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South African Journal of Education, Volume 37, Number 1, February 2017 1

Art. # 1334, 11 pages, doi: 10.15700/saje.v37n1a1334

Empowering principals to lead and manage public schools effectively in the 21st century

Raj Mestry
Department of Education Leadership and Management, Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
[email protected]

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Nelson Mandela, 1994)

Globally, education systems have been affected by radical social, political and economic changes. Although school
principals play a pivotal role in improving student learning and attaining educational outcomes, they work under strenuous
conditions to deal with multifaceted transformational issues. Principals experience great difficulty in coping with numerous
changes, partly because they are inadequately prepared for their leadership position, or simply lack the necessary skills,
knowledge and attitudes to lead and manage schools effectively and efficiently. Fundamentally, principals should be
empowered to effectively deal with challenges facing them in the 21st century. Using qualitative research, this study
explored the importance of promoting a culture of professional development that will prepare principals to confront
education challenges and obstacles facing them. Fifteen principals were selected to determine their perceptions and
experiences of how they were prepared and professionally developed to lead and manage schools. Findings revealed that in
South Africa, there is no formal preparation for aspiring or practicing principals taking on leadership and management
positions, and very few in-service professional development programmes are available. There is a dire need for education
authorities to introduce compulsory training and development programmes for aspiring and practicing school leaders to lead
and manage their schools successfully.

Keywords: change management; continuing professional development; curriculum leadership; instruction; principalship;
professionalization; qualifications; training

Introduction and Background to the Problem

In many emerging economies in developing countries, substantial investments have been made in education,
with the hope of generating a highly skilled labour force and high proportion of employment. Despite these
investments, there is growing concern globally that many public schools are not functioning at their optimum,
and that learner performance is generally of a low standard. However, many nations around the world have
undertaken wide-ranging reforms of curriculum, instruction, and assessment, with the intention of better
preparing principals for the educational demands of life and work in the 21st century (Bush, 2005; Russell &
Cranston, 2012). The rapid rate at which changes have taken place, and are still taking place, together with the
increased volume of administrative work, has placed principals under enormous pressure (Kinney, 2009).
Managing change is complex, and usually an elusive process. According to Thurlow, Bush and Coleman (2003),
it is difficult to explore potential approaches to managing change in the troubled and exhilarating context of
South Africa. Changes in the new system of governance in schools have unfortunately resulted in principals
being unprepared for their new role as ‘chief executive officers’ (Department of Education (DoE), 1996:18).
Principals may also experience difficulty in adapting to their new roles and new channels of communication
which results in role ambiguity (Dimmock & Hattie, 1994, cited in Heystek, 2016). Perhaps one of the major
changes in the principalship has been the range of expectations placed on them and these expectations have been
moved from the demands for management and control to the demand for an educational leader who can foster
professional development among staff (Mestry & Grobler, 2004; Steyn, 2002). Bottery (2016:98) argues that
principals find themselves working extra hours, “not just on weekday evenings but also at weekends and during
school holidays, […] where the job becomes unsustainable if they do not”.
It is important for principals to understand leadership as a process and to develop human relation skills and
promote joint action to ensure school improvement and effectiveness (Steyn, 2009). According to Starr (2009),
the role of the principal now equates with that of a chief executive officer (CEO) of a corporate organisation
responsible for strategic planning, budgets, managing industrial relations, procuring resources and facilitating
marketing and public relations. Botha (2004) asserts that the principal’s role in the new educational dispensation
represents a balance between instructional leadership and management: leadership deals with areas such as
supervising the curriculum, improving the instructional programme of the school, working with staff to identify
the vision and mission for the school, and building a close relationship with the community. Management, on
the other hand, includes factors such as supervising the budget, maintaining the school buildings and grounds,
and complying with educational policies and acts. Many practicing principals lack basic leadership and
management training prior to and after their entry into principalship (Bush & Oduro, 2006; Heystek, 2016).
Tsukudu and Taylor, (1995, cited in Bush & Oduro, 2006:362) assert that “head teachers come to headship
without having been prepared for their new role. As a result, they often have to rely on experience and common
sense”. However, such are the demands being made upon leaders and managers now, including head teachers,
2 Mestry

