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Evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)

versus calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal®) in
the formation of a dentine...

Article in International Dental Journal · February 2012

DOI: 10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00084.x · Source: PubMed


28 410

5 authors, including:

Fatou Leye Benoist Henri Michel Benoist

Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar


Pierre Farge
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Fatou Leye Benoist
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 17 November 2016
International Dental Journal 2012; 62: 33–39
doi: 10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00084.x

Evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) versus

calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal) in the formation
of a dentine bridge: a randomised controlled trial
Fatou Leye Benoist1, Fatou Gaye Ndiaye1, Abdoul Wakhabe Kane1, Henri Michel Benoist2 and
Pierre Farge3
Institute of Dentistry, Service of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics; 2Service of Periodontics, Route de l’Université, University Cheikh Anta
Diop, Dakar, Senegal; 3Faculty of Odontology, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon
Cedex, France.

Aim: To assess the effectiveness of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) used as an indirect pulp-capping material in human
molar and premolar teeth. Methodology: We conducted a clinical evaluation of 60 teeth, which underwent an indirect pulp-
capping procedure with either MTA or calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal). Calcium hydroxide was compared with MTA and
the thickness of the newly formed dentine was measured at regular time intervals. The follow-up was at 3 and 6 months, and
dentine formation was monitored by radiological measurements on digitised images using Mesurim Pro soft-
ware. Results: At 3 months, the clinical success rates of MTA and calcium hydroxide were 93% and 73%, respectively
(P = 0.02). At 6 months, the success rate was 89.6% with MTA, and remained steady at 73% with calcium hydroxide
(P = 0.63). The mean initial residual dentine thickness was 0.23 mm, and increased by 0.121 mm with MTA and by
0.136 mm with calcium hydroxide at 3 months. At 6 months, there was an increase of 0.235 mm with MTA and of 0.221 mm
with calcium hydroxide. Conclusions: A higher success rate was observed in the MTA group relative to the Dycal group
after 3 months, which was statistically significant. After 6 months, no statistically significant difference was found in the
dentine thickness between the two groups. Additional histological investigations are needed to support these findings.
Key words: Calcium hydroxide, dentine bridge, mineral trioxide aggregate, pulp capping, randomised controlled trial

From a clinical point of view, it enables successful

maintenance of pulp vitality2, protects the pulp against
The consequences of pulp exposure from caries, trauma thermoelectric stimuli and has an antimicrobial action.
or unexpected tooth preparation procedures can be Calcium hydroxide is used as a reference for other
severe, with pain and infection. Pulp capping, in which capping agents, such as glass ionomer cement and
a medicament is placed directly over the exposed pulp adhesives9–12.
(direct pulp cap), or a cavity liner or sealer is placed However, in long-term clinical studies of pulp
over residual caries (indirect pulp cap), is an attempt to capping with calcium hydroxide-based materials, fail-
maintain pulp vitality and avoid more extensive ure rates increase with the follow-up time3. Known
treatments1. disadvantages for this material include gradual degra-
There are key procedures in the management of vital dation and tunnel defects in the newly formed dentine.
teeth with deep carious lesions2–4, which can be In addition, an increased frequency of inflammatory
performed with high predictable long-term success cells and localised areas of pulp necrosis have been
rates5. reported over time13–16.
Calcium hydroxide is the gold standard for pulp Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a pulp-sealing
capping, following the initial publication by Zander6 in agent, essentially composed of a mixture of tricalcium
1939. It allows for the formation of a reparative dentine silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, tetra-
bridge through cellular differentiation, extracellular calcium aluminoferrite and calcium sulphate dehydrate
matrix secretion and subsequent mineralisation7,8. – which are the main components of Portland cement –
ª 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 33
Leye Benoist et al.

