Fatty Acids Melting Point

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J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856

DOI 10.1007/s11746-009-1423-2


A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Melting Points of Fatty Acids

and Esters Determined by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Gerhard Knothe Æ Robert O. Dunn

Received: 16 January 2009 / Revised: 26 May 2009 / Accepted: 5 June 2009 / Published online: 26 June 2009
Ó AOCS 2009

Abstract The melting point is one of the most important approximately 1 °C. Other thermal data, including heat
physical properties of a chemical compound and it plays a flow and melting onset temperatures are briefly discussed.
significant role in determining possible applications. For
fatty acid esters the melting point is essential for a variety Keywords Fatty acids  Differential scanning
of food and non-food applications, the latter including calorimetry  Butyl esters  Ethyl esters  Melting point 
biodiesel and its cold-flow properties. In this work, the Methyl esters  Propyl esters
melting points of fatty acids and esters (methyl, ethyl,
propyl, butyl) in the C8–C24 range were determined by
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), many of which for Introduction
the first time. Data for triacylglycerols as well as ricinoleic
acid and its methyl and ethyl esters were also acquired. For The melting point (MP) of a substance is one of its most
some compounds whose melting points have been previ- important physical properties. It plays a major role in
ously reported, data discrepancies exist and a comprehen- determining the suitability and applicability of a substance
sive determination by DSC has not been available. in countless food and non-food applications. Numerous
Variations in the present data up to several °C compared to structural factors influence the MP of an organic com-
data in prior literature were observed. The melting points pound, including the molecular weight, the number and
of some methyl-branched iso- and anteiso-acids and esters configuration of double bonds, triple bonds, branching,
were also determined. Previously unreported systematic stereochemistry, and the presence of one or more polar
effects of compound structure on melting point are pre- groups such as OH, with interrelationships existing
sented, including those for x-9 monounsaturated fatty between these features for specific compounds or classes of
acids and esters as well as for methyl-branched iso and compounds. These effects are also observed in long-chain
anteiso fatty acids and esters. The melting point of a pure fatty compounds.
fatty acid or ester as determined by DSC can vary up to Several reasons prompted the present investigation of
the MP of fatty compounds. First, while MP data for many
common fatty acids and esters are given in reference works
[1–5] or primary literature [6–10], such data for many other
Product names are necessary to report factually on available data; similar compounds are not readily available. Especially
however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of data for compounds with MP at lower temperatures (below
the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of
the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable.
ambient) are often less readily available. Therefore, in this
work additional MP data are provided that are not or not
G. Knothe (&)  R. O. Dunn readily available in the existing literature including several
US Department of Agriculture, new systematic structure-property effects. Furthermore,
Agricultural Research Service,
most MP data that are routinely used were determined with
National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research,
1815 N. University St, Peoria, IL 61604, USA varying equipment before the advent or more widespread
e-mail: [email protected] use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thus a

844 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856

second goal of this work is to provide compile and evaluate optimized biodiesel fuel composition. In recent work, it
such information using DSC. It may be noted that photo- was discussed that esters of palmitoleic acid and decanoic
pyroelectric measurements of melting phenomena provide acid may be candidate compounds for enrichment in bio-
information complementary to DSC [11]. A third reason is diesel to help improve cold flow while not comprising
that MP data compiled from the literature (Tables 1, 2) other important fuel properties [27]. Biodiesel produced by
display discrepancies for many compounds, providing an transesterification of oils or fats with medium—(C2 or C4)
incentive to determine more accurate values. or branched—chain alcohols, instead of the more com-
Previous work has shown that the melting and crystal- monly used methanol, generally has better cold flow
lization behavior of fatty acids and esters depend strongly properties [24–26, 28–30]. Thus, for determining optimum
on structural features such as chain length, position and mono-alkyl fatty ester compositions and for modeling the
configuration of double or triple bonds or functional cold flow behavior of mixtures of esters such as biodiesel,
groups, with some systematic effects of the structure on accurate and consistent MP data are critical, thus providing
MP having been established. It was recognized early [12] another reason for this study.
that the MP of a saturated fatty acid with an odd number of In light of the issues mentioned above, in this work the
carbon atoms is slightly lower than that of the even-num- MP of fatty acids as well as a variety of methyl, ethyl and
bered fatty acid with one less carbon atom, an observation other alkyl esters, including fatty acids with methyl
confirmed by later studies cited above. Besides the afore- branching (iso and anteiso fatty acid chains) in the C8–C24
mentioned studies on common fatty acids and esters, other range, which covers the most common fatty acids, were
literature reports MP data with systematic influences for determined by DSC. The MP of numerous compounds
fatty acids and esters with a variety of structures, including previously not investigated for this property were deter-
octadecynoic [7, 13], pentadecynoic acids [13], methyl mined. Systematic influences for x-9 fatty acids and esters
epoxyoctadecanoates [14], methyl-substituted octadeca- as well as methyl-branched iso acids and methyl esters are
noic acids [15], vinyl fatty acids [16], and wax esters [17]. presented for the first time. The results are compared to
Recently, melting data of some methyl and iso-propyl literature data.
esters of branched (iso and anteiso) acids [18] and various
oleates [19] were reported.
An increasingly common industrial application of fatty Experimental
esters is biodiesel [20, 21], defined as the mono-alkyl esters
of vegetable oils or animal fats. While biodiesel is gener- Straight-chain fatty acids and esters were obtained from Nu
ally technically competitive with conventional diesel fuel Chek Prep (Elysian, MN). Branched fatty acids and esters
derived from petroleum (petrodiesel), it features advanta- were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI) or
ges in terms of domestic production, renewability, reduc- Matreya LLC (Pleasant Gap, PA). To ensure purity and
tion of most regulated exhaust emissions except nitrogen nature of the samples, some samples were randomly
oxides, biodegradability, inherent lubricity, and safer han- checked by GC-MS and NMR (solvent CDCl3; 500 MHz
dling due to higher flash point. Technical problems with for 1H-NMR, 125 MHz for 13C-NMR). All samples were
biodiesel include nitrogen oxides exhaust emissions, oxi- found to be of advertised purities or higher ([98–99%).
dative stability and cold flow. The latter problem is NMR also served structure verification purposes, including
exemplified by the relatively high cloud and pour points of the double bond position for unsaturated fatty acids and
biodiesel [22]. A major factor influencing this cold flow esters. The position and separation of the olefinic carbon
behavior is the high MP of saturated fatty esters found in signals in 13C-NMR of monounsaturated fatty acid chains
biodiesel. depends on the proximity of the double bond to the ter-
Data analyzed from DSC melting and cooling (freezing) minal ester or methyl group [31]. Thus, for a double bond
curves were correlated with measured cold flow properties ‘‘migrating’’ from the 5- to the 15-position in the mono-
of biodiesel [23]. Both cloud point (CP) and low-temper- unsaturated samples investigated here, a decrease in the
ature flow test (LTFT) data indicated good probabilities of difference of the signals of the olefinic carbons from
correlating to melting curve peak maximum temperatures. 2.9 ppm (C20:1 D5) to 0.03 ppm (C22:1 D13) to 0 ppm
Completion of melt temperatures from DSC melting curves (C23:1 D14 and C24:1 D15) was observed.
were used to predict crystallization temperatures of FAME Differential scanning calorimetry analysis is based on
from conventional and low-palmitic acid soybean oil [24] determining heat flow through a sample by simultaneous
and mono-alkyl esters from tallow and waste grease [25, measurements through a sample pan and an empty refer-
26]. ence pan. Hermetically sealed aluminum pans were used
Thus cold flow is a major factor when considering which for the present analyses. A computer-controlled DSC
fatty esters to enrich in biodiesel when ‘‘designing’’ an model Q2000 (TA Instruments, Wilmington, DE) was used

