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BloodBowl 7’s: TripleB Edition v2.

Team Creation:
• Each roster has a 600k starting balance from which to purchase
• Each roster must contain between 7 and 10 players inclusive (see rosters list for options)
• Each team starts with a 0 Fan Factor
• No rerolls may be taken

• If your opposing coach has a higher team value than you by 50pts or more, you receive 1 roll on the
DESPERATE MEASURES table, 100pts or more … 2 rolls.

In Game:
• A special BB7s pitch is used. There is only one half consisting of eight turns.
• Short Passes, Long Passes and Long Bombs are allowed; Quick Passes do not exist in BB7s
• Weather works as normal
• Players receive Star Player Points as normal with the exception of MVP. There is no MVP given out in
• A generic +1 modifier applies to armor rolls during a foul action. Players that are caught by the referee
are placed in the KO box and may plead their case at each time out. On a D6 roll of 4+ they may re-
enter the game.
• Seven players are set up per team, all behind their own LoS. One player is allowed in each wide zone
per team, while a minimum of three must set up on the LoS.
• Pushed into the crowd: if a player is pushed into the crowd you must make an armor roll for them to
determine if they are hurt. If they are not hurt, or if they are stunned the Referee helps them back to
the bench.
• The Scramble: The ball is not kicked off instead a wizard randomly teleports the ball into the middle of
the pitch. Using the 6 squares in the middle of the pitch as pictured below roll a D6 to determine
where the ball appears, the ball will not bounce when it pops up. After you have determined where the
ball will pop up then roll on the Scramble Table. After a touchdown is scored the teams are not reset.
As soon as a player enters the end zone with the ball it is a touchdown and a turnover. Mark it on the
scoreboard and then roll a D6 to determine which of the 6 squares in the middle of the board the ball
will pop up in. If there is a player on the square where the ball is to pop up they are knocked down, roll
for armor and injury as normal and scatter the ball from that square.
• Each coach also has 1 timeout per game. After a TD is scored by either team you may call your timeout.
After a timeout is called both teams will setup for a scramble the same way they would at the
beginning of the match. If the Ball leaves the pitch it is thrown back in by the crowd, so roll a D6 for
distance (rather than 2D6).
• Injury rolls as follows: 2-7: Stunned, 8-10: KO, 11: Serious Injury (roll on Table) 12: DEATH
• An Apoth can be used once per game to modify an injury roll by -1
• Players with Regen cannot use an Apoth

Scramble Order
1. Roll For KO players: Players come back on a 4+
2. Roll for Ejected Players: Players come back on a 4+
3. Kicking Team Sets up
4. Receiving Team Sets up
5. Roll for Ball Square and place ball
6. Roll on Scramble table and complete event
7. Receiving Team's Turn

After a TD is Scored
1. Roll for Ball Square and place ball
2. Receiving Team's Turn

Scramble Table (D8)

1. Blitz! - One player from the kicking team may perform any action, crossing the LOS if they wish.
2. Jump the Snap - All players on the kicking team may move one square, crossing the LOS if they wish.
3. Drunk Wizard - The Wizard was a bit distracted, scatter the ball D6 squares in a random direction. The
ball will bounce once after it has scattered. If the ball crosses the kicking team's LOS or goes out of bounds,
treat it as a touchback.
4. Bored Fans - The referee sees that everyone wants to get home early, move your turn forward one turn.
This may end the game.
5. Nothing Happens? - Everything goes off as planned, play ball.
6. Biased Wizard - For some reason the Ball Wizard is a fan of the receiving team and teleports the ball
into a player's hands. The receiving team may give the ball to any player on the LOS.
7. Go! - Everyone on the receiving team may move one square, crossing the LOS if they wish.
8. Forward Motion - A single player from the receiving may perform any action, crossing the LOS if they

Changes to skills:
• Leader, Kick, Kick Off Return and Hail Mary Pass cannot be chosen from skills list
• Nurgle’s Rot is renamed “Infect” and is no longer limited to the Rotter team
• Regen works only on a result of 6
• “Relentless” is added as an extraordinary skill. A player with the Relentless skill who suffers a Badly
Hurt injury result is placed in the KO box instead of Dead and Injured. Note that this player may roll to
recover at the beginning of each drive exactly as if he were Knocked Out.
• A player with Sure Feet may reroll either a failed TTM land attempt or one failed GFI attempt per turn.
• Secret Weapon is renamed “Cheat!” A player with “Cheat!” is automatically sent off at the end of each
drive, but need not be set up at the start of a drive even if this would mean his team starting with
fewer than seven players.

