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Spring 2009

Fluid Characterisation meets
One of Infochem’s long term aims has Petroleum fluid blending Multiflash was launched as a Win-
been to develop a new model for res- The blending option in Multiflash al- dows program (MF2.3) 14 years ago.
ervoir fluid characterisation which lows mixing, or blending, of already Although Windows is still our main
would take the novel approach of characterised petroleum fluids to pro- development environment and the
splitting the SCN distribution into sev- vide a new fluid characterisation, for working environment for most of out
eral generic distributions with fixed example when two pipes intersect. The customers the growing importance of
physical properties. Any given fluid facility allows up to four separate flu- Linux has become evident.
could then be represented as a mixture ids to be blended together in relative
of these generic compounds. While amounts by mass, mole or volume, to The Linux operating system was ini-
trying to find the time and data to produce a new fluid described by its tially created by a young student,
move this forward we have been incre- own set of pseudo-components. The Linus Torvalds, at the University of
mentally improving the fluid charac- properties and relative amounts of the Helsinki in Finland. It’s a Unix-like
terisation already offered by Multi- blend’s pseudo-components are auto- system and the ‘kernel’ (base system)
flash. The two most recent extensions matically calculated by the blending is developed by a group of workers
have been the additions of using True procedure around the world. Linux is important
boiling (TBP) and ASTM D86 data as because it is generally well supported
input to the characterisation procedure and very robust and most versions are
and allowing blending of already char- freely available. It has relatively mod-
acterised fluids. est hardware requirements but can
fully-exploit modern processors and
TBP and ASTM D86 large amounts of memory.
The TBP distillation values are en- Although Multiflash itself does not
tered against the cumulative amount need huge amounts of memory or ul-
distilled as a volume percent. If avail- tra-fast processors we have a number
able the molecular weight and spgrav- of customers that use Multiflash
ity may be entered or will be calcu- within large-scale simulation pro-
lated if they are not. The characterisa- The procedure has the advantage that: grams. Examples are Pipesim, a prod-
tion then proceeds as for an analysis • It is automatic and requires no user uct of Schlumberger Information Solu-
by gas chromatography. intervention. tions, and gPROMS, a product of
• It works for any type of fluid that Process Systems Enterprise Ltd. Pipe-
can be represented in Multiflash, al- sim provides steady-state, multiphase
though it does work best if the fluids flow simulation for oil and gas pro-
and the pseudo-component distribu- duction systems while gPROMS is an
tions are similar. advanced general-purpose modelling,
• The properties of the blend change simulation and optimisation tool. The
smoothly with changing blend ratios. increasing scale of these applications
• The method of averaging the proper- means that there is a demand for very
ties of the blended pseudo- large simulations. As a result we have
components is exactly the same as produced a Linux version of Multi-
that used to create the pseudo- flash in collaboration with both
For D86 the cumulative volume dis- components used to represent the Schlumberger and PSE for use along-
tilled is entered in the table together properties of the original petroleum side the existing Windows technology.
with the temperatures, but unlike TBP fluids. We are always happy to discuss new
curves, there is no option for entering • The method also handles waxy and applications of Multiflash with our
molecular weights or specific gravities asphaltenic crudes thereby predicting customers. If you have a need for reli-
as these cannot be measured by the the likely wax or asphaltene forma- able advanced physical property mod-
D86 procedure. tion from the fluid blend. elling please get in touch.
The 2009 Review interface gets a
As, regrettably, we haven’t issued a Models The CAPE-OPEN (CO) standard de-
newsletter since 2006 we thought we We regularly review the models in fines rules and interfaces that allow
should bring you up to date on some Multiflash and have made some CAPE (Computer-Aided Process En-
of the other updates to Multiflash not changes in MF37 and MF38. gineering) applications or components
mentioned in other items. to interoperate. Infochem has been
The high accuracy equation of state
involved with the CO project for over
Scaling package (CSMA) has been extended
nine years and is a member of the
In MF36 we exploited our electrolyte to include equations for R245fa and
CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network
model, part of our hydrate modelling R143a. The high accuracy transport
(CO-LaN), and part of the working
facility, in conjunction with our property models for CO2 have been
group set up to maintain and develop
freeze-out model to allow the predic- added to supplement the reference
CO standards for physical properties.
tion of chloride scales. The scales con- equation for the thermodynamic prop-
sidered were NaCl, NaCl.2H2O, KCl, erties and both have been made avail- We originally implemented version
CaCL2, CaCl2.2H2O, CaCl2.4H2O able as a separate model option, simi- 1.0 of the CO Thermodynamics and
and CaCl2.6H2O. In MF 3.8 the elec- lar to that for water, IAPWS-95. The Physical Properties specification to
trolyte model has been extended to model for H2S has also been im- produce the Multiflash CO interface.
handle halide scales. The equivalent proved. This has allowed Multiflash to be used
ions supported by MF38 are now Na+, with a number of process simulation
Changes have also been made for the
K+, Ca++, Cl- and Br-, which allows tools including Aspen Hysys, Aspen
cubic and non-cubic equations of
scaling predictions to be generalised to Plus, Cofe, gPROMS, PRO/II and
state. The LCVM model has been
halide scales including NaBr, Simulis Thermodynamics. More re-
removed, while the PSRK(NRTL) and
NaBr.2H2O, KBR or CaBr2.6H2O. cently we have been active in support-
PR(78) models have been added. In
The introduction of formation of the former the excess Gibbs energy is ing version 1.1 of the CO standard
scales ensures that hydrate inhibition provided by the NRTL equation. The which allows the capabilities of Multi-
by salts is not over-estimated as salt latter is a 1978 modification of the flash to model multiple liquid and
concentration increases. Peng-Robinson equation which pro- solid phases to be exploited.
Hydrate Boundaries vides an improved treatment of heavy With MF38 we have released a com-

