Lab 5

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COE428 Lab 5: Validating XML

Use of Stacks and Hash Tables

1. IMPORTANT: Two week lab

Note that you have two weeks to complete this lab. This lab must be submitted at least
48 hours before the beginning of your next lab period.

2. Prelab preparation

Before coming to the lab you should:

• Read the lab. Try to prepare any questions you may have about the lab.
• Refer to Lab Guide.
• Create your lab directory for lab5. (i.e. use mkdir lab5 within your coe428 directory.)
• Change to your coe428/lab5 and unzip the file with the command:
unzip /home/courses/coe428/lab5/

• Ensure that you have downloaded properly by entering the command: make
No errors should be reported.

The requirements to complete the lab are summarized below.
1. Complete Parts 1, 2 and 3.
2. Answer the Questions (see below) in the README file.

The eXtended Markup Language (XML) is a widely used format for describing
structured data.
For this lab, we only examine a simplified form of XML: An XML document is
a collection of matching start-tags and end-tags. A start-tag is a string of
alphabetic characters preceded by a < and terminated with a >. For example
<foo> is a start-tag of type "foo".
An end-tag is an alphabetic string preceded by </ and terminated by a >.
For example </foo> is an end-tag of type "foo".
Well-formed XML requires that start-tags and end-tags match (i.e. have the
same type.)

XML Valid? Explanation
<a></a> Yes "a" tags balance
<a><b></b></a> Yes "a" outer tags and "b" inner
tags balance
<a><b></a></b> No "a" end-tags does not match
start-tag ("b")
<a><b><a></a><b></b></b></a> Yes all tags balance
<able><baker></Baker></able> No
"Baker" end-tag does not
match start-tag ("baker")
(i.e. the tag names are case-

The Algorithm
The algorithm to determine if the start and end-tags balance uses a Stack
data structure to keep track of previously read start-tags. The algorithm is:
1. Read the input until the beginning of a tag is detected. (i.e. tags begin
with <: if the next character is a / (slash), then it is an end-tag;
otherwise it is a start-tag).
2. Read the tag's identity. (e.g. both tags <x> and </x> have the same
identity: 'x').
3. If the tag was a start-tag, push it onto the Stack.
4. Otherwise, it is an end-tag. In this case, pop the Stack (which contains
a previously pushed start-tag identity) and verify that the popped
identity is the same as the the end-tag just processed. Note: if the
stack cannot be popped (because it is empty), the input is invalid; the
algorithm should STOP.
5. If the identities do not match, the XML expression is invalid. STOP.
6. If they do match, then no error has been detected (yet!).
7. If there is still input that has not yet been processed, go back to the
first step.
8. Otherwise (no more input) then the input is valid unless the Stack is
not empty. Indicate whether the input is valid (Stack empty) or invalid
and STOP.

Part 1: Validation of single-character tags

We begin with a simplified XML that restricts tag identifiers to single-
character lower case letters. (i.e. there are only 26 valid tags).

Your program (called validateXML) reads stdin and determines if it is valid
XML. If it is valid, it prints to stdout the message "Valid" and exits with an
exit code of 0 (zero); otherwise, it prints "NOT Valid" and exits with an exit
code of 1 (one).
Nothing else should be printed to stdout. (For example, if the input is invalid,
the program does not have to explain the problem it found.) However,
additional information may be printed to stderr. Indeed, in the case of Stack
underflow or overflow, a message should be printed to stderr.

C source code files

To implement the algorithm in C, you need a main() function that reads stdin
and processes each character according to the algorithm. You also need to
implement a Stack (including push(), pop() and isEmpty()) operations.
You must use separate C source code files for each of these. The files are:
The main() function in this file reads stdin one character at a time and
implements the algorithm. You are provided with a skeleton
implementation of main() that handles the "read characters from stdin
However, you have to code the actual algorithm. You will need the
Stack for this; in particular, you will need to use the functions push()
and pop().
These functions can be used (and their prototypes are included in the
skeletal part1Main.c) but they must be implemented in the second
source code file: intStack.c.
Again, you are provided with a skeletal version of this file. You need to
implement the 3 functions (push, pop and isEmpty). The comments
describing what these functions do must not be modified.

