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Post Doctoral Fellowship Scheme

Christ University, a Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956, is
determined to promote Research and its Centre for Research established in 2010 has completed
several Major Research Projects. In order to initiate and encourage continuing research among
young research scholars, to pursue advanced research in their area of specialisation Christ
University will have a scheme for award of Post Doctoral Fellowship to eligible PhD Degree
holders duly guided by University Grants Commission (UGC) Guidelines in this regard.
Christ University will award Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) to selected Research Scholars in
accordance with its Regulation in this regard. The objective of this award is to provide an
opportunity to scholars to carry out advanced studies and research in the fields of Sciences,
Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce, Management, Law and Education. The
Fellowship will be extended to successful candidates selected by a Selection Committee in
consultation with the Departments of relevant discipline on the basis of prescribed selection
criteria. Departments may announce every year the number vacancies for the position of Post
Doctoral Fellow and the procedure of selection process. The Fellowship assistance may vary
depending on the Research Discipline and will be normally for a period of two years and
extendable up to three years. In exceptional cases, the Fellowship tenure may be permitted up to
five years depending on the nature of the Research Project.
A Post Doctoral Fellow is an individual holding a doctoral degree who is engaged in a temporary
period of mentored research and/or scholarly training. PDF awarded by Christ University will
not lead to any Degree.
Regulation for Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
Christ University Post Doctoral Fellowship Scheme is intended to provide opportunity to young
research scholars to continue with fulltime active research in their respective field of
specialization or a related new field or an interdisciplinary field. During the fellowship period,
the fellow shall be working under a Supervisor. The Scheme shall be coordinated and
administered by the Centre for Research (PhD) of the University in coordination with the
Department concerned.
A. Target Group / Eligibility
Research Scholars who have completed their PhD or those who have completed their public
defence awaiting award of the Degree, with recognised research publications to their credit.
1. The candidate must have a doctorate degree in the relevant subject from
Universities/Institutions recognised by UGC/Association of India Universities (AIU), with
published research work to their credit. Not more than five years must have lapsed after
award of the doctorate.
2. The candidate should have secured a minimum of 55% marks (or equivalent Grade) at UG
level and 60% marks (or equivalent Grade) in PG level. In exceptional case of substantial

Christ University Post Doctoral Fellowship Scheme. Updated 19 December 2016 Page 1
number of Research Publications to one’s credit, the minimum prescribed mark/grade may
be relaxed by up to 5%.
3. The Candidate must not be more than 42 years of age as on 1st June of the year of
application. The upper age limit may be relaxed up to 45years for women candidates and for
SC/ST/OBC/PH/ Minority Community candidates.
4. The Candidate should not be receiving any grant or research assistance by whatever name
called from any other source.
5. The Candidate should not be engaged in any part-time or full time employment of any
nature during the entire tenure of Fellowship.

B. Duration of Fellowship
The Post Doctoral Fellowship will be for the duration of two years (24 months) extendable by
one year (12 months) subject to project necessity and satisfactory progress during the completed
period as may be assessed and approved by the certifying authority as herein stated. Extension
beyond 12 months may be considered in exceptional circumstances if so demanded by the
Research Project requirements.

C. Financial Assistance (Amount of Fellowship)

The financial assistance available under Christ University Post Doctoral Fellowship Scheme will
be as under:
Humanities, Social Sciences,
Sciences & Engineering
Commerce, Management
Nature of Assistance Post Doctoral Post Doctoral Post Doctoral Post Doctoral
Experience Experience Experience Experience
0-2 yrs 2-4 yrs 0-2 yrs 2-4 yrs
Monthly Fellowship with annual
Rs 25000 Rs 28000 Rs 23000 Rs 26000
increase of Rs 1000/-
HRA Rs 3500 Rs 3500 Rs 3500 Rs 3500
Contingency Fund per Annum* Rs 50000 Rs 50000 Rs 40000 Rs 40000
Escorts / Reader Assistance per
month in cases of physically disabled Rs 2000 Rs 2000 Rs 2000 Rs 2000
& blind candidates
HRA will not be payable if hostel accommodation is provided by the University.
* The amount indicated is maximum permissible. Eligible amount will be fixed by assessing the Research Project

