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==before 2011==

'''??/??/77''' : Facing a revolution, the Shah of Iran sought help from the United States. Iran occupied a
strategic place in US policy in the Middle East, acting as an important ally and a buffer against Soviet
influence in the region. The US ambassador to Iran, William H. Sullivan, recalls that Brzezinski "repeatedly
assured Pahlavi that the U.S. backed him fully." These reassurances would not, however, amount to
substantive action on the part of the United States. On November 4, 1978, Brzezinski called the Shah to tell
him that the United States would "back him to the hilt." At the same time, certain high-level officials in the
State Department decided that the Shah had to go, regardless of who replaced him. Brzezinski and US
Secretary of Energy James Schlesinger (formerly Secretary of Defense under Gerald Ford) continued to
advocate that the US support the Shah militarily. Even in the final days of the revolution, when the Shah was
considered doomed no matter what the outcome of the revolution, Brzezinski still advocated a US invasion to
keep Iran under US influence. President Carter could not decide how to appropriately use force and opposed
another US-backed coup d'etat. He ultimately allowed a regime change. A deal was worked out with the
Iranian generals to shift support to a moderate government, but this plan fell apart when Ayatollah
Khomeini and his followers swept the country, taking power on February 12, 1979. The Huyser cable is part
of a trove of declassified US government documents that relate to the so-called Huyser mission, undertaken
by the Carter administration at the height of the Iranian revolution. Thirty-six years later, many Iranians still
believe Huyser was sent to Tehran to neutralise the Iranian army as part of a deal to put Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini in power. The Americans, they say, naively thought Khomeini, an anti-communist, would protect
their interests in the Persian Gulf after the Shah’s departure.

'''??/??/79''' : zbigniew brzezinski initiated a campaign supporting mujaheddin in pakistan and afghanistan,
financial support for them from the CIA and MI6. It included the arming, training & leading of afghanistands
mujahideen. This policy was to battle the USSR, but also to overthrow the secular communist government in
afghanistan. He apparently also trained osama bin laden

'''??/??/79''' : While attending Occidental University, 1979 – 81′, young Barack Obama meets a former Jimmy
Carter administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski is a key CIA asset and expert on Russia. He
later becomes a mentor, and then much later a foreign policy advisor to President Elect Obama.

'''??/??/81''' : obama visited pakistan in 1981, after visiting his mother in indonesia, with his friends from
school, travelling with wahid hamid and staying in karachi with mohammed hasan chandoo's family.

'''??/??/87''' : 1987 bill ayers solicited khalid abdullah tariq al-mansour (a.k.a. Donald Warden) to raise money
for obama’s harvard law school education. al-mansour is an orthodox muslim, a black nationalist, an
outspoken enemy of israel, and mentor to black panther party founder huey newton and his cohort, bobby
seale. At the time al-mansour associate percy sutton was raising money for obama’s education, al-mansour
was the top financial advisor to mega-billionaire prince alwaleed (alwalid) bin talal of the saudi royal family.

'''??/??/88''' : obama entered harvard law school in late 1988.

'''??/??/89''' : obama barack worked at the law firm sidley austin llp, michelle obama (than robinson) was
assigned to be his mentor

'''??/??/90''' : prince alwaleed invested in citibank and became one of the company's top shareholders at the

'''02/06/90''' : obama elected first black president for harvard law review

'''??/??/91''' : obama graduated magna cum laude from harvard in 1991 and returned to chicago

'''02/??/93''' : brzezinski pushes war in yugoslavia, pushes US to get fully involved. Also soros was involved

'''??/??/97''' : obama represented the 13th district for three terms in the illinois senate from 1997 to 2004

'''01/13/00''' : cia / 7 dwarfs report:


'''09/08/00''' : rudi giuliani appoints iris weinshall (wife chuck schumer) to the new york city department of
transportation. Commissioner weinshall was one of a handful of giuliani department heads to be reappointed
by mayor michael bloomberg.

'''03/??/01''' : eric schmidt joined google's board of directors as chairman

'''03/??/01''' : edward mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 felony charges of bank
fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud. (a democrat, former american congressman, father of marc mezvinsky
(husband chelsea clinton & husband of marjorie margolies, they divorced in 2007).

'''05/??/01''' : law firm sidley austin merges with brown & wood law firm. Sidley based in chicago, brown &
wood in new york (wtc)
'''08/??/01''' : eric schmidt became ceo google

'''09/04/01''' : mueller took office as fbi-director.. after 9/11 he pressed for expanded surveillance powers.
Long before he became FBI Director, serious questions existed about Mueller’s role as Acting U.S. Attorney
in Boston in effectively enabling decades of corruption and covering up of the FBI’s illicit deals with mobster
Whitey Bulger and other “top echelon” informants who committed numerous murders and crimes. When the
truth was finally uncovered through intrepid investigative reporting and persistent, honest judges, U.S.
taxpayers footed a $100 million court award to the four men framed for murders committed by (the FBI
operated) Bulger gang.

'''09/11/01''' : no talk needed, but the law firm sidley austin brown & wood llp was hit directly. The firm
occupied floors 54 through 59 in the north tower, the building hit first, and only one person died, the
receptionists, her body was found outside of the building.

'''12/??/01''' : first andrew carnegie medals of philanthropy awards : attented by ted turner, william gates iii,
george soros, david rockefeller, irene diamond, brooke astor & leonore annenberg (liberal cia – liberal
eastern establishment)

'''06/25/02''' : first search of steven hatfill's appartment (blamed for anthrax attacks by mueller)

'''08/01/02''' : new search of steven hatfill's appartment, both times media is tipped off in advance. An FBI
official wants to go after the leakers, but mueller prevents that. The FBI will finally drop its interest in Hatfill in
late 2006.

'''11/??/02''' : By late 2002, van Harp is ready for retirement and senior FBI agent Richard Lambert takes over
as the new head. However, like van Harp, Lambert seems focused on suspect Steven Hatfill and little
interested in other potential suspects. Eventually, some FBI agents will seek a review of Lambert’s
administration. One agent later says: “There were complaints about him. Did he take energy away from
looking at other people? The answer is yes.”

'''01/10/03''' : Government Employees Responsible for 9/11 Failures Are Rewarded and Promoted by Mueller

'''01/??/04''' : imran awan started working on capitol hill in january 2004 as an information technology director
for robert wexler. His wife hina alvi, his two brothers, a sister in law, and two friends also worked as
congressional information technology staffers. He won a green card for himself and his family in the green
card lottery in 1994, in 1997 he emigrated with his family to us.

'''03/??/04''' : edward snowden enlists in an army reserve special forces training program to “fight to help free
people from oppression” in iraq. Later he broke his legs in a training accident, in september 2004 he was

'''03/10/04''' : Comey, then deputy attorney general, was summoned to the hospital bed of his boss, Atty.
Gen. John Ashcroft. Ashcroft, weak from gallbladder surgery, was under pressure from White House officials
Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card to sign papers reauthorizing the domestic surveillance program secretly
launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Just the previous week, her husband had agreed not to
reinstate the program. Comey called in help, asking Mueller, then the FBI director, and several top aides to
meet him at the hospital. It was the start of a battle between the Justice Department and the White House.
Comey, Mueller and several other officials made plans to resign. It was only when President George W. Bush
agreed to listen to Comey and Mueller and restructure the program did resignation plans go away. A few
days later, they all simply went back to the drawing board to draft new legal loopholes to continue the same
(unconstitutional) surveillance of Americans. The mythology of this episode, repeated endlessly throughout
the press, is that Comey and Mueller did something significant and lasting in that hospital room. They didn’t.
Only the legal rationale for their unconstitutional actions was tweaked. The truth is, as top law enforcement
officials of the Bush administration (Mueller as FBI Director and James Comey as Deputy Attorney General),
both presided over post-9/11 cover-ups and secret abuses of the Constitution, enabled Bush-Cheney
fabrications to launch wrongful wars, and exhibited plain vanilla incompetence.

'''08/19/04''' : Sergey Brin & Larry Page developed google since 1998, but today it became public. Page, Brin
& Eric Schmidt agreed to work together at Google.

'''10/17/04''' : zarqawi pledges allegiance to bin laden & al qaeda. In 2002 gwb and his administration
prevented cia to kill zarqawi. Eventhough there was no proof that zarqawi worked with sadam hussein,
Powel stated later that it was a fact that he did.

'''11/??/04''' : tech giants are building the biggest private surveillance network the world has ever known. one
of the first big milestones in the transformation took place in november 2004 when google acquired a tiny
and little-known 3-d mapping startup called keyhole inc. Google paid an undisclosed sum for the company,
immediately absorbed it, and began turning its tech into what we now know as google earth. The acquisition
would have gone unnoticed, had it not been for one not-so-tiny detail: keyhole inc was part-owned by the cia
and the "national geospatial-intelligence agency" (nga), a sister agency to the nsa. Keyhole inc also had one
major client base: us military and intelligence agencies.

'''11/??/04''' : obama received national attention in 2004 with his unexpected march primary win, his well-
received july democratic national convention keynote address, and his landslide november election to the

'''??/??/04''' : in 2004, pakistan’s most famous nuclear scientist, abdul qadeer khan, admitted to have
transferred nuclear technology to north korea and other nations, a confession that led to his detainment for
five years.

'''01/04/05''' : debby wasserman schultz is sworn in as a member of the united states house of
representatives. Imran awan started working for her after that. Later his brother abid awan also starts
working for her. In 2007 imran's wife hina alvi and a friend of imran (rao abbas) are added to the
congressional payroll.

'''03/28/05''' : Mueller's management of fbi is criticized by insiders

'''09/02/05''' : frank giustra travels to kazakhstan to finalize urasia energy ltd's buy of a private kazakh
company's mining stakes. It is said he travelled with bill clinton. BC helped him to get the deal done,they
also meet with president nazarbayev. In 2006 Giustra donates lots of money to clinton foundation and after
that even more. He also starts the arm of the clinton foundation in canada
'''11/11/05''' : zamanbek nurkadilov, a former mayor, who joined an opposition party and threatened to publish
documents proving government “high level” corruption in president nazarbayev’s (kazakhstan)
administration, is found dead. He was shot three times, twice in the chest and once in the head. The
government rules his death a suicide.

'''12/??/05''' : nursultan nazarbayev wins another 7-year term as president with 91 percent of the vote. Mr.
Clinton congratulated nazarbayev on the win in a letter which states, “recognizing that your work has
received an excellent grade is one of the most important rewards in life.”

'''04/??/06''' : as the civil war in iraq raged in april 2006, zarqawi did something bold: for the first time ever, he
revealed his face on camera. In a 34-minute propaganda video, zarqawi is shown meeting with his
lieutenants, firing an american machine gun, and describing himself as “the brains of al qaeda in iraq.”
Zarqawi would also use the video to make a surprising proclamation: he would create an islamic state, the
-first step toward a global caliphate. It was something that bin laden himself had yet to push for.

'''05/??/06''' : snowden is hired by the cia as a technical/it expert and receives a top-secret clearance.

'''10/??/06''' : norht korea's first nuclear test detected

'''12/??/06''' : julian assange founds The website aims to provide a platform for the
whistleblowers to post sensitive and secret political documents while keeping their identity anonymous

'''02/12/07''' : uranium one buys urasia energy ltd for some 3 billion dollar. Urasia energy is still controlled by
one of its investors, ian telfer, a canadian. Later he donates lots of money to the clinton foundation.

'''02/??/07''' : kazatomprom ceo moukhtar dzhakishev travels to meet with bill clinton in his home for a
meeting arranged by frank giustra. Giustra sold his stake in urasia also in 2007, this gives uranium one the
stakes in kazakhstan urasia owns.

'''03/??/07''' : the cia stationed snowden with diplomatic cover in geneva, switzerland, where he was
responsible for maintaining computer-network security. Snowden described his cia experience in geneva as
formative, stating that the cia deliberately got a swiss banker drunk and encouraged him to drive home.
Snowden said that when the latter was arrested, a cia operative offered to help in exchange for the banker
becoming an informant.

'''04/??/07''' : an obama fundraising party for elite new yorkers was held at the home of financier steven
gluckstern, former chairman of george soros' democracy alliance. A photo of the event showed george soros
seated close to obama.

'''04/??/07''' : uranium one starts buying uranium mines in utah, wyoming & texas

'''04/13/07''' : iris weinshall steps down as commisioner new york dot, janette sadik-khan replaces her.
''??/??/08''' : in the summer of 2008, the presidential campaigns of barack obama and songbird had their
computers successfully breached by hackers apparently working for the chinese government. According
to nbc news, “us officials say that chinese intrusions have escalated in the years since, involving repeated
attacks on us government agencies, political campaigns, corporations, law firms, and defense contractors—
including the theft of national security secrets and hundreds of billions of dollars in intellectual property.”
Shawn henry headed up the fbi’s investigation of the 2008 attacks and (present: president of the computer
security company crowdstrike). He says there’s “little doubt” the chinese government has an aggressive
electronic espionage program targeting the us government and the commercial sector. “there’s been
successful exfiltration of data from government agencies (by the chinese) up and down pennsylvania

'''02/??/08''' : wikileaks exposes swiss bank, julius baer, for involvement in money laundering.

'''06/27/08''' : Steven Hatfill, who was called a “person of interest” in the FBI’s investigation into the 2001
anthrax attacks, agrees to a $5.82 million payment from the government to settle his legal claim that the
Justice Department and the FBI ruined his career and invaded his privacy.

'''07/24/08''' : In an interview with CNN, FBI Director Robert Mueller gives an upbeat assessment of the FBI’s
investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks, despite the exoneration of Steven Hatfill, the only publicly named
suspect. Mueller says: “I’m confident in the course of the investigation.… And I’m confident that it will be
resolved.… I tell you, we’ve made great progress in the investigation. It’s in no way dormant. It’s active.… In
some sense there have been breakthroughs, yes.” Just days after these comments, Bruce Ivins, the FBI’s
top unpublicized suspect at the time, will die of an apparent suicide

'''07/27/08''' : In the morning Bruce Ivins is found unconscious at his home. (overdose tylenol with codeine,
but no authopsy) A summary of the police report of his death, released in 2009, lists the cause of death
as liver and kidney failure, citing his purchase of two bottles of Tylenol PM (containing diphenhydramine),
contradicting earlier reports of Tylenol with codeine. Bruce Ivins co-operated with the 6 year investigation by
the fbi on the anthrax attacks in 2001. Dr. W. Russell Byrne, a colleague who worked in the bacteriology
division of the Fort Detrick research facility, said FBI agents "hounded" Ivins by twice raiding his home and
that Ivins had been hospitalized for depression earlier in the month.

