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A. Motivation and Background

A sales and inventory system is a software-based business solution used to simultaneously track
sales activity and inventory. Manufacturers and trade resellers can both benefit from a thorough solution,
where single transaction entry records necessary details on the customer, products purchased, price and
date while also updating inventory levels.
Using computerized sales and inventory systems allows for much greater accuracy in stocking
and product management. They encourage ease of interaction between employees and shoppers as
transactions are processed and items move from the business to the consumer. Computerized sales help
provide better insight into which products are most popular. It also allows for enhanced marketing,
stocking and oversight of critical sales objectives.
Computerized sales and inventory systems save time for businesses by speeding up transactions
while raising accuracy. This allows for confidence in accounting and accountability among employees as
it is easy to verify how much money and what time transactions took place.
They also allow for consistent experiences in terms of customer service. People know there is always a
uniform interaction at the register that requires tendering payment, taking a receipt and transition of
ownership of products and services. This generates confidence in a business and ensures on going
consumer relationships. Computerized systems are the most common method of inventory control and
sales processing in retail markets.
In using this computerized sales and inventory system you can establish the benefits you and your
business handling may have. First is time savings. The amount of time that can be saved by a business is perhaps
the biggest benefit of using a computerized inventory system. In cases where a shop maintains all data manually,
its manager must reconcile each sales receipt with every piece of physical inventory. Depending on the size of
the establishment and how many different products are sold, this can be a daunting and time consuming task. If
that same store, however, used a computerized point of sale or POS System, the master inventory list would be
updated electronically each time a sale is made. The only thing a manager would have to do each day is print out
the report highlighting the inventory to be restocked. Second is accuracy. An additional benefit of using a
computerized inventory system is the accuracy it ensures. When an inventory list is maintained by hand, the
margin of error widens with each update. If one mathematical calculation is wrong or one typo is made, disaster
may occur. And lastly is the consistency. A small business operates most efficiently when its processes are
executed in a consistent manner. By using a computerized inventory system, a business owner can ensures that
all orders, reports and other documents relating to inventory are uniform in their presentation, regardless of

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who has created them. This will allow ease of reading. In addition, uniformity creates a professional appearance,
which can go a long way to impress associates, such as potential investors.
The company Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore is a small drugstore that is managed by one person,
the owner. The business sells different items or products like a typical grocery store that we can see
everywhere. Like some other convenience store, the business does their physical counting of stocks
manually. Technically, Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore is only using a manual system that may cause to
duplication of documents and work redundancy. The business is just depending on their manual listing
of products and inputs of data which is possible to commit errors. The business can’t view their proper
records of sales or income in a given time of the year. It also doesn’t have its proper listings of product.
In some instances, lost items are just being ignored by the owner. Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore doesn’t
have any extra employee today. But before, the business had one cashier on that time. And basically, it
reduced the income and force to remove employees. Now, the owner is the one who does all work in the
Handling a whole business is a difficult job to do, especially if you are alone. The owner is the
one who accepts the deliveries from the supplier, list the products delivered, arrange the product on the
shelves and many more. So it is possible that the owner will get confused, especially if the customer and
the supplier come in the same time. For example when there’s a customer and a supplier came. The
owner will get confused because he will attend to the needs of the customer while accepting the
delivered products. Their ways of managing the sales and inventory is that they manually save records,
accounts and their transaction which results to un-liquidated expenses. [1] Some expenses were not
being recorded especially when the attendant or the owner has to get an emergency need for the
business. Moreover, the expenses don’t have any unsupported transparency records. Records don’t
coincide the sales and the cash on hand. The given tally or the recorded amounts have their differences
especially in the recorded amounts and the cash on hand.

B. Aims and Objectives

The proponents now endorse our proposal which can help to implement good and accurate
system to the company. The proponents gave their best to satisfy the current needs of the business by
making a computerized sales and inventory system that will help them in their business. Develop and
implement computerized sales and inventory system for Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore that will enhance
the company’s operation.

