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Jnstallation: Yager Cantwell

Summer House, Rancho Santa Fe


Architect: John Lloyd-Wright

Del Mar, Galifornia.

Floor shown: VP-625


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Everything Hinges on Hager®

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Jan C. Rowaji, A I A COVER . ^ c 1

The Reinhold Publishing Company beal, seen in

Burton H. Holmes, A I A Materials and Methods diminishing perspective, marks the announcement of
.lain. s T. Burns, Jr. A'eics Reiwrl and P/A Observer winners in the TweHth Annual P / A Design Awards
John Morris Dixon, A I A Features Program. (Photo by G. Monaz.)
Use Meissner Reese Features Our readers' comments on the architectural scene.
Ellen Perry Features
C. Ray Smith Features and Interior Desifin Data
39 N E W S R E P O R T
KihvanI K. Carpenter Neus Report
Our News staff reports on the latest developments in
C O P Y EDITOR significant new projects and personalhies in tlie archi-
George Lnhas/. tectural world; plus round-ups of what is new in
ASSISTANT EDITORS the area of Products and Manufacturers' Data.
Jean Hatton Diifly Assistant to the Editor
John Bennett Schwartzman Materials and Methods 123 T I T L E P A G E
This month's quote, which introduces a new month-
Norman Coplan It's The Law ly item, is from the Jury Discussion in this issue.
Bernard Tonison //'s The Law
K. F,. Hahiios, Jr. If ashiniHnn/Financial 124 FRONTISPIECE
William J . McGuinness Mechaniral Engineering Critique As evidence of h(»\v our jurors combine the hard
Harold J . Rosen Specificalians C.linii work of premiating designs with relief-yielding flights
i)f fancy, we iiresent this graphic assortment of juror
Gary Fujiwara Art Director notati(uis and doodles, the latter conceivably inspired
Heidi Alherii Assistant Art Director by some of the losing entries.
Nicholas R. Losc<ilzo Chief Draftsman
Anthony Corsentino Draftsman 125 EDITORIAL
P/A's Editor discusses two issues raised at this year's
Marion Feigl Design Awards Program: is the design of the single-
family house a legitimate architectural problem; and

June Wetherell Frame ( an a jury hope to judge a category as complex as

Constance Eiseman urban design in the short time available to it?
Jean Luck Cautliorne



ASSOCIATE P U B L I S H E R 126 I N T R O D U C T I O N : A n analysis of how this year's

Philip H. Hubhard, Jr. premiated designs compare with past winners. Two
departures from previous Programs: not one project
in the single-family house category was premiated;
William R. Evans, Jr.
and the jury disqualified itself from judging Urban
Design entries.
Burchard M. Day


Joseph M. Scanlon 128 First Design Award: University of Rhode Island.
Housing Complex, Providence, R . I .
Daniel H. Desinione 136 Award: Bennington Regional High School, Benning-
David N. Whitcombe 140 Citation: Riverdale Country School, New York, N.Y.
142 Citation: Faculty Housing, Vassar College, Pough-
Sue Feldman keepsie, N.Y.

lANUARY 1965 P/A

144 Citation: Kidgeway Dormitories, Bellinghani, Wash.
lesson of how architects, critics, and planners can
PUBUC USE successfully bring pressure on city governments to
146 Citation: Tennessee State Office Building, Mempnis, bring about more creative design solutions to urban
Tenn. planning problems.

148 Citation: Junipero Serro Overpass

184 H E A R T O F G R U E N ' S F R E S N O P L A N COM-
P L E T E D : A look at Victor Gmen's solution to Fres-
no's C B D redevelopment.
150 Citation: Center for Rehabilitation of Retarded Chil-
dren, Summerville, S . C
RECREATION: William J . McGuinness' column has as Guest Editor
this month, Leonard Weger, who discusses ways of
152 Citation: New England Aquarium, Boston, Mass.
improving architectural-engineering education in our
154 Citation: Chun li of the River, Memphis, Tenn.
190 S P E C I F I C A T I O N S C L I N I C
Harold J . Rosen gives tips on excavation, using as
an example typical specifications for dewatering and
156 Citation: Garden Residence, Houston, Tex. underpinning.
158 Citation: Low-Cost Housing System, Boston, Mass.
160 Citation: Glover Landing, Marhlehead, Mass. 192 I T ' S T H E L A W
162 Citation: Condominium on the Sea Ranch, Gualala, Bernard Tomson and Norman Coplun discuss the
Calif. status of landscape architecture as a profession.
164 Citation: Pastorium Mews. Philadelphia, Pa.
166 Citation: Harbor House, St. George, Stalcn Island, 194 B O O K R E V I E W S
N.Y. A cross-section of significant new books.

238 J O B S AND M E N
168 J U R Y D I S C U S S I O N : The jurors, in summing up
their reaction to the current Program, deplored the 244 D I R E C T O R Y O F P R O D U C T ADVERTISERS
continuing tendency toward fragmentation of form,
- i t o
and stressed simplicity and directness as the con-
trolling design qualities. Jury Chairman Cherniayeff uivtu
believes a new architectural category is emerging. "PKOtiRESSIVE A R C H I T E C T U R E " IS A M E M B E R O F THE REIN-
171 G E R M A N A R C H I T E C T U R E IN W A S H I N G T O N : FRED P. P E T E R S , E X E C U T I V E V I C E - P R E S I D E N T ; K A T H L E E N

The new German Embassy m Washington, D.C., is S T A R K E , S E C R E T A R Y A N D A S S I S T A N T T R E A S U R E R ; D. BRAD-

a structure of imposing dignity that recalls the work O F F I C E S , 430 P A R K A V E N U E , N E W Y O R K , N . Y . 10022.
TION P R I C E S TO T H O S E W H O , B Y T I T L E , A R E A R C H I T E C T S ,


landscaping of the Carver Houses in Upper Man- M I L I T A R Y S E R V I C E , A R C H I T E C T U R A L SCHOOLS, A R C H I T E C -
TURAL S T U D E N T S , A D V E R T I S E R S A N D T H E I R E M P L O Y E E S : $5
hattan mark a welcome break from the common run FOR O N E Y E A R ; $8 FOR T W O Y E A R S ; $10 FOR T H R E E Y E A R S .

of low-income housing projects in the imaginative A L L O T H E R S : $10 A YEAR. ABOVE P R I C E S A R E A P P L I C A B L E I N

handluig of its redesigned public spaces. T E C T S A N D E N G I N E E R S O U T S I D E U.S., U.S. POSSESSIONS, A N D
CANADA: $10 FOR O N E Y E A R ; $16 FOR T W O Y E A R S ; $20 F O R


The history of the New York Civic Center plan, now TRADE MARK R E G I S T E R E D . A L L R I G H T S RESERVED. I N D E X E D IN
close to final acceptance by the Qty, offers an object PAID A T N E W YORK, N E W YORK, V O L U M E X L V I , NO. 1.

J A.NUAKY 1965 P / A
point. The Allegheny Square Competi-
-lioiiM I"' di-regarded as ima«ceptahle.
tion ha> done a disservice both to the
V I E W S Our entry «oncerncd il>clf primarily
meaning of architectural competitions
with a de>igii sch«-nic with tin- aiitiiipa
and I . , the City of Pittsburgh.
lion that IMiase I I would provide the CHARLES C . SHEFHKKU
More on tlw .Hh'ishvny Si/iiari' opportunity hir a more detailed study, PhiU.lrIphla. P«.

i.ompvlitinn iniludiug landscaping, furniture, and

the like, which would result from a
Dear Editor: Kt- your arli<le in I I K - Dear Kdilor: riiuiik you for including
uiofh'l and other three-dimensional
N'>\ 1 l')ta 1>/A on llie Allr^li.-m our letter and pholi)> in your arti« le on
Square Competition, please add our compelilious in the November issue. The
I was very much impressed hy the
!iame to the growing list <»f <li>-id«'nls article has been received with "aniens"
plan- and |)lioli>^rapli- i unlaiiu'd in
on "aniiitectural (•oni|)etilions." by almost e\ery archite<t 1 know who
your Novend»er issue and saw several
It is inconceivable to me that a jury that (l(-i i\«-d nuue • <uisidcralion. holli has suhmitted an entry in the last few
can select, from -V)^ entrants, one s< heme from an aesthetic and utilitarian stand- years.
that is so superior that the remaindi-r Not lia%ing had enough of competition^
as yet. we've entered the San Francisco
Cisi. ( .liter Plan Competition!
Nrw York, N.y.
W r i t e f o r ZERO'S
new c a t a l o g t o d a y .
Dear Editor: I was interested in your
C o n t a i n s f u l l size
details, 169 draw artii lc in the Novendier issue cuiuerning
i n g s o f weather- architectural < oinpetilimis and in par-
s t r i p p i n g a n d re- ticular concerning the Alleglieny Square
lated products, for
< ioinpelilion. I liu|)pen to he in an unique
po>ilio!i to make l omments on thai com-
• doors
• sliding doors pclilinn. (<iintnc-nl> which I would apply
• saddles 111 < ornpetitions in general, since I was
• windows a ( onipeiitor. hut was unahle lo suhmit
my design due to a last-minute illness.

• expansion
joints Therefore, my l omments caimol be taken
in tlii- in-taii< .• as "sour grapes." Also,
iny solution was very similar to the win-
weatherstripping c a n
ner, so my comments should not be
• SOUND-PROOFING be the m o s t signifi-
c a n t d e t a i l of a s t r u c taken as a criti« ism of the winning de-
ture's s u c c e s s . For 4
decades Zero h a s sign.
been creating and
manufacturing to
The reipiirenients of most compeli-
meet changing needs.
lious are very ^irict for the competitor.
They require the expenditure of nuich
time and money, many times needlessly,
in the case of a two-stage competition.
Hut the judges are not obligated to per-
form to comparable standards of be-
havior. Nor do they seem lo feel any
obligation toward the competitor, who
eiiiei- with the understanding that he
has a reasonahle chance of gaining some-
thing in the way of prestige or financial
reward for his efforts. For judges to be-
have as have those in this instance is a
disgrace to the profession. Whatever may
have been their psychological motiva-
tions, it certainly gives the appearance
that they are attempting to glorify them-
selves at the expense of the competitor,
by the implication that none of the sub-
missions are up to their personal stand-
For a handful of judges to expect me
or any reasonable person to believe that
the average of their personal standards
of excellence or sensitivity is greater
than that of 3 0 4 out of 305 qualified
individuals or firms is just too much.
ZERO WEATHER STRIPPING CO., INC. Cvniinued on ;xige 8
415 concord Avenue. Bronx 55. N. Y. • (212) LUdlow 5-3230
For more information, turn to Reader Sen,ice card, circle No. 381 JANUARY 1965 P/A

4 yiens


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In overall d e s i g n , a n d i n e v e r y d e s i g n d e t a i l , i n c l u d i n g h i n g e s , t h i s
lofty n e w c o n c e p t i n s k y s c r a p e r s artfully blends i n s p i r e d styling w i t h
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Stanley hinges utilized in this 34-story-high, $ 2 0 million Consolidated
Gas C o m p a n y o f f i c e b u i l d i n g in D e t r o i t ' s Civic C e n t e r .

Whether functional efficiency, elegance of design o r invariable

d e p e n d a b i l i t y d i c t a t e s t h e c h o i c e of h i n g e s f o r t o d a y ' s f i n e s t a r c h i t e c t u r a l
achievements, Stanley's broad hinge lines provide the required
scope of selectivity. In s p e c i f y i n g h i n g e s , t a k e a d v a n t a g e of t h e g r e a t e r
selectivity Stanley m a k e s possible. Write o n your l e t t e r h e a d for your
free copy of the Stanley Architectural H i n g e Fact File, w h i c h provides
BB1600 complete i n f o r m a t i o n on the right h i n g e s for all y o u r projects.

S T A N L E Y D(V("s/on o f The Stanley Works

Lake S t r e e t , N e w B r i t a i n , C o n n e c t i c u t

For more information, turn to Reader Sen/ice card, circle No. 442
Continued from page 4
It seems to me that there is a respoiisihilily ou the part
of the persons or organizations initialing a competition to
live up to their advertisements and to award prizes as
promised, regardless of their opinion or their judges' opinion
of the quality of the work submitted. There are several
ways in which this could be accomplished. First of all, any
person or organization conducting a competition under pro-
fessional standards of the A I A should be required to post
Change is the one basic the architect
a bond in the full amount of the prizes advertised. Secondly,
every judge should be re<piired to make selections to the
contends with on each new project. . .
best of his ability. Third, should any judge or jury dis- striving to create beauty, function, and
play the same temperamental and self-righteous attitude enduring quality within the limits of
as the AUegbeny Square judges, they should be dismissed site, budget, and available components.
and a new jury selected.
To sum up my feelings, I think we are long past the In the eight years since Modu-Wall
time when a competition should be merely a vehicle for created a new concept in architectural
the judges to use as a demonstration of their own superior curtainwall systems, our one constant
intellect and sensitivity. has been product quality and useful de-
Columbia. Mo. sign. This, too, has led to change.
Dear Editor: Jim Burns' article entitled "Architectural Under our new trade name, NAARCO,
Compeliti«uis: Have Tliey Lost Meaning?" in the November you'll find the same design flexibility
issue offered interesting comment on a very important sub- and inherent quality in a growing number
ject. of architectural products. An example
Perhaps the problems inherent in competitions, which is the aluminum column cover detailed
Mr. Burns has bighlighted, give us a clue to the increasing
below. You can examine the full range
popularity of awards programs conducted by various pro-
fessional groups. Although not the same thing as compe-
of this expanded product line in your
titions, awards programs serve two extremely important 1965 Sweet's Catalog, file 3A
functions: They provide an oppoiiunity to give recognition N.
to deserving creative members of the architectural profes- Write for the new NAARCO file of
sion, and they also offer an excellent means of dramatizing
new developments in the design field. design ideas.
The Prestressed Concrete Institute has tried hard to insure
that its annual Awards Program be as instructive to archi-
!<'( t- a< it i« to prodiu'ing members of our industry, judging
by the annual response from architects and the willingness
of nationally known men to serve on our jury each year,
the program has been accepted by the profession.
It is our hope, incidentally, that we can draw another
parallel with competitions in years to come. Mr. Burns NORTH AMERICAN ALUMINUM CORPORATION
|)oints out that many eminent men such as the senior and FORMERLY MODU-WALL, INC.
junior Saarinens first came to public attention in compe- 5569 N.RIVERVIEW DRIVE / PARCHMENT.
titions. The winners of the P C I program for the last two MICHIGAN 49004 / PHONE (616) 349-6626
years (as probably happens more often than not in awards
programs) were not well known outside of their own region.
But qualified men in the profession have predicted bright
futures for our two winners. Maurice Robillard of Montreal
and Perry Neuschatz of I.os Angeles.
R. 0 . LYMAN
Execulive Dircrtor
I'rcslresscd Concrete Inilllule
Chirajo. III.

Freedom of the Press

Dear Editor: No doubt you have heard this before, but 1

really don't ordinarily write fan letters to Editors.
But I was so favorably impressed with your Editorial on
censorship (NOVEMBKR 1964 P / A ) that I can't help writing
this merely to say Bravo!
Many of us have tried to say the same thing many times,
but I think you have said it better than most.
Publisher. "AdvertUing Age"
Chicago. 111.
Continued on page 12

8 yietvs

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For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 368 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 420

24 J A N U . A R Y 1965 P/.A
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J A N U A R Y 1965 I ' M 2.5

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 347
where new ideas take shape in


26 JANU.^RY 196.5 P / A
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REYNOLDS F L E X I B I L I T Y . . . The selection of buildings shown here suggests the versatility of
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BUILDING designed for maximum beauty, efficiency and economy. Choose the natural beauty
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PRODUCTS F U N C T I O N . . . Take advantage of aluminum's weather resistance, strength, light
weight, wide width and long length, plus the high heat reflection and low " U " factors
of field assembled curtain wall systems. These systems utilize any of the standard
configurations for exterior skin. Commercial crimp or corrugated interior skin may
be plain or perforated for effective sound control.

Mail the c o u p o n for d e s c r i p t i v e literature.

Reynolds Metals C o m p a n y , Dept. P A 1,

Building Products & Supply Division
325 West Touhy Avenue,
Park Ridge, Illinois.



J A . N U A R Y 196S P/A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 308 27
W h a t d o y o u e x p e c t f o r 80 ?

A r o o f (leek like t h i s costs $1.00 per square f o o t . * Joists F I R E P R O O F : P e r m a l i t e is non-combustible and c a r r i e s

lOi*. g a l v a n i z e d steel f o r m 20<^. concrete 22c, built-up m a x i m u m U L approved fire r a t i n g when supporting
r o o f i n g 18('. T h i s incliult s He worth of Permalite perlite members are protected. I n s u r a n c e costs less.
concrete aggregate. P E R M A N E N T : P e r m a l i t e and P o r t l a n d cement is tno
W h a t does the S<^ b u y ? c o n c r e t e . T h e r e is no s t r u c t u r a l loss due to p o s s i b l e
A b e t t e r all-antund deck w i t h a c t u a l s a v i n g s o n t h e leaks; the i n s u l a t i o n r e m a i n s efiicient f o r all the years
e n t i r e r o o f system. H e r e ' s h o w : you design i n t o the b u i l d i n g .
INSULATION: P e r m a l i t e concrete, w i t h a " K " o f 0.58. P u t these and other P e r m a l i t e f e a t u r e s t o g e t h e r i n t o
is the i n s u l a t i o n . K l i m i n a t e s the need f o r other i n s u l a t - one r o o f deck and have a conihitiatioti o f advantages y o u
ing m a t e r i a l s ; cuts h e a t i n g and a i r - c o n d i t i o n i n g costs. can't get i n any other t y p e o f r o o f . . . 8c w e l l sjjent w h e n
L I G H T W E I G H T S T R E N G T H : T h e deck .shown, i n c l u d i n g you specify Permalite.
steel f o r m and concrete, w e i g h s o n l y 6'a pounds, and is 'Based on 2" of Permalite concrete over top of steel form corrugations, using
s t r o n g e r t h a n other concretes i n i t s class. Saves steel. cost averages of major market areas


Largest Selling Perlite Aggregate in the World.
Permalite Expanded Petlilo i i Produced by Licensed Franchisees
Great Lakes Carbon Corporation • 630 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, California 90005 uom Perine ore Mined by Great takes carbon corp

28 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 416 I \ M \I<V l')(,.i I'/A
Robert E. lamb. Inc., Volley Forge. Pa. Murray quarry floor is 6" x 6" x Vi". Fawn G r a y . Architect: Jules Gregory. Tile Contractor: Wissahickon Tile Company. Plate 510.

This Murray quarry floor will always look good

11 will lake all liie heavy daily IrafTic narrow H'^ joints that Murray's uni- paneling and clean-lined modern
this busy coiislriiction office lobby is lortn sizes permit help further to cut furnishings.
subject lo—and never show a sign of maintenance to a mininumi. For full information on our na-
wear. N«)t this year nor fifty years That's why the architect specified tionally distributed .Murray quarry
from now. American Olean's Murray quarry tile line, write for conqdete product
Nor will it show soil readily. tile here. catalog.
Tracked-in dust and dirt can't pen- Another reason—the pleasing
A merican
etrate Munav (|uarry's extra-dense, warmth and character of the subtle
smooth natural surlact-. An easydainp Fawn Gray color. It blends hand-
ni()|)j)in«i keeps it clean. And the somely with b r i c k w a l l s , wood Olean

For more informalloti, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 322
Comfort-Engineered Seating
F i x e d s e a t i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n i n t h e C o n g r e g a t i o n Israel T e m p l e , Glencoe, I l l i n o i s , designed b y
M i n o r u Yamasaki

P o r t a b l e s e a t i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n a t C o n v e n t i o n H a l l i n A t l a n t i c C i t y . A p o r t i o n o f t h e 7,000 seats
provided f o r the Democratic Convention

F o l d a w a y s e a t i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n i n t h e S e a t t l e ( W a s h . ) C e n t e r C o l i s e u m — a t o t a l o f 3.875 c h a i r s

These three entirely different types of seating installations

are typical of Heywood-Wakefield's ability to supply superior
seating to meet the varied requirements of every type of
auditorium or arena. No matter what the seating problem, or HEYWOOD-
whether it involves floor or riser installation, there is a Hey wood- WAKEFIELD
Wakefield design to meet your requirements. Write for complete
foHo —or see Sweet's Catalog, Section 36d/He.
Menominee, Michigan

30 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 341 JANUARY 1965 P / A
throughout the ages—through coordination of color,
creative themes and motifs.

M O U N T A I R Y G R A N I T E is as modern
as today, yet will endure for the centuries.
Distinctively different, the sparkling quartz
particles enhance the clean lines of the
structure—lend added interest to large plain
surfaces. Consultations, preliminary esti-
mates, and samples available without obli-

Versatile and decorative, Mount Airy Gran-

ite offers creative possibilities when used
as facing or for complete structure—equally
effective in classical or modern architecture.

Ancient granite figure of Rui, High Priest of

Amen (about 2000 B.C.), 3 f t . high. Now in
The British Museum.

Write for details today!



J A N U . 4 U Y 1965 P/A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 359 31
for safety

no compromise

SAFWAY S T E E L S C A F F O L D I N G . . . manufactured under rigid "quality engineered products and experi-

the 1st and ORIGINAL STEEL c o n t r o l i n s p e c t i o n " standards. enced field service. Safway equip-
FRAME SCAFFOLD SYSTEM . . . Load tests performed on Safway ment is available at sales and
designed on the principle that safe- equipment are based on t e s t i n g rental outlets throughout the United
ty in construction is paramount. procedures and standards as rec- States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto
Setting the standard for industry— ommended by the Steel Scaffold Rico.
not only did Safway introduce safe- and Shoring Institute, and as wit- Write today for your free copy of
ty to the "man-in-construction," the nessed by the Pittsburgh Testing Scaffold Safety Rules — Safway's
Safway S c a f f o l d System brought Laboratories. Safway makes no New 12 page illustrated catalog —
about faster erection time, easier compromise to give you depend- and your nearest Safway dealer's
man-hours, and countless job econ- able e q u i p m e n t . . . . " i t ' s the address.
omy benefits, all for better con- standard of the c o n s t r u c t i o n in-
struction practices. dustry".
Safway Scaffold Equipment is en- For the every day need, or the un-
gineered for safety . . . fabricated usual, in scaffold and shoring jobs,
of high grade structural steel, and you can rely on Safway for safety


32 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 362 J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A
PLEXIGLAS... 12 years without yellowing
That's what sets PLEXiGLAS®apart resistance to discoloration, the
from all other plastics for lighting breakage resistance, light weight
—its resistance to yellowing in and ease of handling o f P L E X I C I AS
long-time service. These lighting make it the outstanding material
panels were installed 12 years ago for your lighting requirements.
in the president's office and board For lighting that stands out
room of L o n e Star Cement C o r - and stands up, specify P L E X I G L A S .
poration, N e w Y o r k City. Photos Write for literature and the names
show them as they appear today. o f m a n u f a c t u r e r s o f lighting
Notice the complete absence o f equipment utilizing diffusers and
yellowing. T h e lighting is as pleas- lenses of this R o h m & H a a s
ing and efficient as the day it was 100% acrylic plastic.
installed—proof that P L E X I G L A S
has met the u l t i m a t e test o f
long-time s e r v i c e — p r o o f t h a t IVl
P L E X I G L A S will last the life of a
lighting fixture. I n addition to PH1LADB1.PH1A.P* .

^-'Trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off., Ciinadii and principiil H'eslerri Hemisphere coiinlries. Sold as OROOLAS® in other countries.

J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 388 33
Announdn (j J""IVI

Now silence c o m e s
factory-clad in
(and in four gleaming colors)

34 J A N U . \ R V 1965 P / A
« « « « «

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Shown above are silver, copper and gold Acousti-Clad m the regular diagonal pattern. White Acousti-Clad Is shown in the random bold pattern.

There's a bright new look in acoustical ceilings. schools, laboratories, restaurants, hospitals, confer-
Johns-Manville Acousti-Clad* . . . the world's only ence rooms, offices, banks, stores and lobbies.
metal-faced ceiling tiles so light in weight, they can Acousti-Clad is highly incombustible (flame resistance
be cemented as well as hung. E84—Class I). It's highly moisture resistant. It can be
Acousti-Clad, factory-faced with aluminum in silver, easily cleaned with any good detergent.
gold, copper and white, mal<es the dullest room glow For all the glowing details, write to Johns-Manville,
with splendor the year 'round. And, the rigid core ma- Box 1 1 1 , New York, N. Y. 10016. In Canada: Port
terial, formed from either expanded perlite or mineral Credit, Ontario. Cable: Johnmanvil.
fibers, has millions of tiny air cells to absorb sound,
reduce noise.
Acousti-Clad's gleaming beauty is ideally suited to Johns-Manville
JAM AKY l"t,,i I'/A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 413 35
Beautiful w a y to s a y T a n i c Exit^'
but where's the d o o r closer?

The beauty of it is you don't see it. The door closer is completely conceoled. So ore the vertical rods on the panic exit device, and the
top and bottom latch bolts as well. And you don't see how beautifully it works —quietly, smoothly, efficiently. What you do see
is the graceful oval crossbar, smartly styled in anodized aluminum, adding a note of elegance. It's Yale's way
of combining beauty and function. And who but Yale could offer such integrity of design —visible or invisible? YALE


36 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 434 JANUARY 1965 I'/A
Q B L O C K , w a l l c r e a t i o n s
Q BLOCK masonry, as you know, is the new Look for this 0 BLOCK Certifi-
today's smartest standard of excellence for concrete block es- cation wherever you specify
tablished by the National Concrete Masonry or purchase concrete block.
way to put Association. Q BLOCK masonry enables you to
design and build with new quality and greater
quality into confidence. Only NCMA members can make
Q BLOCK masonry, and their products are tested
every wall! at regular intervals by accredited laboratories
to assure that Q BLOCK standards are main-
tained. Write for the name and address of your
nearest Q BLOCK producer.

Sumilomo Bonk of C o l l f o r n i o / M o k o l o Sosoti. presldenl/Shigenori lyomo, A . I . A . , o r c h i l e c l / B o b e r l M. Tonoko, O5socloto/F. P. L a l h r o p Con$lructlon C o . , general conlroclor

H o w to put up 0 g o o d front in the bonking business

\\ lirii Sliigenori lyama and his associate, Robert Tanaka, de- Steel Corporation. The staiidess motif was also carried out in
signed the new Oakland branch office of the Sumitomo Bank the design of the sixteen windows, where stock stainless fram-
of California, they created three entrances that would not ing was utilized.
on!) carry out the bank's clean, modern appearance but would
What tiiadt; llic stainless sicci entrances and windows practical
also endure for years under the anticipated heavy traffic.
was the mass pioduction teclinitpie developed by Aliiniiline.
Tliey found a practical answer in stainless steel entrances, The high strength/weight ratio of stainless was an added fac-
maiuifactured by The Alumiline Corporation, Pawtucket, tor. The lasting beauty, low maintenance cost and durability
R. I . , from stainless steel sheet provided by Jones & Laughlin of staiidess were also plus advantages.

If you have a design idea that involves stainless doors and

entrances for commercial or monumental buildings, contact
The Alumiline Corporation. F o r further information concern-
ing stainless steel, let us refer you to our Architectural Services.

Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation


38 JA.NUARV 1965 P/A


Architecture's Monthly News Digest of Buildings and Projects, Personalities, New Products

mid-December, ending months

AIA Headquarters Plans Released of speculation over who would
the historic Octagon House." get this architectural p l u m . I n
WASHINGTON, D. C. M i t c H c l l /
Fortunately, M i t c h e l l / G i u r g o - addition to the Senator, the
Giurgola Associates o f Phila-
la's design does just that, and meeting was addressed b y H a r -
delphia have w o n the national
does it more eloquently. Plans vard President Nathan M .
A I A competition f o r the de-
call f o r a five-story, red brick Pusey. w h o outlined plans to
sign of a new addition to the
structure, w i t h a glass shielded make the library the base o f an
Octagon House, A I A head-
semicircular front wall that in.stilutc devoted to the contin-
quarters. The w i n n i n g design
embraces the Octagon House uing study of politics; by
was picked f r o m seven finalists
and its gartlens. at the corner Eugene Black, President o f the
in the competition, w h i c h drew
of New York Avenue and 18th W o r l d Bank, who reported that
221 submissions. A c c o r d i n g to
Street. The new building, with f u n d raising f o r the library is
the competition criteria, the de-
its approximately 50,000 sq f t continuing most successfully;
sign was to be o f "a building
of fioor space, w i l l be con- and by William Walton, family
of special architectural signifi-
structed at an estimated cost of friend and chairman o f the
cance, establishing a symbol o f
$1,450,000. A n additional a ground lloor gallery. President's National C o m m i t -
the creative genius o f o u r
$30,000 has been set aside f o r Jurors f o r the competition tee o n the Arts, who told o f the
lime, yet complementing, pro-
sculpture and other art, some were architects H u g h Stubbins, meeting with 19 noted archi-
tecting, and preserving a cher-
of which will be displayed in chairman. Cambridge. Mass., tects on the site to discuss the
ished symbol of another time,
Edward Larrabee Barnes, N e w approach to such a project,
Y o r k City. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., and the subsequent visits by a
Philadelphia, O Neil Ford, San
Antonio, and John Carl VVar-
necke, San Francisco. A . Stan-
ley McGaughan, Washington.
D.C.. was professional advisor.
According to Chairman Stub-
bins, ' M o s t important, per-
haps, is that the concept f u l -
fills the stated requirement o f
demonstrating that a distinct-
ive contemporary building can
live i n harmony w i t h fine ar-
chitecture of a former time."
The Octagon House, o f
course, was completed i n 1 800.
57 years before the formation
of the A I A . and was purchased
by the A I A in 1899 f o r $30,-
000. I n 1 9 6 1 , it was desig-
nated a Registered National selection subcommittee to a
Historic Landmark. A n d o n a number o f architects' ofiices i n
list released last month o f the search f o r the right design-
"landmarks o f great import- er. The dais was also graceil
ance f which 1 must be pre- by M r s . John F . Kennedy,
served." it followed only the who. however, did not speak.
White House and the Capitol. U n t i l details o f the library-in-
stitute set-up are ironed out
between library trustees anil
university officials. Pei will not
"Good Luck, Mr. Pel!" be able to proceed w i t h definite
plans. I n the meantime, we
NEW YORK. N. Y. W i t h these add our good wishes to Pei
words. Senator Robert F. K e n - for an outstanding perform-
nedy wished I . M . Pei fair sail- ance.
ing i n his design work f o r the
John F . Kennedy Memorial
Library at Harvard University.
The .selection o f Pei as archi- GM on the Plaza
tect f o r the library was an- NEW YORK, N.Y. Poised Oppo-
nounced at a press conference site N e w York's venerable
in N e w York's Hotel Pierre i n Plaza Hotel, like a nouveaii-

Janiiary 1965 P/A News Report i9

Why install
but a
Durcon sink
in a chemical
They're light
in weight,
appealing, corrosion
resistant, low in
cost, readily
m many
shapes. Durcon
quality sinks
and fittings
will solve
any of your
And you
get fast

For more information, circle No. 333
w i t h the building's sponsors. an interior planner and f u r n i -
A l t h o u g h the corrmiittee had ture designer i n the N e w Y o r k
been promised an advanced office o f Skidmore, Owings &
look at the plans, they were MerriU.
not consulted.
Stone has said he wants " t o
salute the skyline and en-
hance one of New York's finest Narrows Span
neighborhoods." While this
building may achieve the f o r m - Opened
er goal, it w i l l f a l l lamentably
NEW YORK, N. Y. Robert
short of the latter.
Benchley, who rarely went out-
doors, knew Httle about
bridges. They puzzled h i m .
•"What's the first thing you do
Roosevelt Memorial i f y o u are about to build a
bridge?" he o f t e n asked. A l -
Approved though the answer eluded
Benchley, the answer to this
W A S H I N G T O N , D. c. T h e and other bridge building
velt M e m o r i a l Commission has questions are almost second
approved plans f o r the contro- nature to Othmar A m m a n n
versial F r a n k l i n Delano Roose- and his associates i n the en-
velt M e m o r i a l ( p . 59, A U G U S T gineering firm Ammann &
1964 P / A ) . A l t h o u g h the Whitney. Their latest bridge,
Roosevelt f a m i l y was—and still which spans the Narrows be-
is—opposed to the design, feel- tween Brooklyn and Staten
ing that it is n o t i n keeping Island at the mouth o f New
w i t h President Roosevelt's clas- Y o r k harbor, was opened to
sical taste i n architecture, the traffic on November 2 1 .
family serves i n no official Started i n 1958 w i t h en-
capacity. A c c o r d i n g to C o m - gineering surveys, the Ver-
mission Chairman Francis B i d - razano-Narrows Bridge (half-
die, w h o was Attorney General named f o r Giovanni da Ver-
under Roosevelt, the Commis- razano, Italian explorer i n the
riche nephew come to visit his field o f Park Avenue than the sion has given "very careful
"genteel" relations, the Gen- formality of the ""parlor" where service of France w h o was
consideration to the objec- possibly the first European to
eral Motors building, i f built it finds itself. As the major
tions." I t will now hold meet- enter N e w Y o r k Bay; he
according to its preliminary de- tenant of the building, which
ings to decide how to raise the turned around and went right
sign, will drastically alter one is being built as an investment
$4.5 million needed to build back o u t ) took six years to
of the city's f e w areas o f Old by the Savoy F i f t h Avenue Cor-
the monument. complete and cost $325 m i l -
W o r l d chann. Planned to take poration, a British-connected
the place o f the Savoy Plaza f i r m in which Cieneral Motors lion, $15 million below the
Hotel on F i f t h Avenue at has a 50 per cent interest, the original estimate. B u t despite
Grand A r m y Plaza, plus t w o automobile company plans to the impressive price tag, and
smaller buildings on the M a d i - use the ground floor as a car even though the bridge is being
son Avenue end of the block, showroom, a .serious affront to widely billed as the world's
between 58th and 59th Streets, the present gracious nature o f longest suspension span, ( i t
it has been designed by Edward the area. The building w i l l be stretches 4260', 60' more than
Durell Stone w i t h Emery R o t h set back 100' f r o m F i f t h Ave- the Golden Gate Bridge), its
& Sons as Associated Architects nue, and contain t w o sunken, most impressive feature is its
(as announced i n the N O V E M - shop-lined plazas. T w o 2 1 ' - total size. Its t w i n towers each
BER 1964 P / A ) . I t is a 4 8 - high outriggers, (a concession reach 6 9 0 ' above mean high
story blockbuster of a building to the building code) flank water, 2 4 0 ' higher than the
of the type f o u n d grouped the building o n 58th and 59th Cheops, and about the height
around Rockefeller Center o n Streets, and these too will con-
of a 57-story building. The
Sixth Avenue, and along the tain shops. The Madison A v e -
towers are spaced so widely
wide open stretches o f T h i r d nue side o f the building will
apart that the curvature o f the
Avenue. When seen w i t h its also be set back f r o m the
earth demands they be IVa"
peers, it would seem an ad- street. But even this modicum
farther apart at the top than
vance over N e w Y o r k ' s i n - of open space will be i n t i m i -
at the bottom.
digenous mctal-and-glass office dated by the mass of the build-
buildings. But i n a group o f ing, the largest permitted b y New P / A Art Director To lend stability to the gi-
gantic span. A m m a n n gave the
sedate older buildings, i t is the zoning law on a 20O'x40O'
liable to be as conspicuous as site. This month's cover and the bridge a lower as well as an
Gulliver in L i l l i p u t . N o r is size layout o f the P / A O B S E R V E R upper deck, providing a po-
its only imachronistic feature. Announcement of the plans .section are the w o r k o f P / A ' s tential 12 lanes, although the
W i t h its white stone or marble came as a surprise to most new art director, Gary F u j i - 6-lane upper deck is expected
facing on exterior steel sup- news media; the story was wara. w h o will take over to be adequate f o r at least 10
ports, it will make a statement "leaked" through The New responsibility f o r the rest o f years.
of vertical strength i n an area York Times, which commented the magazine's layout starting W i t h its completion, the
whose major statement is not on the building noncommitally. w i t h the February issue. For- bridge provides a more con-
strength but dignity. I t s crisp- It was also a surprise to a com- merly art director o f Interiors venient route f o r motorists
ness and rigidity are more mittee of three architects set up magazine, he was educated at around N e w York City f r o m
suited to the corporate parade by the F i f t h Avenue Associa- Los Angeles' A r t Center southern New Jersey and the
tion in September to confer School, and most recently was New Jersey Turnpike to Long

January 1965 P/A News Report 41

nounced, Boston had eleven Boston is a walking town. The
urban renewal projects—five ilistance walked by the average
being planned and six being pedestrian each time he ven-
executed. These involved more tures out in downtown Boston
than 2100 acres and an invest- is 1400'. This conjpares with
ment of over $700 m i l l i o n . a U.S. average of 600'. The
What the new over-all plan is plan hopes to make walking
intended to do is give cohe- in Boston even more pleasant.
sion and direction to these i n - Specifically, the most i m -
dividual plans, integrating portant provisions o f the plan
them into a master plan that are: ( 1 ) the elimination of
will affect the entire city. 3()()0 acres of unused, vacant
Boston's concern w i t h ur- land. The planners forsee an
ban renewal is motivated by increase of the land used f o r
some pressing problems. For public facilities by 44 per cent;
one thing, the lure o f the for commercial purposes by 29
suburbs drained the city's per cent; f o r open spaces, such
population f r o m a high o f as parks, by 21 per cent; f o r
about 800,000 in 1950 to its industry by 9 per cent; and
present level of near 700,000. f o r residential use by 4 per
For another, general decay o f cent: ( 2 ) the rehabilitation of
business conditions coupled 32.(K)0 existing housing units
w i t h the population loss eroded (29,000 of which are substand-
the city's tax base. A c c o r d i n g a r d ) , and the construction o f
to Boston Redevelopment A u - 37.000 new housing units; ( 3 )
thority Administrator, Ed- the construction and moderni-
ward J. Logue. "Without an zation o f $287 million w o r t h
urban renewal program, the of municipal facilities—mostly
tax base of the city would be schools; ( 4 ) the creation of
destroyed." Actually, Boston new land f o r open space, i n -
has had a master renewal plan dustry, and commerce by fill-
for almost 14 years. But the ing in parts of the Fort Point
last plan, adopted in 1951, is Channel, and the development
now sadly out of date. Because of air rights over the turnpike
of Boston's constantly chang- extension and railroad yards;
ing conditions, Logue believes (5) reclamation, f o r recrea-
a 10-year plan is more realistic tion, of the Neponset River,
than the plans some other the harbor shoreline, large
cities are adopting, which pro- sections of foreshore between
ject plans through to the t u r n the Neponset River and Co-
of the century. By setting 1975 lumbus Park, the Harbor
as a target date. Logue points Islands, and the Harborside
Island. A n d it completes the that it makes no provision f o r out, "We give the plans a area around the Fort Point
last link o f the southern bypass pedestrians who would like to built-in sense of urgency." Channel.
route planned by the Port o f hike across the Narrows; and And 1975 is an historic year Of the estimated $3.6 billion
New Y o r k A u t h o r i t y and the second, that it opens the way for Boston, which dates its i n - needed to carry out the plan,
Triborough Bridge and T u n n e l to speculators w h o w i l l un- dependence f r o m England to an estimated $2 billion will
A u t h o r i t y i n 1955. I t is ex- doubtedly ravish the rural Paul Revere's ride and the come f r o m private sources. I n
pected to handle 48,000,000 charm o f Staten Island unless skirmish at Lexington i n 1775, addition, the City of Boston
cars a year. wise precautionary measures instead of to the Declaration w i l l contribute $287 m i l l i o n ;
Two complaints have been are taken by the borough and of Independence or the end of Massachusetts w i l l contribute
voiced about the bridge: first, city governments. the Revolution. T o mark both $152 m i l l i o n (half of it f o r state
two centuries of independence buildings), and the Federal
and, hopefully, the completion Government w i l l make avail-
Boston To Be Renewed by 1975 of the 10-year urban renewal
program, Boston plans a
able $455 million ($248 m i l -
l i o n i n renewal project grants).
World's Freedom Fair in
BOSTON, MASS. U r b a n re- pleted increased f r o m less than I f approved by a citizen's
newal is gaining both momen- 2800 acres to 5000 acres, or advisory committee, the plan
tum and status. Some years almost 83 per cent. I n a l l , Logue believes the master w i l l be adopted as a guideline
ago, when asked what had there are some 1500 urban re- plan will maintain the neigh- by the M a y o r , and it w i l l be
caused the decline o f burles- newal projects under way i n borhood quality of Bo.ston's used subject only to the City
que, Gypsy Rose Lee replied 750 U.S. cities. One of the historic areas by keeping them Council's approval of specific
' u r b a n renewal" (a literal most ambitious of these is the somewhat isolated. A t the provisions as they get under-
fact in Boston's Scollay over-all plan announced as a same time, he hopes to pro- way, where and when the
Square). Since then, it has suggested guide last month by vide better transportation C i t y Council has jurisdiction.
come a long way. By the end the City o f Boston. I t antici- among them with limited new None o f it w i l l be put into ef-
of 1963, local renewal agencies pates giving the city a $3.6 highway construction, an ex- fect "without first seeking the
had acquired nearly IVz times billion face-lifting i n the dec- tension of the city's rapid views and winning the support
as much land as the combined ade ending i n 1975. transit lines (some of which of locally responsible groups."
total of all previous years Boston is no newcomer to may operate on existing rail- Education is, o f course, one
through the end of 1960. A n d urban renewal. Even before road tracks), and the addition of the tasks of an urban re-
between June 1962 and De- the 1963-1975 General Plan of over 25,000 new parking newal agency. But Boston's
cember 1963, the amount o f for the C i t y of Boston and spaces. According to figures task, although made somewhat
land w i t h redevelopment com- the Regional Core was an- gathered by the A u t h o r i t y , easier by the historic character

42 P/A News Report January 1965

of the city, is also, hampered the University of Pennsylvania
by the same historic charm. School of Fine Arts. While
Boston's winding, narrow there, he served as project di-
streets divide the city into un- rector in charge of architec-
geometric sections instead of tural and town planning edu-
square blocks. Property values cation for the Ford Foundation
on the same street may vary mission to Pakistan. Crane
widely and present an almost graduated from the Georgia
impossible task to anyone try- Institute of Technology i n
ing to gather all buildings and 1950 with Bachelors degrees
property in an area into a re- in Science and Architecture,
newal project. and he received a Masters de-
Despite these impediments, gree in city planning from
Boston's developers are opti- Harvard in 1952.
mistic, partly because of the
project's work already under-
Inner belt design preserves both fens and nearby institutions. way. One hopes that their
plan, with its heavy emphasis
on arterial roadways, is far-
sighted enough to make Bos-
ton's ne.xt redevelopment proj-
ect possible.

New growth at entrance to internal transport spine.

