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Madison 9/23/15

(05:20:30) **madison™<
..tiny tyrant..
Owns: raye ann{**m™{N}}
says to Mai Phantasy: Greetings Princess

(05:21:17 ®) Mai Phantasy

The Duchess
says to **madison™: How goes it, madison? -smiles-

(05:21:36 §) **madison™<
..tiny tyrant..
Owns: raye ann{**m™{N}}
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: Don't, James....I want you

(05:22:26 ® §) Mai Phantasy

PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: Dont what?

(05:22:42 §) **madison™
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: Make it weird...

(05:23:31 ® §) Mai Phantasy

PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: I hadn't planned on making it wierd, hun....

(05:23:56 §) **madison™
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: Help me

(05:24:18 ® §) Mai Phantasy

PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: I have to admit, I'm surprised

(05:25:31 §) **madison™<
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: growls....I will leave you alone then...Take care
(05:27:01 ® §) Mai Phantasy
PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: I dont mind you being here but you have to admit
its sudden
(05:29:57 §) **madison™
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: Really?...
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: You know I would push you down and fuck you, as I
would OWN you
PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: I was still under the impression that you hated me
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: I do
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: You and your fucking omouth
(05:32:29 §)
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: BUT You are so fucking sexy, and delicious
(05:34:08 §) **madison™ PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: OMG, my Baby
(05:36:08 ® §) Mai Phantasy
PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: I admit, I do miss our time together....Is Nick not
giving you what you need?
PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: Not completely
(05:42:06) s**madison™{Nick}
ays to Mai Phantasy: Night, Majesty. I love you...soft hug and then scoots outnthe door
(05:51:43) **madison™ says to Mai Phantasy: You will always be the ONE desire, of my life, I
just want you to know
05:52:41 ®) Mai Phantasy says to **madison™: -jaw drops.................-
(05:53:11 ® §) Mai Phantasy
PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: Ok hun....whats going on with you and Nick, to
prompt this?
05:55:50 §) **madison™ PRIVATELY whispers to Mai Phantasy: I wnt you
05:56:30 ® §) Mai Phantasy PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: Are you and he breaking
up or something....or do you just mean as a fuck buddy?
05:59:57 ® §) Mai Phantasy
PRIVATELY whispers to **madison™: if you still have my'd be easier to talk
there I think

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