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(111) People of the Philippines

Honorable Sandiganbayan
G.R. Nos. 115439-41, 1997

The case involves a prominent politician in Mindanao, respondent Ceferino

Paredes, Jr., who was formerly the Provincial Attorney of Agusan del Sur, then
Governor, and Congressman. During his stint, Paredes applied for and was granted a
free patent over a vast tract of land. However, it was cancelled because apparently, it
has already been designated and reserved as a school site. The court found that Paredes
had obtained title
thereto through fraudulent misrepresentations in his application, and
somebody came forward and filed a case of perjury against him. However, the same was
dismissed on theground of prescription. Then again, another case was Filed against him for
violation of
A nt iG r af t a nd C or r u pt Pr ac t ic es Ac t f or us i n g h is f orm er p os it i o n as Pr o v i nc i
a lA tt or n e y to inf lu e nc e a n d i nd uc e th e Bu re a u of
La n ds of f ic ia ls t o f a v o r ab l y ac t on his
application for patent. In all these cases, Paredes was represented by
respondent Atty.Sansaet, a practicing attorney. Paredes, as defense, contends that he has already
been charged under the same set of facts and the same evidence where such complaint perjury case
where he was already arraigne and has already
been dismissed. Hence, double jeopardy has already attached. In support thereof,
Paredes presented court records and transcripts as proof of his arraignment in the perjury case.

However, the documents were found to be falsified, in conspiracy with Paredes counsel and
the clerk of court where the perjury case was filed. One Teofilo Gelacio claims that no notice of
arraignment was ever received by the office of the Provincial fiscal. hence, another casewas
filed for falsification of judicial records. It was then that respondent Sansaet ordered to testify
as a state witness against his client Paredes, claiming that the latter contrived and induced him
to have the graft case dismissed on the ground of double jeopardy by having him and
correspondent prepare and falsify the suspect documents. But the Sandiganbayan denied the
motion on the ground of attorney client privilege sincethe lawyer could not testify against his
own client. In view of such relationship, confidential matters must have been disclosed by
Paredes, as client, to accused Sansaet, as his lawyer,in his professional capacity, and therefore

Whether or not the testimony of respondent Sansaet, as proposed state witness, is barred by
attorney client privilege.


There is no privileged communication rule to talk about. The privilege applies only if
the information was relayed by the client to the lawyer respecting a past crime. There reconing
point is when the communication was given, not when the lawyer was made to
testify. The attorney client privilege cannot apply in these cases as the facts thereof and the
actuations of both respondents therein constitute an exception to the rule.It may be correctly
assumed that there was a confidential communication made by Paredesto Sansaet
in connection with the criminal cases since the latter served as his counsel therein.
The privilege is not concerned to verbal or written communications made by the client to his
attorney but extends as well to information communicated by o ther means including
physical acts. The acts and words of the parties, therefore, during the period when the
documents were being falsified were necessarily confidential since Paredes would not
ha v e i n v it e d S a ns a et t o h is h o us e a nd a l l o we d h im to wi t nes s t h e
s am e e 9c ep t u nd er conditions of secrecy and confidence.

(137) Taghoy vs Tigol


Spouses Filomeno Taghoy and Margarita Amit owned an 11,067 square meter parcel of land,
known as Lot 3635-B of subdivision plan (LRC) Psd-212881 (subject property), located
in Barrio Agus, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu under Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 6466 of the
Lapu-Lapu City Registry of Deeds.

On August 6, 1975, Filomeno and Margarita executed a special power of attorney, appointing
Felixberto Tigol, Jr. as their attorney-in-fact. On August 21, 1975, Felixberto, as
attorney-in-fact, executed a real estate mortgage over the subject property to secure a loan of
P22,000.00 with the Philippine National Bank (PNB). Filomeno and Margarita obtained the
loan to finance the shellcraft business of their children.

Filomeno died intestate on February 12, 1976. On July 27, 1979, his widow, Margarita, and
their seven children, namely, Vicenta, Felisa, Pantaleon, Gaudencio, Anselmo, Anastacia and
Rosita, as heirs of the deceased, executed a Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement and Sale,
adjudicating to themselves the subject property and selling the same to Rosita and her
husband Felixberto (respondents) for P1,000.00.

Subsequently, on September 7, 1981 and August 10, 1982, Filomeno's heirs executed two (2)
Deeds of Confirmation of Sale, confirming the supposed sale of the subject property by
Filomeno and Margarita in favor of the respondents for P1,000.00. Simultaneous with the
execution of the deeds, however, the respondents executed explanatory Joint Affidavits
attesting that the sale was without any consideration, and was only executed to secure a loan.

On March 9, 1983, TCT No. 13250 was issued in the respondents' names. On July 1, 1983,
the respondents obtained a P70,000.00 loan with the Philippine Banking Corporation, secured
by a real estate mortgage on the subject property.

Seven (7) years later, on April 17, 1990, Anselmo and Vicenta, together with Margarita, Felisa,
Gaudencio, and Pantaleon's surviving heir, Annabel, filed a complaint against the respondents
and Anastacia for declaration of nullity of the respondents' TCT and for judicial partition. They
alleged that the deeds of confirmation of sale became the bases for the transfer of the title in
the respondents' names, but the sale was fictitious or simulated, as evidenced by the
respondents' own explanatory joint affidavits attesting that the transfer was for the
purpose only of convenience in securing a loan, not for absolute conveyance or sale.

