KPPSC PMS Screening Test Zone 1

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~Ut>Jt:\., I; t"N.UY IN\.,IA.L IYII-\NAUt:Mt:N I .::>t::N. Yl\,;r:.:, Vt' t"l\,;t:N. lD--11 J IN t:~ I At:JL.

l~MMt:N I
DEPARTMENT (Z-1) (ADVT: 10/2017)
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Tolal Mar1<s= (400)

Q.: l Ttavel aaents wlll eonflrm vour resorvallona for vou.
A. I Purchase I B. 'I Ve,ifv I c. I Excha=e I D. I Obtain
Q.: 2 In tho fomous nurserv rhvmo about Jack & Jiii Jiii tumbled down tho 1\111 aflor Jack.
A. I Called 11B. I Fell IC. I Ran ID. I Flew
Q.: 3 A aood auditorium will assure that the sound Is able to be ••ard.
A. I Suoerlor I 8. I Genuine I Audible re. I D. I Contained
Q.: 4 What mav be considered courteous In one culture mav be lntemreted as arr ant In another.
A. I Clumsv I B. I Sleazv IC. I Su~v I D.•I Fllmsv
Q.: 5 Unorganized guosslng wlll probably not raise i. test score as significantly as choosing one lotter
as a "euess answer11 ror entire oaoor.
A. I Cn.intfc I B.' I Haohazard I C. I Economical I D. I suosecoent
Q.: 6 Tho thief was annrohondod but his aeecmetlee had di.sanneared.
A. , People who saw B. Guns & knives
1•c. I ~
1:son who helped D. Stolen goods I I
Q.: 7 Electrical enerav mav be divided into two comoononts soec111ed as cosltivo & neaatlve.
A. I Confused I B. I Desianaled I C. I Accumulated I'D. I secaratec
Q.: 8 Altondina a mosQUO Is one wav to make a"'•eeabJe friends.
A. I Endurina 1•B. I Conocnial I C. I Eldenv I D. I Numerous
Q.: 9 Quald-e-Azam dotested JnlusUce.
A. I Recrv,nized I B. I Conrronled I C. I Suffered 1• o. I Abhorred
Q.: 10 Prlma.rv education In Pakistan must ba eemeutserv.
A. I Free or charae i-a, I R-- uired I c. I Excellent ID. I Easv


"Q:: f1 Tho study of vision would scam to Indicate that tho mind must create a rough map of lhe __
and of a raw scone ln order to roach a visual:
'A. I Terminals, demarcailon I B. I Boundaries, borders
C. I Delimitation. lalBraJ•N I 0. I Oextralitv. sinistraJi,u
Q.: 12 At a time or rampant onvlronmentallsm, it Is perhaps worth noting that goologlcal processes
amount to a efficient, lonq term dlsoosal and svs·tem:
A. I Extraordinary, closed I B. I Very, mechanical
C. I Satlsfaclon•. reaeneratino ~ D. I Remar1<abfv. recvclina
Q.: 13 Parental devotion, especially If ovorly solicitous, has Its -t one of whfch Is_ a child's
erocress toward maturltv.
A. Delusion, envisioning I B. I Excesses, ameliorating
c. Rewards. amelloratina I D. I Pillalls orotraetina
Q.: 14 Many sports writers have been c•ughl up In tho acUvilies about which thoy write and have
bocome advocates and when thev ouaht lo have been :
A. I Promoters, colleagues I B. I Participants. collaborate<s
C. I a=loalsls crfllcs I 0. I ocecnents antaaonists
Q.: 15 By S.!Jbsldlzlng small farms, tho now governmont Is hoping to __ the now of pooplo Into the
cities and farmlnn:
A. I Reverse. Incorporate I B., I Boost, initiate
c. .u..rnm.1 encouraae I O. I Enhance reeulate


Q.: 16 Whon I saw him t.hrouQh tho window. :
A, I ran out to open the door I B. I I have run out lo open lhe door
c. I shouki run out to ODPn the door I D. I I am runnlno out la ooen the door
Q,: 17 Tho Income tax raid was too sudden :
A. So lhal tne men escaped I B.' I For1he man escaping
c. Then the man escaoed I D. I For the man to escace
Q.: 18 He :,,as.sod tho oxamlnallon In tho first class bocauso ho :
A. WO<!<ed hardly for ii I B. I Was hard wortdng for It
c. Was worklnn hard for It I D.• I Had worked hard for It
Q.: 19 Whore are mv soectacles?
A. Ther\!,are they. on your nose! I B. I There they are, on your nose!
' c. are lhey1..9.f_'!~our nosttl__ ~J.O!". I Here thev are on vour nose!
j C: ! If the train Is late I D. [Unless the train Is late


