Leica M50-M60-M80 Manual en

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Leica M50

Leica M60
Leica M80
User Manual
General Instructions

Safety concept Use in clean rooms Servicing

Before using your microscope for the first time, The Leica M series can be used in clean rooms ★★ Repairs may only be carried out by Leica
please read the "Safety concept" brochure without any problems. Microsystems-trained service technicians.
included with your instrument. It contains addi- Only original Leica Microsystems spare
tional information about handling and care. Cleaning parts may be used.
★★ Do not use any unsuitable cleaning agents,
chemicals or techniques for cleaning.
Responsibilities of person in charge of
★★ Never use chemicals to clean colored instrument
surfaces or accessories with rubberized ★★ Ensure that the Leica stereomicroscope
parts. This may damage surfaces and is operated, maintained and repaired by
abraded particles may contaminate prepa- authorized and trained personnel only.

★★ In most cases, we can provide special solu-

tions on request. Some products can be
modified, and we can offer other accesso-
ries for use in clean rooms.

Leica M-series User Manual 2

Important Safety Notes

User Manual You can combine individual system articles

The individual modules of the Leica M stereo- with articles from external suppliers (e.g. cold
microscopy series include an interactive light sources, etc.). Please read the user manual
CD-ROM with all relevant user manuals in and the safety requirements of the supplier.
20 other languages. Keep it in a safe place, and
readily accessible to the user. User manuals and Before installing, operating or using the instru-
updates are also available for you to download ments, read the user manuals listed above. In
and print from our web site at www.stereomi- particular, please observe all safety regulations.
To maintain the unit in its original condition
This operating manual describes the special and to ensure safe operation, the user must
functions of the individual modules of the Leica follow the instructions and warnings contained
M stereomicroscopy series and contains impor- in these user manuals.
tant instructions for their operational safety,
maintenance, and accessories.

The "Safety concept" booklet contains additional

safety information regarding the service work,
requirements and the handling of the stereomi-
croscope, accessories and electrical accessories
as well as general safety ­instructions.

Leica M-series User Manual 3

Symbols Used

Warning of a danger Danger due to hot surface.

This symbol indicates especially impor- This symbol warns against touching hot
tant information that must be read and surfaces, e.g. those of light bulbs.
complied with.

Failure to comply can cause the following: Important information

★★ Hazards to personnel This symbol indicates additional informa-
★★ Functional disturbances or damaged tion or explanations that are intended to
­instruments provide clarity.

Warning of hazardous electrical voltage Explanatory notes

This symbol indicates especially impor- ★★ This symbol within the text stands for addi-
tant information that is mandatory to tional information and explanations.
read and observe.
Failure to comply can cause the following: (1) Numbers in parentheses within the
★★ Hazards to personnel descriptions relate to the figures and the
★★ Functional disturbances or damaged items within those figures.

Leica M-series User Manual 4

Safety Regulations

Description Unauthorized alterations to the instrument or Responsibilities of person in charge of

★★ The individual modules fulfill the highest noncompliant use shall void all rights to any instrument
requirements for observation and docu- warranty claims! ★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
mentation of Leica stereomicroscopes of
the M series. Place of use Ensure that:
★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet ★★ The M series stereomicroscopes and
Designated use accessories are operated, maintained and
★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet ★★ Set up the electrical components at least repaired by authorized and trained person-
10 cm from walls and combustible objects. nel only.
Non-intended use
★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet ★★ Avoid large temperature fluctuations, ★★ All operators have read, understood and
direct sunlight and vibrations. These condi- observe this User Manual, and particularly
Never use M series microscopes or their compo- tions can distort measurements and micro- the safety regulations.
nents for surgical procedures (e.g. on the eye) graphic images.
unless they are specifically intended for that
purpose. ★★ In warm and warm-damp climatic zones,
the individual components require special
The instruments and accessories described in care in order to prevent the buildup of
this operating manual have been tested for fungus.
safety and potential hazards. The responsible
Leica affiliate must be consulted whenever
the instrument is altered, modified or used in
conjunction with non-Leica components that
are outside of the scope of this manual.

Leica M-series User Manual 5

Safety Regulations (cont'd.)

Repairs, service work Installation in third-party products assignments and work flow (changing tasks
★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet ★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet frequently), thorough training of the personnel,
giving consideration to ergonomic and organi-
★★ Only original Leica Microsystems spare Disposal zational aspects.
parts may be used. ★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet The ergonomic design and construction of the
Leica M stereomicroscopy series are intended to
★★ Before opening the instruments, switch off Legal requirements reduce the exertion of the user to a minimum.
the power and unplug the power cable. ★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet
Direct contact with eyepieces can be a potential
★★ Touching the live circuit can cause injury. EC Declaration of Conformity transmission path for bacterial and viral infec-
★★ Refer to "Safety Concept" booklet tions of the eye.

