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Effective Public Management

MARCH 2018

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new

John Hudak, Geoff Ramsey, and John Walsh


Uruguay is the first country to legalize and regulate its domestic non-medical cannabis market. In
light of this pioneering role, the choices and experiences of Uruguayan authorities hold important
lessons for other jurisdictions that may consider whether and how to regulate cannabis. Uruguay’s
breakthroughs and challenges related to banking, international treaties, access to the product,
enforcement, medical cannabis, tourism, and research and evaluation in particular hold immense
value to policymakers and analysts elsewhere. To this end, this report examines the conditions that
led Uruguay’s government to pass its cannabis law in 2013, studies its progress so far, and identi-
fies areas that policymakers should consider addressing in order to maximize the law’s potential
benefits. Key findings include:

• Uruguay should consider long-term measures to ensure that cannabis business entities have
access to financial institutions, including outreach to other jurisdictions shifting toward cannabis
regulation, such as Canada.

• The medical and law enforcement sectors require substantial education and training, particu-
John Hudak is a senior
fellow and deputy larly regarding the aims and expected benefits of cannabis regulation, how to broaden access
director of the Center to medical cannabis, and the new enforcement rules under the law.
for Effective Public
Management at the
Brookings Institution.
• I mplementation of commercial sales so far has been marked by shortcomings in distribution.
Geoff Ramsey is the Uruguay can overcome these obstacles by widening legal points of sale to include not only
assistant director for
Venezuela at WOLA.
pharmacies, but a new form of dispensary, which authorities are already planning.

John Walsh is the

director for drug policy • I n order for the regulated cannabis market to displace the black market more effectively,
and the Andes at authorities may need to reconsider rules that require users to choose only one of the three
legal forms of cannabis supply: homegrowing, clubs, or commercial purchase.

• Uruguayan authorities may also need to address a growing informal market by allowing legal sales to non-
citizen tourists.

• I n order to better position themselves to assess these adjustments, authorities should work closer with inde-
pendent researchers and civil society to ensure that they have access to key information and institutional
support for their work.

In important ways, Uruguay’s cannabis law is in line with its historical approach to drug policy. Even during the
1973-85 dictatorship, the country was out of step with the highly punitive “drug war” approaches being implemented
in many other countries. Though the dictatorship maintained strict sentences for drug trafficking, it decriminalized
possession of “a minimum quantity [of illicit substances], intended solely for personal use,” in 1974. Exactly what
constituted a “minimum quantity” was never clarified, giving judges broad discretion in its interpretation. Over the
years, the fact that Uruguayans could possess cannabis under the law, but could not legally acquire it, was consis-
tently highlighted by civil society groups pressing for legal forms of access to the drug.

Eventually, legislators addressed this issue. In early 2012, the governing Broad Front (FA) majority in Uruguay looked
set to pass a bill that would legalize the home cultivation of up to eight plants and the possession of up to 25 grams
of cannabis. In the face of this momentum, then-President José Mujica saw an opportunity. In June 2012, his admin-
istration released a 15-point document titled the “Strategy for Life and Coexistence,”1 which proposed to “legalize
and control cannabis sales.” Unlike the home-grow bill in the legislature, however, President Mujica proposed the
creation of a state monopoly over cannabis production and distribution.

Mujica’s proposal and the bill already under debate were merged into a bill that allowed for home cultivation as well
as commercial sales, in addition to “cannabis clubs” that allowed users to grow in state-authorized collectives. This
bill was passed in the legislature’s lower house in July 2013, cleared the Senate in December, and was signed into
law on December 20, 2013.

Uruguayan officials have publicly provided a wide range of justifications for the law since its passage. At various
times authorities have said the law could reduce crime, or lower the demand for more harmful drugs such as a crack
cocaine-like substance known locally as “pasta base.” However, the text of the law expresses its goals through
three main objectives:

1. Reducing drug trafficking-related violence by taking cannabis off the black market.2

2. Promoting public health through education and prevention campaigns.3

3. Eliminating the existing legal paradox that allowed for possession but effectively blocked users from accessing

When Mujica proposed that Uruguay legalize and regulate cannabis, he proclaimed that “someone has to be first.”5
In opting to regulate cannabis from cultivation through sale, Uruguay was the first country to leave behind the global
ban on non-medical cannabis that began with the United Nations’ 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  2

UN drug control treaty regime, to which nearly every country on the planet is a signatory, expressly limits cannabis
use to medical and scientific purposes.6 Cannabis, moreover, has been placed under the strictest of the drug con-
ventions’ control schedules.7

In taking such an audacious step, Uruguay’s authorities knew that

they would need to contend with criticisms from other countries Concerned that their policy
and from the monitors of the UN drug treaties, in particular the
would come under intense
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB, the Board). Mindful
of the international dimensions of their decision to move forward scrutiny from their neighbors
with cannabis regulation, Uruguayan lawmakers designed a tightly and from the broader
controlled regulatory system and fashioned arguments that justi- international community,
fied their reform as upholding Uruguay’s fundamental obligation Uruguayan authorities
to protect the human rights of its citizens. Thus, Uruguay’s reform
deliberately opted for a strict
was at once bold and cautious; concerned that their policy would
come under intense scrutiny from their neighbors and from the approach to regulation.
broader international community, Uruguayan authorities delib-
erately opted for a strict approach to regulation, such as a user
registry and monthly sales limits.

As passed, Uruguay’s cannabis law forbids cannabis use in indoor public spaces where it is forbidden to smoke
tobacco and prohibits advertising or any form of promotion.8 The law also created a new regulatory body charged
with overseeing implementation, the Institute for the Regulation and Control of Cannabis (IRCCA). Under the law
there are three methods of access to cannabis, with specific parameters set forth in subsequent regulations:

1. Homegrow: Adults can grow up to six female flowering cannabis plants per household for their own consump-
tion, so long as they have first registered their plants with authorities. The total annual production of the drug
must not exceed 480 grams, but cultivation of more than six plants is allowed so long as they are either male
or not flowering. At time of writing, 8,266 Uruguayans had registered as homegrowers.

2. Cannabis clubs: Adults can join cooperatives to grow cannabis collectively. These “cannabis clubs” must
first be registered with the IRCCA and other authorities, and must have between 15 and 45 members. The
clubs may plant up to 99 plants in the same space, but cannot dispense more than 480 grams of the drug to
each of their members per year. Any surplus yield must be turned over to authorities. So far, authorities have
registered 83 such clubs across the country.

3. Commercial purchase: Individuals can purchase up to 40 grams per month (10 grams per week, according
to subsequent regulations) at sales points. The law specifies that pharmacies will act as points of sale, though
the government has expressed interest in creating new, specifically-designated outlets for this purpose. Under
the law, pharmacies are not required to sell cannabis; they can opt into the system if they desire. Under the
law a handful of commercial growers can be licensed by the state to produce cannabis for commercial sales.
Currently, two companies have been licensed to produce commercial cannabis, and 22,077 Uruguayans have
registered as purchasers.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  3

The IRCCA was designed with a special emphasis on encouraging cooperation across a variety of other state
entities with responsibilities relevant to cannabis regulation. While the institute follows the policy directives of the
National Drug Council (JND), it is also formally under the umbrella of the Ministry of Public Health. In addition to the
IRCCA president (currently JND Secretary Diego Olivera), the board of the institute includes representatives of the
Ministries of Public Health; Social Development; and Livestock, Agriculture, and Fishing.

The text of the law gives the IRCCA a broad mandate to maintain anonymous registries of those intending to
purchase cannabis, as well as all club members and homegrowers. In doing so, the IRCCA can request any needed
documentation. The IRCCA may also inspect any property used in the cultivation, processing, distribution, or sale of
cannabis. For homegrowers, however, IRCCA personnel may only enter households with the consent of the owner
or a court order. In the course of its work the IRCCA is also authorized to carry out analyses of commercial cannabis
to determine whether it meets the legal and regulatory requirements. If violations occur, the IRCCA may apply fines
and, in coordination with law enforcement, force closures, make seizures, and begin legal action.

