OA1 SentenceTransformationAnswerKey

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Sentence transformation Answer Key

Past simple and past continuous

1 The printer was broken.
2 Harry didn’t know what the assignment was.
3 Did Jenny attach any photos to her email?
4 Erin shut down her computer before she went to bed.
1 When did he receive her email?
2 What did you do at the weekend?
3 Why didn’t the teacher set any homework?
4 Who was the last person to use the computer?
1 When I first met you, I wasn’t studying for my English exam.
2 Alex wasn’t playing football all day on Saturday. He stopped at 2 p.m.
3 My mum wasn’t cooking all morning. She went to see my aunt at 11 a.m.
4 During ICT, they weren’t looking for a file on the computer.
1 I didn’t have an English lesson this morning.
2 Were you playing a computer game when Mum got home?
3 Charlie created a new password.
4 Did your mother log on to the computer this morning?
5 Your sister wasn’t looking for her headphones.
1 Yesterday evening, the teacher was checking his email while he was talking on the phone.
2 When I opened the door this morning, the cat was sitting on the printer.
3 Last week, we were having a video conference when the webcam stopped working.
4 Yesterday lunchtime, as she was saving an email attachment, Paige clicked on a link.
5 Last Friday, my friend Peter handed in his Science project, while I was looking for photos for my project.
6 Yesterday, Lisa was looking for a document in her computer when she realised there was a virus.
7 On Monday, as the teacher was speaking, the headteacher entered the classroom.

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Sentence transformation Answer Key

Simple and perfect tenses

1 The match has already finished.
2 She has worked at the school canteen for two months.
3 Alice hasn’t done her homework yet.
4 The English teacher has taught in our school since 2009.
5 Olivia has already won five tennis trophies.
1 The last time my father travelled abroad was 2008.
2 I’ve played the piano for four years.
3 I last played tennis a week ago.
4 He hasn’t seen a doctor since 2007.
1 Have you (ever) read Don Quixote?
2 Have they (ever) played tennis before?
3 Has the film started (yet)?
4 Has he bought his mum’s birthday present (yet)?
1 (Yes,) I had already done my homework when I started playing the video game.
2 (No,) James has never visited my house.
3 (Yes,) I’ve just handed in my essay.
4 I have always supported this team.
1 When we arrived, the concert had (already) started.
2 Sarah has lived in London all her life.
3 Susan had already cooked dinner before I got home.
4 By the time she went to university, Karen had stopped going out with Tom.
5 I had (just) started having dancing lessons when I broke my leg.

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Sentence transformation Answer Key

1 As a teenager, he couldn’t come up with new recipes very easily.
2 Matthew didn’t have to study very hard for the previous test.
3 You shouldn’t snack between meals.
4 She wasn’t able to go out last week and she can’t go out tonight.
1 Will you be able to help me with my homework this afternoon?
2 Do the girls have to play football at this school?
3 Has she been able to train in the wet weather?
4 Should the government be worried about obesity in young people?
1 You should cut down on sweet food.
2 Tim mustn’t polish off all the cake before his sister gets home.
3 My doctor said I shouldn’t eat in front of the television.
4 I can cook healthy food.
5 You didn’t have to chew every mouthful 30 times!
1a Peter and Tom don’t have to help out with the housework when their mother is busy.
1b Peter and Tom should / ought to help out with the housework when their mother is busy.
2a Jenny has to visit her grandparents on Saturday.
2b Jenny can visit her grandparents on Saturday.
3a The children mustn’t eat lots of fast food.
3b The children shouldn’t eat lots of fast food.
4a I should/ought to keep my weight down.
4b I can’t keep my weight down.