Transport The risk can be kept to a minimum by using

★★ Use the original packaging for shipping or Health risks personal eyepieces for each individual or
transporting the individual modules of the Workplaces equipped with stereomicroscopes detachable eyecups.
Leica M stereomicroscopy series and the facilitate and improve the viewing task, but
accessory components. they also impose high demands on the eyes
and holding muscles of the user. Depending
★★ In order to prevent damage from vibrations, on the duration of uninterrupted work, asthe-
disassemble all moving parts that (accord- nopia and musculoskeletal problems may
ing to the user manual) can be assembled occur. For this reason, appropriate measures
and disassembled by the customer and for reduction of the workload must be taken:
pack them separately. optimal arrangement of workplace, work

Leica M-series User Manual 6

Safety Regulations (cont'd.)

Light sources: safety regulations Warning Supply unit

Protective measures of the manufacturer: ★★ UV radiation could damage the eyes. Always unplug the supply unit from the power
★★ UV protection screen in front of the speci- ­Therefore: supply:
men plane prevents the user from looking ★★ When installing and disassembling the
directly into the UV rays. ★★ Never look into the light spot on the speci- lamp housing
men plane without a UV protection screen.
★★ Dummy filter carriers in the free positions ★★ Before opening the lamp housing
of the rapid filter changer prevent direct UV ★★ Never look into the eyepieces if no excita-
radiation from reaching the eyes. tion filter is in the beam path. ★★ When replacing the high-pressure mercury
lamp and other parts, such as the heat-
★★ UV filters are installed in the observation ★★ Fill empty filter positions with dummy filter absorbing filter or the collector
beam paths to protect the eyes. carriers (e.g. M165 FC).
★★ During maintenance work on the supply
★★ The stray-light protection on the lamp ★★ Do not select a white, strongly reflective unit
housing prevents irradiation of the hands. background for the specimen.

Leica M-series User Manual 7

Safety Regulations (cont'd.)

Lamp housing Mercury lamp

★★ Never open the lamp housing while the ★★ Follow the user manual and safety regula-
lamp is switched on. Risk of explosion, UV tions provided by the lamp manufacturer,
exposure, blinding! and, in particular, the section on how to
proceed if a lamp breaks and releases
★★ Before opening the lamp housing, allow it mercury.
to cool off for at least 15 minutes. Danger
of explosion! ★★ For transport, remove the mercury lamp,
transport it in its original packaging and
★★ Never cover the air duct on the lamp hous- protect moving parts in the lamp housing
ing. Danger of fire! using the transport anchors.

★★ When it has reached the end of its rated life

(follow the manufacturer's specifications
and the minute meter on the supply unit).

★★ To minimize the risk of explosion, replace a

discolored mercury lamp promptly.

★★ Leica Microsystems assumes no liability

for damage caused by exploding, incor-
rectly installed or improperly used mercury

Leica M-series User Manual 8

Table of Contents

Inhaltsverzeichnis Leica LED5000 CXI (cont'd.) 24

General Instructions 2 Leica LED3000 NVI™ (Near Vertical Illumination) 25
Important Safety Notes 3 Leica LED3000 NVI™ (cont'd.) 26
Symbols Used 4
Safety Regulations 5 Quick Start Guide
Safety Regulations (cont'd.) 6 The Reliable Route to Success 28
Safety Regulations (cont'd.) 7 Overview of an M Series Microscope 29
Safety Regulations (cont'd.) 8 The Correct Interpupillary Distance 30
Using the Eyepieces 31
The Leica Focusing 32
M series Adjusting the Resistance of the Focus Drive 33
Congratulations! 12 Changing the Magnification (Zoom) 34
The Modular Design: Everything is Relative 13 Ratchet Steps and Magnification Levels 35
Maximum Compatibility 14
On We Go 15 Eyepieces & Tubes
Magnification Factor of the Eyepieces 37
Assembly Health Notes 38
Base and Focusing Column 17 Dioptric Correction 39
Microscope Carrier 18 Dioptric Correction and Parfocality 40
Optics Carrier 19 Graticules 41
Tube 20 ErgoTube 10° to 50° 42
Eyepieces 21
Objective 22
Leica LED5000 CXI (Coax Illumination) 23

Leica M-series User Manual 9

Photography & Video Appendix
Photography & Video 44 Calculating the Total Magnification and Field of View Diameter 63
Photo Tubes and C-mounts 45 Care, Maintenance, Contact Persons 64
Video/Phototubes HD F & HD V 46 Care, Maintenance, Contact Persons (cont'd.) 65

