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Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Waktu : Pukul 07.30 s/d 09.30 WIB (120 Menit)
Kelas : 9 Unggulan dan Reguler

Direction :
1. Write your code number task/test, your student number, name and your class on digit block on
the answer sheet, then black the circle according to the code written in digit block
2. The answer is only written on the answer sheet
3. Don’t allowed to scratch or write something on the question sheet
4. Choose and black on the answer sheet which is correct using 2B pencil
5. Don’t allowed to answer more than one answer
6. After finish, submit the question sheet and answer sheet to supervisor
7. Read the direction on the question sheet carefully

I. Choose the correct answer!

This text is for questions 1 and 2.

All students are required to attend the Indonesia Independence Day

ceremony on Wednesday 17 August 2016 at 7 A.M in the school yard.
Please wear your white-blue uniform complete with all attributes.


Vice Principle.

1. Why does the school issue this notice?

A. To ask students to attend the Independence Day Ceremony.
B. To inform about Indonesia Independence Day.
Try Out I Bhs. Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2017 - 2018 1
C. To tell students when the Indonesia Independence Day is.
D. To invite students to contributes in the Indonesia Independence Day celebration.

2. What must students do in regard to the notice?

A. Pay attention to the notice
B. Fill all the requirements
C. Wear tie and cap
D. Send regard to the vice principle

This text is for question 3 to 5.

In celebration of youth art month

Bina Prestasi elementary school
The 5 Annual Students’ Art Exhibition

We invite all students to participate in

one of the following programs:
 Fine art
 Musical performance
 Dance performance

Please contact your art teachers or

register to [email protected]

3. Why does the school publish that announcement?

A. To inform about youth art month
B. To ask students’ participations
C. To present “creation”
D. To contact their art teachers

4. What can students present in the art exhibition?

A. Poetry reading
B. Paintings
C. Story telling
D. Garage sale

5. “The 5th annual students’ art exhibition.”

The underline word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. Once a year
B. Twice a year
C. Three times a year
D. Four times a year

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The following text is for questions 6 to 8.

Attention Patients

If you do not have health insurance,

you may qualify for financial assistance

This hospital has a program to assist uninsured,

low-income patients with payment of hospital bills

For more information, please ask any

hospital receptionist.

Or call : 021-43567890

6. Where can we find such an announcement?

A. In the front office of a hospital
B. In the doctor’s room of a hospital
C. In the operation room of a hospital
D. In the cashier counter of a hospital

7. What will happen if the patients do not have enough money to pay the hospital bills?
A. The hospital will give financial assistance.
B. The patients will be help by the high income patients.
C. The hospital bills will be paid by a health insurance.
D. The patients can ask for help to the hospital receptionist.

8. “. . . the patience have problem with the hospital bills, they don’t have to worry.”
A. If
B. So
C. And
D. But

Read the text and answer question 9 and 10.

Look Whoooooo’s
Turning One!

Please join us for

Amelia 1st Birthday
Saturday, April 5th at 2.00 p.m.
Amelia’s House
623 W. Orchard Lane
Tampa, Florida
Please RSVP
[email protected]
we hope you can join us for
food and fun!

Try Out I Bhs. Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2017 - 2018 3

9. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text!
A. To tell how to join Amelia’s party.
B. To announce Amelia’s birthday party.
C. To ask the addressee to come to the party.
D. To inform how to come to the birthday party.

10. What should you do first on before going to the party?

A. Buy a present and some food
B. Write a greeting card for Amelia
C. Prepare some food and cheeriness
D. Confirm the attendance by email
Read the text and answer question 11 and 12.
Lisbon School Department

Dear : Felicia, 7th grade

You are cordially invited to attend the

Lisbon High School’s Athletic

Opening Ceremony

Date : Saturday, October 18, 2016

Time : 10.00 a.m.
Place : Lisbon High School field

Please join us for ceremonial First lap around the field after
the opening ceremony

11. What was Felicia supposed to do in the opening ceremony?

A. Having a ceremony
B. Running around the field
C. Cleaning the field
D. Standing around the field

12. “You are cordially invited to . . .”

The underline word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. Informally
B. Carefully
C. Seriously
D. Formally

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Read the text and answer question 13 to 15.

Great National
Hotels and Convention Hall

 124 opulent bedrooms and suits

 Full choice of restaurants
 Convention Room
 Free secure parking
 Capacity for up to 1200 persons
 Minute from limerick tunnel
 90 minutes from Dublin
 15 minutes From Shannon Airport

13. The text is probably addressed to someone who wants to stay in the hotel to . . . .
A. Have fun
B. Enjoy beautiful scenery
C. Work hard
D. Have important meeting

14. A company probably want to hold an event in that hotel because . . . .

A. It can accommodate many people
B. It is luxurious hotel
C. It is close to the airport
D. It has free parking area

15. “124 opulent bedrooms and suits”

The underline word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. Luxurious
B. Spacious
C. Large
D. Neat

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The following text is for questions 16 to 19.

