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Chapter 3 Solutions S-3

3.1 5730
3.2 5730
3.3 0101111011010100
The attraction is that each hex digit contains one of 16 different characters
(0–9, A–E). Since with 4 binary bits you can represent 16 different patterns,
in hex each digit requires exactly 4 binary bits. And bytes are by definition 8
bits long, so two hex digits are all that are required to represent the contents
of 1 byte.
3.4 753
3.5 7777 (3777)
3.6 Neither (63)
3.7 Neither (65)
3.8 Overflow (result  179, which does not fit into an SM 8-bit format)
3.9 105  42  128 (147)
3.10 105  42  63
3.11 151  214  255 (365)
3.12 6212
Step Action Multiplier Multiplicand Product
0 Initial Vals 001 010 000 000 110 010 000 000 000 000
lsb=0, no op 001 010 000 000 110 010 000 000 000 000
1 Lshift Mcand 001 010 000 001 100 100 000 000 000 000
Rshift Mplier 000 101 000 001 100 100 000 000 000 000
Prod=Prod+Mcand 000 101 000 001 100 100 000 001 100 100
2 Lshift Mcand 000 101 000 011 001 000 000 001 100 100
Rshift Mplier 000 010 000 011 001 000 000 001 100 100
lsb=0, no op 000 010 000 011 001 000 000 001 100 100
3 Lshift Mcand 000 010 000 110 010 000 000 001 100 100
Rshift Mplier 000 001 000 110 010 000 000 001 100 100
Prod=Prod+Mcand 000 001 000 110 010 000 000 111 110 100
4 Lshift Mcand 000 001 001 100 100 000 000 111 110 100
Rshift Mplier 000 000 001 100 100 000 000 111 110 100
lsb=0, no op 000 000 001 100 100 000 000 111 110 100
5 Lshift Mcand 000 000 011 001 000 000 000 111 110 100
Rshift Mplier 000 000 011 001 000 000 000 111 110 100
lsb=0, no op 000 000 110 010 000 000 000 111 110 100
6 Lshift Mcand 000 000 110 010 000 000 000 111 110 100
Rshift Mplier 000 000 110 010 000 000 000 111 110 100
S-4 Chapter 3 Solutions

3.13 6212

Step Action Multiplicand Product/Multiplier

0 Initial Vals 110 010 000 000 001 010
lsb=0, no op 110 010 000 000 001 010
Rshift Product 110 010 000 000 000 101
Prod=Prod+Mcand 110 010 110 010 000 101
Rshift Mplier 110 010 011 001 000 010
lsb=0, no op 110 010 011 001 000 010
Rshift Mplier 110 010 001 100 100 001
Prod=Prod+Mcand 110 010 111 110 100 001
Rshift Mplier 110 010 011 111 010 000
lsb=0, no op 110 010 011 111 010 000
Rshift Mplier 110 010 001 111 101 000
lsb=0, no op 110 010 001 111 101 000
Rshift Mplier 110 010 000 111 110 100

3.14 For hardware, it takes 1 cycle to do the add, 1 cycle to do the shift, and 1 cycle
to decide if we are done. So the loop takes (3  A) cycles, with each cycle
being B time units long.

For a software implementation, it takes 1 cycle to decide what to add, 1 cycle

to do the add, 1 cycle to do each shift, and 1 cycle to decide if we are done. So
the loop takes (5  A) cycles, with each cycle being B time units long.
(38)4tu  96 time units for hardware
(58)4tu  160 time units for software

3.15 It takes B time units to get through an adder, and there will be A  1 adders.
Word is 8 bits wide, requiring 7 adders. 74tu  28 time units.

3.16 It takes B time units to get through an adder, and the adders are arranged
in a tree structure. It will require log2(A) levels. 8 bit wide word requires 7
adders in 3 levels. 34tu  12 time units.