'''08/06/08''' : us attorney made a statement that ivins was the “sole culprit” in the 2001 anthrax attacks, that
ivins was responsible for the fact the fbi went after hatfill.

'''11/06/08''' : two days after barack obama was elected president in november 2008, ahmadinejad issued the
first congratulatory message to a newly elected american president since 1979: "iran welcomes basic and
fair changes in u.s. policies and conducts.

'''11/20/08''' : prince alwaleed bought 5% of the citigroups shares.

'''01/20/09''' : in 2008, obama was nominated for president, a year after his campaign began and after a close
primary campaign against hillary clinton. He was elected over republican songbird and was inaugurated on
january 20, 2009 . Citibank chose obama's cabinet (wikileaks)

'''02/??/09''' : snowden resignes from the cia. Snowden’s supervisor at the cia placed a critical assessment
of his behavior and work habits in his personnel file and voiced the suspicion that he had tried to “break into
classified computer files to which he was not authorized to have access,” the new york times reports after he
is identified as the leaker, quoting two unnamed “senior american officials.” Soon after that snowden starts
working for dell. Over the next several years, he switches between assignments with the nsa and cia for dell,
including a stint at a nsa facility in japan that lasts until march 2012.

'''03/06/09''' : hrc gives lavrov the famous red button for the overload... i mean reset

'''03/19/09''' : at the beginning of the festival of nowruz (persian new year), obama spoke directly to
the iranian people in a video saying, "the united states wants the islamic republic of iran to take its rightful
place in the community of nations. You have that right—but it comes with real responsibilities".

'''04/??/09''' : prince alwaleed bin talal donated $20 million to harvard university, one of its 25 largest

'''05/??/09''' : moukhtar dzhakishev is removed from his position and arrested “on charges that he illegally
sold uranium deposits to foreign companies, including at least some of those won by mr. Giustra’s urasia and
now owned by uranium one.”

'''05/??/09''' : second nuclear missile weapon test is detected

'''06/11/09''' : an article on the standard hotels: public sex:

'''06/14/09''' : rosatom, the russian federation state corporation that oversees nuclear energy seeks to buy
into uranium one. Armz, a subsidiary of rosatom buy's 17% of uranium one.

'''08/0409''' : clinton bill on picture with kim yung ill, meeting in pyongyang, said is to negotiate for the release
of two american journalists

'''11/??/09''' :the fbi starts gathering substantial evidence that russian nuclear industry officials were engaged
in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow vladimir putin’s atomic energy
business inside the united states. (mikerin)

'''11/??/09''' : the awans start cars international, a full-time car dealership in virginia (cia), abid awan controls
day-to-day operations.

'''11/??/09''' : wikileaks releases a comprehensive archive of text pager messages recorded in the us on
september 11,2001

'''04/08/10''' : president obama and russian president dmitry medvedev signed a major nuclear arms control
agreement that reduces the nuclear stockpiles of both nations.
The new strategic arms reduction treaty -- known by its acronym, start-- builds on a previous agreement that
expired in december.

'''04/16/10''' : campbell (u1 fbi-informant) profided fbi handlers his concerns about tenex, completely owned
by rosatom, about its ongoing work to provide iran with the technology needed for its nuclear reactor
program! Tenex continues to supply iran with fuel through their russian company tvel
'''05/??/10''' : obama re-submitted the agreement for approval by the democrat-controlled congress in may
2010, declaring russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under section 123 of the atomic energy act of
1954, after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping the u.s. with iran.

'''05/??/10''' : in may 2010, major powers including the u.s., China and russia agreed on sanctions against
iran. Three days later, the obama administration cancelled sanctions against the russian state arms export
agency, which had been sanctioned for exporting arms to iran.

'''06/??/10''' : rosatom takes steps to obtain larger shares in uranium one and contacts the committee on
foreign investment in the united states for review and potential approval. Telfer keeps donating to the clinton
foundation, this year his company appealed to the american embassy to help keep its mines in kazakhstan.
The case of the fbi concerning russia, tenex, rosatom is kept in the dark by rosenstein, holder & mueller,
although they already had strong evidence of bribing, kickbacks & moneylaundering (clear violation of the us
foreign corrupt practices act.
(rod rosenstein served maryland, as the top federal law enforcement officer in the state and was the only
person with the authority to present matters to a federal grand jury in maryland until he was appointed to and
confirmed by the us senate, as deputy united states attorney general under jeff sessions. Mueller is fbi
director. The case being built against mikerin in 2010 was under the supervision of maryland u.s. Attorney
rod rosenstein. Mueller was director fbi)

'''06/27/10''' : The FBI investigation, called Operation Ghost Stories, culminated at the end of June 2010 with
the arrest of ten individuals in the U.S. and an eleventh suspect in Cyprus. The ten sleeper agents were
charged with "carrying out long-term, 'deep-cover' assignments in the United States on behalf of the Russian
Federation." After the FBI arrested 10 of the spies in June, 2010, Secretary of State Clinton worked
feverishly to return the Russian agents to Moscow in a hastily arranged, lopsided deal with Putin.

'''06/29/10''' : bill clintons trip to moskou, doing a speech (well payed) and meeting arkady dvorkovich, a
board director of rosatom. He also had a meeting with putin.

'''07/09/10''' : Ten of the agents (operation ghost stories) were flown on July 9, 2010, to Vienna soon after
pleading guilty to charges of failing to register as representatives of a foreign government. The same day, the
agents were exchanged for four Russian nationals, three of whom were convicted and imprisoned by Russia
on espionage charges. (igor sutyagin, sergei skripal, aleksandr zaporozhsky & gennady vasilenko.

''07/28/10''' : google & cia announce they will invest in 'future' of web-monitoring.

'''07/31/10''' : marc mezvinsky married chelsea clinton

'''08/16/10''' : mi6 spy who was found dead in locked bag had 'hacked secret files about us president clinton.
Years later it was said he himself got in the bag, closed it and died by suffocation.

'''08/??/10''' : a swedisch court issues an arrest warrant for assange on charges of rape made by two
swedish women, who were former employees of wikileaks, but then decides to postpone the warrant

'''09/15/10''' : Director Robert S. Mueller, III has named Shawn Henry (crowdstrike) as the executive assistant
director (EAD) of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch (CCRSB). Mr. Henry will succeed
Assistant Deputy Director T.J. Harrington. Mr. Henry most recently served as assistant director in charge of
the FBI's Washington Field Office.
'''09/17/10''' : President Obama announced the appointment of Sen. Warren as Assistant to the President and
Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to set up the
new agency. The idea was birthed in a paper Warren wrote in 2007 while she was a law professor at
Harvard. She moved to Washington after Dodd-Frank passed to help then-President Obama get CFPB up
and running.

'''10/??/10''' : partial sale of uranium one to rosatom is approved by cfius, rosatom owns 51% of uranium one
now. Fbi & doj still haven't informed congress and others of the investigations concerning this deal (tenex &

'''10/??/10''' : swedish prosecutor re-issues european arrest warrant for assange.

'''12/??/10''' : assange hands himself over to london's police and is placed in custody pending a swedish
court's ruling on the extradition request. A few days later assange is released on bail and tells media that the
rape allegations are part of a politically-motivated campaign to undermine him. He was ordered by the court
to live at a supporter’s country side mansion in eastern england.
==2011 to 2015==

'''01/20/11''' : eric schmidt will step down as ceo of google but will continue as executive chairman of the

'''02/??/11''' : a british judge rules assange can be extradited to sweden to face sexual assault allegations. He
dismisses claims made by assange’s lawyers who argued that assange would not receive a fair trial in
sweden. The 39-year-old denied three allegations of sexual assault and one allegation of rape in stockholm
last year.

'''03/21/11''' : “neither uranium one inc. nor amrz holds a specific nrc export license. In order to export
uranium from the united states, uranium one inc. or armz would need to apply for an obtain a specific nrc
license authorizing the exports of uranium for use in reactor fuel,” then-nrc chairman gregory jaczko wrote
barrasso. But later it seems that (from 2012 to 2014) uranium did leave the us. It seems that nrc did some
other things (amendment to an existing export license trucking firm (rsb) to simply add u1 to the list of clients
whose uranium it could move to canada) Rather than just giving rosatom a license (would have raised red

'''04/04/11''' : larry page replaces schmidt eric as ceo of google

'''07/??/11''' : assange appeals against the extradition ruling

'''07/21/11''' : the consumer financial protection bureau is formed

'''09/28/11''' : flynn becomes assistant director dni

'''10/??/11''' : songbird & his good pall graham have a meeting in libya with abdelhakim belhadj (ex-taliban,
now known al qaeda- later isis) after the death of moammar al-qadhafi on october 20. Richard blumenthal
was also there.

'''11/01/11''' : natalia sova (wife of abid awan) is hired by ted deutch.

'''11/??/11''' : british high court judges reject assanges appeal against his extradition to sweden

'''01/??/12''' : assange appeals his extradition at british supreme court

'''03/??/12''' : snowden, still working for dell, moves to hawaii to work at a nsa facility.

'''05/??/12''' : british supreme court rejects assanges extradition appeal and rules that he must be tried in

'''06/??/12''' : assange makes a plea for asylum in ecuador

'''06/13/12''' : bachman & gohmert (together with a few others) send a letter to state department (and other
inspector generals) requesting investigation into muslim brotherhood infiltration into us (huma abedin):
songbird went crazy about it and defended huma, also mike rogers (not adm rogers) defended huma! (later
on trump campaign and fired just before adm. Rogers visited trump tower.

'''06/28/12''' : assange ordered by british police to turn himself in on an extradition notice

'''06/29/12''' : assange refuses to turn himself in, and british police and officials say they will arrest him as
soon as he leaves ecuador's embassy

'''07/??/12''' : flynn becomes director dia

'''08/??/12''' : uk warns ecuador it may raid its london embassy if it doesn’t hand over assange to the british
police. Ecuador condemns such a threat and few hours later, announces that it will grant assange political

'''11/11/12'''' : rao abbas is hired to work in congress (imran's best friend)

'''12/01/12''' : snowden reaches out to glenn greenwals, a lawyer and columnist for the guardian

'''12/17/12''' : freedom of the press foundation is founded because of the wikileaks financial blockade in 2010,
this to help wikileaks processing donations.

'''01/07/13''' eric schmidt (google) with others ( jared cohen (former state department official, now working for
google ideas) went to north korea, said to push nk to embrace internet....

'''01/11/13''' : aaron hillel swartz found dead in his brooklyn apartment (he hanged himself they say). In
2011–2012, swartz, kevin poulsen, and james dolan designed and implemented deaddrop (securedrop), a
system that allows anonymous informants to send electronic documents without fear of disclosure

'''01/20/13''' : haseeb rana (studymate of imran) is hired as it worker for the house, he apparently takes over
for rao abbas.

'''01/20/13''' : after winning re-election by defeating republican opponent mitt romney, obama was sworn in for
a second term

'''01/??/13''' : snowden reaches out to laura poitras, a documentary filmmaker

'''01/??/13''' : rosatom buys uranium one completely and the company becomes a private company. Uranium
one was represented by the podesta group from 2011 to 2013. In those days stephen harper was pm of
canada, although conservative, he had socialist plans & compared with hrc, he was to the left of her.

'''02/??/13''' : first nuclear test under kim jong un.

'''03/??/13''' : nk, iran & syria block a un arms trade treaty (standards for all cross-border transfers of
conventional weapons)

'''03/08/13''' : cia / 7 dwarfs report:

'''03/15/13''' : 3 days after what snowden calls his breaking point (clapper lie under oath), he quits his job at
dell. He seeks a new contractor job (booz allen hamilton) at the same nsa facility in hawaii. He later tells the
south china morning post that he did so to get additional access to classified documents he intended to leak.

'''04/11/13''' : during the house armed services committee hearing, doug lamborn inadvertently revealed
serveral unclassified sentences from a dia report that said dia had determined with “moderate confidence”
that nk has the capability to make a nuclear weapon small enough to be launched with a ballistic missile
(obama adm. tried to downplay and discredit the dia report at the time)

'''04/??/13''' : isis is formed by baghdadi, he took over from al zarqawi and since obama took the troops from
iraq he regrouped their troops and started taking back large areas.

'''05/??/13''' : snowden tells his nsa supervisor that he needs to take some time off to undergo treatment for
epilepsy, he tells his girlfriend he will be away for a few weeks.

'''05/??/13''' : songbird meets in syria with rebels, al qaeda & even with baghdadi (isis) he calls them brave
fighters in syria! Https://

'''05/20/13''' : snowden arrives in hong kong

'''06/06/13''' : guardian journalist glenn greenwald reports the us nsa is collecting the phone-records of
millions of verizon customers.

'''06/07/13''' : the guardian and wapo report the nsa is accessing the systems of us internet giants including
google & fb, and collecting data under a previously undisclosed surveillance programme called prism. It
allows officials to collect material including emails, live chats and search histories

'''06/08/13''' : obama says the gov. Surveillance programmes strike “the right balance” between security and
privacy and are closely overseen by congress and the courts

'''06/09/13''' : edward snowden is named as the source of the intelligence leaks, speaking from hong kong he
explains why he went public, the 10th he checks out of his hong kong hotel and his whereabouts remain
unknown In the leaked documents is also a lot about the five eyes, how they use each others surveillance
programs to spy on one anothers citizens, so they can skirt their own privacy laws (five eyes: australia,
canada, new zealand, UK & US)

'''06/12/13''' : the speaker of the us house of reps john boehner describes snowden him as a traitor
'''06/13/13''' : a letter sent by u.s. Senator charles grassley (r-ia), to secretary of state john kerry about huma
abedin, the former deputy chief of staff to then secretary of state hillary clinton, it matches the date on a
letter sent by rep. Michele bachmann (r-mn) and four other congressmen to the state department’s deputy
inspector general from one year earlier, about abedin’s irrefutable familial ties to the muslim
brotherhood. Bachmann’s Letter was dated june 13, 2012 and grassley’s letter is dated june 13, 2013.
Perhaps providing a bit more intrigue is that grassley wants answers to questions surrounding abedin’s
alleged resignation from her position as hillary’s deputy chief of staff at a time when she was at the center of
controversy resulting from her being named in bachmann’s letter. Though grassley makes no reference to
the timing of these two things, had news of abedin’s departure been made public at that time, it would have
most certainly added to the controversy.

