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DECALENG (substituted by his
heirs)[1] and JULIA WANAY

- versus -


AMERICA, otherwise known
CHURCH, represented by RT.
Respondents. UDK-13672
DAGACAN, MARTHA Acting Chairperson,

- versus - Promulgated:

CHURCH, represented by RT. June 27, 2012

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x



Pending action before the Court is G.R. No. 171209, a Petition for Review
on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the
Decision[2] dated August 26, 2005 and Resolution[3] dated January 18, 2006 of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 49978.

The Bishop of the Missionary District of the Philippine Islands of the

Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, otherwise known as
the Philippine Episcopal Church (PEC), is a religious corporation duly organized
and registered under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, performing
mission work in over 500 communities throughout the country. The PEC was
previously comprised of five dioceses, namely: Episcopal Diocese of Northern
Philippines (EDNP), Episcopal Diocese of Northern Luzon, Episcopal Diocese of
North Central Philippines, Episcopal Diocese of Central Philippines, and Episcopal
Diocese of Southern Philippines. PEC-EDNP, which has canonical jurisdiction
over the provinces of Mountain Province, Ifugao, Isabela, Quirino, Aurora, and
Quezon, exercises missionary, pastoral, and administrative oversight of St. Mary
the Virgin Parish in the municipality of Sagada, Mountain Province.[4]

On February 18, 1992, PEC-EDNP filed before the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) of Bontoc, Mountain Province, Branch 36, a Complaint for Accion
Reinvindicatoria and Accion Publiciana against Ambrosio Decaleng and Fabian
Lopez (Lopez), docketed as Civil Case No. 797.

PEC-EDNP alleged that it is the owner of two parcels of land in

the Municipality of Sagada, located in areas commonly known as Ken-geka and

According to PEC-EDNP, the Ken-geka property is covered by Certificate

of Title No. 1[5] of the Register of Deeds of Mountain Province, issued on February
18, 1915, in the name of The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (U.S. Episcopal
Church). According to Certificate of Title No. 1, the U.S. Episcopal Church
acquired the Ken-geka property by virtue of a sales patent issued by the Governor-
General of the Philippine Islands also on February 18, 1915, in accordance with
Section 122 of Act No. 496,[6] otherwise known as the Land Registration Act. The
Ken-geka property has an area of 34 hectares, 24 ares, and 60 centares, with the
following technical description:

Beginning at point marked 1 on plan Pi-115, N. 68o 48W. 339.1 m. from

Pulpit, a Mon. 7 cm. marked B. L. cross at top of limestone cliff, thence N.
79o O6E. 484.Om. to point 2; S. 6o 21E. 651.0m. to point 3; S. 72o 55W. 609.6m.
to point 4; N. 15o 15E, 369.9m to point 5; N. 4o 59W. 153.1m. to point 6; N.
51o 11W. 87.9m to point 7; N. 6o 37E. 171.0m. to point 1, point of beginning.

Bounded on all sides by public lands. Bearings true. Variation 0o 25E.

points referred to marked on plan Pi-115. Surveyed March 18-19,
1907. Approved November 27, 1907. Containing an area of thirty-four hectares,
twenty-four ares, and sixty centares x x x. [7]

PEC-EDNP asserted that the U.S. Episcopal Church donated the Ken-geka
property, among other real properties, to the PEC by virtue of a Deed of
Donation[8]executed on April 24, 1974. Around the second quarter of 1989,
Ambrosio Decaleng entered and cultivated a portion of about 1,635 square meters
of the Ken-geka property despite the protestations of PEC-EDNP representatives.[9]

The Ken-gedeng property is described in the complaint as:

A certain parcel of land situated at sitio Poblacion, Sagada, Mt. Province,
bounded on the North by Tomas Muting & Kapiz Bacolong; South by Mission
Compound, East by Bartolome Gambican; and on the West by Nicolas Imperial
and Lizardo Adriano with an area of 20[,]692 sq. meters more or less and declared
for taxation purposes under Tax Declaration No. 6306 in the name of the
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Church of the United
States of America.[10]

It is more particularly identified as Lot 3 in Survey Plan PSU-118424, to wit:

Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 18 deg. 19E., 11477.37 m. from

B.L.L.M. 1, Mpal. Dist. of Bauko, Mt. Procvince;

thence N. 65 deg. 01 E., 101.21 m. to point 2;

thence N. 0 deg. 51 E., 39.07 m. to point 3;
thence N. 50 deg. 39 E., 148.20 m. to point 4;
thence S. 54 deg. 10 E., 86.03 m. to point 5;
thence S. 18 deg. 07 E., 57.58 m. to point 6;
thence S. 18 deg. 02 E., 13.82 m. to point 7;
thence S. 79 deg. 06 W., 304.36 m. to the point of

beginning, containing an area of TWENTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED

NINETY-TWO SQUARE METERS (20,692 sq. m.) more or less.

Bounded on the NE., by property of Bartolome Gambican; on the SE., by

property of The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America; on the S., by property of
Nicolas Imperial & Adriano Lizardo (joint owners); and on the NW., by
properties of Nicolas Imperial & Adriano Lizardo (joint owners) and Tomas
Moting, Kapiz, Baculong, Bayang, Apaling & Benito Gawaeng (joint owners).