that acquiring expertise can no longer be left to continually enhance their skills, attributes and com-
common sense and character alone; leadership and petencies through structured continuing profession-
management development support is needed (Bush al development (CPD) programmes.
& Oduro, 2006; Mestry & Singh, 2007). The research problem explored in this article
Globally, the poor academic standards at is: How do principals perceive and experience their
school level could be amongst other reasons, sym- own professional development to enhance their
ptomatic of a lack of effective leadership and leadership roles? The following questions were
management in schools (Spaull, 2013). Kallaway posed to direct this study: what is understood by
(2009:10) posits that “(t)he crisis that has been CPD and of what importance is CPD to principals;
predicted by many experienced educationists ever and, how can principals be empowered to become
since the early ’90s is finally reaching such tragic effective leaders by participating in formal CPD
proportions that we have to face the real prospect programmes?
of a ‘lost generation’ that we never imagined in the
past”. At national level, researchers concur with the A Changing Profile of School Leadership:
belief that many principals lack the relevant know- Continuing Professional Development
ledge and skills to lead their schools effectively Professional development (PD), continuing pro-
(Mestry & Singh, 2007) and this has had serious fessional development (CPD) and in-service train-
implications for learner performance. There is thus ing (INSET) are used interchangeably to refer to all
a dire need for education authorities to continually types of professional learning undertaken by prac-
develop and support principals so that they can ticing or aspiring principals beyond the point of
effectively lead schools. This study is thus im- initial training (Craft, 2000). Some professionals
portant to inform practice and policy on imple- consider CPD as training, as a means of keeping
menting such professional development systems in abreast, or as a way of building a career, while
countries undergoing transformation, as well as professional associations hold the view that CPD is
those with scarce resources and a high level need, part of lifelong learning; a means of gaining career
as change should be managed prudently for or- security; a means of personal development; a
ganisational effectiveness. This study is also likely means of assuring the public that individual pro-
to contribute to the body of change knowledge in fessionals are up-to-date; a method whereby
education and the advancement of theory pertaining professional associations can verify competence;
to change in human resource development. and a way of providing employers with a com-
In South Africa, for example, in 2011, learner petent and adaptable workforce (Friedman &
achievement in the Annual National Assessment Phillips, 2004).
(ANA) report remained poor: Grade Three learners CPD can be interpreted as a structured app-
achieved a pass rate of 35% in Literacy and 26% in roach to learning that will facilitate competence to
Numeracy while Grade Six learners achieved a practice by intensifying knowledge, skills and
pass rate of 28% in Language and 30% in Math- practical experience. CPD in school education
ematics (Joseph, 2011). Students also fared poorly consists of any educational activity which helps to
in the recent National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) maintain, develop or increase knowledge, problem-
Examinations and the National Systemic Tests solving skills, technical skills or professional
conducted by the (DoE) to Grade Three learners performance standards, all with the goal of pro-
(2002) and Grade Six learners (2004) in Nu- viding quality education. CPD can involve any
meracy/Mathematics and Literacy Examination. relevant learning activity, whether formal and
The average pass rate for the National Senior structured or informal and self-directed. Day and
Certificate in 2012 was 73.9 percent. These Sachs (2004) and Hirsch (2009) describe CPD as
startling statistics only serve to confirm the poor all those activities in which educators engage
performance of learners across the board (Bloch, during the course of a career, which are designed to
2009; Fleisch, 2008). The relationship between enhance their work. They argue that this may be a
school leadership and educational outcomes has deceptively simple description of a hugely complex
been well documented (Bush, 2005). Principals, intellectual and emotional endeavour, which is at
head teachers and deputy principals are normally the heart of raising standards of teaching, learning
held accountable for students’ academic per- and achievement in a range of schools, each of
formance. Goslin (2009) argues that principals tend which poses its own set of special challenges.
to overlook their responsibilities of curriculum or Education leadership and management should be
instructional leadership, because they are not fully seen as a process where the development of edu-
aware of their primary task, or they are too busy cation leaders and the achievement of organi-
attending to their administrative duties, and either sational goals are synchronised (Mestry & Grobler,
resolving conflicts among role players or main- 2004). The process of development is mainly
taining student discipline. There is thus a dire need concerned with equipping principals to acquire and
for principals to be empowered and professionally improve the necessary competencies to lead and
prepared for their roles as heads of schools, and to manage their schools effectively (McLay & Brown,
South African Journal of Education, Volume 37, Number 1, February 2017 3