Since its passage, the executive branch has issued a series of presidential decrees further fleshing out the law.
The most significant of these was issued in May 2014,9 when the Mujica government issued the main set of regula-
tions on implementation. In addition to limiting purchase to 10 grams per week, the regulations specified that only
Uruguayan citizens and permanent residents over the age of 18 are legally able to acquire cannabis, effectively
banning marijuana tourism. The regulations also state that the above three methods of access would be mutually
exclusive, meaning that individuals must choose to grow their own cannabis, access it via a club, or purchase it in
pharmacies, but cannot legally do more than one of these at the same time. Authorities have described this element
of the law as intended to discourage problematic use. In addition, the regulations stipulate that drivers will be consid-
ered intoxicated if any THC is detected in their system,
and instruct the IRCCA to regulate the potency of THC
Unlike the cannabis legalization in commercially-sold cannabis. Authorities have so far
said that no product will be sold with THC levels higher
measures that have been approved
than 15 percent.
by voters in various U.S. states...
Uruguay’s cannabis law was Following the May 2014 regulations, authorities pro-
ushered to passage by the national ceeded to implement the law at a slow but deliberate
government despite evident pace. The IRCCA began registering interested home-
growers in August 2014, and started club registration
skepticism and disapproval of the
in October 2014. In February 2015, Mujica’s last month
effort among Uruguayans. in office, the outgoing government issued additional
regulations that permit the IRCCA to authorize the sci-
entific community to obtain the substance for research
purposes and lay out a framework specifically allowing physicians to dispense medical cannabis. In addition to
allowing physicians to prescribe the drug to patients in monthly increments, the regulations authorize the use of
cannabis for “the production of therapeutic products of medicinal use.”

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  4

Unlike the cannabis legalization measures that have been
approved by voters in various U.S. states—beginning in Colorado IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE
and Washington in 2012—Uruguay’s cannabis law was ushered
to passage by the national government despite evident skepti- June 20, 2012 – President José Mujica’s
cism and disapproval of the effort among Uruguayans. Since administration presents “Strategy for
Mujica first proposed the reform, public opinion surveys have Life and Coexistence,” which includes
consistently shown most Uruguayans to be doubtful about the proposal to legalize cannabis
government’s initiative.10 The issue, however, has never been
especially salient with respect to national political dynamics. The August 8, 2012 – To spur debate, Mujica
ruling Broad Front coalition, sensing enough backing among its presents legislature with a short proposal
own supporters, used its majority control of both chambers of to create a regulated state monopoly over
the legislature to secure the law’s passage in December 2013. In the market for cannabis
taking this step, Broad Front lawmakers were hopeful that, over
November 12, 2012 – Lawmakers of
time, most Uruguayans would come to approve of regulating
the ruling Broad Front coalition replace
cannabis, or at least accept it.
Mujica’s proposal with the bill that will
eventually become Uruguay’s cannabis
The first major political test came with the October and November
2014 elections, when the Broad Front retained control of both
legislative chambers and once again won the presidency. The
July 31, 2013 – The bill passes in the
law to regulate cannabis may not have actually boosted the
lower house, the Chamber of Deputies
ruling coalition’s fortunes, but nor did it obviously harm them.
Since then, the law’s implementation has unfolded slowly, but December 10, 2013 – Bill passes the
there have not been the kind glaring errors or setbacks that Senate
might have converted the law into a political liability for the
Broad Front. Authorities remain confident that public support December 20, 2013 – Mujica signs bill
will gradually grow as the law proves itself in practice. Even so, into Law 19172
lingering public skepticism has placed palpable pressure on the
government, making authorities particularly sensitive to hiccups May 1, 2014 – Mujica administration
in the implementation process. issues regulations which, among other
things, specify the mutual exclusivity of
For some, the combination of tepid public support for the law and the three methods of access and restrict
the transition to a new president following Uruguay’s October sales to Uruguayan citizens and residents
2014 elections cast a shadow of uncertainty over the law’s future.
When Tabaré Vázquez—who preceded Mujica as president from August 27, 2014 – IRCCA begins
2005 to 2010—won the presidency for a second time, observers registering homegrowers
suggested that he was skeptical of the effort to regulate cannabis.
However, President Vázquez has gradually allayed these concerns, October 26, 2014 – Ruling Broad Front
promising to implement the law to the letter while taking care that coalition maintains its slim majority in
the law is meeting its objectives. both houses of legislature

October 30, 2014 – IRCCA begins

Under Vázquez, implementation continued to move ahead cau-
registering cannabis clubs
tiously. After a months-long bidding process, in October 2015,
the government selected two companies out of more than twenty
applicants to grow cannabis for sale in pharmacies. The two,

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  5

Simbiosis and ICC, are both of mixed Uruguayan and
November 30, 2014 – Tabaré Vázquez, also of the foreign ownership. The latter has links to Uruguayan
Broad Front coalition, elected to succeed Mujica as agroindustry magnate Juan Sartori, president and
president for the 2015-2020 term founder of the largest agriculture firm in Uruguay, the
Union Agriculture Group.11 The companies carry out
February 4, 2015 – Outgoing Mujica administration cultivation through a perpetual harvest system in green-
issues regulations allowing the government to houses located on a 24-acre plot of land adjacent to
permit cannabis research and for the health sector a maximum security prison in San Jose Department,
to prescribe medical cannabis products just northwest of Montevideo, the capital. Although
Simbiosis and ICC began operating in 2016, there was
March 1, 2015 – Vázquez takes office amid
an extended delay before the first sales began, as the
assurances that he will implement Uruguay’s
IRCCA finalized the details of distribution and sales
cannabis law as it was passed, and subject it to
with pharmacy owners. During this time, authorities
thorough monitoring and evaluation
established a secure database system that allowed
potential buyers to scan their fingerprint at pharmacies,
August 20, 2015 – Ministry of Interior presents new
which would be checked with the IRCCA’s registry of
protocol outlining proper procedures for police
individuals signed up to purchase.
encounters involving cannabis

October 1, 2015 – Following 14 months of reviewing On July 19, 2017, Uruguay launched the last remaining
bids and verifying financial records of more than stage of the cannabis law, with sales finally begin-
20 applicants, authorities announce selection of ning in 16 pharmacies across the country. The onset
the first two companies to receive commercial of sales saw a surge in interest, with the number of
cannabis cultivation licenses: ICC and Simbiosis Uruguayans on the IRCCA’s purchaser registry increasing
from roughly 4,900 to over 13,000 in the first month.
July 19, 2017 – After months of cultivation and Initially, only two varieties of cannabis (referred to on
quality control, commercial cannabis sales begin in their packaging Alpha I, an indica, and Beta I, a sativa)
pharmacies across the country were made available, sold in five-gram containers at
the price of 187.04 Uruguayan pesos each. In January
August 2017 – Banks begin to threaten to close 2018, this price was increased to 200 Uruguayan pesos
accounts linked to cannabis out of compliance with (or roughly seven U.S. dollars) but at about US$1.40
U.S. financial law, and some pharmacies pull out. per gram, the figure remains very competitive with the
Others are forced to sell on a cash-only basis black market.

