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1. What do you mean by Decree?
2. Define the essential element of a Decree.
3. What do you mean by Mesne-profit?
4. What is the difference between Decree and Order?
5.What do you understand by execution of decree?
6. What do you mean by Res-subjudice? Discuss its essential elements.
7. What is the object of Res-judicata. State the relevant provision of section 11 of the
8. What do you understand by the inherent powers of the court?
9. Write short note on Constructive res-judicata
10. Distinguish the following:
a. Res-judicata and Estoppel
b. Res-judicata and Res-subjudice

11. Write short note on the following:

A. Judgement
B. Foreign Court
C. Foreign Judgement,
D. Affidavit
E. Restitution
F. Caveat

11. What do you mean by jurisdiction of a Court? State the various kinds of Jurisdiction.
12. “Courts to try all civil suits unless barred”. Comment the said statement.
13. What are the provisions of C.P.C. which prevents multiplicity of suits in respect of
the same cause of section?
14. How is a suit instituted in a Court?
15. State the essential particulars which a plaint must contain.
16. State the circumstances where the plaint is rejected and returned.
17. What do you mean by legal set off and equitable set off? What are the difference
between two?
18. What do you mean by ‘Pleading’? Explain when the court permits or does not permits the
amendment in the pleadings.
19. When a suit may be rejected in the relation to appearing and non appearing of the
parties and what remedies are available for such parties?
20. Write short notes on following:
a. Discovery by interrogatories
b. Awarding ex-pate decree and set aside
c. Difference between set off and counter claim
d. Framing of issues

31. State in brief the powers of the court for issuing a ‘Commission’.
32. Who is an indigent person?
33. What is meant by Temporary Injunction?
34. In which circumstances can a receiver be removed?
35. State the grounds for issuing temporary injunction.
36. What are the effects of violation of temporary injunction?
37. When is a receiver appointed by the court?
38. State the powers and duties of Receiver.
39. How can a suit be filed by an indigent persons.
40. What is summary procedure?
41. What is meant by Inter pleader suit? How is it filed?

42. Discuss the Appeals from Original Decree
43. What is meant by Appeals from Appellate Decree?
44. Discuss the General Provisions relating to Appeals?
45. What are the essentials of Reference to High Court
46. Discuss the concept of Review with case laws.
47State the provisions of CPC relating to Revision
48. Discuss the appeal to Supreme Court.


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