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BY :



Lecturer : Ns. Dewi Eka Putri, M.Kep.Sp.Kep.J

In the afternoon at the hospital Padang area, a nurse named .... will to assess patient
named Miss M with complaint sore throat .

Nurse : “Good afternoon,miss” (greeted with a friendly)

Patient : “Good afternoon, nurse.”
Nurse : “Excuse me, my name is Nurse “M”. what do you feel now, miss?
Patient : “ my throat is painful”
Nurse : “Today, I need to collect your personal data. I’m going to ask you some
question and examination head to toe”
Patient : “Certainly, nurse.”
Nurse : “the purpose of examination your health condition to accelerate healing
process. Time about 15 minutes. Are you ready?”
Patient : “ yes, of course”
Nurse : “Ok Miss, what is your name?”
Patient : “My name is M….”
Nurse : “How old are you Miss?”
Patient : “I’m 25 years old.”
Nurse : “Where do you live?”
Patient : “I live in Limau Manis.”
Nurse : “Are you married?”
Patient : “No, I’m single, nurse.”
Nurse : “Do you have any health Insurance?”
Patient : “Yes, I have health insurance.”
Nurse : “What is it?”
Patient : “My health insurance is BPJS, nurse.”
Nurse : “What is your occupation?”
Patient : “I’m a lawyer”
Nurse : “Sorry Miss. Are you saying that your throat is painful ?
Patient : “Yes nurse, my throat is very painful”
Nurse : “When did you first feel your pain?”
Patient : “I have this pain since 2 days ago.
Nurse : “What is your pain like? Sharp, dull, or stabbing,?”
Patient : “It’s like dull pain,nurse.”
Nurse : “Owh, on a scale of 1 to 10, with ten the worst. How would you rate, what you
feel right now?”
Patient : “I think it is about 4.”
Nurse : “do you ever before had sore throat?”
Patient : “no, I never had sore throat”
Nurse : “ do you like eating fried foods and soft drinks?”
Patient : “ yeah, I like eating fried foods and soft drinks”
Nurse : “Ok, first I’m going to check your vital sign, Miss.”
Patient : “Ok”
Nurse : “oke,, I have finished to check your vital sign, your blood pressure is 100/80
mmHg, your temperature 36,5°C, your respirate is 21x/minute, and your heart
rate is 86x/minute.
Patient : “Is that normal nurse?”
Nurse : “I want to observe your head and your hair.”
Patient : “ yes, nurse”
Nurse : “and then I will check your nose. Please you breath!”
Patient : “Is that normal nurse?”
Nurse : “yes, miss. oke, next... I would like to examine your mouth, Are you ready?”
Patient : “oke, I ready”
Nurse : “Miss. Please you smile!”
Patient : (doing the instruction)
Nurse : Would you show your teeth?
Patient : (doing the instruction)
Nurse : “it’s good. Can you open your mouth?
Patient : “yes...AAAAAAA.”
Nurse : “now, I want to check your reflex, please say “AAAHHH”
Patient : “AHHH, aouwhh”
Nurse : “Would you flex your neck with ear toward your left and right shoulder?”
Patient : “ ok, nurse” (doing the instruction)
Nurse : “ next, I want to press your stomach.”
“does it hurt here?”… and here?”
Patient : “ no”
Nurse : “ next, I will check your reflex of knee” (nurse do it)
Nurse : “oke Miss. I have finished to assessment your personal data and examination
head to toe. Based on assessment that I did before, I conclude that nursing
diagnosis is acute pain.”
Patient : “Okey, nurse. I believe you to be able the resolve my problem”
Nurse : “Ok miss, next, we will develop nursing interventions and the results will be
used as a reference for nursing action”
Patient : “What we should do to help relive my pain?”
Nurse : “I would plan deep breathing relaxation techniques. Are you ready with this
nursing intervention?
Patient : “Yes, I ready to do deep breathing relaxation techniques. But how to do deep
breathing relaxation techniques, nurse?”
Nurse : “ oke, now Iwill explain how to reduce your pain. First, take a deep breath and
hold it for 3-5 seconds, then breath out through your mouth slowly. Do it 5
to 10 times.
Ok,miss. First I will do it.
Next we will together do it.
After that, you can to practice it.
Patient : “I will do it” (doing the instruction)
Nurse : “ emmmmm okey, good miss.”
Nuse : “how do you feel, now?”
Patient : “ I feel happy, because I already know how to overcome the pain in my throat
with deep breathing relaxation techniques.”
Nurse : “can you repeat again?”
Patient : “ yes, I will repeat again. (doing the instruction)
Nurse : “ very good miss. You have been able to do deep breathing relaxation
techniques when it is painful. Before, your pain is 4. How about your pain,
Patient : “emmm, I think it is about 3
Nurse : “So, your pain already reduced,miss. and then about 20 minutes later, I came
to give medicine
Patient : “thank’s you very much nurse”
Nurse : “you’re welcome”

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