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XDS Family of Products

XDS Modula-2 IDE

for Microsoft Windows
Version 1.7.0

User Guide
c 2001-2016 Excelsior, LLC. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repre-
sent a commitment on the part of Excelsior, LLC.
Excelsior’s software and documentation have been tested and reviewed. Nevertheless,
Excelsior makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect
to the software and documentation included with Excelsior product. In no event will
Excelsior be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages
resulting from any defect in the software or documentation included with this product.
In particular, Excelsior shall have no liability for any programs or data used with this
product, including the cost of recovering programs or data.
XDS Modula-2 IDE is a trademark of Excelsior, LLC.
Microsoft, Windows 95, Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation.
All trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this documentation are the property of
their respective holders.

1 Getting started 1
1.1 IDE installation and start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Add SDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 First steps 3
2.1 Create new project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Create project from existing sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Build project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 Run program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.5 Debug program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Basic concepts 8
3.1 Worspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 Plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 User interface 11
4.1 Workbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.4 Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.4.1 Project Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.5 Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.6 Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.6.1 Numbered Bookmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.6.2 Open resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.6.3 xFind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

5 Parameters 19
5.1 XDS Modula-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.1.1 Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.1.2 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.1.3 Registered SDKs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.1.4 Code style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.1.5 Formatter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.2.1 Spelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


6 Resource properties 34
6.1 Modula-2 project properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

7 Usage 36
7.1 Create new elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7.1.1 New project from scratch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7.1.2 Create project from existing sources . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.1.3 New Modula-2 module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.2 Edit SDK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
7.2.1 Edit SDK wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
7.2.2 Edit tool dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7.3 Launch configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.3.1 Edit launch configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.4 Select folder or file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.5 Working with variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.5.1 Configure arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
7.5.2 Edit variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
7.6 Keyboard map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Chapter 1

Getting started

XDS Modula-2 integrated development environment (XDS Modula-2 IDE)

is used for the Modula-2 source code editing and interation of various Modula-2
tools and utilites into the single environment.
XDS Modula-2 IDE is implemented as a number of Eclipse platform plugins.
IDE itself doesnot includes Modula-2 development tools like compiler, debugger,
etc. Instead IDE integrates with already installed development systems (SDK).
IDE uses its own project system comprised of: Workspaces (see 3.1)
(Workspace), Projects (see 3.2) (Projects) and Resources (see 3.3) (Resources).
Each workspace can contain one or more XDS IDE projects. It is possible to
cluster projects into a number of groups and apply different settings to each of
these group.
It is possible to create an arbitrary number of workspaces. However, each
launched instance of XDS IDE works only with the one workspace at the mo-
ment, and locks used worspace making it inaccessible for the other XDS IDE
instances. Switching between workspaces restarts the IDE.

1.1 IDE installation and start

IDE is distributed as the ZIP-archive. To instal the IDE unpack the archive to
the local directory of your PC. Your PC hard drive should have at least 300 MB
of free disk space.
No extra actions necessary. ZIP archive contains all required IDE components.
To start IDE start xds-ide.exe file from the installation directory. After IDE
startup the XDS Modula-2 projection (see 4.2) will open. This projection is
configured to support the Modula-2 development.
After the first launch workspace is created at the
%USERPROFILE%\xds-workspace – user home subfolder.
By default subsequent launches will open last opened workspace and perspective.


1.2 Add SDK

IDE allows adding and usage of several development systems (SDKs). Develop-
ment system should be installed locally or to the network drive.
To add SDK open the Preferences dialog by clicking Window > Preferences
at the main menu. The select at the dialog left pane XDS Modula-2 >
Registered SDKs. After that press the Add button at the dialog right and
select the SDK folder.

When the selected SDK is configured to be used with the IDE (i.e. SDK root
folder contains the sdk.ini) then the installed SDK list will show the new added
SDK record.
If the sdk.ini file is absent then manual SDK configuration wizard will show
up. One can always open the SDK configuration wizard by selecting the SDK
in the list and pressing the Edit button.
After the applying changes by pressing the OK button IDE is all set for the
Modula-2 development.
IDE allows usage of several SDKs at a time. Each SDK is given a unique name.
In the cast of name conflict number suffix is used to resolve it.
Checkboxed SDK is the default development system. It is used in the case no
SDK have been selected for the given project.
Chapter 2

First steps

2.1 Create new project

To create the new project select File > New > Modula-2 Project at the
main menu. In the opened wizard specify new project parameters.

Specify new project name (Project Name field).

Then specify project root directory location:(Project root).
Select the project SDK (Project SDK field): Unless otherwise indicated the
default SDK is used. The Configure... button will open the SDK settings
One can create main module or project file, standard directory structure and
redirection file. If Use SDK templates is checked then SDK templates will be
used to create the files. Directory structure and redirection file name are also


taken from the selected SDK settings.

Pressing the Finish button will create the new Modula-2 project and add it to
the workspace. Newly created files and directories will show up in the Project

2.2 Create project from existing sources

To create project from existing sources select File > New > Modula-2
Project from Existing Sources in the main menu. Specify project settings
in the wizard opened.