3.17 0x33  0x55  0x10EF. 0x33  51, and 51  321621. We can shift 0x55
left 5 places (0xAA0), then add 0x55 shifted left 4 places (0x550), then add
0x55 shifted left once (0xAA), then add 0x55. 0xAA00x5500xAA0x55
 0x10EF. 3 shifts, 3 adds.
(Could also use 0x55, which is 641641, and shift 0x33 left 6 times, add
to it 0x33 shifted left 4 times, add to that 0x33 shifted left 2 times, and add to
that 0x33. Same number of shifts and adds.)
Chapter 3 Solutions S-5

3.18 74/21  3 remainder 9

Step Action Quotient Divisor Remainder
0 Initial Vals 000 000 010 001 000 000 000 000 111 100
Rem=Rem–Div 000 000 010 001 000 000 101 111 111 100
1 Rem<0,R+D,Q<< 000 000 010 001 000 000 000 000 111 100
Rshift Div 000 000 001 000 100 000 000 000 111 100
Rem=Rem–Div 000 000 001 000 100 000 111 000 011 100
2 Rem<0,R+D,Q<< 000 000 001 000 100 000 000 000 111 100
Rshift Div 000 000 000 100 010 000 000 000 111 100
Rem=Rem–Div 000 000 000 100 010 000 111 100 101 100
3 Rem<0,R+D,Q<< 000 000 000 100 010 000 000 000 111 100
Rshift Div 000 000 000 010 001 000 000 000 111 100
Rem=Rem–Div 000 000 000 010 001 000 111 110 110 100
4 Rem<0,R+D,Q<< 000 000 000 010 001 000 000 000 111 100
Rshift Div 000 000 000 001 000 100 000 000 111 100
Rem=Rem–Div 000 000 000 001 000 100 111 111 111 000
5 Rem<0,R+D,Q<< 000 000 000 001 000 100 000 000 111 100
Rshift Div 000 000 000 000 100 010 000 000 111 100
Rem=Rem–Div 000 000 000 000 100 010 000 000 011 010
6 Rem>0,Q<<1 000 001 000 000 100 010 000 000 011 010
Rshift Div 000 001 000 000 010 001 000 000 011 010
Rem=Rem–Div 000 001 000 000 010 001 000 000 001 001
7 Rem>0,Q<<1 000 011 000 000 010 001 000 000 001 001
Rshift Div 000 011 000 000 001 000 000 000 001 001

3.19. In these solutions a 1 or a 0 was added to the Quotient if the remainder was
greater than or equal to 0. However, an equally valid solution is to shift in a 1 or 0,
but if you do this you must do a compensating right shift of the remainder (only
the remainder, not the entire remainder/quotient combination) after the last step.
74/21  3 remainder 11
Step Action Divisor Remainder/Quotient
0 Initial Vals 010 001 000 000 111 100
R<< 010 001 000 001 111 000
1 Rem=Rem–Div 010 001 111 000 111 000
Rem<0,R+D 010 001 000 001 111 000
R<< 010 001 000 011 110 000
2 Rem=Rem–Div 010 001 110 010 110 000
Rem<0,R+D 010 001 000 011 110 000
R<< 010 001 000 111 100 000
3 Rem=Rem–Div 010 001 110 110 110 000
Rem<0,R+D 010 001 000 111 100 000
R<< 010 001 001 111 000 000
4 Rem=Rem–Div 010 001 111 110 000 000
Rem<0,R+D 010 001 001 111 000 000
S-6 Chapter 3 Solutions

Step Action Divisor Remainder/Quotient

R<< 010 001 011 110 000 000
5 Rem=Rem–Div 010 001 111 110 000 000
Rem>0,R0=1 010 001 001 101 000 001
R<< 010 001 011 010 000 010
6 Rem=Rem–Div 010 001 001 001 000 010
Rem>0,R0=1 010 001 001 001 000 011

3.20 201326592 in both cases.

3.21 jal 0x00000000

0×0C000000 = 0000 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
= 0 0001 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000
sign is positive
exp = 0×18 = 24  127 = 103
there is a hidden 1
mantissa = 0
answer = 1.0 × 2103

3.23 63.25  100  111111.01  20

normalize, move binary point 5 to the left
1.1111101  25
sign  positive, exp  1275132
Final bit pattern: 0 1000 0100 1111 1010 0000 0000 0000 000
 0100 0010 0111 1101 0000 0000 0000 0000  0x427D0000

3.24 63.25  100  111111.01  20

normalize, move binary point 5 to the left
1.1111101  25
sign  positive, exp  102351028
Final bit pattern:
0 100 0000 0100 1111 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Chapter 3 Solutions S-7