All points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground as
follows: points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, by P.L.S. cyl. Conc. Mons; and point 6, by X
on stone mon.[11]

PEC-EDNP averred that it and its predecessors-in-interest occupied the Ken-

gedeng property openly, adversely, continuously, and notoriously in en concepto
de dueo since the American Missionaries arrived in the Mountain Province in
1901. PEC-EDNP and its predecessors-in-interest have introduced valuable
improvements on the Ken-gedeng property through the years. The Ken-gedeng
property was surveyed on August 22, 1947 and said survey was approved by the
Director of Lands on June 15, 1948. During the first quarter of 1987, Ambrosio
Decaleng illegally and forcibly entered two portions of the Ken-gedeng property,
one measuring 1,650 square meters (Portion 1) and the other 419.50 square meters
(Portion 2). Ambrosio Decaleng, despite the vehement objections and conciliatory
attitude of PEC-EDNP, cut several matured pine trees within the aforementioned
portions of the Ken-gedeng property, removed the fence and two monuments
found therein, and cultivated and planted the same with plants of economic
value. Ambrosio Decaleng made matters worse by selling Portion 2 of the Ken-
gedeng property to Fabian Lopez. Lopez went ahead and purchased Portion 2
despite the warning of PEC-EDNP.[12]

PEC-EDNP contended that Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez refused to vacate the
portions of Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng properties that they are
occupying.Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez claimed to be the owners of said
portions, but PEC-EDNP maintained that such claim is illegal and baseless in fact
and in law.PEC-EDNP likewise challenged the sale of Portion 2 of Ken-gedeng by
Ambrosio Decaleng to Lopez for being unlawful and void.

PEC-EDNP thus prayed of the RTC to render judgment:

A) To declare the [PEC-EDNP] as the true and real owner of the
aforesaid properties and for [Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez] to perpetually desist
from claiming ownership over the respective portion being occupied by them;

B) To order [Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez] to refrain from entering

the property of [PEC-EDNP] subject of this case;

C) To order [Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez] to vacate the premises

of the subject portions of the aforedescribed land being illegally occupied by

D) To order [Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez] to pay the [PEC-

EDNP] the amount of P20,000.00 as actual damages, P15,000.00 as attorneys fee,
plus P500.00 as appearance pay of counsel every time this case is called for
hearing and P10,000.00 as necessary expenses of litigation;

E) To issue a temporary restraining order directing [Ambrosio

Decaleng and Lopez] to desist from continuing to expand their aforesaid illegal
occupation and to unlawfully enter the property subject of this case and thereafter
to make it permanent; and

F) To sentence [Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez] to pay the cost of

the suit;

G) Finally [PEC-EDNP] prays for such other measures of reliefs and

remedies just and equitable in the premises.[13]

Before Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez could file their answer to the
complaint of PEC-EDNP, the RTC issued an Order[14] dated March 20, 1992,
suspending further proceedings in Civil Case No. 797 until the parties have
conducted a relocation survey of the properties in question, as agreed upon in open
court. The RTC issued another Order[15] of even date requesting the
Community Environment and Natural Resources Office-Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (CENRO-DENR), Sabangan, Mountain
Province, to provide said trial court with a Geodetic Engineer to help in the re-
survey of the area subject of the case.

Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez filed their Answer[16] on April 27,

1992. They stated in their Answer that Certificate of Title No. 1 was inaccurate and
depicted a parcel of land much bigger than that generally believed to be owned by
PEC-EDNP; that the properties occupied by Ambrosio Decaleng were outside the
properties of PEC-EDNP; that Ambrosio Decaleng received the property in Ken-
geka, and his wife, Julia Wanay Decaleng, received the property in Ken-gedeng,
from their parents as their inheritance on the occasion of their marriage in
accordance with the local custom of ay-yeng or liw-liwa; that Ambrosio Decaleng
and Julia Wanay Decaleng (spouses Decaleng) and their predecessors-in-interest
had been in possession of the subject properties continuously, actually, notoriously,
publicly, adversely, and in the concept of an owner, since time immemorial, or at
least, certainly for more than 50 years; that the spouses Decaleng had been in
peaceful and undisturbed possession of the subject properties until PEC-EDNP
surreptitiously moved the existing perimeter fence and encroached upon 240
square meters of their properties; and that Lopez was a mere tenant of the spouses
Decaleng who worked on Portion 2 of the Ken-gedeng property.Consequently,
Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez sought the dismissal of the complaint of PEC-
EDNP and the payment by PEC-EDNP in their favor of P50,000.00 as
reimbursement of litigation expenses and attorneys fees, P100,000.00 as moral
damages, and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages.