• Contract Negotiations: Players with single skill : Roll a d6 and if you roll a 6, they’re moving up to the
Pros. Players with two skills or a stat increases: Roll a d6 and if you roll a 5-6, they’re moving up to the
Pros. A player can have a max of three level ups, once they surpass three … they are bound for the
PROs. If your player does NOT go to the Pros, whatever you roll, you have to pay that much divided by
2. For example, if you roll a 3 = 30k divided by 2 so you pay 15k to keep them around for another week.
This is done per player. If you do not have enough in your treasury the player may stay one your team
for 1 additional week to see if you win some money in the match. If you cannot afford to pay their new
salary, they will leave the team seeking greener pastures.
• Add Journeymen (FREE 0-16 position) or Mercenaries (0-6 for +30 gold) to your roster for the match if
• Roll for Weather
• Take Inducement
• Roll for Number of Fans in Attendance
• Roll to see who goes first; loser sets up first

Post Match:
• Add Infected players to rosters, deduct deaths
• Calculate winnings
• Determine FF as normal

Winnings: Win/Draw = (D3 + FAME X 10gps) +10gps (You may reroll, keeping the second result even if
worse than the first roll) Loss = D3 + FAME X 10gps

Spiraling Expenses: Any team over 800 TV must pay 10gps after every match.

Fan Factor: If you won or tied the match, roll a D6 for every TD you scored. If you rolled any 6’s, your fan
factor goes up by one. If you lost the match roll a number of D6 equal to the amount you lost by, if you roll
any 1’s your fan factor goes down.

Questions: Email [email protected] or send a message on FB to James Luft to ask questions and
discuss your 7’s Roster.
Desperate Measures (2D6)
8 Illegal Drugs
Counter Result
Action: One of your players has been taking
1 Banana Skin some performance enhancing drugs prior
Action: One of your players has been snacking to the match.
on an energy-boosting banana. Declare At the start of the game.
Declare: When an opposing player enters a tackle Effect: Choose one player on your team. That
zone next to one of your players. player has either their strength or their
Effect: The opposing player falls over and must agility increased by 1 for the duration of
make an Injury roll. the match. After a touchdown is scored or
at the end of a half, roll a D6 for the
2 Razzle-Dazzle player. On a 1 the player suffers an
Action: One of your players has been practicing allergic reaction to the drugs. The player
hard for the up-coming match because he must miss the rest of the match
has heard a scout from a big professional
team will be watching. 9 Grudge Match
Declare: After a player has completed an action. Action: Both teams have an ugly history of
playing against each other…
Effect: The player may take a second action.
Declare: At the start of the game.
3 Hangover! Effect: Your team may take any number of foul
Action: One player on the opposing team has actions per team turn, rather than just
been out celebrating the night before the one.
match and turns up late.
Declare: Before the match. 10 Knuckle-Dusters
Action: One of your players has smuggled some
Effect: One player on the other teams misses the knuckle-dusters onto the pitch.
first drive of the match.
Declare: When one of your players makes a block.
4 Spy Effect: The victim of the block is automatically
Action: You have hired a spy to steal your knocked down and fails their Armour roll
opponent’s playbook in order to give you – no dice are rolled for the block or
the edge in the match. Armour roll.
Declare: When you suffer a turnover.
11 Set Piece
Effect: Counts as using a team re-roll. Action: In preparation for the big match your
5 Biased Referee team has been practicing some set piece
Action: The referee has been bribed to turn a plays.
blind eye. Declare When you pass the ball.
Declare: Before an opponent rolls the dice to make Effect: The pass is automatically accurate and is
a block or a foul. automatically caught, no dice roll is
Effect: Opponent is called for illegal procedure required for either. Opposing players may
and immediately suffers a turnover unless still try to intercept the ball, and the player
they can successfully argue the call. the ball is thrown to must be in range of
the thrower.
6 Is It A Touchdown?
Action: The referee’s view is momentarily 12 Magic Scroll
obscured. Action: A suspicious looking man from a betting
Declare: When an opposing player scores a syndicate gives you a spell scroll prior to
touchdown. the match.
Effect: The opposing team suffers a turnover Declare: At any point during the match.
and will only score a touchdown if the Effect: Counts as having a Wizard on your team,
player with the ball is still standing in the allowing you to cast one spell.
End Zone at the end of their next turn.
7 Assassin
Action: You have hired an assassin before the
match to take one opposing player out of
the match.
Declare: At the start of one of your turns.
Effect: The assassin hits an opposing player with
a poison dart. Pick one player on the
opposing team and place them in the
Knocked-Out box in their dugout.

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