3.25 63.25  100  111111.01  20  3F.40  160

move hex point 2 to the left
.3F40  162
sign  positive, exp  642
Final bit pattern: 01000010001111110100000000000000
3.26 1.5625  101  .15625  100
 .00101  20
move the binary point 2 to the right
 .101  22
exponent  2, fraction  .101000000000000000000000
answer: 111111111110101100000000000000000000
3.27 1.5625  101  .15625  100
 .00101  20
move the binary point 3 to the right,  1.01  23
exponent  3  315  12, fraction  .0100000000
answer: 1011000100000000
3.28 1.5625  101  .15625  100
 .00101  20
move the binary point 2 to the right
 .101  22
exponent  2, fraction  .1010000000000000000000000000
answer: 10110000000000000000000000000101
3.29 2.6125  101  4.150390625  101
2.6125  101  26.125  11010.001  1.1010001000  24
4.150390625  101  .4150390625  .011010100111  1.1010100111 
Shift binary point 6 to the left to align exponents,
S-8 Chapter 3 Solutions

1.1010001000 00
1.0000011010 10 0111 (Guard 5 1, Round 5 0,
Sticky 5 1)
1.1010100010 10
In this case the extra bit (G,R,S) is more than half of the least significant bit (0).
Thus, the value is rounded up.
1.1010100011  24  11010.100011  20  26.546875  2.6546875  101
3.30 8.0546875  1.79931640625  101
8.0546875  1.0000000111  23
1.79931640625  101  1.0111000010  23
Exp: 3  3  0, 016  16 (10000)
Signs: both negative, result positive


1.0111001100 00 01001110 Guard  0, Round  0, Sticky  1:NoRnd

Chapter 3 Solutions S-9

1.0111001100  20  0100000111001100 (1.0111001100  1.44921875)

8.0546875  .179931640625  1.4492931365966796875
Some information was lost because the result did not fit into the available 10-bit
field. Answer (only) off by .0000743865966796875
3.31 8.625  101 / 4.875  100
8.625  101  1.0101100100  26
4.875  1.0011100000  22
Exponent  62  4, 415  19 (10011)
Signs: one positive, one negative, result negative
10011100000. | 10101100100.0000000000000000
S-10 Chapter 3 Solutions

1.000110110001001111 Guard0, Round1, Sticky1: No Round, fix

1.0001101100  24  1101000001101100  10001.101100  17.6875
86.25 / 4.875  17.692307692307
Some information was lost because the result did not fit into the available 10-bit
field. Answer off by .00480769230

3.32 (3.984375  101  3.4375  101)  1.771  103)

3.984375  101  1.1001100000  22
3.4375  101  1.0110000000  22
1.771  103  1771  1.1011101011  210
shift binary point of smaller left 12 so exponents match

(A) 1.1001100000
(B)  1.0110000000
10.1111100000 Normalize,
(AB) 1.0111110000  21
(C) 1.1011101011
(AB) .0000000000 10 111110000 Guard  1,
Round  0, Sticky  1
(AB)C 1.1011101011 10 1 Round up

(AB)C 1.1011101100  210  0110101011101100  1772

3.33 3.984375  101  (3.4375  101  1.771  103)

3.984375  101  1.1001100000  22
3.4375  101  1.0110000000  22
1.771  103  1771  1.1011101011  210
shift binary point of smaller left 12 so exponents match
(B) .0000000000 01 0110000000 Guard  0,
Round  1, Sticky  1
(C) 1.1011101011
(BC) 1.1011101011
Chapter 3 Solutions S-11

(A) .0000000000 011001100000

A(BC) 1.1011101011 No round
A(BC) 1.1011101011  210  0110101011101011  1771

3.34 No, they are not equal: (AB)C  1772, A(BC)  1771 (steps shown
Exact: .398437  .34375  1771  1771.742187

3.35 (3.41796875  103  6.34765625  103)  1.05625  102

(A) 3.41796875  103  1.1100000000  29
(B) 4.150390625  103  1.0001000000  28
(C) 1.05625  102  1.1010011010  26
Exp: 98  17
Signs: both positive, result positive
(A) 1.1100000000
(B)  1.0001000000
AB 1.1101110000 00 00000000
Guard  0, Round  0, Sticky  0: No Round
AB 1.1101110000  217 UNDERFLOW: Cannot represent number