You can explicitly specify the new project name or it will be set automatically
after the project root directory selection (Project root field).
Select the project SDK (Project SDK field): Unless otherwise indicated the
default SDK is used. The Configure... button will open the SDK settings
Specify whether project file (Project File field) or main module (Main mod-
ule) is used for the source build. One can select project file *.prj or main
module file (*.mod or *.ob2) by pressing Browse... button.
Pressing the Finish button will create the new Modula-2 project and add it to
the workspace. Newly created files and directories will show up in the Project

2.3 Build project

To compile project select it in the Project Explorer view and the click Project
> Build Project or Project > Rebuild Project in the main menu. First
compiles the project incrementally while the second rebuilds the project from
scratch. These commands also can be invoked via the project element context

menu at the Project Explorer view or by using hot key combinations Shift +
F9 or Ctrl + Shift + F9 respectfully.
Compiler errors and warnings show up in the Problems view. By default
markers are shown for all open projects in the IDE. To restrict markers to be
shown for the single project select Show > Error/Warnings on Project
item in the toolbar.

2.4 Run program

To run the Modula-2 program create the (Run Configuration). Run configu-
ration specifies the project, executable file path and optional launch parameters
for the program.
To create run configuration select Run > Run Configurations... in the main
menu and specify run configuration parameters.
In the opened dialog select XDS Modula-2 Application in the left pane,
open context menu with the right mouse click and select New.

New run configuration will be created and right pane will show run configuration

Type run configuration name in the Name field.

Select target workspace project for this run configuration and executable file
for the launch. Apply button saves changes for the edited run configuration,
Revert button reverts run configuration parameters to the last saved state.
Other tabs allow to set additional optional run configuration parameters.
After filling up mandatory fields press the Run button to launch the program.
Once created launch configuration can be used again. To do this select it from
the Main menu dropdown: Run > Run History.
The majority of launch actions for the progam is available via the Run toolbar

This button shows the list of last invoked last configurations and their corre-
sponding edit actions. Progam standard output and standard error will show
up in the Console view.

2.5 Debug program

To launch Modula-2 program in debug mode create (Debug Configuration)
or use already existent Run Configuration.

To create the Debug Configuration select Run > Debug Configurations...

in the main menu. In the opened dialog select XDS Modula-2 Application
in the left pane, open context menu with the right mouse click and select New.
Type run configuration name in the Name field.
Other fields can be filled the same way as for the Run Configuration.
After filling up mandatory fields press the Debug button to launch the program
in the Debug mode.
Once created Debug configuration can be used again. To do this select it from
the Main menu dropdown: Debug > Debug History.
The majority of launch actions for the progam is available via the Debug toolbar

This button shows the list of last invoked last configurations and their corre-
sponding edit actions.
Chapter 3

Basic concepts

The XDS Modula-2 Integrated Development Environment (XDS Modula-2 IDE)

is based on the Eclipse platform. Eclipse is the open-source IDE platform sim-
plifying such tasks as resource management, program launching, editing and
This chapter describes common idioms of the Eclipse platform, leveraged by the
XDS Modula-2 IDE.

3.1 Worspace
Worspace – first of all, this is a project container. Besides, it contains settings
used by the IDE components and auxilary data. Workspace is the directory
containing project (see 3.2) subdirectories. Special .metadata subdirectory is
used as the common data and settings storage, used by this workspace projects.
It is possible to have an arbitrary number of workspaces. However only one
workspace can be opened in the IDE at the given moment.
On the first launch the workspace is created in the user‘s home directory.
To create new workspaces and switch between them select File > Switch
Workspace > Other.... Then select the workspace folder. If the folder se-
lected doesnot contain the workspace it will be created there.
On IDE start last opened workspace is loaded by default. It is possible to force
workspace selection dialog on IDE start. For this open Preferences, by clicking
Window > PreferencesPreferences, then select in the left pane General
> Startup and Shutdown >Workspaces and turn on the option Prompt
for workspace on startup.
When using several workspaces sometimes it is necessary to synchronize their
settings. For this please use File > Export... > General > Preferences in
the source workspace and then File > Import... > General > Preferences
for the target workspace.
It is possible to explicitly specify workspace on IDE startup by using the fol-


lowing command line:

-data WorkspacePath
where WorkspacePath is the required argument specifying path to the
Another command line parameter turns on the workpace path display in the
IDE‘s main window title:
-showlocation [WorkspaceName]
where WorkspaceName is the required argument specifying label to be displayed
in the main window title instead of the workspace path displayed by default.

3.2 Project
Project – is the resource container, containing folders and files, their processing
rules and other project properties (such as the compiler settings). Physically
it is the directory whose files and folders are the project‘s resources. When
creating project it is necessary to specify where to place it on the file system.
In the project‘s directory special file named .project is created. This directory
also contains .settings folder used as project properties storage. Usually, IDE
stores other auxilary files and folders with names starting with the "." symbol.
There is no one-to-one correspondence between XDS project files (*.prj-files)
and IDE projects. XDS project files are just particular kind of the XDS IDE
resources. XDS IDE project can contain several prj-files.
It is not necessary to place the project inside the workspace.
It is recommended to place XDS IDE project in the same folder as the Modula-2
program folder. In particular, this simplfies the transfer of the project between
In order to import the existing project in to the workspace on can use File >
Import... > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
It is assumed by default that all project resources are stored inside the project‘s
To use resources outside the project‘s folder it is necessary to add them via the
so called Linked Resources mechanism.

3.3 Resources
Resources – this is general term for projects, folders and files operated by the
integrated environment. IDE‘s files and folders corresponds to the usual files
and folders of the file system. Folders can contain files and other foldes but not
projects. Folders themselves contained in projects and other folders.
Files and folders can be linked to files and folders outside the project‘s directory.

These files and folders are called linked resources.

