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Publications for Mathew Aitchison

2017 Coast, Queensland: SAHANZ.

Aitchison, M. (2017). A house is not a car (Yet). Journal of
Aitchison, M. (2014). From Visual Planning to Outrage:
Architectural Education, 71(1), 10-21. <a
Townscape and the Art of Environment. European
Architectural History Network (EAHN) Third International
e Information]</a>
Meeting, Torino: Politecnico di Torino.
Maxwell, D., Aitchison, M. (2017). Design-value in the
Aitchison, M. (2014). Industrial Architecture, Past and Present.
platform approach. 25th Annual Conference of the International
In Mathew Aitchison (Eds.), The Architecture of Industry:
Group for Lean Construction (IGLC 2017), Hersonissos, Crete,
Changing Paradigms in Industrial Building and Planning, (pp.
Greece: The International Group for Lean Construction. <a
1-8). Farnham: Ashgate.
Information]</a> Aitchison, M. (2014). The Architecture of Industry: Changing
Paradigms in Industrial Building and Planning. Farnham:
Bashirzadeh Tabrizi, T., Hill, G., Aitchison, M. (2017). The
Impact of Different Insulation Options on the Life Cycle
Energy Demands of a Hypothetical Residential Building. Aitchison, M. (2014). The Experience of Australian Mining:
Procedia Engineering, 180, 128-135. <a Buildings, Planning and Urbanization. In Mathew Aitchison
href="">[More (Eds.), The Architecture of Industry: Changing Paradigms in
Information]</a> Industrial Building and Planning, (pp. 163-193). Farnham:
Bashirzadeh Tabrizi, T., Hill, G., Aitchison, M. (2017). The
impact of different insulation options on the life cycle energy
demands of a hypothetical residential building. International
High- Performance Built Environment Conference � A Aitchison, M. (2013). The Boyd Ultimatum. AA Files, 66, 59-
Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series 67.
(SBE16), iHBE 2016, Sydney: Elsevier.
Aitchison, M. (2013). Ugliness and Outrage: The Australian
Soret, G., Lazaro, D., Carrascal, J., Alvear, D., Aitchison, M., Townscape. 30th Annual Conference of the Society of
Torero, J. (2017). Thermal characterization of building Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand
assemblies by means of transient data assimilation. Energy and (SAHANZ): Open, Gold Coast: Society Architectural Historians
Buildings, 155, 128-142. <a Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ).
Information]</a> 2012
2016 Aitchison, M. (2012). Boom time urbanism: an
autobiographical view from the bust. 11th Australasian Urban
Bashirzadeh Tabrizi, T., Hill, G., Aitchison, M. (2016). Using History Planning History (UHPH) Conference, Perth, W.A:
LCA to assist the selection of wall systems in the early stage of The University of Western Australia.
building design. 50th International Conference of the
Architectural Science Association 2016, Adelaide: School of Aitchison, M. (2012). Dilettantes, Amateurs and Eccentrics:
Architecture and Built Environment, The University of The Architectural Review's Townscape Campaign. In Naomi
Adelaide. Stead (Eds.), Semi-Detached: Writing, Representation and
Criticism in Architecture, (pp. 105-115). Melbourne: Uro
2015 Media.

Aitchison, M. (2015). Pevsner's Kunstgeographie: From Aitchison, M. (2012). Finding the Context in Mies.
Liepzig's Baroque to the Englishness of Modern English Fabrications, 22(2), 186-207. <a
Architecture. In Andrew Leach, John Macarthur, Maarten href="">[More
Delbeke (Eds.), The Baroque in Architectural Culture, 1880- Information]</a>
1980, (pp. 109-118). Farnham: Ashgate. <a Aitchison, M. (2012). Mining and Urbanisation in Australia:
href="">[More Back to the Future. Fabulation: Myth, Nature, Heritage,
Information]</a> SAHANZ XXIX 2012, 29th Annual Conference of the Society of
Architectural Historians Australia & New Zealand, Launceston,
2014 Australia: Society Architectural Historians Australia and New
Aitchison, M. (2014). Back to the Future: FIFO, Mining and Zealand (SAHANZ).
Urbanisation in Australia. In Philip Goldswain, Nicole Sully, Macarthur, J., Aitchison, M. (2012). Oxford versus The Bath
William M. Taylor (Eds.), Out of Place: Occasional essays on Road: Empiricism and Romanticism in the Architectural
Australian regional communities and built environments in Review's Picturesque Revival. The Journal of Architecture,
transition: Gwalia, (pp. 267-301). Crawley: UWA Publishing. 17(1), 51-68.
Aitchison, M. (2014). Dongas and Demountables: Four Aitchison, M. (2012). Townscape Revisited. The Journal of
Observations Concerning Prefabricated Housing. SAHANZ Architecture, 17(5), 617-620. <a
Unitec Auckland 2014: Translation, 31st Conference of the href="">[More
Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Information]</a>
Auckland, New Zealand and Gold Coast, Queensland.:
Auckland, New Zealand SAHANZ and Unitec ePress, and Gold Aitchison, M. (2012). Townscape Revisited: The Journal of
Architecture. The Journal of Architecture, 17(5).
Aitchison, M. (2012). Townscape: Scope, Scale, Extent. The
Journal of Architecture, 17(5), 621-642. <a

Aitchison, M., Newsom, H. (2011). The Berlin Model. Tarp:
Architecture Manual, 10(Insidious urbanism), 97-110.
Aitchison, M. (2011). Who's Afraid of Ivor De Wolfe? AA
Files, 62 (2011), 34-39.
Aitchison, M. (2011). Woofflin, Pinder and Pevsner:
Kunstgeographie from the Baroque to Modernism. 28th
International Conference of the Society of Architectural
Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ 2011),
Brisbane: Society Architectural Historians Australia and New
Zealand (SAHANZ).

Aitchison, M. (2010). Pevsner’s Townscape. In Mathew
Aitchison (Eds.), Visual Planning and the Picturesque, (pp. 1-
43). Santa Monica: The Getty Center.
Pevsner, N., Aitchison, M. (2010). Visual Planning and the
Picturesque. Santa Monica: The Getty Center.

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