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856 845

Table 1 Literature data for melting points (°C) of saturated straight-chain fatty acids and esters investigated here
Chain Acid Methyl ester Ethyl ester Propyl ester Butyl ester Triacylglycerol

8:0 16.5 [1, 3]; 16.3 [2] -40 [1–3] -43.1 [1–3] -46.2 [1–3] -42.9 [1–3]
16, 16.5 [4] -37.27 [5] -43.1 [5] -45 [3] -43 [3]
16 [5]
9:0 12.2 [1], 12.3 [2], -35 [4] -36.7 [1–3] -38 [2, 3]
12.4 [3] -44.5 [4] -38 [4]
12.5, 15 [4] -36.7 [5]
12.52 [5]
10:0 31.5 fr [1]; 31.9 [2], -18 [1–3] -20 [1–3] 32 [3]
31.4 [3] -13.34 [5] -19.9 [5] 32 [4]
31.6, 31.5 [4]
31.39 [5], 31.0 [5]
11:0 28.6 [1–3] -16 [1], -15 [2, 3] 31.2 [4]
29.3, 28.2–28.6 [4]
28.20 [5] -15 [5]
12:0 44 [1], 43.2 [2], 43.8 [3] 5.2 FP [1], 5.2 [2, 3] -1.8 FP [1], -10 [2, 3] -7 [4] 46.4 [1]
44.8, 44 [4] 5 [4] -15.5 [5]
44.1 [5], 44.2 [5] 4.80 [5]
13:0 41.5 [2, 3] 6.5 [2, 3] -4.8 [5] 44.5 [4]
41.8, 44.5–45.5 [4] 6.5 [4]
41.76 FP [5] 5.5 [5]
14:0 58 [1], 53.9 [2], 19 [1–3] 12–13 [1], 12.3 9.4–10.0 [9] 6.2–7.0 [9] 56.5 [2], 58.5 [3]
54.2 [3] 18.5 [4] [2, 3] 58.5 [4]
54.4, 54 [4] 17.86 [5] 12.3 [4]
57.4 [5], 54.25 [5] 18.8–19.1 [9] 11 [5]
12.6–13.0 [9]
15:0 53–54 [1], 52.3 [2, 3] 18.5 [1–3] 14 [4] 11.9–12.1 [9] 6.8–7.1 [9]
18.5 [4] 11.5 [5]
52.5, 53 [4] 18.5 [5] 12.7–13.2 [9]
52.40 [5] 19.2–19.4 [9]
16:0 63 [1], 63.1 [2], 30 [1–3] a: 24 b: 19.3 [1], 20.4 [1, 2] 16.9 [1–3] 66.4 [1], 66.5 [2.3]
62.5 [3] 30.5 [4] 24 [2, 3] 20.9–21.9 [9] 16.8–17.1 [9] 66.4 [4]
62.9, 63–64 [4] 29.5 [5] 19.3 [4]
62.8–63.0 [5] 30.0–30.3 [9] 23.2 [5]
24.3–24.8 [9]
17:0 62–63 [1], 61.3 [2, 3] 30 [1–3] 28 [1, 2] 24.2–24.7 [7, 9] 20.4–21.0 [9] 64 [4]
61.3, 62–63 [4] 30 [4] 25.2 [5]
60.85 [5] 29 [5] 25.0–25.4 [9]
29.7–30.2 [9]
18:0 71.2 [1], 68.8 [2], 39.1 [1–3] 31–33 [1], 33 28.9 [1, 2] 27.5 [1, 2], 73 [1]
69.3 [3] 39.1 [4] [2] 28.6 [4] 27[3] 73.5 [4]
70.1, 69.7 [4] 37.85 [5] 33.4 [4] 30.8–31.4 27.5 [4]
68.9 [5], 69.5 [5] 33.5 [5] [7] 26.6–27.2 [7]
19:0 69.4 [1–3] 41.3 [n] 37–38 [5] 33.0–33.9 [7] 29.2–31.4 [7] 71 [4]
69.4, 68.7 [4] 38.9 [4] 35.7–36.2 [9]
68.6 [5] 39.5–40.5 [5]
38.7–39.0 [9]