Navigational panels, such as Project Explorer (Project Explorer) (see
4.4.1) display hierarchical structure of the resources and facilitates resource
opening and editing. Besides files and folders navigational panels can display
virtual folders which are not correspond to any real file system directory.

See also

Resource properties (see 6) New element creation (see 7.1) Project (see 3.2)

3.4 Plugin
The key feature of the Eclipse platform is flexibility and extensibility enabled
by the platform modular architecture. Beside the compact runtime core all
platform‘s components and Eclipse-based IDE are Plugins. These plugins are
dynamically loaded independently of each other. Certanly, it is possible to
specify for the plugin which plugins are dependendant from it - and thus must
be loaded before. Platform runtime core locates and integrates plugins in to
the running platform. In this regard standard and newly created plugins are
functionaly equivalent.
Chapter 4

User interface

Main elements of the user interface are shown in the picture below:

Main elements are:

1. Workbench – container containing all other windows. It contains main

menu, toolbars and child windows.
2. Perspective – visual container for Views and Editors related to the certain
task. The picture shows XDS Modula-2 perspective - it is shown in
the upper left label atop the toolbar. This perspective is used to develop
Modula-2 programs.


3. View – visual container used to render the current selection. The picture
shows the Problems view which renders the problems for the current

4. Short Cut Bar – shortcuts to access certain perspectives.

5. Menu Bar – the set of context-dependent actions invoking certain func-
6. Tool Bar – the set of context-dependent actions invoking certain function-
ality. All toolbar actions are also accessible via the Menu.
7. Editor – instrument to edit the project resources. Unlike the View the
contents of the Editor are defined during the open action, for example,
when user double clicks the source file.
8. Project Explorer – view which for the management of project and re-
sources. This view is described separately.
9. Status Bar – special workbench element which is used to show extra in-
formation, such as: document parameters, hints, etc. The picture shows
the Status bar for the active Editor.

Editors and views are child windows of the Workbench. Child windows can
be active and inactive but only one child windows can be active at the given
moment. Active window has its title highlighted. The active window contents
are usualy the target for the Copy, Cut and Paste operations. It is the active
window on which the Status bar is dependent from. Views can show information
from the last active editor, if there no any active editor at the moment.
One can cycle through the workbench windows using the Ctrl + ˜ hotkey.
Lets descrive some main elements in details.

4.1 Workbench
Workbench – is the main window of the IDE which introduces the framework
for managing and navigating workspace (see 3.1) resources.
Workbench can be rearranged using one of the several perspectives (see 4.2),
which are govern the layout of views (see 4.4) and editors (see 4.3), organizing
them in a way most appropriate for the certain task.

4.2 Perspectives
Perspective (Perspective) defines the set and the layout of views, editors, menu
items and other elements visible to user. Perspective can have an arbitrary
number of views and editors. There can be any number of perspectives, but
workbench can have only one active perspective at a time. To see all available

perspectives select Window > Open Perspective > Other... in the main
Main purpose of the perspective is to give user the most appropriate set of tools
for the particular task, so all necessary tools will be at hand.
It is possible to restore the initial layout of the perspective by selecting Window
> Reset Perspective... at the main menu.

4.3 Editor
Editor is used to render and edit the resource (usualy file) contents. For each
file the separate instance of editor is created.
Changes done in the editor are not commited to underlying file until the save
command is invoked.
The editor‘s title contans the * symbol in it when the editor contents is modified
but is not written to file.

One can cycle through the editors using the Ctrl + Tab hotkey.

Views usualy provide information about the selected object or element. Some
views provide global information, like state of the file system (Project Explorer).
Unlike editors, views immediately apply changes to the object being edited.

For example, Project Explorer (Project Explorer) (see 4.4.1) lacks the
Save command – user action like file copy or rename are immediately affect the
corresponding resources. However, few views violate this agreement and require
explicit save action from user.
Every view can be closed and then reopened via the Window > Show View
> Others... main menu command.

4.4.1 Project Explorer

Project Explorer renders resources from a project of the current Workspace

(see 3.1) as the tree-like structure. This view allows:

• navigate through files and folders of a project,

• open editors for files,
• Create new projects, files, folders,
• delete, rename or move existent files/folders,
• conduct import/export of projects and settings.

Files selected in the Project Explorer can immediately affect contents of other
IDE views.
Context menu can be opened for any Project Explorer element by right click-
ing this element. Context menu allows to view/edit element properties.
For Modula-2 prjects only Modula-2 source files and packet files are shown –
that is, files with the following extensions: *.mod, *.def, *.prj, *.pkt, *.res
and *.ldp. Other files are filtered out. To see all files select Show All Files
action in the Project Explorer action bar.

Modula-2 files which are included in the project compilation set are marked
with green dot in the file icon‘s upper right corner. Besides, next to the file
name used project file or main module name is shown.
Modula-2 files which are not children of project directory are included in the
External Dependencies virtual folder.
If SDK is set to show definition modules then SDK Library virtual folder will
show definition module resources.

4.5 Wizard
Wizards are used for the step by step configuration of various parameters.
Typical example of wizard is on the picture below:

4.6 Navigation

4.6.1 Numbered Bookmarks

Numbered bookmarks are used for the quick navigation in editors.