Q.: 21 Which one of the options roorosont:s tho ohrasc "Llcklna tho dust":
A. I Rebuke I B. I Food =isonina
C.• I HumiUat!on I o. I None of these
Q.: 22 "Luxurlous llfo" sueeests a llfo of:
A.• I Exceedino comforts I e: 1 Extravaaance
c. I Thrift I D. I Prudence
Q.: 23 The words "Plunder" and "Plunae" are:
A. I Somewhal similar I B. t The same
C. • 1 Not related I 0. I 0""'"'Si1e
Q.: 24 Which one of the followlno Is nearest In meanino to tho word "delfv":
A. I Disobev I B. I Adore
c.· 1 occose I O. I Defv
Q.: 25 "'Red handed" means:
A. I A hand stained with blood I B. I A oerson with strona ario
C. I Exceationallv rosv hands I D.· 1 In the act of commltti= a crime


A. I Retreat I B: I Verified I c. I Stick to I D. I Clarified
A. I Communicate I B.·1 Force I c. I Benefactor I D. I Senseless
A. I Couraoeoos I B. I Darina I C; I Lovable I D. I Braverv
Q.: 29 BRUTE:
A.·1 Humble I B. I Caoture I C. I Secret I D. I Arrance
Q.: 30 IRK:
A. I Prv I B. I Tlnae IC: I Soothe ID. I Beoulle


Q.: 31 Abrupt:
A. I Alen I e: 1 Ouick I C. I Pure Io. I Sudden
Q.: 32 Ambrauous:
A. I Docile I B. I Cenaln I C. 'I Uncertain I O. I Arrev
Q.: 33 Candid:
A. I Free I B. 'I Frank I CYI Jollv I D. I Friendlv
Q.: 34 Intrinsic:
A. I External I B. I Internal I C. I Unnatural t D.-1 Basic
Q.: 35 Gregarious:
A. I Friendlv t B. I Youthful t c. t Sociable I D.·1 Aloof


Q.: 36 Ho bocamo addlctod druas at auito an oarlv nae:
A. I For I B. I Into I c.•I To ID. I In
Q.: 37 Mv father will never assent mv soendlM a whole day abroad boforo I am 16:
A.·I For I B. I To t C. I Wrth ID. l In
Q.: 38 Ho decided to break from the oartv & seek re-election as an indooendent:
A. I With I B. I Awav I C!I ue I 0. I In
Q.: 39 When Britain adootod the daclmal svstom for its monov. lt rolallvetv smoolhlv:
A. I Chanced over I B. I Chanced for I c.•1 Chanoedto I O. I Chanaed in
Q.: 40 Confron1ed tho ovldoncc of hi!lr a dozen wltncsse:s. the accused broke down & confessed:
A. I To I B! I With IC. I In Io. 1 or