2003). According to Guskey (2002), high-quality participating in formal professional development

professional development is a central component in programmes so that they can effectively adapt to
nearly every modern proposal for improving their roles and responsibilities, which are changing
education. While proposed professional develop- radically. According to study undertaken by Bush
ment programmes vary widely in their content and and Heystek (2006) and Piggot-Irvine, Howse and
format, most share a common purpose: to alter the Richard (2013), South African principals require
professional practices, beliefs, and understanding development in supporting networks, policy issues
of school principals toward the achievement of and interpersonal skills, and place a strong focus on
school goals, namely, the improvement of student their administrative, financial and human resource
learning. Professional development programmes management role.
are systematic efforts to bring about change in
school leadership and management where new Theoretical Framework
behaviours, attitudes and beliefs contribute to the Theories in change management have been used as
learning outcomes of students. frame for this study. Change denotes making or
Many progressive countries have placed CPD becoming distinctly different and implies a radical
for school leaders high on the education agenda. In transformation of character or replacement with
the United Kingdom (UK), for example, the something else. Applied to the principals’ pro-
challenge of training school leaders has been fessional development, change is the process of
accorded the highest priority of any social goal. At transforming the schools’ organisational practices
the insistence of the former Prime Minister Tony into new behaviours that support a shared vision of
Blair, his staff was directed to benchmark inter- achieving the institutions’ goals. The basic frame-
national practices and find leading experts on the work followed in this study to examine this change
topic to advise the government (Roe & Drake, process was Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Model
1980:272). In the United States of America (US), (1951) to embrace change and achieve organi-
CPD programmes are usually offered by external sational goals (Robbins & Judge, 2010). According
agencies. For example, the Wallace Foundation, a to Senior (2002:308), Lewin’s Force Field Model
national philanthropy organisation based in New states that “organisations are held in equilibrium by
York City provides, among other, school leadership equal and opposing, driving and resisting forces”.
training for head teachers. It attracts high-quality The driving forces may include competitive
candidates and provides free, high-quality pro- pressures, legislative mandates, new technology,
fessional development for successful teachers and and environmental factors. Kurt Lewin’s Force
assistant principals interested in improving their Field Model (1951) advocates three stages (Queen-
leadership skills and possibly becoming a principal Mary & Mtapuri, 2014):
(The Wallace Foundation, 2013). The idea is to  Unfreezing: In this stage principals have to reflect
create a pathway to school leadership for effective on their current practices before they adapt new
teachers and other top instructors, who may not behaviours.
have considered the job of headship. The Canadian  Moving or Changing: Principals consider making
changes that will most likely contribute to achieving
government, using the Energising Ontario Edu-
the organisational goals of their schools.
cation model of improving education through more  Refreezing: Once changes are effected, new be-
effective school leaders, developed a coherent haviours become apparent through what is observed
leadership strategy to provide adequate contextual within the organisation.
support for school leaders (OECD, 2010; Schlei- In the case of this study, it is evident that the
cher, 2012). In Singapore, successful potential government’s legislative mandates are the driving
school leaders are selected to attend the Manage- force in organisational changes at public schools.
ment and Leadership in Schools programme at Resisting forces include established customs and
Singapore’s National Institute for Education, based practices, teacher union agreements and the
on interviews and leadership-situation exercises. organisation’s culture. Senior (2002:308) argues
Once accepted, aspiring school leaders can attend that the main focus of the “unfreezing stage is
the four-month executive leadership training. centred on changing the principal’s habitual modes
Potential vice principals attend a six-month ‘Lead- of thinking” as a result of new legislation, diversity
ers in Education’ programme. Candidates in both in school population and technological advance-
programmes are paid during their training. Only 35 ment, to heighten awareness of the need to change.
people are selected for the executive leadership Thus, there is a definite need to move away from
training each year (Mourshed, Chijioke & Barber, established behaviours to create new behaviours.
2010, cited in Schleicher, 2012). It is thus crucial Once the principal has chosen a course of action,
for the South African education authorities to he/she has to share insights about the problem, its
attract and select prospective principals with the probable causes, and the identified solutions with
right leadership and management qualities to lead school management teams (SMTs), teachers,
public schools. Prospective and practicing prin- school governing bodies (SGBs) and other stake-
cipals should be afforded the opportunity of holders of the organisation. Moving (change) is the
4 Mestry

