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Unit 5.


Our Chakras are energy centres described as spinning wheels of colour and light, and
are the result of the motions of all our energy fields - Light Bodies, combined. The
Chakras interconnect and communicate with our Light Bodies - expressing, receiving
and assimilating life force energy, which connects to the meridian system, which connects
to the glands, which connect to the organs.

As they spin and are in constant motion and change within our energy fields the Chakras
themselves and the information, colour, spin, emotion and feeling that is coming from
them, are an indication for you of how you are dealing with your experiences, your
thoughts and your beliefs.

Energy comes into our body through the Crown Chakra and continually flows through
and down our body. It is pure, whole energy. Our Chakra centres process this Universal
Energy differently, influenced by our Light Bodies, giving us feedback as to how we are
processing the daily stuff of our life. If the pure Universal Energy flowing through our
body is processed through a Chakra in love and trust, the colour of that Chakra will be
clear and bright, and supportive emotions and feelings and beliefs in relation to that
Chakra will be felt. If a Chakra processes the Universal Energy flowing through us in
fear and doubt, the colour of that Chakra will be dull and muddy, and painful emotions
and beliefs in relation to that Chakra will be experienced.

How each Chakra centre processes pure Universal Energy and so reacts to each
experience, is directly influenced by our Light Bodies, the direction of the Mental energy
and the movement of Emotional energy. So our Light Bodies influence our expression
of the Universal Energy flowing through us and this expression is in the functioning of
our Chakras. Therefore a change in thought and expression can instantly change a Chakra.

Each Chakra has a specific tone and colour / light frequency and function.

When the Chakras are functioning normally, each will be open, with energy freely flowing
in and out, spinning clockwise with a bright clear colour. Chakras can become blocked,
clogged and torn, which can eventually lead to disease.
Pale / Bright Over-energised Ripped / Torn
Dull / Dark Under energised Bent
Red Slow spin: In / Out Leaking
Orange Fast Spin: In / Out Blocked
Yellow Left Spin / Right Spin Debris
Pink Twisted Sluggish
Green Condensed Stuck
Blue Diminished Dense
Indigo Collapsed / Expanded Bright
Violet Open / Closed Dull
White Energised Cloudy
Gold Distorted Murky
Silver Disturbed Sparkly
Grey Clogged Illuminescent
Black Frozen One / Merged / Unified

© Philip Rafferty
CHAKRAS Unit 5. 23
The Earth Star Chakra is located approximately 15 cm (6 inches) below the soles of the
feet. When it is balanced it brings the higher vibrations of the upper Chakras into the Earth,
thus completing the connection of Spirit and matter. This final completion of energies and
merging of energies brings into complete balance both the higher Chakras and the lower
Chakras. It accesses full acceptance of and commitment to the earth plane and yourself,
that all is aligned with the divine will, and that even on the Earth plane you know yourself
as a co-creator, connected with Source. The Earth Star, when fully activated and aligned
with the upper 3 Chakras, weaves the golden white threads of the Divine through the
physical, creating balance within the individual and also creating a new fabric of worldly
The 2 sole Chakras and the Earth Star form a triangle pointing downward that channels the
Divine Essence through the Physical Body into the very roots of our relationship to the
Earth. The re-creation of matter is dependent upon those stellar rays infiltrating into the
It is crucial that any energy work, or healing is grounded with the Earth Star for it to be fully
integrated. It is energy balanced with the Earth Star that brings spirit into all matter, and
unconditional love for, and acceptance of the divinity of this third dimensional existance,
for it is the surrendering to this union that opens us to healing. Also the simultaneous
activation of the 3 higher chakras with the Earth Star is the key through which the universal
forces unite with the conscious beings of earth.

The Link Chakra is located 15cm (6 inches) from the base Chakra.
This new Chakra is opening up as we realise our multi-dimensional self, and expand our
awareness into the vast divinity of our being. It merges, anchores and integrates all aspects
of our being. In total integration we become relaxed and at peace with all. We are complete
in all our multi-dimensional overlays as we merge as a pulsating star that radiates eternal
life and love on all levels. 'Matter is Light.'
Activation of this Chakra assists in transmuting addictions, the strain of trying too hard to
be rather than surrendering and being, over-enthusiasm, extremism, and states of self
hatred, sub-conscious fears, guilt, darkness, and unworthiness.


