1st Form English Literature Syllabus 2017-2018

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Rational: This English Literature course aims to sharpen reading comprehension skills, engage readers in literary analysis, and offer a
variety of literature to suit diverse tastes. Through a varied selection of stories, plays, and poems, many of which highlight exemplary

General Objectives: The main goal of first year literature is to introduce students to the pleasures of reading and develop skills for
close reading and literary analysis while considering important human issues and challenging ideas. Therefore students come to
appreciate the writer’s craft as they consider the feelings, thoughts, and ideas of characters, and make connections between literature
and life.

Specific Objectives:
By the end of the course students will be able to:

1. Have a clear understanding of the differences among a poem, an extract, a short story, a novel and a play.
2. Extract explicit and implicit information.
3. Make inferences from information presented or read.
4. Recognize cause and effect relationship.
5. Identify and see major contributions of the following in the works of literature: setting, plot, tone, figurative language, style.
6. Further develop their skills in writing about literature.
7. Move from a simple level of comprehension through an analytical examination of the work, up to a final question that
requires their sense of what the work has achieved.
8. Read more carefully and critically.
9. Realize the major contributions of the following in works of drama: dialogue, allusion, stage directions, symbols, figurative
10. Recognize themes and discuss issues as they relate to everyday life.

Literary Analysis and Appreciation

• Identify defining characteristics of a variety of literary forms and genres

• Understand elements of plot development
• Identify cause and effect relationships
• Identify conflict and resolution
• Understand elements of character development
• Identify character traits and motivations
• Recognize stereotypes
• Describe characters based on speech, action, and interactions with others
• Make inferences and draw conclusions
• Recognize effect of setting and culture on a literary work
• Compare and contrast works from different time periods
• Identify and interpret specific literary techniques
• Understand and interpret point of view
• Understand use of language to convey mood
• Understand use of dialect
• Interpret symbolism
• Recognize and analyze use of irony
• Recognize and explain poetic devices
• Identify and discuss theme
• Compare and contrast literary selections and characters



- Class Reading - Questions and Answering in class

- Individual Reading preferably on chapter read
- Class Discussion on chapters - simple summary of main points or incidents
-Vocabulary Exercise - journal writing on chapter (students feedback on chapter
(Using a dictionary to obtain a word’s definition) read)
- Discussion and Class Exercise on literary devices and terms, - students relating personal experiences especially after
for example, plot, characters, setting, theme, Alliteration, the reading of a short story
Simile - vocabulary quiz
- Overall Review - using words in sentences
- Poetry Presentation - description of setting
- writing of a paragraph/s on a character
- simple analysis of main themes
- drawing of a story map recording information under each
- obtaining examples of literary terms from text and
explaining them in class orally
- Test on chapters (questions, simple
summary, explanation of incidents,
completing sentences, identifying
literary terms)
- Memorizing a poem and reading aloud
in class with expression


Prose – The Novel/ Short Stories

1. Six Tales from Shakespeare
2. The Young Warriors
3. Bridge to Terabithia
4. A World of Poetry for CSEC
5. A World of Prose for CSEC

First Form Literature

Course Outline
First Term
Objectives: Upon completion of the First Quarter, students will be able to:
1. read and recall specific information
2. read and enjoy two scripts for dramatic performances
3. use dramatic techniques in creative writing
4. understand the characteristics that distinguish dramatic literature from other literary forms
5. develop a vocabulary of literary terminology for analyzing drama

Week Topics Objectives Assessments References

Week 1  Introduction to  Understand what is  Class Discussion: What  http://www.
Literature Literature and is literature and why is factmonster.com/ip
 Types of Literature importance of it important? ka/A0906950.html
(Fiction and Non – Literature  Question and answer
Fiction)  Distinguish between session
 Figurative fiction and non-  Assignment: List
Languages fiction) examples of figurative
 List examples of languages covered in
fiction and non- class.
fiction books/stories
 List, define and
identify simile,


