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Ellsien Jethson G.


Critique Paper


The research problem was stated with clarity and it was about the shortage if experienced and
proficient leaders who lead the way in enhancing the student achievement and/or capability. Hence, it
matched the purpose of the study and the study itself which is in the subject of the factors that may cause
positive and negative impact to student achievement . However, a conceptual framework was not
constructed and there was no theoretical framework which may have supported the study. The research
questions were clearly and concisely direct to the study that was conducted since it dealt with the
significant correlation among the three main variables - leadership practices, school culture and studied
achievement and these provided answers regarding the research problem. The absence of related literatures,
which are the main keys to a successful study, lessened the validity of the research methodology. In
general, the study lacks of important sections the brings about the main purpose and what the study resulted
to and how it came up with such outcome.


The sample was clearly described by an appropriate instrument which is the Leadership Practices
Inventory (LPI) because the problem is the study is needed to gain data that may prove that leadership is
one of the factors that may cause the students to fail. The author included sufficient information that
discusses the instrument like a questionnaire and the Likert-scale. The materials used in conducting that
study is with the used of inferential statistics. Multivariate multiple regression was employed to determine
the relationship between leadership practices and school culture. The study was in chronological order they
follow step by step processes. The research design used was quantitative in nature and was appropriate for
this investigation because the parametric test is functional at establishing correlation among variables (Yan,
2009). The research design is focused on the relationship between those variables


The result section is clear and well organized because they focused on what is the problem and they
arrange the data well in order for us to get the information better. The data coding and analysis is
appropriate because they study what certain variables that may affect the student’s perception. The data
is directly answered the research problem because they used proper way to know the fact about the
Ellsien Jethson G. Francisco

research. The tables are well organized about the data that they gathered and they also included the
result of their study.


The limitation of the study was delineated because they only focused in the variables that may
affect the student’s achievement. The study is not clearly defined the research problem of this study. They
recommended that universities and principal programs utilize the result of this study and other similar
studies to improve their leadership programs. They also think about the possible ways on how the problem
to be solved


The reference used in this study is sufficiently correct because the year that the article was
published was recent and updated. Yes, Because it cannot support the study if the literature, The APA

General Interpretations

This Article was well organize the data and the sections that you need is all provided. Yes,
because the students may affect those variables that may lead students to fail. The leadership of the school
and culture of the school have greatly effect towards to the students achievement. The school is the most
important factor on how the students will either to be successful of to fail. This study might improve by
thinking the solution on how to make a good leadership from the school.

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