846 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856

Table 1 continued
Chain Acid Methyl ester Ethyl ester Propyl ester Butyl ester Triacylglycerol

20:0 77 [1], 76.5 [2, 3] 54.5 [1–3] 50 [1, 2] 38.3–39.0 [7] 36.6–36.8 [7] 78 [4]
76.1, 77 [4] 45.8–46.3 [4] 41.4–42 [4]
73.35 [5] 45.8 [5] 40.54 [5]
45.8–46.3 [9] 41.4–42.0 [9]
21:0 75.2, 73–74 [3] 48–50 [3] 45 [4] 42.4–43.1 [6] 40.1–40.4 [6] 75.9 [4]
74.3 [4] 48–49 [4] 44.3–44.5 [8]
46.7–47.0 [8]
22:0 80 [1], 81 [2], 81.5 [3] 54 [1–3] 50 [1, 2] 45.7–46.2 [7] 43.8–44.1 [7] 82.5 [3]
80, 81–82 [4] 54 [4] 50 [4]
79.95 [5] 53.2 [5] 48.25 [5]
52.2–52.8 [9] 47.8–48.5 [9]
23:0 79.6, 79.1 [4] 55.6 [1] 52–53 [5] 48.4–49.2 [7] 47.3–47.5 [9]
79.1 [5] 53.4 [4] 50.8–51.2 [9]
55–56 [5]
53.3–53.5 [9]
24:0 87.5 [2, 3] 59.5–60 [4] 56–57 [4] 51.8–52.3 [7] 50.6–50.8 [9] 86 [4]
84.2, 87.5–88 [4] 57.8 [5] 54.35 [5]
84.15 [5] 57.8–58.3 [9] 54.2–54.5 [9]
FP freezing point

for determining the melting phase transitions of experi- For each DSC peak, an onset, peak and completion
mental samples. The system consisted of a measurement temperature (Ton, Tpeak, Tcom, respectively) can be deter-
cell fitted with a refrigerated cooling system and a model mined directly from the scan by use of the system software.
5000 PC-based controller for conducting experiments and As discussed below, Tpeak is given in the tables as MP.
analyzing the resulting scans. Reference and sample pans Typical scans are shown in Figs. 1 and 2.
were placed in precise positions within the cell by an
autosampler. The sample purge gas was dry nitrogen at
50.00 mL/min. Results and Discussion
Melting phase transitions were analyzed by the proce-
dure given in American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) In this work, the MP of saturated and unsaturated fatty
method Cj 1-94 [32]. The three-step temperature program acids and esters with chain lengths C8–C24 were deter-
consisted of: (1) heating the sample to the starting tem- mined by DSC using AOCS method Cj 1-94. The exam-
perature and holding it isothermally for 10 min to ensure ined chain length range covers most fatty acids as they
complete transition into the liquid phase; (2) cooling occur naturally in vegetable oils or animal fats. Several
rapidly to form a solid phase and holding for 30 min; and methyl-branched saturated acids of the iso (branching at
(3) heating at 5 °C/min back across the melting region to Cn-1 in the chain) and anteiso (branching at Cn-2) types
the final temperature. were also studied. Typical DSC heating scans are shown in
While DSC instruments are commonly calibrated with Figs. 1 and 2. Tables 1, 2 and 3 contain literature data on
indium, the performance of the instrument at temperatures the MP of compounds investigated here while Tables 4, 5,
below the MP of indium (156.79 °C; enthalpy of melt- 6, and 7 present data determined during the course of this
ing = 28.66 J/g) was checked with additional materials due work. Table 4 presents the MP of saturated fatty acids,
to the lower MP of fatty esters. Thus benzil, a common MP methyl esters, ethyl esters as well as some propyl and butyl
standard, and water were selected as compounds for com- esters for this range of fatty acid chain lengths. Table 5
parison. The peak melting temperature values for benzil and lists the same information for a variety of olefinic fatty
water (distilled) were 94.37 (average of three determina- acids and esters with chain lengths C11–C24. Table 6 gives
tions; standard deviation 0.08) and -0.04 °C (three deter- this information for some methyl-branched (mainly iso
minations, standard deviation 0.34), respectively. A and anteiso) acids and esters with a total of C11–C20
literature value for the MP of benzil is 94.87 °C [3]. including the methyl branch. The MP of triacylglycerols