'''06/13/13''' : snowden says the us government has been hacking computers in mainland china & hong kong
for years

'''06/14/13''' : fbi director mueller says mr snowden has caused the us significant harm and the us will hunt
snowden down and prosecute him

'''06/17/13''' : snowden denies he is a chinese agent

'''06/19/13''' : nsa director alexander tells the us house intelligence committee the surveillance programmes
leaked by mr snowden helped thwart 50 attacks since 2001

'''06/19/13''' : mr trump announces that the miss universe pageant will be broadcast live from moscow, russia
on nov. 9th.

'''06/??/13''' : dia director general flynn visits moscow and meets kislyak for the first time, first official to enter
gru headquarters. A 3 day visit in moscow, cia was opposed to it.

'''06/20/13''' : wikleaks founder assange tries to broker a deal to grant mr snowden asylum in iceland

'''06/22/13''' : us prosecutors file a criminal complaint, charging snowden with espionage and theft. The wh
requests his extradition

'''06/23/13''' : snowden flies from hong kong to moscow. Ecuadors foreign minister confirms that snowden
has requested asylum there, they have sheltered assange in its london embassy for the past year

'''06/29/13''' : germany's der spiegel says it has seen a document provided by snowden showing the us
bugged eu offices in washington and at un headquarters in ny.

'''07/01/13''' : snowden applies to russia for political asylum

'''07/02/13''' : snowden withdraws his asylum request to russia and sends requests to 20 other countries
(according to wikileaks)

'''07/02/13''' : cia again allowed to use op mockingbird (anti-propaganda-law repealed)

'''07/12/13''' : snowden emerges at sheremetyevo airport for the first time in three weeks, saying he sought
asylum in russia as he was unable to travel to latin america (nicaragua & venezuele offered snowden asylum

'''08/01/13''' : snowden leaves the airport and enters russian territory after applying for temporary asylum

'''08/01/13''' : ex-ambassador jack matlock writes an article on snowden and his “asylum” in russia.

'''08/16/13''' : citing documents leaked by snowden, wapo reports the nsa broke privacy rules and
overstepped its legal authority

'''08/19/13''' : mr greenwalds partner david miranda is detained under terror laws at londons heathrow airport
for nine hours on his way to rio de janeiro. Uk politicians demand an explanation, the us denies involvement
but acknowledges it was given a “heads-up” from british officials about the detention

'''08/31/13''' : ruth bader ginsburg becomes the first supreme court justice to officiate at a same-sex marriage

'''09/04/13''' : mueller stops being fbi-director, comey takes over

'''10/??/13''' : freedome of the press foundation took over the development of deaddrop (securedrop), the
whistleblower system developed by dolan, poulson & swartz. The system is now is in use at over two dozen
major news organizations, including the washington post, the guardian, the new yorker, propublica, gawker,
huffpost, and the intercept.

'''12/05/13''' : VP Biden visits China, he emphasized trade between US and China and did NOT focus on the
south-china sea. His son Hunter went with him. Hunter Biden was negotiating a major deal between
Rosemont Seneca and the state-owned Bank of China. As the vice president discussed China's trade with
the United States, his son was putting these economic ties into practice, and the U.S. effectively caved in the
conflict over the South China Sea. Ten days after the Bidens visited China, the Bank of China — which is
embedded in a complex network involving state ministries, security forces, and the Communist Party, and
which provides capital for China's economic statecraft — created an investment fund with Rosemont Seneca
called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). "In short, the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it
co-owned along with the sons of two of America's most powerful decision makers (son Biden, son-in-law
Kerry," Schweizer explains.

'''01/14/14''' : edward snowden joins freedom of the press board of directors.

'''01/17/14''' : obama announces changes to the NSA and its surveillance programs:

'''01/??/14''' : george soros meets with songbird

'''01/31/14''' : adm rogers becomes director of nsa

'''02/14/14''' : US secretary of state Kerry visits China. US secretary of state and Chinese president agree to
advance cooperation on climate change but no talks about the south-china sea. Meanwhile, a former
subsidiary of the Chinese government, Gemini Investments, aimed to purchase Rosemont Realty, another
branch of the Rosemont Capital tree run by Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz, and Devon Archer.
Rosemont Realty had put the mayor of Santa Fe on the payroll, and purchased New Mexico's largest
commercial real estate company, BGK. After acquiring "trophy buildings," the company prepared to be
purchased by Gemini Investments.
Gemini Investments is considered an "indirect subsidy" of the Chinese government, and it is operated by its
parent company, Sino-Ocean Land. Gemini Investments' director, Li Ming, served for several terms as a
member of the Communist Party's elite conference, and Sino-Ocean Land originated from the China Ocean
Shipping Company (COSCO). The two companies still share the same address.

'''03/04/14''' : The staged revolution, devised by the CIA, EU, State Department, and George Soros funded
NGO’s in Ukraine, has overthrown the democratically elected government of Victor Yanukovych in a coup
designed to forge closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union (EU), in a long term strategy of
integrating US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland made clear in a speech in December of 2013,
and a leaked phone conversation last month between her and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt,
that Washington has invested 5 Billion dollars in Ukraine for the purposes of deposing of a government not
subordinate to the US and EU, and hand picking the new government to be installed in Kiev.
In the same model of the Orange Revolution in 2004, NGO’s have worked in coordination with the CIA, EU
and State Department to organise ignorant protesters and paid provocateurs – including two Ukrainian Neo-
Nazi groups, the Right Sector and Svoboda parties – which have toppled the Pro-Russian government in
Kiev in an attempt to break the long standing alliance between Ukraine and Russia.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, the veteran US geopolitical mastermind, has been publicly supportive of the Ukrainian
protesters in Maidan Square, with the perspective Europeanisation of Ukraine a geopolitical dream for
Brzezinski and the globalists. Brzezinski’s somewhat paradoxical strategy is based on the encirclement of
Russia and the expansion of the EU over the whole of the Northern World Island, extending its territory to
encompass Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus.

'''04/??/14''' : jamal awan starts working in congress, his wage is massive compared to other it-staffers!

'''04/30/14''' : flynn pushed out as director dia, announces his retirement in summer. (he has called president
obama a “liar,” declared the u.s. justice system “corrupt” and insisted that he was pushed out of his
assignment as director of the defense intelligence agency because of his views on radical islam that didn't
allign with obama's )

'''05/??/14''' : pope francis visits palestinia and israel

'''05/??/14''' : Hunter Biden announces that he is joining Bursma Holdings in Ukraine.

'''05/??/14''' : Hunter Biden hires david leiter, a former senate chief of staff to secretary of state john kerry, this
as lobbyist for Burisma Holdings. Leiter than hires Devon Archer, a democratic bundler and former adviser to
John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign. Both Archer and Hunter Biden have worked as business partners
with Kerry's son-in-law Christopher Heinz, the founding partner of Rosemont Capital, a private-equity
'''06/??/14''' : seth rich starts working for dnc

'''06/16/14''' : saudi arabia-based kingdom holding company (khc) is set to invest about $400 million in the
rizvi opportunistic equity fund iii.

'''07/??/14''' : isis leader baghdadi announced the formation of a caliphate stretching from aleppo in syria to
diyala in iraq, and renamed the group the islamic state. (rumors are that baghdadi actually is named shimon
elliot, a israelian, mosad and trained by cia & mosad, but have to say: rumor, no proof!)

'''07/17/14''' : malaysia airline flight 17 shot down above donetsk, ukraine. On board 6 aids medical
researchers, health workers and activists headed to a health conference in australia. (20 th international aids
conference) bill clinton spoke on the 2014 international aids conference

'''08/17/14''' : mail hrc & podesta, proof saudi arabia & qatar fund isil :

'''08/??/14''' : flynn retired from us army after 33 years (admiral mike rogers, the director of the national
security agency : “flynn is the best intelligence officer of the past 20 years.”

'''09/03/14''' : hrh prince alwaleed bin talal bin abdulaziz alsaud, chairman of kingdom holding company (khc),
conducted a business lunch with mr. Jack dorsey, founder and chairman of twitter and mr. Suhail rizvi an
investor in twitter at the four seasons hotel george v in paris.

'''10/08/14''' : flynn gets his ethics restrictions (apply to flynn in retirement) also his disclosure responsibilities
under the emoluments clause.

'''12/??/14''' : haseeb rana quits his job

'''12/??/14''' : gemini did not stop with Rosemont realty, they also bought out the Rosemont Opportunities
Fund 2 for 34 million.

'''01/23/15''' : arshad “manassass” mahmoud hires ms-13 thugs to kill 3 amigos auto sales owner, flees
presumably to pakistan. Mahmoud listed as principle of awan brothers llc

'''01/23/15''' : abdullah bin abdulaziz al saud dies, he was king of saudi arabia and custodian of the two holy
mosques from 2005 to his death in 2015. He Ascended to the throne on 1 august 2005 upon the death of his
half-brother, king fahd. Salman bin abdulaziz al saud was crowned as the new king of saudi arabia following
the death of his half-brother. One of the first things salman did was start the reform...
'''03/??/15''' : jill mccabe (wife andrew mccabe) announces run for virginia senate

'''03/02/15''' : ny times reports that hrc used a personal email account while sos, a violation of state
department policies and a potential security risk

'''04/02/15''' : hrc announces she's running for president

'''05/??/15''' : Kerry visited China again, and insisted that "the two powers shouldn't let the South China Sea
issue get in the way of broader cooperation.

'''05/18/15''' : judicial obtained more than 100 pages from DOD & department of state. Defense, State
Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi
Attack 10 Days in Advance

'''05/18/15''' : 2012 dia documents : the west will facilitate rise of islamic state “in order to isolate the syran
•Al-qaeda drives the opposition in syria
•The west identifies with the opposition
•The establishment of a nascent islamic state became a reality only with the rise of the syrian insurgency
(there is no mention of u.s. troop withdrawal from iraq as a catalyst for islamic state’s rise, which is the
contention of innumerable politicians and pundits; see section 4.D. below)
•The establishment of a “salafist principality” in eastern syria is “exactly” what the external powers
supporting the opposition want (identified as “the west, gulf countries, and turkey”) in order to weaken the
assad government
•“safe havens” are suggested in areas conquered by islamic insurgents along the lines of the libyan model
(which translates to so-called no-fly zones as a first act of ‘humanitarian war’; see 7.B.)
•Iraq is identified with “shia expansion” (8.C)
•A sunni “islamic state” could be devastating to “unifying iraq” and could lead to “the renewing facilitation of
terrorist elements from all over the arab world entering into iraqi arena.” (see last non-redacted line in)

'''06/22/15''' : judicial watch drops an article about valerie jarrett's family in fbi files :

'''07/??/15''' : iran nuclear deal signed

'''07/10/15''' : fbi opens clinton email investigation in response to a referral from the intelligence community
inspector general

'''07/13/15''' : crowdstrike closes $100 million financing round led by google capital
'''07/23/15''' : ig for intelligence community alerts congressional oversight committeees that classifed material
had been found on hrc's home email server, fbi opens a criminal investigation

'''07/30/15''' : andrew mccabe appointed associate deputy director fbi

'''08/??/15''' : Rosemont Realty announces that Gemini investments was buying 75 percent stake in the
company, including a 3 billion commitment from the chinese.

'''08/10/15''' : Google does a reorganization, they use Alphabet. Larry Page will become ceo of alphabet,
Sundar Pichai will replace him at google

'''08/11/15''' : US Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on August 11th concluded her
official visit to Hanoi which is sponsored by the Department of State’s US Speakers Program.
She was accompanied by her daughter, Dr. Jane Ginsburg, who met with judicial officers, legal scholars and
representatives of the private sector to discuss the intellectual property rights law. U.S. Supreme Court
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Aug. 8, 2015, presided over the ceremony during which gay U.S.
Ambassador toVietnam Ted Osius and his husband, Clayton Bond, renewed their vows.

'''08/??/15''' : first meeting flynn & trump in new york

'''08/31/15''' : first donation to jill mccabe, but receives $452500 in total from common good va (terry

'''10/05/15''' : twitter co-founder jack dorsey has been voted in as the permanent ceo of twitter, this follows a 3
month stretch as interim ceo following the resignation of Dick Costolo in July.

'''10/??/15''' : q dropped a picture of the president of the world jewish congress, ronald lauder, the board's
chairman and its treasurer, baron david rothschild and chella safra, the president of the latin- american, jack
terpins, and its executive director, claudio epelman. (meeting with the pope)

'''11/??/15''' : jill mccabe loses senate race by 2300 votes

'''11/??/15''' : the textsecure and redphone applications on android were merged to become signal for
android. A Month later, open whisper systems announced signal desktop, a chrome app that could link with
a signal mobile client. At Launch, the app could only be linked with the android version of signal. Snowden
supports this feature, he even becomes a face of it.

'''12/07/15''' : In an op-ed for The New York Times , Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, inserted
himself directly into the middle of a heated debate about the line between fighting terrorism’s online reach
and internet censorship.

'''12/10/15''' : flynn spoke in moscow at the 10th anniversary gala for rt.
'''12/??/15''' : the justice department – five years after the first evidence of criminal wrongdoing- offers a plea
bargain and jail sentence for the russian executive in charge of tenex. (mikerin) justice officials involved in
the “silent” 2009 to 2015 investigation of rosatom include robert mueller, james comey, rod rosenstein, and
andrew mccabe

'''01/??/16''' : north korea claims 4th nuclear bomb test

'''01/??/16''' : campbell (u1 fbi-informant) : fbi invited him to a dinner in crystal city, virginia, where they
presented him with a check for just over $50,000 and thanked him for his work. A copy of the check has been
obtained by the reporter that later reported on it..

'''01/29/16''' : mccabe named deputy director fbi

'''02/07/16''' : north korea launches a satellite into orbit, an earth observation satellite.

