distance (ID=1571)
Min Angle (ID=1572)
1 255 1 Min Speed (ID=1576)

GPRS Week Time (ID=1575) Send Period (ID=1574)

This parameter indicates frequency (time interval in seconds) of sending data to server.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Saved Records (ID=1573)
0 2592000 - U32
GPRS Week Time (ID=1575) GPRS Week Time (ID=1575)

Read chapter 0.

8.5.5 Unknown Network GSM operator code “Vehicle on STOP” parameters Min Period (ID=1580)
This parameter indicates time interval in seconds in order to acquire new record. If value is
0 it means no records by min period will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 2592000 - U32 Min Saved Records (ID=1583)

This parameter defines minimum number of records in one data packet that can be sent to
server. It has higher priority than Data Send Period (ID=1584).
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
1 255 1 GPRS Week Time (ID=1585) U8 Send Period (ID=1584)

This parameter indicates frequency (time interval in seconds) of sending data to server.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Saved Records (ID=1583)
0 2592000 - U32
GPRS Week Time (ID=1585) GPRS Week Time (ID=1585)
Read chapter 0.

8.5.6 Unknown Network GSM operator code “Vehicle MOVING” parameters Min Period (ID=1590)
This parameter indicates time interval in seconds in order to acquire new record. If value is
0 it means no records by min period will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Distance (ID=1591)
Min Angle (ID=1592)
0 2592000 - Min Speed (ID=1596) U32
Min Speed Source (ID=1597)
GPRS Week Time (ID=1595)

72 Min Distance (ID=1591)
This parameter indicates distance in meters in order to acquire new record. Record is
stored when the distance between previous records is greater than parameter’s value. If value is
0 it means no records by min distance will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1590)
Min Angle (ID=1592)
0 65535 - U32
Min Speed (ID=1596)
GPRS Week Time (ID=1595) Min Angle (ID=1592)

This parameter indicates angle in degrees in order to acquire new record. If angle
difference between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value,
new record is stored. This parameter is operational, when speed is higher than 10km/h. If value
is 0 it means no records by min angle will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1590)
Min Distance (ID=1591)
0 180 - U16
Min Speed (ID=1596)
GPRS Week Time (ID=1595) Min Speed (ID=1596)

This parameter indicaes speed difference in order to acquire new record. If speed
difference between last recorded coordinate and current position is greater than defined value,
new record is stored. If value is 0 it means no records by min distance will be saved.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1590)
Min Distance (ID=1591)
0 255 1 Min Angle (ID=1592) U16
Min Speed Source (ID=1597)
GPRS Week Time (ID=1595) Min Speed Source (ID=1597)

This parameter defines Source for speed difference calculation: 0 – GPS, 1 – LVCAN
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1590)
Min Distance (ID=1591)
0 1 0 Min Angle (ID=1592) U8
Min Speed (ID=1596)
GPRS Week Time (ID=1595)

73 Min Saved Records (ID=1593)
This parameter defines minimum number of records in one data packet that can be sent to
server. It has higher priority than Data Send Period (ID=1594).

Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value

value value value parameters type
Min Period (ID=1590)
Min Distance (ID=1591)
1 255 1 Min Angle (ID=1592) U8
Min Speed (ID=1596)
GPRS Week Time (ID=1595) Send Period (ID=1594)
This parameter indicates frequency (time interval in seconds) of sending data to server. In
order to send data to server GPRS parameters must be enabled
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Min Saved Records (ID=1593)
0 2592000 - U32
GPRS Week Time (ID=1595) GPRS Week Time (ID=1595)

Read chapter 0.