Specific Objective

[1][2] Two problems stated of Josefa Pharmacia Drugstore
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To design, develop and implement a module that will handle the security for the system.
To design, develop and implement a file maintenance module that will handle the files, records
and important data of the business.
To design, develop and implement a sales module that will handle the sales transaction of their
To design, develop and implement a generated module that will handle the sales and inventory
To design, develop and implement an inventory module that will handle the inventory of

C. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study to Josefa Pharmacia Drugstore is that it will provide easy-to-use
and easy-accessed system thus; transactions will be more reliable and faster that they do not have to hire
another employer to do the job. It gives more accurate and secure records of sales and list of products.
 Admin – manages the adding of stocks, updating the inventory, and determining the users of the
 Customers - have the benefits of the printed receipts right after purchasing an item.
 Future Researchers - would see the possibilities of upgrading the system.
 Researcher – student, teacher, programmer and web-developer can benefit in this system
through a detailed document.
 Other Pharmacies – would have an idea of upgrading from manual system to computerized

D. Scope and Limitation

The proponents proposed system for Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore can do file
maintenance, product maintenance, transaction, product transaction, create an account and

To design, develop and implement a module that will handle the security for the system.
User Accounts – this contains the function for adding, and editing user
name and password. Of course the authorized user can only be the
one using the system.
User Level – A security access control system.

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Owner – can access the entire system.
In case they have the followings:
Staff – can access only the inventory

To design, develop and implement a file maintenance module that will handle the files, records
and important data of the business.
Products – It contains all the record of adding of products.
Employee – It contains all the record of adding and deleting of

To design, develop and implement a sales module that will handle the sales transaction of their
Purchased Order – a module that handles generating of purchase ordered for the
supplier when they came.
Bad Order (customer) – list of items buys by the customer to the business, but needed to
be return because of some damage product and must change with new ones but
this must be within the store only.
Acquisition – list of items that are needed to be checks for possible damages, and to the
company can return the damaged item to the specific supplier.

To design, develop and implement an inventory module that will handle the inventory of
products. All items that are available in the company are monitored by the use of the following
inventory methods:
Critical level – items that are low on stock will be monitored by the
system in order to have sufficient stock.

To design, develop and implement sales module that will handle the inventory of products. This
system provides sales transaction for the company. It holds information data regarding their sales
operations and provides an auto generated receipt for their customers.

To design, develop and implement a generated module that will handle the sales and inventory
reports. This will provide the generation of reports which are necessary in proper evaluation of
the company’s sales and inventory records.
 Product Maintenance
 Employee Maintenance
 Supplier Maintenance

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 Product Transaction
 Accept Deliveries
 Purchase Order (Directly on the supplier)
 Back Order(Customer)
 Bad Order(Customer)
 Acquisition

 Inventory Report
 Product List
 Supplier List
 Supplier Product List
 Product Supplier List
 Transaction Reports (Receipt)
 Returned Product List

The proponents proposed system for Pharmacia Josefa Drugstore cannot transact with the use of
credit card and cannot read or support barcodes and scanners.

E. Definition of Terms

Inventory – a complete list of the things that are in a place

Module – a computer program that does a particular job
Proponent – a person who supports something
Maintenance – the upkeep of property or equipment
Drugstore – a store that sells medicines and various other products
Stocks – the supply of goods available for sale in a store
Products – something that is made or grown to be sold or used
Transaction – the act of process of doing business with another person or company
POS- the time and place where retail transaction is completed and a point at which a
customer makes a payment to the merchant in exchange for goods or after
provision of a service
Reports – an official document that gives information about a particular subject
Liquidation – to determine liabilitiecs and a portion of assets
Business – the activity of making, buying, or selling goods or providing services in
exchange for money
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Employee – a person who works for another person or for a company for salary
Insufficient – not having or providing enough of what is needed
Inquiry – a request for information
Delivery – the act of taking something to a person or place
Security – the state of being protected or safe from harm
Staff – a group of people who work for a business
Purchase – to get something by paying money for it
Order – a product/s that someone has requested from a business
Supplier – to provide someone or something that is needed or wanted
Accuracy – the ability to work or perform without making mistakes
Consistency – of the same quality or good each time

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

(3) Computer-based system is a complex system wherein information technology plays a major
role. It makes the work easier, faster and more accurate. Due to that fact, the automated scheme has
become essential to small and big companies for they are expected to give the best services possible.
Nevertheless, some businesses still prefer sticking with the system that is not integrated with technology.
Probable causes are computer illiterate staff and lack of funds. Companies, especially the big ones are
recommended to switch from manual to automated systems because this will improve the efficiency and
productivity of the business which will uplift the industry’s reputation.