The relocation survey ordered by the RTC was conducted on September 17,

On February 12, 1993, PEC-EDNP filed a Motion to Admit Amended

Complaint alleging:

1. That when defendant Ambrosio Decaleng filed his answer, he

alleged that subject portions of the properties are owned by his wife,
Julia Wanay Decaleng;
2. That after the verification survey was conducted on September
17, 1992, it came to the knowledge of [PEC-EDNP] that other parties are
making adverse claim of ownership over subject properties; as in fact,
some of them requested the surveyor hired by [Ambrosio Decaleng and
Lopez] to survey portions of the properties owned by [PEC-EDNP]
which they respectively claim to be owned by them.[17]

The RTC admitted the amended complaint of PEC-EDNP in the

Order dated February 16, 1993. As a result, Julia Wanay Decaleng, Florentina
Madadsec (Madadsec), Dominga D. Maguen (Maguen), and Patrick Bawing
(Bawing) were impleaded as additional defendants and summoned to answer the
amended complaint.[19]

The spouses Decaleng and Lopez jointly filed their Answer to Amended
Complaint[20] on March 1, 1993, essentially reiterating the allegations in the earlier
Answer filed by Ambrosio Decaleng and Lopez, but increasing their claim for
reimbursement of litigation expenses to P85,000.00. Maguen filed her Answer to
Summons/Complaint[21] on March 2, 1993, in which she wrote that she was not
interested to appear before the RTC for her deceased father, Kapis, from whom she
inherited one of the lots that bound the PEC-EDNP property; and that PEC-EDNP
should have pursued its complaint a long time ago when the concerned boundary
owners were still alive. Madadsec and Bawing did not submit any answer but the
RTC, in an Order[22] dated April 27, 1993, denied the Motion to Declare
Defendants in Default[23] filed by PEC-EDNP and ruled that the Answer to
Amended Complaint of spouses Decaleng and Lopez shall be deemed to also be
the answer of Madadsec and Bawing.

After trial, the RTC rendered its Decision[24] on January 20, 1995 finding

The documentary and testimonial evidence as a whole, adduced

by the [PEC-EDNP] on whose side the onus probandi lies, do not
adequately and reliably support by greater weight of credibility, the
[proponents] causes of action, vis--vis, the counter-vailing proof
proffered by the defensive party (Article 434, New Civil Code; Rule
131, Sec. 1 and Rule 133, Sec. 1, Revised Rules on Evidence).
De consequente, the plaintiff Church is determined not the owner of those
three (3) parcels of land situated at Sitio Ken-geka and Sitio Ken-gedeng, Sagada,
Mt. Province identified as the bone of contention in this suit. And that said
Church has no right of possession of the subject parcels better than that of the
defendants who are the present de facto possessors (Art. 433 and Art. 541,
NCC). Corollarily, the former can neither recover ownership, which said right it
never had from the very beginning, of the lots in question from the latter; nor
possessions thereof, by the same token, either as an element of, or independent of
ownership (Art. 428, Par. 2, NCC; Tuazon v. Jaime, CA-GR 26538-R, Feb.16,
1963; Lopez v. Franco, 26-786-R, May 27, 1961).

Re that 1,635 square meters lot at Ken-geka (Exhs. C-1 and C-2), the mere
supposed xerox copy of a reputed OCT No. 1 purportedly including the portion
within its borders, allegedly registered in the name of the plaintiff Church (Exh.
A), does not reasonably confirm the fact of its absolute ownership of the said
portion (Reyes vs Borbon, 50 Phil. 79). Neither does the purported xerox copy of
a putative deed of donation (Exh. B), sans the original, substantially show that
said plaintiff acquired dominion over that particular parcel in issue via gratuitous
grant as a mode of acquiring ownership (Art. 712, Par. 2, NCC; Paras, Civil Code,
Vol. II, 1981 Ed., (b) p. 92). By itself, the plaintiffs survey plans of the premises
coupled with its unpaid tax declarations (Exhs. BB, CC, E, F and G) is
insufficient and inc[onc]lusive to prove ownership ad/or possession of the
proponent of the subject area (Acua vs City of Manila, [9] Phil. 225; Dadivas vs
Bunayon, 54 Phil. 632). While it appears that the Church is the possessor for
almost a century of the greater part of that tract of land embraced in its survey
plan of P1-115 (Exh. C), it cannot be deemed to be in constructive possession of
that portion now in question, considering that said plaintiff never materially
occupied or exercised control over the same and that it has been in the adverse
possession of the Decalengs for quite sometime (Art. 531, NCC; Rosales vs
Director of Lands, 51 Phil 502). In effect, dominion over the portion have not
passed to the plaintiff by operation of law by virtue of long and actual possession
as a title or a mode of acquiring ownership (Art. 712, Par. 2, NCC; Nolan v.
Jalandoni, 23 Phil. 299).

Anent those two (2) separate parcels at Ken-gedeng (Exhs. D-2, D-3, D-4,
D-5), the survey plans and tax declarations in the name of the plaintiff and
predecessors in interest (Exhs. X, DD, G, H, I) do not by themselves confer
dominion of the proponent over the afore-mentioned parcels, albeit the same are
included within the coverage of the documents. To be sure, the Church is the
exclusive and continuous possessor, probably since 1902, of the south-eastern
portion of the surveyed area where its building are erected and the surroundings
thereof improved (Exhs. X, X-1 to X-6). This fact in conjunction with its said
survey plans and tax declarations may prove ownership of the plaintiff of the
premises mentioned (Alamo vs Ignacio, L-16434, Feb. 28, 1962). It cannot
however be presumed, much less adjudged that the Church has constructive
possession of the subject two separate parcels absent any showing that it
materially occupied, and exercised control over said parcels at any given time in
the same manner as it developed the rest of the portions within the plans and tax
declarations. Not to mention the fact that the former lots have been all along in the
adverse possession of the defendants. Hence, by law, the plaintiff Church did not
acquire ownership and/or possession of those disputed lots at Ken-gedeng.