3.36 3.41796875  103  (6.34765625  103  1.05625  102)

(A) 3.41796875  103  1.1100000000  29
(B) 4.150390625  103  1.0001000000  28
(C) 1.05625  102  1.1010011010  26
Exp: 86  2
S-12 Chapter 3 Solutions

Signs: both positive, result positive

(B) 1.0001000000
(C)  1.1010011010
1.1100000011 10 100000000 Guard 5 1, Round 5 0, Sticky
5 1: Round
BC 1.1100000100  22
Exp: 92  11
Signs: both positive, result positive
(A) 1.1100000000
(B x C) 1.1100000100
11.00010001110000000000 Normalize, add 1 to exponent
1.1000100011 10 0000000000 Guard=1, Round=0, Sticky=0:
Round to even
A(BC) 1.1000100100  210
Chapter 3 Solutions S-13

3.37 b) No:
AB  1.1101110000  217 UNDERFLOW: Cannot represent
A(BC)  1.1000100100  210
A and B are both small, so their product does not fit into the
16-bit floating point format being used.

3.38 1.666015625  100  (1.9760  104  1.9744  104)

(A) 1.666015625  100  1.1010101010  20
(B) 1.9760  104  1.0011010011  214
(C) 1.9744  104  1.0011010010  214
Exponents match, no shifting necessary
(B) 1.0011010011
(C) 1.0011010010
(BC) 0.0000000001  214
(BC) 1.0000000000  24
Exp: 04  4
Signs: both positive, result positive
(A) 1.1010101010
(BC)  1.0000000000
A(BC) 1.1010101010 0000000000 Guard  0, Round 
0, sticky  0: No round
A(BC) 1.1010101010  24

3.39 1.666015625  100  (1.9760  104  1.9744  104)

(A) 1.666015625  100  1.1010101010  20
(B) 1.9760  104  1.0011010011  214
S-14 Chapter 3 Solutions

(C) 1.9744  104  1.0011010010  214

Exp: 014  14
Signs: both positive, result positive
(A) 1.1010101010
(B)  1.0011010011
10.0000001001100001111 Normalize, add 1 to
AB 1.0000000100 11 00001111 Guard  1, Round  1,
Sticky  1: Round
AB 1.0000000101  215
Exp: 01414
Signs: one negative, one positive, result negative
(A) 1.1010101010
(C)  1.0011010010
Normalize, add 1 to exponent
AC 1.0000000011 11 101110100
Guard  1, Round  1, Sticky  1: Round
AC 1.0000000100  215
AB 1.0000000101  215
AC 1.0000000100  215
ABAC .0000000001  215
ABAC 1.0000000000  25
Chapter 3 Solutions S-15

3.40 b) No:
A(BC)  1.1010101010  24  26.65625, and (AB)(AC) 
1.0000000000  25  32
Exact: 1.666015625  (19,760  19,744)  26.65625

Answer sign exp Exact?
1 01111101 00000000000000000000000 – 2 Yes

3.42 bbbb  1
b4  1
They are the same

3.43 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101


3.44 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011


3.45 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

3.46 01010 00000 00000 00000

3.47 Instruction assumptions:

(1) 8-lane 16-bit multiplies
(2) sum reductions of the four most significant 16-bit values
(3) shift and bitwise operations
(4) 128-, 64-, and 32-bit loads and stores of most significant bits
Outline of solution:
load register F[bits 127:0] = f[3..0] & f[3..0] (64-bit
load register A[bits 127:0] = sig_in[7..0] (128-bit load)
S-16 Chapter 3 Solutions

for i = 0 to 15 do
load register B[bits 127:0] = sig_in[(i*8+7..i*8]
(128-bit load)

for j = 0 to7 do
(1) eight-lane multiply C[bits 127:0] = A*F
(eight 16-bit multiplies)
(2) set D[bits 15:0] = sum of the four 16-bit values
in C[bits 63:0] (reduction of four 16-bit values)
(3) set D[bits 31:16] = sum of the four 16-bit
values in C[bits 127:64] (reduction of four 16-
bit values)
(4) store D[bits 31:0] to sig_out (32-bit store)
(5) set A = A shifted 16 bits to the left
(6) set E = B shifted 112 shifts to the right
(7) set A = A OR E
(8) set B = B shifted 16 bits to the left
end for
end for

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