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THIS LOAN AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of

the11th day of April, 2017, by and between GEAR TREND REPAIR SHOP
INC./GTRS (the “Lender”), a corporation with a principal business address
located at 149 Camia St., Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City and
ADDRESS] (the “Borrower”).


WHEREAS, the Borrower wishes to borrow from Lender, and Lender wishes to
lend to the Borrower up to the sum of FORTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY
(PhP 45,000.00).

WHEREAS, the Borrower and the Lender wish to memorialize the terms of such
loan and to set forth their mutual understanding with respect to how the
repayment of such amounts shall be accomplished.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby set forth their understanding as follows:

1. Loan. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, the
Lender shall lend to the Borrower and the Borrower shall borrow from the Lender
the sum of Forty Five Thousand (PhP 45,000.00).

3. Note. All borrowings hereunder shall be evidenced by a promissory note to the

order of the Lender substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto (the “Note”), in
the aggregate principal amount of _________________ PESOS ONLY
(PhP___________). The Note shall be payable over a [NUMBER] (____) year
term, in ____ (__) monthly installments deductible from the salary of the
Borrower, the Lender being the Borrower’s employer. All outstanding principal
shall be due and payable on the _____ (___) anniversary of the date of the Note.

The Borrower shall have the right to prepay all or any part of the outstanding
principal balance of the Note without reward, deductions nor penalty.

4. Further Assurances. The Borrower shall, at its sole cost and expense, upon
request of the Lender, duly execute and deliver to the Lender such further
instruments, and do and cause to be done such further acts, as may be
necessary or proper in the opinion of the Lender to carry out the provisions and
purposes of this Agreement.

5. Events of Default.

5.1 Events of Default. If any one or more of the following events (“Events of
Default”) shall occur and be continuing (and whether such occurrence shall be
voluntary or involuntary or come about or be effected by operation of law or
pursuant to or in compliance with any judgment, decree, or order of any court or
any order, rule, or regulation of any administrative or governmental body), the
Lender may, at its option, declare the Note to be immediately due and payable
without presentment, demand, protest, or notice of any kind, all of which are
hereby expressly waived, anything contained herein or in the Note to the contrary

(a) If default shall be made in the due and punctual payment of the principal
amount under the Note, when and as the same shall become due and payable,
whether at maturity or otherwise;

(b) If default shall be made in the performance or observance of, or shall occur
under, any covenant, agreement, or other provision of this Agreement or in any
instrument or document delivered to the Lender in connection with or pursuant to
this Agreement, or if any such instrument or document shall terminate or become
void or unenforceable without the written consent of the Lender;

(c) If default shall occur in the payment of the principal amount due with respect
to any indebtedness for borrowed money, subordinated debt or other debt of the
Borrower or under any agreement or instrument under or pursuant to which any
such indebtedness, subordinated debt, or other debt may have been issued,
created, assumed, or guaranteed by the Borrower and such default shall
continue for more than the grace period, if any, therein specified, or if any such
indebtedness, subordinated debt, or other debt be declared due and payable
prior to the stated maturity thereof;

(d) If any representation or warranty or any other statement of fact herein or in

any writing, certificate, report, or statement at any time furnished to the Lender
pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement, or otherwise, shall be false or
misleading in any material respect;

(e) If the Borrower shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as
they become due;

(f) If any judgment against the Borrower or any attachment or execution against
any of its property for any amount in excess of ______________ PESOS ONLY
(PhP_________) remains unpaid, unstayed, or undismissed for a period of more
than [NUMBER] (__) days; or

5.2 Suits for Enforcement. If any one or more Events of Default shall occur and
be continuing, the Lender may proceed to protect and enforce its rights or
remedies either by suit in equity or by action at law, or both, whether for the
specific performance of any covenant, agreement or other provision contained
herein, in the Note, or in any document or instrument delivered in connection with
or pursuant to this Agreement, or to enforce the payment of the Note or any other
legal or equitable right or remedy.

5.3 Rights and Remedies Cumulative. No right or remedy herein conferred upon
the Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy contained
herein, in the Note, or in any instrument or document delivered in connection with
or pursuant to this Agreement, and every such right or remedy shall be
cumulative and shall be in addition to every other such right or remedy contained
herein and therein or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute, or

5.4 Rights and Remedies Not Waived. No course of dealing between the
Borrower and the Lender or any failure or delay on the part of the Lender in
exercising any rights or remedies hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any
rights or remedies of the Lender and no single or partial exercise of any rights or
remedies hereunder shall operate as a waiver or preclude the exercise of any
other rights or remedies hereunder.

6. Modification and Waiver. No modification or waiver of any provision of the

Note or of this Agreement and no consent by the Lender to any departure
therefrom by the Borrower shall be effective unless such modification or waiver
shall be in writing and signed by the Lender, and the same shall then be effective
only for the period, on the conditions and for the specific instances and purposes
specified in such writing. No notice to or demand on the Borrower in any case
shall entitle the Borrower to any other or further notice or demand in similar or
other circumstances.

7. Applicable Law. The Note and this Agreement shall be construed in

accordance with and governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

8. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, or other communications provided for

herein shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when sent by
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the parties, at
the addresses set forth above, or to such other address as either party shall
designate to the other from time to time in writing forwarded in like manner.

9. Captions. The captions of the various sections and paragraphs of this

Agreement have been inserted only for the purposes of convenience; such
captions are not a part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed in any manner
to modify, explain, enlarge, or restrict any of the provisions of this Agreement.

10. Benefit of Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the Borrower and the Lender and their successors and assigns,
and all subsequent holders of the Note.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and
seals as of the day and year first set forth above.



By: __________________________________ Its:



By: __________________________________ Its:

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