The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year’s Day.
It is celebrated from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of
South and Southeast Asia countries. It is believed to have been adapted from the
Sankranti Hindu Festival. It is now observed nationwide even in the far south.
However, the most famous Songkran celebration are still in the northern city of
Chiang Mai, where it lasts for six days and even longer. It has also become a party for
foreigners and an additional reason for tourist to visit Thailand. The most obvious
celebration of Songkran is the throwing of water to other people. Thais roam the streets
with containersof water or water guns. In addition, many Thais will have small bowls of
cheap beige coloured talc and mixed with water which is then smeared on the faces and
bodies of random passersby as a blessing for the New Year. City officials close off many
sections of the street for the festival.
Besides the throwing water, people celebrate Songkran by going to a wat (Buddhist
monastery) to pray and give food to monks. They also cleanse Buddha Images in the
household shrines as well as Buddha images at monasteries by gently pouring water
mixed with a Thai fragrance over them. It is believed that doing this will bring good luck
and prosperity in the New Year. In many cities, such as Chiang Mai, the Buddha images
from all of the city’s important monasteries are paraded through the streets so that people
can toss water at them, ritually ‘bathing’ the images as they pass by.

16. The purpose of the text is . . . .

A. To retell about an experience in Thailand
B. To inform readers about a celebration
C. To advertise a culture event
D. To entertain the readers

17. Why do they pour fragrant water over the Buddha images?
A. Because they are in the party mood.
B. Because the officials close the street.
C. Because it will bring them good luck.
D. Because the images need some cleansing.

18. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The celebration is longer than a week.
B. People come to Thailand for the festival.
C. People sell special talc for Songkran festival.
D. The most famous Songkran Celebration is in Chiang Mai.

19. The suitable title for the text above is . . . .

A. New year celebration
B. The Songkran Festival
C. Sankranti Hindu festival
D. Southeast Asia’s water festival

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The text is for questions 20 to 23.

Many people have heard about Moai, the beautiful stone statues that you can see looking
out at the ocean on Rapa Nui (Easter Island). But how much do we know people built and
moved these statues?
There are 887 statues in total, and we know that the first ones were made about 1.000
years ago. The people who made then only used hand tools-the evidence of this is the many old
tools which archaeologist have found all over the island. Archaeologist believe that it must
have taken about a year to make each statue, which five or six men working on it. But it is
much much more difficult to explain how these people moved these heavy stones across the
island into their final places. Most people believe that people couldn’t have carried them by
hand. The largest stones are nearly ten maters long and weigh about 18.000 kilograms!
Professor Carl Jeffrey says, “The people must have had some ways of moving these stones.
Some archaeologists think they might pull the stones across the island. But the stones were so
heavy; it must have taken between 180 and 250 men pull each one.
But the mystery doesn’t end there. The statues all sit on other stones called Abu. So the
people must have put these large stones onto the Abu. Archeologists can’t give a clear
explanation of how it happened.

20. The text is mainly about . . . making the statues of Moai.

A. the mystery in
B. the way of the ancient people
C. the difficulty in
D. the incredible process of

21. In the text above it is stated that in making a statue needed . . . .

A. High technology and creative
B. Short time and modern tools
C. Long time and cooperative skill of the markers
D. Strong workers and sophisticated tools

22. After reading the text, the readers may wonder . . . .

A. why it was not easy to pull the statue at that time
B. how the big stones could be brought to Easter Island
C. where the stones statues are placed now
D. which the best stone statue is

23. “Most people believe that people couldn’t have carried them by hand.”
The underline word refers to . . . .
A. Most people
B. Heavy stones
C. Six men
D. Stones statues

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The text is for questions 24 to 27.

Last weekend, my family and I went camping. We reached the camping site after we
walked for about one and half hour from the parking area. We built a camp next to a small
river. It was getting darker and colder, so we set a bon fire.

The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were
preparing meals. In the afternoon, we went to river and caught some fish for supper. At night,
we had some fun activities. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic trick, and some of us
performed standing comedy. On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

24. What is the best title for the passage above?

A. My holiday
B. My weekend activities
C. My trip to the mountain
D. My camping trip

25. When did the writer set camp?

A. After he arrived at the parking
B. When he arrived at the camping site
C. When it was dark and cold
D. After he set a bon fire

26. Why did the writer set up the fire?

A. to bake some fish
B. to observe plantation
C. to keep body warm
D. to prepare body

27. “ . . . caught some fish for supper.”