symbolism, pun,
allusion, idiom,
Week 2  Elements of Poetry  Define and identify  Quiz # 1 Introduction to  http://www.teach-
 Types of Poems elements of poetry Literature and types of nology.com/works
 Poem Construction (voice, stanza, sound, Literature heets/language_art
 Quiz # 1 rhythm and meter,  Questions and answers s/poems/
rhyme and rhyme  Poem Construction:  http://www.dmturn
scheme, theme, Write a poem using one er.org/English/Poet
figures of speech, of the forms given. ry/elements.htm
forms)  Project  http://www.buzzle.
 List and define Create a folder using the ten com/articles/basic-
eleven types of given types of poems. elements-of-
poetry (limerick, Folder must include poetry.html
haiku, epitaph, definition for each type of
narrative, diamante, poem and an example poem.
cinquain, ballad, Due Friday, Week 3.
acrostic, sonnet,
 Construct one type of
Week 3  Poem- A  Complete a revision  Class Discussion:  http://www.k12rea
Contemplation worksheet on Vocabulary der.com/subject/fig
Upon Flowers figurative languages Development: urative-language-
 Review elements and other elements of Contemplation
of poetry poetry Gallant
  A World of Poetry
 Test # 1 Read and discuss A Embroidered
 Poem Construction Contemplation Upon Garments pg. 10
Flowers Fate
 Answer questions on Spruce
A Contemplation Fragrant
Upon Flowers  Answer questions
 Identify figurative set on the poem: A
languages and other Contemplation
elements in the Upon Flowers
poem.  Poem Construct:
 Use the title to create Students will use the
their own poem title of the poem read to
 Complete a test on create a poem of their
figurative languages own.
and other elements of  Test # 1: Figurative
poetry Languages, and
Elements of Poetry
Week 4  Type of Poem-  Understand the 1. Class Discussion: Does  http://www.readwr
Haiku background and a longer poem mean that itethink.org/classro
 Background and origin of haiku, it is better? How can om-
origin  Recite a haiku from fewer words be more resources/lesson-
 Examples of Haiku memory powerful than the use of plans/seasonal-
 Recitation of haiku-writing-
 Construct a haiku many?). Conclude the
Haiku poems-
discussion by asking
 Construction of 39.html?tab=4#stu
Haiku students what they dent-objectives
already know about
traditional Japanese
culture, and then explain

how haiku reflects

different aspects of the
 Recite a haiku from
memory (graded)
 Construct a haiku
Week 5  Limerick  Understand the origin  Class Discussion:  http://www.kidzon
 Background and and background of  What does the word e.ws/poetry/limeric
origin limerick “nonsense” means? k.htm
 Steps to writing a  Analyze the traits of  Why do you think  http://www.mighty
limerick limerick (nonsense limericks are described book.com/Mighty
 Reciting a limerick nature, rhymes and as being “nonsense” Book_free/lesson_
from memory syllables patterns) literature? plans/Nonsense2_
 Construction of  Recite a limerick  Do you think limericks LP.pdf
limerick  Construct a limerick are an important form
of literature?
 Do you think a
particular age group
enjoys limericks more?
 Recite a limerick from
memory (graded)
 Construct a limerick
Week 6  Vocabulary  Define the words (  Vocabulary  http://www.his
Development frost, quicksilver, Development: torynet.com/m
 Question /Answers jagged, flutes,  Use a dictionary to find ountain-
on Poem plovers, slender, the meaning and part of meadows-
cease, denied, airy) speech often given massacre
 Read and discuss the words.  A World of Poetry
poem Forgive My  Class Discussion: pg. 35
Guilt  What are some things
we feel guilty about?
 What causes people to
feel guilty?

 Journal Entry:

Week 7  Test # 2  Complete test on  Test # 2 on Haiku,  http://www.acade

 Introduction to poems covered in Limerick mia.edu/2948513/
drama class. Origins_and_Deve
 What is drama?  Understand what  Class Discussion: lopment_of_Dram
 History of drama drama is and how it History of drama and a
 Types of drama came to be. types of drama  http://homepage.s
 Elements of  List and define five)  Worksheet on mc.edu/jones_janie
Drama types of drama elements of drama: use /ta%202/2formsof
(tragedy, comedy, drama words to the drama.htm
farce, tragicomedy, blank space for each
melodrama sentence.
 List and define  Project: Research types
elements of drama of drama and print an
(plot, character, example of one type.
setting, theme, Put them in a folder.
audience, genre, (Due Friday, week 8).
stage directions,
playwright, props,
script, cast, dialogue)
Week 8  Quiz # 2  Complete a test on  Quiz # 2 on Elements  http://www.biogra
elements of drama. of Drama phy.com/people/wi


