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Rule 65 from decision of NLRC to CA procedure for the selection of such arbitrators, preferably from the
listing of the VA accredited board. In case parties fail to select,
SPA. Judicial review of decisions board shall designate pursuant to the prodecure in CBA which
of the NLRC is sought via a petition shall act with the same force and effecs as if the parties selected
for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of them themselves.
Court, and the petition should be filed before
the CA, following the strict observance of
6.Appeal from the regional director under article 129
the hierarchy of courts. Under Rule 65,
Appeal to NLRC
Section 4, petitioners are allowed sixty (60)
days from notice of the assailed order or
resolution within which to file the petition. Under Article 129, the Regional Director or any
Thus, although the petition was not filed of the duly authorized hearing officers of DOLE
within the 10-day period, petitioners
reasonably filed their petition have jurisdiction over claims for recovery of
for certiorari before the CA within the 60- wages, simple money claims and other benefits,
day reglementary period under Rule 65.
provided that:
Confined only to issues of 1. the claim must arise from employer-
jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion. It employee relationship;
is, thus, incumbent upon petitioners to
satisfactorily establish that the NLRC acted 3. the claimant does not seek
capriciously and whimsically in order that reinstatement; and
the extraordinary writ of certiorari will lie. 4. the aggregate money claim of each employee
By grave abuse of discretion is meant such
capricious and whimsical exercise of does not exceed P5,000.00.
judgment as is equivalent to lack of
jurisdiction, and it must be shown that the
discretion was exercised arbitrarily or
2. Rule 45 decision of CA to SC BENEFITS NOT EXCEEDING P5,000 AND NOT
Verified petition for review on certiorari
Shall raise only questions of law.
REINSTATEMENT - The decision is appealable to
15 days period of appeal from decision or new trial the NLRC
6. Appeal from the regional director under article 128

3. Rule 43 from the decision of the voluntary arbitration to

the CA.
15 days Orders issued by the duly authorized
Errors of facts and law representative of the Secretary of
Labor and Employment under
Article 128 (Visitorial and
Enforcement Power) may be
4. Appeal from office of Dole Secretary to CA appealed to the latter. (Art. 128).
The decision of the BLR rendered in its
7. Appeal from labor artbiter to NLRC
original jurisdiction may be appealed to the
8. There are four (4) grounds, to wit:
Secretary of Labor and Employment whose 9. (a) If there is prima facie evidence of
decision thereon may only be elevated to abuse of discretion on the part of the
the Court of Appeals by way of certiorari Labor Arbiter;
under Rule 65. 10. (b) If the decision, order or award was
secured through fraud or coercion,
including graft and corruption;
5. Appeal from grievance machinery to Voluntary
11. (c) If made purely on questions of law;
arbitrator and
All grievances submitted to the grievance machinery 12. (d) If serious errors in the findings of
which are not settled within calendar days from the dates of its
submission shall automatically referred to the voluntary arbitration.
facts are raised which would cause grave
Parties to the cba shall name and designate in advance a voluntary or irreparable damage or injury to the
arbitrator or panel of arbitrators, or include in the agreement a appellant. 10 calendar days
Appeal from the decision of the Labor
Arbiter is brought by ordinary
appeal to the NLRC within ten (10)
calendar days from receipt by the
party of the decision. From the
decision of the NLRC, there is no

13. Appeal from mid arbiter to office of secretary

is appealable to the DOLE Secretary of Labor
and Employment.

14. Motion for reconsideration in the adverse decision of


Diff of Art 129 and 128

Diff of 128 and 127

Diff of 217(224) and 129

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