One of the most sought after automated systems of different companies is a sales and inventory
system which comes hand in hand. A sales and inventory system is very important in every organization
because a good sales and inventory management can create excellent productivity. Primarily, inventory
work consists of input, output and restock. Input is a process of buying new products into the inventory
and replacing the old products with the new ones. Meanwhile, output is a procedure of taking out the
products from the inventory for sales or usage and refill is a process of increasing the number of existing
products in the inventory in order to fulfill the insufficient products or escalating demands. Most of the
retailing market is using traditional way in the inventory management system where a person is assigned
to check and record the stock by hand using pen and paper. It is where operations with regards to all the
stock will be archived. (4) It is without a doubt that one of the major roles played by today in almost
every area in the society particularly in business and marketing is the computerized system. This system

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enables us to make very detailed work and follows accurate directives without error. The basic
advantages of the system are to make the process fast and well-organized which means that they can
process much more quickly than humans. Data retrieval has to be searched in lots of registers slowly and
it wastes a lot of time. It makes the data not reliable enough as it is hand written and there is a high
probability of errors to occur. Data recording consumes a lot of space since it is stored in cabinets and
folders. It is also prone to data loss where it could be missing because of improper file management.

Inventory is a company’s merchandise, goods and materials that are contained in the store
factory at any given time. The employees need to know how many units of their products are available
for reservation and sales and the items that are sold. All of these rely on the inventory system to present
solutions. The sales inventory system would provide service to the user, input information to the
database, summarize the inquiry of bills, and manage the product releases and storage. This would
generate a faster improvisation of work given less time and effort. (5)Inventory control systems maintain
information about activities within firms that ensure the delivery of products to customers. The
subsystems that perform these functions include sales, ordering, and receiving. In different firms the
activities associated with each of these areas may not be strictly contained within separate subsystems,
but these functions must be performed in sequence in order to have a well-run inventory control system.

In today's business environment, even small and mid-sized businesses have come to rely on
computerized inventory management systems. Certainly, there are plenty of small retail outlets,
manufacturers, and other businesses that continue to rely on manual means of inventory tracking.
Indeed, for some small businesses, like convenience stores, shoe stores, or nurseries, purchase of an
electronic inventory tracking system might constitute a wasteful use of financial resources. But for other
firms operating in industries that feature high volume turnover of raw materials and/or finished products,
computerized tracking systems have emerged as a key component of business strategies aimed at
increasing productivity and maintaining competitiveness. Moreover, the recent development of powerful
computer programs capable of addressing a wide variety of record keeping needs—including inventory
management—in one integrated system have also contributed to the growing popularity of electronic
inventory control options

Given such developments, it is little wonder that business experts commonly cite inventory
management as a vital element that can spell the difference between success and failure in today's keenly
competitive business world.

(6)Inventory is one of the most important in monitoring a stock that take place in business
activity. The inventory system does the entire task in computing the value with inventory (cost and
quality) and handling data or information. Inventory System maintains an orderly flow of supplies, raw
materials, or finished goods through an office shop/factory because of items in any inventory.
Represents cost, they need to be controlled. The purpose of inventory system for management are to

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keep inventory levels and cost at desire minimums while maintaining to proper safeguards over
materials to places and people who need them.

Inventory means goods and materials, or those goods and materials themselves, held available in
stock by a business. This word is also used for a list of the contents of a household and for a list for
testamentary purposes of the possessions of someone who has died. In accounting, inventory is
considered an asset.

(7)Automation can dramatically affect all phases of inventory management, including counting
and monitoring of inventory items; recording and retrieval of item storage locations; recording changes
to inventory; and anticipating inventory needs, including inventory handling requirements. Effective
Inventory Analysis. Get Data Related to Effective Inventory Analysis. For many distributors, inventory
is the largest and perhaps the most important asset. Inventory ties up more money than buildings or
equipment, and is often less “liquid.” It is crucial, then, that distributors develop and use a
comprehensive set of tools that allows close monitoring of the performance of inventory investments.