No salt inhibition

Salt inhibition without

components. pletely new version of our CO inter-
30 scaling
Salt inhibition with scaling
face. We still support versions 1.0 and
Pressure / MPa


The OLGA PVT table generation has 1.1 of the standard but have taken the


been reviewed, updated and tested opportunity to improve performance
200 210 220 230 240

260 270

280 290 300 310

with the collaboration of Scandpower and facilities. Installation is simpler
Temperature / K

to ensure compatibility of the tables because all software components are

Expanding the area between 260 and with the latest versions of OLGA. now packaged as a single Windows
268K shows the formation of Two new options have also been dll. Support for extra CO interfaces
NaCl.2H2O and the effect on the hy- added, the ability to generate a hydrate allows a Multiflash CO property pack-
drate boundary. In this example, with boundary and/or a wax boundary age to be created, edited and saved by
a high salt concentration NaCl and the application that is using Multiflash.
Interoperability between different soft-
A new
KCl form at temperatures above the
scale of the graph and CaCl2.6H2O at ware components can sometimes be
problematic so we have added a con-
lower temperatures. recruit venient logging mechanism that allows
Scaling the calls between Multiflash and the
40 This year we have expanded our team to client application to be recorded. New

NACL.2(H2O) five by recruiting Dr. Nuno Pedrosa. properties recently added by CO-LaN
Pressure / MPa

Nuno obtained his PhD degree in chemi- are now supported, including the abil-

cal engineering at Aveiro University in ity to calculate enthalpy/entropy either

5 D D
D Aveiro, Portugal in 2007. His main re- excluding or including the enthalpy/
260 262 264

266 268
search interests were polymer phase equi- entropy of formation. This makes it
Temperature / K
libria with non-cubic Equations of State. much simpler to model processes in-
He is currently testing our existing hy- volving chemical reactions. To com-
The effects on salt solubility of other drate models against the most recent data plete the picture we have added flash
hydrate inhibitors, such as methanol or and reviewing surface tension models to calculations that accept the new en-
MEG, are also considered. see where we can offer improvements. thalpy/entropy properties.

Contact Beryl Edmonds at

13 Swan Court, 9 Tanner Street, London SE1 3LE, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7357 0800 Fax: +44 (0)20 7407 3927
Email: [email protected]

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