To set bookmark in the current line press Ctrl + Shift + <Number>, where
<Number> – is an arbitrary digit from 0 to 9. So it is possible to set maximum
10 numbered bookmarks. When setting the bookmark, if the digit is already
assigned to the other bookmark then the digit will be re-assigned to the new
bookmark. If press Ctrl + Shift + <Number> once again – bookmark will be
deleted. Press Ctrl + <Number> to jump on the particular numbered book-
mark. To see all numbered bookmarks press Ctrl + =.

Select bookmark with the cursor key and press Enter to open the bookmark
location (new editor may open).
The particular bookmark can reassigned or delete with the Ctrl + Shift + =

To remove all bookmarks select Navigate > xBookmarks > Remove All
xBookmarks in the main menu.

4.6.2 Open resource

To quickly open workspace resource use the Ctrl + Shift + R combination.

Dialog will show all workspace resources (including filtered out in Project Ex-
Text field atop allows to filter resources by name. Wildcards are supported :
* stands for the arbitrary string, ? stands for the single character or emptry
To select the Modula-2 module use Ctrl + M hotkey.

4.6.3 xFind

To search through the editor contents use xFind panel. It can be invoked with
Ctrl + F hotkey.
Atop the editor text field will appear, input the search pattern there. It is
possible to change the panel placement in the settings (see 4.6.3).

Default Eclipse search dialog can be opened with the Ctrl+Alt+F combination.
Press Esc to close the panel.
For now, xFind panel only supports search, to replace use the standard
Find/Replace dialog, invoked by the Ctrl + Alt + F hotkey or via the
Eclipse main menu.
After typing the search text use Up/Down or Shift+Enter/Enter to navigate
through the occurences.
If the xFind panel has input focus then Ctrl + Down will show the search
history. Shift+Down hotkey will put the next item from the search history in
to the text field.
xFind panel supports all modes of the standard Find/Replace dialog, you
can set them in search settings menu:

Besides the xFind panel it is possible to quick find the word. For this just
place cursor on the word in the editor and press Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down.

xFind preferences

One can access the xFind panel settings using the Preferences dialog on
theGeneral > Editors > Text Editors > xFind page.

Here you can select the xFind panel (see 4.6.3) placement in the editor.
Chapter 5


IDE preferences management is done via the Preferences dialog. Select Win-
dow > Preferences in the main menu to open this dialog.
The great number of preferences is supported for the IDE. Preferences are split
into groups which are displayed on separate pages. Preference pages in turn are
combined into the hierarchial structure displayed in the left pane of the dialog.
In the upper part of the dialog filter text field is located which allows quick
search of the particular page.
Press the Apply button to apply changes and continue the preferences edit.
To aply changes and close dialog press OK button. Restore Defaults button
resets preferences to their defaults.

5.1 XDS Modula-2

Modula-2 specific preferences are located in the Preferences dialog on the
XDS Modula-2 page and on the pages below:

• Console (Console) (see 5.1.1)

• Editor (Editor) (see 5.1.2)
• Registered SDKs (Registered SDKs) (see 5.1.3)

5.1.1 Console

Console preferences are located in the Preferences dialog on the XDS

Modula-2 > Console.


In the upper part of the dialog there are two checkboxes:

• Show console when building – whether to show console when building;

• Always clear before building – whether to clear console before build-

Console text color page specify color key for the various message types, text
and background coloring. The color list is as follows:

• Error message – error message color;

• Warning message – warning message color;
• Error notification – error notification color;
• Information message – иnformation message color;
• Output text – standard output color;
• Input text – standard input color;
• Background color – background color.

To change color left click on the corresponding rectangle then select preferred
color in the standard color selection dialog and press the OK color.

5.1.2 Editor

Modula-2 editor preferences are located in the Preferences dialog on the XDS
Modula-2 > Editor and on pages below:

• Syntax Coloring (Syntax Coloring) (see 5.1.2)

• Templates (Templates) (see 5.1.2)

By checking Highlight matching brackets it is then possible to specify what

colors should be used to highlight matched and unmatched brackets (brackets,
parenthesis and angle brackets) in the code. The colors being specified:

• for the matched brackets – Matched brackets highlight color;

• for the unmatched brackets – Unmatched brackets highlight color.

Highlight operators structure checkbox turns on token highlighting for the

tokens belonging to the same language construct. Highlight color is specified in
the Operators structure highlight color.
Highlight inactive code checkbox turns on highlighting of the code excluded
by the compiler pragmas. Highlight color is specified on the Syntax Coloring
(Syntax Coloring) (see 5.1.2) page.
To change the text editor font size go to the page General > Appearance >
Colors and Fonts , select Basic > Text Font and press the Edit... button.

Indent Guides

The page XDS Modula-2 > Editor > Indent Guides contains preferences
for the indent guide display.

Indent guides are vertical lines displaying the program code structure, see the

Indent guide display can be turned off by the checkbox Show vertical indent
The following parameters can be specified:

• Alpha – value in [0..255] - line alpha parameter, where 0 - line is trans-

parent, 255 - line is opaque;
• Style – line display style;

• Width – line thickness, [1..8] pixels;

• Shift – horizontal line displacement, [1..8] pixels;
• Color – line color;

Syntax Coloring

The page XDS Modula-2 > Editor > Syntax Coloring allows to specify
colors and stylings employed in Modula-2 syntax coloring.

The page Element allows to specify the type for which the higlighting is per-
formed. To the right is possible to enable Enable highlighting (if is not checked
then the given highlighting is saved in the system but is not applied). Also, the
following stylings can be specified:

• Color – element color;

• Bold – element is marked with bold if checked;

• Italic – element is marked with italic if checked;
• Strikethrough – element is strikethrough if checked;
• Underline – element is underlined if checked.