According to the study of Edwin Bello and his fellow researchers of Computerized Monitoring
and Inventory of Stock with Warning Level dated March 2005, many firms have thousands of items of
inventory which require some form of control. The usage calculations and record keeping chores would
soon become overwhelming were it not for the computer and its unique information storage and retrieval

(8)According to the study of Anna Marie Beltran Distor of Proposed Sales Monitoring System
issued 1995, the accelerated work structure of the company proper monitoring is essential in order to
keep track of the company’s sales activities. Her system aims to come up with an efficient, and accurate
mechanized system of preparing invoices that will keep track of the daily transaction and generate
reports. Important information will be provided by this study in order to prove that the computerization
of the company’s operation and achieve a more reliable and efficient means of monitoring day to day
activities. Her system focuses on the analysis and design of the sales monitoring system which will
monitor the stacks inventory of the sales departments. This system of hers is somewhat related to our
study but our system focuses more on the inventory monitoring system of a trading company.

(9)According to Kj Henderson, they have a three major advantages by using of inventory system
these are (Time savings, Accuracy, and Consistency) which helps a lot for a business man to increase the
sales of their business.

 Time Savings
As the old saying goes, “time is money”. The amount of time that can be saved by a
business is, perhaps, the biggest benefit of using a computerized inventory system. The only
thing a manager would have to do each day is print out the report highlighting the inventory to be
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 Accuracy
An additional benefit of using a computerized inventory system is the accuracy it ensures.
Eighteenth century English poet Alexander Pope is often quoted as having said, “To error is
human.” When an inventory list is maintained by hand, the margin of error widens with each
update. If one mathematical calculation is wrong or one typo is made, disaster may occur. For
instance, if a clerk accidentally adds a zero to the end of a purchase order, a business could
potentially end up paying for 10,000 units of merchandise as opposed to the 1,000 that is actually
 Consistency
A small business operates most efficiently when its processes are executed in a consistent
manner. By using a computerized inventory system, a business owner can ensures that all orders,
reports and other documents relating to inventory are uniform in their presentation, regardless of
who has created them.

(10)According to Neil Kokemuller, by using of Inventory system they have some disadvantages
by using of this. These are (Customer Needs, Inventory Costs, Coordination, and Risks).

Customer Needs, balancing the goals of avoiding stock outs while minimizing inventory costs is
at the heart of just-in-time inventory. One of the main benefits of automated and efficient
inventory replenishment systems is that you can quickly respond to reduced inventory levels.
Companies are now equipped to pull back on stock in a given product category and ramp up
inventory in another as customer needs and interests change.
Inventory , Costs Minimization of inventory management costs is a primary driver and benefit
of just-in-time practices. You also have less likelihood of throwing out product that gets old or
expires, meaning reduced waste.
Coordination, A disadvantage of managing a just-in-time inventory system is that it requires
significant coordination between retailers and suppliers in the distribution channel. Retailers
often put major trust in suppliers by syncing their computer systems with suppliers so they can
more directly monitor inventory levels at stores or in distribution centres to initiate rapid
response to low stock levels. This usually means build-up of technology infrastructure, which is
costly. This coordinated effort is more involving on the whole than less time intensive inventory
management systems.
Risks, just-in-time inventory is not without risks. By nature of what it is, companies using JIT
intend to walk a fine line between having too much and too little inventory. If company buyers
fail to adjust quickly to increased demand or if suppliers have distribution problems, the business
risks upsetting customers with stock outs. If buyers over compensate and buy extra inventory to
avoid stock outs, the company could experience higher inventory costs and the potential for

Here are the following examples in the field of sales and inventory system.

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Sales & Inventory Monitoring Systems(11)

 The ability to record a sale against a customer and/or builder specifying line items, quantities, discount
and GST applicable.
 The ability to receipt the sale as either an account or cash sale.
 The sales module must cater for quotes (provisional sales), credits and orders (pending
 The ability to merge detailed lines in an invoice to limit the granularity visible to the customer but still
retain the detail for inventory and reporting/enquiry purposes.
 The ability to automatically generate a purchase order or purchase order reminder when stock levels are
insufficient to satisfy the order.
 The ability to generate job cards to enable the manufacturing team to produce the door to suit the
customer’s order.

