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A Future in Chemistry

Yo u r c a r e e r s t a r t s h e r e

Fine Fragrance Evaluator

Sophie Stimpson
What is a Fine Fragrance Evaluator?
A fine fragrance evaluator, or a ‘nose’, helps to improve and perfect a fragrance created by
the perfumer, who is an expert on creating perfumes, for the consumer, the person who will
be ultimately using the perfume. We act as the bridge between the day-to-day desires of the
consumer and the technical ability of the perfumer. My role is quite dynamic and involves splitting
my time between the office and the evaluation room.

What do you do in your job?

My day usually starts with creative evaluations with a group of other fine fragrance evaluators,
providing feedback to the perfumers for new ideas. Later, I usually perform more technical
evaluations, providing advice on different fragrance samples that are being tested for stability, or “This is where science
reworked and altered products.
meets creativity and
Between evaluations, I am either analysing test data or preparing presentation material for an
educational event. The role of a fine fragrance evaluator involves a lot of travel, particularly to
the magic happens!”
Paris, Grasse and Cologne - the origins of perfumery.

What do you enjoy most about your job? How did I get started?
Discovering and expressing the unspoken wishes of the consumer and finding a way to merge it
with the mastery of the perfumer is really exciting. This is where science meets creativity and the I studied pharmacology at university and
magic happens! being interested in how drugs and chemicals
are administered across the skin I followed
What attracted you to becoming a fine fragrance evaluator?
this with a BSc in cosmetic science. Towards
I dreamed of working as a beauty therapist when I was growing up. I enjoyed being creative with the end I was encouraged to apply for the
different beauty products and got a lot of pleasure observing the (mostly positive!) physical and role I am now working in.
mood transformations of my volunteers after a treatment.

As I grew older, I found that chemistry and biology came quite naturally to me, and it didn’t take
long before I realised I wanted to find a way to study them together at university. Pharmacology
appealed as a perfect combination of the two disciplines. Later in life, through my Cosmetic
Science degree and by learning about perfumery, I was able to tie in my original love of being
creative with different beauty products with science.
How did you get into your job? Career progression
I went to high school in Edinburgh where I completed final year Advanced Highers in Chemistry,
Biology and Maths with a focus on statistical analysis. My favourite subjects being chemistry
The category is quite niche and most fine
and biology, I decided to enrol in the Pharmacology BSc Hons course at Edinburgh University,
fragrance evaluators feel so passionate that
graduating in 2007. As my studies progressed I became more and more interested in trans-
they tend to stay in evaluation for the whole of
dermal drug delivery mechanisms; this is where a drug is administered across the skin.
their careers. Many different options for
Keen to learn more about the skin, I then registered for the Cosmetic Science BSc Hons at evaluation exist outside of fine perfumes;
the London College of Fashion, studying aspects of skin care, hair care and fragrances. As fragrances feature in most toiletries, cleaning
my studies drew to a close, one of our visiting Procter & Gamble lecturers, Dr Paul Matts,
products and laundry care for instance. The
encouraged me to apply for a role with the company. In 2011 I was offered the position of fine
industry is also closely linked to food flavours,
fragrance evaluator at P&G – a role which is as creative as it is scientific.
so it is possible to transition from one field to
What are the opportunities for career progression? the other. My personal interests remain
fine-fragrance focused. In the two and a half
The category is quite niche and most fine fragrance evaluators feel so passionate that they tend years that I have been evaluating, I have only
to stay in evaluation for the whole of their careers. Many different options for evaluation exist just scratched the surface of what there is to
outside of fine perfumes; fragrances feature in most toiletries, cleaning products and laundry
know about the sense of smell, which is also
care for instance. The industry is also closely linked to food flavours, so it is possible to transition
known as olfaction, plus the field is
from one field to the other.
continuously evolving. This is what I love about
My personal interests remain fine-fragrance focused. In the two and a half years that I have been my job: the opportunity to learn will never stop.
evaluating, I have only just scratched the surface of what there is to know about the sense of
smell, which is also known as olfaction, plus the field is continuously evolving. This is what I love
about my job: the opportunity to learn will never stop.
Skills used
What advice would you give for people wishing to enter your
career area?
Analysing, Presenting, Providing appropriate
To work in the perfume industry, you really have to make time to stop and properly appreciate
the individual scents of food, nature and perfumes. It’s also important to keep up to date with feedback.
the latest scientific developments and consumer trends. The neuroscience, perfumery and raw
material chemistry modules from my studies have directly influenced my role as a fine fragrance
evaluator. I do think that broad learning across several scientific domains can be extremely
powerful when working with chemistry, as it enables you to gain a deeper understanding of
detailed processes and their significance in the bigger picture. “To be an evaluator, not
To be an evaluator, not only is a keen interest in science absolutely vital, but also the ability to only is a keen interest
be imaginative. Years of being trained to think scientifically enhances logical and analytical skills,
but often at the cost of artistic imagination. Reawakening your creative flair can be as simple as in science absolutely
reading a fictional story or stopping to really appreciate the flavours of the food you are eating.
To get ahead, this learning needs to be a passion and not a chore. vital, but you also need
the ability to be

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