second stage of the process that essentially makes had served as principals for more than three years
the actual changes. Principals embark on pro- at these schools. These principals headed schools
fessional development programmes that will move that were situated in inner cities, townships and
the principal to new types of behaviour. Van der affluent suburbs. After receiving consent from the
Westhuizen (2002) agrees that movement involves participants, individual interviews were conducted
the development of new norms, values, attitudes, in their offices after school hours. Each interview
and behaviour through the identification of changes lasted between 45 and 60 minutes, until data
in the structure. In the refreezing stage, the prin- saturation was reached and no new information
cipal’s behaviours become apparent where a emerged. The interviews were conducted in no
“shared vision” could inspire the participation to particular order or district, but was dependent on
attain the desired future goals of the institution the availability of the participants.
(Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, Roth & Smith, Data were analysed for content, broadly using
1999). The third stage (refreezing) becomes app- Tesch’s method of open coding (Creswell, 2014) in
arent when changes are observed within the order to identify themes or categories. Tesch’s
organisation. method provided a systematic approach to the
analysis of the qualitative data. The data was
Aim and Objectives of the Study reviewed to establish value, depth and richness.
The primary aim of this study was to explore the Data was analysed by reading the transcriptions,
perceptions and experiences of practicing prin- giving attention to patterns and commonalities,
cipals of their professional development, and how while validity was established. The data was then
this enhanced their leadership roles. This aim was linked with the research aims and objectives, in
encapsulated by the following objectives, namely order to establish whether these had been achieved.
to: This then involved the identification of topics, the
 advance a clear understanding of continuing pro- use of coding into categories, and the emergence of
fessional development and its importance for themes. The study adhered to strict ethical require-
principals; and ments. Consent was requested from the Gauteng
 empower principals to become effective leaders as a Department of Education (GDE) and principals of
result of gaining access to and participating in for-
the selected schools. Participants were ensured of
mal CPD programmes.
their anonymity, and were made aware that they
Research Design and Methodology could withdraw from the research at any time. To
An interpretivist qualitative research methodology ensure confidentiality, no personal information
brought to the forefront the varied experiences and would be revealed without the participants’ con-
perceptions of principals of their preparation for sent.
leadership positions and participation in profession- Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) norms of
al development programmes. Standardised open- trustworthiness, namely, credibility, transferability,
ended qualitative questionnaires followed by dependability and confirmability (Shenton, 2004)
individual interviews were the main data-gathering were considered relevant for this study. Prolonged
tools used to explore the unique nature of prin- engagement, triangulation, member checks and
cipals’ experiences and perceptions of CPD. The peer debriefing were used to promote confidence
standardised open-ended interviews were structured that the researcher had accurately recorded the
in terms of the wording of the questions that phenomena under investigation (credibility). Trans-
allowed the participants to contribute as much ferability was addressed through purposive sam-
detailed information as they desired (Gall, Gall & pling and through the provision of rich descrip-
Borg, 2003; Kvale, 2007). With open-ended ques- tions, which allowed the researchers to gain a
tions, participants were free to respond in their own proper understanding of the phenomenon under
words, and their responses were comprehensive. investigation. Regular checks were done with the
The individual interviews allowed the researcher to participants to ensure the accuracy of data collec-
clarify participants’ responses and to delve deeper tion (member checks), that is, transcription of
in order to gather data-rich feedback from the interviews was given to each participant to verify
sampled principals (Creswell, 2007). The inter- (Shenton, 2004).
views allowed principals to communicate areas of
concern with regard to their professional develop- Findings
ment, and provided the researcher with oppor- The collected data were analysed and three themes
tunities to request clarification. emerged: The significance of principals enriching
Purposive sampling methods were used to their qualifications; Principals’ access to CPD
select fifteen principals of public primary and programmes; and self-evaluation and personal
secondary schools in three education districts in the professional development. The principals’ res-
Gauteng Province of South Africa: Gauteng West, ponses have been coded as follows: FGW denotes
Gauteng East and Johannesburg Central. The sam- Principal F of Gauteng West, GGW, Principal G of
pled participants included males and females who Gauteng West, etc.; AGE signifies Principal A of
South African Journal of Education, Volume 37, Number 1, February 2017 5