SPA Sales and Inventory Management System


 Easy configure.
 Tracking therapist job history
 Exportable reports.
 Query client inventory
 Send dispatch request.
 Implementation of security roles



 Allow user to enter item code either manually or automatically via barcode scanner. Automatic
call up the standard or sales price, compute the price at multiple quantities and provide running
 Pricing – System includes add-on amounts, percentage of cost, margin percentage, and custom
 Inventory management
 Promotions such as discount, percentage off, time and date triggered

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Medeil Pharmacy Management Software System (13)

 Sales- It’s where you take money from the customer in exchange for goods. The main function of
your PMS is to automate the sales process and keep a detailed history of all transactions.
 Inventory Control- The second most important function of PMS software is to keep track of your
inventory. Inventory control means knowing how much inventory you have and how much you
need to buy at any given time.
 Masters- The master is where you will manage your entire repository about merchandising,
distributor, hospital, doctor and employee information centrally to handle pharmacy operations
more efficiently.
 CRM- CRM stands for Customer-Relations-Management, it’s how you keep track of customers.
Our PMS will help you store a list of customers, Track their purchase history for repeat sales and
to conduct product promotions.
 Finance- Comprehensive easy to use accounting module with strong accounting control features.
The module improves inventory and purchasing process, trails accountability and eliminates
duplication of entries.
 Reports- As a pharmacy business, the standard and customized reports will enable you to trace
all activities hitherto with real time& historical data at your fingertips. This helps you analyze
your operation in just one click.

BarCloud Inventory Management Software(14)

Online Features
 User configurable to your specifications
 Track all inventory received in the cloud
 Track work-in-process (WIP)
 Receive using purchase order or without purchase order
 Receive to a default location or to a barcode scanned location
 Receive using unit of measure (U/M) multiplier
 Issue to customers / jobs / production / scrap
 Allow same stock number at multiple locations
 Record all inventory issued by destination
 Issue against sales order or without sales order
 Maintain standard inventory cost in the cloud
 Maintain supplier information in the cloud

Pharmaceutical Management System

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 The system covers typical operations like receiving medication from suppliers, processing
departments' medication requests, distributing medication to departments, returning expired
medication to suppliers.
 The system also maintains an inventory book on stock in/out details and provides monthly
inventory report and statistics on medication consumption.
 Pharmacy System keeps track of patient, doctor, drug and prescription records. It will print
receipts of indent, invoice, stock details, bills and others.

Pharniatrax (Pharmacy Information & Management System)


 This system is used to seamlessly combine five distinct functions that are v ital to a pharmacy -
prescription, dispensing, billing, purchasing and inventory management.
 This system contains item entry, purchase order and item maintenance for easy mark-up on the
 Every sales transaction is automatically deducted from the stock quantity for automatic inventory
generated report.

Chapter 3


A. Existing Theories and Ideas Associated

This chapter presents theories associated in obtaining necessary data, design and development of
the system. It involves discussion on the proposed conceptual framework diagram, the methods and
approaches used the tools and models, budget requirements and the schedules involving the
development of the system.

B. Context Diagram of the Proposed System

Admin Transaction
Josefa’s Drug
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Store Inventory
Report Inventory

Figure 1. Context Diagram of the Proposed System

Figure 1 shows the context diagram depicting the system. This type of diagram usually pictures the
system at the center, with no details of its interior structure, surrounded by all its interacting systems,
environment and activities. The Diagram explains the main Input, Process and Output of the System
where the Admin from the Input area in the left side decide to process his/her desired outcome. After it
process in the System which illustrates at the center of this diagram, it barely results with an output of
transaction consist of adding items. When the transaction process finished, the recorded files will be
seen in the inventory that process again in the system that later develops a report back to the Admin.

C. Methods and Approaches

In the conduct of the system analysis and design, the proponents will use the agile software
development method. Agile software development is a group of software development methods in which
solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes
adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and encourages
rapid and flexible response to change. Further, the use of this method brings clarity in the software
development. Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months). Regular adaptation
to changing circumstances even late changes in requirements are welcomed in this method we used.