Out & About 1 – PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

Sentence transformation Answer Key

Relative clauses
1 The documentary that/which he watched was about the Spanish economy.
2 The news that/which she wanted to watch was on at the same time as the football match.
3 Brad Pitt is the actor who/that my sister likes the most.
4 The year when/that we went to Spain on holiday it rained every day!
1 Marta is planning a holiday to the island where the reality show was set.
2 For his class, Tim has to watch the documentary that was produced by his unconventional professor.
3 The sitcom Jenny likes to watch is not on tonight.
4 The soap opera my mum likes the most is called Eastenders.
5 I was polite to the teacher whose class I had given up.
6 I’m going to have a party in the restaurant where we had our first meal.
1 Little Red Riding Hood, who was on her way to see her grandmother, met a wolf.
2 The shy quiz show contestants, who are usually nervous, make a lot of mistakes.
3 The Oscar, which is a prestigious cinematic award, is given to the best films of the year.
4 John’s mother, who loves to watch movies in black and white, owns a large collection of DVDS.
5 She hasn’t seen the new Channel 4 drama yet, which is about a criminal family.
6 Andrew’s sister, whose name is Anna, likes to watch reality shows.
1 Rafa Nadal, who is number one today, has played tennis since he was a boy.
2 He’s an actor whose brother is a football player.
3 Gossip Girl, which takes place in Manhattan, is a very popular series.
4 My sister Sofia likes my upstairs neighbour, who doesn’t go to our school.
5 That village in the north of Spain, where we spent our holidays as children, is beautiful.
1 Gandhi was an important pacifist who was born in India.
2 Teachers are usually keen on helping the students who show interest.
3 There are new political parties whose members are usually young.
4 This is the Geography book which / that I told you about the other day.
1 David doesn’t usually visit his parents who live very far away.
2 I can always trust my best friend who is always there for me.
3 They are showing a fantastic film later on which is about Luther King’s life.
4 The café which is round the corner has good coffee.
5 I like that song that /which reminds me of you.
1 Don Quixote, which takes place in Spain, is one of the most important literary novels.
2 My upstairs neighbour, who is 13, is always shouting.
3 The teacher, who is new here, is very good.
4 How I met your Mother, which takes place in New York, is an American TV series.
5 There are fantastic English summer courses, which can be about almost anything.
1 My schoolmate is a professional footballer who trains every day.
2 The tree, which was hit by lightning, is falling down. / The tree, which is falling down, was hit by lightning.
3 That hotel, which was near the sea, was fantastic.
4 The European elections, which were held in May, didn’t interest everybody.
5 Martin, who was travelling around Europe, met Lisa in Budapest.

Out & About 1 – PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

Sentence transformation Answer Key

The future
1 We’re not going to get married in the spring.
2 It’s annoying that the train doesn’t leave at 7 o’clock in the morning.
3 Tom isn’t getting the bus to school tomorrow morning. He normally goes by car.
4 Look at the weather! Mum and Dad aren’t going to get very wet.
1 What time does the class finish?
2 What are you doing next weekend?
3 Are you going to tell your parents that you went shopping?
4 Where will Sarah live when she goes to university?
1 I’m going to get my hair cut this afternoon.
2 Hurry up! We’re going to end up missing the wedding!
3 My aunt’s flight leaves at 10.05 this morning.
4 Are you getting a cold? I’ll make you a hot drink.
5 My grandfather is going into town this afternoon to meet his friend.
6 I think you’ll break up with your boyfriend when you go to university.
1 This time tomorrow, I’ll be having dinner with my grandparents.
2 Next summer, I’ll be travelling round Europe by myself.
3 This time next year, I’ll be living with my cousin in London.
4 By 2020, my grandson will be studying abroad.
1 By the time they are 87, my grandparents will have known each other for 64 years.
2 In two years, Kate will have worked at this company for four years.
3 In a month, your uncle will have finished building this house.
4 By 2020, Joe and his sister won’t have spoken to each other for eight years.

Out & About 1 – PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

Sentence transformation Answer Key

Reported speech
1 The athlete said (that) he would do his best in the race that day.
2 Mike told me (that) Joe wasn’t going to the basketball match that night.
3 My brother told me (that) he had gone rock climbing with his friends the day before.
4 David told his mum that Sam could play cricket.
1 He asked his girlfriend if/whether she would marry him.
2 Paul’s mum asked him if/whether he had finished his homework.
3 He asked me if/whether I was playing football later.
4 William asked if/whether he had done yoga the previous year/the year before.
5 He asked me what I was doing there.
6 She asked Paul what was wrong with him.
7 Carol asked her brother what had happened to his girlfriend.
8 Our parents asked us why we didn’t want to go to the cinema with them.
1 He told me not to go swimming in the lake.
2 My mum asked me not to make any plans.
3 The coach asked us to make our way to the tennis court.
4 My friend asked me to sign up to do the sandboarding course.
1 My mum recommended/suggested eating breakfast every day.
2 Hannah apologised for not remembering the book.
3 The lifeguard warned us not to swim right after a meal.
4 The football official denied cheating.
5 My dad reminded me not to make a lot of noise.
6 The teacher told / ordered Joe to get out of the swimming pool.
1 Tony asked where I/he/she / was / you/we were going to sleep that night.
2 He told her (that) she shouldn’t buy so many things.
3 Laurie said that although Paul hadn’t slept at all, he had gone /went to see his girlfriend.
4 Matt said (that) that film would never win an Oscar.
1 He asked me where I was coming home from.
2 Sarah wanted to know why he wasn’t talking to her.
3 She asked what had happened to him.
4 Mike wanted to know if he could ask me / him / her / us a personal question.
5 My mother asked me if I would stop making that silly noise.
1 He told us we had to be at the cinema before 7.
2 Their mother told them to stop shouting at each other.
3 He asked her to phone him when she arrived.
4 Lisa told her not to tell anyone what she had just told her.
5 The teacher asked us to leave all our mobile phones on that table.
1 Peter promised not to do it again.
2 Susan explained /claimed that Mary had taken his/her mobile away.
3 The teacher threatened us to speak to our parents if we didn’t change our attitude.
4 My mum warned me not to leave the keys there.
5 He offered to pick me up from school later.
6 Harry admitted having made /making a big mistake.
Out & About 1 – PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015
Sentence transformation Answer Key