8.6 Features Parameters

8.6.1 Green Driving scenario (ID=1600)
Green driving scenario can be enabled to work with 3 different ways: Dout not control
scenario (value 1), Dout1 controls scenario (value 2), Dout2 controls scenario (value 3). To
disable green driving scenario value 0 is used.
Minimum Maximum Default value Goes with (depends on) Value
value value parameters type
0 3 0 U8

8.6.2 Max Acceleration Force (ID=1602)

It is max allowed acceleration force which can be reached while accelerating without
triggering harsh acceleration event.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0.25 0.85 0.25 Green Driving scenario (ID=1600) Float
8.6.3 Max Braking Force (ID=1603)
It is max allowed braking force which can be reached while braking without triggering
harsh braking event.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0.25 0.85 0.35 Green Driving scenario (ID=1600) Float

8.6.4 Max Cornering Force (ID=1604)
It is max allowed cornering angle which can be reached while cornering without triggering
harsh cornering event.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0.1 1.0 - Green Driving scenario (ID=1600) U16
8.6.5 Max allowed Speed (ID=1605)
It is max allowed speed which can be reached. If this value exceeded Over speeding event
will occur.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 260 - Green Driving scenario (ID=1600) U16

8.6.6 OverSpeeding scenario (ID=1601)

OverSpeeding scenario can be enabled to work with 3 different ways: Dout not control
scenario (value 1), Dout1 controls scenario (value 2), Dout2 controls scenario (value 3). To
disable OverSpeeding scenario value 0 is used.
Minimum Maximum Default value Goes with (depends on) Value
value value parameters type
0 3 0 U8
8.6.7 Jamming detection scenario (ID=1606)
Jamming detection scenario can be enabled to work with 3 different ways: Dout not
control scenario (value 1), Dout1 controls scenario (value 2), Dout2 controls scenario (value 3).
To disable Jamming detection scenario value 0 is used.
Minimum Maximum Default value Goes with (depends on) Value
value value parameters type
0 3 0 U8
8.6.8 Immobilizer scenario (ID=1607)
Immobilizer detection scenario can be enabled to work with 3 different ways: Dout not
control scenario (value 1), Dout1 controls scenario (value 2), Dout2 controls scenario (value 3).
To disable Immobilizer detection scenario value 0 is used.
Minimum Maximum Default value Goes with (depends on) Value
value value parameters type
0 3 0 U8
8.6.9 iButton list checking scenario (ID=1608)
iButton list checking detection scenario can be enabled (value 1) or disabled (value 2).
Minimum Maximum Default value Goes with (depends on) Value
value value parameters type
0 3 0 U8

8.6.10 Trip (ID=1280)
This parameter enables ability to detect START and STOP of the trip.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 - U8

8.6.11 Start Speed (ID=1281)

This parameter represents speed, which is detected as minimum speed to indicate TRIP
START and generate event.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 255 - Trip(ID=1280) U8

8.6.12 Ignition Off Timeout (ID=1282)

This parameter represents timeout to wait if ignition is off in order to detect TRIP STOP and
generate event.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 65535 - Trip(ID=1280) U16

8.6.13 Trip Continuous distance counting (ID=1283)

For this feature I/O#10 ODOMETER must be enabled. If I/O ODOMETER is enabled, and
Continuous distance counting variable is set to Continuous (value 1), TRIP distance is going to be
counted continuously (from TRIP start to TRIP stop) and shown as I/O ODOMETER value.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 - I/O#10- Odometer (ID=2100 - U8

8.6.14 Geofencing
In this chapter it is explained how to get all parameters for the first Geofence zone (all ID
numbers are for the 1st zone). And at the end of the chapter (part 8.6.10) is presented a table
with the IDs of all the rest Geofence zones. Frame border (ID=1020)

Geofence border thickness, measured in meters.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1000000 1000 All Geofencing parameters U32

76 Geofence Zone #1 Shape (ID=1030)
Geofence shape parameter can be: circle – value 0; rectangle – value 1.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 1 - All Geofencing parameters U8 Geofence Zone #1 Priority (ID=1031)

Parameter defines Geofence priority: 0 is Disabled 1 – low, 2 – high, 3 – panic;
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 3 - All Geofencing parameters U8 Geofence Zone #1 Generate Event (ID=1032)