The Base or Root Chakra is situated at the base of the spine, and is related to the adrenal
glands and the kidneys. Its colour is red. It is about our will to survive and to exist, and is
connected to the adrenals and the fight-flight reflex. It is about love of the body and the
realisation that you are already divine and that the challenge is to stay present in the body,
and be the star that you already are here. When you truly love being in your body on earth,
then you trust that all will be provided for you and you do not have to worry about survival.
Once you are grounded you become 'in the world, but not of it'.
It is within this Chakra that primal fears are felt - fear of death, the dark, the unknown, fear
for the environment and the end of the world, fear of being here in this dimension, of being
separate and alone.
The Base Chakra is the base of our power. If fear and separateness have power in our beliefs
then how to survive and exist is what drives us, and eventually the separation from love and
the light and our unworthiness will lead to disease and stagnant energy. When the Base
Chakra is balanced, the base of our power is the power of the Divine within us, grounded
and able to express itself in a loving way, feeling safe to be in the body.

© Philip Rafferty
Unit 5. 24 CHAKRAS

The Central Chakra is located midway between the Navel and Base Chakras.
Its colour is orange. It has to do with creativity. It has life producing energy and is full of vitality.
It is energy in motion, enabling us to actuate our thought forms, bring them into physicality and
experience them through our feelings and emotions. Manifesting in the physical form all creation.
Our sexual energy is also connected to this creative Chakra, bringing into physical form the seed
of our love. It is also about the balance between our inner male and female. It represents our capacity
to function in the world of form. It is for susceptibility to abuse, self hatred, over-weight, fluid
retention, obsessive and emotional states, exhaustion, allergies, and dis-ease of the sexual and
reproductive organs.

The Navel Chakra is located at our Navel. It is yellow in colour. It is our centre for our intellect
and reasoning. It is logical and thinks like the left brain. It is through this Chakra that we can interpret
and understand the world around us and our life. It enables the integration of our mental and
emotional aspects without judgement or ego. It is very directive and stabilising. It enables us to look
within ourselves and take responsibility for our own lives. It creates balance within us as we
integrate all aspects that are within us and integrate ourselves with our external environment. It is
also about our gut intuition.


The Solar Plexus Chakra is located midway between the Diaphragm and the Navel. It is yellow
in colour. It is our centre for personal power, where we disperse our energy or internalise it. Where
we can shift our power from our ego to universality and oneness. It activitates our knowing and inner
sesne of who we are, our individual identity, our ability to be self responsible and be in our personal
power. It is also through this centre that we absorb the solar energy that nurtures our aura and
vitalises our body. When we talk unnecessarily or have power issues with others, we lose energy
here. Emotions and traumas from the Emotional Body can be held here.
For balancing digestive, respiratory and nervous sytem imbalances, low immunity and allergies,
and power issues with others.

The Heart Chakra is located out from the centre of the chest. It integrates and mediates between
body and spirit and between the higher and lower chakras and energy vibrations. It is the
powerhouse of the entire chakra system and determines our health and strength. It activates our trust
in love as the energy of all life, enabling us to openly act from and express love and compassion
for ourselves and others. It is also the powerhouse of our feelings, and it transforms our perceptions
of our experiences into feelings and emotions. When it is in balance it gives access to unity with
all things, peace, unconditional love, hope, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, and connection
with your higher self. You embody natural warmth, sincerity, happiness, seeing everyone through eyes
of love, putting your heart into everything you do.
All healing only happens when the heart fully accepts the change of perception and belief, and fully
honours all of the self, including those parts it is chosing to change.

The Thymus Chakra is located at the Thymus Gland. Its colour is turquoise, the merging of green
from the heart and blue from the throat and as they meet they radiate love. It assists with loving
communication with yourself, others, your Higher Self, Guides and Multi-dimensional beings. It
is the centre that accesses our telepathy. it is also the converter and filter for the higher vibrational
energies to our own vibrations. It is the centre that gives us our illumination and radiant energy as
it increases our energy field. Here we are consciously connected to the power of healing source
within. It supports good health and immunity, and assists us to flow through this time of change.