'''02/09/16''' : jack dorsey tweets: twitter stands for freedom of expression, speaking truth to power and
empowering dialogue. That starts with safety

'''02/13/16''' : us supreme court justice scalia found deat at west texas ranch. The cibolo creek ranch where
supreme court justice antonin scalia passed away has long been a secluded retreat for celebrities from
business leaders to rock stars and actors.

'''02/??/16''' : flynn began serving as an informal foreign policy advisor to trump

'''02/27/16''' : peter strzok interviews jake sullivan, a former clinton state department aide and adviser to her

'''03/02/16''' : in texts: asked by page, who he planned to vote for, strzok replied: “i suppose hillary”

'''03/04/16''' : strzok writes in texts to page about trump: “omg he's an idiot”, a trump victory in the gop
primaries will be good for hillary he ads. “god hillary should win. 100,000,000-0,” strzok writes.

'''03/09/16''' : manafort joins trump campaign (pushed in by crooks? Podesta/clintons? Deep state? )

'''03/15/16''' : fusion gps hired by dnc through their lawfirm

'''03/16/16''' : trudeau meets with soros during the paris climate summit

'''03/19/16''' : mail from todd macklerr, to donna brazille & john podesta about him meeting with soros about
voting machines and rigging:

'''04/05/16''' : strzok interviews clinton aide huma abedin

'''04/09/16''' : strzok interviews clinton aide cheryl mills

'''04/17/16''' : jessica emily schumer (daughter of chuck schumer & iris weinshall) marries michael shapiro.
Jessica s. is chief of staff of robin hood foundation, untill 2015 she was chief of staff and general counsel to
the Council of Economic Advisers in Washington . Michael shapiro is economic-policy adviser for hillary
clinton's presidential campaign.

'''04/18/16''' : assange’s lawyer john jones pushed in front of train and dies.

'''04/22/16''' : an article comes out. Over the past seven years, Google has created a remarkable partnership
with the Obama White House, providing expertise, services, advice, and personnel for vital government
projects. The Intercept teamed up with Campaign for Accountability to present two revealing data sets from
that forthcoming project: one on the number of White House meetings attended by Google representatives,
and the second on the revolving door between Google and the government.
Google representatives attended White House meetings more than once a week, on average, from the
beginning of Obama’s presidency through October 2015. Nearly 250 people have shuttled from government
service to Google employment or vice versa over the course of his administration.

'''04/??/16''' : us supreme court ruled iran must pay almost 2 billion dollars to victims of 1983 beirut barracks

'''04/??/16''' : the law firm for the clinton campaign (same as dnc) hires opposition research firm fusion gps to
investigate trump, fusion gps hires steele

'''04/??/16''' : officials at the democratic national committee learn that russian hackers have invaded their
computer system

'''04/16/16''' : ghattas carl is named fbi's assistent director for the counterterrorism division

'''05/04/16''' :  garret bonosky, deputy director of the dnc, writes in an email: “amy — i will call you shortly. I
have to get this ipad thing figured out. Need to make sure i have her username and password.” — dnc
assistant to the chair amy kroll responded: “i do not have access to her ipad password, but imran does.”

'''05/05/16''' : dnc paid crowdstrike lots of money (likely to install falcon intrusion detection software and to
find out who hacked their servers.... last leaked mail from the dnc is dated may 25 th 2016, so crowdstrike
would have had complete knowledge of who ripped the emails from the server.

'''05/09/16''' sadiq aman khan sworn in as mayor of london (he is a sunni muslim, his parents came from
pakistan) khan has ties with al qaeda & muslim brotherhood, so no good

'''05/11/16''' : assange's lawyer michael ratner dies of cancer.

'''05/12/16''' : clinton charity giving millions to scott kleeb (seth rich former employer)

'''05/16/16''' : a draft of the statement that then fbi director comey was preparing to release at the conclusion
of the clinton email probe was circulated among top fbi officials, including strzok. Strzok has since been
identified as the agent who suggested that comey remove the legally-loaded term 'grossly negligent” to
describe clinton's email use and replace it with the term “extremely careless'.

'''05/19/16''' : manafort promoted to campaign manager

'''05/24/16''' : strzok interviews clinton aide heather samuelson

'''05/24/16''' : jack burkman, the dc lobbyist who put up $105000 of his own money to find the people
responsible for the murder of seth rich, challenged rnc, dnc and fox news host sean hannity to each put up
the same amount as reward for info on the murder.

'''05/??/16''' : Federal agents arrest Devon Archer in May 2016 for defrauding a Native American tribe in an
effort to enrich a branch of Rosemont Capital, Rosemont Seneca Bohai.

'''06/12/16''' : strzok writes in texts to page:: they fully deserve to go, and demonstrate the absolute bigoted
nonsense of trump

'''06/15/16''' : flynn spoke at an 'act! For america' event in cleveland and says people should support the coup
plotters in turkey

'''06/17/16''' : strzok : “now we’re talking about clinton, and how a lot of people are holding their breath,
hoping,” he tells page, appearing to reference a meeting that is not described.

'''06/18/16''' : guccifer 2,0 leak of dnc donors. Guccifer 2.0 also claims to have given “thousands of files and
mails” to wikileaks. This comes several days after wikileaks head julian assange promised to post more of
clinton’s emails soon

'''06/20/16''' : steele writes the first of 17 memos that make up the dossier. He alleges that the kremlin has
recruited donald trump as an asset and that russian operatives had been feeding the trump campaign
negative information about clinton.

'''06/27/16''' : meeting tarmac bill clinton & lynch (proposal to help hrc through investigations for sc-post for
lynch) the meeting makes lynch step away from the clinton probe

'''06/??/16''' : crowdstrike provided initial reporting and technical analysis of a variant of fancy bear that
targeted ukrainian military. They say the implant likely targeted military artillery units operating against pro-
russian separatists in eastern ukkraine. It extends russian cyber capabilities for targeted intrusions and
extends russian cyber capabilities to the front lines of the battlefield. But the international institute for
strategic studies (iiss) told voa that crowdstrike erroneously used iiss data as proof of the intrusion. Iiss
disavowed any connection to the crowdstrike report. Ukraine’s ministry of defense also has claimed combat
losses and hacking never happened. A crowdstrike spokesperson told voa that it stands by its findings,
which, they say, "have been confirmed by others in the cybersecurity community.”

'''07/01/16''' : ag lynch says she would accept the recommendation from the fbi at the conclusion of their
investigation into clinton's emails
'''07/02/16''' : hrc meets with fbi to answer questions about private email server. Strzok and justice
department lawyer david laufman interview her (not under oath)

'''07/05/16''' : comey does a press conference and recommends no criminal charges (obama used the server
too together with members of his cabinet, they send mails under alias to hrc, obama lied about that.. If hrc
would have been convicted, obama had a big problem, so the "no criminal charges" protect obama & cabinet

'''07/05/16''' : steele meets with an fbi contact to provide a briefing of the unverified rumors he had picked up
from russian sources

'''07/05/16''' : seth rich hears he will join hrc's campaign

'''07/06/16''' : ag lynch says hrc won't be charged

'''07/07/16''' : comey tells house oversight that clinton did not break the law

'''07/10/16''' : seth rich murdered

'''07/11/16''' : Two young men were found dead in the parking lot of the Socastee Plaza Monday morning
(Rafael Aguilar, 31, and Carmelo Marmolejo-Calixto, 33 : ms-13)

'''07/11/16''' : ruth bader ginsburg criticizes donald trump, calling him a “faker”. A few days later, she issues an
apology and says the remark were inappropriate

'''07/11/16''' : again a payment to crowdstrike happens from dnc

'''07/15/16''' : house releases once classified 9/11 documents

'''07/19/16''' : steele writes the second memo of the dossier, it alleges that trump campaign adviser carter
page and campaign chairman paul manafort were handling the collusion effort with the kremlin.

'''07/??/16''' : strzok was the fbi official who signed the document officially opening an investigation into
russian meddling in the 2016 election (for nearly 4 months, special counsel robert mueller’s office, the
justice department and the fbi have kept secret the fact that the fbi agent (peter strzok) who oversaw the
russia investigation exchanged anti-trump and pro-hillary clinton text messages with an fbi attorney who was
also his mistress, lisa page. He was disciplined since this is a conflict as he is highly involved in the fbi
investigation about russian collusion, did the interrogation of mike flynn, did the questioning of hillary about
her email server, and softened comey's language referring to the fbi investigation of her email server.)

'''07/22/16''' : wikileaks publishes dnc-mails

'''07/25/16''' : dnc staffer joe montano dies in falls church, va (heart attack)

'''07/25/16''' : debbie wasserman schultz resigns as dnc chief after it-system is compromised
'''07/26/16''' : wikileaks publishes mails from the top of the us democratic national committee

'''07/26/16''' : strzok congratulates page on clinton's official presidential nomination

'''07/28/16''' : dnc classaction suit is filed (becks) they also say seth rich was a witness for them.

'''07/28/16''' : in a cryptic text, strzok appears to refer to some sort of investigation.

“opened on trump? If hillary did, you know five field offices would…,” he writes.

'''08/02/16''' : shawn lucas dies of fentanyl, cyclobenzaprine & mitragynine overdose.(Becks Say that he also
was a witness for them)

'''08/03/16''' : dnc pays crowdstrike (just like with seth rich less than 24 hours after the death)

'''08/04/16''' : us sent plane with cash to iran, said it was part of the iran nucleair deal, but could this be to pay
back the countries that sent money to clinton foundation for haiti 2010 (also don't forget iran & nk work
together... )

'''08/06/16''' : in another cryptic exchange, strzok and page discuss: “maybe you’re meant to stay where you
are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” page writes.
“i can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps,” strzok replies.

'''08/09/16''' : flynn's company, flynn intel group (FIG) signs a contract with dutch company inovo bv to
improve us business organizations' confidence on doing business in turkey

'''08/09/16''' : wikileaks offers reward for seth rich killer and assange hints at dnc connection to killer (few
days later assage implies that SR was wikileaks' source)

'''08/11/16''' : seth rich's family's new spokesman is brad bauman, a professional democrat crisis pr
consultant with the pastorum group (tweet wikileaks)

'''08/12/16''' : rizvi traverse management llc, managed by secretive investor suhail rizvi, has halved its stake
in twitter inc and increased its holding in mobile payments company square inc, regulatory filings showed.

'''08/15/16''' : in one eye-catching exchange, strzok and page appear to discuss a conversation that took
place in the office of deputy fbi director andrew mccabe.
“i want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in andy’s office — that there’s no way [trump] gets
elected — but i’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” strzok wrote to page.
“it’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

'''08/17/16''' : flynn joined trump for his first classified intelligence briefing at trump tower

'''08/19/16''' : manafort resigns

'''08/25/16''' : cia director john brennan provides what has been described as a special briefing to then senate
minority leader harry reid

'''08/26/16''' : strzok writes to page: “just went to a southern virginia walmart. I could smell the trump

'''08/27/16''' : reid sends a letter to comey referencing allegations made about carter page in the dossier

'''09/??/16''' : largest nuclear test nk takes place

'''09/??/16''' : steele, on the direction of fusion gps, meets with reporters at ny times, wapo, cnn, new yorker,
yahoo, ….

'''09/15/16''' : abid awan fired because y. Clarke (d-ny) learns of the financial review that will be conducted
regarding it systems. (it takes months before other representatives start firing awans & co

'''09/17/16''' : eric braverman (former clinton foundation ceo) goes missing

'''09/19/16''' : flynn met with turkish government officials to discuss the possible extradition of fetullah gulen

'''09/20/16''' : soros (open society foundations), un refugee agency & canada make a deal to promote an
initiative that will help canada and other countries to resettle greater numbers of refugees, global refugee
sponsorship initiative (all points to soros trying to destroy canada with refugees, crime, open boarders, ms-
13 (funded by soros), climate change idolatry. Alex soros is the one doing the traveling and meetings mostly.
Prime minister justin trudeau is close allies with george soros, and john podesta, he took $20 million dollars
from canadian tax-payers in july to give to his friends bill and hillary clinton. He is glowingly referred to as
“mr. Canada” in john podesta’s leaked emails, and they recognize him as a close ally to democrats and the
podesta linked center for american progress, “prime minister trudeau has been a longtime progressive ally of
cap’s [center for american progress, allied to the democratic party]…. an active and engaged partner in our
global progress program”
The nonprofit, the clinton giustra enterprise partnership (canada), operates in parallel to the clinton
foundation. Trudeau donate's taxpayer money to this foundation. (so giustra, clintons, podesta, soros &
trudeau are all connected, giustra with uranium one, podesta with uranium one)

'''09/23/16''' : yahoo reporter michael isikoff publishes the first news article about the allegations against
page. Based on steele's allegations, but isakoff did not disclose steele's involvement or the dossier's

'''09/??/16''' : weiner had exchanged sexually explicit messages with a 15-year old girl: reports say

'''10/??/16''' : fbi investigators seize weiners computer

'''10/07/16''' : wikileaks starts publishing john podesta emails (goes on till 10/31)

'''10/10/16''' : flynn met in new york with turkisch community leaders linked to erdogan, they talked about
'''10/14/16' : melissa hodgman (wife peter strzok) promoted to director in sec enforcement division by obama

'''10/20/16''' during a presidential debate, strzok writes: “i am riled up. Trump is a f*cking idiot, is unable to
provide a coherent answer.”

'''10/22/16''' : assange's close friend and mentor dies, gavin macfayden (lung cancer)

'''10/28/16''' : fbi announces reviewing new emails connected to the investigation hrc and server (mails
weiner laptop) case overseen by peter strzok (they knew about these emails week before announcement

'''10/31/16''' : david corn at mother jones publishes the first article quoting steele, though not by name. Corn
refers to steele as a “western intelligence source” and lays out the allegations about the kremlin having
compromising information about trump.

'''11/06/16''' : comey announces review completed and no change in the conclussion of july 5

'''11/08/16''' : election day, mr trump wins

'''11/08/16''' : flynn published an op-ed in the hill that referred gulen as turkey's osama bin laden.

'''11/13/16''' : grand jury empaneled: us v imran awan and wife hina alvi for conspiracy, perjury & fraud

'''11/15/16''' : flynn joined trump for an intelligence briefing.

