AHTN Chapter1

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Live animals

Hdg. AHTN Code

No. 2007

01.01 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies.

0101.10.00 - Pure-bred breeding animals:
0101.10.00A - - Horses 3
0101.10.00B - - Asses, mules and hinnies 5
0101.90 - Other:
0101.90.30 - - Horses 7
0101.90.90 - - Other 5

e ly
01.02 Live bovine animals.

al On
0102.10.00 - Pure-bred breeding animals 1
0102.90 - Other:
0102.90.10 - - Oxen 3
rS e
- - Buffaloes 3 /a
0102.90.90 - - Other 3 /a
Fo en

01.03 Live swine.

0103.10.00 - Pure-bred breeding animals 1 /a
ot r
N efe

- Other:
0103.91.00 - - Weighing less than 50 kg:
0103.91.00A - - - In-Quota 30

0103.91.00B - - - Out-Quota 35

0103.92.00 - - Weighing 50 kg or more:

0103.92.00A - - - In-Quota 30

0103.92.00B - - - Out-Quota 35

01.04 Live sheep and goats.

0104.10 - Sheep:
0104.10.10 - - Pure-bred breeding animals 1 /a
0104.10.90 - - Other 1/a
0104.20 - Goats:
0104.20.10 - - Pure-bred breeding animals 1 /a

0104.20.90 - - Other:
0104.20.90A - - - In-Quota 30 /a

Zero duty under the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act, subject to submission of Certificate of Eligibility or
Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Department of Agriculture-Regional Fisheries Units, Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, Department of Trade and Industry’s regional and provincial offices, or the Board of Investments.
Hdg. AHTN Code
No. 2007

0104.20.90B - - - Out-Quota 40 /a

01.05 Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the

species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese,
turkeys and guinea fowls.
- Weighing not more than 185 g:
0105.11 - - Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus:
0105.11.10 - - - Breeding fowls 1
0105.11.90 - - - Other:
0105.11.90A - - - - In-Quota 35

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0105.11.90B - - - - Out-Quota 35

al On
rS e - - Turkeys:
0105.12.10 - - - Breeding turkeys 1
0105.12.90 - - - Other:
Fo en
0105.12.90A - - - - In-Quota 35
0105.12.90B - - - - Out-Quota 40
0105.19 - - Other:
ot r
N efe

0105.19.10 - - - Breeding ducklings 1 /a

0105.19.30 - - - Breeding goslings 1 /a
0105.19.90 - - - Other:

0105.19.90A - - - - In-Quota 35
0105.19.90B - - - - Out-Quota 40
- Other:

0105.94 - - Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus:

0105.94.10 - - - Breeding fowls, other than fighting cocks 1 /a
0105.94.20 - - - Fighting cocks, weighing not more than 7
2,000 g
0105.94.30 - - - Fighting cocks, weighing more than 7
2,000 g
0105.94.90 - - - Other:
0105.94.90A - - - - In-Quota 35

0105.94.90B - - - - Out-Quota 40

0105.99 - - Other:
0105.99.10 - - - Breeding ducks:
0105.99.10A - - - - In-Quota 35
0105.99.10B - - - - Out-Quota 40

Zero duty under the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act, subject to submission of Certificate of Eligibility or
Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Department of Agriculture-Regional Fisheries Units, Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, Department of Trade and Industry’s regional and provincial offices, or the Board of Investments.
Hdg. AHTN Code
No. 2007

0105.99.20 - - - Other ducks:

0105.99.20A - - - - In-Quota 35
0105.99.20B - - - - Out-Quota 40
0105.99.30 - - - Breeding geese, turkeys and guinea
0105.99.30A - - - - In-Quota 35
0105.99.30B - - - - Out-Quota 40
0105.99.40 - - - Other geese, turkeys and guinea fowls:
0105.99.40A - - - - In-Quota 35
0105.99.40B - - - - Out-Quota 40

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01.06 Other live animals.

al On
- Mammals:
0106.11.00 - - Primates 5
0106.12.00 - - Whales, dolphins and porpoises 5
rS e (mammals of the order Cetacea);
manatees and dugongs (mammals of the
order Sirenia)
0106.19.00 - - Other:
Fo en
0106.19.00A - - - Pure-bred breeding animals 5
0106.19.00B - - - Other 5
ot r

0106.20.00 - Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) 5

N efe

- Birds:
0106.31.00 - - Birds of prey 5
0106.32.00 - - Psittaciformes (including parrots, 5

parakeets, macaws and cockatoos)

0106.39.00 - - Other:
0106.39.00A - - - Pure-bred breeding animals 5 /a

0106.39.00B - - - Other 5
0106.90.00 - Other 5

Zero duty under the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act, subject to submission of Certificate of Eligibility or
Certificate of Accreditation issued by the Department of Agriculture-Regional Fisheries Units, Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, Department of Trade and Industry’s regional and provincial offices, or the Board of Investments.

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