Q.: 41 Istanbul Is the new namo of:
A. Rome I B. • t ConstanUnoole
c. lraa I 0. I Athens
Q.: 42 Ba, at Hlkmal was a;
A. TranslatJon Bureau I B:' I Observatl"\nl
c. Medical Universitv I D. I None of these
Q.: 43 Tho conauoror of central A,sla was:
A. Khalid Bin Waleed I 8.'I Qutavba Bin Muslim
c. Muhammad Bin Oaslm I o. I None of these··
Q.: 44 Ghaza is tho famous citv of: -
A. Enunt I B.' I Palestine .-.
c. Jordan IO. I Iran ,.
"'With hls doath ondod the (] lorv of Abbaslds". the dead Cillllrl h was; ------------i
Q.: 45
A. •I Haroon ur Rasheed I B. l Mamoon
C. I Al-Wasla Blllah I 0. I Al-Mutas!m Biltah
Q.: 46 The first areal Arab alchom!st was:
A. I lnbe Sina I s.•I Jabir Bin Ha"··an
C. I Al·Razi I 0. I Yah•a Bin Mansoor
Q.: 47 The main characteristic of the Indus vaHov civilizationis.:
A. I Dralnaoe svstern I B.· I Town, lann!nn
C. I Pucca houses I 0. I Well !aid oul roads
Q.: 48 Tho script of Indus Vallev c!vlliUtlon was:
A. I Persian I B. I Dravidian
c- I Sanskrit I o. t lndecinherable
Q.: 49 Tho Indus vallou nooole worehl ..~d:
A. I F~e I B. I Water ! C. I Motller Goddess l 0.01 Sun
o.: 50 The stone aao oeoolo had the first domestic:
A.' I Asses I B. I """s I c. I Horses I 0. I Sheep
Q.: 51 Arvans at firstsettled In:
A. I Punlab I B. I Kashmir IC. I Sindh , o.oJ Gulrat
Q.: 52 Who a.mona tho rollowlna Muahillrulers has boon called as tho "Princo of BuUdora"'?
A. I Jehanolr I B. I Akbar I c. I Babur ! D. ~ Shah Jahan
Q.: 53 Tho Muahal ""lntlna roached Us zenith durlna the relan of:
A. I Akbar I B. I Johanolr I C. ~ Shah Jahan Io. I Babur
Q.: 54 Who build Char Minar?
A. I Qull Qutab Shah I B. I Ibraham Qutb Shah
C. I Ali Adil Shah I o. I None orthese
0.: 55 Buland Oarwaza rs to commomoratothe vletorv of:
A. I Orlssa I B. I Gularat
C. I Benoal I 0. I Ootll!
Q.: 56 The Indus Water Treatv was sianod In
A. I Deihl I B. I Dacca
C. I Lahore I O. • I Karadll
Q.: 57 The Oblectlve Resolution was oaasod on March 12.
A. I 1947 I B. 11948
C.•1 1949 I 0. I 1950
Q.: 58 Pakistan raUfiod tho Simla Anntomont on Julu 1972.
A.'I 11 I B. I 13
C. I 15 I 0. 117
Q.: 59 Border between Pakistan & India Is KM.
A.• I 1610 ! B. I 1710
C. I 1810 I 0. I 1910
Q.: 60 Standard time of Pakistan Is hoursahoad of Greenwich Moan Tlmo IGMTl.
A. 12 I B. ! 3
C. I 4 I o.·1 5
Q.: 61 Tho search for suitable words for National Anthem with the music set by A.G Chagla lln1lly
ended with tho annroval In Aunust
A. 11952 I B. I 1953
C. I 1954 I 0. I 1955
Q.: 82 Karakoram Pass connects Kashmir with:
A. I India I B. I Iran
c.· 1 China I O. I Al"hanislDn
Q,: 63 Khvber Pass connoct:s with Kabul.
A.• I Peshawar I B. ! Quetta
C. I Karachi I 0. I None of lhese
Q.: 64 Gomal Pass Is situated In mountains.
A. I Waziristan Hills I B. I Saled Koh
c ..;I Sulalman I o. I Hindu Kush
Q.: 65 Ooaaba Rachna Js located betwffn the Rlvor Chenab & Rlvor:
A. I Ravi I a- I Jhelum
C. I Indus I o. I None or tnese
Q.: 66 Kalabaah Dam Is olannod to bo built on the Rlvor
A. I Indus I B. I Jhelum
c. I Kabul I o. I None of these
Q.: 67 Warsak Dam ls construcled on Rlvor.
A. I Slndh l B. •1 Kabul
C. I Jhelum I 0. I None of these
Q.: 68 The ranae of Ghaurl·I Missile Is KMS.
A. I 1200 I B. 11500
C! I 1600 I 0. I 2000
Q.: 69 The Crlps Mission v!sltod India In:
' A. I 1927 I B. I 1939
c.•1 1942 I 0. I None of U,ese
-·. . . ----- -- -···- ·------ ... ···-·- --
A. I Bombav B. Calicut u .. ~ ... IIJ\I{:: Tl=C:.T "ln.<1 O