In the page Preview it is possible to see the preview of the code corresponding
to the parameters specified.


The section XDS Modula-2 > Editor > Templates allows to setup the
code templates.

To add the new template press New... button at the dialog right.

In the opened dialog specify the folllowing:

• Name – template name;

• Context – template usage context, selected in the dropdown list.

• Automatically insert – this template will be automatically inserted,

when checked;
• Description – template description;

• Pattern – template pattern.

Last field also allows usage of so called variables. Variable list can be opened
by pressing the button Insert Variable....
Template is commited to the list by pressing the OK button.
To edit the template press the Edit... button. To delete the template press the
Remove button. To revert the deleted template press the Restore Removed
button. To reset the template list to defaults press the Revert to Default
Templates can be imported from the *.xml file by pressing the Import... but-
ton. To export templates press the Export... button.
If the template is unchecked then it is saved but not applied (not active).
If the Use code formatter checkbox is checked then the template code is
formatted after the application.
Lets modify the template using the IF-ELSE template as the example. Select
IF-ELSE template and press Edit....
Template editor will pop up:

Autocompletion template itself is the text with so called autocompletion vari-

ables. IDE replaces these variables in the moment of template insertion, or such
variable can modify the editor behavior (demonstrated in the example below).
There is a number of pre-defined autocompletion variables (to see them press In-
sert Variable... button): ${cursor}, ${date}, $$, ${line_selection},
${time}, ${user}, ${word_selection}, ${year} .
Each autocompletion variable with the name different from the pre-defined vari-
able name is the edit location (more on this below). When inserting template
it is possible to traverse between edit locations using the Tab їҝї Shift + Tab

Let us consider the ${cursor} variable.

Modify the IF-ELSE template as the following:

IF ${condition} THEN

Press OK, Apply and close the template editor.

Open the Modula-2 editor on some mod-file, go to the procedure body, start
typing the if and press Ctrl + Space.
The following window appears:

Cursor will be placed near condition, so if type TRUE, condition will be replaced
with TRUE.
Try pressing the Tab button - the cursor will traverse between edit locations, in
the current example this happens to be lines 17 and 20. Line 20 corresponds to
${cursor} variable edit location.
Remove the inserted text.
Now type i := 0; and select this text:

Press Ctrl + Space and select IF-ELSE in the autocompletion list.

The following text will be inserted:

So the current selection was used as the ${line_selection} variable value. Edit
the condition location and press Enter. Cursor will jump to edit location cor-
responding to the ${cursor} variable. This variable specifies the position where
the cursor should be placed after completion of the autocompletion session.
Now edit IF-ELSE template as the following:

IF ${condition} THEN (* ${THEN\_comment} *)

ELSE (* ${ELSE\_comment} *)
END; (* ${END\_comment} *)

Go to the source code editor and invoke the IF-ELSE template:

Since variables ${THEN_comment}, ${ELSE_comment} and

${END_comment} are not built-in they only specify edit locations. During
the autocompletion session it is possible to traverse them using the Tab and
Shift + Tab buttons.
Built-in autocompletion variables:

• ${cursor} – cursor is placed to this location after autcompletion session

• ${date} – current date;
• $$ – dollar sign;
• ${line_selection} – replaced with the current text selection;
• ${time} – current time;
• ${user} – user name;
• ${year} – current year.

5.1.3 Registered SDKs

Section XDS Modula-2 > Registered SDKs is used to specify new or edit
existing SDKs.
More on SDK setup please see SDK configuration (see 7.2).

5.1.4 Code style

At the moment the section XDS Modula-2 > Code style contains only
formatting settings.

5.1.5 Formatter

The section XDS Modula-2 > Code style > Formatter is used to specify
source code formatting settings.

All formattings settings are saved in the formatting profile. Initially built-in
formatting profile is used - it is possible to inspect its settings but it is not
possible to edit them. Listbox atop allows to activate existing profile. The
buttons are as follows:

• Edit – edit formatting profile. Formatting profile edit dialog (see ??) will
• Remove – delete profile.
• New... – create new profile. Dialog will open - it allows to specify profile
name, also it is possible to select profile to get initial settings from.
• Import... – import profile from the file. Select .xml file containing pro-
files, they will be imported. If some profile names are the same as already
presented they will be redefined with the imported.
• Export All... – export all profiles into the file.

In the dialog below there is a window Preview allowing to preview formatting

on the given source code sample.

Formatting profile edit dialog

Atop of the dialog there is a Export... button allowing export of the profile to
the .xml file.
The tabs below specify formatting parameter groups:

• Indentation – Indent formatting settings (see ??)

• White space – Whitespace formatting settings (see ??)
• New lines – Newline formatting settings (see ??)
• Line wrapping – Line wrap formatting settings (see ??)

Each tab contains Preview window allowing preview effect of the settings being

Indent formatting settings

• Tab policy - this list specifies tab usage mode.

• Indentation size - indentation size in characters.
• Tab size - tab width.

The Indent section allows to override Indentation size for the given elements:

• Declarations within module


• Declarations within procedure

• Declarations within VAR/TYPE/CONST block

• Declarations of local procedures

• Declarations of local modules
• Declarations of record fields
• Statements within operator/procedure/module body
• Statements within CASE body
• Statements within CASE alternative

Whitespace formatting settings

Insert space tree allows to select varios language elements. It is possible to

specify for the selected element whether to put space after or before this element.
When two elements are adjacent - space will be inserted if either of them confirm

Newline formatting settings


Insert new line tree allows to select varios language elements. It is possible
to specify for the selected element whether to put newline after or before this
When two elements are adjacent - newline will be inserted if either of them
confirm this.