with an addition of bismuth oxide in a 4 : 1 ratio for and 24.30 ± 5.30 years for the MTA group. Thirty
radio-opacity properties17,18. teeth were considered for each material (Table 1).
This bioactive silicate cement has been shown to be The sample size was determined according to the
an effective pulp-capping material in canine models and literature review and in order to yield statistically
in nonhuman primates19. The material appears to be significant results for the measurement of the thickness
successful because of its small particle size, sealing of newly formed dentine in each group. No changes
ability, alkaline pH when set and slow release of occurred in the outcomes after the trial had commenced.
calcium ions. Investigators have reported that MTA All the selected teeth presented an active deep carious
induces pulp cell proliferation, cytokine release and lesion on either the occlusal or proximal surface. Reversible
subsequent hard tissue formation with the synthesis of a pulp inflammation was present in all cases, as demon-
mineralised dentine interface similar to that of biolog- strated by the transient painful response to pulp testing.
ical hydroxyapatite19. Teeth with periodontal lesions, internal or external
Most of the investigations conducted on MTA have root resorptions, and patients with systemic medical
involved the evaluation of the clinical and radiographic conditions, were excluded from the study.
outcomes of pulp-capping procedures in either human Patients were informed about the procedure and
primary20,21 or permanent20 teeth. Other human stud- provided written informed consent after the study had
ies have reported histological observations of the pulp- been approved by the ethics commission of our
capping procedure15,16,22–24; their results confirm those institution.
reported in animal models13,25,26. All procedures were performed by one of the
Therefore, the capping ability of MTA is comparable investigators in the study (FL) who is a qualified
with that of calcium hydroxide, but few clinical studies endodontist at our institution.
have evaluated both compounds simultaneously. For Pulp vitality was tested by submitting the tooth to
this reason, we conducted a prospective evaluation with thermal and electrical testing:
both MTA and calcium hydroxide. The aim of this • A cold stimulus was given by the use of ethyl
study was to assess the effectiveness of the pulp-capping chloride
materials by measuring the thickness of the newly • Electrical testing was carried out using an electric
formed dentine. pulp tester (Electric Pulp Tester Averon PT 2.0,
VEGA-PRO, Ekaterinburg, Russia).
These tests were carried out at baseline, before pulp
capping, and at the 3- and 6-month post-operative
The study design was a single-blind clinical trial follow-up visits.
realised in a sample of 60 paired permanent teeth (30
in each group) according to their type and site of caries.
Pulp-capping procedure
MTA(ProRoot; Dentsply ⁄ Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK,
Selection criteria
USA) and calcium hydroxide material (Dycal Ivory,
The teeth were selected from patients, aged 16– Dentsply Caulk, Dentsply, L.D. Caulk, Milford, DE,
34 years, attending the faculty clinic of the Department USA) were used as pulp-capping agents.
of Dentistry, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, The operative procedure was performed as follows:
Senegal. The descriptive characteristics of the sample • After local peri-apical or intraligamentary anaes-
are given in Table 1. The mean age of the patients was thesia of the tooth, rubber dam isolation was provided
23.37 ± 4.92 years for the calcium hydroxide group and carious lesions were removed using a three-step

Table 1 Distribution of teeth according to the age and gender of the subjects and the type of pulp-capping material
Capping material Gender n Age (years) t-test* t-test* 

Mean SD Min. Max. P value P value

MTA Female 12 22.75 5.74 16 34 0.58 0.48

Male 18 23.78 4.43 16 32
Total 30 23.37 4.92 16 34
Ca(OH)2 Female 14 23.43 3.857 16 30 0.39
Male 16 25.06 6.34 16 34
Total 30 24.30 5.30 16 34

MTA, mineral trioxide aggregate; SD, standard deviation.

