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Men’s A-League Flag Football Rules and Information

Welcome!!! This league will be a men’s only (age 21-up) 7 on 7 flag football league. This league will
consist of 16 teams, including a $500 entry fee for each team with a 7 player min. 15 player max. Games
will be held at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, located at 418 E. 34th St. Indianapolis, IN. Each team will
play one game per week, either on Saturday’s between the times of 4-7pm or Sunday’s between 1:15-
4:00 p.m. This season will be a total of 10 weeks beginning on May 19th. The regular season will include 6
games with a single elimination playoff schedule for the following weeks. Roster of at LEAST 7 players
must be turned in by May 7th along with $500 entry fee. There are only 16 slots for teams,
first come first serve. You can reserve your team’s spot with $100 down! Money MUST be in
full by May 7th. If your team does not max out at 15 players by May 7th, you will have until May 26th to
make your final additions. Teams will be responsible for their own uniforms. Each team will need to
have TWO colors picked out for Home & Away (One light color One dark) purposes. Teams will give their
two colors when money is paid and roster is submitted. For information on how to give rosters and
money contact Angelo Foreman at 317-366-7936 or [email protected].


Team: A team consists of at least 7 players, 15 players max. A team must have 5 players to start the
game. If a team does not have 5 players by 20 minutes after the scheduled starting time, that team will
forfeit the contest.

Forfeit time: 20 minutes after scheduled game time.

Eligibility: Must be 21 years of age to compete. There will be periodic checks to ensure every team is
using eligible players.

You may only play for one team. All players must be registered with the league. Playing with
unregistered players will result in immediate forfeiture and league suspension.

Violation of any of the above will result in forfeiture of the game and/or season


1. Captains meet for the coin toss. The visiting team calls the toss.

2. The winner of the coin toss may choose to go on offense or defense. The loser of the coin toss
chooses the end zone to defend. Teams may not defer. The team that starts the game on
defense will start the second half on offense and vice versa.

3. The offensive team takes possession at its 40-yard line and has four (4) plays to cross midfield. If
a team crosses midfield, it has four more (4) plays to score a touchdown. Teams may choose to
give ball back to opposing team on 4th downs. Failure to complete on 4th down will result in
other team receiving possession where the fourth down ended.
Note: If offensive teams fails the first drive with all four downs and is stopped on the 15-yard
line, opposing team will receive the ball on the 15-yard line closest to the end zone.

4. If the offensive team fails to cross midfield or score, the opposing team takes possession on its
40-yard line.

5. All possession changes at the 40-yard line including interceptions.

6. Teams can play with no fewer than 5 players.


1. The League will provide an official game ball that must be used by both teams. No other ball will
be authorized for use during games.
2. The League provides each player with an Official Flag belt which must be worn during games. No
other flag belt besides the flag belt provided may be used.
3. Flags must be worn on "OUTBOARD", on each side of the players' hips in line with the hip joint.
4. Shirts and jerseys MUST be tucked in so they do not interfe re with the flag.
5. NO metal spikes or jewelry. (No earrings, necklace may be tucked)


1. Contact is limited to incidental contact that is a normal part of flag football.

2. Players are expected to behave in a civil manner. Flag slamming, flag throwing, or other uncivil
acts will result in a verbal warning for the first offense and an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty
for each subsequent offense.

3. Taunting, trash talking, cursing or other offensive language or behavior by players, coaches or
their fans will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for the first offense and forfeiture
for the second offense.

4. Reckless play deemed by the referee to be potentially dangerous or harmful (e.g., tackling,
elbowing, cheap shots, roughing, pushing, etc.) will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct
penalty. Two such acts committed by one player during a game will result in automatic ejection.

5. Play that is deemed by the referee to be intentionally malicious (e.g. clothes lining, blatant
tackling with no effort to pull flags, etc.) will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty and
immediate player ejection. Two such acts by one team during a game will result in immediate
forfeiture and potential league sanctions.

6. Players, Teams or Coaches who are found to have intentionally cheated will be suspended

7. Players, Coaches, or Spectators who are ejected from a game, must vacate the premises. Failure
to do so will result in game suspension and forfeiture.
8. Field Supervisors and Game Officials have the authority to suspend play and declare a forfeit if
players, fans and/or coaches behave in a manner that is threatening or dangerous. One "Game
suspension" warning will be issued.


1. Games consist of two 20-minute halves. Halftime is 5-minutes. The clock runs continuously
unless timeout is called.
2. The offensive team has 25 seconds to snap the ball once it has been spotted. The offense may
snap the ball at any time after the Line Judge has signaled the start of the 25 second snap count
whether the defense is ready or not. The referee will warn the offensive team when there are
10 seconds left on the snap count clock.
3. Each team has two 60-second time outs per game that does carry-over from 1st half to the
second half.
4. Officials can stop the clock at their discretion for an injury, pet on the field, etc.


