Stent in CRC Obstruction

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stents in malignant colonic obstruction

Indication for endoscopic stent placement
- Palliation (surgically incurable CRC)
- Bridge to surgery (avoid emergent two-step procedure + allow optimization of pt)
- Mx for pts with extracolonic pelvic tumours (e.g. ovarian ca)

- Systemic toxicity (à do emergency surgery)
- Intra-abdominal abscess
- Persistent coagulopathy
- Distal rectal lesions (avoid due to tenesmus)
- High perforation rates
- à Stent should be avoided in pts who are/will be receiving anti-angiogenic agents

Types of stents
- Self-expanding metal stent (SEMS)
o Uncovered (meshwork is bare wire)
o Covered (meshwork covered à decrease tissue growth into the stent)
§ Mainly in malignant colo-vesical, colo-enteric, colo-vaginal fistulas
§ Less ingrowth, more migration
- Bowel prep
o Partial obstruction (distal) à cleansing water enemas
o Partial obstruction (proximal) à oral bowel prep
- Antibiotics (NOT needed for most, unless complete obstruction)

- Endoscopic guidance + fluoroscopy
- Colonoscopy à insufflation (CO2)

Cx of Colonic stent placement

(Self-expanding metal stents, SEMS) – 25% cx rate
-Respiratory compromise (respiratory depression, with hypoxia, hypercarbia)
Sedation related -Cardiovascular instability
-Vomiting & aspiration
Procedure related
- Perforation (4%)
o Immediate or delayed
o More in distal colon (sharp angulation & redundancy)
o Cx: peritoneal seeding in CRC
- Bleeding
o Immediate
§ Tumour friability
§ Superficial tearing of stented tissue
§ Mucosal irritation
o Delayed
§ Ulcerations / erosions
- Abdominal pain
o Transient (up to 5 days) à give analgesics
Stent related
- Stent migration (12%)
o Stent too narrow/small/short
o Colonic stricture is non obstructive
o Tumour shrinks post chemo/RT
- Stent occlusion
o Tumour ingrowth through or overgrowth at either end of the stent
o May require additional stent within the original stent
- Recurrent obstruction (7%)
- Failure of colonic decompression
o Additional sites of intestinal obstruction (e.g. synchronous lesions)
o Fecal impaction within a newly inserted stent
o Incomplete stenting of the entire length
o Early stent migration
o Poor stent positioning
o Incomplete stent expansion
o Underlying motility disorder
o Retrograde contrast study (water soluble enema)

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