*t-test between males and females in each pulp-capping material group.
t-test between males and females in the two pulp-capping material groups.
34 ª 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MTA versus calcium hydroxide in pulp capping

procedure: (i) high-speed carious enamel removal with lesion and no furcation radiolucency, periodontal
a round diamond bur; (ii) dentine mechanical curettage ligament space widening, internal or external root
with a low-speed powered tungsten carbide bur resorptions were noted.
(H1 314 014 or H1 314 012, Dentsply, Maillefer, The study and recruitment of the patients were
Tulsa, OK, USA); (iii) manual final dentine curettage carried out from 21 May 2007 to 31 December 2008;
using a spoon excavator (no 49, 61 or 73, Dentsply, the study was terminated 6 months later (June 2009)
Maillefer) making it possible to see the pulp by following the last follow-up of the final patient.
• MTA powder was mixed with sterile water in a
Radiographic assessment of the dentine thickness
3 : 1 ratio, placed on the operative site with plastic
amalgam carrier-like instruments (MTA Gun) and All measurements of dentine thickness were performed
applied by light pressure with moist cotton pellets. with Mesurim Pro Software (ªJ-F. Madre, Academy
Hard-setting calcium hydroxide paste (Dycal) was of Amiens, Amiens, France). This software is intended
mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and to collect data on digitised images (e.g. counting of
applied to the sites with ball-ended instruments. Glass elements on an image, measurements of surface light or
ionomer cement (GC Fuji IX, GC EUROPE, Leuven, length). A 1-mm Fixott–Everett grid (Fixott–Everett
Belgium) was placed over both materials as a filling X-Ray Grid Large Ea, Miltex Instrument Co, Inc.,
material during the 6-month evaluation period of the York, PA, USA) was used. The Fixott–Everett grid
study. The final restoration was placed over the glass (Figure 1) is a metallic incorporated device placed in
ionomer after 6 months, with either amalgam or contact with the X-ray film during exposure, and
composite following the study period results in a grid of known size being imaged. It was used
• A simple randomisation was used with a single for radiological scaling for standardised measurements
sequence of random assignment, without any restric- on the digitised images. All the radiographs were
tion.The first tooth was randomly assigned to MTA and subsequently scanned and transferred to the computer
the 30 following cases were alternatively assigned to for digital analysis.
either calcium hydroxide or MTA. Each tooth was Measurements on the digitised radiograph were
secondarily paired with a control case with the other performed at baseline (after the indirect pulp-capping
pulp-capping material. The two paired cases differed procedure) and at 3 and 6 months. On each digitised
only by the pulp-capping material (MTA or calcium radiograph, the scale for the measurements was deter-
hydroxide) and were paired for the type of tooth mined using the space between two lines of the grid,
(premolar, molar), age range (as shown in Table 1) and which was assigned a value of 1 mm; the dentine
gender of the patient. Table 2 displays the tooth distri- thickness on each film was measured with Mesurim
bution and sites of the initial carious lesions. Occlusal Pro software accordingly to this scale calculation. The
lesions represented 45% of the sample, and proximal range of measurements was 10)3 mm.
lesions made up 55%; upper premolars and first lower The measurements on the digitised images were
molars accounted for 58% of the total treated teeth. performed by one investigator in this study (HMB)
Clinical and radiographic follow-ups were carried who was blind to the clinical procedure and the nature
out at baseline, 3 and 6 months. The treatment was of the pulp-capping material.
considered to be clinically successful when the pulp
remained vital with a normal response to thermal and
Statistical analysis
electrical tests without signs of spontaneous pain. The
treatment was considered to be radiographically suc- Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software
cessful when the dentine bridge was present over the (version 11.0 for Windows, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,

Table 2 Distribution of teeth according to the site of caries

Tooth type Site of caries Total

Occlusal Mesio-occlusal Disto-occlusal n (%)

n (%) n (%) n (%)

Upper premolar 2 (3.33) 2 (3.33) 14 (23.33) 18 (30.00)

Lower premolar 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (3.33) 2 (3.33)
1st upper molar 2 (3.33) 5 (8.33) 2 (3.33) 9 (15.00)
1st lower molar 14 (23.33) 1 (1.66) 2 (3.33) 17 (28.33)
2nd or 3rd upper molar 5 (8.33) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (8.33)
2nd or 3rd lower molar 4 (6.66) 2 (3.33) 3 (5.00) 9 (15.00)
Total 27 (45.0) 10 (16.7) 23 (38.3) (60) (100)

ª 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 35

Leye Benoist et al.