1. Coin toss winner will begin at the 40-yard line.

2. Sudden Death, first team to score in Overtime wins.
3. During Overtime, interception may be returned.
4. Coin toss pick will be opposite of coin toss winner at the start of the game.
5. NO time-outs in Overtime.
6. All applicable regulation period rules and penalties are in effect.


1. Substitutions may be made on any dead ball.

2. Play is ruled "dead" when:
A) The ball touches the ground.
B) Ball carrier's flag is pulled.
C) Ball carrier steps out of bounds.
D) Ball carrier's knee, elbow, hip or backside touches the ground.
E) When a touchdown or extra point is made.


1. If a ball carrier's flag falls out while running, the ball is marked at the spot where the ball
carrier's flag came out.

2. Defensive players that start a play without a flag can intercept a pass but cannot advance it.

3. The play is ruled dead when the ball makes contact with the ground. The ball is spotted where
the ball lands.

4. The ball is spotted where the ball carrier's forward-most grounded foot is when the flag is
pulled, not where the ball is. Note: The ball-carrier's forward-most grounded foot is the one that
is both closest to his goal line and in contact with the ground. For example, should a defender
pull the flag of a ball-carrier who has his front foot elevated over the goal line and his back foot
on the ground six inches in front of the goal line, the ball will be spotted where his forward -most
grounded foot was when the flag was pulled - six inches in front of the goal line.


1. The ball must be snapped between the legs to start play.

2. The ball can be hiked from the center to any offensive player.
3. The ball must be snapped from the spot where the referee places it.
4. Any number of offensive players may shift prior to the snap but only one player on offense is
allowed in motion when the ball is being snapped. The player in motion must be moving parallel
to the line of scrimmage or in a backward direction. All other players on offense must be set
prior to the snap.


1. Any player receiving a hand-off or a pitch behind the line of scrimmage is eligible to run the ball.
Note: A pitch may be tossed or thrown underhand or overhand to a player standing in a spot
behind the player pitching it.
Note: A hand-off is a direct exchange of the football from one player to another.
Note: When two or more hand-offs are performed in quick succession, in every case, the player
handing the ball off must completely release the ball. Having a player simply touch the ball while
it is in possession of another player does not constitute a hand-off.
2. Only direct handoffs behind the line of scrimmage are permitted. Handoffs may be in front,
behind or to the side of the offensive player but must be behind the line of scrimmage. The
offense may use multiple handoffs.
3. The player receiving the snap is eligible to run only after a rusher crosses the line of scrimmage.
Running is never allowed when a play starts in a no-run zone.
4. Once the ball has been handed off or pitched, all defensive players are eligible to rush the ball
carrier regardless of their position prior to the snap.
5. No pitches or hand-offs are allowed once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage.
6. No-Run Zones are located 5 yards from the end zone and 5 yards from midfield (First down
marker). A running play toward the midfield line or goal line is not allowed when the ball is
spotted in the No-Run zone. The only way to advance the ball from the No-Run zone is with a
forward pass.
7. If a player missing a flag takes a hand-off, the play is ruled dead and loss of down.
8. Offensive players without the ball must stop their motion once the ball has crossed the line of
scrimmage. No running with the ball-carrier.


1. All forward passes must be received beyond the line of scrimmage. Note: A forward pass is any
ball tossed or thrown overhand or underhand to a player standing in front of the player
throwing it.
2. Legal Crossing the line of scrimmage pass vs Illegal Pass Crossing the line of scrimmage pass:
The entire front foot must cross the line of scrimmage. If QB’s foot is over the line of
scrimmage, the pass is illegal. If the QB’s foot is on the line of scrimmage, there is no penalty.
3. Once a legal forward pass is completed, no other passes, pitches or hand-offs are allowed. (No
down field Laterals)
4. Shovel passes are allowed and subject to all the rules pertaining to forward passes.
5. Intentional Grounding is permitted
6. The quarterback has FIVE SECONDS time to pass or hand-off the ball. Time starts once QB
catches snap.
7. Interceptions may be advanced including those made during extra point attempts and during


