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Executions under DV Act

Sr. Title Citation Question involved Held

1 Shalu Ojha 2014 (4) Executions under DV Act Where maintenance is granted by
Vs RCR (Civil) magistrate u/s 20 of DV Act, on
Prashant Ojha 815 appeal to the court of session, the
(SC) session court ought not stay the
execution of maintenance order.
Power to grant interim orders are
not always inherent in every
2 Kanchan Crl. Misc. Executions under DV Act Monetary relief is defined in
Vs. No.123/20 Section 2 (k) of the Act. For
Vikramjeet 10 execution of monetary order,
Setiya DOD passed u/s 12 petitioner has to
13.02.12 apply u/s 20 of the Act. However,
(RAJ) this provision is limited to person
who may have accrued credit or
is a salaried person. In case of self
employed person, this provision
will be of no help to petitioner.
Section 125 has to be resorted to
non compliance of order of
monetary relief does not give rise
to consequence of Section 31 of
the Act.
Direction: - all order of monetary
relief under DV Act shall be
executed in the manner provided
u/s 125 Cr.P.C. but with
modification that no formal
application shall be required.

3 Kanaka Raj 2010 Executions under DV Act Held – that only if the order
Vs Crl.L.J. passed by the Magistrate is a
St. of Kerala (NOC) 447 protection order or an interim
and anr. (KERELA) protection order, the Magistrate
can direct registration of case and
investigate the same under
Section 31 of the DV Act and even
if award is passed by Lok Adalat
unless made in terms of Section
18 of the DV Act, it cannot be a
protection order or interim
protection order and breach of it
will not attract the offence u/s 31
of the DV Act.

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