C. I Cochin D. None of 1a-.c•1r,o c.-.nn•u ·•M

Q.: 71 Earth day In an annual event celebrated on
A.· I Mar-22 I B. I Anr-22 c. Mav-22 I D. I Jun-OS
Q.: 72 Stockholm doefaraUon on cnvironmont was annroved in
A. I 1972 I B. I 1983 c. 1992 D. I 1997
Q: 73 Tho unll ol noise Is
A. I Hertz I B. I Joulo C.· Decibels D. I PPM
Q.: 74 Aerobic moans In tho oresenco of
A. I Sulfate I B. Nitrate I C. I QYV,,.en I D. I Hvdrooen
Q.: 75 Tho undesirable change In physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, land and
Is called
A. I Pollutants I B." Eco-destructions I c. I Pollution 1 0."1 All or these
Q.: 76 Polar Ice eaes are oart of
A. I Hvdrosohere I 8. Atmosohere I C. I Lithosohere IO.• Trooosohere
Q.: 77 Turbldltv Is a water oualiru oaramctor.
A. I Chemical I 8. Bioloaical I c.· 1 Phvslcal I 0. Mlcrobial
Q.: 78 Meaa roorosonts a valuo of
A. I 1000 I B. 10,000 IC. 100.000 IO: 1000000
Q.: 79 HDI stands lor:
A. Hydrogen B. Hormonal c. Human D. None of the above
Deficiency Index - Development Index

Q.: 80 BOD stands lor:

A. Blolic oxidation B. Blologlcal c. Biological D. Biochemical
demand o>cidation demand observed demand oYVnen demand
Q.: 81 Environment dav ls colabratod on everv voar.
A. 22''"" J;l.nril I B. I 5"'Mav IC. 5"'June D. Is~ Julv
Q.: 82 Noise Is anv:

Q.: 83
A. Constant sound B.

Which of the lollowlna aroaaro their own lood?

Loud sound c. Sound
of high D.
. Unwanted sound

A.• Consumers I B. I Producers I C. I Oecom=ers D. I Carnivores

Q.: 84 CNG stands for:
A. Common National B. Compressed
Gas .
Natural Gas
c. eommon Natural 0.

Q.: 85 World Water dav Is observed on each voar.

A. Mar-22 B. I Mar-28 I C. I a~r-2.2 0. I A=-28
Q.: 86 UN Conference held at RJo In 1992 was on
A. Environment
B. Earlh c. Poverty alleviation 0. Sustainable
Q.: 87 Afforestation moans:
A. Forest research B. To convert land C. • UUliZatlon of forest 0. All or these
station Into roresl oroducts
Q.: 88 How much of tho earth's surfaco Is covorod bv wator?
A. 60% B. 170% I C."180% D. I 90%
Q.: 89 Ozone moloculcs eentatn numbor or atoms:
A. 1 B. 12 IC. I 3 D:14
Q.: 90 The climate of Pakistan Is mosUv
A.· Hot and moist B. I Hot and drv c. Cold and moisl D. I Cold and drv
Q.: 91 What ls called tho act of shortenlna one's oravor In ournov?
A. I Nafal B. IWaiib IC.' Sunnah D. I Qasr
Q.: 92 The five olllars of Islam are Namaz. Roza. Zakat. Hal & :
A: I Jihad B. I Tauheed I c. Belief on ProohelS D. I None of these
Q.: 93 Who was the first eerson to conrirm tho Holv Pronhct•s IS.A.Wl statement reoardlna Mlral?
A. I All R.A B. I Usman R.A I c. I Umar R.A 0. •1 Abu Bakr R.A
Q.: 94 was called Amoer ut Momlneen in tho first limo of Islamic hi.storv.
A. •I Abu Bakr R.A I B. I Usman R.A C. I UmarR.A I 0. IAIIR.A
Q.: 95 What arc the other names of tho Quran a.ccordino the Quran itself?
A. Al Furqan & Al e. Al Ztkr & Al Noor c. Al Huda & Al D.· Allofthese
Kilab Furqan
Q.: 96 What number comes next ln tho series: 120 108 97 87 78
A. 170 B. 145 c. 185 I 0. 180
Q.: 97 Which one Is different from tho rost?
A. I Sure 8. '1 vacue C. !True I o. I Certain
Q.: 98 Saw Is to cut as lron Is to :
A. I Hard I B. I Metal •C. I Press ID. I Oven
Q.: 99 Comclelo the series: 20,33 46
A. I 52 I B. I 66 c.•1 59 I 0. 149
Q.: 100 Comaloto tho series: 40 35 25 20 15
A. I 7.5 I B. I 5 C. I 10 I 0. IO

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