Penultimately, the counterclaim for damages interposed by the defensive

party is denied for lack of merit and on the principle that no penalty should be
attached on the right to litigate (Art. 2217, NCC; Ramos vs. Ramos, 61 SCRA

The fallo of the RTC Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in

accordance with the prayer of the defendants, viz:

I. Dismissing the instant suit;

II. Ordering the plaintiff to pay attorneys fees and litigation

expense in the reasonable sum of P120,000.00; and to pay the

The PEC-ENDP filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the aforementioned

Decision on February 21, 1995 but the RTC denied said motion in an
Order[27]dated May 11, 1995.

PEC-EDNP filed an appeal before the Court of Appeals which was docketed
as CA-G.R. CV No. 49978.

While the case was pending before the Court of Appeals, Atty. Paul P.
Sagayo, Jr. (Sagayo) and Atty. Floyd P. Lalwet (Lalwet) entered their appearance
as counsels for PEC-EDNP on March 28, 1996. In the Notice of Appearance[28] and
subsequent pleadings[29] filed by Attys. Sagayo and Lalwet, they included the
following names as defendants: Simeon Dapliyan (Dapliyan), Gayagay,[30] Nicolas
Imperial (Imperial), Juana Ullocan (Ullocan), and Mary Tudlong (Tudlong).

The Court of Appeals rendered its Decision on August 26, 2005, overturning
the appealed RTC Decision because it was based on misplaced premises and
contrary to law and jurisprudence. The Court of Appeals declared PEC-EDNP the
true and real owner of the Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng properties.
The dispositive portion of the appellate courts Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, the judgment dated January 20, 1995 of the

Regional Trial Court, Branch
16, Mountain Province is REVERSED and another one is ENTERED,
as follows:
(1) Declaring the plaintiff as the true and real owner of the
properties subject of this controversy, namely, the parcel of land covered
by Original Certificate of Title No. 1 and Lot 3 covered by Survey Plan
PSU-118424; and

(2) Ordering the defendants and all persons claiming under them
to vacate the premises and surrender the peaceful possession thereof to
the plaintiff or its duly authorized representative; and to refrain from
further encroaching upon the plaintiffs properties.

Costs to be paid by the defendants.[31]

Spouses Decaleng and Lopez timely filed a Motion for Reconsideration of

the foregoing Decision but it was denied by the appellate court in a
Resolution[32] dated January 18, 2006. The spouses Decaleng (sans Lopez) then
sought recourse before this Court via the instant Petition for Review on Certiorari,
docketed as G.R. No. 171209.

Meanwhile, in a letter[33] dated February 12, 2006, addressed to then

Supreme Court Justice Artemio V. Panganiban, through Assistant Court
Administrator and Chief Public Information Officer Ismael G. Khan, Jr., Dapliyan,
Gayagay, Imperial, Ullocan, and Tudlong questioned the Court of Appeals
Decision dated August 26, 2005 in CA-G.R. CV No. 49978, specifically, their
inclusion as party defendants in said case; and prayed that the same Decision be
considered null and void.[34] In addition, a Petition (Re: Our lots in Sagada,
Mountain Province, Philippines, subject matter of CA- G.R. CV No. 49978,
entitled Philippine Episcopal Church represented by Rt. Rev. Robert O. Longid vs.
Spouses Ambrosio Decaleng and Julia Wanay Decaleng, et al.) dated February 24,
2006, signed by 40 residents of Sagada,[35] Mountain Province, including Julia
Wanay Decaleng, Maguen, Bawing, Gayagay, and Tudlong, likewise challenged
the Decision dated August 26, 2005 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
49978 for awarding to PEC-EDNP their ancestral properties.[36] The letter dated
February 12, 2006 and Petition dated February 24, 2006 were jointly docketed as
UDK-13672 as they lack (1) proof of service and affidavit of service; (2)
verification and certification on non-forum shopping; and (3) payment of docket
In a Resolution[37] dated July 17, 2006, the Court resolved to consolidate
UDK-13672 with G.R. No. 171209 considering that both cases assail the same
Court of Appeals Decision; that Julia Wanay Decaleng is one of the signatories in
UDK-13672 and at the same time, one of the petitioners in G.R. No. 171209; and
five of the signatories of the Petition dated February 24, 2006 in UDK-13672 were
defendants-appellees in the assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals.

However, in a Resolution[38] dated September 11, 2006, the Court already

resolved to note without action the letter dated February 12, 2006 and Petition
dated February 24, 2006 in UDK-13672.

Therefore, only the spouses Decalengs Petition in G.R. No. 171209 is still
pending action by this Court.

