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Thirty-Sixth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2012



Graziano Capone (1) , Lilik Budi Riyanto (1), Carlo Carugo (2), Gionata Ferroni (3)
EniIndonesia, (2), Eni E&P, (3) Geolog International

ABSTRACT match with LWD, wireline logs and fluid

analysis emphasize the reliability of the Gas in
In this paper, a new gas detection system mud data suitable for the formation evaluation
operating while drilling is presented. Such The results obtained challenge common beliefs
system comprises an array of solutions which associated with gas detection; the system has
greatly reduce the uncertainties historically effectively overcome the main reliability
attached to mud gas data, especially in issues associated with gas detection in
deepwater environment where, due to the very deepwater environment, and give an effective
low temperature of the mud flow out, the and suitable cost saving tool for safety
degassing efficiency of conventional gas (trustable semi-quantitative fluid ID). The
extractor is quite poor. A series of analysis and consistency and repeatability of the data are
cross comparisons with independent datasets also suitable for integrate Formation
and measurements demonstrate the reliability, Evaluation from LWD or wireline datasets.
and accuracy of the gas data obtained with
such system and how they have supported
Real-Time formation evaluation in deepwater INTRODUCTION
The system deployed addresses all sides of gas In deepwater drilling exploration campaign a
extraction and detection, implementing series of new challenges have to be overcome
solutions which enable to optimize every in order to obtain reliable and cost effective
aspect of the process. A drilling mud heater Formation Evaluation and Reservoir
supplies mud to a constant volume gas characterization. The high cost of drilling rigs
extractor. The sample is sent to the surface and ancillary services requires a strong control
logging gas detectors via a controlled sample of all time effecting operations and to avoid
flow system. An accurate FID detection any lost time. At the same time high bottom
system analyzes a wide spectrum of hole pressures and temperatures can limit the
hydrocarbon gases (C1 to C8) to maximize the options of measurements and mud-pulse
information about the formation fluid. The gas telemetry; in additions wellbore instability,
analysis techniques utilized comprise a kicks, lost circulation are common during the
rigorous QC system. drilling process. In this context, the utilization
The system has operated in the past months on of reliable and accurate acquisition systems
a drillship involved in deepwater exploration while drilling could play a strong economic
drilling. It has enabled to obtain high quality impact on the entire operations. In particular,
gas data, unaffected by the typical issues the best results are achieved by means of the
which often damage the quality of mud gas integration of using LWD, formation pressure
data in such operating conditions. The data while drilling and mud logging.
were QC and analysed using the Gas While ENI Indonesia started a deep water well
Drilling (GWD™) methodology to obtain gas campaign in April, 2011 using a drill ship. The
ratios curves and cross-plots enable to wells were located in Kutei Basin, offshore
characterize the hydrocarbon phase. A good East Kalimantan in water depths around 1400ft
(Figure 1). The wells were targeting Pliocene that the gas detection system is meant to
and Miocene sand reservoirs, interpreted as recognize.
turbidite deposits in slope channels evolving The utilization of SOBM gives several
into slope fans. advantages in drilling sand shale sequences
The wells in this drilling campaign were (hole stability, shale control, best tripping
drilled using Synthetic Oil Base Mud efficiency), but create several problems in gas
(SOBM). in mud measurement. Volatiles can be
As already experienced in previous campaign liberated which potentially contaminate the
in this type of environment, the fluid gas readings. So it is necessary to measure
distribution (dry gas – wet gas – condensate – accurately the possible effects of synthetic oil
oil – water) is driven by a wide number of base mud and its additives and components.
geological factor, and a direct fluid prognosis A further problem associated with deepwater
and identification from seismic features is very drilling, especially using floating rigs, is the
often not reliable. Fluid generation, migration way drilling fluid flows back to the surface
and trapping mechanisms can varying from mud system. Due to the heave effect or simply
channel to channel, giving sometimes patchy to the size and shape of the mud return line, it
and random fluid allocation. is commonplace that the mud levels in the
