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Tutorial Notes

Modified Games

1. Find the Gap (stage 3)

Instructions - Teams of 4 or 5

- Works best with even numbers

- Batting team bowls, must give batters a fair chance to hit the ball

- Fielders stand out in the field; at least one must be inside the
triangle of cones and one must be wicket keeper

- Two batters at once, one at each end of the pitch

- Bowler bowls the ball, batter must hit the ball within the two
widest cones to be able to run

- Outside of the cones is a foul ball, and ball is bowled again

- Batting partnership faces 12 balls total

- Bowlers swap after 6 balls


- if batter gets out, lose 3 runs

- Can get out by bring caught, run out or bowled

Once each student has batted, teams swap

Variation and - If the batter misses the ball twice in a row, a kanga cricket cone

Extensions can be placed in front of them and they can hit off that

LEST Learners
- Teacher to get students into even teams, sick/injured students can
be umpire/keep score
- each game with need 1 wicket, 1 bat, 1 ball, 3 cones
- Large playing area required
- If two games are running, set pitches up so that wicket keepers are
back to back and batters are hitting away from each other, this will
minimise interference.
- 15-20min, multiple innings can be played

red= wicket keeper,
green= fielders,
white= teacher)

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s - Batting (straight drive)
- Step, stop, swing
- Fielding
- Get low, cup hands, fingers brush grass, eyes on ball
- Bowling’
“step, reach, roll, release”
2. Tee Off (Stage 3)
Instructions Batting team is lined up behind the hitting line while one batter is in


Fielding team stands in the field inside the area marked out by the

black cones.

Batter hits all 6 balls off the cones before the fielders are allowed to

field them.

Once all balls have been hit the batsman must run from the furthest

cone (cone on the right for right handers; cone on the left for left

handers) around the stumps and back to the same cone as many

times as possible, before the fielding team has placed all of the balls

back onto the tees.

The balls must be hit inside the ‘V’ (black cones)

Each lap around the stumps is one run, if the ball is hit through

either of the two sets of white cones, 4 runs is scored.

Each batter gets a turn at scoring runs before teams swap.

Variation and Extension:

Extensions Fielders are able to stop the ball with their feet with out

moving from their position, this forces the batter to look for

bigger gaps

LEST Learners
- Teams should be even, roughly 6-8 on each team. Large classes
can have 2 games running at once
- 2 sets of wickets, 6 balls, 6 kanga cricket cones/tees, 2 bats, 2
cones of one colour, 4 cones of one colour, 6 cones of one colour
- Large playing area required
- If two games are running, set them up back to back so balls are
being hit way from each other
- 15-20min, multiple innings can be played

red= balls on tees
green= fielders)

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s - Batting (straight drive)
- Step, stop, swing
- Fielding
- Get low, cup hands, fingers brush grass, eyes on ball
3. Continuous Cricket (stage 3)
Instructions - 3 teams of 4-5; outer field; inner field, wicket keeper and bowler;

- and a batting team.

- Bowler bowls to the batter underarm and ball must bounce.

- Batter hits within the outer blue cones and runs around the white
cone (once count for one run) as many times as is possible before
the bowler bowls again.

- Bowler can bowl as soon as he/she receives the ball.

- Batter retires at 20.

- Every batter gets a turn before rotation.

- Batting team becomes outfield, outfield becomes infield, infield

become batters.

Variation and Extension

Extensions - Bowler and inner field moves back and bowler can bowl overarm

off two step

- Struggling batters can hit the ball off a tee.


- change retirement score if needed

LEST Learners
- Teams should be even, roughly 6-8 on each team. Large classes
can have 2 games running at once
- 1 ball, 3 cones of one colour, 1 cone of another colour, 1 set of
stumps, 1 bat, set of wicket keeper gloves if desired.
- Large playing area required
- If two games are running, set them up back to back so balls are
being hit way from each other
- 15-20min, multiple innings can be played

red= balls on tees
green= fielders)

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s - Batting
- Step, stop, swing
- Fielding
- Get low, cup hands, fingers brush grass, eyes on ball
- Bowling
- “step, reach, roll, release”
4. Mini Cricket (Stage 4)
Instructions 3 teams

Team 1= 2 batters, 2 scorers

Team 2= Wicket Keeper, Bowler, 2 infielders

Team 3= Outfielders

Batting team gets 4 overs (swap batters after two overs)

Bowler swaps after each over.

After two overs, infielders swap with bowler and wicket


If batter gets out, receive -2 runs and swap ends with partner.

Batter is out if they are bowled, run out or caught (no lbw)

After 4 overs; outfield becomes infield/bowler/wicket keeper, infield

become batters, batters become outfield.

Two batsmen at once means they are having to make a decision

about whether or not to run once they have hit the ball

Variation and Extension

Extensions - Batters who struggle can hit the ball off the tee.


- Can add in the rule of ‘tip and run’ for more advanced


LEST Learners
- Students are in even teams of 4 or 5, 3 teams per pitch/field
- 2 set of stumps, 2 bats, 1 ball, per pitch
- Large playing area required
- If two games are running, set them up back to back so balls are
being hit way from each other
- 15-20min, multiple innings can be played, each team should have a
go at each role


Green = Infielders,
bowler, wicket
Yellow= batters,

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s - Batting
- Step, stop, swing
- Fielding
- Get low, cup hands, fingers brush grass, eyes on ball
- Bowling
- “step, reach, roll, release”

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