Objectives and
Optical Accessories
The Different Types of Objectives 48

System Illumination
Leica LED3000 NVI™ (Near Vertical Illumination) 50
Leica LED5000 CXI (Coax Illumination) 51

Dimensional Drawings
Leica M50 53
Leica M50 54
Leica M50 55
Leica M60 56
Leica M80 57
Leica M80 58
Leica M80 59
Leica M80 60
Leica M80 61

Leica M-series User Manual 10

The Leica
M series

Leica M-series User Manual 11


The New Leica M Series Common to all microscopes is the Leica range of accessories. Whether you
The introduction of the Leica M50, M60 and M80 adds three new high- need a variety of illumination types, a wide selection of objectives or the
quality routine stereomicroscopes to the proven M-Series range from Leica swinging-arm system – there is a solution for everything there!
Leica ­Microsystems. The optical brilliance and the wide range of acces-
sories make them the ideal microscope for quality assurance and similar Do you already own stereomicroscopic equipment and are thinking of
industrial applications. switching to Leica? No problem! Leica M50, M60 and M80 fit into micro-
scope carrier with a diameter of 76 mm and are therefore compatible with
many suppliers. You can simply continue to use your components and add
Magnification in stages or zoom the proven Leica stereomicroscopes.
The Leica M50 stereomicroscope includes precisely reproducible magni-
fication levels for repeated examinations, measurements, drawing or
photography of objects under absolutely identical conditions. The five
easily selectable positions can be set without removing the eyes from the
eyepieces. This ensures that your results remain comparable at all times
without great efforts.

The Leica M60 and M80 stereomicroscopes can be used for a wide range of
routine applications with the 6:1 / 8:1 zoom and switchable ratchet steps.
The large ­working distance and the brilliant imaging power shows you
the finest details of your specimens without losing your overview of large

Leica M-series User Manual 12

The Modular Design: Everything is Relative

The Leica M series provides maximum flexibil- Despite this, you will notice that the controls specific solutions. If you have a special request
ity in choosing equipment, thanks primarily to and individual components do not differ signif- that cannot be met with standard parts, contact
the modular configuration and the compatibil- icantly. Whichever configuration you choose, your Leica consultant. We have a solution for
ity that Leica has painstakingly maintained for you will quickly feel right at home. every problem.
decades. The optics carriers, eyepieces, bases
and more can be combined in any way you
choose, allowing you to create the microscope Have a special request? Let us know!
that best suits your needs. Leica Microsystems enjoys an exceptional repu-
tation when it comes to devising customer-

Leica M-series User Manual 13

Maximum Compatibility

Leica engineers were careful to ensure that the Tubes

new Leica M series—like its predecessors— The interface between the optics carrier and
remains compatible with existing series. This the tube has remained the same, so existing
means that objectives, bases, tubes and so on tubes fit the new M series. The new tubes are
can be reused. designed for eyepieces with field number  23,
while the predecessor models were only
Objectives designed for field number 21, resulting in a
All objectives of this new generation have the smaller object field.
same reference focal length as the objectives of
the MZ generation. If you prefer, you can there- Eyepieces
fore continue to use the previous Leica objec- The new M-series eyepieces have an audible
tive series. and tangible click to provide immediate feed-
back in case of accidental adjustment.

Leica M-series User Manual 14

On We Go

If your new Leica microscope has already been If, on the other hand, you are assembling the
assembled and commissioned by your Leica microscope yourself, continue with the "Assem-
consultant, click here to skip through the instal- bly" chapter, which begins on Page 16.
lation instructions and go directly to the Quick
Start Guide on Page 29.

Leica M-series User Manual 15


Leica M-series User Manual 16

Base and Focusing Column

The first step is to connect the focusing column Assembling the column adapter 2. Install the base on the column using the
of the M series to the corresponding base. 1. Remove the three screws provided from the three screws.
Tools used
★★ Hex socket screwdriver, 3 mm

Tip: Place the column on the edge of a table to

attach the base and have another person help

Leica M-series User Manual 17

Microscope Carrier

Tools Alternative installation options

★★ Allen screwdriver provided Depending on the desired working distance, the
microscope carrier can be installed in the stan-
dard way or upside down (see figure below).

The microscope carrier is fastened to the column
using the screw provided.

Leica M-series User Manual 18

Optics Carrier

Tools used Assembling the optics carrier 2. Tighten the clamping screw below the
★★ None 1. Unscrew the clamping screw on the holder optics carrier.
for the optics carrier.