Generate event on:
a) On exiting zone – value 0;
b) On entering zone – value 1;
c) On both – value 2;
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 3 - All Geofencing parameters U8 Geofence Zone #1 Longitude (X1) (ID=1033)

Parameter has two meanings dependent on zone shape. If shape is a rectangle, then
ID=10333 is left down corner X coordinate. If shape is a circle, then ID=1033 is center of that
circle X coordinate.
Sample value: 25.30528
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
-180 180 - All Geofencing parameters Float Geofence Zone #1 Latitude (Y1) (ID=1034)

Parameter has two meanings dependent on zone shape. If shape is a rectangle, then
ID=1034 is left down corner Y coordinate. If shape is a circle, then ID=1034 is center of that circle
Y coordinate.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
-90 90 - All Geofencing parameters Float

77 Geofence Zone #1 Longitude (X2) (ID=1035)
Parameter has two meanings depending on zone shape. If shape is a rectangle, then
ID=1035 is right upper corner X coordinate. If shape is a circle, then ID=1035 is radius of circle
with center of ID=1033 and ID=1034.
For rectangle:
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
-180 180 - All Geofencing parameters Float
For circle:
Minimum Maximum Recommend Goes with (depends on) Value
value value ed value parameters type
0 1000000 1000 All Geofencing parameters Float Geofence Zone #1 Latitude (Y2) (ID=1036)

If shape is rectangular, then ID=1036 is right upper corner Y coordinate. If shape circle,
ID=1036 is not used.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
-90 90 - All Geofencing parameters Float
Other 4 GeoFence zone’s parameters have the same logic as shown in GeoFence Zone #1.
GeoFence Geofence
Zone Zone’s
Number parameters
1 1030-1036
2 1040-1046
3 1050-1056
4 1060-1066
5 1070-1076

8.6.15 AutoGeofencing Activation Timeout (ID=1102)
Parameter represents AutoGeofencing activation timeout in seconds.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
0 65535 60 Priority (ID=1103) U16 Deactivate by (ID=1100)
Parameter defines Autogeofence deactivation source. Value 1 is dedicated for attached
iButton, value 0 – for Ignition.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Priority (ID=1103)
0 1 - U8
iButton List (ID=7000-7499)

78 AutoGeofence event Priority (ID=1103)
Parameter defines AutoGeofence event priority: 0 is Disabled, 1 – low, 2 – high;
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type

0 2 1 AutoGeofence event generating U8

(ID=1104) AutoGeofence event generating (ID=1104)

Generate event: 0 – on exiting zone; 1 – on entering zone; 2 – on both;
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Priority (ID=1103)
0 2 0 AutoGeofence event Priority U8
(ID=1103) Radius (ID=1105)

Parameter represents radius of circle with center device coordinates after activating
AutoGeofence feature.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
Priority (ID=1103)
0 1000000 100 U32
Deactivate by (ID=1100)

8.6.16 iButton List (ID=7000-7499)

Read 5.4.4.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
FFFFFFFF iButtons list checking (ID 1608)
0 - U64
FFFFFFFF Deactivate by (ID=1100)

8.7 I/O parameters

I/O properties are additional data sources which are recorded along with usual GPS data.
8.7.1 I/O#1 Priority (ID=2000)
Parameter defines I/O property type of priority: 0 is Disabled, 1 – low, 2 – high, 3 – panic.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on)
Value type
value value value parameters

I/O#1 event generation type

0 3 1 S8
I/O#1 Low level (ID=2002)

I/O#1 High level (ID=2003)

I/O#1 averaging length (ID=2004)

8.7.2 I/O#1 event generation type (ID=2001)
Parameter defines when event is sent: 0 – on range exit, 1 – on range entrance, 2 – both,
3 – monitoring, 4 – hysteresis, 5 – on changes.
Minimal Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
I/O#1 Priority (ID=2000)

I/O#1 Low level (ID=2002)

0 4 3 S8
I/O#1 High level (ID=2003)
I/O#1 averaging length (ID=2004)