Gauteng East, BGE, Principal B of Gauteng East, head of department (HoD) and my qualifications
etc.; and JJC represent Johannesburg Central, contributed significantly to my successfully leading
Principal J, and KJC, Principal K of Johannesburg the school”. She emphasised that the module,
Central, etc. Organisational Behaviour at M.Ed level harnessed
her skills in managing the change environment.
Theme 1: The Significance of Principals’ enriching MJC had passed through the ranks of head of
their Professional Qualifications department (HoD) and deputy principal before he
Although most of the participants complied with took on the principalship position. Although he
the basic requirement of holding a three year teach- acquired numerous qualifications, he felt that his
ers’ diploma, and had seven years teaching ex- experience as HoD provided him a strong foun-
perience when they were appointed as principals, dation to effectively lead a school. This is what he
they had subsequently improved their qualifications shared with me:
by either completing an Advanced Certificate in I gained experience as a manager in my
Education (ACE), or postgraduate studies at ter- department. I monitored the work of teachers and
tiary institutions. These qualifications empowered gave reports to my principal. In 1996, I was
them to deal with pertinent administrative, staffing, promoted to deputy principal, that time I got more
and teaching and learning matters, by improving experience of managing the school, because our
their basic qualifications. principal was on and off, because he was sick. I
became ready to lead a school. In 2003, I was
Principal BGE explained that “the B.Ed promoted as a principal in this school, and I
(Hons) afforded me the necessary skills to deal with registered for the ACE course in leadership, which
legal and curriculum management issues, while the assisted me in growing to be a good leader. [all
M.Ed endowed me with relevant knowledge and sic]
skills in strategic planning and setting medium and HGW, who holds a Doctorate in Education, claims
long-term goals”, IGW concurred with BGE that that it is through many years of teaching experience
“the B.Ed (Hons) boosted my self-esteem in data and interaction with different cultures and people in
informed decision-making … and I can analyse and different countries, that prepares one adequately for
interpret data for strategic planning and support”. the principalship position.
FGW, who before completing the ACE (Education
Leadership) in 2014, stated: Theme 2: Principals’ Access to CPD Programmes
I realised that my knowledge was compromised CPD for principals is emphasised in the Integrated
and very limited pertaining to management and Quality Management System (IQMS) informed by
leadership. I found out that I did not understand Schedule I of the Employment of Educators Act,
what it meant to manage education change … No. 76 (Republic of South Africa, 1998). The
through this course I was able to acquire deep
updated knowledge, which involved complex skills
Minister of Basic Education is mandated to
adapted for every circumstance. determine performance standards for teachers and
JJC, who completed the ACE and B.Ed (Hons) in SMTs that evaluate their performance in schools.
Leadership and Management, and is currently The IQMS consists of three programmes aimed at
reading for her Master’s, confirms the above view: enhancing and monitoring performance of the
The qualifications I obtained definitely keeps me education system (Education Labour Relations
updated and affords me the relevant skills and Council (ELRC), Resolution 8 of 2003). These
knowledge to deal with everyday, complex sit- include Developmental Appraisal (DA); Perform-
uations. I am also of the view that principals must ance Measurement (PM); and Whole School
be continually trained to keep abreast of latest Evaluation (WSE). The district offices have the
developments. [all sic] overall responsibility of advocacy, training and
LJC waxed lyrical of the ACE qualification that she proper implementation of the IQMS. CPD is an
recently obtained: aspect of DA, which aims to appraise individual
This programme changed the whole school set up educators in a transparent manner, with the view to
to become an enabling environment for effective
teaching and learning. It has also helped me to
determining areas of strength and weakness, and to
bring all stakeholders that are designed to support draw up programmes for individual professional
the school to work as a collaborative structure … it development. DA is designed to provide support
has empowered me, together with other School for continued growth, and to promote account-
Management Team (SMT) members, to improve ability. As part of the process, a principal should
teaching and learning. [all sic] select his/her immediate line manager (district
Some of the participants believed that improving official) and a peer (principal of another school) to
their qualifications, combined with their experience serve in his/her Development Support Group
in school management positions, contributed to (DSG), and they are responsible for the principal’s
them being effective leaders. Principal DGE, who professional development. JJC expressed her con-
is also currently reading for her Master’s degree in cern of the IQMS process:
Education Leadership and Management, submitted I am not happy with the manner the CPD is
that “my eight years’ management experience as managed, whereby I have to report on my Personal
6 Mestry