'''11/16/16''' : FIG's contract with Inovo BV expired

'''11/17/16''' : nsa adm rogers visits trump tower (mr trump) (probably warns him that he's being spied on by
obama adm. Interestingly, at the exact same time, just before nsa rogers visited trump tower, another mike
rogers – the former house intelligence chairman who retired after lying about the benghazi fiasco – was
kicked off the trump transition team on intelligence. No one could figure out why he was kicked out.
However, if you’ve read the benghazi brief you know how damaged, corrupted and untrustworthy chairman
mike rogers was – as he previously sat on the oversight gang of eight. If i were a wagering person, i’d say
nsa rogers was only going to meet with president-elect trump if the ears of the corrupted, dangerous and
easily blackmailed mike rogers were gone.

'''11/18/16''' : trump moves organisation to bedminster

'''11/18/16''' : trump announces that flynn would be his national security advisor

'''11/18/16''' : reports in msm that adm rogers has to be removed from his nsa position

'''11/18/16''' : a steele associate named andrew wood informed arizona senator songbird about the
allegations made in the dossier
'''11/23/16''' : trump picks betsy devos for education secretary (sister of erik prince, founder of blackwater)

'''11/23/16''' : parents of seth rich appear at press conference with rep lobbyist jack burkman to offer $125000

'''11/28/16''' : david kramer, a songbird associate, flies to london to meet steele. They arrange for songbird to
be provided copies of the dossier

'''11/??/16''' : fusion gps founder glenn simpson meets with justice department assistant deputy attorney
general bruce g. Ohr. Simpson disclosed this month that ohr requested the meeting. Ohr had met prior to the
election with steele. Ohr’s wife, nellie, worked as a researcher for fusion gps on its trump project.

'''12/05/16''' : strzok reportedly briefs the house intelligence committee on the Russia investigation

'''12/09/16''' : songbird meets with comey to discuss the dossier

'''12/13/16''' : steele writes his final memo for the dossier

'''12/28/16''' : obama administration ejects 35 russian diplomates from the us and introduces new sanctions

'''12/29/16''' : general flynn speaks with russian ambassador (kislyak) about the sanctions and asks kislyak
not to escalate the situation. Kislyak calls general flynn and says putin wont escalate the thing, putin does
this openly, he says publicly that he will not expel anyone in response to new sanctions
==from 2017==

'''01/05/17''' : samina asraf gilani (imran's stepmother) calls police for being detained by imran

'''01/06/17''' : comey briefs trump on the allegations in the steele dossier

'''01/10/17''' : cnn reports that the briefing took place

'''01/11/17''' : buzzfeed publishes the steele dossier

'''01/13/17''' : at the urging of democrats, the justice department inspector general opens an investigation into
the fbi's handling of the clinton email investigation. They are upset at comey's handling of the clinton probe

''01/15/17''' : pence says on msm that he talked with general flynn, and that flynn said the talks with kislyak
were not about sanctions

'''01/18/17''' : acting like his wife, imran awan requests international wire of 283k to pakistan

'''01/18/17''' : eric braverman (former ceo of clinton foundation) has been hired by Alphabet executive
chairman eric schmidt and his wife, wendy. He will be in charge of the philanthropic arm of the Menlo Park-
based Eric & Wendy Schmidt group. So he is no longer missing

'''01/19/17''' : the ny times reports that us intelligence officials had intercepted communications between
russians and trump associates. Vague details!

'''01/20/17''' : obama quietly sends 221 million dollar to palistinians.

'''01/21/17''' : trump inaugurated

'''01/24/17''' : fbi interviews flynn (it's peter strzok that does the interview, who also was high in the clinton
investigation) it's about the converstations with kislyak. Sally yates was acting ag than. Flynn talked to the
fbi without a lawyer, but as national security adviser, flynn had plenty of reasons to talk to the fbi, and he
could have reasonably thought the meeting would be about a prosaic issue involved in getting the new trump
national security council up and running

'''01/26/17''' : ag sally yates warns don mcgahn that the doj has evidence that what pence was saying, was
inaccurate. In her eyes flynn was compramised to the russians, vulnerable to blackmail

'''01/27/17''' : yates again meets mcgahn to see if wh can review the evidence the fbi has on flynn

'''01/30/17''' : ag sally yates is fired because she wont defend mr trumps travel restrictions on refugees and

'''02/02/17''' : u.s. Capitol police named imran awan and his relatives as subjects of a criminal probe after
media reports that the pakistani’s stepmother alleged in fairfax county court that he had used high-tech
devices to wiretap and extort her. House officials told congressmen the awan family was the subject of a
criminal investigation involving abuses of their congressional posts.

'''02/02/17''' : awans were barred from computer networks at the house of representatives

'''02/02/17''' : daily caller publishes article exposing it scandal staffers ties to hezbollah (through dr ali al-attar)

'''02/08/17''' : jeff sessions confirmed as ag: vote 52 yes, 47 no

'''02/10/17''' : pakistani isi spy ring in congress is busted in india

'''02/11/17''' : nk launches its first ballistic missile

'''02/13/17''' : general flynn is fired (resigns?) Because of the leaks about his talks about the sanctions with

'''02/14/17''' : the times reports that there had been “repeated contacts” between trump associates and
russian operatives, again vague details

'''02/14/17''' : kim's half brother kim jong-nam is poisoned in kuala lumpur international airport

'''02/15/17''' : songbird made a trip to syria last week, his office confirmed. Official, but unannounced.
Mccain's trip came weeks after rep. Tulsi gabbard, a hawaii democrat, made a secret trip to syria as well.
Upon her return, gabbard said she met with syrian president bashar al-assad, and her office eventually said
she would personally pay for her trip after its funding came under scrutiny.

'''02/16/17''' : cnn publishes an article stating that law enforcement officials believed that flynn did not
intentionally lie to the fbi during his interview

'''02/20/17''' : jack burkman appeals to congress to investigate seth's death under the theory that it maight
have been the russians trying to disrupt the voter registration project seth was working on for the dnc

'''03/01/17''' : fbi names carl ghattas as national security branch executive asst director, he has been with the
bureau since 1997.

'''03/07/17''' : wikileaks start dropping vault 7 – files, (cia hacking tools revealed).... one does say cia can
hack cars to assassinate people without any proof of assassination!

'''03/??/17''' : debbie wasserman schultz changes imran's title to advisor to keep him on the payroll

'''03/13/17''' : obama visits honolulu (hawai)

'''03/14/17''' : high tech missile defense ships send to region north-korea

'''03/20/17''' : comey aknowledges for the first time during testimony that the fbi is investigating connections
between members of the trump administration and russia

'''03/23/17''' : lone wolf jihadi khalid masood got dangerously close to pm May before he was gunned down

'''03/23/17''' : jack burkman launches independent investigation into seth's murder, in which seth's family take
no part, he hires kevin doherty (security expert) a forensic physiologist, and george washington grad
students and they are operating out of the new 'seth rich center for investigations' in arlington virginia.

'''03/??/17''' : comey said under oath, that the fbi still had not accessed the servers analyzed by crowdstrike.
Also homeland security offered help to the dnc with its hacking investigation, but the dnc did not feel it
needed dnc-assistance.;

'''03/??/17''' : comey briefed a number of capitol hill lawmakers on the trump russia investigation; according to
two sources familiar with the meetings, comey told lawmakers that the fbi agents who interviewed flynn did
not believe that flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result,
some of those in attendance came away with the impression that flynn would not be charged with a crime
pertaining to the jan. 24 interview. The questioning in that jan. 24 interview apparently revolved around the
flynn-kislyak phone conversations. The first thing to remember is that it appears flynn did nothing wrong in
having those talks. As the incoming national security adviser, it was entirely reasonable that he discuss policy
with representatives of other governments — and flynn was getting calls from all around the world. So
comey went to capitol hill in march to brief lawmakers privately. That is when he told them that the fbi agents
who interviewed flynn did not believe flynn had lied, or that any inaccuracies in flynn's answers were
intentional. (one of them was strzok!)

'''04/06/17''' : nk fires another ballistic missile

'''04/06/17''' : Sources claim Imran Awan Planted the laptop discovered by Capitol Police in Washington to
implicate Debbie Wasserman Schultz and included letters to the U.S. attorney. Police also found notes in a
composition notebook marked “attorney-client privilege.”
us capitol police found the laptop in the rayburn building. dws tried frantically to keep prosecutors from

'''04/07/17''' : u.s. President donald trump and china's president xi jinping meeting at mar-a-lago estate, a
bilateral meeting in palm beach, florida, u.s

'''04/09/17''' : carl vinson strike group heads toward the western pacific ocean (as a deterrent to nk

'''04/11/17''' : fbi starts turning over new clinton investigation documents to congress

'''04/25/17''' : rod rosenstein confirmed as deputy ag in a senate vote (94 yes – 6 no)

'''04/27/17''' : andrew therriault tweets at seth's twtitter account: “a group of pandas is called an
embarassment, as of may 20 the tweet has been deleted”

'''05/01/17''' : uss carl vinson reaches the sea of japan

'''05/03/17''' : comey testifies before congress that abedin regularly sent emails to weiner so he could print
them out, and that she had sent, hundreds of thousands of emails to weiner, some of which contain classified

'''05/08/17''' : propublica reports that comey exaggerated the number of emails that abedin sent to weiner.

'''05/09/17''' : wapo and ap report that none of the emails were designated as classified when they were sent

'''05/09/17''' : fbi sends a letter to senate judiciary committee chairman grassley correcting details from
comey's testimony

'''05/09/17''' : comey fired

'''05/09/17''' : moon jae-in elected president south-korea

'''05/10/17''' : henry kissinger visits white house, oval office

'''05/11/17''' : trump creates a panel to investigate voter fraud

'''05/11/17''' : The asylum seekers who took in NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and gave him shelter in
their humble dwellings, while he was on the run in Hong Kong in 2013, have had their applications rejected.
Immigration authorities issued the decision and informed the group of seven on 05/12, according to Robert
Tibbo, an attorney representing them.

'''05/14/17''' : nk launches first missile since new president sk (moon jae-in) took office

'''05/15/17''' : fox news reports that rod wheeler says there is evidence that seth had contact with wikileaks,
seth's family distanced itself from rod wheeler

'''05/16/17''' : mueller meets mr trump, said is 'to become fbi-director', but after 12 years as fbi-director that
can't be, by law.

'''05/16/17''' : the gateway pundit claims the footage from the body cameras worn by three of the police
officers responding to seth's shooting is missing

'''05/17/17''' : fox news retracts his story about wheeler.

'''05/17/17''' : rosenstein appoints mueller as special counsel

'''05/18/17''' : kim dotcom tweets list of security cameras in area of murder seth rich

'''05/18/17''' : Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has admitted that she violated official information
security policy – blaming the chief administrative officer in the House of Representatives for not stopping her

Read Newsmax Article: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Admits She Violated Information Security Policy 'For
Years' she also threatens police chief verderosa

'''05/19/17''' : an attorney for the rich family sent a cease and desist letter to wheeler

'''05/20/17''' : kim dotcom states: i knew seth rich. I know he was the wikileaks source. I was involved. I'm
meeting my legal team on monday. I will issue a statement about seth rich on tuesday, plz be patient. This
needs to be done properly

'''05/20/17''' : trump arrives in saudi arabia, gets a warm welcome by king salman

'''05/24/17''' : obama travels to germany (before trump arrives there) & uk

'''05/24/17''' : body of federal prosecutor investigating passport and visa fraud,mr. Beranton whisenant, found
on the beach in debbie wasserman schultz’ florida district

'''05/26/17''' : zbigniew brzezinski dies. Brzezinski said a year ago that “in earlier times, it was easier to
control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people” while “today it is infinitely easier to kill
a million people than to control a million people.” To the NWO, who are heavily into eugenics and
depopulation, it is no big deal to kill a million people. Their plan as laid out in the Georgia Guidestones is to
reduce the world’s population to 500 million, a much “manageable” amount. Brzezinski’s strategy consisted
of utilizing the CIA in place of the Pentagon, and creating instability and chaos to topple governments that
defied Washington. He also said ‘our job is to control exactly what people think' and "Well, I think that the
dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own
facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the
messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job."

'''05/30/17''' : kim dotcom approaches mueller regarding evidence of the seth rich

'''05/31/17''' : debbie wasserman schultz’s brother suspected of burying seth rich dc murder case. Steven
wasserman would have the power to do this, because he is assistant us attorney at the attorney’s office for
the district of columbia.

'''06/02/17''' : debbie wasserman schultz calls becks law office (dnc lawsuit) with robot-voice changer, but
forgot to disable caller-id

'''06/05/17''' : dailycaller: “house dem it-suspects wanted untraceable payments — and sure enough, millions

'''06/08/17''' : former fbi director james comey testified that he orchestrated the leak of accounts of
conversations with president donald trump because he thought it might lead to the appointment of a special
prosecutor to lead the russia investigation.

'''06/23/17''' : obama arrives in indonesia

'''06/27/17''' : fbi carl ghattas just confirmed that he has (and will share with senate) the info fired director
comey gave him about his talks with mr trump
'''07/01/17''' : obama speaks at indonesian diaspora congress in jakarta

'''07/03/17''' : obama in seoul, meeting leader of south-korea

'''07/04/17''' : nk fires its first successful nuclear-capable icbm

'''07/05/17''' : sessions memo: end to payouts to “third-party organizations” (slush fund obama/holder)

'''07/10/17''' : a military refueling aircraft crashed monday afternoon in a soybean field in leflore county, killing
at least 16 and leaving a debris field five miles in radius, officials said.

'''07/12/17''' : klaus eberwein was a haitian government official and businessman. He is found dead, a week
before he had to testify before the haitian senate’s ethics and anti-corruption commission. He is was
reportedly expected to have testified about corruption within the clinton foundation. Eberwein was found in a
motel room shot in his head. According to the local physician who examined the body after the death, it was
probably a suicide.