Filling the Cavity
CHICAGO, ILL. The image of
the American Dental Associa-
The man responsible for pro- tion is opening wider as work
ducing the 1965-1975 General starts on its new $14-inillion,
Plan for the City of Boston is 23-story headquarters here. De-
David A . Crane, Planning Ad- signed by Graham, Anderson,
ministrator for the Boston Re- Probst & White, Inc., the build-
development Authority. A l - ing's fagade will have series
though Crane's work is not as of long, massive, gleaming
widely known as that of, say, columns of precast concrete,
Edmond Bacon in Philadel- formed with white cement and
phia, this plan may be one of a crystal quartz aggregate.
the largest, most comprehen- Bronze-tinted glass in alumi-
sive city redevelopment plans num sashes will fit between the
since Baron Hausmann rede- columns. A central service core
signed Paris for Louis Na- will take the place of interior
poleon in the middle of the supporting columns. Pockets
19th Century. Before going to in the outer face of this core,
Shoreline recreational development.

work for the City of Boston which houses utilities, stairs,

in 1961, Crane worked as an elevators, washrooms, ventila-
tion ducts and piping, will sup-
architect and site planner in
port the inside ends of floor
Cambridge, New York, and
Philadelphia. Also during
those pre-Boston years, he
found time to spend a year as
an Italian Government Travel-
ing Fellow in Architecture and Post-Jefferson
Town Planning, and semesters
at M I T , where he was a re- Commission
search assistant in the School CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. PietrO
of Architecture and Planning, Belluschi and Sasaki, Dawson,
and at Harvard, where he was DeMay & Associates of Massa-
visiting critic of urban design chusetts are designing a new
in the Graduate School of De- School of Architecture for
sign. For four years Crane was Thomas Jefferson's University
Under-roadway market plaza restores tie between downtown and the an assistant professor of archi- of Virginia. The school will be
North End. tecture and city planning at the first element in a Fine Arts

January 1965 P/A News Report 43

Center that will eventually in- tect who identifies with A I P ) more of the "putting i n " than man-made islands ought to be
clude drama facilities, a con- of a technique he has developed the architects. Dr. Walter eliminated. The wildlife of the
cert hall with related practice for processing complex statis- Gropius, of TAC. admonished river is the only proof we have
and instruction areas, and an tical data into meaningful that " i f we look at these that the river is not dead yet."
art building. graphic from; and the present- machines as potential tools to Actually the river is far from
ation by W. A. Fetter, from shorten our working process, dead. Like a beauty from an-
Boeing, of computer graphics they might help us to free our other era, it merely needs a
emphasizing communication of creative power. I wish we face-lifting. The Columbia
spatial relationships between architects would keep an open study was sponsored by the
The Architect and buildings and a moving viewer. mind toward these new possi- family of Richard L. Ottinger,
the Computer As all moderators, speakers,
and panelists readily admitted,
bilities offered to us by sci-
ence." Professor Serge Cher-
an attorney from the area who
was recently elected to Con-
the computer is not a creative mayeff, of the Yale School of gress.
BOSTON, MASS. Well ovcr 500
device, since one can only get Art and Architecture, also
registrants gathered for the stressed "the necessity of the
First Boston Architectural Cen- back from it what has already
been put in. It would seem that architect in learning about the
ter Conference, December 5, use of technical aids."—BHH
at which " Architecture and the the engineers have been doing
Computer" was the subject
evaluated. H . Morse Payne,
President of the Center, ex-
pressed gratification at the un-
usually large turnout and Breakthrough to the Hudson River
revealed that early estimates NEW YORK, N . Y. The rallying access to the river, ample rec-
had not exceeded 200, although cry above is the title of a study reational facilities, imaginative
he had previously predicted prepared by some graduate housing, and new industry."
that "this conference un- students in Columbia Uni- The land along the Hudson is
doubtedly will be an important
contribution to the architect-
versity's School of Architec- some of this country's most I-Bee-M
ture. Developed under the beautiful, and one hopes this
ural profession on a subject guidance of Columbia profes- proposal, while only a sug- HONOLULU, HAWAH Sitting un-
that will affect our professional sors Percival Goodman and gested solution, will be care- der their T H I N K signs, IBM
future and will be an actual Alexander Kossmanoff, the fully studied by legislators and employees may not look as
fact within five to ten years." plan is a guide for the reclama- others who can do something busy as bees, but of course
What this conference seemed tion of the banks of the Hud- about it. Brooks Atkinson, the they are. The effect is
to point up, however, was that son River. Since the 1840's, erstwhile drama critic of The heightened by the honeycomb
the use of the computer pre- when the railroad first laid New York Times who now exterior of IBM's Honolulu
sented one additional challenge tracks along the river's east writes a column for that paper, building. Designed by Vladimir
to the architect's recognized bank from Albany to New called the plan "wholesome Ossipoff, the 16-story building
role as the directing force in York, the river has been in- and attractive." But he added is enclosed by a concrete grille
building (see the OCTOBER one note of caution. "This sunscreen composed of 1360
accessible to those living along-
1964 P/A, on "The Aesthetics side it. The planners offer a column," he wrote recently, elements. 18 in. deep, 3 in.
and Technology of Preassem- threefold path to the rejuvena- "would like to take exception thick, and 12'/2 in. long. Be-
bly," for another formidable tion and preservation of the to one feature in the plan— cause all angles in the screen
challenging force). area. First, they would save the two chains of man-made are greater than 45° and
The meeting clearly indi- the large private estates that islands across the wide bays because the sections join ver-
cated that it has been the engi- line much of the river, turn- on both sides of Croton Point. tically but not horizontally,
neer who has taken greatest ing the land into public parks The wildlife of those bays— there are no corners, ledges, or
interest in and advantage of where necessary. Second, they ducks, geese, gulls, terns, holes to catch and collect dust
the potentials of the computer would preserve existing open eagles, ospreys. cormorants or water or give house room
in building construction. Prin- land by concentrating the uiih hilterns and herons in the to birds' nests. In-place cost of
cipal papers from the engineer- growing population in planned nearby marshes—are among the sunscreen is about S3.50
ing point of view included "new towns." And third, they the Hudson's few remaining per sq. f t .
discussions of the use of the would rejuvenate existing cen- natural resources. Since there
computer for typical building ters, such as Tarrytown and is no sociological need of tam-
engineering situations, deter- Peekskill, by "providing easy ing the bays, the chains of
mination of the optimum The Reign of Spain
mechanical engineering system,
scheduling of a construction NEW YORK, N . Y. Take a left
project, computer-aided design turn at the Great Sphinx and
through the use of a graphic you will come upon the Metro-
communications, and systems politan's "new" 16th-century
analysis as applied to hospital Spanish patio. Bequeathed to
planning. These papers were the museum in 1941 by the
presented respectively by a late George Blumenthal. fin-
consulting structural engineer ancier and art collector, the
(with architectural training), a patio was installed with the aid
chief mechanical engineer of of the New York architectural
Westinghouse, a specialist from firm of Brown, Lawford &
IBM, a professor of mechani- Forbes; the museum's As-
cal engineering, and two repre- sociate Research Curator. Olga
sentatives of Bolt. Beranek & Raggio; and funds provided by
Newman, Acoustical Consult- the Blumenthals. Ever\ effort
ants. has been made to create an
Perhaps of greater particular open-air-patio atmosphere—
value to architects was Howard shrubbery, statuary, sun from
Fisher's review (he is an archi- the glass roof, and an arti-

January 1965
44 P/A News Report
is located on the upper level. largement of the existing fa-
Plans call for 10 miles of cilities at La Guardia and Ken-
access and service roads, allow- nedy, the Port Authority be-
ing each terminal to be ap- lieves that air traffic in the
proached separately, and all metropolitan area will be so
roadways will be elevated so heavy by 1975 that as many as
that passengers can enter the 200,000 flights a year will have
terminals directly from the no room to take off or land,
parking lots. and studies are under way to
Even with the expansion of find a location for a fourth air-
the Newark terminal and en- port.

Photos: Ezra Stoller

ficially lowered temparture al-

Modular Plan Wins Dublin College Competition
most convince one that this is
the real thing. The museum
features the 16th-Century patio
as the main entrance to the
modernistic Thomas J. Watson
Lihrary (also designed by
Brown, Lawford & Forbes)
and as a quiet place for meet-
ing and greeting. Where else
can one enter a late-19th-Cen-
tury museum, walk through an
early-l6th-Century patio, to
read a book in a 20th-Centur>',
glass-faced library?

New Jet-Age Terminal Planned for Newark

NEWARK, N . J . Twelve million and deplane. Each of these
cubic yards of land fill is be- flight centers will have pas-
ing dumped near Newark Air- senger waiting rooms for each
port in the first step of a $150 plane position and will have
million expansion program that services such as washrooms,
will more than double this newsstands, and cofl'ee shops,
terminal's passenger handling so that once passengers have
capacity. To be completed by checked onto a flight they will
late 1968 are two new ter- not have to return to the iu;iin
minals, a new parallel runway, terminal areas. When all ter-
parking space for 12,000 auto- minals are completed, by 1971,
mobiles, an underground fuel Newark airport will have 76
distribution system, and new plane positions, compared to 26
cargo and maintenance facili- available today.
ties. A third terminal will be
Each of the four main ter- DUBLIN, n<i-LAND A modular This large space will be
added later (with room left for
minals will have a split-level ar- design based on a series of covered by an interestingly
a fourth); the present terminal
will then be converted into a rangement, so that arriving or cellular units of 8 x 8 meters warped-plane roof. The aula
three-bay hangar. departing passengers will not has won the international com- maxima, administration build-
have to walk up or down more petition for the layout of new ing ( 2 ) , library ( 3 ) , and thea-
Newark Airport is one of than half a level except for an buildings and design of a new ter (4) do not use this modular
three air terminals operated by escalator ride from the parking block for the Faculty of Arts system. The design respects
the New York Port Authority lot to the ticketing area, which at University College, Dublin. what is said to be some lovely
(the others: La Guardia and Winning architect is Andrzcj Irish countryside, and provides
Kennedy International), and Wcjchert of Poland (his col- for a recreation area near the
preliminary plans by Port laborators were Jan Szpak- .Science and Arts Buildings.
Authority architects show each owicz. Architect - Engineer; Second-place winners in the
of the new rectangular ter- Zbigniew Pawlowski, Structural competition were Brian Crum-
minals sprouting lollypop- Engineer; and Tadeusz Krup- lish and Don Sporleder of the
shaped flight centers from inski). The architecture is of a faculty of the University of
which passengers will enplane quite straightforward "interna- Notre Dame (team members:
tional" style that will allow Carl R. Nelson, Jr.; Tadeusz
ease and flexibility in making M . Janowski; and Jim Maeda).
future additions. A significant Third place was won by a
feature not too common in Czech group consisting of
American colleges is the inclu- Vladimir Machonin, Jiri A l -
sion of an aula maxima ( I ) , or brecht, Jiri Kaderabek, Vera
great hall, as the center of the Machoninova, and Karel Prag-
composition (the field house er. The auld sod made it on
probably takes its place here). the fourth prize, which Steph-

PI A News Report 45
January 1965
enson, Gibney & Associates of Potomac, Md.; Faulkner,
Ireland won. A total of 105 Kingsbury & Stenhouse for
entries were received from Holy Cross Hospital of Silver
over 20 countries, after more Spring, Md.; Cohen, Haft &
than 500 architects registered Associates for Munson Hill
for the competition. Towers, Fairfax, Va.; and
Deigert and Yerkes & As-
sociates for National Arbore-
tum Headquarters Building,
Potomac Valley Washington, D.C.

AIA Awards
years, the Potomac Valley
chapter of the Maryland A I A
Competition on Olympus
presents awards to local archi- LOS A N G E L E S , CALIF. DoUglaS
tects. Last month, the chapter P. Haner, a Seattle, Washing-
announced the winners in its ton, architect, who now lives
fifth biennial competition. Ju- in Rome, won a truly Olym-
rors for the competition were: pian sum of $15,000 in the
Karel Yasko, Assistant Com- Mt. Olympus Architectural
missioner of Design and Competition for his design of
Construction for the General a "Moorish" type home. Spon-
Services Administration; Bal- sored by the Mt. Olympus di-
timore architect Frank Talia- vision of the Russ Vincent
ferro; and Charles Burchard, Realty Co., the competition re-
Dean of the College of Archi- ceived more than 2500 entries
tecture at Virginia Polytechnic from 75 countries. From
Institute. Although they gave among these, nine jurors
no awards to churches or picked 30 winners who shared
schools, feeling the entries in $50,000 in prize money.
these areas were generally in- Mt. Olympus is a 1600' hill
ferior, they presented four first just off Los Angeles's Holly-
awards and five awards of wood Blvd., between Nichols
merit to buildings of five dif- and Laurel Canyon. Other de-
ferent types. First award win- velopers have called it goat
ners were: Residence for Mr. land, little remembering that
and Mrs. Allen Y. Naftalin, Sunset Boulevard used to be a
Riva, Md., designed by Hugh cow path. Russ Vincent thinks
Newell Jacobsen (judged best otherwise: "Years ago, my
in competition); residence for avowed ambition to mold and
Mr. and Mrs. John Landreth, make these mountains into
Brookeville, Md., designed by land that would provide mag-
Harold Lionel Este; Headquar- nificent home sites for thou-
ters building for National Sand sands was met with ridicule.
& Gravel Association and the The task of moving over 12 gory Y, a home for a tele- tects, Paris; Paul Thiry, Archi-
National Ready Mix Con- million cubic yards of earth vision executive and his family. tect, Seattle; Charles Edward
crete Association (see photo) with equipment then available Both Castenada and Marcos Pratt, Architect, Vancouver;
designed by John Henry Sul- would have been astronomical- were awarded $10,000. Ramon Corona Martin, Archi-
livan, Jr.; building at 1717 ly expensive, i f not physically Haner's design (shown here), tect, Mexico City; Donna Lu-
Massachusetts Ave., Washing- impossible," remarks Vincent, which will cost an estimated dovica Doria, architectural
ton, D.C., designed by Cooper who plans to put $110 million $35,000 to build, is of a multi- writer and photographer,
& Auerbach. Awards of Merit into transforming Mt. Olym- level, multifaceted building ar- Rome; Richard J. Neutra,
went to Keyes, Lethbridge & pus from goat land into sites ranged in an organized sprawl Architect, Los Angeles; Mrs.
Condon for the Wheaton for 700 custom homes. Sites around an open court on a hill- Norman Chandler, the leading
Youth Center in Wheaton, will cost up to $500,000. top site. fund raiser for Los Angeles's
Md.; Keyes, Lethbridge & Entries were judged in three Jurors for the competition new Music Center; and Eliza-
Condon for Carderock Springs, categories, X, Y , & Z. Haner, were: Vladimir N . Ossipoff, beth Gordon, Editor-in-Chief,
whose entry was judged best Honolulu, Chairman; Pierre House Beautiful, New York.
of the three first-prize winners, Vago, Secretary General, I n - Architect George Vernon Rus-
won in Category Z, an environ- ternational Union of Archi- sell was professional advisor.
ment suitable for a middle-
aged corporation executive and
his wife, who have grown chil-
dren and grandchildren living
in other parts of the state. The
Welton Becket Gives Southern
couple has a large art collec-
California a Cultural Palace
Enrique Castenada Tambor- LOS ANGELES, C A L I F . The Pavil- monic Orchestra. Los Angel-
rel of Mexico City won in ion, the first of three planned ans have long talked of bring-
Category X , a design for a buildings to be completed in Los ing culture to their city, and
doctor and his family. And Angeles's Music Center, opened although the Music Center will
Julio Villar Marcos of Monte- last month with a performance no more bring culture to town
video, Uruguay, won in Cate- by the Los Angeles Philhar- than a monumental baseball
46 P/A News Report
January 1965
Campus Classic in Prestressed Concrete

BUTLER UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Indianapolis. Indiana; Architects:

MINORU YAMASAKI & ASSOCIATES, Birmingham. Michigan; Structural
Washington; General Contractor: CARL M. GEUPEL CONSTRUCTION
CO., Indianapolis. Indiana; Precast, Prestressed Concrete Members:

A r c h i t e c t M i n o r u Y a m a s a k i has u s e d p r e s t r e s s e d c o n c r e t e In a
highly imaginative way in this Butler University Library. The re-
sult is a g r a c e f u l , almost d e l i c a t e a p p e a r a n c e , but a highly f u n c -
tional, d u r a b l e a n d fire-safe s t r u c t u r e .
Prestressed c o n c r e t e w a s c h o s e n , says Mr. Y a m a s a k i , " i n o r d e r
to express a s t r u c t u r a l f o r m in a p l e a s i n g a n d direct m a n n e r . . .
and to keep the sizes and shapes relatively thin a n d in g o o d
The structural frame is c o m p o s e d entirely of precast, prestressed
Trim beauty of prestressed construction is m e m b e r s . The vaulted beams a r e p l a c e d o n c o l u m n s so that flat
emphasized by skylight, fountain and pool in surfaces on top f o r m the f l o o r s and c u r v e d s u r f a c e s u n d e r n e a t h
the atrium.
f o r m a v a u l t e d c e i l i n g . E x t e n d i n g t h r o u g h to the f r o n t of the b u i l d -
ing, these beams create an attractive s c a l l o p e d effect. Fluorescent
Rolled steel forms were used for the 228 vault lights are p l a c e d in recesses in the base of the beams, keeping
units, each 5 ft. wide, 2 ft. 9 In. deep, 50 ft. t h e vaults u n c l u t t e r e d .
long and weighing 11 tons.
T o assure high quality a n d l o w f a b r i c a t i o n cost of all precast and
prestressed units. Lone Star's " I n c o r " h i g h early s t r e n g t h p o r t l a n d
c e m e n t - A m e r i c a ' s first — w a s u s e d exclusively.

Lone Star Cement Corporation, New York, N.Y. 10017

stadium will produce baseball a cultural center with the help about 42" between rows. Above Acoustical Engineers were
fans or a winning baseball of public funds. It is now being the orchestra are three main Paul Veneklasen, Dr. Vern O.
team, the Pavilion will ai least financed privately. levels of seating, their lines Kiuidsen. and Dr. Robert
give the city of the angels a Besides the Pavilion, the curved to follow the lines of i < I.II,mi. Stage Engineer was
cultural focal point, supple- Center will have (by 1966) a the orchestra. Adjustable acous- William P. Nolan. And Con-
menting the Hollywood Bowl 750-seal, amphitheater - style tics are provided by a gilded, struction Contractor was Peter
and (irauman s C'hinese Thea- theater, the Mark Taper Fo- glass-fiber acoustical canopy Kiewit Sons' Co.
ter. Designed by Welton Becket rum, for recitals and experi- that extends from the top of
& Associates, the Pavilion is a mental theater; and the Center the proscenium arch, and that
triple-threat theater, capable of can be adjusted to three posi-
Theater, a 2IO()-seat theater
handling orchestral, operatic, tions. According to New York
and light operatic perform-
for legitimate drama, both de-
signed by Welton Becket &
Times music critic Harold C.
Schonberg, the acoustics at the
Interviewing Aalto
ances. This multiple usage Associates. Beneath the Center
stems from a financial strin- is parking for 2000 cars.
opening night concert "were
clear and well defined . . . But

gency imposed at least partly Becket calls the Pavilion
by what seems to be Los the Pavilion also has the de-
" the most complex architect- fects of any new hall this size.
Angeles' indifference to culture.
ural problem my firm has ever It represents a so-called mod-
Three times, Los Angeles resi-
attempted to solve." Most of ern sound that has sharpness
dents went to the polls and
voted ilown a proposal to build this complexity comes from the rather than mellowness. A l -
nudtiple functions the building though the sound is evenly dif-
is meant to house. A syni|ihi)n\ fused throughout the house, it
orchestra shouUI have a con- is a hi-fi sort of sound that
cert hall with perfect natural is somewhat lacking in bass
acoustics. Grand opera needs a response."
huge stage, lots of storage
space for sets, and as large a On the exterior, the building
house as good sight-lines per- is hard to judge in its as yet
mit. Light opera and ballet uncompleted surroundings. It
Mr. and Mrs. Anlio
require a more intimate theater rises from the traflic. which
darts past on three sides, much Alvar Aalto made two of his
with amplified sound. To fill
like an elegant subway kiosk infrequent trips to this country
all these requirements, Becket
front a traflic island. Becket recently, the iiu>st recent one
made the auditorium a square
maintains that in the building's (last month) to attend the
instead of the traditional nar- design, his oflice studied classi- opening of his Edgar J. Kauf-
row rectangle. Seating is con- cal architectural concepts as a mann Conference Rooms (do-
tinental on the orchestra floor, point of departure. And the nated by The Edgar Kaufmann
with no front-to-rear aisles, and exterior rows of gently tapered, Foundation) in the new Insti-
fluted columns of precast, ex- tute of International Education
posed, quartz-chip concrete do building facing the United Na-
give it a sort of cla.ssical "Lin- tions in New York. The eve-
coln Center West" look, in the ning after the opening, he re-
way columns give a classical ceived an honorary degree of
look to almost any building. Doctor of Humane Letters
Behind the columns, the build-
from Columbia University.
ing's 330'x252' facade is of
The Aalto rooms will be pub-
charcoal-black granite and dark
lishetl in detail in the FEBRUARY
glass, contrasting with the
white of the roof overhang and 1965 P/A.
the columns. What keeps the On a previous trip, when the
Pavilion from being sterile are great Finn came to New York
the graceful curves of two of to check on the progress of the
its sides. conference rooms, P/A was
privileged to tour the spaces
I'robablv the buildinc's most with him and hear his views on
unfortunate feature is its lobby. architecture generally and the
Although the three 17' chan- HT project specifically.
deliers, whose cut glass pend- Ihough he is known to
ants were made in Germany, avoid general discussions of ar-
fill the 4-stor>' space admirably, chitectural aesthetics, we tried
their settings try pathetically to a few generally aesthetic ques-
upstage them. Each is hung tions, with these responses:
from a point in the ceiling sur- •'People always ask, 'Why?'.
rounded by a pimple-filled par- I do not know why." He
allelogram, and beneath each smiled and shrugged. "People
on the lobby flooring are always ask about the symbol-
circles, filled with the same ism. I am not very good at
strange markings. At the back symbolism."
of the lobbv. from an opening P/ A observed that, more
under the first-floor ceiling, a and more, Finland is being
space that contrasts sharply recognized as the real leader
with the vast openness of the
of Scandinavian design. A l -
lobbv. rises an olive drab car-
though Aalto appeared unim-
peted staircase. This opening,
reminiscent of the mouth of a pressed by being told some-
cave, is flanked by round struc- thing he had known for years,
tural pillars. he became voluble when we
asked him why this is so.

January 1965
4K P/A ;V,'»s Hcf)f>rl
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These new r a t i n g s - i n addition to U.L. steel frames for
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For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 318

P/A Afivv Rc/iorl 49

January 1965
"We have some things that a student union building and
are not so good," he said. "But will get a new physical educa-
one thing may be true. That is, tion facility in the future. The
that our industry is like concert hall in Helsinki is in
Canada's—it is all forest. That the foundation stage, and an
is our important production. opera house for Essen, Ger-
But f o r other things, what many, is in working drawings.
should a country like ours do? Aalto and Edgar Kaufmann,
"These lamps, for instance, Jr., discussed their first meeting
are made in a factory that em- on the conference rooms.
ploys 70 men. They have "When I told him about the
worked for me, and only for project," Kaufmann related,
me, since 1927. "Aalto said, 'Oh you mean a
room within a shell—such as
the room Frank Lloyd Wright
did for your father.' I thought
that good of him to remem- rials, and her group will do is to educate neighborhoods to
ber." (Reference was to the some preliminary work, such use and care for the parks once
ofliice Wright designed for as bulldozing. It will also find they are developed. That this is
Kaufmann, Senior, in his Pitts- and provide volunteer archi- no easy task is attested to by
burgh store.) tectual help with the aid of high Cyclone fences that sur-
Just then, Michael Harris, the local Junior Chamber of round (and mar) many of these
partner and project director of Commerce. The rest is done pocket parks. But as a neigh-
Harrison & Abramovitz, archi- by persons in the neighbor- borhood begins to take pride in
tects of the building, entered to hood, who do the construction its park, it begins to take pride
see whether Aalto was pleased work. Some parks are what also in its housing, and houses
with the progress of the room. Philadelphia calls "tot lots," near these projects soon begin
"Very pleased," he said. where the emphasis is on to look more spritely as occu-
"Now about those plant boxes," children's equipment — sand pants wash windows and steps,
Aallo at Columbia he continued, leading Harris piles, swings, slides. Some have and even paint shutters. Cur-
onto the terrace and away recreational facilities such as rently, the Land Utilization
"It is good that you work from our receptive ear. basketball or horseshoes; and Program has about 40 projects
with the elements of your some (see above) are just underway, and a land reserve
country'—the wood shop, the quiet green areas with benches big enough to provide almost
metal shop. That gives you in the midst of what is other- 600 more. What the program
balance. So I keep the factory
doing for me all sorts of crazy
Pocket Parks wise dirt and noise. One of
Miss Asner's largest problems
needs now is more volunteer
architects—and time.
things that I do not even know
how to use yet. But some day
Pro6 Progress
. . . these lamps took me half PHILADELPHIA, PA. Why not
a year to work out."
We asked how he felt, 17
turn tax-delinquent land into
neighborhood parks? The City
Plilladelplila Fountain for no more than $500,000. It
was to be as striking in winter
years later, about his only of Philadelphia could think of as in summer, by night as by
other existing work in this no good reason why not, and day, and as serenely pleasant
country, the Baker Dormitory it could think of some com- PHILADELPHIA, PA. Perhaps in a high, gusty wind as in a
at M I T (his first, the well-re- pelling ones why such land, more than any city in the calm. Whatever architecture or
membered Finnish Pavilion at otherwise usually deserted and U. S., Philadelphia is a city of sculpture was proposed was to
the 1939 New York World's almost always decaying, should fountains. Most of the notable fit within a structural concrete
Fair, is long since gone). " I t is be put to good use. For one ones are along the Benjamin circular basin and the pre-
not finished yet," he replied. thing, if the land were bought Franklin Parkway, and now scribed finish granite rim.
They never built the roof gar- by the city, it would provide the Fairmont Park Art Asso-
den, which he considers an a sort of land-bank for urban ciation plans to add another.
integral part of his design. renewal projects. For another, If built, it will be at the south-
"But M I T said, ' I n Europe, it would, in the meantime,
eastern end of the parkway
you build your cathedrals in keep these sites from being
where the city is creating a
eyesores, detracting from the
500 years; why cannot we take plaza and an underground ga-
desirability and even sanita-
20 years to complete a dormi- rage. The fountain was the
tion of their areas. What Phila-
tory?' " delphia did was create what it winning entry in a competition,
Aalto told P / A about his calls a Land Utilization Pro- sponsored by the Fairmont According to the judges, the
current work. Between U.S. gram under its Department Park Art Association, which winning entry has qualities of
trips, he visited Paris, where he of Licenses and Inspections. drew 194 entries. First prize joy and affirmation, and the
is building a swimming pool Headed by Eve Asner, a young of $12,500 and a jury recom- most promising possibilities of
and designing a new art gallery woman with a background in mendation for a construction development.
for Louis Carre. "He never both social work and civil ser- supervision contract went to
stops building," Aalto re- vice, the program takes eye- Philadelphia architects Stonorov
marked with a subdued twinkle. sore lots bought by the city & Haws. Oscar Stonorov &
A library is being completed and turns them over to re- Jorio Vivarelli were collaborat-
near the city hall and church sponsible neighborhood groups, ing sculptors on the entry
in the civic center of Seinajoki, churches, or even individuals which was selected best in
Finland, and to follow are an who will fix them up and keep show by a three-to-two vote of
administrative building for the them fixed. Miss Asner, who the five-man jury.
state, a theater, a social hall has developed a sharp eye for The problem put forth in the
for the church, and a small such things as unwanted piles competition was to design a
university. The teachers' col- of brick, provides some mate- fountain that could be con- Second prize, $7500, went
lege at Jyraskyla is now getting structed with its appurtenances to Abraham W. Geller & Ray-

50 P/A News Report January 1965

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For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 408
January 1965 P/A News Report 51
monil J. Ahrahani. Architecls, tects adopted a resolution
Henry (u)rlin. Structural lingi- favoring the policy and sent it
neer, and Richard De Cew, to the national A I A . Agreeing
Fountain Consultant, all of with the resolution, the A I A
New York City. The jury adopted it for Class A com-
thought th;it without water ac- petitions.
tion in the winter months the
metal sculpture, two interact-
ing spiral forms, would be
uninteresting. Gould Gothic To
Be Preserved
i NKKYTOWN, N. Y. Lyudhurst,
Jay Gould's mansion overlook-
ing the Hudson River, is now
ill the hands of the National
Trust for Historic Preserva-
tion, a nonprofit organization
that maintains eight other his- the house, named it Lyndhurst.
toric houses throughout the and called in Davis and Byrnes
Third prize. $5000, went to
U. S. Its setting here, not far to enlarge it. They added a
Louis Sauer. Architect. Phila-
from Washington Irving's tower, making an angle but-
delphia, and Robert Ranieri,
birthplace, would be almost tress into an angle turret; they
Sculptor, New York City.
completely rural were it not doubled the number of bays
for the railroad tracks that and oriels, and added another
nin along the river below the story, carefully preserving the
house, and the smokestacks of original "medieval" charac-
a General Motors plant, visible ter. They also added dining-
through the trees to the north. room furniture, bedroom
Gould would have relished suites, more carved bosses, most notable are the long up-
iH)(h these industrial intrusions marble mantals and built-in- stairs gallery, whose ribbed
and probably would have tried niches for sculpture and art ceiling is shown above, the
to take them over. Indeed, it objects. Since then, the house hexagonal music room just off
was in railroading that he has remained substantially the the entrance, and the floor-
Fourth prize, $3000, was same, although the Goulds
awarded to Jack A. Thal- made his first fortune and gar- through dining room with its
nered his notoriety as one of added a host of appurtenances great marble fireplace. The
heimer. Architect, Philadelphia,
our gaudiest 19th-century such as carpets, tapestries, por- National Trust for Historic
and Nathan Rapoport, Sculp-
tor, New York City. wheelers and dealers. Today, celains, and sculptures. It has Preservation plans to restore
the house has an air of decay, 16 rooms with baths, kitchens, the house, then open it to the
Fifth prize, $2000, was won
but plans are under way for its and servants' rooms. Perhaps public sometime this summer.
by Ruben Nakian, but the
prize may be withheld because renovation. When Gould's
Nakian, a sculptor, entered youngest daughter, Anna,
Duchess of Talleyrand-Peri-
without a collaborating archi-
tect as specified by the com- gord, died in 1961 at the age Johnson, Breuer Build for NYU
petition rules. Five honorable of 86, she bequeathed the NEW YORK, N . Y. The Ford striking feature of their pro-
mentions of Si000 were also house and its 445 acres to the Foundation has promised New posal is a glass canopy stretch-
awarded. National Trust. The Trust York University $25 million if ing between the top of the
Jurors for the competition plans to maintain Lyndhurst the University will raise a Main Building and that of the
were I . M . Pei and Charles R. with the proceeds from the matching $75 million. Much of Commerce Building, 10 stories
Colbert, Architects, Jacques sale of 364 of these acres, de- the money (an estimated $66.7 above what is now a street on
Lipchitz and Theodore Roszak. spite protests from Tarr\'- million), to be raised in a three- the east side of the square, but
Sculptors, and Philip Price, town's city government, which year campaign, is earmarked which will become a landscaped
president of the Fairmont Park worries more about Gould's for architecture. N Y U plans to
Art Association. Norman N . social image as a "robber use it to build four new build-
Rice, Architect, was the pro- baron" than about the archi- ings and remodel at least four
fessional advisor. tectural significance of his others. With its more than
Significantly, the competition home. 41,000 students, N Y U has two
resulted in a change in the Lyndhurst, or what was to campuses in New York City,
A I A Code of Competitions for become Lyndhurst, was de- one at historic Washington
Class A Competitions. Because signed by Alexander Jackson Square (p. 49, DECEMBER 1964
of the size of the competition Davis in 1838 as a country P / A ) , and the other at Univer-
(194 entries, sent at an average place for William Paulding, a sity Heights in the Bronx. "gaUeria." The architects hope
estimated cost of $1000), the congressman from New York Preliminary plans, announced to give the Washington Square
sponsor agreed to award all 10 and later mayor of New York recently by the University, call campus an identity, something
prizes on the basis of best in City. Davis, a partner of Ithiel for Philip Johnson and Richard it now lacks, while maintaining
show but gave the jury the Town, commissioned Richard Foster, Architects, to design a and even enhancing the beauty
right to recommend or not rec- H. Byrnes, a talented Irish $17.5 million library and study of the square. "Our primary
ommend the first-prize winner cabinetmaker and woodcarver, center and an education build- aim," Johnson said, "is preser-
for construction. Paul Rudolph, to execute the elaborate in- ing on the square. These will vation of the park, instead of
originally one of the jurors, terior and exterior architec- be similar in design to NYU's building individual monuments
disagreed with this policy, and tural details and the furniture. to architects or the University."
existing Main Building and
withdrew. Late last summer, The exterior was inspired by N Y U President Dr. James M .
Commerce Building (also on
the Board of Directors of the Hester is quoted as saying that
Lowther Castle in England. In the square), which Johnson
Pennsylvania Society of Archi- buildings of the same height
1864, George Merritt bought and Foster will redesign. Most

52 P/A News Report January 1965

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P/A News Report 53
January 1965
(supposedly 10 stories) enclos- tries was necessary before sion of Housing Analysis. Of Drive, Chicago, III. . . . Cor-
ing the square will make it architecture and planning can this total, 525,000 will be multi- nell University has announced
more complete, more dramatic. tridy succeed. How to effect family units, a drop of almost a number of grants for gradu-
Uptown. f o r University these changes? One way is 50,000 from 1964, but the ate study in Urban Design,
Heights, Marcel Breuer has de- through closer cooperation over-all total will be main- History of Architecture, and
signed a technology building among all American nations tained by a boost in single- Architectural Structures for
and a life science building. and their architects. family housing starts, expected the 1965-66 academic year.
According to Hester, the As i f to highlight the prob- to be 1,025,000, up 50,000 Forms should be filled before
plans will be carried out as fast lems discussed while the con- from 1964. A n addition of February 1 and sent to Dean
as funds permit. He hopes it ference was in session, some 50,(X)0 public and farm hous- Burnham Kelly, College of
can be completed within five 30,000 students demonstrated ing units will bring 1965 hous- Architecture, Cornell Univer-
years. ing starts up to 1,600,000. sity, Ithaca, New York . . .
in Buenos Aires, demanding
more government funds for Schechter maintains that the 5 Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
universities and fewer military per cent increase in private tute is offering a summer in-
weapons and plans. nonfarm single-family housing stitute on urban planning aimed
Student Conference is expected for four reasons: at providing professional level
(1) sales unit vacancies are study in urban planning, trans-
South of the Border low (1.4 per cent); ( 2 ) i n - portation, architecture, and
ventory of unsold, completed related fields. The six-week
homes has remained stable; summer course was made pos-
South America, where many
(3) sales of new units are ris- sible by a grant from the
governments ride a wave of
ing; and (4) higher mortgage National Science Foundation.
revolutionary mandate, has
limits for FHA-insured loans, . . . Architectural, city plan-
some traditionally disquieting
authorized in 1964, will reduce ning, engineering, applied
political and social problems.
down payments on higher- mathematics, and applied
Many governmental and non-
priced homes. These factors, physics faculty members will
governmental groups are try-
plus a generally favorable have a choice of five Institutes
ing to pour oil on these
economic outlook and higher on Nuclear Defense Design to
troubled waters. Among the
after-tax incomes, are expected attend this summer. Informa-
former is President Kennedy's
to keep housing starts strong. tion may be obtained from the
Alliance for Progress; included
in the latter is the Congress of Schechter also announced Assistant Executive Secretar>',
results of a Bureau of the American Society for En-
Pan American Students of
Architecture, which held its
Ville Marie's Census-HHFA survey based on gineering Education, Uni-
1963, which showed that 62 versity of Illinois, 1201 W.
fifth meeting in Buenos Aires Final Building per cent of one-family starts California, Urbana, I I I .
recently. Participating (along
with 150 architectural students MONTREAL, CANADA. Construc- that year were built for sale.
from Mexico and all South tion has been begun on the Median size of homes that
American coimtries except final building in I . M . Pel's year was 1365 sq f t and
Chile) were six student dele- Place Ville Marie. (For the median cost $18,000. In the Personalities
gates from the U.S.: James story of Place Ville Marie North Central region, median
Diaz, Harvard; Anne T i m - architectural planning, see p. price was slightly less than SHAW M E T Z & ASSOCIATES,
mons, Tulane University; John 123 - 135, FEBRUARY 1960 $18,000; in the Northeast, Architects and Engineers, have
Colby, Syracuse University; P / A ) . Named for its principal $20,000; in the South, $16,000; received the Chicago Building
Gilbert Labrie, California Poly- tenant, the I B M building will and in the West, $18,000. Congress' 1964 Merit Award
stand at the west end of the . . . A L B E R T K A H N ASSOCIATED
technical College; Thomas
plaza. Tlie foundation was laid ARCHITECTS A N D ENGINEERS
Moran, University of Detroit;
at the same time the original were cited by the International
and James M . Hamill, Iowa Place Ville Marie construction Schools
State. In a week of sessions, the Relations Committee of the As-
was done, so the 14-story sociation of Collegiate Schools
conference, sponsored by the building should be ready by A series of three one-week of Architecture for participa-
Oficina Panamericana Rela- the spring of 1966. Although seminars will be held this A u - tion in the 1963 and 1964 Stu-
cionadora de Estudiantes de Pel's facades of vertically- gust at the Pennsylvania State dent Exchange Programs spon-
Arquitectura, discussed meth- accented, precast aggregate University under the chair- sored by ACSA . . . ROBERT
ods of housing Latin America's concrete frames—into which manship of the Department C. PALMER, president of The
burgeoning population and tinted gray glass panels are set of Architectural Engineering. R.C. Mahon Company, has been
ways of educating architects to —harmonize with one another, Subjects to be discussed are re-elected president and a di-
do it properly. Hamill told they may tend to stand out "Shear and Bond in Reinforced
P/A that the participants rector of the American Institute
starkly against the older build- Concrete Structure," "Acous-
noted that architecture should of Steel Construction . . . Build-
ings that fringe the square, tics and Noise Control i n
be in tune with the needs of destroying its open, well-defined Buildings," and "Cost Saving ing Research Institute an-
the people. I t should provide integrity. nounces new Board members:
Practices in Building." Addi- J . W . G R I F F I T H , GUSTAVE R .
humanistic solutions instead of tional information may be ob- K E A N E , W . E . K E M P , ROBERT
"sculptural" ones. And it tained from Bryce C. Gray, B. TAYLOR. Re-elected to the
should make full use of pre- Conference Coordinator, Con- Board were LEON CHATELAIN,
fabrication and other advanced
construction techniques. T o HHFA Sees Stable ference Center, The Pennsyl- JR., PERRY PRENTICE, D . K E N -
vania State University, Uni- NETH SARGENT, R.J. SHORT.
meet Latin America's prob-
lems, the architectural student '65 Housing Market versity Park, Pa. . . . Two Officers of the Institute were
$3000 graduate fellowships for also announced. ROBERT W .
should study sociology and ur- WASHINGTON, D.c. Total non- hospital design have been of- CUTLER, General Partner of
ban planning as well as design. farm housing starts in 1965 fered by the American Hospi- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill,
And. finally, the conference will be close to 1,550,000 units, tal Association and the A I A . will remain president and chair-
members pointed out that a about the same as in 1964, ac- Applications may be made man of the Executive Commit-
change in the political, eco- cording to Henry B. Schechter, prior to February 1 at the tee. JACK GASTON, OTTO N E L -
nomic, and social structure of director of the Housing and American Hospital Associa- SON, M I L T O N C . COON, JR.,
most Latin American coun- Home Finance Agency's Divi- tion, 840 North Lake Shore and W I L L I A M S. H A S W E L L also

54 P/A News Report

January 1965
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For more Information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 383

January 1965 P/A News Report 55

were named as officers . . . The gineers Council will be held
New York Society of Archi-
tects named H . I . FELDMAN,
May 19-21 at the Chase Park-
Plaza Hotel, St. Louis, Mo
Architect, winner of the Sidney Yosemite National Park will
L. Strauss Memorial Award be the site of the 20th annual BY E.E. HALMOS, JR. for future scientific and tech-
. . . New member, board of convention of the California
trustees of the American Acad- nological progress.
Council, A I A , from October The heavy emphasis in the new Architects and engineers are
emy in Rome is E D M U N D N . 6 through 10. Congress and on the Adminis- virtually unrepresented in these
BACON, executive director of
tration's part on broad-gage scientific groups, although they
the Philadelphia City Planning
"social" programs—urban re- are the ones who must imple-
Commission . . . W I L L I A M W .
C A U D I L L , chairman of the De-
partment of Architecture at
Obituaries newal, transit, and other met- ment many aspects of the pro-
ropolitan problems, education, grams suggested, and although
Rice University, has received JOHN M U L L E R , partner in the conservation of natural re- their knowledge of such mat-
the 1964 Engineering Hall of New York architectural firm sources, adjustment to the ters as city planning would
Fame award from the Okla- of Rossiter & Muller, died at changes forced by increasing seem to be invaluable.
homa State University . . . The the age of 81 in his home in technology—will mean more A sidelight on this entire
Howard S. Cullman Distin- Bridgehampton, Long Island. business for the construction problem was the President's
guished Service Medal, the industry. It should also mean comment that the nation must
Port of New York Authority's a greater role in over-all plan- pay more attention to beautifi-
highest award, went to OTHMAR ning for architects, though cation of its vast highway net-
H. A M MANN, "The master Competitions that's not nearly so certain. work — a point long stressed
bridge builder of our time who As you have seen in the by individual architects.
has proven that functional The Regents of the University
President's series of annual
structures can be lifted above of California have authorized
messages to the 89th Congress
the prosaic into the realm of a competition to select an
(State of the Union, Eco-
Mr. Chairman!
the beautiful and the magni- architect for the proposed new
nomic Report, Budget Mes- The Congress that assembled
ficent" . . . A L L E N MACOMBER, University Arts Center in
sage), there's little doubt that in Washington on January 4
a partner in the firm of Berkeley. Forms and informa-
legislation concerning econom- contained many new faces—
Faragher and Macomber. Ro- tion may be obtained from ic and social matters will get some 50 in the House, several
chester, New York, will suc- Eldridge Spencer, Professional through rather quickly — as- in the Senate—but there were
ceed Simeon Heller as presi- Adviser for the University suming that the world situation comparatively few unscheduled
dent of the New York State Arts Center Competition, 251 remains fairly stable. President changes at power-points which
Association of Architects, Inc. Kearny Street. San Francisco,
Johnson has increased party count most: the committee
. . . L E W I S M U M FORD was re- Calif. The deadline is January
majorities in both houses of chairmanships.
elected President of the Ameri- 30, 1965 . . . The City Club
can Academy of Arts and of New York is planning its Congress, and will also benefit
With Democrats retaining
Letters. from the "honeymoon" period
1965 Albert S. Bard Awards overwhelming control of both
usually enjoyed by a newly-
for Excellence in Architecture. houses, almost all committee
elected President.
The competition will again be chairs remained in the same
devoted to civic architecture, Most of the programs in- hands, or were handed along
but will be enlarged to include volve billions of dollars in ba- to trusted lieutenants—as hap-
Calendar work commissioned in New sic construction work: new pened with the retirement of
schools, offices, and labora- Carl
York by the State and Federal Vinson of Georgia
The annual Committee Week governments . . . Sponsorship tories for training scientists (House Military Affairs Com-
and Spring Meeting of the of a 1965 Architectural and technicians; new facilities mittee) and Clarence Cannon
American Society for Testing Awards Program, open to all for transportation, water sup- of Missouri (Appropriations).
and Materials will be held registered architects in the ply, sewage disposal; redevel- Most significant change of
February 8-12 in the Statler United States, has been an- opment of urban centers to command for the construction
Hilton Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio. nounced by the Dow Chemical return life to moribund met- industry, perhaps, was the suc-
Everyone interested is cordial- Company. Participants may ropolises; reconstruction of cession of Rep. George Fallon
ly invited . . . National En- submit as many entries as city cores to accomodate new (D., Md.) to the chair of the
gineers'Week, February 21-27, they desire. Single-residence conditions; new highway sys- powerful Public Works Com-
will have as its theme "En- units or house designs are not tems, and so on. mittee of the House—in place
gineering . . . For Human eligible. Full information may What's lacking, at the mo- of New York's aging Rep.
Needs" . . . The American In- be obtained from any Dow ment, is any evidence that Buckley, who was not re-elect-
stitute of Consulting Engineers sales office or by writing to architects and civil engineers ed. Fallon's major interest has
will sponsor the Industrial, In- Lewis Redstone, 10811 Puri- have moved to get in "on the been in highways and urban
stitutional and Commercial tan Ave., Detroit. Mich. . . . ground floor" of the planning planning (he was a co-author
(IIC) Building Conference A lighting modernization con- that will direct aU this work, of the 1956 Highway A c t ) ,
March 8-11 at Cobo Hall, De- test sponsored by Lighting as their scientific bretheren and he has taken a strong
troit, Mich. Those who wish Magazine is open to anyone in (sociologists, space technolo- interest in the need for the
information and registration the lighting industry. The gists, medical men and others thorough training of more
forms should write Clapp & lighting installation described —including a goodly sprink- architects and engineers.
Poliak, Inc., 341 Madison in the entry must have been ling of university and college
Avenue, New York, N . Y. . , . completed and put into serv- professors) have already start-
The American Welding Society ice after July 1, 1963; it must ed to do.
Labor Demands
will hold its 46th Annual have replaced an inadequate A half dozen committees of Depending in part on whether
Meeting and Welding Exposi- installation. Further informa- scientists of one sort or another Congress is willing to listen to
tion April 26-30, 1965 in Chi- tion may be obtained from the have already been formed— arguments it has refused to
cago, 111. For further details Contest Editor, Lighting Maga- some under the auspices of consider in the past, there
write Information Center, zine, 1760 Peachtree Rd., NW, Congress and the National could be labor problems for
American Welding Society, Atlanta, Ga. Contest closes Academy of Sciences—to look the Administration this year.
345 E. 47 St., New York, March 31, 1965. into aspects of some of the so- Labor leaders have already
N . Y. . . . The second National cial programs being formu- put Washington on notice that
Convention of Consulting En- lated, and to suggest directions they expect better treatment

56 P/A News Report January 1965

A n o t h e r l o n g - l i f e feature for b o l t a u t o m a t i c a l l y r e t r a c t s if t h e d o o r

Weis Toilet Compartments: is s l a m m e d a g a i n s t t h e n e w wrap-

y solid brass hardware. Solid brass plus around keeper and rubber tipped

• t h e a d d e d p r o t e c t i o n a n d b e a u t y of bumper. Handsome surface mounted

brilliant c h r o m i u m plate. T h e latch, hinges, proven through long service,

which continues to f e a t u r e lift-free g i v e e i t h e r 180° o u t s w i n g o r i n s w i n g
emergency a c c e s s , is n o w recessed a c t i o n . Solid, t h e s e c o m p a r t m e n t s by
w i t h i n t h e d o o r . T h e s t a i n l e s s steel W e i s with solid brass hardware.

