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Sudan University of Science and Technology Question Paper Code: UAE 2468 (2)

Total Quality & Excellence Center


2016 Khartoum

‫سم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


Time: (3) hours

Q. 1 Answer all 20 multiple choice questions :

General Notes:

 Each question has one correct/best answer. Make a circle on the letter of
the most correct answer: Provide only one answer per question.
 This is a timed test; do not stay behind over difficult questions. Instead,
skip the questions of which you are unsure; return to them when you
reach the end of the test.
 Each correct answer for MCQ question will earn you marks. No penalty
will be given for incorrect answers.
 All MCQ questions must be answered in the MCQ sheets
1-is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality
activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes

a. Quality control.
b. Quality, Safety, Health Protection and CSR.
c. Quality Assurance
d. Quality prevention costs

2. is the process of auditing the quality requirements and the results

a. Quality Assurance
b. Quality improvement
c. Quality Control
d. Kaizen

3- A Quality Management is a

a. Detection

b. Direction

C. Prevention

d. Selection

4. Documented Q.M.S Procedures are

a. WHAT?

b. HOW? WHY?



5. ISO 9001:2008 Based on the …….. Quality Management Principles

A. Nine.

B. Eight

C. Six

D. Seven.

6-Term not used in ISO 9001:2008

A Work environment
B. Risk

C- Management representative

D- Quality manual

7. Term not used in ISO 9001:2015

a. Products and services

b. Documented information

c. Exclusions

d. Leadership

8. Costs of investigating and satisfactorily responding to a customer complaint

resulting from a poor-quality product is………….

A . Appraisal Costs

B . Internal Failure Costs

C. External Failure Costs

D. Prevention Costs

9. Costs of time spent by operators to gar data for testing product quality, to
make equipment adjustments to maintain quality, and to stop work to assess
quality is…………………………..

A .Prevention Costs

b. Internal Failure Costs

c. Appraisal Costs

d. External Failure Costs

10. All of these look like new Terminology, Not a Change in the standard
9001:2015 EXCEPT:

A. Management Representative

B. Quality Manual

C. Purchased product

D. Documented Information

11. Version 9001:2015 gives an organization the opportunity to identify and

understand the factors and parties in their environment that support the quality
management system

A. Clause 5: Leadership

B. Clause 6: Planning.

C. Clause 4: Context of the organization

D Clause 9: Performance evaluation quality.

12. In version 9001:2015 Top management has greater involvement in the

management system and must ensure that the requirements of it are integrated
into the organization’s processes and that the policy and objectives are
compatible with the strategic direction of the organization you find this at…………

A. Clause 6: Planning..

B Clause 7: Support

C. Clause 5: Leadership

D. Clause 10: Improvement

E. Clause 9: Performance evaluation quality.

13 Management reviews are still required In version 9001:2015 but there are
additional requirements including the ……………………………. must be retained
as evidence of management reviews.

A. Requirements for monitoring.

B. Internal audits

C. Analysis

D. Consideration of changes in external and internal issues that is relevant to the QMS.

14 The non-fulfillment of a specified requirement is called a:

A. Corrective action

B. Quality assurance

C. Discount

D. Nonconformity

E. None of the above

15. In version 2008 to managing the quality audit process Aalaa Hashim as MR
she must include ensuring that, which of the following audit functions occur?

I. Preparing and issuing the annual audit schedule

II. Issuing audit reports in a timely manner

III. Identifying appropriate corrective actions

IV. Assessing the effectiveness of the quality audit process

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only

(C) II and IV only

(D) I, II, and IV only

16-Customer property may include:

A. Production equipment

b. Facilities

c. Product returned for servicing under warranty

d. All of the above

17-The organization shall determine, collect and analyze data, to demonstrate the
suitability and effectiveness of the quality management system, regarding:

A. Market trends

B. Production cost issues

C. Failure quality cost.

D. Suppliers.

18 -Infrastructure does NOT include:

A. Buildings

B. Hardware

C. Information Systems

D. Human resources

19. The ISO 9001 Standard requires from top management to ensure that:

A- A documented procedure describes the responsibilities and authorities within the


B. Documented job descriptions are in place

C. Organizational chart is in place

D. Responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the


20. Auditor independence includes freedom from which of the following?

I. Bias

II. Conflict of interest

III. External effects

IV. Previous contact to the area

(A) I and II only

(B) II and IV only

(C) I, II, and III only

(D) II, III and IV only

Q. 2

Answer Any Four Questions

1- Write a brief note on ISO 9001:2015

2-Continuous Improvement

3-Prevention over Inspection

4-The transformation model

5-The seven original quality control tools used in quality improvement

6-Methodologies Implementing Quality







Q. 3

Answer Any Two Questions

1. All Quality Management including quality assurance are built on model PDCA
2. ISO 9000 need not be the enemy of TQM. It can be the reverse of the same coin

3. All management systems are process based



‫وباهلل التوفيق‬

Examiner: Dr. Abbas Ibrahim Abdel Ghafour.

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