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856 847

Table 2 Literature data for melting points (°C) of unsaturated fatty acids and esters investigated here
Chain Acid Methyl ester Ethyl ester Propyl ester Butyl ester Triacylglycerol

C11:1 D10 24.5 [2, 3] -27.5 [2, 3] -38 [2, 3]

24.5 [4] -27.5 FP [4] -37.5 [5]
24–24.5 [5] -27.5 [5]
C14:1 D9c -4 [2]
-4.5 [4]
-4.5 to -4 [5]
C16:1 D9c -0.1 [2], 0.5 [3] \15 [5] \15 [5]
0.5 [4]
-1.0 [5]
C16:1 D9t 32, 32–33 [4]
C18:1 D6c 29.8 [3], 29, 31, 33 [4] 28 [4]
31 [10]
28–29 [6], 29 [8]
28.6 [5]
C18:1 D6t 52.7–53.4, 54–59 [4] 52 [4]
53 [10]
53-54 [6], 54 [8]
53.6 [5]
C18:1 D9c 16.3 [1], 13.4 [2, 3] -19.9 [1–3] \-15 [5] -26.4 [1–3] -5.5 [1], -32 [2], -4 [3]
12 (lab), 16 (stab), 16.2 [4] -19.6 to -19.9 [5] -26.4 [4] 5 [4]
13.2 [5]
13 [10]
10–11 [6], 11 [8]
C18:1 D9t 45 [1–3] 13.5 [3] 5.8 [3] -12.5 [4] 10.6 [4]
45.5, 45–45.5 [4] 13–13.5 [4] 5.1 [4]
43.68 [5] \15 [5]
44 [10]
44.5–45.5 [6], 45 [8]
C18:1 D11c 15.5, 14.5–15.5 [4]
13–14 [5]
15 [10]
12.5–13.5 [6], 13 [8]
C18:1 D11t 44 [2, 3]
44.1, 43.5–44.1 [4]
43.5–44.5 [5]
44 [10]
43.5–44.5 [6], 44 [8]
C18:1 D9c,12c -5 [1] -35 [1, 3] \15 [5] -11 [4]
-5 [2] \15 [5]
-5 [10]
-5.2 to -5.0 [5]
C18:1 D9c, 12c, 15c -11.3 [1] -45.5 [3]
-11 [2] \15 [5]
-11 [10]
-11.3 to -11 [5]
C20:1 D5c 27, 26–27 [4]
C20:1 5t 52.5–54 [4]
C20:1 D9c 23–23.5 [4]

848 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856

Table 2 continued
Chain Acid Methyl ester Ethyl ester Propyl ester Butyl ester Triacylglycerol

C20:1 D9t 54 [4]

C20:1 D11c 24 [2, 3] -45 [4]
25, 24–25 [4] -15 [5]
22 [5]
C20:1 D11t 49–51 [4]
53–54 [5]
C22:1 D13c 33–34 [1], 33.5 [2], 2–3 94 [5] 32 [4]
34.7 [3]
33.5 (-51, -7, 2, 14) [4]
33.5 [5]
C22:1 D13t 61.5 [1], 61.9 [2, 3] 34–35 [4] 30.5 [4] 58 [4]
61.5 [4] 34–35 [5] 30–30.5 [5]
60 [5]
C24:1 D15c 39–39.5 [5]
45–41 [4]

Fig. 1 DSC heating scan of 1

methyl decanoate (data included
in calculation in Table 5)
Heat Flow (W/g)




-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40
Temperature (°C)

(triglycerides) of fatty acids with chain lengths C8–C24 are Melting onset and completion can also be determined by
contained in Table 7. Figs. 3, 4 and 5 are visualizations of DSC and these parameters are usually reported when
the data in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7. AOCS method Cj 1-94 is applied to analyze oils and fats.
However, these temperatures, rather the differences
Procedure between melting peak maxima and onset and completion
temperatures, also depend on the amount of sample, so that
For sake of brevity and reasons given below, only the values the melting onset and completion temperatures are not
of Tpeak are given in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7. Although gen- given here. The values for Tpeak appear to be less influ-
erally an increase in heat flow was observable for increased enced by this aspect. Generally, the difference between
chain lengths, heat flow varied considerably and was melting onset temperature and peak temperature (given as
probably affected by how the sample itself was distributed MP) was greater (range of 1.5–3 °C) than that between
within the pan. Therefore, no heat flow data are given. The peak temperature and melting completion temperature
variability of heat flow was confirmed by analyzing some (range 0.5–1.5 °C). The peak melting temperature is given
samples sequentially five times. The heat flow decreased as MP in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7. It may be noted that, for
considerably within such a sequence, being only a fraction example, the peak melting temperature given for water and
of the initial value when the fifth run was conducted. benzil (see ‘‘Experimental’’ section) is the closest of all

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856 849

Fig. 2 DSC heating scan of 1

oleic acid (data included in
calculation in Table 5)
-7.59°C 11.34°C

Heat Flow (W/g)




-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Temperature (°C)