'''07/13/17''' : robert mueller brought peter strzok in his team, strzok started the russia investigation in fbi, was
big part of hrc investigation … also interviewed huma abedin & flynn

'''07/14/17''' : songbird undergoes surgery for blood clot, diagnosed with cancer. This in the mayo clinic, on
the bod: barbara bush, dick cheney, cokie roberts, jeffery w bolton, eric schmidt, walter mondale, ursula
burns (direct obama connection), alan mulally (direct obama connection)

'''07/20/17''' : fbi provides the justice departments inspector general with text messages exchanged between
strzok & page, his mistress and fbi lawyer who also worked on muellers team

'''07/23/17''' : fbi seized smashed hard drives from wasserman schultz it aide's home (imran awan)

'''07/24/17''' : a flight is purchased for imran awan to fly to qatar and then pakistan, he was arrested when he
attempted to take the flight. And finally debbie ws fires imran awan, during his employment he made 2
million dollar, of some 25000 people who have worked in the house since 2010 only 100 have taken home
more than imran. By the end of their employment, the awan family made 5 million dollar overall.

'''07/24/17''' : us intel analysts vet 'forensicator's metanalysis' of dnc server files, and conclude it was a leak,
not a hack, thus destroying russiagate. Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is
the conclusion that the dnc data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an internet
capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying wasperformed on the
east coast of the u.s. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies

'''07/25/17''' : songbird destroys the vote to repeal obamacare

'''07/26/17''' : imran awan gets clinton lawyer chris gowen of Gowen Silva & Winograd PLLC.

'''07/26/17''' : fbi agents on a warrant obtained by mueller raid the virginia home of former trump campaign
chairman paul manafort

'''07/27/17''' : ig horowitz briefs mueller and deputy ag rosenstein on the strzok texts, according to muellers
office, strzok was immediately removed from the investigation

'''07/28/17''' : new missile from nk

'''07/28/17''' : steve wasserman, dc district office prosecuor for imran's case is debbie wasserman schultz'

'''07/28/17''' : fbi agents arrest former trump campaign adviser george papadopoulos. Later charged with
lying to the fbi during an interview in january, he was not interviewed by strzok they say

'''08/03/17''' : transcripts of trump's calls with mexico and australia leaked

'''08/03/17''' : david p. Pekoske confirmed as tsa director (tsa is part of dhs) pekoske served as the 26th vice
commandant of the u.s. Coast guard culminating a coast guard career that included extensive operational
and command experience. As the vice commandant, pekoske was second in command, also serving as chief
operating officer and component acquisition executive of the u.s. Coast guard

'''08/04/17''' : judge ends curfew for ex-dem it aide imran awan, but still requires gps devic. U.s. District judge
tanya s. Chutkan revoked awan’s curfew restrictions and stopped requiring him to be drug tested, according
to a wednesday court filing.
But chutkan kept in place the gps monitoring device and requirement that he not travel outside a 150-mile
radius of his home.

'''08/04/17''' : start white house renovations, trump will work with his staff from his golf resort in bedminster
new jersey. Renovations where done/organised by gsa

'''08/04/17''' : in an internal memorandum sessions discusses to pursue investigations into obama's slush
fund, the fund was stopped immediately when sessions took his position: slush funds donated to fraudulent
charities that would use the funds to promote progressive/anti-american values into politics

'''08/04/17''' : pakistan’s new prime minister shahid khaqan abbasi yesterday formed a cabinet filled with
allies of toppled leader nawaz sharif, in a reshuffle that appears aimed at bolstering support ahead of general
elections due in mid-2018.

'''08/05/17''' : vc bestor publishes article on natalia sova (abid awans wife) and her connection to nadra in
ukraine & pakistan

'''08/08/17''' : north korea successfully develops and mounts a miniaturized nuclear warhead on a ballistic

'''08/10/17''' : justice department ig receives strzok texts sent after nov 30 2016

'''08/14/17''' : icbm nk made possible by black-market purchases of powerful rocket engines probably from a
ukrainian factory, state owned yuzhmash.

'''08/17/17''' : federal grand jury indicts imran awan and his wife hina alvi for bank fraud, conspiracy against

'''08/20/17''' : trump back in white house, renovations done

'''08/24/17''' : house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes subpoenas the justice department and the
fbi for documents related to the dossier. The committee believes that strzok was involved in handling the

'''08/25/17''' : dnc fraud lawsuit is dismissed (becks)

'''08/28/17''' : new missile nk, goes over japan

'''08/30/17''' : federal agent kurt smolek’s body found in the potomac. Under hillary’s state dept, he worked
child sex trafficking in cambodia

'''09/01/17''' : bulgarian journalist dilyana gaytandzhieva fired for reporting how cia ran weapons to al-qaeda
in syria through azerbaijan

'''09/03/17''' : north korea announces it has successfully tested miniaturized hydrogen bomb capable of fitting
on an icbm. Q hints that uranium from uranium one in the end was transported to nk : u1 - ca - eu - asia\nk.

'''09/07/17''' : the prosecution suppresses imran awan’s information–passports/visas, badge number. Why?
And why the prosecution, not the defense? (webb)

'''09/12/17''' : fbi says imran awan’s security clearances were “forged”

'''09/12/17''' : ca attorney general, rep xavier becerra [d-ca] is caught giving capitol police a fake awan server
in feckless ruse of obstructionism

'''09/13/17''' : zerohedge reports pentagon/cia shipping weapons from bulgaria to isis, germany launches
probe into the matter

'''09/18/17''' : trump jr drops (gives up) his secrect service, he says because of privacy concerns, but given q
it could be because the ss was compromised

'''09/19/17''' : in 2004, pakistan’s most famous nuclear scientist, abdul qadeer khan, admitted to have
transferred nuclear technology to north korea and other nations, a confession that led to his detainment for
five years. These unnerving revelations were reinforced yet again earlier this month by another pakistani
nuclear scientist, pervez hoodbhoy. (reports say)

'''09/23/17''' : secret service reinstated by trump jr

'''09/28/17''' : officials meet with senate investigators, who are expected to raise questions related to the firing
of former fbi director james comey and the bureau's probe into hillary clinton's use of a personal email
system. The senate judiciary committee is investigating comey's conduct as head of the bureau and
president donald trump's firing of him in may. After the former director told the senate intelligence committee
in june that he had spoken with colleagues about his encounters with trump, the senate judiciary committee
asked the justice department to make jim rybicki, comey’s former chief of staff, and carl ghattas, the
executive assistant director in charge of the bureau’s national security branch, available for interviews. The
justice department denied that initial request, saying the interviews might conflict with the efforts of robert
mueller, the special counsel overseeing the fbi investigation into russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential
election and possible coordination with the trump campaign.

'''09/29/17''' : obama speaks in toronto (canada) (metro toronto convention centre to focus on global
citizenship ) (his second visit to canada since trump president)

'''10/01/17''' : las vegas shooting, stephen paddoc (millionaire), same hotel where alwaleed owns upper
floors. Lots of reports saying “multiple shooters”, but witnesses suddenly died (car crash, shot, died in their
sleep, hit and run )... Jesus campos also was a witness, he is reported as security guard, but not registered
as one... Campos could be ms-13. Also the top floors of the mandalay are owned by alwaleed bin talal (he
admits sending snipers to mandalay bay). Also the crown prince salman was in las vegas at the same time,
a coup against crown prince of sa? It's also said paddock was a cia operative (russian security report)

'''10/05/17''' : new york times brings the story about weinstein and sexual harassment, from here on lots of
claims will follow... in hollywood & politics... it's no coincidence that this happens... hollywood/washington
(the swamp) being cleaned up

'''10/10/17''' : henry kissinger visits trump in white house again

'''10/11/17''' : nunes asks rosenstein about the committees request to interview strzok

'''10/17/17''' : george soros donates most of his money to open society foundation

'''10/17/17''' : kim yung un orders to resume construction ryugyong hotel

'''10/18/17''' : grassley seeks information from fbi informant in u1 :

'''10/24/17''' : pompeo met on october 24 with william binney, a former national security agency official-turned-
whistleblower who co-authored an analysis published by a group of former intelligence officials that
challenges the u.s. intelligence community’s official assessment that russian intelligence was behind last
year’s theft of data from dnc computers. Binney and the other former officials argue that the dnc data was
“leaked,” not hacked, “by a person with physical access” to the dnc’s computer system.

'''10/24/17''' : freedom of the press foundation reinstalls securedrop:: they discovered a 3-year-old
vulnerability in it, nothing big they say, but they reinstall it anyway

'''10/25/17''' : doj lifts gag order on fbi informant to discuss uranium deal with congress
'''10/25/17''' : kushner makes an undisclosed trip to saudi arabia

'''10/26/17''' : jfk-files released

'''10/28/17''' : kushner returns from his trip to sa

'''10/28/17''' : mi5 and british police foiled an alleged islamist plot to kill prime minister theresa may at
downing street — one of nine alleged terror assaults to be stopped by the security services since the
westminster attack in march. Two men will appear in court in london on wednesday morning charged with
terrorism offences in connection with the alleged plot. Naa’imur zakariyah rahman, 20, of north london and
mohammed aqib imran, 21, of south-east birmingham were arrested on november 28 by the metropolitan
police counter terrorism command. Mr rahman is charged with assisting mr imran in making preparations for
the attack which included an alleged plan to detonate a bomb on downing street before attacking mrs may
with a knife, one person briefed on the case said.

'''10/29/17''' : hrc detained, but not arrested yet (q)

'''10/29/17''' : hrc surprise birthday party, huma abedin is there

'''10/29/17''' : us forces capture benghazi suspect in libya.

'''10/30/17''' : hrc (with huma abedin) still on book tour

'''10/30/17''' : mueller indicts manafort / gates / papadapoulos : msm going crazy about this (mockingbird)

'''10/30/17''' : tony podesta steps down from lobbying firm (podesta group)
The podesta group, along with manafort's firm, were tasked with leading an pr effort on behalf of a group
called the european centre for a modern ukraine.
The ecfmu was a non-profit group whose true goal was allegedly to soften the obama administration's
opposition to the pro-russian ukrainian government in power at the time. (several ukrainian leaders were
facing public condemnation from the american government for their treatment of political opponents.) The
podesta group, along with manafort's firm, were tasked with leading that effort on behalf of the european
centre for a modern ukraine. (in the indictment of manafort unsealed on monday, the podesta group appears
to be referred to as "company b" but never referred to specifically by name.)

'''10/30/17''' : trump meets paul ryan, later with mattis, also with pence & ag sessions, and with tillerson.
Meetings were in oval office (august renovated completely), cell phones are forbidden in oval office.

'''10/30/17''' : chuck grassley just came out and smacked gloating liberal’s right across the mouth. The left all
came out of the woodwork today to gloat about unrelated (to trump) charges against paul manafort.
Then he warned the democrats and by that he means you tony podesta and the rest of the gang about
what’s coming next. According to the washington examiner chuck said it is high time we started enforcing
the fara (foreign agents registration act) requirements. One of the charges levied against manafort was
failure to register according to fara. A charge that caused tony podesta to step down from his high-powered
job because he knows mueller is out to get him next.
“the dirty little secret is that lots of people across the political spectrum in washington have skirted their fara
registration obligations for years with little to no accountability. I’ve been working on legislation to improve the
justice department’s enforcement of fara, and expect to introduce it very soon,” chuck added. (helping mr
trump to drain the swamp)
'''10/30/17''' : q drops this:
rdp84b00049r001303260026-4.pdf looks like it's cia-connected, proven in the past, but apparently still
now. The asia foundation was founded by robert blum, a spy, connected to: indeed cia

'''10/31/17''' : fbi officials refuse the committees request to interview strzok

'''10/31/17''' : nk nuclear test site tunnel collapses : day after generals meet with trump?

'''10/31/17''' : senate judiciary meeting: location changed (hart senate office building, chairman is lindsay
graham, not chuck grasley

'''11/01/17''' : end of the obama foundation summit, a two day event in chicago hosted by obama. Those
headlining the summit include such big names as obama and former first lady michelle; prince harry; and
from show business, lin-manuel miranda, chance, common and rashida jones. Various power players from
obama’s administration will also be in attendance, including, his ambassador to japan, caroline kennedy; u.n.
Ambassador susan rice; senior advisers valerie jarrett and david plouffe; top food policy adviser sam kass;
plus domestic policy adviser cecilia munoz.

'''11/01/17''' : foia dump : a new foia dump, hillary email confirms she directed/instructed huma abedin to
remove all traces of markings that would identify a government document as confidential… hillary clinton
disseminated classified information with intent.

'''11/01/17''' : cia releases files recovered in may 2011 raid on osama bin laden's compound:

'''11/02/17''' : chuck grassley comes more in the picture, starts seeking more details on comey, clinton, nyc
attacker, ...he also has more security around him

'''11/02/17''' : trump on ingraham angle: about steele-dossier (fake, oppo research allowed for hrc, not for
others), about donna brazile, north korea.

'''11/02/17''' : trump nomitaes jerome powell for federal reserves top job.

'''11/03/17''' : foia dump (11/01) reveals fbi asked nrc preservation and records request (hrc-email
investigation) (katica; @goppollanalyst)
Also to other agencies
Nuclear regulatory commission
The u.s. Dept. of treasury
The office of director of national intelligence (odni james clapper)
The national counter terrorism center
The u.s. Department of energy (doe)
The national security agency (nsa – admiral mike rogers)
The united states secret service (usss)
The central intelligence agency (cia)
The defense intelligence agency (dia)
The department of defense.

'''11/03/17''' : trumps twitter account taken down (after q said he was going to post a tweet before departing to
Https:// : twitter down for 11 minutes
Https:// : why doj/fbi don't investigate hrc

'''11/03/17''' : trump departs to asia

'''11/03/17''' : disgraced former cnn contributor donna brazile made explosive allegations that the democratic
national committee basically rigged the 2016 primary in hillary clinton’s favor, but abc, nbc and cbs’ evening
newscasts failed to cover it. All they do is pushing on the mueller indictments and russian collusion.

'''11/04/17''' : saudi arabia intercepts ballistic missile over capital (from yemen rebels it's said, but was it? Q
asked that too)

'''11/04/17''' : antifa announced nationwide riots today, but it was barely a drop in a bucket (for that the
national guard was deployed in 12 cities) mr trump could have used this to impose martial law, potus himself
was not in the country at this time!