D. Payment of Fellowship and Contingency Fund

Payment of Fellowship will be in arrears at the end of the month. The Contingency Fund shall be
disbursed in two half yearly instalments. 50% of the permissible fund shall be paid in advance
along with payment of the Fellowship for the first month and the balance 50% along with the
payment of the Fellowship for the seventh month. Prescribed claim form duly pre-acknowledged
and duly recommended by the Supervisor and endorsed by the Head of the Department and the
Director of Centre for Research must be submitted every month to the Office of Accounts for all
the aforesaid payments. The form must be prepared in triplicate, one copy to remain with the
Supervisor and one copy with the Centre for Research. The payments will be made to the
personal bank account of the Scholar to be opened with the Christ University Branch of South
Indian Bank. The Contingency Fund utilisation must be properly accounted for duly supported
by vouchers including for the interest if any earned thereon.

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E. Contingency Fund Utilisation
The utilisation of contingency fund is permissible only for the following purposes:
a. Purchase of Books / Journals/Monographs etc related to subject of research not available in
any of the Christ University Libraries. However such purchases shall be routed through the
Knowledge Centre of Christ University for specific utilisation for research by the Post
Doctoral Fellow and shall remain the property of the University at all times.
b. Photographic and other media material of relevance required for research.
c. Field work and Local Travel
d. Computation and Analytical Charges for consultants.
e. Re-Prints and Off Prints of relevant Research Papers.
f. Registration fee for attending Conferences/ Seminars in India.
g. Any other specific research related requirement other than for Capital Goods and for foreign
travel, subject to prior approval of the University.

F. Application and Selection Process

The selection and appointment of the Post Doctoral Fellow will be based on the available
vacancy in the Department/s associated with a funded research project, as may be announced
every year in the website of the University. The Centre for Research in consultation with the
concerned will indicate the available/suggested areas of Research. Applications Department
online will be invited generally during the months of March and September for the Post Doctoral
Research Fellowship to commence from the months of June and December of the following /
ongoing academic year. However Post Doctoral Fellow may also be appointed to do independent
research on specified areas if so recommended by the Department concerned or by the Centre for
Research of the University. All applications will be online and must be submitted within the
specified time limits along with such details and enclosures as may be specified. The Selection
will be based on personal interview by the Selection Committee. The Committee will make its
recommendation on the basis of curriculum vitae, quality of publications, interview, presentation
and such other credentials of the candidate. Successful candidates will be intimated of the
selection and the joining date individually. The information will also be posted in the website of
the University. No TA/DA will be payable for attending the personal interview. The selected
candidate will be issued letter of appointment as Post Doctoral Fellow in the prescribed format.
The Selection Committee may be constituted by the Centre for Research and will include the
Head of the Department (HOD), the Dean of the Faculty, the nominee Supervisor and the
Director of the Centre for Research.
G. Supervision and Progress Report
The Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) and his/her research project shall be mentored by a Supervisor
identified by the Department and approved by the Centre for Research. The Supervisor shall be a
permanent faculty member of the Department and shall have research experience in the project
related disciplines. The Supervisor will oversee the PDF in all his/her work performance and
progress of research including for administrative compliances. The PDF will be required to
submit a Progress Report in the prescribed format and make a presentation either half-yearly or
annually as may be decided by the Supervisor in consultation with the Director of Centre for
Research. Copy of the Progress Report with the comments of the Supervisor and the HOD must
be sent to the Centre for Research. On satisfactory completion of the Research and subject to its
due assessment and/or publications, the Scholar will be awarded the Certificate of Post Doctoral
Research indicating the specific title of the research project. All Research findings and

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Publications, Monographs, Patents etc relating to the Research Project must be affiliated to and
shall remain the property of the University.