Table 3 Literature data for melting points (°C) of branched fatty materials exhibiting such behavior is beyond the scope of
acids and esters investigated here this work. In order to record any such observations, peaks
Branched (iso)a Acid Methyl ester indicating polymorphism are indicated in Tables 4 and 5
by peak maxima given in italics. The MP given correspond
10-Me C11 41.2 [4] to the stable modification of the compounds investigated
41.2 [5] here. Note that in case of discrepancies with literature
12-Me C14 53 [4] 2.7 [18] values, the MP determined here are usually either slightly
50.5–51 [5] lower than the previous literature values or tend towards
13-Me C14 52.5–53 [4] the lower end of reported values.
14-Me C15 61.8–62.4 [4] 16.5 [18]
61.8–62.4 [5]
Comparison to Prior Data
15-Me C16 60.3–60.5 [4] 18.3–18.9 [4]
16-Me C17 68.8–69.7 [5] 25.7 [18]
The data in Tables 1, 2 and 3 show that in many cases the
17-Me C18 67.3–67.8 [4] 26/27.5 [4]
MP data in the literature agree well with data observed
67.3–67.8 [5] 26–28 [5]
here. However, in some cases significant differences can be
66.5–67 [15]
observed. Furthermore, there are numerous cases in which
18-Me C19 75.3 [5]
prior literature data vary, so that the present data can be
Branched (anteiso)
used to verify or confirm more accurate data.
10–Me C12 -31.8 [18] Results for several compounds deviated considerably
12-Me C14 -10.9 [18] from reported literature data. The MP was -2 °C in the
13-Me C15 65–66 [5] present work for ethyl dodecanoate compared with lower
14-Me C16 (S): 39.5–40, 39–40 [4] 3.8 [18] literature values of -10 and -15 °C (Table 1). Likewise,
For example, the acid termed 10-Me C11 is 10-methyl undecanoic the MP of propyl heptadecanoate was 22.3 °C compared
acid with 11 carbons in the chain but possessing a total of 12 carbon with 24.2-24.7 °C in the literature. Similar observations
atoms when counting the branching at C11 were made for comparison of results with literature values
in Table 2 with corresponding data for alkyl oleates. Propyl
three temperatures (onset, peak, melting) to its known MP, oleate has MP = -30.5 versus -27.2 °C from the litera-
providing a justification for using only this value. ture (Table 2); butyl oleate has MP = -34.8 versus -26.4
Variations in the DSC-based MP determinations of up to to -31.7 °C (Table 2); and butyl elaidate has MP = 0.2
approximately ±1 °C were observed. The MP points of all versus 10.6 °C. The MP of methyl linoleate was -43.1 °C
samples were thus determined at least in triplicate. The in the present work though some scans showed a minor
resulting standard deviation (SD) for a sample is given in peak near -37.8 °C, compared with a value of -35 °C
parentheses in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7. from the literature. Methyl cis-11-eicosenoate had an
The DSC scans of some compounds investigated here MP = -7.8 °C for the present work, a value that was
are more complex than only exhibiting one peak corre- considerably higher than -45 °C as reported in the
sponding to the MP. Investigating the polymorphism of all literature.


Table 4 Melting points (°C) of saturated fatty acids and esters determined in the present work
Chain Acid Methyl ester Ethyl ester Propyl ester Butyl ester

8:0 15.41 (0.18) -37.43 (0.26) -44.74 (0.14) -45.68 (0.32) -43.33 (0.06)
9:0 11.28 (0.50), -9.31 (0.19) -34.99 (0.53) -43.56 (0.22) -41.81 (0.13) -43.10 (0.10)
10:0 30.80 (0.31) -13.48 (0.52) -20.44 (0.42) -21.84 (0.19) -22.96 (0.21)
11:0 27.32 (0.05), 17.42 (0.26) -12.17 (0.33) -19.43 (0.41) -19.70 (0.08) -23.69 (0.14)
12:0 43.29 (0.34), 42.96 (0.03) 4.30 (0.54) -1.78 (0.24) -4.35 (0.19) -6.53 (0.19), -7.42 (0.09)
13:0 41.37 (0.20), 34.64 (0.46) 5.17 (0.35) -2.07 (0.22) -8.48 (0.25)
14:0 53.47 (0.31), 50.52 (0.16) 18.09 (0.42) 12.52 (0.60) 9.24 (0.37) 5.57 (0.12)
15:0 52.15 (0.17), 46.00 (0.35) 18.47 (0.50) 11.81 (0.29) 6.26 (0.06), 3.82 (0.31)
16:0 62.20 (0.19) 28.48 (0.44) 23.23 (0.42) 20.27 (0.23) 16.07 (0.26)
17:0 60.85 (0.34), 57.27 (0.15) 28.58 (0.06), 25.85 (0.37) 24.70 (0.32), 19.92 (0.41) 22.32 (17.81) 19.68 (0.20), 9.18 (0.23)
18:0 69.29 (0.19) 37.66 (0.25) 32.98 (0.33), 30.43 (0.33) 28.10 (0.30), 24.93 (0.81) 25.63 (0.18), 10.51 (0.11), 14.09 (0.14)
19:0 67.76 (0.27), 66.53 (0.23) 38.03 (0.31), 31.89 (0.13) 35.28 (0.41), 27.30 (0.53) 32.94 (0.24), 25.36 (0.15) 30.71 (0.03), 15.84 (0.06), 18.87 (0.10)
20:0 74.76 (0.27) 46.43 (0.38) 41.33 (0.66) 37.15 (0.07), 31.99 (0.09) 35.14 (0.07), 20.27 (0.02), 23.60 (0.23)
21:0 73.69 (0.34) 47.58 (0.34) 43.66 (0.37), 36.30 (0.28)
22:0 79.54 (0.34) 53.22 (0.26) 48.64 (0.25) 45.29 (0.17)
23:0 78.74 (0.26) 53.38 (0.45) 51.22 (0.73)
24:0 83.82 (0.42) 58.61 (0.71) 55.92 (0.16) 52.32 (0.44), 51.17 (1.22)
Standard deviations in parentheses. Secondary peaks likely indicating additional phase transitions are italicized
J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856
Table 5 Melting points (°C) of unsaturated fatty acids and esters determined in the present work
Chain Acid Methyl ester Ethyl ester Propyl ester Butyl ester