Write for Catalog No. 36 See Weis in Sweet's

For more information, circle No. 376

H E N R Y W E I S M F G . C O . , E L K H A R T , INDIANA

this year—particularly in their into the crystal ball of econom- over estimates of $66-odd bil- survey, in fact, NAHB's Build-
campaign against hated "right ics had arrived for the con- lion for 1964. Of the total fore- er's Economic Council thinks
to work" laws, which are per- struction industry'—and all the cast, about $47.4 billion would home construction for 1965
mitted under the Taft-Hartley standard indicators seem to call be accounted for by private will total about 1.525 million
Act i f enacted by state legisla- for a further rise in the level construction, the remaining units. That would be about the
tures, and which bar compul- of business. $20.8 billion by public works. same level expected when final
sory union membership. Other There are a couple of un- A $68 billion total would be figures are in for 1964, despite
objectives: a $2-per-hour min- knowns and a couple of "may- another all-time high. a steady decline in the home
imum wage law (upping the be's," however, so economists Joining in the optimistic pre- building rate over the past sev-
recently enacted $1.25 mini- are not agreed on what will dictions (1965 would be the eral months. Homebuilders ac-
mum), more money for con- happen. fourth consecutive year of knowledged there would be a
struction, aid to local commun- The U.S. Department of steady uptrend), were the As- slight decline in multifamily
ities, medicare, and expansion Commerce, for one, is optimis- sociated General Contractors housing construction in large
of social security coverage. tic. Its annual estimate calls (whose thinking was along the metropolitan areas, but thought
for a 1965 volume (exclusive same lines as Commerce), and that town houses and similar
Financial of maintenance and repair) of the National Association o f work would increase in subur-
about $68.2 billion, which Home Builders. ban areas, with single-family
The time for the yearly look would be a 3 per cent increase On the basis of a 35-city home production remaining at
about the present rate of
1,000,000 units.
But some economists were
Stressteel Bars Tie pointing out that the predicted
increase in dollar volume
doesn't necessarily mean an in-
Together 14 Story Building crease in actual construction
activity. Instead, it may indi-
cate only that the industry will
Owner: North Carolina Mutual Lift hold its own—the extra volume
Insuranc* Co., Durham
Architects: Welton Becket and Atsocialet being a reflection of factors
Associate Architects: M. A. H a m , such as increasing materials
Associatei, Inc.
Consulting Engineers: Seelyc, Stevenson, and labor costs.
Value & Knecht
General Contractor: Rea Construction Co.
One of the big unknowns for
Precast Concrete: Concrete Materials, Inc. the construction industry —
which depends so heavily on
bank financing of projects—is
the eventual effect of an in-
crease in the rediscount rate,
recently put into effect for
member bank borrowings in
the Federal Reserve system.
The "Fed" jumped its rates
from 3V2 to 4 per cent, in a
move to hall the outflow of
U.S. capital to Europe.
But the net effect, econo-
mists believe, will be to raise
interest charges by commercial
banks froiti the present 4V4 to
5 per cent. Many banks,
A precast segment being threaded into position say the experts, are already
over STRESSTEEL Bars to form the bottom chord "loaned up" and are borrow-
of the Vierendeel truss.
ing from the Fed to finance
This 14 story, 1 1 9 ' s q u a r e precast concrete structure hos identical facades new loans; thus their rates will
composed of 2 0 ' high V i e r e n d e e l trusses a s s e m b l e d from precast chord a n d have to be increased to reflect
vertical elements. Total height from first floor to top of seventh truss is the changes.
195'. The trusses on each side ore supported by two precast columns at I n turn, the "price" of mon-
third points. The trusses cantilever 3 3 ' - 9 " beyond each column, ey available for financing con-
Post-tensioning w i t h STRESSTEEL Bars ties together this entire structure. The struction could rise, and money
bars p a s s through the columns a n d continue the full length of the Vieren- could become tight after an al-
deels, tying the chords a n d verticals into a unified truss. The rigidity of these most year-long period of rela-
l y s " ^ high strength steel b a r s , 14 to each truss, mode it possible to place tive ease. Such a development
a n d post-tension the m a n y precast components at minimum cost in time a n d could seriously slow down new
labor. construction starts.
Have you considered the possibilities of e x p a n d i n g the use of precast As i f to accentuate the notes
concrete b y m e a n s of post-tensioning? Stressteel is a leader in this field.
of caution, statistics for recent
M a y w e help y o u ?
months showed some rises in
Write for Stressteel Technical liulletin describing this project in detail. construction costs, and hous-
ing totals for October were re-
221 C o n y n g h a m A v e n u e Wilkes-Barre, Penna. 18702 corded at an adjusted annual
rate of 1.6 million units—up
O X > J S . I »r O . o iuhildlary of Str.i,/tel Corpofofioo 9 per cent over September, but
7 0 6 Folger A v e n ue Berkeley, California 9 4 7 1 0 14 per cent below October a
Sales Offices year ago.
New York • Chicago • St. Louis • Denver • Los Angeles • Seattle • Portland
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 393

58 P/A News Report

January 1965
New Products
nailable roof deck material i n -
Furnishings volves four-step process, which
forms a continuously welded
New Furniture Firm
W i t h his sense of elegance and
customary individuaUty, W a r d
Bennett has designed a hne of
f u r n i t u r e that is marketed u n -
der his o w n name. A m o n g the ished in mirror, or satin
pieces are lounge and desk chrome, or flat black enamel. tem was employed because of
chairs, desks, tahles, and sofas Single lever controls folding large floor area panels—three
(one copiously tufted, another mechanism by activating i n - 28'x28' panels i n one direction
sumptuous i n suede). A large. dividual lock f o r each leg by and five 28'x28' panels i n op-
means of short throw cam and
posite direction f o r each floor.
torsion bar. Oil-finished teak
To span this length, 7Vi "-thick
or walnut veneer tops with
reinforced concrete slab was
VA" banding areas are also
required. A b o u t 610 tons of
available. Howe Folding Fur-
niture Inc., 360 Lexington steel reinforcing bars i n two d i -
Ave., New York, N . Y . rections are used i n 2 8 ' sq
standing seam. Flanging: stain- slabs, which are tied to steel
On Free Dala Card, Circle 101 less-steel coil, 2 2 " wide, passes beams by about 12,000 stud
between set o f rollers w h i c h shear connectors measuring
bend outer edges into standing diameter by 3" long. Shear
position. One flange is and walls, located at each end of
other is VA". Flanging equip- building and at interior bent,
ment is adjustable, thereby al- provide resistance to severe
lowing f o r various seam spac- hurricane winds on long faces
ings up to ma.ximum 28". Since of building. Also required were
flanging machine is portable, it moment connectors of spandrel
permits on-site f o r m i n g and beams to columns i n long walls
eliminates costly transportation to provide resistance to same
charges, dealing: cleat is at- winds on ends of building.
tached to deck w i t h stainless- Two-way, 7 "-thick concrete
steel nails or screws. T h e n low- slab was therefore used to act
er flange is spot-welded to slid- as stiff horizontal plate to
ing p o r t i o n o f the cleat. Slid- transmit w i n d loads to shear
ing cleat permits expansion and walls or long walls. F o r this
contraction and prevents u n - project, Steward-Skinner Asso-
Hi-Fi System sightly distortion.
seam is f o r m e d by self-pro-
Welding: ciates were the architects and
Winston C. Gardner was the
"Project G " high-fidelity sys- pelled welder that operates at engineer. Bethlehem Steel Co.,
stainless table pedestal has tem features speakers that are steady rate of 10' per m i n . , Bethlehem, Pa.
sculptured contours that reflect outside cabinet. They are f o r m i n g continuous weld along
placed into "sound globes" On Free Dala Card. Circle 104
stresses; occasional tables, like entire length of r o o f i n g seam.
the rest, are neat and crisply that can be turned to adjust H i g h flange o f next sheet is
detailed. A walnut cabinet the recording to the acoustics placed against low flange of
w i t h distinctive stainless hard- of room. Sound globes are first sheet and spot welded.
ware has a black finish that mounted on pressure-adjustable Continuous weld is then
leaves the w o o d grain show- nylon bearings supported on f o r m e d about Ya" above sheet
cantilevered arms outside cabi- /O'- JaJf-i
ing. Lamps, sculpture stands, surface. Folding: equipment
and accessories are also o f - net. With aU-transistorized
moves at 14' per m i n . along
fered. Brochure available. chassis, no heat is generated
previously welded seam, f o l d -
W a r d Bennett Designs, B r i c k e l / and no ventilation is needed.
ing higher flanges over lower
Eppinger, Inc., 515 Madison U n i t is finished on both sides
flanges. Both seam welder and
Ave., N e w Y o r k 10022. of the cabinet w i t h Brazilian
rosewood veneer. Clairtone f o l d i n g machine can operate in
On Free Data Card. Circle 100 Electronic Corp., 681 F i f t h either horizontal or vertical po-
Ave., New York, N . Y . sition. Fagersta Steels Inc.,
6430 N o r t h Hamlin Ave.,
On Free Dala Card, Circle 102 Chicago, I I I .
Folding Table
On Free Dala Card, Circle 103
"No. 500 Series Customline"
folding tables f o r conference
Construction Mosaic Stone
and executive dining rooms Mosaic stone consists of
have 1 3 / 1 6 " tops that consist stainless-Steel Composite Steel natural stone i n varied colors
of plastic laminate, solid core precast into backing o f rein-
Formica "Supercore," and Roofing System System forced concrete. I t is available
plastic backing sheet. M e t a l Installation o f stainless-steel U n i q u e composite steel ( A S T M in standard 2' sq panels 3V4"
skirt, 3" deep, is finished i n roofing system f o r use on A36) f r a m i n g system has been thick, as well as larger panels
flat black. Welded tubular standard roofs, special roof used i n F a m i l y Finance oflBce for special work. Split face or
steel legs (IVa" sq) are fin- shapes, and any existing or new in M i a m i , F l a . Composite sys- other finishes can be used.

January J 965 Products 61

Minnesota Mosaic Stone Prod- partition panels are installed to A f r i c a and applied by trowel. mg pans, cookie sheets, or
nets Co., Route 3, M a n k n t o . partition ceiling channel in Marble-Lite, a large-size aggre- large utensils. Standard length
Minn. conventional manner. Gasket- gate, is specially processed to is 7', w i t h longer lengths avail-
On Free Data Card, Circle JOS ing is inserted i n channel of permit blasting onto vertical able. Two-compartment " T w o
Quartette module line baffle surfaces to provide exposed F i f t y Plus" includes left-hand
between partition ceiling chan- aggregate type of facing. Both compartment which is large
nel and baffle. Luminous Ceil- materials adhere readily to enough to accommodate large
ings Inc., 3701 N . Ravenswood wood, cement, cinder block, or roasting and broiler pans.
Ave., Chicago, I I I . any oil-free surface. Surfacings Standard length is 6' with
On Free Data Card Circle 106 are impervious to weather- longer lengths available. Elkay
changes, acid, and alkali fumes. Mfg. Co., 2700 South 17 St.,
Aggregate Surfacing C o r p . of
Electrical Equipment America. W o l f ' s Lane, Pel-
ham, N . Y .
Broadview. I I I .
On Free Data Card, Circle 110

On Free Data Card, Circle 108

Modular Ceiling
System Waterproof
Recently developed modular Roof Deck
ceiling system called "Quar-
Waterproof, traffic-bearing
tette" coordinates all environ-
roof deck in heat-reducing
mental functions of light, air.
pastel colors has recently been
sound, and partition support
proiluced. ' Promdek" is elas-
into every module of ceiling.
lonieric material that is c o m -
Each Quartette module con-
pletely monolithic, trowel-ap-
tains fluorescent lamps shielded
f r o m view at 4 5 ° . U p to 400 Oval Fixtures plied, and seamless. "Flote-
K o t e " is added to Promdck to
ft-c and more can be achieved
w i t h m i n i m u m wattage. System Rimless fluorescent lighting
returns 50 to 80 per cent of flxtures are offered i n both oval
its lighting heat through ad- and circle shapes. "Plex-Oval"
unit is made of matte white
Wall-Hung Sinks
justable returns over the lamps.
Lamps are maintained at prop- "Plexiglas" w i t h concave sur- "Sani-Lav" stainless-steel, wall-
er ambient f o r ma.ximum light face. I t is available i n 17"x28", hung lavatory is constructed of
output and steady flow of air 23"x38", and 2 9 " x 4 9 " sizes. heavy gage # 3 0 2 stainless steel
keeps lamps clean. B u i l t - i n at- They use two to six lamps, de- w i t h bright # 4 finish. Features
tenuators prevent noise loss i n - pending upon size of fixture. include double-welded skirt,
to plenum which is operated at Plex-Orb" units are produced which completely encloses the
a zoned negative pressure. A l l in 2', 3', and 4' circles with bowl; integral welded back
air baffles bisect the module in identical features of oval fix- splash; built-in nonbreakable
tures. They employ two to prevent snow, ice, and intense stainless-steel, liquid-soap dis-
one direction and are individu-
eight lamps and 20w to 40w, heat f r o m affecting it. P r o m - penser, and chrome-plated aer-
ally attached to air supply
depending upon size and ft-c ikk can be used on both old ator and spout. A l l units are
ducts through flexible air hose.
intensity desired. N o brace is and new buildings, over con- furnished with wall mounting
Where partition support is re-
needed, as is the case w i t h con- crete, steel, wood, or similar assembly and double or single
quired on half module incre-
ventional fixtures. Peerless materials. When applied to pedal knee or floor valve w h i c h
ment, side flow air outlets w i t h
Electric Co., 576 Folsom St., recommended thickness o f VA ", is designed to permit all w o r k -
directional and volume control
San Francisco, Cal. it is only 2.2 psf. Selby, Bat- ing parts to be easily removed
are used. Or, bottom flow air
On Free Data Card, Circle 107 tershy & Co., 5220 W h i t b y f r o m f r o n t without disconnect-
baffle may be interchanged
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. ing plumbing or loosening
with blank air baffle f o r parti-
On Free Data Card. Circle 109 mount. Columbia Sanitary
tion attachment. Bottom flow
air baffle contains extruded al- Products Inc., Los Angeles,
u m i n u m lineal air diffuser that
permits f u l l 180° adjustable air
Special Equipment Cal.
On Free Data Card, Circle 111

pattern and complete flow rate

control to blank off. Another
method of air supply is through
dampered, perforated air baf-
Bathroom Fixture
fle. Again, air baffle is attached Insert
to individual supply sources,
A l u m i n u m insert has been de-
but directional control is not
veloped f o r setting ceramic or
required because of low veloc-
chrome bathroom fixtures i n
ity. Quartette has Vz" sq con-
ceramic or plastic tile or where
tinuous channel running along
module lines i n both direc- Counter Sinks no other tile or wall covering
material is used. Inserts are
tions. A t intersection of module
lines is extruded post. System Aggregate Surfacing Sloping drainboard counters on
both sides of kitchen sink
shipped flat, but i n manufac-
ture are scored so that they
is supported by corner post and
Two interior and exterior ag- bowls are featured i n t w o can be f o r m e d into finished i n -
imparts to post considerable
gregate wall surfacing materi- siainless-steel sinks. Three- serts i n seconds, by simply
rigidity. Attachment o f parti-
als — " G l a m o r o c k " and compartment "Cuisine Center" using one's fingers. N o special
tion ceiling channel to corner " M a r b l e - L i t e " (shown) — are includes garbage disposer i n tools are required. Once insert
post carries this rigidity right offered. G l a m o r o c k is m u l t i - center. Large compartments on is f o r m e d into its receptable
to partitions. Standard movable colored granite chip mined i n either side accommodate roast- shape, i t is placed i n the hole
62 Products January 1965
o f the wall. Flanges are then
simply hent back to engage re-
verse side o f wall, holding i n -
sert snugly i n place. When
plaster mixture is placed in
insert and fixtures pressed i n ,
some o f the plaster is forced
through these holes and hack,
o f insert. Some of it flows out
to engage plaster wall; when
it hardens, it anchors fixture
in place. Inserts are available
in sizes to install all standard
bathroom fixtures and are
available either in complete
packaged sets to meet all of
needs o f single bathroom or
separately as required. Dor-Ro
Products C o . , Chester, Mass.
On Frev Duia Card, Circle 112


how Richards-Wilcox
provided the know-how and
products to solve the complex
door problems at
PAN AM Airways new jet
facility, Miami, Florida

Plastic/Chipboard Take the p r o b l e m s of providing doors to c o m b i n e n e w c o n s t r u c t i o n

with previous facilities . . . plans f o r total a n d instantaneous release
Approved of b l o c k s a g a i n s t t h e s p r e a d of f i r e . . . p r o v i s i o n s f o r t h e c o n s t a n t
h a n d l i n g of heavy traffic with a m i n i m u m loss of c o n d i t i o n e d air—
High-pressure decorative lami-
add t o t h e m the problems of less than normal overhead a n d side clear-
nate w i t h standard chipboard
ances in c e r t a i n areas a n d y o u have t h e c h a l l e n g e R i c h a r d s - W i l c o x
backing has been approved by
Engineers f a c e d o n the P A N A M j o b . T h i s is t h e type of s i t u a t i o n
San Francisco's Bureau o f
where R - W sets t h e standard f o r the industry, a s they provide a single
Building Inspection. Plastic-
s o u r c e f o r t h e d e s i g n k n o w - h o w a n d all o f t h e p r o d u c t s required t o
chipboard combination i n -
fill p r o b l e m d o o r o p e n i n g s .
volves Westinghouse's " M i -
carta" laminate and U.S. Ply- P i c t u r e d a b o v e a r e j u s t a f e w of t h e f i f t y - f o u r I n d u s t r i a l D o o r s a n d
wood's "Novoply" particle Fire D o o r s t h a t R - W d e s i g n e d a n d installed t o solve t h e s e p r o b l e m s .
board core. T w o materials are T h e c o m p l e t e s t o r y of t h i s p r o j e c t i s n o t o n l y i n t e r e s t i n g t o r e a d ,
bonded together with combus- but c o u l d very p o s s i b l y p r o v i d e y o u w i t h s o m e effective s o l u t i o n s t o
tion resistance phenol resorci- s i m i l a r p r o b l e m s . It g r a p h i c a l l y b a c k s u p o u r s t a t e m e n t — " y o u p r o v i d e
nol glue. I n standard tunnel the o p e n i n g a n d R - W will fill i t . "
test, w h i c h compares specimen R i c h a r d s - W i l c o x o f f e r s a c o m p l e t e l i n e o f I n d u s t r i a l D o o r s , Fire
material w i t h asbestos and red D o o r s , h a r d w a r e a n d e l e c t r i c o p e r a t o r s designed for each other—a
oak flooring, .050" Micarta complete package assuring trouble-free installation and dependable
laminate became first standard s e r v i c e — p r o d u c t s backed by R - W A p p l i c a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g Service
chipboard core to come well f r o m o r i g i n a l c o n c e p t t h r o u g h o u t t h e l i f e s p a n of t h e i n s t a l l e d p r o d u c t .
w i t h i n San Francisco's allow-
^Wrile today for your free copy of the PAN AM
able m a x i m u m f o r both llame-
spread and smoke density. As Story. In addition we will be glad to send you
result, it qualifies f o r tops o f our latest Industrial Door Catalog for your file.
built-in counters and vanities
in multistory residential struc-
tures. Westinghouse Electric H U P P
Corp., M i c a r t a D i v . , H a m p - CDRPORATIDN
ton, S.C.
On Free Data Card, Circle 113 THIRD STREET . AURORA, ILLINOIS 60507

For more information, t u r n to Reader Service card, circle No. 4 1 2

Products 63
January 1965
Ceco Steelform Service (Steeldomes A n o t h e r Ceco high-rise project, under Typical high-rise Steeldome project
i l l u s t r a t e d ) i n c l u d e s (1) f u r n i s h i n g , construction (Ceco Steeldome, Long- (Ceco S t e e l d o m e and Centering Ser-
erecting and removing shores and open f o r m and Centering Service) / C o l u m - vice) / O n e Charles Center Building,
w o o d f r a m i n g ( c e n t e r i n g ) , a n d (2) s u p - bia Broadcasting S y s t e m , A d m i n i s t r a - B a l t i m o r e , M d . / Mies van der R o h e ,
plying the necessary Steelforms and tion Headquarters, New York C i t y / E e r o architect / Farkas & B a r r o n , structural
labor for their erection and removal. Saarinen & Associates, architects / engineers / Metropolitan Structures,
Ceco Service takes the g u e s s w o r k out Paul Weidlinger, structural engineer / Inc., general contractors / Bollinger-
of f l o o r f o r m i n g . T h e a r c h i t e c t , e n g i - G e o r g e A . Fuller C o m p a n y , general Leland Construction Company, con-
neer, c o n t r a c t o r a n d o w n e r k n o w t h e c o n t r a c t o r s / B r e n n a n & S l o a n , Inc., re- crete contractors / T h i s waffle flat-slab
final cost before the j o b starts. A firm inforced concrete construction / T h i s d e s i g n , with high-strength bars and
q u o t a t i o n f r o m C e c o takes the varia- 38-story project was erected on a tight l i g h t w e i g h t c o n c r e t e , c o s t 500 p e r
bles o u t of c o s t e s t i m a t i n g . schedule—a floor completely poured square foot less than the alternate
every f o u r days. s t r u c t u r a l steel d e s i g n .

64 P/A AVw j Report

January 1965
up, up, up

with CECO Steelform

Look oround the country at the new high-rise buildings. Everywhere you'll see
monolithic concrete joist construction formed by Ceco Steelform Service. One
Charles Center in Baltimore. CBS Headquarters in New York. The Petroleum
Club in Tulsa. The Merchandise Mart in Atlanta. Kiewit Plaza in Omaha. Lamar
Towers in Houston. These ore only a few of the modern multiple-story build-
ings with floor systems formed by Ceco.

Your own design can be exciting and unusual . . . yet economical, because
Ceco Steelforms are available in a brood range of standard sizes coast to
coast. You can achieve the effect you wont without costly speciol sizes.

Ceco Steelform Service keeps construction on schedule. Result: Buildings are

completed on time—eorn income quickly. Architects, engineers and contractors
ore sure of dependable service because Ceco has more than 52 years of
Steelform experience, and has formed more than 500,000,000 squore feet of
monolithic concrete joist construction.

There are other advantages. Fill in coupon for Bulletin 4001-S, which gives
full details.

e x t e n s i v e ? y e s !

e x p e n s i v e ? n o !

The C E C O Corporation
SS01 West 26th street
C h i c a g o . Illinois 6 0 S 5 0
S a l e s o f f i c e s a n d p l a n t s In p r i n c i p a l c i t i e s
In t h e S o u t h w e s t , s t i l l a n o t h e r h i g h -
rise b u i l d i n g ( C e c o Flangeform a n d
Centering Service) / Petroleum Club,
• P l e a s e s e n d Bulletin 4 0 0 1 - S .
entitled " C e c o S t e e l f o r m s . "

W e a r e i n t e r e s t e d in s t u d y i n g t h e u s e
T u l s a , O k l a h o m a / Kelley & M a r s h a l l ,
architects/T.C. Baleson Construction CECO of m o n o l i t h i c c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n
for the following project:
Company, general contractors / Ceco
also formed the flush beams for the
floor system, and t h e beams around
elevator s h a f t s a n d stair o p e n i n g s .
Further, Ceco did the shoring for the
roof overhang (illustrated). Call o n
Ceco f o r experienced f o r m i n g service.

city -State. .zlp code

For more Information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 0 9

January 1965 P/A News Report 65

Manufacturers' Data
r o o f qualification procedures tion-, mildew-, and v e r m i n - taurant tucked underneath,
Air/Temperature are described. Code applies to
central station air conditioning,
proof. U factors of .10 to .30
are so low that 2" of pumice
wireless power transmission
system using laser beams, and
heating, and ventilating units; gives as much insulation as 1 1 " substations used as community
Gas Heating/ centrifugal, industrial, axial, of normal concrete. Standard centers. U.S. Steel C o r p . , 525
and propeller fans; power roof untreated pumice 8" wall has William Penn Place, Pitts-
Cooling and wall ventilators; and approximate db rating of 52 burgh. Pa.
steam and hot water imil per cent. Mineral pigments can On Free Data Card. Circle 203
"4-Seasons" combination zoned heaters. A i r M o v i n g and Con- be added during manufacture
heating and cooling unit is de- ditioning Assn., Inc., Dept. to give permanent coloration.
scribed in 4-page pamphlet. PR, 205 West Touhy A v e . ,
Unit is 25.0()0-Btu sealed com- Park Ridge, I I I .
National Concrete Corp., Bor-
den A v e . and East River, L o n g
Access Floors
bustion forced-air gas heating On Free Data Card, Circle 201 " I n f i n i t e Access" floors are de-
Island City, N . Y .
furnace combined with 9500- scribed i n 8-page booklet. They
On Free Data Card, Circle 202
Btu air-conditioning unit in
provide accessible under-floor
cabinet that projects less than
10" into room. System features
Construction space f o r cables and air
through-wall vent complete
Pumice Block Designs for Utility plenum f o r heating and/or
cooling, conduit, piping, or
w i t h grille mounted Hush w i t h
outside of wall. Sheet metal Structures conveyors. H i g h strength of
" P N C 7" pumice block is i n - entire floor area meets require-
sleeve housing allows entire
troduced in 4-page pamphlet. Contemporary designs utilizing ments f o r both concentrated
unit to slide completely out o f
wall into room f o r servicing. According to maunfacturer, steel and consisting of generat- and u n i f o r m loads in excess of
Temco Inc., Nashville, Tenn. pumice aggregate block far ex- ing plants, substations, and those used i n normal building
On Free Data Card, Circle 200 ceeds A S T M and Federal transmission towers are i l - practices. Interchangeable floor
specs. When used in high-rise lustrated i n color i n 2()-page panels, 24"x24", permit reloca-
buildings, it reduces steel booklet entitled "Power Styl- tion o f equipment services to
needed f o r structural support ing." Collection of 85 design accommodate changing condi-
Air-Moving Devices o f the pumice block applica- concepts include utility pole tions. Panels can be rotated
tions by as much as 15 per that incorporates sheltered bus between heavy and light traf-
Bulletin N o . 300, 24 pages, cent. I t meets U L requirements stop, tall but compact substa- fic areas. M a x i m u m space
contains test code f o r sound f o r 4-hr fire resistance i n tion designed f o r d o w n t o w n utilization is obtained, since
rating of air-moving devices. standard 8" hollow unit. Pum- locations, substation raised on m a x i m u m total floor system
Equipment test setups, and ice block walls are condensa- stilts w i t h view-of-the-city res- thickness is less than 114".

B A Y L E Y W i n d o w s a n d

c u r t a i n - w a l l s
steel and a l u m i n u m
Leaders in quality window design, manufacture
and service. Consult us — our years of special-
ized experience is available to you for the asking.
The W I L L I A M B A Y L E Y Company
Springfield, Ohio 45501 Tele: Area Code 513-325-7301

SINCE 1880

Offices a n d Representatives in ail principal cities.

For more information, t u r n to Reader Service card, circle No. 324

66 Mannactiirers' Data January 1965

a specification from H i l l y a r d . . . FOR A GYMNASIUM FINISH
that will withstand multiple use


D E S C R I P T I O N : k seal and a finish especially f o r m u l a t e d for wood g y m n a s i u m floors to give

a light, durable, slip resistant playing surface t h a t w i l l resist rubber b u r n i n g and m a r k i n g .

SPECIFICATION A N D H O W TO APPLY: epoxv seal a n d f i n i s h . A p p l v w i t h

l a m b s w o o l applicator. Seal coat fills porous wood surface. (lanie markings, using Hillyard Gym line
paint, are painted in before finish coats are applied. T w o finish coats are required. See Sweets A r c h .
File f o r detailed specification.

C O V E R A G E CAversge): ' i i..|)hy Seal-.3oO scj. I t . per gallon. T r o p h y F i n i s h - o O d sq. f t .

per gallon.

T E C H N I C A L DATA: N.V. M.:

T r o p h y Seal — 28%, T r o p h y Finish,
40%. Color: Gardner (typical) 4-5 (ex-
t r e m e l y l i g h t ) . D r y i n g time: 7 hours
t o overnight (depending on h u m i d i t y ) .
P r o d u c e s a glare f r e e s u r f a c e w i t h
p r o p e r l i g h t r e f r a c t i o n . Exceeds all
standards for abrasion resistance. Non-
darkening—eliminates need for remov-
i n g or sanding o f f finish for 10-15 years.

GUARANTEE:Controlled uniform-
ity. W h e n a p p l i e d according to d i -
r e c t i o n s and under supervision of a
H i l l y a r d representative, all claims for
the product are guaranteed.
M A I N T E N A N C E : Regular treat-
ment w i t h H i l l y a r d Super Hil-
T o n e dressing f o r c o n d i t i o n i n g and
dust c o n t r o l .

APPROVALS: Maple Flooring

. M f r s . Assn., I n s t i t u t i o n a l Research
Council. Listed by Underwriters' l.^b-
o r a t o r i e s a s " s l i p resistant".Chicago
Roller .Skate Co. I n use: 12 years on
all m a j o r basketball tournament floors.

REFERENCES: Sweets A r c h i -
t e c t u r a l File, section
A . l . A . File No. 25G
A . I . A . Building Products Register

Write, wire or call collect for complete information and specifications on Hillyard TROPHY SEAL & TROPHY
FINISH. You may also want your nearby Hillyard architectural consultant to demonstrate TROPHY SEAL &
TROPHY FINISH in your office or on the Job site.

Since 1907

St. Joseph, Missouri, U.S.A.

HILLYARD FLOOR TREATMENTS Totowa. New Jersey • San Jose, California

The Most Widely Recommended and Approved Treatments For Every Surface

For more information, turn to Reader Sen/ice card, circle No. 342

P/A News Report 67

January 1965
Tate Engineering Inc., 516 S.
Eutaw St., Baltimore, M d .
On Free Data Card, Circle 204

SlliGone Construction Seolont Is

stocked by these distributors
1909 Pint Avenue, Birminghom
4206 Charier Street, Los Angelej 58
850 S. Von Ness Avenue, San Francisco

Aluminum Shapes 13373 West 24th P l a c e . G o l d e n

R O W E L L - V A N ATTA, I N C .
Hard-cover, illustrated manual, 273 East O a k l a n d Park Boulevord
F l . Lauderdale
88 pages, covers intricacies o f GEORGIA
aluminum extrusion shape de- 1145 Peochlree Street, N . E . , Atlanta
sign. I t contains thumb-indexed ILLINOIS
J O N E S & BROWN & C O . , INC
chapters on alloy selection, 230 North C a n a l Street, Chicago 6
shape design, assemblies, toler- IOWA
ances and shape applications 2127 G r a n t Street, Bettendorl
plus 10-page case study com- Southwest 6lh & Murphy, Des Moines
plete w i t h diagrams. It is avail- STYRO PRODUCTS, I N C .
1401 Fairfax TroHicway, Kansas City
able on request by letterhead MARYLAND
stationery. A l u m i n u m Limited R. T. G U M P E R T C O M P A N Y
5615 York Road, Baltimore 12
Sales. Inc.. Dept. I , 111 W . 50 5708-B Frederick Avenue, Rockville
GATE C/S BRICK SIZE VENTS IN 767 Concord Avenue, Cambridge
1221 Eost Nine M i l e Rood, Ferndole 20

Prefab Roof Panels MINNESOTA
2916 G i r a r d Avenue South, Minneapolis 8
Glass units of "Toplite" roof MISSOURI
panels employ light-selecting 1590 Pogo Indusfriol Blvd., St. Louis 32
•SUPERIOR ANODIZED FINISH prisms that transmit high per- MONTANA

• HIGHER FREE AREA THAN centage o f light f r o m north sky Northern Poc. Industrial Site
P . O . Box 1698, Billings
and low winter sun by reject- NEBRASKA
CONVENTIONAL CAST VENTS. ing heat and extreme bright- S T E T S O N B U I L D I N G PRODUCTS
City N a t i o n a l Bonk Building, O m a h a
ness of high summer sun. NEW YORK
5 0 MODULAR SIZES FROM Prefab " A t r i u m " and "Argus" C H E M I C A L B U I L D I N G SUPPLY, I N C .
250 West 57th Street, N e w York City
STOCK FOR BRICK, BLOCK, AND models are available in many C O N S T R U C T I O N PLASTICS C O R P O R A T I O N
Box 73, Eastwood Station
sizes f o r easy installation on 4016 New Court Avenue, Syracuse
PRECAST PANELS. any roof. Prismatic glass units OHIO
T H E R. L. W U R Z C O M P A N Y
are spaced on 1 ' centers and 13320 Enterprise Avenue, C l e v e l a n d 35
955 Proprietors Road. Box 209, Woilhington
are supported by extruded
a l u m i n u m grid. Flange type 1426 Cloy S t . , Cincinnati 10
CHART IS AVAILABLE IN A NEW rests directly on roof without PENNSYLVANIA
PRODUCT B U L L E T I N . WRITE curb and presents low profile. Library Road & Killarney Drive
Box 10313. Pittsburgh
FOR IT. WE WILL ALSO S E N D C u r b type can be installed on G . & W . H. C O R S O N , I N C .
Joshua Road & Slenton Avenue
FREE AREA AND RAIN INFILTRA- conventional wood, steel, or Plymouth Meeting

TION DATA. concrete curb. Standard glass TENNESSEE

units w i t h prisms at 90° to 471 Tennessee Street, Memphis 3
perimeter and diagonal glass TEXAS
THE E M E R S O N C O M P A N Y , Box 10913, Dallos
units w i t h prisms at 4 5 ° to T H E E M E R S O N C O M P A N Y , Box 2114, Houston
C O N S T R U C T I O N jjerimeter are used according WASHINGTON
S P E C I A L T I E S , I N C to building orientation. Prod- 3310 Meridian North, Seattle 3
5 5 WINANS AVENUE ucts Research Co., 2919 E m - S 8. S S A L E S C O R P O R A T I O N
CRANFORD 1, N E W J E R S E Y pire Ave., Burbank, Cal. 404 North Second Street, Milwaukee 3

On Free Data Card, Circle 205

Presurfaced Panels
Lightweight, presurfaced wall
panels, veneering panels, cur-
For more information, circle No. 331
68 Manufacturers' Data January 1965

10,950 times in 3 0 will
G-E Silicone Construction Sealant

Construction j o i n t s go through the expan.sion r o n t r a c t i o n weathering, intense beat and sub-zero cold superbly. I n fact,
cycle at least once a day. and f a r more o f t e n i n modern our tests support conservative estimates that i t w i l l last at
curtain w a l l Itiiildings. This is the m a j o r cause of sealant least 30 years, nnich longer than atiy other type o f sealant
f a i l u r e . I n the past, even the liest claslomcric sealants have on the market.
been subject to e a r l y f a i l u r e under severe compression- G-E Silicone Sealant comes i n a variety of n o n - f a d i n g ,
extension conditions. Because sealants take a "set" non-staining, non-bleeding colors i n c l u d i n g almost invisible
d u r i n g compression, they put a .severe strain on the bond translucent. I t needs no p r e - m i x i n g or catalyst—bonds se-
d u r i n g extension. G-E silicone sealant, w i t h almost 100% curely to a l l common b u i l d i n g materials—can be applied
recovery a f t e r severe compressiorj, withstands repealed easily, elficieiitly and q u i c k l y at any temperature.
cycling w h i l e m a i n t a i n i n g an effective seal. For more i n f o r m a t i o n , check the listing of distributors.
General Electric Silicone Gonstruction Sealant w i l l Or write. General Electric Company, Silicone Products De-
take this punishment f o r years because silicone rubber partment, Section Q l l l R I J W a t e r f o r d , New Y o r k .
doesn't its elastomeric properties through exposure to
sunlight or ozone, the deadly eiiemies of organic rubber
I t is unafTected b y ozone i n any concentration over GENERAL ELECTRIC
thousands of hours i n accelerated aging tests. I t withstands

For more Information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 4 3 9

January 1965 P/A News Report 69

iiiMlill'ililiilU'i'i''' tain wall panels, column cov-
ers, and fire-rated panel walls
p o-
a- t3- ( <T>< • PI arc described in 8-page folder.
Panel wall is 2-hr fire rated or
CL 3
C . \\ incombustible interior-exterior
wall system that is up to 66

per cent lighter than precast
GO cement panels. Panels can be
C presurfaced i n ceramic tile,
c O travertine, slate, granite, ag-
gregates, limestone, marbles,
and other materials. Details of
c 3 (5" all types of panels and specs
o are given. Mosaic Building
3 O Products Inc.. Jordan Ave.,
Moorsville. I n d .
•a On Free Data Card. Cirile 206
<^ 2-



5 ^"S.

^ i g
O =•
P S,
% <.
g o
o o
o 3 2- o' cr
o 5' Ji^. 3 P
3 2
Bonded Prehung
(6 o o ^

f l , cn Recently developed series o f

3 prehung flush doors, called
31 fu "LaPorte." is described i n 4 -
ft) page brochure. Basic door ele-
^ H ) ments are interlocked and
permanently bonded by inter-
3 nal expansion of highly ad-
hesive foamed urethane core.
Finishes range f r o m embossed
and colored-anodized alumi-
n u m to wide variety of tex-
tured and wood-grained vinyls
laminated to steel. D o o r is pre-
^ 2 0) C D hung in either a unit frame or
two-part f r a m e of anodizcd
extruded a l u m i n u m . Amarlito
Div., Anaconda Aluminum
^ s Co., P.O. Bo.x 1719, Atlanta.
^ ^ ZX3 Ga.
^ X O On Free Data Card, Circle 207

~ i
g " 8
ill Electrical Equipment
Landscape Lighting

Is Catalog, 9 0 pages, illustrates

special lighting fixtures. I n -
cluded are landscape lighting,
esplanade lighting, fountains,
and underwater lighting.
Photos, details, and charts are
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 4 4 3 given. Price list is included.

70 Manufacturers' Data January 1965

,;x 11- -9"-



LATERAL S E C T I O N . Hi-Stress Flexicore slabs, 3 2 ' i n l e n g t h , a r e used f o r long-span ceilings on second f l o o r of class-
r o o m w i n g of R u f f i e r f o r d B. Hayes H i g f i School, D e l a w a r e , O h i o . The entire f r a m e is precast concrete columns a n d beams.

New Hi-Stress Flexicore Slabs

Give Improved Performance On 32-Foot Roof Span


SECOND FLOOR F R A M I N G , CLASSROOM W I N G . Lateral pre- ROOF F R A M I N G , C L A S S R O O M W I N G . L o n g i t u d i n a l precast

beams support Hi-Stress r o o f slabs w h i c h a r e t i e d to beams to
cast beams serve as b e a r i n g f o r s t a n d a r d Flexicore slabs. Both
provide lateral bracing.
8" o n d 1 0 " slabs used.