active system change significantly and
Deep water constrains on mudlog and gas frequently. In such way that a traditional gas
data acquisition extractor (“gas trap”) would be intermittently
submerged or left without mud. As a result,
Considering the mud logging acquisition, one gas readings would be heavily influenced by
of the most important requirements is the this phenomenon, to the point that they could
proper detection and analysis of the mud gas not be used for formation evaluation.
(Figure 2 shows a gas chain and its critical Another specific issue attached to deepwater
points), especially in order to provide exploration operations is the value of the
indication about the formation fluid information gathered while drilling. It is
composition. In deepwater environment, the important because exploration always implies
acquisition of this parameter can become an extent of uncertainty, and it is critical
critical for several reasons. because it does not impact on the duration of
The primary cause of issues is the temperature the operation, as it is instead the case for
of the mud. Operating in deepwater logging data obtained after the well is drilled.
environments, means that the drilling mud, Gas data also carry the advantage that they
with its load of rock cuttings and may not be lost in well in case there is a string
corresponding drilled gases, once reached the failure or other issue that prevents to recover
seabed, has to slowly climb up a 20” riser, the downhole logging tool: they are an
exposed to very cold seawater, and long insurance data set, which in an exploration
enough to significantly lower the temperature well should be as complete as practically
of the drilling fluid. This constitutes a problem possible.
for the transportation of the rock cuttings, Finally, exploration operations require a way
which tend to settle at the bottom of the riser, to ascertain the quality of the gas data in Real-
it can also make the extraction of gases very Time, so that any issues can be detected and
difficult and inconsistent. solved while drilling, minimizing the amount
The extraction efficiency of hydrocarbon gas of data lost or compromised.
from drilling mud is a function of the In other cases, this array of conditions has
solubility of each specific hydrocarbon species been tackled in several ways: mud heating
in each specific drilling fluid. If the solubility systems have been applied to better liberate
is insufficient, only the more volatile the gases entrained in the drilling fluid,
hydrocarbons will be extracted and detected, sometimes keeping the fluid sample in a heater
providing an incorrect fluid composition. vessel for minutes before it is released to the
Furthermore, if the solubility changes extraction system. Gas extraction systems
throughout the drilling process, the volumes of which aim at dampening the mud fluctuations
gas extracted will vary as a function of this effect are commonly utilized (Quantitative Gas
parameter, masking the real causes of gas level Measurement gas trap, or QGM is an example;
changes, which are the formation properties a floating gas trap is another). Gas detectors
based on various technologies (Thermal from adjacent depths. The result would be a
Conductivity Detection, Mass Spectrometry) loss of the vertical resolution of the gas data.
have been introduced to address specific Finally, heating for too long or to excessive
detection needs. Finally, mud stills are also temperature can cause thermal cracking of the
employed to validate and reference the gas mud or its components, with the consequent
detectors readings with a quantitative datum. liberation of contaminants and volatiles which
All these systems seen on the field in the past may affect the gas reading. The solution found
responded to one or the other of the issues was ultimately a trade-off among these
inherent with gas detection in deepwater parameters: a mud heating system sturdy
conditions. enough to run for months on end, processing
The system here presented was designed and the mud very quickly and heating it
deployed with a global approach to the several sufficiently and consistently enough to obtain
crucial points: the gas extraction, a representative gas sample.
transportation, detection and quality control During operations, the surface mud
were all thought so that they would be temperature was measured around 35-40 deg C
accurate, controllable and repeatable. in the 12 ¼” section, with a progressive natural
increase registered with depth.
The heating system was regulated to increase
METHODS and maintain the temperature of the mud
between 65 and 70 deg C.
When choosing the gas detection equipment
needed to operate on this drillship, the authors Constant volume gas extraction
selected a system which addressed all the
potential sources of uncertainty mentioned. Extraction of gas from drilling mud is