11:1 D10 23.91 (0.14) -24.63 (0.23) -32.24 (0.31)

14:1 D9c -3.91 (1.17) -52.26 (0.82) -65.35 (0.38) -66.19 (0.07)
16:1 D9c 1.22 (0.46), -23.77 (2.69) -34.10 (0.26), -43.53 (0.14) -36.65 (0.29) -52.61 (0.36), -54.10 (0.14)
J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856

16:1 D9t 32.22 (0.33) -2.99 (0.39) -10.99 (0.29) -12.83 (0.16)
17:1 D10 c 15.05 (0.19), -0.62 -16.02 (0.26) -20.02 (0.32), -21.94 (0.41) -24.35 (0.12)
18:1 D6 c 29.11 (0.14) -0.97 (0.26) -7.74 (0.49)
18:1 D6 t 52.38 (0.22) 19.16 (0.20) 9.45 (0.30) -11.35 (0.14)
18:1 D9 c 12.82 (0.15), -5.59 (0.30) -20.21 (0.51) -20.32 (0.36) -30.50 (0.34) -34.76 (0.43)
18:1 D9 t 43.35 (0.24) 9.94 (0.24) 4.17 (0.36) -0.03 (0.60)
18:1 D11 c 15.40 (0.29) -24.29 (0.72) -36.49 (0.68)
18:1 D11 t 43.37 (0.65) 9.94 (0.24) 4.10 (0.32) -0.23 (0.03), -0.55
18:2 D9c, D12c -7.15 (0.69) -43.09 (0.71), -37.77 (0.02) -56.72 (0.57), -58.80 (1.23) -51.50 (0.63)
18:3 D9c, D12c, D15c -11.58a -61.71a -57.63a -58.61a
19:1 D10c 22.47 (0.29) -2.33 (0.49) -7.51 (0.36)
20:1 D5c 26.61 (0.57) (4.92) 2.39 (0.20), -45.52 (0.21) -8.57 (0.45), -46.95 (0.51), -18.92 (0.44)
20:1 D8c 35.13 (0.26) (34.09) 9.11 (0.43) 3.14 (0.75)
20:1 D11c 23.37 (0.14) (-4.68), -7.79 (0.34) -8.80 (0.26) -22.69
20:1 D11t 51.94 (0.31) 20.76 (0.41) 14.11 (0.43)
21:1 D12 32.96 (0.14) 8.47 (0.15) 5.63 (0.32), 3.00 (0.06)
22:1 D13c 32.18 (0.37), 7.69 (0.19), 29.16 (0.62) -3.05 (0.43) -10.54 (0.22)
22:1 D13t 59.16 (0.39) 29.36 (0.14) 24.50 (0.34)
23:1 D14c 43.23 (0.11), 39.28 (0.23) 18.22 (0.13) 13.27 (0.15)
24:1 D15c 42.87 (0.27) 9.49 (0.28) 1.21 (0.42)
Secondary peaks likely indicating additional phase transitions are italicized
Single determination