Professional Development Plan. I am of the view about the CPD programmes facilitated by the
that my immediate senior, who is the Circuit education district offices. The programmes he att-
Manager, ought to report on my behalf, based on ended, “offered nothing new, as these were aimed
the know-how during the monitoring exercise at newly appointed SGBs and principals – a one
conducted on principals, because it is time-con-
suming to gather evidence and do the reporting in
size fits all”. BGE expressed similar sentiments:
I have attended some workshops such as CAPS and
June and November of each academic year. [all
Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) training. At the moment, it is a ‘one size fits
Responses of most principals revealed that edu- all’ approach by the Department, and they are
cation districts have not attached any importance to seemingly working on specific programmes as
CPD for principals. Most of the development requested by specific educators and schools. At the
programmes arranged by education districts deal moment, the CPD programmes are not catering for
mainly with curriculum changes such as the our personal needs. [all sic]
National Curriculum Statement (NCS), Revised This opinion was also shared by principals CGE
National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) and Curri- and DGE. NJC shared her thoughts on the role of
culum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). the education districts:
In some districts, ad hoc development programmes, The Department’s role on CPD for principals is
such as school governing body (SGB) training and not satisfactory. As a new principal, only one CPD
financial management workshops were provided. programme was conducted last year (that I failed
AGE asserts that: to attend due to family commitments). The work-
shop had its focus on curriculum management.
I attended very few Department/External CPD
According to those who did attend and from the
programmes in the last two years. I don’t really
material distributed, it was quite informative. Since
know if the training and meetings, like the SGB
it was the only programme for the year (2015), the
training that I attended, were CPD programmes… .
maximum of 80 hours was not reached as required
To my knowledge very few programmes were
by the Personnel Administrative Measures (PAM)
offered. If there are many CPD programmes
as it was only a three day workshop. This was a
offered by the GDE, obviously it is not well
‘one size fit all’ workshop where individual areas
communicated. [all sic]
of development was not taken into consideration.
These CPD programmes had limited benefits for The quality of the content during the three days
principals who required training and development were very mediocre. [all sic]
in matters relating to leadership and management. GGW shared the same views as most of the other
However, IGW had high regard for the Department participants:
and articulated the following: CPD programmes are imposed on principals.
(They) play a pivotal role in ensuring quality There should be a strong desire from the part of
development of principals to ensure quality leaders to acquire knowledge, skills and strategies
curriculum delivery, and effective leadership and to excel in their profession. The programme, such
management. Through facilitating continuous pro- as Coaching and Mentorship, were imposed on
fessional development and training, the department principals, and were in my opinion of low quality,
is successful in keeping principals abreast on waste of money, and added no value to the
current education developments and offering a development programmes. [all sic]
platform for principals to develop and support CGE concurred with the feelings expressed by
each other. [all sic] other principals. She indicated that:
MJC shared a similar reaction: (The) Department held workshops normally arising
The Department of Education is playing a leading on a need-to-know basis. For example, if a new
role in registering principals for readiness to lead. circular is sent by Head Office, then our district
I was registered in school leadership as mentioned conducts a workshop to bring it to our attention.
above. The department carried all the costs for this These workshops are usually conducted in school
course. I have also registered with South African halls, which are overcrowded. [all sic]
Principals Association (SAPA) which assists us to CPD programmes are also offered by external
be the best leaders. The department also sent me to
London with another principal and district director
agencies. These include tertiary institutions, non-
to visit other schools there. It was a very good governmental organisations (NGOs) and the South
initiative. We are also partnering with those African Council for Educators (SACE). KJC was
schools. [all sic] involved with training and development arranged
Regarding the quality of CPD programmes offered by external agencies such as Matthew Goniwe
to principals, it would appear that most of the School for Leadership and Governance (MGSLG)
workshops organised by education districts ranged and the University of Johannesburg. JGW was not
from below par to mediocre, and most programmes very positive about the role of some of the NGOs:
delivered were mainly “one size fits all”. Accord- Although MGSLG and other institutions of higher
ing to Darling-Hammond and Richardson (2009), learning have been offering programmes specifi-
the ‘workshop’ professional development model cally crafted to develop principals, this has not
necessarily translated into acquired skills to effec-
that the Department applies is generic, and usually tively administer, lead and manage schools (par-
ineffective. The needs of the participants were not ticularly high schools). This is, in my view, because
considered at all. LJC expressed serious reservation they are one size fits all kind of programmes, and
South African Journal of Education, Volume 37, Number 1, February 2017 7