© Philip Rafferty
CHAKRAS Unit 5. 25
The Throat Chakra is located out from the throat, above the sternal notch. Its colour is blue. It
is our centre for expressing everything that is alive within us, our expression, communication and
inspiration. It gives us access to experience the power of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, that they
totally have personal, social, environmental and global consequences. It activates all our personal
expressions of our feelings, intentions, desires, ideas, knowledge, and of our innermost beingness.
When it is balanced it gives access to strong communication and listening skills, ability to speak
your truth, reliability and keeping of commitments, accountability, independence, freedom,
following your dreams, self determination and trust in self and inner guidance, and harmony with

The Brow Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is also called the Third Eye. Its colour is
indigo. It activates our life lessons that lead to our Soul's development and to wisdom. It gives
access to the highest vibrational alignment of our central nervous system, thus opening the
possiblity of balanced ego, soul and spirit, where our intellect and intuition are whole, connected
and inspired. It is most active and clear when we intentionally manifest for the highest good, using
our thoughts, will and vision, and create new realities at a physical level and dissolve the old beliefs.
When it is in balance it gives access to intuition, imagination, wisdom, understanding, enlightenment,
and the Universal creative energy. We connect energetically beyond our five senses, beyond
superficial appearances, to the greater, deeper truth, and then cultivate our inherent creativity and
wisdom, and move towards a fulfillment of and experience of the depth of who we are.

The Causal Chakra is located down behind the Crown Chakra. Its nature is silent peace. It is where
the soul essence connects with the human, creating conscious thought forms with the power of the
mind. It is here when the mind is serene that the stellar impressions relayed through the Soul Star
connect and align the impersonal with the highest level of human thought. When the mind is
receptive to subtle frequencies it is the greatest tool through which spiritual energies can manifest
into brilliant ideas.

The Frontal Chakra is located in the centre of the forehead at the hair-line. It holds the energy
for visualisation and understanding. It activates the expansion and awakening of the self as a multi-
dimensional being, dissolving old limitations, awakening to the expansion and wholeness of all-
that-is. It aligns, connects and integrates the two brain hemispheres so there is total unification on
the mental level. It also activates the merging of the levels of consciousness. It also assists in the
clearing of brain pathways and connections, so that the functionality of the brain is clear and not
connected with limiting beliefs and impressions.

The Crown Chakra is located out from the crown of the head. It relates to the Pituitary Gland and
Hypothalamus. Its colour is Violet. It is one of the higher vibrational chakras and is most active
and clear during prayer, meditation, and any spiritual and higher vibrational connections, thinking,
and processing.
It is through the Crown Chakra that the higher states of consciousness and oneness can be
channeled and assimilated into the rest of the physical chakras; where the impersonal divine energy
can become defined into individuality and personal purpose. It has the potential of functioning as
a double helix vortex, with energy spiraling out to connect with greater wholeness while
simultaneously directing that energy into physicality. It is described by Barbara Ann Brennan as
a power current pulsating up and down the spine connecting to the universal and down into the body
connecting to the earth. It carries energies through the roots of each Chakra and connects the
energies that are taken in through each Chakra.

© Philip Rafferty
Unit 5. 26 CHAKRAS
Barbara Ann Brennan explains that these 5 Chakras appear crystaline and of very fine, high
vibrations. They relate to and give access to all that we are beyond the confines of this lifetime.
The Soul Star Chakra is situated above the Crown Chakra. It activates soul consciousness. It
activates your combined spiritual and physical identity, the identity and coding of your whole
system, personalising your cosmic existance at a cellular level. Who you are beyond time and space
which is held in sacred trust can be accessed here. It is the bridge between the impersonal essence
and the personal reality. Its unique ability and purpose is to gather cosmic energy and weave a
spiritual personalised body out of light. This Chakra needs to be activated for an internal realisation
of oneness. Soluntra King explains that this Chakra needs to be grounded with the Earth Star for
healing to actuate as it affects the DNA through its access to individual identity characteristics. If
you are too focused on spiritual, not integrated and attached to spirit only, you will display the
'Space cadet' syndrome. However your body of light is here in the physical, not somewhere out
there. You can only ascend when you descend. Earth illusions are a magnet that pull you out of the
Stella realms, and you can also escape into the Stella realms when do not have the courage or
capabilities to manifest that oneness and unity in your life.


The Stellar Gateway Chakra is above the Soul Star. Katrina Raphaell, in 'The Crystaline
Transmission' explains that as the Stellar Gateway opens the soul awakens to its full God
consciousness, to the matrix of light that we are, and integrates this into our human existence, as
we intimately identify with the presence that is within all things, through communication and
spiritual exchange between our Soul and the Infinite Spirit. When the reception channels are clear
and open, the universe will respond by lifting the awareness into the stellar spaces. This chakra
accesses wisdom, undying compassion, and a permanent connection to divine guidance. It also
accesses our holy shaman, deep spiritual and prophetic understandings, holding space and time for
the whole system, co-ordinating probability and events into fulfillment.