January 2018 – Authorities announce plans to There was initial concern regarding the potency of
address distribution shortages by allowing for sales cannabis in Uruguay, as both of the initially available
in non-pharmacy locations, similar to dispensaries varieties had THC levels at two percent, with CBD at
elsewhere six-to-seven percent. However, this did not dissuade
purchasers, and anecdotal reports have suggested
that Alpha I and Beta I do indeed have a psychoactive
effect. Additionally, in late 2017, the IRCCA made two
new varieties available—Alpha II and Beta II—both of
which are indica/sativa hybrids and have THC levels of
nine percent and CBD levels of roughly three percent.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  6

Key findings

A. International treaties
Uruguay has forged ahead with cannabis regulation despite repeated criticisms from the International Narcotics
Control Board (INCB), as in the Board’s report for 2016, which states:

The Board notes the continued implementation by the Government of Uruguay of measures aimed at creating a
regulated market for the non-medical use of cannabis. While this policy has not yet been fully implemented, the
Board wishes to reiterate its position that such legislation is contrary to the provisions of the international drug
control conventions, particularly to the measures set out in article 4, paragraph (c), of the 1961 Convention as
amended, according to which States parties are obliged to ‘limit exclusively to medical and scientific purposes
the production, manufacture, export, import, distribution of, trade in, use and possession of drugs.’12

In opting for regulation notwithstanding such criticisms, Uruguay has argued that its policy is fully in line with the
original objectives that the UN drug control treaties emphasized but have subsequently failed to achieve: namely, the
protection of the health and welfare of humankind. While there can be little doubt that, as the INCB has pointed out,
Uruguay is contravening its obligations under the 1961 Single Convention to limit cannabis exclusively to medical
and scientific purposes, Uruguay has sought to side step the question of drug treaty non-compliance by placing
its new law in the context of the country’s adherence to its more foundational obligations under international law.

Uruguayan authorities have specifically argued that the creation of a regulated market for adult use of cannabis
is driven by health and security imperatives and is therefore an issue of human rights. As such, officials point to
wider UN human rights obligations that need to be respected, specifically appealing to the precedence of human
rights principles over drug control obligations within the UN system as a whole. In the event of a conflict between
human rights obligations and drug control requirements,
they argue, Uruguay is bound to give priority to its human
rights obligations.13
Uruguay has argued that its policy
The argument for the priority of human rights obligations is fully in line with the original
in matters of drug control is not a new one for Uruguay. In objectives that the UN drug control
2008, Uruguay sponsored a resolution at the Commission treaties emphasized but have
on Narcotic Drugs (the UN’s central policy making body on
subsequently failed to achieve:
the issue) to ensure the promotion of human rights in the
implementation of the international drug control treaties.14
namely, the protection of the health
Uruguay’s argument that human rights protections take and welfare of humankind.
precedence over drug control requirements finds support
in the 2010 report to the UN General Assembly by the UN
Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, which signaled: “When the goals and approaches of the international
drug control regime and international human rights regime conflict, it is clear that human rights obligations should

In 2015, Uruguay co-sponsored a resolution calling upon the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
to prepare a report ‘on the impact of the world drug problem on the enjoyment of human rights.’16 In its contribution
to OHCHR preparations, Uruguay laid out its stance regarding the primacy of human rights:

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  7

We reaffirm the importance of ensuring the human rights system, underscoring that human rights are universal,
intrinsic, interdependent and inalienable, and that is the obligation of States to guarantee their priority over
other international agreements, emphasizing the international drug control conventions.17

Uruguay’s ability to move forward with a policy clearly beyond the bounds of the UN drug treaties owes to a com-
bination of factors. First, Uruguayan authorities foresaw the international criticism their move would likely trigger,
and fashioned an argument based on human rights obligations that was consistent with the country’s international
reputation, and that was coherent with the country’s rationale for revising its cannabis law in the first place.

Second, as a practical matter, the UN drug control treaty bodies, including the INCB, do not have the kind of
enforcement authority or practical political power that would be necessary to prevent Uruguay from moving ahead
with implementation of its new law. Countries such as the United States have historically wielded their political
influence and power to encourage full implementation of the drug treaties. However, with Uruguay’s law entering its
fifth year since passage, there has not been a concerted U.S. government effort to punish Uruguay bilaterally or in
an international arena, suggesting that Uruguay’s reforms will not be stymied because of international pressures.

In this regard, Uruguay has taken advantage of felicitous timing, with its law’s passage having come in the midst of a
major shift toward cannabis regulation within the United States. After the November 2012 ballot initiatives to legalize
cannabis in the states of Colorado and Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration adopted a policy
of conditional accommodation of state-level cannabis legalization, contained in Justice Department enforcement
guidance known as the “Cole Memo.”18 This accommodation provided Uruguay a political cushion internationally,
just as the Uruguayan parliament was preparing to approve the country’s cannabis reform.

In the wake of the Colorado and Washington ballot initiatives, the U.S. federal government was suddenly in an
awkward spot. The United States was the key architect and for decades the chief enforcer of the UN drug treaties,
including vigorous enforcement of the global prohibition on non-medical uses of cannabis. To oppose Uruguay’s
new law or even pressure Uruguay to revise or annul it—as it is easy to imagine previous administrations attempting
to do so—would open the United States to charges of hypocrisy.

Indeed, regarding non-medical cannabis, the INCB has also repeatedly noted that the United States is “not in con-
formity” with the drug treaties,19 and has underscored that the “strict prohibition of non-medical use set out in the
1961 Convention” applies fully to countries with federal structures of government. In other words, if “sub-national
Governments have taken measures towards legalizing and regulating the non-medical use of cannabis, despite
federal law to the contrary”—as is quite evidently the situation today in the United States—then such developments
are “in violation of the international drug control legal framework.”20 In this new context, the United States has kept
its criticisms of Uruguay’s cannabis law soft and perfunctory.21

Under President Donald Trump, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made clear his animus toward legal cannabis.
In January 2018, Sessions rescinded the Cole Memo, heightening concerns over how federal enforcement powers
will be wielded. But Sessions’ bid to turn back the clock on cannabis legalization is considered unlikely to succeed;
cannabis reforming states are not expected to be reverse course, even if the Trump administration expends significant
political capital in an effort to compel them. This leaves the U.S. federal government in the same awkward situation
that began in November 2012 when the voters of Colorado and Washington State approved their ballot initiatives:
unable to undo the states’ reforms, and therefore out of compliance with the drug treaties it has long championed.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  8

For the foreseeable future, the United States is unlikely to be in a position to oppose efforts to legalize and regulate
cannabis, such as that now underway in Uruguay.

B. Banking
Because Uruguay was the first nation to legalize the cultivation, processing, distribution, and sale of cannabis, it
was anticipated it would avoid some of the challenges faced by other nations with less comprehensive reforms.
The Dutch model that tolerates cannabis use at the point of sale still relies on an illegal supply model complicated
by the risks of drug importation. The U.S. situation of legalization among some states created interstate commerce,
tax, banking, and other challenges.

By legalizing the entire production and distribution process nationwide, Uruguay’s reforms were designed in ways
that learned from other nation’s experiences. In many ways, the Dutch and American systems’ shortcomings were
avoided. Uruguay’s model provides a clear framework for a legal nationwide market, but leaves important flexibility
to the executive branch on key matters such as pricing, distribution, enforcement, and accessibility. However, shortly
after commercial sales began through the nation’s pharmacies, one of the biggest challenges to the reform model
appeared: banking.