852 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856

Table 6 Melting points (°C) of some branched fatty acids and methyl Table 7 Melting points of some triacylglycerols determined in the
esters determined in the present work present work (quadruplicate determinations; standard deviations in
Chain Acid Methyl ester
Chain Melting point (°C)
Iso acids
10-Methyl C11 40.28 -13.02 Saturates
11-Methyl C12 40.57 -6.87 8:0 9.44 (0.14)
12-Methyl C13 53.13 3.48 9:0 9.46 (0.09)
13-Methyl C14 51.35 6.37 10:0 30.37 (0.24)
14-Methyl C15 (isopalmitic) 61.94 16.80 11:0 27.98 (0.84)
15-Methyl C16 59.78 17.55 12:0 46.29 (0.04)
16-Methyl C17 (isostearic) 69.23 26.82 13:0 44.60 (0.25)
17-Methyl C18 66.34 27.98 14:0 57.35 (0.19)
18-Methyl C19 74.68 15:0 55.46 (0.05)
19-Methyl C20 72.51 36.43 16:0 65.45 (0.27)
Anteiso acids 17:0 64.11 (0.06)
12-Methyl C14 24.05 -5.29 18:0 72.67 (0.32)
13-Methyl C15 -13.34 19:0 71.31 (0.29)
14-Methyl C16 37.10 7.62 20:0 77.67 (0.12)
21:0 76.36 (0.43)
22:0 82.50 (0.08)
The present data can also be employed to verify more 23:0 81.85 (0.22)
accurate data reported in the literature. For example, ethyl Unsaturates
nonanoate had a MP = -43.6 °C (Table 4) compared to 16:1 D9c -22.75; 25.68, -21.81; -27.75, -21.88 (two
values of -36.7 and -44.4 °C in Table 1. Other examples peaks)
included methyl decanoate (MP = -13.5 herein vs. -18 to 18:1 D6c 26.24 (0.06)
-13 °C in the literature), ethyl heptadecanoate (24.7 vs. 18:1 D9c 3.98 (0.59)
25–28 °C), methyl eicosanoate (MP = 46.4 vs. 46– 18:1 D11c 1.04 (0.08)
54.5 °C), ethyl eicosanoate (MP = 41.3 vs. 41–50 °C), and 18:2 D9c, D12c -12.70 (0.35)
tetracosanoic acid (83.8 vs. 84–88 °C). The common 19:1 D10c 26.12 (0.05)
methyl palmitate had MP = 28.5 °C in comparison with 20:1 D11c 10.11 (0.10), 17.80 (0.14)
values of 24 and 29.5–30.5 °C reported in the literature. 21:1 D12c 37.97 (0.08)
In the present work, the MP of oleic acid was determined 22:1 D13c 29.78 (0.23)
to be around 12.8 °C. Literature values for the MP of oleic 24:1 D15c 41.43 (0.09)
acid given in the literature varies in the range of 10–16 °C,
probably due to different crystalline modifications, although
one paper [33] reports 5 °C as the MP for oleic acid as apparatus. Although this experimental procedure is better
determined by DSC, a result not in agreement with the characterized as analysis of crystallization onset tempera-
present work or with other investigations reported in the tures, data reported as MP for methyl myristate (17 °C) and
literature. For the common ester methyl stearate, a MP of stearate (37 °C) were within 1–2 °C of results reported in
37.7 °C (Table 4) was found, a value that generally agreed the present work. An earlier work [37] analyzed and
well with MP data given in the literature (37–39.1 °C). reported Tonset and Tpeak from DSC heating scans per-
Another work [18] provides MP for various oleate formed on methyl palmitate, stearate and oleate. Onset
esters. In that reference, the peak melting temperature of temperatures were 1.8–2.1 °C lower than measured peak
methyl oleate is reported as -17.3 °C, which is several °C maxima for these esters. Taking the MP at peak maximum
higher than the value reported here. The lowest melting temperature resulted in values for methyl palmitate, stea-
reported was for isopropyl oleate around -33 °C. In con- rate and oleate (29.9, 39.0, -18.9 °C) that agreed well with
trast, analysis of DSC cooling curves for methyl oleate results shown in Table 4.
yielded crystallization onset (freezing point) tempera-
tures = -17.5 °C [34] and -19.8 °C [35], values compa- Saturated Unbranched Fatty Acid Chains
rable to those in Tables 2 and 5.
Another study [36] reported MP data for several pure The data in Table 1 for saturated fatty acids confirm
FAME measured by an automated ‘‘mini-cloud point’’ test previous observations [9, 12] regarding alternating MP,

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856 853

Triacylglycerol 75
Acid Methyl ester
Methyl ester 60
Ethyl ester 55
80 Propyl ester 50
70 Butyl ester 45

Melting Point ( C)
60 40

50 30
40 25
Melting Point ( C)

30 20

20 10
10 5
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -15
-30 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
-40 Number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain (incl. branching)
Fig. 5 Melting points (Tpeak) of iso acids and their methyl esters. The
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
number of carbon atoms includes those in the methyl branches
Number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain
decreasing with the number of carbons in the ester moiety.
Fig. 3 Melting points [peak maximum (Tpeak)] of saturated fatty
acids, esters, and their triacylglycerols In this case, the esters of odd-numbered fatty acids show
only minor differences, often less than 1 °C, to those of the
preceding even-numbered fatty esters. Furthermore, the
55 Acid
MP differences between acids their corresponding esters
50 Methyl ester decrease with increasing chain length.
45 Ethyl ester
35 Unsaturated Fatty Acid Chains
Melting Point ( C)


20 The introduction of one cis double bond in a fatty acid

15 chain reduces the MP considerably compared to the satu-
10 rated chain with the same number of carbon atoms. A trans
0 double bond has comparatively little effect on the MP
-5 compared to the saturated chain with the same number of
carbon atoms. This is a result of a cis double bond intro-
-20 ducing a bend in the hydrocarbon chain while in the case of
-25 a trans double bond, the chain is propagated in a fashion
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 close to that of the corresponding saturated species. This
Number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain structural similarity of chains with trans double bonds to
fully saturated chains is also expressed in other physical
Fig. 4 Melting points (Tpeak) of cis x-9 monounsaturated fatty acids
and esters properties, such as viscosity [38].
The cis x-9 fatty acids in the range of C18–C24 show MP
i.e., that the MP of an odd-numbered fatty acid is slightly alternation reversed in comparison to the saturated fatty
lower than that of the preceding even-numbered fatty acid. acid chains. For these fatty acids, the even-numbered cis
However, differences of up to several °C compared to x-9 fatty acid possesses a slightly lower MP (or only slightly
previous data were observed as discussed above. The higher, see C20 vs. C19) than the preceding odd-numbered
increases in MP decrease with increasing chain length. fatty acid or the increase is very small (Table 5; Fig. 4).
The observation regarding melting point alternation Another reversal is the strong alternation observed for the
holds only partially for methyl and other esters and this cis x-9 methyl and ethyl esters in comparison to the acids.
effect diminishes with increasing chain length. The dif- This effect is also shown by the difference in MP between
ferences in the MP between odd-numbered and preceding the acids and the corresponding methyl esters. For the cis
even-numbered fatty acids decrease with increasing chain x-9 chains with an even number of carbons, the difference
length for all types of esters studied here. For ethyl and in MP between the acid and the corresponding methyl ester
higher esters, a steady increase without alternation is is between 31 and 35 °C, while this difference is reduced to
observed, the chain length at which this effect commences 24–25 °C for chains with an odd number of carbon atoms.