The Universal Gateway Chakra is situated above the Stellar Gateway Chakra. It is the doorway
to the State of Beingness. It gives access to the Universal Flow. It gives access to full awareness
and responsibility as Creator. It accesses consciousness of being one energy with the Divine
Creator, of being one with all creation. The state of beingness and universality contains the spiritual
blueprint and spiritual records for the entire system. It accesses the akashic records and the book
of life.


The Cosmic Gateway Chakra is located out from the crown of the head, above the Universal
Gateway Chakra. It opens us to the integration of consciousness with experience, the unlimited
with the limited, where the experience of life becomes integrated with the infinite, the marriage of
immortality to our eternal self. It opens us to the experience of total acceptance, total allowing,
total enjoyment, and perfect gratitude. A truly cosmic being. It provides us with the ability to be
a spiritual being in a physical experience, and to access the whole experience for all dimensions.


The Divine Gateway Chakra is located beyond the Cosmic Gateway Chakra. It accesses
expansion into the fullness of the truth of your being, activating very high Divine Light frequencies.
It accesses the Collective Consciousness, the Real Self, God Cosciousness. It accesses the infinite
all-ness of all things, beings and dimensions. this level gives understanding of the omnipotent,
omnipresent infinite as self.
This level gives us access to the gift of choice, as the Infinite Being offers us the gift of all aspects
of itself. When fully accessed all your Chakras resonate as an integrated and unified Oneness of
Divine Light, silent, peaceful, and connected with Source.

© Philip Rafferty
Within and beyond the physical body are a number of subtle energy fields or energy systems - Light
Bodies, which can be thought of as dimensions of thought, action, and process, which are related
to one another and which influence the energy fields of the physical body and the Chakras.
All Light Bodies are intelligent and constantly in communication with each other and the Light
Bodies of others, forming a web of inter-relationships that co-ordinate their functioning from the
desire to experience. The conscious mind, which includes all of these systems, justifies, reasons
and makes sense of the experience.
Each Light Body has a specific function within the whole system. They all share the collective
experiences of the system, but each expresses that same experience with their own characteristics.
All our energy systems, both internal and external move together in an experiential dance that
creates our reality.
Each Light Body vibrates at a higher rate than the previous layer. This allows them to overlap and
exist within the same space, sharing the same Chakras.
The Chakras transmit Energy between the Light Body layers. The layers of the Light Body
correlate to the Chakras, both in their function and in the issues they relate to. Differences in these
layers and energy systems, and their connections with eachother, is influenced by gender (motion),
culture (function), language (frequency), and level of spiritual awareness.
Some layers may not even be present. Gurudas’ book 'Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing'
explains an absence of a distinct Emotional Body in many people of Eastern origin is due to their
choice to “understand the more personal aspects of God” in this lifetime.
Each layer of the Light Body permeates all of the previous layers and the Physical Body including
all internal organs and systems, as well as the cord that flows up and down the spinal cord, extending
up over the head and down from the coccyx. Each successive layer extends further outwards from
the physical body than the previous layer.
The odd numbered layers (1, 3, 5 & 7) are structured templates, which replicate the human body,
including all of the internal structures. Barbara Ann Brennan in her book 'Hands of Light' states
they appear as a network of grid lines, described as “scintillating, as if they are composed of many
tiny, rapidly blinking lights, each blinking at a different rate”.
The even numbered layers (2, 4 & 6) are unstructured and consist of flowing clouds of
multicoloured light. They flow along the patterns set by the structured layers, which gives them
their form.
People who are behaving like 'Space Cadets' may just be dehydrated in the Chakras or Light Bodies.
The Light Bodies rely on the hydration of the physical body, possibly to do with the electrolyte
minerals dissolved in the water.
Using a Scan List of the Light Bodies may enable major spiritual Corrections.
Correcting an imbalance in one Light Body may temporarily cause dehydration in another.
The Client's computer will allow much more access if it is perfectly hydrated.
Dehydration of any of the extra Chakras will limit access to the Client's computer. To access any
Light Body, it is usually necessary to Verbally Challenge, as we are gaining access to a high level
The Client and Therapist must both have Dehydration balanced for every Light Body and Chakra
after every Light Body Correction. The physical body needs to be in balance first. Only use the
Light Body Correction after several hours of Kinergetics, including Hydration and TMJ.

© Philip Rafferty

The Etheric Body is composed of tiny energy lines 'like a sparkling web of light beams'
which is in constant motion. It is an energy matrix from which the physical body exists. The
cells of the body grow along the lines of energy of the etheric matrix. It varies from this fine
network of pale blue light to thicker, darker blue-grey lines.