Because cannabis was legalized nationwide, Uruguayan banks continued their existing relationships with pharma-
cies—as the nation’s pharmacies already used financial institutions as part of their pre-cannabis business operations.
Soon after, two of the largest U.S. financial institutions, Bank of America and CitiBank, notified the Uruguayan banks
with whom they have relationships that they needed to discontinue serving pharmacies that sell cannabis. These
large American banks, which have shied away from serving even U.S. domestic markets with recreational or medical
cannabis, cited the USA PATRIOT Act as a basis
for their claim and demand to shutter the accounts.
Under Section 320 of the law, banks cannot serve
This situation left Uruguayan banks with
accounts that commit an offense that “involves
the manufacture, importation, sale, or distribution
a choice: shut down cannabis-selling
of a controlled substance (as that term is defined pharmacies or risk the withdrawal of
for purposes of the Controlled Substances Act)…” major American financial institutions
and that includes cannabis.22 from the country. ... For Uruguayan
banks, the choice was an obvious one,
While some argued that the operations within
Uruguay and serviced by Uruguayan banks should
and pharmacies were notified that their
be outside the reach of that law, they are not. accounts would be closed.
Section 319 of the USA PATRIOT Act extends
the reach of the law to foreign (non-U.S.) banks
with “an interbank account in the United States with a covered financial institution.” Given that Uruguayan banks,
even government-operated ones such as the Central Bank of Uruguay and the Bank of the Republic (BROU) fall
under that definition, the U.S. banks’ threats were real. This situation left Uruguayan banks with a choice: shut down
cannabis-selling pharmacies or risk the withdrawal of major American financial institutions from the country. The latter
came with significant economic risk. The former would affect only a handful of pharmacies. For Uruguayan banks,
the choice was an obvious one, and pharmacies were notified that their accounts would be closed. The BROU, as
well as private banks such as Itaú and Santander, all reportedly closed accounts held by pharmacies in August.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  9

For U.S. banks, this concern was real. The law which they cited in letters to Uruguayan banks allowed the federal
government to seize bank assets and file criminal charges against bankers. Even though the purpose of the banking
provisions under the USA PATRIOT Act was to stop banks from financing operations that facilitated international
terrorism, the language is broad enough to encompass cannabis operations in Uruguay. One can easily argue that
the legalization of cannabis in Uruguay aims to diminish illegal drug traffickers’ operations and financing in ways that
undercut terror and violence, but U.S. law and banks’ interpretation of that law generated an ultimatum for Uruguay.

Cannabis-dispensing pharmacies faced a choice, as well. They could switch their entire operations (cannabis and
non-cannabis) to a cash-only system, or they could stop selling cannabis, continue as a standard pharmacy, and
maintain their access to banking—a choice that Uruguayan banks made clear in their communications with pharma-
cies. Pharmacies chose different options.

In the authors’ discussions with pharmacy owner Alicia Chavert Riverós—who operates Farmacia La Cabina in Las
Flores, Maldonado Department—Chavert Riverós noted that while she does not use cannabis herself, she agrees
with the aims of the law and wants to afford the community’s users with legal access to cannabis. She explained
that while the switch to cash-only makes it difficult to pay bills (relying on cash transfers through Abitab), she has
seen an increase in revenue for other products in her pharmacy since cannabis sales began. If her pharmacy dis-
continued sales due to the banking obstacles, people in the area would have to travel to either Atlantida (25 miles
away) or Minas (38 miles away) to find the next nearest pharmacy that sells cannabis.

In response to financial institutions’ decisions not to bank the cannabis industry in Uruguay, alternative ideas have
arisen. The first was to create a central, cannabis-only account through the Central Bank of Uruguay. However,
given the Central Bank’s dealings with international financial institutions, legitimate worries arose that those same
American banks would shutter their relations. Moving forward, the government is assessing its mid- and long-term
options on how to address the situation. In the long term, authorities are exploring the possibility of facilitating an
arrangement between Uruguayan cannabis entities and domestic credit unions or other financial service providers.
This, however, would face the same problem as relying on the Central Bank.

In the immediate term, the IRCCA is reacting to the situation—and in particular to the hesitancy of pharmacies to
participate as suppliers in light of the banking difficulties—by preparing to set up new points of sales that operate on
a cash-only basis. According to authorities, these new establishments will be privately owned, and unlike pharma-
cies would exclusively sell cannabis (though they may also sell paraphernalia like rolling papers and grinders, and
perhaps other items that would allow them to be economically viable).

C. Supply issues
In any new, legal cannabis market, managing supply poses a serious challenge. Often, cultivators (growers) are
unaware of what market demand will be, and in order to avoid product losses, they underestimate consumer demand,
leading to huge product shortages and high prices. Over time, as cultivators better understand demand, they supply
a level of product that better meets it.

Supply challenges in Uruguay arose because of a combination of typical economic forces and ones particular to
the Uruguayan model. Uruguay faced the traditional information challenges regarding how much cannabis would
be consumed, even as the law requires people to register to purchase at pharmacies and the law limits the monthly

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  10

quantity that can be purchased. Growth in the number of registrants can happen quickly, while changes to cultiva-
tion (and consequently, output) take months to adjust.

At the same time, in an effort to limit the size of the market, prevent diversion, ensure security, and signal to the
world a model of strict regulation, Uruguay authorized only two cultivators—the firms Simbiosis and ICC—to produce
cannabis. In addition, it was required that all cannabis produced be tested and approved by IRCCA before it could
be supplied to pharmacies. IRCCA (so far) only authorizes cannabis with between two and nine percent THC and
also tests for genetic specificity, mold, bacteria, pesticides, metals, etc. Initially, one of the approved cultivators
(Simbiosis) was delayed in getting up and running, and once they were, their product did not meet the standards
required by the government. The initial Simbiosis crop was turned away from market. So, for several months, only
ICC was supplying the entire commercial market with two strains: “Alpha I” and “Beta I.”

This limited production meant that pharmacies were undersupplied—not given the maximum product allowed
monthly—and that pharmacies sold product so quickly that there would be days of shortages before the next
cannabis shipment. This was complicated by some basic aspects of the Uruguayan model. In the month following
the opening of sales, more than 13,000 Uruguayans were registered to purchase from pharmacies, each buyer
being able to purchase up to 40 grams per month.23 However, there were initially only 16 pharmacies registered
to dispense cannabis, and a pharmacy could only receive two kilograms of cannabis monthly in deliveries every
14 days. That created not just a shortage from the lopsided purchaser to dispensary ratio, but also in terms of the
purchaser maximum to pharmacy monthly supply ratio.

Supply challenges compounded because of the failure of one firm to bring approved product to market and the
decisions of some pharmacies to end commercial sales (due to the banking challenges mentioned above). At the
time of publication there are only 12 pharmacies to serve more than 22,000 buyers, with five of those pharmacies
being located in Montevideo. And while the concentration of so many pharmacies in Montevideo closely reflects
the population distribution of Uruguay, 11 of Uruguay’s 19 departments do not have a single cannabis-dispensing
pharmacy.24 This has led to periods of deep shortages nationwide, with the most notable occurring in October 2017
and February 2018.

Table 1. Pharmacies selling cannabis in Uruguay as of March 2018

Department City/Town Name of Pharmacy

Canelones Canelones Las Toscas
Flores Trinidad Nueva Brum
Lavalleja Minas Gortari
Maldonado Las Flores La Cabina
Montevideo Montevideo Antartida
Montevideo Montevideo Cáceres
Montevideo Montevideo Camaño
Montevideo Montevideo Silleda
Montevideo Montevideo Tapie
Paysandú Paysandú Termal Guaviyu
Salto Termas del Daymán Albisu
Tacuarembó Paso de los Toros Bengoechea

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  11

Some of these challenges are standard growing pains that any market would experience and eventually resolve. For
example, by November 2017, Simbiosis began distributing “Alpha II” and “Beta II” strains to market, as the products
passed IRCCA’s testing requirements. However, delivery limits remained for pharmacies and the shrinking number
of cannabis-dispensing pharmacies led to continued shortages, in the face of a public increasingly comfortable with
registering with the government to purchase from the commercial market.