Line wrap formatting settings

By line wrapping we mean reorganizing long strings in a way that newline or /

and whitespace padding is inserted to fit the string in the editor.

One can specify Maximal line width value - position in the string which will
be used by the formatter to fit the text in. It is not always possible to do this
without broking the program syntax so sometimes strings are extended beyond
this border.
Below the preview window the value Set line width for preview window
specifies the text wrapping width in the preview window - by changing this value
one can guess how the text will appear after the reorganizing.

5.2 General
General Eclipse platform settings. XDS Modula-2 IDE uses some of them and
besides adds some of its own preferences.

5.2.1 Spelling

Spellchecking preferences can be found in the Preferences dialog at the Gen-

eral > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling page.

Enable spell checking checkbox allows to turn on the spell checking.

In the combobox below it is possible to select the currently active spell checking
service. Here we describe the XDS spell checking settings.
The settings below affect the spell checking:

• Ignore words with digits


• Ignore mixed case words

• Ignore sentence capitalization

• Ignore upper case words

• Ignore internet addresses
• Ignore non-letters at word boundaries
• Ignore single letters
• Ignore Modula-2 string literals

The section Dictionaries allows to select dictionary among the registered or

select the user dictionary – in the later case the specially formatted file is ex-
pected. The format is as follows : each line contains the single word. IDE
should have the permissions for both reading and writing the file. By selecting
the file user should also specify the file encoding.
In the dialog bottom is also possible to set maximum number of errors in the
single source file and constrain the maximum count of spelling corrections offered
to user.
Chapter 6

Resource properties

Each IDE resource (see 3.3) is associated with the set of properties. Particular
set of properties depends on the corresponding resource type and project type
(see ??) it belongs to.
To view or edit resource properties use the Properties dialog. To open it for
some resource:

1. Right click some resource in the Project Explorer (Project Explorer)

(see 4.4.1) view.
2. Select the Properties item in the context menu.

It is also possible to open Properties dialog using the Alt + Enter hotkey
Properties are divided into groups that are displayed in different dialog pages.
This pages are in turn are organized into the hierarchial structure displayed in
the left pane of the dialog. Atop the dialog filter field can be used to quickly
navigate to the property page.
Select Window > Show View > Other... > General > Properties,
to open the Property view. This view shows main properties of the resource
selected in the Navigator view such as the Project Explorer view.

6.1 Modula-2 project properties

To view and edit Modula-2 project specific properties use XDS Modula-2 page
of the Properties (Properties) (see 6) dialog.


You can modify the following Modula-2 project properties:

• SDK used by the project,

• Main module or prj file used for the compilation,
• working directory used for the compilation.
Chapter 7


This chapter describes main usages of the XDS Modula-2 IDE.

7.1 Create new elements

Select File > New > Other... to create new resource. Select the appropriate
wizard and press Next:

Provide all necessary parameters and Finish. The new resource will be created.

7.1.1 New project from scratch

Select File > New > Modula-2 Project in the main menu, and provide
necessary parameters:


Specify Project Name. Next, provide location of the project root directory
(Project root field).
Select project SDK (Project SDK field). Use Configure... button to edit
SDK settings (see 7.2.1).
One can create main module or project file, standard directory structure and
redirection file. If Use SDK templates is checked then SDK templates will be
used to create the files. Directory structure and redirection file name are also
taken from the selected SDK settings.
Pressing the Finish button will create the new Modula-2 project and add it to
the workspace. Newly created files and directories will show up in the Project

7.1.2 Create project from existing sources

To create project from existing sources select File > New > Modula-2
Project from Existing Sources in the main menu. Specify project settings
in the wizard opened.

You can explicitly specify the new project name or it will be set automatically
after the project root directory selection (Project root field).
Select the project SDK (Project SDK field): Unless otherwise indicated the
default SDK is used. The Configure... button will open the SDK settings
Specify whether project file (Project File field) or main module (Main mod-
ule) is used for the source build. One can select project file *.prj or main
module file (*.mod or *.ob2) by pressing Browse... button.
Pressing the Finish button will create the new Modula-2 project and add it to
the workspace. Newly created files and directories will show up in the Project

7.1.3 New Modula-2 module

To create the new Modula-2 module select File > New > Other... in the
main menu or use Ctrl + N hotkey. Select Modula-2 Module wizard under
the XDS Modula-2 category (you can type module in the filter field to narrow
the search). In the opened wizard specify module parameters:

Specify new module name (Module name field).

Specify folder to store the module that will be created (Source folder field).
The Browse... button allows to select the directory from the available folders
in workspace projects.

Text field atop allows to filter resources by name. Wildcards are supported :
* stands for the arbitrary string, ? stands for the single character or emptry
Check the Create main module checkbox to promote the newly created mod-
ule as the main project module. In this case it is necessary to specify imple-
mentation module (Implementation field).
For the ordinary (not main) module one can set up the implementation and
definition files – the Implementation field and the Definition field. The
Browse... button allows to select module location directory via the standard
Eclipse Folder Selection dialog.
Pressing the Finish button in the wizard creates the module resource and add

it to the workspace. Newly created files will show up in the Project Explorer.