The respondents admitted that they executed the joint affidavits but countered that they
acquired a valid title to the subject property through the Extrajudicial Settlement of Heirs and
Sale. They claimed that when Filomeno died without the PNB loan being paid, the heirs
agreed that the respondents will advance payment of the loan, subject to reimbursement, to
save the foreclosure of the subject property; the heirs then executed the Extrajudicial
Settlement and Sale in the respondents' favor as their way of reimbursing the amount the latter
paid; the respondents executed the joint affidavits out of generosity, expressing their
willingness to be reimbursed, but when the heirs failed to reimburse the amounts advanced by
them, then they caused the registration of the title in their names.

Margarita, Felisa, Gaudencio and Annabel failed to appear at the initial hearing, prompting the
petitioners' counsel to manifest that, except for Anselmo and Vicenta, they were abandoning
the complaint. The petitioners subsequently amended the complaint to
implead Margarita, Felisa, Gaudencio and Annabel as party defendants or unwilling plaintiffs.


RTC found that the sale of the subject property was absolutely simulated since the deeds of
confirmation of sale were executed only to accommodate the respondents' loan application
using the subject property as collateral. The lower court thus ordered the nullification of the
respondents' title. It likewise ordered the partition of the subject property after reimbursement
of the amount the respondents paid for the loan.

Subsequently, the respondents filed a motion for new trial, anchored on newly discovered
evidence allegedly proving that the subject property is Margarita's paraphernal property.When
the RTC denied the motion for new trial, the respondents filed an appeal with the CA, under
Rule 41 of the Rules of Court.


The CA decided the appeal on August 26, 2002, reversing the RTC decision. Relying upon
Margarita's testimony that the respondents paid the loan, the CA found that the contract
between the parties was relatively simulated; the respondents' payment of the PNB loan was
the real consideration for the transfer of title.

After the CA denied the motion for reconsideration that followed, the petitioners filed the
present petition.


The petitioners argue that the heirs, in executing the extrajudicial settlement, did not intend to
divest themselves of their respective rightful shares, interests and participation in the subject
property because it lacked a consideration, as affirmed by the respondents' own joint
affidavits; the payment of the PNB loan could not be a valid consideration for the transfer since
the loan was still unpaid and outstanding at the time of the execution of the extrajudicial


Whether or not the sale of the subject property between the parties was absolutely or relatively


The Supreme Court find the petition with merit , Supreme Court said they are not a trier of
facts. However, if the inference drawn by the appellate court from the facts is manifestly
mistaken, as in the present case, we can review the evidence to allow us to arrive at the
correct factual conclusions based on the record.

In the interpretation of contracts, the intention of the parties is accorded primordial

consideration; such intention is determined from the express terms of their agreement, as well
as their contemporaneous and subsequent acts. When the parties do not intend to be bound at
all, the contract is absolutely simulated; if the parties conceal their true agreement, then the
contract is relatively simulated. An absolutely simulated contract is void, and the parties may
recover from each other what they may have given under the simulated contract, while a
relatively simulated contract is valid and enforceable as the parties' real agreement binds
them. Characteristic of simulation is that the apparent contract is not really desired or
intended to produce legal effects, or in any way, alter the juridical situation of the parties.

In the present case, the parties never intended to be bound by their agreement as revealed by
the two (2) joint affidavits executed by the respondents simultaneous with the execution of the
deeds of confirmation of sale.

The joint affidavits are very solid pieces of evidence in the petitioners' favor. They constitute
admissions against interest made by the respondents under oath. An admission against
interest is the best evidence that affords the greatest certainty of the facts in dispute, based on
the presumption that no man would declare anything against himself unless such declaration
is true. It is fair to presume that the declaration corresponds with the truth, and it is his fault if it
does not.

Thus, by the respondents' own admissions, they never intended to be bound by the sale; they
merely executed the documents for convenience in securing a bank loan, and they agreed to
reconvey the subject property upon payment of the loan. The sale was absolutely simulated
and, therefore, void.

We find that the CA misappreciated Margarita's testimony that the respondents are entitled to
the entire property because they redeemed or paid the bank loan. The failure of the other heirs
to reimburse the amounts advanced by the respondents in payment of the loan did not entitle
the latter to claim full ownership of the co-owned property. It only gave them the right to claim
reimbursement for the amounts they advanced in behalf of the co-ownership. The
respondents' advance payments are in the nature of necessary expenses for the preservation
of the co-ownership. Article 488 of the Civil Code provides that necessary expenses may be
incurred by one co-owner, subject to his right to collect reimbursement from the remaining
co-owners. Until reimbursed, the respondents hold a lien upon the subject property for the
amount they advanced.

Based on the foregoing, we find that the CA erred in setting aside the decision of the RTC and
in dismissing the petitioners' complaint against the respondents.

CA’s decision dated August 26, 2002 REVERSE and SET ASIDE . The decision dated
February 23, 1994 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 27, Lapu-Lapu City in Civil Case No.
2247 is REINSTATED. No pronouncement as to costs.

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