To the government’s credit, it has maintained

Supply challenges in Uruguay arose its commitment to a heavily regulated market.
because of a combination of typical It has allowed neither the supply shortages nor
economic forces and ones particular to the banking challenges to push them to weaken
the Uruguayan model. regulation. Instead, the government has sought
alternative solutions including a government-
regulated dispensary model, rather than an
exclusive pharmacy model for sales. In the interim, the government could entertain (temporarily or permanently)
increasing the monthly maximum that pharmacies (and eventually dispensaries) are allowed to receive.

D. Enforcement
In implementing Uruguay’s law, authorities have placed a clear emphasis on law enforcement aimed at non-compliant
clubs and homegrows, hoping to prevent them from fueling a black market. One clear priority for the government in
this effort is the tourist market, particularly during peak summer months of November through February. Because
sales to tourists are prohibited, some Uruguayan homegrowers and clubs have attempted to get around the ban
by offering “cannabis tours,” which are framed more as social and educational experiences, in which participants
are free to sample cannabis while on a paid tour. Others simply sell directly to tourists behind closed doors, a gray
market quietly operating via word of mouth. The IRCCA is aware of this dynamic and has relied on a combination of
stern warnings and police action to dissuade such activity. In February 2017, for instance, police seized some 800
plants associated with a cannabis club that was offering cannabis samples to tourists through a hostel in Maldonado
Department. The club also had its license revoked by the IRCCA.

Another priority for law enforcement is the medical market. Because the government has been slow to ensure
patients have access to affordable medical cannabis and cannabis-derived medications, there has been a small
but growing trade in oils and extracts. Since the law’s passage, there has been a proliferation of informal networks,
many of which operate through Facebook and other social media, which offer cannabis products to those seeking
them. In many cases, purchasers tend to be interested in products with purported medical benefits, such as tinctures
or salves.25 These products generally lack standardization, and in most cases, those who purchase them have no
guarantees regarding their potency or purity.

In carrying out enforcement, however, IRCCA authorities are aware that they face a dilemma. While they are eager
to curtail the black market, they also know that the law is still young. If regulatory authorities were to launch an
aggressive strategy of raids against any registered actor suspected of fueling the black market, they are concerned
that this would risk discouraging individuals from registering with the IRCCA at all. For this reason the IRCCA has
largely followed a more quiet enforcement strategy, prioritizing verbal warnings for those running afoul of the law
and only pursuing police action in severe, emblematic cases such as the hostel in Maldonado.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  12

However, the IRCCA’s careful enforcement strategy is occasionally complicated by the National Police. In the
period following the law’s passage, Uruguay saw some disconnect between the letter of the law and how police
enforced it. Reports surfaced of IRCCA-registered growers being arrested and falsely accused of violating the
law. In November 2014, for instance, a registered homegrower in the city of Bella Union, Artigas Department, was
arrested and accused of having 11 cannabis plants, five over the legal limit.26 However, he was released when a
judge found that these five were male plants and seedlings, making his grow entirely compliant with the law. More
recently, in July 2017, the newspaper La Diaria documented two cases of registered growers claiming to have had
similar encounters with police.27 In both cases, authorities reportedly found more than the legal annual harvest of
480 grams. However, one of the growers told La Diaria that he had contacted the IRCCA regarding what to do with
his excess yield, and had not received a response.

These cases illustrate a defining challenge for enforcing Uruguay’s law: the law itself is stringent, and its regulations
are fairly complex, straining the government’s still-limited manpower to ensure total enforcement. The IRCCA’s limited
staff—it has a team of six inspectors who are responsible for ensuring compliance28 —does not realistically allow
the institute to check the annual plant yields for all 8,266 homegrowers and 83 registered clubs. Instead, this job
falls to law enforcement, who often act on tips from neighbors who may be uninformed about what the law actually
allows. And while police themselves are becoming increasingly informed about ensuring compliance with the law,
there is still a great need for education of law enforcement—particularly in the country’s interior.

The IRCCA is aware of the need for better education of police, and has taken steps to provide it. In August 2015,
the Ministry of Interior (which controls the National Police) issued a new set of guidelines meant to train growers
and police alike about the proper procedures in cannabis-related police encounters. The protocol, an eight-page
document developed in consultation with civil society groups, lays out specific rules for such encounters. Among
other items, the protocol establishes that the sole existence of cannabis plants is not, by itself, sufficient cause for
criminal suspicion. Instead, the Interior Ministry asserts that police should only respond to allegations that refer to “the
existence in some way of trafficking, sales, commerce, supply or other illicit behavior in order to constitute a crime.”

The protocol also asserts that police officers cannot legally demand to see a homegrower’s proof of registration with
the IRCCA. Individuals can only be compelled to show documentation by a judge, who can reach out to the IRCCA
directly. In theory, this measure effectively protects unregistered homegrowers from police action, so long as they
do not engage in sales. Similarly, police are forbidden from engaging in seizures or the destruction of cannabis,
without permission of a judge.

E. Tourism
Uruguay’s regulations allow only Uruguayan citizens and permanent residents to access cannabis legally. Non-
citizen tourists are therefore not eligible to legally purchase cannabis. During debate over the bill, lawmakers were
concerned about attracting “marijuana tourism,” which they perceived as a potential threat to both Uruguay’s
international reputation and its existing tourism trade. Due to the lack of public support for the law, authorities also
expressed concerns that an influx of tourists seeking cannabis could widen opposition to the law.

Nevertheless, since the law’s passage there has been an increasing number of tourists who, if not primarily coming
in the hope of accessing cannabis, have sought to acquire it once in Uruguay. There are no official estimates, but
reports of tourists paying for “marijuana tours” and inquiring about purchasing cannabis in pharmacies have been

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  13

widespread in local media.29 During an October 2017 research trip, this report’s authors witnessed this dynamic
firsthand, observing illicit sales at a Montevideo paraphernalia shop that itself catered to tourists.

Ultimately, this dynamic suggests a tourism market exists, despite the preferences of Uruguayan authorities. And as
the Uruguayan tourism industry continues to grow (official data shows that the flow of tourists is on track to increase
by 20 percent in the November 2017- February 2018 tourist season30) the cannabis tourism market is likely to increase.

Confronted with this dynamic, so far the IRCCA has

Uruguayan authorities will likely see responded with enforcement, making an example of
an increasing rationale to create a those who are most flagrantly catering to tourists. But
this response is unlikely to eliminate the market, in the
legal tourist market in the coming
same way that prohibition of cannabis has been inef-
years. fective at stemming its use. For this reason, Uruguayan
authorities will likely see an increasing rationale to
create a legal tourist market in the coming years. Some
figures have already publicly mused about such a fix. In January 2018, lawmaker Sebastian Sabini—one of the two
original sponsors of the law in Uruguay’s legislature—told La Republica newspaper: “Many come to Uruguay to get
to know the legal [cannabis] system. However, they end up buying in illicit drug markets because pharmacies still
can’t sell to tourists. In the medium term we are evaluating the possibility of changing this situation.”31 The govern-
ment could open sales to tourists without going through the legislature, as the restriction to citizens and permanent
residents is contained in the regulations, not the legislation itself.

F. Medical cannabis
While the government has made significant advances in implementing non-medical cannabis access, it has struggled
to overcome obstacles to medical cannabis. To date, the most significant regulations governing medical cannabis
remain the February 2015 executive order signed by the outgoing Mujica administration. The order instructs the
IRCCA to authorize researchers to access cannabis for research purposes, authorizes physicians to prescribe
cannabis in monthly increments, and allows for “the production of therapeutic products of medicinal use.”