Part 2: Validation and counting of single-character tags

Your program (called countXML) works like the previous one but also keeps
track of the number of times each start-tag is used. As before, the program
should print "Valid" or "NOT Valid". In addition, if the input was valid, it
should then print a table with a line for each start-tag encountered and a
count of how often it occurred.
For example, given the input:

The output should be:


a 2

b 1

x 1

y 1

Counting the number of start-tags of each type should be done with a direct-
mapped table.

C source code files

The countXMLsimpleTags program is built using two source code files:
part2Main.c and intStack.c.
The implementation of the integer Stack in "intStack.c". Consequently, there
is no need to modify this file for Part 2 of the lab.
The main() function for Part 2 incorporates all the features of the Part 1
version and adds functionality (counting tags). To get started, simply copy
the file "part1Main.c" to "part2Main.c".
Part 3: Validation/counting of arbitrary tags
We now allow tag names of arbitrary length composed of upper- and lower-
case alphabetic characters. Thus a tag like
<Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious> is quite legal.
Although the overall architecture of the software to do this is the same as
Part 2, the fact that the universe of keys is now unbounded (i.e. strings of
arbitrary length vs. single lower-case characters) has consequences:
C programming (strings vs. characters)
Parts 1 and 2 of this lab did not have to deal with tag names that were
more than 1 character long. Hence:
1. Reading the input one character at a time was sufficient.
2. The stack only had to have integer entries.
3. Comparison of an end-tag identifier with a popped identifier could
be done with the == operator.
Alas, all of these simplifications do not apply when the tag ID is a
string. In particular:
1. A different Stack implementation with entries that are strings (i.e.
char pointers) is needed.
2. The string (char pointer) has to be allocated (and freed)
3. Comparisons between strings to determine equality cannot be
done with the == operator. (Use instead the "strcmp()"
Direct mapping vs. Hash table
When the number of tag names is unlimited, direct-mapping of the
name to an array index is out of the question. (Even if we limited tags
to 9 characters, the universe of possibilities is more than 144
quadrillion—1.4 10^16!)
Since each tag has an associated count and we want to find the tag
efficiently, a hash table must be used.

Your program ("countXML") should validate XML input and print "Valid" or
"NOT Valid". When the input is valid, it should print a table of tags used and
their frequency.
C source code files
You also need to implement a string Stack (including push(), pop() and
isEmpty()) operations.
You must use separate C source code files for each of these. The files are:
The main() function in this file reads stdin and implements the
algorithm. You are provided with a skeleton implementation of main()
in the file "part3Main.c"
Again, you are provided with a skeletal version of this file. You need to
implement the 3 functions (push, pop and isEmpty). The comments
describing what these functions do must not be modified.
Again, you are provided with a skeletal version of this file. You need to
implement the add() function. The comments describing the function
do must not be modified.
You may implement the hash table using any method (for example,
chaining or open-addressing to resolve collisions). You can also use
any hash function you wish (eg. division vs. multiplication). The size of
the hash table is defined by a constant "HASH_TABLE_SIZE". The hash
table itself must be an array of hash table entries. It must be a global
variable called "hash_table".

Answer the following questions in your README file.
1. Which hash table collision resolution method did you use (eg. chaining
or open addressing)? Explain your choice briefly (less than 25 words).
2. Which hash function (division or multiplication) did you use? How did
you convert a string into a number?
3. Another legal XML tag not used in this lab is the "stand-alone" tag. This
kind of tag combines both a start-tag and end-tag in one. It is
identified with a '/' (slash) preceding the final >. (For example, the
<foo/> is a stand-alone tag that is "self balancing".
Describe briefly how you would modify Part 3 to allow this kind of tag.
Submit your lab

1. Go to your coe428 directory

2. Zip your lab5 directory by using the following command:
zip -r lab5/
3. Submit the file using the following command:

submit coe428 lab5

by Ken Clowes, revised by Olivia Das

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