7.2 Edit SDK

Add or edit SDK under the XDS Modula-2 > Registered SDKs preference

Use Add button to select the folder where SDK is installed to register the SDK.
When the selected SDK is configured to be used with the IDE (i.e. SDK root
folder contains the sdk.ini) then the installed SDK list will show the new added
SDK record.
If the sdk.ini file is absent then manual SDK configuration wizard will show
up. One can always open the SDK configuration wizard by selecting the SDK
in the list and pressing the Edit button.
To remove SDK use the Remove button.
To export selected SDK settings (*.ini file) press the Export button, select
and select folder to export.
To apply and commit SDK changes press the Apply button.
To edit the particular SDK settings use the Edit SDK wizard (see 7.2.1).

7.2.1 Edit SDK wizard

Edit SDK wizard is depicted on the picture below:


In the top part of the wizard fields XDS home and XDS name used to set
up SDK root folder and SDK name.
Another settings are accessible from the following tabs: Components, Tem-
plates, Environment.


Base tools
The Base tools section allow to specify main tools, such as:

• compiler – Compiler field;

• debugger – Debugger field;

• simulator – Simulator field;

• library definitions – ѕҥҝҗLibrary definitions field.

The first three fields should specify either executable file path (*.exe or *.bat).
Last field should specify path to library definitions folder containing definition

files *.def. The only mandatory field of these is the first one, containing com-
piler path.

Extra tools
The Extra tools section allow to specify extra tools. These extra tools can
be invoked via the Project Explorer context menu. It is possible to build the
context menu structure.

Here you can specify:

• Add new Tool – adds a new tool.

• Add menu items separator – adds a horizontal line between menu

• Add new menu group – adds a menu item group.

To modify the menu items ordering use Up and Down buttons.

To reassign the instrument to the another group edit this instrument and change
its group to another.


The Templates tab specifies file types and templates to create files to create
files of these types.

Files types
The Files types tab specifies two parameters:

• executable file extension – Executable file extension field.

• Comma-separated primary files extensions – Primary files extensions

Templates files
The Templates files section specifies templates to create files.

• Project file template – Project file template field, *.tpr file;

• Redirection file template – Redirection file template field, *.trd file;
• Main module template – Main module template field, *.tmd file;
• Definition module template – Definition module template field, *.tmd

• иґғҝҥң һҝп дґқҝґ аҗґҝїљґжїї – Implementation module template

field, *.tmd file;
• Oberon module template – Oberon module template field, *.tmd file.

Folders layout
The Folders layout section specifies directory names that will be created for
the new project:

• Folders to create - comma-separated list of directories that will be cre-

ated for the new project;
• Project file folder - if set project file will be put into the specified
• Main module folder - if set main module will be put into the specified


The Environment specifies environment variables.


To add the new variable use the New... button. In the opened wizard set the
variable properties and press the Finish button. To edit or delete the variable
press the Edit... button or the Delete button.

Variable has the following properties:

• variable name – Name field;

• variable value – Value field.

Only the name field is mandatory. When specifying the variable value one can
use predefined IDE variables – these can be selected by pressing the Variables...

7.2.2 Edit tool dialog

Tool settings

For the extra tools it is necessary to specify the following settings:

• instrument name– Name field;

• instrument location – Location, this is the path to (*.exe or *.bat);

These fields are mandatory.

Tool menu

The Menu item text section can set up the menu for the Extra tool. It is
possible to set the menu name for the enabled menu (Enabled menu item
field) and the menu name for the disabled menu (Disabled menu item field).
If the fields are not filled then instument name will be used.
Tool menu is the submenu for the Tools menu item in the IDE main menu or
context menu.

Tool launch settings

The Tool launch settings section specifies the tools launch settings.
When Available for files with extensions checkbox is set then tool is applied
only to the files with the specified extensions: extensions should be separated
with comma.
Ђ ѕҥҝҗ Available for projects with source code root ңҗҥғеҥһїӕҥ
ђлғаґвм, һҝп ҡґҡїе вїѕҥђ ѕаҥҗҡвґ һҥбвгѕҗң їңбвагӕҗңв. Ђҥљӕҥҙңл
бҝҗһгойїҗ ђґаїґңвл:
The field Available for projects with source code root specifies project
types for which the tool is enabled.

• any – any project type;

• any, but with different settings – any project type with special set-
• project file (*.prj) – project file based projects *.prj;
• main module – main module based projects.

After selecting the project type it is possible to specify launch parameters and
working directory.
The Output encoding field specifies standard output (and standard error)

To specify arguments it is possible to use predefined IDE variables – these can be
selected by pressing the Variables... button. More on this please see Working
with variables (see 7.5)

Working directory
The working directory is set up in the Working directory section. To use the
SDK working directory – check the Use default location checkbox or manualy
specify in the Location field (see Selecting working directory (see 7.4)).

7.3 Launch configurations

7.3.1 Edit launch configurations

To create or edit launch configuration select Run > Run Configurations...

or Run > Debug Configurations... in the main menu.
In the opened dialog select XDS Modula-2 Application in the left pane,
open context menu with the right mouse click and select New.

To edit the existing launch configuration select it in the left pane - the right
pane will display its properties.

Type run configuration name in the Name field.

Select target workspace project for this run configuration and executable file

for the launch. Apply button saves changes for the edited run configuration,
Revert button reverts run configuration parameters to the last saved state.
Next we will describe tabs used when creating or editing the run configuration.