(n = 60 teeth)

Allocated to mta group Allocated to calcium

n = 30 hydroxide group
n = 30

3 months 3 months
lost to follow-up = 1 lost to follow-up = 4
success = 28 success = 22
fail = 1 fail = 4
analyzed = 30 analyzed = 30
Figure 1. Fixot–Everett grid and intrabuccal radiographic film. none excluded none excluded

USA). Cohen’s kappa statistic test for qualitative 6 months

measurements was used to assess the reliability of lost to follow-up = 0 6 months
electrical pulp testing (K = 0.624, substantial agree- success = 27 lost to follow-up = 0
success = 22
ment according to Landis and Koch27); it was also used fail due to lost of
restoration = 1 fail = 0
for the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for the analyzed = 30
analyzed = 30
reliability of the radiographic measurements employing none excluded none excluded
Mesurim Pro Software (quantitative) with two-way
Figure 2. Flow diagram of trial.
random single measures (consistency based on absolute
agreement) [ICC = 0.722; confidence interval (CI),
0.575; 0.824; P < 0.001]. 100
Positive vitality test
Losses to follow-up were analysed as intention to 90 Negative vitality test
treat, i.e. regarded as failures. Means and proportions 80

for personal characteristics and clinical parameters 70


were calculated for both groups. The significance of 50

any difference in the means was tested using Student’s t- 40
test, and the significance of any difference in propor- 30 73.3 73.3

tions was tested using Pearson’s chi-squared test. The 20

26.7 26.7
relationship between the independent variables and the 0 6.9 10.4

pulp-capping outcomes, considered as a dependent MTA Ca(OH)2 MTA Ca(OH)2

Success rate at 3 months Success rate at 6 months
variable, was assessed using multivariate logistic regres-
Figure 3. Success rates at 3 and 6 months according to the
sion analysis on subject-based data. The variables pulp-capping material.
which were statistically insignificant in univariate
analysis were not considered for further analysis.
Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05. with calcium hydroxide than with MTA, which was
statistically significant (P = 0.02). After 6 months, with
one additional failure in the MTA group, the difference
between the two groups was not significant (P = 0.63).
Failure and success rates
Newly formed dentine thickness
The failures were defined as negative pulp vitality tests
on examination. As illustrated in the flow diagram of The average thicknesses of newly formed dentine at 3
the trial (Figure 2), at 3 months, there were four and 6 months are shown in Table 3. Using Mesurim
failures in the calcium hydroxide group and one in Pro Software, at 3 months, the measurements were
the MTA group. One additional failure at 6 months 0.121 ± 0.050 mm in the MTA group and
was found in the MTA group. 0.136 ± 0.060 mm in the calcium hydroxide group
At 3 months, the success rate was 93.1% for MTA (P = 0.380). At 6 months, the averages were 0.235 ±
and 73.3% for calcium hydroxide, whereas, at 0.110 mm in the MTA group and 0.221 ± 0.059 mm in
6 months, it was 89.6% for MTA and remained the calcium hydroxide group (P = 0.594). In each
unchanged for calcium hydroxide (Figure 3). At group, the thickness of the dentine bridge at 6 months
3 months, the rate of failure was four times greater was approximately two-fold higher than that at
36 ª 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MTA versus calcium hydroxide in pulp capping

Table 3 Average thicknesses of tertiary dentine at 3 Table 5 Multivariate logistic regression analysis with
and 6 months according to the pulp-capping material predictive factors as independent variables and pulp-
capping outcome as dependent variable
Pulp-capping Follow-up duration t-test* t-test 
material Variable B SE Significance Exp(B) 95% CI
3 months 6 months P value P value
or OR
Lower Upper
n 28 27 0.000 <0.0001 Disto-occlusal )2.123 0.724 0.003 0.120 0.029 0.495
Mean (mm) 0.121 0.235 caries
SD (mm) 0.059 0.110 MTA 1.870 0.754 0.013 6.489 1.481 28.439
n 22 22 0.000 CI, confidence interval; MTA, mineral trioxide aggregate; OR, odds
Mean (mm) 0.136 0.221 ratio; SE, standard error.
SD (mm) 0.060 0.059

MTA, mineral trioxide aggregate; SD, standard deviation. explanatory variable (P = 0.003). The final predictive
*t-test between male and females in each pulp-capping material
model showed that the success of the pulp-capping
t-test between male and females in two pulp-capping material procedure can be predicted up to 43.8% of times when
groups. MTA is used, and that failure can be predicted up to
3 months, with a statistically significant difference 90.9% of times when the carious lesion is on the disto-
(P < 0. 0001). occlusal site of the tooth.