'''11/04/17''' : trump tweets (he was in hawai at that time) : would very much appreciate saudi arabia doing
their ipo of aramco with the new york stock exchange. Important to the united states trump also had a phone
call with saudi king salman

'''11/05/17''' : trump arrives in tokyo, japan

'''11/05/17''' : a crackdon on billionaires and other top officials happens in sa, 11 princes arrested (also
alwaleed bin talal)

'''11/05/17''' : saudi prince mansour bin muqrin is killed in a helicopter crash along southwest border near
yemen, he was among other government officials on board the helicopter. The prince was the son of muqrin
bin abdulaziz al saud, who was crown prince of saudi arabia from januari to april 2015. Now salman's son is
crown prince. Rumours say that a saudi warplane shot down the helicopter.

'''11/05/17''' : texas church shooting: q warned for ff on november 2

'''11/06/17''' ; anthony weiner, the former politician and now convicted federal sex offender, reported this
morning to federal medical center devens, a federal prison in ayer, massachusetts. He will begin serving his
21 months for sexting with a minor. (husband of huma abedin)

'''11/06/17''' : q posts picture of 2 chinese type 072a landing ships (dabie shan & tianmu shan) in harbour

'''11/07/17''' : donna braziles book comes out

'''11/07/17''' : trump visits south-korea

'''11/08/17''' : q posts picture, (nov 7 trump was in south korea, nov 8 in china) picture is from mainland hong
kong, crossroad where salvation army kwai chung corps is situated

'''11/08/17''' : trump visist china. Trump becomes first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since founding
of modern China. Nkorea deal made in forbidden city?

'''11/08/17''' : trump tweets a picture named doitq (doit--q--j8uiaa--ows--q)

'''11/08/17''' : sara a. Carter attacked (hack-attempt) someone just tried to sign into my email from #china.
Good thing i put a second verification on my iphone - caught them red handed.

'''11/10/17''' : trump visits danang, vietnam

'''11/10/17''' : again a picture of q, from a plain, probably af1, view of hong kong

'''11/11/17''' : trump visits hanoi, vietnam

'''11/12/17''' : trump visits manila, philippines

'''11/13/17''' : trump takes part in asean summit in philippines

'''11/13/17''' : message q in drop: ldr : lynn de rothschild warned: distress cal[l]s to others will [d]o you/family

'''11/14/17''' : trump left manilla 30 minutes earlier, and the plane flew as fast as it could apparently...
something urgent? Also “a pitstop” in hawai again... military base... Us president donald trump previously
decided to extend his stay in the philippines for the east asia summit, but decided to leave early, abruptly
ending his 5-country, 12-day asia trip.

'''11/14/17''' : trump thx asia in a tweet, with video. Part of the video in af1, looking down on Nk? Hyangsan?

'''11/14/17''' : soros sells twitter, facebook, apple and snap shares

'''11/17/17''' : 4 people killed in mid-air collision between a helicopter and light aircraft. Very close to the
house of the rothschild banking familiy. Pilot of helicopter was captain mike green, q points to the stringer
posted november 5, capt. Green was a “good guy” (q), plane prevents the operation

'''11/17/17''' : twitter announces new rules, censorship rules, taking place dec 18

'''11/22/17''' : q posts a picture of rothschilds: leaked picture of the illuminati ball in france (12/12/72): marie-
hélène de rothschild, member of the most powerful elite family in the world, held a surrealist ball at château
de ferrières, one of the family’s gigantic mansions. (in picture: baron guy de rothschild & baroness marie-
hélène de rothschild )

'''11/22/17''' : q posts picture of the hyangsang hotel with the question: who controls nk? Looks like a
illuminati pyramid

'''11/22/17''' : news breaks that prince alwaleed is tortured and beaten by american mercenaries (sources
say: blackwater, but they denie) alwaleed was also hung upside down is said

'''11/24/17''' : director cordrey (cfpb) appoints leandra english to the position of deputy director, he wanted her
to become acting director after his resignation. However, president Trump appointed mick mulvaney as
acting director.

'''11/24/17''' : q posts picture of bill clinton in north korea with kim yung un's father (was there for the deal
about the journalists captured by nk) (picture is from 8/4/09)

'''11/29/17''' : washington examiner says nunes again asks rosenstein to make strzok available for an
interview, also this one is denied

'''11/29/17''' : north korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile. Says it could attack all of us now.
Remarkable is that during 8 obama years north korea was very silent, no danger... moment trump gets
elected that silence is gone.. suddenly in less than a year they have icbm, nucleair capability... given? Who
ever controls nk, tries to hold the world as hostage with nk nucleair capability

'''11/29/17''' : white house holiday party

'''11/29/17''' : obama sends a video message to help fund-raise for aids, on the site is a korean girl with a
board: meet me in seoul, obama at that time was in seoul, video recorded the 27 th before he left

'''11/30/17''' : q posts picture of shanghai tower, oriental pearl tower (at night) : huangpu river (picture is taken
from same spot an earlier q picture was taken (type a72 landing ships) obama is in asia on that time, 3 day
trip, meeting xi jinping in beijing & pm narendra modi (india) in new delhi.

'''12/01/17''' : flynn appears in court., pleads guilty to lying to the fbi during his jan 24 interview with strzok

'''12/01/17''' : obama ends a 3 country trip, where he meets with the 3 leaders of the countries (france, india,
china) officially he's meeting for the obama foundation... unofficially? Working against mr trump?
Remarkable thing: he travels to big countries either before or after president trump: damage control?

'''12/02/17''' : ny times and wapo report that strzok had been removed from muellers team because of the text
messages. After that the justice department informs nunes that strzok will be made available for an interview

'''12/05/17''' : the senate banking committee approved jerome powell's nomination and he becomes chair of
the federal reserve.

'''12/06/17''' : donald trump jr before intelligence committee in a closed-door session... Schiff leaks!
“the public release of confidential non-public information by committee members continued unabated” for 24
hours after trump’s supposedly confidential interview last week, trump’s lawyer, alan futerfas, wrote in a letter
delivered tuesday afternoon.
The four-page letter, addressed to rep. K. Michael conaway (r-tex.), the panel chairman overseeing the
russia investigation, complains about public comments made by three members of the panel, all democrats,
including the highest-ranking minority member of the panel, rep. Adam b. Schiff (d-calif.). The letter says that
members and staffers began “selectively leaking information” even before the closed-door meeting ended.

'''12/07/17''' : fox news reports that bruce ohr had been stripped of his title as assistand deputy ag

'''12/08/17''' : q posts a picture of the pope, this was aired live on cnn in march of 2000 while pope john paul ii
was visiting israel. Their is an upside down cross in the picture. He is the one that sold israel, together with
arrafat. (jerusalem an international city , recognition of palestinian state, …)

'''12/08/17''' : new pictures dropped by q

Huma abedin & john podesta on november 9, to clean out their desks in clinton's brooklyn heights hq
Obama hand on chin (januari 5 2016?)
Obama walking with book (2010?) “post-american world” from fareed zakaria
Angela merkel (juli 2010) making same handsymbol as hitler did a lot
Hillary clinton with laurence rockefeller (1995) hrc has the book “are we alone” from paul davis
Hillary clinton with lady lynn de rothschild (2003)
Hillary clinton with lord evelyn de rothschild (2003)
Hillary clinton with songbird (2011)
Hillary clinton with george soros (2004)
Saudi foreign minister prince saud al-faisal, right, u.s. Secretary of state hillary clinton and kuwaiti foreign
minister sheikh sabah khaled al-hamad al-sabah. (2012)
Saudi billionaire prince al-waleed bin talal (2015)
Prince charles & al-waleed (2010)
Songbird in syria with salem idriss, razan shalab alsham (2013)
Songbird in syria with the director of the 'syrian emergency task force' mouaz moustafa, mohammad nour of
al qaeda, abu mosa, abu bakr al-baghdadi (2013)
Songbird in syria with abu mosa, abou bakr al-baghdadi, salem idriss, razan shalab alsham (2013)
Bashar assad & alwaleed bin talal (2001)
Prince harry, queen elizabeth ii & al-waleed bin talal (2012)
George bush & bandar bin sultan (2013)

'''12/08/17''' : pope francis suggests (because translation mistake) change to the 'our father'

'''12/11/17''' : subway bomber wounds self, three victims in new york. Q points out that real bomb was
replaced with fireworks, plot foiled.

'''12/11/17''' : deputy fbi director mccabe backs out of a house intelligence committee interview that was
scheduled for the 12th

'''12/13/17''' : pakistan has told at least 10 foreign-funded aid groups to close, an umbrella agency said on
wednesday, including a charity founded by hedge fund billionaire and philanthropist george soros, the group

'''12/17/17''' : the busiest airport in the world (hartsfield-jackson atlanta international airport) has been shut
down by a catastrophic power outage

'''12/18/17''' : twitter will crack down on “hate speech”, they will monitore user's behaviour (censorship)

'''12/18/17''' : amtrak train derailment in washington state.

'''12/19/17''' : saudi arabia intercepts houthi missile fired toward riyadh, no reported casualties

'''12/20/17''' : trump signs eo blocking the propterty of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or

'''12/21/17''' : schmidt eric announces he will be stepping down as the executive chairman of alphabet.
(google parent)

'''12/23/17''' : space x launches rocket, containing a group of 10 telecommunications satellites, for a company
called iridium.

'''12/23/17''' : q posts a picture of eric schmidt in north korea (2013): google executive chairman eric schmidt
has urged north korea to end its self-imposed isolation and allow its citizens to use the internet. Eric schmidt
was part of a us delegation led by former state governor bill richardson. Bill richardson, also a former us
envoy to the un, has visited north korea several times in the past, most recently in december 2010. On two
occasions he helped secure the release of detained us nationals.
Speaking at a media briefing in beijing after arriving from north korea, eric schmidt said he had been in
pyongyang to discuss a free and open internet.

'''12/27/17''' : james s. dolan found dead in a brooklyn hotel at age 36 (in 2012 he helped develop the open
source securedrop. In 2013 poulsen and dolan moved it to the freedom of the press foundation to ensure its
continued development and adoption.

'''01/03/18''' : trump disbands the panel to investigate voter fraud (the panel faces a flurry of lawsuits and
criticism from democrats and republicans alike )

'''01/04/18''' : white house bans personal cell phones in the west wing

'''01/05/18''' : trump goes to camp david, to talk 2018 gop agenda with republican members of congress and
wh officials.

'''01/05/18''' : fire and fury comes out earlier than planned. (earlier lot of it already came out true a leak and
through the msm)

'''01/07/18''' : space x launches falcon 9 rocket with a classified satellite code-named zuma, but it failed. No
one wants to say which agency was connected to zuma.

'''01/08/18''' : wikileaks shared entire “fire and fury” manuscript online (google later gets the book pdf offline)

'''01/08/18''' : freedom of the press (after five years) severed ties with wikileaks.

'''01/10/18''' : assange has been granted an ecuadorian passport

'''01/13/18''' : hawaii received an incoming ballistic missile alert. This caused panic and confusion (to a
degree). It was later "clarified" that it was a drill/accident/exercise (story kept changing).

'''01/13/18''' : an indictment was levied against maryland resident mark lambert, a former co-president of a
nuclear transportation company involved in hillary clinton’s deal to sell u.s. uranium interests to a russian
company. A department of justice statement says that the 54-year-old lambert was charged with “one count
of conspiracy to violate the foreign corrupt practices act (fcpa) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of
violating the fcpa, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering.”
The statement added:
The charges stem from an alleged scheme to bribe vadim mikerin, a russian official at jsc techsnabexport
(tenex), a subsidiary of russia’s state atomic energy corporation and the sole supplier and exporter of russian
federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies worldwide, in order to
secure contracts with tenex.

'''01/17/18''' : trump announces the fake news awards...

'''01/17/18''' : republican lobbyist jack burkman attacked in virginia. As burkman approached his house, the
man “exited the vehicle and sprayed him with a caustic substance before fleeing the scene. The substance
was pepper spray.

'''01/18/18''' : manhattan da executes search warrant at newsweek media group. Investigators with the
manhattan's district attorney's office raided the headquarters of newsweek media group, parent company of

'''01/18/18''' : democrates say they're willing to shut down the government over daca
'''01/18/18''' : the house intelligence committee voted to make the memo available to read for all members of
the lower chambers.

'''01/18/18''' : us senate select committee on intelligence has a closed meeting today. Committee met in
closed session to receive a briefing on certain intelligence matters from officials of the intelligence

'''01/18/18''' : q posts a picture of ted turner, william gates iii, george soros, david rockefeller, irene diamond,
brooke astor & leonore annenberg (liberal cia – liberal eastern establishment) – picture from first andrew
carnegie medals of philanthropy awards december 2001.

'''01/18/18''' : q posts a picture of the president of the world jewish congress, ronald lauder, the board's
chairman and its treasurer, baron david rothschild and chella safra, the president of the latin- american, jack
terpins, and its executive director, claudio epelman. (october 2015)

'''01/18/18''' : q posts a picture of soros and rothschild (1996?)

'''01/18/18''' : q posts a picture of pope francis at the yad vashem holocaust memorial, francis prayed before
a crypt with ashes of victims and laid a wreath of yellow and white flowers in the "hall of remembrance."
Then one by one, he kissed the hands of a half-dozen holocaust survivors in a sign of humility and honor as
he heard their stories and of loved ones killed by the nazis during world war ii (may 2014)

'''01/18/18''' : q posts a picture of an obama fundraising party in april 2007, where soros was

'''01/18/18''' : q posts a picture of w. E. B. Du bois with tang ming-chao (one of the under-secretaries of the
united nations), ting hsi-lin (vice-chairman of the chinese people's association for cultural relations), chu
poshem (direct descendant of the last chinese emperors) , mao tse-tung, and anna louise strong (american
writer who lived in china for may years). (photo from 1959)

'''01/18/18''' : q posts a picture of soros and songbird

'''01/19/18''' : chucky schumer visits whitehouse to talk daca, wall, ...

'''01/19/18''' : a film crew linked to cable business news channel cnbc was arrested at newark liberty
international airport in new jersey on thursday after attempting to sneak a fake bomb through airport
security. Seven members of a cable tv crew working for the endemol shine group, which contracts with cnbc,
were arrested for the attempt, which the transportation security administration determined was not a
threat. According To cbs's new york city local affiliate, the seven suspects told investigators they were part of
the "staten island hustle" show.