 Biography of  Understand who  Vocabulary lliam-shakespeare-

William William Shakespeare Development: Use a 9480323
Shakespeare is and what his dictionary to find  https://wvde.state.
 Vocabulary writing style is meaning and part of wv.us/strategybank
Development  Define and write speech of thirteen words /Somebody-
 Merchant of sentences using  Class Discussion: Wanted-But-
Venice thirteen words Discuss characters, So.html
(comedy) (edifice, reverence, issues and events  Six Tales from
 Summary Writing mirth, visage, present in Merchant of Shakespeare
(somebody, reputed, extortion, Venice
wanted, but, so, presage, virtuous,  Answer questions on
then) requite, forerunner, Merchant of Venice
supposition, rail,  Write a summary of
knave) Merchant of Venice
 Read and discuss
Merchant of Venice
 Construct a summary
of Merchant of
Week 9  Test # 3  Complete a test on  Test # 3 Vocabulary  http://www1.lpsso
 Vocabulary vocabulary and and Merchant of Venice nline.com/uploads/
Development Merchant of Venice  Use a dictionary to find 2aCharacterMaps.
 Julius Caesar  Define words from the meaning and part of pdf
(tragedy) Julius Caesar speech for words from  Six Tales from
 Characterization  Read and discuss Julius Caesar Shakespeare
 Summary Writing Julius Caesar  Complete a character
 Complete a character map
map  Answer questions on
 Construct a summary Julius Caesar
of Julius Caesar  Summary of Julius
Week  Speech delivery  Present a speech to  Presentation: Present  http://www.dumbli
10  Quiz # 3 the class Brutus or Mark ttleman.com/2011/
 Exploring theme  Complete a quiz on Anthony’s speech 02/9-techniques-
vocabulary from (graded) to-delivering-
Julius Caesar  Quiz # 3: Vocabulary speech-with.html
 Answer questions  Assignment: Questions  Six Tales from
focusing on theme of on friendship Shakespeare
friendship 1. Make a list with two
columns. In the first
column, list Caesar’s
friends. In the second
column, list the
conspirators against
Caesar. Do any of the
names appear in both
columns? If so, explain
2. Why does Brutus join
the assassination plot
against his friend
Caesar? Is Brutus
betrayal of Caesar
3. Is Cassius a true friend
to Brutus? Why or why
4. Why does Anthony call
Brutus the “noblest
Roman of them all”
even after the men have

fought a civil war

against each other? Is
Anthony being
Week  Quiz # 4  Complete a quiz on  Quiz # 4Julius Caesar  Six Tales from
11  Drama Julius Caesar  Class Discussion: Shakespeare
Presentation  Complete Venn describe a situation in
 Elements of a diagram with which a person might
Short story elements of a Short want to be in your
Story company, but you do
 (The five key not feel the same way.
elements that go into What are some of the
every great short ways you could
story: character, respond?
setting, conflict, 
plot and theme.)

Week  Introduction of the  Vocabulary  A World of Prose

12 short story –Mom Development: for CSEC
Luby and the chirren- children
Social Worker pg. gloomy
174-177 gumbo

Second Term

Objectives: Upon completion of the Second Quarter, students will be able to:
1. relate important incidents in the novel Bridge to Terabithia
2. define, identify and explain types of figurative language
3. demonstrate and develop an appreciation for the poems covered in class
4. enrich their vocabularies and improve their understanding of the novel through the vocabulary lessons prepared for use in
conjunction with the novel.
5. answer questions to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the main events and characters in Bridge to Terabithia as
they relate to the author's theme development.
6. gain an appreciation for the value of friendship and personal growth after reading Katherine Paterson's Bridge to Terabithia.
7. reflect on the trauma of a character dealing with the death of a friend and the stages of grief.

Week Topics Objectives Evaluation References

Week 1  Review  Define setting,  Answer questions on  Bridge to
elements of a characters, plot, theme, chapters 1 and 2. Terabithia
short story conflict, point of view) Point of View:
 Introduction to  Understand who the Write an account of what Questions on
Bridge to author is and what happened that morning Chapters 1 and 2
Terabithia types of books the from Maybelle’s point of  http://www.pdst.ie
 Vocabulary author usually writes. view. /sites/default/files/
 Chapters 1 and  Define and write Write an account of what Bridge%20to%20
2 sentences using happened that morning Terabithia%2028_
 Point of View (nauseatingly, from Maybelle’s mother’s 11_2010.pdf
 Character despised, grit, puny, point of view. Author Background.
Development scalding, anticipation, Character Development: Point of View and
allotted, hypocritical, Write what you know Character
hippie, pudgy, about Jess so far. Development