2' X S' X \" WELD



f4 T I E B A R


N e w Hi-Stress Flexicore slobs use high-tensile 7-wire stress-

relieved s f r o r d s t o produce f u l l y prestressed units. These slabs
p r o v i d e l o n g , clear spans, h i g h l o a d c a r r y i n g c o p a c i f y a n d
give improved performance.
The steel strands are a c c u r o l e l y pretensioned, b e f o r e the
slabs o r e cast, a n d introduce a c o n t r o l l e d camber into t h e units.
In this project, Hi-Sfress Flexicore slabs were used f o r 32-foot
r o o f spans, o n d 12 months a f t e r erection, show excellent per-
f o r m a n c e . S t o n d a r d Flexicore units (with m i l d l y pre-tensioned
r e i n f o r c i n g rodsl were used f o r f l o o r s of second story.
Ask f o r "Flexicore Facts 9 6 " on this project a n d "Hi-Stress
Flexicore" Bulletins. W r i t e The Flexicore Co., Inc., D a y t o n 1. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES H I G H S C H O O L , D e l a w a r e , O h i o has
O h i o , t h e Flexicore M a n u f a c t u r e r s Association, 297 South H i g h f r a m e of precast concrete columns a n d beams, a n d f l o o r s a n d
Street, C o l u m b u s 15, O h i o , or look under " F l e x i c o r e " in the r o o f s of Flexicore precast decks. Kline & Swartz of C h i l l i c o t h e ,
w h i t e pages of y o u r telephone b o o k . O h i o a r e the architects.


l o n g span Hi-Stress ceiling Lateral beams at second

b e f o r e p a r t i t i o n s installed. floor cantilever 7'-3".

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 402
P/A News Report 71
January 1965
At Crerar Library... K i m Lighting & M f g . Co., Inc.,
1467 N o . Lidcombe Ave., E l w h e r e v e r t h e r e ' s . . .
Monte, Cal.
Matot lifts speed On Free Dala Card. Circle 208
400 requests daily

Religious Lighting
Color photos depict contem- S P I L L NG
porary religious lighting fix-
tures in 32-page booklet.
Descriptive charts and details
of various fixtures are included.
NL Corp., 14901 Broadway,
Cleveland, Ohio.
On Free Data Card, Circle 209

Better Lighting
"Footcandles in Modern Light-
i n g " is subject of recent 30-
page publication. Discussed are
basic relationships of quantities
of light w i t h lighting quality,
numerous benefits of adequate
lighting levels, and economic
aspects of good lighting. Tables
list recommended minimum
footcandles for particular see-
ing tasks, which include those
m e n w h o k n o w tile f l o o r s
of industry, stores, offices, i n -
L o c a t e d in a n e w b u i l d i n g o n t h e c a m p u s best, s p e c i f y and install
stitutions, residences, trans-
of t h e I l l i n o i s I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y ,

portation, sports, and outdoor
C r e r a r L i b r a r y a v e r a g e s 400 r e a d e r
areas and activities. General
requests daily for t e c h n i c a l research
Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleve-
land, Ohio.
P R O B L E M : T o l o c a t e a n d m a k e re- On Free Data Card, Circle 210 J O I N T F I L L E R
quested material available to the check-
out desk as q u i c k l y as possible.
W h e r e v e r there's food handling, there's
sure to be spilling, dripping and drop-
S O L U T I O N : T w o Matot truck-in book ping. O r d i n a r y grouts can't withstand
l i f t s a n d a p n e u m a t i c t u b e s y s t e m . First the corrosive attack of food acids and
— r e q u e s t s are sent b y t u b e to o n e of Metal Finish Manual alkalies. T h a t ' s why Hydroment Joint
F i l l e r w a s specified for the quarry tile
three employee-stations located on the kitchens and cafeterias of No. 1 Chase
f i r s t f l o o r . Second—an employee takes Recently published is 73-page Manhattan P l a z a . It forms a perman-
ently tight, dense, joint — non-toxic,
the request, locates the book a n d puts "Architectural Metal Finishes odorless, highly resistant to wear and
it o n o n e o f t w o c e n t r a l l y l o c a t e d l i f t s . Manual." Introduction dis- corrosion. I t inhibits bacteria g r o w t h ;
v e r y e a s i l y maintained. Widely used w i t h
Ttiird—ihe m a t e r i a l arrives o n the lift cusses finishes by general clas- brick or tile for over 20 years in cafe-
u n d e r the c o u n t e r - t o p of t h e m a i n desk sifications, function, source, terias, r e s t a u r a n t s , hotels,
w h e r e t h e l i b r a r i a n v e r i f i e s it a n d c h e c k s variations in appearance, motels, hospitals, schools,
etc. . . . wherever there is
it o u t . T h e e n t i r e o p e r a t i o n t a k e s 5 m i n - choice, and comparable ap- m a s s feeding and mass
u t e s . U p t o 30 r e q u e s t s c a n b e h a n d l e d plicability w i t h other types of housing. Seven colors, plus
a t o n e t i m e . R e t u r n e d m a t e r i a l is l o a d e d black and white.
finishes. The following five
onto carts and trucked-into d u m b w a i t e r chapters describe i n complete 13d/Up
for return to shelves. detail finishes f o r aluminum,
copper alloys, stainless steel,
carbon steel, and iron. Organic, NO. 1 CHASE
Matot designs lifts for many uses:
vitreous, and laminated coat- MANHATTAN PLAZA
money lifts, food lifts and record ings are also discussed. The Architect:
carriers. Write for free information on National Association of A r c h i - Skidmore. Owings & Merrill
how Matot can make a building and tectural Metal Manufacturers, General Contractor:
its employees operate more efficiently. 228 N o r t h LaSalle St., Chi- Turner Construction Co.
cago, 111. Tile Contractor:
Peter Bratti Associates. Inc.
On Free Dala Card. Circle 211
D. A . M A T O T , I N C .
1 5 3 3 W.AItgeld A v e n u e • C h i c a g o . Illinois 6 0 6 1 4
312 Lincoln 9 - 2 1 7 7 Pioneers in Industrial Research Since 1881
Specializing in Dumbuaiters since 1888
Industrial Coatings T H E U P C O CO.
See our c a t a l o g in Sweet's 4805 LEXINGTON AVE. • C L E V E U N D 3. OHIO
Catalog on industrial coatings
In t h e W e s t : H Y D R O M E N T , I N C .
lists latest information on B 2 9 N . C o f f m a n Drive • Montebello, Calif.
maintenance in eight cate-
gories, among which are i n -
For more information, circle No. 4 2 5 terior wall maintenance with
For more information, circle No. 3 7 5

72 Manufaciiirers' Data
January 1965
pools reflect


A t The M u s e u m o f M o d e r n A r t , N e w York, is s t i l l L e a d is so w o r k a b l e , too. I t c o n f o r m s so r e a d i l y

another d r a m a t i c d e m o n s t r a t i o n of h o w the v i r - to a n y shape. I n i t i a l cost is l o w a n d maintenance
tues of lead give w i n g s to a r c h i t e c t u r a l imagina- cost is n i l ; lead l i t e r a l l y lasts forever.
tions. A n d b r i n g a gleam, i n the bargain, to the eye Y o u r s f o r t h e a s k i n g are: D e t a i l e d specifications
of a l l concerned w i t h squeezing the greatest value o n pools a n d planters, technical i n f o r m a t i o n o n
f r o m every i n c h of space. these a n d other m o d e r n a p p l i c a t i o n s of lead i n
I n t h e n e w l y enlarged S c u l p t u r e Garden, the a r c h i t e c t u r e . W r i t e L e a d I n d u s t r i e s Association,
l e a d - l i n e d r e f l e c t i n g pool, a n d verdant lead-lined Inc., Dept. N - i . 2 9 2 Madison Avenue, New
oases of trees a n d grass, pleasantly backdrop a r t Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 10017.
w o r k s o n d i s p l a y , p l a y a soft c o u n t e r p o i n t to the
r e c t i l i n e a r massing of the m u s e u m b u i l d i n g s .
B e n e a t h t h i s p o o l a n d planters are galleries
a n d storage areas w h i c h prudence w o u l d have p u t
elsewhere ( o r l e f t o u t a l t o g e t h e r ) were i t not f o r
t h e l a s t i n g water-tightness t h a t is u n i q u e l y lead's. ook Ahead with Lead

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 4 6

January 1965 P/A News Report 1}

spec details on architectural, concrete f o r various types of flooring and roofing mate- and ozone. Poly Resins, 11655
high solids, sanitary coatings exposure is included. Set of rial. It contains no plasti- Wicks St., Sun Valley, Cal.
and repair materials f o r wet tables gives engineering data cisers. solvents, or emulsions, On Free Data Card. Circle 213
anti dry surfaces; preservation and sq f t cost comparisons thereby enabling spraying of
of surfaces subject to exposure f o r selection of o p t i m u m per- unlimited thicknesses. I t coats
of chemicals, gas, and mois-
ture; selection of colors; floor
formance of metal primers,
wall and floor coatings. Steel-
concrete, wood, asphalt, light-
weight cellular concrete aiul
preservation and maintenance cote M f g . Co., 3418 Gratiot, metal as well as existing sur-
including epoxy resurfacers, St. Louis, M o . faces. Impermeable elastomer
rubber base coatings, sealers, On Free Data Card. Circle 212 provides seamless surface that
skid resisters. mortars, ad- will bridge post cracking in
hesives, "and binders; outdoor concreie. Urapol has high ten-
wall and roof coatings; swim- sile strength, good elongation,
ming pools, decorative inside Plastic Flooring resilience, resistance to abra-
and outside wall finishes and sion, tear and compression set,
Brochure. 6 pages, introduces
house paints. Section on sur- and is virtually unaffected by
" U r a p o l , " a two-component
face preparation f o r steel and , oils, solvents, water, oxidation,
liquid polyurethane plastic


Children like redwood for the same reason they identify with trees and fields
and brooks. They have an instinctive love for what is simple, unaffected, natu-
ral. Architects share this feeling and use redwood to create an environment Herman Miller
conducive to happy, carefree living...surrounded by beauty. Furniture Catalog
To receive our quarterly publication."Redwood News". Comprehensive, single-volume,
write Department 61-A, California Redwood Association. 617 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. loose-leaf catalog features
chairs and seating systems; of-
fice and storage systems; tables
and conference tables; and
cases and beds. Catalog offers
product anil installation photos;
drawings showing exact scale
of f u r n i t u r e on graph paper at
14" to 1'; charts that depict
not only "mechanics"' of f u r n i -
ture devices but also potential
combinations of modular seat-
ing and cases; suggestions f o r
and combinations of colors,
finishes, and materials; samples
of textiles, vinyls, and plasiics
f o r shell chairs; drawings of
special patented devices; photo-
graphs f o r use as presentation
cut-outs; and detailed specs.
Catalog costs $10, which i n -
cludes continuing service of
updating. Herman M i l l e r Inc.,
Zeeland. M i c h .

The Tongue and Groove Paneling shown is FactriSawn'^ a trademarked, Certified Kiln Dried
1965 additions to Knoll's loose-
leaf catalog include f o u r newly-
introduced Mies V a n Der
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 391 Robe reproductions (brochure

74 Manufacturers' Data January 1965

TOP: Pan American Air-
ways Hangar 14, John F .
Kennedy International
Airport, Jamaica, N . Y .

L E F T : Unadhered loop
of B F G Flashing, me-
chanically fastened at top
and bottom, spans gap
between roof and wall to
allow for movement.

R I G H T : The finished job

. . . neatly installed and
completely watertight re-
gardless of movement.


Shown here is one of Pan Am's Hangars plications. Specify and install BFG Flexible
at Kennedy International Airport. Its roof, Flashing for that extra margin of safety.
covering nearly five acres, is of folded plate Need help with your flashing problems?
design, suspended by steel cables anchored Call on BFG's technical service team. Write
to center columns. To accommodate an- BFG Building Products Dept. PA 17. The
ticipated movement, a six-inch opening was B.F.Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio 44318. FLEXIBLE VINYL FLASHTNG

provided between deck ends and adjacent

walls, creating a hard-to-flash area.
The original flashing, which failed after The B . F . G o o d r i c h C o m p a n y
two years, was replaced with BFG FLEXIBLE Akron. Ohio 4 4 3 1 8
Please send t e c h n i c a l data a n d s a m p l e s :
VINYL F L A S H I N G . This installation has
been completely satisfactory and even now • B F G VINYL WATER B A R R I E R S
shows no evidence of deterioration. It's • B F G VINYL W A T E R S T O P S
easy to understand because BFG Flashing
is extra tough, flexible over a wide temper-
ature range and weathers extremely well.
The same desirable characteristics that Street A d d r e s s .

make BFG Flashing the ideal choice for the City -State- .Zip Code.
" t o u g h " jobs apply equally to everyday ap-

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 427

January 1965 P/A News Report 75

available) and table and desk and backs, including uphol- two-valve unit is preferred. illustrates expanded line of
group with comer detail ster>', veneer, and plastic. Col- U n i t has compression valves contemporary treillage patterns.
(shown), designed by Richard or photos and engineering lay- w i t h monel parts and is equip- Seven designs include recent
Schultz. Also included is welted out chart are given. American ped w i t h "Anystream" shower additions of "Lattice," " D i a -
and t u f t e d swivel armchair de- Desk M f g . , Temple, Tex. head which permits instant ad- m o n d , " and "Cascade" pat-
signed by Vincent Cafiero. On Free Data Card, Circle 216 justment of spray f r o m f u l l terns. D i e y are made f r o m
K n o l l Assocs. Inc., 230 Park flood to five needle shower. high-strength malleable iron,
Avenue, N e w Y o r k , N . Y .
On Free Data Card. Circle 214 Special Equipment Showerpac I I is available i n six
models w i t h or without built-in
w h i c h combines ease o f fab-
rication w i t h high resistance to
soap dish. Speakman Co., W i l - breakage. F o r applications that
mington, D e l . require lighter weight, alumi-
On Free Data Card, Circle 217
Urban Renewal
1965 catalog, totalling 65
pages, depicts Danish and F i n - Film
nish designed f u r n i t u r e . Sofas,
tables, armless settees, span- " U r b a n Redevelopment . . .
ning table units, carrels, lounge U . S . A . " is the title o f a 20-
chairs, and storage units are minute film strip available
included. Photo illustrates each f r o m A C T I O N , Inc. Before
type and style of f u r n i t u r e . C I and after shots of 17 A m e r i c a n
Designs, 230 Claredon St., Bos- cities, large and smafl, should
ton, Mass. serve to stimulate interest i n
the field. For more i n f o r m a -
On Free Data Card, Circle 215
A Shower of tion, contact A C T I O N , I n c . ,
The National Council f o r
num castings are also available.
Showers Good Cities, 2 West 46 St.,
Treillage patterns may be used
Auditorium Seating New Y o r k 36, N . Y .
to f o r m interior o r exterior
Catalog, 12 pages, describes On Free Data Card, Circle 218
dividers, screens, grilles, rail-
A u d i t o r i u m and stadium seat- shower heads and fittings, sink
ings, columns, and gates. Julius
ing are described i n 12-page and service fittings, and eye
B l u m & Co. Inc., Carlstadt,
brochure. Floor- and riser-
mounted seating utilize vari-
and face wash fixtures. Fea-
tured is "Showerpac 11"
Treillage Patterns N.J.
On Free Data Card, Circle 219
ous materials f o r their seats shower fitting/head used when Bulletin, 8 pages, describes and Continued on page 79
k e e p i n g J o h n n i e a w a k e

There may well be another reason why Johnny can't read. I t may be becanse he's
being anesthetized by the tlreary sameness of his school surronndings. I n the big
Fehniarx issne of P R O G R E S S I V E A R C H I T E C T U R E , the editors explore the problem
an<l the «'\<'iling solutions developed by architects in varions parts of the coniitry. It's
a 22-page presentation that's titled "Sequence of Spaces in Schools."

Also in February, you will see an outstanding picture stor\' of interiors by Finland's
Alvar Aalto; a trenchant report on tlie stultifying effect of regulatory agencies on
architectural design; a full treatment of I . M. Pei's School of Journalism at Syracuse
and a hatfull of provocative features, presentations and technical reports.

Your check for $5 will briiij; you the exciting Febniary issue and eleven more, including
the animal Design Awards issue in January of 1966. Isn't this the time to start your
subscription to P / A ? Address: Circulation Department, P R O G R E S S I V E A R C H I T E C -
T U R E , Reinhold Publishing Corp,, 430 Park Avenue, New York N. Y . 10022.

< For more information, circle No. 405

P/A News Report 77

add that superior touch of elegance

Brightness Control
Now specify the new 500-DS with confi-
dence. It's the first, f u l l wave, electronic
dimmer w i t h positive overload protection.
Installs simply and quickly in both new
construction and replacement.
REHAU-PLASTIKS I N C . 50 - 22 49 th Street

Woodside, New York 11 3 7 7 T e l . S T 4 - 5785 / 6

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 417

Exclusive with P&S 500-DS.
Protects dimmer a g a i n s t
overload and e x c e s s i v e l y
Completely insulates control
knob and plate. Use any
switch-plate: plastic or
metal. Rated 500 watts AC
high ambient temperature. (incandescent)

Materials in Modern Architecture, Volume I :

by John Peter, Jtilin Pelcr AsstKiates, New York City
1965 160 pages $12.00
DESIGN W I T H GLASS is the first book in Reinhold s
new "Materials in Modern Architecture" Series. These
books are being created specifically to show the design
pKjtentials of wood, steel, concrete, glass, plastics, and clay
products i n moilcrn architecture. The aim of each volume
is lo give i n s i g h t into the materials thai lie behind the sur-

OVERSIZE FILTER PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD face design. This new series will provide i n photographic
Mounted on a Neoprene No jungle of wires. All con- reprothiction the imaginative and inspirational uses of m a -
shock absorber for elimina- nections are wave-soldered
tion of AC resonance. automatically to give life- terials by modern masters from all over the world. Careful
time performance. architectural drawings will reveal the great details of our
limes. These will combine the beauiiful with the practical
in a unique and unsurpassed structural idea series on mod-
Send for color brochure. Dept. PA-165 ern architecture.

Available at your bookstore or write Dept. M-119

I ' A S S & S K Y M O U F l , I N C .
BOSTON . CHICAGO • I.O» A N G E L I S • SAN FRANCISCO 430 Park Avenue, New York, N . Y . 10022

For more information, turn lo Reader Service card, circle No. 422

January 1965
78 P/A News Report
Caniinued from page 76


Liquid Plastic
Brochure. 4 pages, describes
••.Selbatlor" resin matrix type
ol flooring. Resin matrix is
polyurelhane liquid poured on-
site and catalytically cured t o
resilient, tough, seamless sur-
face. Decorator flakes are plas-
tic, thereby giving resilience to
finished floor. Selbaflor is laid
down i n seamless coating only
1 / 1 6 " t o ' / s " thick. I t is non-
slip, with 100 per cent recov-
ery factor even after removal
o f equipment casters. Plastic
Hakes provide more than " 4 2 , -
<S7.5" color variations. Bro-
chure gives color photos o f
several paUerns. as well as
specs. Selbv. Battersby & Co.,
.5220 W h i t b y Ave.. Philadel-
phia, Pa.
On Free Data Card, Circle 220

Carpet Pattern
• Colorset" electrostatic method
for creation of multicolor pat-
terns i n any f o r m o r shape on
luftetl carpet is described in
10-page booklet. DyestulTs

used i n Colorset process are
prcmetalized and drawn com- H O L L A N D
pletely through yarn and fibers.
Because dyestufT is applied
after carpeting is tufted, pat-
terns can be curvilinear. A c -
cording t o manufacturer, Col-
orset process results in as The plus is a big one — surfaces of Videne, the polyester sur-
much as 50 per cent reduction facing film made by Goodyear and applied with their techno-
in costs o f labor and 30 t o 50 logical capabilities to Modern wood panels. Result, partitions
per cent saving i n carpet costs and wall panels of surpassing beauty and durability. Modern's
oi same quality. A n y number
of color schemes f o r one de- Videne surfaces arc dimensionally stable, they won't crack or
sign can be made from one chip, they're more wear-resistant than commercial wet finishes
basic tufted carpet. Several de- and plastic laminates. Available in four different systems for
signs are shown. E.T. Barwick every commercial interior need — all in a choice of 16 superb
Mills. Inc.. Chamblee, G a .
wood grain finishes, 34 non-fading colors, and 6 striking
On Free Data Card, Circle 221
design patterns.



430 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022

Editor Jan C. Rowan

Surfaces of VIDENE
News Editor James T. Burns, J r .
Assoc News Editor. . . . E . K. Carpenter for the complete story, write Modern for your copy of their new 24-page brochure in full color-

Publisher D. B. Wilkin MODERN P A R T I T I O N S INC. / Holland, Michigan 4 9 4 2 3

Associate Publisher. . P . H. Hubbard, J r .

Advtg. Sales Mgr W. R. Evans, J r .

Production Mgr. . . . J o s e p h M. Scanlon For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 8 4

January 1963 Manufacturers' Data 7 9

Union T a n k C a r Service C e n t e r , Baton Rol Designed by R. B u c k m i n s t e r Fu

There's no closure problem you can't

control with The ''OVERHEAD DOOR" Here's
it was
done. ..
You may never square off with a roundhouse design, complete
with geodesic dome by Buckminster Fuller. But you're sure to go
many rounds with some challenging closure problems. When this
happens, our Architect Design Service can help you solve them with Everythingabout R. Buck-
m i n s t e r Fuller's geodesic
skill and imagination, and the versatility of The "OVERHEAD DOOR." dome is u n u s u a l - i n c l u d -
ing the closure problem.
Doors had to be locomo-
THE tive-size; The "OVER-
H E A D D O O R S " installed
a r e 17 x 19 feet. Motor-
d r i v e n by a Va hp s i d e -
mounted AUTO-MATE
A u t o m a t i c Operator, e a c h
door is installed at a 20-
OVERHEAD DOOR CORPORATION degree angle for a perfect
fit and a n uninterrupted
General Offices and Manufacturing Division: Hartford City, Ind. Manufacturing Distributors: Dallas, Tex.; Portland, outside appearance.
Ore.; Oxnard, Carif.; Cortland, N.Y.; Hillside, N.J.; Lewistown, Penna.; Nashua, N.H. In Canada: Oakville, Ontario.

F o r more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 438

80 PfA Mi'Hs Ripori January 1965

What's so great about this Risom RGP chair?

Well, for one thing, the way it does everything you could ask of a general purpose
chair, without looking like one. For another, the way it takes punishment and shuns
maintenance. What's more, it's really comfortable. And it has all the quality you expect
of things Risom —at a most surprising price. May we send you details? Drop us a
line at 4 4 4 Madison Avenue, New York 10022, (Oh yes, one more thing. It stacks!)

Jens Risom

moving day
i ^ R o o m t h e r m o s t a t s b e l o n g o n t h e w a l l ' ^

New B a r b e r - C o l m a n Heat-of-Light S y s t e m puts the thermostat
w h e r e it w o r k s b e s t - i n a m o v i n g a i r s t r e a m . R e s u l t : Temperature
c h a n g e s a r e d e t e c t e d u p to 1 5 t i m e s f a s t e r t h a n w i t h wall-mounted
t h e r m o s t a t s . C l i p c o u p o n for c o m p l e t e information.

R loom thermostats belong on the

wall." Ridiculous! Walls soak up
heat (or cold). Wall-mounted thermo-
heat. With the new Barber-Colman
Heat-of-Light System, much of the
heat generated by light, as well as
Hot air ducts, reheat coils and piping
are not required. Less pipe and duct
insulation are needed. A n d , you get
stats pick up this heat or cold, so re- people and equipment can now be put more air conditioning in less space.
sponse to room temperature changes to work heating the building.
is slowed, resulting in overheating (or C o m p u t e r helps y o u evaluate
overcooling). Air-handling lighting fixtures remove Heat-of-Light for your building
up to 85% of light-generated heat from
the occupied zone. Barber-Colman's Now, take the guesswork out of de-
New temperature s e n s i n g element signing your next air conditioning sys-
mounts in c e i l i n g diffuser Jetronic mixing units capture this heat
and use it to warm interior zones and tem. A simple one-page Feasibility
Thermostats work best in a moving air offset heat losses at the building peri- Study (plus a few minutes work by our
stream. That's where Barber-Colman meter. Result: Ideal operating tempera- Transac 2000 computer) lets you
puts them in the Heat-of-Light System. tures for fluorescent lights (15" to 80^F) evaluate a Heat-of-Light System before
Conventional, wall-mounted thermo- are maintained—increasing light out- it's installed. The computer carefully
stats have been replaced by pencil-thin put by 15 to 20% over " s t a t i c " fixtures. studies each floor in the building, It
electronic sensing elements that fit in Lighting levels can be doubled (up to calculates heating and cooling air
the air-handling system (in air/light 200 foot-candles or more) without in- temperatures for perimeter air systems
diffusers, under-the-window units, ceil- creasing conditioned air load. . . . the number of light fixtures required
ing diffusers). This new development . . . supply air quantity and temperature
in thermostat design and application A n d , there are other important bene- . . . and primary air quantities. You get
means that the moving air surrounding fits: You realize major savings in the an answer quickly—often within 48
the people in the room can be continu- cost of air conditioning. Steam boilers hours. (More than 100 of our customers
ously sampled. Changes in tempera- and prospects have used this computer
and other high-output heat sources
ture are detected and acted upon up service in the past six months.)
can be reduced in size (or eliminated).
to 15 times faster than with wall-
mounted t h e r m o s t a t s . T e m p e r a t u r e Get the facts! Clip coupon below or contact your nearest Barber-Colman field
control is more accurate and uniform. office for a Feasibility Study.

What's more, moving the thermostat

off the wall reduces installation costs. B A R B E R - C O L M A N C O M P A N Y
No drilling or channeling for electrical R O C K F O R D , I L L I N O I S 61101
conduit or pneumatic tubing—low- In C a n a d a : B A R B E R - C O L M A N O F C A N A D A , L T D .
voltage wires connect the electronic Toronto, Ontario
sensing element to the control system. . . . where originality works for you
Walls and panel dividers can be moved Barber-Colman Company
without altering the temperature con- Rockford, Illinois 61101
trol system. The costs of re-installing
P l e a s e have your local representative call me to arrange a
and recalibrating thermostats every computerized Feasibility Study.
time a partition is moved are eliminated. P l e a s e s e n d me your N E W booklet on the Barber-Colman
'—' Heat-of-Light S y s t e m .

New s y s t e m c o m b i n e s lighting,
heating, and cooling functions
Today, lighting levels of up to 150
foot-candles (or more) are common. Up Company,

to 85c of every dollar you spend for Street

light at these higher levels ends up as
City .State. .Zip C o d e .

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 4 2 4

for style
monolithic reinforced concrete
is t h e a r c h i t e c t s ' d e s i g n m a t e r i a l
• Architecture has come of age in America! In this architectural evolution, mono-
lithic reinforced concrete is the preferred construction material. It can be molded freely
into any contour and shape, and eliminates the many design restrictions imposed by
all other construction methods. Through the use of reinforced concrete, architects
can exercise complete freedom in the achievement of style, elegance, and individu-
ality. Decide now to utilize the great design opportunities of monolithic reinforced
concrete in your next building.

Edens Thaater, Northbrook, Illinois

Architects: The Perkins 6, Will Partnership
Engineers: The Enflineers Collaborative
General Contractor: Chell i l Anderson

C O M C R R E i r v J R O R O l f S J G S - T E E I I M S X I T U T E
2 2 8 North L a Salle Street C h i c a g o , Illinois 6 0 6 0 1
Here's the proof in waterproof FOAMGLAS

The only roof insulation
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This micro-photograph shows you what makes FOAMGLAS the

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Once your FOAMGLAS Roof Insulation is d o w n , our 20-year

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guarantee because FOAMGLAS will always keep its original i n -

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Check it!

All other insulations w i l l absorb moisture if the roof leaks or

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Investigate the only waterproof roof insulation . . . available

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For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 441



Unretouched micro-photograph of
FOAMGLAS and drop of water 24
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water to penetrate the sealed glass
cells. Each sealed cell is a separate unit.
More architects
more Instalitef

SAVED $170.28
on One Copying Job. •.
Gerald H e u l i t t , architect in Pompton L a k e s , N. J . required
750 prints for a set of p l a n s . S h e e t s were 24 " x 36 ". Us-
ing the Rotolite Diazo-Jet. his direct c o s t s were a s follows:
3 p a c k s paper $62.16
12 h r s . labor @ $2.63 31.56
Ammonia 1.00
Electricity 1.00

Total cost $99.72

If s e n t outside at 6 ; per s q . ft. the job would cost $270.
S u m m a r y : C o s t if done by an outside s h o p $270.00
C o s t in his own s h o p 99.72
Savings on this one job $170.28
T h r e e jobs like t h i s a n d h e h a s a l m o s t s a v e d the c o s t of
his Diazo-Jet.
He a l s o u s e s the Rotolite for all his office f o r m s s u c h a s
job sheets, applications, time s h e e t s , c e r t i f i c a t e s , etc.
Four y e a r s ago he started with an E c o n o m y Model Rotolite,
During that time he tried other m a c h i n e s but they did not
meet his s t a n d a r d s for s p e e d or r u g g e d n e s s .

Rololite Thermomalic auto-

TTT matic dry developer

1. Fast installation. Entire fixture assembly snaps into

place. 2 . Various fixture types are interchangeable in the
Rotolite Economy same size mounting ring. 3 . Die cast aluminum ring with
Model Whiteprinter stainless steel brackets eliminates the possibility of rust
stain. 4. Precise optical performance.
Many fixture types and sizes available. Write for Instalite
catalog and prices.
rrWRITE FOR FREE CATALOG Century Lighting equipment is engineered lighting equipment

ROTOLITE SALES C O R P . , Stirling, N. J . Phone ( 2 0 1 ) 647-1040

Please send free literature.




CITY STATE New York: 521 West 43rd Street. New York, N. Y. 10036
Calif.: 1820-40 Berkeley St., Santa Monica/2443 Ash St., Palo Alto
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 411
For more information, lurn to Reader Service card, circle No. 440

For more information, circle No. 301 >


Do you measure architectural excellence

by the pound-price?
Coppermetals are not the cheapest material you can specify for architec-
tural accents—nor are they always the most expensive. But no other
metal offers the inherent beauty, range of colors, forms, versatility and
durability of true copper alloys. Furthermore, you can attain all these
advantages without upsetting budgets, by using coppermetals in locations
where the eye can appreciate fine design and component quality. And
remember, the texture and colors of copper architectural metals are more
than skin-deep. Copper may cost a bit more than substitutes. Don't you
think it's worth it?

To see what imaginative designers can accomplish through the judicious use of coppermetals, turn page
North C a r o l i n a S t a t e Legislative B u i l d i n g . A r c h i t e c t : E d w a r d Durell S t o n e . New York City. A s s o c i a t e A r c h i t e c t s : Holloway & R e e v e s . Raleigh. N. C .

Here's how leading architects use coppermetals

accent with
Leading architects and designers are
pioving that modern coppermetals can
provide beautiful—and economical—ac-
cents to other building materials.
Coppei'metals come in a range of rich
colors: from pure copper to the warm
golds of the brasses and bronzes, and the
soft silvery white of nickel silver. Vou
can design with sheet, rod, wire, tube,
extruded or drawn shapes and castings.
And with all copper alloys, beauty is
To see what can be done with archi-
tectural copper alloys simply send the
coupon below to Anaconda American
Brass Company, Waterbury, Conn. 06720.
In Canada: Anaconda American Br-ass
Ltd., New Toronto, Ontario.
F a b r i c a t o r : J . D. W l l k i n s C o m p a n y , G r e e n s b o r o . N.C.

in modern design.
WITH MASONRY: Entrance, Public Safety
Building, Rochester, N . Y . Architects:
Bohacket & Flynn, Rochester, N.Y. Fabri-
cator: f^Uison Bronze Co., Inc., Jamestown,
New York.
WITH F I N I S H E D S T O N E : Interior, Public
Safety Building, Rochester, N.Y.
WITH C E R A M I C : F.D.I.C. Building, Wash-
ington, D.C. Architects: Chatelain, Ganger
& Nolan, Washington, D.C; Perkins & Will,
Chicago, 111. Fabricator: A. F. Jorss Iron
Works Inc., Arlington, Virginia.
W I T H G L A S S : Eisenhower Presidential
Library, Abilene, Kansas. Architect: John E.
Brink, lola, Kansas. Fabricator: Flour City
Architectural Metals Div., Hupp Corp.,
Minneapolis, Minn.


Anaconda American Brass C o m p a n y
Waterbury, Conn. 06720
Please s e n d m e Publication B-16
" O u t of A n a c o n d a C o p p e r m e t a l s — C r e a t i v i t y . "




City .State.
f/ie mosf significant wall tile advancement of this decade
In 1959 Romany-Spartan Levelset® glazed wall tile was introduced. It was
Beveled edge locks in grout, the first precisely sized 4V4" x 4V4" wall tile. N o w w i t h Sized Contact
assures perfect grout adhesion. Spacers, United States Ceramic Tile Company offers another first—precision
sized 4V4" X 6" and 4V4" x 8V2" glazed w a l l tile. A l l four edges are ground
to w i t h i n - .003" of target size.
In addition to exactness of size, Sized Contact Spacers incorporate a
unique beveled edge design featuring ground to size spacer lugs along each
side and on each end. This patented design not only eliminates glaze flecks,
but locks grout in, offers less joint area and, most important, assures perfect
joint alignment. Each tile, as a result, stacks p l u m b and true—eliminates
t o o l h p i c k i n g or adjusting w i t h p l u m b and level.
Tests prove installation time is reduced by as m u c h as 2 5 % over c o m -
parable tile. What's more, since each tile butts up against the succeeding
tile, the completed j o b is more u n i f o r m in a p p e a r a n c e — n o deviation in
Precision ground spacer lugs grout lines.
assure straight, uniform joints.
This ground to size tile is available in a full c o m p l e -
ment of colors and trim shapes. A n d they contain the
many outstanding c|uality features you have come to
expect with Romany-Spartan glazed wall tile.
Ask your contractor or local Romany-Spartan dis-
tributor for details—they are in the Y e l l o w ^
Cross section shows how grout locks in,
tiles butt together for perfect joint.


100 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 7 2 January 1965 p/a

For more information, circle No. 3 1 1 •

In t h e East o r W e s t ,

for b i g j o b s o r s m a l l

o l d j o b s o r n e w

the choice is

1 6 9 S E A L A N T !

BFC's BETASEAL 169 Sealant is in-

creasingly being used for sealing or
caulking jobs on projects of every
The reason is simple! This remark-
able, synthetic rubber based sealant
is tough, long-lasting and resilient. It
meets ASA 116.1 and TT-S-00227
specs . . . has excellent adhesion,
remains tight under extreme condi-
tions of expansion, contraction and
vibration. It offers outstanding resist-
ance to rain, ozone, sunlight and
weathering over wide temperature
BETASEAL 169 Sealant is only one
of a complete range of outstanding
BFC products for architectural use.
Others include BETACOTE Coatings,
BETATOP floor surfacing materials
and world-famous LIQUID ENVELOPE,
vinyl-based plastic coatings.
For additional information on any of
these products, return coupon.
1. Hoffman-La Roche R e s e a r c h Tower; Nutley, 3. Loyola University C h a p e l ; Chicago, Illinois
New Jersey C a u l k i n g Contractor: S u r f a c e Protection E n g i -
C a u l k i n g Contractor: Brisk Waterproofing Co.. neering; C h i c a g o , Illinois
Inc.; Ridgefield, New Jersey
4. S i s t e r s of fvlercy Naviate, Farmington.
2. Eastern Airlines T e r m i n a l ; Kennedy Air- Michigan
port, New York Architects: Giffels & Rossetti; Detroit, Mich.
C a u l k i n g Contractor: G r e n a d i e r Corporation, G e n e r a l Contractor: J a m e s & S a v a g e Corp.;
New York, New York Detroit, Mich. G l a s s &. Glazing Contractor:
Ohio Plate G l a s s C o . ; Detroit, Mich.

j Please send me Information on: BETACOTE Coatings • , BETASEAL Sealants •

B E T A T O P Toppings • L I Q U I D E N V E L O P E Coatings •


1401 Broad St., Clifton, N . J . ' 1 4 3 9 0 Gannet St., L a Mirada, Calif. CITY

J.ANU.ARY 1965 P/A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 426 103
Tulsa Civic Center (Tulsa, Oklahoma) Northwest Airlines Main Overhaul B a s e Salt Lake County Juvenile Home
Arch: Murray, Jones & Murray ( S t . P a u l . Minn.) and Court Complex
Appl: Empire Roofing & Insulation Co. Arch: Waller Butler Co. (Salt L a k e City. U t a h )
W. A. Strong Co. Appl: Northern Placing Co. Arch: Beall and Letnoine
Appl: Utah Pioneer Corp.

104 JA.NUARV 1963 P/A

R. L. C o u s i n s H i g h a n d E l e m e n t a r y Municipal Recreation Center K T R K - T V station (Houston. T e x a s )
School g y m n a s i u m (near Atlanta, Ga.] ( J a c k s o n v i l l e B e a c h , Florida) Arch: Lloyd, Morgan and Jones
Arch: Tomberlin-Sheetz; Arch: Tomberlin-Sheetz; Appl: Shelton W. Greer Co., Inc.
Eng: Chaslain & Tindal Eng: Chastian & Tindel
Appl: SoHlheasiern Roof Decks Appl: Southeastern Roof Decks

Now the application of every Zonolite"^

Lightweight Concrete Insulating Deck is certified
That makes 141 reasons why no other roof deck
fits your needs so economically, efficiently and safely

Y o u a r e a l u c k y e x c e p t i o n if y o u have not had 2. little as l / 6 t h the weight of ordinary

substancJard m a t e r i a l s a n d s u b s t a n d a r d concrete, so supporting structures can be considerably lighter
in weight and cost.
a p p l i c a t i o n of m a t e r i a l s on y o u r j o b s .
3. ANY DESIRED INSULATION VALUE can be obtained by simply
One way to a v o i d t h i s is t o specify Certified varying the thickness of Zonolite Vermiculite Concrete.
a p p l i c a t i o n of Z o n o l i t e V e r m i c u l i t e I n s u l a t i n g 4. PERMANENT... composed of completely inorganic materials;
C o n c r e t e f o r y o u r roof d e c k s . won't rot or decompose; lasts the life of the building.
The approved Zonolite applicator maintains 5. MONOLITHIC...continuous surface; no seams to allow
a c o n t i n u o u s log of t h e j o b ; day by day tar drip in the event of fire.
mix p r o p o r t i o n s , w a t e r c o n t e n t , d e n s i t i e s a n d 6. INCOMBUSTIBLE...Vermiculite Concrete is all mineral,
w e a t h e r c o n d i t i o n s . Deck s p e c i m e n s a r e cannot possibly burn.
t a k e n periodically a n d t e s t e d f o r p r o p e r 7. FLEXIBLE...can be used with form boards, paper-backed
dry d e n s i t y a n d c o m p r e s s i v e s t r e n g t h wire lath, galvanized metal decks or structural concrete.
a t o u r labs in E v a n s t o n , Illinois. On Adapts easily to conform to any drainage or slope problem.
c o m p l e t i o n a c e r t i f i c a t e is issued w h i c h s t a t e s 8. SLOPES FOR DRAINAGE, as prescribed by the built-up-roofing
t h a t t h e c o n c r e t e was m i x e d a n d a p p l i e d industry, are easily and economically provided with
in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e s t a n d a r d specifications Zonolite concrete.
of t h e V e r m i c u l i t e I n s t i t u t e . 9. ECONOMICAI original cost is low, maintenance costs are
nil. Insulation efficiency may even allow use of smaller
T h i s a s s u r e s t h e q u a l i t y of y o u r d e c k . heating and cooling units.
But t h e r e a r e 1 4 0 m o r e a d v a n t a g e s 10-141. There are 132 skilled applicators who are approved
to be c o n s i d e r e d . to place these systems in strict accordance with the standard
specifications of the Vermiculite Institute.

Other roof d e c k s y s t e m s m a y o f f e r t h r e e , f o u r or five

of the a b o v e a d v a n t a g e s , b u t Z o n o l i t e V e r m i c u l i t e
Concrete is t h e only o n e t h a t o f f e r s all 1 4 1 . For c o m p l e t e
s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a n d d a t a file, have y o u r s e c r e t a r y
d r o p us a n o t e .
*A rtgisUreJ Irademark of ^onoliu Ditision of W. R. Grace & Co.

W. R. G R A C E & CO.

JANU.^RY 1965 P/A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 410
You get more latitude for ere- • /
i atlve interior design with ^ /
this wide selection of Ml
distinctive patterns ^ /

W h e n y o u need m o r e t h a n "looks," choose

Features small louvers with recessed re-
fracting prisms. Acrylic, actual size Day-Brite


O n "looks" a l o n e , D a y - B r i t e e n c l o s u r e s w i n
B e s t of S h o w . C l e a n , i m a g i n a t i v e s t y l i n g
that enhances a n y fixture, complements
every decor. B u t t h e r e a l story of D a y - B r i t e
superiority is f u n c t i o n a l . L e n s e s are op-
tically engineered for m a x i m u m e f f i c i e n c y
and c o n t r o l of b r i g h t n e s s . P r e c i s i o n - f a b r i -
c a t e d f r o m 100% v i r g i n a c r y l i c , h i g h e s t
Molded acrylic panel in matte finish. quality light-stabilized polystyrene, crystal
C R E S T E X Dished profile. Acrylic i/z actual size
glass or A l z a k a l u m i n u m , D a y - B r i t e enclo-
sures l a s t a n d l a s t . A n d f e a t u r e s s u c h a s
separable h i n g e s t h a t d i s e n g a g e f r o m e i t h e r
side for easier m a i n t e n a n c e . . . f r a m e d
panels t h a t m i n i m i z e c h i p p i n g or c r a c k i n g
a n d c o n c e a l l a m p s for good v i s u a l c o m f o r t
. . . a l l help m a k e D a y - B r i t e e n c l o s u r e s t h e
best b u y for y o u r c l i e n t ' s l i g h t i n g d o l l a r . F o r
every c o m m e r c i a l , i n s t i t u t i o n a l or i n d u s t r i a l
a p p l i c a t i o n , s p e c i f y D a y - B r i t e . . . t h e enclo-
s u r e s t h a t look r i g h t , f i t r i g h t , c o n t r o l r i g h t .

Sculptured stars against octagonal prisms, in

S T A R T E X crystal glass, actual size


Alzak aluminum with parabolic surfaces

P A R A L O U V E R for low brightness. 1/4 actual size DAY B R I T E LIGHTING 5411 B U L W E R A V E . S T . LOUIS, MO. 6 3 1 4 7

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 1 2

Please furnish complete data on Powers' New Thermostat Line.