It integrates the individual into the Earth's energy field, and the physical with the emotional,
mental and spiritual. It is a filter of all things coming to the body, as a protector, as an
immune field, and an explainer for the body. It represents the survival level of the psyche,
the ego. Am I safe? Am I comfortable? Am I free of Pain? It represents the base survival
level of our being and is demonstrated by the Root / Base Chakra.

The Etheric Body extends to about 12cm from the body. When there is perceived threat it
increases in size to protect, accommodate the fear, and create added space for safety. In
doing this it can overpower the Emotional and Mental Bodies, imitating their functions to
assume complete control over the Physical.

It is the connection between the Physical Body and the Light Bodies, 'ether' - the state
between energy and matter. It vitalises and energises the Physical Body, providing good
health, vitality, and connectedness with the flow of life.

The Physical Body is held in place by the Etheric Body’s network of light lines, which
exactly replicate the form of the Physical Body. People seeing your aura, mostly see the
Etheric Body.

It contains the aspect of judgement which is needed in its position as our watcher for
potential danger. It holds the keys to flight or fight. It also presents a position of armored
defense, and justifies any means to stimulate the physical into action and defense. It will
even present false images, symbols, memories and emotions to justify and maintain its
protective posture and stand.

The acupuncture meridians, which regulate the flow of bioenergy (also known as Chi,
Orgone or Prana), lie between the Physical and Etheric Bodies. Points along the acupuncture
meridians relate to stresses in both the physical and etheric levels.

The Etheric Body relates to the sense of touch, and it is affected by any physical pain or
pleasure. It is also influences and is influenced by the body’s physiological and autonomic
functions. Any injury to the Physical Body will have a corresponding disturbance in the
Etheric Body.

The Etheric Body also protects the Physical Body against karmic influences and from
disturbances in the other Light Bodies, as they could lead to disease if they accumulate in
the Physical Body. So it is important to maintain the Etheric Body’s integrity by physcially
nurturing our bodies through regular exercisie, appropriate nourishment, rest, sleep,
relaxation, cleansing, hygiene, and the pleasurable sensations of massage, baths or other
tactile therapies.

© Philip Rafferty
The Emotional Body is fluid like and appears as clouds of constantly moving multicoloured
light of all the colours of the rainbow, including white. Clear and highly energised feelings
such as love, excitement, joy or anger produce bright, clear vibrations; those feelings that
are confused produce dark, muddy vibrations.

It extends from the body, out past the Etheric Body. This colourful body contains the
potential for beingness in the physical dimension.

The Emotional Body is a responsive body, it interprets, without judgement, the symbols
of the Mental Body, into Emotions for physical experience, which are filtered by the
Etheric Body before passing into the Physical Body. The Etheric Body places judgements
on the Emotions as it responds to its perceived survival function - good / bad, right / wrong
etc., giving us the experience of opposites and separation.

It brings into physicality and experience the mind of the Mental Body. Its nature is energy
in motion, and it is highly energetic and fluid, constantly changing from emotion to
emotion, full of the potential for new creation. It is a swirling field of different sounds like
a symphony tuning up with tones of all types and intensities, with colours corresponding
to each changing tone which can often be quite brilliant.

It is related to the Central Chakra, our creative Chakra. It is our emotional experiences that
motivates our being to live.

When the Mental and Emotional Bodies come into alignment with joy, love, and total trust,
the Etheric Body will shed its protective, judgemental role and take on wholeness
(holiness) and total freedom, producing bright, clear colours in the Emotional Body,
enabling acceptance, clarity and creative beingness in our physical day to day existance.
We can then acknowledge our emotions non-judgementally and can honour our feelings,
seeing all emotions as the very beautiful and very personal landscape of our life, that we
are meant to discover and explore.

When our Etheric Body tries to suppress our feelings and judge them, the energy becomes
stagnant, causing dark, murky clouds of Energy in the Emotional Body. This stagnation can
then be transferred to the Etheric and Mental Bodies, resulting in distorted mental activity,
justifications, replaying scenarios over and over in the mind (real or imagined), projecting
doom and gloom onto future events, exacerbating fears out of proportion, etc. The
constantly changing energies within this body can result in disease.

When you have a good relationship with yourself and love and honour all of yourself then
you will have a strong, healthy Emotional Body. Affirmations can help with this process,
particularly affirmations about loving and accepting the Self.

Our judgements upon our emotions affect our thoughts which affects our moment by
moment creativity, which affects our other Light Bodies eg. the Astral Body and the way
we relate to others, and the Ketheric Template influencing the Collective Consciousness.

