Of, in Order To, So That, So, To, Instead Of.

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Intermediate Course 16 Unit 11 Day 7 Lesson B FFI

Lesson Learning Objective

Students will be able to:
 Discuss the environment;
 Use expressions like although, because of, in order to, and instead.

Important considerations
Activate previous knowledge about vocabulary related to the environment.
Encourage self- and peer-correction before providing the right answer.

Things to keep in mind

Don’t allow Spanish in class.
Don’t forget to let students know how long they can take for each activity.
Monitor students in every activity and take notes of important errors to correct students.

Previous preparation and materials needed

Markers & eraser
The Link
CD 4
CD Player
CCs: although, even though, in spite of, despite, because, as a result of, due to, because
of, in order to, so that, so, to, instead of.*
SHUs: drought, energy saving, landfill, biodegradable, global warming, natural
Prepare: Visuals (You’ll need at least 6 pictures related to climate change; look for it and have it
ready for the session - Activity 2)
Meaning cards (Activity 10)

Activity Procedure Material Time
1 Homework Review homework (The Link, Total The Link 10’/10’
review Unit 11, Lesson A, Ex. 1,2 & 3) class
2 Warmer Prepare visuals (See Appendix Ss 3’/13’
Activity 2) Visuals
Place the visuals on the walls Teams Board
Ss have to look at the pictures. Markers
Then, Ss make 2 teams. Ss take Eraser
turns to write one option and
then pass the marker to the Total 3’/16’
person behind them. Ss have to class
write problems the world is

D.R. ® 2017 Organización Harmon Hall, A.C. 1

3 Vocabulary Books closed Ss SHUs 5’/21’
Show SHUs and elicit the
Ss match the words with the Total
definitons.* drought, energy class
saving, landfill, biodegradable,
global warming, natural
resources. Pairs
Ss get into pairs and they need
to write a story using all the
words. Ss read the stories to
the rest of the class.
4 Pre-reading Books closed Vocabulary 4’/25’
Ss choose a word from the Small words.
vocabulary list. Then Ss get into groups
small groups to talk about the 3’/28’
problem the world is facing
using the word they have. Total
Ss share some ideas with the class
rest of the class.
5 Reading Books open Individual SB (p 110) 4’/32’
Ss Read the text and complete Ss
the missing information with
the words in the box. Ss Total
compare answers with other class
partners. Check (Ex. 1A)
6 Post-listening Books open Pairs SB (p 110) 4’/36’
Ss get into pairs to complete
the chart and discuss what they Total
are concerned about. (Ex. 1 B) class
Ss share with the rest of the
7 Vocabulary Books open Total SB 2’/38’
notebook Have a S read ‘Learning tip’ and class (p 116)
‘In conversation’. NB
Ex. 1 Individual
Ss match the expressions with Ss 3’/41’
their definitions. Ss compare Total
answers. Ss stand up and write class
their options on the board.
Check. Pairs
Ex. 2 3’/44’
Ss get into pairs to write Trios

D.R. ® 2017 Organización Harmon Hall, A.C. 2

sentences to explain the words.
Check. Total
Ex. 3 class 1’/45’
Ss get into trios to define the
words. Check.
Have a S read ‘On your own’
8 Test 1 Books open Individual SB (p 110) 5’/50’
Ss complete the sentences with Ss
the best option. Ss compare Total 2’/52’
answers. Check. class
9 Presentation Books closed Pairs Board
(Clarification of Prepare meaning cards (See Eraser
meaning & Appendix Activity 10) Markers 5’/60’
form) Show Sentences cards. Ss get CCs
into small groups and decide
where to place the cards to
verify their meaning. Total
Show CCs although, even class
though, in spite of, despite,
because, as a result of, due to,
because of, in order to, so that, 4’/64’
so, to, instead of.* CD player
Make Ss observe the Audio CD
differences in the verb patterns SB (p 111)
for each case and categorize
the liking words.
(Clarification of 4’/68’
pronunciation) Books open
Play CD4 – Track 13. Grammar.
Linking ideas. (Ex. 2)
Ss listen and repeat the
statements in the chart.
Have a S read ‘In conversation’ 1’/69’
& ‘Common errors’.
10 Practice Books open Pairs SB (p 111) 4’/73’
Ss get into pairs and complete Ss
the sentences using the correct
connectors. Ss compare Total 5’/78’
answers. class
( Ex. 2A) Check.
(Ex. 2B) Pairs
Ss get into pairs to discuss the Total 3’/81’
ideas in Ex. 2A. Then, share class
with the rest of the class.

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11 Sounds right Book open Individual SB (p 139) 3’/84’
Ss get into different pairs to
pronounce the words and Ss
decide if they have the same or
different sound. Ss compare Total 3’/87’
answers with other pairs class
Play CD4 – Track 37. Sounds
right 3’/90’
Ss listen and check their
12 Cyber center Have Ss do only: Ss Cyber 10’/100’
 Passive of present center
continuous and present
 Reducing auxiliary verbs
 Environmental matters
13 Production Books open Pairs SB (p 111) 5’/105’
(Free) Ss get into small groups to
discuss the environmental
problems in Ex. 3.
Ss share with the rest of the
Homework Assign: The Link: Unit 11 Lesson B Ex. 2 & 3
Extra activity Extra practice page 150
**Each activity has a suggested time. You may adjust the time as needed.

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Activity 10


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