1. All players are eligible to receive forward passes or pitches.

2. If a player missing a flag catches the ball, the play is ruled dead at the spot of the catch.
3. A player must have at least one foot in-bounds when making a reception.
4. An offensive player who voluntarily runs out of bounds during live action may not return to the
field of play until the ball is dead.
5. An offensive player who is forced out of bounds during live action by contact with a defender
may return to the field of play during live action without penalty.
6. If a defensive player pulls a receivers flag prior to a legal reception of a pitch or forward pass,
the defense will be flagged for Illegal Flag Pull but the play will not be whistled dead. If the
receiver catches the pass or pitch, the play will remain live until the receivers other flag is pulled.
If both flags are pulled illegally and the catch is made, the play remains live until a defender
touches the ball carrier with two hands.
7. When a pass is thrown, any player from either team has a right to catch the ball. If in the
attempt to catch the ball, a player hinders an opposing player by physical contact (pushing,
shoving, slapping, etc.), pass interference will result. Referees will determine incidental contact
that is a normal part of flag football.
8. If a ball is simultaneously caught by 2 opposing players and both players come down with the
ball, possession will be awarded to the offense with the ball being dead at the spot.


1. All players who rush the passer must be a minimum of five yards from the line of scrimmage
when the ball is snapped. A referee will designate seven yards from the line of scrimmage.
2. Any number of players can rush the quarterback.
3. Rushers may jump to block a pass but may not make contact with the QB.
4. If a rusher leaves the rush line prior to the snap, he/she may return to the rush line, reset and
then legally rush the quarterback.
5. If a rusher leaves the rush line early but the ball is handed off before the rusher crosses the line
of scrimmage, the rusher may continue to legally rush.
6. Once the ball is handed off or pitched, the five-yard rushing rule is no longer in effect, and all
defenders are eligible to rush.
7. The player receiving the snap is eligible to run when the rusher crosses the l ine of scrimmage
except in the no run zone.

1. Touchdowns are worth 6 points.

2. Extra Points are worth 1 point from 5-yard line or 2 points from 12-yard line.
3. There is NO SAFETY. If offense has ball in between the 50 and 45-yard line, defense may NOT
4. The defense may return an interception including extra point attempts during regulation and
overtime. An interception returned for a score on an extra point attempt is always worth 2


1. All penalties will be assessed at the end of the play.

2. Spinning is allowed but players cannot leave their feet to avoid a defensive player.
3. Diving or leaping to advance the ball is not allowed. If a player dives or leaps, the ball will be
marked where the player left his feet.
4. Blocking is allowed. No defensive player may bull rush. All blocking must be done at/behind the
line of scrimmage. Blockers and rushers may use hands, no one can be pushed down to the
ground or will result as a penalty (Roughing, 10 yards).
5. Any player that steps out of bounds during play must return to the field of play immediately or
be penalized for illegal participation.
6. Any player that comes onto the field from out of bounds after the play has begun will be
penalized for illegal participation.
7. Referees will determine incidental contact that results from normal play.
8. In the case of offensive and defensive penalties occurring on the same play, the down will be
9. Games cannot end on a defensive penalty. Unless offense declines it.
10. The ball may not be stripped from runner.


1. Roughing/Unsportsmanlike conduct = 10 yards from end of play.

2. Delay of game = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
3. Too many players on the field = 5 yards from line of scrimmage.
4. Illegal pitch = 5 yards from original line of scrimmage or point of infraction if beyond the line of
5. Improper Equipment = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage and loss of down.



Note: Loss of Down means no repeating of down. An offensive penalty on 1st down costs the offensive
team yardage plus the 1st down play during which the penalty occurred. The next play run by the
offense would be 2nd down. Penalties on 2nd down are followed by a 3rd down play. Penalties on 3rd
down plays result in a 4th down or change of possession.

1. Illegal Hike/Illegal Motion/False Start = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
2. Illegal Run in No-Run Zone = 5 yards from original line of scrimmage.
3. Illegal forward pass (Any pass received or lands behind the line of scrimmage or throwing a pass
after crossing the line of scrimmage) = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
4. Offensive Pass Interference = 10 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
5. Flag Guarding/Blocking down field = 10 yards from spot of foul.
6. Illegal participation (player enters the field of play after the ball has been snapped) = 5 yard
from the original line of scrimmage and loss of down.



1. Offside/Illegal Rush = 5 yards from the original line of scrimmage. (Replay down with 5 yards
from original line of scrimmage or decline with forward progress)
2. Pass Interference = Ball placed at spot of the foul. In the case of pass interference in the end
zone, the ball will be spotted 1 yard from the goal line.
3. Holding/Illegal Contact/Illegal Flag Pull = 10 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
4. Holding an offensive player with the ball = 10 yards from the spot of the foul.
5. Roughing the passer = 10 yards from end of play. (Defender/rusher may not hit QB’s arm or
intentionally knock ball out of his hand).
6. Illegal participation (player enters the field of play after the ball has been snapped) = 5 yard
from the original line of scrimmage and automatic first down.


1. Winning percentage
2. Points per game
3. Points Allowed per game



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