In their Petition, the spouses Decaleng made the following assignment of








Prefatorily, it is already a well-established rule that the Court, in the exercise

of its power of review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, is not a trier of facts
and does not normally embark on a re-examination of the evidence presented by
the contending parties during the trial of the case, considering that the findings of
facts of the Court of Appeals are conclusive and binding on the Court.[40] This rule,
however, admits of exceptions as recognized by jurisprudence, to wit:

(1) [W]hen the findings are grounded entirely on speculation,

surmises or conjectures; (2) when the inference made is manifestly
mistaken, absurd or impossible; (3) when there is grave abuse of
discretion; (4) when the judgment is based on misapprehension of facts;
(5) when the findings of facts are conflicting; (6) when in making its
findings the Court of Appeals went beyond the issues of the case, or its
findings are contrary to the admissions of both the appellant and the
appellee; (7) when the findings are contrary to the trial court; (8) when
the findings are conclusions without citation of specific evidence on
which they are based; (9) when the facts set forth in the petition as well
as in the petitioners main and reply briefs are not disputed by the
respondent; (10) when the findings of fact are premised on the supposed
absence of evidence and contradicted by the evidence on record; and
(11) when the Court of Appeals manifestly overlooked certain relevant
facts not disputed by the parties, which, if properly considered, would
justify a different conclusion.[41]

The case at bar falls under one of the exceptions, as the factual conclusions
of the RTC and the Court of Appeals are in conflict with each other. Thus, the
Court must necessarily return to the evidence on record and make its own
evaluation thereof.

An accion reinvindicatoria is an action to recover ownership over real

property.[42] Article 434 of the New Civil Code provides that to successfully
maintain an action to recover the ownership of a real property, the person who
claims a better right to it must prove two things: first, the identity of the land
claimed by describing the location, area, and boundaries thereof; and second, his
title thereto.[43]

The Court finds that PEC-EDNP was able to successfully prove both
requisites by preponderance of evidence, both documentary and testimonial.

The identity of the properties over which PEC-EDNP asserts ownership is

well-established. The Ken-geka property is covered by Certificate of Title No. 1,
while the Ken-gedeng property is identified as Lot 3 of Survey Plan PSU-
118424. The location, area, and boundaries of said properties were verified by
relocation surveys conducted in 1947,[44] 1968,[45] 1987,[46] 1991[47] and 1993.[48]

PEC-EDNP likewise proved its title to the Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng

properties. The Ken-geka property was registered in the name of the U.S.
Episcopal Church under Certificate of Title No. 1 issued on February 18, 1915. It
was conveyed by the U.S. Episcopal Church to PEC through a Deed of Donation
dated April 24, 1974. It was declared by the U.S. Episcopal Church and PEC-
EDNP for real property tax purposes under Tax Declaration Nos. 6307, 14326, and
A-11179.[49]Although not yet covered by any certificate of title, the Ken-gedeng
property had been occupied under claim of title (en concepto de dueo) by PEC-
EDNP and its predecessor-in-interest, the U.S. Episcopal Church, since the latters
arrival in 1901. It was declared by the U.S. Episcopal Church and PEC-EDNP for
real property tax purposes under Tax Declaration Nos. 14325 and 6306.[50] PEC-
EDNPs officers, priests, and employees, as well as the Sagada residents testified as
to actual possession by PEC-EDNP of the Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng properties by
the introduction of improvements such as permanent buildings, pine trees, fruit
trees, and vegetable gardens thereon.

The Court quotes with approval the following observations of the Court of
Appeals in its Decision dated August 26, 2005:

The plaintiff established its ownership and possession of the

contested lots through the various documents under and in the name of
its predecessor-in-interest, the [U.S. Episcopal Church], specifically:
deed of donation; approved plat of sales survey; and the approved survey
plan and owners copies of Tax Declaration Nos. 6307, 14326, A-11179,
14325 and 6306. In contrast, the defendants mainly relied on the
supposed non-existence of OCT No. 1 that rested solely on the
certification of Atty. Dulay-Papa of the Registry of Deeds-Mountain

We consider the testimonial and documentary evidence of the

plaintiff sufficient, clear and competent in establishing its absolute
ownership and actual possession of the disputed areas which were within
its properties. The survey plans, prepared upon the request of the
plaintiff, were approved by the Director of Lands, which, standing alone,
might not be conclusive proofs of ownership, but were already proof that
the plaintiff had taken steps to assert and protect its ownership and
possession of the premises. Being public documents, such survey plans
were entitled to great weight and credence as evidence of the facts which
gave rise to their execution. Moreover, the plaintiffs tax declarations,
although not proof of ownership, were strong evidence of ownership for
being coupled with possession for a period sufficient for prescription. In
sum, the plaintiffs documentary evidence was overwhelming.

The plaintiffs testimonial evidence was equally formidable,

because it was provided by witnesses who were very knowledgeable and
reliable. Fr. Arthur Bosaing had resided in the property for almost 26
years, such that his testimony that the disputed parcels were inside the
mission lot where a building and other improvements of the plaintiff
were found might not be disputed. Retired Bishop Robert Lee O. Longid
attested that he and his father had lived from 1928 to 1931 in a building
called the Fox House, which was located near the portion being claimed
by the Decalengs. Even defendant Julia Decaleng admitted on cross-
examination that there was a building owned by the plaintiff in one of
the disputed lots. She was referring to the plaintiffs building known as
Doctors Quarters which was then occupied by Fr. Bosaing.
It is apt to observe that actual possession of an owner did not need
to be the actual and physical possession and occupation of every inch or
portion of the property.That is an impossibility. Constructive possession
is sufficient, for, according to Ramos v. Director of Lands: The claimant
has color of title; he acted in good faith; and he has had open, peaceable,
and notorious possession of a portion of the property, sufficient to
apprise the community and the world that the land was for his
enjoyment. (See Arts. 446, 448, Civil Code.) Possession in the eyes of
the law does not mean that a man has to have his feet on every square
meter of ground before it can be said that he is in possession. x x x[51]