© Philip Rafferty
Unit 5. 30 MENTAL BODY

The Mental Body is composed of still finer substances radiating out in light lemon, bright
yellow and gold hues, like rays of light. It is inherently structured in its nature. Yellow is
the colour of the intellect and of mental activity.

The Mental Body extends from the Physical Body, out past the Emotional Body. It is
related to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

It is a mental field and provides reasoning and directive to the body, through its language
of symbols. It also is non-judgemental, and its service is to take the metaphoric symbols
of our life experience and interpret them, to provide a stable, logical framework, with
names of things, functions of things and the nature of things, in which life can be
experienced and lived.

It is associated with both our physical bodies and our spiritual dimension. Physically it is
associated with the logic brain, our thoughts, mental processes and our states of mind. It
enables people to think in a clear and rational fashion as it gives interpretation to the
symbols of our experienced data. It can be influenced by the Etheric Body perceiving a
danger or a threat, and taking control by expanding into the Mental Body. It can produce
symbols from the past that are inappropriate, to produce thoughts and then actions that
seem logical, to support and justify its need to fight for survival

These seemingly logical thoughts can become habitual and then difficulty to change. So
the pulsating energy lines in the Mental Body can darken, distort and slow down.

When the Ehteric Body is still and takes on its proper function without fear for survival the
Emotional and Mental Bodies take on their proper functions. The Mental Body is thus able
to, like a loving father, interpret our experiences in enlightenment, expansive awareness
and knowing, opening a merging with the Universal Mind. When this occurs all the higher
Bodies are also clear and open and expanded and energised.

Solantra King in her book "Light Body Awakening" states that the Mental Body is where
Soul Consciousness is experienced. It is the most subtle of the Bodies utilised by the Soul.
When the Mental Body is clear it operates at the level of the Violet Light Body of the fifth

We use our thought-energy to create the realities about us. Therefore, when we focus more
emotional and thought-energy into an idea, it empowers the manifestation of a thought-
form onto the physical. The Emotional Body and Etheric Body influence the Mental Body
as it overlaps with them. This connects emotions to most of our thoughts.

A weak and underactive Mental Body produces low mental agility and clarity of thought.
When strong and charged, it produces a clear mind, an active mental life and an interest in
learning. When overcharged it leads to being too rational, and being out of touch with both
feelings and intuition.

Barbara Ann Brennan in her book "Hands of Light" states that when the intuitive and
rational mind coexist harmoniously, then the Mental Body is balanced. When all of the first
three Light Bodies are balanced, then an individual feels the strength of self acceptance and
an inner sense of power.

© Philip Rafferty
ASTRAL BODY Unit 5. 31
The Astral Body is shapeless in form and is composed of clouds of colour more beautiful
than the Emotional Body, which are infused with the rose pink light of love. It is associated
with the Heart Chakra and it extends from the Physical Body out past the Mental Body. On
this level a great deal of interaction takes place between people. Cords exist here between
people in close relationship, and these tear when the relationship ends.

The Astral Body is based on Relationship.

The first type of Relationship it encompasses is the marriage of and joining together of
masculine and feminine energies as the one energy. It sees the need for this relationship and
marriage due to its strong functional desire to create balance. Yin and Yang, linear and
expansive, logical and intuitive into the one divine balanced energy.

The Astral Body also orders, records and keeps, by a system of Relationships, all our life
experiences and memories. It relates all our experiences, one to another, chaining events
and experiences into a system of order for record retrieval. In this aspect it orders all our
experiences by their Relationship to each other, and it can then retrieve these records for
us. It can access from its records the total accumulation of the personality, traumatic
memories, DNA patterns, and spiritual patterns.

It also assists the whole system to experience itself in Relationship. It can do this because
it creates a systems management program. It relates all of life to points of reference for us.
It thus gives us the experience of relationship to all things and the Universe as a whole. It
is the first of the Light Bodies to understand and appreciate separateness.

In the Relationship of separateness the Astral Body can function separately from, yet
connect to, the physical body through Astral Projection, usually at night or during near
death experiences. The Astral Body experiences this level as unlimited by three dimensional
time and space, as it exists as a timeless, spaceless continuum. The clearer the Astral Body's
energy, the more these Relationships are based on unconditional love.

Underactivity or weakness of this field usually denotes problems with intimacy and human
relationships which may seem unimportant or too difficult, feelings can be masked, and
hermit consciousness or feeling overpowered by others may be present. A strong, healthy
Astral Body leads to many fulfilling relationships, where love plays a strong role. An
overcharged Astral Body can lead to relationship addiction and over-sensitivity.