8.7.3 I/O#1 Low level (ID=2002)

Parameter defines low value of triggered I/O property. This parameter is used to set
thresholds for I/O properties to generate events.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
I/O#1 Priority (ID=2000)

I/O#1 event generation type

-2147483647 2147483647 0 (ID=2001) S32

I/O#1 High level (ID=2003)

I/O#1 averaging length (ID=2004)

8.7.4 I/O#1 High level (ID=2003)

Parameter defines high value of triggered I/O property. This parameter is used to set
thresholds for I/O properties to generate events.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type
I/O#1 Priority (ID=2000)

I/O#1 Low level (ID=2002)

-2147483647 2147483647 1 S32
I/O#1 event generation type
I/O#1 averaging length (ID=2004)

8.7.5 I/O#1 averaging length (ID=2004)
Parameter defines I/O property sample length to average. If no averaging needed default
value is 1.
Minimum Maximum Recommended Goes with (depends on) Value
value value value parameters type

I/O#1 High level (ID=2003)

I/O#1 Low level (ID=2002)

0 2592000 1 S32
I/O#1 High level (ID=2003)

I/O#1 event generation type


Other I/O property elements can be configured in same logic. All I/O element parameters
are listed in the next table.

I/O element
I/O Element Number
I/O#0 – Digital Input 1 2000 – 2004
I/O#1 – Digital Input 2 2010 – 2014
I/O#2 – Analog Input 1 2040 – 2044
I/O#3 – Digital Output 1 2050 – 2054
I/O#4 – Digital Output 2 2060 – 2064
I/O#5 – GNSS PDOP 2070 – 2074
I/O#6 – GNSS HDOP 2080 – 2084
I/O#7 – External Voltage 2090 – 2094
I/O#8 – GNSS Power 2100 – 2104
I/O#9 – Movement Sensor 2110 – 2114
I/O#10 – Odometer Value 2120 – 2124
I/O#11 – GSM Operator 2130 – 2134
I/O#12 – Speed (Km/h) 2140 – 2144
I/O#13 – iButton ID 2150 – 2154
I/O#14 – Mode 2160 – 2164
I/O#15 – GSM Signal 2170 – 2174
I/O#16 – Deep Sleep 2180 – 2184
I/O#17 – Cell ID 2190 – 2194
I/O#18 – Area Code 2200 – 2204
I/O#19 – Dallas Temperature 1 2210 – 2114
I/O#20 – Dallas Temperature 2 2220 – 2224
I/O#21 – Dallas Temperature 3 2230 – 2234
I/O#22 – Battery Voltage 2240 – 2244
I/O#23 – Battery Charging Current 2250 – 2254
I/O#24 – Ignition 2260 – 2264
I/O#25 – Network Type 2270 – 2274
I/O#26 – Continues odometer 2280 – 2284
I/O#27 – Dallas Temperature ID 1 2290 – 2294
I/O#28 – Dallas Temperature ID 2 2300 – 2304

8.8 SMS event configuration
8.8.1 I/O#1 element SMS event configuration (ID=5100)
Command sets SMS warning on I/O#1 element.
SMS Format: setparam X Y,W,Z
X – ID
Y – Enable/Disable (1/0)
W – Telephone number INDEX (See 8.4.18 SMS Event Predefined Numbers paragraph, ID
150 – INDEX 0; ID151 – INDEX 1, …)
Z – SMS Text
Example: “setparam 5100 1,5,Digital Input 1 Event!”

Other I/O element SMS events can be configured in same logic. All I/O element SMS event
IDs are listed in the next table.
Element name (default SMS Event Text) ID
Digital input 1 5100
Digital input 2 5101
Analog Input 1 5104
Digital Output 1 5105
Digital Output 2 5106
External Voltage 5109
GNSS Power 5110
Movement Sensor 5111
Odometer Value 5112
GSM Operator 5113
Speed 5114
iButton ID 5115
Data Mode 5116
GSM Signal 5117
Deep Sleep 5118
Cell ID 5119
Area Code 5120
Dallas Temperature 1 5121
Dallas Temperature 2 5122
Dallas Temperature 3 5123
Battery Voltage 5124
Battery Current 5125
Ignition 5126
Network Type 5127
Continuous odometer 5128
Dallas Temperature ID 1 5129
Dallas Temperature ID 2 5130