2. Place the optics carrier into the holder and

align it in such a way that the notch in the
optics carrier and the bottom clamping
screw are on top of each other.

Leica M-series User Manual 19


All intermediate tubes that fit between the Assembling the tube
optics carrier and the binocular tube are fitted 2. Push the tube (for example, the inclined 3. While holding the tube only slightly, care-
in the same manner. binocular tube) into the dovetail ring and fully tighten the positioning screw. It
rotate it slightly in both directions until the is automatically brought to the correct
Tools used positioning screw meshes with the guide ­position.
★★ No tools required. groove.

1. Unscrew the positioning screw and remove
the protective cover.

Leica M-series User Manual 20


Tools used Preparation Inserting the eyepieces

★★ No tools required. 1. If you want to use an optional graticule, 3. Push the eyepieces into the tubes as far as
insert it now (Page 43). they will go and check to ensure that they
Magnification range fit tightly and accurately.
You can extend the overall magnification range 2. Remove the plastic tube guard.
using available 10×, 16×, 25× and 40× wide-
field eyepieces for persons wearing glasses.

4. Securely tighten the clamping screws.

Leica M-series User Manual 21


Tools used Attaching the objective

★★ No tools required. Hold the objective firmly during assem-
bly and disassembly so that it does not
fall onto the stage plate. This applies particu-
Preparation larly to the 2x planapochromatic objective,
1. Remove the protective cap on the optics which is very heavy. Remove all specimens from
carrier by turning it. the stage plate first.

2. Screw the objective clockwise into the

optics carrier.

Leica M-series User Manual 22

Leica LED5000 CXI (Coax Illumination)

Required tools Installing the Leica LED5000 CXI 2. Unscrew the positioning screw and remove
★★ None 1. Connect the Leica LED5000 CXI to the the protective cover.
focusing column via the CTL2 connection if
the focusing column is equipped with inte-
grated electronics.

Alternative installation for manual columns

1. Connect the external power supply unit
(10 450 266) to the Leica LED5000 CXI.

Leica M-series User Manual 23

Leica LED5000 CXI (cont'd.)

3. Place the Leica LED5000 CXI on the optics 4. Push the tube (for example, the inclined 5. While holding the tube only slightly, care-
carrier and tighten the positioning screw. binocular tube) into the dovetail ring and fully tighten the positioning screw. It
rotate it slightly in both directions until the is automatically brought to the correct
positioning screw meshes with the guide ­position.

Leica M-series User Manual 24

Leica LED3000 NVI™ (Near Vertical Illumination)

Required tools Installing the Leica LED3000 NVI™ Alternative installation for manual columns
★★ None 1. Connect the Leica LED3000 NVI™ to the 1. Connect the external power supply unit
focusing column via the CTL2 connection if (10 450 266) to the Leica LED3000 NVI™.
the focusing column is equipped with inte-

 with any objectives that have an outer

The Leica LED 3000 NVI™ can be used grated electronics. 2. Place the Leica LED3000 NVI™ on the optics
carrier from below and tighten the locking
diameter of 58 mm. screw.

 between 50 mm and 150 mm.

The supported working distance is

Leica M-series User Manual 25

Leica LED3000 NVI™ (cont'd.)

• illuminator and the locking screw of the

Ensure that the locking screw of the

optics carrier are on a straight line, as otherwise

image shading may occur.

Leica M-series User Manual 26

Quick Start Guide

Leica M-series User Manual 27

The Reliable Route to Success

Your Leica stereomicroscope has been delivered in completely assembled

condition by your Leica partner, and naturally you want to get right to
work. This manual will familiarize you with the finer details of your micro-
scope. The following pages contain important, practical information that
makes using it every day easier.

Take time to read it – it's worth it!

Leica M-series User Manual 28

Overview of an M Series Microscope

2 1 Eyepieces for spectacle wearers with dioptric correction

and eyecups
3 2 Fastening screws for the eyepieces
9 3 Ergo tube
4 4 Optics carrier
5 Magnification changer (zoom)
6 Interchangeable objective
7 Incident-light base
8 Column
9 Cable duct with cover
10 Coarse/fine focusing

Leica M-series User Manual 29

The Correct Interpupillary Distance

The interpupillary distance is correctly set if you Adjusting the interpupillary distance 3. Slowly approach the eyepieces with your
see a single circular image field when looking 1. Look into the eyepieces. eyes until you can see the complete image
at a specimen. field without corner cutting.
2. Hold the eyepieces with both hands. Push
If you are still a novice microscope user, you the eyepieces together or separate them
may need a short time to become accustomed until you see a circular image.
to this. Not to worry—after a little while, it will
become automatic.