Statistical analysis DISCUSSION

Logistic regression analysis was performed to obtain a This study was designed as a prospective, randomised,
predictive model for the pulp-capping outcome. Uni- paired clinical study. The patients were young, reflect-
variate analysis of the personal characteristics and ing the youth of the Senegalese population, and the
clinical parameters showed that only the disto-occlusal recruitment of patients at our institution. With regard
site of caries and the type of capping material may to the operating protocol, we placed a glass ionomer
affect the pulp-capping outcome (Table 4). Multivari- cement over the capping material, which was used as
ate logistic regression analysis showed that only MTA restoration material during the time of the study; thus,
and the disto-occlusal site of caries (independent electrical pulp testing for vitality could be performed
variables) were predictive factors for the pulp-capping accurately during the follow-up period. Following the
outcome as dependent variable. The odds ratio (OR) pulp-capping procedure, bacterial leakage through the
from the logistic regression showed the effects of the final restoration material is considered to be more
selected independent variables (Table 5). The disto- detrimental to the outcome than bacterial contamina-
occlusal site appeared to be an unfavourable factor and tion at the time of treatment28. This finding underlines
showed (B = )2.123) the strongest evidence as an the need for a good seal in the final restoration material
after the completion of the pulp-capping procedure. In
this study, failure occurred in one case in the MTA
Table 4 Univariate analysis of the effects of personal group, because of the loss of the restoration material.
characteristics and clinical parameters on the As MTA and calcium hydroxide can be distinguished
pulp-capping outcome by the operator on performing the pulp-capping
Variable Score df P value procedure, a double-blind clinical trial could not be
performed here.
Age 0.179 1 0.672
Gender 0.302 1 0.582
The success rates were comparable for MTA and
Tooth localisation 0.075 1 0.785 calcium hydroxide at 6 months, but they differed at
Tooth type 3 months. Thus, the critical period for the success of the
Upper premolar 4.156 1 0.041
Lower premolar 0.752 1 0.386
capping procedure seems to be within the first
1st upper molar 1.310 1 0.252 3 months. When looking at these success rates, and
1st lower molar 0.091 1 0.762 with regard to the potential toxic effects of the capping
2nd or 3rd upper molar 1.983 1 0.159
2nd or 3rd lower molar 0.107 1 0.744
materials, we considered, as reported by Pashley 29, that
Site of caries there was no difference between direct and indirect
Occlusal 3.526 1 0.060 pulp capping for the restoration of deep cavities,
Mesio-occlusal 1.705 1 0.192
Disto-occlusal 8.539 1 0.003
because of the fast increase in dentine permeability
Pulp-capping material near the pulp. In deep cavities with a residual thickness
Ca(OH)2 5.455 1 0.020 of dentine of less than 0.5 mm, the number and size of
MTA 5.455 1 0.020
open tubuli are such that communication with the pulp
MTA, mineral trioxide aggregate. is comparable with that of a true pulp exposure 30.
ª 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 37
Leye Benoist et al.