The resulting gas detection system therefore is normally done with a “gas trap”. Gas traps sit
composed of a number of modular solutions, in the mud stream, and agitate the fluid with a
combined to optimize the accuracy of gas stirring mechanism, expelling the mud back in
detection with the practicality of carrying out a the mud system and capturing the extracted
measurement in a harsh operational gas, which is then sent to the mudlogging
environment. cabin, where a suction mechanism draws the
sample through a gas line. This system, which
Mud heating is still the most popular on the field, is
intrinsically flawed, for two reasons. The main
The problem of extracting gases from cold one is that the trap needs to be in a specific
mud (where “cold” means a temperature below position into the mud stream for the gas
ambient, approximately < 25 degC) has been extraction to be efficient. Mud level changes
solved inserting a mud heating system in the compromise this efficiency. Hence, on a
gas extraction chain. This may sound banal, floating rig, maintaining constant extraction
but in reality the type of heating system, efficiency is sometimes simply impossible.
dimensions and specifications need to be Furthermore, the amount of mud treated by the
selected keeping in mind the potential issues trap in a given time is not constant, since it
involved in heating drilling fluids: the heating depends in part on parameters that cannot be
must enable to compensate for changing mud controlled such as the type of flow and the
temperatures, bringing the fluid to a constant, direction of constantly variable currents in the
higher temperature, in order to control and mud stream. The solution applied is a Constant
maintain the gas extraction efficiency. In other Volume Gas Trap, which samples a fixed
words, it is not sufficient that the mud amount of mud from within the mud stream
temperature is high enough; it also needs to be and conveys it to an enclosed gas extraction
constant. The heating process must not disrupt chamber. This procedure removes the issue of
excessively the flow of mud. In fact, the mud trap positioning (so long as the suction probe
flowing through the gas extraction system is submerged the sampling is constant) and
carries gas which is related to a precise well makes for a more stable and efficient
depth. The heating system must not extraction mechanism. The results of this
homogenize or mix the mud, because this will technique have been proven in numerous field
have the effect of mixing gas samples coming applications and are not subject of further
discussion in this paper. Finally, this type of vent the excess gas sample outside of the
gas extractor only needs a relatively small pressurized cabin.
probe to be inserted in the mud stream,
connected with a flexible hose to the mud Accurate gas detection of light and heavy
agitation chamber, which can be sited a few hydrocarbon gases
meters away from the flowline and header box.
This also solves the practical problem often All the preparatory work to make sure a high
arising on offshore rigs where space in the quality gas sample reaches the cabin is just a
shale shakers or flowline area is at a premium. means to deliver the sample to a detector. The
detectors utilized in this application are Flame
Sample flow control Ionization Detectors. The reasons why this
technology has been chosen are multiple: the
Extracting gas from the mud is only the first authors are very familiar with this technology.
step of gas detection. The optimal Its accuracy and precision in the detection of
transportation of the gas sample to the hydrocarbon gases is proven, and so is the
detectors located in the logging cabin is as sturdiness of the equipment, considering that
important. Systems which are often accepted field gas detectors are expected to operate for
as standard can be rather basic in this months or years on end, during which period
department, relying on a simple suction unit in they are only occasionally switched off and
the cabin which draws gas from a gas line receive regular but not deep maintenance.
made of PVC or other plastic material and Furthermore, Flame Ionization Detection
pushes it towards gas detection instruments at (FID) is the only technology presently utilized
a fixed rate. In order to guarantee the data in gas detection which can guarantee the same
qualities, the uncertainties left by this basic high level of accuracy in measuring both the
architecture must be put under control. To start total amount of hydrocarbons and the
with, all gas lines must be made of PTFE; chromatography of the single components.
other plastic materials such as PVC are known This factor is crucial to guarantee a correct
to adsorb some hydrocarbons, particularly the quality check of the gas data.
