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Volunteerism is the concept of donating time and energy to help other people in
the community as a social responsibility rather than to gain any financial reward.
In corporate context, volunteerism is basically the tools, methods and ways used
by employers to support the employees who want to do volunteer work for any
social cause. Many organizations provide paid leaves and free time for
volunteering work. Some companies also use their own resources to engage the
entire company to volunteer for a social cause. An example of this can be a media
house making free documentaries or advertisements for fundraising campaigns of
a charity organization.
The following 2 companies appreciate employees who work voluntarily for any
social cause:


This company belongs to the healthcare industry. Novo Nordisk gives 80 paid
hours off for volunteering work. This company follows a “Triple Bottom Line
Business Model”. Apart from the paid free hours, they also have Novo Nordisk
Social Awareness Team which helps organizing community service projects.

“Changing our Communities” is a portal launched in 2014 to track and help

employees find volunteer opportunities. The company also makes a monetary
donation in the individual’s or team’s name to partner charity organizations for
every project submitted.


This company belongs to technology industry. Salesforce gives 48 paid hours free
for volunteering work. This company works on 1-1-1 philanthropy model.
Its concept is “giving 1% of employee time, technology and resources to help
improve communities around the world”.

What the company is saying: Long heralded as a leader in supporting

employees volunteer efforts with its groundbreaking 1-1-1 philanthropy
model. The way it works is companies pledge “leveraging 1% of employee
time, technology and resources to help improve communities around the
world,” according to the company.

Suzanne DiBianca, the president of the Salesforce Foundation,

told Fortune that the program’s efforts have translated into over a million
volunteer hours, $80 million in grants and Salesforce products donated to
25,000 programs.

The foundation started when the company was, she said. Now, “we’re getting
calls crazy off the hook,” she explained, from other businesses looking to
implement Salesforce’s program.

Salesforce employees enjoy six paid days off. There’s also an app that the
company uses to track its employees’ volunteer efforts.

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