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RUBRIC 40 points-Speaking and Listening

Topic: Side:

Articulation of the problem to be solved Presents an Attempts to present the Presents the Presents the problems of both
introduction similar problem, but struggles problems of both positions in a well-developed,
to the 5 paragraph to remain unbiased. positions in an unbiased way.
model (AKA very unbiased way.

Understanding and treatment of Attempts to analyze Presents a limited Analyzes the Analyzes the opposition’s
opposition’s values, goals, and arguments the opposition’s analysis of the opposition’s argument argument and reasoning,
argument, but it is opposition’s argument. and reasoning, demonstrating a sophisticated,
oversimplified or demonstrating a thorough understanding.
erroneous. sufficient

A clear position statement that articulates Presents a position, Presents a position, but Transitions to a clear Logically transitions to a clear
what the group wants but thesis is unclear thesis is unclear OR position (thesis). position (thesis).
AND transition is transition is clunky.

Reasoning/ substantiation that makes the Provides reasoning Provides reasoning with Provides organized Provides organized reasoning
case for the group’s demands that lacks limited or unreliable reasoning with valid with the most relevant and
organization and textual evidence for textual evidence for valid textual evidence for
sufficient support. support. support. Sources are also
development. synthesized to deepen

Willingness to compromise so that both Attempted to Addresses a Addresses a Addresses a compromise that
“teams” feel that they are getting address a compromise that compromise that benefits both sides equally,
something they want compromise, but it benefits one side more benefits both sides. providing a detailed
is limited and heavily than the other. explanation of the solutions
argumentative. involved.

A unified argument that builds to a single Argument is unclear Argument is present but Argument is unified Argument is unified and builds
goal and/or does not inconsistent, making it and builds to a single to a single goal. Each section
follow the Rogerian difficult to follow. goal. Each section flows to the next in a way that
style. flows to the next. helps the audience understand
the position.


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