Danielson Aligned Lesson Plan Template For Formal Observations

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Danielson Aligned Lesson Plan Template for Formal Observations

Name: Dina Middleton Date: 2/26/2018 Subject: Social Skills Grade Level: 4th

Interdisciplinary Connections:
Social Skills is very important in all area inside and out of the classroom.

Lesson Duration:
One day 2/26/2018 8:30am- 9:15am (45min)

Knowing how to interact and maintain the proper behaviors in the classroom will help the student function and learn to the best of
there ability.


The student will be able to identify bullying, and the differences between being bullied and finding things to be annoying/bother.

At the start of the lesson- “I will be to identify what bullying is, and how to tell the differences between bullying and annoying.”

After lesson is Done- “I can identify what bullying is, and how to tell the differences between bullying and annoying.”

1.A Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English
2.DMonitor understanding of spoken language during classroom instruction and interactions and seek clarification as needed

Social Skills instruction is not included in the TEKS

Use of Formative Assessment to Inform Planning:

Questioning: During this lesson there will be a lot of dialog, between the student and I. While questioning the student on concepts
of bullying, I will be taking mental notes for observation in order to determine the students understanding of the objective.

Exit Ticket: Students write a response to a question posed by the teacher on the Exit Ticket paper provided.

Class Information:
This will be a lesson taught to one student, in response to the bullying incident that took place within the school. Student
was being bullied by another peer, and was not informing his teachers. Rather he would go home and vent to parents,
several days after incidents have taken place. This lesson is to help the student comprehend what bullying is, as well as
being able to identify the bullying incident as soon as it happens. Student often mixes bullying with annoying so that issue
needs to be identified in this lesson.

Technologies and Other Materials /Resources:
Technology: Ways to Stop Bullying https://youtu.be/ynTuA_tlZDE
Dialog script
Exit Ticket

Academic Vocabulary:

Words that will need to be defined during this lesson: Bullying and Annoying

Lesson Procedures:


Before showing video ask student, “How can we identify bullying?”

The hook will be the YouTube video, Ways to Stop Bullying, https://youtu.be/ynTuA_tlZDE

When the movie ends discuss with the student, “What was the 4 step method to stop bullying?”

- Take notes on the answers he gives in order to assess his attention given to the video.

Higher Level Questions:

“How do we identify bullying?” “How might me stop the bully from continuing to bully you?” “Who can we tell when we are being
bullied?” “When do we tell someone that we are being bullied?”

Guided Practice:

There will be many opportunities for guided practice during this one on one lesson. When the student struggles to gather his
thoughts, I will offer him guidance to achieve his answer to any given question.

While going though the Dialog script this will be a guided practice as well, while reading the script out loud I will make sure that
the student is using as much effort as he can to make this an effective exercise.

Independent Practice:

The student will independently answer his Exit Ticket


At the end of this lesson you will state the “I can” objective. As well as recap the bold (most important parts of the lesson).

This lesson its self is a differentiation. It was designed to be a one on one lesson as required by the students
IEP. This lesson was specifically designed to help him identify the aspects of bullying, and what to do when
he is a victim of bullying.

Assessment Criteria for Success:
In this lesson we are hoping to provide the student with as much success as possible. Bullying has effected his education and safety. In order for
him to be a successful citizen he will need to maintain these skills as well as other social skills that he will achieve through social skills instruction.

Anticipated Difficulties:
This student has been diagnosed AU (autistic). Due to this diagnosis, he has many difficulties identify rights from wrong. He cannot
pick up normal social cues, or read body language properly. These issues make it difficult for him to find the underlined meaning.
During this lesson I will need to make the abstract meanings of the lesson more literal, so that the student can better understand the
lesson that is being taught.

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