'''01/20/18''' : government shutdown

'''01/21/18''' : q drops picture of a mail from todd macklerr to donna brazille & john podesta about soros and
rigging voting machines (its from nsa, not wikileaks) : email was sent out by nsa before election with some
plausible deniability attached to it so people could say "fake"! However, the main audience wasn't normies, it
was the black hats, a shot across the bow to say "we have it all, your'e rigging won't work". Q just brought it
back up to speak directly to "them" again to show they are going to dump it all.
'''01/22/18''' : stopgap bill to end government shutdown passes congress.

'''01/23/18''' : top twitter executive departs, putting pressure on jack dorsey. Anthony noto (twitters coo) has
resigned to take over as ceo of sofi. Noto joined twitter in 2014. When dorsey returned in 2015 noto stayed
on and helped spearhead the company.

'''01/24/18''' : q links to a youtube-video:

'''01/24/18''' : obama retained counsel according q

'''01/25/18''' : a report comes out that john kerry coaches palestinians not to 'yield' to trump peace talks. He
reportedly tried to meddle in middle east peace talks, allegedly telling a close associate of palestinian
authority president mahmoud abbas not to “yield to president trump’s demands.” He reportedly also said that
trump would not be in office for long, suggesting he could be out in a year.

'''01/25/18''' : speaking at a senate armed services committee hearing, former secretary of state henry
kissinger said that while pressure against north korea has achieved gains in the last year, there’s still no
“breakthrough” in halting kim jong un’s growing arsenal of nuclear weapons.
'''01/26/18''' : q drops link to eo mr trump signed in december :

'''01/26/18''' : at davos george soros says days of facebook & google are numbered

'''01/27/18''' : q drops link to a memorandum concerning the military detention of united states citizens (linked
with the EO) :

'''01/27/18''' : q again drops a link to a youtube-video, same event as the one 01/24 :

'''01/27/18''' : sean hannity's twitter taken down shortly... the last tweets hannity sent out were repeated
messages stating “form submission 1649”

'''01/27/18''' : prince alwaleed bin talal released from detention in sa, same day q posts dopey & black forest

'''01/29/18''' : fbi andy mccabe steps back, involved enormously in russia, inv. Clinton, inv. with strzok, comey,
…. He will be out of duty untill his pension kicks in.

'''01/29/18''' : comey's tweet on mccabe's stepping back:
Q translates: special agent andrew mccabe stood tall over the last 8 months [do not talk], when small people
[sheep] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [cover]. He served with distinction for two
decades [we own you & your family]. I wish andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the
fbi [general threat to others]. America needs you [activate sleeper cells].
'''01/30/18''' : the house intelligence committee voted to release the fisa-memo (nunes)

'''01/30/18''' : trumps sotu: great sotu, one line springs out: “i call on the congress to empower every cabinet
secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the
public trust or fail the american people.”

'''01/30/18''' : helicopter crash in newport beach, kimberly lynne watzman, gm of standard hotel in west
hollywood was one of the three people killed in the crash. It was opened by andre balazs properties in 1998.
Balazs was engaged with uma thurman, he also had a relationship with chelsea handler. In 2017 he was
accused of groping amanda anka in front of her husband. He is good friends with marina abramovic the
hotel in west-hollywood is in adam schiff's district. Standard Hotel is known for “sex”-things and it's situated
in schiff's district

'''01/31/18''' : a train carrying dozens of gop lawmakers to a retreat in west virginia struck a garbage truck on

'''01/31/18''' : trey gowdy announces he wont seek re-election

'''02/02/18''' : the rothschild's austrian hunting lodge sold

'''02/02/18''' : dow plunges 666 points

'''02/02/18''' : republican fisa memo released

'''02/04/18''' : superbowl

'''02/05/18''' : q points to a phonecall between adam schiff and valerie jarrett, het points to article 3 section 3:
treason against the united states, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their
enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of
two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work
corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

'''02/07/18''' : the division within the dems was on full display, chuck schumer took the senate floor (12:49 pm)
to praise a two year budget deal while at same time nancy pelosi was on the house floor (started around
10:40 am) decrying the same agreement.

'''02/07/18''' : john perry barlow died in his sleep at age 70 at his san francisco home. he'd been in poor
health since aheart attack in 2015.

'''02/07/18''' : q posts pictures of the king tower in shanghai – he tells it's about an arrest

'''02/07/18''' : sean hannity tweets that the uranium one fbi informant breaks silence via sara carter.

'''02/07/18''' : article in washington examiner says that huma abedin sought immunity or would take the 5 th.
This according to a newly released batch of phone texts between two pro-clinton, anti-trump fbi officials.
Writing on dec. 13, strzok texted, “talked to doj about ha interview. Told them we had to interview, no
immunity. They said they thought that would get counsel to the point of saying she’s either taking the 5th in
the gj or you need to give her immunity. I said that’s fine, please have discussions to get the decision to that
point and i would run up the chain.”

'''02/08/18''' : kissinger and trump meet again in white house.

'''02/08/18''' : article of sara carter:


'''02/08/18''' : george soros puts lots of money into fighting brexit. (a secret plot to thwart brexit)

'''02/08/18''' : maxime waters promises (during an appearance at the ali forney central gal in ny city) that she
would take out the president. While maxine is joking about taking out the president, the head of the
democratic party is ramping up about the rhetoric against him, telling a dnc committee gathering that
president donald trump was the most dangerous president ever while urging for his party to unite against
“we have the most dangerous president in american history and one of the most reactionary congresses in
american history,” democratic chairman tom perez said during his speech. With five written words thursday
morning, one of missouri’s most controversial state lawmakers spawned a u.s. Secret service investigation,
potentially endangered her own political career — and flung st. Louis squarely into the middle of america’s
raging racial-political debate in the wake of the unrest in charlottesville, va. “i hope trump is assassinated!”
Missouri state sen. Maria chappelle-nadal, d-university city, wrote during a morning facebook exchange,
referring to republican president donald trump. She quickly deleted her post, but not quickly enough. By
midafternoon, the political verdicts of her own party were rolling in:

'''02/11/18''' : q drops a picture of john mccain in syria, in 2013 (al baghdadi) and links to problems with the
mccain institute (money laundering) in 2017 mccain again went to syria, unannounced

'''02/11/18''' : almost immediately after taking off from moscow’s domodedovo airport on the afternoon of
sunday, february 11, an an-148 operated by “saratov airlines” crashed, killing all 65 passengers and six crew
members. Q points to this crash... it's difficult to find info on all 71 that died, but there was sergey pachenko,
norilsk gov, worked for nornickel, through him there are lots of links possible with deripaska, rosatom, …

'''02/12/18''' : donald trump jr and his family receive a letter containing an unknown subtance (nothing
dangerous they say later)

'''02/13/18''' : senators flag “unusual” susan rice email on russia probe from inauguration day. Ex-national
security adviser Susan Rice sent an “unusual email” to herself the day President Trump was sworn in to
office documenting former President Barack Obama's guidance at a high-level meeting about how law
enforcement should investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race, two Republican senators
said Monday.

'''02/13/18''' : letter with white powder sent to the building housing barack obama's dc office (nothing
dangerous also)

'''02/13/18''' : white house to scale back cfpb powers and budget

'''02/14/18''' : florida school shooting

'''02/16/18''' : Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team has filed its first charges against Russians. The Justice
Department indicted 13 Russian people and 3 Russian companies, accusing them of conspiring to interfere
with “US political and electoral processes, including the presidential election of 2016.”
The indictment focuses primarily on propaganda efforts of one Russian group in particular: the Internet
Research Agency. The group’s operations — social media posts, online ads, and rallies in the US — were
“primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other
candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald
Trump,” the indictment claims.
Importantly, the indictment does not allege that the outcome of the election was changed, and it does not
allege that any Americans or anyone on the Trump campaign was aware of or involved in this Russian effort.
It does allege that some of the defendants posed as US persons and “communicated with unwitting
individuals associated with the Trump Campaign.”

'''02/18/18''' : newsweek posts a story about “the storm” being the biggest fake news story of 2018

'''02/19/18''' : trump motorcade driver (press-pool) detained after secret services discovers gun

'''02/21/18''' : secret service officers responding to a suspicious vehicle near the white house.

'''02/23/18''' : white house on lockdown after a passenger vehicle struck a security barrier.

'''02/24/18''' : democratic fisa memo released

'''02/26/18''' : zuckerberg sold $375 million in fb shares

'''03/01/18''' : putin boasts Russia has developed an intercontinental nuclear missile that can't be stopped or
shot down by any country's defence system...

'''03/01/18''' : intruder scare in sean hannity's home leads to arrest, his wife was there at the time.

'''03/01/18''' : a massachusetts man arrested for sending letter to donald trump jr's family, seems to have
donated to dems and posted anti-trump rants on facebook

'''03/01/18''' : trump announces steel and aluminum tarrifs.

'''03/03/18''' : man fatally shoots himself near white house

'''03/04/18''' : South Korea's president will send a delegation led by his national security director to North
Korea this week for talks on how to ease nuclear tensions and help arrange the restart of dialogue between
Pyongyang and Washington, officials said Sunday.
They will be the first known South Korean special envoys to travel to Pyongyang in about 10 years. Their trip
comes amid a rare moment of goodwill between the rivals stemming from the recent Pyeongchang Winter

'''03/04/18''' : sergei skripal and his daughter yulia, who was visiting from moscow, were found unconscious in
salisbury; They were poisoned... sergei skripal was part in the spy-exchange in 2010
'''03/05/18''' : South Korean delegation meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at a dinner in
Pyongyang, making it the first time South Korean officials meet Kim in person since he took power in 2011
after his father’s death.

'''03/06/18''' : gary cohn resigns as trump's top economic advisor

'''03/08/18''' : President Trump has agreed to a face-to-face meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
"at a place and time to be determined," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a
statement Thursday.
The announcement came in response to a stunning invitation from Kim, relayed by South Korea's national
security adviser, Chung Eui-yong, who briefed Trump and other U.S. officials on Chung's recent meeting with
Kim in Pyongyang.

'''03/08/18''' : Attorney General Jeff Sessions blasted what he called California’s “extreme” and “not
reasonable” position that seeks to thwart federal immigration policies, in an interview with Fox News
Earlier in the day, Sessions had announced a federal lawsuit against California and attacked its elected
officials as “radical extremists” in a speech in Sacramento. The Justice Department is suing California over
its so-called “sanctuary” policies that prohibit some cooperation with federal immigration enforcement.
“Federal law determines immigration policy,” Sessions told Fox. “The state of California is not entitled to
block that activity. Somebody needs to stand up and say, ‘No, you’ve gone too far. You cannot do this.’ This is
not reasonable. It is radical, really.”

'''03/08/18''' : Trump signs proclamation on steel and aluminum tariffs

'''03/08/18''' : council on foreign relations announces that the WTO died. U.S. President Donald Trump did not
single-handedly kill the WTO yesterday by announcing he would impose tariffs on imported steel and
aluminum, it was already slowly dying out because China didn't accept the WTO in the first place.

'''03/09/18''' : susan rice back in news, she reportedly told the WH cyber team to “knock it off” when they tried
to combat russian meddling

'''03/09/18''' : goldman sachs ceo lloyd blankfein steps down at the end of the year

'''03/09/18''' : Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said that the company hopes to open its blue tick verification to
everyone one day. The company admitted that its blue checkmark, which was introduced in 2009, has
caused "confusion" as people think it means that Twitter backs a person's view. Twitter hopes to change this
and introduce verification to more people so users know what accounts are legitimate.

'''03/09/18''' : us sec. of state tillerson arrives in kenya for visit. His africa visit included chad, djibouti,
ethiopia and nigeria. He will have a series of high level meetings, and talk with president Uhuru Kenyatta.

'''03/10/18''' : President Trump Speech in Moon Township, Pennsylvania

'''03/12/18''' : Tillerson leaves Kenya, on his way home, mr Trump in mean time fired him (march 9). Pompeo
will replace him, Gina Haspel will replace pompeo as director CIA, she will be the first woman to lead the
'''03/12/18''' : goldman sachs president to step down april 20 (harvey schwartz)

'''03/13/18''' : burkman was shot and run over at a rosslyn marriot hotel's parking garage. Burkman was there
to retrieve what he thought were documents from an fbi whistleblower. Doherty worked for burkman on the
rich investigation until july 2017. Rich, a data analyst at the dnc, was murdered in washington, d.c., on july
10, 2016, under mysterious circumstances. Doherty was an investigator on burkman’s profiling project, the
group he formed to solve the rich case.

'''03/14/18''' : seth rich's parents sue fox news over 'harm' caused by 'lies, misrepresentations and half-truths'
in retracted story that they claim fueled conspiracy theories

'''03/15/18''' : trump announces Larry Kudlow will be his chief economic advisor

'''03/15/18''' : bill gates meets with president trump

'''03/15/18''' : WH penalizes russians over election meddling and cyberattacks

'''03/16/18''' : andy mccabe fired just before his pension kicks in, it's not mr trump that did it, but sessions, on
the recommendation of fbi disciplinary officials for lack of candor

'''03/17/18''' : ny times & guardian broke reports on how cambridge analytica played a role in harvesting and
misusing private and personal information from more than 50 million facebook users, they quoted
whistleblower christopher wylie, who helped set up the firm and worked with an academic aleksandr kogan at
cambridge university to obtain the data. Immediately msm goes after trump campaign during elections 2016
but: The sophisticated use of social media and Facebook advertising has been apparent since 2008. Digital
campaigning groups such as Blue State Digital worked for Barack Obama’s US presidential campaign

'''03/19/18''' : kim dotcom says mueller still didn't reply to his lawyers about evidence he's prepared to give
regarding the seth rich murder.

'''03/20/18''' : former marine (kevin doherty) was charged with use of firearm in the commission of a felony
and two counts of malicious wounding.

'''03/20/18''' : trump calls to congratulate Putin on his election victory

'''03/20/18''' : trump meets with crown prince mohammad bin salman of saudi arabia in the oval office

'''03/22/18''' : trump replaces H.R. Mcmaster as national security adviser with John Bolton

'''03/23/18''' : us charges and sanctions nine iranians and the iranian company mabna institute for hacking
and attempting to hack 100's of universities on behalf of the iranian government

'''03/23/18''' : trump signs the disaster-spending-bill

'''03/25/18''' : kim jong un visits china (beijing), meets president xi. It's his first foreign trip since assuming
power in 2011. He will be in china till 03/28.

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