heavier and aromatic gases. This means that The specific detectors utilized for this project
not only the gas line itself but also the filtering are an array of FID detectors measuring:
system, the suction pump and the internal - The total hydrocarbon gas concentration
piping of the gas system must avoid plastic - The chromatography of the following
materials other than PTFE. The gas line itself alkane gas species: Methane, Ethane,
needs to transport gas from a relatively hot Propane, Butane, Pentane, Hexane,
environment (the mud from which it is Heptane. Plus light aromatics and cyclo-
extracted) through a cooler environment (the alkanes. All these species have been chosen
rig ambient temperature) to an even cooler one based on their relative abundance and
(the temperature-controlled, pressurized mud relevance in the formation fluid.
logging cabin). To prevent temperature drops The resolution required to be able to utilize
to cause some of the gas components to these gas data, particularly the heavier
condensate or set, the gas line must be components which are never very abundant is
insulated with a neoprene sleeve. 1 ppm (part-per-million).
With regards to the pumping system, a simple
pump is not sufficient, since the gas sample Quality Control
flow must be measurable and controllable.
Hence a gas distribution system must be in High importance was placed on the quality
place, capable of measuring continuously the control of the gas data measured. This involves
sample flow and maintaining it within the set controlling every single step of the gas
thresholds, and to change as per needed the detection system. The strict control on data
sample air dilution (re: in case of very high gas quality involves a series of sensors and
shows). The system must also enable to procedures so that the needed control
distribute the gas sample to all the gas parameters are gathered and if needed the
detectors so that each receives an adequate response is immediate or, where possible,
amount of sample, and finally it must enable to automated.
The parameters controlled and reported are the
mud temperature, type and density. The mud GWD Method
sample suction rate and the gas sample suction
rate are monitored too. The data were analyzed using the Gas While
The detectors are routinely checked for Drilling (GWDTM) methodology, developed in
calibration. Furthermore the gas line is recent years. The analysis is based on the
periodically tested with a tracer gas for computation and analysis of several gas ratios
integrity. obtained using the different gas components of
A tracer is also used to measure and correct the hydrocarbon mixture (in this case C1 to
the lag time, in case hole enlargement has C7, including aromatics) continuously
affected it with the possible consequence of extracted from the drilling mud and monitored
associating gas shows with the wrong depth. at the rig site by the mud logging company
The system incorporates a software which using the advanced gas extraction system
continuously cross-checks the readings from described above.
the various detectors, to monitor their The purpose of the GWD analysis is to support
consistency. The dedicated quality control and integrate Formation Evaluation in terms
software automatically displays alarms in case of:
the cross-check results are outside of the  Highlighting the main zones of interest
required quality threshold, so that the operator  Fluid characterization and differentiation,
can intervene as per needed. suggesting depth sample interval
The extraction system efficiency is  Reduce remaining uncertainties after
periodically tested. Since the mechanical conventional log analysis
agitation of mud cannot possibly extract 100% The main gas ratios used for the gas analysis
of the entrained gas, a method needs to be of the case history described in this paper are:
utilized to estimate this efficiency, which  C1/SC that is the ratio, reported at 100,
varies in time with the mud conditions and is between the amount of methane and the
different for each gas species. The resulting summa of all the components recorded by
coefficient is utilized to build a correction the gas chromatograph
algorithm. This algorithm can be utilized on (C1+C2+C3+C4+C5). The decrease of
the raw data to transform a semi-quantitative this ratio is related to the increase of
reading in a gas composition value comparable heavier components in the analysed
with the results of PVT (Pressure-Volume- mixture suggesting the presence of
Temperature) tests conducted post-mortem on heavier hydrocarbons. It is, practically,
the formation fluid. the reverse of the gas “wetness”.
Figure 3 details all the components of the  LHR = Light/Heavy Ratio, is the ratio
described advanced gas detection system. (C1+C2) / (C3+C4+C5). Very high
values of this ratio are normally related to
Contamination Control lighter hydrocarbon (gas or
