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Content of Exposition Text

Exposition Text


Social Function

- Thesis
- Argument 1
Text Structure - Argument 2
- Reiteration

Languages Features

Type of Exposition

Example Exercises
3. Definition of Exposition Text

Exposition Text is text that contains about the author's detailed thoughts about a
phenomenon that is around. This text is included in the argumentative text because it
shows an opinion or argument against something.

2. Social Function

Social Function of Exposition Text is to convince the

reader that the topic presented is a topic that is important to
be discussed or gained attention by way of giving arguments
or arguments that support the main idea or topic.

1. Text Structure

Generic Structure of Exposition Text:

# Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s point
of view.
# Argument: Explaining the argument to support the writer’s
position. The number of arguments may vary, but each
argument must be supported by evidence and explanation.
# Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view / to
strengthen the thesis. We can use the following phrase to make
conclusion in reiteration.
4. Languages Features

– Using relational process, example, be, become, remain,

taste (like), turn into,
represent, constitute, express, signify, stand for.
– Using internal conjunction. This word is categorized in
additive, comparative, and temporal groups.
A. additives: and, or, moreover, etc.
B. comparative: same, too, etc.
C. while: at the same time, meanwhile, when, when, etc.
– Using causal conjunction
– Using Simple Present Tense
– Using compound and complex sentence.
– Use word that link argument, such as firstly, secondly,
and reasoning through causal conjunction, such as in
addition, furthermore, however, therefore.

5. Type of Exposition Text

 Text Exposition Definition

 Text Exposition Process
 Text of Illustration Exposition
 Report Exposition Text
 Text of Comparison Exposition
 Text Exposition of Contradictions
 Text Exposition Definition
Text Exposition definition is a type of exposition paragraph that only explains
the definition / definition on one particular topic in depth.
 Text Exposition Process
Text Exposition process is the steps / ways to do things in sequence from start
to finish or finish.

 Text of Illustration Exposition

Text Exposition illustration is a type of paragraph that describes the
information or discussion of a topic by the method of displaying a simple
description or explanation related to a topic with another topic that has
similarities in either nature or similarity in a particular case.
 Report Exposition Text
The report exposition text is the type of exposition paragraph that describes the
report of an event or from a specified study.

 Text of Comparison Exposition

Text Exposition comparisons are types of exposition paragraphs whose ideas or
main ideas are expressed by comparing or comparing with something else
different or equal.

 Text Exposition of Contradictions

Text Exposition of disagreement is a kind of paragraph or essay that contains
about the contradiction of things with other things.

Honorary teacher

One of the keys to educational success is the
performance of educators as well as teachers.
Because that is apart from the educational
facilities that need to be improved to help the
learning process, the fate of these educators
must also be considered because after all the
quality of life or life insurance teachers to
determine the quality of their performance in teaching the students.
Unfortunately, until now the fate of thousands of honorary teachers is still sad when they
are required to work as is done by the permanent teacher.
Demonstrations made by honorary teachers a few weeks ago in some areas indicate that
the government should evaluate once again the policies for education, especially about
the hiring of honorary teachers who have worked for years with a salary far worse than
the income of a caretaker.
In some areas in East Java for example, teacher’s honorarium SD only get a monthly
wage not more than 400 thousand dollars only.
In the meantime, they do full work from morning until noon as is done by the permanent
Of course these honorary teachers survive because they still hope they will be appointed
as permanent teacher’s alias civil servants who get a decent salary and benefits for
This expectation is reinforced by the fact that many teachers have retired while the
appointment of new teachers has not begun.
In some schools, even the full-time teachers are half as much as they should be and the
other half filled by honorary teachers.
If seen in terms of age, a lot of permanent teachers who have been aged more than 50
years and will soon retire.
Of course with such a low salary, an honorary teacher will not be able to survive if he just
rely on his salary.
If survival is difficult, how will a teacher be eager to teach and educate his students? Of
course this will be an obstacle in the field of education.
But the more terrible is that if these honorary teachers surrender and decide to look for
another job, the result can be fatal ie in the period that cannot be determined many
schools will be short of teachers and the impact is empty hours in some types of subjects
or even hours in the blank a class up to full day.
If there is no appointment of new teachers and honorary teachers to leave, it can be
predicted that teaching and learning activities in schools will stagnate or even stop for a
while until the time of appointment of new teachers or someone who wants to become
honorary teacher next.
Repeat Statement
Teachers are one of the most important elements in education.
The fate of teachers determines the fate of education because after all logic will not work
without logistics; if honorary teachers still get very low wages and not worth the
dedication and effort they are doing, in the near future there will be a big problem in the
field of education.
That's why it's should.
1. Notice the following exposition text quotations!
The most obvious impact of the smoke disaster is health problems. More than
three months of exposure to the air mixed with smoke makes people's endurance
decreases. [...] Some of the aid to be distributed includes 125 thousand masks to
97 affected districts / municipalities, 11 tons of additional food, water purifiers,
and 4482 oximetry and sontheimer (a tool for calculating the respiratory rate of
children estimated to suffer from ARI, and 70 units of air purifier for hospitals,
oxygen concentrate and 500 units of smoke control kits to puskesmas.

