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Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine

O.O.Bohomolets National Medical University

for independent work of students

Study discipline «Medical and biological Physics»

Specialization «Medical occupation», «Stomatology»
Department of Medical and biological Physics

Authors: A.V.Chalyi, V.V.Pashchenko, L.G.Lesko, A.I.Yegorenkov.

Approved by methodical counsel of the Department of Medical and Biological

Physics on __.__ .2016., proceeding № ____
Considered and approved by CMC of physical and chemical disciplines on «__»
2016., proceeding № __
Topic. The mechanisms of interaction of external electric and magnetic fields
on biological objects
Education aims:
To know:
- the main characteristics of the electric and magnetic fields;
- the basic mechanisms of interaction of electric, magnetic and
electromagnetic fields with biological tissues;
- types of polarization that occur in dielectric tissues, under the action of
electric field;
- types of currents that occur in biological tissues and physiotherapeutic
methods that use them (use current conductivity, induction currents and bias
To be able to:
- carry out a comparison of the mechanisms of action of different physical
fields on biological tissue;
- carry out calculations of the thermal effect of various physiotherapeutic
- use parameters and characteristics of the electromagnetic field to evaluate
their impact on the tissue.

1.Medical and Biological Physics: Textbook for the students of higher medical
institutions of the IV accreditation level/ Chalyi A.V., Tsekhmister Ya.V., Agapov
B.T.[et al.]. Vinnitsja, Nova Knyha, 2010. - 480 pp.
2. Chalyi O.V., Stuchynska N.V., Melenevska A.V. Higher mathematics. Train
aid for the students of higher medical and pharmaceutical institutes. – K., Теhnica.-
Control questions for theoretical study:
1. The main characteristics of electric field.

2. The main characteristics of a magnetic field.
3. The main characteristics of electromagnetic wave.
4. The main characteristics of electrical current (DC and AC).
5. Physiotherapeutic methods that use electric currents.
6. Physiotherapeutic methods that use electric and magnetic field.
7. The phenomenon of polarization.
8. The currents that arise under the action of electromagnetic fields.
9. Joule–Lenz law for thermal action of the currents.
10. Thermal effect of electromagnetic fields on biological tissues (mechanism of
action, formula to calculate the heat effect).
11. A specific effect of electromagnetic fields on biological tissues.
Tasks for the independent work:
Task 1. The air ionizers are used in air ionization therapy, which create the
concentration of air ions n = 2 * 106 in 1 cm3 with almost complete unipolarization.
Which amount of charge does the patient breathe in during a procedure lasting 10
minutes, if the minute volume of breathing is 12 l/min (liters per minute)?

Task 2. Magnetic susceptibility of cerebrospinal fluid of the person with the

disease epilepsy: χ = - 2,17·10-7. Find permeability of cerebrospinal fluid.

Task 3. Defibrillator creates shock in the area of heart, discharging the capacitor,
charged to a voltage U = 4.8 kV. Resistance of the body between electrodes R =
400 Ohm. Find the electric current in the early discharging of the capacitor?

Task 4. Electric field with intensity E = 20 kV/m is used for general franklinization
(statdouche). Mobility of positive ions in the air between electrodes is b + = 1.4
cm2/(V·s), but negative b- = 1.9 cm2/(V·s). Determine the average speed of positive
ν+ and negative v- ions.

Task 5. Measured in the laboratory the weakest magnetic field has an induction B
= 8 * 10-15 Tl. Which strength of the magnetic field does it correspond to?

Task 6. In EPR spectroscope "Rubin" the induction of the magnetic field B = 0.3
Tl. Find energy density w of this field?

Task 7. Potential difference can be up to 12 kV in operating rooms under

conditions favorable for the formation of static electricity. What is the strength of
the electric field between the front of the metal trolley and water pipes, if the
distance between them is near to 1 cm?
Task 8. The current I = 16 mA was supported for t = 16 min during the ion
galvanization. Gasket under the positive electrode was wetted with calcium
chloride solution, and negative – calcium iodide solution. How much Calcium and
Iodine is lead in into the body during the process of galvanization?
Electrochemical equivalent of Calcium k1 = 0.208 mg/C, Iodine k2= 1.315 mg/C.

Task 9. Researchers found a positive therapeutic effect from the effects of constant
magnetic field in postthrombophlebitic disease. While the optimal action of the
magnetic field is enabled when the induction B = 20 mTl. Define the density of
energy in this magnetic field.

Task 10. How many ions Na+ is lead in into the patient’s body with a solution of
table salt with ionophoresis during t = 5 min for the current density j = 40 μA/cm2?
Area of electrode’s covers S = 3 cm2.

Task 11. How many times will the amount of warmth that excels in units of
volume of electrolytic tissue per time unit change, if the strength of the electric
field increases 2 times, and cyclic frequency AC reduces 2 times.

Task 12. In NMR-Imaging scanner strength of magnetic field H = 7,56 * 106 A/m.
Determine induction of the magnetic field.

Task 13. How many times do the AC thermal power differ during diathermy in the
muscle and adipose tissues, if the electrical resistivity of muscle and adipose tissue
are ρm = 2 ohms · m, ρad = 33 Ohms · m?

Task 14. Bloodstream was studied in constant magnetic field with strength H =
400 kA/m. Determine the density of the energy of this magnetic field.

Task 15. How will thermal power of induction current change during
inductothermy, if its frequency increases 2 times.

Task 16. The charge q = 1.8 C is going through area of human body for 10 minutes
during galvanization. Determine current density j, if the size of the electrodes is
5x6 cm2.

Task 17. The strength of the magnetic field near the microwave diathermic
apparatus H = 15 A/m. Which induction of the magnetic field does it correspond

The task for the CPC
Forms of extracurricular self-study
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preparing for for all students

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