In broad terms, the order also makes clear that eventually, acquiring medical cannabis will be similar to making
non-medical purchases. The only difference will be that patients would have to submit a prescription to purchase
cannabis and cannabis products from pharmacies. According to the document, cannabis prescriptions can be valid
for a maximum of 30 days before a new prescription must be filled, and during this period patients are not allowed to
access any other form of legal cannabis. Authorities say this is intended to prevent recreational users from obtaining
cannabis through the medicinal cannabis system. Former President Mujica specifically expressed this sentiment in
May 2014, when he described medical marijuana in the state of Colorado as “a fiction” and “hypocrisy.”32

The 2015 executive order creates the framework for medical cannabis on paper, but in reality it has not been easy
for Uruguayans to access medical products. It was not until December 2017, four years after the law’s passage,
that a medical cannabis product became available for purchase in pharmacies, and even this has its critics. The
product is a two percent CBD extract, sold in 10 millimeter vials and marketed as Epifractan. Dr. Raquel Peyraube,
president of the Uruguayan Endocannabinology Society, has publicly questioned whether Epifractan can actually be
effective in treating conditions such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease, suggesting that its low potency is better

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  14

suited for “infants and small children.”33 Others have criticized the product due to the fact that it is manufactured
using imported cannabis from Switzerland, rather than from locally cultivated cannabis.

While the availability of Epifractan is a positive step, much still remains to be done in order ensure affordable access to
a wider variety of medical cannabis products. Currently, Uruguayan patients seeking other products, like cannabinoid
oral sprays or synthetic cannabinoids used for treating pain and other conditions, have to clear numerous hurdles.
First they must go to a specialist to obtain an “orange” prescription (“receta naranja”), the most restricted category
and the same prescription used to prescribe amphetamines and opiates. Then patients are required to apply for a
special waiver from the Ministry of Public Health to be able to import the drug from abroad under its “compassionate
use” exception, which allows Uruguayans to import
experimental drugs that have not been approved
for use in the country. Although this waiver allows The 2015 executive order creates the
patients to import the drug tax fee, the costs of framework for medical cannabis on paper,
shipping are often prohibitively expensive. but in reality it has not been easy for
Uruguayans to access medical products
Despite the obstacles Uruguayans face in
accessing medical cannabis, the government has
prioritized large scale production of cannabis for
the export medical market. On October 5, 2017, the IRCCA approved the first license authorizing a joint Uruguayan
and American company to produce up to ten tons of medical cannabis, and at least two other companies have already
begun working with the IRCCA to set up similar arrangements.34 While these contracts are for export to other legal
markets, it is likely that the Ministry of Public Health will in the future authorize domestic sales of the plant itself for
medical purposes. Such a move would decrease costs to the average patient, while ensuring that the economic
activity around medical cannabis remains within the nation’s borders. However, advocates of this proposal complain
of a “culture of prohibition” within the ministry, and so far it is unclear when the ministry may actually greenlight sales
of products beyond Epifractan.

G. I nformation-sharing and transparency

The fact that President Vázquez has consistently maintained that he is committed to implementing the law while
evaluating whether it is meeting its goals is commendable. However, there is more that his government could do
in order to benefit fully from the work that civil society and academic researchers are conducting. Since the law’s
passage, there has been a proliferation of important research on its impacts on cannabis use, citizen security, public
opinion, and other factors. Since 2016, a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the University of the Republic
(UdelaR) has been studying the law, and cannabis more broadly, collectively publishing reports on their website, the
Cannabis Monitor.35 At the Catholic University of Uruguay, a team of political scientists and pollsters have partnered
with Florida International University researchers to conduct a series of studies on user behavior and attitudes. But
while these researchers have each carried out groundbreaking work, they have all had difficulty in engaging with

A common complaint among cannabis researchers in Uruguay is related to access. Researchers complain that the
IRCCA and JND are reticent to share data on implementation with them. In some cases, the government has even
denied researchers’ attempts to get projects off the ground. The IRCCA must approve scientific studies that involve
physically accessing cannabis, and researchers complain of serious bottlenecks in the approval process. In 2015,

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  15

for instance, authorities rejected two consecutive proposals from Catholic University researchers seeking to obtain
small samples of cannabis from users in order to study the black market. In both cases, the rejection came after
repeated rounds of revision in consultation with the IRCCA.

Regardless of the bases for the government’s denials of such research, these experiences have fueled concerns
among researchers that authorities may be trying to exercise control over the available information regarding the
impacts of implementation. The law itself requires the Ministry of Public Health to submit an annual report on the
impact of the measure to both houses of the Uruguayan Congress, to be prepared by a special research team for
that purpose.36 To date, however, only one such report has been submitted (in late 2016), and its findings were not
made public. So far, the only official data related the impact of the law has been limited to regular surveys of house-
holds and secondary/university students regarding substance use, as well as scattered information released by other
institutions, such as crime data from the police. In recent months, there have been indications that the government
is seeking to cooperate more closely with independent researchers, particularly with a view toward facilitating the
Cannabis Monitor’s focus on monitoring and evaluation. In November 2017, for instance, IRCCA authorities met
with the Monitor team and agreed to adopt the researchers’ proposal for tracking certain indicators, but it remains
unclear what form such cooperation will take, and whether future reports will be made public.

Uruguay makes no claims of being a blueprint for others to follow, but its legal regulation of cannabis is a pioneering
effort from which other governments will surely learn. Like any administrative model, there is room for improvement.
The effort to strengthen an already robust regulatory and administrative program is critical to meet public expecta-
tions and to advance the overall goals of a law.

We offer ideas in seven key areas for the Uruguayan government to consider as implementation of cannabis
legalization continues. In some cases, these recommendations suggest that Uruguay be nimble to changing policy
environments and prepare for opportunities that may organically develop that will assist with the program. In other
areas, we recommend that Uruguay consider steps to address unforeseen or unintended gaps in ways that could
improve the overall program.

A. Access to financial institutions

The Uruguayan government understands the need for cannabis-related businesses to have access to banking. Such
access improves businesses’ ability to compete, levels the playing field across sectors, enhances accountability,
and reduces opportunities for graft. However, forces outside of Uruguay, namely financial institutions in the United
States, have prevented such access.

Uruguayan government officials genuinely, but unsuccessfully, sought to find domestic solutions for this challenge.
However, Uruguay has a few additional options. Officials can work closely with other nations’ large financial institutions
(non-U.S. banks) to see if an institution is willing to assume the risk of banking Uruguayan cannabis businesses. To
that end, those financial institutions must also be willing to play a game of chicken with U.S. financial regulators, as
any large financial institution capable of assuming such risk will likely have an interbank account in the United States.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  16

A second possibility exists in Canada. In 2017, the Canadian House of Commons approved legislation to regulate
cannabis, and barring a surprise decision from the Senate, legal sales should commence in 2018. Such a move
will make Canada the second nation to legalize non-medical cannabis, and the first G7 nation to do so. Canada will
be expected to use standard financial institutions to
bank its businesses. Otherwise, it will be urged to
find some other internal solution to grant access to
Canadian Prime Minister Justin
financial products. Uruguay could engage with any
private financial institutions working with Canadian Trudeau sees cannabis legalization as
cannabis companies or, perhaps, with the Bank of a positive part of his agenda, and he
Canada if it is willing to work with Uruguay. could encourage Canadian financial
institutions to work with Uruguay as a
There exist positive trade relations between both
signal of support both for an ally and
countries generally and an alliance based on long-
term trust. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for a common area of groundbreaking
sees cannabis legalization as a positive part of his policy reform.
agenda, and he could encourage Canadian financial
institutions to work with Uruguay as a signal of support
both for an ally and for a common area of groundbreaking policy reform. What’s more, Canadian financial institu-
tions’ willingness to work with Uruguay would raise the same hypothetical legal concerns among American financial
regulators that Canada’s own system of cannabis banking would raise. So long as they had interbank accounts in
the United States, Canadian banks working with Canadian cannabis companies would fall under the same American
legal jurisdiction as Canadian banks working with both Canadian and Uruguayan cannabis companies. However,
it is less likely that American banks would threaten large Canadian banks or follow through on those threats. This
situation may provide Uruguay with its most promising opportunity to grant its cannabis-related businesses access
to stable, safe banking.