Reference value
The distance between eye and eyepiece
measures approx. 22 mm for 10/23B wide-field
eyepieces for persons wearing glasses.
✗ ✓

Leica M-series User Manual 30

Using the Eyepieces

The eyepieces form the connection between If you do not wear glasses: If you wear glasses:
the tube and the eye of the observer. Simply 1. Hold the eyepiece firmly and rotate the 1. Hold the eyepiece firmly and rotate the
push them into the tube and they are ready to eyecups forwards counterclockwise. eyecups counterclockwise towards the rear,
use. as otherwise the viewing distance is too
Each eyepiece offers a certain magnification
factor that has a determinative effect on the
total magnification. Furthermore, all Leica
eyepieces can be equipped with practical grati-
cules that enable measuring and quantifying of
2. If an eyepiece is equipped with the inte-
Dioptric correction grated dioptric correction, turn the value to
A built-in dioptric correction is available for the "0" mark. 2. If an eyepiece is equipped with the inte-
eyeglass wearers. For more information, refer grated dioptric correction, turn the value to
to page 39. the "0" mark.

By the way, one benefit of viewing with

eyeglasses is a drastically lower risk of bacte-
rial transmission (see page 38). The soft mate-
rial of the eyecup also ensures that your glasses
will not be scratched, even if they contact the

Leica M-series User Manual 31


Focusing raises or lowers the stereomicroscope

using the focusing drive. The specimen detail is
brought into sharp focus as soon as it is in the
focal point of the objective.

★★ The focusing drive can be operated either

left- or right-handed.

• load of up to 15 kg.
The coarse/fine adjustment carries a

 ment is 1 µm.
The resolution of the coarse/fine adjust-

Leica M-series User Manual 32

Adjusting the Resistance of the Focus Drive

Adjusting the resistance

Is the focus movement too loose or too tight?
Does the outfit tend to slide downwards? The
resistance can be adjusted individually depend-
ing on the equipment weight and personal
preferences as follows:

1. Grip the outer drive knobs with both hands

and turn them towards each other until
the desired resistance is reached during

Leica M-series User Manual 33

Changing the Magnification (Zoom)

All M series microscopes have an integrated Zooming

zoom. The name indicates the zoom range 1. Look into the eyepieces.
2. Focus on the specimen.
★★ Leica M50 = 5 increments
★★ Leica M60 = 6:1 zoom 3. Rotate the magnification changer until the
★★ Leica M80 = 8:1 zoom desired magnification is configured.

The rotary knob for the zoom can be used either

left or right-handed.

Leica M-series User Manual 34

Ratchet Steps and Magnification Levels

The zoom button can optionally be operated Enabling and disabling ratchet steps Magnifications and fields of view
either with or without ratchet steps. Continu- 1. Push the button towards the knob to enable The formula on page 62 provide additional
ous zoom is possible when the ratchet steps are the ratchet steps. information about the magnifications and field
disabled, which many users find convenient. of view diameters, with consideration given to
On the other hand, when the ratchet steps are 2. Push the button away from the knob to the position of the magnification changer and
enabled, photographs, measurement results disable the ratchet steps. the eyepiece and objective combination used.
etc. can be reproduced more accurately.

Leica M-series User Manual 35

Eyepieces & Tubes

Leica M-series User Manual 36

Magnification Factor of the Eyepieces

An eyepiece not only makes it possible to look passively into the micro-
scope, but also has a critical effect on the maximum magnification. The
magnification factor is between 10x and 40x.

The following eyepieces are available for the M series:

Magnification Dioptric correction Order number
10× ± 5 diopter settings 10 450 023
16× ± 5 diopter settings 10 450 024
25× ± 5 diopter settings 10 450 025
40× ± 5 diopter settings 10 450 026

Leica M-series User Manual 37

Health Notes

Potential sources of infection

Direct contact with eyepieces is a
potential transmission method for
bacterial and viral infections of the eye. The risk
can be kept to a minimum by using individual
eyepieces or detachable eyecups. Eyecups can
be ordered separately. Please contact your
Leica partner.

Separate eyecups are an effective

way of preventing infections.

Leica M-series User Manual 38

Dioptric Correction

All Leica eyepieces are also available with built- Using the Dioptric Correction
in dioptric correction, allowing the microscope 1. Set the dioptric correction of both eyepieces
to be used without glasses even by those with to the mid position ("0" diopter settings).
vision problems. The correction comprises
±5 diopter settings. 2. While wearing your glasses, look through
the eyepieces and focus on the specimen.

3. Rotate both eyepieces to the maximum

value of "+5".