Dallas Temperature ID 3 5131
Element name (default SMS Event Text) ID
CAN Vehicle Speed 5132
CAN Accelerator Pedal Position 5133
CAN Fuel Consumed 5134
CAN Fuel Level (liters) 5135
CAN Engine RPM 5136
CAN Total Mileage 5137
CAN Fuel Level (percent) 5138
CAN Program Number 5139
CAN ModuleID 5140
CAN Engine Work Time 5141
CAN Engine Work Time (counted) 5142
CAN Total Mileage (counted) 5143
CAN Fuel Consumed (counted) 5144
CAN Fuel Rate 5145
CAN AdBlue Level (percent) 5146
CAN AdBlue Level (liters) 5147
CAN Engine Load 5148
CAN Engine Temperature 5149
CAN Axle 1 Load 5150
CAN Axle 2 Load 5151
CAN Axle 3 Load 5152
CAN Axle 4 Load 5153
CAN Axle 5 Load 5154
CAN Control State Flags 5155
CAN Agricultural Machinery Flags 5156
CAN Harvesting Time 5157
CAN Area of Harvest 5158
CAN Mowing Efficiency 5159
CAN Grain Mown Volume 5160
CAN Grain Moisture 5161
CAN Harvesting Drum RPM 5162
CAN Gap Under Harvesting Drum 5163
CAN Security State Flags 5164
CAN Tacho Total Vehicle Distance 5165
CAN Trip Distance 5166
CAN Tacho Vehicle Speed 5167
CAN Tacho Driver Card Presence 5168
CAN Driver1 States 5169
CAN Driver2 States 5170
CAN Driver1 Continuous Driving Time 5171
CAN Driver2 Continuous Driving Time 5172
CAN Driver1 Cumulative Break Time 5173
CAN Driver2 Cumulative Break Time 5174

CAN Driver1 Duration Of Selected Acti 5175
CAN Driver2 Duration Of Selected Acti 5176
CAN Driver1 Cumulative Driving Time 5177
CAN Driver2 Cumulative Driving Time 5178
Element name (default SMS Event Text) ID
Green Driving 5179
OverSpeeding 5181
Authorized Driving 5182
Immobilizer 5183
Trip 5184
Geofence Zone 1 5185
Geofence Zone 2 5186
Geofence Zone 3 5187
Geofence Zone 4 5188
Geofence Zone 5 5189
AutoGeofence 5130
Jamming Detection 5191
Idling 5192

9 FM3620 with Light Vehicles Can adapter LV-CAN200

9.1 Purpose of Light Vehicles Can Adapter LV-CAN200

LV-CAN200 is used to listening data from light vehicles. With this adapter FM3620 device is
able to collect and send vehicle data.

Figure 53 connection block diagram

FM3620 shares the same USB port for connecting adapter and configuring device with PC.

LV-CAN200 Technical characteristics:

Supply voltage 9 to 50V
Power supply current Average 10mA
Max (peak) 100mA
Working temperature -40..85 ºC
Max working humidity 60 % (non condensate)

9.2 LV-CAN200 program number selection

LV-CAN200 must be set to program number which depends on vehicle model.

Needed program number is always written on LV-CAN200 mounting scheme. Please
contact Your Teltonika sales manager to get latest supported vehicle list and mounting
scheme for your vehicle, please provide CAR manufacturer, model and year information.

9.2.1 LV-CAN200 program number configuration via SMS command

LV-CAN200 program number can be set remotely, using SMS command:
lvcansetprog X
X is new program number value.