1 If you kick another football player, you might break his leg.
2 I have to study French if I want to live in France.
3 If your mum takes notes at the doctor’s, she won’t forget anything.
4 If someone breaks into your car, you’ll need to contact the police.
5 If you send in a photo to the newspaper, put your name and address on the back.
1 The sun will rise in the East as long as the Earth continues on its orbit.
2 I will go on holiday provided that / providing the train tickets aren’t too expensive.
3 I will take a class photo on condition that everyone turns up.
4 Judy will play tennis on Saturday unless it rains.
1 If you spent less time playing video games, you would get good marks.
2 If your room wasn’t/weren’t a mess, it would be possible to find things.
3 You could meet your friends if your mother wasn’t/weren’t angry with you.
4 If you ate fruit or vegetables, you would have more energy.
1 My friends would have moved to Spain if they’d been able to find a job there.
2 If the students hadn’t done their work, they wouldn’t have been able to go on the field trip.
3 Paula would have visited her grandparents in England if her flight hadn’t been cancelled.
4 Rebecca would have arrived on time if she hadn’t forgotten her passport.
1 If the tea hadn’t been cold, we could have drunk it.
2 If I didn’t do a lot of exercise, I wouldn’t be tired.
3 If we hadn’t been late, we would have seen the film.
4 If I didn’t take a short break every hour, I would get very tired.

Out & About 1 – PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

Sentence transformation Answer Key

Passive / to have something done

1 Perhaps next year incentives for recycling will be offered by the government.
2 In this town batteries are recycled.
3 Her room has been painted with environmentally-friendly paint.
4 By the time I got there, a bag of cans had been taken to the recycling depot.
1 The town council is charging people a fee if they don’t recycle.
2 Scientists consider global warming a serious problem.
3 The students picked up the rubbish before they left the park.
4 They have switched off the lights to save energy.
1 Plasterboard and timber can also be recycled.
2 Your rubbish has to be sorted into different bins.
3 Students should be encouraged to be more aware of the environment.
4 Aluminium and paper mustn’t be mixed in your recycling bins.
1 Many people got injured that night.
2 The school gets cleaned every morning before the students arrive.
3 If the books get ruined, you’ll have to pay for them.
4 The president is loved by almost everybody.
1 We are having/getting our house painted.
2 Lucy is going to have/get her wedding dress made.
3 I am having/getting my car repaired.
4 Sam had/got his photo taken.
5 I had/got my hair cut because it was too long.
1 Great advances have been made in recent years.
2 A lot of alcohol is not drunk by young people.
3 He was encouraged to give up smoking by the doctor.
4 The letters had already been delivered by 11.
5 The medicine wouldn’t be bought if it wasn’t necessary.
1 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
2 Many scientists have considered DNA essential in cancer treatment.
3 A snake bit him in the desert.
4 The doctor gave me these tablets.
5 The project had finished before I arrived.
1 The marks will be published on 2nd June.
2 Exercise must be done to be fit.
3 The teacher may have been given the wrong essay.
4 High cholesterol can be prevented with a healthy diet.
5 More organic food would be bought if there were more shops that sold it.
1 It is known that doing exercise is good for your health.
2 It is believed by many old people that we should eat at least an apple a day.
3 More cases of cancer are expected in the near future.
4 Diabetes is considered to be the illness of the future.
5 It is estimated that the majority of people will stop smoking.
Out & About 1 – PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015

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