It is the Energy on this level that can reach out across a room to touch other people. It is
how some people can communicate and relate without talking.

The Astral Body encompasses the Physical, Etheric, Emotional and Mental, to form the
seat of man's Mental and Emotional nature. An astral being works with his consciousness
and feelings from unconditional love. The astral spheres are visible to the sixth sense,
intuition and telepathy. The Astral desires clear vibrations in all aspects, and to work with
all objects and experiences as forms of light.

© Philip Rafferty

The Etheric Template is the Light Body which contains all the forms that exist on the
physical plane in a blueprint. It is the template for the Etheric Body which is in turn the
template for the Physical Body. It looks like the negative of a photograph. Its forms exist
in negative space, creating an empty space in which the etheric grid structure grows and
upon which all physical manifestation exists. It extends out from the body past the Astral

It contains in symbol form all the archives for the physical experience of life, a library,
where the records of all our experiences and memories which relate to our Mental and
Emotional Bodies, are placed, put in order and retrieved by the Etheric Body. It holds the
laws for physicality, for the emotional being and for the mental being.

The Etheric Template is related to the Throat Chakra because it is a dynamic and expresive
Body that presents and receives its content freely.

A lot of interplay occurs and energy flows between these 5 Light Bodies. The symbols and
records of this Body are retrieved and ordered by the Astral Body, interpreted by the Mental
Body, presented as emotion for physical experience by the Emotional Body to the Etheric
Body, which then filters the images and feelings and presents them to the Physical Body
to elicit defensive actions or thought. The Physical Body finally chooses to respond to those
filtered images by providing 'real' experiences. This process works the other way when
records are to be placed in the Etheric Template.

The template form represents the Divine Laws for physical, mental and emotional
existance. Through this body we can be very dynamic, expressive, purposeful, have a
strength of will, experience life as being a plan of perfect order, and realise our power of
co-creation. Such individuals can surrender to who they really are and are not shaped
according to societal norms.

In disease, when the Etheric Body becomes disfigured, the Etheric Template must be
repaired, as this is the origin of the Etheric Body.

Distortions on this level can be expressed as a lack of a sense of purpose or a feeling of

being unconnected to life, out of synch with life, not truly belonging on Earth, not
understanding complicated systems or the overall patterns of things, feeling intimidated by
others who strive for precision or who exhibit a strong, clear will. Such individuals may
rebel against clarity and order, seeing it as a hindrance to freedom, and a block to creativity.

Distortions on this level of the aura can also lead to difficulties in speaking and following
one’s own truth. Such individuals may feel inhibited to stand up for what they know, or if
they do express themselves, they may have trouble maintaining and expressing their truth
in a positive way.

However, if the Etheric Template is over-active, individuals may be denying their creative
freedom with a rigid dictatorial view of order. They may feel as if everything must go
according to plan, resisting any flexibility. They will be likely to also lack a stimulating
emotional life.

It is on this level where sound healing is most effective, as it is at this level that sound not
only changes matter, but also creates matter.

© Philip Rafferty
The Celestial Body is known to some as the Celestial or Buddhic Vehicle. It extends out
from the physical body, past the Etheric Template. Its form is less defined than the Etheric
Template, and it appears like the glow around a candle as it radiates from the body. It has
a gold / silver shine with an opalescent pearl quality and pastel colours of beautiful
shimmering light.

The Celestial Body works with the intuition of the body. It also interprets the law within
the functions and actions of each body and system, and for the whole system. It is our
learned ethical sense, our conscience.

It is related to the Brow Chakra intuiting the knowing that is the Universal Field, providing
ethical judgement and a conscience thought to our experience.

Through accessing our intuition, through connecting with the silence and space between
thought, spiritual ecstacy of peace, unconditional love and joy can be experienced within
our physical being and mind. Divine perfection can be witnessed within all earthly matters.
Inner knowing, intuition and wisdom are anchored in the mind and physical being.

Divine love for humanity is experienced with the feelings of expansion due to communion
with others. One can identify beauty everywhere and all things are truly appreciated.

If the Celestial Body is underactive, the field is dark and thin in places. The individual may
not be able to relate to their intuitive, spiritual aspects and have little experience of it. They
may not even know the full joy of being inspired, or believe in God, believing you would
be too gullible if you did. They can feel lost due to the lack of connection with their spiritual
and intuitive aspects, not know exactly what they are missing. Also there is a lack of
commitment to their own decision making processess, their own conscience, and own
ethical sense, causing them to take on the laws and principles of others.