9.2.2 Selecting LV-CAN200 program number manually

Steps to set program number:
 Hold SWITCH down till LED stars blinking
 Release the SWITCH
 Then LED starts blinking and counting first digit of program number, (one blink
means digit 1, two blink digit 2 etc.)
 To stop counter push SWITCH
 Release the SWITCH, then LED starts blinking and counting second digit of program
 To stop counter push SWITCH
 Release the SWITCH, then LED starts blinking and counting third digit on program
 To stop counter push SWITCH
 Release SWITCH, if programming is succeded LED will blink 10 times

Figure 55 Adapter signaling led

9.3 Connecting FM3620 with Light Vehicles Can adapter

Connect USB Plug to FM3620 device, connect Light Vehicles Can adapter to other end of
the cable.
Connect Light Vehicles Can adapter Pin 1 and Pin 2 to cars CAN bus. CAN interface location
of the supported light vehicle is described on mounting scheme.
Connect car power supply lines to Pin 3 positive, Pin 4 Negative.
Pins 9,10 connection is optional it depends on exact car model.
For exact pinout see sticker on Light Vehicles Can adapter.

Figure 56 LV-CAN200 Adapter connection cable pinout

Attention! For detailed connection diagram of adapter to light vehicle
please contact Teltonika, LTD sales representative and provide CAR
manufacturer, model and year information.

Attention! Do not swap CAN L and CAN H lines.

Do not swap power supply lines. Make sure that voltage do not exceeds
Power supply lines should be connected at the end of installation work.

9.4 FM36 Configuration

FM3620 shares the same USB port for connecting LV-CAN200 adapter and configuring
device with PC.
FM3620 can be configured using “SCAN” function or “Offline Configuration” (Figure 58)

SCAN function – is in use when FM3620 is connected to CAN adapter (Figure 57), then wait
10s (Note, that car engine must be started), disconnect adapter from FM3620, and connect PC
USB cable to FM3620 Device (Figure 58). It is very important not to disconnect FM3620 from
power source during this operation, because if FM3620 is reconnected all received CAN bus data
will be lost. FM3620 remembers received data from LV-CAN200 and at the end of the procedure
when “SCAN” button is pressed, user will see all CAN data which is sent by adapter. Enable CAN
data which needs send to server and save configuration pressing “Save” button.

To configure CAN data:

1. In car, connect LV-CAN200 to CAN bus and to the FM3620 device (Figure 57), wait 10
seconds. Note, that car engine must be started.
2. Disconnect LV-CAN200 from FM3620, and connect PC USB cable to FM3620 Device (Figure
58). It is very important not to disconnect FM3620 from power source, because then all
CAN data will be lost.

Figure 57 Connect adapter LV-CAN200 to FM3620

Figure 58 Connect FM3620 to PC and configure

CAN bus data which can be read from your car is shown in “Light Vehicles Can adapter
supported cars” document.

Offline configuration – user can select which CAN data can be read from LV-CAN200 need
to be sent to server without connection to adapter. Please note that parameters depend on
vehicle manufacturer and vehicle model. Please for further information check “Light Vehicles Can
adapter supported cars” document.

There are two types of operations with CAN data elements:

 Monitoring of CAN bus data

 CAN bus data event capturing

Monitoring method is used when user wants to receive CAN data on regular basis, for
example every 20 seconds.

Event functionality is used to store additional AVL packet when state of CAN element is
changing. For example Speed changes, low fuel level, engine temperate, etc.

Send data to server field – allows enabling CAN element so it is added to the AVL data
packet and sent to the server. By default, all CAN elements are disabled and FM3620 records
only GPS data.

It is possible to set CAN message priority: On Low Priority, On High Priority, and On Panic.
Regular packets are sent as Low priority records. When low priority event is triggered, FM3620
makes additional record with indication what was the reason for that was CAN element change.
When High priority is selected, module makes additional record with high priority flag and sends
event packet immediately to the server by GPRS. Panic priority triggers same actions as high
priority, but if GPRS fails, it sends AVL packet to server using SMS mode if SMS is enabled in SMS

Data Acquisition Type – defines when to generate event – when value enters defined
range, exits it or both, also is possible to select event which you want to generate then you
change values, like crossing both values in high and low levels (Hysteresis).