The Synthetic Oil Base Mud utilized in the Details on the GWD methodology are
case history well was known to potentially available on several of the papers mentioned in
liberate volatile compounds which could the references.
potentially contaminate the gas readings. The
field crew systematically tested all GWD analysis using Formation Fluid
components of the drilling fluid, in order to Prediction Model
identify which ones were responsible for the
liberation of volatiles, and in which amounts. Based on the mud gas data obtained using the
Hence, a reference matrix for the drilling fluid advanced extraction system, critical
was created, showing which hydrocarbons information was collected, enabling to
were potentially liberated by the SOBM at understand the formation fluid composition
different mud temperatures. Practically, no To improve the reliability of the GWD
significant contamination was detected during interpretation, a predictive model based on the
the well operations, but if needed it would relationship between mud gas ratios and PVT
have been possible to estimate and filter them results was defined using data sets from
out of the gas readings.
reference wells drilled in the Kutei basin. The clear increase of the resistivity LWD
model applied on the offshore Indonesia wells combined with evident gas shows above the
mainly consists in a well-defined crossplot background gas. As previously discussed in
(Formation Fluid Prediction Crossplot or the introduction of this paper, one the most
FCP). important point for the preliminary FE was the
The basic procedure to build the crossplot is identification of the formation fluid.
herebelow described: Considering that the results of LWD data were
- Choose wells drilled in the same not conclusive (see figure 6) for this scope, the
conditions (Oil Base Mud) and where the real time analysis of mud gas shows was
mud gas was measured using a similar utilized.
gas chain The first HC bearing level (Level A), drilled in
- Choose levels selectively tested by the 12 ¼” phase, was characterized by high
Production Test or DST or wireline gas shows mainly composed by methane (C1),
formation testing, where the formation with only few ethane (C2) and propane (C3).
fluid type has been clearly defined No heavier components were measured. Figure
- For the different wells and levels define 7 shows all the gas ratio variations vs depth
appropriate cut-off values (normally on and the optimal correspondence with the
C1) on mud gas values in order to analyze resistivity data.
only the more reliable gas shows In terms of gas ratios the C1/SC was around
(eliminate background gas, lithological 99.9% and the LHR more than 10000. Based
effects, recycling) on the FCP above described, the level was
- Plot the mud gas data in terms of mud gas interpreted as DRY GAS bearing (see Figure
ratio for each level and for each well 8).
using a different symbol to clearly define Another HC level (Level B) was crossed
each series on the crossplot. The more during drilling the 8 ½” phase. Also in this
common crossplot is based on the ratio case good gas shows above the background
C1/SC (X axis) versus LHR (Y axis) but gas were recorded, but, even if characterized
different type of gas ratio crossplot can be by a strong abundance of methane, a relative
used according local conditions. increase of heavy gases (up to C5 traces) was
- When plotting the mud gas data it is noticed. In terms of gas ratios the C1/SC was
necessary to take into account the around 99.2% and the LHR ranged between
possible difference between the gas 100 and 300. Based on the FCP above
reference depth (driller depth) and the described, the level was interpreted as WET
production test or DST depth (logger GAS bearing (see Figure 8).
depth). Finally, a deeper level (Level C) was crossed
- Define different areas where the points below the previous one. Also in this case the
are related to similar formation fluid. HC occurrence was highlighted but resistivity
In the case of Indonesian wells using the FCP, increase and gas shows, but in this case the gas
based on references wells, it was possible to shows were characterized by a clear increase
highlight the difference, in terms of mud gas of the heavier components with also
signature, between the gas bearing levels and appearance of traces of C5+ components,
the oil bearing levels, permitting its measured by the advanced gas chromatograph.
application on the new wells. This behavior was clearly noticed by a sharp
Figures 4 and 5 show how the model was change in the gas ratios trend in
created. correspondence of this level. The ratio C1/SC
decreased down to 91% and the LHR values
ranged around 24 to 40. Applying these data
RESULTS on the FCP, it was possible to interpret the
level C as OIL bearing (see Figure 8).
Case History