The underline word related to . . . .
A. Plants
B. Animals
C. Insects
D. Meals
The text is for questions 28 to 31.

1. First of all, plug in the cable into the electric outlet.

2. Then press the “on” button to turn on the machine
3. Open up the cover and put the document face down on the glass surface to enable the censor
detect the document.
4. If you want to make more copies, you can select numbers on the “Select” button.
5. Close the cover and press “copy” button until a flash is passing through the machine.
6. Once it stops, your copy document is ready in the tray to collect.

Try Out I Bhs. Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2017 - 2018 8

28. The text above tells you how to use . . . .
A. Coffee machine
B. Photocopy machine
C. Fax machine
D. Printing machine

29. Why do we need to put the document face down?

A. To record the document
B. To fit the glass surface
C. To make more copies
D. To make the flash pass trough

30. How do we know the document is completely copied?

A. The copy button is on
B. The select button is on
C. Check the tray
D. Check the flash

31. “Once it stops, . . . .”(step 6)

The word “it” refers to . . . .
A. The copy button
B. The flash
C. The select button
D. The cover
The following text is for questions 32 to 35.

E. Once upon a time, there lived a father with his two beautiful daughters in a
village. His wife, the daughter’s mother, had already died. The father raised the
daughters by himself. He love them vey mush.
The liked hunting very much. He often went to the forest to hunt deer, rabbit, or
many kinds of birds in the forest. But the two girls disliked it. They didn’t want their
K. killed animals. The father tried hard to stop his hobby as the girls wanted.
One day, when the father went around the village. He met his friend. They talked
about many white birds which came to the lake. They said it was good time to hunt the
birds. The father couldn’t help himself. He forgot his promise not to hunt anymore. The
father went home to take his gun.
Knowing his father’s plan to go hunting, the eldest daughter said to her sister that
she would wear long white clothes and go to the lake. She pretended to be a white bird
so that the father would kill her and would stop hunting. When the eldest daughter went
away wearing long white cloth, the younger daughter wearing the same clothes,
followed her sisters.
The two daughters ran away to the lake. The father who had already in the lake
saw them. He thought that they were birds. He shot both of them. How shocked he was,
when they cried in pain. He ran to them but it was too late both of his daughters had
already died. The father was shocked since then he never hunted animals.

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32. What does the text tell us about?
A. The sadness of two daughters
B. The effort of two daughters
C. The love of a father to his daughters
D. The regret of a father

33. What was the main problem of the story?

A. The father hunted animal again.
B. The daughters were shot by the father.
C. The daughters pretended to be white birds.
D. The father raised the daughter by himself.

34. What would happened if the girls didn’t wear long white cloth?
A. They would not go to the lake.
B. They would be safe and still alive.
C. Their father would not be shocked.
D. Their father would not shoot the birds.

35. How could you describe the girls?

A. They obeyed to their father.
B. They were animal lovers.
C. They hated their father.
D. They disliked their father’s friends.

The following text is for questions 36 to 39.

The aurora often appears as curtains of light, but they can also be arcs or spirals,
often following lines of force in Earth’s magnetic field. Most are green in color but
sometimes you’ll see a hint of pink, and strong displays might also have red, violet and
white colors. The light typically are seen in the far north-the nations bordering the Artic
Ocean- Canada and Alaska, Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Greenland and Russia. But
strong displays of the lights can extend down into more southerly latitudes in the United
States. And of course, the lights have a counterpart at Earth’s south polar regions.
The colors in the aurora were also a source of mystery throughout human history.
But science says that different gases in Earth’s atmosphere give off different colors
when they are excited. Oxygen gives off the green color of the aurora, for example,
Nitrogen causes blue or red colors.

36. What does the text tell us about?

A. The history of Aurora.
B. The characteristic of Aurora.
C. The mystery of natural lights.
D. The brilliant light in Earth’s atmosphere.
37. The different color of aurora is caused by . . .
A. The location of its appearance.
B. The reflection of fire on the sky.
C. The position of the Earth’s magnetic field.
D. The different gases in Earth’s atmosphere.
Try Out I Bhs. Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2017 - 2018 10
38. What happen when aurora appears in southerly latitudes in the United States?
A. It is more beautiful
B. The lights are brighter
C. The gases are lighter
D. The colors are stronger

39. This text will likely attract the attention of students who . . . .
A. Like to study about light
B. Have high curiosity in colors
C. Are interested in natural phenomenon
D. Want to know more about Earth’s magnetic field

The following text is for questions 40 to 42.