854 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856

In other literature sources, for octadecenoic acids with carbon atoms, while for odd-numbered chains, the differ-
trans configuration, exhibited zig-zag alternation for D5– ences decrease from about 44 °C to about 36 °C for a total
D14 (MP of even-numbered acids higher, range 51–55 °C; number of 13 or 21 carbon atoms, respectively.
odd-numbered acids 43–45 °C, with D5 at 46.5–47.5 °C The MP differences between acids and their methyl
[6]. Chains with cis configuration in the range of D5–D12 esters are greater for the methyl-branched iso acids than for
(even-numbered 23–29 °C; odd-numbered 10–13.5 °C) the straight-chain counterparts. For example, the MP dif-
behaved similarly. The highest MP were found for the D3 ference between stearic acid and methyl stearate is about
acids (cis 49.5–50.5 °C, trans 64.5–65.5 °C), D16 acids (cis 31.7 °C while that of isostearic acid and methyl isostearate
53.5 °C, trans 65.5–66.5 °C) as well as the D17 acid (55.5– is approximately 42.4 °C. These differences increase with
56.5 °C), with the D2-cis and D5-trans acids also showing decreasing fatty acid chain length. Thus, the difference
high MP D57.5–58.5 and 58.5–59.5 °C, respectively). On between lauric acid and methyl laurate is approximately
the other hand, octadecynoic acids show little change in the 38.8 °C while the difference between isolauric acid and
range D5–D12, which are 45.5–52.5 °C [6]. Higher MP methyl isolaurate is about 53.1 °C. The difference is also
were reported for 4-octadecynoic acid (74–75 °C) and greater for iso acids and their methyl esters than for anteiso
2-octadecynoic acid (56–57 °C). Values related to those acids and their methyl esters.
given in Ref. [6] are given in additional literature [10]. MP Few anteiso acids and esters were available. However,
alternation was observed for odd-numbered (C15) acids the data for the three methyl esters show a strong MP
with triple bonds [13], while for octadecynoic acids the MP minimum for a total of 16 carbons, implying that minima
vary significantly only towards the end of the chain [8, 13]. are found for even-numbered carbons of anteiso methyl
Since castor oil has been suggested as a potential esters when including the methyl branch. Generally the MP
feedstock of biodiesel, although issues such as oxidative of the anteiso acids and esters are significantly below those
stability, viscosity and cetane number are problematic [27], of the iso acids and esters, showing the significance of the
the behavior of ricinoleic acid as well as of its methyl and location of branching. The MP of two other anteiso fatty
ethyl esters were investigated. Ricinoleic acid displayed a acid methyl esters are given in the literature (Table 3),
complex melting curve with major peaks around 6 and [18].
15 °C. It appears to warrant further investigation beyond Generally, for methyl-substituted octadecanoic acids,
the scope of this work. Methyl ricinoleate exhibited an the MP reaches a minimum when the methyl group is
MP of -5.08 °C (SD = 0.73) and ethyl ricinoleate of located at C11, with the MP rising if the methyl group
-17.16 °C (SD = 1.00). The trans isomers (ricinelaidic ‘‘migrates’’ towards either end of the chain [15]. The MP of
acid and its esters) displayed MP around 49.25 °C (acid), the methyl esters of anteiso acids show a behavior similar
27.65 °C (methyl ester), and 24.87 °C (ethyl ester), with to that of esters of straight-chain fatty acids, however, more
ricinelaidic acid not displaying the complex behavior strongly so. This behavior also contrasts with that of the
observed in ricinoleic acid. methyl esters of iso acids.
For epoxyoctadecanoic acids with cis configuration, a
Methyl-Branched Fatty Acids Chains plateau was observed at C8–C10, with alternation broken at
C9 (m.p. 56–57 °C), and a minimum observed at C11
The iso acids (acids with a methyl branch at the penulti- (41.5–44 °C), the reasons for which are unknown [14]. For
mate carbon in the chain) show zig-zag alternation of their trans-epoxyoctadecanoic acids, no alternation was
MP similar to the saturated straight-chain fatty acids. The observed, rather a well in the range of 51–55 °C exists with
maxima can be depicted either for the total number of increases when the epoxy group moves towards either end
carbon atoms in which case the even-numbered fatty acids of the chain. Therefore, the higher MP for a given position
possess the higher MP (Fig. 5) or for the number of carbon of the epoxy group varies between cis and trans configu-
atoms in the chain not taking the methyl branch into ration. Vinyl fatty acids showed similar behavior in that the
account, in which case the odd-numbered chains would even-numbered acids showed higher MP than the following
exhibit the higher MP. No zig-zag alternation is observed odd-numbered acid [16]. For higher diesters of dicarbox-
for the corresponding methyl esters, in which case the MP ylic acids, the odd-numbered acid has a higher melting
increase continuously, although the differences in the point than the preceding even-numbered acid [17].
increase between even and odd number of carbons decrease
with increasing chain length. Furthermore, the MP differ- Application to Biodiesel
ences between the acids and the corresponding methyl
esters decrease with chain length. For example, the dif- As mentioned in the introduction, one of the major tech-
ference for the even-numbered chains decrease from about nical issues facing biodiesel is its low-temperature prop-
53 °C for a total of 12 carbon atoms to about 44 °C for 18 erties. Minor components such as monoacylglycerols

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2009) 86:843–856 855

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