shuddered, droopy,  file:///T:/9780439

primly, suburbs,  Assignment: 271714-001.pdf
deadweight, 1. What were your
pandemonium, snare, predictions, questions,
shebang, muddled, and connections as
backwash) you read? Write about
 Read chapters 1 and 2 one of them in your
 Recognize point of journal.
view (refers to the
person from whose
angle the story is
 List information about
a character (Writers
reveal or develop their
characters chapter by
chapter and event by
Week 2  Chapter 3  Define and write  Quiz # 1 – chapters 1  Bridge to
 Vocabulary for sentences using and 2 vocabulary Terabithia
chapters 3 and (conspicuous,  Answer questions on  Questions on
4 deliberately, melodic, chapter 3. chapter 3
 Drawing reassessing, liable,  Drawing conclusions: http://www.pdst.ie/site
conclusion contempt, ominously, From reading about s/default/files/Bridge
 Conflict stronghold, smirked, the first day of school %20to%20Terabithia
 Visual story hoarsely, drought, at Lark Creek %2028_11_2010.pdf
dittoed, intoxicated, Elementary, what  file:///T:/Bridge%
corset, siege, dictator, conclusions do you 20to%20Terabithi
sarcasm, quivered, reach about Jess’s a--
corduroys, repulsive ) attitude toward school Novel%20Study%
 Read chapter 3 in general? Why does 20Guides%20for
 Drawing conclusion (a he feel this way? %20the%20Teach
conclusion is an  From Leslie Burke’s er.html
opinion you reach after behavior as she enters
carefully considering the classroom, what do
the facts. you conclude about
 Conflict (the different her? Write about
struggles a character several characteristic,
faces and tries to she seems to have.
resolve. There two  Jess is obviously very
types of conflicts – competitive in sports
internal and external) with boys in his school
 Visual Story especially Fulcher. Yet
he is quite different
from Fulcher.
Compare and contrast
the ways in which Jess
and Fulcher approach
 Conflict: Jess
experiences both
external and internal
Discuss one external
conflict in which Jess is
involved in.
Discuss the internal
conflict Jess may be
experiencing as he deals
with Leslie after the race.
Why does Jess pretend not
to hear Leslie when she

calls out his name on the

bus? What conflict is Jess
experiencing as he watches
Leslie run toward her
 Visual Story: Draw a
picture that tells us
something about the
story so far
 Assignment:
1. What were your
predictions, questions,
and connections as
you read? Write about
one of them in your

Week 3  Chapter 4  Use summarizing  Construct a summary  file:///T:/9780439

 Summarizing techniques to construct of chapters 1 to 3 271714-001.pdf
 Writer’s Craft a summary of chapters  Write a journal on  Bridge to
(Simile and 1 to 3. one of the following Terabithia
Metaphor)  Read and discuss questions
chapter 4 1. Summarize why
 Answer questions on Leslie’s family has
chapter 4 moved away from the
 Recognize simile and city. What do they
metaphor. hope to find in a rural
 Complete a test on setting?
chapters 1 to 3 and 2. Explain why you think
vocabulary. Jess and Leslie
become friends so
3. What does Janice
Avery say or do that
makes her so
obnoxious? How do
you think Jess and
Leslie will deal with
her as the story
 Test # 1(elements of a
novel, vocabulary
from chapter 3 and 4,
chapters 1-3).
 Simile and Metaphor
1. In this chapter,
Paterson uses the
following metaphor to
describe how Jess
feels about being able
to draw the world
around him: “How
could he explain it in a
way Leslie would
understand, how he
yearned to reach out
and capture the
quivering life around
him and how when he
tried, it slipped past


his fingertips, leaving

a dry fossil upon the
page?” What two
things is Jess
comparing in the
2. “She didn’t speak
directly to Jess, but
she gave him a look
with those blue eyes of
hers that made him
zing like one of the
strings she was
strumming.” What two
things are being
compared in the
description above?
Class discussion:
 Leslie and Jess’s
families have very
different lifestyles.
Discuss these
lifestyles, and
determine why these
two characters form a
bond anyway.
 Is one friend the leader
and the other the
follower, or do Leslie
and Jess share these
roles? Give some
examples to support
your answers.
 How is Terabithia
different from the
outside world? What
might be the pluses
and minuses of
establishing a special,
secret world with a

Week 4  Vocabulary  Vocabulary from  Quiz # 2 on chapter 4  file:///T:/9780439

Development chapter 5 and 6 and simile and 271714-001.pdf
from chapter 5 (revenge, vigorously, metaphor  Bridge to
and 6 regicide, pacing,  Define and write Terabithia
 Chapter 5 and parapets, cuss, plunged, sentences using
6 crimson, obsessed, vocabulary words
 Making surplus, foundling,  Answer questions on
Predictions grieve, scrawling, chapters 5 and 6
 Character prescribed, grove,  Class discussion:
Development squabbling, splurged, 1. What’s your opinion
 Denotation slithering, prancing) about the joke that
and  Read and discuss Jess and Leslie play on