Powers new thermostats have a faster response than

any other pneumatic thermostat on the market.
'Decorator styled', they can be installed horizontally Address
or mounted vertically on narrow mullions.
City State Zip
C o v e r styles a v a i l a b l e Models available

• Plain c o v e r Direct or R e v e r s e Acting


• W i t h or without thermometer Day/Nite
• E x p o s e d or c o n c e a l e d adjustment Heating/Cooling
• E x p o s e d or c o n c e a l e d set point "In Wall" Aspirating 3400 OAKTON STREET • SKOKIE 28, ILLINOIS
DEPT. 165
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 399
lee Hanley, St. John'i Abbey

New dimensions in Pozzolith concrete

at St. Jolin's Abbey
St. J o h n ' s A b b e y , S t . J o h n ' s U n i v e r s i t y . Collegeville, M i n n e s o t a . D e s i g n : Marcel B r e u e r . Project A r c h i t e c t : H a m i l t o n S m i t h . S t r u c t u r a l Engi
W e i s e n f e l d . Hayv^ard a n d L e o n . S t r u c t u r a l C o n s u l t a n t on T h e o r y : Pier Luigi Nervi. C o o r d i n a t o r s for O w n e r s : T r a y n o r a n d H e r m a n s o n , A r c h . . -
Project Coordinator: Val M i c h e l s o n . C o n t r a c t o r : M c G o u g h C o n s t r u c t i o n C o . Construction Superintendent: Ted Hoffmeyer. POZZOLITH Concrete-
St. C l o u d Ready-Mix C o n c r e t e C o .
Strength and durability
The reinforced concrete bell banner is a huge
plane, only 21/2 feet thick at its b a s e , that canti-
l e v e r s upv\/ard 1 1 2 feet f r o m s u p p o r t i n g parabolic
cross vaults.
PozzoLiTH provided greater compressive strength,
greater bond-to-steel strengtti, more durable finish,
while it reduced drying shrinkage and prevented cold
joints during placing operations.

surface texture
Sidewalls and roof of the Abbey church are a
s e r i e s of r e i n f o r c e d c o n c r e t e f o l d s , u n t r e a t e d and
unadorned. The folds enclose a volume of more
than a million c u b i c feet. M a x i m u m interior clear
height is o v e r 6 5 feet, overall width is 1 6 5 feet.

PozzoLiTH contributed to the workability and

cohesiveness of the mix to help create the distinctive
architectural finish which is a faithful reproduction
of the sharp corners and surface characteristics of
the wood form boards.

plasticity and placeability

The north facade of the Abbey church is a self-
supporting geometric tracery consisting of 540
cast in-place concrete hexagons.

POZZOLITH increased plasticity and workability

with a minimum of water in the mix, and produced a
weather-resistant surface.

For complete d e t a i l s o n all the beneficial qual-

ities of POZZOLITH in a r c h i t e c t u r a l c o n c r e t e , p l e a s e

c a l l y o u r l o c a l M a s t e r B u i l d e r s o f f i c e . THE fvlASTER


m a n u f a c t u r e d o n l y b y

POZZOLITH is a registered trademark of The Master Builders Company.

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 435
fPM^Tr' looking at a most unusual architectural p r o d u c t .
lyj/rA^ - It was pioneered by Michaels, and was developed specifi-
A Q M ^ H I I ^ I A cally for architects w h o aren't afraid of the
O l M i l U I l i a L i O i<'<'>i "> oi fniincrilation. I ikc c i s t
metal products, this one permits the architect to enrich his buildings w i t h
textural designs of his o w n creation. U n l i k e traditional cast metal p r o d -
ucts, this one is fashioned from l i g h t w e i g h t a l u m i n u m and is made
available in forms specifically suited t o the demands o f c o n t e m p o r a r y
construction methods. Shown here is a cast spandrel panel for curtain
wall systems. Other Michaels cast a l u m i n u m architectural specialties i n -
clude r o o f panels, sandwich panels, facias, facing panels, and c o l u m n
covers. They may be used singly or in c o m b i n a t i o n to provide ornamental
accentuation for any building. All are individually cast to the
architect's precise specifications. Inquiries w e l c o m e d .
T H E ] M I C H A E L S A R T B R O N Z E C O . A 1 B C

A R C H l t f C T l l A R I S r E R N . l O U I S & HENRY

U . U . U . u l u U L a u ' u

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 668,
Covington. K y . • Plant &. Office; K e n t o n L a n d s Road, E r l a n g e r . K y .
more information, turn to Reader Senjice card, circle No. 351

Mr. Architect:
When you consider Chutes for the
disposal of Soiled Linen, Rubbish,
Dust, P a p e r or G a r b a g e
. . . remember this name

Wilkinson has long been the leading
Chute manufacturer . . . gives you more
value for your dollar.
Wilkinson Chutes are often imitated . . .
but never equalled. They have many out-
standing and exclusive features. T h i s is W o o d - M o s a i c ' s MONTICELLO
. . . one o f many d i s t i n c t i v e custom w o o d
floors that cost no more than good carpeting, yet
vastly excels it (and all other floor surfaces) in
distinction, fine appearance, wear-resistance, life
The a d j u t l a b l e a n c h o r m a k e s
Wilkinson Corner Guards expectancy, l o w maintenance, and adaptability to
e a s i e r to i n s t a l l . . . a n d t h e r e
a r e no s c r e w h e a d s or m a r k s any decor.
o n the s t o i n l e s s steel s u r f a c e .
A v a i l o b l e for a l l s u r f a c e s . . .
in a l l s i z e s . . . for a l l c o r n e r s . Also ask us about Fontainebleau, Rhombs, Colonial Plank-
See our Corner Guard and Chute Cof- ing, Herringbone, Haddon Hall, Du Barry . . . for your next
alogi in Sweef's 4rchi>ec(ura( Hie
commission. Write for free brochure.

619 t o i l Tollmodge Ave
10, Ohio
W I L K I N S O N CHUTES ( C a n a d a ) LTD.
9 Owigh* Ave. Toronto 14, Onlorio, Canada
P . O . Box 21066 • Louisville. Kentucky 40221
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 377

110 For more InformaUon, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 7 9
How to avoidforgoodthe leaks in structural

Specify sealants based on Thiokol's

LP"polysulflde polymer. They have
demonstrated ability to keep joints main-
tenance-free for 20 years and more.
Building leaks can be disappointing, trouble-
some, costly to you—and your clients. You
can keep the problem from ever arising by in-
cluding LP^ polymer based sealant, either 2-
or 1-part systems, in original joint design.
T h e compound, in effect, welds itself
chemically to all structural materials—brick,
concrete, stone, wood, metal, glass —in any
combination. Elongation in working joints in
excess of 100%—repeated expansion and con-
traction—will not break its steel-grip bond, or
weaken its leak-stopping serviceability.
Sealant using L P * polymer (synthetic
rubber in liquid form) stands up like a thor-
oughbred to sun, wind, rain, freeze, ozone,
aging. It will not dry out and crumble from
join ts and seams. When this sealant goes in, the
chance of leakage is wiped out—and stays out.
American Standard Specification A116.1
(July, 1960) and Federal Specification
TT-S-00227a (GSA-FSS) (Sept., 1963) set
quality and performance standards for
polysulfide base sealant. Thiokol Chemical
Corporation is the sole supplier of liquid
polysulfide polymers. Names of sealant
manufacturers on request.

780 North Clinton Avenue
Trenton, New Jersey 986O7
In Canada; Naugatuck Chemicals Division,
Dominion Rubber Co., Elmira, Ontario


780 N. CllntDR Ave., Trcnten. N. J. 08607 '
Gentlemen: Please send further information about polysul-
fide base sealant • 2-part • 1-part, and free copy of
Application Handbook.
City -State. -Zip.

JANUARY 1965 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 315 111
Here's what Bob Frymire, President

Frymire Engineering Company,
Dallas, Texas, says about

"Since we've started using copper for D W V lines
we never even consider other materials. A n d here's
why! H A V E Y O U S E E N R E V E R E ' S F I L M ON
• "Copper is light . . . easj' to handle. COPPER W A T E R T U B E ? IT'S F R E E !
• "Copper requires fewer joints; and the leakproof, This is a 16mm, 30-minute, sound-color motion
solder joints you do make are made fast and easy. picture entitled. " C O P P E R T U B E I N B U I L D I N G
• "Copper can be installed in the tightest corners, with CONSTRUCTION." It is the first and only film
ease and speed . . . you save space. covering the entire subject of proper piping prac-
tices. Covers full range of building applications
• "Copper doesn't rust. and joining techniques. Now available for group
• "Copper won't clog because of its smooth interior, showings. Descriptive folder on request. We will
gun-barrel finish. be glad to help you with staff sales meetings. Write
• "Copper DWV lines fit into standard partitions. your local Revere office or Dept. "CWT" at address
• "Copper is no trouble to prefabricate . . . you don't shown below.
have to worry about joints loosening up. Because of
their light weight and strong joints copper assemblies
are readily handled without damage.
• "Copper makes material and waste easy to control.
INSTALL. AND THAT'S WHAT E V E R Y B O D Y ' S Founded by Paul Revere in 1B01
L O O K I N G FOR. A Q U A L I T Y J O B A T T H E L E A S T E x e c u t i v e Offices: 2 3 0 Park Ave., New York. N.Y.I 0017
Sales Offices In Principal Cities • Distributors Everywfiere

For more Informalion, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 1 9

THE VIKING : D a l l a s , Texas
Owner and Builder: H A L ANDERSON

Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor:



2 6 7 - U N I T V I K I N G A P A R T M E N T D E V E L O P M E N T F I T T E D O U T W I T H 3 0 . 0 0 0 L B S O F

When you consider the many advantages of copper DWV as stated by Mr. Frymii-e (see opposite
page), it is readily understandable why 1963 sales rose 28^^ over 1962 with the total consumption
of DWV in 1963 put at 65.8 million pounds . . . and a new record for 1964 is virtually certain.
Follow the overwhelming trend to copper water tube and copper D W V . . . G O C O P P E R A L L T H E W A Y !
And, when you specify, be sure to name the brand that bears the oldest name in copper . . . R E V E R E .

PREFABRICATION AT T H E JOB S I T E — T H E R O U G H I N G - I N S T A G E — a n o t h e r place

one of the many reasons c o n t r a c t o r s a r e using w h e r e you save i n s t a l l a t i o n time when you use
a n i n c r e a s i n g amount of C o p p e r D W V . Y o u Copper D r a i n a g e , W a s t e a n d V e n t L i n e s . S t a n d -
need f e w e r tools. S t r o n g , soldered joints that a r d studs a n d p a r t i t i o n s . . . no special b r a c i n g
can't c r a c k or loosen m a k e it easy to handle. . . . soldering is easy i n the tightest c o r n e r s .
Complements of Art Metal:

R o u n d , s q u a r e , t r i a n g u l a r a n d . b e a u t i f u l

Allunie® O p a l G l a s s D r a m s
Here's a nice new family of Opal Glass Drums that are elegant (Round Allume Drums)
enough to tickle your esthetic palate and functional enough to 10-7/16 4-5/8
satisfy your practical instincts. Complements of Art Metal: three 12-7/16 4-5/8
14-7/16 4-3/4
look-alike but different shapes to give you application variety-
(Square Allume Drums)
three sizes to widen your application range still further. S Q . D E P T H

They're completely luminous—there's no visible metal. True 10-7/16 4-5/8

12-7/16 4-5/8
hinge construction with a self-locking safety catch lets both hands 14-7/16 4-3/4
be free for relamping and cleaning. The Opal Glass Drums are (Triangular Allume Drums)
firmly secured by a metal retainer safety ring. L A R G E S T
We think you'll like them. May we send you our colorful 11-3/16 4-5/8
Bulletin No. 0D1-864? 13-5/16 4-5/8

1 8 1 4 E . 4 0 t h

St., C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 4 4 1 0 3

Canada, Wal(efield Lighting Limited, London, Ontario • Great Britain, Courtney Pope (Electrical) Ltd., London • Australia, Morlite Pty. Limited, Sidney

114 For more informaUon, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 0 5 JANUAUY 1965 P / A




J-SERIES joists made from 36,000 PS! minimum yield
strength steel.
LA-SERIES longspan joists compatible with the J-Series
H-SERIES high-strength joists made from 50,000 psi mini-
mum yield strength steel.
LH-SERIES longspan joists compatible with the H-Series

Here's all the information you need for fast and accurate specification
of joists to carry uniform loads on s p a n s up to 96 feet. Send coupon
today for your copy of tfiis practical, up-to-the-minute. 36-page
reference manual from the Steel Joist Institute.


Room 715
DuPont Circle BIdg., Washington 6. D. C.
Washington, D. C. 20036 ; Please send me a complimentary copy of the 1965 :
: Edition of Specifications and Load Tables

• FIRM :

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JANUARY 1965 P/A For more information, turn to Reader Sen/ice card, circle No. 367 115
What's in a name?

This is the name we inherited from Carrier name —from the unit that fits turer matches the scope of our line
our founder. Dr. Willis H. Carrier, who into a window to machines that air and service.
started the air conditioning business. condition skyscrapers. Or has our years of experience.
In this day and age, some may con- And we don't stop with their manu- Or has contributed so many advances.
sider it "square" to be proud of a facture. Or holds so many patents.
heritage. But we're proud of ours — We recognize our responsibility to We inherited a good name —that's
unreservedly so. you for our products' performance. why we insist our products live up to it.
We keep it in mind in the products We stand foursquare behind them all. That's why you can use Carrier
we make and to which we attach the No other air conditioning manufac- equipment with complete confidence.

Air Conditioning Company

More people put their confidence in Carrier air conditioning than in any other make

116 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 2 8 J A N U A K Y 1965 P / A
Urethane foam puts the BIG PLUS in curtain wall construction
Rigid urethane can be foamed in place on urethane foam are excellent and it makes an
the job site or delivered in the form of pre- efficient acoustical, thermo and vapor barrier.
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deep back cushion illustrates the point.
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"The ivorhs of Rudolph, Corbu, and
Kahn are very forceful statements, but
it takes a master to carry them o f f .
I think we're seeing a lot of impositions
and juxtapositions of their ideas throivn
together by people who arent sure how
to combine them. They seem to Iliink-
complication is going to make their
designs more beautiful."



T h i s year's j u r y questioned the a«lvisability of including houses and url)an

design projects as admissible categories in the P / A Design Awards Program.
These two categories, which are at opposite extremes in terms of size, made the
jury uneasy for completely different reasons.
The design of an individual house, the jury felt, is ceasing to he a valid archi-
tectural problem because housing in the future will he of a high density type
and an isolated "private palace" no longer has any real social significance.
This i.s undoubtedly true. Yet as long as architects are being commissioned to
design houses, houses will be designed. In practical terms, then, hou.<ses still are—
and will he, for some time to come—an architectural problem preoccupying a
large section of the profession. Therefore it would not he correct, it seems to me,
to ignore houses either in the I ' / A Design Awards Program or in the regular
issues of the magazine.
Most keenly involved in the design of houses are the younger practitioners.
Perhaps this is the key to the problem, because a budding—and therefore com-
mission-less—architect can easily fall into a trap that a more experienced archi-
tect—and a busier one—would avoid. The trap is that when a house is the only
commission an architect has, he lends to treat it as a major design project and
overwork it. What many architects really do when they design a house is npt to
design a house at all hut a mitiialure version of some hypothetical building for
which they never got a commission. Such a venting of frustrations, combined
with frantjr attempts at |)roving to oneself and to the world that one does have
design talent, results in strained, overcomplicated, often ridiculous concoctions
that can hardly be called hou.«es at all. This is. I think, what the jury felt when
it viewed and rejected the 148 house submissions.
About the other category, urban design, the complaint of the jury was that
it is not possible to evaluate large-scale town-planning projects in the short time
available for each scheme.
I agree with the jury that it is not possible to analyze in a few minutes the
practicality and desirability of a proposal that involves complex problems extend-
ing well beyond the merely phy.sical aspects. Yet I doubt it wojdd he wise to
drop the urban design category entirely. I feel that in many cases a judgment
can be made, although necessarily a superficial one. since it can deal only with
a part of the problem—the over-all concept and the three-dimensional results.
All judgments, on any subject, are superficial to some extent. It is only the
degree of superficiality (or degree of thoroughness, if one looks at this problem
from the opposite direction) that differs in any .sort of evaluation. As long as
those who submit urban design projects realize that a jury can judge merely
jiarts of their proposals, certain aspects only, there is. I think, .some value in
continuing with this category.
More details on how these two building categories fared in this year's Design
Awards Program can be found on the following pages in the Introduction and
the Jury Discussion. •

AWARDS One day this past fall, five men gathered
in a windowless conference room just a
categories, which also accounted for over
half of the submissions. These category
few feet away from the glassy distractions designations, however, obscure the fact
of New York's Park Avenue to examine that half of the honored projects were of a
the 643 projects submitted in P / A ' s 12th single type: small-scaled multiple hous-
Annual Design Awards Program. After ing. Three of the five premiated Education
two full days of intense examination and projects and five of the six Residential
discussion, they had decided to honor the projects fall into this group.
16 projects presented on the following More remarkable is the fact that, for
pages. the first time in the 12-year history of the
The jury for this year's competition Program, there are no single-family
ifrorn left to right, facing page) included:houses among the winners. The jury not
.Serge Chermayeff, architect, educator, only rejected all 148 houses submitted
and critic, of New Haven (elected chair- (almost one-quarter of the total submis-
man of the jury) ; Edgar Kaufmann, Jr.. sions) but questioned whether the .<ingle-
of New York, one-time Director of the family house could be considered a genu-
Architecture and Industrial Design De- ine architectural problem (see "Jury
partment at the Museum of Modern Art Discussion").
and writer and critic in both of these The general reactions of Design Award
fields; Paul Hayden Kirk of Kirk, Wal- juries vary from year to year in a some-
lace & McKinley, Architects, Seattle; Gyo what cyclic pattern. This year's jury was
Ohata. of Hellmuth, Ohata & Kassabaum, not happy with the over-all stale of archi-
Architects, St. Louis; and Lev Zetlin. tecture—either inside or outside the jury
Structural Engineer, of New York, who room. Their reservations recalled .the jury
has collaborated with many distinguished meeting of four years ago, when Walter
architects. Netsch and others warned of the threat of
As in previous years, the mountain of architectural "chaos" in the proliferation
entries was divided into 10 major build- of showy forms. The following year, how-
ing-type categories, and further subdi- ever, the jury was "cheered" by an ap-
vided by type where possible, so that the parent "turning away from chaoticism."
jury could examine projects of similar Two years ago chaos had ceased to be a
scale and purpose simultaneously. As threat; Paul Rudolph heralded an emerg-
usual in recent years, there were entries ing train of thought when he spoke against
in every category except Defense. "putting things in packages" and urged
The number of entries and the number that the various "parts" of the building be
of premiated projects were both roughly made "manifest." Last year. Peter Collins
the average for the past few years. The saw evidence of a "period of stability" in
number of categories in which projects the entrie-s but Vincent Kling detected a
were honored—six—was also typical. For dangerous undercurrent of "nervousness."
the sixth consecutive year, there were no This year that same nervousness emerged
awards in the Industry category; the cate- as a new threat in the eyes of the jury.
gory of Commerce, although it included This jury was concerned over a tend-
68 submissions, received no honors. Urban ency to express inconsequential—even
Design, also well represented, received nonexistent—elements in the building
no honors for the second consecutive year. form. They attributed the fragmented
This year's jury, however, did not reject forms that appeared throughout the en-
all of the Urban Design entries, but tries to the poorly assimilated influence of
rather questioned its competence to judge Kahn, Rudolph, and other "originators."
projects of such scale and intricacy. The What this jury looked for was simplicity
judges' comments on this subject are in- and directness. Striking forms and bold
cluded in the Jury Discussion, concluding arlictdation were looked upon with skepti-
this Awards presentation. cism. One juror, Paul Kirk, even said:
Over half of the premiated projects "To hell with Architecture; let's start
were in the Residential and Educational just building buildings."







P I E T R O B E L L U S C H I . K E N N E T H DeMAY.


L L O Y D A. W E L L S ,

JANUARY 1965 P / A
128 T u e l f l h Annual Design Awards
Housing Complex for the University of Rhode Island
I ' R O J K C T : Static I ! of the H o u s i n g Com-
plex for University of Rhode Island.
Kingston, Rliodf Island.
I'KOCRAM Rt:yi:iRt:MENTS: T h r e e residence
h a l l s to a c c o n i n i o d a l e a p p r o x i m a t e l y .'iOO
undergraduate students; a commons
h u i l d i n g w i t h d i n i n g f a c i l i t i e s f o r 1600
students. W o r k i n g hudget f o r t h e resi-
dence halls, $4000 per student; for
commons h u i l d i n g , S700 per student—
i n c l u d i n g site development.
S I T E : C e n t r a l p o r t i o n of a s l o p i n g 14-acre
site on w h i c h t h r e e r e s i d e n c e h a l l s a r e
already under construction. Stage I I will
i n c o r p o r a t e not o n l y a d d i t i o n a l r e s i d e n c e
h a l l s a n d the c o m m o n s h u i l d i n g hut also
i m j i o r l a n t site w o r k — t h e d i v e r s i o n of a n
e x i s t i n g s t r e a m over a r o c k y r a v i n e , a n d
c o n v e r s i o n o f a n a b a n d o n e d q u a r r y into
a p o n d . G r a d i n g is to h e kept to a m i n i -
mum to p r e s e r v e a c a n o p y of a s h , m a p l e ,
a n d o a k trees n o w c o v e r i n g m u c h of the
site. A r c h i t e c t s a n d the u n i v e r s i t y envi-
sion a n i n t e r r e l a t e d group of h u i l d i n g s
end)racing a park.

D E S I G N S O L U T I O N : A s e r i e s of c l o s e l y i n -
DINING a o t h e : r
terwoven, g r a d u a l l y e x p a n d i n g e n v i r o n - leoot lovo COMMO-J
ments (diagram, right): first, the p r i v a t e , FACILITIES

p e r s o n a l s p a c e f o r one o r two s t u d e n t s :
second, tlie s u i t e of rooms f o r a " f a m i l y "
of about eight s t u d e n t s ; t h i r d , the "cot- I 1 r~ ~ i r~ n PROFESSIC3NAL
tage" f o r 4 5 - 5 0 students, t y i n g together
200 ±
s e v e r a l " f a m i l y " g r o u p s ; f o u r t h , the resi-
d e n c e h a l l f o r 2(K) s t u d e n t s , a n assend)ly
of several "cottages"; a n d f i n a l l y , the
larger complex encompassing a l l com- COTTAGE GRADUATE
mon facilities. I n accordance w i t h the 45 - 5 0 STUDENT

U n i v e r s i t y ' s s t r o n g belief that the a r c h i -

tecture of the h o u s i n g complex "must
add to t h e e d u c a t i o n a l process of t h e
student," cottages, f o r e x a m p l e , a r e de-
8 ±
signed to be governed a n d staffed by
student members.

M a i n e n t r a n c e to the h o u s i n g c o m p l e x
is f r o m the a c a d e m i c a r e a to the east. ROOM
|iast the c o m m o n s building, where a
series of s t a i r s a n d t e r r a c e s l e a d into the
c e n t e r of t h e c o m p l e x . A l t h o u g h visitors
may enter the r e s i d e n c e halls directly STUDENT
from the p e r i m e t e r streets, s t u d e n t s w i l l
approach their housing quarters from
the p a r k w i t h i n .
forced concrete w a s chosen f o r its low
sound transmission, to meet code re-
(|uirements, a n d to minimize mainte-
n a n c e costs. T h e c o n c r e t e i s to b e c o m -
bined w i t h a terra-cotta w e a t h e r s u r f a c e .
B o t h r e l a t e w e l l to the t r a d i t i o n a l g r a n i t e
and b r i c k used on the c a m p u s .
Jl'KY COMMENTS: "Unquestionably the
linest of the m a n y c l u s t e r s c h e m e s sub-
m i t t e d — b e a u t i f u l l y related to its site . . .
H a s c a p t u r e d a n i n f o r m a l i t y l l i a l i;- |).ir
ticularly »'oinmendable . . . A residential
ralher than institutional solution . . . V o l -
u m e of i n t e r i o r « - x p r e s s e d on the e x t e r i o r
without affectation . . . I^iniple, direcl
plan . . . Design of individual 'cottage*
module i s e x c e l l e n t a n d i s at the s a m e
l i m e s u s c e p t i b l e of g r o w t h . "

130 Tuelflh Annual Design Awards iWVKKt 1965 P / A

JANUARY 1965 P/A Twelfth Annual Design Awards 131
In planning the residence halls, maxi-
mum privacy within the double room
was the first consideration. Consequently,
the student desks are designed as indi-
vidual study carrels and their strong
architectural articulation has determined
the configuration of the rooms. In con-
trast to the usual 200-sq-ft double room,
the typical double room here measures
only 160 sq f t . This saving of square
footage, plus saving of the usual cor-
ridor space, has been put toward a living
room shared by a "family" of eight stu-
dents. Thus the immediate student en-
vironment is a double room combined
with an adjacent living room and two
residential-size baths—an arrangement
equally practical for the housing of mar-
ried students and their families during
summer sessions.

Six of these "families" of students are

brought together in a four-story cottage
—the three upper floors accommodating
two families per floor, the ground floor
containing common facilities.
Three, four, or five cottages are then
connected side-by-side to form residence
halls, each supervised by a resident fac-
ulty member. At the ground floor, where
the nonresidential facilities are located,
horizontal circulation from one "cottage"
to the next is uninterrupted. Concrete
walls enclosing these common rooms
form, in effect, pedestals for the residen-
tial floors above. On these upper levels,
the walls are precast concrete panels 2 in.
thick, with 6" x 4" vertical ribs 4 ft o.c,
and integrally cast window sub-frames.
Floors are flat slabs. ITeather surfaces of
the upper floors are sheathed with
12" X 12" x 4" dark-red bricks with a
slight glaze. All interior concrete sur-
faces will be painted, and all floors, ex-
cept in service areas, will be carpeted.
A central vacuum cleaner system will be
installed and conduit for telephones are
to be provided for each student desk.
Campus steam is to be converted to hot
water, and circulated along the base-
boards of each room. If'ardrobes and
desks will be permanently fixed, but the
beds are to have slide mechanisms that
will allow them to be adjusted for sitting
and sleeping. Furniture in the living
rooms ivill be movable, as will be the
furniture in the ground-floor lounges.

132 Twelfth Annual Design Awards


r - i - ) . . r - r n
I j ^ E ^ R O O M S ^^^^^ rACU.TV APT |

r R




The commons building contains dining
and other facilities for the entire 1600-
student housing complex. Its central,
pivotal position makes it the dominant
element in the composition and the focus
of student l i f e . At the same time, how-
ever, the architects were careful not to
let this building dominate or overshadow
the residence halls but rather to use it
as the common bond unifying all of the
structures. The same materials as those
used for the residence halls—concrete
and bricks—are repeated here, to further
the architectural continuity.

Major dining facilities are on the up-

per level. Spaces are designed to adapt
to groups of various sizes: the biggest of
these will accommodate all of the 280
students of the largest of the residence
halls. Smaller groups can be served in
rooms adjacent to the service and kitchen
areas. And, since the housing complex
will be used by married students and
their families during summer confer-
ences, balconies are provided for outdoor
dining. The kitchen is also located on the
upper level, since it has access to grade
for servicing at the building's east end.

The lower level contains the common

facilities, which are centered around the
student-operated information desk, post
office and laundry/dry-cleaning pick-up
station. Nearby are offices for the direc-
tor of the housing complex, a seminar
room for student meetings, an office for
student government, a reading room, and
an informal lounge-snack area.

134 Twelfth Annual Design Awards J A N U A R Y 196-5 P / A



JANUARY 1965 P/A Tivellth Annual Design Awards 135





PROJECT: Bennington Regional High

School, for Union District School Board
(Barton jenks. President), Bennington,
SITE: The school will stand on the slope
of a hill overlooking the village of Ben-
nington and the Civil War monument.
to serve 1000 to 1200 students from the
Hve Vermont towns of Bennington, Norlh
Bennington, Pownal, Shaflsbury, and
Woodford. The facilities were to be spe-
THOMPSON cifically designed to accommodate the
"core-skill" curriculum. Core-skill, ex-
CHAPMAN plain the architects, is the educational
concept that advocates a closer alliance
between the humanities and the more
MAYnANK specialized scientific and vocational
skills. The program also encourages a
closer relationship between scientific
and vocational teaching, countering the
usual isolation of vocational departments.
OESiCN SOLUTION: An "instructional serv-
ice center" forms the core of the build-
ing, containing not only the library but
also various associated functions such as
an audio-visual center, a health and
guidance center, administration, special
teacher and clerical staff facilities, con-
ference rooms and study rooms. This
center also includes facilities for prepar-
ing the various educational and audio-
visual materials.
ture will be poured-in-place reinforced
concrete, utilizing a coffered grid slab
that incorporates lighting and various
services. Extensive use is made of local
brick: the exposed concrete is to be
sand-blasted. Interior partitions will be
concrete block; dry wall construction
where optimum flexibility is desired.
JURY COMMENTS: One of the few build-
ings in the Awards Program that has
real tranquility and repose.. . . Interest-
ing space between the wings of the
building Court put there for a definite
reason Solid rooms used as corner
anchors Very quiet but significant
vestibule School on the whole under-
fenestrated, inner-oriented, undisturbed
as a school should b e . . . . Corridors, often
a problem, are well done, no monotony.

136 Ttvelflh Annual Design Auards JANUARY 1965 P/A

J A M ; A K Y 1965 P / A Twelfth Annual Design Awards 137
The school is disposed on three levels;
entry to it is through a central courtyard
at niidlevel. On this level are located all
of the major facilities such as the in-
structional service center, the audito-
rium, gymnasium, and shops. These
major spaces occupy the corners of the
U-shaped plan. Betueen them are gen-
eral classrooms, which can be adapted
to various uses and subdivided into
classes of various sizes. The auditorium
is designed to seat 450, but it, too, can
be subdivided. A small lecture room for
audio and science demonstrations, used
by all of the departments, is easily acces-
sible from the upper and lower levels.
For ease of service and for fire safety,
the science and vocational spaces are
located on the loiver floor, which has
direct access to grade.
The upper level follows the pattern of
the main floor, with additional class-
rooms and spaces serving as corner
lower floor

138 Twelfth Annual Design Awards JANUARY 1%5 P/A

y — ' . —

T , • •'/ 1 . .s-i-

mam floor upper floor



COLBERT education







PROJECT: Riverdale Country School for

Girls, for the Riverdale Country School.
New York, N. Y . Thomas Lovejoy, Jr.,
(Chairman of the Board: John I I . Jones,
Headmaster: Marian C . HoUstein, Head-
ni is tress.
SITE: a heautifully landscaped hillside.
Two Victorian mansions and an old
stahle have been adapte<l to accommo-
date 120 girls, grades 7-12. Prime visual
attraction are the many unusual trees
and a sweeping view of the Hudson.
Facilities for a student body, not to
exceed 150. The old "Senior Building"
(see site plan) is to he retained as sym-
liol of the original school.
DESIGN SOLUTION: A series of building
increments (.A—F on site plan) to ac-
commodate the long-range needs of the
school. Location of existing trees and
relationships of teaching spaces deter-
mined the random arrangement of the
classroom pavilions. A sunken court—
cut into the hill and surrounded by con-
versational nooks, classrooms, hide-
aways and overlooks—was conceived as
the educational "commons" for many
uses in all seasons.

Classrooms have l>een oriented toward

the river with large, overhead skylights
to the cast. Views are purposely limited
—opened only at unexpected locations
along the route from class to class.
walls, originally to be of random stone
found on the site, will instead be huilt
of brick in accordance with cost factors
and (liint"s considerations. The struc-
tural framing is of reinforced concrete,
using spread footings, floating slabs, and
14-in. bearing brirk cavity walls. Other
materials to be used are Redwood or
Western Cedar for mullions. frames,
fascias. and trim, slate roofs, acoustical
plaster ceilings, amber glass, aluminum
projected windows, exposed aggregate
paving, and exposed brick.
JURY COMMENTS: Tenderly set on the
h<'aiilifiil sill-. . . . (.oii'^islcticy of archi-
tecture throughout. . . . Hoofs perhaps a
hit too steeply pitched but will hring
nice light into the interiors Delight-
ful spaces . . . one would never he hored
in t h e m . . . . Perfect little series of events
... a walk not only through trees, but
iliiiMi;:h architecture.
•ft education

C A R L K O C H &A S S O C I A T E S , INC.,








PROJECT: Faculty Housing for Vassar

College, Poughkeepsie, New York.
SITE: Triangular, flat, and treeless prop-
erly on the Vassar Campus.
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: Three- and 18 ittichH bovMi'
four-bedroom units—eighteen to be de-
signed for rental purposes: nine lots to
be set aside for sale houses.
DESIGN SOLUTION: The eighteen rental
units are to be grouped around a central
landscaped area with a pond. Ring ar-
rangement of the houses around this
central park will offer all eighteen units
pleasant views on an otherwise unin-
teresting site. The houses are grouped
in units of three's to alleviate the scat-
tered effect of the typical suburban resi-
dential development.
houses were designed for pre fabrication.
A standard module makes possible the
use of repetitive components. Each house

is composed of 16-ft-wide units that will
be spanned with 6 in. plywood stressed-
skin panels. Fire walls will be of brick
and end walls of brick veneer. Curtain
walls are to be made up of shingles on
plywood on 2" x 4" studs.
j i - R Y COMMENTS: Siting, planning and
structural system are superior to the
architectural expression.... Good direc-
tion to try to use prefab methods in this
area of h o u s i n g . . . . The discipline of the
industrialized unit not fully recognized
in what is sort of a custom-house layout.
. . . Architect has been able to keep in-
formality in spite of standardized build-
ing methods Good site planning and
fine human spaces.







PROJECT: Hidgeway Dormitories, Phase

111 for Western Washington State Col-
lege, ilellingham. Washington.
SITE: Six-acre, steeply-sloping, wooded
hillside overlooking valley where future
academic huildings will he located.
mitory housing for 450 men in three resi-
dential halls. A l l dormitory rooms to he
arranged in suites for four and eiglit
students, sharing common hath facili-
ties. Access to student rooms hy means
other than inner corridors. .Administra-
tive, lounge, and recreational facilities
required for each dormitory huilding.
DESIGN SOLUTION: A residential com-
munity of 26 towers, each housing ap-
proximately 32 students. One of the
towers in each of the three dormitory-
complexes serves as "student union,'"
providing lounge and administrative of-
fices as well as adjoining terraces. The
students are accommodated in double
rooms forming two- or four-room suites
around a central bath and storage core.
F^ach dormitory room is directly acces-
sible from open-air stairs or bridges from
the hillside. In this way, all corridors
have been eliminated and the residential
rather than institutional character of the
scheme has been emphasized.
forced concrete foundations, 8-in. brick
exterior bearing walls four stories in
height, with wood-framed roofs. Each
tower is independently framed and serv-
iced. Floor, stair, and bridge construc-
tion is of reinforced concrete.
JURY COMMENTS: Plan very efficient....
Services, closets, bathroom, circulation, TYPICAl. UNITB
all concentrated in center: living rooms
around periphery.... Domestic, residen-
lially-scaled college buildings, distinct
from academic buildings. . . . Splayed plan of typical two- and four-room suites
corners offer opportunity for structural
iitili/ation, for bracing.

144 Twelfth Annual Design Awards

D ^ M I T O R V f [ A

S I T E D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N / D O R M I T O R I E S |

plan of dormitory complex B


public use






PROJECT: Office Building for the State of

Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee.
SITE: Within the Memphis Civic Center,
which borders the banks of the Missis-
sippi River. The new building is to be
placed directly opposite the recently
completed Federal Building.
proximately 100,000 sq ft of office space,
some of it to be left unfinished and de-
veloped as needed.
DESIGN SOLUTION: Because of its impor-
tant location within the Civic Center, the
new building has been treated as a ver-
tical focal point. The office tower is
square in plan, 192 ft high, and con-
tains 10,000 sq ft on each of 11 column-
free floors. The twelfth floor is devoted
to offices for the governor and visiting
officials. A l l services are within a 36-ft
square central core; major mechanical
equipment is on the top floor. The plaza
NATHAN- anrj lobby level will be used for exhibits
and two levels of garage and service
.spaces form a podium for the tower.
bination of two structural systems—ex-
VENABI.E terior bearing wall and steel super frame
—have been employed in an attempt "to
develop a new aesthetic for multistory
buildings." Precast concrete T-frames re-
ceive the floor loads and transfer them
to the steel frame. T-frames are designed
for a maximum load of three floors, the
fourth floor being carried directly by the
major frame, which also acts as a brace
against wind and earth movement
stresses. Floor construction consists of
steel beams with cellular deck. The steel
frame will be veneered with polished
gray granite: spandrel elements to be fi- f f - w-
granite-faced, precast concrete. Solar
gray glass will be framed in aluminum. r: fi % 1 T
JURY COM.MENTS: The architects' aim
r? *>
to make an unusual structural system
f' f-^ f^'
and to contribute to the dignity of the
civic occasion has proved successful.... r r

From an economic viewpoint, structural r r € •:
solution of concentrating all columns into
eight piers is right, as is concentration
of resistance to lateral loads at ever>-
fourth floor Architect made monu-
ment out of pure structure.. . . Will be a . p..- . ' . ^ i ? ^ * *
civic building with a fine piazza and
space around it.


146 Twelflh Annual Design Awards



Twelfth Annual Design Awards 147
ciAMPi public use




PROJECT: Junipero Serra Overpasses for

State of California, Division of High-
ways, Sacramento, California.
SITE: Various locations in San Mateo
County, California.
passes for the various intersections along
the Junipero Serra Freeway, stretching
between San Francisco and San Jose,
DESIGN SOLUTION: Four prototypes (three
shown here) adaptable to different site
conditions. ' T h e molded structures," say
the designers, "grow from the continu-
ous highway ribbon to gracefully span a
sub-network of roadways, and to dynami-
cally punctuate the monotonous fabric
of our highway system." .Ml necessary
ancillary elements are incorporated into
the sculptural form. Cuard rails are
pierced to provide glimpses of the space
beyond. Abutments that complement the
form of the bridge spans are surfaced
with cobblestones for ease of mainte-
nance. Approximately 70 bridges based
on these prototypes are already under
construction along the Freeway.
forced concrete.
JURY COMMENTS: Extremely clean form,
well related to the engineering. . . .
Imaginative solution, replacing standard
concrete girder construction.... The de-
sign accepts the world it is in. the mobil-
ity of the car. the mechanized w o r l d . . . .
Structures are designed to keep the con-
tinuity of the road b e d . . . . In a nation
that spends billions of dollars a year on
bridge construction, this is an attempt
in the right d i r e c t i o n . . . . Several good
structural principles involved, such as
penetrations in the railing, using the
railing as pari of the deck, providing
(bil l space within the deck and using
that as a vierendeel transversely to the
bridge deck, so that the loads are re-
sisted liy the geometry of the cross


148 Twelfth Annual Design Awards JANUARY 1965 P/A

I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 11

PROTOTYPE A Number of lanes: three south-bound: three north-bound.

Span between supports: north—75 south—67 f t .
Total span of undercrossing: 142 ft.

PHOTOTYPE B Number of lanes: two.

.Span between supports: north—108 ft: south 100 ft.
Total span of overcrossing: 209 ft.

PROTOTYPE C Number of lanes: three .south-bound: three north-bound.

Span between supports: 5-1 f t .
Total span of undercrossing: 96 ft.


Twelfth .Annua/ Design Awards 149







HAROLD B. S W Y G E R T , J R . ,



PROJECT: South Carolina Habilitation

Center for Mentally Retarded Children,
Summcrville, S. C . Dr. Vince Moseley,
Chairman. Board of Trustees; Dr. E . F .
Cicenia. Superintendent.
SITE: Old plantation, heavily wooded.
cilities toward aiding the habilitation of
retarded children.
DESIGN SOLUTION: The architects were
intent on keeping the scale as close to
domestic scale as possible; to segregate
vehicular and pedestrian traffic: to pro-
vide a pleasant environment that would
be conducive to habilitation. "Cottages"
are composed of a play area and several
small structures: a number of these cot-
tages form a "cluster" around a central
court; each of these clusters is again
part of a "village." which is related in
turn to the large "commons." Various
services, as well as the infirmary, recrea-
tional and school facilities, are near this plan oj typical "cottage"
central commons, as is the amphitheater.
A rinp road provides vehicular access to
all parts of the center; inner traffic is
reserved for pedestrians and electric
carts that convey food and laundry.
exposed concrete, wood and ceramic tile
for cottages serving ambulatory patients.
Buildings requiring fire-resistant con-
struction are to be of concrete.
jiRY COMMENTS: Clearly a place for
children - s m a l l scale and informal ar-
rangement. . . . Nicely clustered around
central amphitheater.... Breaks away
from institutional pattern.
1 amphitheater
2 service area, kitchen
3 100 educable girls
4 100 trainable girls
5 20 special cases
6 180 trainable boys
section through typical, "cottage 7 200 educable boys
8 commons, school, administration
9 150 severe cases




PROJECT: New England Aquarium for

New England Aquarium Corporation,
Boston, Massachusetts.
SITE: Central wharf, downtown water-
front renewal area, Boston.
building that would: (a) contain and
organize a wide variety of living and
museum exhibits in a close relationship
to each other; (b) accommodate both a
moderate flow of visitors on weekdays
and overflow crowds on weekends; (c)
exploit the waterfront site and relate the
aquarium to the urban plan of the Boston
Redevelopment Authority. The aquarium
is to be the focus of the pedestrian-
RANKINE oriented waterfront plan.
ceived as a single space, illuminated al-
CHRISTIE most exclusively by glowing tanks and
exhibits. Daylight is excluded. On peak
days, circulation is forced in a one-way
CHERMAYEFF flow up a ramp through the big space
and past three large tanks to an exhibit
gallery above. A labyrinth of smaller
exhibits returns the visitor to the big
space and to a waterfall that plunges
through the high space to a chamber
below. The cycle is repeated on the level
above, where the visitor is given a choice
between spectator seating for shows, a
ramp spiraling down around the large
central tank, and a ramp leading to the
outside. Exhibition space is sandwiched
between two service floors and is served
by a structural-mechanical matrix of
paired columns.


concrete. left exposed inside and out.
The exterior bird cage on the roof ter-
race is a concrete frame with steel wires
tensioned in one direction.
jiiRY COMMENTS: Would be nice if
facade expression said more about the
particular fact that it is an aquarium.
. . . Is much more exciting inside, where
spaces flow into each other. . . . Visitors
will have fun with ramps, bridges, pass-
ing from inside to outside, up and down.
. . . Great variety of spaces. . . . Simple
structural elements put together neatly.