The 93% success rate at 3 months with MTA is in of different quality; the quality of the newly formed
accordance with the results obtained by Bogen et al.19 dentine is a significant factor for the success of the
in a 9-year follow-up study of direct pulp capping capping procedure. Histological studies have shown a
among 40 patients aged between 7 and 45 years; they greater frequency of inflammatory cells and zones of
reported successful pulp capping in 49 of 53 teeth pulp necrosis when calcium hydroxide is used for
(97.96%) on the basis of radiographic criteria, capping13–16,36. In vivo studies have shown that MTA
subjective symptoms and cold testing of pulp vitality. induces the formation of a high-quality thicker dentine
In another clinical and radiographic, 24-month, follow- bridge15,16,37.
up study of direct pulp capping on temporary molars, In this study, logistic regression analysis identified
Tuna and Olmez31 recorded good results for both MTA two variables predictive of the capping outcome. In the
and calcium hydroxide (up to 100%). final predictive model, MTA was significantly predic-
The good clinical success rates are related to the tive of the success of pulp capping and a disto-occlusal
thickness of the newly formed dentine. In a reference site of caries significantly increased the risk of failure.
study using calcium hydroxide, Stanley et al.32 showed The difficult visual access and control of dentine
that the thickness of the dentine bridge did not exceed curettage in some areas of the teeth and the better
250 lm after 66 days, and reached up to 0.5 mm after quality of the dentine bridge and sealing ability of MTA
200 days. In our study, average thicknesses of the support these findings13,15,16,37.
dentine bridge were two-fold lower than those esti- Other predictive models for pulp capping have
mated by Stanley et al. 32. This difference could be emphasised age as a dependent variable for success of
related to direct or indirect capping and the assessment the procedure. This was not apparent in the logistic
of the newly formed dentine thickness. In addition, our regression analysis performed in this study, as the
measurements were made radiographically at baseline, sample population was homogeneous for age and
3 and 6 months, whereas Stanley et al.32 measured mainly involved young adults; these cases are easily
histological cuts of dentine formation. The thickness of managed and inflammatory involvement is minimal, as
the newly formed dentine, using MTA as a pulp- suggested by bleeding that is easy to stop 2.
capping material, was not documented. In this study, Further clinical studies need to be performed on
we found a slower formation of the dentine bridge from a larger sample in order to check whether the
baseline to 3 months in the MTA group than in the disto-occlusal site of caries is a predictive, and not
calcium hydroxide group. Between 3 and 6 months, operator-dependent, factor. As no detrimental effect
this difference was not maintained, and no difference was demonstrated with MTA, its use may appear to be
was found at 6 months. This could be explained by the of long-term benefit. Further generalisability of these
fact that MTA serves as a reservoir for calcium results will require a larger sample and longer follow-up
hydroxide and the calcium release from MTA materials duration.
decreases slightly over time1.
The clinical and radiographic data reported here may CONCLUSION
be related to the cellular and biomechanical mech-
anisms of reparative dentine formation. Calcium Based on the results of this short-term clinical and
hydroxide promotes the dentine repair of pulp wounds, radiographic study, a higher success rate was observed
and the presence of superficial pulp tissue necrosis is in the MTA group relative to the Dycal group after
crucial and serves as a stimulus for the initiation of the 3 months, which was statistically significant. After
hard tissue repair process2. Calcium hydroxide has the 6 months, however, no statistically significant differ-
ability to dissolve the dentine, and thus gradually ence was found in the dentine thickness between the
release growth factors33. two groups. Additional histological investigations are
MTA does not contain calcium hydroxide but, after needed to support these findings.
hardening, calcium oxide is formed that can react with
tissue fluids to give calcium hydroxide18; this can Acknowledgements
induce the secretion of fibronectin by the pulp cells The authors thank Dr Papa Ibrahima Ngom, Associate
adjacent to the necrotic layer under the capping Professor in Orthodontics at University Cheikh Anta
material34. MTA is able to stimulate reparative dentine Diop, Dakar, Senegal, who performed statistical anal-
formation by the stereotypic defensive mechanism of ysis, and Roland Arsan for the gracious provision of
early pulp wound healing26. products that enabled this study to be conducted.
The liberation of dentine factors by MTA has been
demonstrated, but at different concentrations to those
Conflicts of interest
released by calcium hydroxide35. These differences
could account for the different kinetics of dentine This study was not financed by any company or
formation in our study, and may lead to dentine bridges manufacturer and has no commercial aim.
38 ª 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MTA versus calcium hydroxide in pulp capping

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ª 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 39

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