for that reason fall short to equip principals with University of Johannesburg. These sessions pro-
skills to deal with daily demands and challenges in vided me with new perspectives of how to deal with
their jobs. [all sic] leadership and management matters. [all sic]
FGW expressed high regard for SACE. She asserts Principal CGE concurred with JGW:
that the SACE is: CPD programmes offered by the Department of
… involved in providing CPD programmes for Education have contributed to a limited extent to
leaders. SACE contributes to helping leaders to my development as a leader or manager. However,
acquire knowledge which is continuously updated, I do feel that my own initiatives to develop myself
widened and involve skill building to strengthen the professionally have contributed, to a large extent
capacity of leaders along understanding and de- and more effectively, to my development as an
velopment, and to renew their commitment and effective leader. When challenges arise or when I
dedication to their profession … [all sic] feel the need to know more about certain aspects I
FGW shared her views on trade unions: am much more capable of doing online and other
[they] also provide professional development media research; and this has boosted my con-
workshops to improve knowledge and skills, but fidence, and in turn my capability to lead. I have
some of their programmes … are being politicised invited specialists from tertiary institutions to
and no monitoring of the process. provide me personal professional development. All
MJC indicated that she: the costs were borne from my personal income. [all
attended at Penreach for computer studies; we go sic]
there once a month from nine hrs to 13hrs. For the Principal KJC, who attended numerous workshops
past three years I have been busy with Penreach; on leadership and management organised by local
doing management workshops and computers. This universities, indicated that she was afforded the
has been most beneficial to me. [all sic] opportunity to network with other principals and
AGE provided a suggestion that: “copy good practice”. She added that:
… the Department should do a survey to find out Looking at the state of the school at the time I was
what are our needs, and then base their training appointed and now, I see a remarkable improve-
and development on these needs. They or external ment in the way learning materials are presented,
agencies can develop training programmes that are involvement of educators in outcomes assessments,
custom built. [all sic] recordkeeping, governance, attitude of teachers
BGE also provided an idea: towards their work, learner discipline, and par-
Ongoing professional development is a must for all ents’ involvement in all school matters. This could
educators and needs to be done before (own only be achieved by taking the initiative of
emphasis) a leader takes up a position. I improved professionally developing myself. [all sic]
my qualifications and this has prepared me to take
on leadership positions. [all sic] Discussion
The findings indicate that leadership preparation
Theme 3: Self-Evaluation and Personal and training are central to school effectiveness and
Professional Development school improvement. The participants unanimously
Based on the IQMS policy, principals are also agreed that they were appointed as principals
required to reflect on their own practice and without having any professional training or formal
determine their own professional needs. Although preparation for their principalship position. In
most principals complied with the requirement of South Africa, there are no rigorous criteria for
self-evaluation, this process was seen merely as a educators to be appointed as school principals
paper exercise, and not taken seriously. A possible (Bush, Kiggundu & Moorosi, 2011; Townsend &
reason for the apathy is that performance manage- MacBeath, 2011). Currently, South Africa is one of
ment is linked to a one percent salary increment, the few countries that do not require a compulsory
and the DSG (the immediate line-manager and and specific qualification for principalship (Van der
peers) are hesitant to give principals a low rating. Westhuizen & Van Vuuren, 2007), unlike countries
All the participants were thus positive that self- such as the UK and US, that have national
evaluation is conducted on an on-going basis. qualification structures in place (Quong, 2006;
However, there was very little evidence that most Walker & Qian, 2006). In the US, a teacher is only
of the principals’ personal professional develop- eligible to apply for the principal’s post once he/she
ment programmes were initiated. Some indicated has completed the Master of Educational Ad-
that they did not depend entirely on the education ministration degree (Tucker & Codding, 2002). In
districts to provide professional development the UK, teachers who wish to continue up the
programmes. Principal JGW explained: career ladder first become senior teachers or deputy
I chose to develop myself instead of waiting for the heads, and thereafter work with the principal as a
Department’s CPD programmes to be implement- member of the senior management team. With an
ed. I attended training sessions arranged by the
Education Leadership Institute of the University of
average of about five years’ experience as a deputy,
Johannesburg. I attended workshops on Education they can apply for headship posts. According to the
Policy and Law and Financial Management. I also Employment for Educators Act (Republic of South
had the opportunity of attending a series of work- Africa, 1998), an applicant should at least hold a
shops on the role of SMT arranged by MGSLG and three year teacher’s diploma (REQV 13) and seven
8 Mestry