152 Twelfth Annual Design Awards

H-ur 4 M n H
section C-C

f 1 1 1 1

r• - 1

level 2

114=41 11 II n II ij rhn—ii

r 1m ^ »« »i
"TJ II id l l l i d r r I f I I II II II

MANN & H A R R O V E R , A R C H I T E C T S


R O B E R T B. C H U R C H , H I ,

G R I F F I T H C. B U R R ,

PROJECT: The (Ihurch of the River for

The First Unitarian Church of Memphis,
SITE: Properly extends down precipitous,
grassy bank to Mississippi River. 100 ft
l)elow. Excellent views of farndand and
distant hills across river. Site is part of
an urban renewal area later to have
apartment and town houses.
small Unitarian congregation requiring
for the present a 250-seat sanctuary,
eight Sunday School rooms, a minister's
study and olFice. In two later stages, a
multipurpose hall, meeting room, and
small chapel arc to be added. The archi-
tecture was to express the Unitarian be-
lief in reason, logic, simplicity, and the
order of the universe as revealed in
DESIGN SOLUTION: The congregation's
wish to emphasize the handsome view
influenced orientation, placement, and
plan arrangement of the church and its
ancillary facilities. The Sunday School
unit focuses inward, surrounding the
multipurpose fellowship hall and court-
yard. The classrooms also act as a
screen to block the view of the river
from the approach road. Entry is through
a covered loggia, which gives access to
classroom corridors, and further, through MODEL P H O T O : * P I PH OTOS It A FH E R S . B I L L C«PRIER

the closed upper court to the vestibule

of the sanctuary. In the sanctuary, the
wails splay outward and thefloorand
roof follow the falling river bank fram-
ing, in effect, the view of the river and
bearing wall construction with conven-
tional wood ro«»f truss; slab on grade.
Walls are to be of while brick; copper
roofing: floor of red-brown brick: ceil-
ing of western cedar in sanctuary, nmlli-
purpose room, and chapel. Mealing by
forced-air or chilled air in underiloor tile
ducts from central system in basement
i i|uipmenl room.
JURY COMMENT: Drama and form ex-
pressed simply and directly, without
exhibitionism. . . . Nice courtyard—a
human space—offers a true vestibule, a
real reception place. MODEL PHOTO OSCAR MENZER

154 Tweltlh Annual Design Awards JANUARY 1965 P / A

ultimate building plan, stage 3

south elevation, stage I

section through sanctuary


Twelfth Annual Design Awards 155
residential planning



PROJECT: Garden Residences f o r M r . J.

Edwards, Houston, Texas.
SITE: 630'X 240' in-city property.
JENKINS young families, ordinarily faced w i t h the
purchase of a tract house i n the suh-
urhs, or the rental of a cramped apart-
ment i n a convenient location.
DESIGN SOLUTION: A plan that offers ad-
vantages of both types of l i v i n g accom-
modations. ' T h e home owner w i t h i n this
project," explain the designers, "can
maintain the unity of the f a m i l y w i t h i n
the privacy of his own indoor and out-
door spaces, pride of ownership, and yet
gain better location (density allows f o r
higher land v a l u e ) , as well as the use
of a community pool, play areas, and
other services not w i t h i n the means of
i n d i v i d u a l owners." T h e use of cluster
grouping, instead of row housing, has
permitted the designers to f o r m com-
munity spaces and to establish pleasant
spatial sequences. Privacy within the
units is assured by avoiding placement
of two living spaces on opposite sides
of a party w a l l . Instead, living spaces of
one house alternate w i t h courtyards of
another. Again, in contrast to the typical
row house plan, where exterior space is
treated as an appendage to tlie house,
the open-air spaces of these houses are
an integral part of the living areas. The
garden residences are designed with a
m i n i m u m of i n t e r i o r partitions and re-
stricting enclosures.


block-walls stuccoed; wood paneled i n -
terior partitions, brick and wood floor-
ing; combination of wood shingle and
built-up roofing.
JURY COMMENTS: Scheme s|)ecifically se-
lected for its site plan. . . . There is a
correct balance between privacy and so-
cial contact I t is a pedestrian village,
cars are kept out. . . . Although it is par-
ticularly suited to the Southwest, where
small spaces and shade are important, it
is nevertheless of the right density and
has the right k i n d of exterior spaces for

- T 7 — ; —
almost anywhere. . . . Each of these
spaces really an outdoor room Doesn't
1 ^ "l-J
become a k i n d of wasteland. . . . Every- 1 • 1 1
thing held and contained and meaningful.
"— ^ [•]- I-:' ~.


156 Twelfth Annual Design Awards
c o m m u n l l y

c iI» s t r e e t

. . . .... N> 1 ,

» f •

1— 40-.— —•


Twelfth Annual Design Awards 157
residential design







PROJECT: Low-Cost Housing System

(original study for Boston Redevelop-
ment Authority). Prototype # 1 : Acad-
emy Homes, Roxbury, Massachusetts, for
Buse Boston I n c . ; Prototype # 2 : Cove
Park, New London, Connecticut, for
Shaw Gardens, Inc.

1 /
erate-income, high-density family hous-
ing of higli architectural quality for a
rental range between $75 for one-
bedroom unit and $105 for four-bedroom - A
units. Financing under Section 221 (d) 3 ll """
primarily. Building techniques to be
advanced, but currently workable. Flexi- — — = ^ —•
DAY bility desired in size and type of dwelling.
DESIGN SOLUTION: The module of the
UPSHirrz crtss sicliii
standardized and interchangeable com-
ponents was established on the basis of:
dwelling unit scale (uniform 32' build-
ERTMAN ing width, for example, accommodates
three bedrooms) ; allowable spans for
prestressed concrete; alternate stressed-
skin plywood construction using half-
spans. Floor plans are of a constant
width, varying only in depth. Units can
be adapted and combined to produce
apartments of one-to-five bedroom size,
two-to-four-story buildings, flats, row
houses, duplexes, walk-ups, and for
ground-floor commercial use.
forced concrete was preferred because of
its fire-resistance in high-density areas;
because of its strength, low maintenance,
and availability; because of its suitabil-
ity to industrial production and aesthetic
potential in variety of surface treatment.
The long spans of the prestressed con-
crete minimizes foundation work. These
prestressed floor slabs rest on bearing
walls 32 ft on centers. Curtain walls are
non-bearing, leaving choice of material
to individual preference or code require-
ments. Mechanical core and vertical cir-
culation are combined and centralized.
JURY COMMENTS: Economy of space and
construction.... Industrialized unit sug-
gests an infinite variety of applications.

158 Twelfth Annual Design Awards JANUARY 1965 P/A

W o n e RECE OR \

FllieR. fHNEL

202 units in the form of flats,
duplexes, row houses on a
steeply sloping site. Net den-
sity 40 dwelling units per acre.
Curtain walls of steel.

120 units—all fiats—on two-
level site. Density 30 units per
acre. All of the buildings are
three stories high, with stucco
curtain walls.
residential planning








PROJECT: Glover Landing, Marblehead,

Massachusetts, f o r Glover Landing Com-
pany. R. W. Bachelder, S. R. Brainard,
CHAPMAN SITE: Five-acre harbor front presently
partly occupied by a resort hotel.
MONACELLI removed and area to be redeveloped f o r
residential use, including, specifically,
140 apartments, 210 car parking spaces,
a community swimming pool and boating
DESIGN SOLUTION: A village complex in
which b u i l d i n g heights have been kept
to 40 f t , i n accordance w i t h town zoning
restrictions. I n addition, the architects
wished t o : ( a ) recall the environment of
Marblehead ' O l d T o w n ' ; ( b ) make use
of smaller residential units w h i c h would
conform more readily to the existing
topography; ( c ) relate the structures to

the commanding views of Marblehead

H a r b o r : ( d ) make maximum use of the
prevailing breezes; (e) create yards and
terraces w i t h i n the developed area: ( f )
minimize the impact of the automobile
w i t h i n the residential complex.
buildings w i l l be essentially of frame
construction, utilizing masonry f o r foun-
dation, retaining, and fire walls. The
existing stone retaining walls are to be
maintained. Light and standard con-
struction methods and materials have
been chosen in order to maintain the
intimate residential scale of the area and
to make use of local, available labor.
JURY COMMENTS: New construction
w i t h i n an old framework, staying well
w i t h i n the general scale and frame of the
area. . . . Very sensitive project, yet suc-
cessfully avoids being too picturesque

Done in the most modest way, a virtue

that must be recognized.

two-bedroom duplex two-bedroom flat one-bedroom flat studio

residential design









PROJECT: Condominium on the Sea

Ranch. Gualala, California, for Oceanic
Properties, Inc.
SITE: 5000-acre sheep ranch north of San
Francisco, bordering 10 miles of pic-
turesque coastline.
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: T o develop the ground-floor plan of first, ten-unit cluster
site f o r vacation houses without destroy-
ing its natural beauty. T h i r t y - f i v e acres
between road and sea to have condo-
m i n i u m units.
DESIGN SOLUTION : L i v i n g units are tightly
clustered, so as to leave most of the site
open. Ten units—each a 24-ft cube—
are to be built first to serve as a model
for subsequent clusters. Cars are parked
L Y N D O N around a walled compound, and units
closely packed around a wind-protected
courtyard. Some have private gardens or
W H I T A K E R greenhouses and a l l face the coastal
panorama as well. There are few open-
ings i n the houses, except f o r numerous
skylights that serve to admit as much
sunlight as possible. Bay windows, ter-
races, decks and walled gardens are all
outside the basic cube.
W i t h i n the cube, the architects souglit
"to make powerful and exciting spaces."
appropriate for a holiday and consciously
distinct from the familiar home, but
" w i t h a strong sense o f enclosure . . . into
the enclosure go f u r t h e r enclosures: one
is a two-story box w i t h kitchen below
and bathroom-dressing room above; the
• itlitT is a four-poster, like the four-poster
around the hearth of a primitive pit
building. The hearth goes between these
posts; above it is a skylight sleeping
space over which a canvas can be low-
ered for visual privacy."
closure is made w i t h heavy barn frame
of rough 10" X 10" posts, rough 4" x 10"
girts, and 4 " x 4" braces w i t h rough
2" X 8" boards nailed vertically.
JURY COMMENTS: Clustering of houses
leaves big open spaces. . . . Holiday
houses with much personality. . . . Solid-
knit, cohesive plan.

162 Twelfth Annual Design Awards


residential design








PROJECT: Pastorius Mews for Betsy Ross

Corporation. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
SITE: Three lots (one shown opposite
page) within a residential hlock with
stately PJlh-Century mansions, now con-
verted into apartment houses.
dwelling units of one-, two-, and three-
bedroom size. Off-street parking is to be
provided at a 1:1 ratio. New construc-
tion is not to exceed three stories in
height, and $8000 per unit.
DESIGN SOLUTION: Preservation of the
existing environment through retention
of the large houses, trees and landscap-
ing. To distinguish the older residential
order from present-day residential and
economic patterns, the new development
is to be small in scale, repetitive, and


%i. o^C

linear, in counterpoint to the large,

widely-spaced mansions. New apartment
construction is to be of two basic plan-
types—in Z or T form—and these are to
be variously placed on a 24' x 52' site
plan grid, upon which a structural grid
of bearing walls, 12 ft o.c, is further
imposed. Within this matrix, a ground-
level apartment will have its own private
court, directly accessible from a public
space. Above this level are duplex units.
Some of these are reached from an ele-
vated public terrace (right) : others
have interior stairs to ground level.
is to be of cement masonry bearing walls
and wood framing. Exterior walls will
be stucco i n colors chosen by architect
and two painters: roofs of metal: walks
and public courts to be brick-paved;
private courts, Hagstone-surfaced.
JURY COMMENTS: The scheme's great
virtue is that it is absolutely urban....
Nice sequence of events. . . . Meeting
between roofs a n d walls oflFers oppor-
tunity for structural efficiency.

164 Tivelfth Annual Design Awards

residential design










PROJECT: Harbour House, St. George,

Staten Island, New Y o r k , f o r Gulf States
Land & Iniiustries, Inc. Planning and
Development: Webb & Knapp, Inc.;
William Zeckendorf, Chairman of the
Board; M a x w e l l Fader, Vice-President
in Charge of the Development.
SITE: A 36-acre deteriorated waterfront
property, adjacent to the ferry station,
facing New York Harbor.
of the area to include housing, parking,
commercial-shopping areas, and a park
w i t h marina and recreational facilities.
DESIGN SOLUTION: The following ele-
ments are jiart of this scheme: 4000
dweUing u n i t s ; 80,000 sq f t commercial
area; p a r k i n g f o r 2800 cars; 10.2 acres
of recreation and parks; 10 acres for
marina, pla/as and garden courts.

The residential units are to be con-

tained i n four towers averaging 54 floors,
and in four low-rise complexes from
three to nine stories in height. The apart-
ment towers arc octagonal in plan,
offering maximum open space, air and
light, exceptional structural stability,
through-venlilation, minimum corridor
areas, flexibility of apartment distribu-
tion. T o w n houses contain the larger
apartments. Because of the sloping site,
most of these can be either walk-up or
walk-down units. Both high- and low-
rise units w i l l rest on terraced slabs over
existing railyards.
tagonal shape of the high-rise apart-
ment buildings was chosen in part for
its greater ability to withstand wind
pressure. A l l b u i l d i n g elements are to
be completely fireproof.
JURY COMMENTS: Use of tall buildings
against low buildings very well handled.
. . . These clusters of giant structures
read w e l l i n the cityscape.

166 Twelfth Annual Design Awards


Lack of Design Discipline
The jury's comments on the premiated projects—presented on
the preceding pages—indicate best the qualities they were
seeking as they pored over the submissions. The most fre-
quently mentioned failing among the other 627 entries tvas
unnecessary complexity.

K i r k : The forms of many of the projects we've seen indicate

that we are now getting a group of architects in practice who
have heen trained in a very exuberant approach to architecture.
But they really haven't been able to assimilate it or control it.
The works of Rudolph, Corbu, and Kahn are very forceful
statements, but it takes a master to carry them off. I think
we're seeing a lot of impositions and juxtapositions of their
ideas thrown together by people who aren't sure how to com-
bine them. They seem to think complication is going to make
their designs more beautiful. Discipline is lacking. All of us
here must be concerned about this, because these are the
things we have weeded out one after the other. O b a t a : There
were many solutions in which the architect was just looking
for "expression" without any relation to the program or the
spaces inside the building. They were as bad. in another way,
as the period we've just gone through, when we had uniform
exterior envelopes unrelated to what was inside. K i r k : Why
can't architects do architecture simply? Why can't a guy just
conscientiously review his work and say, "Am I really making
an honest, simple statement of the function of this building,
of these materials, site, and program?" If we drive this idea
home time and time again, we could get decent architecture.

The Case of Religious Buildings

Out of the 59 submissions in the religion category, the jury
selected only one. As usual, this entire category presented a
dazzling display of unbridled imagination. It generated Utile
serious discussion, but one exchange overheard at the jury
table sums up the reaction.

C h e r m a y e f f : It's often said that the church is the only free

theme for architectural expression left to man. The trouble is
that it's too damn free. K a u f m a n n : The trouble is that it's
left to man.

Creative Engineering Neglected

The engineer on the jury found feiv signs of creative thinking
in his particular area of concern.

Z e t l i n : It's very distressing to me to see, in most of these 643

projects, not only a failure to utilize the potentialities of struc-
tural engineering, but an obvious lack of imderstanding about
what engineering is. These projects could have offered a tre-
mendous range of structural possibilities. But even in those
groups where structural design could have contributed to
economy—in apartments, office buildings, other commercial
projects—structure has hardly been considered. Even in sub-
missions that showed some consideration of structure, it led C h e r m a y e f f : I don't think there's much point in committing
hack to something tliat had heen done before, rather than yourselves to this sort of exercise, which is abundantly looked
looking forward to new possibilities. There were a few isolated after by so many house and home and garden kind of publica-
positive examples. I think the overpass we selected is an tions. It's not a problem at all to design some little custom-built
attempt; the prefabricated housing system developed struc- notion of your private palace for some remote valley. It's just
tural possibilities in a very minor way; a couple of high-rise not a problem. The overwhelming problem that is coming up
oflTice buildings were efforts in the right direction. Where is the is how to live with high densities and close proximities without
architect's inventiveness? I don't think inventiveness can come
losing your humanity. So why not commit your magazine to a
into play without an understanding—if not of engineering itself
priority problem now. It's high time for a priority to emerge.
—at least of its potentialities. Engineering is not a limited field
When everybody is trying to look after everything, it adds up
of beams and columns and other established systems. It could
to nothing. K i r k : It's a crime how little good housing there is.
he more creative, not only in providing spaces, but even in
I think you should accent it in your publication, because this
solving aesthetic problems.
really is the problem—the community problem, not these indi-
vidual things. K a u f m a n n : What yo\i gentlemen have just
Is the Single-Family House a Challenge?
been saying can't be questioned. But I do question whether
As noted in the Introdutliun, this was the first year since the this annual review of freely submitted projects is the place to
Program teas started that no single-family house received rec- put this emphasis. I think you could properly plan the issues
ognition. The general low quality of the entries led to a discus- over the year to make this point. Let the jury editorialize as
sion of their significance as architectural problems and their much as it feels necessary, but let the profession send in what-
place in this competition. ever it wants to send.

C h e r m a y e f f : Here is the biggest group of submissions, the Problem of Judging Urban Design
single-family house, which gives us an excellent view of the Having questioned the pertinence of single-family houses in the
up-and-coming young architect. And what is the up-and-coming Atvards Program, the jury took up a category at the opposite
young architect doing? He's digging the grave of the profes- end of the scale in both size and complexity—urban design.
sion deeper and deeper. I really think we should say something U hereas houses had been considered an insufficient challenge
about it, because it is bunk. It has nothing to do with the for the designer, urban design projects were considered too
humble notion of creating background for people. One after great a challenge for the jury in the limited time availahlr
another, we have seen exhibition pavilions of the crassest, to them.
vulgarest. stupidest kind. K i r k : 1 think the guys who submitted
houses to this program designed them for some unknown thing K i r k : 1 think this Awards Program is getting so big that there
that doesn't relate to people and the way people use a house. is a problem as to whether we are picking the right work—
I wonder if a Program like this doesn't incite such a result. whether we can get a chance to really analyze. I wonder first
Z e t l i n : That depends on the awards, on whether awards go of all about the large things we've discussed—the urban re-
to deserving projects. K i r k : But what does this stuff look like? newal projects and other big development projects that take an
This one looks like a house by Charles Moon-, who won an architect a couple of years to do; it's ridiculous to ask anyone
award last year. It doesn't matter whether his project deserved to analyze them in 10 or 20 minutes. I think this part of your
it. By awarding in a «ertain direction, don't you stimulate too Program should be terminated. C h e r m a y e f f : I agree that the
many guy.s to fall into a certain trap? Of course, to be hard- city planning category is not susceptible to this type of jury
boiled about it. this is going to happen anyway; you might as treatment and should not be in this Program at all. If you want
well bring it forth and h-t them fall and get it over with. If a to analyze it in the course of the year in whole issues of the
guy doesn't have the integrity to make his own statement, magazine, then you could doriinn-nt the hell out «»f it and every-
there's no reason why you have to be a godfather or somethinj;. thing would be perfectly clear. It can't be judged off the top
K a u f m a n n : I think what you're all saying is based on a of one's head. espe< ially when y(»u're tired after looking at ISO
false premise: that things used to be better. There has always wretched little houses. You can't suddenly jump from there to
heen a great deal of bad work an<l this is a big « <Minlry. The grand inin i-iit-. K a u f m a n n : I think perhaps the real differ-
jury has to accept the idea that it's going to see a li»t of trash. ence is between redevelopment of existing settings and planning
K i r k : But (an you look at this stuff and think of anybody on an empty or alm«>st empty site—whether it's rural or urban.
living in it? ChermayefT: In ilie first place, if you put two If 1 look at a wb(de college <-ampus that's being started from
or more people into most of these houses, they'd go mad: no scratch. I'm able to have an opinion. It may n»)l be intelligent,
privacy at all. O b a f a : We've gone through I'W houses, and but at least it's a reaction. If I look at a plan for downtown
we haven't picked one. I'm wondering if they're worth getting. Baltimore. I'm sunk. I'd have to take int»i account things like
Looking back on your past competitions, Jan. d«i you feel that trafH<-. e«-onomics. existing buildings, existing centers of activ-
the houses have made a significant contribution? R o w a n : ity, and integrate all that with the new things. It's another
Every other year they've picked at least one or two houses. order of problem. ChermayefT: Here are a couple of projects

where it says they're going to destroy nothing, simply recon- munity as a whole, that they wished to be noted as commend-
struct—really accepting the existing town and making each able in principle. These included a pumping station concealed
place a little more tangible. This has absolutely nothing to do beneath a landscaped terrace, a carefully organized "mobile
with starting new on virgin ground. As Edgar says. I think home" development, and a school that fitted into the terrain
you've lumped two different things into the same category— to preserve the dominance of an adjacent landmark. They also
very confusing. Conservation might be a category in il>el{. commented favorably on a proposal to place an entire medical
R o w a n : If you want to give a citation or award, you can give school in a single building, ivhich involved the creation of new
it for any reason you wish. ChermayefF: But anybody who had plazas and the conversion of surrounding buildings to new uses.
not been to this place would have no comment to make that In all of these cases, they concluded that the relation of the
would be of the slightest value. So why put it in? R o w a n : project area to the rest of the city ivas the crucial measure of
This is a difficulty, I agree. But I don't think you can ignore its success. This aspect, they felt, they could not fairly judge.]
all this material. The profession is working on it. It is part of
Encouraging Trends
the architect's problem. Previous juries have judged as best
they could. They first looked for some kind of strong physical Besides the commendable characteristics the jurors noted
structure; if that was present, then they would go a little among urban design entries, they also found encouraging
deeper and see whether it made sense. ChermayefF: I have a trends among the projects they premiated.
certain objection to that approach. If you start in with this
very serious subject matter and make it all subject to jury K a u f m a n n : The selections we have made and the categories
comment, we'll just turn into von Eckhardts—he descends on into which they fall indicate that there may be a drift in archi-
Boston, gives it the once-over, and then tells people he can't tecture away from the wonderful isolated work toward a work
see the value of it all unless the whole city is moved six feet in its setting—both physically and humanly, both in the land-
to the left. This procedure is dangerous, because architects are scape and in the community. These are among the most im-
awfully arrogant already. We accept complex commissions way portant considerations for the best architects, rather than just
beyond our capacity. If a jury is flippant about these things, building beautifully. K i r k : As far as site planning is con-
it makes matters worse. This is not the way to tackle the prob- cerned, it is interesting to see people finally going back to the
lem. K a u f m a n n : 1 think there is a precedent for this kind of planning principles of the '20's and '30's—of projects such as
problem with juries: when you get an extremely complex Badburti and Chatham Hills, where pedestrian and auto traffic
situation, you ask that the jury be guided through the problem have been separated, human scale has been considered. The
by an expert. You don't accept the judgment of the expert, projects we picked here have spaces that will become human
but you get to understand the problem a little better. R o w a n : spaces, where people can meet people.
So far, we've usually had at least one jury member who was
involved to some extent with planning, just as we have always A New Design Category
tried to have an engineer. K i r k : I would say that even if you Serge Chermayeff called attention to a whole new category of
had a planning expert on the jury, he couldn't give a fair design, the emergence of tvhich he considers significant.
judgment of 20 cities laid out before him. What you're trying
to judge in this program is conceptual ideas, and I don't think Chermayeff: There is a new category emerging that is non-
that it's possible in an area as complex as urban planning. architectural, in the traditional sense of "architecture." We
had one example among the winners—the aquarium—which I
[As a result of this discussion, the jury agreed to confine awards didn't comment on during the judging because my son is
and citations to buildings and other self-contained architectural involved in it. It is really a new kind of building—-partly an
projects, such as the overpass. Projects of larger scale, uith exhibition, partly a new type of civic space; it spills outside
broader ramifications for the community, were set aside leith with no definite limits. It involves several specialized com-
a request that the Editors express their general reactions to munications techniques—typography, graphics, lighting. It is
them. Among the entries in this category, which drew favor- disembodied architecture, in a sense. The contents are the
able reactions from the jury, were several projects involving architecture; there is no frozen, static container—no set-piece.
the rehabilitation of the central or original sections of cities. This simultaneous work in many different idioms, previously
The jury was especially pleased with proposals to rehabilitate thought of as separate fields—this new amalgam of design
old structures, giving them new usefulness to the community talents—is producing a new expression. This new world is
without destroying their historical significance. The jury also really where the great architectural innovations may now be
selected a few smaller projects, with implications for the com- developed.



German Architecture
to Washington

Almost resembling an Erich Mendel-

sohn sketch come to life, the new
United States Embassy of the Fed-
eral Republic of Germany has begun
its diplomatic mission on a quiet
tree-shaded hillside in Washington,
D . C . Designed by Professor Egon
Eiermann of Karlsruhe, the embassy
is in direct line of spiritual succes-
sion to the great German modernists
of the first quarter of this century
who had such a profound influence
on contemporary architecture.
Eiermann, who also designed the
Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church on
the Kurfuerstendamm in West Ber-
lin, has achieved in the new chancery
a building of the requisite imposing
and distinctive nature which at the
same time respects the residential
scale of its neighborhood. This has
been done by making the building
follow the lines up its site in a series
of terraced setbacks; consequently,
the end facing the residential street
is only two stories high and 50 ft
wide. The structure builds back from
this base to a six-story height ap-
proximately three-quarters of the

Continued on page 174

Photos: J . Alexander Studio

JANUARY 1965 P/A Observer 171


' - X !
Continued from page 171

way up the Iiill (a lower, seventh

level contains the embassy cafete-
r i a ) . At the rear, the building tapers
off again in two terraces. Thus, the
embassy repeats the natural form of
its site and, through use of natural
materials, colors, and planting, be-
comes smootlily integrated with its
wooded surroundings.
Structure of the building is ex-
posed steel, painted dark gray. Sur-
rounding the structural frame is a
system of steel grating cat^valks (for
emergency egress from glass-walled
offices) and a light steel tube frame
supporting horizontal sunshades of
light fir. (There is a visual remind-
er of Saarinen's Deere Building
here.) The catwalks are also painted
dark gray, the tubular supports light
gray, and the fir shades and win-
dow frames are treated to preserve
their light color; ground-floor walls
are concrete faced with tan brick.
The whole appearance is unexpected-
ly colorful to one who has seen the
building only in black and white
photographs, but it is a pleasing
colorfulness, not a gaudy one. One
Eiermanns conceptual sketches for the rruhassy
cavil is that the efTect is just a bit
flimsy-looking, since the yellow
boards and light gray tubes tend to
appear as a "cage" around the more
substantial main structure. As a fu-
ture touch, Boston ivy will be trained
to grow on the tubular steel.
Public access to the chancery is
past a gate house (not completed at
this writing) to a circular unloading
and parking area around a flagpole.
Beneath this round area is an under-
ground garage for the chancery staff,
which is entered via a separate drive.
(On-site hidden parking was another
f • ' ' • J.-!—!-ill

aim of Eiermann as a mark of re-
1; = i 1 spect for the neighbors.)
The entrance hall, auditorium,
6IH flOOn " l A M and other public spaces of the em-
bassy repeat the exterior's use of
warm-toned materials. The brick
used on the ground-floor exterior is
repeated on many interiors, and sun
grilles of natural Douglas fir in the
auditorium follow through with the
fir sunshades used outside. Round
ceramic floor tiles imported from
Germany lighten or darken in shade
according to the area of use (lighter

174 P/A Observer JANUARY 1965

in the artificially-lighled cafeteria,
darker in the naturally-lit auditori-
lun). Furniture designed by the
architect and fabricated in Germany
was used throughout the l)uilding. Of
particular — and unusual — note is
the consistency of treatment through-
out the building. The tile and hx-
tiu-es in the janitor's washroom are
the same as tliose in the lavatory
used by the ambassador. The stair-
way, tliough not on direct public
view, is a finely detailed architectura
expression in itself, inviting one to
climb a flight or two instead of
using the elevators. Only when one
reaches office areas perhaps not gen-
erally open to the public do some
materials change: walls become plas-
ter and floors rubber tile, for in-
stance, but cabinet work is kept
Douglas fir to relate to the rest of the
The plan, with the elevator and
stair core as the "middle" of the
building, is said to work exception-
ally well in creating appropriate and
separate work areas for the different

P/A Observer 175

i_/ ..

departments of the mission. The am-

bassador's ofTice is at the front of the
fifth floor of the building looking out
on its own terrace and those beneath,
and a conference room is on the
sixth floor, with a similar view.
As dedication of the building ap-
proached, Eiermann is said to have
remarked, "May this house not only
be an Embassy, but have a mission
as well." For the architectural part
of the mission, he has spoken well,
having created a building unmistak-
ably of his own country that recalls
Germany's contributions to the ad-
vance of modern architecture in the
20th Century. And, not so incident-
ally, Germany has given Washington
an official building that puts most of
the others to s h a m e . — J T B , .ir.

Architect: Professor Egon Eiermann

Associate Architect: Eberhard Brandl
U. S. Consulting Architects & Engineers:
Lublin. McGaughy & Associates
Construction Supervision in Washington:
Johannes Galandi and Josef Jorascnek
Consultants: Aram F. Normandin, Architect;
Carl Hansen, Structural Engineer;
James Eliopolo. Electrical and
Mechanical Engineers
General Contractor: Wm. P. Lipscomb
Company, Inc.

176 P/A Observer J.ANUARY 1963


Low-cost public housing in New

York, like its doppelgangers in other
large cities, most often has been a
collection of monolithic, institutional
apartment structures about as invit-
ing to live in as Wormwood Scrubs.
The proliferation of such slab, point,
cruciform, semi-high-rise, and high-
rise containers has seldom per-
formed the necessary function of try-
ing to introduce beauty or variety
into the lives of the inhabitant?.
Given the unyielding thinking usual-
ly popular among housing and rede-
velopment officials ("It costs too
much;" "Maintenance would be dif-
ficult;" "The residents would not
appreciate such fancy ideas") it
causes little surprise that, general-
ly, well-designed lower income hous-
ing is infrequent and that the "ancil-
lary" factor of good use of oj>en
space is even more unfamiliar.
At the Carver Houses in upper
Manhattan, something has been done
to relieve the sere envirormient cre-
ated by a housing development
erected in 1958 (Kahn & Jacobs,
Architects). The Vincent Astor
Foundation has underwritten a not-
able recreation of the between-build-
ings open space for recreation. Fol-
lowing designs by Architects Pomer-
ance & Breines and Landscape Archi-
tect M. Paul Freidberg, a desolate
landscape of concrete, asphalt, and
chained-off "grass" spaces has been
replaced by a u.sable, multifaceted
public court that the inhabitants
have taken to their hearts.
Attempts of this sort have taken
place in New York housing develop-
ments before, notably the one by Al-
bert Mayer at Harlem's .lames We-
don Johnson Houses in 1960. As a
precursor showing the city how pub-
lic spaces in public housing could be
designed, the Mayer design was
commendable in many respects.
Photos: David Hirsch

JANUARY 1965 P/A Observer 177

Now comes an even more imagi-
native—and, for those who worry
about such things, more easily main-
The Carver Houses public space
extends almost three blocks, between
East 99th and 102nd Streets, and in-
cludes playgrounds, sitting areas,
checker tables, and, as the "center"
of the composition, an amphitheater
for outdoor performances (making
it a prime spot for the traveling New
York Shakespeare Festival troupe
discussed in the S E P T E M B E R 1964
P / A , pp. 9 3 - 9 4 ) . Friedberg has said
that here he has strived to avoid the
"insubstantial" look of developments
such as Mayer's (metal umbrella
roofs, killable plants, vandal-prone
materials) to achieve the character
of a traditional square or park with
durable but attractive materials. In
the Carver Houses, for instance, the
walb, walks, pavilion, playgrounds,
and other amenities are largely con-
structed of such materials as brick,
concrete, metal (for sculptures),
wood, and water. The plantings —
usually in raised planters — protect
themselves by visually inconspicuous
but nevertheless effective thorns.
The approach of the architects
and landscape architect on this job
reflects a concern for the frequently
oppressive spaces between equally
oppressive lower-income apartment
dwellings that is admirable—^no less
laudable than the willingness of the
Astor Foundation to pick up the tab.
If the city (and we sjjeak generically
of cities throughout the country) can
now be persuaded that monies used
in such endeavors are well spent, a
primary victory over "up-to-date
sliuns" will have been won.

178 P/A Observer JANUARY 1965

P/A Observer 179
NEW YORK'S Plans for major civic improvements fic around the site and from the
in New York have a way of taking Brooklyn Bridge approaches next to
CIVIC CENTER approximately the same time it took City Hall Park. Later, in mid-1963,
TAKES FORM to build Notre Dame, with about the a group of architects, planners, and
same amount of advancing, backing, critics who also found deficiencies in
and filling on the part of officials and the A B C plan banded together as
interested lay persons. This pattern "New Yorkers for a Civic Center of
has not changed for tlie city's Civic Excellence" to oppose it and find a
Center, which, with a plan by E d - means for the creation of a better
ward Durell Stone and Eggers & scheme. Their opinions were shared
Higgins, at last seems to be in sight by professionals of the calibre of Le
of land. Corbusier, Lewis Mumford, Edmund
In 1949, when the present mayor, Bacon, and William W. Wurster. On
Robert F . Wagner, was chairman of February 4, 196^1, a press conference
the City Planning Commission, a was held under the auspices of the
study was made of the area around J . M. Kaplan Fund to propose to
the historic City HaU (1802-12; Mayor Wagner that he invite the
Joseph F . Magnin & John McComb). views and suggestions of distin-
After some minor site acquisitions guished architects and plcmners on
and trafhc changes, this plan was the Civic Center matter — bill to
allowed to languish until November be paid by the Fund. The Mayor
1961, when the city announced its acquiesced, and a meeting was set
intention to build a City Hall Annex up with Edward L . Barnes, Marcel
(since known as the Executive Office Breuer, Peter Blake, Walter Gropius,
Building). The fact that tliis build- Douglas Haskell, Philip John.son,
ing, together with a forthcoming new Burnham Kelly, 1. M . Pei, G.
Federal Office Building and U.S. Holmes Perkins, P / A Editor Jan C .
Customs Court House just north on Rowan, Paul Rudolph, Hideo Sasaki,
Foley Square, would completely and Jose Luis Sert. This "Committee
change the area, brought civic offi- of the 13," as it came to be called,
cials to the realization that an up-to- eventually held several meetings to
date plan had to be made of the area make comments and proposals on a
if complete chaos was not to result. new Civic Center plan now being
Consequently, Architects Max Abra- developed by Stone and Eggers &
movitz, Simon Breines, and Robert Higgins, who had previously been
Cutler were appointed to prepare a named co-architects of the Executive
plan to develop the City Hall area as Office Building. In May of 1964, the
a cohesive entity. Their plan, usually Committee of 13 (now reduced to 12
referred to as the A B C plan, pro- without Johnson) issued a public
posed a raised mall over a concourse statement generally supporting the
connecting City Hall, the new Exec- new plan as a "considerable advance
utive Office Building, a new Muni- on earlier designs, especially as to
cipal Building, and the existing Sur- the handling of traffic approaches to
rogates Court (or Hall of Records) the Brooklyn Bridge and as to
and the old Municipal Building. This awareness of a larger whole, not to
plan received the support of the New mention the substitution of a sunken
York Chapter A I A and other organ- mall leading nortliward from the
izations, but was continually at- historic City Hall in place of the
tacked as not comprehensive enough former proposal of a raised mall
by the Architects Council of New which from many viewpoints would
York under the prodding of Archi- have obscured the view of that hand-
tect Nathan R. Ginsburg. Ginsburg's some but low-lying monument." The
protests Avere mainly directed at the handling of the bridge approaches
siting of the Federal Building was a "plus" in the plan (as were
(which is out of the city's authority indications by the architects of pos-
and will not be changed, according sible future expansion to the north
to Karel Yasko of General Services and south of the Civic Center and
Administration) and to what he con- the squaring off of City Hall Park at
sidered inadequate planning for traf- its south end (see over-all view, 3 ) .

180 P/A Observer JANUARY 1965

The committee staled in its May
release to the city and the press that
"The new proposal for the Brooklyn
Bridge approach is vastly superior,
aesthetically, to the old one. We
recommend it. It is not only more
handsome in itself, creating a formal
plaza in front of tlie bridge, but it
also takes away the previous tangle
of twisted approaches from the close
vicinity of the dignified old Muni-
cipal Building. And since Highway
Commissioner John T . Carroll is re-
j>orted as being satisfied that the
new solution is functionally accept-
able, we urge that engineering con-
struction be delayed until plans can
be devised." P / A joins the Commit-
tee of 12 in acclaiming this proposal,
\\lii( h would add immeasurably to
IIH' whole Civic Center area and at
llif same time provide a noble view
of Roebling's Brooklyn Bridge, re-
cently named a national landmark
by Secretary of the Interior Stuart
The report was not entirely un-
stinting in its praise. The new plan
brings together in one 52-story tower
the functions that were put in two
new buildings in the A B C scheme.
The committee was of the opinion
that this tall building "intrudes into
and dominates the main space" and
"should he handled less as a tower
and more as a 'wall,' " to define the
Civic Center space. It felt that New
York is not lacking in tall buildings
but decidedly is lacking in well-de-
Imcd and boimded open urban
spaces. All above- and even below-
ground elements of tlie new Civic
Center, the committee felt, "should
be so placed as to enclose, mark,
and render attractive the main cen-
tral space." Edward D. Stone and
David L . Eggers came out for more
generalized open spaces in their in-
troduction of the new plan, saying
that "the awsome density of Manhat-
tan Island makes such areas extreme-
ly difiiciilt to come by. Obviously,
they can only be achieved by stack-
ing vertically functions that other-
wise would be spread horizontally."
In the new proposal, as noted, city
functions previously proposed for
two separate buildings are in a 52-
story tower, with tlie Mayor's suite
Photo: Ezra Stoller Associates
JANUARY 1965 P f A Observer 181
on the top floor (under tiiis plan,
the old City Hall would take on a
ceremonial function). Stone says
that tiii- will create additional,
needed light and air in tiie Civic ( I ) Siinlii-n plaza Innkiui: l<naird City
Center. I n the initial stages, the Mall Hall: ( 2 ) (irriid vifir nj plaza with (left
of Records would remain, as would lo right) City flail, in-w l\xf(ulive Of-
2 Lafayette Street and existing build- fice Building and Customs Court; (3)
ings on Broadway and Duane Street. over-all model proposal extending plan
Hopefully, these would be remov» (l into adjacent areas (bridge approach,
in the future to increase the size and now under construction, blacfced out):
( t ) basic Civic Center \)lan.
importance of the Civic Center
Plaza. The creation of the plaza at
pedestrian level (though still provid-
ing commerical enterprises aroimd a
sunken court and parking for 53S
cars below) is expected to make the
area much more accessible than the
"Chinese Wall" of the A B C plan
( 2 ) . The in-progress construction of
a number of high-rise apartment
buildings nearby will give the Civic
Center area, its shops, pool-skating
rink in the sunken court ( 1 ) , and
the plaza, a 24-hour life rather llian
the nine-to-five one it has now. The
possibility of future exj>ansion in
several directions (except southeast,
where Pace College and Beekinan
Hospital will have new building
plans) is hoped for by the arcliitects.

At present, the part of the plan

most praised by the Committee of 12
—the revised approach to Brooklyn
Bridge — is under consideration by
city agencies involved with move-
ment of vehicles, which is the reason
for its ommission from the photo-
graph that shows Stone's over-all
proposal. H , as is hoped, this last
barrier to the acceptance of the total
plan is removed (possibly this
month), New York will be able to
proceed toward a really significant
Civic Center.
It should not escape tlie notice of
architects in other cities that the
"go fight City Hall" altitude of
architects who thought a better job
could be done was a major factor in
getting this new Civic Center plan.
This success story should encourage
other groups who think their cities
are getting short shrift in good de-
sign and planning.

Associated Architects: Edward Durell Stone

and Eggers & Higgins
Mechanical Engineer: Syska & Hennessy, Inc.
Structural Engineer: Praeger-Kavanagh-
Landscape Architect: Edward D. Stone, Jr.
Photo: Ezra Stoller Associates

182 P/A Observer JANUARY 1965


u. s.


J ' d
T3 B t a u n n o n
aa t
u n o a a a o B o n n

a a n n a n s s s a a D o 0


Disappointed at the failure of the

cUent to follow through his famous
Fort W o r t h redevelopment plan to
completion, Victor Gruen c a n con-
tent himself now with the beginning
of the end of a more modest " F o r t
W o r t h " plan for a more modest city:
Fresno, California.
T h i s beginning is the completion
of the heart of Fresno's Central B u s i -
ness District redevelopment, a land-
scaped pedestrian m a l l extending six
blocks through the city's prime C B D
( 2 ) . " F r e s n o M a l l , " formerly dedi-
cated in September, is expected to
spark the continuing redevelopment
of the entire central area of the city.
( G r u e n actually has three contracts
in F r e s n o : one with the city for cen-
tral area redevelopment; one with its
Redevelopment A g e n c y for a crucial
36-acre project; and one with the
Downtown Association of F r e s n o , a
group of businessmen and c i v i c lead-
ers, for downtown enhancement—
such as the M a l l — a n d specific land
uses outside the redevelopment proj-
ect.) Relation of the M a l l and its
planned tributaries to the over-all
scheme is seen i n plans (right). In-
terestingly enough, Fresno was far-
sighted enough i n 1918 to have a
plan made for the city by S a n F r a n -
cisco architect Gilbert Cheney. It
was the unearthing of Cheney's plan
i n 1956 that started the city fathers
and business community on a re-
sponsible course leading to the hir-
ing of G n i e n ' s firm for a plan de-
signed to fit Fresno's needs in 1980.

T h e completed M a l l shows simul-

taneously the delights and dangers
inherent in freeing the core of the
C B D f r o m traffic intrusion and at-
tempting to create an environment
that will attract the pedestrian and
revivify a lagging business center.
F r o m ground—or pedestrian's e y e —
level, Fresno M a l l is replete with ob-
jects, artifacts, and landscaping pro-
vided by Gruen a n d his landscape
architect, E c k b o , Dean & W i l l i a m s ,

184 P/A Observer

for the diversion and pleasure of the
passers-by ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) . T h i s , of
eourse, is the area where all items of
street furniture, art w o r k s , c i v i c
graphics, and recreation places were
the responsibility of the designers.
Unfortunately, when the scene is
viewed from above, the efTect dissi-
pates in an uncontrolled montage of
individual store effrontery and ad-
vertising signs ( 1 ) . W h i l e one m a y
wish that the M a l l itself had been de-
>i^ned in a calmer manner by Gruen
and his firm, one cannot but wish
more fervently that the architect's
clients had allowed Gruen to assume
responsibility for all gra|)hic treat-
ment — private and public — to
achieve a more cohesively stated
public area.

Nevertheless, it is a start, and

hopefully Gruen and his associates
will be able to convince the clients in
later stages of the F r e s n o project that
all problems are not solved by a
pretty mall, but that both the city
and its citizens must cooperate on
their own to produce good design.