During the drilling of the deepwater wells in

the Kutai basin, different hydrocarbon bearing
levels were crossed. A preliminary indication
about the HC occurrence was noticed by a
Real Time Operation Decision Making and
Operation Planning CONCLUSIONS

The mud gas data were utilized in real time in In this case history a semi quantitative fluid
combination with LWD logs in order to API evaluation could be made in real time
optimize the wireline log acquisition. At the utilizing the fluid characterization model.
same time a focused formation testing-while- The high quality gas data and formation
drilling campaign was successfully completed pressure while drilling data allowed to focus
obtaining an accurate interpretation of fluid the wireline formation testing campaign (WFT
gradients: pretests were attempted only where – see Figure 9): pretests where performed only
gas in mud peaks indicated the most promising in thin layers and more shaly facies while
petrophysical characteristics in terms of sampling were performed in the more suitable
porosity and possible fluid mobility. The good permeable intervals identified while drilling.
quality of the majority of pretests confirmed In fact the rate of successful pretests increased
the methodology. by more than 20% compared to previous
All wireline logs acquisition was optimized in campaigns and the time required completing
order to acquire only a limited numbers of logs the WFT operations decreased by more than
as magnetic resonance and image logs. 30% in time and over 35% in logging cost.
The entire wireline logging acquisition
In addition the WFT sampling string was decreased of around 30% compared with
prepared taking in consideration the expected previous drilling campaign.
fluid characteristics: sampling chambers where Furthermore, the quality of information
selected and set correctly in advance for a acquired allowed selecting the DST interval
specific fluid sample (wet gas, dry gas, oil, and optimizing the DST string and surface
water), the pump out system calibrated for the equipments. Result of the DST confirmed the
formation porosity vs fluid viscosity ratio. fluid characteristics identified by real time
During the pump out clean up phase, fluid ID fluid analysis from gas in mud (Table 1).
verified fluid contamination, also by In conclusion the real time high resolution gas
comparing the fluid variations in the WFT tool + LWD data acquisition resulted one of the
flow line with the chromatograph analysis and more effective key of this successful drilling
gas ratios from gas in mud. campaign. For the future activities, the
reliability of this model will be a very helpful
A comparison table of laboratory and cost time saving tool especially during the
chromatograph analysis on DST, and WFT development phase, where an immediate
samples vs gas in mud chromatograph is reservoir characterization and a fast correct
highlighting the reliability of the quantitative fluid identification is the decision mechanism
interpretation of the real time data from this for the well completion and production,
innovative system also in deep water especially in case of high deviated or
environment. horizontal well trajectories.
REFERENCES Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Anaheim, California.
Beda G., Quagliaroli R., Segalini G., Barraud
A., Mitchell A., 1999, Gas while drilling Pinna G. N., Law, D.J., 2008, Advanced in
(GWD): A real Time geologic and reservoir mud gas interpretation whilst drilling, SPWLA
Interpretation tool: SPWLA conference, Oslo. 49th Annual Logging Symposium, Edinburgh,
Kandel D., Quagliaroli R., Segalini G.,
Barraud B., 2000, Improved Integrated Wenger L.M., Pottorf J., Macleod G., Otten
Reservoir Interpretation using the Gas While G., Dreyfus S., Justwan H. and Sekula E.,
Drilling (GWD) data: SPE 65176, SPE 2009, Drill-Bit Metamorphism: Recognition
European Petroleum Conference. and Impact on Show Evaluation, SPE 125218,
SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Carugo C., Chelini V., El Manaa S., 2003: Gas Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana,
While Drilling improves Formation Evaluation USA
in Tight Reservoir (Southern Tunisia): EAGE
North Africa/Mediterranean Petroleum & Ferroni G., Rivolta F. and Schifano R., 2011,
Geosciences Conference, Tunis. Advanced Formation Fluid Evaluation While
Drilling with a New Heavy Gas Detector,
Loermans T., Kanj M. and Bradford C., 2005, AAPG International Conference and
Advanced Mud Logging: From ARCHIE’S Exhibition, Milan, Italy
DREAM to reality: SPE Technical
Symposium, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
McKinney D., Flannery M., Elshahawi H.,
Stankiewicz A. and Clarke E., 2007, Advanced The authors would like to acknowledge the
Mud Gas Logging in Combination With work of the ENI and Geolog International field
Wireline Formation Testing and Geochemical crews involved with the project, particularly
Fingerprinting for an Improved Understanding Bruno Gabrielli for his work on the mud
of Reservoir Architecture: SPE 109861, SPE contaminants analysis.

Figure 1

Figure 2
Figure 3

Figure 4
Figure 5

Figure 6:
Figure 7

Figure 8
Figure 9

Table 1
Figure 1 Indonesia Offshore, Muara Bakau Block, East Kalimanatan
Figure 2 Rigsite Gas Detection Chain
Figure 3 The Advanced Gas Detection System Components:
Mud Heater: this type of heater represents a trade-off: maintaining efficient heating while
minimizing disruption of the mud flow preventing mixing, homogeneization andliberation of
volatiles. Constant Volume Degasser (CVD) provides the double advantage of consistent mud
processing and more efficient gas extraction compared to standard gas traps. Gas Distribution
System is utilized to send a controlled amount of sample, consistently diluted in air, to two parallel
chromatographs, measuring hydrocarbons from methane to Toluene. Light and Heavy
hydrocarbons FID detectors (DualFid and DualFid Star). Dedicated software for Real-Time
data Quality Check and gas ratio analysis.
Figure 4 LHR vs C1/SC ratios on Muara Bakau reference wells
Figure 5 LHR vs C1/SC ratios model for the Muara Bakau reservoirs
Figure 6: Real Time Gas and LWD reservoir characterization. LWD data (density neutron)
alone does highlight the presence of hydrocarbon bearing levels, but doesn’t permit conclusive
formation fluid characterization.
Figure 7 GWD ratios identifying the main reservoir sand
Figure 8 LHR vs C1/SC ratios on New Field Wildcat case history well
Figure 9 While Drilling and Wireline Formation Testing Results
Table 1 Comparison between Gas in Mud and Laboratories Analysis on Reservoir Fluids

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