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Q1. In a collision between two particles
(a) Linear momentum is conserved, but kinetic energy is not necessarily conserved.
(b) Kinetic energy is conserved, but Linear momentum is not necessarily conserved.
(c) Either Linear momentum or kinetic energy, but not necessarily both are conserved.
(d) Both linear momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.
Q2. The moment of inertia of a thin rectangular plate of length a, width b, mass m about an
axis passing through the center and perpendicular to the plate is


m a 2  b2  (b)

m a 2  b2 
1 1
(c) mab (d) mab
12 6
Q3. A smooth sphere rests on a horizontal plane. A point particle slides without down the
sphere, starting at the top. If R be the radius of the sphere, the velocity of the particle
when it leaves the surface would be given by  g is the acceleration due to gravity).

2 gR 3 gR 3 gR 4 gR
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 2 4 3
Q4. A mass m is suspended from a frictionless pulley and hangs over an
inextensible string attached to the ceiling on one side and a force F is F
exerted upwards at the other end as shown in the figure below. The
force F for the condition of static equilibrium is
(a) 1mg (b) 2 mg
(c) 4 mg (d) 0.5 mg m

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Q5. Two masses m1 and m2 are attached to an inextensible
string passing over a massless and frictionless pulley.
Mass m1 slides on an inclined plane whereas mass m2
hangs freely as shown in Figure below. The
acceleration of m1 down the plane would be m1
m1  m 2 m1sin   m 2 m2
(a) g (b) g
m1  m 2 m1  m 2

m 2  m1sin  m1sin   m 2
(c) g (d) g
m1  m 2 m1  m 2
Q6. Kirchoff’s current law is valid for
(a) DC circuit only
(b) AC circuit only
(c) Both DC and AC circuits
(d) Circuits having active elements only
Q7. If   0.98, I co  6 A and I B  100  A for a transistor based amplifier, then value of I c
is about
(a) 2.3 mA (b) 3.1mA (c) 4.6 mA (d) 5.2 mA
Q8. The threshold voltage VT is negative for

(a) an n-channel enhancement MOSFET

(b) an n-channel depletion MOSFET
(c) a p-channel depletion MOSFET
(d) all active unipolar devices
Q9. The 2’s complement of the binary number 1101100 in BCD is
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 15
Q10. A master-slave flip-flop has the characteristic that
(a) Change in the input at ‘Master’ is immediately reflected in the output of ‘Slave’.
(b) Input states of both the ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’ are affected at the same time.
(c) Change in the output of “Slave” follows the change in output of ‘Master’.
(d) Output states of both the ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’ are affected at the same time.
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Q11. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(a) Acoustic branch of diatomic-linear chain is similar to the monoatomic case
(b) Both group velocity and phase velocity are equal to the velocity of sound in the long
wavelength limit
(c) Under the low wavelength limit, the lattice acts as a low pass filter
(d) Acoustic and optical modes in a diatomic lattice cancel each other at the boundary of
first Brillouin zone
Q12. According to Dulong-Petit’s law, the specific heat of a solid
(a) is proportional to the temperature
(b) does not depend on temperature
(c) depends on square of temperature
(d) is inversely proportional to temperature
Q13. In the X-ray diffraction pattern of a sodium metal, which has a bcc structure, the missing
reflection planes will be
(a) 101 (b) 011 (c) 020 (d) 100
Q14. For a paramagnetic material, the energy difference between spin magnetic dipole parallel
and antiparallel to an external field H is  B is the Bohr magnetron)

(a) 0 H 4 (b)  B H (c) 2 B 0 H (d)  B 0 H

Q15. The Hall coefficient of a Si wafer was found to be 7.35  10 5 m3C 1 in the temperature
range from 100 to 400 K . The type of charge carrier and the approximate value of carrier
density respectively are
(a) n -type; 8.5  10 22 m 3 (b) p -type; 8.5  10 22 m 3

(c) n -type; 4.2 1022 m 3 (d) p -type; 4.2 1022 m 3

Q16. Consider oxygen gas at 300K having the mass of its molecule as 5.311026 kg. The root
mean square speed of its molecules, is about
(a) 284 m s (b) 248 m s (c) 348 m s (d) 484 m s