Connotation chapters 5 and 6 Janice? Describe your

 Write down predictions own reactions to the
as they read and joke.
compare them to what 2. Think about Brenda
happens in the story. and Ellie’s reaction to
 Discuss characters as Leslie. How is Leslie
they are developed different from their
throughout the novel ideas of what a girl
 Recognize where should be like? Why
writer’s use denotation does their reaction
and connotation make Jess angry?
 Making predictions
1. Predict what might
happen in Chapter 7
between Janice Avery,
Leslie and Jess. Write
down two possibilities.
 Class Discussion:
1. What kind of
characteristics do
Leslie and Jess display
in this section?
Discuss whether or not
the events in chapter 5
change your opinion
about them. Explain
your reaction.
2. How does Jess act
towards his father and
May Belle at
Christmas? Discuss
how Jess’s thoughts
and actions build a
more complete picture
of him. What feelings
and attitudes does he
keep to himself? Why
does Jess remain
 Denotation and
1. Chapter 6 ends with
the sentence, “It felt
like Christmas again.”
Discuss what this
sentence suggest or
connotes about Jess’s
feelings. What does he
think Christmas
should feel like? What
event or interaction
has made Jess feel that
Christmas has arrived?
 Assignment:
1. What were your
predictions, questions,
and connections as
you read? Write about
one of them in journal.


Week 5  Test  Answer questions on  Test # 2 on vocabulary  file:///T:/9780439

 Chapter Log 1 chapters 5-6 and be able for chapters 5 and 6 271714-001.pdf
to 6 to match words with and writer’s craft  Bridge to
 Vocabulary for correct definitions and (character Terabithia
chapters 7-8 use words to complete development,
 Chapter 7- 8 sentences (test) denotation and
 Define 20 words; give connotation)
their part of speech and  Use a dictionary to
use them in a sentence. define words, find part
(dregs, canker, mother of speech of each
lode, prospectors, word and be able to
garish, hostile, sire, use them in a sentence.
realm, alcove, vile,  Assignment:
sassy, complacent, 1. What were your
prissy, slunk, pew, predictions, questions,
unison, congregation, and connections as
sanctuary, vile, raveled) you read? Write about
 Complete chapter log one of them in your
on chapters 1-6 journal.
 Read and discuss  Class discussion
chapters 7 -8. 1. Discuss what Jess
learns about himself as
he works on “the
golden room” and
spends time with the
Burkes. What are
some things that
particularly interest
him about the Burke
2. What are Leslie’s
reactions to the Easter
ceremony at Jess’s
church? Why is Jess
surprised by her

Week 6  Vocabulary  Define words and use  Quiz # 3 Vocabulary  file:///T:/Bridge%

Review them to complete  Answer questions on 20to%20Terabithi
 Vocabulary sentences (quiz). chapters 7-8 a--
Quiz  Answer questions on  Compare and Novel%20Study%
 Questions on chapters 7-8 Contrast 20Guides%20for
chapters 7-8  Compare and contrast 1. Contrast Jess and %20the%20Teach
 Chapter 7 – 8 characters in the story. Leslie’s new attitude er.html
(Compare and (Discuss the contrasts toward Janice Avery  Bridge to
Contrast) between Jess and with their new Terabithia
 Writer’s Craft Leslie’s relationship attitude. What causes
(Description) with their parents. Jess the change?
and Leslie seem to 2. Describe Leslie’s