If the Celestial Body is over-active, individuals may be too much in their intuition and not
remain present to the physicalness of their being. They may have very strong opinions and
judgements that they do not re-evaluate. They may live by principles they have put in place
from their own life experiences, but they do not live by the universal spiritual laws that
govern all existance. They may judge themselves and others very harshly, and not see the
perfection in all aspects of being, using judgement only to see where changes can be made
and not using it for causing separation and withdrawal of love. They may see themselves
as special because they can experience the mystical, and may also constantly attempt to
prove that they are better than others because of it. This is, of course, a defence, due to
feelings of inadequacy on the physical level and due to poor grounding.

The higher Bodies out from the Astral body, are known as the Causal Bodies. They include
the Etheric Template, Celestial Body and Ketheric Template. They enable beings to bring
Universal Consciousness into manifestation, materialise thought and bathe in the White
Light of love.

© Philip Rafferty

The Ketheric Template is composed of tiny threads of gold-silver light that look like a
beautiful golden shimmering light which is pulsating very quickly. It is most connected to
the Physical Body through the medulla oblongata. It extends out from the Physical Body
past the Celestial Body.

It is related to the Crown Chakra.

The Ketheric Template co-ordinates, choreographs and regulates the functions and
activities of all the energy fields. In so doing it provides powerful guidance and direction
for the energy system as a whole. Like a conductor of a symphony orchestra, the Ketheric
Template directs the efforts of the Light Bodies to produce a meaningful experience.

The Ketheric Template also co-ordinates the connection and unification of the information
and records from the higher Spiritual Bodies, the Unification Bodies, with the records and
information of the physical body from the lower Light Bodies.

As the Etheric Template is the template for the physical body, the Ketheric Template is the
template for the spiritual concepts of the higher Light Bodies within the physical
dimension, thus co-ordinating the assimilation of spiritual laws with physical laws. Its
template form holds the physical template and creates the empty space which allows the
spiritual grid structure to develop, and upon which all spiritually aware physical manifestation

It is also like a doorway to higher states of consciousness and it facilitates attunement with
astrological influences.

The seventh level gives access to the divine mind, to a connection with the great pattern
of life, the Universal knowing, and a deep knowing of our perfection within our
imperfections. If this body is active, individuals have the capacity to generate inspirational
ideas, and they understand broad, general concepts about the world and existence.

If this Body is under-energy, individuals may find it difficult to understand the Universal
Plan and how they fit in. They may experience life as chaotic and random and their
personalities will reflect this. They most likely will not understand the paradoxical concept
of perfection and they may go into denial about their shadow side. Such individuals may
feel disempowered about their destiny and feel isolated.

If this level is too strong individuals will probably have problems making their ideas
practical or be indecisive about commitments, constantly chopping and changing.

© Philip Rafferty
Other Light Bodies beyond the ketheric template are being accessed and they relate to the
Chakras above the Crown Chakra, which are the Unification, Crystaline Bodies of Golden

Around the outside of our Light Bodies we have a protective outer shell.

In Carol and Joseph Bennette's book this shell is described as an energy matrix. It contains
within it all the subtle bodies. Its egg shaped form of interwoven gold lines or pulsating light
acts as a protective eggshell. It is also said to be made of platelets in a floating energy grid
that allow inward and outward movement of the shell.

It also acts like a counter balance to the Etheric Field. As the Etheric Field expands to
protect the body, the outer shell contracts to provide a mirror for intensifying the
experience. Sometimes they do move together in the same direction. When the Etheric
Layer does not need to expand for perceived survival threats, the being can start to integrate
higher energies and higher thoughts and the outer shell can expand to encompass and
stimulate and accomodate this spiritual growth.

The shell and platelets can become distorted, and lose their geometric integrity, which
allows the movement of energies into and out of the energy fields. If the shell expands or
contract quickly energies that are close to the shell can also get caught within the energy

The platelets can act as a lens for the body. When you are highly energised and your chi
is flowing the platelets turn outward shining our energy out and magnifying our being.
When the platelets turn inward we appear small and separate to others.

Past life bands can be found on the protective outer shell as coloured bands of light and can
be found anywhere on its surface.

Barbara Ann Brennan describes the shell as a basket-like network of power currents and
energy vibrations, that surrounds and holds within it the entire auric field. This network
shows the power of the golden light, the divine mind that holds the whole field together in
its entirety and integrity.

© Philip Rafferty






Back of head




Etheric Body
Emotional Body
Mental Body
Astral Body
Etheric Template
Celestial Body
Ketheric Template


© Philip Rafferty

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