High and Low levels – defines CAN value range. If CAN value enter or exits this range,
FM3620 generates event by “Data Acquisition Type” settings. Figure 59 show example of
FM3620 CAN configuration.

Figure 59 Configurator example

Available CAN Bus IO parameters and configuration can be found in Configurators CAN tab
(Figure 58) and in next chapter “Parameters ID”.

9.5 Parameters ID
When no I/O element is enabled, AVL packet comes with GPS information only. After
enabling I/O element(s) AVL packet along with GPS information contains current value(s) of
enabled I/O element. AVL packet decoding is described in “FMXXXX Protocols” document. List of
available CAN bus data, parameter size, ID and value range you can find in table 9.1


Category name (signal) name Size (Bytes) Param IO Value range
65265 – Cruise Vehicle Speed 1 2320 0-250 km/h*
Control/Vehicle Speed
61443 – Electronic Accelerator 1 2330 0-100 %*
Engine Controller #2 Pedal Position

65257 – Fuel Total Fuel Used 4 2340 0-99999999liters*

65276 – Dash Display Fuel Level [liters] 2 2350 0-100 liters*
61444 – Electronic Engine RPM 2 2360 0-8200 rpm*
Engine Controller #1
65217 – High Resolution Vehicle Distance 4 2370 0-2145000000
Vehicle Distance meters*

65276 – Dash Display Fuel Level [%] 1 2380 0-100 %*

Program number LV-CAN200 4 2390 0-999
Program number
„Total Fuel Used“ is sent to server multiplied by 10.
Example: if value was 150.5 liters, „1505“ will be sent to server.

9.6 SMS Configuration

All LV-CAN200 IO elements can be configured remotely via SMS command. ID number
refers to specific LV-CAN200 IO element (table 9.2). The last ID number refers to sections –
Property; Generation Type; Low and High levels (Table 9.3).
Here’s example:
ID 2013 – configures Accelerator Pedal position parameter “High Level”.

Table 9.2 LV-CAN200 IO elements SMS configuration Ids range
LV-CAN200 IO Element Parameter Ids
Speed 2320-2324
Accelerator pedal position 2330-2334
Total fuel used 2340-2343
Fuel level (liters) 2350-2354
Engine RPM 2360-2364
Vehicle distance 2370-2373
Fuel level (proc.) 2380-2384
Program number 2390-2393

Table 9.3 LV-CAN200 IO parameters configuration

Parameter Parameter name Available values
2xx0 Priority 0 – IO element disabled
1 – Low priority
1 – High priority
3 – Panic priority
2xx1 Generation type 0 – Event on exit
1 – Event on entrance
2 – Event on both
3– Monitoring
4 – Hysteresis
5 – On change
2xx2 Low level See table 9.4 – Allowed
2xx3 High Level Values
Table 9.4 LV-CAN200 IO parameters allowed values
LV-CAN200 IO Element Minimum Maximum
value value
Speed 0 250
Accelerator pedal position 0 100
Total fuel used 0 99999999
Fuel level (liters) 0 100
Engine RPM 0 8200
Vehicle distance 0 2145000000
Fuel level (proc.) 0 100
Program number 0 999

9.7 CAN Program Number request by SMS

CAN program number can be obtained via SMS:

SMS Text: “ lvcangetprog ”
Response: “CAN Program Nr: XXX”

9.8 Get LV-CAN info by SMS

Full LV-CAN information via SMS:

SMS Text: “ lvcangetinfo”
“Prog: 139
SWRevison: 6
KernVer: 10
KernVar: 49
MdlID: 8884443332221110”

9.9 References
1. Light Vehicles Can adapter LV-CAN200 Supported cars
2. Cars mounting scheme


9.10 Connecting Wires

 Wires should be connected while module is not plugged in.
 Wires should be fastened to the other wires or non-moving parts. Try to avoid heat
emitting and moving objects near the wires.
 The connections should not be seen very clearly. If factory isolation was removed while
connecting wires, it should be applied again.
 If the wires are placed in the exterior or in places where they can be damaged or exposed
to heat, humidity, dirt, etc., additional isolation should be applied.
 Wires cannot be connected to the board computers or control units.