grow closer as they general behavior as a

learn more about the student. How does her
differences between behavior contrast with
their families and their that of her classmates?
beliefs. Discuss why 3. As Leslie and Jess’s
this is so. Do you think friendship grows, the
growing closer is usual more likeness we see
or unusual among between them.
people from different Compare the two
backgrounds? Explain friends. What traits do
why.) they share? What are
 Identify descriptive their strangest bonds?
words and phrases to
become involved in the  Assignment:
story. 1. What were your
predictions, questions,
and connections as
you read? Write about
one of them in your
Week 7  Vocabulary for  Define 20 words; give  Test # 3 on chapters 7  file:///T:/9780439
chapters 9 - 10 their part of speech and – 8 and 271714-001.pdf
 Test # 3 use them in a sentence compare/contrast and  Bridge to
 Read chapters (elements, conspiring, writer’s craft Terabithia
9 - 10 mournfully, sodden, (description)  file:///T:/Bridge%
 Class dignity, sporadically,  Use a dictionary to 20to%20Terabithi
Discussion on vanquished, perceive, define words, find part a--
chapters 9 - 10 discern, plodding, of speech of each Novel%20Study%
 Visualizing scrawny, idly, udder, word and be able to 20Guides%20for
anxiety, flank, use them in a sentence. %20the%20Teach
absorbed, vaulted,  Class discussion er.html
liberated, disguised, 1. In these chapters, Jess 
kinship) experiences a number
 Test # 3 of contradictory
 Read chapters 9 - 10 feelings. Find and
 Class discussion on discuss various
chapters 9 -10 sections from these
 Visualize characters, chapters in which Jess
setting, and events. experiences the
1. Draw a picture of following feelings:
Janice Avery, Joyce trust and doubt, fear
Ann, the Burke’s House and courage, honesty
and Terabithia. and a feeling of being
slightly dishonest and
happy relaxation and
sudden shock.
2. Now consider the titles
of chapters 9 and 10.
How are they
contradictory? How
does the very end of
Chapter 10 fit with the
title of Chapter 9?
 Visualizing
1. Reread the paragraph
in chapter 9 that
begins “When they got
to the bank of the
creek, they stopped.”
Visualize the scene.


Then draw a detailed

picture that shows how
you see Terabithia
after the days of heavy
rain. Use other details
from the chapter if you
want. Write a caption
of at least two
sentences for your
picture. (Graded)
 Assignment:
Questions on chapters
9 – 10.
Week 8  Quiz # 4  Define words and use  Quiz # 4 on  Bridge to
 Writer Craft: them to complete vocabulary words for Terabithia
Atmosphere sentences (quiz). chapters 9 – 10  file:///T:/Bridge%
 Chapter Log  Recognize the general  Atmosphere: identify 20to%20Terabithi
for chapters 7 feeling or mood in a the atmosphere in a--
– 10 chapter (atmosphere). chapter 9 and how it Novel%20Study%
 Vocabulary for  Define 20 words; give changes in chapter 10. 20Guides%20for
chapters 11 – their part of speech and Discuss the change in %20the%20Teach
12 use them in a sentence atmosphere and list er.html
 Writer’s Craft: (relentlessly, dread, words or brief phrases 
Character lopsided, hurtling, that summarize it.
Development dredging, rumpled, Talk about how the
accusation, doused, atmosphere
cider, fitting, knocker, completely changes
snicker, smothering, again in the last few
mushy, cremated, paragraphs of chapter
retrieved, bold) 10.
 Describe a character of  Use a dictionary to
choice from the story define words, find part
 Write chapter log for of speech of each
chapters 7 – 10. word and be able to
use them in a sentence.
 Character
1. Write a poem about
one of the characters
in the story.
 Write chapter log for
chapters 7 – 10.
Week 9  Revision of  Revision of chapters 9  Answer questions on  Bridge to
chapters 9 - 10 – 10. chapters 9 – 10. Terabithia
 Test # 4  Answer questions on  Test # 4 on chapters 9
 Response chapters 9 – 10 (test # – 10 and atmosphere.
Journal 4)  Response Journal
 Chapters 11 –  Construct a response 1. Write about why Jess
12 journal is so afraid to go to
 Class  Read chapters 11 and Terabithia during this
Discussion on 12 time of heavy rain and
chapters 11 -  Be able to have a group why he undertakes the
12 discussion on chapters trip anyway. Do you
the stages of grief think his fears as well
experienced by Jess founded? Do you think
when Leslie dies. he’s justified in
making the same trip
again? Explain why or
why not?
2. Jess has some
conflicting feelings as

he sets off for

Washington, D.C. with
Miss Edmunds.
Describe Jess’s
feelings and explain
why he’s experiencing
 Class Discussion
1. Psychologists say that
when people
experience a serious
loss, they go through
various stages of grief.
Discuss how jess goes
through the following
stages after Leslie’s
a. Denial: person refuses
to accept that a terrible
event had happened.
What routine acts does
he carry out as if
nothing has happened?
b. Anger: the person
feels angry at the
loved one who has
died and at anyone
who accepts this
death. Discuss some
ways in which Jess
displays his anger.
c. Guilt: person feels
responsible for the
death or feels that he
or she could have
prevented it in some
way. Why does Jess
feel guilty about or
responsible for
Leslie’s death?
d. Acceptance: the
person accepts the
bitter facts of loss.
Discuss the point in
Chapter 12 in which
Jess finally accepts the
fact that Leslie is dead.