B. Educating medical and law enforcement professionals

One challenge that exists after a government reforms its laws with regard to medical or non-medical cannabis is
that other professionals receive limited education with regard to new laws and policies. As a result, problems can
abound in a variety of contexts. Two professions frequently subject to such challenges are medical professionals
and law enforcement.

Some individuals in Uruguay use non-medical cannabis for medical purposes (i.e., seizure disorders, anxiety dis-
orders, chronic pain, etc.). Medical professionals, including doctors and researchers, should see legalization as an
opportunity. They can collect data, conduct research, understand consumption patterns among patients, identify
side effects or interactions, and work to have open conversations with the nation’s cannabis users. The govern-
ment can play a role by sponsoring continuing education classes, working with universities and medical schools to
outline changes in curriculum that reflect the current law, and fund research into the medical efficacy of cannabis.
These efforts can help begin a process of cultural change within the medical community—a group that is notoriously
conservative and hesitant to change.

Law enforcement authorities in Uruguay also face challenges with regard to the law. From department to depart-
ment, municipality to municipality, and even officer to officer, the knowledge of the new law can vary dramatically.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  17

Reports exist, particularly in municipalities outside of Montevideo, of product seizures and arrests at cannabis clubs
or homegrows (as discussed above). In some cases, those actions arise because of genuine violations of the law. In
others, charges are dropped because individuals are not violating the law. In order to combat these challenges and
to improve the capability and resource management of law enforcement, the Ministry of the Interior should design a
continuing training course based on its protocol for cannabis enforcement. The Ministry can train individuals at the
department-level who can then hold training sessions throughout the country with law enforcement. Such training
will help officers better understand the new law and can be updated regularly in order to be responsive to minor
and/or dramatic changes in the nation’s cannabis laws.

C. Expand medical cannabis

Medical cannabis in Uruguay is a complicated issue. The law allows a process by which patients can access medical
cannabis. Doctors can prescribe cannabis to patients; that product can be dispensed through pharmacies. However,
to date, the Ministry of Public Health has only authorized a single product, Epifractan, for sale to patients. In lieu of
more products available in a regulated system, patients are forced to join cannabis clubs, grow at home, access
the commercial market in order to get recreational cannabis to use medically, or resort to black market activities.

In addition, medical doctors in Uruguay are quite skeptical of cannabis’ medical efficacy. In response, medical
professionals like Dr. Raquel Peyraube have offered
Uruguay’s first medical cannabis (continuing educa-
Uruguay should take steps to expand tion) course to help improve the knowledge base of
patient access and make the system doctors, highlight existing research, understand dif-
safer and more regulated. In fact, the ferent types of products, clarify proper dosing, discuss
conditions that cannabis can help and possible side
country has an infrastructure in place
effects, and answer other questions doctors may have.
to do this, as it has authorized the This resource is an important step toward expanding
production of medical cannabis for medical access in Uruguay.
export to other countries like Canada
and Mexico. Uruguay could simply Right now, Uruguayans with medical needs not met by
Epifractan seek out cannabis through the domestic,
expand those existing operations to
non-medical market or travel to other countries with
supply a domestic market with little more comprehensive medical cannabis laws to obtain
disruption to the system. products to bring back home. Both systems remove the
doctor from the medical process and make patients
less likely to be forthcoming with their doctors about
their use of medical cannabis. Uruguay should take steps to expand patient access and make the system safer and
more regulated. In fact, the country has an infrastructure in place to do this, as it has authorized the production of
medical cannabis for export to other countries like Canada and Mexico. Uruguay could simply expand those existing
operations to supply a domestic market with little disruption to the system.

D. Reconsider the exclusivity of distribution

As mentioned above, Uruguayans must choose among three options to procure cannabis: the commercial market,
homegrows, and membership in a cannabis club. Each of these systems comes with its own challenges. Homegrown

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  18

cannabis is subject to crop failure, particularly among amateur growers. Cannabis clubs face membership shortages,
crop failures, and, in some cases, legal challenges or institutional hurdles that threaten the supply to all members.
The commercial market has faced significant shortages nationwide and “cannabis deserts”—areas of the country
that lack any pharmacy dispensing cannabis.

These individual challenges across methods of access leave prospective buyers with few options when they are
unable to purchase. That can induce illegal behaviors in multiple forms, two of which stand out. First, individuals in
clubs or homegrows can cultivate excessive amounts of cannabis (a number of plants beyond what they are legally
allowed) so as to have inventory in the case of a temporary lack of access. In this situation, people are violating the
law, and in times when there is an uninterrupted supply of cannabis, excess cannabis could be sold to others—an
additional violation of the law. Second, when individuals are unable to access cannabis through government-approved
legal channels, they may simply resort to the black market. That black market may include “legal” growers who grow
in excess (as mentioned above), illegal growers, or the purchase of illegal products like pressed cannabis largely
grown in Paraguay, referred to locally as prensado.

Each of these situations undermines the goals of the law. While no level of reform will entirely eliminate black market
activity, some of the activities described above exist because of the way the law is structured. The government may
consider devising a system whereby individuals who are unable to access legal cannabis because of external shocks
can find a secondary means of access. For example, if a cannabis club loses its crop because of an agricultural
mistake, the IRCCA could certify the crop loss, confiscate the plants, and certify that those individuals can temporarily
access the commercial market. A similar system could be constructed for homegrowers who fail to harvest cannabis.

E. Create a dispensary model with a viable revenue stream

In the wake of pharmacies’ lack of access to banking and the decision of several pharmacies to exit the cannabis
market, the government has opted to consider cannabis-only dispensaries as a cash-only solution to maintain
access for consumers. This effort is an admirable one and one that overcomes multiple challenges (lack of access to
banking, the limited number of pharmacies agreeing to participate, and the limited distribution of cannabis-dispensing
pharmacies across the country).

However, it is unclear whether these dispensaries will have a viable revenue model given the limitations placed on
pharmacies with regard to the maximum supply they can receive and the fixed price point. As mentioned above,
the price of cannabis is currently fixed at about US$1.40 per gram. Based on our conversations with pharmacy
owners and others, it is clear that very little money is made off of the sale of cannabis, even by selling every gram
of product distributed per month per location. While pharmacies may be able to sustain this model because of their
other business operations and the positive impact on non-cannabis sales that cannabis consumers provide, such
would not be the case for an entity charged only with the sale of cannabis.

This situation could be addressed in three ways. First, the government could directly subsidize cannabis dispensaries,
effectively underwriting their operations either as private entities or as government-run institutions. This proposition
may not sit well among the Uruguayan public, given the public’s limited support for the law. Second, the government
could allow the price to fluctuate to a market equilibrium, which would drive the price up to a point that would allow
dispensaries to pay for themselves. This option is likely unpopular with government officials who seek to keep prices
low in order for the legal market to displace larger portions of the black market, especially the market for prensado.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  19

Third, dispensaries can be allowed to sell other items including food products, cannabis-related products, branded
items, or other products in order to increase revenue for the establishment, making it more viable.

F. Consider allowing legal sales to tourists

Uruguayan officials were clear during the passage of the law that they did not want the nation to become a cannabis
vacation destination. However, the reality is that tourists come to Uruguay with the understanding that cannabis
is not difficult to find if it is desired. As a result, tourists purchase through illegal means, and that demand induces
individuals to produce cannabis illegally for sale to
tourists. This product is unregulated and the govern-
In many ways, the desire to reduce ment collects no revenue from those sales. In many
black market demand among ways, the desire to reduce black market demand among
Uruguayans generated a law that Uruguayans generated a law that increased the black
market demand among visitors.
increased the black market demand
among visitors. Uruguayan officials may consider piloting a program by
which tourists can purchase cannabis legally. Such a
move—likely through the commercial market—should
only come once supply issues are stabilized for the domestic market (citizen consumers). However, Uruguay could
increase the price point for consumers in ways that could generate revenue for dispensaries to be better financed
and for the government to collect additional tax revenue. There can also be a smaller, maximum quantity that a visitor
is allowed to purchase (a model the state of Colorado used early on in its legalization process). Such a maximum
reflects the reality that most visitors stay for short periods of time, do not need as much as citizens, and might ille-
gally sell excess marijuana to others if they were able to purchase larger amounts.