4. Hold one eye closed and rotate the other

eyepiece in "-" direction until the specimen
appears sharp.

5. Then, open the other eye and correct the

diopter settings until the image is uniformly

Leica M-series User Manual 39

Dioptric Correction and Parfocality

Leica stereomicroscopes are parfocally matched. Adjusting 7. Look into the eyepieces.
The prerequisite for this is the correct setting of 1. Set the dioptric correction for both
the diopters and the parfocality. The following eyepieces to "0". 8. Slowly rotate each eyepiece individually
adjustments only have to be carried out once in the "–" direction until each eye sees the
by each user. 2. Select the lowest magnification and focus object sharply imaged.
on a flat specimen.
9. Select the highest magnification and refo-
Preparation 3. Select the highest magnification and read- cus if necessary.
★★ Move the lever of the video/phototube to just the sharpness.
the "observation" position and open the Now, if you adjust the magnification from the
diaphragm. 4. Select the lowest magnification again, but lowest to the highest level, the specimen is
do not look into the eyepieces. always brought into sharp focus. If not, repeat
the process.
6. Rotate the eyepieces counterclockwise
in the "+" direction as far as they will go
(+5 diopter settings).

Leica M-series User Manual 40


Use 2. Clamp the graticule on the insert, applying 4. You can now align the graticule by rotating
Leica graticules make length measurements moderate pressure. Ensure that the grati- the eyepiece in the tube and then tighten-
and counting easier, particularly for work- cule fits tightly. ing it using the clamping screw.
stations that are not equipped with a digital
camera and LAS software.

The Leica graticules for length measurements

and numbering are fitted in mounts and are
inserted into the eyepieces.

1. Screw the insert off of the eyepiece.

3. Screw the insert and graticule firmly into
place and replace the eyepiece in the tube.

Leica M-series User Manual 41

ErgoTube 10° to 50°

ErgoTube™ 10° to 50° Assembly

The ErgoTube™ with continuously adjustable Assembly of the ErgoTube 10° to 50° is exactly the
viewing angle from 10° to 50° allows for opti- same as that of any other tube (see Page 20).
mum sitting posture. Users who work with the
same stereomicroscope can adjust the viewing Handling
height to their height with a simple hand move- 1. Then grasp the tubes with both hands and
ment. If the head posture is changed, the view- adjust the desired tilt.
ing height can also be readjusted without having
to adjust the height of the chair. Special long
tubes enable the user to maintain an upright
posture. In order to safeguard against ESD, the
ErgoTube™ has been constructed from anti-
static materials.

Leica M-series User Manual 42

Photography & Video

Leica M-series User Manual 43

Photography & Video

For most microscope users, digital documen- Leica DFC cameras Leica Application Suite
tation has become an invaluable part of their However, if you require absolute control The "Leica Application Suite", or "LAS" for short,
work. Research results can be presented in an over the camera and need the capability for is, as it were, the digital extension of the Leica
attractive manner; measurements on the digi- measurement, evaluation and more in addition M series microscopes. In addition to capturing
tal image provide clarity and, in conjunction to photography, the digital Leica DFC cameras images, it lets you control the microscope, illu-
with the motorized IsoPro™ cross-stage, even are exactly right for you. Together with the minator, stages, cameras and more. For addi-
images of large specimens can be captured Leica Application Suite, they provide virtually tional information, refer to the LAS online help.
step by step and automatically joined to create limitless freedom of use. For additional informa-
a new complete image. tion about Leica cameras, refer to the camera's
If camera control using the Leica Application
Suite is not required, conventional mirror reflex
and rangefinder cameras from third-party
manufacturers can be used. For this purpose,
Leica Microsystems offers a variety of adapters
that can be used together with the 50% and
100% trinocular tubes.

Leica M-series User Manual 44

Photo Tubes and C-mounts

Application If there is unwanted shading at the corners even Cameras from third-party suppliers
All Leica DFC cameras are equipped with a with a compatible C-mount adapter installed, it In addition to Leica DFC cameras with the stan-
standardized C-mount interface. In turn, the can be corrected using the "Shading function" dardized C-mount interfaces, you can connect
C-mount adapter for the respective trinocular of the camera software. third-party cameras to the microscope using
tube is connected to this interface. This adapter a T2 bayonet adapter. To do so, instead of the
creates a solid mechanical connection between Alternatively, you can also use a C-mount C-mount adapter, simply use the correspond-
the microscope and camera and ensures opti- adapter with higher magnification. This primar- ing SLR adapter with T2 connection. However,
mum rendering of the microscopic image on ily avoids the critical border area of the field of these third-party cameras are not integrated
the image sensor of the camera. vision and concentrates on the center of the into the Leica Application Suite and have to
field of vision. be operated using the corresponding software
Usually, the ideal is for the digital camera to from the camera manufacturer.
capture as much of the field of vision as possi- Camera optimal suitable
ble, while excluding as much of the black edge (large (smaller The Leica digital cameras are detailed in a sepa-
of the field of vision as possible. To do so, the image field) image field) rate user manual along with instructions for
magnification factor of the C-mount adapter their assembly and use.
must match the image format of the sensor as 0.5× 0.63×
closely as possible (see table).
0.5× 0.63×
DFC425 C
DFC495 0.63× 0.8×
DFC500 0.63× 0.8×