Week  Vocabulary  Review vocabulary to  Complete a  file:///T:/9780439

10 Revision prepare for test. vocabulary puzzle 271714-001.pdf
 Test # 5  Answer questions on  Test # 5 on  Bridge to
 Cause and vocabulary words and vocabulary 11 – 12 Terabithia
Effect stages of grief (test # 5) and on stages of grief.
 Writer’s Craft:  Be able to identify  Cause and Effect:
Dialogue cause and effect. 1. Work with a partner to
 Response  Identify dialogues list a series of causes
Journal which show how and effects you’ve
characters feels or discovered in the story
think. so far.
 Express the effects of 2. What was the cause of
losing someone. Leslie’s death? What


effect does the news of

her death have on Jess
at first?
 Dialogue
Skim through chapters you
have read to identify and
share examples of dialogue
that shows how characters
feel or think.
 Response Journal:
Write about someone you
have lost, either through
death or some kind of
separation. What were your
feelings at the time? How
have you coped with those
feelings as time has

Week  Vocabulary  Define 20 words; give  Use a dictionary to  file:///T:/9780439

11 Development their part of speech and define words, find part 271714-001.pdf
 Chapter 13 use them in a sentence of speech of each  Bridge to
 Class  Read and discuss word and be able to Terabithia
Discussion Chapter 13 use them in a sentence.
 Making  Be able to reach a  Class Discussion on
Inferences conclusion after chapter 13
 Response studying facts (infer). 1. The word bridge can
Journal  Express their opinions refer to a concrete
 Theme through writing object such as a
 Identify themes platform, a
passageway, or a
structure built across a
river. The word bridge
can also be a
metaphor, a word that
stands for or
symbolizes something
else. It can also mean
going from one stage
of life to another.
Brainstorm as many
metaphoric meanings
as possible for the
word bridge in the
context of this story.
Spur discussion by
first considering the
following question:
what are some of the
bridges Jess crosses in
the story?
 Making Inferences
In this chapter, Katherine
Paterson doesn’t tell you
explicitly, or in so many
words that Jess is
recovering from the death
of Leslie. Yet, with the
facts that are given, you
can infer, or reach a valid
conclusion, that Jess is


going to be all right. Write

down some of the facts in
the chapter that lead to this
 Response Journal:
1. What does Jess
accomplish as he acts
out the role of King
when he goes back to
Terabithia? How do
you think he feels after
doing this?
2. Firm friends build
string bonds and
connect in many
different ways. What
do you think Leslie
learned from her
friendship with Jess?
What has Jess learned
from his friendship
with Leslie?
 Themes:
1. Discuss the themes in
Bridge to Terabithia.
Also talk about books
you’ve read that have
some of the same
themes as this book.

Week  Quiz # 5  Define words and use  Quiz # 5 on  file:///T:/9780439

12  Presentation them to complete vocabulary for 271714-001.pdf
 Movie sentences (quiz). Chapter 13  Bridge to
 Prepare a dialogue and  Presentation: Terabithia
present it to the class 1. Choose four
 Watch the movie and characters, other
identify differences than Leslie, whom
between the movie and you’ve watched
the book developed as you
read the story.
2. Imagine the four
characters sharing
their memories of
Leslie and telling
about how she
changed their
lives or what they
remember about
her. Write a script
in which the four
characters talk
about Leslie. Each
of the characters
should speak at
least three or four
3. After you’ve
written the script,
present it to the


Third Term Weekly Scheme

Objectives: Upon completion of Third Quarter, students will be able to:
1. Distinguish between a short story and a novel
2. State differences between poetry and prose
3. Relate important incidents in the novel The Young Warriors
4. Define, identify and explain types of figurative language in the novel
5. Write and explain similes and other types of figurative language on their own
6. Summarize and retell the short stories covered from Alchemy of Words
7. Demonstrate and develop an appreciation for the poems covered in class
8. Write weekly entries/logs on chapters of novel