D. Tools and Models

The proponent of this study uses the following tools and methods in the conduct of system
analysis, as follows;

“The Environmental Model was used to describe or show the limitations and the interaction
between our proposed system and the environment which it react. It focuses on the events that occur
outside the environment and those that need a response from the system. In doing so thus eliminates
irrelevant stimuli that occur outside the system. It is worthy to note the environment model is the most
important part of making complete model, for it give a bird’s eye view of the major steps and processes,
and enable the user to visualize relationships, the important element and movement that exist in the
system and to show the system react with the environment”.

On the aspect of system development, the following tools were used;

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Algorithm. An algorithm shows the proper sequence of steps that should be followed in order to
obtain the required output.

Flow Chart. It is the graphical representation of the process that involved in the system. It has
predefined graphics that describes the process the data involved to achieved desired output.

Visual Basic 6.0 Definition. Visual Basic 6.0 was the final edition of the software. This version
improved the productivity an ability for web applications, which led to the development of Visual Basic.
NET. Visual Basic 6.0 cannot be developed on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008.
Microsoft ceased mainstream support in 2005, and all support in 2008.

Microsoft Access 2007, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management
system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user
interface and software-development tools, It is a member of the Microsoft suite of application, include in
the Professional and Higher editions or sold separately.

E. Budget Requirements

The following is the hardware and software specification necessary in the implementation of the
system and necessary in the formulation of the essential budgetary requirements, as follows;

System Requirements Prize/Amount Total Prize

Receipt Printer 4,500 Php 4,500 Php
Desktop Unit 12,000 Php 12,000 Php
Bond paper (1 Rim) 150 Php 150 Php
Receipt paper roll 10 Php 10 Php
Programmer 10,000 Php 10,000 Php
TOTAL: - 26,660Php

F. Scheduling
The calendar of activities illustrates the software project schedule through a Gantt chart. This
Chart were the days we plan to make and develop our research. As being planned, we decided to
start this research on August 2015. In gathering data and our survey, we will make it within two
weeks with schedule from our subject class hours. From 1.2 up to 1.5 we agreed to make 1 task
per week. In designing and building of the prototype, we discussed that we’ll be creating it for
two weeks and a week after other task follow for the same number of days from WBS 2.
Developing the System Code where a little bit difficult for a reason that we will work on it for 3
weeks and 2 days. The WBS 2.3 until 4.3, we decided to do it on the same remaining days.
Figure 2 shows the effort estimation of the present study.
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Figure 2. Gantt Chart

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the analysis, design and development of the desired system conducted by
this study.

A. System Analysis

Event’s List

1.0 Process Transaction

1.1 Add Transaction Information
1.1.1 by Item Name
1.1.2 By Price
1.1.3 By Quantity
1.1.4 By Amount Received

1.2 Delete Transaction Information

2.0 Process Payment

3.0 Process Inventory

Experimental Method

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Response 1.1 Response
Admin Transaction System
Transaction Information Add Transaction
Information Information

Figure 3. Add Transaction Information

In this diagram, it discussed about the Admin, Transaction, and System. The Admin transact information
and it processes on the System. Moreover, it is like a cycle where after it reach at the system it responses
back to the Admin.

Response 2.0 Response

Admin System
Process Payment Process Payment

Figure 4. Process Payment

In this diagram, it discussed about the Admin, Payment, and System. The Admin process payment and it
proceeds to the System afterwards. When it reaches at the System it responses back to the Admin.

Response 3.0 Response

Admin Inventory System
Process Inventory Process Inventory

Figure 5. Process Inventory

In this diagram, it discussed about the Admin, Inventory, and System. The Admin process inventory and
it proceeds to the System afterwards. When it reaches at the System it responses back to the Admin.
Where the Admin can now view the Inventory Sales.

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B. Algorithm

Step 1: Start of the Program

Step 2: Initialize new transaction and inventory sales

Step 3: Decide to update in new transaction

Step 4: If yes: Print “ item name, item price, quality, amount received “

Step 5: If No: Click back

Step 6: Calculate whether item price * quality – amount received

Step 7: Click submit

Step 8: Print Change

Step 9: Decide to save the transaction

Step 10: If Yes: Proceed to Inventory Sales

Step 11: If No: Click back

Step 12: Decide to delete transaction

Step 13: If Yes: Print “Select all one ROW to HIT delete!!”