years teaching experience. This implies that a post The third theme dealt with self-evaluation.
level one teacher may be appointed as principal on The participants explained the purpose of a self-
the recommendation of the school governing body evaluation, namely, to inform them of their
(SGB), without having any leadership and manage- personal goals and the need for professional
ment qualifications or experience (e.g. passing development. Piggot-Irvine (2010) asserts that
through the ranks of head of department or deputy although the complexity of the principal’s role
principal). provides challenges for such principal develop-
The Ministry of Education has made nu- ment, there is an increasing awareness of approach-
merous attempts to raise the professional standards es worthy of consideration. For example, the
and competencies of school principals by principal’s self-evaluation on instructional leader-
formulating the South African National Profession- ship determines whether the principal satisfactorily
al Qualification for Principalship (DoE, 2004). This develops and implements a school improvement
draft policy identifies a number of key principles plan that results in increased learner achievement;
that ought to inform a national professional quali- working with teams to develop realistic and
fication for existing and aspiring principals. More attainable goals regarding learner achievement;
recently, the South African Standards for Prin- implementing a system for monitoring learner
cipalship (SASP) (Department of Basic Education progress and staff performance on an ongoing
(DBE), Republic of South Africa, 2014) has been basis; providing feedback to staff for continuous
sent out for public comments with the hope of improvement and growth; and selecting instruction-
making the Standards for Principalship, legislation. al programmes that meet specific school needs. If
Government should, in collaboration with various deficiencies in any of these attributes are noted,
education stakeholders, enforce the SASP as then professional development in these specific
policy. The DoE recognises the current lack of a areas are required. It is evident that progressive
co-ordinated system to meet these identified needs, principals take the initiative of arranging their own
and is therefore seeking to develop and implement professional development programmes, based on
a system of career pathing for education leaders needs, instead of relying on the Department’s ‘one
and managers, and a framework of leadership and size fits all’ professional development programme.
management development processes and pro- Murphy, Elliot, Goldring and Porter (2007:187)
grammes. It is envisaged that these will be built assert that “effective school leaders are especially
upon agreed understanding of the core purposes of skilful in creating learning organisations and
the leadership roles, the key functions within these, fostering the development of communities of
the values which underpin them, and the personal learning. Improvement-focused leaders thought-
and professional attributes required to carry out the fully attend to their own growth, modelling a
role. The key functions in line with the core duties lifelong commitment to learning.”
and responsibilities of the principals are clearly
described in the IQMS policy document. Conclusion and Recommendations
From responses of the participants, it is From this study it can be established that principals
evident that the education districts attach very little can make significant contribution to schools’
importance to the CPD of principals. Most of the achieving the educational goals and improving
workshops facilitated by education districts deal learner performance, if they are adequately pre-
with disseminating policy matters relating to pared for their leadership role. This can be
curriculum changes and administrative matters in- achieved by ensuring that aspiring and practicing
stead of focusing on the needs of principals. principals are exposed to structured CPD pro-
Principals therefore seek other agencies (e.g. uni- grammes, based on needs analysis. For principals
versities and NGOs) to access relevant professional to cope with the demands of the 21st century,
development programmes to enhance their skills innovative leadership development programmes
and knowledge to effectively lead and manage help prepare school leaders to apply creative app-
schools. The Ministry of Education consider CPD roaches that address the broader roles and
for educators to be crucial and has subsequently responsibilities of leaders and the purpose of
entrusted SACE with the management of CPD in schooling, and to use core technologies to achieve
public and independent schools (SACE, 2013). intended outcomes. Participating in structured CPD
SACE emphasises that like all professionals, teach- programmes will enable principals to make
ers and SMTs (including principals) require deep autonomous decisions, adapt teaching programmes
knowledge, which is continuously updated and to local needs, promoting teamwork among teach-
widened, and which involves complex skills that ers, and engaging in teacher monitoring, evaluation
need to be continually adapted to new circum- and professional development. CPD programmes
stances. As part of a process, each educator will empower them to set strategic direction and
have a personal Professional Development Port- develop school plans and goals, and to monitor
folio (PDP) developed according to SACE progress by using data to improve practice.
South African Journal of Education, Volume 37, Number 1, February 2017 9

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