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Q17. One mole of a monoatomic perfect gas initially at temperature 0 C expands from
volume V0 to 2V0 at constant pressure. The specific heat at constant volume of the gas is

20.8 Jmol 1 K 1. The amount of heat absorbed is nearly

(a) 1179 J (b) 1779 J (c) 1979 J (d) 7972 J
Q18. When 100 g ice at 0 C melts, the change in entropy in cal/K is about (Take latent heat
of fusion (melting) as 80 cal / g .)
(a) Zero (b) 0.34 (c) 29.3 (d) 39.2
Q19. N distinguishable particles are distributed among three states having energies 0, k BT and

2k BT respectively. If the total equilibrium energy of the system is 151.23k BT , the

number of particles of the system is about
(a) 152 (b) 264 (c) 356 (d) 635
Q20. The power per unit area emitted by a surface of a blackbody (in Wm 2  at temperature

230 K is about
(a) 112.67 (b) 128.67 (c) 158.67 (d) 178.67
1  v 
Q21. A Van der Waals gas is passed through a porous plug. Let     be the volume
v  T  P
coefficient and T is the temperature. The temperature of the gas will decrease when
(a) T  0 (b) T  1 (c) T  1 (d) T  1
Q22. Light from a point source located at the origin gets reflected parallel to the x-axis from a
large concave mirror. For a constant,  , the equation describing the shape of the mirror
on the x-y plane is
(a) y 2   x   2 (b) y 2  2 x   2

(c) x 2   y   2 (d) x 2  2 y   2

Q23. The dispersion relation for a wave is given by  2  pk  qk 3 , where  is the angular
frequency, k is the wave number, p and q are constants. The wave number for which
both the group and phase velocities are same is

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p 2p p 1 2p
(a) (b) (c) (d)
q q 2q 2 q

Q24. A thin film of oil of thickness t and refractive index n0 is covering a pool of water of

refractive index nw . A ray of light of wavelength  is incident normally on the oil

surface. The condition for constructive interference of the reflected light is m has

integer values)
(a) 2tnw  m (b) 2tn0  m

 1  1
(c) 2tn0   m    (d) 2tnw   m   
 2  2
Q25. A Newton’s ring experiment uses a glass lens having radius of curvature 1.0 m. The
apparatus is illuminated separately by light having two different wavelengths. Suppose
that one of the wavelengths is 550 nm. The 6th bright ring of the 550 nm fringe system

coincides with the 5th bright ring of the other. The value of second wavelength is about
(a) 450 nm (b) 672 nm (c) 733 nm (d) 563 nm
Q26. The position of a particle along the x-axis as a function of time is given by
 t 
x  t   2 cos 2  1  sin 2t  . We can write x  t  as the superposition of n independent
 2 
harmonic motions. The value of n is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
Q27. Two coherent monochromatic light beams of intensities I and 4 I are superimposed. The
maximum and minimum possible intensities in t he resulting beam are
(a) 3I and I (b) 5I and 3I (c) 7I and 5I (d) 9I and I
Q28. A beam of light polarized in the x-direction is travelling in the z-direction. It passes
through a polarizer and reaches an analyzer. The polarization axis of the analyzer can
only be rotated in the x-y plane. It is found that the intensity is 3 times smaller when the
polarization axis of the analyzer is in the y direction as compare to that in the x-direction.
The angle between the polarization axis of the polarizer and the x axis is

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(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90
Q29. Consider a parallel plate capacitor with square plates of dimensions L  L each. The
plates have a charge Q and are separated by a distance x. The plate with the positive
charge has a small hole in the middle through which an electron of mass m and charge
e is shot through. The minimum speed, V , that the electron must have to reach the
negative plate is
2Qex Qex
(a) V  (b) V 
m 0 L2 m 0 L2
 Qex  Q 2 e x
(c) V   2 
(d) V 
 m 0 L  m 0 L2