Step 14: If No: Click to save data

Step 15: Stop the program

C. Flowchart
The flowchart in adding a transaction.


Initialize new B
transaction and
inventory sales

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Print “item
in newname,
item price, quality,
amount onreceived”


item price * quality –

amount received


Print Submit


The flowchart of Inventory Sales


Proceed to
Inventory Sales

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Decide to NO Click to save
delete data


Print “Select all

one ROW to
HIT delete!!”

Click to save


D. Screenshots of the Proposed System

Adding a Transaction

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Checking the Inventory Sales

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Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter represents the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the present investigation.


The inclusion of Sales and Inventory System into the Pharmacia Josefa provides a
comprehensive sales and inventory system that is capable of providing and easy access sales and
inventory conditions to customers and partners.

There are problems that Pharmacia Josefa Drug Store encountered. One of it is that, their records don’t
coincide in their manually recorded data’s. Another problem is that they often forgot to record the
products that have been sold. The solution to these problems is to make automated or computerized sales
and inventory system. Making this system can minimize their time period and can help them process
their inventory easily. It is a hassle free and an easy access system. The system can Add, and Delete
data’s. It also has a transaction process so that in every product that the costumer will buy, will
automatically recorded to the inventory. The flow on how the system works is that the user must input
his or her username and password in for him or her to access the inventory, transaction process and
adding and deleting of data. The inventory consist of the list of the products, the quantity and its price.
While the transaction process consist of inputting data such as the Item name, Item price and the
quantity of the product, also the amount received from the customer. By clicking the submit button, it
will then, calculate the change and you can now save the data. After saving, it will automatically appear
on the inventory sales.


“Sales and Inventory System” software developed for a company has been designed to achieve
maximum efficiency and reduce the time taken to handle the Payroll activity. It is designed to replace an
existing manual record system thereby reducing time taken for calculations and for storing data. The
system uses Vb.Net as front end and Microsoft SQL as a backend for the database.

The system is strong enough to withstand regressive daily operations under conditions where the
database is maintained and cleared over a certain time of span. The implementation of the system in the
organization will considerably reduce data entry, time and also provide readily calculated reports.
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Nickname “Shin”


Home Address : 138-A Magsaysay Street, Miputak, Dipolog City

City Address : Miputak, Dipolog City

Mobile Number : 0946-235-0890

E-mail Address : [email protected]


Date of Birth : June 26, 1996

Place of Birth : Dipolog City

Age : 19

Gender : Female


Father’s Name : Albert R. Acopiado

Occupation : Businessman

Mother’s Maiden Name : Armelita B. Acopiado

Occupation : Housewife


College : Saint Vincent’s College

Secondary : Zamboanga del Norte National High School

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Elementary : Dipolog Pilot Demonstration School


Nickname “”


Home Address :

City Address :

Mobile Number :

E-mail Address :


Date of Birth :

Place of Birth :

Age :

Gender :


Father’s Name :

Occupation :

Mother’s Maiden Name :

Occupation :


College :

Secondary :

Elementary :

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Nickname “Thana”


Home Address : 447 Rizal Avenue Extension

City Address : Estaka, Dipolog City

Mobile Number : 0949-806-5877

E-mail Address : [email protected]


Date of Birth : March 8, 1997

Place of Birth : North maternity and Hospital, Dipolog City

Age : 18

Gender : Female


Father’s Name : Jose Noel S. Gomez

Occupation : None

Mother’s Maiden Name : Ma. Tesie L. Gomez

Occupation : Beautician


College : Saint Vincent’s College

Secondary : Zamboanga del Norte National High School

Elementary : Estaka Elementary School

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Nickname “Khae”


Home Address : Purok 1, Poblacion, Sibutad Zamboanga del Norte

City Address : Fr. N.Y Patangan Rd., Sta. Isabel, Dipolog City

Mobile Number : 0927-714-7924

E-mail Address : [email protected]


Date of Birth : March 8, 1992

Place of Birth : Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte

Age : 23

Gender : Female


Father’s Name : Rogelio C. Santiago

Occupation : SB Secretary, Sibutad

Mother’s Maiden Name : Josebel E. Cabanlit

Occupation : Election Officer (Sibutad)


College : Saint Vincent’s College

Secondary : Saint Vincent’s College

Elementary :Sibutad Central School

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