H. Code of Conduct/Obligations of Post Doctoral Fellow

a. PDF will be bound by the General Code of Conduct applicable to all Staff of the
University as specified in the Staff Hand Book and must uphold the Vision, Mission and
Core Values of the University in their work ethics. Any breach of this obligation shall be
a misconduct.
b. The PDF must be a full time researcher and must subscribe to the regulations of the
University with regular attendance. PDF will be allotted a dedicated personal email id by
the University which should be the principal contact for all official communications. The
attendance norms for PDF will be as applicable to the full time faculty members of the
University and the will be monitored by the Office of Personnel Relations.
c. The PDF is not permitted to take any paid or unpaid assignment within or outside the
University without written permission of the University. Permission may be granted only
in exceptional circumstances of adding value to the approved research program and will
be on such terms and conditions as may be specified.
d. The PDF shall administratively report to the Supervisor and shall submit the Research
Progress Report to the University in the prescribed format at such interval as may be
e. The PDF will not be entitled for any leave other than on account of any specific
emergency as may be approved by the Supervisor and the Head of the Department. Such
emergency leave shall not normally be permitted for more than 7 days in a year. Any
absence from work for attending duly approved Seminars or Conferences, Field work etc
will be treated as ‘on duty’ provided such absence does not exceed 15 days in a year.
Unauthorised absence from work will not be permitted as leave and will be a deemed
misconduct. All leave details must be pre-informed to the Director Research. The PDF
will not be entitled for any Vacation applicable to University faculties.
f. The PDF is supposed to complete the Research Work in full within the approved or
extended time duration. In the event of discontinuation or non-completion of the project
as required, the PDF will be under obligation to refund such portion of the Fellowship
amounts and other grants collected, as may be determined by the University. The amount
due from the PDF if not paid on demand will be recovered through applicable/appropriate
legal process including public notice.
g. The PDF as part of his/her research fellowship, with a view to enhance research related
interaction shall be required to engage in related teaching /learning responsibility as
may be assigned by the Supervisor in consultation with the HOD and the Director of
Centre for Research (PhD) for a duration of not exceeding 6 Hours per week. No such
assignment shall include any departmental co-curricular/extra-curricular activities.
h. The PDF may be issued with an Identity cum Smart Card as for students/faculty of the
University which must be retained/carried by the PDF at all times during his/her tenure of
research for verification by any of the Authorities of the University. The Card must be
surrendered to the University on conclusion of the Research Project.
i. The Identity cum Smart Card will entitle the PDF to have access to the
Libraries/Knowledge Centre and online resources of the University and to borrow books,
journals etc with privileges similar to that for Research Students (MPhil/PhD) of the
University. Any unauthorised or improper use of the Card/Library Resources will be
deemed misconduct.
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I. Cancellation of the Appointment / Fellowship
The appointment of PDF and the Fellowship liable to be cancelled at any time in the following
a. The PDF directly or indirectly commits or becomes a party to any misconduct or is in
breach of any of the obligations under this Regulation.
b. The PDF is involved in any Criminal Proceedings.
c. The PDF has secured the appointment by mis-representation of any of the material
information and/or by fraudulent act.
d. Wilful and continuing neglect of Research work or unsatisfactory progress in Research
or unauthorised and prolonged absence from work.
e. Wilful disobedience of or indifference to the Supervisor.
f. University decides to discontinue the Research by giving one month’s notice in writing.
In the event of cancellation of the Fellowship except under (f) above the candidate shall refund
the fellowship amounts and grants drawn under the scheme as provided under Para H (f)
J. Eligibility of Supervisor
Supervisor of a Post Doctoral Fellow must have the following qualifications and credentials.
a. Must be a full time confirmed Assistant Professor (of at least Scale II) of the University.
b. Must be a qualified PhD in the relevant discipline with at least five years of
teaching/research post qualification experience at Post Graduate level.
c. Must have done at least three recognised publications (other than PhD related)
d. Must be either guiding or be eligible for guiding PhD candidates of the University.
Number of the PhD candidates under guidance should not exceed five.
K. Eligibility of Department
The Department to be eligible to have Post Doctoral Fellow/s must have the following pre-
a. Must be offering PhD Programme.
b. Must have at least one Professor and two Associate Professors.
c. Must have a Research Committee / assigned faculty involved in independent research.
d. Must have faculty eligible to guide PhD candidates of the University.
L. Annexures – Forms
The following forms are given in the Annexure.
a. Form of Advertisement
b. Form of Application
c. Form of Assessment for selection
d. Form of Letter of Appointment as PDF
e. Form of Agreement for Research
f. Form of Progress Report.
g. Form of Claim for Fellowship and Grant
h. Form of Certificate of PDF

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