Victor Gruen A s s o c i a t e s :
Architecture. Engineering, Planning
Eckbo, Dean & Williams:
L a n d s c a o e Architects. Site Planners
J a n de Swart: Sculptor of Clock Tower
Ray C . Fisher: Acting Executive Director,
Fresno Redevelopment Agency
H. K. Hunter: Fresno City Manager
L a r r y L. Willoughby:
Executive Director, Downtown Association

J A N U A R Y 1965
186 P/A Observer

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Architectural-Engineering Education

BY W I L L I A M J. McGlJINNESS • - i i , , r-x(ii| liilil.liiii; I IM'\ II.IM' | H Unless he is the exception who will,
This nwnlh's column has been opened to ' Mill'- iiniti I niii|p|i \ and - i - i l i c l | I,, \ in |)ra< ii(c. >ee the need, and who can
the Guest Editorship of Leonard Weger, account for an in<Teasinp part of every educate himself in this broad field, he
of the architectural-engineering firm of I lion dollar, mainly bccan-c the vsill produce buildings in which the me-
Cronheim & If'eger, Philadelphia. The client lia- bcconu' ninre aware of and chanical |)latit is apt to be overcompli-
problem to tvhich W^eger addresses him- demanding of the best possible environ- cated. overiii-iK. tortured, diflicull to
self concerns the increasing complexity ment. iiiainlain. and generally a trial and trib-
of mechanical and electrical plant in Yet, all lno iifl«'n. llie ardiilei luial sln- ulation to his client. This will simply be
modern architecture, its effect on archi- ilrtil. as lie |pcis|iiic- in lii> a-.iilcini< the result of his ahstaining from enter-
tectural design, and the greater respon- gown on graduation day and peers into ing into the broad planning of his plant
sibility it places upon the architect. These the audience for his mother ami fianc«V. as he develops his building.
subjects, he holds, must receive improved is only dimly aware of why he perspires True, his engineering consnliant can
treatment in the curricula of our archi- and peers, and what should have been usually keep him out of major trouble.
tectural schools. The article that follows done to make the day as comfortable as But often the engineer has an analgoiis
first appeared in the November 1964 is- it is auspicious. blind spot. He is too much the special-
sue of Heating. Piping, and A i r Condi- Th«; harried dean, having already re- ized engineeer. with eyes closed to order,
tioning, a journal affiliated with the legated the humanities to the firs! yiai to aesthetics, to the over-all needs of the
Rein hold Publishing Corporation. Be- or two of undergraduate school, and un- building. Neither he—no matter how
cause of its importance to the profession derstandably reluctant ti» constrict the competent—nor the aiciiii. i i c an work
as a whole, we are reprinting it in its vital design courses, is fai-ed with the independently of each other i f the true
entirety. necessity of adding engineering courses potential of our technology is to be real-
only recently considered unimportant. ized.
The study of architecture i n our univer- Even where the need is clearly seen Not that the architect wcndd ever be
sities today, wiiether taught in a gradu- land in all fairness, this is most often expected to design, in detail, a complex
ate school, at the undergraduate level, the case, since the subject has been IK*- of mechanical and electrical sy.stems.
or a combination of both, is not a course labored i n recent years), it is under- Heaven f o r b i d ! But an architect with a
for ililettantes. standable that a technology scarcely two good working knowledge of methods, sys-
The professional subjects are usually decades old has not become a part of the tems, and costs; with a sense of dis-
encompassed within a |)eriod of three or educational process. crimination as to when a particular kind
four years. To cram into this short The architectural teacher, often a prac- of system or eipiipment is appropriate;
period all of the courses—aesthetic, his- ticing professional who devotes only part with an awareness of the spaces, duct-
toric, and specific—required by the prac- of his time t(» teaching, is himself some- ways, shafts and routing needed for the
ticing architect, is no mean feat. The times lacking in awareness of the en- mechanical plant: with a uilliiigiiess to
curriculum is of necessity crowded, gineering: gap. not liaxing been e\po-.ei| work in clo.'sc rap|iort with his engineer-
varied, and intensive. Design courses, by to those subjects during liis academic ing designer fnun the inception of his de-
their very nature, demand the lion's share work, l i e iruiy take the laissez-faire at- sign, can produce a better building every
of the student's time. titude that the young praciii inner can time.

Of the engineering subjects, >trii( - "pick up" all he needs t«i know about At the I'niversily of l'( i i i i - \ l\.iiii.i s
ture has had a fairly prominent place the mechanical plant as he gains experi- (.radiiate School of Architecture, the
in most schools. W i t h a constant stream ence in an architectural ollice. After a l l , need for co-ordinated engineering orien-
of exciting developments in structural he will usually be working with an en- tation of the architectural student has
techni(pies, and with the recognized im- gineering c«»nsiiltanl anyway. long been recognized, and a start in this
portance of the structure i n determining Thus the young archilei t begins his direction was made a number of years
the form of the building, architectural ( ,1- nnlv li.ilt .in .111 liilc, I . \N ilh ago. Today the program has evolved as
teachers and their students are (piite pradically no training, no intuition, no follows.
willing to devote a fair portion of their discriminali<ui as to that part of his During the student's first and second
day to structural design. building that may involve 30 or 40 per years of graduate work, he is given a
The other engineering subjects have cent of its total cost, that will certainly course in mechanical plant for one se-
not fared so well. Mechanical and elec- influence its form, and that may well be mester inv(dving three semester credits,
t i i i a l components of today's buildings the part that creates for him a happy and a course i n electrical work <liiring
have become increasingly important to client, or a sad, embittered former client. Continued on iKige 22 f


•< For more information, circle No. 392




Tips on Excavation

BY H A R O L D J. ROSEN Dewatering. (a) The contractor shall inforcing dowels are inserted i n each
Typical specifications for detvatering and provide a system of well points, pumps, section as i t is excavated and concreted
underpinning are discussed by a Fellow and drain lines for the removal of ground so that the final footing acts as one con-
of the Construction Specifications Insti- water. See drawings for levels at which tinuous wall footing.
tute. ground water shall be kept and for A typical specification for a system of
length of time required to maintain these underpining follows:
When a site has a particularly high conditions, (b) The system of dewater- Underpinning, (a) Underpinning shall
water table, consideration should be ing shall also be adequate to remove generally consist of excavating and con-
given to the use of well points for de- storm water from the excavations and creting i n sequence several pits of small
watering within the area of the excava- prevent accumulation of surface water, dimension under each footing or wall to
(c) The dewatering system shall be in- be underpinned. The pits being exca-
tions. Groundwater, unless it can be con-
stalled and operated i n such a manner vated at any one time shall be far enough
trolled during these operations, can
as to avoid the movement of fines or loss apart so that there is no danger of col-
cause sand excavation to be more costly
of ground from below the bearing levels lapse of the existing structure. Adjacent
than rock excavation.
and shall not influence the stability of pits shall not be excavated simultaneous-
Well points consist of a series of
surrounding areas, (d) Well points shall ly, ( b ) I n general, the required depth
screened perforated tubes, which, when
be driven by means of water jetting or of underpinning and the depth of exist-
installed below grade i n a saturated soil,
by the sand casing method. Either meth- ing footings are shown on the drawings.
dewater the site by filtering and collect-
od employed shall include the facilities The existing footing depths have been
ing the groundwater and siphoning it to
needed to eliminate loss of ground, (e) obtained f r o m the latest information
the surface by connected pumps. 'Hie
A l l necessary dewatering, pumping, and available, but this may be i n error. I t is
latest type of well point is also designed
conducting of groundwater away from the contractor's responsibility to check
to permit easy installation by means of a
the site shall be performed under this these dimensions and to insure that i n
self-jetting feature. This feature reduces
section of the specifications. A l l work in- no case shall a line drawn from the near
the cost of installation and its action
volved in lowering of well points to meet edge of the underside of any footing or
washes away the fines from the well
unusual ground and water conditions, its underpinning at a two horizontal to a
point, leaving the coarse soil particles
low spots, lowering of footings, aiul other one vertical slope, pass above the same
around the screen to act as a porous fil-
such contingencies shall be included as point on any other footing or above the
part of the contract price. lowest point of any excavation, (c) Un-
A well point system consists of a series derpinning shall be performed by a con-
of well points each approximately 42 in. Underpinning of existing foundation
tractor specializing in this type of work
long and in. in diameter, connected i n walls is required whenever a new struc-
and having not less than five years of
turn to a 1^2 i n . riser pipe. The riser ture is built adjacent to and below the
this type of experience, (d) The con-
pipes i n turn are connected to a horizon- elevation of the existing structure. Un-
tractor shall prepare working drawings
tal leader line and this line is connected derpining consists of excavating a cavity
showing details of all underpinning op-
to the well point pump. below the existing footing, the width and
erations, including sequence of construc-
There are firms that specialize in the length of the new structure. A continuous
tion, size of pits, and methods of shor-
dewatering of sites by means of well concrete footing is then placed under
ing, (e) Review of these drawings by
points. They examine the borings, the the existing footing, thereby bringing it
the architect w i l l not relieve the contrac-
specifications, drawings, and a l l of the down to the level of the new adjacent
tor of f u l l and complete responsibility
pertinent topographical features that construction.
for the safety of the existing building.
must be taken into account i n determin- However, in order to prevent under- Any failure, damage, subsidence, up-
ing the extent of the well point system mining and collapse of the existing heaval, or cave-in shall be the sole re-
to be installed and where to discharge structure, only small sections at a time sponsibility of the contractor and he
the water that is brought to the surface. are excavated and underpinned. I n or- shall bear the entire cost of correcting
A typical specification f o r a dewater- der to make one continuous wall and not any of these defects.
ing system usuig well points follows: individual pier footings, horizontal re-

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Status of Landscape Architecture

as a Profession

m HKIJNARD T O M S O N A N D or architecture and further excludes any "The testimony at the trial established that
NORMAN COPLAN business conducted by an "agriculturist, the regulation and practice of landscape
architecture was clearly related to the public
P/A's legal team discusses a recent de- horticulturist, tree expert, arborist, fores- health and welfare and, as such, constituted
cision touching on the legal status of ter, nurseryman, landscape contractor, a valid exercise of the police power, thus
landscape architecture as a profession, garden or lawn caretaker or grader or affording a suhstantial basis for the declared
which, while helping protect the public cultivator of land, as these terms are gen- IMiidic policy."
against the unqualified through its li- erally used," except that no such per- The plaintiffs further challenged the
censing requirements, raises some uncer- son is permitted to use the designation statute on the ground that it was too
tainty as to its effects on architects prac- "landscai)e architect" unless licensed as vague and indefinite to be enforced. The
ticing landscape architecture. such. Court was of the opinion that the lan-
Five persons who had been denied guage of the statute defining the activi-
Ill New York, a license must be obtained licenses on the ground they were not ties of one engaged in landscape archi-
to practice landscape architecture. The qualified, challenged the validity of the tecture was couched i n language which,
iiliplicable statute, which became effec- law, and in so doing questioned the sta- standing alone and without additional
tive in 1961, prohibits the unlicensed tus of landscape architecture as a pro- elaboration, might be regarded as too
practice of landscape architecture, estab- fession. The Court, however, took the iii nt ral. However, the statute also ex-
lishes a Board of Examiners to carry out opposite point of view, stating: plicilly exempted from its operation a
the licensing provisions of the statute, iniig list of designated occupations and
"The practice of landscape architecture is a i liviiics, and i t was the determination
and prescribes penal sanctions for its
recognized as the practice of a profession in
violation. The constitutionality of this this State. . . . and elsewhere. . . . as a pro- i)f the Court that, when these excepti(uis
statute was challenged on the ground fession embracing a field of highly technical a i r read in conjunction with the licens-
that landsca|)e architecture was not of and specialized knowledge and activities 'be- ing requirements of the statute, "a suffi-
imblic concern and consequently did not tween the professions of architecture and en- ciently clear standard of conduct is set
gineering' (citing authorities in Louisiana, forth to give fair notice to one concerned
fall within the "police power" of the
California, Oregon, Georgia and New York).
State. The highest court of New York, Such a determination 'is in line with the with or engaged in the activities regu-
however, has recently upheld the con- necessity for recognizing in the law, as in lated as to what acts are criminal and
stitutionality of this statute, ruling (hat our universities, new professions which have those that are innocent."
the practice of landscape architecture in- been called into being to fake care of mod-
ern requirements of our expanding civiliza- The Court also rejected the plaintiffs"
volved the public health and welfare and
tion.' . . . contention that the discretion granted to
was therefore subject to regulation by
the Board of Examiners to satisfy itself
the State (Paterson v. University of State '"We are told professional courses leading
as to the siilhciency of the grade and
of New York, 14 N . Y . 2d 432). to a degree in landscape architecture are
now being taught in 17 of the leading uni character of an applicant's showing was
The New York statute defines the versities. Also for many years the cities and an improper delegation of legislative
practice of landscaiie architecture as fol- states have given civil service examinations power. The Court pointed out that simi-
for the appointment of landscape architects. lar discretion was granted to the admin-
lows :
"Implicit in the term 'professional' is i-trative body licensing architects, and
•'A person practices landscape architecture
knowledge of advanced type in a given field that the validity of such practice had
within llie meaning and intent of this article
of science or learning gained by a prolonge<l been upheld.
who performs iirofessional services such as
course of specialized instruction and study.
consultation, investigation, reconnaissance, Since the licensing statute governing
The Legislature deems the practice of land-
research, planning, design, or responsible
scape architecture a matter of public con- the practice of landscape architecture ex-
supervision in connection with the develop-
cern, and enacted the challenged legislation • iiipis from its application the practice
ment of land areas where, and to the extent
'in order to safeguard life, health and prop- of architecture, it would seem clear that
that the dominant purpose of such services
erty.' "
is the preser\'ation, enhancement or deter- any landscape architecture practiced by
mination of proper land uses, natural lanil The plaintiffs challenging the validity a licensed architect as part of an over-all
features, ground cover and planting, natural-
of the statute challenged the conclusion architectural project would be proper.
istic and aesthetic vahies, the settings and ap-
proaches to stnictures or other improvements, of the Legi-slature that the practice of However, the statiUe makes no specific
natural drainage and the consideration and landscape architecture in any substantial reference to the propriety of a licensed
determination of inherent problems of the way affected the " l i f e , health and i)rop- architect (not licensed as a landscape
land relating to erosion, wear and tear, blight erty of the public." The Court, however, architect) practicing landscape architec-
or other hazards."
concluded that there was a substantia] ture independent of any building project.
The statute, however, excludes from basis for this expression of pidilic policy, This absence of specific exclusion may
its coverage the practice of engineering slating: create some uncertainty.

192 JANUAKY 1965 P/A

For more information, circle No. 4 3 6 >




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Two photos from the Clay Ijincaster book, showing what Rose
calls "a 11 ord and picture merry-go-round called 'influences'"

Three Faces East

BY JAMES C. ROSE Design Conference held in Toyko thai truth, and that's all there is to that! So
AN year, and Raymond said, "Don't be an
he w i l l never understand the Japanese.
by J.M. Richards. Published by The Ar- idiot." The Japanese, on the other hand, will
chitectural Press, 9 Queen Anne's Gate, Coming from a professional Asiatic, not argue with him. They will simply
Westminster, S.W. 1, England (1963. 192 this glib capsule of advice should not be call him "very reasonable," which the
pp., illus. $6) glossed over too hastily by those who Westerner is bound to take as a compli-
ment, and which the Japanese will see
T H E J A P A N E S E I N F L U E N C E IN AMERICA have the urge to inform the West about
as hilarious.
by Clay Lancaster. Published by Twayne the East; the idiocy quotient is enor-
Publishers, Inc., 31 Union Square fFest, mously high, and the Western-eye view J.M. Richards, of the British Architec-
New York 3, N.Y. (1963. 292 pp., illus. of Japan is such that there is a story tural Ret icle, has chosen to ignore An-
$17.50) currently circulating in Tokyo to the ef- liiiiin Haymond's advice and has come
TRADITION O F J A P A N E S E GARDEN (2nd fect that one Western writer who has up with a delightful piece of idiocy.
Edition) by Sutemi Horiguchi. Published lived in Japan for three years is so smart He gets by because he doesn't pretend
by the Society for International Cultural that h(; already realizes he does not un- to anything as obtuse as understanding
Relations, Toyko, Japan. Distributed by derstand the Japane-se. I f he can just the Japanese. He has simply written a
the East-West Center Press, Honolulu 14. maintain this realization for 20 years, diary covering 18 days in Japan—a whirl-
Hatvaii (1963. 186 pp., illus. $15). the story continues, he will be making uind visit in which he seems to have
seen everything currently being built,
Revieiver is a landscape architect who progress.
much of it in prejiaration for the Olym-
is on familiar terms with the culture and 1 don't mean to imply that the Japan-
pics. His powers of organization, both in
traditions of the East. ese cannot be understood—only that they
making travel arrangements and i n ar-
can never be understood through the
ranging his subject matter, can only be
On my first visit to Japan, in 1%0. I Western frame of reference. This, in it-
described as astounding. It is almost too
mentioned to Antonin Raymond that I in- self, is not understandable to a good
much—one of those journeys where you
tended to write a piece for P / A giving Western indoctrinee; he won't even ad-
Continued on fxige 200
my impressions of Japan and thi' W oi ld mit that he is indoctrinated: he sees the

J A N U A R Y 1965 r/A
194 Book Rei ieivs
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For more information, card, circle No. 430

S o m e people think we're second cousin to a silkworm ...

that's b e c a u s e they don't

really k n o w u s . T o d a y w e make a complete line of fine d e c o r a t i v e f a b r i c s and w a l l -
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e m e r g e d f r o m the c o c o o n . W i t h a special collection to meet the n e e d s of a r c h i t e c t s
and c o n t r a c t d e s i g n e r s . C o m e inand s e e f o r y o u r s e l f . . . o r w r i t e u s o n your letterhead.

S e a l a ma n d re

Dept. P. 677 Third A v e , New York . Atlanta • Boston . C h i c a g o . L o s A n g e l e s • P h i l a d e l p h i a • S a n F r a n c i s c o

196 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 363 J.A.NU.ARY 1965
Ceiling L igiit D iff users
Specified for new
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This beautiful 31-story Civic

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t i e s . The c o m b i n a t i o n of
17,727 ANEMOSTAT^ Ceiling
Light Diffusers with Westing-
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ing beauty throughout the
Diffuser-troffer units provide air
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ply and room air are rapidly mixed
for comfortable even room tem-
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ANEMOSTAT® Ceiling Light Dif-
fusers assure stable illumination
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variation. These advantages are
made possible by separating the
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s u l a t i n g double w a l l . Specify
ANEMOSTAT CLD for reliability
and f l e x i b i l i t y in c e i l i n g light
diffusers. For complete product
and performance data, write for
ANEMOSTAT Catalog 64L.


CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Booth 1 0 1 1 , 17th Interna-
Owners: Public Building C o m m i s
sion of Chicago; Architects: C . F. tional Heating and Air Condi-
Murphy A s s o c i a t e s ; S k i d m o r e , tioning Exposition, McCormick
Owings & Merrill; Loebl, S c h l o s s
man & Bennett; G e n e r a l Contractoi Place, Chicago, Illinois.
Gust K. N e w b e r g Construction C o . :
Mechanical Contractor: Holleran
Economy A s s o c .

p . O . B o x 1083 Scranton, Pennsylvania
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 1 3

• of A i r D i f f u s i o n Council
Owner's Guidance: Architectural Concept:

•/or 000co//e^e men

A design ^/?/c/]noncf/'r^cf/bn^'/
scu/pfu/G^//n (^Ucs//)^ 'pc/z^m/c/r^/
^/}5peg which contK^gh ^/fh the

neighbonng/ ^/ou^eM/Zs

14G encoa/&^eorr^/ns//'/^

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•'The b u i l d i n g h a d t o b e r e l a t e d t o two "Steel answered our design needs

12-story buildings o n either side. belter than any other material."

We wanted it t o s t a n d a n d s p e a k for itself."

Kenneth W . Brooks, A.I.A., Architects, Spokane

Slructural Engineer: Lyerla 4 Peden, Spokane. General Contractor; H. Halvorson, Inc., SpoKane. Steel Fabricator: Pybus Steel Company, Wenalchce. Washington.

Architectural Plan: Structure

7?7e -//i/e c//h/ng fvoms

c/e^^^ o/^cpenness rh ^ f & e / r a f r e r ss ^ n ^ y p u r / i n s ^

• / / ^ p r ^ f e c / / o r C / ^ s s 7 ) ' '

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c3r^3yh through S-inp/pe,


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All steelwork was assembled in the shop and checked for alignment and fit before
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Steel channels of varying depths, and wooden blocking, support the steps in the roofs 5'*^"°^'

made up of steel purlins with shingle roofing.

Bethlehem supplied 136 tons of structural for this building. Bethlehem Steel Corporation,
Bethlehem, Pa. Export Sales: Bethlehem Steel Export Corporation.

J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A 199
Continued from page 194
feel that he should now take a good six-week vacation to
recuperate, hut you are also certain that he will i>ot; instead,
you get the impression that he was prohahly running The
Architectural Review with his left hand while visiting Japan. Construction Details
He must have appeared to the Japanese like a creature from
for L C N overhead c o n c e a l e d door closer
Euclidean space; hut from a Western point of view, he
installation shown on opposite page
emerges as one of the hest travelers, organizers, and arclii-
tectural journalists in the Held today. T h e LCN s e r i e s 2 0 1 0 C P c l o s e r ' s main points:
1 Efficient, full rack-and-pinion, two-speed
I t is unhelievahle that the scope of this volume could he
control of the door
covered in 18 days hy one man i f he did not have the
2 M e c h a n i s m entirely c o n c e a l e d in head
resources of The Architectural Review and could draw
frame a n d top of door; a r m shows when door
heavily on articles previously puhlished in that magazine
opens, is hidden when door is c l o s e d .
for his illustrations and documentation. Even so, Richards' is
3 Hydraulic back-check cushions door if
an impressive achievement. I was so impressed that I decided
thrown o p e n violently, saving door. wall. etc.
to visit him in London, on my own way to Japan, to see for
4 Hold-open available at 7 5 . 8 5 . 9 0 or 9 5
myself what manner of man could survive such a whirlwind
degrees setting.
tour and toss off an intelligent and astute volume to boot.
I found him not only a l l I had fancied from reading his 5 Closers a r e m a d e for heavy duty a n d long
hook, but quite w i l l i n g to admit i t without any pretense
of false modesty, maintaining a composure «)f fair-minded-
ness i n the best British tradition. I n his current volume,
he carries this tradition of fair play far enough to call
Anlonin Raymond "the father of modern domestic Japanese
architecture"—a title begrudged in AincTica.
This made me curious as to whether Raymond would have
changed his opinion about the idiocy of week-end Asiatics
who wrote books about their visits to Japan, i n the three
years since his pronouncement to me, and when I arrived
in Tokyo last December, 1 asked him what he thought of
Richards' book. He said it was " a l l right, but . . ." When I
reminded him that Richards called him the father of
Japanese architecture, he replied . . but l h ; i l \ iu>[ i-ii()Ui;li "
Well, apparently Clay Lancaster would say it was too
much. For Lancaster has written a very large volume,
Japanese Influence in America, in which the "father" is
mentioned only perfunctorily as lieiiifi '•iiidut ii. • il. " j n d
not at all as an influence himself. Worse than that, Lan-
caster hasn't listened at all to Raymond's advice to authors
of Japanalia. Instead, he has apparently spent the major
part of his time since 1953, when he received a Guggenheim
Fellowship, i n ferreting out Japanese influences i n America
and writing articles about them f o r esoteric journals inter-
ested in tracking down such "influences." He has now
brought this material together—in marvelous, i f staggering,
detail—in one ambitious volume. At times, as in the chapter
on Japanese influence on gardens and lan<lscaping in Amer-
ica, the details of historical minutia echo through the pages,
catalogue-style, like the announcement of trains in a railroad
station, but the effect is that of a genealojii-l ulm is discuss-
ing the family tree—at least the Japanese branch. Comprehensive brochure on request—no
obligation or s e e Sweet's "65. Section 1 9 e / L c
As with so many investigations of family trees, speculation
is a wonderful aid i n building an acceptable picture, and
the genealogist can easily find himself out on the limb of
conjecture (second cousin to gossip, twice removed), trying
to tie everything neatly together. I n this way, while appar-
ently sticking to fact, Lancaster has a habit of treating his LCN C L O S E R S , PRINCETON, ILLINOIS
connectives rather loosely, so that i n a remarkably short A Division o( Schlage lock Company

space, he can start with a few harmless generalizations, say, C a n a d a : L C N C l o s e r s of C a n a d a , L t d . ,

about the turmoil of W o r l d War I , and suddenly startle the P . O . Box 1 0 0 . Port C r e d i t . Ontario

reader with a conclusion like, "Thus was developed the

International Style." A f t e r deciding in the next few sentences
that the result of Corbusier's "machine for l i v i n g " proclama-
tion was a "house made like a factory," he can in the same ^^^^
paragraph conclude thai ". . . the International Style

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 345
200 Book Reviews J A N U A R Y 1%5 I ' / A
Modern Door Control by

Closers concealed in head frame

Restaurant on John F. K e n n e d y Memorial Highway

near Newark, Delaware

W. Ellis Preston. Architect


Construction Details on Opposite Page

. . . had established f i r m l y the principle
of organic architecture"—which is news
lo me.
It is difficult to find a page—and there
are many, many pages—where the au-
thor shifts f r o m historical fact to opinion
and does not also throw in one or more
of these irritating, i f not entirely false,
assumptions. Instead of allowing the
reader to draw his own conclusions, Lan-
ca.iter cannot resist encapsulating them
for him in the manner of a radio or tele-
vision interviewer: "Zen is indeed a dis-
penser of higher values" (which ought
to make a Zen student cringe), or, " A
garden is f o r recreation and diversion,
whereas a house has to be utilitarian"
(and that settles t h a t ) . Long before the
final chapter, (Miscellany and Summing
U p ) , the reader is aware of unwillingly
being caught in a tussle with semantics,
a word-and-picture merry-go-round called
"influences." By loosening design moti-
vations with the assumptive technique,
Lancaster is able to "prove" that
Wright's Falling Water house in Penn-
sylvania (along with numerous other
Wright designs, including the Johnson
Wax Laboratory at Racine) is Japanese-
"influenced." 1 don't know how you
would go about disproving that Wright
was so influenced, but I think you could
just as easily prove that he was Mayan-
influenced or Byzantine-influenced, for
that matter, since there are certainly
vague resemblances and common form
characteristics that could be plotted—
with the proper assumptions.

No doubt there are influences at work

MODEL 27 — mysteriously and otherwise — dating

from the first school teacher, and before,
but it is precarious for an author to as-
HAWS DRINKING FOUNTAIN Model 2 7 - a bril- sume that they explain more than the
surface stuff of design. Eventually, i f you
l i a n t n e w m e m b e r of H a w s ' f a m i l y . . . a n d m o s t
carry the "influence" game far enough,
popular for c o m p a c t design in gleaming stainless you find yourself asking who really did
wake the bugler up? Of course, it spoils
steel with smooth push-button valve. Always the game entirely i f it is possible for two
different people in two different cultures
handsome . . . always sanitary, with v a n d a l - p r o o f to look at nature and, i n the design
b u b b l e r in s a t i n c h r o m e p l a t e d b r a s s . B e a r s process, come up with forms that re-
semble each other with no "influence"
w a t c h i n g for future success. at all. Along these lines, R . H . Blythe,
the British philosopher, has written a
scholarly treatise showing the coinci-
For full, Immediate details see Sweet's 2 9 d / H a ; dence of Zen in English literature long
refer to your Hows Yellow Binder; tall your Hows before Commodore Perry set foot on Ja-
Representative; or write for spec sheet or com- pan. He points out that when Shakes-
plete catalog to HAWS DRINKING FAUCET CO., peare says " f o u l is fair, and fair is f o u l "
1441 Fourtli Street, Berkeley, California 94710. it is pure Zen, but nowhere does he sug-
gest that this is because Marco Polo re-
fused to stay home.

Lancaster almost comes to the conclus-

ion of coincidence in the last paragraph
Continued on page 203

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 340

202 Book Retieus JANUARY 1965 P / A


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Tower shown: Arlington State

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Look for our booth =1126 at The International Heating & Air-Conditioning Exposition, McCormick Place, Chicago, January 25 28, 1965.

j.\N"U-ARY 1965 I ' / A information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 415 203
How many things
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Flintkote's versatile I N S U L R O C K deck gives wide I N S U L R O C K Striicto-Form* formboard that stays
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204 J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A
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Looks are most important — and I N S U L R O C K

INSULROCK Pavilion Tile deck gives you a smart selection of contemporary
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Fashion Deck* special treatment in dimensional
lineation. Pavilion Tile* that gives a new appear-
ance made famous by the U.S. Pavilion at the New
York World's Fair. And, in all versions, I N S U L -
R O C K deck can be ordered with Insul-Tone*
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No wonder more and more buildings plaimed with

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INSUL-TONES come in five pastel colors,
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Tlw Flintkott Cotnpany- insulrock Products • 30 RodiaMbr Plua. Nnr Virk, HY.
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J A N U . A R V 1965 P / A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 397 205
4 w h e e l drive

Each Grant 7000 Sliding Door Hardware carrier door hardware. These include: rocker arms insur-
has four wheels. Eight per door. Sixteen wheels ing constant wheel-track contact, non-dust collect-
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uncommon feature in a very unusual line of hard- bearing wheels, ball-socket suspension principle
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T h e 7000 line boasts innumerable other character- More features are shown in the Grant catalog. It's
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G R A N T P U L L E Y & H A R D W A R E C O R P O R A T I O N / 4 9 High St., West Nyack, N.Y. / Los Angeles, Calif.

206 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 335 J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A

For more information, circle No. 356 >

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Because of a continuing prooram of product improvement and
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There's more in this door! Exclusive Amarlock with
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and butts with ball bearings and stainless steel pins . . .
security c l i p s . . . welded, tie-rod c o n s t r u c t i o n . . . and
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See your new Sweet's or write and we'll R U S H you a copy of our 1 9 6 5 Catalog!

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Sales Offices and Warehouses: Chicago, Illinois, Cleveland, Ohio, Dallas, Texas, Paramus, New Jersey, Atlanta, Georgia, Los Angeles, California
For more information, turn to Reader Service card circle No. 321
New design freedom

in the
Open World °

18 combinations of

IMRIJI A T l N f i f G L A S S

give you new

freedom in design IN A C H U R C H . The facade in S t . Stephen's
Episcopal C h u r c h , Columbus, Ohio, is glazed
with L-O-F Plate Glass with/"/jermopane insulat-
Now you can design with large expanses of glass, ing glass in all the larger areas. Architects:
Brooks and Coddington, Columbus.
and still keep operating costs down. Use Thermo-
pane insulating glass. I t is made in 18 combina-
tions for all types of buildings. With sheet glass
for sheer economy. With clear plate glass for
greater clarity. Tinted plate glass for solar heat
and glare reduction. Tuf-flex^ tempered plate for
impact resistance. Patterned glass for privacy.
Thermopane is available with either or )/^"
insulating air space, and in over 60 standard
sizes. F o r details on heat and light transmission,
see Sweet's File 26A. I
Y o u r local L O F salesman can compute, from
your blueprints, what the original costs and
operating costs will be using different types of
glass. Y o u and your client can then judge what
is the right type for your building. Libbey Owens
Ford Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio 43624.
IN A L I B R A R Y . This is Thermopane with Parallel-O-Grey®
plate glass a s outer panes at Beloit College, Beloit, Wise.
Architects: Loebl, S c h l o s s m a n and Bennett, Chicago.

IN A B A N K . The Bellevue Branch of the Seattle y

Libbey* O wens -Fo rd

First National Bank is glazed with Thermopane
insulating glass with Heat Absorbing Plate Glass
as the outer pane. Architects: Mithun & Nesland,
Toledo, Ohio Bellevue. W a s h . Ridenour & Cochran, Associates.

218 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 396 JA.NUARY 1965 P / A
4 2 4 6 -

Imaginative use of wood provides privacy, yet never impedes friendliness in the
Toluca Townhouse, North Hollywood, CaUf. Wood fences have a warm way of keep-
ing pets or people in or out. Architect: Richard D. Stoddard, A.LA., Sherman Oaks.

220 J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A
For features that set your apartment apart

design w i t h the freedom of W O O D

For multi-family apartments or for one-family homes, you can
be as daring with, and as demanding of, wood as you wish.
Not only will wood add luxury to apartment living, but its
practical side, too, makes it desirable.
I n the matter of maintaining quiet in a busy area, wood's
natural acoustical qualities help keep down the noise. I n a
dollars-and-cenls way, wood helps keep the owner's expense
of heating and cooling to a m i n i m u m ; wood's natural insula-
tion qualities see to that.
And wood's beauty . . . its ready availability i n many spe-
cies, tones, and textures . . .lets you please your client, his
prospective tenants, and yourself.
Rememljer, also, wood's economy, and its ready adapt-
ability to new systems of planning, like U N I C O M . . . the
modern method of modular construction. For more information
on designing more freely w i t h wood, write:

Wood paneling and beams make the interior of this Santa Barbara
apartment an attractive extension of its wood exterior. Architects: NATIONAL L U M B E R MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION
Howell & Arendt, A.I.A. in association with Neal Butler, A.I.A. U'ood InformationCenter, 1619 MaeeachusetUAve., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

U N I C O M MANUALS 1 & 2: "Design Principles" (122 pages) and

"Fabrication of Components" (248 pages), graphically detailing the
U N I C O M method of house construction, are available at nominal
cost to those associated with or supplying the home building industry.
For free booklet describing U N I C O M , write to: U N I C O M , National
Lumber Manufacturers Association, 1619 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., find the better way with
Washington. D.C. 20036.

Wood, first wedded to water by early shipbuilders, goes modern with today's homebuild-
ers. Pole construction of the Cove Apartments in Belvedere, California, withstands wind
and weather. Owner: Belvedere Land Company. Architect: Charles Warren Callister.

J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 358 221
The radiant ceiling panels of the IRC Sys-
tem are finished in baked enamel for easy
cleaning. There are no floor-mounted, wall-
hung, or window-sill units to clean or to
get in the way.


Designing to meet one that takes into account the special 100% Exchange of Air
conditions of the hospital.
Designing an air-conditioning system The arguments f o r and against using
a medical facility'^s to satisfy these particular requirements only outside air as an air-conditioning
source, instead o f recirculating inside
differs f r o m designing f o r other building
special conditions of types. Problems indigenous to hospitals
air, are academic. I f it weren't f o r its
record of excessive costs (until now),
temperature^ humidity^ ( 1 ) The need f o r 100% exchange of
everyone would prefer to start w i t h out-
side air, condition it, feed it into the pa-
air cleanliness and ( 2 ) Complete control of airborne
tient's r o o m , then exhaust i t . Outdoor
air, by action o f the sun and massive
contamination. dilution, usually is less contaminated
circulation ( 3 ) Temperature, humidity, and air than recirculated air, both given the same
movement favorable to a patient's degree o f filtration.
health and c o m f o r t .
The environmental requirements of to- Recirculating inside hospital air is a
( 4 ) Cleanliness and ease of mainte- touchy procedure completely dependent
day's hospital increase the demand f o r
nance. upon filter efficiencies which can be v a r i -
total air conditioning. T h i r t y years ago,
air conditioning a hospital was big news. ( 5 ) Economy—both in first cost and able, due to maintenance problems.
I n fact, air conditioning anything was in operation. Equally or more hazardous is to attempt
new and exciting; the concept of a con- There is a new awareness of air condi- flushing air completely i n some parts o f
trolled indoor environment had just tioning as a contributing factor i n sani- the hospital and not i n others, depending
dawned. tation, as well as comfort. Obviously, it upon balanced pressures to prevent cross-
M a n y basic ideas now c o m m o n in air is inconsistent to spend time and money contamination.
conditioning practice were born i n that to create aseptic conditions i n surgery N o one prefers these compromise
period. Force-fed by the pressure of and other critical departments by ster- measures. They were forced upon hos-
great building programs, they matured ilization methods and then permit con- pital designers by the high cost of con-
and were refined into highly efiicient taminating influences to e.xist i n the air ditioning the large volumes of air re-
systems. But they had their limitations. conditioning system. quired by conventional, all-air systems.
The vast volume of air used to heat T o add the cost of conditioning outside
and cool a large building required exten- Growth of New Technics air was to prohibit it.
sive mechanical equipment and duct-
Technological advances over the past This is no longer so, w i t h the Inland
work. Wet refrigerating coils had a bad
decade have placed at the disposal of the Radiant C o m f o r t System f o r hospitals.
habit of accumulating and propagating
hospital architect new equipment, meth- By efficiently handling only a small
airborne contaminants. These deposits
ods and procedures that are capable of amount of air, the I R C System intro-
tended to develop into colonies of bac-
improving environmental conditions i n duces 100 per cent outside air throughout
teria and other micro-organisms which
medical facilities — at the same time, the hospital and does i t at no extra cost.
passed into the air stream d u r i n g the
contributing to economy of installation
system's operation. This contrasts with conventional air
and operation.
Great strides were made by filter de- conditioning systems which generally are
signers to reduce this hazard. But one One of the newest developments is the
based on the principle of using large
weakness o f the filter remains: it has to Inland Radiant C o m f o r t System. Here quantities of air, most of it recirculated.
be serviced regularly and f a i t h f u l l y by is a completely new concept i n total air Decontaminating air i n large quantities
human beings — and is subject to conse- conditioning specifically designed f o r the not only is impractical, but the fan horse-
quences of their vagaries. needs of the hospital.
This system combines three widely ac- power to move such air adds to the ex-
cepted, proven components into one en- pense of operation.
Need for a New Approach gineered design: ( 1 ) a radiant-acoustic W i t h Inland's modern system, i t is
The basic ideas of the 1930's were great ceiling, ( 2 ) a chemical air conditioner, practical to exhaust all air without re-
i n their day, but we are now i n the m i d - and ( 3 ) a cellular steel floor. Because circulation. The air can be decontami-
1960's. The need now is f o r an up-dated of the integrated design, each component nated very effectively, because of the
approach to hospital c o m f o r t control — assists i n the functioning of the others. small amount used.

J A N U . A R Y 1965 P / A
Radiant Panel Ceiling System oriented. Physiologists have determined Advertisement
that more than one-half of our body heat
T h e i n h e r e n t advantages o f r a d i a n t -
is lost by radiation. Therefore, the most
acoustic ceiling panels help to make this
practical method of maintaining c o m f o r t
new Inland technology a sound approach
is to control the rate of heat gain or loss
to hospital air conditioning.
by radiant means. CHEMICAL
As its name implies, the radiant-acous-
Here's where radiant heating is ideally A l l CONDITIONER
tic ceiling heats and cools by the prin-
suited to the needs of a hospital patient.
ciple of radiant heat transfer and, at the
I t bathes his body in continual w a r m t h ,
same time, provides acoustical control
free of drafts. Even without a blanket,
t o the room space.
the rate of his body heat loss is kept at a
Acoustical treatment is simple. Per-
u n i f o r m rate throughout the day and
forations i n the a l u m i n u m panels, w i t h
night. Because radiant heating is not de-
glass-fiber insulation above, give this ceil-
pendent upon moving air to raise r o o m
i n g system an excellent acoustical rating
temperature, there are no hot blasts f r o m
— noise reduction coefficients as high as
registers, no strong convection currents.
.90. Sounds disturbing to a restful at-
Radiant cooling obeys the same physi-
mosphere, e.g., the extra noise level dur-
cal law of radiant energy transfer as ra-
ing visiting hours, are dampened. Chemical air conditioning removes the lat-
diant heating, but i n reverse. N o w , the
The radiant-acoustic ceiling acts as a ent (humidity) load from incoming outside
ceiling is made cool and i t absorbs heat
single, wall-to-wall heat exchanger — air. A non-vaporizing solution of lithium
f r o m all surfaces i n a r o o m , including a
heating when the thermostat calls f o r chloride with a great affinity for moisture
patient's body. The human body loses is sprayed into the air stream. Condition of
heat, and cooling when circumstances
heat most comfortably through radiation, the air as it leaves the dehumidifier at a
require. The ceiling heats i n the same
without chilling drafts. specified humidity level depends upon (I)
manner as the sun. Low-frequency
Only ventilation is required of the air solution concentration and temperature, and
waves of heat energy travel i n straight (2) tetnperature of cooling tower water.
system. Ventilating air is supplied at l o w
lines f r o m the ceiling to every part of the
velocity and held to desirable humidity
r o o m , bathing all surfaces i n warmth.
levels. fectiveness frequently has been ques-
This steady, gentle c o m f o r t is patient-
tioned. Hospital administrators, bacteri-
Chemical Air Conditioning ologists, and others have been shocked at
Chemical air conditioners have long the contaminating effect of conventional
been recognized as superior devices f o r air conditioning systems.
controlling humidity and air purity i n
operating rooms, recovery rooms, and Substantial Construction
other critical hospital areas. I n the inte- Savings Possible
grated design of the Inland Radiant C o m -
f o r t System, a K a t h a b a r ® Chemical A i r Where hospital plans include a steel
Conditioner* treats the hospital's entire frame, significant savings i n construction
ventilation-air system. costs accrue f r o m the I R C System's third
A i r is conditioned by a spray of l i t h - basic component, a cellular steel floor.
i u m chloride. This traps up to 97 per Ventilating air is carried through cells
cent of all airborne impurities. i n I n l a n d Celluflor, eliminating tons o f
Conventional air conditioners use re- expensive ductwork. This not only saves
frigeration coils to cool and d e h u m i d i f y money o n materials and labor, it reduces
the air. For many years, these wet coils the space required between floors. This
have been recognized as breeding places can drop the total height of a multi-story
f o r colonies of bacteria and micro-organ- building by as much as 5 per cent, w i t h -
isms. out sacrificing a cubic inch of interior
Trouble arises when matter f r o m these space. Obviously, there are consequent
colonies blows off into the hospital's air cost savings afl down the line — includ-
stream. Elaborate filter systems have ing savings on the foundation, since
been designed to remove this contamina- building weight shrinks with the height.
tion f r o m the air, but their complete ef- There are other advantages to con-
•Surface Combustion Division, Midland-Ross Corp. sider here, during the planning stage of
a new hospital: The greater erection
speed o f steel-frame construction. The
flexibility of electrification made possible
only by a CeUuflor steel floor.

Breakthrough in Hospital
The Inland Radiant Comfort System is made Comfort Control
up of three basic components, carefully en- O f great importance to the hospital arch-
gineered to work together more efficiently itect, the Inland Radiant C o m f o r t Sys-
than any one of them could work alone. The tem delivers all of its advantages well
components are not tiew to architects and w i t h i n the budget f o r an ordinary hospi-
mechanical engineers. They are: (I) a radi- tal air conditioning system. Key to its
ant-acoustic ceiling, (2) a chemical air con- economy is its concept o f three basic
ditioner, (3) a cellular steel floor (optional
in hospital construction). components working together. By bal-
All three of these components have long ancing the high performance of these
records of successful performance as indi- components through careful engineering,
vidual products. It is the way in which they the I R C System saves on both first cost
are used together — in integrated design — The radiant-acoustic ceiling acts as a single, and operating costs.
that accoiinis for the efficiency of the IRC wall-to-wall heat exchanger. Heating and
System: The radiant ceiling handles virtual- Further information is available i n a
cooling are accomplished by means of alu- new brochure, "Breakthrough in Hospi-
ly the entire heating and cooling loads in minum panels attached to grids of water
the hospital. The chemical air conditioner pipes hung in the manner of a conventional tal C o m f o r t Control." Write f o r your
controls humidity and purifies the air. Re- suspended ceiling. Hot or cold water is cir- copy today. Address Inland Steel Prod-
duced air volume makes it possible to use culated through these pipes to heat or cool ucts Company, Engineered Products D i -
the cellular steel flooring for air distribu- the panels. Heat loss and noise are reduced vision, 4069 West Burnham Street, M i l -
tion, eliminating tons of ductwork. by an acousti-thermal blanket. waukee, Wisconsin 53201.