9.11 Connecting Power Source

 Be sure that after the car computer falls asleep, power is still available on chosen wire.
Depending on car, this may happen in 5 to 30 minutes period.
 When module is connected, be sure to measure voltage again if it did not decrease.
 It is recommended to connect to the main power cable in the fuse box.
 Use 3A, 125V external fuse.

9.12 Connecting Ignition Wire

 Be sure to check if it is a real ignition wire – power does not disappear while starting the
 Check if this is not an ACC wire (when key is in the first position, most electronics of the
vehicle are available).
 Check if power is still available when you turn off any of vehicles devices.
 Ignition is connected to the ignition relay output. As alternative, any other relay, which
has power output, when ignition is on, may be chosen.

9.13 Connecting Ground Wire

 Ground wire is connected to the vehicle frame or metal parts that are fixed to the frame.
 If the wire is fixed with the bolt, the loop must be connected to the end of the wire.
 For better contact scrub paint from the place where loop is connected.

PAY ATTENTION! Connecting the power supply must be carried out in a

very low impedance point on-board vehicle network. These points in the car
are the battery terminals. Therefore, we recommend connecting the power of
FM3620 (wire GND and POWER) directly to the battery terminals. Another
valid option is to connect the wires to the main POWER cable inside the fuse
box (if there is none, then to the power supply where the fuses of vehicle’s
computer are), wire GND must be connected in a special point, designed to
connect GND vehicle computer. Connecting the GND at an arbitrary point to
the mass of the car is unacceptable, as static and dynamic potentials on the
line GND will be unpredictable, which can lead to unstable FM3620 and even
its failure.

9.14 Connecting Antennas
 When placing antennas avoid easily reached places.
 Avoid GNSS antenna placement under metal surfaces.
 Avoid placing FM3620 device near car radio, speakers or alarm systems.
 GNSS antenna must be placed so its state is as horizontal as possible (if antenna is leant
more than 30 degrees, it is considered incorrect mounting).
 GNSS antenna cable cannot be bent more than 80 degrees.
 GNSS antenna must be placed sticker facing down

Figure 60 Correct GNSS antenna mounting

It is recommended to place GNSS antenna behind dashboard as close to the window as

possible. A good example of GNSS antenna placement is displayed in a picture below (area
colored green).

Figure 61 Correct placement of FM3620

9.15 Module Installation

 Module should not be seen or easily reached.
 Module should be firmly fixed to the surface or cables.
 Module cannot be fixed to heat emitting or moving parts.
 SIM card should be inserted in the module while the connector is plugged off (while
module has no power).


Nr. Date Version Comments

1 2016-01-27 1.1 Preliminary draft release.
2 2016-01-29 1.2 Fixed Autogeofence Priority, Geofence Priority, Event
Generation parameters.
Fixed LVCAN Param ID. Fixed IO Priority values.
3 2016-02-02 1.3 Minor correction.
4 2016-02-09 1.4 DIN1 number correction in C2 hardware modification pinouts
5 2016-02-09 1.5 DIN1 and DIN2 placement correction in C1 hardware
modification pinouts description
6 2016-03-01 1.6 Minor corrections in paragraph 8.6
7 2016-05-05 1.7 Internal battery description updated
8 2016-08-26 1.8 Fixed I/O properties configuration IDs
9 2016-09-09 1.9 Firmware update instruction updated, Figures numbering
updated. Other minor corrections.
10 2016-11-17 1.10 Battery cautions, fuse information, temperature range for
battery charging.
11 2016-12-07 1.11 Updated illustrations and connector type
12 2016-12-12 1.12 Fixed illustrations and tables
13 2016-12-29 1.13 Fixed SMS ID
14 2017-02-06 1.14 Updated “setgiout” command


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