The spouses Decaleng attempt to raise doubts as to the title of PEC-EDNP over the
Ken-geka property by insisting that (1) PEC-EDNP failed to present the original
copies of Certificate of Title No. 1 and the Deed of Donation dated April 24, 1974
during the trial before the RTC; and (2) Certificate of Title No. 1 does not exist
based on the Certification dated July 20, 1992 of Register of Deeds Angela Dailay-
Papa (Dailay-Papa) of the Mountain Province.

It is worthy to point out that PEC-EDNP presented and marked the

photocopies of Certificate of Title No. 1 and the Deed of Donation dated April 24,
1974in the course of the testimony of Rev. Henry Hakcholna on June 10, 1993
before the RTC. Even though the defense counsel stated for the record the defenses
position that Certificate of Title No. 1 is non-existent, he did not make any
objection to the presentation and marking of the photocopies of Certificate of Title
No. 1 and the Deed of Donation dated April 24, 1974 by PEC-EDNP, and even
admitted that said photocopies appear to be faithful reproductions of the purported
original documents.[52]

Relevant herein is the pronouncement of the Court in Caraan v. Court of

Appeals,[53] wherein it accepted in evidence a mere photocopy of the document:

Petitioners asseveration that TCT No. RT-71061 (214949) should

not have been admitted into evidence because private respondents
merely presented the photocopy thereof is also unmeritorious. Private
respondents presented the original of TCT No. RT-71061 (214949) in
open court during the hearing held on April 13, 1994. x x x.


Furthermore, no objection was raised by counsel for petitioners in

their written opposition/comment to private respondents' offer of
evidence regarding the fact that what was marked and submitted to the
court was the photocopy. In Blas vs. Angeles-Hutalla, the Court held
The established doctrine is that when a party failed
to interpose a timely objection to evidence at the time they
were offered in evidence, such objection shall be
considered as waived. In Tison v. Court of Appeals, the
Supreme Court set out the applicable principle in the
following terms:

[F]or while the documentary evidence

submitted by petitioners do not strictly
conform to the rules on their admissibility, we
are, however, of the considered opinion that
the same may be admitted by reason of private
respondent's failure to interpose any timely
objection thereto at the time they were being
offered in evidence. It is elementary that an
objection shall be made at the time when an
alleged inadmissible document is offered in
evidence, otherwise, the objection shall be
treated as waived, since the right to object is
merely a privilege which the party may waive.

As explained in Abrenica vs. Gonda, et

al., it has been repeatedly laid down as a rule
of evidence that a protest or objection against
the admission of any evidence must be made
at the proper time, otherwise, it will be
deemed to have been waived. The proper time
is when from the question addressed to the
witness, or from the answer thereto, or from
the presentation of the proof, the
inadmissibility of the evidence is, or may be

Thus, a failure to except to the evidence

because it does not conform with the statute is
a waiver of the provisions of the law. . . .

Hence, considering the fact that counsel for petitioners admitted

that the photocopy of TCT No. RT-71061 (214949) is a faithful
reproduction of the original thereof, stipulated with private respondents'
counsel that what will be marked and submitted to the trial court as
Exhibit A is the photocopy, and the lack of objection on such ground
which is then deemed a waiver thereof, the admission into evidence of
the photocopy of TCT No. RT-71061 was absolutely correct.[54]

Also instructive on this point is Quebral v. Court of Appeals,[55] where the

Court ruled that:
Even if it were true that Exhibit K consisted of a mere photocopy
and not the original of the petitioners letter, petitioner nevertheless failed
to make timely objection thereto. As to when an objection to a document
must be made, the Court ruled in Interpacific Transit, Inc. v. Aviles [186
SCRA 385 (June 6, 1990)]:

Objection to the documentary evidence must be

made at the time it is formally offered, not earlier. The
identification of the document before it is marked as an
exhibit does not constitute the formal offer of the document
as evidence for the party presenting it. Objection to the
identification and marking of the document is not
equivalent to objection to the document when it is formally
offered in evidence. What really matters is the objection to
the document at the time it is formally offered as an exhibit.

In the case at bench, no such timely objection was ever made.

Consequently, the evidence not objected to became property of the case,
and all the parties to the case are considered amenable to any favorable
or unfavorable effects resulting from the evidence. x x x.[56]

In any case, PEC-EDNP subsequently submitted to the RTC its original

copies of Certificate of Title No. 1 and Deed of Donation dated April 24, 1974,
together with its Motion for Reconsideration of the RTC Decision dated January
20, 1995.
As for the spouses Decalengs contention that Certificate of Title No. 1 does
not exist, the Court fully agrees with the Court of Appeals that the same constitutes
a collateral attack of Certificate of Title No. 1.