Week Topics Objectives Assessments References

Week 1  Elements of a short  List, define and  Worksheet on  The Alchemy of
story/novel identify elements of a short Words by Derek
 Plot elements of a story/novel Satchwell
 Characters short  Answer questions on
 Setting story/novel Bertie Bullfrog
 Point of View  Read and  Use a dictionary to
 Themes discuss Bertie find the meaning and
 Conflict Bull Frog part of speech for
 Bertie Bull Frog  Define words words from chapters
 Vocabulary from chapters 1-2 of The Young
Development 1-2 of The Warriors
Young Warriors
Week 2  Quiz # 1  Complete a quiz  Quiz # 1 Vocabulary  The Young
 Elements of a short on elements of a story/novel Warriors by V.S.
story/novel short  Class Discussion Reid
 Style story/novel  Exercises on mood,
 Tone  List, define and tone, style and
 Audience identify audience
 Mood elements of a  Picture of setting in
 The Young Warriors short The Young Warriors
 Setting story/novel
 Read and
discuss chapters
1- 2 of The
Young Warriors
 Draw a picture
depicting the
setting in The
Young Warriors
Week 3  Test # 1  Complete a test  Test # 1 Elements of a  The Young
 Vocabulary on elements of a short story/novel Warriors
Development short  Character Sketch
chapters 3-4 story/novel  Use a dictionary to
 The Young Warriors  Define words find the meaning and
 Character Sketch from chapters part of speech of
3-4 words from chapters
 Read and 3-4
discuss chapters
 Complete a
character sketch
Week 4  Quiz # 2  Complete a quiz  Quiz # 2 Vocabulary  The Young
 Vocabulary on vocabulary from chapters 3- 4 Warriors
Development chapters 3- 4  Use a dictionary to
chapters 5 - 6  Define and find the meaning of
write sentences words from chapters
suing words 5-6

from chapters 5  Class Discussion on

-6 chapters 5-6
 Read and
discuss chapters
5- 6
Week 5  Chapter Log  Complete  Complete chapter log  The Young
 Test # 2 chapter log on on chapters 1 -6 Warriors
 Vocabulary chapters 1-6  Test # 2 on chapters 1
Development  Complete test –4
chapters 7-8 on chapters 1-4  Use a dictionary to
 Read and discuss  Define and fond the meaning and
chapters 7-8 write sentences part of speech of
using word words from chapters
from chapters 7-8
7- 8  Answer questions on
 Read and chapters 7-8
discuss chapters
Week 6  Summary Writing  Write summary  Write a summary of  The Young
 Test # 3 of chapters 7-8 chapters 7-8 Warriors
 Review Figurative  Complete test  Test # 3 on chapters 7-  The Alchemy of
Languages on chapters 7-8 8 and vocabulary Words by Derek
 My Uncle Ben and vocabulary  List figurative Satchwell
words languages used in
 Identify chapters 1 – 8
figurative  Class Discussion on
languages used My Uncle Ben
in chapters 1-8  Answer questions on
 Read and My Uncle Ben
discuss My
Uncle Ben
Week 7  Quiz # 2  Complete quiz  Quiz # 2 on figurative  The Young
 Vocabulary on figurative languages used in Warriors
Development, languages used chapters 1 -8
chapters 9-10 in chapters 1 -8  Use a dictionary to
 Chapters 9 – 10  Define and find the meaning and
 Summary Writing of write sentences part of speech of
chapters 9-10 using words words from chapters
from chapters 9 9-10
– 10  Class discussion on
 Read and chapters 9-10
discuss chapters  Answer questions on
9 – 10 chapters 9-10
 Write a  Write a summary of
summary of chapters 9-10
chapters 9-10
Week 8  Test # 4  Complete test  Test # 4 on chapters 9- 
 Role Play on chapters 9- 10 and vocabulary
 Vocabulary 10 and words
Development, vocabulary  Role play a scene from
chapters 11 -13 words chapters 1 -10
 Role play a  Use a dictionary to
scene from find the meaning and
chapter 1- 10 part of speech of
 Define and words from chapters
write sentences 11-13
with words
from chapters


Week 9  Quiz # 3  Complete a quiz  Quiz # 3 Vocabulary  The Young

 Chapters 11-13 on vocabulary Development Warriors
 Themes from chapters  Read and discuss
 Vocabulary 11-13 chapters 11 -13
Development,  Read and  Identify and explain
chapters 14 - 17 discuss chapters themes found in
11-13 chapters 1 – 13
 Identify and  Use a dictionary to
explain themes find the meaning and
found in part of speech of
chapters 1 – 13 words from chapters
 Define and 14-17
write sentences
using words
from chapters
Week 10  Chapters 14-17  Read and  Class discussion on  The Young
 Conflict discuss chapters chapters 14-17 Warriors
 Book Review 14-17  Identify and explain
 Test # 5  Identify and conflicts in the novel
explain  Complete test on the
conflicts found novel
in the novel  Assignment: complete
 Complete a a book review
book review
 Complete test
on the novel
Week 11  Review Week  Prepare for  Worksheets/Games
Week 12  Exam Week  Exam Week  Exam Week


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