J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 421 223
Continued from jKige 188 ing plants, calculations and design for tems; refrigeration principles and sys-
another semester, involving two semester simple structures, i n addition to class- tems; equipment types, relative size and
credits. room quizzes and a final examination. weight; horizontal and vertical distribu-
The courses are given hy practicing The subjects covered include: water sup- tion; and over-all mechanical analysis.
professionals rather than full-time teach- ply i n nature; how it is developed and The emphasis is always architectural.
ers. This helps to hring into the school utilized; plumbing and sanitation, sew- Hather than dwell on the details of lay-
an awareness of the latest developments age disposal; water systems, hot water out and the minutiae of equipment, much
in a volatile field. generation; fire protection systems; heat- lime is spent examining the effects of
The course in mechanical plant in- ing load calculations; heating methods the various systems on the building.
volves lectures, the use of a text and and systems; economics; equipment for What effect w i l l orientation and fenestra-
several engineering reference books, heating systems; ventilation systems; tion have on the mechanical plant? What
field trips to examine newer plants of cooling load calculations, orientation, are the fundamentals of zoning f o r heat-
current interest, home assignments such fenestration; zoning, psychrometric prin- ing and cooling control, and how can
as field survey and investigation of exist- ciples; air-conditioning methods and sys- the architect minimize zoning problems?
Ifow can air conditioning tonnage be
conserved? What type of refrigeration
and air handling is best for an audi-
torium, and where must equipment be
located to avoid acoustical problems?
For over 30 years... What are the economics of high- and low-
velocity air distribution? What effect

AU-American Athletic Lockers will mechanical plant location have on

structure? What considerations enter in-
to the choice of fuel f o r heating; what
are its economics and effects of choice
on building?

Quizzes and examinations are of the

type given by state registrars, and the
course notes and texts are very helpful
when the young architect is faced with
his own registration examinations.
When the student has successfully
completed this course, the next and most
vital step is to keep the subject alive
by applying it to his major design prob-
In the semester following the course
in mechanical plant, he must develop
two m a j o r architectural programs, de-
voting six weeks to each. Each program
calls f o r a complete architectural solu-
tion, and includes the requirement for

Have Set the Standard for structural design and the development
of the mechanical systems i n broad es-
sence and i n some detail, including cal-
culations f o r load and major equipment.
There's an All-American
Locker to meet every T h e original All-American Locker was a custom locker The class is divided into several
need . . . fuM length, double . . . built to particular specifications for a particular
tier and gym lockers . . . installation. T h e y were ordered because lockers of the studios, ^filh eight to twelve students
all completely ventilated size, q u a l i t y and serviceability were not available i n per group. A l l students are given the
. . . i n a choice of 7 baked standard locker packages.
enamel finishes (or custom same generic problem, but each studio
finished) . . . available for
Since t h a t time the line has been adapted, expanded,
altered and refined . . . but the Quality features of design, critic composes a variant program.
uniform installation or in
combination. materials and construction have never been compromised. During the development of design, i n
Today the All-American Locker is the leader in the
quality field . . . providing maximum ventilation, light, addition to frequent criticism by his
roominess and cleanliness . . . exactingly b u i l t of heavy teachers and critics, several lecture semi-
d u t y materials to assure long life service. nars are held with visiting critics and
T h e All-American Line has been copied, imitated,
adapted and appropriated hut it has never been equalled. lecturers to discuss the problems peculiar
Ask the coaches and players who demand the best . . . to the program. These include discus-
and have All-American! sions of structure, of acoustics, lighting,
Send for our complete line catalog and complete information. the mechanical plant, et a l .
The program is analyzed for variety
of approach and for the application of
newer methods, materials, and tech-
M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co. niques. Examples f r o m the work of the
9300 JAMES AVE. S., DEPT.lPA MINNEAPOLIS, MINfJ. 55460 visitor is sometimes examined, and a
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 394 Continued on iHige 230

224 Mechanical Engineering Critique J A N U A R Y 1965 P / A

For more information, circle No. 329 >•

marble dretiing
room and

slondord icreens
in Stallpock

3 Stallpack units, Metzler H a l l , McPherson College, McPherson, Kans. A r c h : Mann & Co., Hutchinson.

Stallpack keeps solving partition problems

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will not rust or deteriorate. They will Marhle chp-angle. It takes a special two-
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keep Stallpack marble partitions in
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A l l y o u h a v e to d o i s w r i t e f o r t h e n e w M c C o r d i
Master S w a t c h b o o k (there's nothing more t
read o n thejubject^ofJlne^ijiyA-w€rtt=^^
ings at Va to ' A t h e p r i c e y o u ' r e p a y i n g n o w )
Tfiis hardcover, looseleaf McCordi Master S w a t c h - Library boasts quiet, rufiged %" thick Tuflex rul}ber floor tile . . .
book h a s been specifically designed for professionals
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It includes everything you need to cover walls effi- this dramatic library
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quietness under foot,
you are presently paying for similar quality fabric- comfort, and resistance
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a n d c o l o r w a y s of M c C o r d i Vinyl Wall a v a i l a b l e UBRARV, UNivERsmf OF MIAMI and ladies' spike heels.
on no-minimum order b a s i s , a s well a s complete
Watson, Deitlsclwmn and Kruse, Architect and Engineers
s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a n d t e s t f i n d i n g s . If y o u s p e c i f y , William J. Lyon, Proiect Architect
purchase or approve the purchase of wall coverings William R. Brinkmier, Interior Consultant
William J. Jesse, Consultant
for contract and residential interiors, write for your
free c o p y . . . o n your professional letterhead, please. For information contact:
T H E M c C O R D I C O R P O R A T I O N , 707 F E N I M O R E
4521 W. Crest Ave., Tampa, Fla.
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 395

For more information, cir»le No. 390 •

consisting of site plans, building plans,
elevations, sections, structural and me-
chanical data, and often a model of the
building. He explains his basic premises,
the philosophy of the design, the struc-
tural system, the mechanical plant. The
jury members ask probing questions,
point out fallacies, weaknesses, conflicts
with the program. An occasional dis-
agreement in the jury may enliven the
proceedings. The audience of students
and their friends obtain an insight into
those elements considered most important
by the professional.
After the student's presentation and
the ensuing discussion, the student and
audience leave, to permit grading by the
As for the mechanical plant, the stu-
dent will be judged not by his ability to
design a mechanical system, but by his
ability to create a building in which the
mechanical plant is a natural outgrowth,
an integral part. The details of this sys-
tem are of no great consequence to the
architect, the basic planning all-impor-
tant. He is expected to: ( 1 ) consider ori-
entation and fenestration, as they affect
the plant; (2) study the type of system
most applicable, economical, and conduc-
ive to flexibility and architectural free-
dom; (3) study the zoning, or segrega-
tion, of areas with similar requiremfiits.
for proper control, how the architectural
design will be affected, how it will aflecl
the plant; (4) estimate approximately
the heating and cooling loads, to permit
assessment of size of plant and space
required for equipment; (5) make phys-
ical provision for major equipment
spaces, duct, and pipeways; consider
problems of air intake and exhaust.

Each judge, be he architect or engi-

neer, considers the project as a whole, Takes up less corridor space
as an integration of all architectural,
structural, and mechanical elements, ra- The R W M - 1 0 is a self-contained wall-mounted
ther than considering the merits or de- water cooler, designed for high traffic areas
merits of his particular specialty. The where clear corridor space is critical. Projects
tangibles and intangibles that make for j u s t 10 i n c h e s f r o m f i n i s h wall a n d n e e d s only a
either a successful or a mediocre build- ^Vz" back recess for mounting. Equipped with
ing are examined and weighed. The jury s t a i n l e s s steel r e c e p t o r — 2 - s t r e a m projector with
is polled and an over-all grade deter-
push button operating valve. Cabinet apron fin-
mined, then announced to the waiting
ished in g r a y baked e n a m e l , stainless steel, or
l a m i n a t e d vinyl — s i l v e r s p i c e or m o c h a brown.
The program has brought important
For c o m p l e t e information about the R W M - 1 0 or
benefits. Not only do the technical
courses solidify and take root, but the other Halsey Taylor water coolers and drinking

budding architect is made constantly f o u n t a i n s , w r i t e f o r new catalog. Also listed in

aware of their importance and pervasive SEMI-KECeSSEO FOUNTAIN S W E E T ' S and the Y E L L O W PAGES.
A matching space saver
influence. He cannot escape the need for in stainless steel—extends
bringing into focus early in his design only 7'/2 inches f r o m finish
the structural concept and the major me- wall. Can also be furnished
with Halsey Taylor remote
chanical plant elements. package-type water cool-
In the student's thesis or final year he ing unit. Full recess, face
mounted and free-stand-
Continued on page 234 ing fountains in stainless
steel or vitreous china.
Write f o r details. T H E H A L S E Y W. T A Y L O R C O . • 1554 T H O M A S R D . • W A R R E N , a
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 370
Helen De Roy Hall and University
Hall, Wayne State U., Detroit,
Mich. Architect: MInoru Yama-
saki & Associates. Engineers:
Worthington, Skilling, Helle &
Jackson. Gen'l. Contractor: Darin
& Armstrong, inc. Precast Con-
crete Mfr.: Aggregate Surfaces.
Inc., Dearborn.

White concrete 'trees 'carry a lot of weight, t h e precast

white concrete trees or columns of this new university classroom building (left, below) are functional
as well as aesthetically pleasing. Made with ATLAS WHITE portland cement and a white quartz aggregate,
they are structural units that support cast-in-place concrete floor slabs. (The projecting reinforcing steel
of the units ties into those of the floors.) Window units of this building and the precast panels of the
lecture hall (right, below, and detail above) are of gleaming white concrete. All the specially designed
units are modular—cast from a limited number of forms. Architects find precast concrete one of the most
versatile and economical building materials available today. Ask your local precast concrete manufacturer.
Or write to Universal Atlas Cement Division, United States Steel, 100 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.


"USS" and "Atlas" are registered trademarks.

232 J.\NU.\RY 1965 P/A

for any door
any building

precision built
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exterior doors
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Automatic, An ideal Cabinet and
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out of the way. varying budgets
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write for details on any GJ product

G L Y N N . J O H N S O N C O R P O R A T I O N 4 4 2 2 n. ravenswood ave. C h i c a g o , III. 6 0 6 4 0

JANU.^RY 1965 P/A 233

i'.iintinucd from ixige 231
must develop, in the same manner but
with even greater detail and wealth of
technical data, a major building pro- The architect
gram. The successful conclusion of this
project, with its final judging as de- who transformed
scribed above, will result in the award of
his degree as Bachelor of Architecture. a nation
The hope is that the young architect will
have acquired a habit of work, a modus
operandi that will result in a real wed-
ding of all of the techniques of buihiing.
To be completely factual about the
program described at the University of
Pennsylvania, it must be admitted that
the procedures and objectives outlined
are the ideal and are not always attained.
Too many students, in the press of time,
give lip service only to the tenets of co-
ordinated planning and design. Too of-
ten, the letter of the program is followed,
n(»t ihe spirit. Too often, the mechanical
plant is superimposed upon the finished
architectural design, and glibly rational-
ized. I his lavishly illustrated book
recounts the story of the archi-
But a good, solid start has been made, t e c t u r a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n of Ven-
and each year should see an improved ezuela t h r o u g h t h e genius o f
facility to teach the design of a building o n e d e d i c a t e d designer—Carlos
as a whole, and not a collection of dis- Raul Villanueva.
parate elements.
Sibyl Moholy-Nagy, Professor of
It is interesting to note that the amount
A r c h i t e c t u r a l H i s t o r y at Pratt I n -
of time and effort devoted to the mechan- stitute, analyzes the influences
ical and electrical plant under this pro- t h a t prepared Villaneuva f o r his
gram is greater than that included in the role in Venezuela's develop-
curriculum in mechanical engineering at m e n t a n d e v a l u a t e s his c o n t r i -
many universities. Often, these courses b u t i o n in t h e w i d e r c o n t e x t o f
are casually conceived and almost lost twentieth-century design.
in a welter of machine design, power
It is her v i e w t h a t t h e s o l u t i o n s
plant design, water and sewage plant de-
V i l l a n u e v a a c h i e v e d in C i u d a d
sign, and the like. All of these courses
U n i v e r s i t a r i a a n d in h i s h o u s i n g
are fine if one is to specialize in machine
p r o j e c t s h a v e w o r l d - w i d e refer-
CYLINDER and tool design or civil engineering, but
they help very little in training the young
e n c e . S p e c i a l e m p h a s i s is
p l a c e d o n h i s s y n t h e s i s o f ar-

DOWNLIGHTS engineer for the very great field in the

design of building services.
c h i t e c t u r e a n d t h e plastic a r t s .

for outdoor, indoor The dearth of trained engineers in this

and wet locations field make it especially imperative that

Another mcPhilben exclusive in

the arcliitect become more knowledgable
in this direction, so that his good taste C a r l o s Raul
quality and design • unitized cast and trained logic can help solve the

a l u m i n u m c o n s t r u c t i o n • inde-
many problems involved in creating the
structible precision castings •
ideal environment within his building.
satin or matte black anodized f o r
p e r m a n e n c e • 5 4 m o d e l s f o r out- AND THE ARCHITECTURE
door, i n d o o r a n d w e t l o c a t i o n s •
wall, ceiling, pendant, mullion OF VENEZUELA
m o u n t , swivel units • open baffle,

by Sibyl Moholy-Nagy
l o w - b r i g h t i n t e n s i f i e r , louver g u a r d
or p r i s m a t i c lens • w r i t e f o r 5 0 t h Branch Offices
Anniversary Catalog.
230 Park Ave., New York, N.Y.
W i t h 12 c o l o r plates and 2 3 1
black-and-white illustrations. 10" x
•''1;- • iVeMJ Addresses 8W. $12.50 at your bookstore.

HERBERT T . B E C K E R , Architect, 261 N.

mcPhilben Main St., Centerview, Ohio.

HAROLD K . BEECHER & Assoc., Archi-
<|)frederick a. praeger
111 Fourth Avenue
New York, N . Y. 10003
For more information, circle No. 437
234 Notices JANU.ARY 1965 P/A
T R O W E L E D M A T R I X . . . O I V S I T E . Iiifinito color and natural beauty of large marble or
granite chips gives free r e i n for imaginative s u r f a c i n g of I n t e r i o r o r e x t e r i o r w a l l s .
Marble-Lite Is weatherproof, impervious and makes for a practically
indestructible surface.
F o r details, speeificafion.s %»rito to: AgUregatc S u r f a c i n g Corporation of A m e r i c a ,
Wolf's L a n e , Pelfiam. IV. Y . or caii 914 P E 8-3725.
RECENT MARBLE-LITE INSTALLATIONS • First National City Bank, Rye, N.Y. • Eggers &
Higgins—IBM, Trenton, N. J . • Curtis & Davis—Constitution Plaza, Hartford, Conn. • Coca-Cola,
World's Fair, Flushing, L. 1. • Welton Beckett (Interior—Displayers, Inc.) ...and others.

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 320
tects, 455 E . Fotirth South St., Salt Lake
City, Utah.
B K R T R A M a. B R U T O N , Architect, Suite 10,
Aurora Trade Ctr., 10255 E . 25 Ave.,
Aurora, Colo.
B R U C E G O F F , Archiiect, Rm. 720, 20 W.
9 St., Kansas City, Mo.
TRECE.ACLK & Assoc., Consulting Engi-
neers. Suite 308 Executive Bldg., 455 E .
Fourth South St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
KURT VERSEN, Designer, 10 Charles St.,
Westwood, N.J.

New Firms
H . G . B A R N E S , Archiiect & Associate, 210
Elks Bldg., Jackson, Tenn.
HUNTER E N G I N E E R I N G C O . , 1495 Colum-
bia Ave., Riverside, Calif.
J O H N K . K A R F O , Architect, 939 Madison
Ave., New York, N.Y.
S C O T T • T H O M P S O N , Architects. 5%5 Ca-
banne Place, St. Louis, Mo.
V A L E N T I N E C O R P . , Construction-Engineer-
ing, 352 Miller Ave., Mill Valley, Calif.

Partners, Associates
NEDY, Architects, Engineers of Portlaitil.
Ore., announce that R O N A L D L . TRAVERS
is a principal in the firm.
NoLEN • S W I N B U R N E & A S S O C I A T E S , Ar-
chitects, Planners. Philadelphia, Pa.,
have made V I C T O R H . K U S C H a partner
in the firm.
INC., Architects, Engineers, Phoenix,
Ariz., have taken K E N N E T H I . O B E R G and
BAYARD R . Q U I C K into full partnershi[).

Elections, Appointments
STRUCTION, New York, N . Y . , has re-

nobody but nobody

elected R O B E R T C . P A L M E R president and
a director.

delivers a disposer icith A N E M O S T A T PRODUCTS Div.. D Y N A M I C S

C O R P . O F A M E R I C A has appointed W I L -

more quality features

L I A M F . P E T E R S as general sales manager
in charge of sales and marketing.


Planning and Design Consultants, New

York, N.Y., have appointed SANFORD

K A U F M A N director of internal operations.
Surveys prove women want homes with disposers. This disposer is engineered
to set quality and performance standards others would like to live up t o ! I I A R L E Y , E L L I N G T O N , COWIN & STIRTON,
INC., .Architects-Engineers, Detroit, Mich-
In-Sink-Erator Model 77 gives the Lady what she wants! Grinds in both directions, has named F R E D E R I C K B A E S S L E R as proj-
doubles shredder life, thanks to patented automatic reversing switch. Exclusive Self- ect admini-strator.
Service Wrench frees accidental jams quickly, cuts customer complaints and costly
call-backs. Special Detergent Shield guards against corrosion damage from caustic
agents. Nobody offers a 5-year protective warranty the equal of In-Sink-Eralor's!
Please report both new and
Models for homes and apartments in every price range.
old addresses directly to P/A
Write for full information. If you prefer, a representative will call at your convenience. five weeks before you move.

D! i f i ^ I n • S i n k • E r a t o r
Circulation Department
J ^ 1 Originator and perfecter ot the garbage disposer 430 Park Ave., New York, N. Y . 1 0 0 2 2
I N ' S I N K - E R A T O R M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O M P A N Y • B A C I N E . W I S C O N S I N

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 304
236 Notices JANUARY 1965 P/A
QVi" diameter, rugged anodized aluminum
cylinders for exterior or interior use. Available
in 56 standard models and in custom
lenghts. for sloped, arched or sawtooth
ceilings and all other special mountings,
w i t h permanent Kaiser Kalcolor® & Alcoa
Duranodic® finishes, custom end contours
and perforations.


coniroiux AdjusiaDie 56 Standard models f o r

ceiling, pendant, w a l l or

cone* beam angle posliions mullion mount.

The u l t i m a t e in hidden Completely frees cylinder Offers o p t i m u m c u t - o f f

source lighting and beam source lighting f r o m the & maximum efficiency
c o n t r o l . Available only severe limits of rigid ver- for reflector lamps of all
from MOLDCAST. tical beam installations. beam spread characteris-
*Paient Pending Available only from tics. Available only f r o m

"500 Series cylinders"

The complete story of this exciting new
lighting tool is told in our 6 page full
color brochure. Write for full particulars

236 South Street, Newark, New Jersey 07114

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 387

J.A.NU.ARY 1965 P/A 237

P / A J O B S A N D Ml N
Advertising Rales tunity exists here for a working drawmg
leader who can produce good drawings per-
S t u n d a i d charxe f o r each u n i t is T e n sonally and direct others to do the same. I n -
DollBrs, w i t h a m a x i m u m o f 50 words
(eRecUve J a n u a r y 1965). I n c o u n t i n g teresting, exciting work of an advanced type.
SITUATIOISS OPEIS words, y o u r complete address ( a n y address) A progressive office. Location in York, Penn-
counts H8 five words, a IJOX numl>er as
three words. T w o units may be purchased sylvania or Baltimore, Md. Degree is not nec-
ARCHITECT—Outstanding opportunity for man f o r t w e n t y dollars.with a m a x i m u m o f 100 essary. Prefereiue is for a man under 40 who
with exceptional architectural ability and woi ils. ('heck or nioiu y ••nl. r should nci-om- wants to advance, grow and go where his
Masters degree. W i l l consider Bachelors pany advertisement and be mailed t o Jobs
& M e n , c/o Progreasive A r c h i t e c t u r e , 430 ability is appreciated and recognized. Apply
degree. Partnership available. N C A R B regis- Parit Avenue. N e w Y o r k 22, N . Y . Inser- in writing to C . S. Buchart, 611 W . Mar cet
tration required. This position is with one of tions w i l l be accepted not later t h a n the 1st Street, York, Pennsylvania, setting forth
the midwests leading firms & offers chal- o f the m o n t h preceding m o n t h o f publica-
t i o n . Box numlier replies should be ad- training, experience, income requirements,
lenging assignments on a wide range of pro- dre88e<l as noteil above w i t h the 1K>X n u m - and when available.
jects including educational institutions, hospi- ber placed i n lower left hand corner o f
tals & religious facilities. Please address all envelope.
inquiries in confidence to: Senior Partner, Box ARCHITECTURAL R E P R E S E N T A T I V E — T o pro-
P / A 1869. 125 W 41st Street, New York, mote, sell & service a dynamic new architec-
N . Y . A n equal opportunity employer. tural system for schools and commercial ap-
functional—and offers many user benefits— plications. Complete building system, custom-
we require men with aptitude and interests in featured to meet local specifications. Promi-
ARCJUTECT—Permanent position for graduate the direction of design application. W e will nent national manufactiuer. Travel, contact
Architect with minimum of 3 years experi- welcome a resume indicating your experience with architects, school and business execu-
ence in architectural design and production of and specifically, what lines are presently be- tives. Excellent earnings possible through sal-
working drawings. Position open immediately. ing sold and which architectural firms are ary and sales bonus .irrangcment. Formal
Send resume, including education, experience aitive accoimts. Box #881, PROGRESSIVE training should be in architecture or engi-
and personal qualifications to: Charles W . ARCHITECTURE. neering. Send fidl particulars in confidential
Cole & Son, 3600 E . Jefferson, South Bend. letter to Box #882, PROGRESSIVE ARCHITEC-
Indiana. TURE. Interviews will be arrangetl with quali-
ARCHITECTURAL D E L I N E A T O R — M u s t be ex-
fied candidates. A n equal opportunity
perienced in all phases of rendering. Full
ARCHITECT—Permanent position open for employer.
time position. Must be artist. Give full infor-
Architect or Senior Draftsman with well- mation concerning experience, education and
rounded training and experience. Salary com- salary expected. Samples returned on request. ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATIONS W R I T E R —
mensurate with cap>ahilities. Please submit Call or write Nashbar/Osborne & Associates, Exceptional opportunity with an outstanding
resume of education and experience to Robert organization, long est^lished & rapidly ex-
188 Ewing Road, Youngstown, Ohio 758-
J. Bennett, Architect, Box S"24, Morgantown, panding. E.xcellent salary. Box # 8 8 3 . PRO-


of the larger corporations is seeking expe- available in Knoxville for college graduates C H I E F DESIGNER — Exceptional opportunity
rienced commissioned men presently engaged and men with several years experience. D i - with long established architectural firm. Com-
in securing specifications for quality products versified public & private work. Submit te- mercial work. Personnel of thirty, growing
used in the commercial, construction trade. siune of experience and salary expected to 20% annually. Must have proven creative
Since our product has strong visual impact Cooper & Perry, Architects-Engineers, 200 ability and experience to evaluate practical
it is important to the interior design—is West Fifth Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Continued on page 243

Caterpillar Tractor Co. h a s openings in Peoria,
Illinois, for g r a d u a t e Architects, Architectural and
Civil Engineers in its P l a n t Engineering Depart-

General responsibility for d e s i g n evolution, pre- by PALTIER
paration of specifications and design criteria,
and liaison with consultants for ofRce buildings,
factory b u i l d i n g s — s p e c i a l purpose buildings and GET THE JOB
facilities. Work would also Include acoustics— DONE
interior decoration—landscaping.
General responsibility for cost estimating, de- WITH
sign and specification for structural steel and LASTING
reinforced concrete structures—crane systems—
pavements, drainage structures, grading and
•PoJenI applied f o r
—Degree in Architecture, Architectural Engineer-
ing, Civil Engineering. . . . N O MORE A N C H O R I N G P R O B L E M S
—1-5 years related experience. W H A T IS * ' T H R E S H O L D E R " ? — a perfected anchoring
Send Resume in C o n f i d e n c e to: device for metal thresholds. The " T H R E S H O L D E R " per-
mits thresholds to be installed quickly with only a screw-
G. L . Haynes driver. Thresholds may be adjusted in all 4 directions,
Technical and Professional Employment, B o x 12 easily removed, replaced and retightened.



Peoria, I l l i n o i s 1 7 1 7 Kentucky Street • Michigan City, Indiana

An E q u a l Opportunity Employer SALES A G E N r S - V / R / T E FOR TERR/TOR/ES TODAY.'
For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 431

238 JANUARY 1965 I'/A

A Businessman Cost less t o
install a n d operate . . . maintenance

costs are d o w n . . . the general o f f i c e
e f f i c i e n c y is u p . . . Fewer h o l d u p s . "
Hydraulic Elevators cost less t o b u y . . .
to install . . . t o operate . . . to m a i n t a i n .

Controls are d e s i g n e d for simplicity.

ELEVATORS? B Architect " A sensible invest-

ment for a g o o d m a n y b u i l d i n g s u p to
7 floors . . . H y d r a u l i c elevators require
n o penthouse c o n s t r u c t i o n . . . w o r k
equally w e l l in apartment houses, o f f i c e
buildings a n d factories . . . Take any
kind of cabs a n d doors."

No penthouse " o v e r h e a d " . . . saves o n

c o n s t r u c t i o n c o s t s . . . w i d e range of cab
designs a n d colors . . . perfect leveling.

C Secretary T h a t floor indicator

light is the o n l y w a y y o u can see the
elevator is m o v i n g . It just floats y o u up.
The cab design is a real dream t o o . "
Smoothness of operation is perhaps the
outstanding feature of a quality h y -
draulic system.

D Maintenance Man They

don't need t o see y o u t o o o f t e n . No
complaints f r o m tenants . . . just a
regular c h e c k u p . . . all systems g o on
these Turnbull Hydraulics. W i s h they
were all like that . . . "
L o n g life a n d little actual maintenance
are t o be expected w t i e n hydraulic
systems are installed.

E Housewife " M y goodness...

this elevator feels so safe and steady!
A n d it's so g o o d l o o k i n g . "
A/J modern elevators are safe m a d a m . . .
but w e agree w i t h y o u about the s m o o t h
ride a n d g o o d looks of a T u r n b u l l
Hydraulic Elevator.

For informaiion and illustrated brochure contact:

Electric and Hydraulic
Passenger and Freight

Dumbwaiters TURNBULL
Moving Walkways
Power Scaffolds
Executive Offices: 3 1 1 W . 4 3 r d Street, New York 3 8 . N.Y./Sales Offices: Atlanta, Georgia; Philadelphia. Pa.;
Columbia, S.C.; San Francisco, Los Angeles, Calif./Canada: Head Office: Toronto/Branches in Principal Cities

JANU.\Ry 1965 P/A For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 371 239
C (Conductance Value) 1 " Nominal Thickness: 0.36 • Water Absorption
(% by Volume): 1.5 @ 2 Hrs. Total Immersion (No Capillarity) • Vapor Permeability:
15 Perms @ 73° F. and 5 1 % Relative Humidity • Concentration Load Indentation:
K." @ 77 lbs. • Compression Resistance: 185 RSI (50% Consolidation)
• Fungus Resistance: Complete • Flame Spread: 25 (Non-combustible) • Smoke
Developed: 0—5 • W t . / S q . F t . / l " Thick: 0.8 lbs. Approx.

P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of c r o s s section of a grain of f l a m e - e x p l o d e d perlite.

orn within
the intricate architecture
of a grain of
flame-exploded perlite
is the lightness,

designed the non-combustibility,

the moisture-resistance,

the thermal efficiency,
the compression resistance,
the permanence,
the strength,
that characterizes
what is today,
totally, the ideal
rigid roof
insulation board.


Building Products Department, Great Lakes Carbon Corporation,

333 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

For more information, turn to Reader Sen/ice card, circle No. 336
a high-rise

The f a c a d e o r " f a c e "

of a b u i l d i n g speaks f o r
its o c c u p a n t s . . .
a n d the architect!

How can you be assured that the "face" of your

building will receive the proper maintenance to per-
petuate its original concept? By installing a MAYCO


are then easily and safely reached, eliminating the

CAN BE INSTALLED major problem of exterior maintenance. A MAYCO

unit can be installed on any building. They have

ON UPPER STORIES! proved their worth on high-rise structures through-

out the world.

Going up . . . u / j . . . U P ! Something conven-

tional terrazzo can not do; NEW^ F R I T Z -
T I L E T E R R A Z Z O CAN! Fabulous new standard models available
product development by F r i t z Chemical Co. on horizontal roof tracks,
B y substituting a thermoset resin binder in on parapet-mounted
place of traditional cement, a much lighter, vertical tracks, or on
trackless rubber wheels.
stronger and fully as beautiful a terrazzo
tile has resulted. May be installed as any All-aluminum gondola is
vinyl tile . . . on or below grade, on vertical equipped with modern
surfaces, over radiant-heated floors. Sur- safely features
face, 90-95% marble chips . . . stain, fade Remote pushbutton
and c r a c k proof. W R I T E F O R S P E C controls in gondola speed
S H E E T TO S E E PROVEN ADVAN- up maintenance work
ANCE & MAINTENANCE AVAILABLE Investigate the completely
-1000 series 12 ' x 12" x V," For free descriptive
literature write:

MAYCO crane corp.

USE M A Y C O E Q U I P M E N T : Tower Cranes • Molerlol Towers
Tusky & Jumbo Portable Hoists • Grandstands • Scaffolding
F R I T Z C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Sfioring • Suspended Maintenonce Platforms • Storage Racks
A D D R E S S INQUIRIES: P. O. Box 17087. Dallas 17, Texas
PHONE: AT 5 5407. 500 S a m Houston Rd.. Mesqulte, Tex.

For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 316 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 389

242 JANUARY 196S P/A

P / A JOBS A N D M E N Capable of setting up system and directing firm in Latin America. I speak fair Spanish
others, familiar with testing and checking but could become fluent after a short time of
Continued from page 238 procedures. State salary requirements and residence. Box #888. PROGRESSIVE A R C H I -
availability. Box #885, PROGRESSIVE ARCHI- TECTURE.
application. Ability to illustrate, essential. TECTURE.
Age 30 to 40 preferred. Send resunie of ex-
perience, salary and photograph to Ainsworth, UNIVERSITY ARCHITECT—Excellent opportu- MISCELLANEOUS
Angel, McClellan, 1199 East Walnut Street. nity for a graduate registered architect to as-
Pasadena California. sume complete supervision (through sta£F) of ARCHITECTURAL & D E S I G N A G E N C Y — A r c h i -
design and construction of university build- tects, design or production experience $6M
EXPERIENCED GRADUATE A R C H I T E C T — S m a l l ings. A large midwest university with a wide to $25M. Muriel Feder maintains close con-
midwest firm in a leading progressive city variety of building types of projects. Perma- tact with the entire Architectural & Design
interested in a talented youiig man f o r per- nent position, salary $16,000 to $17,000, paid field. The "professional Consultant" for con-
manent Job Captain position. Diversified vacadon sick leave benefits excellent group fidential, nationwide, & international cover-
projects in all fields of Architecture. W e are insurance hospitalization and retirement bene- age. S p e c i a l i z i n g in personnel ranging
looking for the right man. Salary is a second- fits. Send resume including personal history, through all phases of the architectural office
ary consideration. Promising futiue. Submit academic achievements, positions held, refer- for the past 15 years. 667 Madison Ave., at
resume to: David L . Brost, Brown, Healey & ences and salary requirements to Box #886, 61st St., New York City, T E 8-3722.
Bock, Architects-Engineers, 131 36th Street PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE. A l l replies will
Drive, S . E . Cedar Rapids, Iowa. be treated as confidential. A n equal opportu-
nity employer. C A R E E R B U I L D E R S - R U T H FORREST—Since
1947, a personnel agency specializing in
GRADUATE A R C H I T E C T S — A l l levels including Architectural, Interior, and Industrial De-
recent graduates. Unique opportunities now signers; all Home Furnishings and related
exist with one of the country's leading firms, SITUATIONS WANTED personnel. Trainees to top executives. Pro-
due to expansion & growth. Successfully es- lessional screening and personalized service.
tabli.shed since 1929, our base of operation is References checked. By appointment. 515
A R C H I T E C T — B . A r c h . , registered, 10 years ex-
industrial, governmental & institutional. Mov- Madison Ave., New York 22, N . Y . Plaza
perience. Wide experience in all phases of
ing expenses paid. W e offer salaries commen- 2-7640.
architectural practice. Age 41, married, fam-
surate with education & work history. Please ily. Seeking responsible, challenging position
send resume in confiderKe to: A . M . Kinney, with American firm doing work abroad. Re- C O N T A C T PERSONAL A G E N C Y - L I L L I A N F O X
Associates. 2912 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, sume upon request. Box #887, PROGRESSIVE — A highly personalized and discriminating
Ohio 45219. An equal opportunity employer. ARCHITECTURE. service for top-flight architects. Architectural
and interior designers, production and drafts-
IMMEDIATE—Opening for graduate architect men, in all phases of architecture. Confiden-
ARCHITECT—Registered 6 states, N C A R B .
who is creative designer, delineator. Perma- tial interviews by appointment. 18 East 41st
33, married, family B A in architecture 15
nent position with well established and pro- St., New York, N . Y . ^^Urray Hill 5-1674.
years experience with over 15 million dollars
gressive Southern New England firm. Salary in construction executed during 5 years in my
commensurate with ability. Box #884, PRO- own successful practice. Outstanding designer, H E L E N H U T C H I N S PERSONNEL A G E N C Y —
GRESSIVE A R C H I T E C T U R E . administrator, coordinator, and production Specialist: Architecture, Industrial Design-
man. but am tired of the "rat-race" of the Interior Design and Home Furnishings. In-
SPECIFICATION WRITER—Experienced archi- American business world. Seek a position terviews by appointment. 767 Lexington
tect to work in prominent Boston area firm. with either an American or Latin-American Avenue. N e w York 21, N . Y . T E 8-3070.


in all M e t a l - W a l n u t and Metal
A smoker's convenience that stimulates neatness.
Clean tip action top or screen grill at a 2 4 " height.
Highly polished chrome and oiled black walnut
make these stands a feature of any room. Waste
baskets and desk accessories to match.
Literature covers wall, desk and
floor accessories.


252 D u k - l t B u i l d i n g • Buffalo, New York 1 4 2 1 0

For more Information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 309 For more information, turn to Reader Service card, circle No. 3 3 9

J.ANUARY 1965 P/A 243


Aerofm Corp 22 Flexicore C o . , Inc 71

Richards <£ iVeiaa, Inc. Yeck & Yeek Brewer Associates, Inc.
A g g r e g a t e Surfacing Corp. of A m e r i c a . . 2 3 5 Flintkote C o . , Insulrock Div 204,205 . . 242
Jamian Advertising & Publicity, Inc. Fred Gardner Co., Iixc. Dunne & Associates
Allied Chemical Corp., Barrett Division Fritz Chemical Corp 242 .... 226
3rd Cover, 2 4 6 Don L. Baxter, Inc. Sweet & Artley, Inc.
AIcCann-Erickson, Inc.
Amarlite Div., A n a c o n d a Aluminum C o . . . 2 1 7 Gelia & Wells, Inc.
Chuck Shields Advertising, Inc. McPhilben Lighting 234
American G a s Assn 15 G e n e r a l Electric C o . , Silicone Products Dunwoodie Associates, Inc.
Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc. Dept 68, 69 119
American O l e a n Tile Co 29 Will, Inc.
Ross Roy, Inc.
Arndt, Preston, Chapin, Lamb & Keen, Inc. Georgia-Pacific Corp 101,102 110
A m e r i c a n Seating Co 1 2 0 , 121 McCann-Erickson, Inc. Seery & Co.
Ross Roy, Inc. G l y n n - J o h n s o n Corp 233 Miller C o .... 227
A n a c o n d a A m e r i c a n Brass C o . . . . 9 7 , 9 8 , 9 9 Edwin E. Geiger, Advertising Harrison House
Wi7s<m, Haight & Welch, Inc. Goodrich, B. F. C o . , Bldg. Prod. Dept. . . 75 189
Anemostat Prod. Div., Griswold-Eshelman Co. George Nelson & Co.. Inc.
Dynomics Corp. of A m e r i c a 197 G r a n t Pulley & H a r d w a r e Corp 206 Mississippi G l a s s Co 87, 88
Gann-Dawson, Inc. Bernard Cooper Advertising Ralph Smith Advertising
Armstrong Cork C o . , Ceiling S y s t e m s . . 1 0 , 11 G r e a t Lakes Carbon Corp 240,241 M o b a y C h e m i c a l C o . ••
Batten, Barton. Durstine & Osborne, Inc. Biddle Co. Griswold-Eshelman Co.
Azrock Floor Products Div 2 n d Cover G r e a t Lakes Carbon Corp., Perlite 28 Modern Partitions 79
Glenn Advertising, Inc. Boylhart, Lovett & Dean, Inc. Adex Advertising, Inc.
Moldcast Manufacturing C o 237
Mosaic Tile C o 209
Carr Liggett Advertising, Inc.
M o - S a i Institute, Inc. 20,21
Hager Hinge Co 1 David W. Evans & /tssoctatea
Barber-Colman C o 9 0 , 91
Batz-Hodgson-Neuwoehner, Inc.
Howard H. Monk & .Associates, Inc. Hall-Mack Co 208
Barrett Division, Allied Chemical Corp. Martin R. Klitten Co., Inc.
3rd Cover, 2 4 6 Harris M f g . Co 243
McCann-Erickson, Inc. Charles Tombras & Associates
B a y l e y , William Co 66 N A A R C O , Inc 8,9
H a w s Drinking Faucet C o 202 Williams, Miller Associates
Wheeler-Kight & Gainey, Inc. Pacific Advertising Staff
Bethlehem Steel Corp 198, 199 N a l g e n e Piping Systems 12
Heywood-Wakefield 30 Wolff Associates, Inc.
Hazard Adevrtising Co., Inc. Reincke. Meyer & Finn, Inc.
Blum, Julius & C o 19 Natco Corp 207
Hillyard Chemical Co 67 Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc.
Seery & Co. Ayers & Associates, Inc. N a t i o n a l Concrete Masonry Assn 37
Roche, Rickerd, Henri, & Hurst, Inc.
N a t i o n a l Lumber Mfrs. Assn 220,221
V o n S a n t Dugdale & Co., Inc.
Cabot Corp 245 I n l a n d Steel Products Co 222,223 N e w Castle Products f S
J. G. Kasten & Co. Hoffman-York, Inc. Biddle Co.
California Redv/ood A s s n 74 In-Sink-Erator Mfg. Co 236 North C a r o l i n a Granite Corp 31
Honig-Cooper & Harringtoii Peitscher/Janda Associates, Inc. Houck & Co., Inc.
Carrier A i r Conditioning Co 15,116 Insulrock Div., Flintkote Co 204,205
N. W. .Ayer & Son, Inc. Fred Gardner Co., Inc.
C a r t h a g e Marble Corp 225 International Steel Co 228
AfcCormicfc-j4rm8troni7 Advertising Agency Keller-Crescent Co.
Caterpillar Tractor Co 238 O v e r h e a d Door C o . 80
Thatnson Advertising, Inc. Fulton, Morrissey Co.
Ceco Corp., The 64, 65
Fensholt Advertising Agency, Inc. Jens Risom Design, Inc 89
Century lighting 96 Geer, DuBois & Co., Inc.
Fawcett-MeDerrnott Associates, Inc. J o h n s - M a n s v i l l e Corp 34,35 Pacific G a s & Electric C o 88 w - a
Ceramic Cooling Tower C o 203 C u n n i n g h a m & Walsh, Inc. Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborne, Inc.
Jack T. Holmes & .Associates Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp 38 Paltier Corp 238
Chicago H a r d w a r e & Foundry Co 76 Palmer WiUson & Warden, Inc. Weiler Advertising, Inc.
U'ifson Advertising Service
Pass & Seymour, Inc 78
Concrete Reinforcing Steel institute . . . 9 2 , 9 3
Conklin, Labs & Bebee, Inc.
Fensholt Advertising Agency, Inc.
Pittsburgh-Corning Foamgtas 94,95
Connor Lumber & Land Co 118
Kentile Floors, Inc 4th Cover Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc.
./. W. Martin, Inc.
Benton & Bowles, Inc. Powers Regulator 107
Construction Specialties, Inc 68
Kinnear M f g . Co 230 Bowman-Winter Advertising
Thomas F. Clark Advertising
Wheeler-Kight & Gainey, Inc. Praeger, Frederick A . , Inc 234
Crawford Door, Inc 70
Koppers C o . , Inc 81 Thru 8 6 Denhard & Stetcart, Inc.
Roy Clark, Inc.
Batten, Barton, Dxirstine & Osborne, Inc. PraH & Lambert, Inc 228
Barber & Drullard, Inc.
Prestressed Concrete Institute 6
Albert Frank-Guenther Law, Inc.
Day-Brite Div., Emerson Electric 106 LCN Closers, Inc 2 0 0 , 201
D'Arcy Advertising Co. Harris, Wilson & Watt, Inc.
DeBourgh Mfg. Co 224 Lead Industries Assn 73
Nieland Agency, Inc. O. S. Tyson & Co.. Inc. Rehau-Plastiks, Inc 78
Desks, Inc 24 L i b b e y - O w e n s - F o r d Glass Co. . . . 2 5 , 2 1 8 , 2 1 9
Allan Scide Associates, Inc. Reinhold Publishing Corp 77, 78, 88w-b
Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc.
Dow Chemical C o 53 Revere C o p p e r & Brass, Inc 112, 113
Lone Star Cement Corp 47
McManus, John & .Adams. Inc. Hazard Advertising Co., Inc. Mazon, Inc.
Duriron Co 40 Reynolds Metals Co 2 6 , 27
Kircher, Helton & Collett, Inc. C K n t o n E. Frank, Inc.
Dur-O-Wal 5 Richards-Wilcox Div., Hupp Corp 63
Roche, Rickerd, Henri & Hurst, Inc. Connor-Sager Associates, Inc.
M a r b l e Institute of America 118 Robbins Flooring Co 51
Chambers, Wisioell «ft Moore, Inc. Greenhaio & Rush, Inc.
Master Builders Co 108,109 Robertson, H. H. Co 1 6, 1 7
Jayme Organization, Inc. Bond & Starr, Inc.
Essex Chemical Corp. 103 Mafot, D. A . , Inc 72 Rohm & H a a s C o 33
James J. McMahon Advertising, Inc. Robert W, Dietz & Associates Arndt, Preston, Chapin, Lamb & Keen, Inc.

244 JANU.^RY 1965 P/A

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