It is a hornbook principle that a certificate of title serves as evidence of an

indefeasible title to the property in favor of the person whose name appears
therein.[57] In order to establish a system of registration by which recorded title
becomes absolute, indefeasible, and imprescriptible, the legislature passed Act No.
496, which took effect on February 1, 1903. Act No. 496 placed all registered
lands in the Philippines under the Torrens system. The Torrens system requires the
government to issue a certificate of title stating that the person named in the title is
the owner of the property described therein, subject to liens and encumbrances
annotated on the title or reserved by law. The certificate of title is indefeasible and
imprescriptible and all claims to the parcel of land are quieted upon issuance of the
certificate. Presidential Decree No. 1529, known as the Property Registration
Decree, enacted on June 11, 1978, amended and updated Act No. 496.[58]

Section 48 of Presidential Decree No. 1529 provides:

Section 48. Certificate not subject to collateral attack. A

certificate of title shall not be subject to collateral attack. It cannot be
altered, modified, or cancelled except in a direct proceeding in
accordance with law.

A Torrens title cannot be attacked collaterally, and the issue on its validity
can be raised only in an action expressly instituted for that purpose. [59] A collateral
attack is made when, in another action to obtain a different relief, the certificate of
title is assailed as an incident in said action.[60]

In this case, the original complaint filed by PEC-EDNP before the RTC is
for accion publiciana and accion reinvindicatoria (for recovery of possession and
ownership) of the Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng properties. In said complaint, PEC-
EDNP alleged ownership of the Ken-geka property as evidenced by Certificate of
Title No. 1. In their defense, the spouses Decaleng raised issues as to the validity
of Certificate of Title No. 1 (by asserting in their Answer that Certificate of Title
No. 1 covered an area much larger than that actually owned by PEC-EDNP), and
as to the existence of Certificate of Title No. 1 (by presenting Mountain Province
Register of Deeds Dailay-Papas certification that Certificate of Title No. 1 does not
appear in the record of registered titles). Nevertheless, the spouses Decaleng only
sought the dismissal of the complaint of PEC-EDNP, plus the grant of their
counterclaim for the payment of moral damages, exemplary damages, litigation
expenses, and attorneys fees; and they conspicuously did not pray for the
annulment or cancellation of Certificate of Title No. 1. Evidently, the spouses
Decalengs attack on the validity, as well as the existence of Certificate of Title No.
1 is only incidental to their defense against the accion publicianaand accion
reinvindicatoria instituted by PEC-EDNP, hence, merely collateral.

The spouses Decaleng, in an effort to skirt the prohibition against collateral

attack of certificates of title, argue that they are not attacking the validity of
Certificate of Title No. 1, but, rather, the existence of such a certificate. The Court
notes that the spouses Decaleng did not only put in issue the purported non-
existence of Certificate of Title No. 1, but also questioned the validity of the
certificate itself.

The Court stresses that PEC-EDNP submitted to the RTC the owners
duplicate certificate of Certificate of Title No. 1, which can be used in evidence
before Philippine courts in the same way as the original certificates in the
registration book. Section 47 of Act No. 496 clearly states:

SEC. 47. The original certificate in the registration book, any

copy thereof duly certified under the signature of the clerk, or of the
register of deeds of the province or city where the land is situated, and
the seal of the court, and also the owners duplicate certificate, shall be
received as evidence in all the courts of the Philippine Islands and shall
be conclusive as to all matters contained therein except as far as
otherwise provided in this Act.

Moreover, Mountain Province Register of Deeds Dailay-Papas certification

to the effect that Certificate of Title No. 1 does not appear in the record of
registered titles does not necessarily mean that such certificate has never been
issued. As the Court held in Chan v. Court of Appeals[61]:

Petitioners submission that OCT 2553 is not in the records of the

Registry of Deeds concerned and the xerox copy of subject title
exhibited before the trial court was not a genuine and faithful
reproduction of the original copy of said certificate of title does not merit
serious consideration. The mere fact that the Registry of Deeds of the
Province of Rizal does not have the original of a certificate of title
does not necessarily mean that such title never existed because the
same could have been lost, stolen, or removed from where said title
was kept. To show that no record of the original certificate of title in
question existed requires a preponderance of proof petitioners failed to
adduce.[62] (Emphasis supplied.)

In fact, in the present case, the Records Management Division Chief Jose C.
Mariano, for the Director of Lands, wrote a letter dated August 31, 1993 addressed
to the counsel for PEC-EDNP, giving the reason for the lack of records on the sales
patent for the Ken-geka property and Certificate of Title No. 1 issued to the U.S.
Episcopal Church:

In reply to your letter dated August 25, 1993, we regret to inform you
that we have no reconstituted records of pre-war sales application of the
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the United States of America, which the basis of the issuance
of alleged Sales Patent No. 14 on February 18, 1915.It may be informed
further that all our pre-war records were burned and/or destroyed
when the Oriente Building where the Bureau of Lands was then
housed was razed by fire during the liberation
of Manila. (Emphasis supplied.)

In contrast, the spouses Decaleng were unable to present convincing

evidence to establish their rights of possession and ownership over the disputed
properties superior to those of PEC-EDNP. The spouses Decaleng could not even
establish the identity of the properties they claim to own. Although the spouses
Decaleng were able to give the purported area measurements of said properties,
they could not give the exact location and boundaries thereof. Assuming as true
that the spouses Decaleng received properties from their parents as part of the ay-
yeng or liw-liwa custom, there is no showing that such properties thus given to
them are actually the same as the ones they are now occupying.