Leica M-series User Manual 45

Video/Phototubes HD F & HD V

The video/phototubes HD F and HD V are opti- ★★ Three-dimensional observation with 100%

mized for adapting state-of-the-art digital light in the binocular tube.
cameras to obtain perfect results for image
acquisition. The video/phototubes can be The HD  F features a fixed separation ratio of
combined with the binocular tubes and the 50% in the binocular tube and 50% in the photo
ErgoModules™ from the Leica ergonomics line. beam path. This allows the user to conduct
A range of high-quality video objectives with three-dimensional observations of the samples
different self-magnifications and C-mount in the binocular tube, manipulate and edit them
allows for the selection of different cameras. and simultaneously project the image live on
the monitor. Since the sensors of state-of-the-
Separation ratios art cameras are highly sensitive, the exposure Videotube HD V
The HD V allows for selecting three different time for most applications is short in spite of
separation ratios: lower light intensity.

★★ 50% light at all outputs, i.e. 50% light for

stereoscopic observation and recording at
50% light.

★★ 100% light in the right eyepiece for moni-

toring the object and 100% light in the
camera to have the maximum light for
the recording under extremely poor light Phototube HD F

Leica M-series User Manual 46

Objectives and
Optical Accessories

Leica M-series User Manual 47

The Different Types of Objectives

To meet the various requirements regarding Achromatic objectives Achromatic objectives with a long focal
imaging properties, there is a choice of high- The 0.32×, 0.5×, 0.63×, 0.8×, 1×, 1.5×, 2× achro- length:
quality interchangeable planachromatic and matic objectives offer countless variants for For special applications achromatic objectives
planapochromatic objectives and also lower- selecting the object field diameter, magnification with long working distances and focal lengths
priced interchangeable achromatic objectives. ranges and working distances (see page 63). of f=100 mm to 400 mm are available.

★★ Achromatic objectives are particularly Planachromatic objective 1×

suited for specimens with high-contrast For the highest requirements for overall image
structures. quality, we recommend equipping the micro-
scope with the 1× plan (flat-field) objective,
★★ Flat-field (planachromatic) objectives are which returns sharp, contrast-rich object fields.
particularly well suited for studying flat
objects such as wafers and thin sections.

★★ With planapochromatic objectives, the

finest structures are visible with high
contrast. The sophisticated apochromatic
correction allows these objectives to attain
the highest color brilliance and fidelity.

Leica M-series User Manual 48

System Illumination

Leica M-series User Manual 49

Leica LED3000 NVI™ (Near Vertical Illumination)

 adjusted in 10 increments.
The intensity of the illuminator can be Use 2. Adjust the brightness by briefly pressing

The light of the Leica LED3000 NVI™ can the or buttons.
be very bright. Therefore, always switch
on the illuminator before you look through the
The Leica LED3000 NVI™ can also be
controlled via the Leica Application Suite eyepieces!
(LAS) or the Leica SmartTouch.
1. Switch on the illuminator by briefly press-
ing the (ON/OFF) button.
 between 50 mm and 150 mm.
The supported working distance is

3. Switch off the illuminator by briefly press-

ing the button.

The green LED on the upper left corner now

lights up.

Leica M-series User Manual 50

Leica LED5000 CXI (Coax Illumination)

 adjusted in 10 increments.
The intensity of the illuminator can be Use 2. Adjust the brightness by briefly pressing

The light of the Leica LED5000 CXI can the or buttons.
be very bright. Therefore, always switch
on the illuminator before you look through the 3. Switch off the illuminator by briefly press-
The Leica LED3000 NVI™ can also be
controlled via the Leica Application Suite eyepieces! ing the button.
(LAS) or the Leica SmartTouch.
1. Switch on the illuminator by briefly press-
ing the (ON/OFF) button.
 increased magnification level of 1.5×.
Using the Leica LED5000 CXI results in an

 different intensities of vignetting may

Depending on the components used,

occur at low magnification. Vignetting is normal

and not a malfunction.