G. Readiness to correct future implementation problems

Although Uruguay has done well in rolling out the implementation of non-medical cannabis, the country has encoun-
tered some significant challenges. That is not necessarily a flaw in the system, but a reality of cutting-edge public
policy. As the world’s first country to legalize cannabis fully, it was bound to encounter problems. And, as the country
continues to implement this program, more problems will arise. Good public policy making requires governments
to anticipate problems before they happen and respond effectively when they do.

Uruguay will surely encounter more challenges in the future. In order to prepare for those situations, the IRCCA needs
to be well-funded and well-staffed. It needs to go out into communities and talk to business owners, consumers,
homegrowers, club owners, medical professionals, law enforcement, civil society groups, and activists (on both
sides of the issue) to understand fully what is working and what is not working. The government should employ its
own evaluators to assess the functionality of all aspects of the system. However, government cannot do it all alone.
The IRCCA and other government entities must rely on independent, academic analysis about the positive and
negative aspects of the system and listen to recommendations with regard to solutions. Comprehensive input and
community conversation is essential for Uruguay to continue to be a cannabis policy success story into the future.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  20


1. Estrategia por la Vida y la Convivencia—15 medidas. (2012). República Oriental de Uruguay— Ministerio del Interior.
Retrieved from

2. Article 4 of Law 19172: “This law aims to protect the inhabitants of the country from the associated risks in connection
with the illegal drug trade through the intervention of the state, attacking the devastating health, social and economic
consequences of the problematic use of psychoactive substances, and reduce the incidence of drug trafficking and
organized crime.”

3. Article 1 of Law 19172: “It is hereby declared that it is in the public interest to protect, promote and improve the health
of the general population through policies oriented towards minimizing the risks and reducing the harm of cannabis
use, which promote accurate information, education and prevention of the consequences and damaging effects
associated with its consumption as well as the treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration of problematic drug

4. While this is not explicitly stated in the text, Law 19172 directly overturned the 1974 law which allowed judges to
determine autonomously whether a certain quantity of an illicit substance was intended for personal use, and thus a
non-criminal offense.

5. “Alguien tiene que ser primero” en legalizar, dijo Mujica. Subrayado. (2012, June 21). Retrieved from

6. United Nations General Assembly. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. (1961, March 30). Retrieved from https://

7. Within the current regime cannabis is considered among the most dangerous of all psychoactive substances
under international control. This is reflected in its double listing in the Single Convention. Cannabis, cannabis
resin, and extracts and tincture of cannabis are in Schedule I among substances whose properties might give rise
to dependence and that present a serious risk of abuse and are subject to all control measures envisaged by the
Convention. Cannabis and cannabis resin are also listed in Schedule IV, along with another fifteen substances that
are already listed in Schedule I and are deemed particularly dangerous by virtue of what are regarded to be their
harmful characteristics, risk of abuse and extremely limited therapeutic value.

8. Poder Legislativo de Uruguay. Ley 19172. Marihuana y sus derivados. Control y regulación del Estado de la
importación, producción, adquisición, almacenamiento, comercialización y distribución. (2013, December 20).
Retrieved from

9. Regulation and Control of Cannabis Market. Law 19172 and Decrees. Junta Nacional de Drogas. Retrieved from

10. El consumo de marihuana y su venta en farmacias. CIFRA / González, Raga & Asociados. (2017, August 17).
Retrieved from

11. Fumata Verde. La Diaria. (2015, October 2). Retrieved from

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  21

12. International Narcotics Control Board. Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2016. United Nations.
(2017). Retrieved from

13. Marihuana: Uruguay se defendió ante ONU. Montevideo Portal. (2014, March 13). Retrieved from

14. Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Resolution 51/12: Strengthening cooperation between the United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime and other United Nations entities for the promotion of human rights in the implementation of
the international drug control treaties. (2008). Retrieved from

15. Anand, G., UN Special Rapporteur. Right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of
physical and mental health. (2010, August 6). Retrieved from

16. United Nations Human Rights Council. Contribution of the Human Rights Council to the special session of the
General Assembly on the world drug problem of 2016. (2015, March 23). Retrieved from

17. Junta Nacional de Drogas. Impact of the World Drug Problem in the exercise of Human Rights. (2015, May 15).
Retrieved from

18. United States Department of Justice, Office of the Deputy Attorney General. Guidance Regarding Marijuana
Enforcement. (2013, August 29). Retrieved from

19. International Narcotics Control Board. Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2013. United Nations.
(2014). Retrieved from

20. International Narcotics Control Board. Application of the international drug control treaties in countries with federal
structures. (2017, December). Retrieved from

21. Forero, J. Pot growers celebrate as Uruguay legalizes cultivation and consumption of marijuana. Washington Post.
(2013, October 23). Retrieved from

22. United States Department of Justice, Office of the Deputy Attorney General. Guidance Regarding Marijuana
Enforcement. (2013, August 29). Retrieved from

23. Marihuana: estudian alternativa a farmacias. Diario El País. (2017, August 25). Retrieved from

24. About 38 percent of Uruguay’s population lives in Montevideo and 42 percent of the cannabis-dispensing pharmacies
are located there.

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  22

25. Blanco, L. (2017, October 5). Personal interview.

26. La Policía seguirá allanando casas de cultivadores. El Observador. (2014, December 12). Retrieved from

27. Martínez, I. La Policía sigue allanando a cultivadores de marihuana registrados. La Diaria. (2017, July 7). Retrieved

28. Bello, C. Gobierno salió a fiscalizar a fin de evitar el turismo cannábico. El Observador. (2018, January 2). Retrieved

29. Capurro, E. Florece el turismo cannábico en Uruguay a pesar de estar prohibido. Vice. (2017, October 11). Retrieved
prohibido. Also see Vexler, E. Aunque se prohíbe para turistas, en Punta del Este los argentinos piden marihuana.
Clarín. (2018, January 7). Retrieved from

30. Presidencia de la República. Ingreso de turistas a Uruguay se incrementó 21% en 2017. Página Oficial de La
Presidencia de La República de Uruguay. (2017, December 29). Retrieved from

31. Sabini: La regularización de la marihuana ha sido “efectiva y necesaria.” Diario La República. (2018, January 1).
Retrieved from

32. Haberkorn, L. Uruguay leader calls Colorado pot law ‘fiction.’ The Denver Post. (2015, May 2). Retrieved from https://

33. Un primer día difícil para el cannabis medicinal. El Observador. (2017, December 20). Retrieved from

34. Empresa australiana comienza a plantar cannabis en Uruguay para uso medicinal. Montevideo
Portal. (2017, August 16). Retrieved from

35. Monitor Cannabis. Retrieved February 26, 2018, from

36. Article 42 of Law 19172: “It is hereby created within the scope of the Ministry of Public Health, a Specialized Unit in
Evaluation and Monitoring of this law that will have a technical nature and will be made up of personnel specialized
in the evaluation and monitoring of policies. It will be independent and will issue annual reports that, without being
binding, should be taken into consideration by the agencies and entities in charge of the execution of this law. Said
report will be submitted to the General Assembly.”

Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  23

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Uruguay’s cannabis law: Pioneering a new paradigm  24

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