The spouses Decaleng were similarly vague as to the basis of their title. The
evidence for the spouses Decaleng do not establish how their predecessors-in-
interest acquired the disputed properties and how long they and their predecessors-
in-interest have been in possession of the same.

While the spouses Decaleng testified that they inherited the properties in
Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng from their parents who, in turn, inherited the same from
their own parents, there still remains the question as to how the spouses Decalengs
predecessors-in-interest originally came into possession of the subject properties.

In their Answer before the RTC, the spouses Decaleng alleged possession of
their properties from time immemorial or, at least, certainly for more than 50
years. These two allegations actually proffer two different bases for title: the first
refers to a native title acquired through ancient possession of the land, which
means that the land never became public land at all; while the second denotes an
imperfect title acquired through the occupation of agricultural public land for the
requisite period. The evidence submitted by the spouses Decaleng did not support
either allegation.

In Cario v. Insular Government,[64] the United States Supreme Court granted

an Igorots application for registration of a piece of land in Benguet based on the
latters possession of the land from time immemorial, ratiocinating thus:

It might, perhaps, be proper and sufficient to say that when, as far back
as testimony or memory goes, the land has been held by individuals
under a claim of private ownership, it will be presumed to have been
held in the same way from before the Spanish conquest, and never to
have been public land. Certainly in a case like this, if there is doubt or
ambiguity in the Spanish law, we ought to give the applicant the benefit
of the doubt. x x x.

If the applicants case is to be tried by the law of Spain, we do not

discover such clear proof that it was bad by that law as to satisfy us that
he does not own the land. To begin with, the older decrees and laws cited
by the counsel for the plaintiff in error seem to indicate pretty clearly
that the natives were recognized as owning some lands, irrespective of
any royal grant. In other words, Spain did not assume to convert all the
native inhabitants of the Philippines into trespassers or even into tenants
at will. For instance, Book 4, title 12, Law 14 of the Recopilacin de
Leyes de las Indias, cited for a contrary conclusion in Valenton vs.
Murciano, 3 Philippine, 537, while it commands viceroys and others,
when it seems proper, to call for the exhibition of grants, directs them to
confirm those who hold by good grants or justa prescripcin. It is true
that it begins by the characteristic assertion of feudal overlordship and
the origin of all titles in the King or his predecessors. That was theory
and discourse. The fact was that titles were admitted to exist that owed
nothing to the powers of Spain beyond this recognition in their books.

Prescription is mentioned again in the royal cedula of October 15, 1754,

cited in 3 Philippine, 546; Where such possessors shall not be able to
produce title deeds, it shall be sufficient if they shall show that ancient
possession, as a valid title by prescription. It may be that this means
possession from before 1700; but at all events, the principle is
admitted. As prescription, even against Crown lands, was recognized by
the laws of Spain we see no sufficient reason for hesitating to admit that
it was recognized in the Philippines in regard to lands over
which Spain had only a paper sovereignty.[65]

From the testimonies of the spouses Decaleng and their witnesses, the Court
can glean actual possession of the properties in Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng by the
spouses Decaleng and their predecessors-in-interest only as far back as the
1920s.[66] This hardly constitutes possession since time immemorial judging by the
standard set by the Court in Oh Cho v. Director of Lands[67]:

The applicant failed to show that he has title to the lot that may be
confirmed under the Land Registration Act. He failed to show that he or
any of his predecessors in interest had acquired the lot from the
Government, either by purchase or by grant, under the laws, orders and
decrees promulgated by the Spanish Government in the Philippines, or
by possessory information under the Mortgage Law (section 19, Act
496). All lands that were not acquired from the Government, either by
purchase or by grant, belong to the public domain. An exception to the
rule would be any land that should have been in the possession of an
occupant and of his predecessors in interest since time immemorial,
for such possession would justify the presumption that the land had
never been part of the public domain or that it had been a private
property even before the Spanish conquest. (Carino vs. Insular
Government, 212 U.S., 449; 53 Law. ed., 594.) The applicant does not
come under the exception, for the earliest possession of the lot by his
first predecessor in interest began in 1880.[68] (Emphases supplied.)

Neither can the spouses Decaleng claim imperfect title to the properties in
Ken-geka and Ken-gedeng for such can only be acquired by possession of lands of
the public domain for the period required by law.[69] Because the spouses
Decaleng failed to provide and prove the necessary details on how and when their
predecessors-in-interest came to possess the disputed properties, there is no way
for the Court to determine whether or not said properties were still part of the
public domain when occupied by the spouses Decalengs predecessors-in-
interest. As the Court previously found herein, the Ken-geka property was already
covered by a Certificate of Title issued in the name of the U.S. Episcopal Church
(the predecessor-in-interest of PEC-EDNP) on February 18, 1915 and the Ken-
gedeng property had been in the possession under claim of title by the U.S.
Episcopal Church ever since its arrival in the Mountain Province in 1901.

WHEREFORE, the Petition of the spouses Decaleng in G.R. No. 171209 is

hereby DENIED for lack of merit. The assailed Decision dated August 26,
2005 and Resolution dated January 18, 2006 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
CV No. 49978 are AFFIRMED.


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