Chameleon Facts
Chameleon is a type of lizard. There are around 160 species of chameleons
which can be found mostly on the Madagascar (half of all species live there). In the
H. southern Europe, south Asia and Sri lanka. Some chameleon species are
endangered due to habitat loss and destruction and because they are sold as pets.
Chameleons have unique eyes, which can move separately from each other and
achieve visual field of 180 degrees. This way chameleon can watch in two different
directions at the same time and detect objects on the opposite sides. Eyes move
rotationally and together provide visual field of 360 degrees.
Chameleon are vary in size. The smallest chameleon is Brookesia micra, which
reaches 0,6 inches in length. The biggest chameleon is Furcifer oustaleti, which
reaches 30 inches in length.
Chameleon prefer life in the forest and they adapted to move in the trees. Their
toes are divided in two groups of two or three toes on each foot, which help them grab
the branch and achieve stability during walking. Chameleons move slowly, using one
limb at the time. Chameleon also use their long tail when moving in the trees to grab a
branch and secure their position.

40. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To explain how chameleon detect the object.
B. To inform about some endangered chameleons.
C. To describe chameleon species in general.
D. To tell how chameleons move their bodies.

41. How can a chameleon hunt its prey or ran away from predator?
A. With its unusual toes
B. With its unique eyes
C. With its moving ability
D. With its long tail

Try Out I Bhs. Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2017 - 2018 11

42. How do a chameleon climb up on trees?
A. By moving slowly along the tree with its tail
B. By seizing the branch of tree with its tail and toes
C. By pulling its limb on the stem of the tree
D. By walking along the tree’s stem with its toes

The following text is for questions 43 to 45.

I remember that day. It was the day that I will never forget. I was at my home after
having the exam the previous day. The result of the exam would be announced the next day.
But considering the distance of the exam location, I asked my friend to check the result of
the exam.
That morning I was having a morning tea while waiting for my friend call. My parents
and I were nervous that morning as the result of the exam was important for me to continue
to higher school in my area without having the entrance test. As I was dreaming about my
result while taking a sip of tea; suddenly the phone rang and I was so excited when my mom
told me it was my friend. I ran towards phone as soon as possible. I grabbed the phone from
mom and started missile of questions on my friend. From the other end my friend shouted at
me and suggested to me to keep calm and allow her to speak. She said that I got the highest
mark all the exam participants. Listening this I shouted, Oh Really!!! My mother came
running towards me, she was so happy. She started crying and gave me a tight hug. She said
that she was very proud of me.

43. What did the writer do to know the result of the exam?
A. Checked it at the location at the exam
B. Asked her friend to inform her by phone
C. Waited for the school inform her by phone
D. Asked her mother to check by phone\

44. How did the writer probably feel before the announcement?
A. Sad
B. Anxious
C. Tired
D. Calm

45. The writer felt very happy . . . she knew that she got the highest score in the exam.
A. if
B. when
C. so
D. although

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The text is for questions 46 to 48.

The Hen and The Butterfly

Once upon a time, in a beautiful morning, a hen and her children searched for food in
the backyard. There were many seeds and falling fruits to fulfil their appetite for breakfast.
Suddenly, she saw a small moving object under tree branch not far from the backyard. She
came closer and found out that a butterfly was stuck under that branch.
“Oh, hen, can you do me a favor to lift this branch? it fell on my right wing so I can’t
move anywhere”, begged butterfly to hen, “ how pity you are. Be ready butterfly, I will try to
remove this branch”, said hen. So, she helped the butterfly and succeeded.
Unluckily, butterfly’s right wing was broken and flying was impossible to do. Kind
hen offered butterfly a shelter in her cage until it was ready for butterfly to fly again. Time
passed by and finally butterfly could fly freely with happiest face ever. “Thanks hen, we will
be best friend forever from now on”, butterfly shouted while flying away.
From that moment, butterfly and hen are still the best friend until today. Whenever we
find hen searching some food, there must be butterfly flying around nearby. A friend in need
is a friend indeed.

46. The purpose of the story teaches the readers about . . . .

A. Responsibility
B. Friendship
C. Bravery
D. Loyalty

47. If the kind Hen didn’t help her, the butterfly will die of . . . .
A. Poverty
B. Starvation
C. Bleeding
D. Depression

48. “It fell on my right wing.”

The underline word refers to . . . .
A. The moving object
B. The branch of the tree
C. The hen cage
D. The food

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The text is for questions 49 to 50.


You are an amazing friend, with a good heart.

May God pour his love and warmth on you in
all walks of life
49. What does the writer’s intention to write the card above?
A. To show her care of her friend’s birthday
B. To tell her friend how amazing she is in her birthday
C. To inform something good to her friend
D. To ask her friend to celebrate her birthday

50. “May god pour his love and warmth on you in all walks of life.”
From this sentence, we can infer that the writer hopes her friend will get guidance from God in
A. The relationship with her family
B. Her school life
C. Everything she does
D. Achieving higher career

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