The green LED on the upper left corner now

lights up.

Leica M-series User Manual 51

Dimensional Drawings

Leica M-series User Manual 52

105 90

Leica M50

Leica M50 with small incident-light base, transmitted-light base, Leica L2 illumination
205 and 45° binocular tube 277
220 390






105 90

205 277 54

220 390 205

Leica M-series User Manual 53


Leica M50

Leica M50 with large incident-light base and ErgoTube® 45°
116 119


514 255



116 119

278 301 278

Leica M-series User Manual 54
Leica M50

Leica M50 with small swinging-arm stand and 45° binocular tube 220





345 260



Leica M-series User Manual 55
Leica M60

Leica M60 with large incident light base and 45° binocular tube 116 119



66 255




116 119

278 54
301 278


Leica M-series User Manual 56

Leica M80

116 119
Leica M80 with large incident-light base and 45° binocular tube






116 119




Leica M-series User Manual 57


Leica M80

Leica M80 with transmitted-light base TL ST and binocular ErgoTube®
356 154








356 85

Leica M-series User Manual 58

Leica M80

Leica M80 with standard swinging-arm stand and 45° binocular tube





345 230





Leica M-series User Manual 59
Leica M80 109 100

Leica M80 with Leica LED2500 and binocular ErgoTube® 331

max. 426

min. 290


109 100

257 331 257
max. 426

in. 290

Leica M-series User Manual 60


max. 420
Leica M80

min. 290

Leica M80 with universal stand, XL extension and binocular ErgoTube®




max. 420
min. 290


400 600

Leica M-series User Manual 61


Leica M-series User Manual 62

Calculating the Total Magnification and Field of View Diameter

Parameter Example
MO Magnification of objective MO 1× objective
ME Magnification of eyepiece ME 25×/9.5 eyepiece
z Magnification changer position z Zoom position 4
q Tube factor, e.g. 1.5× for coaxial incident light, 1.6× for 45° q Coaxial reflected light 1.5×, tube factor
ErgoTube™ r Factor 1.25×
r Factor 1.25x if the planachromatic and planapochromatic
objectives of the MZ125/MZ16 are used on the MS5, MZ6,
MZ75 or MZ95
NFOV Field number of the eyepiece. Field numbers are printed on the
eyepieces: 10× = 21, 16× = 14, 25× = 9.5, 40× = 6.

Calculation example: magnification in binocular tube Calculation example: field of view diameter in the specimen

MTOT VIS = MO × ME × z × q × r NFOV

or ∅ OF:
MO × z ×q ×r
1 × 25 × 4 × 1.5 × 1.25 = 187.5×

Leica M-series User Manual 63

Care, Maintenance, Contact Persons

We hope you enjoy using your high-perfor- Contact address Care

mance microscope. Leica microscopes are However, if your instrument should no longer ★★ Protect your microscope from moisture,
renowned for their robustness and long service function properly, contact your technician, fumes and acids and from alkaline, caustic
life. Observing the following care and clean- your Leica representative or Leica Microsystems and corrosive materials and keep chemicals
ing tips will ensure that even after years and (Schweiz) AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg. away from the instruments.
decades, your Leica microscope will continue to
work as well as it did on the very first day. ★★ Plugs, optical systems and mechanical parts
E-mail contact: must not be disassembled or replaced,
Warranty benefits [email protected] unless doing so is specifically permitted
The guarantee covers all faults in materials and described in this manual.
and manufacture. It does not, however, cover
damage resulting from careless or improper ★★ Protect your microscope from oil and
handling. grease.

★★ Do not grease guide surfaces or mechani-

cal parts.

Leica M-series User Manual 64

Care, Maintenance, Contact Persons (cont'd.)

Protection from dirt Cleaning polymer components Permitted measures

Dust and dirt will affect the quality of your Some components are made of polymer or are ★★ Clean the microscope (or parts of it) using
results. polymer-coated. They are, therefore, pleasant warm soapy water, then wipe using distilled
and convenient to handle. The use of unsuitable water.
★★ Put a dust cover over the microscope when cleaning agents and techniques can damage
it will not be used for a long time. polymers, ★★ For stubborn dirt, you can also use ethanol
(industrial alcohol) or isopropanol. When
★★ Use dust caps to protect tube openings, doing so, follow the corresponding safety
tubes without eyepieces, and eyepieces. regulations.

★★ Keep accessories in a dust-free place when ★★ Remove dust with a pneumatic rubber bulb
not in use. or with a soft brush.

★★ Clean objectives and eyepieces with

special optic cleaning cloths and with pure

Leica M-series User Manual 65

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