Q30. Two events take place at the same place in a lab frame but occur with a time difference of
3 seconds. The same events occur with a time difference of 5 seconds in a rocket frame.
The relative speed of rocket and the laboratory is
(a) 0.5c (b) 0.8c
(c) 0.6c (d) Cannot be determined from this data
Q31. A spaceship approaches a planet with a speed 0.6c. At some point it fires a projectile
with a speed 0.4c towards the planet. The speed of the projectile, as seen by an observer
on the planet would be approximately
(a) 0.76c (b) 0.80c (c) 0.99c (d) 0.40c
Q32. The frequency of an LC oscillator is 0 . The plates of the parallel plate capacitor are

pulled apart to twice the original distance, and a dielectric (with dielectric constant
K  1 is completely inserted into the capacitor. The new frequency of oscillation for the

circuit is
2 2 K K
(a) 0 (b) 0 (c) 0 (d) 0
K K 2 2

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Q33. A particle is moving at a speed of 2.6  10 ms 1 relative to the laboratory. It s lifetime as

measured by an observer in the laboratory is 4.7  106 s. The lifetime of the particle in its
own rest frame is about
(a) 2.3  10 6 s (b) 9.4  106 s (c) 4.7  106 s (d) 14.4 102 s
Q34. For a wave function defined as   x     sin  x L  in the region 0  x  L and
  x   0 outside this region, the average value of the square of the momentum  p 2  is,

 h2  2 2  2
(a) (b) (c) (d) zero
L L2 L2
Q35. A sample of radioactive 235
Pa nucleus under goes beta decay with a half-life  t12  of 24

minutes. If the activity of this radioactive sample is 1 Curie, its mass will be about
(a) 3.0  108 gm. (b) 8.2  109 gm.

(c) 4.9  10 9 gm. (d) 7.5 108 gm.

Q36. The ground state spin and parity of F9 nuclei will be

(a) Proton: J    5 2  (b) Neutron: J    5 2 

* *

(c) Proton: J    3 2  (d) Neutron: J    3 2 

* *

Q37. The kinetic energy of the electrons emitted from the n  3 state of the hydrogen atom,
when illuminated with blue light of wavelength 450 nm, is approximately:
(a) 2.76 eV (b) 4.27 eV (c) 1.51eV (d) 1.25 eV

Q38. The binding energies of 1 H, 4 He and 7 Li are B1 , B4 and B7 respectively. The Q value

of the reaction 1 H+ 7 Li  2 4 He+Q is given by:

(a) 2 B1  4 B7  6 B4 (b) B1  B7  2 B4

(c) B4  B1  B7 (d) B1  7 B7  8B4

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 2 2
Q39. Consider the matrix A   
2 5
If B  2e A , the determinant of B is

(a) 4e 7 (b) 4  e 7  e 4  (c) e7 (d)  e7  e 4 

2 5 3  2i
Q40. The value of the determinant 9 2 5  4i is
20 9 3  6i

(a) 656  256i (b) 656  256i (c) 656 (d) 656
d 2 y 4dy
Q41. The most general solution of the differential equation   4 y  0 is (here ‘ a ’
dx 2 dx
and ‘ b ’ are constants)
(a) ae 2 x  be 2 x (b) ae 2 x  be 2 x (c) ae 2 x  bxe 2 x (d) ae 2 x  bxe 2 x

 e  x 1  x  1 dx is
Q42. The value of the integral

1 2 1 2
(a)  (b)  (c) (d)
3 3 3 3
Q43. Which of the following sets of vectors constitute a basis for the plane.
(i)  0,1 , 1,1 (ii) 1,1 , 1,  1 (iii) 1, 0  ,  0,  1

(a) All three sets of vector (b) Only (iii)

(c) Only (i) and (iii) (d) Only (ii) and (iii)
Q44. The equation a 2 x 2  y 2  2  x  yb  is the equation of a

(a) Parabola (b) Hyperbola (c) Circle (d) Ellipse

Q45. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane
about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to the plane with
angularvelocity . Another disc of same mass but half the radius is gently placed over it
coaxially. The angular speed of the composite disc will be
3 4 5 2
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
4 5 2 5

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