Main Tab
Select the project for the run configuration on the Main tab – fill in the Project
field. Project is selected from the current workspace it is possible to type the
project name manually or to use the project selection dialog.
Next specify the executable file for run – it is done under the Program to Run
section (see the Select folder or file (see 7.4) section).

Arguments Tab
The Arguments tab allows to specify program arguments and working direc-
tory for the launched program.

Specify program arguments under the Program arguments section. It is

possible to use predefined IDE variables to specify arguments. To do this press
the Variables... button. More on predefined IDE variables see Variables... (see
Under the Working directory it is possible to specify whether to use project
folder – Default item, or any other folder – Other folder. See (Select file or

folder (see 7.4)).

SDK Settings Tab

The SDK Settings tab allows to specify arguments for simulator and debugger
– in the sections Simulator arguments and Debugger arguments corre-

It is possible to use predefined IDE variables. More on this see Working with
variables (see 7.5)

The Environment allow to set environment variables.

To add new predefined IDE variable press New... at the right.

In the opened dialog specify variable name (Name field - mandatory) and vari-
able value (Value field - optional). Variable value can be typed manually or
predefined variables can be used (use Variables... button).
Press Edit... button to edit the variable.
It is possible to add variable from the list. Press Select... button to open this

Select required variables in the list. Selected variables will be added to prede-
fined IDE variables.
To delete environment variable select it in the list and press Remove.
If there is at least one variable choice is enabled:

• Append environment to native environment – add selected variables

to system variables;
• Replace native environment with specified environment – replace
system variables with selected variables.

Common Tab
The Common tab allow to specify general launch configuration settings.

The Save as section allows to set whether to save launch configuration as local
file (Local file item) or as shared file (Shared file item). In the latter case it
is necessary to specify directory to save the launch configuration.
The Display in favorites menu section allows to specify whether to show
launch configuration in the Favorites dropdown at Run/Debug menu.
Select encoding in the Encoding section: default (Default item) or specific
(Other item).
The Standard Input and Output section allows to specify input/output
integration parameters.
One can use:

• allocated console - Allocate console;

• external file - File (see Selecting file or folder (see Selecting file or

The file will be appended if Append checkbox is checked.

7.4 Select folder or file

File or folder selection is a common task in various wizards and dialogs. It is
possible to fill the Location field manually or using buttons:

• Workspace... to select from workspace resources;

• File System... to select the file or folder from the file system;

• Variables... to select the variable (more on variables Working with vari-

ables (see 7.5)).

After the field is filled the Location field becomes the hyperlink – double click
on it will open native operating system explorer.

7.5 Working with variables

IDE predefined variables are often used in various wizards and dialogs. To open
the variable list click on the Variables... button.

Filter field atop of the dialog alllow to quick filter variables by their name.
Wildcards are enabled: * is an arbitrary string, ? is a single character or an
empty string.
When the particular variable is selected the Variable Description field will
show the quick variable description. Some variables can make use of their ar-
guments – in this case Argument field will become active – arguments can be
configured with the Configure... button.
Apply changes and close the dialog with the OK button.

7.5.1 Configure arguments

Argument configuration dialog looks like the following:

Filter field atop of the dialog alllow to quick filter variables by their name.
Wildcards are enabled: * is an arbitrary string, ? is a single character or an
empty string. The Matching resources field show resources matching the
When the resource is selected the In folders field will show its location.

7.5.2 Edit variables

One can introduce new variables using the Edit Variables... button. To add
the variable press the New... button on the right.

Variable has the following properties:

• variable name – Name field;

• variable value – Value field.

Only the name field is mandatory. When specifying the variable value one can
use predefined IDE variables – these can be selected by pressing the Variables...
Press the OK button to add the variable to list.
To edit the variable use the Edit... button, to delete it use the Remove button.

7.6 Keyboard map

Ctrl+Z Undo last edit
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo last edit
Ctrl+Y delete current line
Ctrl+/ Comment/uncomment lines
Ctrl+Shift+/ Comment selected
Ctrl+Shift+\ Uncomment
Ctrl+I Indent selected lines
Ctrl+Shift+F Format selected text
Alt+Shift+Up Select containing construction
Alt+Shift+Down Shrink containing construction selection
Ctrl+R Rename element
Ctrl+F Open xFind panel
Ctrl+Ђђҗае xFind: quick find previos occurence
Ctrl+Ђңїљ xFind: quick find next occurence
Ctrl+Alt+F Search and replace dialog
Ctrl+H Ӕҥһгҝґ-2 search
Ctrl+G Find declarations of the selected element in the workspace
Ctrl+Shift+G Find usages of the selected element in the workspace
Ctrl+L Go to line
F3 Open declaration of the selected element
Ctrl+M Open module from list
Ctrl+P Open coupled module
Alt+Shift+O Enable/disable mark occurences
Ҡҥӕѕїҝпжїп ї љґѕгбҡ
F9 Compile file
Shift+F9 Build project
Ctrl+Shift+F9 Rebuild project from scratch
Ctrl+F11 Launch last Run configuration
F11 Launch last Debug configuration
Numbered bookmarks
Ctrl+Shift+<digit> Add/remove corresponding bookmark at the current line
Ctrl+<жїдаґ> Goto corresponding bookmark
Ctrl+= Goto bookmark
Ctrl+Shift+= Add/remove
Ctrl+O Show module quick outline
F2 Show context tooltip
F12 Show context help
Ctrl+Shift+L Show key assist
Alt+F9 Maximize/restore editor window
Ctrl+Tab Next editor
Ctrl+‘ Next view

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