The exact sentence to complete the text of the exposition above is ....
A. Seeing the increasingly alarming condition, Minister of Health
immediately instructed to re-send additional assistance to areas affected by
B. The situation is getting worse, the government cannot keep silent to see areas
affected by haze.
C. the Government will provide Death Benefit Assistance to the victims of death
from the smoke disaster.
D. Conditions are getting worse, local and provincial governments are required to
dismiss students in areas affected by haze.

2. Notice the following random expository text quotations:

1). Students of Indonesia are very achievers.
2). This achievement has been proven by Indonesian students who won medals in
the category of the Environment.
3). Both students are creatively utilizing it for the garment industry.
4) .The research they do is to manage animal waste contained in shrimp and crab
skin containing anti-bacterial material.
5). Achievement was achieved among them by students from high school students
Kharisma Bangsa, Banten.

The exact text sequence is ....

a. 1-3-2-5-4
b. 1-2-4-3-5
c. 1-2-5-4-3
d. 1-5-2-3-4

3. Notice the following exposition text citation:

There are several advantages of this research. The method of his research by the
judges is considered good. Creativity is high. In addition, the idea is also
considered original and the results of his research is easy to apply. While
presenting his research results in front of the jury, the two Indonesian students
received praise.
The quote is part of the structure:……
a. Thesis
b. Argument
c. Reaffirmation
d. Description section

4. Check out the following text citation:

Maybe not many people realize that breakfast is actually one of the secrets to
maintaining health. No matter how busy you are, it is important to refuel your
body so that your energy is met throughout the day. In addition to energizing the
body, breakfast also has other benefits that are not less important.
Questions that match the content of the text are. . . .
a. What is a breakfast?
b. Where is the best breakfast place?
c. Why is breakfast important?
d. What is the right breakfast?

5. Notice the following exposition text citation:

Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to early adulthood. Teen age
is in the age range of 10 years up to 21 years. At that time the teenager was
looking for his identity. Therefore, adolescents should get character education in
order to direct their interest in positive activities. Character education that can be
given to adolescents, among others, behave honestly, creatively, confident, polite,
and caring.
Who are the teenagers?
a. the transition from childhood to adulthood
b. children ranging in age from 10 years to 21 years old
c. the childhood to early adulthood of adolescence is in the age range of 10 years
d. childhood to early adulthood of 21 years

6. From the text quote about the number 6, what character education does a teenager
a. behave honestly, confident, polite, and caring
b. behave honestly, be creative, polite, and caring
c. creative, confident, polite, and caring
d. behave honestly, creatively, confidently, well mannered, and caring

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